
Central Highlands Water, City of , Corangamite CMA Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan

Final report February 2018



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Document Control Sheet

Report Title Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan


Celeste Morgan and Dale Browne (E2Designlab), Matt Shanahan and Author(s) Kym Whiteoak (RMCG), Esther Kay (ELM)

Approved by Peter Breen


Date 16 February 2018

Distribution Stakeholders

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 2



Executive Summary...... 5

1. Local Context, Key Drivers and IWM Objectives ...... 13

1.1 IWM Context and Key Drivers 14 1.2 IWM Plan Purpose and Objectives 18 2. Preliminary Assessment and Shortlisting ...... 23

2.1 Base case definition and water balance 23 2.2 Existing developer requirements 29 2.3 Project identification 31 2.4 Preliminary assessment 31 3. IWM Project Shortlisting and Portfolio Assembly ...... 33

3.1 Portfolio Assembly 33 4. Portfolio Evaluation ...... 45

4.1 Evaluation Process 45 4.2 Summary of estimated project costs 51 4.3 Economic assessment of costs and benefits 52 4.4 Scored Assessment of Benefits 56 4.5 Dual assessment 58 4.6 Exploration of Uncertainties 60 5. Recommendations and Implementation Plan ...... 68

5.1 Overarching partnerships to support delivery of IWM projects 68 5.2 Recommended projects for delivery 71 5.3 Targeted Moves 72 5.4 Planning for Growth 84 5.5 Strategic Investigations and Options 98 Bibliography ...... 107

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Appendices Contents ------

Appendix A: Background Analysis of Ballarat’s Urban Water Cycle

Appendix B: Stakeholder Workshops

Appendix C: Preliminary Assessment

Appendix D: Portfolio and Project Explanations

Appendix E: IWM Project Design Assumptions

Appendix F: Summary of Project Costs and Benefits

Appendix G: Economic Analysis

Appendix H: Planning Background Analysis

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Executive Summary ------


The Ballarat City Integrated Water Management (IWM) Plan (the plan) explores and sets out recommendations for future water management in the City of Ballarat. The plan will deliver on broader liveability and community benefits by considering the whole urban water cycle, including management of stormwater, wastewater, water supplies (surface water and groundwater) and waterways.

The plan aligns with the Victorian Water Plan (Water for ) in considering:

1. Diverse water sources to achieve water security 2. Strategic investments in wastewater 3. Better stormwater management for a healthy and resilient urban environment 4. Partnerships across government to support health and resilient urban landscapes 5. How local planning can help deliver integrated water management 6. The role of water use efficiency in integrated water management 7. Regional waterway health priorities

Water is a crucial component of a successful community. For the inland cities of , water security is an ever-increasing issue. The millennium drought not only brought about a range of water conservation initiatives, it also highlighted important water related liveability issues that simply can’t be realised through water conservation alone. This plan builds on a range of previous studies and initiatives. Ballarat and Region’s Water Future: A whole of water cycle management framework (2014) based on extensive stakeholder engagement sets the scene for addressing water management issues while also addressing water related outcomes such as liveability.

Central Highlands Water’s Urban Water Strategy (2017) highlights that Ballarat is well positioned with a highly secure and reliable water supply system. This plan complements the Urban Water Strategy by taking advantage of water cycle synergies while optimising community benefits and liveability opportunities.

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The Ballarat Context

In the past, Ballarat has been a leader in regional Victoria with the adoption of a range of IWM solutions including recycled water, groundwater and stormwater harvesting schemes across the city. In particular, IWM solutions for Wendouree are seen as a leading Victorian case study.

In the future, Ballarat faces a range of water cycle challenges. These include:

• A growing population – with the number of dwellings in Ballarat City expected to increase by 150% in the next 50 years.

• A changing economy – with a growing service, education and tourism industry, the creation of a green, attractive, and liveable town is a community priority.

• A changing climate – with the effects of drought and flooding already being experienced.

• A regional and interconnected water system – with rural and urban water cycles interacting there will be a significant increase in urban stormwater runoff and available wastewater.

Vision and Objectives

Building on collaborations formed in the Ballarat Region’s Water Future study, this plan was developed by major project partners Central Highlands Water (CHW), City of Ballarat (CoB) and Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) with the support of the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP). The project benefited from a Technical Support Group consisting of technical experts from the major project partners along with Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA) and Southern Rural Water (SRW). Stakeholder input from land developers, local committees, educational institutions, volunteer groups and large water users played a significant role in shaping the plan.

Previous work in the region resulted in the creation of a vision document for Ballarat: The Ballarat and Region’s Water Future (2014), which outlined a community vision and key objectives for IWM in Ballarat. The vision was carried through for this IWM plan and the key objectives were the basis for the development of eight guiding objectives. The intention of this plan is to add detail and direction to the overall vision.

IWM Plan Vision: “A greener, more liveable and prosperous water future for the city and towns of the Ballarat region”

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The eight guiding IWM objectives are to:

1. Support river health priorities and mitigate flooding risks 2. Optimise the use of local water sources 3. Maintain and influence water efficiency 4. Support a safe and secure urban water supply and demand future 5. Generate improved liveability outcomes, recreational opportunities and increase green infrastructure 6. Support a sustainable and productive economy 7. Deliver strategic direction to enhance IWM outcomes within land use planning 8. Develop a plan that reflects community and stakeholder values and outlines clear implementation pathways

For ease of summary analysis, these objectives were grouped into four integrated water management themes (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Four integrated water management themes

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Given the broad-reaching scope of the plan, its development has been a collaborative five-step process (Figure 2):

Figure 2. Five stages of the IWM Plan development

Specific tasks included:

• Background data, confirmation of drivers and objectives • Stakeholder workshop to confirm objectives and identify opportunities • Preliminary option assessment • Short listing of options and portfolio assembly • Monetary and non-monetary evaluation of shortlisted options • Stakeholder workshop to confirm direction and consider capacity challenges • Draft plan preparation • Community feedback and plan finalisation


The plan has a 50-year horizon and sets out recommendations to be delivered in the short, medium and long-term. The recommendations are based on extensive analysis of Ballarat’s urban context, its evolving water cycle and stakeholder input. The stakeholder engagement process highlighted 139 suggestions and 102 different opportunities at city-wide, precinct, local and site-specific scale. Subsequently, a long list of 51 Integrated Water Management (IWM) projects of varying scales, delivery challenges and benefits were identified and a shortlisting process guided by project objectives resulted in the selection of 29 projects. These were grouped into four distinct portfolios for analysis.

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The shortlisted projects were designed to a level necessary to develop cost estimates and appraise the key IWM benefits delivered, with each benefit acting to deliver on one of the four IWM objective themes identified for Ballarat:

1. Protect health of receiving water environments 2. Provide secure and sustainable water services 3. Support liveable communities 4. Deliverability

As much as possible, IWM benefits have been monetised and appraised within an economic analysis in order to produce a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) for each project. However, recognising that some benefits, particularly around deliverability cannot be monetised, a second ‘benefit scoring’ assessment was conducted to compare each project using a dual assessment scale. The second assessment uses a scoring framework of 19 quantitative and qualitative indicators across the four IWM objective themes (see Table 9, page 58). Each indicator provides a relative performance score between minus and positive 10 for each project. A total benefit score (Q-score) for each project is derived by summing their respective indicator scores. The range of Q-scores achieved through this analysis ranged from 8 to 43.

The dual assessment scale visualises and compares the projects based on their Q-scores and BCRs (Figure 24, page 60). A threshold for each scale was used to determine which projects were justifiable. For the purposes of comparison, a Q-score threshold of 17 and a BCR of 0.8 was used. These thresholds are ‘moveable’ based on the consensus of stakeholders regarding an acceptable performance. Based on the dual quantitative (economic) – qualitative (environmental/social) assessment, a series of recommendations were made. Projects that received a BCR greater than 0.8 and/or a Q score greater than 17 were included into these recommendations. The recommendations fall into three categories:

• Targeted Moves: Projects which are deliverable in the immediate term (over the 5 year horizon). • Planning for Growth: Projects that will support planning for growth and improved outcomes in new developments (over the 15 year horizon) • Strategic Investigations and Options: Options that may be required (over the 50 year horizon) which require active planning and further investigations in the short term.

Each of these categories’ recommendations are provided in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 respectively in the following pages. It is intended that this plan inform and influence:

• local planning schemes, • precinct structure plans (PSPs), • development approvals, • regional waterway strategy, • regional sustainable water strategies, • project partners’ forward works programs, • collaborative funding opportunities, and facilitation of continued stakeholder collaboration

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Targeted Moves

These are short-term projects and programs that are ‘ready to go’ and will have immediate community benefts.

Table 1. ‘Targeted Moves’ Preferred Projects

Targeted Timeline

Moves 0 – 5 years Projects Project Indicative Benefit Q score ID Capital Cost Cost Ratio Range (8-43) ($ M) (BCR)

Extended recycled water Y $0.71 2.5 27 capacity at Ballarat North

Selected stormwater harvesting schemes at:

 Doug Dean Reserve S $0.2 0.8 15  Victoria Park T $0.3 1.3 17  Alfredton Reserve U $0.4 1.0 14

Supporting local industry with alternative water V $2.5 0.6 17 sources in North-west Ballarat

Revitalising the Yarrowee L $1.0 5.8 17 River corridor

Refer to section 5.3 for further project details

‘Targeted Moves’ Action Plan

We will (within the next fve years):

• Increase recycled water production capacity at the Ballarat North WastewaterTreatment Plant and explore supply network expansion in northern Ballarat • Develop stormwater harvesting schemes for Victoria Park, Alfredton Reserve and Doug Dean Reserve • Support the Ballarat West Employment Zone and local industry with diverse and affordable water sources, including groundwater opportunities • Enhance the corridor and surrounds for amenity, recreation and waterway health • Continue initiatives to achieve water effciency targets, greening and flood mitigation across all areas

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Planning for Growth

Growth and development initiatives that will support sustainability in our growing city.

Table 2. ‘Planning for Growth’ Projects Planning Timeline for 5 – 15 years Growth Projects Project Indicative Benefit Q score ID Capital Cost Cost Range (8-43) ($M) Ratio (BCR)

Stormwater-fed street trees G $39M 2.2 18

Stormwater harvesting for I $0.9M 1.0 20 local oval irrigation

Enhance sustainable development through creek restoration:  Winter Ck & Kensington Ck J $1.6M 2.0 15  Burrumbeet Ck K $0.6M 2.7 8

Implement preferred IWM strategies for new PSP areas:  Winter Ck stormwater to MAR A2 $72M 1.3 42  Winter Ck stormwater to Lal Lal AL $66M 1.6 41  Stormwater harvesting in BWUGZ C $65M 1.0 15 and WGIA  Recycled water for NGIA E $25M 1.4 23

Refer to section 5.4 for further details

‘Planning for Growth’ Action Plan

We will (over the next 15 years):

• Incorporate the Ballarat City IWM Plan as a reference document within the Ballarat Planning Scheme • Utilise preferred IWM strategies (such as stormwater harvesting, recycled water and rainwater tanks) to drive water-wise development in designated areas • Design stormwater drainage to water street trees in new developments • Harvest stormwater for open space irrigation • Restore and plan to protect creeks in new development areas • Investigate partnerships for water-wise developments

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Strategic Investigations & Options

Commence active planning and further investigations now to better position ourselves for a future of diversifed water uses.

Table 3. Strategic Investigations & Options Strategic Timeline Investigations 15 – 50 years and Options Projects Project Indicative Benefit Q score ID Capital Cost Cost Ratio Range (8-43) ($M) (BCR)

Stormwater harvesting for aquifer storage and recovery. This investigation A $88 1.1 40 could be brought forward to include projects A2 and AL from Table 2.

Wastewater treatment for aquifer storage and B $48 1.1 40 recovery

Wastewater treatment for storage BL $37 1.4 43 (Lal Lal)

Refer to section 5.5 for further details.

‘Strategic Investigations & Options’ Action Plan

We will (commence investigations for the long-term):

• Develop programs to monitor local stormwater yields and water quality • Undertake a flow and water quality study of the Yarrowee/ systems • Actively explore agricultural recycled water use opportunities • Provide input to and influence regional and state-wide water strategies • Undertake further investigations into options that are capable of reducing large volumes of run-off and discharge to waterways, such as managed aquifer recharge schemes

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1. Local Context, Key Drivers and IWM Objectives ------

Integrated Water Management (IWM) planning requires a comprehensive understanding of urban form, the water cycle, and the interaction between the two. Urban development and formalised water supply and management systems have fundamentally altered the natural water cycle over time, creating an ‘urban water cycle’. The urban water cycle encompasses water supplies extracted from or imported to a local catchment, wastewater and stormwater generated locally, and the catchments and receiving environments affected by those water cycle interactions. As urban settlements change and grow, additional water demands and changes in generation of wastewater and stormwater will have knock-on effects on the urban water cycle, requiring forethought and understanding of environmental, economic and social influences and sensitivities in the system.

This Integrated Water Management Plan (IWM Plan) for Ballarat City considers the interactions of the urban water cycle with a growing Ballarat, and sets out recommendations for the future management of water to gain the greatest environmental, community and economic benefits for the City. The Ballarat IWM plan was developed in the following five stages with stakeholder consultation as an overall theme (Figure 3). The report is structured in the same manner and is supported by several appendices with further detail:

Figure 3 Five stages of the IWM Plan development This first chapter summarises the key drivers for the IWM in Ballarat based on input from local stakeholders and an extensive review of local background which is provided in Appendix A. Appendix A characterises Ballarat City and the local urban water cycle, providing essential context for the Ballarat City IWM Plan. The existing context is discussed along with changes anticipated in the future within the 50- year timeframe of this Plan.

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1.1 IWM Context and Key Drivers Every IWM plan is different, and must respond to local context to be relevant and effective. There are several local factors which make Ballarat City unique, which are summarised into key drivers below.

1.1.1 Expected population growth

Ballarat is a regional city in Victoria which is experiencing extensive and rapid population growth. This IWM plan is a long-term plan which considers change in the City over the next 50 years (to 2066). In that time period, the population of Ballarat is expected to double, resulting in:

 A 150% increase in residential dwellings, increasing from 44,500 dwellings in 2016 to 113,000 dwellings in 2066.  A corresponding 95% increase in potable water demand (10,110ML/year in 2016 increasing to 19,670ML/year in 2066), where the water demand per home will decrease on average due to various water efficiency measures.  A 94% increase in wastewater production.  A 61% increase in urban stormwater generation due to increased impermeable areas in the city over the same timeframe. The increased wastewater and stormwater flows will be discharged to local waterways in Ballarat, particularly the Yarrowee River.

1.1.2 Changing economic focus

As a growing regional city, the economic context is also changing. The City is experiencing solid growth in its services sector, where a lot of local businesses are servicing the growing local and regional population. Tourism, recreation and education are also growing economies for the City, placing greater emphasis on the quality of the City environment as a place to live, work and play. Accordingly, the creation of a greener city, and a focus on liveability has come to the fore. While traditionally water services in a city are hidden and often taken-for-granted, integrated water management provides a platform for greater celebration of water cycle within the urban form, utilising water resources to enhance urban greening, recreational assets and amenity. Accordingly, integrated water management can become a key tool in the delivery of a greener and cooler Ballarat through enabling greater tree canopy cover and a reduction in the urban heat island affect. This is expected to enhance local economic opportunities and desirability of the City.

1.1.3 Real experience of climate change impacts

Regional areas are already experiencing the impacts of climate change, with notable incidents created by drought and flooding affecting Ballarat City. The millennium drought in Ballarat resulted in the iconic city centrepiece of drying up and catching fire, resulting in direct economic impacts on tourism and recreation for the City. Major events like these also triggered investment in resilience, particularly for local water supplies. During the drought, a series of diverse water supply projects were funded. Local investment was made to supply Lake Wendouree with harvested stormwater, groundwater and recycled water.

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Regional investment was made in securing an additional potable water supply from the Goldfields Superpipe. Through these investments Ballarat City has good water security, at least in the medium to long term (up to 50 years), but still faces long-term challenges due to ongoing population growth, changing expectations and climate change.

1.1.4 Regional and interconnected water systems

Generally, Ballarat City imports water supply from beyond its local catchments, meaning that its water systems affect a much broader regional area. Similarly, the urban area of Ballarat generates large amounts of wastewater and stormwater which are released to receiving environments and conveyed long distances from the City itself, notably to the . Consequently, changes to the urban water cycle in Ballarat affect much broader areas. Key features of the urban water cycle for Ballarat are conceptually illustrated in Figure 4.

Some of the regional interactions and the presence of key assets in Ballarat City strongly influence the IWM opportunities available and these are summarised as follows:

 Network of : Most of Ballarat’s water supply is distributed from the White Swan and Lal Lal Reservoirs and treatment plants to the east and south-east of Ballarat respectively. The water system also benefits from local raw water storage capacity in Gong Gong reservoir.  Influence on the : One of Ballarat’s major water supplies is the Moorabool River, supplying Lal Lal Reservoir. It is also a key water supply for Geelong. The Moorabool is one of the most flow stressed waterways in Victoria.  Goldfields superpipe: Ballarat will increasingly rely on inter-catchment transfers from the Goulburn- Murray system via the goldfields superpipe in the future; a relatively high energy water source which requires substantial pumping to convey water to Ballarat.  Groundwater aquifers: Ballarat also benefits from a back-up groundwater supply, drawing from deep aquifers in the west of Ballarat which have been shown to have capacity for managed aquifer recharge, meaning that they could act as a valuable seasonal storage for local water resources.  Yarrowee River: The Yarrowee River is a centrepiece waterway for Ballarat, running through the city from the northeast to the south. The Yarrowee receives a majority of urban water flows from Ballarat and is a key focus for recreation. Similarly, minor waterways such as Winter Creek, Kensington Creek and Burrumbeet Creek will be important amenity and recreation resources in new development areas in the future.  Local wastewater and stormwater treatment systems: While water supplies tend to come from further afield, Ballarat has a number of local treatment systems that provide treatment of current and potential diverse water resources. These include wastewater treatment plants located in the north and south of the city, and distributed stormwater treatment . Some of these are already utilised as part of a stormwater harvesting system to feed Lake Wendouree and nearby reserves. The existing network of local IWM infrastructure providing diverse water sources is shown in Figure 5. The number of stormwater treatment wetlands will increase as more are delivered in growth areas over time.

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Figure 4 Key features of Ballarat City’s urban water cycle

Growth and development are important considerations for IWM as they present both opportunities and challenges for water management. Growth and development areas are illustrated in Figure 5 and summarised as follows:  Most of the current residential growth in Ballarat is occurring in the Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone and future residential zones identified in the Alfredton, Lucas and Miners Rest areas.  Most business and industrial growth in the near future is expected to occur within the Ballarat West Employment Zone.  In addition to the above, significant infill redevelopment will also continue to occur.  The City of Ballarat have identified four potential future growth zones for long term growth (>15 years) o Western Greenfield Investigation Area (WGIA) o Northern Greenfield Investigation Area (NGIA) o Eastern Greenfield Investigation Area (EGIA) o TIGA Development Land (TIGA) o It is anticipated that the WGIA and NGIA are most likely to proceed earlier  There is also a comprehensive development zone in Ballarat’s West that has been put forward by third parties as a potential development area

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Figure 5 Map of Ballarat City’s diverse water supply schemes and expected growth areas

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1.2 IWM Plan Purpose and Objectives Extensive work and stakeholder consultation on integrated water management has previously been undertaken. This prior work resulted in the creation of a vision document for the region, the “Ballarat and Region’s Water Future (BRWF)” (State Government of Victoria, 2014). The vision shaped in the BRWF document was adopted for this Ballarat Integrated Water Management (IWM) Plan:

Vision: “A greener, more liveable and prosperous water future for the city and towns of the Ballarat region”

While the previous work established a vision for the region, the present study focuses on urban water management for the City of Ballarat and its immediate surrounds and resulted in this Ballarat IWM Plan. It seeks to build on the vision document with further investigations into opportunities within this area. The vision document outlined seven objectives for IWM in Ballarat. These objectives were carried through to form eight over-arching objectives for this IWM Plan and were validated through extensive consultation with interested stakeholders and the community.

For ease of summary analysis, these were grouped into four integrated water management themes (Figure 6): The IWM plan provides further detail and direction to guide integrated water management efforts in Ballarat over the next 50 years.

Figure 6. Four integrated water management themes

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1.2.1 Background resources

This plan draws on a range of existing visions, strategies, plans, and reports for the Ballarat region. This ensured this plan observed existing and future constraints and challenges, aligned with local and State policies, and built on local and regional ambitions and opportunities. A list of example resources referenced for this plan are listed below:

Local visions & plans Development plans State plans, policies & growth projections  Ballarat and Region’s Water Future  Ballarat West Employment Zone  The Ballarat Strategy 2040  Growth Investigation Areas (GIAs)  Water for Victoria (Water Plan)  Council Plan 2017-2021  Ballarat Wes Precinct Structure  Victoria in Future 2016  Economic Program 2015-2019 Plans  IWM Framework for Victoria 2017  Greening Ballarat 2016  Ballarat Western Link Road

Technical water reports CMA Plans Climate change projections and adaptation plans  Ballarat IWM Support Plan 2016  Corangamite Waterway Strategy

 CHW 2014 Urban Water Strategy 2014-2022  Climate change in Australia,  Water Supply Demand Strategy  Glenelg Hopkins Waterway southern slopes projection 2015 2011- 2060 Strategy 2014-2022  Climate change adaptation and  Living Ballarat Water Cycle  North Central Waterway Strategy mitigation plan, North Central CMA Systems Analysis 2014 2014-2022 2015  Stormwater Management Plan  Burrumbeet Lake and Creek 2010 and Lake Wendouree studies studies

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1.2.2 Ballarat IWM Plan Context

This plan will play an ongoing part in delivering a safe, suitable and secure water future for Ballarat through future plans, strategies and IWM forums. The plan’s immediate, medium and long term recommendations provide a clear set of projects that can be taken to greater detail and implemented through local, regional strategies and action plans. It is expected this plan will flex and adapt to new Victorian policies and strategies as they appear. Figure 7 is a schematic that shows how this plan fits in with these other tools.

Figure 7. IWM Plan context

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1.2.3 Stakeholder Perspectives

The Ballarat IWM Plan was prepared through a collaborative effort led by Central Highlands Water with regular input from key stakeholders including the City of Ballarat, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). The stakeholders were all represented on the project control group and supported with an under-pinning technical group including staff from key project partners and Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority and Southern Rural Water.

Two stakeholder workshops were held in October 2016 and May 2017 to inform the development of this IWM plan. The purpose of the workshops was to confirm the vision for IWM in Ballarat and to scope and refine potential IWM projects. The first workshop was designed to capture a range of insightful project ideas from local stakeholders. The engagement process highlighted 139 suggestions and 102 different opportunities at city-wide, precinct, local and site specific scale. Subsequently, a long list of 51 Integrated Water Management (IWM) projects of varying scales, delivery challenges and benefits were identified and a shortlisting process guided by project objectives resulted in the selection of 29 projects. These were grouped into four distinct portfolios for further analysis. These project ideas were taken into the preliminary assessment method (PAM) for investigation.

The second workshop was planned to share the emerging preferred IWM projects and discuss delivery pathways and potential challenges. The stakeholder groups represented included:

 Project partners  Volunteer groups  Committee for Ballarat  Educational institutions  Local developers and consultants  Large water users

The workshops highlighted several key factors that will underpin the IWM plan for the Ballarat City:

 Growth and development are a major opportunity for water management;  We need to take a long-term view of water management to plan for population growth and climate change;  Delivering sustainable water services, improving local waterways and enhancing recreation and liveability are priority objectives; and  Opportunities are wide ranging in scale and location and can often deliver multiple benefits if planned and coordinated well.

A summary of the outcomes of the stakeholder workshops is presented in Appendix B.

The draft Ballarat City IWMP Plan was made available for public comment for a five week period to end November 2017. This feedback was taken into consideration to shape and finalise the report.

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1.2.4 Future intentions and consultation

It is anticipated that the Ballarat IWM Plan will provide a reference document to guide future IWM efforts as well as becoming a reference document within the planning scheme.

A series of regional IWM Forums are being established across Victoria. The forums will comprise a range of interested stakeholders including water authorities, councils, catchment management authorities as well as business and the community. The forums will seek to identify, prioritise, progress and pursue investment in opportunities across the region to address recognised challenges.

It is envisaged that key stakeholders will continue to provide input to and influence regional and state-wide water strategies where relevant to support future investigations of strategic options and plan implementation.

Ballarat is in the enviable position where it has a plan with a collection of assessed and prioritised opportunities as well as future actions and investigations. The plan will enable the regional forum to move forward with clarity and confidence by further developing and progressing the opportunities already identified as well as expanding on these to include other opportunities both within Ballarat and more broadly within the region.

It is recommended that the Ballarat IWM Plan be incorporated as a reference document within the Ballarat Planning scheme to guide future IWM planning and implementation.

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2. Preliminary Assessment and Shortlisting ------

The Preliminary Analysis Method (PAM) for shortlisting of IWM options (DELWP, 2015) was used to identify a long list of integrated water management projects and to then create a shortlist of four portfolios of projects to take forward for further detailed assessment. The PAM was undertaken in the following steps: 1. Definition of base case and water balance for Ballarat 2. Project identification 3. Preliminary assessment to inform shortlisting

2.1 Base case definition and water balance A ‘base case’ is a best prediction of how water will be managed in Ballarat City in the future in the absence of this IWM Plan and any resulting interventions. A base case serves as a comparison to which all other water management options and initiatives can be compared. The base case is itself an option which can be delivered, and is broadly known as the ‘business-as-usual’ option. A base case is not the same as ‘do nothing’ as certain investments and improvements will be required to maintain an acceptable level of service and to respond to population increases, environmental drivers and economic factors.

Over a 50-year timeframe, which this plan anticipates, it can be difficult to anticipate all aspects of a base case. However, it is necessary to develop a clear and agreed base case to undertake a robust analysis of alternative options, therefore understanding likely changes in infrastructure, costs and benefits that alternative options could deliver.

2.1.1 Base Case Water Balance

An important first step is the development of a water balance for the City as a whole. This describes the expected potable and non-potable demands and the available supplies of regional potable water and stormwater and wastewater generated by the City. The following figure, Figure 8, presents this balance for current conditions and 2065 conditions under a median climate change scenario. The figure demonstrates the significant increase in demand anticipated due to growth in Ballarat, and the equally significant increase in stormwater and wastewater generated by the city. In terms of potable supply, the projected potential yields from the supply system are shown, based on meeting the specified reliability requirements. It is noted that transfers from the goldfields superpipe are part of the base case. The superpipe supply is based on projected average annual usage and it is noted that it has additional capacity beyond this.

For stormwater and wastewater, the total volumes generated are shown. For stormwater harvesting, only a limited proportion of the stormwater can economically be harvested. This is shown indicatively assuming

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 23 up to 75% of the total available stormwater resource can be harvested. This represents a common target reliability. Not all catchments within the city are likely to be harvested so this represents an upper estimate. It is assumed 100% of wastewater could potentially be recycled for this indicative balance.

Figure 8 Ballarat City Water Balance

CHW reservoir, groundwater and superpipe supplies*

*Superpipe supply based on projected average annual usage, additional capacity potentially available

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2.1.2 Base case assumptions

No. New Development

11,2 Central Highlands Water have a target potable water use of 124 L/p/day for new development and a whole of Ballarat target of 155 L/p/day.

In growth areas, the target is commonly achieved by setting a requirement for a rainwater tank to be provided with each new household. It is assumed that in the absence of an alternative this will continue for the foreseeable future. However, developers or Central Highlands Water may pursue alternative strategies to meet this target.

These targets and requirements are supported by the community as part of the City’s ongoing commitment to sustainable water use.

It is assumed that this requirement will continue to be applied to all new residential dwellings in the growth area (approximately 65% of all new residential dwellings) and that these will include a 2kL rainwater tank plumbed to garden, toilet and laundry.

23,4 All major developments (excluding single lot infill) will trigger Clause 56.07-4 of the Victoria Planning Provisions. Clause 56:07 references the Best Practice Environmental Guidelines for Urban Stormwater. The best practice environmental management objectives for stormwater quality (post-construction) are shown below.

Suspended solids (TSS): 80 per cent retention of the typical urban annual load Total phosphorus (TP): 45 per cent retention of the typical urban annual load Total nitrogen (TN): 45 per cent retention of the typical urban annual load Litter: 70 per cent reduction of typical urban annual load

For the purposes of this study, it is assumed that all new developments in greenfield areas achieve this target through the use of precinct scale end-of-catchment wetlands (in the base of retarding basins).

34,5 All major developments in greenfield areas construct retarding basins to retard flows from the 1 in 1.5 year ARI flow (BPEMG requirement) to the 1 in 100 year ARI flow event (CoB requirement) back to pre-developed conditions.

4 No recycled water is used as an diverse water supply across the new growth areas. A dual pipe network has been installed in BWEZ, but it is assumed this will be supplied with groundwater in the base case.

55 New developments in infill areas (residential and non-residential) must provide on-site detention (via on-site detention tanks or enlarged pipes)

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Water Supply Infrastructure

6 Ballarat’s water treatment plants have a capacity to supply up to 65 ML/day each or 110 ML/day in total. They were designed to meet historical peak demands of 110 ML/day and provide resilience to maintain supply to the City from one plant in the event of asset failure, bushfire, reservoir contamination, earthquake or other disaster. Peak demands have reduced to around 60 ML/day due to enduring changes in behaviour from the drought. As a result, the capacity of the water treatment plants servicing Ballarat City is sufficient to supply the demand projections over the next 50 years. Both plants will however, require major upgrades within the 50 year period due to age. It is estimated these will cost upwards of $50M (in today’s dollars) per plant.

7 It is assumed that no major upgrades are required to water supply infrastructure, other than extensions to new areas.

8 Water supply for the Ballarat area is primarily sourced from the White Swan Reservoir and the Lal Lal Reservoir, with additional supply from the Goldfields Superpipe to facilitate growth in demand and provide security of supply during lower rainfall periods.

9 The Goldfields Superpipe will require an augmentation in ~2050 to provide additional supply for the Ballarat system as per Appendix A Figure 11.

Wastewater Infrastructure

10 The Ballarat South Wastewater Treatment Plant will require a major upgrade for future flows in year 2035 to accommodate additional flows, though this upgrade cannot be avoided.

11 The Ballarat North Wastewater Treatment Plant will require a major upgrade for future flows in year 2035 to accommodate additional flows, though this upgrade cannot be avoided.

12 The existing wastewater collection network will require upgrades, particularly in central Ballarat.

Diverse Water Supply Infrastructure

13 The Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater (HBSP) will continue in operation to supply Lake Wendouree and selected open spaces. A total of 652ML/year of water is purchased from CHW. This includes recycled water (from the Ballarat North Treatment Plant) and groundwater (from the Cardigan Aquifer), at an assumed proportion of 60% recycled water and 40% groundwater to augment the HBSP. An additional 500ML/year is assumed to be available from stormwater in an average year, with a further 48ML/year from council groundwater sources. In years when the stormwater supply is insufficient, additional groundwater is purchased by the Council from CHW.

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14 The HBSP project will continue to supply harvested stormwater to the following open spaces at the defined amounts. Compared to current utilisation, the only change is an increased supply to City Oval, increasing from 1.2ML/year to 10ML/year.

Open Space Type of Open Space ML/Year City Oval Oval and Turf Wickets 10 City Oval Bowling Club 2 Grass Bowling Rinks 1 CE Brown Reserve 4 Ovals 5.9 Ballarat North Ovals, 4 Ovals 0.7 including Eureka Stadium Prince of Wales Park Alexander Croquet Club 1.1 Ballarat Botanical Gardens 14 Ha Gardens 50 Lake Wendouree Foreshore 4 ha lawn and Trees 3 Total: 71.7

15 Class A recycled water from the Ballarat North Treatment Plant will be supplied to Ballarat and Queens Grammar School (20ML/year), and agricultural plot in Northern Ballarat (50ML/year Class B) and Wendouree Primary School (10M/year) from 2016 onwards.

16 Recycled water will continue to be used as part of on-site plant operations amounting to 100ML/year in Ballarat South WWTP.

Stormwater Infrastructure

17 Council will invest in green-blue infrastructure across existing areas of the city, managing stormwater to achieve the following additional performance (based on the Green-Blue Action Plan) every 5 years:

 Stormwater treatment equivalent to removal of 62,120kg of TSS,  Stormwater reuse for irrigation equivalent to 26.9ML/year.

This equates to a capital works budget of $2,000,000 every 5 years (Greening Ballarat, 2016).

Receiving Water Requirements

18 Discharges to the Yarrowee River must be maintained at or above current levels, but additional recycled water and stormwater flows can be harnessed as a diverse water source.

There are currently no flow targets for the Yarrowee/Leigh although these are currently being considered in a CCMA study. There are also currently no excess flow requirements although these may be introduced through BPEMG review

19 Discharges to the Burrumbeet Creek must be maintained at or above current levels, but additional recycled water and stormwater flows can be harnessed as a diverse water source.

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There are currently no flow targets for Burrumbeet Creek although preservation of present flows (including recognised stormwater excess and wastewater flows) has occurred historically to meet irrigator expectations.

There are currently no requirements for managing stormwater excess flows although these may be introduced through the BPEMG review

Water system yield assumptions


Potable water yield calculations were based on eSOURCE water resource modelling using the following reliability criteria:

 No critical water supply failures occur.  Stage 1 or 2 water restrictions occur no more than once every 20 years.  Stage 3 water restrictions occur no more than once every 1000 years.  Stage 4 water restrictions do not occur.  Minimum reserves are maintained levels in White Swan and Lal Lal Reservoirs.

1. CHW target for 124 L/p/day for new households (SMEC, 2014). 2. CHW supplementary manual for new greenfield residential homes. 3. Victoria Planning Provisions Clause 56.07-4. 4. Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines: Stormwater (Victoria Stormwater Committee, 1999) 5. City of Ballarat development standards (Local Government Infrastructure Design Association, 2017)

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2.2 Existing developer requirements This Integrated Water Management Plan largely focuses on recommendations to enhance the future management of water in Ballarat to gain the greatest environmental, economic and community benefits. However, numerous development requirements already exist to promote integrated water management. The following table summarises some of the key requirements and references that already exist and will continue to be implemented.

2.2.1 Key development requirements*

Development type and requirement Reference/Sources

All new developments Ballarat Potable Water Demand Target Central Highlands Water requires subdivision designs to incorporate the Supplementary Guide principles of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) and the integrated (2018). water management (IWM) requirements of any relevant precinct structure plan or endorsed IWM plan to achieve the associated potable water reduction/substitution targets.

Major developments Victoria Planning Provisions Clause 56.07-4. All major developments including residential areas (excluding single lot

infill) trigger Clause 56.07-4 of the Victoria Planning Provisions. Clause Best Practice 56:07 references the Best Practice Environmental Guidelines for Urban Environmental Stormwater which specifies post-construction stormwater quality targets. Management Guidelines: Stormwater (Victoria

Stormwater Committee, 1999)

All major developments in greenfield areas are required to construct City of Ballarat retarding basins to retard flows from the 1 in 1.5 year ARI flow (BPEMG development standards requirement) to the 1 in 100 year ARI flow event (CoB requirement) back (Local Government Infrastructure Design Association, 2017) to pre-developed conditions.

Residential developments Ballarat Potable Water Demand Target Central Highlands Water impose a potable water use target of 124 Supplementary Guide litres/person/day for all new residential developments containing greater (2018). than 10 lots. Victoria Planning Most residential subdivisions in Victoria must comply with the Provisions Clause 56.07-4 requirements of Clause 56.07 of the Victoria Planning Provisions. This

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clause references the Best Practice Environmental Guidelines for Urban Stormwater which specifies post-construction stormwater quality targets.

Infill developments City of Ballarat development standards New developments in infill areas (residential and non-residential) must (Local Government Infrastructure provide on-site detention (via on-site detention tanks or enlarged pipes) Design Association, 2017)

Development in Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) Ballarat West Employment Zone Integrated Water New landholders are required to contact Central Highlands Water prior to Management Plan (2016) building on the land to understand the requirements and opportunities to connect to an alternative pipe network designed for ‘fit-for-purpose’ (not for drinking) water.

Planning permits for each site include a requirement to incorporate water use efficiency savings. High water users (greater than 5ML per annum) are required to develop a water efficiency management plan to the satisfaction of Central Highlands Water that shall be reviewed and updated every five years.

Future stages of BWEZ to include design of passive watering of street trees utilising strategies set out in the Green-Blue action plan to the satisfaction of the City of Ballarat.

High water users Large Non-Residential Customers Program High water users (greater than 5ML per annum) are required to develop (CHW) a water efficiency management plan to the satisfaction of Central Highlands Water that shall be reviewed and updated every five years.

* Disclaimer: This list is not exhaustive and developers and other interested parties should seek their own expert advice and consult with relevant planning authorities.

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2.3 Project identification Once the base case had been assembled the areas, context and water balance was used to identify of a variety of IWM projects that could contribute towards achieving one or more of the over-arching objectives for IWM in Ballarat. To explore all possibilities, water sources across the following categories were considered: regional potable supply (PO), rainwater (RW), stormwater (SW), wastewater (WW), groundwater (GW), and creeks (CREEK). Additional options were also incorporated from stakeholder workshops. The results of this process are documented in Appendix C as a long list. Summaries of other stakeholder contributions and activities are also provided in Appendix B.

The long list of projects, included 52 projects that were considered applicable and deliverable in the study area based on their applicability to the study area. Reasoning behind each option’s applicability is provided in Appendix C. Viable alternative options were then assessed in three parts; an assessment of the scale of provided benefits, a review of the key cost factors, and a consideration of deliverability.

2.4 Preliminary assessment The Preliminary Assessment Method (E2Designlab, 2015) was utilised to assess and shortlist the longlist of IWM options. The key steps in the PAM are an assessment of the likely scale of benefits of each project, based on the water balance and a rapid modelled assessment of performance, a high-level assessment of key cost and deliverability factors. The preliminary assessment is presented in Appendix C.

All of the preliminary evaluation results were compiled in a final comparison matrix. This matrix is documented in Appendix C. If a project clearly had a superior alternative which meets the same objectives in all circumstances it was considered a low-performance option. Projects which scored highly in one or more indicator were highlighted for potential portfolio selection.

Key insights emerging from the preliminary assessment of IWM projects for Ballarat City

 Recycled water and stormwater for supplementary potable supply provide the largest new water resource volumes. These sources are expected to grow in supply as Ballarat develops;  Stormwater to dual pipe provides a flexible approach that can be delivered on all growth areas (recycled water is more limited by plant location);  Stormwater treatment locally provides opportunities for urban greening – with higher ‘bang for buck’ in new development areas;  Provision of diverse water supplies to Lake Wendouree are an important initiative for liveability;  Open space irrigation opportunities alone are relatively small, but important to liveability outcomes;  Yarrowee River riparian investment seems to have the greatest potential for liveability and water quality outcomes;  Contribution to environmental flows (climate change shortfalls) in Burrumbeet and Yarrowee can be met with treatment and storage of stormwater or treated wastewater;  Some agricultural potential to be explored – both for land irrigation and horticulture;  Flood risks are recognised as a significant issue. There are no single large-scale responses likely to significantly reduce these although may be some benefits in implementing WSUD to achieve

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reductions in the frequency of nuisance and minor flooding (up to design event for minor drainage system); and  Investment in operation and maintenance of stormwater and WSUD assets is a key need. There is also a need for better oversight and maintenance of rainwater tanks.

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3. IWM Project Shortlisting and Portfolio Assembly ------

3.1 Portfolio Assembly Based on the comparison matrix produced as part of the PAM, IWM projects were assembled into four portfolios for further analysis. Each portfolio was designed to bring together projects that would drive a mix of IWM outcomes but with a certain focus on the type and scale of project. Portfolios were informed by stakeholder visions obtained from the initial stakeholder workshop, thereby demonstrating that portfolios could drive headline achievements for a future Ballarat.

The four portfolios assembled were:

1. Driving New Economies: Large-scale investment for a series of discrete non-potable supply schemes to support enhancement of agribusiness and recreation assets in


2. A New Frontier: A planning-led initiative for a new model of urban development.

3. Adaptable Networks: Planned expansion of non-potable water supply networks to supply key non-potable demands across the central city and growth areas.

4. Greater Self-Sufficiency: Large-scale investments to increase Ballarat’s portfolio of local water assets

Each portfolio varies in terms of the project scale and connectivity as shown in Figure 9. Accordingly, each portfolio naturally requires a different delivery approach. The following section lists the selected IWM projects assembled into each portfolio (Table 4). Appendix D describes the portfolio objectives in further detail and provides a detailed summary of the 26 projects included in the four portfolios.

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Figure 9. Portfolio Options

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Table 4 Portfolio Projects

*Timing:  S – short term targeted moves (1-5 years)  M – Medium term planning for growth (5-15 years)  L – Long term strategic investments (15-50 years)

Project ID Project Description Timing*

Portfolio 1: Driving New Economies

Objective: Small-scale investment for a series of discrete non-potable supply schemes to support enhancement of agribusiness and recreation assets in Ballarat. See Figure 10 for project locations.

L Revegetation of Yarrowee River in cleared urban areas S M Revegetation, re-alignment and naturalisation of Yarrowee River in two ecological park sections M Q Recycled water from northern wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to agriculture L R Groundwater top up for Alfredton and Victoria Park M S Stormwater for open space supply in Doug Dean Reserve S T Stormwater for open space supply in Victoria Park S T2 Recycled water for open space supply in Victoria Park (via Lake Wendouree) M U Stormwater for open space supply in Alfredton S V Groundwater for industry supply in north-west (NW) S W Stormwater for open space supply in Wendouree West S X Recycled water for open space in Northern Greenfield Investigation Area (NGIA) M Y Recycled water for open space in north-east (NE) S Z Recycled water for open space in south-east (SE) M

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Project ID Project Description Timing* Portfolio 2: A new frontier

Objective: A planning-led initiative for a new model of urban development in Ballarat West See Figure 11 for project locations.

G Passive irrigation to street trees for enhanced canopy and stormwater management M H 10% increase in permeable area through increase in open space allocation M I Stormwater harvesting from growth areas for irrigation of local ovals M J Revegetation of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek in growth areas M K Revegetation of Burrumbeet Creek in growth areas M Portfolio 3: Adaptable Networks Objective: Large-scale expansion of Ballarat’s non-potable water supply networks to supply key non-potable demands across the central city and growth areas. See Figure 12 for project locations. Stormwater for non-potable uses in Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone (BWUGZ) and M C Western Greenfield Investigation Area (WGIA) via dual pipe D Stormwater for non-potable use in TIGA via dual pipe L Recycled water from Northern WWTP for non-potable use in Ballarat West M E Employment Zone (BWEZ) and NGIA via dual pipe Portfolio 4: Greater self-sufficiency

Objective: Large-scale, discrete investments to increase Ballarat’s portfolio of local water assets See Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15Figure 16Figure 17 for project locations.

A Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via managed aquifer recharge (MAR) L A2 Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via MAR L AL Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via Lal Lal L B Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via MAR L BL Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via Lal Lal L

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Figure 10 Portfolio 1 Project Locations

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Figure 11 Portfolio 2 Project Locations

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Figure 12 Portfolio 3 Project Locations

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Figure 13 Portfolio 4 Project A Layout

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Figure 14. Portfolio 4 Project A2 Layout

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Figure 15 Portfolio 4 Project AL Layout

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Figure 16. Portfolio 4 Project B Layout

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Figure 17. Portfolio 4 Project BL Layout

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4. Portfolio Evaluation ------

4.1 Evaluation Process

Concept design and cost estimates

All projects have been developed to a high-level concept design level, where it is possible to estimate a preliminary estimate of the full life-cycle costs, including capital, operating and renewal costs (+/- 30%). For the purposes of this analysis a 15% design and approvals cost has been added to the capital cost of projects, but no contingency has been added as the purpose of the costing is for a relative cost-benefit analysis. Costing rates are in-line with those provided by CHW for standard infrastructure (pipes, pumps, storages etc), while other bespoke cost rates for diverse water source treatment have been sourced from similar projects elsewhere.

The costings arising from this will require further detailed assessment for the purposes of budgeting and pursuing funding proposals.

Stormwater and rainwater modelling has been undertaken using MUSIC, using a 41 year rainfall template consistent with the recommendations in the ‘Guidelines for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Water Supplies’ (DELWP, 2016) and comprising a significant portion of the climate data set that can be used for comparison with outcomes from Source modelling of the wider CHW water supply system (Russell, 2017).


All costs and quantifiable benefits have been staged across a 50-year timeline based on a phasing profile for growth agreed with City of Ballarat in the early stages of the project. Under this timeline, Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone continues to build out until 2041, before demand then triggers the development of the other greenfield investigation areas. Major treatment infrastructure is built in two phases to accommodate gradually increasing growth. Where projects are not dependent on development for delivery, it has been assumed these are delivered in year 2021.

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Benefit and performance evaluation

High-level concept design of the projects allows us to also estimate the performance of projects against quantifiable benefit indicators such as the diverse water supplied (ML/year), water quality improvements (kg nitrogen removed/year), tree canopy created (m2) and lengths of waterways improved (km). Key aspects of performance are discussed in the sections below.

It is important to note that all economic analysis and project scoring reflects the performance of projects relative to base case. The base case for the project includes the delivery of rainwater tanks for all homes in growth areas (not in infill/small developments) and includes the provision of a groundwater supply to the dual pipe system in BWEZ.

Which projects provide diverse water supplies for Ballarat that could reduce the demand on existing regional potable water supplies?

The graphs below show the additional amount of water provided locally by diverse water sources relative to base case (the first graph (Figure 18) showing water sources that substitute for regional potable supplies, the second (Figure 19) showing the total supply of diverse water sources). The base case includes provision of rainwater tanks in growth areas (amounting to a potable replacement supply of 1,163 ML/year where all growth areas are offset) and a groundwater supply to BWEZ (278ML/year). Accordingly, portfolio 3 which distributes non-potable supplies to homes has a similar performance to the base case as rainwater tanks provide the same non-potable demands with similar reliability. Portfolio 4 projects provide substantial amounts of diverse sources of water, dwarfing the contributions made by the smaller projects in Portfolio 1. Project Q (recycled water for agriculture) provides 1,000ML/year of a diverse water supply to agriculture, but as this would not replace mains potable supply (it would replace private groundwater extractions) it is not triggered by the potable substitution indicator. Similarly, additional water provided for open space irrigation that is over and above that already committed to by council for irrigation using mains water is not reflected here.

Further modelling is needed to understand the relationship between additional local supplies and any potential reduction in extractions from the Moorabool River.

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Figure 18 Water Source Substitutes for Potable Supplies (at 2065 ultimate development)

Figure 19 Total Supply of Diverse Water Sources (at 2065 ultimate development)

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Which projects improve water quality in waterways?

Nitrogen removal is used as an indicator in the graph below (Figure 20). Projects that utilize treated wastewater remove a large amount of nitrogen as the concentration of nitrogen currently discharged to waterways from Ballarat treatment plants is high relative to concentrations from diffuse sources such as stormwater. It should be noted that other water quality indicators are also important to consider, for example it has been shown that downstream environments are likely to be sensitive to sediment, which is carried in large amounts by stormwater but not by wastewater discharges.

In terms of nitrogen removal, Portfolio 4 projects show the best performance here due to the large amounts of stormwater (A projects) and wastewater (B projects) harvested. Portfolio 3, which distributes non-potable supplies to homes, has a similar performance to the base case. In the case of the stormwater harvesting projects for non-potable distribution to homes (projects C and D), a slightly negative performance is predicted in comparison to base case as nitrogen removal is more effective at source (via rainwater tanks) than downstream of other treatments. Portfolio 2 includes projects that demonstrate a moderate level of nitrogen removal while Portfolio 1 only contributes modest improvements due to the scale of the projects included.

Figure 20 Nitrogen removal Relative to Base Case

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Which projects significantly reduce urban excess?

In the future, Ballarat’s urban area will discharge much greater amounts of stormwater and wastewater to local receiving environments. This ‘urban excess’ is expected to provide a marked increase in flow to waterways, with a pattern of flow and water quality which is detrimental to waterway health. It is also expected to exacerbate flooding risks. These ‘urban excess’ flow volumes significantly exceed downstream irrigation extractions and potential future reductions in flow due to climate change and their impacts are much greater. This means that Yarrowee and Burrumbeet Creeks and their tributaries are primarily impacted by urban excess rather than flow extractions. The graph below (Figure 21) shows the removal of urban excess (both stormwater and wastewater) achieved by the various projects.

Currently, DELWP is reviewing targets for stormwater flow reduction, and in the future, developments may be required to demonstrate significant flow reductions (e.g. 25% reduction for previously impacted waterways, and 60% or 90% reductions for sensitive waterways). In this context, the achievement of projects in development areas with regard to stormwater flow reduction are as follows:

 The base case, which includes rainwater tanks and wetlands, results in a flow reduction of 17%.  Projects G and H which add to the base case performance by providing passively irrigated street trees and a higher proportion of open space, can increase performance by 2% and 7% respectively.  Projects C and D apply local stormwater harvesting in place of rainwater tanks, thereby increasing stormwater flow reductions from 17% to 19%.  Projects A, A2 and AL result in significant stormwater harvesting for potable use and corresponding flow volume reductions compared to the base case.

Figure 21 Urban Excess

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Which projects improve diverse water supplies for open space irrigation?

The graph below (Figure 22) shows the comparison of hectares of open space provided with diverse water sources, meaning there are decentralized and dedicated supply schemes in place from either treated stormwater or recycled water which could provide other sources of water to draw on in times of restriction. Portfolios 3 and 4 provide open spaces within growth areas with diverse sources of water for irrigation.

Figure 22 Irrigated Open Space

Which projects create other significant amenity and liveability benefits?

Several projects have notable and very significant impacts on amenity and liveability. These include:

 Project G, which could generate an additional canopy cover totaling over 670,000m2 across all new growth areas.  Project H, which creates 235ha of new open space (by dedicating an additional 10% of development areas to open space).  Projects J, K, L and M which revegetate (J,K,L) and restore (M) waterways to provide much greater amenity for local communities.  Project Q which provides 1,000ML of recycled water to agriculture, which would provide security and stimulate local industries.

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4.2 Summary of estimated project costs The estimated capital and operating costs of each project and the total portfolio costs are presented in Table 5 below. A more detailed breakdown of these costs and a summary of key quantified benefits is presented in Appendix F. All costs and benefits have been staged along the 50-year lifetime for the analysis, and converted to a present value in the economic analysis to allow all projects to be directly compared.

Table 5 Summary of Total Capital and Operating Costs for Projects

Total Capital Costs Total Operating Costs A $88.2 m $4.9 m A2 $71.8 m $3.6 m AL $65.8 m $2.5 m B $74.8 m $5.9 m BL $62.9 m $4.0 m C $65.2 m $0.5 m D $25.5 m $0.2 m E $24.6 m $0.3 m G $39.2 m $0.03 m H $564.7 m $- I $0.9 m $0.01 m J $1.6 m $0.07 m K $0.6 m $0.02 m L $1.0 m $0.03 m M $2.9 m $0.12 m Q $15.8 m $0.13 m R $0.7 m $0.00 m S $0.2 m $0.00 m T $0.3 m $0.01 m T2 $0.4 m $0.00 m U $0.4 m $0.00 m V $2.5 m $0.16 m W $0.2 m $0.00 m X $0.9 m $0.00 m Y $0.7 m $0.01 m Z $1.3 m $0.01 m

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4.3 Economic assessment of costs and benefits

The analysis has identified a number of project benefits across the water cycle that can be monetised through an economic framework. In identifying and quantifying project benefits, we have adopted a Total Economic Value (TEV) framework (Figure 23). This type of framework is often used for investments involving environmental changes and benefits that may be non-financial in nature.

Figure 23 Total Economic Value Framework

The TEV framework considers benefits and costs to all societal groups (rather than focusing on the perspective of one), and explores more familiar direct use values (such as the value of water use to the potable network), non-use values (such as community willingness to pay for increased recycled water use), and option value (the value of preserving an option to use or access an asset in future). In the context of IWM investments, project options can produce direct financial benefits to, say, water businesses and their customers (such as potable substitution), and also a range of non-market and non- financial benefits, such as aesthetic and environmental health improvements to waterways, and improvements to street trees health and form.

To the extent possible, the economic framework developed for this project has explored these benefits, and quantified them wherever possible.

