Thomas Klein Raimund von Helden

Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise

Über die Irrtümer der Osteoporose-Medizin und die Kunst, gesund zu bleiben

Vitamin C, D, E, K1 und K2 , Magnesium, Spurenelemente, Antioxidantien, Säure-Basen-Haushalt, die Gefahr der Kalzium- und Phosphatüberlastung, die richtigen Grundnährstoffe, Bewegung, Sport und Krafttraining


Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Haftungsausschluß

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Thomas K lein, R aimu nd von Helden: Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Über die Irrtümer der Osteoporose-Medizin und die Kunst, gesund zu bleiben. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016

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ISBN 978-3-939865-14-8

Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Literaturverzeichnis


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Der Aufbau und Umbau des Knochengewebes (Kapitel 1, Seite 31)

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Knochenumbau bei Tieren mit Winterschlaf

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Die Festigkeitseigenschaften der Knochen (Kapitel 2, Seite 43)

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Wassergehalt der Knochen

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Alterung des Kollagens durch Glykation

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Stärkung der Knochen durch Krafttraining und Bewegung (Kapitel 5, Seite 87)

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Bewegung und chronische Entzündungen

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Körperliche Aktivität reduziert Sterberate

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Protein – die Grundsubstanz der organischen Knochenmatrix (Kapitel 6, Seite 105)

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568 Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Zink – ein essentielles Spurenelement für den Knochenaufbau (Kapitel 7, Seite 123)

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Silizium steigert die Knochenfestigkeit (Kapitel 8, Seite 127)

Bae; K im; Choi et al.: Short-term administration of water-soluble silicon improves mineral density of the femur and tibia in ovariectomized rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2008 Aug;124(2):157-63. Barel; Calomme; Timchenko et al.: Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on skin, nails and hair in women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res. 2005 Oct;297(4):147-53. Beck; Ha; Camalier et al.: Bioactive silica-based nanoparticles stimulate bone- forming osteoblasts, suppress bone-resorbing osteoclasts, and enhance bone mineral density in vivo. Nanomedicine. 2012 Aug;8(6):793-803. Calomme; Geusens; Demeester et al.: Partial prevention of long-term femoral bone loss in aged ovariectomized rats supplemented with choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006 Apr;78(4):227-32. Calomme; Vanden Berghe: Supplementation of calves with stabilized orthosilicic acid. Effect on the Si, Ca, Mg, and P concentrations in serum and the collagen concentration in skin and cartilage. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1997 Feb;56(2):153-65. Carlisle: Silicon: a requirement in bone formation independent of vitamin D1. Calcif Tissue Int. 1981;33(1):27-34. Carlisle: Biochemical and morphological changes associated with long bone abnormalities in silicon deficiency. J Nutr. 1980 May;110(5):1046-56. Carlisle: Silicon: an essential element for the chick. Science. 1972;178(4061):619-21. Carlisle: Silicon: a possible factor in bone calcification. Science. 1970 Jan 16;167(3916):279-80. Eisinger; Clairet: Effects of silicon, fluoride, etidronate and magnesium on bone mineral density: a retrospective study. Magnes Res. 1993 Sep;6(3):247-9. Hott; de Pollak; Modrowski; Marie: Short-term effects of organic silicon on trabecular bone in mature ovariectomized rats. Calcif Tissue Int. 1993;53(3):174-9. Jugdaohsingh; Sripanyakorn; Powell: Silicon absorption and excretion is independent of age and sex in adults. Br J Nutr. 2013 Sep 28;110(6):1024-30.

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Andere Spurenelemente (Kapitel 9, Seite 131)

Spurenelemente allgemein

Nielsen; Luk aski; Johnson; Roughead: Reported zinc, but not copper, intakes influence whole-body bone density, mineral content and T score responses to zinc and copper supplementation in healthy postmenopausal women. Br J Nutr. 2011 Dec;106(12):1872-9. Nielsen: New essential trace elements for the life sciences. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1990 Jul-Dec;26-27:599-611. Price; Langford; Lipor ace: Essential Nutrients for Bone Health and a Review of their Availability in the Average North American Diet. Open Orthop J. 2012;6:143-9.

Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: 573 Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Saltman; Str ause: The role of trace minerals in osteoporosis. J Am Coll Nutr. 1993 Aug;12(4):384-9. Str ause; Saltman; Smith et al.: Spinal bone loss in postmenopausal women supplemented with calcium and trace minerals. J Nutr. 1994 Jul;124(7):1060-4. Zofková; Nemcikova; Matucha: Trace elements and bone health. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2013 Aug;51(8):1555-61.


Baker; Harvey; Majask-Newman et al.: Effect of dietary copper intakes on biochemical markers of bone metabolism in healthy adult males. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1999 May;53(5):408-12. Baker; Turley; Bonham et al.: No effect of copper supplementation on biochemical markers of bone metabolism in healthy adults. Br J Nutr. 1999a Oct;82(4):283-90. Cashman; Baker; Ginty et al.: No effect of copper supplementation on bio- chemical markers of bone metabolism in healthy young adult females despite apparently improved copper status. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2001 Jul;55(7):525-31. Dollwet; Sorenson: Roles of copper in bone maintenance and healing. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1988 Dec;18:39-48. Güler; Sapan; Ediz et al.: Effect of copper on liver and bone metabolism in malnutrition. Turk J Pediatr. 1994 Jul-Sep;36(3):205-13. Jonas; Burns; Abel et al.: Impaired mechanical strength of bone in experimental copper deficiency. Ann Nutr Metab. 1993;37(5):245-52. Lai; Yamaguchi: Effects of copper on bone component in the femoral tissues of rats: anabolic effect of zinc is weakened by copper. Biol Pharm Bull. 2005 Dec;28(12):2296-301. Roughead; Luk aski: Inadequate copper intake reduces serum insulin-like growth factor-I and bone strength in growing rats fed graded amounts of copper and zinc. J Nutr. 2003 Feb;133(2):442-8.


R ico; Gómez-R aso; R evilla et al.: Effects on bone loss of manganese alone or with copper supplement in ovariectomized rats. A morphometric and densi- tomeric study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2000 May;90(1):97-101.


Paglia; Wey; Hreha et al.: Local vanadium release from a calcium sulfate carrier accelerates fracture healing. J Orthop Res. 2014 May;32(5):727-34. Paglia; Wey; Park et al.: The effects of local vanadium treatment on angiogenesis and chondrogenesis during fracture healing. J Orthop Res. 2012;30(12):1971-8. Wang; Wang; Fu et al.: Systemic treatment with vanadium absorbed by Coprinus comatus promotes femoral fracture healing in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2013 Mar;151(3):424-33.

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Devirian; Volpe: The physiological effects of dietary boron. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2003;43(2):219-31. Dupre; K eenan; Hegsted; Brudevold: Effects of dietary boron in rats fed a vitamin D-deficient diet.Environ Health Perspect. 1994;102 Suppl 7:55-8. Gorustovich; Steimetz; Nielsen; Guglielmotti: Histomorphometric study of alveolar bone healing in rats fed a boron-deficient diet. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2008 Apr;291(4):441-7. Hegsted; K eenan; Siver; Wozniak: Effect of boron on vitamin D deficient rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1991 Mar;28(3):243-55. Meacham; Taper; Volpe: Effects of boron supplementation on bone mineral density and dietary, blood, and urinary calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and boron in female athletes. Environ Health Perspect. 1994;102 Suppl 7:79-82. Naghii; Samman: The effect of boron supplementation on its urinary excretion and selected cardiovascular risk factors in healthy male subjects. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1997 Mar;56(3):273-86. Naghii; Samman: The role of boron in nutrition and metabolism. Prog Food Nutr Sci. 1993 Oct-Dec;17(4):331-49. Nielsen; Stoecker: Boron and fish oil have different beneficial effects on strength and trabecular microarchitecture of bone. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2009;23(3):195-203. Nielsen: Is boron nutritionally relevant? Nutr Rev. 2008a Apr;66(4):183-91. Nielsen: Ultratrace minerals mythical elixirs or nutrients of concern? Bol Asoc Med P R. 1991 Mar;83(3):131-3. Nielsen: Studies on the relationship between boron and magnesium which possibly affects the formation and maintenance of bones. Magnes Trace Elem. 1990;9(2):61-9. Nielsen; Hu nt; Mullen; Hu nt: Effect of dietary boron on mineral, estrogen, and testosterone metabolism in postmenopausal women. FASEB J. 1987 Nov;1(5):394-7. Samman; Naghii; Lyons et al.: The nutritional and metabolic effects of boron in humans and animals. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1998 Winter;66(1-3):227-35. Xu; Hu; Guo et al.: Therapeutic effect of dietary boron supplement on retinoic acid-induced osteoporosis in rats. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2006;26(12):1785-8.


