iianrlfjfBtpr lEwntng Ibralb MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1974 - VOL. XCIII, No. 213 Manehe,ter-A City of Vilhge Charm t w e n t v .f o i)r p a g e s - t w o s e c t io n s PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS

Nixon Leaves/on Tour rr WASHINGTON (UPI) — President engagement agreement^between Israel House today on his But House Democratic leader Thomas 15,0(K»-mile trip to the Middie East with and Egpyt and Israel and Syria. P. O’Neill said he thought toe trip would the hope that it wiil "contribute to the The President sai^Iiis visits to Israel, be worthwhile and would not interfere lasting peace that we as Americans are so' Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt with the impeachment hearings. deeply dedicated.” would ‘^provide opportunity to affirm The 61-year-old President confidently Nixon spoke briefly under a warm sun, support” for ^ t s Secretary of State told 1,4(X) wildly cheering supporters at a OT a muggy day, on the South Lawn of the Henry A. K i^nger negotiated between luncheon sponsored by toe Committee for the waring Waeli and Arab forces. White House as he headed for his historic Fairness to the Presidency Sunday that he joiOTey to four Arab countries and Israel. It will ^ s o afford opportunity to will serve out his term and will leave the It IS the first trip by an American presi­ “explore^ays we can have new and better White House with his head high on Jan. 20. 1 relatioi^with each” of toe countries and dent to three of the four Arab countries 1977. and to Israel. ' to t r y ^ forge better relations among toe Nixon was buoyed by the emotional pep nati^s in the area. The,President, with his wife Pat stand- rally and said a “strong American ing b^ide him, told an assemblege of an ebullient mood on the eve of his presidency is essential if we are to have (Ic^arture, Nixon told a gathering of diplomats and top government officials on peace in the world.” ^political supporters that the trip will be toe White House grounds that he was un­ Defending his refusal to turn over “long and difficult” both physically and • dertaking this trip much as he did previous Watergate tapes to special prosecutor diplomatically. But he said the goal was to visits to mainland China and toe Soviet/ Leon Jaworski and to the judiciary com­ Union. 7 “build on toe progress” already achieved mittee, Nixon said: “I shall do nothing to in silencing the guns on the Egyptian and weaken this office.” Nixon said this trip like previous tripsm Syrian fronts with Israel. Peking and Moscow was “a journey^for He also joined the other speakers, prin­ peace.” / He will be the first president to visit cipally Sen. Carl Curtis, R-Neb., in jab­ Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Those visits, he said, “had a profound bing the news media. “As Senator Curtis Egypt, toe first country to push for a impact..on building a structur^''of peace implied,” said Nixon, “what we say here Nixon visit, was host t o President for the whole world,” and thjk trip “will will be little noted by toe media.” Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War Curtis accused “certain members’; of take us to a portion of toe lyorld that has II. known nothing but war” for many yc^rs. Congress and the press of encouraging the Accompanying Nixon was Secretary of “impeachment syndrome” andj/called The President said “we realize that one State Henry A. Kissinger, who will be trip will not solve differences that go back them the “get Nixon crowd.” making his seventh trip to the Middle East centuries” in some instances, but “we The Nebraska senator also attacked toe believe a beginning has to be made.” since toe end of the Arab-Israeli October Watergate grand jury, which is 16 War, and a lerge crew of press assistants. p e President declared: “We believe predominantly black and which named Bicycle Rodeo Winners In advance of toe trip, Syrian President this trip, like the other journeys we have Nixon as a co-conspirator in the cover-up. Hafez Assad indicated that the United taken, will contribute to that lasting peace “It can hardly be described as a cross sec­ Sporting decals instead of blue rib­ was one unicycle in the rodeo. The States and Syria would formally announce tion of America,” he said. Gaston, 57, second; Michael Grigsby, which we as Americans are so dedicated.” bons, these bicycle rodeo winners line riders were marked on a 70-point a resumption of diplomatic relations while Security arrangements were a worry for 53, third; Grades 3 and 4, Cindy Before heading for Cairo on Wednesday, up in the corral at Verplanck School score. The winning entrants and their Nixon is in Damascus. the Secret Service throughout the Middle Almeida, 64, first; Scott Russell, 47, the President and his party—including a after having navigated a skill course 17 In Cairo, where the President arrives East. Under ordinary circumstances, scores, from front to rear, are: second; Leslie Frasher, 38, third; large retinue of newsmen-will stop off for and passed a bicycle inspection spon­ Wednesday, Egyptian President Anwar Lebanon, a perennial friend of toe United Kindergarten, Kristy Moran, 47, first Grades 5 and 6, Joan (iycenas, 54, two nights in the quaint Austrian city of sored by the school PTA. Some of the Salzburg. This will give the party time to Sadat will arrange a mammoth salute to States, would have been included on the place; Brenda Kinkowski, 46, second; first; Micheile Laramie, 53, second. Nixon with flowers, a gun salute and hun­ get accustomed to toe so-called jet lag. tour, but the presence of 400,000 Palesti­ 34 entries did not pass the inspection Dean Moran, 38, third; Grades 1 and (Heraid photo by Bevins) dreds of thousands of cheering Egyptians There is a seven-hour time differential nian refugees was a deterrent. because of faulty equipment. There 2, David Gaston, 58, first; Donald along a four-mile motorcade. between Washington and toe Middle East stops on his schedule. At home, Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- Wash., said Sunday (on CBS’ Face the Na­ In his departure statement at the White tion) that the Nixon journey was “fraught House, Nixon said “we have been proud to with danger” and questioned his traveling play a part” in what he said was a begin­ at a time when toe House Judiciary (Com­ Homeowners Win Court Round ning to peace in toe troubled Mideast, mittee is moving into a crucial stage in its referring to toe U.S.-negotiated troop dis­ By DOUG BEVINS impeachment inquiry. erase the matter from toe court docket ’The plaintiffs, represented by Atty. dustrial Zone (38 acres), and Comprehen­ The Buckland Homeowners Association and over-ruled a defense “plea in appears to have won the first David Wichman in court arguments last sive Urban Development Zone (138 acres). abatement” which might have ertded the month, contended that they had a right to The plaintiffs in toe appeal are William round-concerning legal technicallties-in legal challenge on technicalities relating their court appeal of zone changes granted “amend” their appeal by filing a new C. and Catherine Anderson, Larry E. and Fire Points Up Hazards to the filing of a recognizance. recognizance, and Judge Dorsey agreed. Minna J. Noone, David L. and Geraldine by the Manchester Planning and Zoning, MAP Associates’ lawyer Allen Duffy Commission (PZC) for MAP Associates’ H. Thompson, Winfred R. and Shirley M. had alleged that the recognizance—a The zoning appeal is now expected to go Pointer, Earl P. and Doris C. White, Of Storing Gasoline massive, mixed-use development at statutory reuirement binding plaintiffs to Buckland. into hearings on actual merits of the case, James L. and Julie A. McAuley, William orders of the court—was filed improperly. The first round—a highly technical now that technical aspects have been air­ F . and Elisabeth J. Case, Raymond G. and TTie defense erasure motion sought to ed, but court dates have not been Elaine E. Smith, and Douglas S. and Celia defense attack on the homeowners’ dismss the appeal on that basis, and the case—resulted last week in a Ckmrt of scheduled. E. Henderson. - . plea in abatement sought to dismiss the Defendants in the action are the PZC; Common Pleas ruling favoring toe plain­ Being challenged by the homeowners tiffs. appeal on toe basis that (according to the MAP Associates, an investment defense) the plaintiffs weren’t allowed to are March‘4 PZC decisions which rezoned partnership led by developer Arthur M. Judge Donald P. Dorsey, in written file a new recognizance to correct the im­ 256 acres of Rural Residence Zone tobacco decisions, denied a defense motion to Fischer of New York City; the Hartman LI proper filing. land to Business 3 Zone (80 acres). In- Tobacco Co., which owns toe Buckland acreage; and other persons who have a financial, interest in the development site: Saphonie Begine of Manchester; LMn 13 Schweir, Edward Schweir, Eilleen N J Nixon Lawyers Face Busy Week Schwier, and Mbert Schweir, all of South Windsor: and Sterling Olmsted of Wilmington, Ohio. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Although the evidence that led the grand jury to con­ D. St. Clair, is also expected to reply to DEBNAM President Nixon will be out of the country clude Nixon had a part in the cover-up. this week his Watergate attorneys will Sirica’s decision to turn over to Regional Market The final decision on release of the prosecutors a portion of a Sept. 15, 1972, have plenty to keep them busy. material will be made by the Supreme The House Judicary Committee con­ tape of a meeting among Nixon, John W. Target of Protest Court, possibly today, because it took Dean III and H. R. Haldeman. Sirica tinues its investigation of alleged White custody of the documents when it agreed House spying, Nixon faces a possible con­ delayed implementing the ordey over the By UFW Backers to hear Special Prosecutor Leon weekend to give the White House time to tempt citation for. refusing to supply Jaworski’s suit for the release of more evidence for toe Ellsberg trial and the respond. HARTFORD (UPI) — About three dozen subpoened evidence. In other Watergate-related news: demonstrators supporting the United Supreme Court may decide to release toe Nixon could also be be found in con­ Watergate grand jury’s report naming toe —GOP National (^lairman George Bush Farm Workers marched outside the tempt of court by U.S. Judge Gerhard A. said Sunday both major political parties Connecticut Regional Market in Hartford President as an unindicted co-conspirator. Gesell for his refusal to give former assis­ Federal Judge John J. Sirica lifted his should merge toeir national organizations early today to protest the sale of boycotted tant John D. Ehrlichman access to per­ with the personal campaign organizations lettuce and grapes. seal from the grand jury material Friday sonal files. of their 1976 Presidential candidates to The regional market is a distribution after the President’s lawyers, citing Gesell said last week that Nixon’s previous disclosure by the news media, avoid any future Watergates. center where fruit stands, restaurant refusal “borders on obstruction... (and) is suppliers and small supermarkts buy said they wanted the full report made totally offensive to all our concepts of “ public. produce trucked in from other areas, in­ justice.” cluding California and Florida. In addition to the list of indicted par­ Ehrlichman, the former chief domestic George Sheridan, a spokesman for the ticipants, the material includes details of adviser, contends the files are essential to Inside Today’s farm workers, said the demonstration was his defense against charges growing out of part of a nationwide effort to win union Nixon Turns the burglary of the office of Dr. Daniel contracts including controls on dangerous Ellsberg’s psychiatrist by the White pesticides and ending child labor. Down Panel House “plumbers”. The demonstration was organized, '12A3" Both court actions could have a major IpralJ) Sheridan said, to inform store owners of Tape Request impact on the House Judiciary Com­ the boycott and to warn them if they per­ mittee’s impeachment investigation. sist in selling boycotted grapes and lettuce MAM WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Forum of the Arts, Page 2 Nixon refused again today to comply with The committee, which continues its they can expect pickets outside their hearings this week, may vote to open its ited a House Judiciary Committee subpoena Area Profile, Pages 6, 7, 8 stores. doors and will also decide whether to be a for 45 White House tapes and documents, Business Bodies, Page 5 Sheridan said supporters have been dis­ serve more subpoenas for White House saying there would be no end to the im­ tributing leaflets at A&P stores in New I in- tapes. ’The White House, which already Cheney Tech awards. Page 12 peachment panel’s request “unless a line England because the food chain is the only ^ o u r were drawn soibewhere.” has refused to comply with subpoenas for Civltan golf open starts. Page 15 major one not cooperating with the 98 tapes, maintains Nixon will not turn He added: “Since it is clear the com­ Martens state 440-yard champ. boycott. over any more tapes to the committee. mittee will not draw such a line, I have Page 14 The campaign against A&P as well as done so.” Nixon’s chief Watergate lawyer, James non-cooperating small stores will con­ tinue, Sheridan said. The President’s response to the sub­ poena, issued May 30 on a 37-1 vote by the committee, had been expected in view of Nixon’s statement May 22 — in turning down an earlier subpoena — that he would Storms Hit ‘Tornado Alley’ not comply with any further demands. By United Press International A 1967-model motorcycle owned by cycle’s fuel tank. A hot water heater Nixon’s reply, in a letter to Judiciary Arkansas reported four persons rain sent creeks and .rivers over their Chairman Peter W. Rodino Jr., D-N.J., ’Those who live in the country’s midsec­ banks and into homes.) Richard Green of 14 Knox St. was bad­ near the motorcycle might have drowned in the storm; Oklahoma said it was made known at the White House tion known as “Tornado Alley” are had at least 15 