The methodology for estimating all benefits used in the analysis are described in Appendix G.The results of the economic analysis are presented in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 below:

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Table 6 Total lifecycle costs and avoided costs from base case

Project PV Capex1,2 PV Opex3 PV renewals PV Total PV avoided costs4

A $27.4 m $20.1 m $1.6 m $49.1 m $44.5 m

A2 $22.6 m $14.9 m $0.89 m $38.4 m $35.3 m

AL $20.9 m $10.3 m $0.70 m $31.9 m $35.3 m

B $23.3 m $24.2 m $0.37 m $47.9 m $44.5 m

BL $20.0 m $16.4 m $0.18 m $36.6 m $44.5 m

C $21.1 m $2.8 m $0.97 m $24.8 m $25.9 m

D $6.1 m $0.81 m $0.18 m $7.1 m $9.3 m

E $5.8 m $0.91 m $0.12 m $6.8 m $9.2 m

G $10.0 m $0.11 m $- $10.1 m $-

H $121.7 m $- $- $121.7 m $-

I $0.3 m $0.04 m $0.06 m $0.4 m $-

J $0.8 m $0.63 m $- $1.5 m $-

K $0.2 m $0.13 m $- $0.3 m $-

L $0.8 m $0.57 m $- $1.4 m $-

M $2.4 m $2.0 m $- $4.4 m $-

Q $13.3 m $2.3 m $0.25 m $15.8 m $-

R $0.6 m $0.06 m $0.59 m $1.3 m $-

S $0.17 m $0.01 m $0.10 m $0.29 m $-

T $0.23 m $0.16 m $0.24 m $0.63 m $-

T2 $0.37 m $0.05 m $0.02 m $0.43 m $-

U $0.30 m $0.03 m $0.04 m $0.37 m $-

V $2.11 m $2.7 m $1.30 m $6.2 m $-

W $0.15 m $0.01 m $0.00 m $0.17 m $-

X $0.29 m $0.02 m $0.01 m $0.31 m $-

Y $0.61 m $0.10 m $0.00 m $0.71 m $-

Z $1.1 m $0.19 m $0.07 m $1.4 m $-

1. PV = Present Value 2. Capex = Capital expenditure 3. Opex = Operating expenditure 4. Avoided costs = costs of base case infrastructure (notably rainwater tanks) that are no longer required with adoption of project

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Table 7 Monetised benefits

W TP 2 F O R WI LLINGNES S TO PAY FOR DIVERSE W A TER W A Y P ROPERTY PRICE INCREASE G S P 1 W ATER SUPPLIES WA T E R W A Y - P ROJECT H EALTH S A V I N G S N ITROGEN GM Total benefit Residential Agriculture Public Open Space Non-use (WTP) Canopy Waterway Public open space A $5.4 m $- $- $- $0.84 m $4.6 m $- $- $- $- $10.8 m A2 $5.0 m $- $- $- $0.71 m $10.0 m $- $- $- $- $15.7 m AL $5.0 m $- $- $- $0.71 m $10.0 m $- $- $- $- $15.7 m B $5.3 m $- $- $- $0.71 m $1.1 m $- $- $- $- $7.0 m BL $5.3 m $- $- $- $- $1.1 m $- $- $- $- $6.3 m C $0.08 m $0.03 m $- $0.03 m $- -$0.48 m $- $- $- $- -$0.34 m D -$0.02 m -$0.01 m $- $0.04 m $- -$0.42 m $- $- $- $- -$0.41 m E $0.15 m $0.05 m $- $0.01 m $- $0.19 m $- $- $- $- $0.40 m G $- $- $- $- $- $1.8 m $- $20.8 m $- $- $22.6 m H $- $- $- $- $- $1.1 m $- $- $- $5.5 m $6.6 m I $0.17 m $- $- $0.21 m $- $0.06 m $- $- $- $- $0.44 m J $- $- $- $- $- $0.75 m $- $- $2.2 m $- $2.9 m K $- $- $- $- $- $0.35 m $- $- $0.51 m $- $0.87 m L $- $- $- $- $- $3.3 m $- $- $4.9 m $- $8.2 m M $- $- $- $- $- $0.94 m $- $- $2.1 m $- $3.03 m Q $- $- $1.8 m $- $- $0.68 m $3.7 m $- $- $- $6.20 m R $0.10 m $- $- $0.36 m $- $- $- $- $- $- $0.46 m S $0.05 m $- $- $0.06 m $- $0.11 m $- $- $- $- $0.23 m T $0.10 m $- $- $0.12 m $- $0.60 m $- $- $- $- $0.83 m T2 $0.04 m $- $- $0.26 m $- $0.01 m $- $- $- $- $0.31 m U $0.15 m $- $- $0.18 m $- $0.05 m $- $- $- $- $0.39 m V $3.6 m $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $3.6 m W $0.04 m $- $- $0.05 m $- $0.06 m $- $- $- $- $0.14 m X $0.05 m $- $- $0.06 m $- $0.00 m $- $- $- $- $0.11 m Y $0.49 m $- $- $1.2 m $- $0.08 m $- $- $- $- $1.8 m Z $0.24 m $- $- $0.29 m $- $0.02 m $- $- $- $- $0.55 m 1. Goulburn Supply Pipeline 2. Willingness to pay

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 54

Table 8 Benefit-cost ratios

Project PV costs PV avoided costs PV benefits Net Present Benefit Cost Value (NPV) Ratio

A $49.1 m $44.5 m $10.8 m $6.2 m 1.1

A2 $38.4 m $35.3 m $15.7 m $12.5 m 1.3

AL $31.9 m $35.3 m $15.7 m $19.0 m 1.6

B $47.9 m $44.5 m $7.0 m $3.7 m 1.1

BL $36.6 m $44.5 m $6.3 m $14.2 m 1.4

C $24.8 m $25.9 m -$0.34 m $0.77 m 1.0

D $7.1 m $9.3 m -$0.41 m $1.8 m 1.3

E $6.8 m $9.2 m $0.40 m $2.8 m 1.4

G $10.1 m $- $22.6 m $12.5 m 2.2

H $121.7 m $- $6.6 m -$115.1 m 0.05

I $0.42 m $- $0.44 m $0.01 m 1.0

J $1.5 m $- $2.9 m $1.5 m 2.0

K $0.32 m $- $0.87 m $0.55 m 2.7

L $1.4 m $- $8.2 m $6.8 m 5.8

M $4.4 m $- $3.03 m -$1.4 m 0.69

Q $15.8 m $- $6.2 m -$9.6 m 0.39

R $1.3 m $- $0.46 m -$0.79 m 0.37

S $0.29 m $- $0.23 m -$0.06 m 0.78

T $0.63 m $- $0.83 m $0.20 m 1.3

T2 $0.43 m $- $0.31 m -$0.12 m 0.72

U $0.37 m $- $0.39 m $0.02 m 1.0

V $6.15 m $- $3.60 m -$2.55 m 0.58

W $0.17 m $- $0.14 m -$0.02 m 0.86

X $0.31 m $- $0.11 m -$0.21 m 0.34

Y $0.71 m $- $1.76 m $1.05 m 2.5

Z $1.36 m $- $0.55 m -$0.81 m 0.40

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4.4 Scored Assessment of Benefits The economic assessment describes above provides an assessment framework to compare project costs and performance over a lifecycle. In some cases, benefits and dis-benefits are not easily evaluated in monetary terms and cannot be included in an economic assessment. In an effort to recognise the full range of objectives set for the project in the assessment, a dual assessment has been conducted, whereby key performance indicators across all objectives have been assessed using:

 A quantitative analysis, where possible, whereby performance of options are compared based on the relative performance of measured indicators out of a score of 10 (though these are not monetized). Where individual scores total more than 10, these are sum indicators for multiple waterways (e.g. Yarrowee River and Burrumbeet Creek); and  Where a quantitative analysis is not possible, indicators are scored based on a qualitative judgement of relative performance.

A scoring framework of quantitative and qualitative indicators has been developed and a preliminary assessment has been made. The scored assessment is summarised against the four objective themes in Table 9. The table also notes where indicators have been monetized, and whether they have been assessed using a quantitative or qualitative scoring in the scored assessment. A total of eight out of nineteen indicators are not monetized, with four of those indicators making up the ‘deliverability/risk’ theme. Portfolio 4 experiences a number of negative scores here (‘dis-benefits’ relative to the base case), representing the increased level of risk and uncertainty surrounding the delivery of large decentralized schemes that utilize diverse sources for potable supply.

Note: The scored assessment only evaluates benefits, and does not compare these to costs of projects. The economic analysis is a much superior platform to compare economic costs and benefits. The scored benefits instead highlight overall performance against the range of key objectives, and highlights objectives which aren’t evaluated by the economic analysis.

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Table 9 Scored assessment of projects using key performance indicators

Portfolio 4 Portfolio 3 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 1 AA2 AL B BL C D E G H IJKLMQRSTT2UVWXYZ

Theme Key assessment indicators MAR pipe West areas Lal Lal Lal supply MAR via supply MAR via in growth areas assessment? supply via Lal Lal supply via Lal WGIA dual via pipe open space allocation space open irrigation of local ovals canopy and SW management in scored in assessment? Recycled water forRecycled open in water space SE Recycled water for in water space Recycled open NE Recycled water for in water space Recycled open NGIA Rectcled water supply for water Rectcled ParkVictoria Quantification uses in scoredQuantification in uses Groundwater for industry supply in NW netised in economic in netised assessment? ormwater from new growth areas to potable to potable growth areas from new ormwater potable use in dual via pipe use andBWEZ NGIA potable Stormwater harvesting from growth areas for from harvesting growth areas Stormwater St Recycled water from WWTP Northern Recycled water for non- for enhanced trees irrigationPassive to street Yarrowee River in two ecological River in park two Yarrowee sections for open supply space Stormwater in Alfredton Recycled water from southernRecycled WWTP water to potable from southernRecycled WWTP water to potable Stormwater for and in BWUGZ non-potable uses Stormwater River in urbancleared of Yarrowee Revegetation for supply space open Stormwater in Doug Dean Stormwater for dual in via TIGA non-potable use Stormwater Stormwater for open supply space Stormwater in Wendouree Revegetation, re-alignment and naturalisation of and naturalisation re-alignment Revegetation, Revegetation of Burrumbeet Creek in Creek ofgrowth areas Burrumbeet Revegetation Relative qualitative assessment used assessment qualitative Relative Mo Stormwater for supply space open Stormwater in Victoria Park Revegetation of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek of and Creek Kensington Winter Creek Revegetation Stormwater from winter creek to potable supply creek to potable fromvia winter Stormwater supply creek to potable fromvia winter Stormwater Recycled water from northernRecycled water WWTP to agriculture Groundwater top up for Alfredton and Victoria Park 10% increase in permeable area through area in increase 10% in increase permeable Local water supplied in place of YYN mains supply 10 9 9 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Provision of alternative sources for YYN fit for purpose uses 0 0 0 0 0 5 -1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 6 2 0 0 2 10 2 Provide secure and sustainable NYN Reliability of water supply water services 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 10 10 9 9 10 7 10 9 10 10 10 Carbon emissions associated with NYN water supply -20-3-7-5230 2 000000-10000000000 THEME TOTAL 16 17 14 13 15 15 10 20 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 9 13 9 10 16 8 11 9 12 20 12 Reduced urban excess flows YYN released to waterways 11 9 9 10 10 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Removal of stormwater pollution YYN to receiving waterways 5 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Protect and enhance health of Removal of wastewater pollution YYN receiving environments to receiving waterways 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Potential to reduce risk of local NNY flooding 22222000 2 20000100110000000 THEME TOTAL 17 21 21 22 22 0 0 3 4 5 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Provision of alternative sources for YYN irrigation of open space 73377322 0 010000004106100223 YYN Enhanced agricultural productivity 00000000 0 000000100000000000 YYN New open space created 00000000 0100000000000000000 YYN Increased tree canopy Support liveability of the places we 0000000010 00101000000000000 live and work Length of waterway regenerated - YYN All waterways 00000000 0 001044100000000000 Length of waterway protected YYN from degradation (Leigh) 108888000 0 00000000000000000 Potential for economic stimulation NNY (jobs and tourism) 00000000 0 00226862023020000 THEME TOTAL 17 12 12 15 15 3 2 2 10 10 10 13 6 11 9 16 6 1 2 9 1 2 0 2 2 NNY Planning implications 22222111 0 12222222222222222 Legislative risks and stakeholder NNY acceptance -4-4-2-9-8 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Organisational capacity to deliver NNY Deliverability / Risk project -5 -3 -3 0 0 -5 -5 -2 0 0 -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community awareness /education NNY value -3-3-3-3-3000 2 22224622222222222 THEME TOTAL -10-8-6-10-9-4-4-1 2 1 2 2 2 6 8 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

GRAND TOTAL 40 42 41 40 43 15 8 23 18 16 20 15 8 17 18 33 21 15 17 29 14 17 13 17 27 17 All Total of additional indicators that are not monetised -2 2 1 -5 -2 6 7 9 6 3 10 4 4 12 17 19 14 14 16 17 11 16 13 14 14 14

Note: where individual scores total more than 10, these sum indicators for multiple waterways (e.g. Yarrowee River and Burrumbeet Creek).

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4.5 Dual assessment A comparison of the scored benefit and the monetized benefit-cost ratios attributed to each project indicates where projects are perceived to deliver greater benefits than can be recognised through an economic analysis. This is particularly useful where the benefit-cost ratio of an option is less than 1, to give a clear articulation of the benefits which are perhaps not well appreciated by the economic analysis which could underpin a holistic business case for investment.

Figure 24 below shows a comparison of project performance in terms of scored benefits (y-axis) and the monetized benefit cost ratio (x-axis).

The two dashed red lines are used as comparison lines that divide the graph into four quadrants. These lines are ‘moveable’ based on the consensus of stakeholders regarding an acceptable performance. For the purposes of comparison, the scored benefit threshold is currently set at a score of 17 and the benefit-cost ratio threshold is set at 0.8. Projects in the top right-hand quadrant are justifiable in both analyses, while those in the left bottom quadrant could be justifiably dismissed from further investigation. Those in the other quadrants require further reasoning and clear reasons to be taken forward.

Note: Project L is shown indicatively as its benefit cost ratio is greater than 3.

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Project Key: Projects are grouped by portfolio

ID Project L Partial revegetation Yarrowee River M Two Yarrowee River eco-parks Q Recycled water to northern agriculture. R Groundwater to Alfredton & Vic. Park S Stormwater irrigation at Doug Dean T Stormwater irrigation at Vic. Park T2 Recycled water irrigation at Vic. Park U Stormwater irrigation at Alfredton V Groundwater for industry use in NW W Stormwater irrigation in Wendouree West X Recycled water irrigation in NGIA Y Recycled water irrigation in NE Z Recycled water irrigation in SE C Stormwater to BWUGZ & WGIA D Stormwater to TIGA E Recycled water to BWEZ & NGIA G Passive street tree irrigation H 10% increase in permeable area I Growth area stormwater harvesting J Partial revegetation of Winter & Kensington Ck. K Partial revegetation of Burrumbeet Ck. A New potable supply via MAR (stormwater) A2 New potable supply via MAR (Winter Creek) AL New potable supply via Lal Lal (Winter Creek) B New potable supply via MAR (recycled water) BL New potable supply via Lal Lal (recycled water)

Figure 24 Dual assessment of scored benefit and benefit-cost ratios

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4.6 Exploration of Uncertainties The assessment of portfolios of IWM projects was conducted with reasonable detail, sufficient to underpin an estimation of costs and benefits. However, the analysis has required some assumptions to be made about certain unknowns that upon further investigation may affect project performance. Some of the key uncertainties in the analysis are explored further here, including:

 Climate change impacts on yield and reliability  Treatment cost assumptions  Relative energy use of projects  Impact of MAR injection rate limitations  Inclusion of rainwater tanks and their maintenance in the base case  Estimation of non-potable demands in new developments

4.6.1 Climate change impacts on yield and reliability

The projects that incorporate large scale stormwater harvesting were assessed under three climate change scenarios to understand the impact of climate change on yield. These include:

 Project A: Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via MAR  Project A2: Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via MAR  Project AL: Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via Lal Lal

Each project was modelled using a medium term (2040) high climate change scenario (10th percentile Global Climate Model (GCM) result) and low climate change scenario (90th percentile GCM result) with the results compared to models run with a 41-year historical climate template (1975 – 2015).

Table 10 indicates that under a high climate change scenario annual rainfall decreases by 12%, while evapotranspiration increases by 6%. Under a low climate change scenario annual rainfall increases by 2% and evapotranspiration also increases by 3%. The impacts of these on yield for each project are summarised in Table 11.

The 12% reduction in rainfall and 6% increase in evapotranspiration experienced under the low climate scenario translates to an 8% reduction in yield for Project A and 14% reduction in yield for Projects A2 and AL.

Project A relies on highly impervious urban development catchments. The latter two projects are slightly more sensitive to climate change as a portion of the runoff harvested is derived from large rural catchments of Winter Creek. These are drier more often under a low climate scenario and therefore generate less runoff. Conversely, the runoff generation capacity of impervious areas remains relatively consistent under all climate scenarios and changes in rainfall don’t result in disproportionally larger changes in runoff as are observed for natural catchment reservoirs.

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The low climate scenario has only a minimal impact on yield for all projects (<1%) because there is only a minor change in rainfall and evapotranspiration relative to the historical climate template.

The results also show that yields are most sensitive to individual annual rainfall volumes but less to accumulated volumes over several years. In contrast, natural catchment reservoirs with several years of capacity can readily accommodate one low rainfall year but experience declining yields with accumulated low rainfall years. Since the likelihood of having multiple very low rainfall years is less, the combination of stormwater and natural reservoir supplies can increase overall system resilience.

Table 10 Climate data and variation relative to the Historical climate scenario

Climate Data % Change from Historical Rainfall Evapotranspiration Rainfall Evapotranspiration (mm/yr) (mm/yr) (mm/yr) (mm/yr) High climate change scenario 544 1,089 -12% 5.7% (10th percentile GCM result) * Historical 615 1,030 n/a n/a (1975 - 2015) Low climate change scenario 628 1,059 2.1% 2.8% (90th percentile GCM result) * Infilled data from rainfall gauges 089002 & 08911

Table 11 Variation in yield relative to the Historical climate scenario

* The results for Project A2 and AL are the same as each of these projects are identical in terms of the catchments / development zones harvested and the size of storage infrastructure. The key difference between these projects is the end point for the harvested flows (i.e. MAR or Lal Lal).

4.6.2 Treatment cost assumptions

The estimation of treatment costs, both capital expenditure and operating costs were identified as a key uncertainty in the analysis, as there are limited precedents for the treatment scales and types proposed for the decentralised water management projects proposed. Accordingly, a review of treatment cost assumptions was undertaken by treatment specialists Permeate Partners. The revised

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 61 costs have been included in the final analysis, and generally had the effect of increasing the proportion of capital and operating cost attributed to treatment.

It should be noted that, the costs attributed to waste disposal are limited to the disposal of brine associated with reverse osmosis via evaporation. This is potentially relevant to recycled water and groundwater projects (Projects Q, R, T2, V, X, Y, Z, E, A, A2 and B). However the extent of this requirement is dependent on the level of salinity present in the water source and the acceptable level for its use. Further investigations will be required to understand the potential challenges and long-term costs associated with brine management. Waste disposal in the Ballarat area is likely to be an ongoing challenge, particularly for recycled wastewater, and one which requires further investigation to ascertain recommended proposals and likely costs.

No treatment performance has been attributed to the storages (i.e. reservoirs or aquifers) for the alternative water sources. Both reservoirs and particularly aquifers are barriers and represent treatment systems in their own right. Further investigation of the treatment performance of these storages may allow reverse osmosis (RO) to be removed from the treatment train for stormwater harvesting, if it is found to be not required, thus reducing the cost and challenges of disposing of brine wastes

Table 12 summarises the recommended treatment trains, key assumptions and cost rates that have fed into the analysis.

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Table 12 Treatment cost assumptions

Treatment Description Treatment stage Source water quality End product water quality Recommended treatment scheme Evaluation Cost Evaluation RO adder Comments Estimated option Capacity Basis CAPEX CAPEX operating costs $/ML

Considering the feed source, PP recommends 24 MLD $27,000,000 $10,000,000 ■The RO added cost included in the event RO is $500 a flow scheme that is more focussed on the required to reduce the salt load. RO may also be health risk, residual disinfection by-products required if there is a high risk of contamination in the and quality for aquifer injection; especially catchment, although with RO downstream additional considering the water is first treatged via a softening will be required. . ■Options for the waste handling to be further considered as this will impact the overall project cost. → Strainer + UF + Ozone + BAC The UF waste could potentially be treated using a thickening process. However, if RO is included, the waste handling process will require additional treatment to address the higher salt load. Urban (residential) stormwater ■Plant design for peak capacity to maximise Stage 1: Stormwater to aquifer quality pre-treated by wetlands Aquifer quality stormwater harvesting. Assuming the aquifer extracton is controlled, 14 MLD $14,000,000 $6,000,000 ■Depending on the overall site configuration, there may $400 with no adidtional salt load, the proposed be the opportunity to optimise the configuraton via flow scheme is focused on further treatment dual operation of the UF system for treating the water for disonfection and maintaining residuals. entering the aquifer as well as further treating the water recovered from the aquifer. → Strainer + UF + UV + Chlorinaon ■The RO adder cost included in the event RO is required to reduce the salt load for the water recovered from the aquifer. RO may also be required if there is a high Stormwater is harvested from wetlands in new development risk of contamination in the catchment, noting with RO areas and transferred to a local aquifer for storage before being downstream additional softening will be required. extracted and treated to potable standard for direct injection in ■Options for the waste handling to be further the potable distribution system (with some blending with potable considered as this will impact the overall project cost; water). The aquifer is of close to potable standard, with moderate which will be further complicated if RO is included in salinity. Pre-injection treatment would need to ensure water is of the scheme. 1 an equvalent quality to the groundwater. Stage 2: Aquifer quality to potable Aquifer quality Potable The aquifer injection treatment process is 13 MLD $25,000,000 Incl. ■Waste disposal options to be considered, especially $800 focussed on initial removal of contaminants, for the RO brine. pathogens, dissolved chemicals and any trace organic compounds

Stage 1: Class B/C treated wastewater to Adequate to meet discharge → Strainer + UF + RO + stabilisaon + aquifer quality limits to Yarrowee River Aquifer quality advanced oxidation process Treated wastewater from the Ballarat South treatment plant is Considering that the injected water has been 13 MLD $13,500,000 $5,500,000 ■Depending on the extracted water quality, UF may not $400 transferred to a local aquifer for storage before being extracted 'substantially treated', the extraction process be required; however considering direct potable use and treated to potable standard for direct injection in the potable will focus on 'traditonal' treatment for from here is proposed UF is recommended. distribution system (with some blending with potable water). The pathogen removal and to maintain a aquifer is of close to potable standard, with moderate salinity. Pre- disinfection residual in the water. injection treatment would need to ensure water is of an 2 equvalent quality to the groundwater. Stage 2: Aquifer quality to potable Aquifer quality Potable → UF + UV + Chlorinaon Similar to the stormwater treatment for 24 MLD $28,000,000 $10,000,000 ■Depending on the existing ptable water treatment UV $600 aquifer injection, the treatment process will + Chlorination may not be required. focus on 'health' targets and minimising ■Similar to the other options, waste handling to be Stormwater is harvested from wetlands in new development disinfection by-products. Further risk further evaluated to identify the optimum options. areas and transferred to Lal Lal reservoir (rural catchment, used assessment or assessment of the catchment as raw water for potable supply) for storage before being treated may be required to determine if any to potable standard via the existing potable treatment plant for additional treatment may be required. direct injection in the potable distribution system. Pre-storage treatment would need to ensure water is of an equivalent quality Urban (residential) stormwater → Strainer + UF + Ozone + BAC + UV + 3 to the reservoir. Stage 1: Stormwater to reservoir quality pre-treated by wetlands Reservoir quality Chlorination Treated wastewater from the Ballarat South treatment plant The aquifer injection treatment process is 13 MLD $26,000,000 incl. ■The inclusion of RO will require more advanced waste $800 istransferred to Lal Lal reservoir (rural catchment, used as raw focussed on initial removal of contaminants, handling options to be considered. water for potable supply) for storage before being treated to pathogens, dissolved chemicals and any trace potable standard via the existing potable treatment plant for organic compounds direct injection in the potable distribution system. Pre-storage treatment would need to ensure water is of an equivalent quality Stage 1: Class B/C treated wastewater to Adequate to meet discharge → Strainer + UF + RO + stabilisaon + 4 to the reservoir. reservoir quality limits to Yarrowee River Reservoir quality advanced oxidation process

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 63

4.6.3 Energy use

The ongoing energy use and carbon emissions of the water management projects examined in this study, particularly those that involve the movement and treatment of large scale water supplies are an important consideration for the long-term sustainability of proposals.

As it stands the base case water supply for Ballarat in the future is relatively energy intensive (Figure 25), with the pumping required for the superpipe supply and marginal increases in supply significantly outweighing that from local supply reservoirs. Energy use figures for rainwater tanks, which are also part of the base case suggest that rainwater tanks have the potential to be less energy intensive than the superpipe (assuming appropriate design).

The Portfolio 4 projects each require significant pumped transfers and local treatment at a relatively small scale. Most of these have similar or higher energy use than the base case. Stormwater from Winter Creek to MAR uses less. Project BL in particular which involves constant pumping of recycled water to Lal Lal then back again to Ballarat along with relatively high intensity treatment and reverse osmosis uses significantly more.

The portfolio 3 options which use decentralised systems are expected to have a lower energy use than base case in most instances, though Project B includes relatively high energy use for treatment of recycled water.

All projects show a lower energy use than desalination, and all stormwater options in Portfolio 4 demonstrate a lower energy use than comparable indirect potable schemes (Orange in NSW in this instance), suggesting Ballarat is relatively well placed to deliver these types of schemes compared with other locations.

Overall, there are a range of options, some with higher and some with lower energy use than the super-pipe. In general stormwater options offer lower energy use while recycled wastewater options will be higher energy use.

There is potential for green energy sources to be used for all options and the base case as a means of reducing the carbon footprint of Ballarat’s water supply although the energy intensity of sources should still be taken into consideration.

At this time only limited assessment of energy use was undertaken and there is potential for this to be further refined. Energy use comprises both energy use from pumping and transfers of water and from treatment of water. Energy use from pumping has been estimated based on friction losses and pumping head, while treatment energy has been estimated as the equivalent of 30% of the operating cost of treatment based on industry averages.

Further work to better understand the energy impacts of different options is recommended.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 64

Figure 25 Comparison of the base case and Portfolio 3 and 4 energy demands

4.6.4 Impact of MAR injection limitations

Projects A, A2 and B propose relatively high injection and extraction volumes to the Cardigan Aquifer (5GL/year, 3.8GL/year and 4.8GL/year respectively). Based on existing field trials, it is unknown whether there will be sufficient capacity in the aquifer to accept injection rates and volumes of the magnitudes proposed. Preliminary trials have confirmed that a capacity of 1.5GL/year could be accommodated. If no further capacity is available, then a transfer of the diverse water supplies to Lal Lal reservoir under projects AL or BL may become the preferred option, or a downscaled and optimised version of the MAR options could be delivered.

While a full project design and costing has not been completed, a rough downscaling of option A was undertaken, including only capital and operating costs and benefits triggered by a transfer of harvested stormwater to the Cardigan Aquifer from the TIGA growth area. As the TIGA land is located adjacent to the proposed aquifer injection site, a lot of the piped transfer infrastructure could be eliminated, though transfer from local retarding basins was still required. This alternate project was named A3 and has an estimated yield of 1GL/year. For comparison purposes, the performance of A3 received an estimated benefit-cost ratio of 1.22, meaning that it out-performed project A (BCA 1.13) which involves large scale transfer from retarding basins in all development areas, but under- performed compared to option A2 which uses a single transfer from Winter Creek but produces a higher yield (BCA 1.33). These results suggest the MAR scheme could be optimised – and potentially

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 65 scaled down for an initial trial. TIGA land, given its location, would be a logical contributor to a MAR scheme, though given it is likely to be a longer-term development area, a trial injection of stormwater harvested from nearby BWEZ may be a preferable interim trial to determine the feasibility of injection rates and aquifer capacity for larger investments in Projects A, A2 or B.

4.6.5 Inclusion of rainwater tanks and their maintenance in the base case

As discussed in Appendix G, the projects in Portfolios 3 and 4 largely receive a positive benefit-cost ratio due to the significant avoided cost of rainwater tanks that would otherwise be delivered in new growth areas in the base case scenario. The base case assumes that major developments, such as those in the growth areas will deliver rainwater tanks as part of their potable water demand reduction proposals in all lots. As discussed in Appendix H, it is recognised that there are currently some enforcement issues with this policy, however the assumption has been maintained for purposes of comparison.

While capital investment costs in rainwater tanks are relatively well known, it has been noted that ongoing potable savings from tanks will require ongoing management and maintenance at substantial cost. Where stakeholders elect to enforce the base case proposal for the inclusion of rainwater tanks, ongoing auditing and management will be required to ensure benefits are delivered. Moglia et al. (2014) indicated that of the 417 surveyed metro households that the 62% of the tanks were installed between 2007-2010 during the peak of the drought and severe water restrictions. The inspection of rainwater tanks highlighted that:

• 13% of the tanks were leaning on one side due to uneven foundation which may increase in lateral strain and tanks can finally crack.

• 5% of all sites had pumps that were not working.

• Most importantly, 9% of all sites had faulty automatic switches resulting in the use of mains water only.

Some research has been conducted to establish what the magnitude of these ongoing costs may be. The most relevant research available is from South East Queensland (Hall, 2013) (Figure 26) where ongoing maintenance and management costs of rainwater tanks were estimated and amount to the following:

• $54/year – minimum • $104/year – most likely (with householder completing checks) • $184/year – maximum (with external party completing checks and maintenance)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 66

Figure 26 Recommended maintenance of rainwater tanks (Hall, 2013) Based on this study, an ongoing maintenance cost for rainwater tanks of $184/year was adopted in the base case to reflect costs of good maintenance, an overarching audit program and annualized costs of pump operation and replacement (every 10 years). It is then assumed that the full benefits of the rainwater tanks will be realised.

4.6.6 Estimation of non-potable demands in new developments

Non-potable water demands in new development were also highlighted as a potential uncertainty that could be affected by lot sizes and future urban design. From past delivery of non-potable water supply networks in Melbourne by , it has been noted that demands are much lower than assumed at design stage. Data was obtained from City West Water for comparison with the design assumptions utilised for Portfolio 3, which considers the use of dual pipe supplies for non-potable demands in new developments. The key feedback from City West Water was:

 Initial 2009 estimates for design of schemes: 119kL/hh/yr  Observed demands in 2013: 70kL/hh/yr – assumed to be a result of reducing lot sizes and embedded reductions from the drought  Observed demands in 2015: 59kL/hh/yr  New recommended design estimates for schemes: 39 – 59kL/hh/yr

For this study, the non-potable demand of new homes was estimated as:  Current: 64.7kL/hh/yr  Future (2065): 57.2kL/hh/yr

The demand estimates adopted are broadly in agreement with the City West Water figures, particularly the future demand estimate which will apply to much of the development since this is weighted to mostly occur after 2040 in Ballarat. Given this validation based on observed data, the analysis assumptions were maintained.

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5. Recommendations and Implementation Plan ------

5.1 Overarching partnerships to support delivery of IWM projects Integrated water management projects often deliver multiple outcomes (Figure 27) and accordingly require collaboration between multiple parties to establish governance models, delivery mechanisms and funding and delivery approaches.

DELWP is currently establishing a regional IWM forum to support delivery of IWM projects in Ballarat, which will provide a governance framework to support delivery. It is envisaged that water corporations, relevant councils, CMA’s and other interested parties (i.e. educational institutions) would be represented in the forum

The distributional analysis presented in Appendix G provides a starting point for co-investment discussions amongst stakeholders to begin to appreciate the multiple benefits offered by IWM projects.

Figure 27 Multiple benefits of Integrated Water Management

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Research demonstrates that there are five key transition factors required to stimulate the governance and delivery conditions needed to support IWM projects. These include:

 Committed leadership;  Clear and consistent responsibilities and requirements;  Effective communication;  Expert knowledge and skills; and  Mainstreamed innovation and challenge practices.

Stakeholders at the second workshop were asked to rate the collective performance of Ballarat City against these five transition factors, as shown in Figure 28Figure 28. The exercise shows there are mixed perspectives on Ballarat’s position, with leadership, requirements and responsibilities, communication processes and innovation being areas where improvements could be made.

Figure 28 Performance Rankings for Ballarat City Against Key Transition Factors.

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Stakeholders were polled on the perceived level of capacity in the collective Ballarat community to deliver IWM projects. Stakeholders were polled on: leadership, requirement and responsibilities, communication processes, knowledge and skills, and innovation and challenge.

Leadership - Leadership had an bi-modal distribution with about even size clusters towards each end of the scale. Given the extensive background work undertaken in Ballarat this seems unusual and may suggest some segments of the stakeholder community either have not been well engaged in previous exercises or well communicated with. Either way a more defined and active leadership group is required.

Requirements and Responsibilities - Stakeholder perceptions of requirements and responsibilities with respect to IWM are unclear. Water Utility's "statement of obligations" require IWM approaches, these are not widely disseminated documents. While Water for Victoria provides guidance on IWM, it does not strictly require it to be undertaken. The split management responsibilities for the different streams of water may also contribute to the uncertainty.

Communication Processes - Communication processes were generally considered adequate but could be improved. However a wide spread through middle range of scores, with some low scores, may explain the perceived lack of leadership despite significant work having been undertaken.

Knowledge and Skills - Perceptions of knowledge and skills required for IWM were clustered in the middle range. This suggests some further development is required.

Innovation and Challenge - The innovation and challenge required to deliver IWM was perceived to be somewhat lacking and may need some work on creating the environment for these skills to develop.

Overall the perceptions of the requirements to deliver IWM were middle range and would not hinder or fast track the delivery of IWM initiatives. In general strong leadership and clearly stated roles and responsibilities will facilitate good communication, foster skills and knowledge, and create an environment for the innovation and challenge needed for implementing IWM. The proposed IWM forums will have an important role in facilitating IWM.

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5.2 Recommended projects for delivery

The preferred projects and proposals for integrated water management in Ballarat City can be broadly grouped into three types of initiatives, each requiring its own approach to implementation and delivery (Figure 29). These are subject to further investigations, business case and funding. The three types are:

 Targeted Moves: Projects which are anticipated to commence and ideally be delivered in the immediate term (1-5 years) and which are supported by current policy and delivery mechanisms. Project completion times are subject to constraints.

 Planning for Growth: Projects that will support and be delivered through growth and development, which are planned over a medium-term horizon (5-15 years) and largely driven through the planning system and collaboration between developers and local stakeholders.

 Strategic Investigations and Options: Potential projects that will be delivered in the long term (15-50 years), but which require active planning and further investigation in the short to medium term to support delivery. These ‘Strategic Investigations and Options’ may not be immediately deliverable using existing delivery mechanisms, or under current policy, but can be supported through pro-active investigation and testing now and over the short to medium term. These initiatives are focused on waterway health as Central Highland Water is in a strong supply and demand position to drive it.

Strategic Investigations

and Options

Immediate Term Medium Term Long Term (1-5 years) (5-15 years) (15-50 years)

Time Period Delivery

Figure 29 Three Types of Initiative Recommended for IWM in Ballarat

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5.3 Targeted Moves

Projects and initiatives that are ‘ready to go’ and will have immediate benefits

Timeline: 0 -5 years

5.3.1 Increase recycled water production capacity and supply network in northern Ballarat

Project ID Capex BCR* Q score Range (8-43) Y $0.71M 2.5 27

*Benefit Cost Ratio


Invest in a capacity upgrade to the Class A treatment facility at the Ballarat North wastewater treatment plant to support expansion of the recycled water supply to users in the northern area of Ballarat, potentially including some of the following locations:

 Lake Wendouree;  Local industry and open space irrigation users where Class A is a suitable non-potable source to replace groundwater or potable water as the existing supply, including: o Irrigation demands within 1km of current recycled water network (e.g. Wendouree West Oval, Ballarat Cemetery, Midland Golf Course, Ballarat Secondary College) o Laundries and industrial users within 1km of current recycled water network (e.g. commercial laundries, brick quarry) o Possible extension to irrigation demands within 1km of Lake Wendouree (e.g Victoria Park, City Oval, Loretto College, St Patrick’s College, Clarendon College) – Project T2;  Future supply to non-potable demands to the Northern Greenfield Investigation Area and any suitable industrial users in BWEZ.

Reference analysis

This proposal is supported by analysis of Project Y, which considers expansion of a recycled water network to local industry and irrigation demands in northern Ballarat, as shown in the diagram below.

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Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services

 Reduction of pollutant loads  Supply of a diverse water  Irrigation of public open  Low risk to Burrumbeet Creek and source for fit-for-purpose spaces to support greening  Within knowledge and (605kg of non-potable use and liveability capability of stakeholders nitrogen/annum) (121ML/annum)  Support of local industry  Immediately deliverable  Utilisation of future increases  Some substitution of potable in wastewater loads to reduce water supply (49ML/annum) future urban excess discharge to Burrumbeet Creek (121ML/annum)

Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Scope and engage with potential new recycled water customers in northern Lead: Central Highlands Ballarat to refine estimates of potential non-potable demands and acceptable Water costs Support: City of Ballarat, Community and business representatives  Develop detailed design for expansion of recycled water distribution network Lead: Central Highlands Water  Develop detailed proposal and business case for investment in capacity Lead: Central Highlands upgrade to Ballarat North Class A plant Water

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5.3.2 Stormwater harvesting schemes to support key irrigation users in western Ballarat

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) S $0.2M 0.8 15 T $0.3M 1.3 17 U $0.4M 1.0 14

Proposal Invest in decentralised stormwater harvesting schemes for supply to irrigation demands in selected locations in western Ballarat where a clear business case underpins investment, including:

 Alfredton Reserve, utilizing treated stormwater from the existing ‘winter Creek’ wetlands to the southeast. There is also a potential opportunity to augment supply to Alfredton using groundwater from the existing system with a short extension to the stormwater drainage to support a combined stormwater/groundwater scheme (Projects U and R)  Victoria Park ovals, reconfiguring existing ponds to integrate natural treatment, storage and improved flood mitigation in the eastern area of Victoria Park. There is also a potential opportunity to augment supply to Victoria Park using recycled water via Lake Wendouree and a pipeline to make a combined stormwater/recycled water scheme (Projects T and T2)  Doug Dean Reserve, reconfiguring the existing retarding basin/pond to include treatment and integrating flood mitigation measures. Reference analysis

These three schemes (projects T, U and S) performed relatively well in the project analysis. Projects T and U demonstrated a positive cost-benefit, while the business case for Project S is expected to improve if synergies with flood mitigation enhancement works on the site are integrated with the proposal.

Further detailed information regarding stormwater harvesting opportunities including these proposals is available in the ‘Flood mitigation and stormwater harvesting opportunities study’ (City of Ballarat, 2017).

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Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services

 Reduction of pollutant loads  Supply of a diverse water  Irrigation of public open  Low risk to Winter Creek and source for fit-for-purpose spaces to support greening  Within knowledge and Yarrowee River (275kg of non-potable use (30ML/year) and liveability capability of stakeholders nitrogen/annum)  Substitution of potable water  Immediately deliverable  Utilisation of future supply (30ML/year) stormwater flow to reduce future urban excess discharge to Yarrowee River (30ML/year)  Improved flood mitigation in Victoria Park and Doug Dean reserve

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Delivery stakeholders Recommended actions to support delivery

 Develop detailed designs for stormwater harvesting proposals Lead: City of Ballarat

 Confirm planned council irrigation of Victoria Park under proposed masterplan Lead: City of Ballarat for the Park. It is recognized that irrigation of a wider area is desirable. This Support: Central could be achieved with Project T2 utilizing recycled water supply via Lake Highlands Water Wendouree (possibly augmenting stormwater harvesting). There may also be potential for an extension of the supply network to local schools.  If irrigation is restricted to ovals near the existing ponds, stormwater harvesting is the most suitable solution (Project T).  Seek funding for investment in the three projects, with first preference for Lead: City of Ballarat Alfredton Reserve and Victoria Park. Support: DELWP

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5.3.3 Supporting local industry with diverse water sources

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) V $2.5M 0.6 17

Proposal Create a non-potable supply network to service local industry in North West Ballarat, utilizing groundwater as a supply resource. Reference analysis

This proposal reflects Project V examined in Portfolio 1. The project did not receive a positive benefit-cost ratio, suggesting that the investment in groundwater supply would not be economically favourable compared to potable supply. This is largely due to the fact that utilization of groundwater does not trigger any broader environmental benefits as use of stormwater or recycled water would. However, the assumptions underpinning the analysis are key to its feasibility. Currently, the extent of non-potable demand from local industry is unknown, and the analysis did not include provision of groundwater supply to industry in BWEZ which may provide the scale to ensure the project is cost effective. It was also assumed that a small reverse osmosis facility would be required to treat the groundwater to a standard suitable for the users.

Figure 30 Expected non-potable demands from local industry

Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services  None  Supply of groundwater for  The proposal supports local  The proposal is immediately local non-potable use industry and economies in deliverable, pending

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 77

enhances use of diverse Ballarat, providing a secure engagement with local supplies in place of regional water supply which is fit for industry to establish potential potable supplies. This purpose. non-potable demands and scheme assumes a non- water quality requirements. potable use of 365ML/year.

Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Scope and engage with potential groundwater customers in north west Ballarat Lead: Central Highlands and BWEZ to refine estimates of potential non-potable demands, water quality Water requirements and acceptable costs Support: City of Ballarat, Community and business representatives

 Develop detailed design for expansion of groundwater distribution network Lead: Central Highlands Water

 Develop detailed proposal and business case for investment in a local Lead: Central Highlands groundwater supply network. Water

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5.3.4 Yarrowee River Enhancement

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) L $1.0M 5.8 17


Invest in the improvement of the Yarrowee River corridor in the existing urban area of Ballarat for amenity, waterway health and recreation benefits. In particular, focus on creating a healthy vegetated riparian corridor along areas of the river that are currently cleared.

Reference analysis

This proposal reflects Project L in the Portfolio 1 analysis which considers revegetation of a 30m riparian corridor along cleared areas of the Yarrowee River. Project L demonstrated an excellent benefit-cost ratio, and is expected to greatly enhance amenity and recreation benefits for the community as well as contributing to the health of the river. Project M could also be considered if the business case can be enhanced, whereby currently channeled sections of the river would be partially ‘broken out’ and naturalized. Heritage issues would need to be considered in this case relating to partial removal of bluestone channels.

Stretches of the river for focused investment should be prioritized through an initial scoping study. The current state of the riparian margin has been reviewed as part of the background analysis for this study, presented in section 2.8 of Appendix A. The figure below shows cleared areas where it is likely that interventions would be highly effective.

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Figure 31 Riparian condition of the Yarrowee River

Key Benefits

Protect health of receiving Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability water environments sustainable water communities services

 The enhancement of the  The proposal will enhance  The improvements are Yarrowee River will assist in 3.5km of the Yarrowee River immediately deliverable, preventing erosion, creating (if cleared areas are the though investment areas habitat and removing nutrients focus). should be prioritized based and other pollution.  It is expected to deliver on a range of potential  Stormwater entering the river 35,000m2 of new tree outcomes. As the Yarrowee from urban areas will be canopy, contributing towards is an important waterway for largely untreated, meaning Ballarat’s 40% canopy cover Corangamite CMA, there is that the vegetation introduced target, and potentially potential for co-investment will play a role in improving enhance property values for between the CMA and water quality, removing an 1575 nearby properties. council. estimated 1,050kg of nitrogen / year from the Yarrowee River.

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Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Develop an investment prioritization plan for the Yarrowee River, considering Lead: City of Ballarat the extent and location of works that will provide the greatest benefit, including Support: Corangamite consideration of: CMA - Amenity and property value benefits - Recreation opportunities - Habitat continuity - Waterway health enhancement - Cost  Create a business case for shared investment between key stakeholders and Lead: City of Ballarat on behalf of the community. Applications for state funding could be sought for Support: Corangamite this project. CMA, DELWP

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5.3.5 Continue existing initiatives for water efficiency, greening and flood mitigation

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) - No specific project costing


Deliver planned investments in water efficiency, urban greening and flood mitigation to enhance IWM outcomes for the City.

Reference analysis

While not directly analysed in this study, there are a number of initiatives planned or underway in Ballarat that will contribute to the achievement of IWM objectives. These include:

 Creation of a water use target across Ballarat, designed to manage potable water demand into the future. The proposed target by Central Highlands Water is 155 litres/person/day, reducing to a tighter target by 2040, e.g. 150 litres/person/day. A series of educational and engagement campaigns are planned to communicate the target to Ballarat communities. This will be accompanied by initiatives designed to support water efficiency in the home.  Delivery of the Greening Ballarat: Green-Blue Infrastructure Action Plan (City of Ballarat, 2016) which aims to co-deliver urban greening and local stormwater management by delivering green-blue infrastructure in existing streets, carparks, and open spaces across Ballarat. The action plan sets out a capital investment plan which has already been partially funded by Council and State Government.  Delivery of planned flood mitigation initiatives across Ballarat, as identified in the ‘Flood mitigation and stormwater harvesting opportunities study’ (E2Designlab, 2017). Notable flood mitigation proposals that can be co-delivered with other IWM initiatives include: - Increased flood storage adjacent to Eastern Oval delivered in tandem with improvements to the channelised section of the Yarrowee River; - Creation of a water storage on land near Bell’s Road which can also store harvested water from Winter Creek; and - Delivery of green-blue infrastructure initiatives in existing Ballarat, including stormwater harvesting schemes, passively irrigated trees which will act to retain stormwater runoff and reduce flooding impacts, particularly during minor rainfall events.

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Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services  Flood mitigation measures  The creation and application  The green-blue  These projects are proposed across Ballarat will of a city-wide water use infrastructure action plan will immediately implementable reduce risk of flooding to the target will encourage water enhance local amenity and are either already city. efficiency measures in through greening in streets planned or underway.  Proposals for the green-blue existing homes and and public spaces. The infrastructure in existing businesses. initiatives to support street Ballarat will enhance trees will substantially waterway health through support City of Ballarat’s stormwater management. 40% canopy cover target.

Delivery stakeholders Recommended actions to support delivery

 Deliver the ‘Greening Ballarat: green-blue infrastructure action plan’ capital Lead: City of Ballarat works plan (City of Ballarat, 2016).  Create a city-wide water use target and an accompanying plan for community Lead: Central Highlands engagement, education and support. Water

 Implement digital metering to influence customer water usage behavior. Lead: Central Highlands Water

 Deliver the flood mitigation proposals identified in the ‘flood migration and Lead: City of Ballarat stormwater harvesting opportunities study’ (E2Designlab, 2017).  Look for opportunities and linkages to achieve complementary flooding and IWM outcomes.

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5.4 Planning for Growth

Outcomes that can support growth and be delivered through development Timeline: 5-15 years

5.4.1 Stormwater-fed Street Trees

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) G $39M 2.2 18

Proposal Deliver street trees in new development areas which are:

o Passively irrigated by stormwater o Designed to provide a large soil area and extended detention of road runoff o Will support healthy and enhanced tree canopies.

Reference analysis

This project is represented by the project G in the Portfolio 2 analysis. The project assumes that passive irrigation and extended soil areas are installed as part of the landscaping for new street trees in development areas. The cost of the project assumes that trees are planted in a grass verge where it is possible to create a dipped surface around the tree where water can enter from an inlet in the road and gradually soak into the ground. The design is similar to that proposed for industrial areas in Typology 4 in the Greening Ballarat: A Green-Blue Infrastructure Action Plan document produced by City of Ballarat.

The project showed a healthy benefit-cost ratio and scored assessment, largely due to amenity and health benefits accrued by the local community due to increased canopy cover.

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Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services

 Passive irrigation will result in  Across all growth areas, this  Project will deliver amenity  This option is immediately a flow reduction to local option will result in the and health benefits for local implementable as waterways equating to 7% of delivery of 140ML/year of residents due to the landscapes in new growth the expected total stormwater stormwater as an irrigation increased canopy cover areas are in the control of runoff predicted from new resource for trees (which supported through the council and design development areas. would not otherwise be provision of large soil areas techniques are known.  The additional filtration of utilized). and passive irrigation. stormwater provided by the Canopy potential is as much trees also removes almost as 8x the canopy achieved 2,000kg of nitrogen per year by trees planted in standard from local waterways. conditions.  The project will contribute towards City of Ballarat’s 40% canopy cover target, by delivering over 670,000m2 of additional canopy cover.

Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Introduce standard designs for new street trees in new developments to the Lead: City of Ballarat Landscape Manual, including provision of passive irrigation and increased soil Support: Developers, areas. The inclusion of standard designs and performance measures in the DELWP Landscape Manual will require developers to implement the designs and councils to adopt and maintain the assets. The proposals will result in value uplifts to surrounding properties while also contributing to stormwater management obligations under Clause 56 and contributing to City of Ballarat’s canopy target.

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5.4.2 Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) I $0.9M 1.0 20

Proposal Provide ovals, sporting grounds and irrigated open spaces in growth areas with an irrigation supply from stormwater harvested from nearby stormwater treatment wetlands (with potable water top-up as required). Stormwater treatment wetlands will be delivered by developers as part of their Clause 56 obligations.

Reference analysis

This project is represented by the project I in the Portfolio 2 analysis. Where stormwater treatment wetlands are located within 600m of proposed irrigated green areas, harvested stormwater can be delivered for a cost less than potable water, resulting in savings for council (as the irrigator) over the lifetime of the project. As stormwater treatment is provided by the wetlands, the only additional infrastructure required is a transfer pipeline and a tank storage for irrigation water. Accordingly, where possible, irrigated open spaces should be located near stormwater treatment wetlands in PSP masterplans. Coordination is required with developers to ensure that the piped transfer can be included at the time of development, and that wetlands are designed with harvesting in mind.

Further detailed information regarding stormwater harvesting opportunities including a concept design for stormwater harvesting in new growth areas is available in the ‘Flood mitigation and Stormwater Harvesting Opportunities Study’ (E2Designlab, 2017).

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Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services

 Across all growth areas, the  Across all growth areas, this  Project will deliver irrigation  This option is immediately local harvesting of stormwater option will result in the to an estimated 24ha of implementable as for open space irrigation delivery of 40ML/year of open space across the stormwater management would result in the removal of stormwater as an irrigation growth areas. and open space planning in 40ML/year of urban excess resource for green space new growth areas are in the flow from local waterways. (which would not otherwise control of council and  Removal of flow via be utilized and which will design techniques are harvesting would also result reduce potable water known. in reduced pollution to demands). waterways, amounting to 43kg of nitrogen/year across all growth areas. As stormwater is pre-treated, the removal of nitrogen is relatively low. Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Favour location of new open spaces and sporting grounds within 600m of Lead: City of Ballarat stormwater treatment wetlands within new PSP masterplans.  Coordinate delivery of stormwater harvesting from stormwater treatment Lead: City of Ballarat wetlands in new areas by: Support: Developers - Include conditions in the PSP for new areas to ensure stormwater treatment wetlands are designed to be compatible with stormwater harvesting. - Working with developers to include council-funded piped transfers from wetlands to open spaces.  Develop business case for approval for investment in stormwater harvesting Lead: City of Ballarat schemes (transfer pipework and storage) in new growth areas.

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5.4.3 Enhance developments through creek restoration

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) J $1.6M 2.0 15 K $0.6M 2.7 8


Enhance waterways within growth areas to support amenity and ecological outcomes, including provision of:  Creek stabilization to prepare for increased flows;  Protection of 50-100m waterway corridors;  Riparian planting and habitat creation; and  Passive recreation areas and walkways on adjoining land.

Reference analysis

This project has been analysed as Projects J (Winter Creek and Kensington Creek) and K (Burrumbeet Creek) in Portfolio 2. The investment assumes that works would be shared between developers and council, with developers providing baseline stabilization works as part of their obligations, and council funding additional enhancements relating to riparian enhancement and passive recreation features. Both projects demonstrated a positive benefit-cost ratio and a strong scored assessment, providing a solid business case for investment by council on behalf of local communities. The projects will also contribute to the objectives of Corangamite CMA (for Winter Creek and the Yarrowee River) and Glenelg Hopkins CMA (for Burrumbeet Creek).

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Key Benefits

Protect health of receiving Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability water environments sustainable water communities services

 The enhancement of creeks  Enhancement of local  This option is immediately in new growth areas will waterways will improve implementable as waterway assist in stabilizing creek amenity and enhance management and open beds and preventing erosion, property values in the space in new growth areas creating habitat and removing surrounding area. are is in the control of council nutrients and other pollution.  Project J will enhance 9km of and design techniques are  Stormwater will be pre-treated Winter Creek and Kensington known. before entering the Creek within the Yarrowee waterways, but enhancement River catchment within of vegetation in the creeks is growth areas. Project K will expected to remove a further enhance 3km of Burrumbeet 400kg of nitrogen / year from Creek within the northern the Yarrowee River and greenfield investigation area. 300kg of nitrogen/year from  The enhancement of riparian Burrumbeet Creek. areas of waterways will support council’s canopy cover target by delivering nearly 70,000m2 of canopy cover.