Zeng; Cao; Combs: Selenium in bone health: roles in antioxidant protection and cell proliferation. Nutrients. 2013 Jan 10;5(1):97-110.

Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: 575 Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Oxidativer Streß als Ursache der Osteoporose (Kapitel 10, Seite 135)

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Antiosteoporotische Substanzen

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Eisenüberlastung verursacht Osteoporose

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Osteoporose als Folge eines Vitamin-C-Mangels (Kapitel 11, Seite 139)

Erhöhte Krankheitsanfälligkeit und Sterblichkeit bei Vitamin-C-Mangel

Dashti-K havidaki; Talasaz; Tabeefar et al.: Plasma vitamin C concentrati- ons in patients on routine hemodialysis and its relationship to patients‘ morbi- dity and mortality. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2011 Jul;81(4):197-203. Deicher; Ziai; Bieglmayer et al.: Low total vitamin C plasma level is a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005 Jun;16(6):1811-8. Hampl; Taylor; Johnston: Vitamin C deficiency and depletion in the United States: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988 to 1994. Am J Public Health. 2004 May;94(5):870-5.

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Vitamin-C-Mangel und Osteoporose

Alcantar a-Martos; Delgado-Martinez; Vega et al.: Effect of vitamin C on fracture healing in elderly Osteogenic Disorder Shionogi rats. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2007 Mar;89(3):402-7. Arslan; Orku n et al.: Effects of ovariectomy and ascorbic acid supplement on oxi- dative stress parameters and bone mineral density in rats. Libyan J Med. 2011;6. Beamer; Rosen; Bronson et al.: Spontaneous fracture (sfx): a mouse genetic model of defective peripubertal bone formation. Bone. 2000;27(5):619-26. Body; Bergman n; Boonen et al.: Non-pharmacological management of osteoporosis: a consensus of the Belgian Bone Club. Osteoporos Int. 2011 Nov;22(11):2769-88. Carinci; Pezzetti; Spina et al.: Effect of Vitamin C on pre-osteoblast gene expression. Arch Oral Biol. 2005 May;50(5):481-96. Cervellati; Bonaccorsi; Cremonini et al.: Oxidative stress and bone resorption interplay as a possible trigger for postmenopausal osteoporosis. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:569563. Cervellati; Bonaccorsi; Cremonini et al.: Bone mass density selectively cor- relates with serum markers of oxidative damage in post-menopausal women. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2013 Feb;51(2):333-8.

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Vitamin C und Muskelfunktion

Bryer; Goldfarb: Effect of high dose vitamin C supplementation on muscle soreness, damage, function, and oxidative stress to eccentric exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006 Jun;16(3):270-80. Carr; Bozonet; Pullar et al.: Human skeletal muscle ascorbate is highly responsive to changes in vitamin C intake and plasma concentrations. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Apr;97(4):800-7. Carr; Vissers: Synthetic or food-derived vitamin C--are they equally bioavailable? Nutrients. 2013 Oct 28;5(11):4284-304.

Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: 583 Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Die antioxidative Wirksamkeit isolierter Ascorbinsäure sowie von Obst und Gemüse

Boyer; Liu: Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits.Nutr J. 2004;3:5. Denis; Furtos; Dudon né et al.: Apple peel polyphenols and their beneficial actions on oxidative stress and inflammation.PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53725. Eberhardt; Lee; Liu: Antioxidant activity of fresh apples. Nature. 2000;405(6789):903-4. Stevenson; Hurst: Polyphenolic phytochemicals--just antioxidants or much more? Cell Mol Life Sci. 2007 Nov;64(22):2900-16. Wolfe; Wu; Liu: Antioxidant activity of apple peels. J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Jan 29;51(3):609-14.