deaths and Kansas counted Two persons drowned in El Dorado, ly damaged in a Saturday afternoon exploded if the fire hadn't been shortly after the President departed on his hardened veterans of weather six dead. Ark., Saturday when their car stalled on fire in his basement, a blaze which extinguished in time, he said. Middle East trip and just after the 10 a.m. catastrophies but Red Cross volunteer city streets- and was swept away. Two It began Saturday night with a tornado firemen say points out the hazards of “There was enough gasoline there deadline set by the committee for sur­ Peggy Glen spent the weekend with tears youths were killed Sunday near Magnolia, ripping the roof of a crowded nursing storing, gasoline in a home. to blow the whole house off its foun­ render of the materials. in her eyes. Ark., when raging waters swept away the home at Drumright, Okla., and cutting a Manchester Town firemen dation,” Fire Chief John Rivosa said "It’s hard to believe what I’ve seen,” gravel embankment under a culvert. mile-long, three-block wide swath through HOT she said while operating one of four dis­ Farther west at Guthrie, Okla., a creek responded to the 1:52 p.m. alarm with after the blaze, calling attention to . the community of 3,000. But the violent two engines and a ladder truck, and hazards of storing gasoline. ^ aster relief centers set up in Tulsa, Okla. swelled by almbst five inches of rain drove It was a weekend of killer tornadoes, weather quickly spread to other sections about 100 families from their homes Sun­ were confronted with a "lot of heat Gasoline should never be stored in a of the state and to Kansas. torrential rains and flash floods in por­ day. t and smoke” in attempting to quell the home, he said, and neither should tions of Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. At Emporia, Kan., a tornado cut a mile- State officials said it could have been cellar fire. vehicles or appliances with gasoline As the last vestiges of the weather system long path through the town, destroying all much worse in Oklahoma had tornado Firemen, using Scott air packs qtanks be stored in a home. moved peacefully eastward Sunday, the but five of a 103-unit trailer park and warnings not gone out as early as they did. .(breathing apparatus) to enter the If townspeople have to keep gas­ official death count stood at 25, hundreds Hot, humid and partly sunny today with wrecking 22 businesses in a shopping cellar, stopp^ the flame in time to oline on hand, Rivosa warned, storage were left homeless and property damage Six died in Drumright and eight other chance of a thunderstorm or two in after­ center. Oklahoma cities reported fatalities, in­ prevent any structural damage, but should be kept to a minimum; should was expected to exceed $40 million. noon or evening. Highs around 90 except Five of the city’s victims were found in cluding Tulsa which recorded its first smoke damage was reported in the be in Underwriters Laboratories- lower along the Sound. Warm, humid with President Nixon declared Arkansas a major disaster area paving the way for the rubble of the mobile homes. ’The sixth deaths attributed to tornadic activity in its first floor of the two-story, four- approved metal containers; and showers or thunderstorms likely tonight history. federal funds to finance relief and body was found in an apartment near the family dwelling. should always be outdoors, away from and Tuesday morning then partial clearing recovery efforts. The governors of Kansas shopping center. Deputy Fire Chief Roy Startton said possible iginition''points such as a and less humid Tuesday afternoon. Lows Oral Roberts University at Tulsa suf­ and Oklahoma asked for similar aid after By the time the storm system reached water heater or furnace. (Herald/ m low 70s to upper 60s and highs in upoer fered extensive damage to an administra­ the fire apparently started as a result the governors of all three states toured the Arkansas, the twisters had died out but a photo by Bevins) 70s to some mid 80s. tion building and a new aerobatics com­ of gasoline igniting in the motor­ devastated areas. deluge in the form of more than a foot of plex. PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., June 10. 1974 Forum of the Arts MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester Pnnn ^ Mpn,, June 10. 1974 - PAGE THRRR TV Closed Circuit Television Tonight By JUNE B. TOMPKINS Sm Siturday't Helps Dennis See the World Terrorist Threat Demands Security Harald lor ConipMo ; Nutmeg Summer Starring Fred Gwyhne, and By PHIL NEWSOM TV UiUngo... “Romeo and Juliet” with David _ By PHIL NEWSOM two other diplomats last year, ...... „ ...... Playhouse UPI Foreign News Analyst the Arab Liberation Front, Political l.uacra attack from Lebanon, the A segment of the nation’s Birney and Roberta Maxwell. but have entered a plea of inno­ destruction among Israeli By ROBERTA GOOTMAN small phnt are now opening a tire length of a chalkboard. A The heavy blanket of security which is backed by Iraq and is Terrorists have been possibilities of disaster for targets wherever they found history will be enacted in the For information and reser­ cent. ' SANTA MONICA, Calif. whole neW world for him. master control panel allows the thrown around Secretary of headed by Abdel Kayyali; and described as intellectual Lebanon become very real, in­ them, and the Israelis sou^t to summer playhouse production vations, call the box office, 3 ^ Rounding out a picture of un­ (UPI) — For 6-year-old Dennis TlirW’Year Study teacher to project a variety of State Henry A. Kissinger the Popular Front for the radicals who turn to violence cluding possible overthrow of retaliate. of “1776” opening 'Tuesday at 4457. certainty and frustration is the the closed circuit television The clos^ circuit system images on her students’ during his visits to Damascus Liberation of Palestine headed because they are political its evenly balanced Obviously a solution must be — 6:00 - the Jorgensen Auditorium at meeting in Cairo of losers. camera in his classroom (CerrV) was developed by Dr. screens. and the similar treatment to be by George Habash, a Marxist. Moslem-Cbristian government. found, and obviously it must be (3-8-22) NEWS the University of Connecticut in Hartford Symphony Palestinians seeking to deter­ S am uel M. G enesky, a The children can watch what given President Nixon in his The first three are considered As the possibilities of peace An alternative to guerrilla (18) 12 O’CLOCK HIGH Storrs. brought a whole new world—a mine the part, if any, they will found with Arab help. So far no Orchestra mathematician whose eyesight the teacher is doing, they can visit there provide grim moderate, although it was the improve, their cause becomes blows from Lebanon is a revival (20) FILM Director Eva Wolas has in­ world he can finally see. play in Mideast peace Arab nation ever has punished Pianist-conductor Peter Nero superimpose their work over evidence of the central and as group headed by Hawatmeh the more desperate. of that undeclared war which a any terrorist action. (24) ZOOM cluded an extra added attrac­ Dennis, whose vision is 20- is so poor he isXclassified as negotiations in Geneva. returns to Hartford Saturday at legally blind. It is part of a hers, see other children’s work yet untouched problem blocking which took responsibility for Syria, for example, is said to year ago threatened to become The outcome of the trial in (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH tion which was unavailable to 1200, and five other multiply Five Croups 8:15 p.m., to perform with the three-year study by the Rand or have a split image view of the way to Mideast peace. the slaughter of Israeli school have given assurances to worldwide as Arab members of Khartoum may provide the out­ (40^ BONANZA those who saw the musical on handicapped children at Under the general umbrella Hartford Symphony “ Pops” Madison Elementary School Corp. on learning problems of their work and the teacher’s at That problem is the future of children at Maalot on May 15. Kissinger that it will do its best the Black September move­ line of the future. — 6:30 — Broadway. She has added a of the Palestine Liberation Orchestra in its final concert of are now seeing their lessons on the partially sighted. the same time. the Palestinians, and in The moderates are said to to prevent guerrilla action ment sought to sow death and (8-22-30) NEWS special dance number to ac­ organization, Palestinian the season at the Bushnell. television cameras that can The CCTV consists of three Can Reverse Image Damascus the fear was a favor joining the negotiations at against Israel from across (he (24) TO BE ANNOUNCED company the song “Molasses to Nero had originally been guerrillas operate in five Geneva provided the con­ Golan Heights. enlarge objects five times. student stations and one Unlike other optical Palestinian attempt against groups. They are Al Fatah, the (40) NEWS Rum.” Inez Nottingham of New slated to appear in mid-May, ference recognizes Barred from Jordan, the For the first time, Dennis can teacher station, all equipped magnification devices, the Kissinger’s life in an attempt to largest, headed by Yassir York Qty will perform a solo but the concert was posponed “legitimate” Palestine rig^s. guerrillas’ main access to About Town — 7:00 — see his teacher’s face—and his with a zoom lens, lighted CTTV can also reverse the im­ Catherine Larivee block his peace efforts. Arafat, who also is chairman of (3) CBS NEWS dance under the direction of due to his sudden illness. age contrast so there is a white Sharon Carol Owen Another bit of grim evidence The last two have made Israel then becomes hapless choreographer Marcia Heath of own. Through a zoom lens, her moveable projection platforms the Palestine Liberation (8) TRUTH OR Tickets for the earlier date. image is projected onto the and a television viewing screen. image on a black background. concerning the same problem is known they will reject any Lebanon, which currently Volunteer firefighters of Coventry. May 11, will be honored Satur­ organization; Saiqa, which is attempt at accommodation. houses 300,000 Palestinian Manchester Chapter, CONSEQUENCES screen at his desk. And ’oooks he Another camera located on The brightness magnification provided in Khartoum, in the under Syrian influence and is Hose and Ladder (k). 1 of the (18) DICK VAN DYKE Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. For day. Tickets may also be and contrast is also individually DAR Scholarship Winners Sudanese trial of eight Palesti­ Differences between refugees. American Association of could never read before the ceiling can be focused on headed by Zuhair Mohsln; the Manchester Town Fire Depart­ Retired Persons, will install of­ (20-22-30) NEWS reservations, call the box of­ purcsed at the Bushnell controlled to suit each student’s nian terrorists who have con­ moderate and radical elements Since Israel already has an­ because he could not see the the teacher and can span the en- Popular Democratic Front for ment will have their annual ficers Wednesday noon at its (24) BRITISH WAY OF fice, 429-2912. Memorial box office, or call needs. fessed the slaying of U.S. Am­ have led to several shootouts nounced it will strike back Catherine Mary Larivee, Orford Parish Chapter, DAR, the Liberation of Palestine, meeting and drill Tuesday at annual luncheon at Marco Polo HEALTH There are two special 246-6807 for reservations. “The thing I like best about bassador Cleo A. Noel Jr., and among themselves. sharply against any guerrilla matinees scheduled for Satur­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ for a scholarship listing their headed by Nayef Hawatmeh; 6:30 p.m. at the McKee St. Restuurant, East Hartford. (40) ABC NEWS Appearing with Nero will be the system,” said teacher mond Larivee of 93 Branford firehouse. day and Sunday. the Peter Nero Trio. high school and social -t- 7:30 — Jadeane von der Lieth, “is that St., and Sharon Owen, daughter achievements. Upon endorse­ Omar Sharif it brings me in close contact (3) PRICE IS RIGHT of Mr. and Mrs. Maxton Owen ment of the chapter, the Coachlight Dinner with the child. Also, the child (8) POLICE SURGEON Theatre of Crystal Lake Rd., Tolland, applications were forwarded to Trinity College gets immediate reinforcement, are recipients of $300 (18) WILBURN Br o t h e r s Presently in combination the state DAR scholarship com­ (20) FILM The Trinity (College annual sees immediate results of his scholarships awarded by the with a grand buffet is actor Likes His Role mittee for approval. There- (22) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES Plumb Memorial Carillon com work and can share his work Connecticut State Daughters of Theodore Bikel starring in were seven applications from (24) ANTIQUES certs will resume this summer By VERNON SCOTT with the other students.” the American Revolution the Manchester area sent to the “Jacques Brel is Alive and Well on June 26. The popular series, appear to be playthings in his Although primarily designed (30) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES Four of the nation’s founders gather around a table at the HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Scholarship committee. state DAR. (40) POLKA and Living in Paris” through which weekly attracts an life. to aid the visually handicapped They first applied to the local make him a ^^GLADDAD^^ ^ July 14. Coventry home of Nathan Hale, They are, seated, Omar Sharif is not what you average attendance of from 400 would calk a practicing Egyp­ “I have no plans to remarry,” child, the CCTV has also proven — 8:00 - Ihe Coachlight is located at to 600 will run each Wednesday Benjamin Franklin, und from the left, standing, John he said. “When I built my large highly successful with the with a Father's Day gift from RegaVs... (3) SEARCH FOR THE NILE the junction of 1-91. Rt. 5 and tian. evening through Aug. 28. Adams, his wife Abigail, and Thomas Jefferson. The four He loftily dismisses the Near home in Paris I had thought of educable mentally retarded. (8-40) ROOKIES Main St. in the Warehouse Carilloneurs from across the are principal