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Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Include protected waterway corridors (50-100m wide) in new growth area Lead: City of Ballarat masterplans.  Develop business case for approval for investment in waterway enhancement Lead: City of Ballarat in new growth areas.  Coordinate investment in waterway enhancement with developers and the Lead: City of Ballarat local CMAs to enhance waterway and community values. Support: Developers, CMAs, DELWP

 During design phase of new developments we will promote and support Lead: CMAs protection and improvement of river habitat corridor and in-stream habitat. Support: City of Ballarat

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5.4.4 Preferred IWM strategies for new PSP areas

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) A2 $72M 1.3 42 AL $66M 1.6 41 C $65M 1.0 15 E $25M 1.4 23


Develop a preferred IWM strategy for each new Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) in Ballarat, underpinning a preferred solution that can be coordinated and delivered by stakeholders to support developers.

Reference analysis

Based on analysis conducted in this study, the following IWM proposals are expected to be preferred solutions for the growth areas in Ballarat:

Northern Greenfield Investigation Area (NGIA): Non-potable water supply network fed by recycled water from the Ballarat North Wastewater Treatment Plant. This option was analyzed as part of Project E and showed a positive cost benefit and high scored assessment. The growth area is located near the existing plant, though proposals will depend on investment in an upgrade to the class A recycled water plant capacity and further analysis of expected non-potable demands.

Western Greenfield Investigation Area (WGIA): Stormwater harvesting from Winter Creek for local storage or transfer. Stormwater can be cost-effectively harvested from Winter Creek directly via a weir at a storage located on land near Bells Road. A storage located at that site could be then utilized as a transfer point for pumping of water to a western aquifer (Project A2) or directly to Lal Lal reservoir (AL), supporting the strategic options of supplementing potable supplies with local resources in the long-term. As a short-term measure, the storage could be used to regulate environmental releases to the Yarrowee River.

An alternate for the WGIA is the implementation of Project C with a local non-potable supply network.

Due to the unknown ecological impacts of these options on Winter Creek itself, further investigations are required to support these. Where harvesting from Winter Creek is the preferred solution, this would be in lieu of rainwater tanks, though developers would still be required to deliver flow control and stormwater treatment measures under Clause 56.07.

Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone (BWUGZ): Stormwater harvesting from Winter Creek for local storage or transfer. The preferred solution for remaining areas of BWUGZ would be the harvesting of stormwater via Winter Creek, as per the preferred solution for WGIA. This could be retrofitted in the future by creating the proposed storage at Bells Rd.

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As above, due to the unknown ecological impacts of this option on Winter Creek itself, further investigations are required to support this option.

Where harvesting from Winter Creek is the preferred solution, this would be in lieu of rainwater tanks, though developers would still be required to deliver flow control and stormwater treatment measures under Clause 56.07.

Eastern Greenfield Investigation Area (EGIA): Rainwater tanks for non-potable supply. Due to the relative isolation and challenging terrain of the EGIA, the base case solution of rainwater supply is believed to be the most effective solution (examined as the base case)

Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ): Non-potable supply network fed by groundwater with a possible trial of stormwater harvesting for Managed Aquifer Recharge. BWEZ has already been built with a non-potable supply network. Groundwater from the local bores is expected to be the preferred supply (examined as the base case), though recycled water from the Ballarat North treatment plant may also be an option for some customers (examined as Project E). Given the proximity to aquifer injection areas, stormwater could be harvested from BWEZ in the medium term as a trial project to test the injection capacity of the aquifer with further potential to increase injection from TIGA and other western growth areas in the longer term.

TIGA Land: Stormwater harvesting for Managed Aquifer Recharge. TIGA land is a long-term development area possibility which is located adjacent to possible aquifer injection sites in Western Ballarat. Stormwater harvested from this development could be injected into the aquifer locally for storage, providing an opportunity to test aquifer injection capacity and monitor quality. This option would support subsequent sustainable extraction of injected water for potable use, as examined under Project A (with downscaling for TIGA only under the sensitivity test for Project A3), which showed a positive cost-benefit and a high scored assessment.

These projects include the replacement of rainwater tanks by another source, meaning that developers could contribute to a local IWM solution in lieu of rainwater tank investment. This contribution could be facilitated through the creation of a contribution scheme negotiated with developers (similar to the model or an ‘in-lieu scheme’) or through a New Customer Contribution (NCC) charged by Central Highlands Water.

Infill development: While infill development is not specifically addressed by the above schemes, there is potential for these areas to contribute by requiring standard performance requirements across the board for all development to establish a fair and level playing field. These requirements could be met for infill developments through on-site works such as rainwater tanks and WSUD.

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Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & sustainable Support liveable Deliverability receiving water water services communities environments

 The use of recycled water  The preferred solutions for new  Provision of local  All preferred options are and stormwater resources growth areas contribute local water diverse supplies will considered deliverable, locally will remove urban supplies from diverse sources, enable the support of though some require further excess flows from local equating to the following expected irrigation of open space investigation. waterways, particularly supplies: and green areas within  Preferred options have the Yarrowee-Leigh  Recycled water utilisation: growth areas. been selected to support catchment, providing  NGIA: 0.35GL/year expected development protection from erosion  Stormwater utilisation: timing (with WGIA, TIGA, and flow patterns that are  WGIA/BWUGZ via Winter Creek EGIA expected in the long disturbing to local habitat. extraction to MAR to potable: term (15 years +) and NGIA, Flow removal is 3.8GL/year BWEZ and BWUGZ equivalent to the  TIGA (to MAR): 1GL/year expected in the medium harvested supply.  BWEZ (to MAR): 1GL/year term (5-15 years)).  Rainwater utilization:  EGIA: 0.28GL/year  Groundwater utilization:  BWEZ: 0.28GL/year  Supplementary potable: TBC

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Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

 Develop specific objectives and outcomes for each PSP Lead: Central Highlands Water

Support: City of Ballarat, CMAs, Developers

 Develop an IWM plan for each PSP that outlines the preferred water supply Lead: Central Highlands option for delivery and provides guidance on the role that developers will play Water in delivering that option. The IWM plan will also include provisions for Support: City of Ballarat, wastewater treatment and drainage and waterway management. CMAs, DELWP,  This will include detailed planning for local precincts within the PSP to identify Developers developer IWM requirements in advance of land development

 Investigate potential mechanisms for funding IWM including: Lead: Central Highlands  Opportunities presented by Developer Contributions Plans. Water  Scheme contribution to meet potable water use reduction targets in lieu of Support: DELWP, City of rainwater tanks or as a NCC for recycled water. Ballarat  Voluntary in lieu contribution scheme (would need to determine what legislation may support this in regional areas)

 Develop an appropriate mechanism for developers to contribute to funding of the preferred IWM options, either via funding or delivery of infrastructure.

 Utilise water corporation powers under Clause 56 to mandate IWM Lead: Central Highlands infrastructure for delivery, including non-potable supply networks where Water applicable. Support: City of Ballarat, DELWP

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 94

5.4.5 Driving waterwise development

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) - No specific project costing


Create a clear and streamlined planning and development process that supports IWM outcomes in new developments, through effective management and consistent requirements for:  Water supplies  Wastewater management  Stormwater management and waterways.

Reference analysis

These recommendations have been developed based on the background analysis of the current planning and development process included in Appendix H.

Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services

 Initiatives to improve  Water efficiency measures in  Waterway health measures  These recommendations wastewater sewers will new development along with and improved wastewater are immediately deliverable reduce overflows to local provision of local diverse management will support and technically possible. waterways, reducing supplies will reduce potable liveability and amenity for Coordination between pollution. water demands from the the community, stakeholders and clear and  Stormwater management and regional water supply consistent communication waterway enhancement system. with developers is required initiatives will improve water  Measures to reduce inflow to support the quality and broader waterway and infiltration to the sewer recommendations. health. network will reduce wastewater flows and improve wastewater treatment efficiency.

Recommended actions to support delivery Delivery stakeholders

Promote and assist in the preparation of amendments to the Ballarat Planning Lead: Central Highlands Scheme that will deliver IWM objectives and work toward the inclusion of the Water Ballarat IWM Plan in the scheme. Support: City of Ballarat, DELWP

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 95

Improve water efficiency, demand management and sustainable water supplies for Lead: Central Highlands new development areas by: Water  Consistently applying a potable water use target for new development of 124 Support: City of Ballarat, litres/person/day for all new development areas in Ballarat. Rationale for the Developers target and guidance on meeting the target through water efficiency and local diverse supplies should be clearly provided to developers through the planning application process and assessed through the referral process by Central Highlands Water. Deemed to comply solutions can be created and applied for small developments where bespoke analyses and design solutions are less practical and achievable.  Working with developers to explore and implement innovative opportunities to reduce potable water demand.  Providing guidance and maintenance support for householders with rainwater tanks and evaporative coolers.  Work with developers to increase uptake of digital metering systems to assist householders in reducing water use.  Expanding existing community education initiatives for businesses, workers and residents into new development areas Improve wastewater management in new development areas by: Lead: Central Highlands  Working with developers to explore and implement innovative opportunities to Water improve wastewater management. Support: City of Ballarat,  Provide clear and consistent design specifications for wastewater infrastructure Developers that are enforced through the development process, including: - Reduction of PWWF/ADWF from 6 to 4 for design capacity of sewers - Construction of water tight sewers - Use of low infiltration pipes (fully welded PE, GRP) - Maintenance shafts replacing manholes - Rubber ring jointed maintenance shafts/Hobas in-situ built shafts - Pressure sewers for low density development  Allocate resources necessary to improve enforcement of design specifications and improvement of infrastructure quality in new development areas by requiring: - An extended defects liability period (to cover full development) - Mandatory system testing (CCTV, dye, smoke) - Performance monitoring of inflow and infiltration - Certification of the contractors/consultant as a result of the performance of the system - Certificate of compliance and impacts on accreditation - Performance monitoring program  Improve wastewater management at lot scale by: - Requiring a building inspection certificate confirming no illegal connection to sewer (can be incorporated into occupancy certificate of new dwellings)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 96

- When selling the property to another party, another plumbing certificate ensuring no illegal connections - Education and information packs for households/plumbers and landscapers - Ongoing monitoring using SCADA, flow monitoring, dye, smoke testing, etc. Improve stormwater management and waterway enhancement in new Lead: City of Ballarat development areas by: Support: Developers,  Working with developers to explore and implement innovative opportunities to CMAs improve stormwater management.  Develop overall masterplan for location of stormwater treatment wetlands and retarding basins in PSP areas and leverage funding through developer contributions for drainage works where works aren’t being delivered directly by developers.  Develop and implement design guidance for wetland design, retarding basin design and waterway design to enhance practices under Clause 56. The guidance will include handover inspection checklists to ensure good quality assets are delivered to council.  Strengthen WSUD asset management practices within Council:  Develop or adopt appropriate WSUD asset audit and maintenance guidelines for Council assets  Determine annual requirements for maintenance and asset renewal  Allocate appropriate resources to maintain and renew WSUD assets  Regularly audit, maintain and renew WSUD assets Investigate IWM opportunities for infill development including consideration of the Lead: Central Highlands potential for on-site solutions to meet water supply, stormwater treatment and flooding Water objectives. Support: City of Ballarat, DELWP, Developers

Investigate the development of an IWM local planning policy to expand the City of Ballarat requirements of Clause 56.07 to cover commercial, industrial and other land development not currently covered Support: Central Highlands Water, DELWP

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 97

5.5 Strategic Investigations and Options Large scale investigations and initiatives that support strategic long-term options

Timeline: 15 – 50 years

5.5.1 Plan to harness urban water resources to supplement local supplies

Project ID Capex BCR Q score Range (8-43) A $88M 1.1 40 B $48M 1.1 40 BL $37M 1.4 43

Proposal Further investigate feasibility of large scale capture of excess flows to the Yarrowee-Leigh catchment to supplement future water supplies for Ballarat, which could include: o Stormwater harvested from wetlands in growth areas in the west of Ballarat. o Recycled water from Ballarat South

Reference analysis

The analysis of Portfolio 4 options demonstrated that perhaps some of the highest impact proposals for IWM in Ballarat include the large-scale utilization of local diverse water resources as new water supplies for Ballarat, utilizing either managed aquifer recharge or a transfer of supplementary water to Lal Lal reservoir. All of the projects seek to capture excess water resources generated by a growing Ballarat in a long-term (15 year + timeframe). The excess of water is indicated in the figure below.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 98

Figure 32 Expected future urban excess to the Yarrowee-Leigh catchment generated by growth in Ballarat

The projects examined include:

Project A: Harvesting of treated stormwater from new development areas in Ballarat’s west as a contribution to managed aquifer storage for later extraction of groundwater to supplement potable supply.

Project A2: Harvesting of excess flows to Winter Creek in Ballarat’s west as a contribution to managed aquifer storage for later extraction of groundwater to supplement potable supply.

Project AL: Harvesting of excess flows to Winter Creek in Ballarat’s west and transfer to Lal Lal reservoir to supplement potable supply or contribute flows to the Moorabool River.

Project B: Transfer of recycled water from Ballarat South to contribute to managed aquifer storage for later extraction of groundwater to supplement potable supply.

Project BL: Transfer of recycled water from Ballarat South and transfer to Lal Lal reservoir to supplement potable supply or contribute flows to the Moorabool River.

All of these five projects examined in Portfolio 4 demonstrated a positive benefit-cost ratio, showing that they are cost-effective IWM investments for Ballarat due to the combination of water supply, environmental and liveability benefits they provide. All projects also received a high scored assessment.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 99

The selection of a preferred project depends on a number of factors described below, including:

 The enhancement of the evidence base for investment; and  The monitoring of key drivers and trigger points to determine the optimal solution.  Confirmation of potential yields and reduction of uncertainties through further monitoring, calibration and analysis.

These factors need to be examined further over the next 5-10 years to identify a preferred project and an investment plan. It should be noted that there is potential to deliver some of the projects together to further enhance the scale of benefit, notably the combination of ‘A’ and ‘B’ projects.

Key Benefits

Protect health of Provide secure & Support liveable Deliverability receiving water sustainable water communities environments services  As the projects harness the  The projects provide large  Waterway health measures  These proposals are not urban excess which would new diverse water supplies will improve ecological and immediately deliverable and otherwise impact local for Ballarat, potentially amenity benefits to the require further investigation waterways, particularly the reducing reliance on the community, particularly in and optimization. While Yarrowee-Leigh, each is Goldfields Superpipe and the the Yarrowee River, the these are long-term expected to deliver major Moorabool River: Moorabool River and the strategic projects, planning waterway health o A: 5 GL/year Leigh Gorge. and optimization of the improvements, including o A2: 3.8 GL/year proposals needs to start improvement of water quality o AL: 3.8 GL/year now and be completed in and the flow regime. o B: 4.8 GL/year the short term (next 5 years)  By potentially contributing o BL 4.8 GL/year to support investment additional releases to the planning. flow-stressed Moorabool River, the provision of local supplies in Ballarat can positively impact the health of the Moorabool River.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 100

Recommended actions to support delivery

Evidence base investigation Impact on Strategic Project Selection Delivery recommended Stakeholders Explore how projects could The potential to improve the health of the Lead: Central increase flow contributions to Moorabool River and regional water supplies is a Highlands Water Moorabool by harnessing diverse key assumed benefit of all of the strategic options. Support: supplies for Ballarat City as part of Further work is needed to determine if: Corangamite CMA investigations supporting the  Physical transfer of water is required to Lal Lal Central Sustainable Water Strategy to facilitate a contribution to the Moorabool (SWS), including: without significantly impacting water supply  Exploration of possible release system reliability, or if an offset arrangement is protocols from Lal Lal and possible. impact on regional supply  Whether there is a preference for stormwater or network. recycled water in terms of yield and reliability  Source modelling of impact of impacts relative to costs. new local diverse supplies to supplement potable supplies to Ballarat City on Moorabool. Explore how projects will influence Some of the projects involve the provision of large Lead: Central the Ballarat potable water supply supplies to the western area of Ballarat, while Highlands Water distribution network through supplies have traditionally been fed in from the east network modelling. of the City. The provision of a supply directly to the west where the majority of growth is located may be advantageous to the distribution system, though the impacts (positive or negative) require more investigation. Projects that provide a supply directly to the west include A, A2 and B which utilize MAR. If a western supply is seen as advantageous, this may support the business case for these projects. Explore waste disposal options and All portfolio 4 projects include the construction and Lead: Central costs for Portfolio 4 projects. operation of local treatment plants which will Highlands Water produce wastes that require further management and disposal. Options for management and associated costs need further investigation so that better estimates can be fed into the project benefit- cost analysis.

Understand flow needs in the Flow modelling is needed to confirm underpinning Lead: Yarrowee and Leigh Rivers, by assumptions for all strategic options, including: Corangamite CMA updating the flow model for the Support: DELWP Yarrowee-Leigh to understand

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 101

current performance against flow  That the existing urban excess (treated indicators, and understand the wastewater and stormwater) flows are sufficient relative contribution of urban to meet all flow objectives (there is no shortfall). treated wastewater and stormwater  That future flows to the system could be flows to the system. harvested for local use and that this removal of urban excess would be beneficial to the health of the system.

Flow monitoring for Winter Creek It is recommended that a stream flow and water Lead: to understand potential water quality monitoring program is implemented on Corangamite CMA yields and quality Winter Creek to better understand flows and Support: Central monitor changes over time. Highlands Water, This is critical for understanding the potential yields DELWP, City of and reliability of these that can be obtained from Ballarat. urban stormwater runoff flows as well as better optimizing low flow bypass and pumping rates.

Monitoring should ideally be established as soon as possible to enable collection of several years of data. This will then inform decisions that have to be made regarding adoption of strategic projects or rainwater tanks for new developments.

Understand potential impacts and Winter Creek will receive substantial new Lead: regulatory viability of direct stormwater flows from new development areas in Corangamite CMA extraction from Winter Creek with the future, and these impacts have already begun Support: DELWP, respect to ecological values with recent development. Further investigations are City of Ballarat, needed to determine the ecological value of Winter Central Highlands Creek and the potential impacts of increased flow. Water Project A2 and AL involve the creation of a weir on the creek for the purposes of harvesting, thereby reducing urban excess flows to the Yarrowee River but potentially impacting Winter Creek itself. An alternative to these projects which would be favoured if adverse impacts are found is project A whereby stormwater is harvested directly from stormwater wetlands in development areas before it enters the Creek. There may also be regulatory issues related to the direct extraction of Winter Creek.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 102

Conduct further capacity testing on Initial investigations into aquifer capacity in Lead: Central aquifers in Ballarat West to Ballarat’s west trialled for a short period with an Highlands Water determine potential injection injection rate of 3-4 ML/day (potentially equivalent Support: Southern capacity that can be supported for to 1.5GL/year subject to this being sustainable). It is Rural Water MAR options. recommended that further trials are conducted to determine if injection rates are a limiting factor, and if this could be overcome by utilizing multiple injection sites. Project A (5GL/year), Project A2 (3.8GL/year) and Project B (4.8GL/year) each propose substantial injection and limitations to injection rates or overall volumes could affect the viability of these proposals. An alternative scheme which only harvested stormwater from TIGA land for injection, Project A3 (1GL/year) was shown to have a good benefit-cost ratio due the proximity of the site to the aquifer, however the timeline for this development is long-term.

Stormwater could potentially be transferred from the BWEZ site and/or other local areas in the short- medium term (1GL/year) as a trial injection before harvesting occurs from other development areas in the west of Ballarat.

Possible future direction to be Impact on Strategic Projects Responsible monitored Stakeholders

Introduction of changes to the This would favour the business case for the delivery Lead: EPA Waters of Victoria State of strategic stormwater harvesting projects (A, A2, Support: DELWP Environmental Planning Policy AL), as large-scale harvesting will be the only (SEPP) that would: practical way to achieve high stormwater flow reductions from development. This will change the  Introduce a flow reduction distribution of cost, and provide a mechanism to target for stormwater flows to allocate the majority of the harvesting costs to local waterways. developers.

Harvesting of stormwater directly from the Winter Creek waterway may not be acceptable, and is dependent on the classification of waterways to be protected under the provisions (i.e. whether Winter Creek or the Yarrowee River is nominated as the receiving waterway for protection).

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 103

Further refinement of waterway extractions policy to recognize urban excess flows and allow these to be extracted where this would not compromise other flows would be beneficial. A watching brief on state government policy is recommended.

Potential new requirements from If more stringent discharge limitations to the Lead: Central EPA for treated wastewater Yarrowee River from Ballarat South Wastewater Highlands Water discharges to inland waterways Treatment Plant were imposed by EPA in future, Support: EPA that could: this would tend to favour the business case for projects B or BL which involve significant transfer of  Limit discharge volumes, or recycled water from the Ballarat South for local use.  Increase treatment requirements A watching brief on potential changes to policy in this area is recommended.

Further investigations of the costs and value of pollutant load reductions to waterways would be desirable to justify any changes to current requirements.

Preferred locations for strategic All of the business cases for the Portfolio 4 projects Lead: City of growth in Ballarat and phasing of rely on a substantial avoided cost compared to the Ballarat growth. base case in new development areas of delivering Support: Central rainwater tanks on every lot as a non-potable water Highlands Water supply. Consequently, enabling the delivery of the strategic projects as an alternative to rainwater tank investments in growth areas is crucial to their delivery. An offset contribution could be gathered from developers to support delivery of these larger scale projects. Accordingly, the delivery timeline and proposed IWM strategies for new growth areas will need to be monitored, and the preferred IWM strategy for each growth area will need to be clearly communicated with developers.

The projects assume that rainwater tanks could be avoided in the following growth areas with corresponding contributions to the delivery of wider schemes:

A: TIGA, WGIA, NGIA, BWUGZ (remaining half)

A2: WGIA, BWUGZ (remaining half)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 104

AL: WGIA, BWUGZ (remaining half)

B: TIGA, WGIA, NGIA, BWUGZ (remaining half)

BL: TIGA, WGIA, NGIA, BWUGZ (remaining half)

As projects A2 and AL do not require avoided costs of rainwater tanks in NGIA, which is expected to be delivered before other growth areas, these could be delivered in combination with a non-potable network to NGIA (Project E). An offset arrangement for BWUGZ would be advantageous for the remaining lots in BWUGZ to support the delivery of the strategic options.

Regulatory position on indirect All portfolio 4 projects require regulatory support for Lead: DELWP potable substitution the utilization of diverse sources for indirect potable Support: Central water supply substitution. Currently, regulation in Highlands Water, Victoria neither provides for, nor discourages Department of indirect potable substitution, and instead proposals Health & Human should be considered based on a risk based Services, EPA assessment.

Perceived and real risks should be assessed for all of the projects proposed in conjunction with regulatory authorities and the Department of Health. This risk assessment may influence the preferencing of indirect substitution of stormwater or recycled water, and the means of storage and level of treatment of those resources (either MAR or transfer to Lal Lal reservoir).

Progress of the planned ring road The construction of the south-west section of the Lead: City of and potential to accommodate new new ring road for Ballarat could be an opportunity to Ballarat water transfer infrastructure in install a transfer main connecting water resources Support: Central Ballarat West to connect water captured in southern Ballarat to potential aquifer Highlands Water resources in south with potential injection sites in western Ballarat. Laying a main MAR injection areas. during road constructions will provide substantial cost savings.

The construction of the ring road may also bring about opportunities to create a water storage area on the land south of Bells Road which could be utilized as part of a harvesting scheme and/or for flood retention and flow management purposes.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 105

Monitor developments in broader Enhance supply to Ballarat through indirect means. Lead: DELWP Victorian water supply and Marginal cost of increasing desalination to indirectly Support: Central opportunities support regional areas should be investigated by Highlands Water DELWP.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 106


CHW. (2010). 2009/2010 Water Quality Report. Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

CHW. (2012). Ballarat and District Water Supply System Strategic Plan 2011-2060. Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

CHW. (2013). 2012/2013 Water Quality Report. Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

CHW. (2016). 2015/2016 WATER QUALITY REPORT. Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

City of Ballarat. (2016). Greening Ballarat: Green-Blue Infrastructure Action Plan. Ballarat: Victoria State Government.

Corangamite CMA. (2006). River Health Strategy 2006-2011. Retrieved from Corangamite CMA: http://www.ccma.vic.gov.au/admin/file/content2/c7/River%20Health%20Strategy.pdf

DELWP. (2016). Guidelines for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Water Supplies. Melbourne: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

Demeo, T. (2017, February 16). Director Infrastructure and Environment.

E2Designlab. (2015). Preliminary Assessment Method (PAM) for IWM Strategies, Prepared for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Melbourne: Online.

E2Designlab. (2017). Flood mitigation and stormwater harvesting opportunities study. Melbourne: City of Ballarat.

GHD. (2004). Cardigan Borefield Hydrological Assessment Report . Melbourne: GHD.

Hall, M. (2013). Review of Rainwater Tank Cost-Effectiveness in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Urban Water Security Research Alliance.

Local Government Infrastructure Design Association. (2017, January 9). Infrastructure Design Manual. Retrieved from Local Government Infrastructure Design Association: http://www.designmanual.com.au/assets/files/documents/idm/IDM_Version_5.01_5_January_ 2017_.pdf

Moglia, M. T. (2014). Survey of Savings and Conditions of Rainwater Tanks . Melbourne: CSIRO.

MWH. (2016). BWEZ Stormwater Harvesting and MAR Final Summary Project Evaluation Report. Melbourne: MWH.

Newall, P., & Lloyd, L. (2007). Environmental Values of Burrumbeet Creek. Melbourne: Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority .

Russell, P. (2017, May 01). Pers. Comm. (D. Browne, Interviewer)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 107


State Government of Victoria. (2014). Ballarat and Region's Water Future: A whole-of-water-cycle management framework. Melbourne: Victorian Government Department of Environment and Primar Industries.

Urrutiaguer, M. (2016). Management of the ecological impacts of urban land and activities on waterways. Issues Paper: Understanding the science. Melbourne: Melbourne Water.

Victoria Stormwater Committee. (1999). Best Practice Environmental Management Guideline. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.

Yihdego, Y., & Webb, J. A. (2015). Use of a conceptual hydrogeological model and a time variant water budget analysis to determine controls on salinity in Lake Burrumbeet in southeast Australia. Environ Earth Sci(73), 1587–1600.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Final Report 108


Appendix A – Review of Ballarat’s Urban Water Cycle ------


1. Characterising Ballarat City ...... 2

1.1 Expected growth and change in the next 50 years 2 1.2 Location of growth and assumed phasing 5 1.3 Boundary of analysis 7 1.4 Planning and development control instruments 9 1.5 Town planning zones & assumed total impervious fractions 13 1.6 Liveability and greening 15 2. Characterising the Water Cycle ...... 19

2.1 Rainfall 19 2.2 Climate and expected changes 22 2.3 Water supplies and demands 24 2.4 Wastewater generation and recycled water 29 2.5 Stormwater generation 35 2.6 Diverse water supplies 40 2.7 Catchments and receiving environments 47 2.8 Waterway riparian condition 59 2.9 Burrumbeet catchment water balance 65


1. Characterising Ballarat City

Ballarat is a regional City in Victoria that has experienced considerable change over the last 25 years, and is set to change even more rapidly in the future having been identified as a major centre for regional growth in the Victorian State Government’s strategic plan for Melbourne. Ballarat’s population is set to grow substantially, as is its tourism potential and job opportunities. The Ballarat Strategy1 sets out a vision for the future of the city which reflects needs and opportunities outlined by the local community. Managing growth while also improving connectivity and liveability are focusses for the Strategy.

As a City, Ballarat has a strong character and historical urban core that is key to its identity. It is characterised as a garden city, with Lake Wendouree and the Botanical Gardens recognised as key community assets. The following sections characterise key aspects of Ballarat City in more detail that will be important to the development of a holistic plan for water management:

 Expected growth and change in the next 50 years  Location of growth and assumed phasing  Boundary of analysis  Planning and development control instruments  Liveability and greening

1.1 Expected growth and change in the next 50 years Ballarat is a growing regional City. Population growth and the corresponding built form of the city will grow and change, but the factors affecting this change are many and difficult to predict. There are several sources of information that have been drawn on to develop an anticipated projection of future dwelling numbers and non-residential areas in Ballarat City in the future, including:

 Victoria in Future (VIF) estimations and projections of population, households and dwellings;  Dwelling and non-residential projections for the Ballarat Water Supply Area (drawn from VIF 2016) underpinning Central Highlands Water Urban Water Strategy projections of residential and non- residential water demands (September 2016);  Dwelling projections and growth locations for the Local Authority Area of City of Ballarat (drawn from VIF 2014) in Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation (City of Ballarat, January 2016); and  Discussions with project stakeholders.

1 City of Ballarat (2015) The Ballarat Strategy: Today, Tomorrow, Together. 2

This IWM Plan focusses on Ballarat City, or the urban development area of Ballarat. VIF dwelling projections are available for four sub-areas of the City of Ballarat:

 Ballarat Central and East District  Ballarat Rural  Buninyong-Mount Helen District  Delacombe-Miners Rest District.

For the purposes of this analysis, the Ballarat Rural area has been excluded, assuming that the 2016 VIF estimation of dwellings for the other three sub-areas makes up the baseline number of dwellings for Ballarat City, as summarised in the table below.

Table A1 VIF 2016 estimation of number of dwellings in sub-areas in the City of Ballarat LGA

VIFSA Code VIFSA June 2016 Estimated Dwellings

VIFSA.20570.10 VIFSA Ballarat Central and East District 28,259

VIFSA.20570.20 VIFSA Ballarat Rural 757

VIFSA.20570.30 VIFSA Buninyong-Mount Helen District 2,803

VIFSA.20570.40 VIFSA Delacombe-Miners Rest District 13,429

Total for City of Ballarat LGA: 45,248

Assumed total for Ballarat City (excluding rural): 44,4912

For the purposes of this IWM Plan, duplicate assumptions have been made with the Central Highlands Urban Water Strategy modelling, based on the VIF 2016 estimated dwelling growth for Ballarat, of 1.8% p.a. to 2021 and 1.9% p.a. thereafter (assuming this rate continues to the end of the IWM plan period in 2066). The projected dwelling numbers are shown in the table below.

2 The assumed total number of dwellings for Ballarat City is less than the total for the Ballarat Supply System estimated by Central Highlands Water (total of 49,956 in 2016), which accounts for dwellings outside Ballarat City serviced by the supply system in settlements such as Creswick, Ballan and Skipton. The estimated figure broadly agrees with the estimation of 45,086 dwellings in the City of Ballarat area for 2016 in the Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation (City of Ballarat, January 2016) analysis based on VIF 2014 figures.


Table A2 Estimated future dwelling numbers for Ballarat City

Year (mid year point) Total dwellings

2016 44,491

2026 53,390

2036 64,447

2046 77,793

2056 93,904

2066 113,351

50 year total growth change: 68,860

Accordingly, it is estimated that the number of dwellings in Ballarat City will more than double in the Plan period (increasing by a factor of 2.55).

The scale of growth expected in Ballarat City is both a challenge and an opportunity for water management. In the period of the Plan, the number of new homes built will exceed the number of homes already present in Ballarat.

Naturally, the growth in the number of homes in Ballarat City will reflect a population growth and an increase in employment, retail and recreation facilities. Investment in existing and new community hubs and facilities will also affect water demands, wastewater and stormwater generation and opportunities to enhance liveability through water management. Estimations of the effect of non-residential growth and intensification have been made in the Water Cycle sections below.


1.2 Location of growth and assumed phasing An understanding of the likely locations of growth were required to define the physical bounds of the analysis and to anticipate possible opportunities for integrated water management. City of Ballarat has completed work to anticipate future growth areas in the City. Some of these are still under consideration, but this IWM anticipates possible growth areas for the purposes of this analysis only.

The Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation (City of Ballarat, January 2016) discusses possible growth locations and their possible capacity. Growth in the immediate future is expected to occur in infill areas and on broadacre land (comprising the Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone and in other broadacre land). Once these broadacre areas reach capacity, growth may be allocated to Greenfield Investigation Areas, which are currently being considered and include the Northern GIA, the Western GIA, the Eastern GIA, and an area of land to the west of Ballarat known as the TIGA area. The estimated capacity of each growth area is summarised in the table below.

Table A3 Estimated capacity of growth areas

Growth area Estimated dwelling capacity

Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone3 14050

Other broadacre land4 1574

Northern GIA5 6408

Eastern GIA6 6925

Western GIA7 8914

TIGA Land8 6476

Total growth area capacity: 44,347

3Adjusted from 2013 figures in Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation (City of Ballarat, January 2016) to 2016 assuming 140 dwellings/year have been built. 4 Adjusted from 2013 figures in Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation (City of Ballarat, January 2016) to 2016 assuming 340 dwellings/year have been built. 5 Based on 15/dwellings estimation from Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation. 6 Based on 15/dwellings estimation from Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation. 7 Based on 15/dwellings estimation from Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation. 8 Estimated based on land area of 575ha and the density of the other GIA areas. 5

Figure A1 Urban growth zones

The capacity of the growth areas falls short of the anticipated total dwelling growth in the 50 year period, but growth will also occur from infill development in existing areas of Ballarat. The proportion of infill growth has been assumed to follow City of Ballarat estimations at an average of 490 dwellings/year to 20409. After 2040, it is assumed that this average annual growth is maintained (though the relative proportion of growth occurring as infill decreases from 44% to 30% of annual growth).

Under these assumptions, the capacity of the Ballarat West Urban Growth zone is expected to be reached by 204210, with broadacre growth then divided equally between the four Greenfield Investigation Areas until these are exhausted at the end of the study period in 2065. The assumed year-by-year phasing of dwelling growth is included in Appendix A.

9 Assumed to be 44% of new dwellings in Ballarat City to 2040, based from modelled figures in Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation. 10 Note that the Ballarat Long Term Growth Options Investigation estimated that existing allocated growth areas in the BWUGZ would reach capacity by 2038. The difference is due to slightly differing growth rates between VIF 2014 and VIF 2016 estimations. 6

Dwelling growth in Ballarat City is expected to be in various locations, with 35% of growth occurring as infill in existing areas over the plan period, and the remainder focused in dedicated growth areas, primarily to the west of the City, but potentially also to the north and east.

1.3 Boundary of analysis The starting base for the study area boundary was an 8 km radius from the Ballarat CBD. This was adjusted to include all major existing urban areas, potential future growth areas and follow catchment boundaries where possible. The boundary also incorporates all of the Ballarat wastewater system and most of the water supply system excluding water sources and townships that are further away. Significant additions include part or all of Miner’s Rest, BWEZ, the TIGA land, Bunningyong and the Winter Creek catchment. Areas that are mostly rural with no or limited likely development draining to the north-east and south-east were removed to simplify the analysis. The study area boundary is shown in Figure A2. The boundary was used for analysis of land uses, catchments and stormwater flows and pollutant loads. Generally, project opportunities for the study should be constrained within the boundary.


Figure A2 Study Area


1.4 Planning and development control instruments

Ballarat Strategy: Today Tomorrow Together The Ballarat Strategy (2015), Today Tomorrow Together, sets out the vision for Ballarat to 2040. The two main concepts are the ’10 Minute City’ and the ‘City in the Landscape’. The first of these will encourage urban consolidation within Ballarat along with the creation of well-planned and resilient communities to take the bulk of the future urban growth, with the goal of providing people oriented gathering spaces, parks, community facilities and gardens. The second concept supports the greening of Ballarat and a renewed focus on environmental improvements including an emphasis on climate change resilience and changes in the way water is valued and managed. The Strategy identifies the opportunities to be realised through growth and change and there is a strong, positive basis for IWM and its integration into new urban development11.

The Ballarat Strategy, Today Tomorrow Together, strongly supports the use of IWM in both the established urban areas and growth precincts. Urban growth and change will provide significant opportunities to implement IWM.

Ballarat Planning Scheme Achieving the Ballarat vision will require initiative, commitment and investment from public authorities and the development industry. The Ballarat Planning Scheme plays an important role in this regard. The scheme contains State and local strategies and policies and it includes requirements for use and development of land in the city. The planning scheme covers most types of proposals with the notable exception being the construction of single, infill dwellings on suburban lots.

The policies in the planning scheme support IWM, including consideration of water conservation, diverse water sources, protection of water catchments and waterways, stormwater quality and flood management.12 However, multiple policy considerations must be weighed when considering particular proposals. This project assumes the need to achieve IWM will be a strong factor when implementing planning policy.

The Ballarat Planning Scheme provides policy support for the use of IWM in urban design and project proposals, thereby leading to improvements in the environmental management of water catchments, waterways and water bodies.

Clause 56.07 IWM planning provisions In creating IWM in new urban areas, the most significant provision in the Ballarat Planning Scheme is clause 56.07, a clause that was included in all Victorian planning schemes in 2006. It is part of the suite of ‘sustainable neighbourhood’ provisions governing the subdivision of residential greenfield land and some

11 See explanatory text for Initiative 5.15 of the Ballarat Strategy: ‘Encourage water efficiency and whole-of-cycle-water-management to be integral parts of future developments and public realm improvements.’ 12 See Ballarat Planning Scheme clauses 11.04-5 Environment and water; 11.05-4 Regional planning strategies and principles; 11.06 Central Highlands regional growth; 13.02-1 Floodplain management; 14.02-1 Catchment planning and management; 14.02-2 Water quality; 14.02-3 Water conservation; 15.01-3 Neighbourhood and subdivision design; 19.03-2 Water supply, sewerage and drainage; 19.03-3 Stormwater; 21.06 Environment, accessed at http://planning-schemes.delwp.vic.gov.au/schemes/ballarat. 9 brownfield subdivisions; these are projects that require the construction of new roads and stormwater drainage schemes. Clause 56.07 provisions apply as the ‘base case’ in urban growth areas and they are well accepted by land developers. They include:

 Water authorities are to provide to each lot an adequate, cost-effective reticulated water supply and connection to a waste water system. Authorities are to encourage water conservation13 and provide a lot connection to recycled water where this is available.  Victorian best practice stormwater management objectives for site runoff are to be met.14 Currently these comprise reductions in the typical urban annual load for: Suspended Solids - 80%; Total Nitrogen - 45%; Total Phosphorus - 45%; and Litter - 70%.  Stormwater flows are to be maintained at pre-development levels for the 1.5 year ARI.  The stormwater drainage system is to be designed up to and including the 20% Average Exceedence Probability (AEP) standard.  For larger storm events, up to and including 1% AEP standard, flooding is to be managed to ensure

public safety based on the following formula: da Vave < 0.35 m2/s (where, da = average depth in

metres and Vave = average velocity in metres per second).

These requirements are most commonly met through developer construction of retarding basins with wetlands in their base. There is some capacity for Central Highlands Water to proactively determine water supply sources (such as the use of onsite rainwater tanks) and for the City of Ballarat to impose detention for onsite quantity flow restrictions to reduce localised flooding, although it is not clear if rainwater tanks can be sized with detention in mind and credited accordingly.

The Clause 56.07 provisions are now 10 years old and they have not been formally extended to the urban development of non-residential land, although anecdotally it is understood that such land will be developed to the same standard in Ballarat. The provisions have been successful in promoting a basic understanding of IWM, however, an update of the clause and its extension to non-residential land is supported by many in the public and private sectors to ensure that new urban development can deliver contemporary approaches to IWM. State level support for regulatory change in the planning system will likely be necessary to bring this plan to fruition for future urban growth areas.

Clause 56.07 is the most significant IWM planning provision for the development of urban growth areas. The clause addresses the supply of reticulated water, waste water and recycled water systems, stormwater quantity and quality in drainage systems, and flood mitigation. However, the clause as it is currently written is likely to fall short of mandating the full range of IWM elements that are supported by this project.

13 Non-planning initiatives that support water conservation include water efficiency labelling schemes, the 6 STAR building standard for new homes and .public education campaigns. 14 Contained in the Urban Stormwater – Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (Victorian Stormwater Committee 1999), CSIRO Publishing. 10

Opportunities through Precinct Structure Plans Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) for new growth areas are beginning to explore more ambitious concepts of IWM in response to a water (and development) industry that has moved forward over the past decade. The Ballarat West Employment Zone includes a third pipe network that was funded by State Government (Major Projects Victoria), however, reportedly the recycled water source has not yet been decided. The adopted Ballarat West PSP (Section 5.7) contains IWM objectives and new planning and design guidelines that go beyond current requirements including the following:

 to achieve an overall 40% reduction in potable water demand;  encourage the use of recycled and harvested storm water within the precinct;  provide recycled water through harvesting storm water and/or third pipe systems;  roof capture and use of water within properties; and  the treatment and storage of water within local aquifers.

While these concepts have not been expressly shown on the Ballarat West spatial IWM plan (PSP Plan 15), there is scope to promote these IWM elements. Future PSPs will also be able to benefit from the IWM findings of this project.

The Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan for the next major urban growth area foreshadows the intent to go beyond current Clause 56.07 planning scheme requirements as well as to include stormwater as an diverse water source – both through rainwater tanks and precinct capture – in addition to current water supplies.

Infill development in established urban areas In established urban areas of Ballarat, planners must rely on generic policy statements and local sustainability initiatives to encourage the use of IWM in site based project design. City of Ballarat Council’s on-site detention policy applies to all development, infill or otherwise, and residential and non-residential. There is no State requirement to meet the Clause 56.07 provisions at the site level for single or multiple dwelling planning applications where no subdivision occurs. The Council does require onsite detention to manage local flooding, however, this has not been linked to other IWM elements.

There are no specific IWM requirements for infill development in Ballarat, other than the provision of on-site detention.

Planning implementation There are a variety of development locations with IWM opportunities that can be implemented with support from the planning system:

 Infill intensification with increasing residential and mixed development, e.g. CBD/inner areas and opportunities for individual sites and precincts.  Strategic sites/redundant sites available for significant change where there are opportunities to create new IWM precincts within the existing urban fabric.  Urban growth areas with opportunities for IWM precincts and broader catchments


The success of this plan and its implementation will ultimately fall to both the public and private sectors working in partnership. There will be reliance on the private sector to deliver much of the water infrastructure in the growth areas and enable more sustainable water management generally. Some developers may be ready to go beyond regulatory requirements and provide a more ambitious IWM plan. For infill sites, there is great opportunity for ESD building and site design incorporating IWM principles. In any case, the regulatory mechanisms will need to provide certainty and transparency and it is anticipated that some regulatory changes may be needed to guarantee the delivery of the plan.

Planning implementation will play an important role in the achievement of IWM in Ballarat. The base case will be reviewed to ensure that the planning system supports delivery of this plan.


1.5 Town planning zones & assumed total impervious fractions

Group Zone Description Existing Future LDRZ Low Density Residential Zone 0.20 0.20 MUZ Mixed Use Zone 0.65 0.67 TZ Township Zone 0.55 0.55 Residential Zones GRZ1 General Residential Zone 0.50 0.60 NRZ1 Neighbourhood Residential Zone 0.45 0.50 NRZ2 Neighbourhood Residential Zone 0.45 0.50 IN1Z Industrial 1 Zone 0.70 0.72

Industrial Zones IN2Z Industrial 2 Zone 0.70 0.72

IN3Z Industrial 3 Zone 0.60 0.75

C1Z Commercial 1 Zone 0.70 0.72 Commercial Zones C2Z Commercial 2 Zone 0.70 0.72 FZ Farming Zone 0.05 0.05 RLZ Rural Living Zone 0.20 0.20 Rural Zones RCZ Rural Conservation Zone 0.00 0.00 RCZ1 Rural Conservation Zone 1 0.00 0.00 RCZ2 Rural Conservation Zone 2 0.00 0.00 CDZ1 Comprehensive Development Zone 0.05 0.60 PCRZ Public Conservation and Resource Zone 0.01 0.01 PPRZ Public Park and Recreation Zone 0.05 0.05 PUZ1 Public Use Zone - service and utility 0.20 0.20 PUZ2 Public Use Zone - education 0.30 0.30 PUZ3 Public Use Zone - health and community 0.60 0.60 Public Land Zones PUZ4 Public Use Zone - transport 0.40 0.40 PUZ5 Public Use Zone - cemetery / crematorium 0.10 0.10 PUZ6 Public Use Zone - local government 0.50 0.50 PUZ7 Public Use Zone - other public use 0.50 0.50 RDZ1 Road Zone - category 1 0.60 0.60 RDZ2 Road Zone - category 2 0.60 0.60


Group Zone Description Existing Future SUZ1 Special Use Zone - Flora and fauna wildlife park 0.10 0.10 SUZ2 Special Use Zone - Emergency services 0.60 0.60 Special Use Zone - Sovereign Hill Museums SUZ3 Association 0.10 0.10 SUZ4 Special Use Zone - Ballarat Showgrounds 0.20 0.20 Special Use Zone - Private education SUZ5 establishment 0.50 0.50 SUZ6 Special Use Zone - Ballarat Airfield 0.15 0.15 Special Purpose Zones SUZ7 Special Use Zone - Racecourse 0.10 0.10 SUZ8 Special Use Zone - Mining and related activities 0.20 0.20 SUZ9 Special Use Zone - Eureka Historic Precinct 0.20 0.20 SUZ10 Special Use Zone - Private recreation 0.50 0.50 SUZ11 Special Use Zone - Ballarat Golf Course 0.05 0.05 SUZ12 Special Use Zone - St John of God Hospital 0.40 0.40 Special Use Zone - Ballarat West Employment SUZ14 Zone 0.05 0.75

UGZ1 Urban Growth Zone 0.10 0.60 Growth Zones UGZ2 Urban Growth Zone 0.10 0.60

RGZ1 Residential Growth Zone 1 0.50 0.60


1.6 Liveability and greening

As discussed in the previous section, the Ballarat Strategy outlines the new 25 year vision for a greener, more vibrant and connected Ballarat. A comprehensive range of policy directions and actions outline the plan to get there, based around two key platforms, a ‘10-minute city’ and a ‘city in the landscape’.

The city in the landscape platform aims to support ‘Ballarat to be a greener and more vibrant regional city’. This platform has very direct relationships with water management and clear aspirations for liveability and greening. The concept recognises that nothing should be viewed in isolation of its physical and non- physical context. It is achieved by:

 Adopting an urban forest approach to better manage our environment, improve the liveability and amenity of the City, and make us more resilient to a changing climate;  Pursuing a new approach to managing change in our historic city and rural landscape;  Local plans for local communities;  Embracing the urban and rural landscape; and  Recognising and responding to a changing climate, and being resilient to environmental impacts and risks.15

Under the strategy, the City of Ballarat has set out some specific targets for urban greening, including:

 Invest in Ballarat’s point of difference – heritage, streetscapes, the CBD, lifestyle and our green city – as a key driver of our economy  Plant more trees and work with the community to more than double Ballarat’s canopy coverage to 40%  Support the management and rehabilitation of a network of Living Corridors across Ballarat, to properly manage our natural values in urban and township areas  Ensure all urban residents of Ballarat are within a 10 minute walk of appropriate open space, and rural residents can access open space areas  Support Victoria Park to become a more activated and well-loved icon of the City  Support the activation of Lake Wendouree so it is promoted and enhanced as an inclusive centre of community life, while protecting its character, views, trees and environmental functions

In addition the strategy recognises the Council’s role in delivering integrated water management and therefore supporting liveability aims. To this end it includes three water focussed targets:

 Reduce Councils’ annual per capita potable water consumption to 40% below 1999/2000 level  Encourage water efficiency and whole-of-cycle-water-management to be integral parts of future developments and public realm improvements  Manage stormwater as part of a renewed focus on green infrastructure.

15 City of Ballarat (2015) The Ballarat Strategy: Today, Tomorrow, Together. 15

Increased liveability, particularly in terms of increased provision of landscape amenity, recreation assets and pleasant movement corridors (e.g. waterway corridors and green pedestrian routes) are central to the future vision for Ballarat. The role of water in both supporting and creating a greener, better connected Ballarat is recognised and highlighted.

Open space irrigation Ballarat is known for its green space and gardens. As discussed in the Ballarat Strategy, delivering open space for all communities to enjoy is a priority. The Open Space Strategy for the city sets out priority open spaces. In terms of irrigation of open space, the following table outlines the major users of irrigation water (potable or otherwise) for open space. A large number of these are connected to a diverse water source, though use of these sources varies (as discussed further in the Diverse Water Supplied section below). The Council undertook a study16 to identify potential stormwater harvesting schemes for open space irrigation, which identified a series of opportunities that are likely to be feasible for stand-alone stormwater harvesting schemes. The irrigation demands, current diverse water source connections and future potential stormwater harvesting schemes are described in the table below.

16 Water Technology and E2Designlab (2016) Flood Mitigation and Stormwater Harvesting Opportunities Mapping. 16

Table A4 Irrigation needs for open space, and existing and potential diverse water sources

Likely to be viable future stormwater harvesting schemes Table Likely to be unviable future stormwater harvesting schemes Key Connected to existing non-potable supply infrastructure

Public irrigation/non- potable demand Connected to existing User Type Demand (kL/year) scheme Council existing Botanic Gardens 56500 HBSW* Council existing Alfredton recreation reserve 22371 Council existing Marty Busch reserve 20780 Southern WWTP** Council Ballarat North Ovals inc. Eureka existing Stadium 20700 HBSW Council existing CE Brown Reserve 20300 HBSW Council existing Eastern Oval 16693 HBSW Council existing City Oval 16600 HBSW Council existing Russell Square Reserve 13126 Council existing Eureka Stockade Reserve 12667 Private existing St Patricks College 12000 HBSW

Council future Victoria Park ovals 11500 Private existing Ballarat Grammar 10000 Northern WWTP Council existing Buninyong oval and clubrooms 9509 Council existing Morshead Park 8403 HBSW

Council future BWUGZ alfredton sports precinct 8000

Council future BWUGZ delacombe sports precinct 8000

Council future BWUGZ Sebastapol sports precinct 8000

Council future BWUGZ Northern oval 8000 Council existing Mount Clear Recreation Reserve 7780 Council existing Buninyong Botanic Gardens 6113 Council existing Doug Dean Stadium 6049

*HBSW – Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater **WWTP – Wastewater Treatment Plant


There is potential to service a large proportion of open spaces with diverse water supplies for irrigation, therefore decreasing potable water use while supporting greening and recreational activities. The majority of high irrigation water users either have connections to existing diverse water supply infrastructure (but are not necessarily supplied) or could be serviced by a viable stormwater harvesting scheme.

Lake Wendouree Lake Wendouree is recognised as a major asset for Ballarat, and an asset which has a very direct relationship with water supply. Lake Wendouree is a major icon and recreational asset for the community, hosting walking, running, fishing, boating, and rowing events. Rowing events on the lake require the Lake to be near to full in summer (at least 300mm below full).

Low water levels in the Lake triggered a range of lost economic opportunities during the Millennium Drought, including the suspension of sporting events that have been conducted on the lake, resulting in a reduction in visitors and tourists to the Ballarat region, lost income to local sporting associations and additional event relocation costs. The cost of disruption to sporting events to the local economy has been estimated to be in the order of $760,000. Furthermore, the loss of non-event based recreational boating, fishing and sailboarding has reduced annual visitor numbers by an estimated 5,000, which equates to lost revenue of $400,000 per annum.17

Consequently, water sources for the Lake have received substantial capital and ongoing investment. The diverse water sources available to the lake are discussed further in the Diverse Water Supplies section.

Lake Wendouree is a major recreation and economic asset for Ballarat. Rowing events on the Lake require the Lake to be near to full in summer, placing a direct demand on water resources to support the Lake.

17 Earthtech (2005) Lake Wendouree Water Supply Investigation. 18

2. Characterising the Water Cycle

This IWM Plan considers management of the whole water cycle. Accordingly, it is important to understand each part of the water cycle, and the current and future challenges. The following sections discuss key aspects in turn:

 Climate and expected changes  Potable water supplies and demands  Wastewater generation  Stormwater generation  Diverse water supplies  Catchments and receiving environments

2.1 Rainfall

Rainfall infilling

Rainfall stations with sub-daily data may have potential issues with the quality including:

 Missing rainfall data  Accumulated rainfall data (where the daily total is known from a daily gauge but the distribution through the day is unknown)  Systemic under-recording of rainfall

To improve the quality of sub-daily rainfall data, ‘patched point’ rainfall data can be prepared by infilling the data from a station with available data from nearby stations with similar rainfall patterns. Previous research has indicated that it is preferable to use the correlation between stations rather than the distance between them to determine which station is best to infill with. It has also been found that it is preferable to infill each gap with data from a single station rather than a weighted average of several stations as the latter method tends to over-estimate the number of days of rainfallInvalid source specified.. The method used by SILO to prepare patched point daily data available for all daily rainfall stations in Australia uses this method.