Der natürliche Vitamin-E-Komplex (Kapitel 12, Seite 153)

Abd Manan; Mohamed; Shuid: Effects of Low-Dose versus High-Dose γ-Tocotrienol on the Bone Cells Exposed to the Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012:680834. Abdul-Majeed; Mohamed; Soelaiman: Effects of tocotrienol and lovastatin combination on osteoblast and osteoclast activity in estrogen-deficient osteo- porosis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:960742. Abukhadir; Mohamed; Makpol; Muhammad: Effects of palm vitamin e on bone-formation-related gene expression in nicotine-treated rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:656025. Aggarwal; Su ndar am; Pr asad; K an nappan: Tocotrienols, the vitamin E of the 21st century: its potential against cancer and other chronic diseases. Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Dec 1;80(11):1613-31. Ahmad; K halid; Luke; Ima-Nirwana: Tocotrienol offers better protection than tocopherol from free radical-induced damage of rat bone. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2005 Sep;32(9):761-70. Ahsan; Ahad; Iqbal; Siddiqui: Pharmacological potential of tocotrienols: a review. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2014 Nov 12;11(1):52. Borhanuddin; Mohd Fozi et al.: Vitamin e and the healing of bone fracture: the current state of evidence. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012:684510. Chin; Ima-Nirwana: The effects of α-tocopherol on bone: a double-edged sword? Nutrients. 2014 Apr 10;6(4):1424-41. Chin; Abdul-Majeed; Fozi; Ima-Nirwana: Annatto tocotrienol improves indices of bone static histomorphometry in osteoporosis due to testosterone deficiency in rats.Nutrients . 2014a Nov 10;6(11):4974-83. Chin; Ima-Nirwana: Vitamin E as an Antiosteoporotic Agent via Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa-B Ligand Signaling Disruption: Current Evidence and Other Potential Research Areas. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012:747020.

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Chen; Long: β-catenin promotes bone formation and suppresses bone resorption in postnatal growing mice. J Bone Miner Res. 2013 May;28(5):1160-9. Dai; Wang; Ang et al.: Protective effects of dietary carotenoids on risk of hip fracture in men: the Singapore Chinese Health Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2014;29(2):408-17. Gr anado-Lorencio; Olmedilla-Alonso; Herrero-Barbudo et al.: Seasonal variation of serum alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthin and 25-OH-vitamin D(3) in women with osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. 2008 May;19(5):717-20. Jia; Chen; Zhang et al.: Effects of constitutive β-catenin activation on vertebral bone growth and remodeling at different postnatal stages in mice. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 16;8(9):e74093. Mackin non; R ao; Josse; R ao: Supplementation with the antioxidant lycopene significantly decreases oxidative stress parameters and the bone resorption marker N-telopeptide of type I collagen in postmenopausal women. Osteoporos Int. 2011;22(4):1091-101. Maggio; Polidori; Bar abani et al.: Low levels of carotenoids and retinol in involutional osteoporosis. Bone. 2006 Feb;38(2):244-8. Michelon; Blaum; Semba et al.: Vitamin and carotenoid status in older women: associations with the frailty syndrome. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006 Jun;61(6):600-7. R ao; Mackin non; Josse et al.: Lycopene consumption decreases oxidative stress and bone resorption markers in postmenopausal women. Osteoporos Int. 2007 Jan;18(1):109-15. R ao; K rishnadev; Banasikowsk a; R ao: Lycopene I--effect on osteoclasts: lycopene inhibits basal and parathyroid hormone-stimulated osteoclast forma- tion and mineral resorption mediated by reactive oxygen species in rat bone marrow cultures. J Med Food. 2003 Summer;6(2):69-78. Sahni; Han nan: Blumberg et al.: Inverse association of carotenoid intakes with 4-y change in bone mineral density in elderly men and women: the Framing- ham Osteoporosis Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jan;89(1):416-24. Sahni; Han nan; Blumberg et al.: Protective effect of total carotenoid and lyco- pene intake on the risk of hip fracture: a 17-year follow-up from the Framing- ham Osteoporosis Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2009a Jun;24(6):1086-94. Semba; Ferrucci; Su n et al.: Oxidative stress and severe walking disability among older women. Am J Med. 2007 Dec;120(12):1084-9. Semba; Var adhan; Bartali et al.: Low serum carotenoids and development of severe walking disability among older women living in the community: the women‘s health and aging study I. Age Ageing. 2007 Jan;36(1):62-7. Semba; Bartali; Zhou et al.: Low serum micronutrient concentrations predict frailty among older women living in the community. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006a Jun;61(6):594-9. Sugiur a; Nak amur a; Ogawa et al.: High serum carotenoids associated with