players in the Nutmeg Summer Playhouse filling it with a wife and Mrs. von der Lieth said there Better Health Care (18) SHARING OUR FAITH Point section of East Windsor. East problems with the obser­ nation will take part in the 25th production “1776”. Arland Russell of Coventry plays vation, “I know nothing about children. But I’m selling it now seems to be less distraction for (22-30) WORLD For reservations, call 522- annual concert series, playing Franklin, and Tom Turnford of Hebron plays John Adams. politics.” because a bachelor doesn’t need the students. JOE QARQIOLA 1266, 623-8227. that much room. Emerging Issue the 30 large bells which stand (Photo by Alan Decker) In Hollywood to reprise his “The system seems to create (24) THE TURBULENT “ I’ve developed bachelor 163 feet above the college role as gambler Nick Amstein a separate, private work area OCEAN The Hartford Stage Com­ habits and when I have a girl chajiel. in “Funny Lady” with Barbra and the child's attention is Among Minorities _ 9 « 0 - pany The recitals are held every Streisand, the dark visaged friend it bothers me to have her focused on the screen, not the around the house. (3) WORLD TEAM “nie School for Scandal” by Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m. Sharif seemed bored with pic­ surroundings. There is less dis­ (8-40) MOVIE Richard Brinsley Sheridan and are free and open to the “ Separate wings is a solution traction because they have ture making, too. mind and spirit functioning in “The Magus" (1968) plays through June 23. For public. to that problem I suppose. It’s direct visual contact with the Bv DAVID K. ANDERSON He and Streisand had optimum manner) or negative­ (24) CONCERTO FOR MONA reservations, call the box of­ A free tour of the Trinity costarred in “Funny Girl” with marvelous to have a date, pick viewer.” WASHINGTON (UPI) - The primary focus of civil rights ly (the absence of disease), - 9:30 - fice, 525-4258. College Chapel will be offered Barbra assaying the role of her up and take her home Mrs. von der Lieth explained McGSEGOR® debate-or what’s left of it in a health for black people today is (18) OTHER SIX DAYS after each recital. The chapel, Fanny Brice. Omar was as rather than have her with you there is a time lag between the all the time. nation fascinated by Watergate only a minor improvement over Want to go to a different kind dedicated over 40 years ago, is nomcommital about Streisand time the teacher writes -. 10:00 — the conditions under which 30 to of theater party? “When you arrive at her door something on the board and the and traumatized by inflation- PICO SOLIDA DOUBLEKNIT SPORTCOATS (24) GOVERNOR’S WIRE an example of English as he was about the UAR versus 50 per cent of our people died in Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Pastei for a date she is fully dressed, time the child actually sees it. has been on the issue of educa­ Collegiate Gothic architecture By Sluter Mary Patricia Israel. the holds of slave ships.” — 11:00 - will host a Hartford Stage Com­ and is famous for its wood and which develops from and you are surprised and “This undermines the learning tion. Executive Director A resident of Paris who still Using government figures, (3-8-18-22-30-40) NEWS pany party for area residents at stone carvings and stained cooperative effort. pleas^ by what she is wearing. process,” she said. On the level of grade and high Herringbone takes on a New Dimension and Comfort in this Superb Doubieknit This evening the Manchester maintains his Egyptian Gayles said infant deaths .J#’ (20) SAN FRANCISCO BEAT their 646 Porter St. home glass. citizenship, Sharif was anxious You don’t see all the gradual But with the CTTV, she school, the debate has been Sportcoat of 100% Fortrei Polyester. McGregor tailors it in a two button fashion Area Conference of Churches— As churches joined the con­ among blacks between 1964 and — 11:30 — Friday evening. to return to France where he stages of dress. You don’t see added, the child can see what over such questions as busing model with wide lapels and deep center vest... delegates to each of the four ference, they appointed or the bad side of a girl.” 1966 occurred at a rate roughly (3) MOVIE Paul Weidner, producing raises thoroughbred horses and the teacher is writing as she and whether there is any divisions and board members— elected delegates whose work is Omar is not dating Streisand: measurable academic progress twice that of whites. “The Count of Monte Crlsto" (1943) director of the downtown Hart­ Summer Theatre HI plays tournament bridge. His does it and as she explains what Sizes 38 to 46 Regular8...Long8...Shorts...ln Navy, White, Brown, Camel, Burgundy will gather at the Citadel of the not only to respond through the “I think I’ve only seen her once In terms of maternal mortali­ (8-40) MURDER IN THE ford professional theater, will Summer Theatre III, resident reputation as a ladies man she is doing. The child can even for,J)lack students being sent to Salvation"Army for a special group to needs in their specific since we did the last picture in ty, the situation is even worse, FIRST PERSON be special guest at the party, company at Manchester Com­ flourishes best in France as follow along at his desk. integrated schools. meeting, the first of its kind for area of conern, bu in some way 1968. Our paths don’t cross. Gayles said. Before World War SINGULAR which is being held to interest munity College, has announced well. On the college and university (20-22-30) JOHNNY CARSON area couples in subscribing to the conference. to bring the strength of their level, the debate has been over II, black death rates from that Dwight Martin of Amston Ordinarily the full conference 'own churches to the joint “No,” he said, “I do not tire maternal mortality tended to the company’s next six-play and Charles Kelly of of that reputation. I like being the affirmative action meets only once each year. On resolution of those needs. SERVING CONN. FOR SO YEARS be about double the rate of season. Manchester have been cast in an eligible bachelor. It’s not programs as a means of en­ Weidner will discuss that occasion, the festivity of suring equality of access to whites. “However,” he added, the roles of the two fathers in dinner and entertainment exhausting. Imagine how tired “since 1955, death rates among professional theater with Personal involvement has not THE CONN. INSTITUTE OF higher education for blacks. the season opener, “The Fan- mingle with the business of the one must get of being the eter­ black mothers have run about guests and outline his plans for been a problem among the Primary Issue Space begins where the tasticks” which opens June 20 year. Future-oriented business nal m arri^ man.” HAIR DESIGN four times those of white the Stage Company’s 12th at the air-conditioned MCC delegates. They are interested, There is an unmistakable But there are some blacks earth’s atmosphere (air) is season, which starts in dealing with specific topics will School of Prise Winning Students who are beginning to argue that mothers.” too thin to effect objects auditorium. take priority this evening. dedicated people who in all hauteur about Omar that plays Teaching Pivot Point International System “Host of lllnesaea” September. James Quinn directs the likelihood would acknowledge hob with womens lib. Women the question of education is a moving through it. It is Growth in understanding of (Exclusively in Northern Conn.) secondary front and that until a Health care is closely con­ Mrs. Walter Schultheis of 91 show, with musical direction by themselves to have been usually said to begin about Robert Rd. is the Manchester the conference could be a more primary issue is resolved nected with poverty and to the 100 miles above the earth. Robert E. Richardson. enriched by their experience of area chairman in the Stage valuable side effect of this Theatr* —the problem of health care persistence of racism. ' Also appearing in the cast are evening’s meeting. To par­ the conference. The second part •DAY M D PWT-TIME CLASSES “Fastened to the holds of Company’s current subscrip- of their work — not only report and delivery—the quality of Natalie Dame of Coventry, ticipate in open discussion Time Schedule American racism and pover­ I tion campaign. to their churches, but to gain education will make little im­ Talivaldls Paups and Jay April, about MACC, to study together and NIGHT CIASSES NOW FORMNC ty," Gayles said, "black X W S T A T E — active support—is not so readi­ pact on black status. MAMCHISTIB CfMTCR both of Manchester, and J.D. the constitution and bylaws will Enrollmsnl 1t| mothers at the moment of con­ 'I IRIi PARK RfAB Of THI4IBI Goodspeed Opera House ly accomplished. This involves J. N. Gayles Jr., professor of \ 1 Dunning of Rockville. state — “Blazing Saddles” Tuts, ol aysrir ception suffer from a host of il­ For an evening of (]leorge and be a new experience for MACC the long-term, more extensive chemistry at Morehouse NOW Among the memorable tunes delegates and could be their 7:15-8:49-10:23 month - Ages IS lnesses which they pass on to Ira Gerswin’s best, call the acquainting of “the person in and up — piaeo- College, Atlanta, writes in the from the show are “Try to step toward a more reaiistic Burnside — “Great Gatsby” their offspring. Goodspeed box office, 873-8668, the pew” with the larger mtnl Sarvico — current issue of “The Black Remember” and “Soon It’s identification with the con­ 7:00-9:30 Approvod lor “Malnutrition is perhaps the m a z a iG for reservations for “Lady, Be Gonna Rain.” organization to which his curch Scholar": ference as a whole. Showcase 1 — “ Butch Votonno Training, “To speak only about better most serious of these illnesses, Good!” The musical plays The musical will play has linked its efforts. Cassidy” 7:20-9:35 Social Steurlljr, nightly Monday through Friday What is the conference? And Immigration. schools for the masses of black and malnutrition has perhaps SSUaXLES Ibursday thrbugh Friday the who are the member churches Showcase 2 — “Claudine” the most widespread damaging at 8:30 p.m., Saturdays at 5 and Appllctlloni lor children is to overlook the weekends of June 20 and 27 at from which these delegates and 7:05-9:00 effects on the life of the black 9 p.m., with Wednesday 8:30 p.m. Group rates and stu­ Through the experience of July, Aug. A SapL necessity of bringing into board members come? Showcase 3 — “Survivors” Claatoa Now existence healthy children who child.” matinees at 2;30 p.m. dent rates are available. this evening of conference 7:40-9:45 Fourteen (Christian Churches business and fellowship, the Being Accaptid. will remain healthy.” Malnutrition heightens the CT'i’ii L rn rm .1 (]all 649-1683 for reservations. are presently joined in this ad­ Showcase 4 — “Thieves” STUDENT possibility of organic brain American Shakespeare conference will, hopefully, be LOANS AND Congress is holding hearings mirable endeavor to grow in 7:55-10:15 on proposals to overhaul health damage, retarded growth and 2 JOHN WAYNE Theatre strengthened in its membership Vernon Cine 1 — “ Lovin GRANTS common understanding and to and be able to move ahead in its AVAILABLE. Alao policies and the health delivery learning and vulnerability to The American Shakespeare Molly” 7:30-9:15 work study SHOWS Father’s Day work for the needs of God’s purposes. system. Advocates of the status disease. Tbeatre is currently presenting people: 3 Congregational, Vernon Cine II — “Ser- programs altar “The Roman adage that a M c Q in repertory “Twelfth Night” school with quo argue that America has the There won’t be any eiephants, Center, Second and Bolton; 3 pico” 7:15-9:30 battle is won through the full Plus but a circus theme will prevail cradlta allowad. best doctors, hospitals, and 7 Roman Catholic, Assumption, UA East 1 - “Sting” 7-9:15 FREE PARKING medical research facilities /in stomachs of its soldiers," ^THEATRES EAST at the Wadsworth AUieneum’s This printing test pattern is UA East 2 8 “Sting” 7:15-9:30 next to cinema CAMU U.S. MARSIUL St. Bartholomew, and St. part of The Herald quality con­ the world. Critics point out tjiat Gayles suggested, “should be art classes Open House on James; 2 Lutheran, Cqncordia UA East 3 ‘ Sugarland trol program in order to give MINUTES the United States ranks 12th >n replaced with a more signifi­ ,P H V L ROBERT Father’s Day, Sunday. Children and Emanuel; 2 Methodist, Express” 7:30-9:30 cant and relevant statement of NEWf4^N REDFOkp you one of the finest AWAY BY life expectancy for women, 27th from the “Art You Can Eat” Manchester Drive-In — fact: Life is won and learning is North and South,\ St. Newspapers in the nation. CAR OR BUB in life expectancy for men and and “Circus” art ciasses are Mary’s Episcopal, Salvation" “McQ” Cahill U.S. MarshaU” acquired when the stomach is Al Pacino busy making refreshments and 15th in infant mortality. m e STING Army, and Trinity Covenant 10:30 1000 MAIN 8T. Infant Deaths full and the body is nourished.” decorations inspired by cir­ Meadows — "Thomasine & Top PrIzB Mnernr Churches. They participate In Conn, loaiity School EAST It should come as no surprise The translation of that adage SERPICO cuses to amuse their families, through their delegates in the and Bushrod” 8:45; “Gordon into social policy could affect ‘‘SUOARLANO friends and visitors. HMflifnHB COniOSt HARTFORD that for blacks, such statistics planning and activity of each of War” 10:30 • are even more depressing. the health and lives of c regor (R) EXPRESS”— MG ® The public is invited to at­ Blue Hills - “Black Eye” LINDA DimiCKSEN the divisions. They share tte Says Gayles: “Whether thousands of children every plus tend, without charge, from 1 to concerns of the great communi­ 8:30; “Five Fingers of Death” Of Manchester 525-2372 defined positively (the body, year. Robert Mltehum 4 p.m. 10:30 f-M ty not only as individual Marguis Placketeer Art work including paintings, churches, but with the strength { ‘FRIEHOS OF BURNSIDE i x I l S i drawings, sculpture, lEDDIE COYLE" M.uin. (inuu •mtmm photography and constructions ( ROBERT REDFORD of every imaginabie material Shown h«ra, raady to Mrv« you on* of The pullover that’s a Pushover for “THE GREAT! created in the spring art classes ttwir w**kly specials, Is Jim and Jsan A will be on display. MoriconI 'W h o wHh mors than 25 ysars In comfort and easy care. 100% Ban- GATSBY” The Open House will be in the IN COLOR ePG the restaurant businass, cerdially invNt MON. T U E S .