The 6 minute pluvio data for the reference period (1975-2015) has a number of gaps with missing or accumulated data as shown in Figure A3 . The nearest 20 rainfall stations were identified with station numbers as follows:

 89002  89092  87154  89111  88133  89025  89094  87017  87153  87155  87152  89082  87112  87097

From these, the stations with a daily rainfall correlation greater than 70% were selected to infill the base rainfall data set (combining 089002 and 089111). The stations and corresponding correlations are listed in Table A5. Data gaps in the base rainfall data set are infilled using data from the station with the highest correlation which has corresponding available data. Missing data is replaced while accumulated data retains the daily total for the base data and disaggregates this according to the pattern of the infill station.

The effect of the infilling on data quality is shown by the differences in Figure A3 and

. The resulting cumulative rainfall for the 6 minute data set is within 3% of that for Ballarat Aerodrome daily rainfall.

Table A5 Rainfall stations used for infilling No Station name Correlation

89094 Warrambine Basin No 3 84%

89082 Beaufort (Sheepwash) 78%

89025 Skipton Post Office 75%

87017 Blackwood 74%

87036 Macedon Forestry 73%

88037 70%


Figure A3 Mean annual rainfall and data quality for appended Ballarat Aerodrome and Ballarat Hopetoun Road rainfall gauges

Figure A4 Mean annual rainfall and data quality for appended Ballarat Aerodrome and Ballarat Hopetoun Road rainfall gauges with infilling


2.2 Climate and expected changes Modelling of urban stormwater and diverse water supply systems in the urban context requires the use of rainfall and evapotranspiration data. Rainfall data at a sub-daily time-step are required to ensure appropriate accuracy is achieved.

DELWP have established guidelines for assessing the impact of climate change on water supplies. The guidelines recommend a baseline climate reference period of 1975-2015. This is intended to reflect the general trend of decreasing rainfall from the long term average to lower levels in recent decades. This baseline has been used for water supply planning in Ballarat. Daily Ballarat Aerodrome data has generally been adopted.

Rainfall varies across the study area as shown in the figure below although most of the area is contained within two rainfall bands (650-750 mm/year).

Figure A5 Mean annual rainfall Rainfall varies substantially across the City of Ballarat, with lower rainfall per annum in the central and western area of the City compared with the area east of the City where major water supply reservoirs are located.


There are two 6 minute rainfall stations available within the study area:

 089002 Ballarat Aerodrome – 1954-1999  089111 Ballarat Hopetoun Road – 1999 - 2015

These stations are located in close proximity. Since neither of these contain sufficient data to span the desired 1975-2015 reference period the data sets for the two stations were appended to create a single long term data set. The data was then infilled using nearby rainfall stations with high correlations to improve the data quality.

The resulting high-quality long-term rainfall data set consists of rainfall from the two stations above with infilled data. The mean annual rainfall is 615 mm/year and evapotranspiration 1031 mm/year. This is slightly below the mean annual rainfall for the Ballarat Aerodrome daily rainfall gauge of 636 mm/year for the same period.

Potential evapotranspiration for the year 2001 was adopted from the MUSIC standard data set for Ballarat. The mean annual potential evapotranspiration is 1,030 mm/year.

Figure A6 Mean Monthly Rainfall and Potential Evapotranspiration for Ballarat


2.3 Water supplies and demands

Water demands The following water demand breakdowns have been obtained from Central Highlands Water modelling.

Figure A7 2016 Demand Breakdown


Figure A8 2066 Demand Breakdown


Water supplies Mains water supply to Ballarat is currently drawn from two major sources, surface water and groundwater, which are each discussed below.

Surface water resources The figure below shows the regional Central Highands Water water supply system.

Figure A9 Central Highlands Water water supply network for Ballarat, with the Ballarat Supply System extending from Creswick in the north, to Ballan in the east, Skipton in the west and Rokewood in the south.


Groundwater resources

Cardigan aquifer The primary aquifer beneath the Ballarat West area (the Cardigan Aquifer) is formed by the fractured basalts of the Newer Volcanics. This geological formation consists of predominantly basalt, with minor clay and silt deposits, and groundwater flows through fractures and fissures in the rock. CHW is currently licenced to access groundwater from the lower Cardigan Aquifer, which has good quality water suitable for potable supply. The lower cardigan Aquifer is semi-confined to confined and has an estimated capacity for extraction of 3000ML/year, which could be recharged by rainfall. It yields over 20L/sec.

There is also an upper Cardigan Aquifer, which has lower quality water with high salinity (1000-2500mg/L TDS)18. This is an unconfined system with a yield of less than 5L/sec. The interaction between the upper and the lower aquifer appears to be limited at present, by varying in location. Long-term abstraction may increase the connection and influence between the upper and lower aquifer. Bores in the Ballarat West area have shown variations in salinity, with poorer water quality especially present in areas with thicker surface clays where rainfall recharge rates are lower.19

Figure A10 Diagram of the upper and lower cardigan aquifer

There is an upper Cardigan Aquifer which has water with higher salinity. This may have potential as a MAR storage for lower quality water.

18 GHD (2007) Ballarat West Borefield: Drilling Investigation Results. Central Highlands Water. 19 GHD (2004) Cardigan Borefield Hydrogeological Assessment. Central Highlands Water. And GHD (2014) Ballarat West Borefield: Installation of Additional Observation Bore Completion Report. Central Highlands Water.


Supply-Demand Balance

Future augmentation of Goldfields Superpipe

Figure A11 Potential future water supply and demand scenarios

CHW modelling of existing and future supplies and demands, shows that existing surface water and groundwater supplies will be exhausted in 2053, and thereafter further investment will be required to maintain security of supply.


2.4 Wastewater generation and recycled water Over the last 30 years, Australia has seen a progression in wastewater management, with the majority of towns, cities and major regional centres now producing fit for purpose recycled water products that are being used for a variety of end uses. The benefits of such schemes are varied, and range from providing a cost effective and secure source of water for irrigation and amenity value, to potable water substitution and environmental value.

As populations in our regional centres increase, the challenge for urban water utilities will be to find cost effective and environmentally sustainable recycled water solutions that maximise the value of the resource and benefit the community.

With increasing populations comes more recycled water. Whilst this can put pressure on existing infrastructure and will require capital and operating funding to manage it, it provides the opportunity for our communities to integrate the recycled water products into their regional water network, and help provide long-term water security.

Ballarat is currently serviced by two independent wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), located to the south and north of the city:

 Ballarat South collects sewage from approximately south of Howitt street, which includes the suburbs of Buninyong, Mt Clear, Woodlands Estate and Sebastopol. The bulk of Ballarat’s sewage drains via gravity to the Ballarat South WWTP, with approximately 70% of the Ballarat’s total current wastewater volume being treated by the Ballarat South facility.  Ballarat North services the townships/suburbs of Ballarat North, Creswick, Invermay Park, Learmonth, Miners Rest, Mitchell Park, Wendouree and Wendouree West, with these areas currently contributing approximately 30% of Ballarat’s current wastewater volume.

Figure A12 below depicts Ballarat’s current sewer network, and locations of the Ballarat South and North WWTPs.


Figure A12 Ballarat City Wastewater Drainage network The vast majority of the recycled water produced from the north and south treatment plants is currently discharged to creek under EPA license. There are however a number of reuse schemes currently operating in Ballarat, as discussed below.

Ballarat North The Ballarat North WWTP consists of primary treatment followed by secondary treatment via activated sludge and secondary clarification. The plant produces a tertiary treated effluent through chemical and biological nutrient removal this is disinfected via UV disinfection. Sludge produced from the treatment process is centrifuged and thermally dried on-site, before being 100% beneficially reused for agriculture.

The plant currently receives approximately 6-7 ML/day of wastewater, and work is currently being undertaken by CHW to understand the capacity of the current treatment plant to continue to treat the expected future wastewater volumes, and capacity of the sewer network to convey the sewage to the WWTP. The expectation of the WWTP assessments is that the plant is likely to become overloaded in the short to medium term (i.e. next 5 to 10 years) and will require augmentation.

Recycled water that is not provided for beneficial reuse or used as ‘in process water’ at the WWTP is discharged to Burrumbeet Creek in accordance with CHW’s Corporate EPA License (CL62131), which species the following limits for discharge.


Table A6 Ballarat North discharge to water limits

Indicator Limit Type Unit Discharge Limit

Flow rate Mean daily flow ML/D 8.4

Ammonia Annual median mg/l 2

BOD (5 day) Annual median Org/ml 5

Escherichia Coli Annual median mg/l 100

Suspended solids Annual median mg/l 10

Total dissolved solids Annual median mg/l 1,000

Total nitrogen Annual median mg/l 10

Total phosphorus Annual median mg/l 0.5

pH Maximum pH 9

pH Minimum pH 6

The North Ballarat Wastewater Treatment Plant previously discharged 2,000ML/year of water to Burrumbeet Creek, averaging 6ML/day, however this was reduced to 4ML/day for 10 months of the year as part of the Lake Wendouree scheme.

Table A6 above shows that the Ballarat North WWTP currently has a mean daily discharge limit of 8.4 ML/day, or 3066 ML/annum. Current wastewater projections for the Ballarat North system suggest that wastewater inflows in year-2065 may be in the order of approximately 5,000 ML/annum, and will pass 3,000 ML/annum in approximately year 2034. This suggests that either additional reuse options for Ballarat North’s WWTP will be required into the future, or CHW will need to negotiate a higher discharge limit to Burrumbeet Creek with EPA.

The major beneficial reuse activity relates to the supply of Class A recycled water to Ballarat City Council, where it is used to ‘top up’ Lake Wendouree, and/or provide recycled water for irrigation at the Eureka/Wendouree Sports Precinct. CHW have a long-term agreement with the City to supply the recycled water.

The point of supply for the Lake Wendouree/Sports Precinct Supply is to Pauls Wetland in Dowling Street. Following the delivery of the Class A product to this point, water enters a dual purpose pipeline that conveys the recycled water and/or stormwater that has been collected in the wetland into Lake Wendouree and then onto the sports grounds. This system is managed by the City of Ballarat.


The production of Class A recycled water at the Ballarat North WWTP is limited to approximately 3 ML/day and with the Lake Wendouree/Sports Precinct scheme not having any form of recycled water storage, there are currently difficulties in meeting the demand requirements of both the lake and the sporting ovals during the peak of summer. Consequently, recent practices have seen the bulk of the recycled water produced during these times being used to maintain the levels of the lake, with the sporting fields required to utilise other forms of water for irrigation (including the use of potable water).

In order to maximise the reuse potential of recycled water from the Ballarat North WWTP, and environmental outcomes from discharges to stream, the Ballarat North system will likely require some form of storage that enable the recycled water to be accessed/released as required.

The supply of Class A recycled water from the Ballarat North WWTP to the Forest Street and Wendouree Primary campuses is via the existing recycled water pipeline that supplies Pauls Wetland (i.e. the Lake Wendouree/Sports Precinct supply), while a new dedicated Class B pipeline to the Mt Rowan campus will be constructed.

Ballarat South Whilst Ballarat South receives the bulk of Ballarat’s wastewater, there is less reuse currently occurring and the vast majority of the recycled water produced at the treatment plant discharged to the Yarrowee River.

The Ballarat South WWTP comprises primary and secondary treatment with biological nutrient removal. The plant produces a tertiary treated effluent and is currently receiving approximately 14-19 ML/day of wastewater.

A number of studies regarding the capacity of the Ballarat South sewer network and treatment plant have been undertaken, with recent studies undertaken by MWH on the sewer network and AWT on the treatment plant both suggesting that the sewer network and treatment plant are in need of augmentation/upgrade.

MWH’s report (SR005 – Ballarat South Sewer Network System Development Plan Update, May 2013) recommended a series of works to be commenced on the sewer starting in 2013, while AWT’s report (Ballarat South WWTP – Augmentation Strategy, July 2011-Final) suggests that augmentation to the current WWTP is required now, with major works required once the treatment plant gets to a capacity of approximately 26 ML/day. AWT’s report discusses the risk of being non-compliant with the sites EPA discharge license if the augmentation works are not carried out. The general consensus from discussions with Key CHW Staff regarding the future upgrade of the treatment plant (i.e. once inflows of approximately 26 ML/day are being realised) is that the required upgrades are achievable at the current Ballarat South location, subject to expected technological advancements.

As with the Ballarat North WWTP, recycled water that is not provided for beneficial reuse or used as ‘in process water’ at the WWTP is discharged to stream. Discharge to the Yarrowee Creek is in accordance with CHW’s Corporate EPA License (CL62131), which species the following limits for discharge.


Table A7 Ballarat South discharge to water limits

Indicator Limit Type Unit Discharge Limit

Flow rate Mean daily flow ML/D 35

Ammonia Annual median mg/l 2

BOD (5 day) Annual median Org/ml 5

Escherichia Coli Annual median mg/l 200

Suspended solids Annual median mg/l 10

Total dissolved solids Annual median mg/l 700

Total nitrogen Annual median mg/l 10

Total phosphorus Annual median mg/l 0.5

pH Maximum pH 9

pH Minimum pH 6

Of note, again, is the discharge limit and how it compares with projected wastewater volumes. The mean daily discharge limit of 35 ML/day equates to a yearly discharge volume of approximately 12,775 ML/annum. Current wastewater projections for the Ballarat South system suggest that wastewater inflows in year-2065 may be in the order of approximately 10,500 ML/annum, and therefore, within the current limit. However, to maximise the environmental benefit that can be gained from these releases, some form of recycled water storage may be required in order to enable the recycled water discharges to mimic a more natural system. There is a need for a flow study to better understand the waterway’s flow requirements.

Existing and Future Wastewater Generation The figure below summarises the expected current and future wastewater flows.


Current and Future Wastewater Generation 18000






6000 astewater (ML/year) astewater

W 4000


0 Current Future

Ballarat North WWTP Ballarat South WWTP

Figure A13 Existing and future wastewater generation to each plant

Wastewater generation will increase substantially over the study period as Ballarat City grows. This will create an excess of treated wastewater which is available for use as an diverse water supply, and may otherwise pose a threat to receiving environments.


2.5 Stormwater generation Most of Ballarat is located within the Yarrowee Creek catchment with some areas within the Burrumbeet Creek and Winter Creek catchments and minor areas draining to other waterways. Approximately 36 GL/year of stormwater runoff is generated within the study area of which almost half is urban stormwater excess flow.

It is recognised that urban stormwater that is conventionally drained to waterways is the dominant urban pressure and the most limiting factor to good waterway ecological condition. This means that the degradation caused by urban stormwater conventionally discharged to a stream overrides other causes of degradation. It is also well established that severe degradation occurs at very low levels of urbanisation due to stormwater discharges (Urrutiaguer, 2016).

Urban runoff is quickly transported into waterways during storms, creating a ‘flashy’ flow regime with frequent disturbance and modified seasonal patterns that damages waterway geomorphology and aquatic life. Consequently, urban stormwater runoff requires careful management to control both the volume and pattern of runoff.

Figure A14 Ballarat City Stormwater Drainage network


Calculation methods Flows and pollutant loads into waterways from the study area were estimated using MUSIC v6.2. Rainfall data for a period from 1975-2015 of infilled 6 minute data was used as described above.

Total impervious fractions were estimated based on assumptions for each land use type as defined by town planning zones. These were reviewed based on inspection of aerial imagery and adjusted to approximate observed conditions for highly variable land uses (such as special use zones). A set of future conditions impervious fractions for each zoning was developed to account for greenfield and infill development with manual adjustments to specific areas such land zoned as farming located within greenfield investigation areas.

It is recognised that directly connected impervious fractions are usually significantly less than total impervious fractions and that more accurate estimates of flows and pollutant loads are obtained using directly connected rather than total impervious fractions. To account for this in the absence of Ballarat specific data, a conversion factor of 2/3’s was applied to estimate directly connected impervious fractions based on estimates from Melbourne data. It is noted there is high uncertainty and variability in this estimate across catchments and land uses.

To characterise soils, the calibrated soil parameters recommended in the Melbourne Water MUSIC guidelines (Melbourne Water, 2016) were adopted. Adjustments to defaults are as follows:

 Soil moisture storage capacity: 120 mm  Field capacity: 50 mm

Unit flows and pollutant loads were estimated for impervious and pervious urban, agricultural and forest areas and these were combined with areas within each catchment and landuse of interest to calculate flows and pollutant loads.


Current and Future Stormwater Generation

As shown in Figure A15, it is expected that stormwater flows will increase by 20% or approximately 7 GL/year from 2016 to 2066. Much of this is concentrated in the growth areas with most of it discharging to Winter Creek as shown in Figure A16. A full breakdown of flows by catchment and development area is shown in Figure A17. These show that most of the increases will occur in Winter Creek and Burrumbeet Creek. The potential for impacts on Winter Creek due to increased flow rates and volumes and sediment loads is particularly significant.

Figure A15 Flows into waterways including natural (pre-development) flows and stormwater excess


Figure A16 Current and future stormwater flows

Figure A17 Breakdown of flows by catchment and development area


Stormwater pollution generated from the study is substantial. Each year more than 4,000 tonnes of total suspended solids (TSS), 10,700 kg of total phosphorus (TP) and 92,000 kg of total nitrogen (TN) are discharged into local waterways. Without management, these will increase with future urban development, see Figure A18. Sediment has been identified as a potential threat for Winter Creek and the Leigh River.

Figure A18 Stormwater pollutant loads (blue current, orange future increase)

The City of Ballarat generates significant volumes of stormwater excess flows and pollutant loads. These increase the frequency of disturbance and strength of erosive flows and degrade water quality. These effects adversely impact upon downstream waterways. Future development is likely to increase these pressures with an anticipated 20% increase in stormwater flows and 50% increase for Winter Creek catchment.


2.6 Diverse water supplies

Recycled Water Schemes The bulk of CHW’s reuse activities are driven from their Ballarat North WWTP, with Class A and Class B recycled water products being provided for irrigation and amenity/recreational value. In addition to this, a significant volume of recycled water is used internally at the Ballarat North WWTP for cooling water (thermal drier) and service water (plant operations).

Table A8 Ballarat North recycled water reuse

Customer Recycled Water Class Average Annual Allocation (ML/annum)

City of Ballarat:

- Lake Wendouree Class A / Groundwater 600

- Eureka / Wendouree Sports Precinct Class A 52

Ballarat and Queens Grammar School:

- Forest Street Campus Class A 30

- Mt Rowan Demonstration Farm Campus Class B 100*

Wendouree Primary School Class A 10

CHW in process water Class B 410

Total 1202

*planned supply; the pipeline from the North Ballarat WWTP to the Mt Rowan Campus is not yet constructed.

To date, the only formalised reuse scheme from the Ballarat South WWTP is the supply of Class C recycled water to the Marty Busch sporting precinct, while the treatment plant also uses Class B recycled water for ‘in process’ water (i.e. wash down, belt-presses, inlet works, drum thickener sprays).

To date, the Marty Busch scheme is not being utilised to its potential, with the City of Ballarat not currently accessing the recycled water for irrigation. Technically however, the scheme remains viable, and it is expected that the key stakeholders of the scheme (i.e. CHW and the City of Ballarat) should be able to agree on a set of operational conditions that will enable these sporting ovals to be irrigated with recycled water.


Table A9 Ballarat South recycled water reuse

Customer Recycled Water Class Average Annual Allocation (ML/annum)

Marty Busch sporting precinct (currently Class C 22 not operational)

CHW in process water Class B 100

Total 122

Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater Scheme During the Millennium Drought period (1997-2010), a project was conceived to capture and utilise the stormwater excess from the urban areas of Ballarat for water supply to Lake Wendouree and to a series of open spaces across the city. Through the drought period Lake Wendouree, Burrumbeet and Learmonth all were dry. There were severe water restrictions put in place which meant that there was practically no water available for the irrigation of the sporting venues, Central Business District gardens, Ballarat Botanical Gardens and other passive space areas that had relied on the supply of potable water for their irrigation20.

The objectives of the project were to harness stormwater from the Ballarat urban area which would:

 Harvest and make available for re-use up to 955ML/year for various potable and non-potable uses around Ballarat;  Reduce potable demand in Ballarat by approximately 189 ML/year by substituting potable supply to open space irrigation; and  Provide a working demonstration of use of water sensitive urban design principles and photo-voltaic electricity generation.

The project was conceived to supply water to Lake Wendouree in dry times and was largely completed in 2013, but it continues to evolve. The scheme included the following infrastructure:

 Redan Wetland Pump Station and rising main  Pauls Wetland Pump Station and rising main  Ring Road Pump Station and rising main  Warrenheip Creek Catchment gravity supply main  Sub surface drip irrigation for trees and lawn areas using harvested stormwater  Delivery pipelines for harvested stormwater to open space irrigation locations (see table below).

The stormwater yield from the HBSW project was originally estimated as 955ML/year (480ML/year from Redan Wetland, 270ML/year from the Ring Road Detention Basin, 135ML/year from Pauls Wetland and

20 City of Ballarat (2013) Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater Project – Final Report 41

75ML/Year from the Warrenheip Creek diversion (Ryan St)). A project review report21 notes that the harvestable allocation from the Ring Road drain could increase from 270ML/year to 400ML/year once development areas are built out in Ballarat West.

Currently, stormwater supply is primarily drawn from the Redan Wetland and Pauls Wetland. The Ring Road detention basin is a small storage, and in September 2012 City of Ballarat created an operational policy for the diversion as follows: a. Only operate the pump to Lake Wendouree during the period 1 May to 30 November each year, provided Lake Wendouree has not reached full capacity. b. Not to operate the pump if a rainfall deficit of >15% is recorded at the Ballarat Airport from March to November, and not to recommence pumping until the monthly average is achieved or exceeded for one month. c. Ensure the Water Resources Advisory Committee receives reports at least twice annually on the pumped diversions and rainfall.

To date, the Ring Road detention basin has rarely contributed supply to the Lake. The Warrenheip Creek Catchment also delivers minimal water to the Lake as the gravity system has insufficient head to ensure delivery to the Lake. The Gong Gong pipeline, which carries water from the Warrenheip Creek Catchment to Eastern Oval and onwards to the Lake, is also connected to raw water supply at Gong Gong Reservoir, which can be called upon to fill the Lake (and has enough gravity head), but this is rarely used. The table below shows the total yearly yield obtained from the Redan and Pauls wetlands.

Extensive stormwater harvesting infrastructure has been put in place in Ballarat City to intercept, treat and transfer urban stormwater flows to Lake Wendouree and to a series of open spaces around the City for irrigation. However, the scheme lacks storage, and operational commitment, infrastructure constraints and large demands from Lake Wendouree have meant that utilisation of stormwater has been less than originally anticipated.

Recycled water was also identified as a suitable source to top up water needs for the lake, however, supply is only available over a 10 month period in a year. Accordingly, modelling was completed in 2005 determined that a 600ML/year supply from recycled water and 250ML/year of stormwater would deliver the required lake levels and meet salinity levels22. A 10-year supply agreement was put in place between CHW and CoB to supply a total of 652ML/year to the lake, made up of recycled water and groundwater (where recycled water is the primary source, with groundwater top up as required). Since operation of the project began, it was observed that much greater evaporation losses from the Lake were being experienced than what was originally anticipated.

Council also has a groundwater bore to draw on which feeds the trout hatchery and overflows to the lake. The council bore licence is for 42ML/year, and has just risen to 54ML/year. Accordingly, there is a mix of

21 City of Ballarat (2013) Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater Project – Final Report 22 Earthtech (2005) Lake Wendouree Water Supply Investigation. 42 sources provided to the lake as summarised in the table below. There is a recognised need for the installation of sub-metering to understand system performance better and the need to develop hierarchical operating rules needed to maximise the controlled use of the harvested stormwater whilst maintaining the levels of Lake Wendouree for multiple user groups and environmental values.

Lake Wendouree received a mix of diverse water sources, including stormwater from several sources, recycled water from the Ballarat North Plant, and groundwater from both the CHW supply and a council bore. The Lake can also access raw water from the Gong Gong reservoir when required. A current contract ensures that a minimum of 652ML of recycled water and groundwater is supplied to the Lake by CHW each year.

The current operational parameters of the lake are designed to meet community expectations, and in particular the water depth needs for rowing on the lake during summer. The minimum summer lake level acceptable for rowing is 300mm below full. The lake currently spills when it reaches 70mm above full, though the Council is currently reviewing the level due to localised flooding issues when the Lake is full. On an average year, the Lake seems to require 1-1.2GL of water to replace evaporation losses and maintain satisfactory lake levels.

Operational rules for levels in the lake mean that it is difficult to utilise the lake as a storage, as it needs to be near full most of the time (particularly in summer). In practice the Lake acts as a large water demand, requiring 1-1.2GL of water per year to counteract evaporation losses.


Table A10 Historical use of diverse water sources for Lake Wendouree

Year Class A Groundwater Stormwater Groundwater Rainfall (mm) water (ML) from CHW (ML) from CoB Bore (ML) Bore (ML) CHW CoB (connected Records CHW Records to fish Records hatchery)

2009/10 353 0 ? unknown 702.6

2010/11 223 604 ? 33.1 1036.4

2011/12 341 128 228 36.3 672.4

2012/13 564 375 279 35.6 526.4

2013/14 433 198 406 30.8 576.2

2014/15 96 560 597 27.8 488.6

2015/16 335 636 (319 ? 33.2 extra 429.6 purchased)

From the stormwater harvested, 189ML/year was originally modelled as the potential allocation for open space irrigation (see table below). Under this demand, the project was calculated to have a payback period of 13 years and 9 months. Currently, due to reductions in access to stormwater from the Ring Road and Warrenheip and due to higher than anticipated evaporation rates at Lake Wendouree, substantially lower amounts of stormwater are used for irrigation than what was originally planned. The table below shows the actual supply provided to open space irrigation in 2014, totalling 62.9ML. The majority of the supply is used by the Botanical Gardens, Prince of Wales Park and the CE Brown Reserve and adjoining ovals. Of the other irrigation demands connected to the scheme, use is rare and on an ad-hoc basis, as supply is primarily reserved for the Lake. City of Ballarat council has indicated that future operation of the scheme is likely to focus on increasing irrigation supply to City Oval, but otherwise funding is required to improve operation and performance of the scheme.


Table xxx HBSW Network predicted and current demands from open space irrigation

Location Use Original 2014 total 2014 use planned demand from demand HBSW scheme


Eastern Oval Oval and Turf Wickets 10 16.7 0

Western Oval Oval and Turf Wickets 12 3.5 0

Trekardo Park 2 Soccer Fields 12 4.4 0

Morshead Park 3 Soccer Fields 18 8.4 0

City Oval Oval and Turf Wickets 20 16.6 1.2

City Oval Bowling 2 Grass Bowling Rinks 2 2 1 Club

Sturt Street Gardens Central gardens and trees 4 4 Not connected

CE Brown Reserve 4 Ovals - 20.3 5.9

Ballarat North Ovals, 4 Ovals - 20.7 0.7 including Eureka Stadium

Prince of Wales Park Alexander Croquet Club 2 4.5 1.1

Ballarat High School 2 Ovals and Turf Wickets 20 4 0

Ballarat Botanical 14 Ha Gardens 42 56.5 50 Gardens

Lake Wendouree 4 ha lawn and Trees 12 3 3 Foreshore

Other 35 Unknown 0

Total: 189 164.6 62.9

While a significant number of major open spaces in Ballarat are connected to the Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater Project, only a few are provided with harvested stormwater. An improved scheme could substantially increase utilisation of diverse water sources for open space irrigation.


Existing Diverse Water Supply Infrastructure

Figure A19 HBSW network and recycled water distribution networks in Ballarat


2.7 Catchments and receiving environments Ballarat City is connected to several major catchments – through transfer of surface water for water supplies to the city, and through discharge of treated wastewater and stormwater to receiving environments. The two major receiving environments, the Leigh River Catchment (via the Yarrowee River and Winter Creek) and the Burrumbeet Creek Catchment, are discussed in the sections below. A small portion of the growth areas on the western side of Ballarat are on land that would naturally drain to the in the catchment, however for the purposes of this study it is assumed these would be drained to local waterways when developed. The three water supply catchments for Ballarat City are also discussed; the Upper Yarrowee Catchment, the Moorabool Catchment and the Murray-Goulborn Catchment.

Receiving Environment: Yarrowee-Leigh-Barwon Catchment

The majority of the City of Ballarat is located at the headwaters of the Leigh River catchment, ultimately draining to the Barwon River and into Bass Strait. The Leigh River Catchment is under the jurisdiction of the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA). The Yarrowee-Leigh River system is a highly modified and regulated waterway that has been historically affected by the urban development in Ballarat and gold mining in the area. Flow deviation through major headworks to supply urban water have altered both the quantity and quality of natural flows. Much of the stream flow in the upper reaches of the Yarrowee River is diverted for water supply, a majority of summer flows downstream of the City of Ballarat is derived from the Ballarat South wastewater treatment plant and Ballarat Goldfields before passing through extensive areas of dry land grazing. As the Leigh river is a major tributary to the Barwon River, changes in flow regime can impact the health of the lower Barwon River, including and .

The Corangamite CMA Waterway Strategy23 highlights the Lower Yarrowee River and the Lower Leigh River as a priority waterways, as shown in the figure below. The lower Yarrowee River and in-turn, the Leigh River, receive flows from the two primary waterways that receive stormwater and wastewater flows from Ballarat, the Yarrowee River and Winter Creek (which are individually classed as high-value waterways). The health of each of these waterways is discussed in sub-sections below.

The majority of stormwater and treated wastewater from the Ballarat City area drains into the Leigh River Catchment, impacting the lower Yarrowee River and the lower Leigh River which are classified as priority waterways by Corangamite CMA. Changes to flow regime and water quality in Ballarat City could potentially also impact the lower Barwon River. More localised high value waterways affected by stormwater runoff include Winter Creek, which will receive a large amount of additional runoff from growth areas, and the Yarrowee River which runs through Ballarat City.

An environmental risk review24 of the Leigh River identified water quality (particularly occurrences of high total nitrogen and total phosphorus at Mt Mercer), bed stability and instream habitat loss amongst the key

23 Corangamite CMA (2014) 2014-2022 Corangamite Waterway Strategy (CWS) for healthy rivers, and wetlands. 24 GHD (2010) Report for Leigh River Ecological Risk Assessment. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority. 47 threats to the Leigh River Catchment. The Corangamite Nutrient Management Working Group predicted in 2009 that the river would experience minor algal blooms in the following 10 years. The highest recorded nutrient levels in the catchment are just downstream of Ballarat and in proximity to Ballarat Gold Mine, Ballarat South WWTP and Redan Wetlands. Nutrients within this reach are up to 9 times nitrogen and 4 times phosphorus SEPP environmental objective levels. The risk review found that nutrient concentrations decreased in a downstream direction, and currently decrease to levels that are not a significant risk to the environmental values of Leigh River gorge. The large scale movement of sediment slugs through the Leigh River is likely to have resulted in substantial loss of habitat along the river, which poses a greater risk to the gorge and downstream habitats.

Sediment discharges to the Leigh River catchment pose a significant threat to the health of the highly valued Leigh River Gorge. Stormwater runoff from Ballarat is a major source of sediment. It is also a high priority to reduce nutrients (particularly nitrogen) in the upper Yarrowee/Leigh River catchment to protect waterway health. Stormwater runoff from the city and Ballarat South WWTP discharges are major contributors of nitrogen to the Yarrowee River.


Figure A20 Leigh River Catchment25 With regard to flow regime, a study26 of environmental flows for the Barwon catchment in 2006 outlined recommendations for flows to the Mid Leigh River (below confluence of Yarrowee River and Winter Creek), as shown in the figure below.

25 Corangamite CMA (2014) 2014-2022 Corangamite Waterway Strategy (CWS) for healthy rivers, estuaries and wetlands. 26 Corangamite CMA (2006) Environmental Flow Determination for the Barwon River. 49

Table A11 Flow objectives for the Mid Leigh River and recorded performance (Corangamite CMA, 2006)

The study notes that the Leigh River is subject to additional flows due to inter-basin transfers and wastewater treatment plant discharges. These additional discharges, in themselves, do not seem to have large adverse impacts but do create risks from additional saline or eutrophic conditions. These means that increases in the duration or frequency of cease to flows may provide additional threats to the values of the systems. High flows in the Leigh River are generally only marginally met under the 2006 flow regime studied.

The Central Region Sustainable Water Strategy (2006) outlined a minimum release of 2000ML/year to meet the environmental flow needs of the Barwon River, though timing and quality of discharge was not specified. This release is currently met and exceeded by the discharge from the South Ballarat Treatment Plant. The CCMA Waterways Strategy furthers this target to specify that ‘opportunities should be examined to better replicate natural flow regimes in the Yarrowee-Leigh catchment (particularly to improve degraded water quality and low flow magnitude)’.

A 200527 study determined that the upper and mid reaches of Leigh River drain a catchment area of 593 km2. Unimpacted mean annual discharge is 60 GL/year, and the 2005 mean annual discharge is 56 GL/year (i.e. 5.7% reduction). Urban runoff process are likely to have significantly altered the hydrology of the river in the zone downstream of Ballarat. Flow duration curves show that for high flows, the unimpacted time series exceeds the current and historical time series. However, for the low flows both the historical and current time series exceeds the unimpacted time series due to discharges from the Ballarat South Wastewater Treatment Plant. Potential impacts are more likely to be evident in the upper reaches of the Yarrowee, where sub-catchment areas and flow volumes are smaller. Furthermore, as discharge from

27 Earthtech (2005) Lake Wendouree Water Supply Investigation. 50 the Ballarat South Wastewater Treatment Plant has increased the volume of low flows in the Yarrowee, impacts of water diversions are more likely to impact reaches of the river upstream of the treatment plant.

A minimum release of 2000ML/year from the Ballarat South WWTP was set out in the Central Region Sustainable Water Strategy (2006) and reinforced by the CCMA Waterways Strategy. The Strategy also stipulates that opportunities should be examined to better replicate natural flow regimes. Recommendations for flow regime to the mid Leigh River are available, including a summer low flow of 12ML/day, a winter base flow of 49 ML/day, and a series of low flow and high flow freshes. It has been recognised that flows exceed unimpacted flows in both low flow and high flow periods, and this is likely to increase further with development. A flows study is needed to better understand the waterways flow requirements and effects of urban stormwater flows.

Receiving Environment: Yarrowee River

Key management activities outlined in the Waterway Strategy that are relevant to an IWM Plan for Ballarat include:

 Maintain the discharge into the Yarrowee from the South Ballarat Treatment Plant as a beneficial environmental use (as per flow requirements for the Leigh River and Barwon River outlined above).  Adopt whole of water cycle management principles to reduce the impact of stormwater run-off on the health of the Yarrowee Leigh and downstream waterways.  Enhance the upsteam reach in line with the Breathing Life back into the Yarrowee Project (particularly to improve bank instability, riparian vegetation, and degraded water quality). Note: this project has now been completed and consisted of $1million of improvements to the Yarrowee River in the Ballarat area.

Results from community water quality monitoring of the Yarrowee River have often been greater than the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) guidelines for the catchment. However the instantaneous nature of this data in the upper part of the catchment was not sufficient to analyse against the guidelines. Biological monitoring of the Leigh River in 1997 near Mt Mercer also did not meet the SEPP guidelines, particularly Stream Invertebrate Grade Number – Average Level (SIGNAL level) for either riffles or edge habitats28.

To aid the health of the Yarrowee River, it is desirable to better replicate natural flow regimes by improving water quality and flow magnitudes and timing.

Ongoing improvements are needed to restore the recreational and ecological value of the Yarrowee River in the Ballarat City area.

28 Urban Water Cycle Solutions (2014) Systems analysis of water cycle solutions: Analysis of base case scenarios for the Living Ballarat project. 51

Receiving Environment: Winter Creek City of Ballarat’s Stormwater Management Plan (2010) recognises environmental values associated with some instream and riparian indigenous vegetation in Winter Creek, but as the creek has traditionally been cleared for grazing, only small stands of remnant vegetation remain in the floodplain. The existing environmental and recreation values are relatively low but are anticipated to increase with future urban growth, accompanied by open space planning and rehabilitation of the waterway corridor. The plan highlights that ‘high levels of future residential development may pose a major threat. Flooding will limit capacity to construct stormwater treatments and future development could exacerbate this situation. Carefully designed treatment measures will be required, to integrate the flow and water quality management objectives.’

Winter Creek is likely to be impacted by flow and water quality changes due to increased stormwater runoff from urban development areas in the west of Ballarat. The creek has some existing environmental value, with potential for enhancement.

Receiving Environment: Burrumbeet Creek Catchment

A small portion of Ballarat City in the north drains to Burrumbeet Creek, which is part of the Upper Hopkins Waterway Management Area governed by Glenelg Hopkins CMA. The Creek is regarded to be in ‘Poor’ condition, and is denoted as a waterway where ‘improvements should be made when opportunities arise’ but is not regarded as a priority waterway by the CMA29. Burrumbeet Creek is the main source of water for Lake Burrumbeet. The Burrumbeet Creek in the lower reaches near Lake Burrumbeet has some scattered remnant indigenous riparian vegetation, however, the upstream reaches are largely cleared and exotic vegetation dominates. There is also a reed bed in the Burrumbeet Creek, downstream of the Ballarat North Water Reclamation Plant that provides a water quality treatment function. The Stormwater Management Plan highlights that Changed flow regimes are causing streambank erosion and a decline in in-stream habitat values in Burrumbeet Creek, which is a significant threat due to presence of native fish in the stream and that this will potentially be exacerbated by future residential and industrial development.30

The flows to Burrumbeet Creek have been highly modified in recent decades. Firstly, urban development in Ballarat has resulted in an additional 815ML/annum of stormwater reaching the Creek. The construction of the Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater scheme to divert stormwater to Lake Wendouree involves a planned diversion from Paul’s Drain of 230ML/year which would have previously been discharged to Burrumbeet Creek (actual diversion amount in operation is unknown). The North Ballarat Wastewater Treatment Plant previously discharged 2,000ML/year of water to Burrumbeet Creek, averaging 6ML/day, however this was reduced to 4ML/day for 10 months of the year as part of the Lake Wendouree scheme.

29 Glenelg Hopkins CMA (2014) Glenelg Hopkins Waterway Strategy 2014-2022. 30 City of Ballarat (2010) Stormwater Management Plan. 52

Water is diverted from Burrumbeet Creek for irrigation of a number of farms. There are currently six licensed diversions from the creek with a total combined allowance of 231 ML/year, as described in the following table. There may also be further non-licensed domestic and stock access to Burrumbeet Creek, and domestic and stock access for which licenses are not required.31

Most of the Lake Burrumbeet catchment is used for grazing and other agricultural land uses. There are small areas of native vegetation confined to the hills in the eastern and southern margins of the catchment. The catchment also includes the northern suburbs of Ballarat and the townships of Miners Rest and Learmonth, which together account for approximately 1.4% of the total catchment area. These areas of urban development generate significantly higher levels of stormwater runoff than the pre- development landscapes. Therefore the increase in the urban area of the catchment that has already occurred and will continue to occur as Ballarat grows, more than compensates for the diversion of water to Lake Wendouree.

The Ballarat North WWTP currently discharges a portion of treated wastewater flow to Burrumbeet Creek. However, it is noted that the wastewater discharged from Ballarat North does not constitute “natural” Burrumbeet Creek flow as Ballarat’s drinking water supply is predominantly drawn from the Moorabool catchment and therefore already represents an artificial inter basin transfer. Hence it could be argued that the withdrawal of some wastewater better represents natural flow conditions.

Burrumbeet Creek is likely to be impacted by flow and water quality changes due to increased stormwater runoff from urban development areas in the north of Ballarat and around Miners Rest. The creek has some existing environmental value, with potential for enhancement. Flows to the creek support Lake Burrumbeet and a number of irrigation users which extract from the creek downstream of Ballarat, so there are drivers to maintain flows to the Creek at a certain level. Ideal flows for Burrumbeet Creek have not been defined by previous studies.

31 Earthtech (2005) Lake Wendouree Water Supply Investigation. 53

Receiving Environment: Lake Burrumbeet

There are remnant River Red Gums around the eastern and southern shores of the Lake, which are significant in the Ballarat area, given that there is only a small amount of remnant vegetation remaining due to agricultural and mining land use.32 Lake Burrumbeet aquatic activities have been severely compromised since the summer of 1997-98 and the lake dried out in March 2004. The Lake levels have somewhat recovered since 2010 but the Lake regularly experiences blue-green algal blooms over the summer months.33

In 2005, approximately 20% of the total phosphorus and 30% of the total nitrogen loads entering Lake Burrumbeet may be attributed to discharge from the Ballarat North WWTP34. Modelling to support the Nutrient Management Plan estimated the yield for the Burrumbeet Creek to be high for Total Phosphorus (TP, 0.14 – 0.21 kg/ha/yr) and very high for Total Nitrogen (TN, 3.12 – 4.15 kg/ha/yr) which is likely a key contributing factor to the toxic outbreaks in the lake. The Glenelg Health Strategy 2004- 2009 also reported the TP concentration of 0.325 mg/L (75th percentile) to be above the SEPP guidelines35.

A water balance for Lake Burrumbeet has been completed in Section 2.9 of this Appendix.

Lake Burrumbeet is a recreational asset for local communities, though it has frequently dried out in the past, with priority given to providing water to Lake Wendouree. Nutrient loads to Burrumbeet Creek is a concern due to the prevalence of blue-green algae blooms in Lake Burrumbeet.

32 City of Ballarat (2010) Stormwater Management Plan. 33 City of Ballarat (2006) Fact Sheet: Impact on the Lake Burrumbeet Catchment. Available: http://web.archive.org/web/20081224065722/http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/library/scripts/objectifyMedia.aspx?file=pdf/13/20.pdf&str_ title=Fact+Sheet+-+Impact+On+Lake+Burumbeet+(Jan06).pdf 34 Earthtech (2005) Lake Wendouree Water Supply Investigation. 35 Urban Water Cycle Solutions (2014) Systems analysis of water cycle solutions: Analysis of base case scenarios for the Living Ballarat project. 54

Total urban excess to Yarrowee and Burrumbeet Catchments

The figure below summarises the expected current and future urban excess volumes to the major receiving environments in Ballarat City. The dotted bars indicate the contribution of stormwater and wastewater to these receiving environments which is reused locally. This flow balance highlights the high quantity of urban excess expected to be released to the Yarrowee-Leigh catchment under future conditions.

Burrumbeet Catchment

• Current flow to waterway (less reuse): 3,332ML/year

• Future flow to waterway (less reuse): 5,980ML/year

• Change in flow under base case: 2,648ML/year

Yarrowee-Leigh Catchment

• Current flow to waterway (less reuse): 8,611ML/year

• Future flow to waterway (less reuse): 20,094ML/year

• Change in flow under base case: 11,483ML/year


Expected urban excess volumes and reuse 30000




10000 ual volume volume ual generated (ML) 5000 Ann

0 Current Future Current Future Burrumbeet Yarrowee Wastewater available 799 2532 122 6266 Stormwater available 2533 3448 8489 13828 Wastewater reuse 962 962 6122 6122 Stormwater reuse 65 155 723 1533 Creek systems recieving urban excess

Figure A21 Expected Urban Excess Volumes and Reuse

Receiving Environment: Lake Wendouree

Due to the diversion of treated wastewater and stormwater through the Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater scheme, Lake Wendouree receives flows from the Burrumbeet Catchment as well as some local runoff from surrounding land. Lake Wendouree has the highest recreational use and value in the City for both water and land based recreation. It has historical value and is key to the identity of Ballarat. Lake health is at risk from runoff from surrounding impervious areas, flooding and erosion issues, and poor water quality due to nutrient loads from urban runoff and treated wastewater supplies. High nutrient loads have caused blue-green algae growth in Lake Wendouree in the past.36 The recreational needs of the lake mean that lake levels need to be near to full for the summer months, placing a large demand on water supplies from the Harnessing Ballarat’s Stormwater Scheme.

Lake Wendouree is a recreational asset for local communities, though it has frequently dried out in the past, with priority given to providing water to Lake Wendouree. Nutrient loads to Burrumbeet Creek is a concern due to the prevalence of blue-green algae blooms in Lake Burrumbeet.

36 Glenelg Hopkins CMA (2014) Glenelg Hopkins Waterway Strategy 2014-2022.


Supply Catchment: Moorabool River Catchment

In response to growing demand for potable and irrigated water throughout the greater Geelong and Ballarat regions, a series of reservoirs and water supply infrastructure was installed that had direct impact on the flow and health of the Moorabool River. The Ballarat water supply draws on the Lal Lal Reservoir which is one of three major storages on the headwaters of the Moorabool River. The West Moorabool River, where the Lal Lal reservoir lies, is considered one of Victoria’s most flow stressed rivers.37

Flow diversion from major headworks to supply urban water, land use, licenced and unlicensed extraction have impacted both quantity and quality of flows with the Moorabool River receiving less than 50% of its natural stream flow in an average year and less than 25% in a drought year. Sedimentation and sand slugs brought about from flow changes and erosion from catchment clearing have also impacted on the habitat of fish species, as well as other social amenities, e.g. filling in swimming holes. Additionally, the Moorabool River is a major tributary to the Barwon River. As such, the flow-stressed nature of the Moorabool River impacts on the health of the lower Barwon River, including the Ramsar listed Lower Barwon wetlands (Lake Connewarre wetland complex). 38

The Moorabool River itself provides a significant biodiversity habitat corridor between the Central Highlands, Victorian Volcanic Plains and through to the Southern Ocean at Barwon Heads. The river sustains life and critical ecological process for many species of native flora and fauna, including fish, macroinvertebrates, mammals (platypus/water rats), birds and Ecological Vegetation Communities. The following long-term goal has been defined for the Moorabool River in partnership with the Moorabool Stakeholder Advisory Committee:

To improve the Moorabool Rivers flow-dependent ecological values and services through the provision of environmental water. The delivery of environmental water will also provide for social and cultural values for future generations.39

The Moorabool River Environmental Water Management Plan (2016) sets minimum water recovery targets, including delivery of 5,140 ML/year under dry conditions (requiring an additional allocation of 2640ML/year to the existing entitlement), and delivery of 9,000 ML/year under wet/average conditions. These targets reflect the minimum environmental water volume needed to protect priority ecological values in the river. A higher aspirational target for delivery of 19,630 ML/year is based on the achievement of all of the recommended flow components (low flows, freshes and high flows) and protection of all of the systems identified ecological values. The Central Region Sustainable Water Strategy (2006) is in keeping with these targets, and had highlighted one future water recovery option as a transfer of part of the Central Highlands Water entitlement (4,500ML/year) to the environment through the provision of recycled water from the Ballarat South treatment plant to local uses as a replacement for potable water. It is expected that the Central Region Sustainable Water Strategy will be updated in the next few years, and is likely to adopt

37 Urban Water Cycle Solutions (2014) Systems analysis of water cycle solutions: Analysis of base case scenarios for the Living Ballarat project. 38 Corangamite CMA (2016) Moorabool River Environmental Water Management Plan. 39 Corangamite CMA (2016) Moorabool River Environmental Water Management Plan. 57 the Moorabool River Environmental Water Management Plan (2016) targets, and set actions and requirements accordingly.

Part of the existing water supply to Ballarat City is sourced from the Moorabool River catchment, which is flow stressed. The Moorabool River Environmental Water Management Plan (2016) sets out new targets for the increased delivery of environmental water to support river health.

Supply Catchment: Goulburn-Murray

Victoria’s Millennium Drought resulted in a number of the State’s regional centres facing severe water shortages and lead the development and implementation of the Goldfields Superpipe. The pipeline allows and Ballarat to access water from the Goulburn-Murray system, with the Ballarat section of the pipeline supplying water from near Bendigo to the White Swan Reservoir at Ballarat.

The pipeline has the capacity to pump approximately 54 ML/day (~20,000 ML/annum), and CHW hold 9,500 ML of entitlement on the Goulburn System, and 11,500 ML of entitlement on the Campaspe System.

The pipeline provides Ballarat with excellent water security, and in years when Ballarat doesn’t need water from the Goulburn-Murray system, the opportunity to trade the water. The entitlement held by CHW can essentially be traded within the Southern Connected Murray Darling Basin, where a sophisticated and well established trade system operates. Trade within this system occurs regularly, with markets established for both the permanent trade of entitlement, and temporary trade of allocation.

The trade market is highly dependent on allocation, with recent years suggesting that any water traded by CHW in low allocation years would be bought by horticulture; the dairy industry in average allocation years; and the rice industry in high allocation years. This is essentially reflecting the value of production per megalitre for the various industries, and therefore, the price they can afford to pay for water. Whilst the market is fluid and ever-changing, the current expectations for the trade price of water is approximately $2,500/ML for permanent trade on the Goulburn System, approximately $2,000/ML for permanent trade on the Campaspe System, and approximately $150/ML for the temporary trade of water. The difference in price between the Goulburn and Campaspe systems reflects the security of the two water products.

Over the last decade, both the Victorian State and Federal Australian governments have invested in a number of water ‘buyback’ programs that have significantly reduced the volume of water that is now available for irrigation throughout northern Victoria. Whist this reduction in water has been mirrored by a reduction in the number of farmers, it does indicate that in years where CHW do no use their entitlement, that there will always be a market for the water where it will be used productively. This is a reasonable outcome in that the water will be used productively in all years.

The entitlement to the superpipe provides security and flexibility for the Ballarat Supply System. If more use is made of local resources, there is the possibility of trading water on a temporary or permanent basis.


2.8 Waterway riparian condition

The City of Ballarat (CoB) has several major and minor waterways that pass through and around its built environment. As the CoB continues to densify and grow, the condition of these waterways is expected to be put under increased stress from landscape modifications, vegetation removal, stormwater drainage and litter. The Corangamite CMA’s River Health Strategy states the riparian vegetation in upper reaches of the Yarrowee River is currently in poor condition with willows and gorse as predominant streamside vegetation (Corangamite CMA, 2006).

To gain an understanding of the condition and distribution of this riparian vegetation along four priority waterways within Ballarat’s urban growth zone (Yarrowee River, Burrumbeet Creek, Kensington Creek, and Winter Creek), aerial photography was used to analyse and classify each section to one of the six present riparian conditions:

1. Rubble: Crushed rock artificially laid along the banks of the waterway to prevent erosion. No riparian vegetation present. 2. Open Channel: Artificially constructed drainage way. This infrastructure is built either from stone and/or concrete and provides no riparian vegetation. 3. Underground Passage: Artificially constructed underground drainage way. This infrastructure is built either from stone, concrete and/or piping and provides no riparian vegetation.

Figure A22 Rubble Figure A23 Open Channel Figure A24 Underground (Kensington) (Yarrowee) Passage (Yarrowee)


4. Cleared Riparian Vegetation: Waterway that has no significant riparian vegetation. Agricultural clearing and bank erosion is typically present.

Figure A25 Yarrowee Figure A26 Burrumbeet Figure A27 Kensington

5. Mild Riparian Vegetation: Waterway has some level of riparian vegetation with occasional patches. Riparian vegetation width varies 1-5m from the waterway. Weeds are typically present.

Figure A28 Yarrowee Figure A29 Burrumbeet Figure A30 Winter 6. Heavy Riparian Vegetation: Waterway has an excellent level of riparian vegetation with significant reach of 10m or more from the waterway.

Figure A31 Yarrowee Figure A32 Burrumbeet Figure A33 Kensington


The lengths of each of these classifications was then summarised to present a snap-shot of the current riparian condition of these waterways within the specified study area.


 Classifications were based on distinct riparian characteristics that could be discerned from aerial photography.  Lengths of classifications are approximate and should only be taken as a rule of thumb.  Analysis was limited the specified study area.  Water quality was not considered in this analysis.


Table A12 and Figure A34 summarises the analysed waterways within the designated study area. Figure A35 and Figure A36 map the riparian condition of the waterways. Notable findings are:  Burrumbeet and Kensington Creek are particularly vulnerable to erosion and water quality issues from a significant loss of riparian vegetation. Approximately 65% of both waterways have no significant riparian vegetation and provide minimal ecological or amenity values.  Approx. 7% of Kensington Creek has been laid with rock rubble. No other waterway has been similarly modified.  In the urban area of Ballarat, the Yarrowee River has been significantly modified to a bluestone drain (13%) with some reaches traveling underground (4%).  Winter creek is in relatively poor condition with 34% of its length cleared and the remaining with mild coverage.