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Versorgung mit Karotinoiden

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Flavonoide (Kapitel 14, Seite 163)

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Kurkuma, Kardamom

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Glutathion verhindert Osteoporose (Kapitel 15, Seite 169)

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Vitamin D

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Vitamin C und E

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Ubichinon-Q10 (Koenzym Q10) (Kapitel 16, Seite 171)

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Die Behandlung mit Bisphosphonaten verschlechtert den Q10-Status

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Carnitin (Kapitel 17, Seite 177)

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Antioxidantien über Obst und Gemüse

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Verkalkung der Arterienwände, Arteriosklerose, Infarktrisiko

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Krebs durch zelluläre Kalziumüberlastung

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Zelluläre Kalziumüberlastung verschlechtert Zellfunktion

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Zelluläre Kalziumüberlastung und beschleunigte Zellalterung

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Kalziumkanäle und Kalziumpumpen

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Die Folgen hoher Parathormon-Spiegel

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Vitamin-D-bindendes Protein

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Vitamin-D-Spiegel und Knochenmasse im Jahresverlauf

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Vitamin K unterdrückt Entzündungen

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Mangel an Bikarbonat als Ursache der Osteoporose (Kapitel 26, Seite 291)

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Starker Salzkonsum fördert Osteoporose

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Die Wirkung von Chlorid

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Die gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung des Citrats

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Reichliche Kalorienzufuhr beschleunigt die Alterung der Knochen (Kapitel 28, Seite 319)

Die Alterung der Knochen

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Kalorien- und Proteinreduktion

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Kalorienreduktion und Knochenfestigkeit

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Knochenschwund durch Zuckerkonsum

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Zonulin und die Durchlässigkeit der Darmschleimhaut

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Einflußfaktoren auf die Glykation

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Insulinresistenz, Diabetes und Osteoporose

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Übergewicht, Fettleibigkeit und Osteoporose

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Chronische Entzündungen und oxidativer Streß fördern Insulinresistenz

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Insulinresistenz und Magnesiummangel

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Vitamin D verstärkt die Wirkung von Insulin

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Vitamin K2

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Zinkmangel, Diabetes und Osteoporose

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Chrom und der Glukose-Toleranzfaktor

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Überlastung mit Fruktose verschlimmert Insulinresistenz

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Vorsicht Brot!

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Der Insulin-Index

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Fettreiche Ernährung und geringe Knochenmasse

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Der Mythos von den ungesunden gesättigten Fettsäuren

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Gesättigtes Fett fördert die Bildung von Testosteron

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Kokosnüsse – ein Geschenk der Natur

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Die wertvollen Oliven

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Krebs durch gebratene und fritierte Speisen

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Chronische Entzündungen fördern Osteoporose (Kapitel 32, Seite 393)

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Homocystein beschleunigt die Alterung der Knochen (Kapitel 34, Seite 401)