-9 9 0 art classes workrooms and in BOLTON LAKE HOTEL / 9P 7:00 • 0:30 yeu te Manchsatar’s nawaat and Nnast CA$E Lon Nylon, 4 button placket and in­ Mhaqf M dn - ItM MNm the Darling Room. ROUTE 44-A • BOLTON M htnMig IHIm Imir IB;SKIUT.-Nci'Til4;3<-:W restaurant. IN set pocket. Machine wash and “lOVM M o m r Movies CHEF DANTE dry...A wide variety of \ U M im / The horror fantasy films Now Sorving POINT color8...Sizes S-M-L-XL. Jack NIcholeon scheduled for this week at the ^a-Mo Mio’s Wadsworth Atheneum are: LUNCHES - DINNERS ‘Last Detail’ Thursday, “The Golem,” FOR Rj^RVATIONS, TEL 043-9731 TARE ROUTES IS • 14 (R) with Paul Wegener, who alM HELD OVER • ZndWKI directed. Silent with musical Cuisine Promptness is vital in prescription I KNCMOm ’ ^ • F e a t u n ' accompaniment (1926). George C. Scott Friday, “The Invisibaie *'The Family RegtauranV^ service. To provide at once what your “SERPICO” Man,” with Claude Rains, d xto r prescribes, we maintain a| / Oklahoma Gloria Stuart, Henry Travers, 471 Hanford Rd. Corner of McKee Street V OOC AT ALL TIMES Una O’Connor (1933). Also, TALK£ TOWN SPECIALS! supply of over 4,000 quality drugs. MON. ami FBI. M l OAYI Phone 646-7S58 “The Curse of the Demon,” L y '/ . 7 FHOWE e49-0888 with Dana Andrews and Peggy MONDAY Diru SATURDAY B P.M. to 8 P.M. 2 EG6S Any Styles \ Cummins (1957). with butttr toMrt SUNDAY 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. Saturday, “Dr. Jekyll and and Jplly i M m /C A St CINtM Af t l N Mr. Hyde,” with Frederic I-84EXIT58-8ILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. March and Miriam Hopkins MON. tmil FRi. M l DAY! p r r j • EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 5M-0010 (1931). ; ACHES OF FREE LIGHTED PARKING- Wt HenofMASTER CHARGE • FRENCH TOAST SPEaAL BUFFET MON. & TUES. 5 to 9 P.M. Over 25 Yeari of Continuous Sorvleol All films are shown at 8 p.m. (3 8LICE8), syrup, « By Popular Damaod '^BUTCH CASNDVAND^j Admission is |1. butttr and coffat. 59 Tima ij: There will also be a series of Wa Ara Bringing Book Cloefct-: THISUNOANaiflD'‘ i; movies shown during July at Our $2.95 ButM Baa Tima Clodi the Institute of Materials usmiMasr Science Auditorium of the 699 Main S t in Downtown MBtichettBr ALL YOU CAN EATI WESTOWN University of Connecticut in M MON. Oini SAT. 7:00 A.M. to oiso P.M. - ■ML CMIKt TOP tuaun ndoi “ » PHARMACY ■ ^ “C L A U D IN E l Storrs. The schedule will be an­ □ OPEN SUNDAYS 7:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. CAeeaa F r o m O var 80 V .? G See Time Clock jf? nounced at a later date in this Hot and Cold Itomal *2.95(ChUdron 12 and Undar VI Prioai. 458 Hartford Rd. Manchestfr 643-8280 903 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER column. Your Host — Mike and Claudia TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON ■YOUk COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE S T O g f open daily till 5:30 P.M., Thursday till 9 P.M. open daily till 9 P.M., Saturday till 5:30 P.M. PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., June 10. 1974 ^^.ANCHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , Manchester. Conn., Mon., June 10. 1974 — PAGE FIVE Business Bodies &VAVAV.V.V.V.V.V^*.V.».«.v Constitutional Amendments iHaitrhratpr Ewr ntng lirralJ) Lazarin is connected with Connecticut voters on Nov. 5 NEW MEMBER GETS CONTRACT the method of amending the be elected. (If the amendment Philip Savva Associates on Rt. will vote on four proposed constitution,,. The Hamilton Standard divi­ amendments to the state con­ IS approved, the General f Daniel F. Reale of Vernon 85 in Bolton. Founded Oct, J, 1881 sion of United Aircraft Corp., stitution and pamphlets • An amendment concerning Assembly then would provide has been elected to Lazarin and his wife and their forfeiture of the right to be Windsor Locks, has been explaining them have been sent the method for appointment of membership in the American child reside at 44 Columbus St. made an elector (to permit the Published by Manchester Publishing Subscribers who fail to receive their awarded the contract for the by the secretary of the state’s justices of the peace). Co., Herald Square, Manchester, Conn. newspaper by carrier daily before 5:30 Society of Notaries, a nonprofit hydrazine auxiliary propulsion office to each town clerk (in the General Assembly to prescribe by law the offenses on convic­ 06040, telephone 643-2711 (AC 203). p.m. should telephone the circulation ;; organization of persons who NEW APPOINTMENT system for the International amount of 10 per cent of tion of which a person shall lose department, 647-9^. ' hold the office of Notary Howard C. Rose has been ap­ Ultraviolet Explorer satellite registered voters). Published every evening except Sun­ : Public. ' the right to become a voter; at I About Town pointed as assistant controller by the National Aeronautics The proposals, all needing a days and holidays. Entered at the present, only a person who is a Member Audit Bureau of Circulation of United Aircraft Corp. in East and Space Administration’s majority vote for passage, are; Manchester, Conn., Post Office as Se­ voter at the time of conviction Reale, who resides at 31 Hartford. Rose succeeds C. Goddard Space Flight Center, cond Class Mail Matter. • An amendment prohibiting for certain crimes forfeits the Rainbow Trail, is the owner of William Schick, who has Greenbelt, Md. Value of the discrimination on the basis of The home life and youth com­ Burl L. Lyons, Publisher Daniel F. Reale Realtors of contract is approximately $1.3 right to vote, without any provi­ mittee of the Manchester The Manchester Publishing Co. assumed duties as vice sex (adding the word “her” to Manchester) million. sion for non-voters at the time Junior Women’s Qub will meet assumes no financial responsibility for president-finance and ad­ civil and political rights legisla­ of conviction). ministration of the cor­ The satellite will be launched tion, which already has the Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home typographical errors appearing in adver­ • An amendment concerning poration’s global marketing in late 1976 to obtain high- word “his”). of Mrs. Fred Newman, 14 Subscription Rates the elimination of the require­ tisements and other reading matter in resolution ultra-violet data on • An amendment to change Hamlin St, subsidiary, Unitd Aircraft ment that justices of the peace Payable in Advance The Manchester Evening Herald. International, Inc. the spectra of many types of One Month...... $3.25 Display advertising closing hours, \ NEW PRESIDENT astonomical objects. The Single C opy...... 15c three full days prior to publication. ; \|lonald Soares, president of Rose had been assistant divi­ hydrazine propulsion system By Carrier, W eekly...... 754 Deadline for Herald want ads, 12 noon Angle Plumbing and Heating sion controller of Pratt and will be used to maintain the I l-<^3kEDALL(SJG? Inc. o^Bolton, was recently in- Whitney Airctaft since 1971. He One Y ear...... $39.00 prior to day of publication; 12 noon pacecraft’s altitude and station , stalled as president of the Hart joined UAC’s corporate staff in in space. The propulsion unit Friday for publication Saturday and ATTENDS SEMINAR flNAlLV FomvD WH4II Six Months..,...... $19.50 ^: ford Association of Plumbing, 1962 as an internal auditor and will weigh a maximum of 117 Three M onths...... $9.75 Monday. Edward -J. Lazarin of Heating Cooling Contrac­ was transferred to the Richard Cartwright pounds, including 50 pounds of W ANTED O N l4Al{f$nSE£ti>J y tuoy MOT SAVE %lRSeLFj tors InC. Manchester recently attended Hamilton Standard division t\vo an intensive training seminar fuel, and will carry 4 five------r '■ t o r O f TROUBLE ■ ^ years later. Rose is a graduate conducted by Pioneer Western pound thrusters and 8 one- Soares, a native of East Hart­ of the University of Connecticut NEW DIRECTOR tenth-pound thrusters. OMAM//V Corp. at its Clearwater, Fla. ford, has been in plumbing and received a master’s degree xRichard T. Cartwright of The design and manufacture headquarters for represen­ SLA Members No Martyrs relate fields since 1955. in business administration from Maqchester has been promoted of the system will be done tatives offering the Balanced to director, sales promotion Program. the University of Hartford. He primarily at the Hamilton Stan­ n is a certified public accountant servibes, in the life and dard plant. Duration of the con­ It was almost inevitable that the racists trying to get something for The Balanced Program af­ ____ and a member of the National variable annuity marketing tract is 30 months. fords a purchaser the oppor­ death of six SLA members in the Los nothing for themselves which is hard­ Association of Accountants. department at Aetna Life & 1 CORRECTION tunity to buy life insurance and Angeles raid of May 17 would be Casualty. Cartwright joined the ly an act of social sipificance. shares of Pioneer Fund. It was incorrectly reported in company in 1959 at Brooklyn, Just Accept It seized upon by bleeding hearts as They lost interest in the poor and Pioneer Western is a national this column recently that DECLARES DIVIDEND N.Y. He was appointed LONDON (UPI) —- Members martrydom of a dedicated group of turned down $4 million dollars in ■ Robert Willis is the manager of financial services organization The board of directors of manager, agency department, of the Conservative party on the whose principal subsidiaries ITME Connecticut Bank & Trust’s Sage-Alien & Co. Inc. declared in 1967 and manager, life and Isle of Ely have dropp^ their young protesters and further evidence funds which the Hearst Corporation are Western Reserve Life Manchester N. Main St. office. a regular quarterly cash divi­ variable annuity marketing plans to have six Liberal voters Assuraneb.Co. and the Boston- of police brutality and oppression. had pledged if Miss Hearst were Willis was named the assistant dend of 12 cents per share department, in 1971. psychoanalysed to find out why based management company The spectrum of these have ranged returned unharmed. Even she, in her Yellow Ladies Slippers at Fred Hoher Home (Photo be Reginald Pinto) manager. Peter Sterne is the payable July 1, 1974 to public Cartwright resides at 413 they voted Clement Freud into for the Pioneer group of mutual shareholders of record of June Spring St. from the grieving father of Camilla manager of the branch. the seat held by Tories for 28 new found cause, made no effort to / funds. 17, 1974. years. ^•*3 Pf WiHi iletM OlM) Hall who guessed they felt they had to return so that the poor might be fed. / do something dramatic to Mario Their greatest consistency seemed Savio, Berkley firebrand of the to have been in getting publicity for Sixties, who was resurrected from themselves, much like the two pitiful Forum Property Owners Favor Save An Extra much deserved oblivion to give his youths who perpetrated a bank Max Lerner pontifical view of the affair and its robbery to see themselves on televi­ Postponing Firehouse impact. Praises Very Proud sion. Comments The misdirected former Berkeleyites The future of social progress is dim Singers To the editor; 3 8 %O We, the undersigned, wish to Off Our Reg. Price! who died in the police action seem to indeed if it is in the hands of this type Frank Utakis, president of Nathan Hale School, it will con­ backs the proposal with one To the editor: commend Miss Sue Foreman the Manchester Property sider action on a three-phase modification — continuation of have been long on protest and short on the juvenile bravados or their A former resident, now for the stand she took in regard Owners Association, said today proposal by Town Manager the contrart for service in the programs of any social significance. lachrymose mourners who have con­ retired and living in Hartford, I to the Memorial Day Parade the MPOA’s executive board is Robert W ^ s (pertaining to dis­ northwest afqa until a new volunteered as a guide of the and her reaction to the dis­ Nixon In the Mideast for postponing construction of a firehouse is constructed. The They made their brief gesture of vinced themselves that the SLA was trict cover^e of fire calls in Hartford Civic Festival June 5 respect she witnessed to our new firehouse for Manchester outlying areas of the town — at Board of Directors appeared extorting two million dollars from the striving to overcome the mourners when The Manchester Round flag and the day itself. NEW YORK - What Presi­ American opinion, if not world Kissinger as his god from the and for retaining, for the time a fee of $125 per call). amenable to the suggestion. opinion, is so absorbed with i d e a l Table Singers presented a most Her letter certainly helps dent of the United States was machine. being, the town’s contract with The proposal is for ter­ Utakis said another topic Hearst’s for food for the poor and that personal frustrations. Watergate that it suspects the beautiful and memorable restore faith in the youth of our saved by his secretary of state? No one can blame his for wan­ the Manchester, Eighth minating the contract as of July eliciting strong comment from program was overrun with leftists and Nixon Mideast trip is being put program. The principals were lovely city and with young peo­ If history teachers put this ting to. But can he? This District Fire Department. 