Table A12 Waterway Riparian Classification (km)

River Classification Length (km)

Rubble Channel Underground Cleared Mild Heavy Total Waterway Veg Veg Veg length

2.38 0.82 3.48 6.96 5.27 18.92 Yarrowee 10.40 3.50 2.51 16.40 Burrumbeet 3.02 5.12 8.15 Winter 0.40 3.08 1.36 0.22 5.77 Kensington 0.40 2.38 0.82 20.70 16.94 7.99 49.24 Total


Figure A34 Waterway Riparian Classification (%)


Figure A35 Creek Riparian Condition


Figure A36 River Riparian Condition


2.9 Burrumbeet catchment water balance A conceptual stormwater model was created for the Burrumbeet catchment to assess key sources of water flows and pollutants that pass into Lake Burrumbeet. Two scenarios were modelled to analyse the current and a future catchment system with planned urban developments and climate change. Key conclusions drawn from the results are:

 Direct rainfall and evaporation have the most influence on Burrumbeet lake levels, though urban stormwater and treated wastewater are somewhat significant. Lake levels will be difficult to increase.  Urban stormwater poses the greatest risk in terms of nutrient load to Burrumbeet Lake. Best practice treatment of new development will reduce increases in nutrient loads.  There is an expected increase in urban stormwater flows due to development as well as wastewater flows.  Climate change impacts across the whole catchment are likely to decrease flows by 3.6GL/year. This is broadly equivalent to the expected increase in urban stormwater flows.


The method used to obtain these conclusions is explained below.

Rainfall Data

 Rainfall Station: 089002 Ballarat Aerodrome  Start Date: 9/01/1975 12:00:00 AM  End Date: 27/12/2015 11:00:00 PM  Timestep: Hour  Mean Annual Rainfall (mm): 615 mm  Mean Annual PET (mm): 1031

Ballarat North WWTP

 Plant discharge to Burrumbeet Creek is assumed to linearly grow from 1500 ML/year to 2000 ML/year between 9/01/1975 to 1/08/2009.  At 1/08/2009 the Lake Wendouree Scheme comes into effect40 and discharge flows to Burrumbeet Creek drop to 1460 ML/year.  Discharged pollution loads for Ballarat North WWTP were assumed to be the plants annual median discharge limits. These values were assumed to be constant over the rainfall period. The limits are: TSS =10 mg/L, TN=10mg/L, TP=0.5 mg/L.

Burrumbeet Creek Extractions

 There are currently six licensed diversions from the creek with a total combined allowance of 231 ML/year. This value was assumed to be constant over the rainfall period.

40 City of Ballarat. Water Supply History 65

Further assumptions and data for the model was captured from GIS mapping the Burrumbeet catchment. The Burrumbeet catchment, as seen in Figure A37, was mapped in QGIS (v2.14.5) and segmented into three sub-catchments, urban, rural and lake catchment. The urban sub-catchment is defined by the study boundary and drains to Burrumbeet Creek. The rural sub-catchment similarly drains to Burrumbeet Creek and is bordered by the study boundary and the lake sub-catchment. The lake sub-catchment, similar in properties to the rural sub-catchment, drains to Lake Burrumbeet directly. Figure A38 resembles the future catchment system with the completion of three new urban precincts within the urban sub-catchment. This includes the TIGA land, Northern Greenfield Investigation Area (GIA) and the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ).

Burrumbeet Creek Monitoring Station 236215

Figure A37 Current Burrumbeet Catchment


Figure A38 Future Burrumbeet Catchment

The model was constructed in MUSIC (v6.2) and is a conceptual representation of the three sub- catchments (Figure A39). Burrumbeet Creek was modelled from the point of discharge from Ballarat North WWTP (see Figure A39) to Lake Burrumbeet. Standard MUSIC rain-runoff parameters and pollution loads were generally used. Variations from these values across the nodes are shown in Table A13 and Table A14.


Figure A39 MUSIC model layout

Urban Sub-Catchment The urban sub-catchment is represented by 4 urban nodes:  Existing urban area with no planned developments (Burrumbeet Creek; Existing 1 [Mixed])  Existing urban area with planned BWEZ development (Burrumbeet Creek; BWEZ [Mixed])  Existing urban area with planned Northern GIA development (Burrumbeet Creek; Northern GIA [Mixed])  Existing urban area with planned TIGA development (Burrumbeet Creek; TIGA [Mixed])


Table A13 Urban Node Parameters Node Type Urban Node [Mixed]

Parameter Existing 1 BWEZ Northern GIA TIGA

Area (ha) 4008 643 569 273

Current Impervious % 20 6 6 3

Future Impervious % 20 40 40 40

Soil moisture storage 120 120 120 120 capacity

Field Capacity (mm) 50 50 50 50

Daily Baseflow Rate (%) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Daily Deep Seepage Rate 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 (%)

Rural Sub-Catchment The rural sub-catchment is represented by 2 identical agricultural nodes. The rural catchment is split over two nodes due to a 10,000 ha maximum node area limitation.

Table A14 Rural Sub-Catchment Node Type  Rural Node

Node Name Area Impervious % Soil StorageField Capacity Daily Daily Deep (ha) Capacity (mm) Baseflow Seepage Rate (mm) Rate (%) (%)

Existing 1 10,000 1 90 50 1.00 4.00

Existing 1 5,830 1 90 50 1.00 4.00

Burrumbeet Creek The creek is represented by 6 swale nodes due to a 5,000 m maximum node length limitation. The nodes are predominately identical except with the first two nodes having a higher exfiltration rate. Creek details were obtained from an environmental report on Burrumbeet Creek by Newall and Lloyd (2007).


Table A15 42 Burrumbeet Creek Node Type  Swale Node

Node Name Bed Base Top Depth Vegetation Exfiltration Slope % Width Width (m) (m) height (m) Rate (m) (mm/hr)

Burrumbeet Creek 0.22 1.0 5.0 0.35 0.01 0.3 (first two nodes)

Burrumbeet Creek 0.22 1.0 5.0 0.35 0.01 0.01 (remaining 4 nodes)

Burrumbeet Lake Additional background research was conducted on Lake Burrumbeet to obtain a greater understanding of the systems that govern the lake’s water level. Yihdego and Webb (2015) conducted a detailed water balance on the lake which showed groundwater outflows have a major influence on lake levels (31% of lake losses). The total percentage share of lake inflows and outflows of this study were used to alter the model’s output to improve the representation of the flows in Lake Burrumbeet.

Table A16 43 Burrumbeet Lake (Storage and Outlet) Node Type Pond

Node Area Lake Extended Permanent Initial Exfiltrat- Equivalen Name (ha) Depth Detentio Pool Volume ion Rate t Outlet (m) n Depth Volume (m3) (mm/hr) Pipe (m) (m3) Diameter (mm) & Overflow Weir (m)

Lake 2340 2 0.2 46,793,000 23,396,500 0.5 1000 mm Burrumbeet 40 m


Table A17 44 Burrumbeet Lake (Direct Rainfall) Node Type Urban Node [Mixed]

Soil Storage Field Impervious Rainfall Daily Baseflow Daily Deep Node Name Area (ha) Capacity Capacity % threshold (mm) Rate (%) Seepage Rate (%) (mm) (mm)w

Lake Burrumbeet 2,340 100 0 120 50 2.00 3.00

Table A18 Lake Sub-Catchment Node Type Urban Node [Mixed]

Node Name Area (ha) Impervious % Soil Field Daily Daily Deep Storage Capacity Baseflow Seepage Rate Capacity (mm)w Rate (%) (%) (mm)

Burrumbeet 5,909 1 120 50 2.00 3.00 Lake Catchment

The Burrumbeet Creek extractions were modelled via a rainwater tank with an annual reuse demand of 231 ML/yr. Ballarat North WWTP was incorporated as an imported data node with the flow and data assumptions specified as stated earlier.

The above node parameters were achieved through an iterative modelling process to match (as best as reasonably possible) observed flow data from a monitoring station (ID 236215) at the creek crossing of Bo Peep Road (Easting/Northing 736309.00/5843395.00). See Figure A37 for location. The station data was publicly sourced from the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP). Prior to use, this data was screened for poor data entries (Quality Codes >150) and limited to the rainfall period.

The accuracy of the model was assessed via the mean annual discharge (MAD), and the Nash- Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSE). A time series analysis was also conducted with River Analysis Package (RAP) by eWater to compare the baseflow index (BFI), flood flow index (FFI), and mean daily baseflow (MABF) between the model and the observed data. The results of this analysis for the selected model compared to the observed data is given in Table A19 Model Analysis .


Table A19 Model Analysis Data Mean Nash- Base flow Flood flow Mean annual Sutcliffe index (BFI) index (FFI) annual flow Efficiency base flow (NSE)

Observed 11,571 - 0.313 0.687 0.108

Model 10,962 0.4487 0.331 0.669 0.12


The results of the calibrated model show that the lake’s water level is highly dependent on direct rainfall with over 50% of lake inflows being attributed to precipitation (Figure A40). Ballarat’s urban catchments were seen to be the second highest contributor at 19% of total lake inflows. While flows from the wastewater treatment plant are a small overall contributor, their contribution to flows in the creek during summer and dry periods is significant and important for farming reliant on extractions. The future water balance was characterised with a reduced level of runoff over the lake and rural catchments increased runoff from the urban catchment and increased wastewater flows. These changes are due to a reduction in rainfall over the system and an increased level of impervious land and wastewater discharges in Northern Ballarat from new developments. Catchment water flows are shown in Table A20.

Interestingly, the additional generation of either stormwater or wastewater from a higher proportion of impervious land can potentially offset the loss of inflows to Lake Burrumbeet due to future climate change. It is expected that climate change (median scenario to 2040) and associated reduced rainfall and runoff will result in a loss of 6.31% of total current inflows into Lake Burrumbeet (a loss of 1.9 GL/yr). The increases in stormwater and wastewater flows are each approximately 1.8 GL/yr. This means that if climate change is accepted as a natural process and no mitigation flows are pursued, up to 3.6 GL/yr of additional excess water is available in the catchment (above current conditions). If stormwater or wastewater flows are used as environmental flows to offset reductions due to climate change then the excess available will increase by 1.7 GL/year.


Figure A40 Percentage inflow contributions to Lake Burrumbeet

Table A20 Catchment Water Flows Catchment Rainfall Evapo- Groundwater Infiltration Surface water Surface Element (GL/Yr) transpiration Inflow (GL/Yr) outflow water Inflow (GL/Yr) (GL/Yr) (GL/Yr) (GL/Yr)

Urban 33.8 25.1 0 2.6 6.1 0 Catchment

Rural 97.4 82.4 0 10.9 4.0 0 Catchment

Lake 36.3 30.5 0 3.3 2.5 0 Catchment

Ballarat - - - 0 1.7 0 North WWTP

Burrumbeet 0 0 0 0 Removal of 11.8 Creek 0.2 via extraction

Burrumbeet 15 24.3 0.8 7.5 2.2 12.5 Lake


Table A21 Future Flow Scenarios Future inflows without Future inflows with Current Lake Burrumbeet development Burrumbeet development Lake Inflow Sources Inflows (GL/yr) (GL/yr) (GL/yr) Direct Lake Rainfall 15 14 14 Urban Catchment Runoff 6.1 6.1 7.9 Rural Catchment Runoff 4 3.5 3.5 Lake Catchment Runoff 2.5 2.1 2.1 WWTP Discharge* 1.7 1.7 3.5 Ground Water Inflow* 0.8 0.8 0.8 Total 30.1 28.2 31.8 % Flow Change - -6.31% 5.65% Flow Change (GL/yr) - -1.9 1.7

Pollutant loads (TSS, TP and TN) discharged within the Burrumbeet catchment were seen to be primarily due to the urban catchment. This area accounted for 65% of TSS, 45% of TP and 34% of TN of the total pollution loads discharged (Figure A41 and Table A22). The Ballarat North WWTP notably contributed the highest TN load of 35%. Changes to pollutant loads were not analysed for the future water balance. It is expected that current pollution loads could be potentially maintained with all current and future surface runoff being adequately treated before being discharged to Burrumbeet Creek.

Figure A41 Pollutant load discharge % within the Burrumbeet catchment


Table A22 Catchment Pollutant Load Flows Catchment Element Total TSS Total TP Total TN (Tonne/Yr) (Tonne/Yr) (Tonne/Yr)

Urban Catchment 912 2.1 16.3

Rural Catchment 370 1.3 9.6

Lake Catchment 96.80 0.5 5.7

Ballarat North WWTP 16.7 0.8 16.7

Burrumbeet Creek - - -

Burrumbeet Lake 3413.7 8.5 63.9 (inflow)


References CHW, 2016. History. [Online] Available at: http://www.chw.net.au/about-us/history

City of Ballarat, n.d. Water Supply History: Lake Wendouree Water Supply. [Online] Available at: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/lae/lakes/lake-wendouree/lake-wendouree-water- supply.aspx

Newall, P. & Lloyd, L., 2007. Environmental Values of Burrumbeet Creek. Melbourne, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority .

Yihdego, Y. & Webb, J. A., 2015. Use of a conceptual hydrogeological model and a time variant water budget analysis to determine controls on salinity in Lake Burrumbeet in southeast Australia. Environ Earth Sci, Issue 73, p. 1587–1600.



Appendix B: Stakeholder Workshops ------


1. Workshop 1 ...... 2

1.1 Workshop 1 Photos 2 1.2 Visions for Ballarat 3 1.3 Opportunities for Ballarat 5 2. Workshop 2 ...... 11

2.1 Workshop 2 Photos 11 2.2 Ballarat City Transition-o-meter 12 2.3 ‘Circles of Support’ Activity 14

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

1. Workshop 1

1.1 Workshop 1 Photos

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 2

1.2 Visions for Ballarat Table B1 Collected stakeholder visions for Ballarat 1 Future Ballarat's City Slogan

1.1 Water for everything 1.2 Transformative old, gold & cold to green, clean and lean 1.3 Green City 1.4 Sustainable, beautiful, vibrant 1.5 Ballarat the ever-green city 2 Guiding Principals

2.1 Sustainability, collaboration and self-reliance 2.2 Adequate water for environment, industry and residents 2.3 Integrate water management with total resource management 2.4 Security of water supply - green spaces, agriculture, industry, households (in balance with economic and environmental needs) 2.5 Education and understanding of the region's climate (very dry) – resourcefulness is key 2.6 Liveability - live in harmony with the environment but value water as important for community health and wellbeing 2.7 Sustainably managing assets for improved waterway health and resilience to climate change 2.8 Community drives positive change for improved health and liveability 2.9 Water management facilitates/enables growth in industry and residential population for a successful, self-sufficient, regional city. 2.10 Proactive, long-term innovative planning 2.11 Stakeholders and the community have ownership 2.12 Sustainability - social, economic, environment 2.13 Water conscious city - everybody knows and cares about water 2.14 Integrated portfolio of water sources and services 2.15 Pricing signals reward good behaviours 3 Future Headline Achievements 3.1 Ballarat recognised as having the best open spaces 3.2 10,000 homes using 50% of own water supply 3.3 Yarrowee Restoration Jewel in Ballarat's Crown 3.4 Early investment in infrastructure - proactive plan to deal with population growth 3.5 Policy and education gives Ballarat the leading edge in water management 3.6 Ballarat achieves urban forest targets of 40% - A 'cool' city for improved health and wellbeing 3.7 Ballarat City: A hotspot for water and energy efficient dwellings and industry 3.8 Working ecosystems deliver Ballarat's services 3.9 Desirable location for industry 3.10 Ballarat's waterways a tourist attraction 3.11 Renowned for being a green city 3.12 We attract tourists 3.13 Record State and Federal funding from innovative planning 3.14 Active and healthy community 3.15 Renowned for quality urban planning and design

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 3

Future Ballarat City Slogans from the stakeholder workshop 1 – looking ahead 50 years

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 4

1.3 Opportunities for Ballarat Table B2 Collected stakeholder project ideas No. of Portfolio No. Opportunities Target Location Scale suggestions No. 1 Water Supply Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone 3 1.1 Supply Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone (BWUGZ) with stormwater Precinct 2 (BWUGZ) Expansion of Ballarat North WWTP to encompass SW stormwater storage, - 1.2 Ballarat North WWTP Local 2 treatment and supply 1.3 Stormwater harvesting with rainwater tanks from new buildings New buildings City wide 1 2 1.4 Stormwater harvesting with rainwater tanks from existing buildings (renovate) Existing buildings City wide 1 - 1.5 Stormwater harvesting from new wetlands New wetlands City wide 2 2,3,4 1.6 Stormwater harvesting from existing wetlands Existing wetlands City wide 2 3 Stormwater capture in Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone (BWUGZ) - Bonshaw, BWUGZ (Bonshaw, Winter Valley, 2,3,4 1.7 Precinct 1 Winter Valley, Sebastopol Sebastopol) Ballarat North Wastewater 1 1.8 Non-potable (

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 5

1.19 Capture stormwater at Mine's Rest Quarry Mine's Rest Quarry Local 1 - Incorporated wetlands with managed aquifer recharge (MAR) into new Eastern GIA Eastern Greenfield Investigation 4 1.20 Precinct 1 development Area (GIA) 1.21 Groundwater aquifer recharge (cardigan aquifer) Cardigan aquifer Regional 1 3,4 Ballarat West Employment Zone 3,4 1.22 Aquifer recharge & harvest with stormwater from Ballarat West Employment Zone Precinct 2 (BWEZ) 1.23 the Yarrowee and treat to potable water quality Yarrowee River Catchment 2 - 2 Water Storage 2.1 Increase local storage Site specific City wide 1 3 2.2 Soil water banking in winter for summer use - treed landscapes (e.g. Victoria Park) Victoria Park Precinct 2 1 2.3 More surface storage in new development areas New developments City wide 1 - Offline storage feeding off Lake Wendouree - above and below ground (aquifers) - 3 2.4 Site specific Precinct 2 extend to Ballarat West 2.5 Use Lake Wendouree for central storage of diverse water Lake Wendouree Local 3 3 2.6 Use Nerrina Wetlands for water storage from Yarrowee River Nerrina Wetlands Local 1 - 2.7 Use Lake Magpie for storage from Yarrowee River Lake Magpie Local 3 - 3 Water Networks 3.1 Network to utilise excess wastewater from commercial and industrial sources Citywide City wide 1 - 3.2 Lake Wendouree network expansion (e.g. Victoria Park, Ballarat West) Lake Wendouree Citywide 2 3 3.3 Non-potable water use network in developed areas City wide City wide 1 3 3.4 Centralised stormwater and wastewater harvesting network Wendouree West Precinct 1 3,4 3.5 Smart network to manage decentralised options City wide City wide 1 3,4 3.6 Extend and improve Ballarat's green-space irrigation network City wide City wide 1 1 3.7 Optimise existing diverse water networks City wide City wide 1 3 Interconnection technology of all diverse water sources to new and existing 3 3.8 City wide City wide 2 households, schools, industrial estates and reserves 4 Water Use 4.1 Ballarat open space irrigation Open spaces City wide 1 1 Encourage industry to use recycled wastewater - Class A or less (e.g. concrete, 1? 4.2 Industrial sites City wide 1 Central Highlands Linen)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 6

Stormwater use for Ballarat Urban Growth Zone - Bonshaw, Winter Valley, 2,3 4.3 Ballarat Urban Growth Zone Precinct 1 Sebastopol Connection to existing stormwater harvesting pipeline - Stockland Wendouree Stockland Wendouree - 4.4 Local 1 /Homemaker Centre /Homemaker Centre Ballarat West Employment Zone 3 4.5 Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) to utilise recycled water Precinct 3 (BWEZ) 4.6 Irrigation of CE Brown Reserve with harvested stormwater CE Brown Reserve Local 1 1 4.7 Irrigation of Ballarat Grammar School with harvested stormwater Ballarat Grammar School Local 1 1 4.8 Irrigation of Wendouree Primary School with harvested stormwater Wendouree Primary School Local 1 1 4.9 Existing residential areas to use tank water for toilet and washing use Commercial sites City wide 2 - 4.10 Existing commercial sites to use tank water for toilet and washing use Residential areas City wide 2 - 4.11 New residential areas to use tank water for toilet and washing use Commercial sites City wide 1 B,2 4.12 New commercial sites to use tank water for toilet and washing use Residential areas City wide 1 B,2 4.13 Grey water for outdoor use Residential areas City wide 1 - 4.14 Third pipe (Class A water) for Ballarat North (Northern GIA) Ballarat North (Northern GIA) Precinct 1 3 4.15 Third pipe for new residential areas Residential areas City wide 1 3 4.16 Third pipe for non-residential areas Non-residential areas City wide 1 3 4.17 Water for Ballarat Cemetery (enhancement and growth) Ballarat Cemetery Local 1 1 Sports grounds, open spaces (e.g. 1 4.18 Irrigate sports grounds, open spaces (e.g. Dower Park) City wide 1 Dower Park) Ballarat South Agriculture / 1 4.19 Excess city water to support Ballarat South Agriculture / Aquaculture City wide 1 Aquaculture 4.20 Inline storage from Yarrowee River for irrigation of White flat Oval White flat Oval Local 1 - 4.21 Inline storage from Yarrowee River for irrigation of Eastern Oval Eastern Oval (Ballarat East) Local 2 - 5 Environmental Management Storage for Yarrowee River environmental flows - use floodplains for passive Yarrowee - 5.1 Yarrowee River 1 management. Potentially utilise wastewater Catchment Yarrowee 1 5.2 Remediate Yarrowee Creek - improved ecology, erosion control, riparian vegetation Yarrowee River 5 Catchment 5.3 Focus for green city vision City wide City wide 1 1,2

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 7

Winter Ck. 2 5.4 Rehabilitate Winter Creek to accommodate for increased flows Winter Creek 1 Catchment 5.5 Increase tree coverage to 60% Citywide Citywide 1 2 5.6 Understand waterway requirements - undertake studies Ballarat waterways Catchment 1 1,2,3,4 5.7 Improved flood mitigation Citywide Citywide 1 1,2,3,4 5.8 Greening Victoria Park with diverse water supplies Victoria Park Local 2 1,3 5.9 Improve health of Victoria Park with diverse water irrigation Victoria Park Local 1 1,3 Yarrowee 1,2,3,4 5.10 Improve stormwater quality entering the Yarrowee River Yarrowee River 1 Catchment 5.11 Create Mt Pleasant, Mt Helen, Mt Clear urban forests using diverse water supplies Mt Pleasant, Mt Helen, Mt Clear Precinct 3 1 Kensington 2 5.12 Kensington Creek Remediation Kensington Creek 1 Catchment Increased greening of new development areas - GIAs, Ballarat West Urban Growth GIAs, Ballarat West Urban 2 5.13 City wide 1 Zone Growth Zone 6 Liveability & Community Development 6.1 Aboriginal values to be incorporated in existing and new developments Citywide Citywide 1 2 6.2 Communal spaces mixed into denser developments High density areas Citywide 1 2 6.3 Link existing walking and cycling paths with new developments Citywide Citywide 1 2 Ongoing community education on the value of water (social, economic, 2 6.4 Citywide Citywide 1 environment) 6.5 Improve amenity of Mt Pleasant, Mt Helen, Mt Clear Mt Pleasant, Mt Helen, Mt Clear Precinct 2 1 6.6 Improve amenity of Victoria Park Victoria Park Local 1 1,3 6.7 Improve amenity of waterways (e.g. Burrumbeet, Yarrowee) within Ballarat Ballarat's waterways Citywide 3 1,2 DCP to fund infrastructure for new infill development in central Ballarat district - 1 6.8 Central Ballarat District Precinct 1 Green-Blue Action Plan 6.9 Redevelopment opportunity at Ballarat Livestock Selling Centre Site Ballarat Livestock Selling Centre Local 1 - 6.10 Rowing facility to use water from growth zone Site specific Local 1 3 6.11 Masterplan for WSUD with offset scheme City wide City wide 1 2 6.12 Use excess Yarrowee water to create new recreational areas with improved amenity City wide City wide 1 1 6.13 Improve urban design in new areas - increased greening to 60% City wide City wide 1 2 7 Capacity Building

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City-wide cost-sharing for projects that benefit everyone - shared responsibility, 1,2,3,4 7.1 City wide State 1 legislation required for funding mechanisms 7.2 Strategy to communicate options to businesses and community - open dialogue City wide City wide 1 1,2,3,4 7.3 Legislation to allow CHW to manage stormwater to allow for IWM City wide State 1 1,2,3,4 7.4 Remove / buy back farm to improve flows into public reservoirs Farm dams State 1 - 7.5 Investigations to support diverse water supply for established uses City wide City wide 1 1 Documenting and explaining water options and alternatives available to encourage 1,2,3,4 7.6 City wide City wide 1 new approaches 7.7 Increase education to make policy more effective City wide City wide 1 1,2,3,4 7.8 Funding model - Developer contributions from infill to fund new projects City wide City wide 1 1 7.9 Encourage use of rainwater tanks with developer incentives and/or credits. New developments City wide 1 2 7.10 Precinct stormwater management schemes with developer contribution City wide Precinct 1 3,4 Water efficiency initiatives for industrial wedge between Wendouree Station, Industrial wedge at Wendouree - 7.11 Precinct 1 Learmonth Rd and Mitchell Park Station 7.12 Optimise future water management for Lake Wendouree and existing grid Lake Wendouree City wide 1 3 7.13 Reduce non-revenue water with new monitoring technologies & pipeline upgrades Existing water network City wide 1 B 7.14 Greater application of WSUD in its methods and treatments City wide City wide 1 B,2 Achieve higher levels of water efficiency via policy, education, demonstrations, B 7.15 Citywide Citywide 1 mandates 7.16 Investigate water opportunities in Ballarat's Goldfields Ballarat Goldfields Precinct 1 - 7.17 Integrated water management (IWM) plans for existing industrial areas Existing industrial areas Precinct 1 -

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2. Workshop 2

2.1 Workshop 2 Photos

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2.2 Ballarat City Transition-o-meter

Stakeholders were polled on the perceived level of capacity in the collective Ballarat community to deliver IWM projects. Stakeholders were polled on: leadership, requirement and responsibilities, communication processes, knowledge and skills, and innovation and challenge. Figure B1 is the outcome of the activity.

Leadership - Leadership had a bi-modal distribution with about even size clusters towards each end of the scale. Given the extensive background work undertaken in Ballarat this seems unusual and may suggest some segments of the stakeholder community either have not been well engaged in previous exercises or well communicated with. Either way a more defined and active leadership group is required.

Requirements and Responsibilities - Stakeholder perceptions of requirements and responsibilities with respect to IWM are unclear. Water Utility's "statement of obligations" require IWM approaches, these are not widely disseminated documents. While Water for Victoria provides guidance on IWM, it does not strictly require it to be undertaken. The split management responsibilities for the different streams of water may also contribute to the uncertainty.

Communication Processes - Communication processes were generally considered adequate but could be improved. However a wide spread through middle range of scores, with some low scores, may explain the perceived lack of leadership despite significant work having been undertaken.

Knowledge and Skills - Perceptions of knowledge and skills required for IWM were clustered in the middle range. This suggests some further development is required.

Innovation and Challenge - The innovation and challenge required to deliver IWM was perceived to be somewhat lacking and may need some work on creating the environment for these skills to develop.

Overall the perceptions of the requirements to deliver IWM were middle range and would not hinder or fast track the delivery of IWM initiatives. In general strong leadership and clearly stated roles and responsibilities will facilitate good communication, foster skills and knowledge, and create an environment for the innovation and challenge needed for implementing IWM. The proposed IWM forums will have an important role in facilitating IWM.

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Figure B1 Perceived level of capacity the Ballarat stakeholders have to deliver IWM projects

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2.3 ‘Circles of Support’ Activity Identifying project barriers, synergies and supporting actions

The proposed projects will require a range of supporting elements to be put in place before the projects can be successfully implemented and managed effectively. This activity asked stakeholders to work backwards from a selection of 6 preferred projects and think through all the contributing factors that need to be in place. Table B3 is a summary of the ‘top actions’ identified to support the delivery of the projects. An example of the activity for project 4 ‘Irrigation of Victoria Park with diverse water source’ is provided in Figure B2.

Table B3 Supporting project actions summary No Project Top Actions Needed 1 Northern non-potable supply network - Identify stakeholders and users - For local industry - Identify options for network - For northern growth area - Assign how much and who pays - Make a commitment to deliver 2 Stormwater harvesting from new - Understand SW harvesting drivers developments - Understand potential sources - Learn from past experiences - For local oval irrigation - Develop a SW harvesting masterplan - For large scale, new water supply - Develop a asset management plan - Review PSPs every 5 years

3 Waterway revegetation and - Make waterway health a Council priority enhancement - Clearly define who is responsible for the waterways and unite them for effective - Yarrowee River coordination and management. - Creeks in new development areas - Conduct a waterway health study to understand current state of local waterways (amenity, flow, flood, biodiversity) and what protections are required. - Develop waterway protection mechanisms and policies. - Develop a business case to attract investment 4 Irrigation of Victoria Park with diverse - Develop masterplan to understand desired water source irrigation demand - Develop physical storage proposals - Recycled water via Lake Wendouree (addressing deliverability constraints and - Local stormwater via existing ponds physical storage issues) - Make a commitment to deliver and source funding 5 Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) - Conduct a regulation, scale and impact assessment to achieve a strong understanding - With stormwater of the aquifer and its capacity for MAR - With recycled water - Develop a communication and coordination plan

6 Stormwater-fed street trees - Prioritise asset implementation - Undertake business case for investment - In new developments - Develop masterplan to understand - In existing areas implementation - Integrate into works programs

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Figure B2 'Circles of Support' worked example for Victoria Park irrigation

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Appendix C: PAM ------


1. Project Long List and Applicability ...... 1

2. Preliminary Project Assessment ...... 5

2.1 Scale of benefits 5 2.2 Deliverability 6 2.3 Key cost factors 7 3. PAM Results ...... 8

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

1. Project Long List and Applicability

Table C1 Long IWM Option List

Applicability ID Source Option Focus location yes/no

R1 RW Rainwater harvesting for garden irrigation Existing areas Yes R2 RW Rainwater harvesting for garden irrigation New development areas No R3 RW Rainwater harvesting for open space irrigation Existing areas No R4 RW Rainwater harvesting for open space irrigation New development areas No R5 RW Rainwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings Existing areas Yes R6 RW Rainwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings New development areas No R7 RW Rainwater harvesting for supplementary potable supply Existing areas No R8 RW Rainwater harvesting for supplementary potable supply New development areas Yes R9 RW Rainwater harvesting for supplementary Class A supply Existing areas No R10 RW Rainwater harvesting for supplementary Class A supply New development areas Yes R11 RW Rainwater managed by green infrastructure (roof rainwater only) Existing areas Yes R12 RW Rainwater managed by green infrastructure (roof rainwater only) New development areas Yes S1 SW Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation Existing areas Yes S2 SW Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation New development areas Yes S3 SW Stormwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings Existing areas No S4 SW Stormwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings New development areas Yes S5 SW Stormwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings (+BWUGZ) New development areas Yes S6 SW Stormwater harvesting for supplementary potable supply (west) Whole of city Yes S7 SW Stormwater harvesting for supplementary potable supply (east) Whole of city Yes S8 SW Stormwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation Whole of city Yes S9 SW Stormwater harvesting for Lake Wendouree supply Whole of city Yes S10 SW Treated stormwater distributed to land Whole of city Yes S11 SW Treated stormwater distributed to evapotranspiration fields Whole of city No S12 SW Treated stormwater distributed to environmental flows in waterway Leigh Catchment Yes S13 SW Treated stormwater distributed to environmental flows in waterway Burrumbeet Catchment Yes S14 SW Stormwater managed by green infrastructure on-lot Existing areas Yes S15 SW Stormwater managed by green infrastructure on-lot New development areas Yes S16 SW Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in streets Existing areas Yes S17 SW Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in streets New development areas No S18 SW Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in open space Existing areas Yes S19 SW Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in open space New development areas No S20 SW Stormwater managed by non-vegetated device on-lot Whole of city No S21 SW Stormwater managed by non-vegetated device in streets Whole of city No S22 SW Stormwater managed by non-vegetated device in open space Whole of city No S23 SW Stormwater managed by detention device on-lot Whole of city No S24 SW Stormwater managed by detention device in streets Whole of city No S25 SW Stormwater managed by detention device in open space Whole of city No W1 WW Treated greywater harvesting for garden irrigation Existing areas Yes W2 WW Treated greywater harvesting for garden irrigation New development areas Yes W3 WW Treated greywater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings Existing areas Yes W4 WW Treated greywater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings New development areas Yes

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W5 WW Sewer mining for open space irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment No W6 WW Sewer mining for open space irrigation Yarrowee Catchment Yes W7 WW Recycled water for open space irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment Yes W8 WW Recycled water for open space irrigation Yarrowee Catchment Yes W9 WW Recycled water for open space irrigation (new plant) Winter Catchment No W10 WW Recycled water for non-potable uses in buildings and open space Burrumbeet Catchment Yes Recycled water for non-potable uses in buildings and open space WW Yarrowee Catchment Yes W11 (+BWUGZ) W12 WW Recycled water for non-potable uses in buildings and open space Yarrowee Catchment Yes Recycled water for non-potable uses in buildings and open space WW Winter Catchment Yes W13 (new plant) W14 WW Recycled water for supplementary potable supply Whole of city Yes W15 WW Recycled water for agricultural irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment Yes W16 WW Recycled water for agricultural irrigation Yarrowee Catchment Yes W17 WW Recycled water for Lake Wendouree Supply Burrumbeet Catchment Yes W18 WW Recycled water for Lake Wendouree Supply Yarrowee Catchment Yes W19 WW Treated wastewater distributed to land Burrumbeet Catchment Yes W20 WW Treated wastewater distributed to land Yarrowee Catchment Yes W21 WW Treated wastewater distributed to evapotranspiration fields Burrumbeet Catchment No W22 WW Treated wastewater distributed to evapotranspiration fields Yarrowee Catchment No W23 WW Treated wastewater distributed to environmental flows in waterway Burrumbeet Catchment Yes W24 WW Treated wastewater distributed to environmental flows in waterway Yarrowee Catchment Yes W25 WW Wastewater managed by improved treatment infrastructure Burrumbeet Catchment No W26 WW Wastewater managed by improved treatment infrastructure Yarrowee Catchment No P1 PO Water supply leakage reduction Existing areas No P2 PO Water supply leakage reduction New development areas No P3 PO Advanced water efficient practices Existing areas No P4 PO Advanced water efficient practices New development areas No P5 PO Community education on potable water use reduction Existing areas No P6 PO Community education on potable water use reduction New development areas No C1 CREEK Excess flow harvested for local uses Burrumbeet Catchment No C2 CREEK Excess flow harvested for local uses Yarrowee Catchment Yes C3 CREEK Excess flow harvested for local uses Winter Catchment No C4 CREEK Creek corridor remediation Burrumbeet Catchment Yes C5 CREEK Creek corridor remediation Yarrowee Catchment Yes C6 CREEK Creek corridor remediation Winter Catchment Yes G1 GW Groundwater harvesting for open space irrigation Existing areas No G2 GW Groundwater harvesting for open space irrigation New development areas No G3 GW Groundwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings Existing areas No G4 GW Groundwater harvesting for non-potable uses in buildings New development areas Yes G5 GW Groundwater harvesting for supplementary potable supply Whole of city Yes G6 GW Groundwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation Whole of city No G7 GW Groundwater harvesting for Lake Wendouree supply Whole of city Yes

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Table C2 Option Applicability Reasoning

Applicability ID Reason/Comment yes/no

R1 Yes Potentially suitable R2 No Included in base case Review of opportunities in Ballarat showed greater potential for stormwater harvested than No R3 rainwater harvesting (limited roof catchments) Review of opportunities in Ballarat showed greater potential for stormwater harvested than No R4 rainwater harvesting (limited roof catchments) R5 Yes Retrofit of plumbing to existing homes restricted but could be triggered by renovation R6 No Included in base case R7 No Not considered practicable to harvest substantial amounts from existing roofs Could utilise ASR or other storage - most practically harvested from new development roofs Yes R8 in BWEZ R9 No Not considered practicable to harvest substantial amounts from existing roofs R10 Yes Could be directed from BWEZ to Ballarat North plant to shandy recycled water supply R11 Yes Could be achieved through downpipe diversion R12 Yes Could be achieved through green roofs / downpipe diversion S1 Yes Draw on existing stormwater harvesting opportunity study S2 Yes Draw on existing stormwater harvesting opportunity study Retrofit of non-potable distribution system in existing areas for distributed demands No S3 considered cost prohibitive S4 Yes Local storage or MAR. Includes major growth areas - three GIAs, BWEZ S5 Yes Local storage or MAR. Includes major growth areas - three GIAs, BWEZ + half BWUGZ S6 Yes Assuming MAR used as storage when harvested from western growth areas. S7 Yes Assuming transfer to gong gong / kirks reservoir S8 Yes MAR or Demand needs to be identified near major stormwater sources (west ballarat) S9 Yes MAR or enhanced lake wendouree system S10 Yes Diverse water supplies to agriculture (land application without productive use) S11 No Land area constraints - provision to instead, performing similar function S12 Yes Controlled release to meet environmental flow requirements S13 Yes Controlled release to meet environmental flow requirements S14 Yes Can draw on Sunbury/Ballarat Green-Blue Infrastructure study S15 Yes Can draw on Sunbury/Ballarat Green-Blue Infrastructure study S16 Yes Can draw on Sunbury/Ballarat Green-Blue Infrastructure study S17 No Best practice treatment included in base case S18 Yes Can draw on Sunbury/Ballarat Green-Blue Infrastructure study S19 No Best practice treatment included in base case Considered inferior option compared to use of green infrastructure for to support priority No S20 outcome (greening and liveability) for Ballarat Considered inferior option compared to use of green infrastructure for to support priority No S21 outcome (greening and liveability) for Ballarat Considered inferior option compared to use of green infrastructure for to support priority No S22 outcome (greening and liveability) for Ballarat S23 No Requirement included in base case S24 No Requirement included in base case S25 No Requirement included in base case W1 Yes Potentially suitable W2 Yes Potentially suitable W3 Yes Potentially suitable W4 Yes Potentially suitable

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W5 No No pump stations identified W6 Yes Existing and new open spaces within proximity to major pumping station W7 Yes Existing and new open spaces within proximity to plant W8 Yes Existing and new open spaces within proximity to plant W9 No Insufficient scale of demand for new plant with open space only W10 Yes Includes BWEZ and northern GIA W11 Yes Inlcudes western GIA and half of BWUGZ W12 Yes Inlcudes western GIA only W13 Yes Inlcudes western GIA only W14 Yes Potentially suitable W15 Yes Land based agriculture W16 Yes Greenhouses only W17 Yes Potentially suitable W18 Yes Potentially suitable W19 Yes Distributed to land in north W20 Yes Distributed to plantations W21 No Land area constraints - provision to lakes instead, performing similar function W22 No Land area constraints - provision to lakes instead, performing similar function W23 Yes Controlled release to meet environmental flow requirements W24 Yes Controlled release to meet environmental flow requirements W25 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case W26 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case P1 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case P2 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case P3 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case P4 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case P5 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case P6 No Standard practice for CHW, included in base case C1 No Existing flows strained C2 Yes Potential storage identified at Lake Magpie C3 No Stormwater is major new flow and can be harvested directly without extracting from waterway C4 Yes Potentially suitable C5 Yes Potentially suitable C6 Yes Potentially suitable G1 No Unlikely to be licenceable use for high quality GW G2 No Unlikely to be licenceable use for high quality GW Retrofit of non-potable distribution system in existing areas for distributed demands No G3 considered cost prohibitive G4 Yes Assumed to service BWEZ, and other GIAs until exhausted G5 Yes Could be achieved through upgraded groundwater treatment plant G6 No Unlikely to be licenceable use for high quality GW G7 Yes Potentially suitable

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2. Preliminary Project Assessment

2.1 Scale of benefits Five performance indicators were selected for use in the PAM to initially estimate the scale of benefits that each project provides to three of the primary IWM themes. These were then complemented by a commentated assessment of deliverability for the fourth IWM theme. Performance indicators were selected and quantified (where applicable) for each project via the water and pollution balance, performance bands, and stakeholder judgement of non-quantifiable comparators. General and key assumptions (unique to each project) were also used to assist in the quantification task. To assess the scale of the benefits from each option, relative threshold levels (high, medium, low benefit) were used against each performance indicator. Table C3 lists each theme and its corresponding indicator/s and thresholds.

Table C3 Theme performance indicators and thresholds

Theme Performance Indicator Benefit Thresholds

Provide secure • ML/Year of local diverse water • High >2000 and sustainable supplies to offset import of regional • Medium 500-2000 water services potable supply • Low <500

• High >2000 • ML/Year of urban excess removed • Medium 500-2000 from waterway Protect and • Low <500 enhance health of receiving • High >7000 environments • kg/year of nitrogen removed from • Medium 2000-7000 waterway • Low <2000

• ML/year of diverse water provided for • High >600 recreation, productive uses, or • Medium 200-600 Support amenity • Low <200 liveability of the places we live • High >10 and work • New green areas created in urban • Medium 1-10 environment (ha) • Low <1

Table C4 General Option Assumptions

General Assumptions 1. Stormwater has a nitrogen load of 2.43 kg/ML 2. Treated wastewater has a nitrogen load of 10mg/L 3. Demands based on CHW Urban Water Strategy (2016) 4. 22.8% of greenfield demand is for gardens, but makes up 15% of provided supply from stormwater 5. 82.5% reliability for stormwater harvesting for open space in new areas

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2.2 Deliverability A high level review of risks and delivery plans were reviewed to acknowledge particular challenges common and/or unique to the option list. The following risks from the PAM were used for guidance:

• Public health hazards • Organisational capacity to deliver or manage • Regulatory inconsistencies • Approval requirements • Extended time of construction • Water quality • Public perception • Susceptibility to climate change • “Novel technology”

Likely risks for each option are documented below. Noted risks were subsequently scored out of 25 and assigned a % risk through the multiplication of the risk’s likely probability and impact. The probability scale and impact levels used are listed in Table C5 and Table C6. The default risk scores used for quantifying the risks are provided in Table C7. Default probabilities and impacts for each risk were uniquely altered for certain options where the default score did not accurately capture the option’s risk. Risk scores were not used to eliminate options but for consideration in portfolio assembly and selection. Portfolio risk scores are visualised as a deliverability score on the portfolio radar charts in Figure 18 of the main report.

Table C5 Risk Probability Scale

Probability No. Probability Scale Probability Description 1 Rare Unlikely to occur, but possible 2 Unlikely Unlikely, but can be reasonably expected to occur 3 Possible Will occur several times 4 Likely Will occur frequently 5 Almost Certain Continually experienced

Table C6 Risk Impact Levels


No. Impact level Impact Description No illness or injury to employees, Does not violate laws, Minimal environmental damage, 1 Insignificant No damage to investment Minor illness or injury to employees resulting in one day's absence, Does not violate laws, 2 Minor Minor environmental damage, Minor damage to investment but recoverable Injury or illness of resulting in one or more work days lost, Mitigable environmental damage where restoration activities can be done, Does not violate laws, Damage to 3 Moderate investment but recoverable Results in partial permanent disability, injuries or illness of 3 employees or more, Reversible environmental damage, Violation of law/regulation, Loss of investment/s with 4 Major salvage value Results in death or permanent disability of employees, Irreversible environmental 5 Catastrophic damage, Closure to business, Violation of law/regulation, Complete loss of investment/s

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Table C7 Default Probabilities

Default Risk Scores Risk Probability Impact % Score Score Organisational capacity 5 3 60% 15 Complex construction 3 3 36% 9 Ongoing active management needed 5 2 40% 10 Public Health Hazard 3 4 48% 12 Water Quality 4 4 64% 16 Extended time of construction 3 3 36% 9 Approval Requirements 3 1 12% 3 Public perception 3 3 36% 9 Regulatory Inconsistency 2 2 16% 4

2.3 Key cost factors Key advantages and disadvantages in cost terms for each option were reviewed for existing or committed infrastructure (i.e. storage, sewers), local land characteristics (i.e. land cost, present land contamination) and potentially avoided base case costs. Option-unique cost factors were also noted for consideration. Cost factors were not used to eliminate options but for consideration in portfolio assembly, selection and detailed evaluation.

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3. PAM Results Objective theme 1 Objective theme 2 Protect Objective theme 3 Support Provide and enhance health of liveability of the places we live secure and receiving environments and work sustainable water services Quantifiable Quantifiable Quantifiable Quantifiable Quantifiable ML/Year of ML/Year of kg/year of ML/year of New green potable water urban nitrogen diverse water areas created replacement excess removed provided for in urban ID Option Focus Area Key assumptions removed from recreation, environment from waterway productive (ha) waterway uses or amenity Rainwater Assume 80% reliability. 10% take up. Existing harvesting for 17.7kl/hh/year per home for garden/lawn. 63 63 153 63 - areas 1 garden irrigation 44491 existing dwellings. Rainwater harvesting for Existing Assume 67% reliability. 10% take up. non-potable uses 123 123 299 63 - areas Toilet + garden 41.3kl/hh/yr in buildings and 2 gardens Rainwater harvesting for New Assuming 30% is roof area - 187ha total. supplementary development 421 421 1022 - - 4.5ML/ha, assume 50% capture potable supply areas 3 (BWEZ) Rainwater harvesting for New Demand matched to growth areas (20% supplementary development non-potable BWEZ = 111, + northern GIA 421 421 1023 104 - Class A supply areas 492 non-potable (63% service) 4 (BWEZ) Rainwater managed by 10% of homes retrofitted with downpipe green Existing diverters. Assume raingarden 2%. 44,491 - 49 930 49 2 infrastructure areas existing homes. (roof rainwater 5 only)

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Rainwater managed by New All homes retrofitted with downpipe green development diverters. Raingarden 2%. Growth areas – - 493 9046 493 18 infrastructure areas 44,784 homes. (roof rainwater 6 only) Stormwater harvesting for Existing CoB study - three viable schemes totalling 32 32 78 32 - open space areas 40ML/yr with 80% reliability 7 irrigation Stormwater New harvesting for CoB study 82.5% reliability - assumes development 73 73 176 73 - open space total of 22 ovals x 4ML/year areas 8 irrigation Stormwater PAM Performance Band A: Average of harvesting for New 45% potable reduction for site stormwater non-potable uses development 2327 2327 5653 381 - harvesting for dual pipe supply. Applies to in buildings and areas GIAs only 9 open space Stormwater harvesting for PAM Performance Band A: Average of New non-potable uses 45% potable reduction for site stormwater development 3173 3173 7710 521 - in buildings and harvesting for dual pipe supply. GIAs + areas open space half of BWUGZ 10 (+BWUGZ) Stormwater PAM Performance Band A: Optimum of harvesting for 60% potable reduction for stormwater supplementary Whole of city 5588 5588 13580 1274 - harvesting for potable supply. Western potable supply GIAs, BWUGZ, BWEZ 11 (west) Stormwater PAM Performance Band A: Optimum of harvesting for 60% potable reduction for stormwater supplementary Whole of city 639 639 1552 146 - harvesting for potable supply. Eastern potable supply GIA 12 (east) Stormwater harvesting for Burrumbeet Based on servicing 600ML of potato farm 480 480 1166 480 - agricultural Catchment (RMCG). Assume 80% reliability. 13 irrigation (land)

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Stormwater Based on RMCG assumptions for a 30ha harvesting for greenhouse with 18ml/ha demand (6ml agricultural Whole of city 288 288 700 288 - met by roofwater). 80% reliability for irrigation stormwater 14 (greenhouses) Stormwater Assume 60% reliability for meeting 1200 harvesting for Whole of city demand. Need a ha for every ML of 840 840 2041 840 - Lake Wendouree demand. BWUGZ = 1675ha 15 supply Treated Estimated land rate required stormwater Whole of city 0.228ha/ML/year. 228ha required per - 1000 2430 - - 16 distributed to land 1000ML Treated stormwater 2.5ML/yr could be contributed in lieu of Leigh distributed to climate change. Assume has to have best - 2500 2734 2500 - Catchment environmental practice treatment and storage 17 flows in waterway Treated stormwater 2.5ML/yr could be contributed in lieu of Burrumbeet distributed to climate change. Assume has to have best - 3600 3937 3600 - Catchment environmental practice treatment and storage 18 flows in waterway Stormwater managed by Existing Assuming raingarden/infiltration area green - 53 1228 53 3 areas taking all lot stormwater. infrastructure on- 19 lot Stormwater managed by New Assuming raingarden/infiltration area green development taking all lot stormwater. 10% uptake in - 493 12360 493 31 infrastructure on- areas existing homes 20 lot Stormwater Green-blue study - 11.3kg nitrogen managed by Existing removed per 1km of street and 1.8ML of green - 180 1130 180 32 areas irrigation water supplied, 3150m2 of infrastructure in canopy. Assuming 100km of street 21 streets Stormwater Green-Blue study - 11.3kg nitrogen managed by New removed per 1km of street and 1.8ML of green Development - 180 1130 180 32 irrigation water supplied, 3150m2 of infrastructure in Areas canopy. Assuming 100km of street 22 streets

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Stormwater managed by Assuming intercepting 5% of existing Existing green stormwater to best practice (45%). Total N - 233 1218 233 18 areas infrastructure in for Ballarat existing runoff = 54,144kg 23 open space Treated greywater Existing Laundry to garden (assume 10% take up). harvesting for areas 83% reliability 24 garden irrigation 65 65 654 65 - Treated New greywater Laundry to garden (growth areas only). development harvesting for 83% reliability areas 25 garden irrigation 658 658 6579 658 - Treated greywater harvesting for Existing Laundry to garden + toilet (assume 10% non-potable uses areas take up). 46% reliability and gardens in 26 buildings 85 85 845 85 - Treated greywater New harvesting for Laundry to garden + toilet (growth areas development non-potable uses only). 46% reliability areas and gardens in 27 buildings 851 851 8508 851 - Kennedy pumping station most promising - to supply Doug Dean, Vic Park and Sewer mining for Yarrowee Alfredton. Replace potable irrigation of open space Catchment 38.5ML/year. Much greater liveability irrigation irrigaiton possible (554 Vic park - assume 10% used due to cost) 28 39 94 939 94 - Recycled wastewater for Burrumbeet Based on open spaces within 2km open space Catchment irrigation 29 74 174 1740 174 - Recycled wastewater for Yarrowee Based on open spaces within 2km open space Catchment 30 irrigation 27 82 817 82 -

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Recycled wastewater for Burrumbeet PAM performance band - 55% Northern non-potable uses Catchment GIA + BWEZ in buildings and 31 open space 507 507 5067 124 - Recycled wastewater for non-potable uses Yarrowee Western GIA + half BWUGZ in buildings and Catchment open space 32 (+BWUGZ) 984 984 9835 240 - Recycled wastewater for Yarrowee Western GIA non-potable uses Catchment 33 in buildings 550 550 5501 133 - Recycled wastewater for Winter non-potable uses Western GIA + TIGA + BWEZ Catchment in buildings (new 34 plant) 1061 1061 10609 258 - Recycled wastewater for Discharged amount to waterway from Whole of city supplementary Ballarat south 35 potable supply 12582 12582 125815 2869 - Recycled wastewater for Burrumbeet Based on servicing 600 ML/yr of potato agricultural Catchment farm (RMCG). Assume 100% reliability. 36 irrigation (land) 600 600 6000 600 - Recycled wastewater for Based on RMCG assumptions for a 30 ha Burrumbeet agricultural greenhouse with 18ml/ha demand (6ml Catchment irrigation met by roofwater) 37 (greenhouses) 360 360 3600 360 - Recycled wastewater for Based on RMCG assumptions for a 30 ha Yarrowee agricultural greenhouse with 18ml/ha demand (6ml Catchment irrigation met by roofwater) 38 (greenhouses) 360 360 3600 360 -

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 12

Recycled From Hancock website pine plantations wastewater for require 2ML/ha/year during growing Yarrowee agricultural phase. Estimated plantation area in Catchment irrigation Ballarat = 1500 ha. Assume 20% 39 (plantations) irrigatable. 300 300 3000 300 - Recycled wastewater for Burrumbeet Assuming total demand of 1200 ML/yr Lake Wendouree Catchment can’t be met due to daily flow availability 40 Supply 1000 1000 10000 1000 - Recycled wastewater for Yarrowee Higher reliability could be achieved from Lake Wendouree Catchment larger plant 41 Supply 1200 1200 12000 1200 - Treated Estimated land rate required Burrumbeet wastewater 0.228ha/ML/year. 228 ha required per Catchment 42 distributed to land 1000ML - 1000 10000 - - Treated wastewater 3.4ML/yr could be contributed in lieu of Burrumbeet distributed to climate change. Assume has to have best 6800 Catchment environmental practice treatment and storage 43 flows in waterway - 3400 3400 - Treated wastewater 2.5ML/yr could be contributed in lieu of Yarrowee distributed to climate change. Assume has to have best - 2500 5000 2500 - Catchment environmental practice treatment and storage 44 flows in waterway