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Boyce; Xing: Functions of RANKL/RANK/OPG in bone modeling and remodeling. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2008 May 15;473(2):139-46. Boyce; Xing: Biology of RANK, RANKL, and osteoprotegerin. Arthritis Res Ther. 2007;9 Suppl 1:S1. Boyce; Xing: The RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2007 Sep;5(3):98-104. Brow n: Skeletal muscle and bone: effect of sex steroids and aging. Adv Physiol Educ. 2008 Jun;32(2):120-6. Huang; Sak ata; Pfleger et al.: PTH differentially regulates expression of RANKL and OPG. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Feb;19(2):235-44. Indridason; Fr anzson; Sigurdsson: Serum osteoprotegerin and its relationship with bone mineral density and markers of bone turnover. Osteoporos Int. 2005 Apr;16(4):417-23. K atsuyama; Otsuki; Tomita et al.: Menaquinone-7 regulates the expressions of osteocalcin, OPG, RANKL and RANK in osteoblastic MC3T3E1 cells. Int J Mol Med. 2005 Feb;15(2):231-6. K arsenty: The mutual dependence between bone and gonads. J Endocrinol. 2012 May;213(2):107-14. K arsenty: Bone endocrine regulation of energy metabolism and male reproduction. C R Biol. 2011 Oct;334(10):720-4. Lee; Sowa; Hinoi et al.: Endocrine regulation of energy metabolism by the skeleton. Cell. 2007 Aug 10;130(3):456-69. Manolagas; O‘Brien; Almeida: The role of estrogen and androgen receptors in bone health and disease. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013 Dec;9(12):699-712. Manolagas: From estrogen-centric to aging and oxidative stress: a revised per- spective of the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Endocr Rev. 2010;31(3):266-300. Oury: A crosstalk between bone and gonads. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012;1260:1-7. Oury; Sumar a; Sumar a et al.: Endocrine regulation of male fertility by the skeleton. Cell. 2011 Mar 4;144(5):796-809. Szulc; Hofbauer; Heufelder et al.: Osteoprotegerin serum levels in men: correlation with age, estrogen, and testosterone status. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001;86(7):3162-5.

Die Wirkung von Östrogenen auf die Knochen (Kapitel 35, Seite 407)

Östrogene und Knochen

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Estriol und Knochen

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Knochenmasse und Brustkrebsrisiko

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Folgen der Östrogen-Behandlung

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Progesteron – unwirksam für die Knochen (Kapitel 36, Seite 421)

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Testosteron stärkt die Knochen (Kapitel 37, Seite 423)

Die Einflußfaktoren auf den Testosteron-Spiegel

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Jorde; Grimnes; Hutchinson et al.: Supplementation with Vitamin D Does not Increase Serum Testosterone Levels in Healthy Males. Horm Metab Res. 2013 Sep;45(9):675-81. Lee; Tajar; Pye et al.: Association of hypogonadism with vitamin D status: the European Male Ageing Study. Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Jan;166(1):77-85. Nimptsch; Platz; Willett et al.: Association between plasma 25-OH vitamin D and testosterone levels in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012;77(1):106-12. Pilz; Frisch; Koertke et al.: Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testostero- ne levels in men. Horm Metab Res. 2011;43(3):223-5. Sawhney; Malhotr a; Pr asad et al.: Pituitary-gonadal hormones during pro- longed residency in Antarctica. Int J Biometeorol. 1998 Aug;42(1):51-4. Wehr; Pilz; Boehm et al.: Association of vitamin D status with serum androgen levels in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2010 Aug;73(2):243-8.


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Niedriger Testosteron-Spiegel durch Pestizide und andere Umweltgifte

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Die Behandlung mit Testosteron

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Die Wirkung auf die Prostata

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Das Wachstumshormon Somatropin (Kapitel 38, Seite 431)

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Somatropin und Knochen

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Der Insulinähnliche Wachstumsfaktor (Kapitel 39, Seite 435)

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IGF-1 und Knochen

Celiker; Arslan: Comparison of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 and growth hormone levels in osteoporotic and non-osteoporotic postmenopausal women. Rheumatol Int. 2000;19(6):205-8. Chen; Jiang; Huang et al.: Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) potentiates BMP-9-induced osteogenic differentiation and bone formation. J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Nov;25(11):2447-59. Garnero; Sornay-R endu; Delmas: Low serum IGF-1 and occurrence of osteo- porotic fractures in postmenopausal women. Lancet. 2000;355(9207):898-9. Gu ntur; Rosen: IGF-1 regulation of key signaling pathways in bone. Bonekey Rep. 2013 Oct 2;2:437. K awai; Rosen: The IGF-I regulatory system and its impact on skeletal and energy homeostasis. J Cell Biochem. 2010 Sep 1;111(1):14-9. K halil; Lucas; Juma et al.: Soy protein supplementation increases serum insulin-like growth factor-I in young and old men but does not affect markers of bone metabolism. J Nutr. 2002 Sep;132(9):2605-8.