1.1974 for those northeast areas the MPOA executive board was Men’s & Women’s on to upstage the main play. just great. Manchester should ple of her caliber we can look question to their students raises two major issues. He said it is the consensus of that can be serviced from the the recent announcement of have declared a holiday so that with greater hope to the future. Digital Watches someday, the answer may be; The truth is that the Israeli- One is: What does Kissinger's the Executive board that the town’s Lawton Rd. firehouse, multiple fire code violations at many more of the native folks We pray God’s rich est success in the Middle East nave Richard Nixon. What we don’t Syrian disengagement pact is status quo be maintained “until for constructing a new Bentley School. could have heard it. It was so blessing on her and her parents Our Reg. 15.97 know yet is how much salva­ not only theatrical but historic. to do with Mr. Nixon’s com­ such time as a thorough study firehouse in the Buckland area Said Utakis, “The Board of beautiful. who have every right to be very tion. How far will the saving of Watergate neither gives it its plicity or noncomplicity in the has been made of Manchester’s as soon as possible, and for ter­ Education has been made George Cohen proud of their lovely daughter. Richard Nixon by Henry importance nor detracts fom its Watergate scandals? At best it fire protection needs and how minating the contract as of July aware of these safety hazards Municipal Power System 31 Woodland St. The Friendship Circle Kissinger go? Kissineer can importance. Kissinger was not answers the familiar argument these needs coincide with the 1.1975 for the northwest section many times in the past, yet they Hartford Of the Salvation Army certainly help the President but a mere agent of the President that besieged Nixon can no present system.” of town. have consistently failed to cor­ Manchester I can he save him? in it. There were moments longer operate as chief of Tuesday night, when the At a public hearing last on the rect them. Apparently they con­ Forty-two small municipalities in have a domino-effect throughout the The Nixon version of his trip state, that he heads a paralyzed Board of Directors meets at 8 in sider salary increases for their 9.88 when he acted as agent and proposal Tuesday, District Fire New York state have municipal power state and, if it does, perhaps in other to the Middle East, in the wake principal together. But Mr. government. On its own level it Chief Granville Lingard said he administrators and establish­ of diplomacy, is that it is the is a pretty effective answer. Goldtone, silvertone or companies. They buy power through Nixon had a role in it, too, of ment of new unproven states as well. normal thing for the President Kissinger's adroit, resourceful, programs to be more important clear lucite cases. Swiss overall strategy if not of im­ movements, styles for all the New York Power Authority, which Will Massena’s action spur other to do. By that reasoning, mediate tactic, and he deserves persistent diplomacy didn't than the safety of our school Today^s Thought Kissinger was the agent but Mr. come out of either a paralyzed tastes. is required by law to give preference communities, frustrated and angry his share of the spotlight. children.” Nixon was the principal. With State Department or a News Quirks Utakis' said his executive to municipal systems. The state- about rising electric costs, to consider the agent ending the current Yet the truth is also that Mr. paralyzed Administration, board deplores the habit of Remington West Bend owned power authority operates phase of the mediation, his boss Nixon, quite understandably, bicycle riders “to ignore some Men’s Sterling Silver Initial Rings taking over utility systems and Conversational prayer is pop­ Together you make a more But at the heart of ular with young people but all of powerful assult on heaven. steps in to get his share of the wants to use the Kissinger Throws Away $960 No Filled Hearses of the prime rules of safety.” Special orders only. 2 week delivery. Flip ’n Style Self-Buttering generating stations throughout the operating them on a municipal level? applause at the footlights of Watergate, the question is not us can benefit from it. Rosalind Pray on a single subject until diplomatic triumph to help him TRIESTE, Italy (UPI) - He said, “Adults and children state, including the Moses-Saunders history. whether the Administration can SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - For instance, Massena pays $21 for Rinker’s book “Conversation the Holy Spirit brings up a new in his own Watergate ordeal. He Passersby thought it was a alike may be seen behaving in B. ■ # 1403, Reg. S29.. Dryer has waited, panting, for this function but whether the Presi­ Police advised the city’s meter Corn Popper power dam site on the St. Lawrence 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. with God” tells about it. It is one or when your hearts are at The trouble with this version publicity stunt so they ignored maids Friday that they're not such irresponsible manner on is that there is another play moment. In the old Greek and dent was involved in the almost any street in town. Even Set for drying or styling; 350 Corn IS buttered as it pops. river. Biblical, see Matt. 18:22. In con­ rest. Very Small Conver­ the woman who tossed handfuls to ticket any more hearses with C. - #1402, Reg. $33.. Plattsburg, with 18,000 people, which being enacted — a strange, Latin writings, a god rolled up wrongdoing. Mr. Nixon's trip is more unfortunate and irrespon­ watts of power. Compact, Clear view cover wilb large versational prayer be painfully sational prayer groups are best, an answer to the wrong ques­ of banknotes into the air and bodies in them. To the northeast of the dam is the buys its power from the state power honest. If you mean “I,” don’t and in His presence you will scarcely believable, tragical- in a chariot or stepped out of walked away. sible is the apparent failure of folds for travel. Reg. 9.88 butter cup. Reg. 7,99 divine cloud to rescue the tion — to that of paralysis but One such vehicle was towed say “We.” find fullness of joy. farcical, political-moral drama But a plainclothes policeman our police department in en­ town of Massena, population 14,000. It authority, and sells it through its besieged and bedeviled not that of complicity. from in front of a hospital Private personal prayer is Ruth H. Stairs called Watergate, which has who collected the 10,000-lire recently while the driver was forcing the motor vehicle laws has been served for 74 years by the municipal system, charges $9.65 for protagonist. They called it the • 16 oz. REFILLABLE CARBONA Antom o & C leopatra necessary, too, but praying Community Baptist reached the courts and will bills totaling $960 said there inside getting a death cer­ as they apply to bicycles. As we REMINGTON probably in time reach the U.S. “god from the machine.” Mr. The second issue hinges on a UPHOLSTERY SHAMPOO Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the same amount of power. together makes you bold to ask Church was no question they were real. tificate. It was quickly returned recall. Chief of Police (James) Senate sitting as a court.' Nixon clearly wants to use calculation of the future. Will Reardon stated that the law in Grenadier considered “a good company.” Early for things you dare not alone It was not known who the when the body was noticed. Niagara Mohawk, which serves 1.2 Mr. Nixon’s effort to save,his regard to bicycles would be en­ M ark III • CARBONA SPRAY SPOT REMOVER White House tenure out him woman was or why she was Cigars this year, the company installed a 7.5 million users over a 24,000 square forced. We feel that it’s about '•V into a straightjacket in his throwing the money away. Deluxe • CARBONA 1-HOUR RUG SHAMPOO Andrew Tally time he started doing so.” per cent increase and then asked for mile area, is not taking Massena’s ac­ Quote/Unquote | Mideast talks and especially in .'I Shaver another 16 per cent increase. That tion lying down. It fought the referen­ his later summit talks at YOUR Moscow? W ith Free O ur Reg. proved the irritant that set the town to dum. Now it says the $4.5 million bond Capital Fare „ i Set O f CHOICE 7 7 ^ 1.19 Each have a referendum on a $4.5 million “I was quite amazed he Replacement issue will not buy the facilities, that aid as much as he did. Mr. Nixon and Kissinger both Blades! bond issue with which it would buy the the cost, including interest, on the Eomeone in that bracket deny it, but that doesn’t end the AURORA 2-PLY BATHROOM TISSUE usually manages to shelter Kissinger Gets Things Done matter. Every national leader power company facilities and operate bonds for 30 years, will come to $8.3 more of his income.” operates under constraints 2-Pack White Owl SAVE * 1 ! ; You Pay Caldor them municipally. million. Any town that follows —Robert Brandon of Ralph when he goes off on one of those THE V alue T W O Q7 c Invincible Nader’s consumer protec­ summit adventures. I never > to 39-= PACKS W f The town voted in favor of the bond Massena’s lead will have to figure on WASHINGTON - We just all territory taken in earlier a lasting accommodation 1 Refund From Remington tion group commenting on subscribed to the provincial Cigars Sen. Edward Kennedy’s might have a pretty fair fac­ wars, and permitted Israel to between the two nations. It is issue by 3,640 to 2,180. The reason the the bitter opposition of its utility com­ argument that Kissinger should 3 1973 income tax return re­ simile of a hero of our hands in retain control of three strategic all very well to criticize Russia WHITE MOUNTAINS YOUR overwhelming vote is important is panies. vealing that almost half of Secretary of State Henry hills overlooking Syrian as a dictatorship, as Sen. Henry have stayed home and tended VACUUMBAGS 3 ’’t o r ® ^ 1 Kennedy’s income of S451,- territory. Jackson, D-Wash., is always the store at the State Depart­ FINAL that Massena’s action is expected to Kissinger. He would look awful COST 683 went to the Internal on a white charger, but he Another of Kissinger’s little- doing, but Russia exists. It ment instead of doing the daily OF Revenue Service. . brought the best mind in more noticed achievements was his won’t go away. shuttle between Jerusalem and COLD WATER WASH “Here we have a law-afidc than a decade to the State success in keeping the Russians Damascus. As for President See Clerk For Details 16 0Z. WOOLITE, Reg. 1.19 order President who refuses' Department, he’s not afraid to happy. Although Moscow took So K issinger takes the Nixon, it might do him — and NEW HAMPSHIRE pragmatic position that there’s to give the House committee Work up a sweat, and he gets no public part in the the correspondents also—some Controls Croats Shortages information which it is en­ things done. negotiations, thus permitting no use demanding that the good to get away from the SYLVANIA 50/150 3-WAY BULBS titled to under the Constitu­ Kissinger to reap all the glory, Russians liberalize their socie­ claustrophobia of Washington. tion ... a law-and-order It is, of [course, dicey to ty and allow free emigration by nominate Henry The K for a there was no evidence of dis­ Presidertt who refuses to give Jews as the price of trade and Great price! Stock up now. place alongside Talleyrand. By satisfaction by Soviet leaders. the special prosecutor infor­ disarmament agreements. To Mr. Nixon’s inevitable 47c mation that may be needed the time this comment is Indeed, Soviet Foreign Minister Reg. 74‘ ...... In a recent offering of oil and gas when the end product cannot be sold in Andrei Gromyko made the un­ Kissinger, the agreements are overeagerness for results must for a federal grand jury ... a printed the killing may have nonetheless be reckoned with. leases by the Department of the law-and-order President who'^ erupted again in the Middle usual point of praising important to the U.S. in a free market. themselves and therefore He was overeager at his first everything is here 1-GAL. WINDSHIELD WASHER Interior for tracts offshore of East says subpoenas m ust be East. Still, his accomplishment Kissinger’s efforts in the Soviet The end result of the governmental answered by everyone but press. It was the kind of praise desirable. To Kissinger, the Moscow summit to bring back in bringing the war between an agreement and get re­ Texas, bidding was considered spotty, policy of price control is to maintain himself.” Israel and Syria to an end was usually lavished only on Kremlin’s grip on its citizens is For year 'round use. an internal matter and thus a elected. The trouble was that —Sen. Robert C. Byrd, (D nothing short of remarkable, recipients of the Order of Reg. 89=^...... even though more than $1.5 billion was shortages which contribute to the W.Va.) side issue. SALT agreement was too hasty, ... but YOU ! Lenin. bid by oil companies for about half of and he’s already earned a lot of and the United States got the emergency type situation which we It’s Reconstruction all over space in the history books. Soviet satisfaction could be He is right. Aside from the 18 O Z. RALLY KIT WAX the tracts which were up for lease. again except this time there’s vitally important in the long short end of the stick. There is had during the months of the Arab oil This is good. We have needed fact that the Soviet trend is an even greater danger now of All Records By These Artists • MARIA MULDAUR • BILLY a good chance the promise a hero for a long time, even run. Kissinger appears to have Government price restrictions on toward liberalization of its Mr. Nixon’s eagerness to bring With built-in applicator. COBHAM • ARLO GUTHRIE • ROBIN TROWER • KING embargo. will be made good." though most of us are chary of emerged in Russian eyes as a — Alabama political ob­ society, we can’t expect back to the people some R eg. 1 .9 9 ...... CRIMSON • SPINNERS • QUEEN • BREAD • EAGLES natural gas was given as the reason Controls, other than the free' using the term, and Watergate diplomat capable of playing a server discussing sweep­ ^ sco w to let us interfere in its defense-plus-peace package, for the slow bidding. Oil and gas com­ made the need urgent if not im­ neutralist role to the hilt, and market, brought on the shortage of ing victories by Mack can­ internal affairs any more than saying, “See, I care about the Series E 5.98 Series F 6.98 perative. We have been up to his hard-won credibility will be AMERICAN MADE 20” 4-WAY panies are loathe to put up the kind of didates during the May the U.S. would permit the national interest and security, beef last year. Producers held cattle ears in government officials