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 13

Table C8 Option Cost Factors & Risk Review No Option Focus Area Key Cost Factors Risk review (A: Advantage, D: Disadvantage) A. Storage A. No treatment required A. Reduce drainage Rainwater harvesting for garden irrigation Existing areas A. Water supply augmentation D. Land constraints 1 D. Variable supply A. Storage A. No treatment required Rainwater harvesting for non-potable uses in A. Reduce drainage Public health hazard Existing areas buildings and gardens A. Water supply augmentation Water quality D. Land constraints 2 D. Variable supply A. Storage A. Low cost land A. Minimal treatment required Rainwater harvesting for supplementary A. Reduce drainage Public health hazard New development areas potable supply (BWEZ) A. Water supply augmentation Water quality A. Multiple end uses Approval requirements D. Treatment & storage cost 3 D. Variable supply A. Minimal treatment required A. Reduce drainage A. Multiple end uses Rainwater harvesting for supplementary Class New development areas A. Water supply augmentation Water quality A supply (BWEZ) A. Storage Approval requirements D. Treatment & storage cost 4 D. Variable supply A. Increased amenity A. Site treatment Rainwater managed by green infrastructure A. Reduce SW pollutants Existing areas (roof rainwater only) A. Slow drainage D. Maintenance 5 D. Site constraints A. Increased amenity A. Site treatment Org. capacuty Rainwater managed by green infrastructure A. Reduce SW pollutants New development areas Complex construction (roof rainwater only) A. Slow drainage Ongoing active management needed A. Available land 6 D. Maintenance

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A. Reduce drainage A. Water supply augmentation Public health hazard Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation Existing areas D. Land constraints Water quality D. High land cost 7 D. Variable supply A. Available land A. Low cost land Public health hazard Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation New development areas A. Water supply augmentation Water quality A. Reduce drainage 8 D. Variable supply A. Available land A. Low cost land Stormwater harvesting for non-potable uses in Public health hazard New development areas A. Water supply augmentation buildings and open space Water quality A. Reduce drainage 9 D. Variable supply A. Available land A. Low cost land A. Reduce drainage Stormwater harvesting for non-potable uses in Public health hazard New development areas A. Economies of scale buildings and open space (+BWUGZ) Water quality A. Water supply augmentation A. Storage 10 D. Variable supply A. Available land A. Low cost land Org. Capacity A. Reduce drainage Regulatory inconsistencies Stormwater harvesting for supplementary A. SW treatment Approval requirements Whole of city potable supply (west) A. Water supply augmentation Water Quality A. Storage Public perception D. Variable supply Public health hazard 11 D. Potable treatment cost A. Available land A. Low cost land A. Reduce drainage Regulatory inconsistencies Stormwater harvesting for supplementary A. SW treatment Approval requirements Whole of city potable supply (east) A. Water supply augmentation Water Quality A. Storage Public perception D. Variable supply Public health hazard 12 D. Potable treatment cost

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A. Reduce drainage A. Water supply augmentation Approval requirements A. Storage Public health hazard Stormwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment A. Economic driver Water Quality (land) A. Reduce waterway & GW extraction Public perception D. Variable supply Climate change 13 D. Network cost A. Reduce drainage Approval requirements A. Water supply augmentation Stormwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation Public health hazard Whole of city A. Storage (greenhouses) Water Quality A. Economic driver Public perception 14 D. Variable supply A. Reduce drainage A. Water supply augmentation Stormwater harvesting for Lake Wendouree Whole of city A. Existing infrastructure Water quality supply A. Amenity 15 D. Variable supply A. SW treatment A. Reduce drainage A. Storagever Approval requirements Treated stormwater distributed to land Whole of city A. Water supply augmentation Water quality A. Minimal treatment required Public health hazard A. WSUD treatment deliver amenity 16 D. Variable supply A. SW treatment A. Reduce drainage Approval requirements A. Storage Treated stormwater distributed to Regulatory inconsistencies Leigh Catchment A. Water supply augmentation environmental flows in waterway Water quality A. Minimal treatment required Public health hazard A. WSUD treatment deliver amenity 17 D. Variable supply A. SW treatment A. Reduce drainage Approval requirements A. Storage Treated stormwater distributed to Regulatory inconsistencies Burrumbeet Catchment A. Water supply augmentation environmental flows in waterway Water quality A. Minimal treatment required Public health hazard A. WSUD treatment deliver amenity 18 D. Variable supply

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A. Delivers amenity A. Removes drainage Org. capacity A. SW treatment Stormwater managed by green infrastructure Exrtended time of construction Existing areas A. Local cooling effect on-lot Water quality A. No network requirements Public health hazard D. Land constraints 19 D. Retrofit constraints A. Delivers amenity A. Removes drainage Org. capacity A. SW treatment Stormwater managed by green infrastructure Exrtended time of construction New development areas A. Local cooling effect on-lot Water quality A. No network requirements Public health hazard A. Available land 20 A. Low cost land A. Delivers amenity A. Reduces drainage A. SW treatment Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in Org. capacity Existing areas A. Local cooling effect streets Exrtended time of construction A. No network requirements D. Land constraints 21 D. Retrofit constraints A. Delivers amenity A. Reduces drainage A. SW treatment Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in Org. capacity New Development Areas A. Local cooling effect streets Exrtended time of construction A. No network requirements D. Land constraints 22 D. Retrofit constraints A. Delivers amenity A. Reduces drainage A. SW treatment Stormwater managed by green infrastructure in Existing areas A. Local cooling effect open space A. Minimal network requirements A. Publicly owned land 23 D. Retrofit constraints

A. Water supply augmentation Treated greywater harvesting for garden Existing areas A. Delay WWTP capacity improvements Public perception irrigation D. Low utilisation Water quality 24 D. Retrofit constraints Public health hazard

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 17

Public perception Treated greywater harvesting for garden A. Water supply augmentation Extended time of construction New development areas irrigation A. Likely higher uptake rates with pre- Water quality 25 installations Public health hazard A. Water supply augmentation A. Delay WWTP capacity improvements Treated greywater harvesting for non-potable Existing areas A. Reduce WWTP discharge Public perception uses and gardens in buildings D. Low utilisation Water quality 26 D. Retrofit constraints Public health hazard A. Water supply augmentation A. Delay WWTP capacity improvements Treated greywater harvesting for non-potable A. Likely higher uptake rates with pre- Water quality New development areas uses and gardens in buildings installations Public health hazard A. Integrated system Public perception 27 A. Reduce WWTP discharge Extended time of construction A. Water supply augmentation A. Delay WWTP capacity improvements A. Reduce open space fertiliser use A. Reduce WWTP discharge A. Publicly owned land Sewer mining for open space irrigation Yarrowee Catchment A. Reliable supply Water quality A. Education & marketing opportunity Public perception D. New network investment Public health hazard D. Treatment facility required Approval requirements D. Treatment by-product management Regulatory inconsistencies 28 D. Land constraints A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) A. Reduce nutrient treatment A. Reduce open space fertiliser use A. Water supply augmentation A. Reliable supply A. WWTP adjacent to significant existing Recycled wastewater for open space irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment open spaces (Pioneer, Waldie, Ring Road, Wendouree West). A. WWTP adjacent to growth areas for Water quality multiple connection opportunities (Northern Public perception GIA, BWEZ) Public health hazard A. Storage Approval requirements D. Network cost 29 D. Storage investment

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 18

A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) A. Reduce nutrient treatment A. Reduce open space fertiliser use A. Water supply augmentation A. Reliable supply Recycled wastewater for open space irrigation Yarrowee Catchment A. WWTP with 2km of existing open spaces (Marty Busch, MR Power). Water quality A. Storage Public perception D. Network cost Public health hazard D. Minimal growth opportunities (WWTP Approval requirements not with 2km of growth areas). 30 D. Storage investment A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) A. Reduce nutrient treatment A. Reduce open space fertiliser use A. Water supply augmentation A. Reliable supply A. WWTP adjacent to significant existing Recycled wastewater for non-potable uses in open spaces (Pioneer, Waldie, Ring Road, Burrumbeet Catchment buildings and open space Wendouree West). A. WWTP adjacent to growth areas for multiple connection opportunities (Northern Water quality GIA, BWEZ) Public perception A. Integrated system for growth areas Public health hazard A. Storage Approval requirements D. Network cost 31 D. Storage investment A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) A. Reduce nutrient treatment A. Reduce open space fertiliser use A. Water supply augmentation Recycled wastewater for non-potable uses in A. Reliable supply Yarrowee Catchment buildings and open space (+BWUGZ) A. WWTP with 2km of existing open Water quality spaces (Marty Busch, MR Power). Public perception A. Integrated system for growth areas Public health hazard A. Storage Approval requirements D. Network cost 32 D. Storage investment

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A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) A. Reduce nutrient treatment A. Water supply augmentation Water quality Recycled wastewater for non-potable uses in Yarrowee Catchment A. Reliable supply Public perception buildings A. Integrated system for growth areas Public health hazard A. Storage Approval requirements D. Large network cost 33 D. Storage investment A. Water supply augmentation A. Delay existing WWTP capacity improvements A. Integrated system for western growth areas A. Reliable supply A. Reduce nutrient treatment A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) Recycled wastewater for non-potable uses in Winter Catchment A. Storage buildings (new plant) A. Low cost land A. Available land D. Significant new WWTP investment (fixed & ongoing) Water quality D. New network connections Public perception D. Storage investment Public health hazard D. Land investment Approval requirements D. Existing investment in North & South 34 WWTPs A. Water supply augmentation A. Reduce imported potable water Approval requirements A. Reliable supply Regulatory inconsistencies A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Water quality waterway health) Public perception Recycled wastewater for supplementary A. Storage Public health hazard Whole of city potable supply D. Existing potable supply D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going) D. Increased treatment by-product management D. Storage investment 35 D. Land constraints

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A. Water supply augmentation Approval requirements A. Reduce imported potable water Regulatory inconsistencies A. Reliable supply Water quality A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Public perception waterway health) Public health hazard A. Storage Recycled wastewater for agricultural irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment A. Economic driver (land) D. Storage investment D. Network investment D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going) D. Increased treatment by-product management 36 D. Long-term demand uncertain A. Water supply augmentation Approval requirements A. Reduce imported potable water Regulatory inconsistencies A. Reliable supply Water quality A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Public perception waterway health) Public health hazard A. Storage A. Economic driver Recycled wastewater for agricultural irrigation Burrumbeet Catchment A. Resilient to climate extremes (greenhouses) A. Year-round demand & production D. Storage investment D. Network investment D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going) D. Increased treatment by-product management 37 D. Long-term demand uncertain A. Water supply augmentation Approval requirements A. Reduce imported potable water Regulatory inconsistencies A. Reliable supply Water quality A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Public perception waterway health) Public health hazard A. Storage Recycled wastewater for agricultural irrigation Yarrowee Catchment A. Economic driver (greenhouses) A. Resilient to climate extremes A. Year-round demand & production D. Storage investment D. Network investment D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going) 38 D. Increased treatment by-product

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management D. Long-term demand uncertain A. Water supply augmentation Approval requirements A. Reduce imported potable water Water quality A. Reliable supply Public health hazard A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve waterway health) A. Storage Recycled wastewater for agricultural irrigation A. Economic driver Yarrowee Catchment (plantations) A. Plantations adjacent to South WWTP D. Storage investment D. Network investment D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going) D. Increased treatment by-product management 39 D. Long-term demand uncertain A. Water supply augmentation Water quality A. Reduce imported potable water A. Reliable supply Recycled wastewater for Lake Wendouree A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Burrumbeet Catchment Supply waterway health) A. Storage A. Existing network 40 A. Existing treatment A. Water supply augmentation Water quality A. Reduce imported potable water A. Reliable supply A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Recycled wastewater for Lake Wendouree waterway health) Yarrowee Catchment Supply A. Storage D. Network investment D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going) D. Increased treatment by-product 41 management A. Water supply augmentation Approval requirements A. Reduce imported potable water Water quality A. Reliable supply Health hazard A. Reduce WWTP discharge (improve Public perception Treated wastewater distributed to land Burrumbeet Catchment waterway health) A. Storage D. Network investment 42 D. Treatment upgrade cost (fixed & going)

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D. Increased treatment by-product management

Approval requirements Treated wastewater distributed to A. WWTP well located Regulatory inconsistencies Burrumbeet Catchment environmental flows in waterway A. Existing asset Water quality 43 A. Low cost Public health hazard Approval requirements Regulatory inconsistencies Treated wastewater distributed to Yarrowee Catchment Water quality environmental flows in waterway A. WWTP well located A. Existing asset Public health hazard 44 A. Low cost Approval requirements Regulatory inconsistencies Climate change Yarrowee Catchment A. Low cost supply A. No treatment required Water quality Creek excess flow harvested for non-potable D. Highly variable supply Public health hazard 45 supply via dual pipe D. Network investment A. Reduced land erosion Extended time of construction A. Improved nutrient & sediment treatment A. Increased extraction quality Burrumbeet Catchment A. Existing natural asset A. Economic, social & environmental driver D. Large land area 46 Creek corridor remediation D. Intial high maintennce A. Reduced land erosion Extended time of construction A. Improved nutrient & sediment treatment A. Increased extraction quality Yarrowee Catchment A. Existing natural asset A. Economic, social & environmental driver D. Large land area 47 Creek corridor remediation D. Intial high maintennce A. Reduced land erosion A. Improved nutrient & sediment treatment A. Increased extraction quality Winter Catchment A. Existing natural asset A. Environmental driver D. Large land area 48 Creek corridor remediation D. Intial high maintennce A. Existing aquifier Approval requirements Groundwater harvesting for non-potable uses New development areas A. Existing extraction assets Water quality in buildings and open space 49 A. Storage Public health hazard

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Regulatory inconsistancies Groundwater harvesting for supplementary A. Existing aquifier Approval requirements Whole of city potable supply A. Existing extraction assets Water Quality 50 A. Storage Public health hazard A. Existing aquifier Approval requirements Groundwater harvesting for Lake Wendouree Whole of city A. Existing extraction assets Water quality supply 51 A. Storage Public health hazard

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Appendix D: IWM Portfolios and Project Descriptions ------


1. IWM Portfolios ...... 2

1.1 Portfolio 1: Driving New Economies 2 1.2 Portfolio 2: A New Frontier 3 1.3 Portfolio 3: Adaptable Networks 4 1.4 Portfolio 4: Greater Self-Sufficiency 5 1.5 Long Project Descriptions 6 2. Portfolio Comparison with the PAM ...... 9

2.1 Portfolio Comparison 9 2.2 Portfolio 1 Chart 10 2.3 Portfolio 2 Chart 12 2.4 Portfolio 3 Chart 13 2.5 Portfolio 4 Chart 14

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

1. IWM Portfolios

1.1 Portfolio 1: Driving New Economies

Objective: Small-scale investment for a series of discrete non-potable supply schemes to support enhancement of agribusiness and recreation assets in Ballarat.

Portfolio 1 seeks to stimulate agriculture, industry, recreation, and tourism with in Ballarat through the creation of new, discrete, diverse water supply schemes. The projects will directly feed existing and new high water users, primarily in existing areas of Ballarat, to deliver new employment opportunities and to ensure Ballarat’s active and passive open areas remain healthy, cool, and usable all year round. In addition, projects in this portfolio include revitalisation of the Yarrowee River corridor for enhanced waterway health, liveability, and the creation of local economic hotspots for locals and visitors to enjoy.

The IWM projects included in this portfolio are listed in Table 1. Appendix E provides detailed design assumptions for each project in this portfolio.

Table 1 Portfolio 1 Project List Project ID Brief Explanation

L Revegetation of Yarrowee River in cleared urban areas

M Revegetation, re-alignment and naturalisation of Yarrowee River in two ecological park sections

Q Recycled water from northern wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to agriculture R Groundwater top up for Alfredton and Victoria Park S Stormwater for open space supply in Doug Dean Reserve T Stormwater for open space supply in Victoria Park T2 Recycled water for open space supply in Victoria Park (via Lake Wendouree) U Stormwater for open space supply in Alfredton V Groundwater for industry supply in north-west (NW) W Stormwater for open space supply in Wendouree West X Recycled water for open space in Northern Greenfield Investigation Area (NGIA) Y Recycled water for open space in north-east (NE) Z Recycled water for open space in south-east (SE)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 2

1.2 Portfolio 2: A New Frontier

Objective: A planning-led initiative for a new model of urban development in Ballarat’s growth areas

Portfolio 2 seeks to harness Ballarat’s growth areas as an opportunity to pilot climate resilient, sustainable precincts. The growth precincts will be based on integrated green-blue planning to create inter-linking green spaces, greener lots and streetscapes while retaining and cleansing stormwater before releasing it to local waterways. A network of natural habitats will also be created to foster urban biodiversity whilst providing refreshing, lively and attractive spaces for visitors, workers, and residents.

In addition, the portfolio will deliver on revitalising Kensington Creek and other major tributaries in new development zones as multifunctional landscapes to promote community cohesion and public health. The assembly of options that aim to deliver on these objectives is listed in Table 2. Appendix E provides detailed design assumptions for each project in this portfolio.

Table 2 Portfolio 2 Project List Project ID Brief Explanation

G Passive irrigation to street trees for enhanced canopy and SW management

H 10% increase in permeable area through increase in open space allocation

I Stormwater harvesting from growth areas for irrigation of local ovals

J Revegetation of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek in growth areas

K Revegetation of Burrumbeet Creek in growth areas

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 3

1.3 Portfolio 3: Adaptable Networks

Objective: Large-scale expansion of Ballarat’s non-potable water supply networks to supply key non-potable demands across the central city and growth areas.

Portfolio 3 aims to leverage and enhance Ballarat’s non-potable supply network to create an extended network of locally managed water capture and reuse projects. The portfolio aims to reduce the city’s potable water usage with recycled water, groundwater and stormwater via dual pipe ‘fit-for-purpose’ supply networks and also assist to remove excess urban flows from waterways. Key demands serviced include non-potable demands in growth areas and Lake Wendouree. This portfolio also gives potential to reduce Ballarat’s reliance on the Moorabool River and Superpipe and create a more flexible, decentralised water supply network for the city. The assembly of options that aim to deliver on these objectives is listed in Table 1. Appendix E provides detailed design assumptions for each project in this portfolio.

Table 1 Portfolio 3 Project List Project ID Brief Explanation

Stormwater for non-potable uses in Ballarat West Urban Growth Zone (BWUGZ) and C Western Greenfield Investigation Area ( WGIA) via dual pipe

D Stormwater for non-potable use in TIGA via dual pipe

Recycled water from Northern WWTP for non-potable use in Northern Greenfield E Investigation Area (NGIA) and/or Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) via dual pipe

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 4

1.4 Portfolio 4: Greater Self-Sufficiency

Objective: Large-scale, discrete investments to increase Ballarat’s portfolio of local water assets

Portfolio 4 seeks to enhance the City of Ballarat’s resilience to drought and population growth with new local supplementary potable water sources. The portfolio increases and diversifies Ballarat’s local water supplies with large-scale utilisation of stormwater or recycled wastewater via managed aquifer recharge (MAR) or through transfer of local diverse supplies to Lal Lal reservoir. This approach looks to deliver a large, reliable, and secure potable water supply for Ballarat’s future growth and will bring greater self- sufficiency to the city with a reduced reliance on imported water sources, including the Moorabool River and Superpipe. This would see the City of Ballarat become a leader in integrated water management and significantly reduce urban discharges to local waterways.

As a result of large-scale diverse water use proposed, local waterway health is significantly improved. However, deliverability remains a challenge and due to the nature of the centralised system, direct community impacts and enhancement of liveability locally may be limited. The assembly of options that aim to deliver on these objectives is listed in Table 2. Appendix E provides design assumptions for each project in this portfolio.

Table 2 Portfolio 4 Project List Project ID Brief Explanation

A Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via managed aquifer recharge (MAR)

A2 Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via MAR

AL Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via Lal Lal

B Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via MAR

BL Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via Lal Lal

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 5

1.5 Long Project Descriptions The following table provides a summary description for each of the projects:

Project No. Brief Explanation Long Explanation ID Stormwater generated from new impervious areas within NGIA, BWEZ, BWUGZ, WGIA and TIGA growth zones is captured and passively treated via retarding basins and wetlands. These assets are placed along natural drainage lines within each growth area to maximise collection volumes Stormwater from new growth and minimise impacts to local waterways. The treated stormwater is then transferred to the Cardigan Aquifer for further treatment via a A areas to potable supply via MAR network of collection pipes and injected into the aquifer for long-term storage. As desired, the water is extracted, treated to potable quality, and distributed to the potable water supply network via a distribution pipeline to an existing connection point. This allows Ballarat to augment its potable water supply to meet increased potable demands generated from new growth areas.

Stormwater is harvested directly from Winter Creek (other than base flow) through the creation of a wier at a location south of Bells Road. Stormwater from Winter Creek A2 Harvested water is stored in an above ground water body before being transferred to an aquifer recharge location in Ballarat’s West. Stormwater to potable supply via MAR is treated to a standard suitable for aquifer injection, and then treated to potable standard upon extraction. As per project A2, stormwater is harvested from Winter Creek before being transferred via a pumped main to Lal Lal reservoir. Harvested Stormwater from Winter Creek AL stormwater is treated to a standard suitable for contribution to a raw water reservoir before being treated to potable standard at the existing to potable supply via Lal Lal Portfolio 4 White Swan potable treatment plant. Wastewater generated from new developments draining to Ballarat South WWTP is captured and treated to a suitable quality for MAR through Recycled water from southern investment in an upgraded treatment facility at the Ballarat South WWTP. The treated recycled water is transferred to the Cardigan Aquifer via a B WWTP to potable supply via collection pipe and injected into the aquifer for long-term storage. As desired, the water is extracted, treated to potable quality, and distributed MAR to the potable water supply network via an existing connection point. Recycled water from southern Wastewater generated from new developments draining to Ballarat South WWTP is captured and treated to a suitable quality for contribution to BL WWTP to potable supply via Lal a raw water reservoir through investment in an upgraded treatment facility at the Ballarat South WWTP. The treated recycled water is then Lal pumped to Lal Lal reservoir before being treated to potable standard at the existing White Swan potable treatment plant. Stormwater generated from new impervious areas within BWUGZ and WGIA growth zones is captured and passively treated via retarding basins Stormwater for non-potable and wetlands. These assets are placed along natural drainage lines within each growth area to maximise the collection volumes and minimise C uses in BWUGZ and WGIA via

impacts to local waterways. The treated stormwater is then transferred to a polishing facility and distributed within the two areas via a single dual pipe dual pipe system. Stormwater generated from the new impervious area within the TIGA growth zone is captured and passively treated via retarding basins and Stormwater for non-potable wetlands. These assets are placed along natural drainage lines within the growth area to maximise the collection volume and minimise impacts D use in TIGA via dual pipe to local waterways. The treated stormwater is then transferred to a polishing facility and distributed within growth area via a single dual pipe system. Portfolio 3 Recycled water from Northern Wastewater generated from new developments within Ballarat's North is captured and treated to non-potable quality with an upgrade at the E WWTP for non-potable use in Ballarat North WWTP. Stored non-potable water is distributed to BWEZ and NGIA growth areas via two dual pipe systems. BWEZ and NGIA via dual pipe

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 6

Passive irrigation to street trees Plant approx. 45,500 street trees across BWUGZ, NGIA, EGIA, TIGA, WGIA and BWEZ growth areas with passive stormwater irrigation to offset G for enhanced canopy and SW the impacts of increased runoff to waterways and deliver thermal comfort for new residents and workers. Trees will have an enhanced average management canopy cover of 15m due to irrigation and provide approx. 670,000 m2 of total canopy cover to Ballarat. 10% increase in permeable area Stormwater generated from new impervious areas within NGIA, EGIA, TIGA, and WGIA is infiltrated into the ground to reduce impacts to H through increase in open space waterways, increase soil moisture, and deliver urban cooling via an increase of permeable areas in these growth areas by 10%. This permeable allocation area will be in the form of 235 ha of additional open space. Stormwater harvesting from Stormwater generated from new impervious areas within BWUGZ, NGIA, EGIA, TIGA, WGIA, and BWEZ growth areas is captured, passively I growth areas for irrigation of treated and stored via onsite wetlands and storage tanks. This new non-potable water supply is then used to irrigate 24 ovals across the growth local ovals areas to deliver reliably green open spaces, increased soil moisture and reduced impacts to waterways. Approx. 8.5km of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek within the BWUGZ and WGIA growth area is in poor condition with little or no riparian Revegetation of Winter Creek Portfolio 2 vegetation. In these areas, 3m metres from each bank is to be cleared of weeds and replaced with canopy trees and riparian vegetation. This will J and Kensington Creek in growth prevent further erosion and create a vegetated aquatic environment for education, relaxation, urban cooling, biodiversity, amenity, and water areas treatment. Approx. 3.1 km of Burrumbeet Creek within the NGIA growth area is in poor condition with little or no riparian vegetation. In this area, 3m Revegetation of Burrumbeet K metres from each bank is to be cleared of weeds and replaced with canopy trees and riparian vegetation. This will prevent further erosion and Creek in growth areas create a vegetated aquatic environment for education, relaxation, urban cooling, biodiversity, amenity, and water treatment. Approximately 3.5km of the Yarrowee River within urban areas is in poor condition with little or no riparian vegetation. In these identified areas, Revegetation of Yarrowee River L 5m metres from each bank is to be cleared of weeds and replaced with canopy trees and riparian vegetation. This will prevent further erosion in cleared urban areas and create a vegetated aquatic environment for education, relaxation, urban cooling, biodiversity, amenity, and water treatment. There is a prime opportunity to re-connect the CBD with the Yarrowee River and stimulate new avenues of tourism with the development of two Revegetation, re-alignment and linear ecological parks spanning a total of 0.5km. The parks will realign and naturalise sections of the urbanised Yarrowee River into a naturalisation of Yarrowee meandering, vegetated aquatic environment for education, relaxation, urban cooling, biodiversity, soil and groundwater health, amenity, and M River in two ecological park water treatment. Careful attention will be given to preserve the bluestone and other heritage elements to retain the iconic character of the sections waterway. Current urban flood management will be preserved and/or enhanced with the waterway reconstruction works, landscaping and revegetation. Wastewater generated from new developments within Ballarat's North is captured and treated to non-potable quality with an upgrade at the Recycled water from northern Q Ballarat North WWTP. Stored recycled water is distributed via a 20km northern pipeline to meet new and existing agricultural irrigation demands WWTP to agriculture in regional Ballarat. The existing Ballarat West Borefield and groundwater pipeline is to be utilised to top-up the irrigation demands of Alfredton Reserve and Victoria Groundwater top up for R Park. The distribution pipeline will be extended south by approx. 5km along the existing drainage system to Alfredton West and then onwards to Alfredton and Victoria Park Portfolio 1 Victoria Park. Stormwater generated from existing and new impervious areas within Delacombe is captured, passively treated and stored via onsite wetlands Stormwater for open space S and storage tanks. The non-potable supply is then used to irrigate Doug Dean Reserve to deliver a reliably green open space with increased soil supply in Doug Dean moisture and reduce runoff impacts to Bonshaw Creek. Stormwater generated from impervious areas surrounding Victoria Park (Newington, Alfredton, Delacombe) is captured, passively treated and Stormwater for open space T stored via onsite wetlands and storage tanks. The non-potable supply is then used to irrigate Victoria Park to deliver a reliably green open space supply in Victoria Park with increased soil moisture and reduce runoff impacts to surrounding creeks. Recycled water for open space Recycled water contributed to Lake Wendouree is extracted at its southern end and pumped to a storage in Victoria Park to provide irrigation to T2 supply in Victoria Park (via Lake the park and two nearby schools. Wendouree)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 7

Stormwater generated from new and existing impervious areas within Alfredton is captured, passively treated and stored via onsite wetlands and Stormwater for open space U storage tanks. The non-potable supply is then used to irrigate open space within the area to deliver a reliably green open space with increased supply in Alfredton soil moisture and reduce runoff impacts to surrounding creeks (Kensington). Groundwater for industry The existing Ballarat West Borefield and connecting groundwater pipeline is to be utilised to augment potable water supply to industry in V supply in NW Ballarat's north west. Extracted groundwater will undergo additional treatment before it is distributed north via an approx. 5km pipeline.

The existing northern stormwater supply network is to be extended approx. 1km west to meet the irrigation demands of Wendouree West Stormwater for open space W Reserve. This will increase the utilisation of the existing infrastructure and deliver a reliably green open space with increased soil moisture and supply in Wendouree West reduce runoff impacts to surrounding creeks. Wastewater generated from new developments within Ballarat's North is captured and treated to non-potable quality with an upgrade at the Recycled water for open space X Ballarat North WWTP. The non-potable supply is then distributed via an approx. 5km pipeline to irrigate ovals within the NGIA growth area to in NGIA deliver reliably green open spaces with increased soil moisture and reduce discharge impacts to Burrumbeet Creek. Portfolio 1 The existing northern recycled supply network is to be extended approx. 4.25km west to connect to a range of additional industry, commercial Recycled water for open space Y and educational Class A demands in Ballarat's North East. This will increase the utilisation of the existing infrastructure and offset current in NE demands for potable water. Wastewater generated from new developments within Ballarat's South is captured and treated to Class A quality with an upgrade at the Ballarat Recycled water for open space Z South WWTP. Stored non-potable water is distributed via a new 7.5 km pipeline to 6 ovals in Ballarat's South East across four sites. This will in SE deliver reliably green open spaces with increased soil moisture and offset current demands for potable water.

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2. Portfolio Comparison with the PAM

2.1 Portfolio Comparison The performance of the four portfolios against the four over-arching IWM themes based on initial analysis in the PAM are compared in Error! Reference source not found. via a radar chart (see Appendix C for a summary of the PAM results). Each IWM theme is measured on a scale of 0-10. Scores for each theme for each portfolio were designed to be relative to the highest and lowest values obtained to give a high-level understanding of how the portfolios varied in their outcomes and inherent risks in delivering on them. Table 3 below lists the assessment criteria used for each IWM theme.

Figure 1. Portfolio PAM Comparison Chart

Table 3. IWM Themes and measuring crieria IWM PAM theme IWM theme PAM assessment criteria Sustainable Water Services - ML/Year of potable water replacement - ML/Year of urban excess removed from waterway Waterway Health - kg/year of nitrogen removed from waterway - ML/year of diverse water provided for recreation, productive uses or Liveability amenity - New green areas created in urban environment (ha) Deliverabilty (risk) - Deliverabilty (Low value = high risk)

Table 4 below lists which portfolios achieved the highest and lowest scores for each of the chart scales.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 9

Table 4 Relative Portfolio Performance

Portfolios Highest Scale Lowest Scale Relative overall performance

Portfolio 1: Driving New Deliverability - Medium Economies

Liveability Sustainable Water Low Portfolio 2: A New Frontier Services, Waterway Health

Portfolio 3: Adaptable Networks - - Medium

Portfolio 4: Towards Self- Sustainable Water Services, Liveability, Deliverability High Sufficiency Waterway Health

Portfolio 4 is seen to achieve two of the highest and two of the lowest scores across the four scales. Portfolio 2 is seen to offer the lowest overall value across the scales with three relatively low scores apart from liveability (scoring the highest). Portfolio 1 achieved the highest score on deliverability and attained relatively good performance across liveability and waterway health. Portfolio 3 scored well across deliverability, liveability and waterway health but also scored well on delivering sustainable water services and represents the most balanced portfolio, but equally does not deliver IWM benefits at scale.

The portfolios are not necessarily mutually exclusive. While some projects are exclusive, others may be complementary or inter-independent. For example, a combination of portfolios 1 and 4 could ultimately allow a higher score on all the water management themes and be staged and delivered by a combination of short and long term initiatives.

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2.2 Portfolio 1 Chart

Figure 2 displays the performance of portfolio 1 against the four over-arching IWM themes for Ballarat based on initial analysis in the PAM. It shows that the portfolio performs very well in deliverability due to its use of known technologies and ability for immediate and staged implementation, and a relatively low level of coordination required due to most projects being led by a single stakeholder. The portfolio also performs well for liveability due to the restoration of the Yarrowee Corridor and the provision of irrigation to key open spaces in the city.

Figure 2 Portfolio 1 Radar Chart

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2.3 Portfolio 2 Chart

Figure 3 displays the performance of portfolio 2 against the four over-arching IWM themes for Ballarat based on initial analysis in the PAM. It shows that the portfolio performs very well in liveability due to its strong focus on the community’s quality of life and comfort. The portfolio delivers a lower score on deliverability in comparison to Portfolio 1 due to the need for implementation of new planning rules and potential developer resistance.

Figure 3 Portfolio 2 Radar Chart

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2.4 Portfolio 3 Chart

Figure 4 displays the performance of portfolio 3 against the four over-arching IWM themes for Ballarat based on initial analysis in the PAM. It shows that the portfolio performs relatively against all IWM themes, by providing new water services, removing significant amounts of stormwater and wastewater from waterways, enhancing liveability by supporting key open space assets and Lake Wendouree and utilising known technologies. This result derives from the use of existing assets and community empowerment with local water management. All options in Portfolio 3 would replace the requirement for rainwater tanks in corresponding new development areas.

Figure 4 Portfolio 3 Radar Chart

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2.5 Portfolio 4 Chart

Figure 5 displays the performance of portfolio 4 against the four over-arching IWM themes for Ballarat based on initial analysis in the PAM. It shows that the portfolio receives the top scores relative to the other portfolios for sustainable water services and waterway health. This result signifies the significant scale of value delivered by the portfolio for these performance scales. Deliverability receives a relatively low score because of anticipated challenges of gaining community, regulatory and water policy support and the cost of additional water treatment and water quality monitoring.

Figure 5 Portfolio 4 Radar Chart

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Appendix E: Project Design Assumptions ------


1. Portfolio 1 ...... 3

2. Portfolio 2 ...... 27

3. Portfolio 3 ...... 38

4. Portfolio 4 ...... 41

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

General Unit Cost Rates The projects in each portfolio generally draw on unit cost rates for pipes, pumps and storage established from Central Highlands Water rates for consistency. The general unit rates used include:

Table E1 Winter Creek Storage (large scale storage in rural area)

Large scale rural storage capital costs ($/ML) 15,000

Land survey ($/ha) $200 Geotechnical investigations ($/ha) $500 Land acquisition ($/ha) $20,000 Opex (annual) as percentage of capital cost (-) 0.5% Storage Depth (m) 3.00

Table E2 Local Storage Tanks

Type Equation Constants a b Above ground tanks <5ML 3412.8 V0.702 3412.8 0.7020 Capex ($)* Below ground tanks <5ML 5800.1 V0.7024 5800.1 0.7024 All tanks > 5ML 742.5 V 742.5 - Capex ($) Large scale rural storage 15.0 Opex ($)** (annual) All tanks 185.4 A0.478 185.4 0.478

* Where V = tank volume in kL ** Where A = tank area and all tanks are assumed to be 2m deep

Table E3 Pipe Constants & Cost Assumptions

Nominal Pipe diameter Base capital cost ($) Greenfield pipe Urban pipe (Region 3) CBD pipe (Region 4) (Region 2) 100 $127 $137 $548 150 $127 $229 $548 225 $187 $343 $830 300 $276 $480 $1,257 375 $364 $647 $1,687 450 $858 $807 $2,119 600 $1,029 $1,135 $2,554 750 $1,372 $1,455 $3,429 825 $1,715 $1,622 $4,308 900 $1,887 $1,782 $4,750 1150 $2,058 $2,327 $5,192 1425 $2,630 $2,630 $6,672 1800 $4,116 $4,116 $10,554 2300 $5,259 $5,259 $13,563 4600 $10,517 $10,517 $27,569 5750 $13,147 $13,147 $34,642

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 2

1. Portfolio 1

Project L: Revegetation of Yarrowee River in cleared urban areas

Project Description

This project considers direct investment in the amenity, habitat and recreational value of the Yarrowee River through the existing urban area of Ballarat. Section 2.9 of the background analysis presented in Appendix A provides an appraisal of the existing riparian vegetation condition of the River, highlighting areas which are highly altered, largely cleared or benefiting from limited vegetation. In recent years, City of Ballarat has co-invested with the Corangamite CMA to invest $1million in improvements to the Yarrowee River. This project proposes that further investment is made to increase amenity and waterway health values of the River, particularly targeting cleared and low vegetation areas where the most cost-effective improvements can potentially be made.

Project Design Assumptions

Based on the measured length of cleared riparian sections of the Yarrowee within the study area (3.5km) it was assumed that investment would be made in revegetating a 10m wide waterway

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 3 corridor. The cost of investment was developed using the Melbourne Water waterway remediation calculator, utilising the following cost rate assumptions:

Table E4 Project L cost rate assumptions

Item Cost rate assumption

Planting and ancilliaries $85,000/km

Weed removal, assuming 50% level of $88,000/km weediness and brush cutting

Survey $6,600/km

Community engagement and permits – medium $37,000/application rate (assumed 6 separate project applications)

Water treatment benefits (nitrogen removed) provided by revegetation were modelled utilising a MUSIC representation of a linear swale receiving untreated stormwater. Amenity benefits were assessed as potential property price uplifts for properties located within a 200m of the waterway centreline. Based on review of aerial imagery of Ballarat, a total of 450 dwellings were assumed to be within 200m of the waterway (both sides).

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Figure E1 Portfolio 1 Remediation of Major River

Project M: Revegetation, re-alignment and naturalisation of Yarrowee River in two ecological park sections

Project Description

The background analysis of the Yarrowee River presented in Appendix A highlighted two stretches of the river in central Ballarat where more focussed remediation of the river could have enhanced amenity and recreational benefits. These two stretches could be converted to ecological parks, where the existing river is naturalised and allowed to meander through expanded parkland areas. Both identified sites are adjacent to redevelopment areas where broader community benefits and co- investment opportunities could be harnessed. In both cases, the river is currently channelised into a bluestone conveyance corridor.

Project Design Assumptions

Based on the measured length of the two stretches of the Yarrowee within the study area (0.5km) that could be converted to ecological parks it was assumed that investment would be made in revegetating a 30m wide waterway corridor and the creation of a meandering waterway. The cost of investment was developed using two case studies that involved the break out of a channelised waterway to a naturalised waterway (Clear Paddock Creek in Fairfield, Sydney, and in Melbourne). The following cost rate assumptions were used:

Table E5 Cost rate assumptions for Project M

Item Cost rate assumption

Clear Paddock Creek (NSW) conversion of a $4,723,512/km (adjusted with inflation from concrete drain to a meandering vegetated 1995 cost estimate) creek

Community engagement and permits – high rate $82,000/application (assumed 2 separate project applications)

Water treatment benefits (nitrogen removed) provided by revegetation were modelled with a MUSIC representation of a linear swale receiving untreated stormwater. Amenity benefits were assessed as potential property price uplifts for properties located within a 200m of the waterway centreline. Based on aerial imagery of Ballarat, a total of 450 dwellings are assumed to be within 200m of the waterway (both sides).

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Figure E2 Potential revegetation sites

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Project Q: Recycled water from northern WWTP to agriculture

Project Description

This project considers the potential to supply potato growers to the north of Ballarat with Class B recycled water from the Ballarat North WWTP for irrigation. The Class B recycled water would be suitable for potato production, and provide a reliable source of irrigation that could be used to increase production.

Project Design Assumptions

The closest potato production region to the Ballarat North WWTP is at Coghills Creek. Potato production exists here due to suitable soil type.

Current potato production in the region is in the order of 75 tonnes/ha, and up to 1,000 ML of recycled water could be made available. The average annual irrigation requirement for potatoes in Coghills Creek is approximately 5 ML/ha, meaning that this project has the potential to supply 200 ha of potato growing farmland. The project could support the production of 15,000 tonnes of potatoes. It has been assumed that the scheme would supply 8 farms, averaging 25 ha of irrigated land each.

The recycled water would be pumped to the property boundary of each farm with the farmers then responsible for connecting the recycled water to their existing irrigation infrastructure (which is frequently moved between seasons to suitable potato growing paddocks).

The project would require the installation of a 20km pipeline and associated pumping infrastructure. The pipeline from the Ballarat North WWTP would run along the alignment of Sharpes Rd – Ballarat- Maryborough Road – Coghills Creek Road to Coghills Creek. An allowance has also been made for a 400 ML recycled water storage, to help meet peak irrigation supply requirements.

The cost rate assumptions in Table E1 were used:

Table E6 Cost rate assumptions for Project Q

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 7

Project R: Groundwater supply top up for Alfredton and Victoria Park

Project Description

Groundwater from the existing CHW groundwater bores would be provided to Alfredton Reserve and Victoria Park for the irrigation of sporting ovals and public open space. A combination of a new pump and pipeline plus the existing urban stormwater drains would be used to transfer the water from the groundwater bores to the locations. The existing drains are conveniently located to the bores and sporting ovals and provide the opportunity to utilise existing assets to provide a diverse source of irrigation supply.

Increased security of irrigation supply to Alfredton Reserve would help to maintain one of Ballarat’s better sporting facilities, while the establishment of new irrigation at Victoria Park would provide better sporting facilities and green space for the City. This could be particularly advantages for the growing Ballarat West population.

Project Design Assumptions

Groundwater would be used to ‘top-up’ existing irrigation supply at Alfredton Reserve, and establish new irrigation supply at Victoria Park. Alfredton Reserve has two sporting ovals of approximately 2 ha each, that each have an annual average irrigation requirement of approximately 5 ML/ha/annum (i.e. total average irrigation requirement for both ovals of 20 ML/annum). An allowance of 10 ML/annum groundwater has been assumed for the ‘top-up’ of irrigation supply to Alfredton Reserve.

It has been further assumed that five sporting ovals, each with a surface area of 1 ha would be supplied for irrigation at Victoria Park. The Victoria Park sporting ovals would be a standard lower than the Alfredton Reserve ovals, and therefore, have a slightly lower irrigation requirement of approximately 4 ML/ha/annum. The total groundwater supply to Victoria Park would therefore be approximately 20 ML/annum, bringing the total project groundwater supply volume to approximately 30 ML/annum (i.e. 10 ML/annum Alfredton Reserve + 20 ML/annum Victoria Park).

The cost rate assumptions in Table E7 were used:

Table E7 Cost rate assumptions for Project R

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 8

Project S: Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation supply in Doug Dean Reserve

Project Description

Just north of the Doug Dean stadium there is an existing wetland and retarding basin which receives stormwater from industrial land to the north. This opportunity was identified as a potential priority for stormwater harvesting due to the size of the contributing catchment and the local demands for irrigation.

Project Design Assumptions

Figure E3 Project S Assumptions The Doug Dean wetland was assessed for its performance as a stormwater harvesting asset to supply the irrigation demand at the Delacombe Sports Centre. This irrigation demand was provided by Council and is understood to be 6.0 ML/yr.

In the absence of other information, aerials, contours and the drainage networks from GIS were used to estimate the wetland and catchment area. The accuracy of the catchment calculation was hampered by incomplete drainage network mapping and should be checked in following design stages. The current impervious fraction was estimated at 45% and this was adopted for modelling to be conservative. The catchment contains approximately 34.9ha of ‘industrial development zone’ that is currently grassed and could potentially be developed as industrial land. This would increase the future impervious fraction to 56%. Sensitivity testing indicates these changes will have minimal impact on the irrigation yield and reliability due to the large catchment to treatment area ratio.

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The catchment flows into and through the wetland were estimated using MUSIC. A catchment node with 45% impervious and 227.4ha was used to represent the catchment. The wetland was modelled with a total area of 5,394 m2 including a sediment pond (810m2) and macrophyte zone (4,584m2). The wetland model parameters are provided in Figure E5. These values represent how the wetland is expected to perform under the proposed stormwater harvesting scheme (with 0.3m extended detention and 0.3 average permanent pool depth).

Figure E4 Doug Dean Wetland AECOM design details, 2010

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Figure E5 Doug Dean wetland MUSIC model parameters The piped outflow from the wetland node was used to understand the possible flow rate that could be captured in the stormwater harvesting scheme (3L/sec). This flow rate was represented in the MUSIC model using a generic node to only divert flows less than 3L/sec to the rainwater tanks. The rainwater tanks were sized based on Council’s advice on a reasonable footprint for these surface tanks (4 x 50kl tanks = 200kl).

Figure E6 Doug Dean stormwater harvesting scheme MUSIC model layout A detailed concept design is available for this project in the ‘Flood mitigation and stormwater harvesting opportunities study’ (City of Ballarat, 2017).

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Figure E7 Layout of proposed Doug Dean Stormwater harvesting scheme

Project T: Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation supply in Victoria Park

Project Description

This project considered stormwater harvesting opportunities in Victoria Park, focussing on the eastern area around the two existing ponds where improved sporting grounds may be established in the future with estimated irrigation demand of approximately 11.5 ML/yr. There are established ponds in the area which already capture stormwater from surrounding urban areas:

 Two ponds are located in the eastern area of Victoria Park, providing high amenity value and also providing an informal source of irrigation water in dry times. The northern pond, referred to as ‘St Leger Pond’ captures stormwater runoff from a residential catchment surrounding the park. There is no treatment of the stormwater, and algal blooms have been noted in the pond in the past. The outflow from this pond passes south through a swale system to an ornamental lake in the park. Two separate inflows also enters the swale system passing through to the ornamental lake, one from St Patricks College (without treatment) and one from a small area of parkland to the south.

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 The ‘St Leger Pond’ receives stormwater from a 10 ha residential catchment that drains towards the intersection between Russell St and St Leger Close. Part of Victoria Park (approx 6 ha) also drains towards the St Leger Pond and may flow into it. It has been noted that the pond water levels are sustained through dry periods.  Another 10 ha catchment (including part of St Patricks College) also flows into Victoria Park near the Eyre Street intersection. Stormwater runoff from the St Leger Pond catchment and the St Patricks College catchment drain towards a circular ornamental lake downstream of Plane Avenue.  Flooding issues have been experienced on Plane Avenue, perhaps due to a collapsed culvert where the swale flow passes under the road to the ornamental lake.

Figure E8 Catchments draining to St Leger Pond (R1 & R2) and on to the Ornamental Lake (R and S) The project considers retrofit the existing landscape to:

1. Provide treatment of the harvested stormwater currently entering the park from the north, by constructing a wetland in and around the upstream area of the northern pond. This will protect against algal blooms and ensure stormwater is treated to best practice standards.

2. Contour and revegetate the existing drainage channel from the school to the second pond, providing a level of treatment of stormwater to ensure it is suitable for storage and subsequent irrigation. This will also improve amenity and allow the swale to become a landscape feature.

3. Excavate a storage pond area at the convergence point of adjacent to Plane Avenue and upstream of the second pond. This will hold water from the northern and school catchment to provide an irrigation storage and a retarding area to alleviate the current flooding issue.

4. Utilise the second pond as both an amenity pond and an irrigation storage, allowing drawdown of up to 0.5m to supply water to adjacent sporting grounds and ovals. The existing bluestone edge of the pond will ensure that drawdown will have minimal impact.

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Figure E9 Project T layout Project Design Assumptions

The project is expected to result in some significant avoided costs for council, including avoided construction of a retarding basin that has been proposed just to the south of the proposed storage pond with a similar volume. Accordingly, there is an equivalent avoided capital cost estimated at $226,550. There are also direct financial savings expected for council related to the avoided purchase of irrigation water. The proposal will provide 10ML of water per year for irrigation, which should provide good reliability of supply (87%) for two ovals (one premier and one standard). Accordingly there is a potential saving of purchasing potable water of $18,000/year.

A detailed concept design is available for this project in the ‘Greening Ballarat: A green-blue infrastructure action plan’ (City of Ballarat, 2016).

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 14

Project T2: Recycled water for open space irrigation supply in Victoria Park (via lake)

Project Description

An alternative scheme to Project T, this project considers the supply of recycled water via Lake Wendouree for irrigation of Victoria Park in place of the stormwater harvesting scheme examined in Project T. The supply of recycled water from the lake has the advantage of potentially supplying a wider irrigation area via a pumped distribution network.

Project Design Assumptions

Based on the expected irrigation demands on the premium ovals planned for Victoria Park, the potable water replacement expected for this option is the same as Project T (11.5ML/year). However, the provision of a larger supply from the lake could support broader irrigation of passive irrigation areas in the park and in adjacent schools. It is assumed that this demand equates to an additional 46.5ML/year. The proposed 2.5km pipeline from the lake would service Loretto College (6ML/year) and St Patricks and Clarendon Colleges (12ML/year).

Table E8 Cost assumptions for Project T2

Item Unit No. units Unit cost ($) Cost ($) Comment Distribution mains pump no. 1$ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 unit cost for 100mm pipe, Urban pipe Distribution mains pipes: $ 362,500.00 (region 3) pipeline m 2500$ 137.00 $ 342,500.00 other (fittings, valves, fencing, flow metres etc.) no. 1$ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Assume Vic Park require a 1 ML storage tank; unit cost for above ground tanks Storage: no. 1$ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 <5 ML Treatment no. $ - no additional treatment required sub-total $ 381,000.00 Design 15%$ 57,150.00 TOTAL $ 438,150.00

Project U: Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation supply in Alfredton Reserve

Project Description

Alfredton Reserve is the highest water user in Ballarat which does not currently have access to a non- potable supply scheme. The existing Winter Creek Wetland is located nearby and has been identified as the favoured site for a potential stormwater harvesting scheme as it provides pre-treatment and it may be possible to run a transfer pipe along an existing walkway to the Reserve.

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Project Design Assumptions

Figure E10 Project U layout and assumptions The Winter Creek Wetland was assessed for its performance as a stormwater harvesting asset to supply the irrigation demand at the Alfredton Recreation Reserve. This irrigation demand was provided by Council and is understood to be 22.4 ML/yr.

An estimate of the catchment area and wetland area were required. In the absence of other information, aerials, contours and the drainage networks in GIS were used to estimate the catchment area. The accuracy of the catchment calculation was hampered by incomplete drainage network mapping and should be checked in the next stage of design.

Once the catchment area and wetland area were determined, a MUSIC model was developed to estimate the catchment flows into and through the wetland. A catchment node with 50% impervious and 139.5ha was used to represent the catchment. The wetland was modelled with a total area of 9619m2 which included a sediment pond (1,440m2) and macrophyte zone (8,179m2). The wetland modelled parameters are provided in the following figure. These values represent how the wetland is expected to perform under the proposed stormwater harvesting scheme (with 0.5m extended detention and 0.2 average permanent pool depth).

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Figure E11 Alfredton Reserve wetland MUSIC model parameters The piped outflow from the wetland node was used to understand the possible flow rate that could be captured in the stormwater harvesting scheme (7L/sec). This flow rate was represented in the MUSIC model using a generic node to only divert flows less than 7L/sec to the rainwater tanks. These rainwater tanks were sized based on Council’s advice on a reasonable footprint for these surface tanks (4 x 50kl tanks = 200kl).

Figure E12 Alfredton Reserve stormwater harvesting scheme MUSIC model layout

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Figure E13 Project U layout and assumptions

The above provides a summary of the proposed concept showing the location of the wetland (white dotted line), connection pipes (blue line) and location of the stormwater harvesting tanks (blue box). It also summarises the key elements of the concept and its performance. This shows that the proposed concept is able to provide 15.3 ML/yr on average of treated stormwater for irrigation, which meets 68% of the annual irrigation demand.

The proposed pipeline route is approximately 958m long and would start at RL 443.3 (bottom of wetland pit) and finish at RL 448 (surface level at tank location). The proposed route was picked as it roughly follows parkland, drainage and road easements. There are no proposed modifications for the wetland except a new outlet pit which can be used to control the water levels in the wetland and provide 0.5m extended detention. The remainder of the required works include the pump, pipeline, UV treatment, power requirements and tanks.

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Figure E14 Summary of new elements required for the proposed stormwater harvesting scheme (shown in red) and their associated costs A detailed concept design is available for this project in the ‘Flood mitigation and stormwater harvesting opportunities study’ (City of Ballarat, 2017).

Project V: Groundwater for industry supply in Northwest Ballarat

Project Description

This project would see groundwater supplied to some of Ballarat’s major industry, replacing current potable water supply. Groundwater from the existing CHW groundwater bores would be pumped via a new pipeline to Mars, McCains and other general industry in the Mars / McCains vicinity. McCain’s would be the furthest point of supply.

This project provides the benefit of replacing current potable water use, thereby allowing the saved potable water to be utilised for other purposes within the City.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 19

Project Design Assumptions

The salinity of the groundwater means that salt removal is before it could be used for a variety of purposes by Mars and McCains. It was assumed that a 1 ML/day Reverse Osmosis (RO) package plant would be installed to reduce the salinity of the groundwater and ensure it is ‘fit for purpose’. The project would therefore have an annual groundwater allocation of 365 ML/annum.

Approximately 5 km of pipeline would be required to transfer the groundwater from CHW’s existing groundwater bores to McCain’s, which would be the furthest point of supply. Offtakes from this pipeline to Mars and other general industry would be provided along the way.