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Osteoporose durch Cortisol (Kapitel 40, Seite 439)

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Cortisol und Knochen

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Fluorid schädigt die Knochen (Kapitel 42, Seite 459)

Die Wirkung von Fluorid auf die Knochen

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Schädigung der Knochen bei Fluoridbelastung im Tierversuch

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Frakturrisiko und fluoridiertes Trinkwasser

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Fluoridbehandlung bei Osteoporose schadet den Knochen und ruiniert die Gesundheit

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Teekonsum, Fluoridbelastung und Skelettfluorose

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Fluorid und Kariesfortschritt

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738 Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Die Wahrheit über Bisphosphonate (Kapitel 43, Seite 469)

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Nekrose des Knochengewebes

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Bisphosphonate erhöhen das Risiko für Ermüdungsbrüche

Allison; Markman; Rosenberg et al.: Atypical incomplete femoral fractures in asymptomatic patients on long term bisphosphonate therapy. Bone. 2013 Jul;55(1):113-8. Aspenberg; Schilcher: Atypical femoral fractures, bisphosphonates, and mechanical stress. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2014;12(2):189-93. Bamru ngsong; Pongchaiyakul: Bilateral atypical femoral fractures after long- term alendronate therapy: a case report. J Med Asso. Thai. 2010;93(5):620-4. Capeci; Tejwani: Bilateral low-energy simultaneous or sequential femoral fractures in patients on long-term alendronate therapy. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009;91(11):2556-61. Cermak; Shumelinsky; Alexiou; Gebhart: Case reports: subtrochanteric femoral stress fractures after prolonged alendronate therapy. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010;468(7):1991-6. Chen; Wang; Bhattacharyya: Absence of femoral cortical thickening in long- term bisphosphonate users: implications for atypical femur fractures. Bone. 2014;62:64-6. Edwards; Bu nta; Lane et al.: Bisphosphonates and nonhealing femoral frac- tures: analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) and international safety efforts: a systematic review from the Research on Ad- verse Drug Events And Reports (RADAR) project. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013;95(4):297-307.

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Schädigung der Schleimhäute des Verdauungstraktes

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Schwächung der Abwehrkraft

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Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: 747 Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016. Abfall des Kalziumspiegels

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Störung der Herzfunktion

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Verschlechterung des Q10-Status

K alyan; Huebbe; Esatbeyoglu et al.: Nitrogen-bisphosphonate therapy is linked to compromised coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E status in postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99(4):1307-13.

Denosumab – schlimmer als Bisphosphonate (Kapitel 44, Seite 489)

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Die Wahrheit über Teriparatid (Kapitel 45, Seite 493)

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Vorsicht mit Strontium! (Kapitel 46, Seite 497)

Abr ahamsen; Grove; Vestergaard: Nationwide registry-based analysis of cardiovascular risk factors and adverse outcomes in patients treated with stron- tium ranelate. Osteoporos Int. 2014;25(2):757-62. Bärenholdt; Kolthoff; Nielsen: Effect of long-term treatment with strontium ranelate on bone strontium content. Bone. 2009;45(2):200-6. Boivin; Doublier; Farlay: Strontium ranelate--a promising therapeutic princip- le in osteoporosis. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2012 Jun;26(2-3):153-6. Boivin; Farlay; K hebbab et al.: In osteoporotic women treated with strontium ranelate, strontium is located in bone formed during treatment with a maintai- ned degree of mineralization. Osteoporos Int. 2010;21(4):667-77. Boivin; Meu nier: The mineralization of bone tissue: a forgotten dimension in osteoporosis research. Osteoporos Int. 2003;14 Suppl 3:S19-24. Bon nelye; Chabadel; Saltel; Jurdic: Dual effect of strontium ranelate: stimulation of osteoblast differentiation and inhibition of osteoclast formation and resorption in vitro. Bone. 2008;42(1):129-38. Cianferotti; D‘Asta; Br andi: A review on strontium ranelate long-term antifracture efficacy in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2013;5(3):127-39. Collette; Bruyère; K aufman et al.: Vertebral anti-fracture efficacy of strontium ranelate according to pre-treatment bone turnover. Osteoporos Int. 2010;21(2):233-41.

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Kombinationstherapie – die Alternative

Genuis; Bouchard: Combination of Micronutrients for Bone (COMB) Study: bone density after micronutrient intervention. J Environ Public Health. 2012:354151.