an asset on j^ace’s side when primaries. Russians to amend economic which is why I was so dis­ HEAVY DUTY RIM WRENCH money needed for bids under artificial who are corrupt____ andand petty, Israelis and Arabs meet in ______off the market since their prices were “This is our home. We are and defense accords telling us traught in those Watergate Kissinger lias proved it is still Geneva next rfionth to negotiate how to handle school buying, price controls. not planning to leave. We are transcripts.” Fits all lug nuts. below aggravated shortage. possible to do big things and f permanent peace pact, with biplomacy is aimed at agree- And it is understandable. In addition waiting now for the govern­ Reg. 3 .2 9 ...... When controls came off supplies stay clean in the doing. the U.S. and the Soviet Union » COME UP TO 15 MAJOR AnRACTIONS ------' t ment by negotiation, not by :94 3.48 3.99 ment to tell us where the new It took Kissinger a month, but handling the mediation. RESORTS • INNS » MOTELS • CAMPGROUNOS • GOLF . TENNIS • BICYCLING • CANOEING •MOUNTAIN to the vast sums of money required flowed and prices came down quickly. line is so that we know what blackmail. It might work, it might not. he finally nailed down an agree­ Looking further ahead, CLIMBING • FISHING • ANTIQUING • COVEREO BRIOGES• TOURING • REUXATION • CONVENTIONS for leasing, offshore drilling is a very to do about it.” Even if Kissinger falls a Perhaps even Mr. Nixon 3 WAYS TO CHARGE Meat is one of the products which is ment between Israel and Syria Kissinger has gained added • SPECIAL EVENTS •AMIOST THE MOST SPECTACULAR SCENERY IN THF GREAT NORTHEAST SALE; -risraeli settler during a touch short of hero status, he doesn’t quite dream It will WHITE MOUNTAIN ART S MUSIC FESTIVAL. JULY 26 AUGUST 18. JEFFERSON MANCHESTER expensive proposition. Some of the trust among Soviet leaders in down in price today. radio broadcast from the to separate their armies, even has proved he’s a sophisticated work. Whether it does or not, I llAKKtoltRmHD MON. thru WED. hew Syrian-Israeli dis­ though the agreement meant another field, that of working and brilliant diplomat. We don’t exclude the possibility FOR INFORMATION OR A FREE VACATION PLANNING KIT Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9':30 p.m. rigs take $40 to $50 thousand per day One day we may learn that the con­ out lasting agreements on engagement zone explain­ concessions by both sides. For could do worse than put our that, having had his moment of CALL TOLL FREE: 800-258 0318 f r o m a n y w h e r e IN N E a n d n . y 1145 Tolland Tpke. Saturday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. to keep them going. trol of natural economic forces does ing why he will not move example, Israel gave up all the economic and defense problems trust in a Jewish Secretary of history and moment of triumph his family despite the territory captured in the Oc­ between Washington and State whojis called “my friend OR WRITE WHITE MOUNTAINS 74, BOX 471, LANCASTER, N. H. 03584 An individual or corporation is relu- not rest in government. at the two sets of summits, possibility they may come tober war, and Syria dropped Moscow. Those agreements are and brother” by Egyptian Presi­ Richard Nixon might come NOTE MOST OF OUR GAS STATIONS ARE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ' ! ! ! I ' cant to gamble the money required under Arab authority. the key to what is hoped will be dent Anwar el-^dat. her demand that Israel return back to Washington and reslipa. <6. r

Ai3dvs oaDiw irnj PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., June 10, 1974 hUNCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon.. June 10. 1974— PAGE SEVEN Bulletin Board HEBRON Four Arts Festival Tifesday Nancy Drinkuth BOLTON The following meetings and “Jesus Christ, Super Star,” Gershwin’s on their enthusiasm and cooperation as About Town activities are planned for this Donna Holland “Rhapsody in Blue,” "Lustpiel Overture” well as their ability. She licralb week: Correspondent and “Mount of Might.” wyone who is unable to attend the Area Profile Monday: Assessor’s office Tel. 646-0375 The choi;us will perform highlights from tryoute must call either Jocelyn Soares, The WCTU will met Tuesday The housing board of hours, 1 to 7 p.m.. Town Office Bolton High School Four Arts Festival “My Fair Lady,” “The Time Is Now,” the 646-12«H^r Donna Holland, 646^5. at 10:45 a.m. in the Friendship Emanuel Lutheran Church will Building; Town Clerk’s office will be held Tuesday beginning at 7 p.m. at Chorale and Fifth Symphony and a version Room of the South United meet tonight at 7; 30 in the the high school. ° hours, 7 to 9 p.m.. Town Office She Herald of “Honor and Praise.” Bulletin Board Methodist Church. church reception room. Building. Displays will be presented by the home There will be an intermission during There will be a board meeting of both Tuesday: Board of Ad­ economics, industrial arts, art and music which time the audience may view the dis­ Memorial Fund Established Area Profile departments. old and new board members of the Bolton missions (voter, making plays and will be served refreshments. Junior Woman’s Club tonight at 8 at the session), 7 to 9 p.m.. Town Of­ ’The Bolton Band and Chorus will pre­ The public is invited to the event to home of Carol Zapadkd, 40 South Rd. A memorial fund has been established in the fice Building; Planning and sent a concert at 7:30 p.m. in the high which there is no charge. The ambulance stu(^ committee, name of Miss Colleen Rickert of Vernon who was school gym. Zoning Commission, 8 p.m.. Cheerleader Tryouts recently appointed by the selectmen, will fatally injured in an accident on Rt. 83 in Vernon, Town Office Building. The band will perform under the direc­ Tryouts for cheerleaders for the town’s hold its first meeting tonight at the Town last week. Wednesday: Town Picnic, tion of Edward Difonzo. Student band con­ midget and pony football program will be Hall at 8. Anyone wishing to donate to the fund should mail 5:30 p.m., Greyville Falls Park, Little Interest In Park Busing ductors are Robert Redden and Janet Gor­ The Public Building Commission will his check or money order to The Rockville High Flag Disposal Ceremony, 7 don. held Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at Herrick Memorial Park. meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. School Memorial Scholarship Loan Fund, in care of p.m., Hebron Green; Am­ Cindy Ponticelli is the student conductor Anyone wishing to be a cheerleader,^ The Planning Commission will meet bulance Committee, 7:30 p.m., SOUTH WINDSOR ‘Spring Thing’ for the chorus. Amanda Giglio, Diane Martin Fagan, Rockville High School, Loveland However, due to increased threats of a whether or not you attended one of the re­ Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Co. No. I Firehouse. The first graders at Eli Terry School, Hill, Vernon, Conn. 0§066. Judy Kuehnel gas shortage this summer the council in­ Forand and Robin Murdock are student cent clinics, may try out. The Zoning Commission will ntoet Thursday: Board of Correspondent tends to pursue the busing question. Smith South Windsor, will present a “Spring accompanists for the evening. Those contributing are asked to please state that LOAN Several girls from Manchester Hig Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Selectmen, 5:30 p.m.. Town Of­ Thing,” tonight at 7. ’The program will in­ their contribution is for the Rickert Memorial. Tel. 644-1364 said. The band will play selections from School will be judging. Girls will be rata fice Building; Lions Club Cir­ If there’s a gasoline shortage most of Recently Veteran’s Memorial Park has clude a variety of songs, rhythm ac­ cus, 4 and 7 p.m.. Lions the South Windsor residents questioned on been a matter of council consideration. tivities, dances, poems and a short play. Fairgrounds; Board of Educa­ a proposal to be bused to Veteran’s This year the council approved an Proceeds will benefit the Terry Bouchard Churches Plan Pre-Fair Craft'Classes tion, 8 p.m., Gilead Hill School. Mmorial Park aren’t concerned about it. expensive filtration and chlorination job to Fund and a donation to the Cancer Society Friday: Enrollment session, ’The Town Council’s recent distribution Spring Pond, located within the park, in in memory of Kurt Rennie. BOLTON named general chairman. She held June 11 at 9:30 and June 13 RATES secutive Mondays in. prepara­ 6 to 9 p.m.. Town Office of questionnaires of scores of families in Donna Holland will be assisted by Peggy Bario. at 7:30 p.m. Fifth grade students at Andover Elementary School, carrying baskets of wood chips, lay order to make swimmii^ healthier toward Winners tion for their Christmas Fair. Building; Board of Finance, 8 town, asking whether they would support a Correspondent \ Dorothy Miller will serve as out the trail to the pond in the nature area behind the school. (Herald photo by Lariviere) the end of the summer. ’The South Windsor Exchange Club has Those planning on attending a The first class will be held at 8 p.m., Town Office Building. 50 cent bus ride to the park this season, This move was the result of the council’s announced the three top winners in its re­ Tel. 646-0375 luncheon chairman and Helen work session are asked to bring p.m. June 10 in the Church Hall. Choicest Meats In Town! Saturday: Spaghetti Supper, resulted in only a 12 per cent return of the health committee recommendation for a cent raffle ticket drawing for the benefit Plans are under way for the Swartz will be knitwear chair­ cloth cutting scissors, paper Mrs. Oran Kelly will teach sponsored by the Pilgrim polling papers, and out of these, only 35 new clorination system be put into effect annual United Methodist man. cutting scissors, sandpaper for SLASHED of the club’s $500 scholarship fund. paper toiling and Mrs. Robert Fellowship, 5:30 p.m.. First per cent favored the idea. in the park. The $350 first prize gift certificate went Church fair which will be held Anyone interested in metal, Vi inch, 1 inch or 2 inch Lathrop will teach flower Congregational Church. ; TUES. ONLY SPECIAL!; Under the proposal, two buses would run ’The council recently raised its par­ to Dorothy Barton of Ellington; a second Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. developing a part^ular portion paint brushes. making at this class. on home mqnovement loans. Andover StudentsWork Sunday: Co. No. 3 Volunteer Fresh “Waybesf’ For the month of June throughout town and carry people to the ticipation prices to the park, increasing prize $100 certificate to Bobbie Bynes of at the church. of the fair is asked to call Mrs. St. George’s Subsequent classes will include Fire Department paper drive, park daily, for a fee of 50 cents per ride. family membership from $6 to $10 per Coventry and a $50 third prize certificate The theme of this year’s fair Dolleris. Christmas ornaments, Christ­ noon, Amstbn area of town. St. George’s Episcopal Watch for Manchester ’The Town Council cost for the two buses season; daily admission for residents to Ray Holcombe of South Windsor. is “Harvest to Holly.” The first two work meetings Church, Bolton, will begin once mas wreaths, quilting, bas On Nature Study Area would have been $65 each — or $130— and from 10 cents to 25 cents; daily entrance The club’s scholarship will be awarded Carol Dolleris has been to prepare for the fair will be a week craft classes on con- relief decopage, rafia, :CHICKENLEGS...... 69«R Office Opening Mayor Robert Smith said the council fee for non-residents from 50 cents to $1 to a local high school graduate interested macrame, jewelry, and Planning Board would never have made money on the and the individual season price from $2.50 in a technical education. ’The award is woodworking. For further in­ move, and never intended to. to $5. formation contact crafts’ chair­ • CHICKEN BREASTS ... 89« S Fiist Federal San^igs ANDOVER able to take a brochure from The children are also working Meets Tonight expected to be announced at the next East Hartford, Glastonbury, Rockville, I e T the “little school house.’’ These on the outdoor classroom, cut­ Mayor Smith sees the reason for the Swimming lessons remain at $2 per regular meeting of the club on Tuesday. man, Mrs. Oran' Kelly. Ellen Lariviere COVENTRY defeat of the proposal — which is still un­ School Hockey Rejected Vernon and South Windsor. season. Correspondent brochures correspond with the ting small stumps and brush Friends The Christmas Fair will be labels on the trail to give the from the area. The classroom is Monica Shea der study by the council—is that residents Last year the park counted over 20,000 held Dec. 7. Chairmen for the • HIGHLAND PARK MARKET • 742-9117 ’The South Windsor Friends for Music would be paid a salary. Katner children a basic background of equipped with several rustic The Planning and Zoning feel it would not be a convenience. persons ovgr the 10-week summer season COLUMBIA during her lifetime to her fair are Mrs. Alan Broadhead A 317 Hig:hland St., Manchester—Phone 646-4277 5 Students from the Andover will hold its annual meeting tonight in the Commission will meet tonight “Some people think they would have to and councilmen feel this figure will jump Virginia Carlson added there would be transpor­ profession, her community and and Mrs. David Wampold. the various trees and plants. benches which will make it a high school, Nevers Rd. at 8. The program Elementary School are busy at 7:30 in the Board Room of walk too far to a bus, plus when you go to a higher this year, especially since the gas­ Correspondent tation fees, referee fees and ice her church, according to a working on the school’s nature Chamberlain Lane was most enjoyable place to hold will include the induction of new officers. classes as the end of the school the Town Hall. park there are things you carry with you— oline situation will keep people closer to Tel. 228-9224 time fees. letter from Albert Hadigian, areas. The children involved named for and dedicated to The public is invited. year becomes increasingly At 8 there will be a public things you wouldn’t necessarily want to home. The request for Windham Edmondson said Katner was church clerk. are from the fifth grade classes Mrs. Doris Chamberlain, retired principal of the Andover warmer. hearing on the proposed carry on a bus,” said the mayor. High School to back formation concerned about the hours of It is hoped the award can be of Mrs. Corene Jones, director Elementary School. The arboretum located in changes to the zoning of a hockey club has apparently ice time. It was his feeling this given to an eighth grade of the project; Mrs. Ann Favorites Save Over 25% back of the school is also regulations. been turn^ down since school would cause a problem as far as student, or students, who best Sandberg, and David Caron. Right now the children are equipped with benches and has These changes would deal officials feel there are other transporting some students and exemplify high moral stan­ For Dad... o n Our Regular Prices on working on the trail which leads several picnic tables. Plans for with home occupations and rear priorities right now. some would be eliminated from dards, academic achievement The hature area include to the pond. They have carried finishing the arboretum include lots. Supt. Ciarenqe Edmondson the program. and service to their church, Chamberlain Lane, the outdoor la^ge baskets of wood chips to Students Run Town For Day As a matter of priority, Casual and Cool an herb garden and labeling of The commission will be told the Board of Education he said Hadigian. The committee, classroom, the trail to the pond, lay the trail for others to follow. Men’s Striped plants, trees, rocks and shrubs. voting on the adoption of the had discussed the possibility of Katner feels Windham is in cooperation with Porter Nylon & Cotton and the Arboretum. These COVENTRY Zoning Board of Appeals The bookkeeper was Cinty forming^ a hockey program at lacking in girls’ sports and if School, will select the recipient, Students are keeping count Bird houses and a bird feeding Inland Wetlands regulations. was Pat Carl and the laborers Crew Neck nature areas are located on a Monica Shea members were Barbara Allen, Penardo. Tree Warden was Windham with Windham School any money is available for new or recipients, for the award, Short Sleeve each day of how many baskets station will be built and located The commission will also were Pattie Kingsbury, Cindy tract of land behind the school, Correspondent Liz Gallegos, Ken Gray and Donald Carlson. Superintendent Norman programs he would encourage which it is hoped, can be es­ of chips they have put on the in the area. receive updated reports on the Goble and Nancy Clark. Sportknits owned by the town and entitled Tel. 742-9495 Cathy Lavoie. Fire Marshals were Herb Ketner. the board to provide more girls’ tablished as an annual award. trail. They try to beat the total Coventry Development Corp. Secretaries were Barbara Shirts “The School Tract.’’ Coventry High School Chesters, Betty Savoie and Parents had recently sports at this time. Galaxy of stripes for the previous day and some The nature trails are named and the request of frank Registrars of voters were Clark, Lori Videtta and Sheryl students recently took part in in fine cotton. S to XL. Chamberlain Lane is the only compete with friends or with by the students themselves. The Hastings to connect his two Nedda Beauregard, Shawn Kel­ Debbie Ridzon. Caisse. appeared before the local Memorial Award Reg. 5.99 Student Government Day. Foreman at the town garage area which is completed. It is a themselves to beat previous children have tentatively buildings on Lake St. ly, Carol LaCombe and Diane school board seeking help in the A request by the Social The students were elected nature trail adjacent to the records. When the trail is com­ decided to call the trail to the It is possible that the com­ Sinclair. matter, citing the fact that Concerns Committee of the ADVERTISEMENT - town office building on which pond “Mallard Meadow Trail.’’ mission will make a decision on and appointed to positions on Columbia has an excellent Congregational Church to spon­ BURRITT BANK pleted they will know just how Members of the Conservation trees, flowering plants and Andover is one of the few the request of Jack Bynes of the various boards and com- hockey program, all teams sor an eighth grade graduation HAS SUMMER GIFTS! many baskets of wood chips it Commission were Paul other items of interest have schools in the state to have such South St. to convert a building misions and received first-hand have their own equipment and award in memory of the late Fondue set$ and handy took. Cavasino, Glenn Miller, Jim been numbered and labeled for an extensive outdoor nature on his property to a dental of­ experience into the problems Delegates Chosen parents transport the children Edith Haver will go the the beverage kits available now for identification purposes. The wood chips were donated area. Other schools with the fice. and frustrations governing a Valvo and Greg Weiner. to the hockey rink. Board of Education personnel depositors at “The Big B.” The commission will discuss municipality. Edmondson indicated Dr. Reg. to the school by the town after same interest will be visiting Town clerks were Duphne policies sub-committee to be Reward your savings with top 3.49 As the students enter the cleanup of the December Andover schools nature areas in the realignment of Lake St. and The students spent the day in Kjellquist and Debbie Cooper. For Boys’ State Katner felt if the Windham discussed at the next meeting. ‘ interest rates and top gifts from Chamberlain Lane they are ice storm. the near future. the sale of town-owned property the Town Hall and the town’s Tax collectors were 'Tim board took the hockey program The award is to be known as the money place — the cute lit­ fMuted florals, pastel checks I on upper Oak Grove. schools. Frankland, Lillian Peck, Helen The participants are Brian under its jurisdiction it would the Edith Haver Memorial tle red bank building opposite in coat styles and half| Nedda Beauregard and Gary (X)VENTRY Dorman and Jane Desrosier. Carlson and Gordon Phillips of be responsible for the financial Award and is being offered in Cumberland Farms in Hebron Polyester Til', placket fronts. Ardel was co-chairman of the The Green-Chobot/ Coventry High School, and aspects. He said the coach recognition of the dedicated Center. Open daily 10:30 - 6:00; Student Government Day Com­ Building officers were Keith Richardson Post, American Doubleknit Peter Reynolds and George would be under contract and services Miss Haver extended Thurs. nights ’til 8:00. 228-9471. mittee and organized the event Palmer and David Wright. Legion in cooperation with the Ladies’ Revenue Sharing Cut Discussed Gianopoulos III of E.O. Smith Lions Club of Coventry and as a case study for their Chief of police was Carolyn High School. Walk Shorts Modern Problems Class. Mansfield and the Coventry Blue Denim BOLTON Due to the fact that the town Finance; several finance board Tank Service, was stopped last Bechtold. Police officers were iStretch knit solid linen tones. 32 to 42.1 Students acting as Town Rotary Clubs, have announced The 1974 Boys' State program Donna Holland has already obligated itself to members; John Smythe, chair­ week as he dumpted septic tank Mike Baboval and Cindy Council members were A1 the final selection of four boys will be held at the U.S. Coast Jeans Correspondent the library, revenue sharing man of the Library Board; pumping in back of"fthe town Galligan. Canine control officer Cahill, Tom Cororan, Gary to attend the American Legions Guard Academy, New London CofC To Hear Caldwell funds are being cut and because Douglas Cheney, chairman of garage pn Notch Rd. was Holgate Dean. Reg. 8.99 Tel. 646-0375 Covey, Bob Elwell, John Boys State Program. from June 16 to June 22. The expected shortage in bids for the library have not yet the Public Building Commis­ Tremano was first seen by a SOUTH WINDSOR He has also been a member of Lacasse, Frank Salvatore, Kissane, Bill Malon and Curtis The purpose of the program is been sent Out so W is not known sion; and Alan Wiedie, Bolton resident as he dumped the Hartford Area Economist Mark Rolls, Tomas Howe and revenue sharing funds that the Reynolds. to provide leadership oppor­ Judy Kuehnel town will be receiving and the how they will M m e in, town architect for Mankey the pumpings on the comer of group, the Greater Hartford Edward Vannie. Board of Education members About Town tunities for, boys; to provide a Uorre.s|iomlenl proposed new town library counsel is researching the en­ Associates who drew plans for Clark Rd. and West St. IVI. 644-1364 Council on Economic Education tire matter. were Sue Bohr, Priscilla Hutt, laboratory of practical political Open House You Gotta) were discussed at the last the library. A call was put into Calvin Dr. Edwin L. Caldwell, vice and the Planning and Priorities The group present at the George Jacobson, Dave Kay, science; to present a Committee of the Greater Hart­ The Avery Heights Water Believe Selectmen’s meeting. As the library project stands Hutchinson who called the resi­ The incoming and, outgoing Theodore Ventura is chairman president and economist of the Selectmen’s meeting felt that Beth Mohan, Bev 'Olsen and ... stimulating, functional ford Community Council. Association will hold open Those present at the meeting now the full architect’s fee will dent state trooper and went to of the program. There will be a Connecticut Bank and Trust Kris Werhle. executive boards of the League citizenship program and to por­ house of their facilities at the wanted all townspeople to be the Public Building Commis­ be $23,500. If the library project the scene to take pictures. business meeting at 8 p.m. Company, will be the guest Scouts The superintendent of schools of Women Votprs will meet tray democracy in action. Pump House on Benedict Dr., aware of the anticipated short­ sion should go ahead with the is stopped before bids are sent While taking pictures Hutchin­ speaker at the full membership Cub Scop,ts Pack 226, South M en’s was Kimm Haddad. Town tonight at 7:30 in the Chamber The four boys selected are Avery Heights, South Windsor, age. bidding as soon as town counsel out the fee would be $17,625. son received a second call from Memorial Temple Pythian of the South Windsor Chamber Windsor, recently graduated Over-the-calf has reviewed them. managers were Tim Zufel and of Commefc^ board room, 257 those who, in the judgment of 3 to 6 p.m., Sunday, June 16. Fashion Jeans, in Western | Bolton’s amount for the fifth If the project goes out to bid a different Bolton resident that Sisters will meet 'Tuesday at 8 of Commerce June 18, at the two boys, Edward Vannie and Hose $125 Gary Ardel. E. Center St. the high school principals or Representatives of the Boy cuts and flares. entitlement period will be $26,- The PBC is expected to send and is then stopped the Tremano was dumping pump­ p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. Lounge, Sullivan Ave. at 7:30 Thomas Howe, from the cubs to Board of Tax Review their committees, will benefit association will be on hand to 158. The town had anticipated bids out at its next meeting, architect’s fee would be based ings in back of the town gar­ John Keegan and Mrs. Irene p.m. the Webelos at a meeting at the Solids, fancies, scheduled for June 11. members were Mike Briggs, "nie Rockville Emblem Club from an experience in practical give information concerning •- O’C' argyles. 10 -13. receiving $60,188. The decrease on a percentage of the lowest age on Notch Rd. Vincek are on the refreshment Dr. Caldwell, who has been Eli Terry School. The group also felt that if the Glenn Ferguson, Joe will celebrate its 47th anniver­ government operation and will the newly completed auxiliary Nylon or Cotton is due to data change. bid received, believed to be 10 Hutchinson called the resi­ committee. There will be a associated with the bank since Cub Scout Master Gorden present plans are interrupted McLaughlin, Greg Sanbj)m aiu^ sary Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. be able to pass on their fellow well. All members and their The total amount Bolton has per cent. dent trooper again to report the social hour after the meeting. 