The project infrastructure assumes that only one location could be supplied at any one time. Existing water storage tanks would therefore be used at Mars and McCains, whilst a new 0.5 ML storage tank has been allowed for at the general industry location.

A major drawback of this project is that the brine from the RO plant would need to be suitably managed. Options for the brine management have not been investigated in detail, but may require the brine to be disposed to landfill. Regardless of the management solution adopted for the brine, it is likely to be quite costly. The cost of brine management would need to be added to the project costs described below, once the final management option has been determined.

The following cost rate assumptions have been used for the project:

Table E9 Cost rate assumptions for project V

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 20

Figure E15 Layout for Project V

Project W: Stormwater harvesting for open space irrigation supply in Wendouree West

Project Description

This is a very straight forward project that would see the Wendouree West sporting oval connected to the existing stormwater harvesting scheme that is located to the east of the oval. The stormwater would be provided for irrigation of the sporting oval, thereby providing a better sporting facility year round and help to stimulate increased recreation.

Project Design Assumptions

A short pipeline and storage tank would be required to establish supply from the existing stormwater harvesting scheme to the oval. It is assumed that pumped supply already exists on the stormwater scheme. The oval is approximately 1 ha in size, and therefore has an annual average irrigation demand of 4 ML/ha/annum.

A 0.3 ML storage tank would be installed to help facilitate irrigation and ensure the oval has sufficient water during the peak irrigation demand period of January/February.

The cost rate assumptions in Table E10 were used.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 21

Table E10 Cost rate assumptions for Project W

Project X: Recycled water for open space irrigation in NGIA

Project Description

The NGIA is anticipated to be a significant growth area for the North of Ballarat, providing new housing and public open space / recreation opportunities. This greenfield development will adopt modern town planning practices and therefore will include a series of sporting ovals.

If this project were to proceed, Class A recycled water from the Ballarat North Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) would be used to supply the sporting ovals and associated public open space. The Ballarat North WWTP is conveniently located next to the Northern Greenfield Investigation Area (NGIA) and provides an excellent opportunity to use recycled water to deliver good quality recreational facilities to the community.

As this greenfield development is yet to proceed, a ‘general allowance’ for the connection of recycled water to four sporting ovals has been allowed for.

Project Design Assumptions

This project allows for the construction of a new pump and five kilometre pipeline to supply the sporting ovals. Each sporting oval was assumed to have 1 ha of irrigated space, with an annual average irrigation demand of 4 ML/ha/annum – this amount of irrigation is suitable for the development of ‘good turf sporting facilities’ suitable for a range of activities (e.g. Australian rules football, soccer, cricket, fitness training etc.). The total irrigation demand for the project is 16 ML/ha/annum.

Class A recycled water would be used for irrigation, thereby minimising any potential withholding periods following irrigation and maximising opportunities for irrigation. This project assumes that any required upgrades to the existing Class A treatment plant at the Ballarat North WWTP will be undertaken separately and as part of the broader expansion of Class A supply from Ballarat North.

The cost rate assumptions in Table E11 were used.

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Table E11 Cost rate assumptions for Project X

Project Y: Recycled water for open space irrigation and industry supply in Northeast Ballarat

Project Description

This project focuses on delivering potable water substitution benefits, plus providing recycled water for the irrigation of sporting facilities and the grounds at the Ballarat General Cemetery.

Three separate pipelines would be constructed, with each of them contributing to the extension of the existing Class A recycled water scheme that delivers Class A recycled water to the north of Ballarat (and supplied from the Ballarat North WWTP). The three pipelines are as follows:

1. Ballarat Secondary College: supply to the schools sporting oval (1 ha approx.); assumes annual average supply of 4 ML/ha/annum Class A recycled water; the oval is currently being irrigated with potable water so potable substitution benefits would be achievable.

2. Commercial Laundry, Midland Golf Club, Ballarat General Cemetery: a single pipeline would service all three sites with a combined annual average demand of approximately 72 ML/annum (17 ML; 25 ML; 30 ML respectively). Potable water substitution would be achieved at the commercial laundry, while the Class A recycled water would complement existing catchment dam irrigation at the Golf Club (top-up irrigation water for the Golf Club) and provide new irrigation opportunities at the Cemetery.

3. CE Browne Eureka Sports Facility and Brick Quarry: Class A recycled water would be provided to the sports oval for turf irrigation and to the Brick Quarry (Selkirk) for the production of bricks. Again, potable water substitution would be achievable at both locations. An allowance of 40 ML/annum has been allowed for the Sports Facility, plus an additional 5 ML/annum for the Brick Quarry (i.e. combined pipeline delivery of 45 ML/annum).

It is noted that any upgrade requirements for the Ballarat North WWTP to accommodate additional Class A supply have been accounted for separately by the broader project.

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Project Design Assumptions

The cost rate assumptions in Table E12 were used.

Table E12 Cost rate assumptions for Project Y

Figure E 16 Layout for Project Y

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Project Z: Recycled water for open space irrigation in Southeast Ballarat

Project Description

This project considers the potential to supply Class B recycled water from the Ballarat South WWTP to a number of new locations. Six sporting ovals would be supplied across four locations as follows:

1. Mt Clear Reserve (1 oval) 2. Mt Clear College (1 oval) 3. Damascus School (1 oval) 4. Federation University (3 ovals)

A single pipeline would provide supply to all six ovals, with each of the four locations provided with on- site storage tanks to help manage peak irrigation demand requirements in January.

The project has the potential to provide multiple benefits, being the substitution of potable water that is currently being utilised at each site for irrigation; the enhancement of recreation values through the supply of a secure source of irrigation water; and reduced discharge of Class B recycled water from the Ballarat South WWTP to the Yarrowee River (biodiversity improvements for the Yarrowee River). Class B recycled water is already available at the Ballarat South WWTP, and would be piped to the locations along the alignment of: Ballarat South WWTP – Bridge Street – Whitehorse Road – Recreation Road – through Mt Clear College – Olympic Avenue – Geelong Road – Gear Avenue to Federation University.

Project Design Assumptions

Class B recycled water irrigation would be used to maintain ‘good quality recreational facilities’ that can support a range of sports (e.g. Australian Rules football, cricket, athletics, soccer etc.). An annual average irrigation requirement of 4 ML/ha/annum is sufficient in Ballarat to maintain ‘good quality turf’. It has been assumed that the irrigation area at each oval will be approximately 1 ha, bringing the projects annual average recycled water demand to 24 ML/annum. This volume of potable water could be saved for other uses if the project were to proceed.

Class B recycled water is suitable for the irrigation of sporting ovals provided the ovals aren’t accessed for at least 4 hours after irrigation or until the turf is dry. Given this requirement, irrigation of the ovals would need to occur at night, which can be easily achieved with modern irrigation systems and automation.

The project would require the installation of a new pump and pipeline to supply the sites. Approximately 7.5km of pipeline would be required to provide supply to the furthest location at Federation University.

The cost rate assumptions in Table E13 were used.

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Table E13 Cost rate assumptions for Project Z

Figure E17 Layout for Project Z

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2. Portfolio 2

Project G: Passive irrigation to street trees for enhanced canopy and stormwater management

Project Description

This project considers the provision of passive irrigation from stormwater runoff to trees planted in the verge of streets in new residential areas.

Project Design Assumptions

The project assumes that 100 trees are included per km of street (on both sides), and that the provision of passive irrigation and an enhanced soil area will increase the canopy diameter of each tree from 2.5m to 5m (based on Melbourne data for canopy enhancement due to irrigation). The design proposal and the canopy enhancement reflects that of the industrial street typology included in Greening Ballarat: A green-blue infrastructure action plan (City of Ballarat, 2016). The proposals result in a canopy increase of 10% compared to a base case where trees are provided without irrigation. This project is deliverable immediately and could be applied all growth areas.

Cost rates were also based on the Greening Ballarat case study and are shown in Table E14.

Table E14 Cost rate assumptions for Project G

Item Cost rate

Capital cost/tree (excluding tree and soil as $860 base case, and assuming excavation is nil cost)

Operating cost ($/km/year) for sediment removal $75

Project H: 10% increase in permeable area in growth areas through an increase in open space allocation

Project Description

Currently as standard, developments are required to include 10-15% open space. This project considers the increase of the permeable area of developments by 10% (which could be delivered as public open space or increased garden space).

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Project Design Assumptions

In terms of deliverability, it was assumed that it would be easier to deliver increased permeable space through the planning system as public open space requirements. In simple terms, the addition of public open space results in the equivalent loss of developable land. Accordingly, the cost of developable land in Ballarat was used as the cost rate. This cost has been based on the $/m2 rate of land in Alfredton West ($240/m2). Due to the planning requirement changes, this project has only been applied to Greenfield Investigation Areas.

Benefits of this option include reduced stormwater runoff, which has been modelled using MUSIC and increasing the proportion of permeable area in a development area. Economic benefits relating to proximity to open space have also been included, as described in Appendix G.

Figure E18 Percentage of Permeable Space

Project I: Stormwater harvesting from growth area wetland for local open space irrigation supply

Project Description

This project considers the introduction of stormwater harvesting in new development areas where retarding basins and wetlands are already planned as part of development requirements for water management. A case study site was used for costing purposes in the North Delacombe area of the Ballarat West Urban Growth zone.

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Project Design Assumptions

Figure E19 Proposed retarding basin / wetland locations for the new development area

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Figure E20 Project assumptions The new retarding basin/wetland system was assessed for its potential performance as a new stormwater harvesting asset to supply the irrigation demand at the new sporting fields to be developed nearby. This demand is assumed to be ~8000kL/year based on irrigation of 2 sporting fields.

To undertake the assessment, the catchment areas and wetland areas provided in the original model were used. All other parameters are consistent with those used within this study previously including climate, soils and pollutant parameters. The model source and treatment nodes were copied from the original model into the same climate template as the one used for the Alfredton and Doug Dean assessments and the pollutant parameters in the source nodes were updated to the ‘urban general’ pollutant parameters.

The wetland modelled parameters are provided in the following figure. These were not modified from the original model and represent two wetlands with 0.5m extended detention and 0.4m average permanent pool depths. It is noted these would not comply with current Melbourne Water guidelines.

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Figure E21 MUSIC model parameters for RB3 and RB4 A pond was provided in the MUSIC model to represent an additional storage volume within retarding basin 4 to allow for the storage of treated flows for irrigation. This node was set up with an annual re- use demand of 8,000 kl/yr (assumed to be distributed for PET-Rain). This pond could be provided adjacent to the wetland (but within the retarding basin footprint if space permits), or possibly be provided as a deep pool within the wetland area.

This pond was originally sized at 750 kl (1000m2 surface area and 0.75m deep), however sizing curves developed for this project identified that a storage sized at 400 kl was sufficient to provide over 80% irrigation reliability. The pond was modelled with 0.5m extended detention. Sensitivity tests identified that if the levels don’t allow this to be provided, it makes little difference to the irrigation volume supplied.

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Figure E22 MUSIC model parameters for pond within RB4 A secondary link from the pond in the MUSIC model was used to divert the re-use volume extracted from the pond and determine the flow rate that would be required to capture this in the stormwater harvesting scheme (0.209 L/sec). Due to the low pump rate, it was assumed a pump rate of 2 L/sec would be used to divert harvested flows into a day storage tank located at the sporting fields. This rainwater tank was sized at 50 kl based on the highest flow rate to be modelled from the pond (0.59 L/sec).

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Figure E23 Layout and assumptions Figure E23 above provides a summary of the proposed concept showing the location of the wetlands (white dotted line), connection pipes (blue line) and location of the day storage tank (blue box). It also summarises the key elements of the concept and its performance. The proposed concept provides 6.6 ML/yr on average of treated stormwater for irrigation or 83% of the annual irrigation demand.

The proposed pipeline route is approximately 360 m long and it assumed this will need to be pumped. The proposed route is the shortest distance between the sites and runs through open space areas.

The following figure presents a summary of the new elements which are required for this stormwater harvesting scheme to operate and their associated cost. This shows that it is assumed that there are no additional costs or requirements for the design, construction, establishment and structures associated with the wetland / retarding basins. It does identify the pond storage is a new requirement for the stormwater harvesting scheme as well as the pump, pipeline, UV treatment, power requirements and day storage tank.

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Figure E24 Summary of new elements required for the proposed stormwater harvesting scheme (shown in red) and their associated costs A detailed concept design is available for this project in the ‘Flood mitigation and stormwater harvesting opportunities study’ (City of Ballarat, 2017).

Project J: Revegetation of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek in growth areas

Project Description

This project considers direct investment in the amenity, habitat and recreational value of the Yarrowee River through the existing urban area of Ballarat. Section 2.9 of the background analysis presented in Appendix A provides an appraisal of the existing riparian vegetation condition of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek which border growth areas including BWUGZ, Alfredton and WGIA. This project proposes that further investment is made to increase amenity and waterway health values of the Creeks, beyond the investment which would normally be made to support erosion management. In

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 34 addition to baseline measures, protection of waterway corridors, revegetation of riparian areas and inclusion of passive recreation areas and walkways are included.

Project Design Assumptions

Based on the measured length of cleared riparian sections of Winter Creek and Kensington Creek within the growth areas (8.5km) it was assumed that investment would be made in revegetating a 6m wide waterway corridor. The cost of investment was developed using the Melbourne Water waterway remediation calculator, utilising the cost rate assumptions in Table E15.

Table E15 Project J Design Assumptions

Item Cost rate assumption

Planting and ancilliaries $51,000/km

Weed removal, assuming 50% level of weediness and brush cutting with re-spray required $88,000/km

Survey $6,600/km

Community engagement and permits – low rate $11,000/application (assumed 9 separate project applications)

Water treatment benefits (nitrogen removed) provided by revegetation were modelled utilising a MUSIC representation of a linear swale receiving treated stormwater. Amenity benefits were assessed as potential property price uplifts for properties located within a 200m of the waterway centreline. Based on aerial imagery of Ballarat, a total of 450 dwellings are assumed to be within 200m of the waterway (half of length on both sides, and half of length on one side only).

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Figure E25 Project J and K Condition of Major Creeks

Project K: Revegetation of Burrumbeet Creek in NGIA

Appendix A provides an appraisal of the existing riparian vegetation condition of Burrumbeet Creek which borders the NGIA growth area. This project proposes that further investment is made to increase amenity and waterway health values of the Creek, beyond the investment which would normally be made to support erosion management. In addition to baseline measures, protection of waterway corridors, revegetation of riparian areas and inclusion of passive recreation areas and walkways are included.

Project Design Assumptions

Based on the measured length of cleared riparian sections of Burrumbeet Creek within the growth areas (3.1km) it was assumed that investment would be made in revegetating a 6m wide waterway corridor. The cost of investment was developed using the Melbourne Water waterway remediation calculator, utilising cost rate assumptions in Table E16 Project K Design AssumptionsTable E16.

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Table E16 Project K Design Assumptions

Item Cost rate assumption

Planting and ancilliaries $51,000/km

Weed removal, assuming 50% level of weediness and brush cutting with re-spray $88,000/km required

Survey $6,600/km

Community engagement and permits – low rate $11,000/application (assumed 3 separate project applications)

Water treatment benefits (nitrogen removed) provided by revegetation were modelled utilising a MUSIC representation of a linear swale receiving treated stormwater. Amenity benefits were assessed as potential property price uplifts for properties located within a 200m of the waterway centreline. Based on aerial imagery of Ballarat, a total of 450 dwellings are assumed to be within 200m of the waterway (half of length on both sides, and half of length on one side only).

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3. Portfolio 3

Figure E26 Development areas and potential projects for Portfolio 3 Portfolio Description

Portfolio 3 utilises recycled water and/or treated stormwater to supply non-potable demands across the majority of Ballarat’s development zones.

Table E17 Portfolio 3 Diverse water supplies

Development Zone Diverse Water Supply

BWUGZ (50% total area) Treated Stormwater to Dual Pipe Network

NGIA Recycled Water from the Ballarat North WWTP to Dual Pipe Network

WGIA Treated Stormwater to Dual Pipe Network

TIGA Treated Stormwater to Dual Pipe Network

BWEZ Recycled Water from the Ballarat North WWTP to Dual Pipe Network

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Projects C and D: Treated Stormwater to BWUGZ + WGIA and TIGA via a dual pipe network

Project Description

Projects C and D consist of two independent stormwater harvesting schemes:

 Project C: Treated stormwater from wetlands located throughout the BWUGZ and WGIA.  Project D: Treated stormwater from wetlands located throughout the TIGA.

Both schemes adopt the same approaches to treatment, storage and conveyance. To meet planning requirements for stormwater treatment to best practice, stormwater will be directed through retarding basins and treated in wetlands located throughout each development zone. These are sunk costs that will be required as part of the development process. For these stormwater reuse schemes, the treated Stormwater will be pumped to a central storage pond. Stormwater is then pumped from the storage and undergoes further treatment to ensure that it suitable for indoor non-potable use. Treated stormwater is then reticulated via the dual pipe network to properties within each development area.

Figure E 27. Portfolio 3 Stormwater Project Schematic

Project Design Assumptions

Each system was designed to supply all estimated non-potable demands (including residential and non-residential) with an annual reliability of 80%.

Table E 18 Stormwater harvesting scheme components

Project C Project D BWUGZ WGIA TIGA Land Collection Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Wetland to Storage) (L/s) 55.0 25.0 25.0 No. of Retarding Basins 17 6 4 Storage Pond Volume (ML) 25.0 15.0 Storage Pond Area (ha) 0.83 0.50 Distribution Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Storage to Dual Pipe Connection) (L/s) 37.0 13.6 Class A Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used for CAPEX) 37.0 13.6 Class A Plant: Average Annual Treatment Rate (ML/day) (used for OPEX) 22.0 8.1

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Project E: Recycled Water to NGIA + BWEZ via a dual pipe network

Under Project E recycled water is sourced from the Ballarat North Wastewater Treatment Plant (BNWWTP) for reticulation into properties located in the NGIA and BWEZ. The scheme takes recycled water from BNWWTP to a central storage pond where it is then extracted for further treatment to Class A. This water is then distributed to NGIA and BWEZ reticulation schemes for non- potable use.

The current capacity of the BNWWTP Class A Plant is 3.2 ML/d. The Class A Plant capacity would need to be upgraded to 7.5 ML/d plant to supply the additional demand in these development zones. The cost of this upgrade, excluding cost of upgrading Class A pumps and Class B storage, is sourced from the “Ballarat North Reuse Plant, Plant Capacity Upgrade Report”, prepared for Central Highlands Water by Veolia, 19/12/16 (confidential).

Stormwater is pumped to a central storage pond. Once stormwater is extracted from the storage it undergoes further treatment to ensure that it is suitable for indoor non-potable use. Treated stormwater is then reticulated via the dual pipe network to properties within each development area.

Figure E28 Portfolio 3 Recycled Water Project Schematic Project Design Assumptions

Upgrading the BNWWTP Class A Plant to 7.5ML/d will provide ample recycled water to meet the projected demands in the NGIA and BWEZ, with a surplus capacity of 1.4 ML/d or ~300 M/yr.

Table E19 Ballarat North WWTP Class A Plant Upgrades

BNWWTP Class A Plant Capacity (ML/d)

Class A Plant Shortfall (-ve) / Excess (+ve) Capacity Addition Total (based on supplying 631 ML/yr to NGIA and BWEZ with a peak al monthly supply of 2.90 ML/yr) Current 3.20 0.00 -2.90 Upgrade 1 5.00 1.80 -1.10 Upgrade 2 7.50 4.30 1.40


“Ballarat North Reuse Plant, Plant Capacity Upgrade Report”, prepared for Central Highlands Water by Veolia, 19/12/16 (confidential).

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4. Portfolio 4

Portfolio Description

Portfolio 4 utilises recycled water and/or treated stormwater to supplement Ballarat’s potable water demands via Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) or Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) with the Lal Lal Reservoir. The diverse water sources are assumed to be managed as independent schemes. Five potential projects are provided within the portfolio; three MAR projects and two IPR projects as described below:

 Project A: Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via MAR  Project A2: Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via centralised storage and MAR  Project AL: Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via Lal Lal Reservoir  Project B: Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via MAR  Project BL: Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via Lal Lal Reservoir

For all of the MAR schemes, treated stormwater or wastewater is collected and treated prior to being injected into the Cardigan Aquifer at Draffins Rd for long-term storage. Water is then extracted from the aquifer, pumped to an upgraded Ballarat West Disinfection Facility and further treated to potable standard before being blended with potable water from the White Swan and Lal Lal Water Treatment Plants in a balancing storage tank. After this stage the water is transferred and pumped into Ballarat’s potable water network via the existing network connection at the Ballarat West bore site.

For the IPR schemes, water is transferred to Lal Lal Reservoir via a pumped and gravity fed transfer main.

For the MAR schemes, the potable supply for all new development areas in the west and north of Ballarat will be supplemented with supply from the MAR scheme. For the IPR schemes, the potable supply for the whole of Ballarat will be supplemented via Lal Lal reservoir.

These proposed schemes can be considered to be mutually exclusive and most likely only one of the above projects would proceed given the substantial volumes and costs involved. There is also potential for both stormwater and wastewater sources to be combined into a single scheme to maximise potential yield. This was not assessed and introduces a range of other considerations in terms of managing treatment and variations in inflow volumes.

Cardigan Aquifer and MAR site selection

The Cardigan Aquifer in Ballarat’s West was investigated and successfully used to supply potable water during an extended dry period between July 2007 and December 2009 (CHW, 2010) The site is known as the Ballarat West bore site and was commissioned by Central Highlands Water (CHW) to supplement Ballarat and the District Water Supply System with up to 1,700 ML/year of groundwater, with the potential to supply up to 3,000 ML/year in drought subject to ministerial approval. The site encompasses 3 production bores and is limited to extract 9.3 ML per day (CHW, 2012).

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Extracted water was previously treated to a potable standard at the Ballarat West Disinfection Facility and blended with treated water from the White Swan and Lal Lal Water Treatment Plants in the Ballarat potable distribution network (MWH, 2016). The treatment process included chlorination, disinfection and fluoridation with the use of chlorine gas, aqueous ammonia and fluoro-silicic acid (CHW, 2016). Water quality issues have previously occurred at the bores with high levels of manganese and iron being recorded (Demeo, 2017). Colour has also been a known issue although experience with the previous systems means that CHW now have operational approaches and measures in place to minimise or eliminate many of the issues. The Ballarat West site is currently only used to provide non-potable water to Lake Wendouree.

The connection to the potable water network at this site would be reused and upgraded for the MAR options for portfolio 4. It has been assumed the Ballarat West Disinfection Facility will not be reused for treating groundwater to a potable standard. Further investigations into its suitability for treatment of supply from an MAR scheme would be required for this option.

The location of the MAR borefield was selected based on information sourced from the “Cardigan Borefield Hydrological Assessment Report 2004”, prepared by GHD Pty Ltd on behalf of Central Highlands Regional Water Authority (CHW) (GHD, 2004). The MAR borefield is located along Draffins Rd in the Cardigan area approximately 9km west of Ballarat. Groundwater investigations have determined that the aquifer is quite extensive and deep in this area relative to other locations and that good yields are achievable. While many uncertainties still exist, this provides a level of confidence that a substantial MAR scheme at this location is reasonably likely to be feasible.

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Project A: Stormwater from new growth areas to potable supply via MAR

Project Description

Stormwater is harvested via a centralised collection scheme from the BWUGZ, WGIA, NGIA, BWEZ and TIGA development zones. The scheme collects, attenuates and treats the stormwater to best practice by wetlands located throughout these development zones. Treated water is then pumped to a transfer main along Ballarat’s planned Western Ring Road to a central storage pond located adjacent to the MAR site.

The stored water undergoes further treatment before being injected into the Cardigan aquifer for long- term storage. Figure E29 Project A schematic provides a high-level schematic of the proposed collection and treatment system.

Figure E29 Project A schematic

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Figure E30 Project A layout showing retarding basins and wetlands, stormwater collection transfer mains to treatment and aquifer injection location and potable distribution pipe

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Project Design Assumptions

BWUGZ WGIA TIGA BWEZ NGIA No. of Retarding Basins 16 6 4 2 11 Collection Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Wetland to Transfer Main Pipe) (L/s) 110 48 56 61 50.40 Collection Pipe Length (km) 8.87 4.7 1.7 0.09 7.0 Main Transfer Pipe Length (km) 25.1 Collection Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Transfer Main Pipe to Storage) (L/s) 355 Storage Pond Volume (ML) 150 Storage Pond Area (ha) 5 Storage Pond Depth (m) 3 MAR Bore Injection Rate (L/s) 25 MAR Bore Extraction Rate (L/s) 20 No. of Bores 11 Clearance between bores (m) 250 Borefield Area (km2) 0.54 Post-Extraction Balancing Tank Volume (ML) 10 Days of Balancing Tank Storage (days) 3 Distribution Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Storage to Potable Network) (L/s) 162 Class A Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used for CAPEX) 280 Class A Plant: Average Treatment Rate (ML/day) (used for OPEX) 14 Potable Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used for CAPEX) 162 Potable Plant: Average Treatment Rate (ML/day) (used for OPEX) 14.05

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Project A2: Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via MAR

Project Description

Stormwater from Winter Creek is diverted from an online weir to an offline storage. Water is then pumped via a transfer main to a central storage pond located adjacent to the MAR site. The stored water undergoes further treatment before being injected into the Cardigan aquifer for long-term storage (~3.8 GL/yr).

As required, injected water is extracted and further treated to potable standard before being combined with treated water from the White Swan and Lal Lal Water Treatment Plants in a balancing storage tank. After this stage the water is transferred and pumped into Ballarat’s potable water network via the existing network connection at the Ballarat West bore site.

Stormwater harvested from Winter Creek will include runoff from existing urban catchments (residential and non-residential), new developments (i.e. BWUGZ, WGIA and Winter Creek portion of Alfredton West) as well as rural catchments.

Figure E31 Project A2 schematic

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Figure E322 Project A2 layout

Figure E33 Winter Creek catchment

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Project Design Assumptions

The weir volume, offline storage volume and transfer pump rates were varied to maximise the volume of water delivered to the MAR site. A 450 mm transfer main was selected to optimise flow rates and volumes supplied. The following assumptions were made:

 No land cost for the weir and offline storage site.  Flooding impacts can be managed at the weir site without upstream impacts.  Stormwater is harvested from BWUGZ, WGIA and Alfredton West (Winter Creek Portion).

The Winter Creek catchment upstream of the weir = 8,065 ha

 Rural = 4,825 ha  Existing urban = 1,300 ha  New development = 1,940 ha

The weir was configured with a passing baseflow that was designed to ensure pre-development flows are transferred to downstream reaches (Figure E34). Note a calibrated catchment model verified by streamflow gauge data was not used but should be developed to support further studies into this project. The volume of stormwater (SW) harvested was also limited to less than 4.4 GL/yr. This approach was adopted to ensure downstream reaches continue to receive the same total volumes of water and volumes of urban excess under future conditions with the project as occur for existing conditions (even these already exceed natural conditions by 4.2 GL/year). Details of the weir, offline storage and transfer main are provided below.

Figure E34 Impact on Winter Creek

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Figure E 35 Weir diversion

Table E20 Project A2 weir details

Volume 6.0 ML Low flow bypass 1000 L/s Pump rate 600 L/s Volume transferred 4,661 ML/yr

Table E21 Project A2 offline storage details

Depth 3 m Surface area 40,000 m2 Volume 120 ML Pump rate 230 L/s Volume transferred 3,824 ML/yr

Table E22 Project A2 transfer main

Altitude Flow Rate (L/s) Diameter (mm) Length m Type Start Z End Z 15,934 Pumped 387 415 230 450

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Figure E36 Project A2 pumping system layout

Project AL: Stormwater from Winter Creek to potable supply via Lal Lal

Project Description

Stormwater from Winter Creek is diverted from an online weir to an offline storage. Water is then pumped via a transfer main to a central storage pond. The stored water is then transferred to Lal Lal Reservoir (~3.8 GL/yr).

Stormwater harvested from Winter Creek will include runoff from rural catchments, existing urban catchments (residential and non-residential) and new developments (i.e. BWUGZ, WGIA and Winter Ck portion of Alfredton West). All elements of the weir and offline storage, include location and sizing,

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 50 are the same for Project AL as Project A2. The same volume is extracted from the catchment, consequently, the flow analysis presented above in Figure E34 also applies for Project AL.

Figure E37 Project AL schematic

Project Design Assumptions

The weir volume, offline storage volume and transfer pump rates were varied to maximise the volume of water delivered to Lal Lal for a 450 mm transfer main.

It was determined that water would need to be pumped to a break tank, from which water could flow via gravity for most of the pipeline length to Lal Lal Reservoir. The potential to release flows into a local waterway was considered. However given the large volumes and flow patterns this would potentially have significant impacts on such a waterway, which would require further assessment and transfer benefits for one waterway to impacts on another. As such it was considered preferable to pipe flows all the way to the reservoir.

Table E23 Project AL transfer main Altitude Flow Rate (L/s) Diameter (mm) Length m Type Start Z End Z 14,589 Gravity 575 440 230 450 9,841 Pumped 387 575 230 450

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Figure E38 Project AL system layout showing transfer main from Winter Creek Storage to Lal Lal Reservoir

Figure E39 Project AL system layout showing transfer main from Winter Creek Storage to Lal Lal Reservoir

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Project B: Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via MAR

Project Description

Recycled water from the Ballarat South Wastewater Treatment Plant (BSWWTP) is proposed to be sourced for MAR injection. With a Class A treatment upgrade, the existing plant has the capacity to supply 4,800 ML/yr of recycled water. This water is to be pumped via a transfer main along Ballarat’s planned Western Ring Road to a central storage pond located adjacent to the MAR site. The stored water is then injected into the Cardigan aquifer for long-term storage. The extraction process is as described in the Project description. Figure 2 is a high level schematic of the proposed system.

Figure E40 Project B schematic

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Figure E 41 Project B showing proposed transfer main from BSWWTP to MAR site and distribution main back to potable network

Project Design Assumptions

 BS WWTP will be upgraded in two phases in 2041 and 2051.  The transfer main pipe pump rate and diameter was based on the minimum average monthly discharge flow rate (excluding seasonal variations) from the BS WWTP between 2001-2016, see Figure E42. This value is 400 ML/month and was selected to provide a constant inflow to the system with buffering to smooth out diurnal variations. It utilises approximately 78% of all new additional wastewater generated up to 2065 at BS WWTP.  The transfer main alignment was selected to minimise social, environmental and economic disturbances during construction and future maintenance. The alignment is broken up into three stages: 1. Southern passage along the western bank of the Yarrowee River from the BS WWTP to the intersection of Midland Hwy (A300) and Colac-Ballarat Rd (C146). This allows for reduced disturbance to urban areas and minimal disruption to transport routes. Care will need to be taken to minimise disturbance to the waterway, riparian habitats and recreational values associated with the area. 2. Ballarat’s planned Western Ring Road development from the intersection of Midland Hwy (A300) and Colac-Ballarat Rd (C146) to the intersection of Dyson Dr and Cuthberts Rd. The

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 54

path takes advantage of the planned construction corridor and any synergies that can be obtained with the laying of other utilities. 3. The intersection of Dyson Dr and Cuthberts Rd to Cuthberts Rd and White Rd, and onwards north to the proposed injection site at the corner of Draffins Rd and Remembrance Dr. This alignment passes through agricultural land and is expected to cause minimal disturbances during construction.  The injection and extraction rates were conservatively based on the “Cardigan Borefield Hydrological Assessment Report 2004” prepared by GHD Pty Ltd on behalf of Central Highlands Regional Water Authority (CHW).  Water injected into an aquifer must have similar or better quality so it does not compromise the beneficial uses of the aquifer. Water at the treatment plant will be treated to Class A standards or higher prior to injection to ensure potential beneficial uses are not compromised. A key consideration is salinity. The maximum salinity level recorded at the outflow point of the WWTP between 2012 and 2017 is 900 uS/cm Figure E43. This value is lower than the recorded salinity levels along Draffins Rd, see Table E25 Recorded Salinity Levels at Draffins Rd . This means that the BSWWTP recycled water’s salinity levels are acceptable to be injected into the Cardigan aquifer.

Further assumptions are summarised in

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 55

 Table E26.

Table E24 BS WWTP wastewater generation

2015-2016 2065-2066 Increase in wastewater Proposed recycled generation (ML/yr), % wastewater (ML/yr), %

6,398 ML/yr 12,582 ML/yr 6,184 ML/yr, 49% 4,800 ML/yr, 78 %

Figure E42 BS WWTP average monthly discharge flow (ML)

Figure E43 BSWWTP Monthly Average Salinity Outflow Levels

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 56

Table E25 Recorded Salinity Levels at Draffins Rd (GHD, 2004)

Observation Bore Groundwater Salinity (uS/cm)

B1 1840

B11 1060

B12 1200

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 57

Table E26 Design assumptions summary for Project B

Portfolio 4b Main Transfer Pipe Length (km) 21.3 Collection Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Transfer Main Pipe to Storage) (L/s) 152 Storage Pond Volume (ML) 8.7 Storage Pond Area (m2) 2,900 Storage Pond Depth (m) 3 MAR Bore Injection Rate (L/s) 25 MAR Bore Extraction Rate (L/s) 20 No. of Bores 6 Clearance between bores (m) 250 Borefield Area (km2) 0.29 Post-Extraction Balancing Tank Volume (ML) 10 Days of Balancing Tank Storage (days) 3 Distribution Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Storage to Potable Network) (L/s) 152 Class A Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used for CAPEX) 152 Class A Plant: Average Treatment Rate (ML/day) (used for OPEX) 13.15 Potable Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used for CAPEX) 152 Potable Plant: Average Treatment Rate (ML/day) (used for OPEX) 13.15

Potential combination of Project A and Project B

Both stormwater and recycled water sources could be utilised in a MAR scheme. This scheme would be structured in a similar manner as the stormwater option but with the treated recycled water joining the system at the centralised storage pond adjacent to the MAR site.

The potential advantages of this option are as follows:

 Achieve a combined average potable supply of 27.2 ML/day (although most likely this would be scaled down).  Realise excavation savings by jointly laying both transfer mains together.  Utilising the same potable water distribution pipe to the potable network connection.  Further costs may be reduced due to the increased scale of the MAR scheme.

The combined option was not further investigated within the scope of this study.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 58

Project BL: Recycled water from southern WWTP to potable supply via Lal Lal

Project Description

Recycled water from the Ballarat South Wastewater Treatment Plant (BSWWTP) is transferred to Lal Lal Reservoir via a pumped and gravity fed transfer main. The existing plant treats water for discharge to the environment and only reaches Class B or C standards at best. With a Class A treatment upgrade, the existing plant has the capacity to supply 4,800 ML/yr of recycled water for non-potable uses.

Figure E44 Project BL schematic Project Design Assumptions

With the exception of the transfer main to Lal Lal and absence of the MAR system, the design for project BL is the same as that for project B.

It was determined that water would need to be pumped to a break tank, from which water could flow via gravity for most of the pipeline length to Lal Lal Reservoir. The potential to release flows into a local waterway was considered. However given the large volumes and flow patterns this would potentially have significant impacts on such a waterway, which would require further assessment and transfer benefits for one waterway to impacts on another. As such it was considered preferable to pipe flows all the way to the reservoir.

The transfer main layout is shown in Figure E45 with details in Table E27 Project BL transfer main.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 59

Figure E45 Project BL system layout

Figure E46 Project BL system layout (large)

Table E27 Project BL transfer main Altitude Flow Rate (L/s) Diameter (mm) Length m Type Start Z End Z 14,589 Gravity 575 440 152 375 7,607 Pumped 395 575 152 375

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 60

Summary of Portfolio 4 project design assumptions

The design assumptions for all the projects in portfolio 4 are summarised in Table E28.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 61

Table E28 Design assumptions summary

DESIGN Portfolio 4 Portfolio 3 Portfolio Option A A2 AL B BL C D E Diverse Water Type Stormwater Recycled Recycled Stormwate Stormwate Recycled Water Water Water r r Diverse Water Source BWUGZ, WGIA, Winter Creek catchment including BSWWTP BSWWTP BWUGZ, TIGA BNWWTP NGIA, BWEZ, BWUGZ, WGIA, TIGA WGIA TIGA Development Zones All All All All All BWUGZ, TIGA NGIA BWEZ Serviced WGIA Collection Networks

Collection Pipe Length 47 n/a n/a 21 21 15 5 n/a n/a (km) Collection Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Transfer Main 325 n/a n/a 152 152 55, 25 25 n/a n/a Pipe to Storage) (L/s) Pre-treatment Storage Storage Pond Volume (ML) 150 120 120 n/a n/a 25 15 8.71 8.71 Storage Pond Area (ha) 5 4 4 n/a n/a 0.83 0.5 0.29 0.29 Storage Pond Depth (m) 3 3 3 n/a n/a 3 3 3 3 Managed Aquifer Recharge MAR Injection Rate (L/s) 25 25 n/a 25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a MAR Extraction Rate (L/s) 20 20 n/a 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a No. of Bores 11 n/a 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Clearance between bores 250 250 n/a 250 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (m) Borefield Area (km2) 0.54 n/a 0.29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Post-treatment Storage Post-Aquifer Extraction Balancing Tank Volume 10 10 n/a 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (ML)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 62

DESIGN Portfolio 4 Portfolio 3 Portfolio Option A A2 AL B BL C D E

Days of Balancing Tank 3 3 n/a 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Storage (days) Distribution Networks

Distribution Pipe Length 10 10 n/a 10 n/a 11 5 3 4 (km) Distribution Peak Pump Rate (i.e. Storage to 162 120 n/a 152 n/a 37 14 19 15 Potable Network) (L/s) Treatment Class A Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used 280 230 230 152 152 37 14 34 34 for CAPEX) Class A Plant: Average Treatment Rate (ML/day) 14 10.5 10.5 13 13 22 8 2 2 (used for OPEX) Potable Plant: Peak Treatment Rate (L/s) (used 162 120 n/a 152 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a for CAPEX) Potable Plant: Average Treatment Rate (ML/day) 14 10.5 n/a 13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (used for OPEX)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 63


CHW, 2010. 2009/2010 Water Quality Report, Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

CHW, 2012. Ballarat and District Water Supply System Strategic Plan 2011-2060, Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

CHW, 2013. 2012/2013 Water Quality Report, Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

CHW, 2016. 2015/2016 WATER QUALITY REPORT, Ballarat: Central Highlands Water.

GHD, 2004. Cardigan Borefield Hydrological Assessment Report , Melbourne: GHD.

MWH, 2016. BWEZ Stormwater Harvesting and MAR Final Summary Project Evaluation Report, Melbourne: MWH.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 64


Appendix F: Project Costs and Benefits ------


1. Portfolio 1 ...... 1

2. Portfolio 2 ...... 2

3. Portfolio 3 ...... 3

4. Porfolio 4 ...... 4

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

1. Portfolio 1

Portfolio 1 Project: L M Q RST T2 UV WXYZ Pipework $ - $ - $ 8,602 $ 693 $ 37 $ - $ 417 $ 261 $ 1,340 $ 181 $ 845 $ 727 $ 1,239 Pumps $ - $ - $ 67 $ 0 $ 0 $ - $ 1 $ 0 $ 7 $ 0 $ 1 $ 3 $ 6 Storage $ - $ - $ 6,912 $ 2 $ 19 $ - $ 4 $ 19 $ 2 $ 2 $ - $ 4 $ 10 Treatment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 132 $ 274 $ - $ 58 $ 1,150 $ - $ - $ - $ - MAR $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Street trees $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Captial costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ 34 $ 118 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Pipework $ - $ - $ 37 $ 3 $ 0 $ - $ 2 $ 1 $ 6 $ 1 $ 4 $ 3 $ 5 Pumps $ - $ - $ 67 $ 0 $ 0 $ - $ 1 $ 0 $ 7 $ 0 $ 1 $ 3 $ 6 Storage $ - $ - $ 30 $ 0 $ 0 $ - $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ - $ 0 $ 0 Treatment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 0 $ 9 $ - $ 0 $ 150 $ - $ - $ - $ - MAR $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Street trees $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Operating costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ 34 $ 118 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Yarrowee (kg/year) 1085 310 0 0 40 218 290 17 0 0 0 0 120 Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Burrumbeet (kg/year) 0 0 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 80 605 0 Urban excess flow removed - Yarrowee (ML/year) 0 0 0 0 5 10 58 15 0 0 0 0 24 Urban excess flow removed - Burrumbeet (ML/year) 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 121 0

Waterway Waterway benefits health Erosion avoided (km of waterway) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for open space irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 30 5 10 58 15 0 4 16 99 24 Potable replacement (net base case) (ML/year) 0 0 0 10 5 10 12 15 365 4 16 49 24 Reliability of supply in an average year (%) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alternative water supplied (ML/year) 0 0 1000 30 5 10 58 15 0 4 16 99 24

Water ServicesWater Benefits Alternative water supplied for agricultural irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Irrigated open space area (ha) 0 0 0 9 2 1 15 3 0 1 4 5 6 Canopy created (m2) 35000 15000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for tree irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional green space created (ha) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Winter (km) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Burrumbeet (km) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Yarrowee (km) 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Liveability benefits Irrigated agricultural area (ha) 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

2. Portfolio 2 Portfolio 2 Project: G H I J K Pipework $ - $ - $ 411 $ - $ - Pumps $ - $ - $ 1 $ - $ - Storage $ - $ - $ 135 $ - $ - Treatment $ - $ - $ 240 $ - $ - MAR $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Street trees $ 39,157 $ - $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ 564,720 $ - $ - $ -

Captial costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ - $ - $ - $ 67 $ 24 Pipework $ - $ - $ 2 $ - $ - Pumps $ - $ - $ 1 $ - $ - Storage $ - $ - $ 1 $ - $ - Treatment $ - $ - $ 2 $ - $ - MAR $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Street trees $ 34 $ - $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Operating costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ - $ - $ - $ 67 $ 24 Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Yarrowee (kg/year) 1668 1112 36 404 0 Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Burrumbeet (kg/year) 310 319 7 0 295 Urban excess flow removed - Yarrowee (ML/year) 143 476 33 0 0 Urban excess flow removed - Burrumbeet (ML/year) 27 137 7 0 0

Waterway Waterway benefits health Erosion avoided (km of waterway) 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for open space irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 40 0 0 Potable replacement (net base case) (ML/year) 0 0 40 0 0 Reliability of supply in an average year (%) 0 0 4 0 0 Alternative water supplied (ML/year) 0 0 40 0 0

Water ServicesWater Benefits Alternative water supplied for agricultural irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 0 0 Irrigated open space area (ha) 0 0 24 0 0 Canopy created (m2) 670163 0 0 51000 18600 Alternative water supplied for tree irrigation (ML/year) 140 0 0 0 0 Additional green space created (ha) 0 235 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Winter (km) 0 0 0 9 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Burrumbeet (km) 0 0 0 0 3 Length of waterway enhanced - Yarrowee (km) 0 0 0 0 0

Liveability benefits Irrigated agricultural area (ha) 0 0 0 0 0

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 2

3. Portfolio 3 Portfolio 3 Project: C D E Pipework $ 58,329 $ 22,631 $ 21,266 Pumps $ 49 $ 19 $ 4 Storage $ 575 $ 393 $ 164 Treatment $ 2,588 $ 1,026 $ 1,938 MAR $ - $ - $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ 914 Street trees $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ -

Captial costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ - $ - $ - Pipework $ 254 $ 98 $ 92 Pumps $ 49 $ 19 $ 4 Storage $ 2 $ 2 $ 1 Treatment $ 229 $ 84 $ 231 MAR $ - $ - $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ 4 Street trees $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ -

Operating costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ - $ - $ - Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Yarrowee (kg/year) -611 -179 0 Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Burrumbeet (kg/year) 0 0 8537 Urban excess flow removed - Yarrowee (ML/year) 116 29 0 Urban excess flow removed - Burrumbeet (ML/year) 0 0 446

Waterway Waterway benefits health Erosion avoided (km of waterway) 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for open space irrigation (ML/year) 13 7 7 Potable replacement (net base case) (ML/year) 51 -5 95 Reliability of supply in an average year (%) 2 1 2 Alternative water supplied (ML/year) 695 256 631

Water ServicesWater Benefits Alternative water supplied for agricultural irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 Irrigated open space area (ha) 8 4 4 Canopy created (m2) 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for tree irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 Additional green space created (ha) 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Winter (km) 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Burrumbeet (km) 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Yarrowee (km) 0 0 0

Liveability benefits Irrigated agricultural area (ha) 0 0 0

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 3

4. Porfolio 4 Portfolio 4 Project: A A2 AL B BL Pipework $ 20,823 $ 21,447 $ 31,431 $ 12,559 $ 23,805 Pumps $ 94 $ 36 $ 29 $ 15 $ 7 Storage $ 11,378 $ 8,717 $ 3,580 $ 8,660 $ 1,659 Treatment $ 47,265 $ 37,724 $ 28,542 $ 44,390 $ 29,900 MAR $ 957 $ 773 $ - $ 613 $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ - $ 6,948 $ 6,948 Street trees $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Captial costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Pipework $ 91 $ 76 $ 137 $ 55 $ 104 Pumps $ 94 $ 36 $ 29 $ 15 $ 7 Storage $ 49 $ 38 $ 16 $ 38 $ 8 Treatment $ 4,615 $ 3,442 $ 2,294 $ 5,760 $ 3,840 MAR $ 15 $ 10 $ - $ 10 $ - Brine disposal $ - $ - $ - $ 30 $ 30 Street trees $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public open space land purchase $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Operating costs ($,000s) Waterway restoration $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Yarrowee (kg/year) 1475 12807 12807 48369 26894 Total nitrogen removed (net base case) - Burrumbeet (kg/year) 4453 0 0 0 21475 Urban excess flow removed - Yarrowee (ML/year) 2130 3352 3352 3697 1958 Urban excess flow removed - Burrumbeet (ML/year) 1855 0 0 0 1740

Waterway Waterway benefits health Erosion avoided (km of waterway) 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for open space irrigation (ML/year) 26 13 13 26 26 Potable replacement (net base case) (ML/year) 3404 3167 3167 3359 3359 Reliability of supply in an average year (%) 4 4 4 4 4 Alternative water supplied (ML/year) 4845 3810 3810 4800 4800

Water ServicesWater Benefits Alternative water supplied for agricultural irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 0 0 Irrigated open space area (ha) 16 8 8 16 16 Canopy created (m2) 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative water supplied for tree irrigation (ML/year) 0 0 0 0 0 Additional green space created (ha) 0 0 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Winter (km) 0 0 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Burrumbeet (km) 0 0 0 0 0 Length of waterway enhanced - Yarrowee (km) 0 0 0 0 0

Liveability benefits Irrigated agricultural area (ha) 0 0 0 0 0

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 4

------Appendix G: Economic Analysis ------


1.1 Analytical framework 1 1.2 Costs 1 1.3 Benefit description 2 Potable substitution 3 Pollution abatement from waterways 5 Community willingness to pay – non-use value 6 Community willingness to pay for waterway health improvement 7 Waterway restoration value – property price increase 7 Value of increased tree canopy cover – property price increase 8 Value of increased public open space – property price increase 9 Environmental flows 9 Agricultural value 10 Benefits that are not quantified 10 1.4 Cost benefit analysis and results 11 1.5 Sensitivity assessment 15 1.6 Distributional analysis 18 1.7 Abbreviations 1

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1

Ballarat IWM Project – Economic analysis

1 .1 Analytical framework

The study involved an economic analysis from a ‘whole of society’ perspective, and a distributional analysis that considered which entities might benefit from the investment, and which might pay.

The economic analysis undertaken for the Ballarat IWM is a marginal Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) assessment. This means that for each option, changes in costs and benefits compared to the base case were estimated in the analysis.

The base case is defined as ‘business as usual’ servicing for water and wastewater services, and stormwater quality management reflecting Best Practice Environmental Management (BPEM) standards. Under this base case, rainwater tanks are assumed to be required on all new dwellings, to meet water consumption targets.

The CBA took into account capital, operating and renewal expenditure over a 50 year period. It also considered a number of economic benefits accruing to different parties

Benefits and costs are identified and allocated across the 50 year analysis time period, and discounted to current year values using a 4.5 per cent real discount rate (the Victorian Water Sector Weighted Average Cost of Capital WACC).

Sensitivities of these and other assumptions were also tested.

A summary of abbreviations is provided in section 1.7 to assist the reader.

1 . 2 C o s t s

The analysis considered all relevant costs of each project option explored in the analysis, including upfront capital costs, ongoing operating and maintenance costs, and any renewal costs incurred within the 50 year assessment timeframe.

Table 1 provides the full costs of each project, discounted to present day dollars.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 1 Table 1 Total costs (PV $real2018)

P R O J E C T P V T O T A L A $49.13 m A2 $38.40 m AL $31.89 m B $47.86 m BL $36.62 m C $24.83 m D $7.06 m E $6.83 m G $10.09 m H $121.70 m I $0.42 m J $1.47 m K $0.32 m L $1.41 m M $4.41 m Q $15.78 m R $1.25 m S $0.29 m T $0.63 m T2 $0.43 m U $0.37 m V $6.15 m W $0.17 m X $0.31 m Y $0.71 m Z $1.36 m

1 .3 Benefit description

The project team have identified a number of project benefits across the water cycle. In identifying and quantifying project benefits, we have adopted a Total Economic Value (TEV) framework. This type of framework is often used for investments involving environmental changes and benefits that may be non- financial in nature.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 2 Total economic value

Use value Option Value Non-use value

Direct use Existence Bequest (preserving (consumption or Indirect use (knowledge of for future direct non- (function benefits) continued existence) generations) consumptive use)

Figure 1: Total Economic Value Framework1

The TEV framework considers benefits and costs to all societal groups (rather than focusing on the perspective of one), and explores more familiar direct use values (such as the value of water use to the potable network), non-use values (such as community willingness to pay for increased recycled water use), and option value (the value of preserving an option to use or access an asset in future).

In the context of IWM investments, project options can produce direct financial benefits to, say, water businesses and their customers (such as potable substitution), and also a range of non-market and non- financial benefits, such as aesthetic and environmental health improvements to waterways, and improvements to street trees health and form.

To the extent possible, the economic framework developed for this project has explored these benefits, and quantified them wherever possible.

The methodology for estimating all benefits used in the analysis are described below.

P otable substitution

Some projects produce a supply of water that would substitute for water from the potable network. This may be from producing additional water for the potable network, or from producing a non-potable supply that replaces water from the potable network.

Regardless, these options produce an economic value associated with that potable replacement. The extent of the economic value depends for each unit of project water produced upon where the deferred potable water came from, and what costs are saved from the deferral. For example, substituting for temporary water purchased in a dry year from the Goulburn and Campaspe system and transported through the Goldfields Superpipe will be more valuable than substituting for water stored in White Swan Reservoir.

1 The Total Economic Value (TEV) framework for valuation of ecosystem services (adapted from Ledoux & Turner 2002, Chee et al. 2002, Saunders et al. 2010)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 3 In practice, the volume and cost of substituted water will depend upon the particular circumstance of that year’s demand and supply. For the purpose of this study, CHW ran the Ballarat SOURCE model which estimates future water supply out to 2065, by the various sources available to the Ballarat system (White Swan and Lal Lal Reservoirs, and Goldfields Superpipe (GSP) water from and Eppalock, as well as additional temporary water purchases (when demand exceeds CHW’s current allocation in any given year).

Figure 2: Projected annual demand and potable water supply sources for Ballarat2

For the model run on the average year, the following information is produced: . In every year, GSP is used from both Colbinabbin and Eppalock . In every year, temporary purchase of water is also required . The bulk of supply comes from White Swan Reservoir, and a smaller volume from Lal Lal Reservoir.

Figure 3 summarises the costs avoided with water substituted from different sources, and at different points of the supply system

The implications of Figure 3 are that:

. Avoiding the need to purchase temporary water from the Goulburn and Campaspe systems is valued at $200/ML . Avoiding a megalitre of water from the Eppalock system is worth an additional $419.48/ML (1b + 2 + 3 + 4) . Avoiding a megalitre of water from the Colbinabbin system is worth an additional $463.18/ML (1a + 2 + 3 + 4) . Total benefit from a\voiding a megalitre of water is thus $619.48 for Eppalock and $663.18 for Colbinabbin.

2 Source: Central Highlands Water SOURCE model, provided by Pat Russell, Pers. Comm 6 March 2017.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 4 Purchase: $200/ML

Colbinabbin Eppalock

1a: Pumping 1b: Pumping from from Colbinabbin Eppalock to Point A: to Point A: A $73.2 per ML $116.9 per ML

2: Pumping down the southern GSP: $181 per ML

White Swan Reservoir

3: Pump from White Swan Reservoir to Water Treatment Plant: $24.18 per ML

White Swan Water 4: Treatment Treatment variable cost: $141.1 ML

Figure 3: Potable substitution values (avoided costs)

P ollution abatement from waterways

Many of the projects remove pollution from waterways, which can enhance both the aesthetics of the waterway and their ecosystem health. There are two relevant sources of pollution in waterways within the project scope: stormwater and wastewater.