Überlastung mit Strontium

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Weitere Medikamente und Maßnahmen (Kapitel 47, Seite 503)


Barrett-Con nor; Mosca; Collins et al.: Effects of raloxifene on cardiovascular events and breast cancer in postmenopausal women. N Engl J Med. 2006;355(2):125-37. Ettinger; Black; Mitlak et al.: Reduction of vertebral fracture risk in post- menopausal women with osteoporosis treated with raloxifene: results from a 3-year randomized clinical trial. Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE) Investigators. JAMA. 1999;282(7):637-45.

Mit Vibration gegen Osteoporose

Bieleman n; Martinez-Mesa; Gigante: Physical activity during life course and bone mass: a systematic review of methods and findings from cohort studies with young adults. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2013;14:77. Borer: Physical activity in the prevention and amelioration of osteoporosis in women : interaction of mechanical, hormonal and dietary factors. Sports Med. 2005;35(9):779-830. Chan; Uzer; Rubin: The potential benefits and inherent risks of vibration as a non-drug therapy for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2013 Mar;11(1):36-44. French; Fulkerson; Story: Increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake for bone mass growth in children and adolescents: a review of intervention trials. Prev Med. 2000 Dec;31(6):722-31. Gross; Edwards; McLeod; Rubin: Strain gradients correlate with sites of peri- osteal bone formation. J Bone Miner Res. 1997;12(6):982-8. Gilsanz; Wren; Sanchez et al.: Low-level, high-frequency mechanical signals enhance musculoskeletal development of young women with low BMD. J Bone Miner Res. 2006;21(9):1464-74.

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Andere Maßnahmen

Jensen; Lu ndin-Olsson; Nyberg; Gustafson: Fall and injury prevention in older people living in residential care facilities. A cluster randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2002 May 21;136(10):733-41.

Arzneimittel, die Osteoporose verursachen (Kapitel 48, Seite 507)

Panday; Gona; Humphrey: Medication-induced osteoporosis: screening and treatment strategies. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2014 Oct;6(5):185-202. Yang; Lewis; Epstein; Metz: Long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture. JAMA. 2006;296(24):2947-53.

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Carbone; Chin; Lee et al.: The association of opioid use with incident lower extremity fractures in spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2013;36(2):91-6. Daniell: Opioid endocrinopathy in women consuming prescribed sustained-action opioids for control of nonmalignant pain. J Pain. 2008 Jan;9(1):28-36. Daniell: Opioid osteoporosis. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164(3):338. Elliott; Fibuch: Endocrine effects of chronic opioid therapy: implications for clinical management. Pain Manag. 2013 May;3(3):237-46. Teng; Zhu; Wu et al.: Opioids contribute to fracture risk: a meta-analysis of 8 cohort studies. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0128232.


Bab; Yirmiya: Depression, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and osteoporosis. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2010 Dec;8(4):185-91. Bruyère; R eginster: Osteoporosis in patients taking selective serotonin reu- ptake inhibitors: a focus on fracture outcome. Endocrine. 2015 Feb;48(1):65-8. Eom; Lee; Ye et al.: Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Bone Miner Res. 2012;27(5):1186-95. Galli; Macaluso; Passeri: Serotonin: a novel bone mass controller may have implications for alveolar bone. J Negat Results Biomed. 2013 Aug 21;12:12. R ichards; Papaioan nou; Adachi et al.: Effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on the risk of fracture. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(2):188-94. R izzoli; Cooper; R eginster et al.: Antidepressant medications and osteoporosis. Bone. 2012;51(3):606-13. Wu; Bencaz; Hentz; Crowell: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment and risk of fractures: a meta-analysis of cohort and case-control studies. Osteoporos Int. 2012 Jan;23(1):365-75.

Die optimale Versorgung mit Nährstoffen (Kapitel 49, Seite 511)

Ioan nidis: Why most published research findings are false: author‘s reply to Goodman and Greenland. PLoS Med. 2007;4(6):e215. Ioan nidis: Contradicted and initially stronger effects in highly cited clinical research. JAMA. 2005;294(2):218-28.

756 Thomas Klein, Raimund von Helden: Osteoporose als Folge fehlerhafter Ernährung und Lebensweise. Hygeia-Verlag Dresden 2016.