Stormwater pollution from urban runoff has contains a range of pollutants that are harmful to waterways. These can be treated a number of ways, including wetlands, Bioretention, swales and rainwater tanks.

In regard to estimating the value of stormwater pollution abatement, Melbourne Water has an offset scheme for stormwater pollution, which uses Nitrogen as the indicator pollutant. The Melbourne Water offset scheme currently values nitrogen abatement at a capitalised value of $7,226 per kilogram of nitrogen, reflecting the cost of wetland treatment in Melbourne.

There are a number of reasons why use of this value is imperfect for use in the Ballarat region: . Nitrogen abatement was originally targeted in Melbourne to address a threshold in nitrogen identified for Port Phillip Bay. It was subsequently recognised that waterway health was also improved by wetland treatment of stormwater. . The cost of wetland treatment in Ballarat will be significantly less expensive than in Melbourne, where high land value contributes to the cost of wetland construction.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 5 . Cost does not necessarily reflect benefit. In Ballarat, there appears to be no pressure from the EPA to improve waterway health, suggesting that pollution load may be less pressing in the Melbourne catchments. However, this may change over time, particularly as development proceeds and waterway health declines in affected waterways of Ballarat

For the above reasons, a stormwater value of 50 per cent of the current Melbourne Water nitrogen offset value has been adopted for this project ($3,613/kg capitalised).

As a point source pollutant, pollution from wastewater can much more readily be removed by mechanical means, than can pollution from stormwater. As such, the value of pollution removed from wastewater (for example, with recycled water use) requires a different value.

Using the avoided cost method, the cost of additional nitrogen removal from mechanical treatment has been adopted, using estimated capital expenditure for a sewage treatment plant on the as a data source. To decrease nitrogen discharges by 5mg/L, an additional $5m in capital expenditure was required. This results in a $9.58 per kg of nitrogen levelised cost for the capital expenditure.3

C ommunity willingness to pay – non-use value

There is evidence that the broader community would be willing to pay (WTP) more in water bills for increased wastewater recycling. No direct study of the community WTP for wastewater and stormwater recycling over diverse water supplies in the Ballarat context has been undertaken.

However, a recent study4 explored the community willingness to pay for increased water recycling by surveying a statistically significant sample of Sydney water customers and exploring their WTP for higher water bills in return for more recycling to be used by others (industrial, municipal, residential, environmental flows). The results found strong and consistent WTP for more recycling, estimated at between $450 and $1220 per ML.

While this is a rigorous and defendable economic non-use value, transferring this value to the current study requires significant caveats. The original study explored recycled water only, although there is no reason to expect that the community would preference wastewater recycling before stormwater reuse. The original study was undertaken in Sydney, while our context is in Ballarat.

As such, we take a conservative assumption of 50% of the lower value of the range for each type of use produced in the analysis, from $238 to $1,088/ML. Table 2: Community Willingness to pay values ($/ML)


Residential $238

Commercial $1,088

3 Figure is in $real2016-17. Levelised cost analysis: RMCG.Source data: GHD (2015). Werribee River Integrated Water Management Analysis Stage 2 – Opportunity Development, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, October. 4 Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence. 2013. The Economic Viability of Recycled Water Projects. Figures updated to 2017 using CPI

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 6 TYPE OF DIVERSE WATER USE VALUE USED IN ANALYSIS ($/ML)

Public Open Space $787

Agricultural5 $119

C ommunity willingness to pay for waterway health improvement

The nitrogen value described above relates pollutant loads to waterway health improvement. However, some investments in this project are likely to significantly increase the environmental and aesthetic form of relevant waterways, in addition to this nitrogen value.

In particular, the two aquifer storage and recovery projects (ASR) will remove significant volumes of wastewater and stormwater that will remove flow volumes from relevant waterways. These projects will, it has been estimated by the project team, prevent significant decline in waterway form and function, in addition to the nitrogen volumes removed and accounted for elsewhere.

As with the community WTP values for recycled water use described above, studies have been undertaken to explore how much communities are willing to pay for improved waterway health, including form and function.

Professors John Rolfe and Roy Brouwer undertook a meta-analysis of 19 studies of Australian waterways from 2000 to 20106.

Based on this work, Professor Rolfe was commissioned to produce a predicted value for improvement to waterway health for previous work undertaken by RMCG7. This produced an average willingness to pay for an improvement in waterway health of $1.03 per kilometre of waterway improved.

As with other stated preference studies used for benefit transfer in this project, we conservatively apply 50 per cent of this value due to potential contextual differences, in the interests of conservatism ($0.51/household/km). Updated for inflation, $0.53 per household per km is used in modelling.

Applying this value to the 42,2638 existing households in Ballarat, forecast growth, and per length of waterway affected by the two ASR projects.

W aterway restoration value – property price increase

There is a growing body of evidence that investments in the aesthetics of urban waterways produce ‘use values’ to local property owners, associated with the aesthetic improvement produced by the investment.

A recent Australian case study tracked property prices within 200m of a restoration project on Banister Creek in Western Australia dating from before the investment was made, during the intervention, and then in the years after the investment.

5 Note: no value for agricultural use was provided in the study. As such, we conservatively use 25% of the medium value for residential use, and apply this value only to options involving commercial use of the recycled water. 6 http://acquire.cqu.edu.au:8080/vital/access/manager/Repository/cqu:10433 7 RMCG, 2015. Business case for environmental improvement to Gunbower Lagoons. Business take undertaken for Goulburn Murray Water (unpublished). 8 Source: http://forecast.id.com.au/ballarat/population-households-dwellings retrieved 16 March 2017

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 7 The results, graphed in Figure 4 show that property prices declined temporarily during the construction phase of the investment, returned to parity in the three years afterwards, and from five years after the investment increased in value by 4.7 per cent, after controlling for other factors.9

Figure 4: Impact of waterway restoration on property prices over time, Banister Creek10

For waterway restoration investments in this project, the project team have adopted 75 per cent of the Banister Creek value, given potential differences in context between the source study and the project area. Values have then been further adjusted based on the width of the riparian strip for each project, compared to the source project.

The Banister Creek restoration strip was around 30m wide, which is similar to Project M. Projects J and K (6m wide) and L (10m wide) have been further adjusted proportionately to account for this difference.

V alue of increased tree canopy cover – property price i n c r e a s e

As with waterway restoration projects, there is a large body of research linking the size, quality and health of street trees and property price increases. In this case, the size of the street tree canopy on property-adjacent public open space (street verges) is positively correlated with increased property prices.

Pandit et al (2014)11 found in a study of public and private tree canopy that increasing street tree canopy from a starting point of 20 per cent of coverage by a further 10 per cent, produced a property price increase of around 1.8 per cent of the median property price.

For this study, projects that passively irrigate street trees in new urban areas are also expected to increase canopy size by 10 per cent. As we have done for all revealed preference benefit transfer values, we adopt 75 per cent of this value in the interests of conservatism.

9 The study used hedonic pricing, an economic tool that uses large data sets to isolate the impact of different factors on property prices. Full details can be found in Polyakov, M. et al. 2016. The value of restoring urban drains to living streams, Water Resources and Economics (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wre.2016.03.002i 10 Source: https://watersensitivecities.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/IndustryNote_A1.2_livingstreams.pdf accessed 27 March, 2017 11 Pandit, R., Polyakov, M. and R. Sadler, 2014. Valuing public and private urban tree canopy cover, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2014)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 8 V alue of increased public open space – property price i n c r e a s e

Project H proposes the doubling of public open space (POS) in new developments from 10 per cent to 20 per cent of development area. This is a challenging scenario to model benefits for, primarily due to the scale of change proposed. Doubling public open space is not an incremental change – it is a quite transformative change that could have far-reaching impacts.

As with riparian restoration and street tree health improvement, studies have been undertaken to explore the impact on property price of proximity to public open space. There is a clear and documented positive relationship between property prices and some forms of public open space in the published literature.

Specifically, Pandit et al (2013)12 undertook a study in Perth (WA) that explored the property price values for different environmental assets. The study found that for properties in the study area, a 1 per cent reduction in distance to public open space would increase property prices by 1.01481%. To transfer this result to the Ballarat study area, several assumptions are required: . Average distance of properties to public open space prior to doubling the POS estate is 180m (as per the source study) . Doubling of POS halves this distance by 90m . We adopt 75 per cent of the source study value, for reasons of conservatism

At median property prices for the new development areas ($375k), this produces a property price increase associated with the doubling of the POS estate of $1,041 per affected property.

However, there are a number of shortcomings to this assessment method: . There are many facts about the POS estate in new developments that are unknown (average distance from properties to POS and how this would change with the project, scale of investment in POS e.g. playground equipment and how this would change with the project – for example, would investment double, or would the same number of playgrounds exist but on twice the land area) . Does a significant increase in POS area produce decreasing marginal returns? That is, do people value additional POS progressively less than each previous addition? . Does a significant increase in POS produce a different threshold for which people are willing to pay significantly more?

As such, while conservatively applying this benefit transfer, we note that it may underestimate or overestimate the potential benefit to householders.

E nvironmental flows

As a sensitivity test, the option of providing increased environmental flows to the Moorabool system is explored under sensitivity testing for the large aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) options. These options will allow for a return of environmental flows to the Moorabool system, by substituting for water volumes extracted from that system.

Valuing this environmental flow is challenging, because a detailed assessment of the environmental impact of the change has not been undertaken. Melbourne Water is currently undertaking an assessment of

12 Pandit, R., Polyakov, M., TApsuwan, S., & T. Moran. 2013. The effect of street trees on property value in Perth, Western Australia, Landscape and Urban Planning (2013)

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 9 environmental flows in the Werribee system, which may provide a reasonable surrogate when it becomes available. However, at the time of writing this figure is yet to be finalised.

A conservative but imperfect value that can be used in the absence of a precise figure is a ‘replacement cost’ estimate, based on the cost of acquiring an environmental flow volume by another means. In the Moorabool system, the least cost method of acquiring an environmental flow would be to purchase it from the water market.

Discussions with water managers from Southern Rural Water found that the water market price for the Moorabool system is similar to that sourced through the Superpipe. As such, for the purposes fo this analysis, we use the allocation price of $200/ML per year.

We recognise that this is an imperfect estimate of environmental flow value, and likely underestimates the actual value. We recommend that in future, the Werribee system environmental flow value be considered for use as it becomes available.

A gricultural value

Some project options supply non-potable water to potato farmers in nearby agricultural areas. These growers are constrained by water supply, and the additional water is expected to allow additional production of potatoes.

The economic value of this water is a reflection of the additional productive capacity that this water would produce, net of the additional economic costs of this production.

It is expected that current dryland pasture will be converted to potato production if the water becomes available. The economic value is therefore the change in profitability between dryland pasture production and irrigated potato production.

We use ‘gross margins’ to compare these values. Gross margins estimate the revenue from agricultural production, less the variable costs of production. For irrigated potatoes, the gross margin is estimated at $970 per ha, and for dryland pasture the gross margin is estimated at $281 per ha.13

Increased irrigation through diverse water use produces a value of $242.38 per ML in agricultural value. This only applies to Project Q.

B enefits that are not quantified

Despite a relatively broad range of quantified benefits explored in this study, there are several for which quantified values are not available at this time: . System reliability and prevalence of water restrictions: it is likely that significant investment in diverse local water supplies will increase the reliability of the Ballarat system, and decrease the prevalence (and therefore cost) of water restrictions for the Ballarat community. A concurrent study exploring water restriction costs in Victoria is ongoing, and may be available for use in the study when it becomes available. . Value of deferring the next potable supply augmentation: the Ballarat system is relatively secure, and the only augmentation to the potable network planned is a storage interconnector scheduled for around 2053

13 http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/budgets

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 10 that will increase the supply capacity of Ballarat storages by around 6GL/year. It is possible that some of the project options might defer this augmentation.

1 .4 Cost benefit analysis and results

The present value capital expenditure, operating expenditure, renewal expenditure along with the present value avoided costs is presented in Table 3 below.

As the table shows, the projects under Portfolio 3 (C, D and E) and Portfolio 4 (A, A2, AL, B, and BL) all have significant avoided costs due to rainwater tanks avoided by householders. Table 3 Summary of projects’ costs and avoided costs

P V P V P R O J E C T P V C A P E X P V O P E X P V T O T A L A V O I D E D R E N E W A L S C O S T S A $27.42 m $20.08 m $1.63 m $49.13 m $44.48 m A2 $22.63 m $14.87 m $0.89 m $38.40 m $35.26 m AL $20.86 m $10.33 m $0.70 m $31.89 m $35.26 m B $23.26 m $24.23 m $0.37 m $47.86 m $44.48 m BL $20.01 m $16.43 m $0.18 m $36.62 m $44.48 m C $21.08 m $2.79 m $0.97 m $24.83 m $25.94 m D $6.07 m $0.81 m $0.18 m $7.06 m $9.32 m E $5.79 m $0.91 m $0.12 m $6.83 m $9.22 m G $9.98 m $0.11 m $- $10.09 m $- H $121.70 m $- $- $121.70 m $- I $0.32 m $0.04 m $0.06 m $0.42 m $- J $0.84 m $0.63 m $- $1.47 m $- K $0.20 m $0.13 m $- $0.32 m $- L $0.84 m $0.57 m $- $1.41 m $- M $2.42 m $2.00 m $- $4.41 m $- Q $13.25 m $2.28 m $0.25 m $15.78 m $- R $0.60 m $0.06 m $0.59 m $1.25 m $- S $0.17 m $0.01 m $0.10 m $0.29 m $- T $0.23 m $0.16 m $0.24 m $0.63 m $- T2 $0.37 m $0.05 m $0.02 m $0.43 m $- U $0.30 m $0.03 m $0.04 m $0.37 m $- V $2.11 m $2.74 m $1.29 m $6.15 m $- W $0.15 m $0.01 m $0.00 m $0.17 m $- X $0.29 m $0.02 m $0.01 m $0.31 m $- Y $0.61 m $0.10 m $0.00 m $0.71 m $- Z $1.10 m $0.19 m $0.07 m $1.36 m $-

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 11 The summary of present value benefits is presented in Table 4.

Project G has the largest present value benefits of all projects, driven by property price increases from increased canopy coverage. Projects A, A2, AL, B and BL have large present value benefits due to Goldfield Superpipe savings (GSP) and improvements to waterway through avoided nitrogen discharge.

Note that the relative size of the project’s benefit should be considered against the expenditure. The suite of projects include very large projects where PV costs exceed $120 million and much smaller projects where PV costs are less than half a million.

Table 5 shows the cost benefit analysis results. The NPV column is the sum of the present value benefits and avoided costs less the present value costs. A positive result means that the benefits of the project outweigh the costs.

The far right column shows the Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR). When a BCR is greater than 1, it means that for every $1 invested more than $1 is returned. When the BCR is less than 1, then less than $1 is returned for every 1 invested. For example, Project A has a BCR of 1.13 which means that for every $1 invested $1.13 is returned to the community through quantified and monetised benefits.

The results show that: . Project A, A2 and AL: These three projects are variations on a stormwater to Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) for potable consumption. All option produce a positive NPV and a BCR greater than 1. Project AL has the highest NPV and BCR of 1.60 compared to Project A that has the lowest BCR of 1.13. Either of the three options are viable and could proceed. Project AL is lowest cost and produces greater benefits through decreased nitrogen discharge is driving its high result. . Project B and BL: These two projects are variations on recycled water to MAR for potable consumption. Of the two variations, Project BL produces a higher BCR (1.39) than Project B (1.08). This means that if Project BL was chosen it would produce an additional 31 cents in benefit than project B. Project BL higher BCR and NPV result is driven by lower costs. . Project C, D and E are options to provide diverse water through third pipe to different developments. Projects C and D use stormwater, and Project E is providing third pipe recycled water. All of these projects produce a BCR greater than 1, indicating that the five developments across region can be provided with dual pipe. . Project G provides for passive irrigation of street trees and canopy coverage. The costs for this project are relatively low for the benefits produced – increased property prices for homeowners. The BCR is 2.24 which means that for every $1 invested, $2.24 in economic value is produced. . Project I is a low cost project to have stormwater harvesting for irrigation local ovals. This produces benefits through willingness to pay for public open space irrigation with diverse water and potable water savings. The benefits are slightly high than the costs – approximately $13,000. . Projects J, K, L and M: These four projects relate to revegetation of creeks and rivers. Projects J, K and L all produce BCR greater than 1 due to the low cost and high benefits of revegetation activities, with project L being a particular standout. Project M only obtains a BCR of 0.69 due to the extensive works proposed to revegetate, realign and naturalise part of the Yarrowee River in two ecological park sections, compared to Project L which was only revegetation in urban areas. . Project T: Project T produces a BCR of 1.32 meaning that for every $1 invested $1.32 is returned in economic value. The project supplies stormwater for open space irrigation at Victoria Park, and the benefits are driven by potable water savings, community willingness to pay for diverse water use, and reduced nitrogen discharge.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 12 . Project U supplies stormwater for public open space irrigation to Alfredton. It produces a slight benefit of $0.02 million and BCR of 1.05. The benefits of this project are the same as described for project T. . Project Y supplies recycled water for open space irrigation in the north-east. As with Project T and U, the benefits produced through diverse water use are potable water savings, community willingness to pay for diverse water use in public open space irrigation and reduced nitrogen discharge. Project Y is low cost with relatively significant benefits resulting in BCR of 2.48. . The worst performing project is H (increase in public open space) with a NPV of -$115.1 million and a BCR of only 0.05. This means that for every $1 invested only five cents is returned through quantified and monetised benefits. This cost is largely borne by developers through reduced land costs.

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 13 Table 4 Summary of projects’ benefits W T P F O R W ILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR W’ W A Y - P ROPERTY PRICE W’ W A Y T O T A L G S P D IVERSE WATER USE N ITROGEN I N C R E A S E H E A L T H G M B ENEF S AVINGS Residential Agriculture POS Non-use CANOPY WWAY POS I T - (WTP) A $5.35 m $- $- $- $0.84 m $4.62 m $- $- $- $- $10.81 m A2 $4.98 m $- $- $- $0.71 m $9.97 m $- $- $- $- $15.66 m AL $4.98 m $- $- $- $0.71 m $9.97 m $- $- $- $- $15.66 m B $5.28 m $- $- $- $0.71 m $1.05 m $- $- $- $- $7.04 m BL $5.28 m $- $- $- $- $1.05 m $- $- $- $- $6.33 m C $0.08 m $0.03 m $- $0.03 m $- -$0.48 m $- $- $- $- -$0.34 m D -$0.02 m -$0.01 m $- $0.04 m $- -$0.42 m $- $- $- $- -$0.41 m E $0.15 m $0.05 m $- $0.01 m $- $0.19 m $- $- $- $- $0.40 m G $- $- $- $- $- $1.82 m $- $20.81 m $- $- $22.63 m H $- $- $- $- $- $1.11 m $- $- $- $5.47 m $6.58 m I $0.17 m $- $- $0.21 m $- $0.06 m $- $- $- $- $0.44 m J $- $- $- $- $- $0.75 m $- $- $2.19 m $- $2.94 m K $- $- $- $- $- $0.35 m $- $- $0.51 m $- $0.87 m L $- $- $- $- $- $3.29 m $- $- $4.88 m $- $8.17 m M $- $- $- $- $- $0.94 m $- $- $2.09 m $- $3.03 m Q $- $- $1.81 m $- $- $0.68 m $3.70 m $- $- $- $6.20 m R $0.10 m $- $- $0.36 m $- $- $- $- $- $- $0.46 m S $0.05 m $- $- $0.06 m $- $0.11 m $- $- $- $- $0.23 m T $0.10 m $- $- $0.12 m $- $0.60 m $- $- $- $- $0.83 m T2 $0.04 m $- $- $0.26 m $- $0.01 m $- $- $- $- $0.31 m U $0.15 m $- $- $0.18 m $- $0.05 m $- $- $- $- $0.39 m V $3.60 m $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $3.60 m W $0.04 m $- $- $0.05 m $- $0.06 m $- $- $- $- $0.14 m X $0.05 m $- $- $0.06 m $- $0.00 m $- $- $- $- $0.11 m Y $0.49 m $- $- $1.19 m $- $0.08 m $- $- $- $- $1.76 m Z $0.24 m $- $- $0.29 m $- $0.02 m $- $- $- $- $0.55 m

Ballarat City Integrated Water Management Plan Draft Report 14 Table 5 CBA results


A $49.13 m $44.48 m $10.81 m $6.16 m 1.13 A2 $38.40 m $35.26 m $15.66 m $12.53 m 1.33 AL $31.89 m $35.26 m $15.66 m $19.03 m 1.60 B $47.86 m $44.48 m $7.04 m $3.66 m 1.08 BL $36.62 m $44.48 m $6.33 m $14.20 m 1.39 C $24.83 m $25.94 m -$0.34 m $0.77 m 1.03 D $7.06 m $9.32 m -$0.41 m $1.84 m 1.26 E $6.83 m $9.22 m $0.40 m $2.79 m 1.41 G $10.09 m $- $22.63 m $12.54 m 2.24 H $121.70 m $- $6.58 m -$115.12 m 0.05 I $0.42 m $- $0.44 m $0.01 m 1.03 J $1.47 m $- $2.94 m $1.47 m 2.00 K $0.32 m $- $0.87 m $0.55 m 2.70 L $1.41 m $- $8.17 m $6.76 m 5.79 M $4.41 m $- $3.03 m -$1.38 m 0.69 Q $15.78 m $- $6.20 m -$9.58 m 0.39 R $1.25 m $- $0.46 m -$0.79 m 0.37 S $0.29 m $- $0.23 m -$0.06 m 0.78 T $0.63 m $- $0.83 m $0.20 m 1.32 T2 $0.43 m $- $0.31 m -$0.12 m 0.72 U $0.37 m $- $0.39 m $0.02 m 1.05 V $6.15 m $- $3.60 m -$2.55 m 0.58 W $0.17 m $- $0.14 m -$0.02 m 0.86 X $0.31 m $- $0.11 m -$0.21 m 0.34 Y $0.71 m $- $1.76 m $1.05 m 2.48 Z $1.36 m $- $0.55 m -$0.81 m 0.40

1 .5 Sensitivity assessment

The economic analysis relies on a number of key assumptions that require testing for the sensitivity of results. These are: . Discount rate: a low real discount rate of 3 per cent and a higher real discount rate of 8 per cent. The low discount rate is closer to a social discount and the higher rate is a commercial investment discount rate. This compares to the central case of 4.5 per cent. . Temporary water price: a low price of $100 per ML and high price of $400 per ML were tested. The price of water is subject to market conditions which is correlated to climate. The low price is similar to what

B ALLARAT IWM PROJECT – ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 1 5 would be expected during a wet season and the higher price for a dry season. This sensitivity compares to the central case of $200 per ML. . Nitrogen: a higher value of nitrogen, using 100 per cent of the stormwater offset value for Melbourne and 125 per cent of the sewage treatment value. A lower value is also tested where it is only 25 per cent of both the stormwater offset value for Melbourne and sewage treatment value. This sensitivity compares to the central case of 50 per cent of the stormwater offset value for Melbourne and 100 per cent of the sewage treatment value. . Moorabool River improvement: this applies for only projects A, A2, AL, B and BL (Portfolio 4 projects) and diverts some of the water saved as reduced harvesting from the Moorabool River, i.e. 20 per cent of water saved results in extra flows to the Moorabool River and 80 per cent of the water saved is reduced Goldfields Superpipe expenditure. The value of flows have been estimated at the temporary water price of $200 per ML.

The sensitivity analysis results are presented in Box 1. The figures with blue shading produce a positive NPV result, and the red shading is a negative NPV results.

The results show that only a few variables change the NPV outcome for a few projects. These are: . Project C: the NPV result in the central case is positive and close to zero, changing the discount rate changes the NPV results. A higher discount rate reduces the NPV result to below zero and a lower discount rate pushes the NPV result further above zero. . Project I: the NPV result in the central case is only slightly positive – less than $15,000. This close outcome means that changes to key assumptions pushes the result below zero when the discount rate is higher, the temporary water price is low and when nitrogen value is low. . Project S: the NPV result is only just below zero, and as nitrogen benefits is 50 per cent of the total benefit in the project a high nitrogen value results in a positive NPV. . Project T: Nitrogen is a 75 per cent of the benefit for Project T. As such, a low nitrogen value pushes the NPV below zero. . Project U: the NPV result is close to zero meaning that it is susceptible to changes in key assumptions. A high discount rate, a low temporary water price and a low nitrogen value result in the project producing a negative NPV result in contrast to the central case where it is slightly positive. . Increased Moorabool River flows reduce the NPV of the project affected (A, A2, AL, B and BL) as the benefits of flows to the river are low than the financial costs imposed on CHW for Goldfields Superpipe use. However, all projects do remain with a positive NPV result of increasing flows to the Moorabool River.


Box 1 Sensitivity analysis results

Moorabool 8% 3% Temporary Temporary flows - 20% Nitrogen - Nitrogen - Central discount discount water - water - for low high rate rate $100/ML $400/ML Portfolio 4 projects A $6.16 m $0.83 m $13.30 m $5.37 m $7.74 m $3.85 m $10.77 m $5.43 m A2 $12.53 m $3.47 m $22.90 m $11.79 m $14.00 m $7.54 m $22.50 m $11.85 m AL $19.03 m $5.67 m $33.58 m $18.30 m $20.50 m $14.05 m $29.00 m $18.35 m B $3.66 m $0.66 m $7.96 m $2.89 m $5.22 m $3.14 m $4.19 m $2.94 m BL $14.20 m $4.20 m $25.29 m $13.42 m $15.75 m $13.67 m $14.72 m $13.48 m C $0.77 m -$1.12 m $3.90 m $0.76 m $0.79 m $1.01 m $0.29 m $0.77 m D $1.84 m $0.32 m $3.65 m $1.85 m $1.84 m $2.05 m $1.43 m $1.84 m E $2.79 m $0.70 m $5.06 m $2.77 m $2.84 m $2.70 m $2.89 m $2.79 m G $12.54 m $3.01 m $22.94 m $12.54 m $12.54 m $11.63 m $14.36 m $12.54 m H -$115.12 m -$39.03 m -$188.13 m -$115.12 m -$115.12 m -$115.68 m -$114.01 m -$115.12 m I $0.01 m -$0.02 m $0.06 m -$0.01 m $0.06 m -$0.02 m $0.07 m $0.01 m J $1.47 m $0.85 m $1.83 m $1.47 m $1.47 m $1.10 m $2.23 m $1.47 m K $0.55 m $0.23 m $0.80 m $0.55 m $0.55 m $0.37 m $0.90 m $0.55 m L $6.76 m $5.57 m $7.31 m $6.76 m $6.76 m $5.11 m $10.04 m $6.76 m M -$1.38 m -$0.82 m -$1.89 m -$1.38 m -$1.38 m -$1.85 m -$0.44 m -$1.38 m Q -$9.58 m -$9.49 m -$9.17 m -$11.18 m -$11.18 m -$10.10 m -$9.41 m -$9.58 m R -$0.79 m -$0.59 m -$0.93 m -$0.80 m -$0.76 m -$0.79 m -$0.79 m -$0.79 m S -$0.06 m -$0.05 m -$0.07 m -$0.07 m -$0.05 m -$0.12 m $0.05 m -$0.06 m T $0.20 m $0.21 m $0.17 m $0.18 m $0.23 m -$0.10 m $0.80 m $0.20 m T2 -$0.12 m -$0.23 m -$0.00 m -$0.13 m -$0.11 m -$0.13 m -$0.11 m -$0.12 m U $0.02 m -$0.07 m $0.10 m -$0.00 m $0.07 m -$0.00 m $0.07 m $0.02 m V -$2.55 m -$2.11 m -$2.83 m -$3.10 m -$1.45 m -$2.55 m -$2.55 m -$2.55 m W -$0.02 m -$0.05 m -$0.00 m -$0.03 m -$0.01 m -$0.05 m $0.03 m -$0.02 m X -$0.21 m -$0.10 m -$0.28 m -$0.21 m -$0.19 m -$0.21 m -$0.21 m -$0.21 m Y $1.05 m $0.38 m $1.61 m $0.98 m $1.20 m $1.01 m $1.10 m $1.05 m Z -$0.81 m -$0.81 m -$0.78 m -$0.85 m -$0.74 m -$0.82 m -$0.81 m -$0.81 m


1 .6 Distributional analysis

The distributional analysis identifies the costs and benefits for each party in the projects. The analysis allows us to explore the net beneficiaries of the IWM options and who bears the financial burden of the project. The following groups have been identified: . Central Highlands Water: assumed for this analysis to be responsible for the managed aquifer recharged, pipework and trunk mains, pumping stations, storages and treatment. The water retailer benefit is reduced potable water costs. . Developer: assumed to have additional cost of increased public open space and dual pipe installation. The developers also benefit from the increased in property price that would be obtained at sale due to the increased public open space.14 . Local council: the local council bears costs associated with street tree maintenance and some small and local scale pipework and treatment. . Catchment Management Authority (CMA): assumed to benefit from erosion avoided and bears the cost of waterway restoration. . Householders: benefit from avoided cost of rainwater tanks, benefits from increased canopy coverage and waterway restoration.15 . Whole of community: The whole of society benefits from non-use values of the use of an diverse water source, improvement in waterway health through nitrogen removal, and environmental flows. . Irrigators: assumed to have no additional costs and secure the benefits gross margin improvements.

The full outputs from the distributional analysis is presented in Table 6.

Some of the preferred options are presented graphically in Figure 5. This graph shows that when the bar goes down, the net present value of the project to the entity is less than zero. Conversely when the bars goes up, the net present value of the project to the entity is greater than zero. This chart shows that Central Highlands Water rarely in a positive position, and when the business is in the positive it is just in the black.

Figure 5 shows that householders are better off under all projects, and the whole of community is better off under most projects.

14 Public open space will be visible to new buyers when the developer sell, thereby increasing the sale price for the developer. 15 Both increased canopy coverage and waterway restoration are benefits that will accrue after the property is developed, and thus accrue to the householder.

B ALLARAT IWM PROJECT – ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 1 8 Table 6 Distributional analysis

C H W D E V E L O P E R C O U N C I L C M A W HOLE OF COMMUNITY H OUSEHOLDER I R R I G A T O R N P V A -$43.78 m $- $- +$0.84 m +$4.62 m +$44.48 m $- +$6.16 m A2 -$33.41 m $- $- +$0.71 m +$9.97 m +$35.26 m $- +$12.53 m AL -$26.91 m $- $- +$0.71 m +$9.97 m +$35.26 m $- +$19.03 m B -$42.58 m $- $- +$0.71 m +$1.05 m +$44.48 m $- +$3.66 m BL -$31.34 m $- $- $- +$1.05 m +$44.48 m $- +$14.20 m C -$8.35 m -$16.40 m $- $- -$0.42 m +$25.94 m $- +$0.77 m D -$2.58 m -$4.51 m $- $- -$0.39 m +$9.32 m $- +$1.84 m E -$2.22 m -$4.47 m $- $- +$0.25 m +$9.22 m $- +$2.79 m G $- $- -$10.09 m $- +$1.82 m +$20.81 m $- +$12.54 m H $- -$116.24 m $- $- +$1.11 m $- $- -$115.12 m I +$0.17 m $- -$0.42 m $- +$0.27 m $- $- +$0.01 m J $- +$2.19 m $- -$1.47 m +$0.75 m $- $- +$1.47 m K $- +$0.51 m $- -$0.32 m +$0.35 m $- $- +$0.55 m L $- +$4.88 m $- -$1.41 m +$3.29 m $- $- +$6.76 m M $- +$2.09 m $- -$4.41 m +$0.94 m $- $- -$1.38 m Q -$15.78 m $- $- $- +$2.50 m $- +$3.70 m -$9.58 m

R -$1.15 m $- $- $- +$0.36 m $- $- -$0.79 m

S +$0.05 m $- -$0.29 m $- +$0.17 m $- $- -$0.06 m

T +$0.10 m $- -$0.63 m $- +$0.73 m $- $- +$0.20 m

T2 +$0.04 m $- -$0.43 m $- +$0.27 m $- $- -$0.12 m

U +$0.15 m $- -$0.37 m $- +$0.23 m $- $- +$0.02 m

V -$2.55 m $- $- $- $- $- $- -$2.55 m

W +$0.04 m $- -$0.17 m $- +$0.10 m $- $- -$0.02 m

X -$0.27 m $- $- $- +$0.06 m $- $- -$0.21 m

Y $- $- $- $- -$0.22 m +$1.27 m $- $-

Z $- $- $- $- -$1.12 m +$0.30 m $- $-


Figure 5 Distributional analysis for selected preferred options


1 .7 Abbreviations

BCR - Benefit Cost Ratio

Capex – Capital expenditure

CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis

CMA – Catchment Management Authority

GSP - Goldfields Superpipe

PV - Present Value

NPV - Net Present Value

Opex – Operating expenditure

POS – Public Open Space

TEV - Total Economic Value

WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WTP – Willingness to pay



Appendix H: Planning Background Analysis ------


1. Central Highlands Water’s objectives ...... 1 2. The Victorian planning system ...... 2 3. Structure planning ...... 2 3.1 IWM practice note ...... 2 3.2 Practical application of the Ballarat IWM Plan in structure planning ...... 3 4. Infll development ...... 4 5. Ballarat Planning Scheme ...... 4 5.1 Structure plans for greenfield development ...... 4 5.2 Infill development ...... 5 5.3 Including IWM and the Ballarat IWM Plan ...... 5 6. Implementation at the local level ...... 6 6.1 Residential developments in growth areas ...... 6 6.2 Business and industrial developments in growth areas ...... 6 6.3 Established areas ...... 7 7. Developer requirements ...... 8 8. Community engagement ...... 8 9. Conclusion ...... 8 Bibliography ...... 9

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017

Planning for Integrated Water Management

This paper examines how the Central Highlands Ballarat IWM Plan will be integrated into structure planning for the City of Ballarat’s growth areas and in established urban and township areas.

1. Central Highlands Water’s objectives

This Ballarat IWM Plan investigates the options available for water supply, waste water treatment, stormwater and Central Highlands Water is establishing the waterway management in a holistic manner for the Ballarat future IWM directions for the Ballarat region in this plan. The IWM approach promotes region with a focus on the growth areas. The IWM approach coordinated planning for water supply, supports the City of Ballarat’s aims to green the municipality waste water treatment, use of diverse and introduce innovative water solutions, and the sources, stormwater and flood Corangamite and Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management management, and catchment health. Authorities’ objectives for improvements in the ecology and amenity of Winter Creek, Yarrowee River and Burrumbeet Creek.

Central Highlands Water has set efficiency targets for customers in the Ballarat water supply system. These targets are 155 litres/person/day (including the existing urban areas) and 124 litres/person/day for the Ballarat West Structure Plan area and Greenfield Investigation Areas. The growth areas will play a significant role in terms of the performance of the whole system, as they provide the opportunity to design urban water, diverse water supply, waste water and stormwater runoff management as an integrated system.

Infill redevelopment in established urban or township areas may also contribute to the Central Highlands Water efficiency objectives. New homes will support achievement of the 155 target through the 6 star building standard, and the target may go beyond this if needed. However, infill contributions to overall efficiencies in the system will be more limited compared to the opportunities in the growth areas.

Central Highlands Water can also create supply efficiencies through infrastructure and operational improvements. In addition, there are opportunities to augment supply through local sources and, if implemented, this will ultimately reduce reliance on water from the Goldfields Pipeline supply when storages are low.

Central Highlands Water can improve the waste water system by requiring better design, compliance and enforcement for infrastructure assets at the time of developer construction. Emerging technologies and industry standards may also help in this regard. Recycled waste water can be used for irrigation of green spaces where development is in proximity to the treatment plant.

Stormwater management uses water sensitive design measures to capture and cleanse storm runoff before it reaches the local waterways. Constructed wetlands that hold and treat stormwater are common in the growth areas and are a potential new source for the water supply. A balance is modelled between inflows, outflows and waterway health. Stormwater management in infill areas is more challenging due to the small scale of developments and the presence of existing drainage infrastructure. Common responses are rainwater tanks, in ground treatments and on-site detention systems.

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 1

2. The Victorian planning system

The Planning and Environment Act 1987 sets out the objectives and processes for land use planning and There is ample support for IWM in the development in Victoria. The Act requires that planning planning system, reflected in Victorian and City of Ballarat policies. Structure planning decisions are based on the provisions of local planning is key to delivering IWM in the growth schemes administered by councils. The schemes are based on areas. the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and include both Statewide and local content. The Minister for Planning is responsible for administering the Act, for preparation and ongoing update of the VPP and for the approval of local planning schemes and their content, including scheme amendments.

With respect to the Ballarat growth areas, the planning system intersects with this Ballarat IWM Plan in the structure planning process.

2.1 Guiding policy

There is significant policy support for IWM in the Ballarat Planning Scheme through both State policies and Ballarat specific policies. These policies support water conservation, use of diverse water sources, protection of water catchments and waterways, stormwater quality treatment and flood management.

3. Structure planning

The Victorian government has established a system of precinct structure plans (or structure plans) to coordinate Central Highlands Water has already conversion of rural land to urban uses. The growth area established itself as is a lead agency in preparing the IWM plans in structure structure plans cover significant areas and are intended to planning. For example, the 124 guide land development spatially and over time, and to litre/person/day target for the Ballarat West ensure that physical and social infrastructure is planned in Structure Plan and third pipe infrastructure advance for the entire precinct and then developed in a in the Ballarat West Employment Precinct timely manner. The structure plan process involves Structure Plan. Future structure planning determining the location, type and level of infrastructure that for the Ballarat Greenfield Investigation will be required for the future homes and businesses; this is Areas will provide opportunities to mapped at a conceptual level and described in the structure implement the Ballarat IWM Plan at a sub- plan. The infrastructure is then delivered through staged regional level. More detailed infrastructure development by the responsible agency or by the developer planning will then determine specific on the agency’s behalf. solutions for local areas.

The State leads the structure planning process in the Melbourne metropolitan area through the Victoria Planning Authority (VPA). In regional locations, the Council leads the planning process but can call in the VPA to assist. Typically various studies are commissioned to inform structure plan preparation and discussions are held with land owners and land developers. The Ballarat IWM Plan will inform preparation of the future structure plans for the Ballart region Greenfield Investigation Areas. These structure plans are expected to be prepared over the next 5 to 10 years and theses will potentially be undertaken at different times during this period.

3.1 IWM practice note

There is a structure planning practice note for IWM (VPA, undated) that provides guidance on who should be involved with water matters when preparing structure plans and the range of management techniques that

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 2

could be considered. The IWM practice note identifies a wide range of IWM techniques to draw on and other techniques can also be nominated in the structure plan, thereby providing flexibility in reaching IWM solutions. The practice note provides a common sense approach to structure planning and this approach has been adopted in the preparation of this Ballarat IWM Plan. Accordingly, Central Highlands Water, Bendigo City Council and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, are the main contributors to the plan. Other stakeholders include the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority, Southern Rural Water, the Essential Services Commission, the Department of Health Services and the Environment Protection Authority. The Ballarat IWM Plan contains a range of IWM techniques under the different portfolios prepared for the plan, thus providing flexibility for Central Highland Water to respond to differing conditions and challenges across its system.

3.2 Practical application of the Ballarat IWM Plan in structure planning

A comprehensive IWM plan, such as this Ballarat IWM Plan, covers a larger geographic area than the area included in any single structure plan. It contains overall directions but not detailed area planning. However, in an individual structure plan, the IWM plan must be spatially illustrated at the smaller scale. This means that Central Highlands Water with the City of Ballarat and the Catchment Managers will need to undertake more detailed forward infrastructure planning, based on the Ballarat IWM Plan, before future structure plans are prepared.

Translating the comprehensive Ballarat IWM Plan for inclusion in an individual growth area structure plan requires consideration of the urban land uses to be developed, the supporting street network to be constructed, the location of waterways and drainage lines, and the proposed open space network. The Ballarat IWM Plan needs to be linked to the urban elements in the structure plan. The Ballarat IWM Plan should influence the other urban elements when this is required to achieve more efficient and/or effective delivery of the IWM infrastructure, e.g. the location of playing fields and other open space to be irrigated with harvested stormwater.

In future structure plans, Central Highlands Water should ensure the key IWM elements are mapped. This includes the indicative major pipe infrastructure to be constructed, the location of any water or waste water treatment plants to be augmented or built, the location of proposed constructed wetlands and natural water features, and the like. Central Highlands Water can use the IWM plan to set requirements such as target reductions for potable water use in the structure plan area, where the use of recycled water/diverse water supply will be mandated and the environmental flow to be maintained or supplemented, all of which will determine how the IWM system for the structure plan area will perform at full capacity. It is important to be able to demonstrate how an individual structure plan’s IWM system will contribute to achieving the broader aims of the Ballarat IWM Plan.

Several published structure plans already include some references to and mechanisms to support IWM.

The Ballarat West Structure Plan was published in 2012 and will guide urban development in this location over several decades. The IWM plan includes the 124 litres/person/day target expressed as a 40% reduction of typical urban water use. It also encourages the use of recycled and harvested water within the precinct, use of third pipe systems, onsite capture of roof water, and treatment and storage of water within local aquifers. Central Highlands Water has implemented these IWM mechanisms through its requirements for developers (rainwater tanks) or included them as future IWM options in this plan.

The Ballarat West Employment Zone Precinct Structure Plan includes a third pipe system and Central Highlands Water will determine the best diverse water source for supply.

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 3

Once the Ballarat IWM Plan is finalised, Central Highlands Water will be working at different spatial levels and details to determine the best IWM solutions for each local area. There will be detailed planning for future structure plan IWM plans, but beyond this, even more detailed planning will be needed for local areas/new estates so that developer requirements and discussions can be undertaken in advance of actual development.

4. Infll development

Some of the inner and middle ring councils in metropolitan Melbourne are requiring water efficiencies and stormwater management in individual infill developments. These requirements are typically managed through the planning system as part of a suite of sustainable building standards currently known as the Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS) (Municipal Association of Victoria, 2017). For example, use of a rainwater tank plumbed to internal uses, greywater irrigation, stormwater reuse and/or treatment.

Land owners and developers are asked to meet the standards onsite through a range of suggested initiatives. This process works well where there are architects, designers and builders working repeatedly in the local area and there are trained staff within the council to assist compliance.

5. Ballarat Planning Scheme

5.1 Structure plans for greenfield development

Once an individual structure plan is finalised, it will be incorporated in the Ballarat Planning Scheme via a planning A structure plan is incorporated in the scheme amendment. The amendment process involves a Ballarat Planning Scheme via a planning scheme amendment, to bind decision period of exhibition for agency, landowner, developer and making in the structure plan area. Central community comment. An independent Planning Panel will be Highlands Water has a role to play in appointed by the Minster for Planning to review the draft supporting the IWM plan in the amendment structure plan, consider submissions and conduct public process. Other changes to the Ballarat hearings (https://www.planning.vic.gov.au/planning- Planning Scheme could benefit Central schemes/amending-a-planning-scheme). Highlands Water, e.g. development contribution plans, an IWM local planning Structure plan requirements are debated in the panel hearing policy and including the Ballarat IWM Plan and the final structure plan can be altered through this as a reference document. review. It is therefore important for Central Highlands Water to participate in the planning scheme amendment process, through a supporting submission (or request for changes to IWM elements) and appearance at the panel hearing. This will require a level of resourcing from the corporation, however, it will support and protect the IWM outcomes in the structure plan that will contribute to the achievement of the higher order Ballarat IWM Plan.

The planning scheme amendment will include rezoning of land for urban conversion to the Urban Growth Zone. A schedule to the zone will be prepared that includes the basic provisions of the structure plan. The amendment will require the zone provisions, the zone schedule and the full structure plan to be used by the Ballarat City Council – and Central Highland Water as a referral authority – when it considers planning applications for subdivision, changes of land use and development.

The planning scheme amendment can also include a Development Contributions Plan (DCP) setting out the different cash or in-lieu contribution rates for each type of physical and social infrastructure. This is important as the DCP is a formal mechanism to recover infrastructure costs in the planning system. If the City of Ballarat

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 4

prepares a DCP for a future structure plan area, it is important for Central Highlands Water to seek legal/planning advice about its involvement with the DCP process.

5.2 Infill development

The VPP included in all Victorian planning schemes is silent on IWM in infill development. Consequently, a number of councils have taken the step of including an IWM local planning policy in their planning schemes. The evolution of the policies has been ongoing over the past decade and councils have banded together to ensure a level of consistency between the individual local policies. Examples include:

• Infill development planning scheme amendment Mooney Valley WSUD (Clause 22.03) covers: o New buildings and works (including single and dual lot residential and multi-unit developments). o Extensions which are 50 square metres in floor area or greater to existing buildings. o A subdivision in a business zone.

Other variations of this planning scheme amendment are covered in:

• Moreland EED (Clause 22.08) • Port Phillip WSUD (Clause 22.12) • Yarra WSUD (Clause 22.16) • Stonnington WSUD (Clause 22.18) • Banyule EED (Clause 22.05)

5.3 Including IWM and the Ballarat IWM Plan

A planning scheme amendment can include new text in the Municipal Strategic Statement or create a new planning policy in the scheme to address IWM requirements. Central Highlands Water should work with the City of Ballarat to incorporate the relevant parts of the Ballarat IWM Plan in the Ballarat Planning Scheme and include it as a reference document. This type of amendment can cover the complete Ballarat water supply system. This would avoid the need to include the Ballarat IWM Plan in each structure plan amendment.

The planning scheme changes sought by Central Highlands Water can be incorporated in a general scheme amendment prepared by the City of Ballarat to address a number of matters. The planning scheme amendment will follow the process referred to in Section 5.1, above. Using the City of Ballart to run the amendment is the simplest solution as the scheme changes become the responsibility of the City with support from Central Highlands Water for IWM elements. Alternatively, Central Highlands Water can become the Proponent and take responsibility for shepherding a dedicated IWM amendment through the public process. This option can raise the profile of the IWM scheme changes but will require a greater commitment of the corporation’s resources.

The Ballarat IWM Plan should be listed as a reference document with the words ‘as amended’ to allow for occasional updates. The inclusion of the plan as a reference document will provide the strategic basis for the IWM text in the planning scheme and the plan can then be used by users of the planning system to understand what IWM means in the Ballarat context.

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6. Implementation at the local level

6.1 Residential developments in growth areas

In terms of IWM infrastructure for new residential estates in growth areas, the default mechanism is clause 56.07 of the The detailed requirements for developers VPP. This clause, which is included in every planning scheme are binding at the subdivision/development stage. There are opportunities for including the Ballarat Planning Scheme, is part of a suite of stormwater harvesting, third pipe and use provisions that guide planning for new residential of diverse water sources for irrigation of subdivisions. Clause 56.07 addresses the development green spaces. DELWP can assist by requirements for providing reticulated potable water, waste reviewing clause 56.07 of the Victoria water and recycled water, and stormwater and flood Planning Provisions to provide a more management systems. This clause gives significant powers to, flexible and integrated IWM provision and and opportunities for, water corporations as they can set the by resolving questions about stormwater parameters for water delivery and the waste water system. ownership/licensing. In addition, the clause requires land developers to provide water corporation connections to each lot, thus avoiding potential difficulties when individual dwellings are connected.

The limitations of the clause currently being experienced come in subsection 4, which includes a requirement to meet the best practice stormwater management objectives for pollutant reduction and flow control in the drainage system. It is noted that the drainage system is not managed by Central Highlands Water, instead it is managed by the City of Ballarat. The stormwater management requirement is met through water sensitive urban design, which includes measures such as biorention raingardens and swales in the street network and constructed wetlands at the low point of the structure plan catchment.

The sizing of constructed wetlands assumes that water will be released following its pollutant treatment, at a slower rate than in the traditional piped system, and thus there is a calculated balance between incoming runoff from storm events and release of water into the drainage system or local waterway. The Ballarat IWM Plan anticipates harvesting stormwater in at least some locations from constructed wetlands and this may require additional storage, further treatment and pipe infrastructure. It is unclear who is responsible for the additional cost – the water corporation or the land developer.

Central Highlands Water has the ability to include its IWM plan in the structure plan, which could include stormwater harvesting as an essential component of the precinct water supply. In support of this approach, the clause includes a requirement to design and manage the drainage system consistent with water authority requirements where the reuse of urban runoff is proposed. However, land developers, to avoid incurring additional development costs, will argue that the stormwater management requirements are quantifiable and well accepted, and that these should set their requirements.

There is also the question of who owns the water in the local drainage system, constructed wetlands or waterways and which agency technically has the power to release or sell this water to Central Highlands Water. This is an issue that DELWP needs to address.

6.2 Business and industrial developments in growth areas

The non-residential private land development in growth areas will usually include town centres and may include industrial areas. The IWM plan in a structure plan will need to address these areas. The City of Ballarat includes non-residential areas in all of its IWM planning and decision making. The stormwater that drains from the non-residential areas will be included in the pollutant and flow reduction/water harvesting

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 6

calculations. Central Highlands may have particular requirements for these areas that can be included in the IWM plan.

An example of a planning scheme clause is the Industrial stormwater management Hume Planning Scheme (Clause 22.19) which covers industrial and commercial development sites and subdivisions. It requires:

• stormwater to be retained for non-potable beneficial uses • attainment of best practice management of pollutant loads (TSS, TP, TN and litter) reductions at the legal point of discharge

6.3 Established areas

The application of IWM in established areas may be able to be addressed in part by Central Highland Water requirements where an application is referred. However, the City of Ballarat will need to review and potentially implement changes to the stormwater management requirements in established areas to get a fully integrated water outcome. This is an issue that could be further investigated.

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 7

7. Developer requirements

The Ballarat IWM Plan may increase costs for developers in some cases but in others it may be a matter of doing things Developers are looking for certainty, differently. A key issue for developers is the need for predictability and equity in developer infrastructure requirements. Central certainty and predictability in the planning system and Highlands Water will publish its confidence that all players are treated equally. This may infrastructure requirements in advance of sometimes be unclear and Central Highlands Water should be urban land development. It will encourage able to explain apparent discrepancies. The detailed IWM both innovation and compliance with its planning needed for current and future growth areas is an requirements by providing access to opportunity to signal well ahead of development the research, technical solutions and case particular requirements that developers will be asked to studies. meet.

Developers are provided specific infrastructure requirements at the time of land subdivision. These are determined by an agreement between Central Highland Water and the developer for his/her land. It is important that sufficient advance planning has occurred to ensure that these site specific requirements align with the IWM directions and solutions contained in the structure plan IWM plan and up through to the Ballarat IWM Plan. The more detailed spatial planning referred to in Section 3.2, above, should enable Central Highlands Water to provide the anticipated requirements for particular growth areas.

Central Highlands Water can provide research, technical solutions and case studies on its web site to encourage innovative solutions and assist developers and their consultants to meet development requirements.

8. Community engagement

The structure planning process and the planning scheme amendment both provide opportunities for community Post occupancy engagement can increase involvement in the content of the final structure plan. Central community backing for the Ballarat IWM Plan and provide practical information and Highlands will also consult with the community through its advice for homeowners, business owners, normal processes and this Ballarat IWM Plan. residents and workers. Once there are structure plans in place and developments are occupied, Central Highlands Water can educate new residents, business owners and workers about the IWM plan for the area and how they can help in its success. Issues for homeowners include the use and maintenance of rainwater tanks and the use of a purple pipe water supply. For business parks and industrial estates this will include the use of water internally, for industrial processes and for irrigation. The education programs will build on the programs that target current users in Ballarat.

9. Conclusion

Central Highlands Water has established its IWM objectives for the Ballarat water supply system in this plan. Successful delivery of this plan in the City of Ballarat will be dependent in large part on how well the structure planning process incorporates this IWM plan, and the consequent requirements for urban land developers. There is further potential for integration in the established areas. Central Highlands Water has many opportunities to play an active role in the planning system and through its own strategic and operational activities.

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 8


DSE (now DELWP). (2006). Using the integrated water management provisions of Clause 56 - Residential subdivision. Melbourne: Department of Sustainability and Environment. Retrieved from https://www.planning.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/12778/PPN39-Using-the- Integrated-Water-Management-Provisions-of-Clause-56-Residential-Subdivision.pdf

Municipal Association of Victoria. (2017, 07 04). BESS. Retrieved from http://bess.net.au/

VPA. (Undated). PSP Notes: Integrated Water Management. Victorian Planning Authority. Retrieved from https://vpa.vic.gov.au/greenfield/psp-guidelines/

Planning for Integrated Water Management, prepared by Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd, June 2017 9