1965, received his PH.D. in Rolls announced that Bill Footlots 59'-89' for any reason a stand-by secon­ Bob Warden. with a potluck at the Elks Home students in the coming year families are invit,ed to inspect ,e- received s^^ far from the State Senator Dave Odegard, alleged offense.. Trooper Dave economics at Harvard Univer­ Worthen has been appointed dary project for using revenue on Park St., Rockville. Mrs. some of the concepts and values the 'area. A .. avC’ revenue sharing program is upon request of the selectmen, Toomey arrived at the scene at sity. ! Webelos co-ordinator for the sharing funds should be ready of a democratic government. Get Award $120,707. Bolton will receive is presently checking into the the same time as Hutchinson. Dr. Caldwell has been Algonquin District. Worthen is for presentation to the Mrs. Roberta Reeves, direc­ $15,047 for the final quarter of possibility of the town receiving Hutchinson also called associated with the Labor Com­ also program director for the. townspeople in order to save tor of the South Windsor the fourth entitlement period state grant funding for the Theodore Wilifred of the State missioner’s Economic Advisory Long River Council Cub Scout the funds the town has so far library. Recreation Department Com­ Save Over and $26,158 for the fifth entitle­ Department of Health. Council, a director of the Day Camp. munity Chorus, has received Super received. Opinions varied as to the ment period making the total The alleged violator was Coventry Girl Senate Page Connecticut State Chamber of Awards and badges presented the Distinguished Service Off Our Reg. Low Prices received $161,912. The town counsel is also possibility of this as revenue .Special!. ordered by Hutchinson to clean Qommerce and a member of at the meeting went to Edward Award from WRCH for researching the revenue sharing funds have been The amount Bo'lton will up both places. The cleanup will the research and industrial Lacassee, Scott Cersosimo, “outstanding contributions to sharing matter. When the town designated for the project. It Lisa has a pedigreed Morgan She also does a lot of trail ) H e c k ^ receive for the sixth and be done under Hutchinson’s COVENTRY nolly, town planner, discussed committee of the New England David Older, Mark Scerry, the progress, welfare and civic Ladies’ seventh entitlement periods is counsel finishes his research was not known if both fundings horse named Top Most .riding on a motorcycle. supervision. / Monica Shea with Taylor the various ways in Council. Steven Gabatz, Leonard betterment of the community.” fear unknown at this time. the group attending the could be used for the same The area in back of the town Smocks, Selectmen’s meeting would like / Gorrespondenl Discuss Polljitiun which the town is trying to m Bolton residents at a Town project. garage has been covered with , Tel. 742-9495 Town officials m^t recently solve the individual pollution Shifts and Meeting in February approved to meet again. sand. ^ / Those at the meeting were: Sepiic Tank Dumpings ' with Robert Taylor of the problems in the lake area and construction of a new town JoseplI^Tremano, Ridgewood The dumpings lefpat the cor­ Lisa Diane Holloran, Department of Environmental the work of the lake committee. Poly blends, DifSters library for not more than $271,- selectmen; Aloysius Ahearn, ner of Clqrk R d ^ d WcSt St. chairman of the Board of Trail, Coventry, owner and daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Protection and Robert Smith, Town officials have agreed to GIVE DAD A CHAIR rhodias in a choice 000. operator of Tremano’s Septic must be remo'fea. / Halloran Sr., has been ap­ staff engineer, to discuss the supply Taylor with additional pattern assort­ Reg. 4.99 Ea. pointed to be a Senate Page. status of the outstanding abate­ data, and staff members from for FATHER’S DAY ment. Miss Halloran is attending ment order against the town his department have been in­ Your Choice Coventry High School and has from the state. vited to come to Coventry to Men’s Pocket Famous Importer attended Coventry schools Rose Fowler, chairman of the review data that has been com­ SUN. JUNE 16 h t Taxpayers Quiz Rham’s QOC since fifth grade. council; Richard Breault, coun­ piled by the sanitarian and the Styli Shown, A Quality Built / Polo Ladies’ Straw She and her family were cilman and chairman of the lake committee. Laathar Look, Vinyl Raclinar $10995 Nancy Drinkuth residents of Hebron before that. Lake Rehabilitation Study Com­ In several weeks, tottn of­ ' Shirts Handbags Lisa is an honor student at the mittee; Allen Sandberg, ^town ficials expect to have further Correspondent Mulligan suggested that the budget of inquiries shoul^'Jje taken as criticism of high school and takes honor’s in manager; Sondra Stave, chair­ discussions with Taylor after \\ Each Tel. 2283970 the central office become a part of the individual m ^ b e rs of the COC. When the math and English. She has also the data has been reviewed by Some members of the Taxpayers Rham budget. However, he was told that man of the Planning and Zoning questioning/was concluded everyone was been active in sports by playing Commission; and Frank Con­ his department. Association attended a recent meeting of if this was done the superintendent’s office still on fa k in g terms and hard feelings Buyer's Choice of fabrics for the Rham Central Office Committee on the girls’ soccer, volleyball, casual Summer wear. would then become a function of the had b e ^ avoided. and track tean^s. Scoop (COC). Andrew Mulligan, spokesman for regional system and that is not the inten­ Many prints, polka Other Business Lisa works part time as tour C o m the group, brought a list of 27 questions tion of the original compact. Receives ^Scholarship b e d dots, solids. Sizes S, Hard and soft straws . . . truly ^ other business the members of the guide at the Captain Nathan cotton, every concerning the operation of the COC to the The compact, the agreement made by M, Land 10 to 18. bags full of fashion! Great for ev­ meeting. 5C approved a monthly payment Hale Homestead and has done wanted color. eryday or travel. You’ll recognize the four Boards of Education (Rham, schedule for each board’s share of the this for two years, S-XL. Chairman Rod McFarland answered all COVENTRY V dent Council, a member of the the tag. Hebron, Andover and Marlborough) was budget next year. Last year the payments of Mulligan’s questions in detail. The Lisa heard a radio announce­ Monica Shia National Honor Society, stu­ set up to provide the services of the/ to the COC were made quarterly and this Lisa Diane Holloran major concern expressed by the ment which caused) her to apply Anne Aronson, da^hter-of dent representative to the superintendent for each board. It was r plan was criticized by the Finance Board Bikini ^ h o n g Sandals imported Ladies’ Sandals Taxpayers Association in the lack of a for a position as Senate Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Aronson Board of Education and an out­ set up to provide a regional superintenck... because it allowed too much mney to sit public hearing for the COC portion of each She sent in an application Lovelight which she is in the of Barnsbee Lane, has been standing athlete. Anne has also What a Great Value! Our Reg. 4.99 for the non-regionalized elementary idle in the COC account. budget. Mulligan was told of the com­ schools. / along with pictures and letters process of breaking. awarded a National Honor received the Youth Citizenship Under the new monthly arrangements of recommendations and her Lisa lives with her parents Award given by the Soroptimist Padded sole for Huge selection of mittee’s plan to give townspeople of Mulligan asked for copies of /Several Society Scholarship. ^vinyl and canvas the office will have a much smaller sur­ report cards to Washington. and brother Bruce on N. Schooi Club of Willimantic for her out­ Choose From Over 25 Styles! extra comfort. Hebron, Andover and Marlborough a COC documents including the This sch^rship is given to Ssandals, 5 to 10. plus of cash on hand at the end of any Lisa will serve in Washington Hd. in a 1749 house that standing contributions to socie­ Choose white or chance to discuss this portion of the superintendent’s contract. was told outstandini young adults in the given month and the towns will have from July 1 to Oct. 31 and will originally stood in Gay City. ty, her concept of patriotism Stylos and Jdark brown. 5 to 10. budget at a regular Board of Education that the group, similar to tm Boards of Honor Socrety by the National meeting each February. access to the money for a longer period. attend the Capitol Page School. The Hallorans took the house Association of Secondary and for working toward a more Fabrics Galaro, Education, did not provide^pies of such Finally, the committee approved two She will go to school from 6:15 effective cooperation in her Once the public has had the chance to documents. 7 apart and moved it to Coventry School’s principals. Pricod From 3 W AYS TO CHARGE groups of policies and received two more a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and will then in 1967 and started to rebuild home, school, community and respond to the budget in this way the He was further told tljat he could copy Two hundred scholarships of a marLOW MANCHESTER SALE MON. thru WED. for consideration at the next meeting. report to the clockroom of the the house in 1969. The family nation. rNTOWN MAltrSTREET, MANCHESTER representatives of that board who serve on $1,000 are awarded each year BWIKAlltROIID Mon. thru FrI. 10 a.m. to 9:30 pjn. the papers himself or/ a copy would be They also received copies of a revised Senate for duty. Anne plans to attend the PHONE 649-5221 the COC will be able to carry comments made at his organization’s expense. was able to move in February throughout the country. This Stiturday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. compact with a few minor changes. The Liia will be working with of 1972. Lisa helped to rebuild University of Massachusetts in OPEN 6 DAYS - THURSDAY NIGHTS 111 9:00 P.M. 1145 Tolland Tpke. back to the next COC meeting where the At the outset of the questioning lyiulligan year there were 12,000 ’ 76.62 compact changes'will also be voted at the Senator Thomas Weicker while the fall; she will major in Evmything for Fsmily S Homa Sfnea 1911 final budget figure will be set. had made the statement that none of his the house and also works in the applicants for the awards. next meeting. she is in Washington. family garden. Anne is president of the Stu­ physical education. • Chanw Cards r

I PAGE EIGHT - MANCHEStER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., June 10, 1974 ^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., June 10. 1974- PAGE NINE Melia-Infantino ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES Halapin New Principal I College \ Marie G. Infantine of Hart- I Grads ford and John J. Melia Jr. of Of Elementary School Get your Stop & Shopswoith wtt^ Manchester, were united in S h e H e m t i i marriage June 8 at St. Luke’s Area Profile \ ' Church, Hartford. ANDOVER clude a BS degree from Dan- Tashua Elementary School in The birde is the daughter of Ellen Lariviere buiy State College in4966, MS Trumbull. Mr. and Mrs. Saivatore Infan­ Correspondent degree from the University of Chicken Barbecue tine of Hartford. The Tel. 742-9117 Bridgeport in 1969, and his sixth bridegroom is the son of Mr. The Andover Volunteer Fire The Andover Board of Educa­ year certificate from the Department will hold a Chicken and Mrs. John J. Meiia Sr. of tion met in executive session University of Bridgeport in 166 Cushman Dr. Barbecue on Saturday, June 22, Starts Monday, June 10 - Saturday, Juna 15 Friday evening and voted un­ 1971. from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Andover allpwedc spetials ■Hie Rev. Wiiliam McCarthy • bias tape animously in favor of hiring All of his teaching experience Firehouse. All Stop& Shop stores open every morning at 8:00 A.M. of St. Luke’s Church and the John J. Halapin as the new prin­ has been in the Trumbuli school Menu will include half of soutadia Rev. Alphonse Labieniec of St. cipal of the Andover Elemen­ system. He taught sixth grade • Seam tape Mary’s Church, celebrated the chicken, potato saiad, cole • Iron on tary School. English at Middlebrook Junior slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, somi binding • bias seam high Mass and performed the Halapin presently resides in High in 1966 and 1967. He was a double-ring ceremony. Mrs. horhemade desserts, and • floxMaco binding Newtown, He is married to the reading teacher for seventh and beverages. • middy braid Stop & Shop Stop & Shop Our name (HI the label Therese Terris of Hartford was former Gail Krosky, and the eighth grades at Hillcrest seam binding organist and Mrs. Judy Linden Chief chef for the event will • rayon bom couple has three children, Junior High 1967-69, and a be John Hutchinson. Tickets of Wethersfield was soloist. • twill taps guarantees you top q u ality., Allison, 7, Melissa 5, and reading consultant for facbig 1 lb. Coffee The bride, given in marriage are |3 for adults, fl.SO for • honi facing Peanut Butter Timothy, 3. Halapin is a native Kindergarten through Grade 6 • baby rick ALL GRINDS — 1 LB. CAN CHUNKY OR CREAMY andyoups^less! by her father, wore a gown of children under 12. Proceeds • rich rack \WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASE of Connecticut and has lived in at Edison School from 1969 to rack Good Hon., Juno 10 - Sat., June 15 - Limll one pkj. per customer. ivory silk organza designed will benefit the Andover Fire • Jumbo rick Nowadays it makes more sense than the Trumbull area all of his life. 1972. • loop braid with Empire bodice re­ Department. rack ever to get acquainted with our Stop & Halapin will begin his duties Halapin is presently serving embroidered with Alencon lace, For tickets contact Joe Stop&Shop-*pk|: as principal on July 1. His as the supervising ad­ Cumerford at 742-7843 or JoAnn Shop Brand. For it offers you a sure way mandarin collar, short sleeves, ministrative assistant at the listed above are Just a few of the different kinds and A-line skirt with controlled educational qualifications in­ Armstrong at 228-9032. „ to lower food costs without sacrificing quality. fullness term inating in a of Wrights'* famous sewing trims that we stock Our name on the label guarantees you top Buttermilk Biscuits chapel-length train. She wore a quality and you pay lessi That’s getting your matching mantilla with in all colors at all timesi ELIZABETH A. GRAM 28 oz. Jar Stop & Shopsworth. ^ cathedral-length veil edged Club Launches Membership Drive 67 Bemon Rd. with lace. She carried a bouquet we have every little thing! Bolton of white roses, stephanotis and BFA degree The club also holds several baby’s breath. TOLLAND (cum laude) social events which include ten­ Wednesday: Board of Educa­ li^s. Kevin Callahan of East "where a Windham College Vivian Kenneson nis, bridge, a bowling league, tion, 7:30 p.m.. Education Ad­ 2 lb. Welch’s Hartford was maid of honor>- ministration Buiiding; dollar's Putney, Vt. Sunsweet Del Monte Stop & Shop Bigm iii!-]^eed‘ Bridesmaids were Miss Dianne Correspondent . luncheons, fashion shows, and Tel. 875-4704 Republican Town Committee, 8 worth a WHOLE M. Melia of Manchester, the i;: an annuai auction. KERNEL The club meets from p.m.. Administration Building. th e niirocla of mamstf’c^ | dollarl" Grape Jelly Prune Juice Corn bridegroom’s sister; Mrs. The Tolland Junior Woman’s Thursday: Board of Deacons, downtown manchester^ 48 oz.-Soda savijigs on health Michael Infantino of Hartford, « -4 ' » September to May on the third Ciub has iaunched its annuai Tuesday of the month. For 8 p.m., United Congregational the bride’s sister-in-law; Mrs. membership drive. Church. Paul Infantino of North Dart­ more information or an applica­ OR and beauty aids. Appiications are availabie for mouth, Mass., the bride’s tion contact Mrs. Carl Salina, V ‘ -t M y women between the ages of 18 sister-in-law; and Mrs. Paul membership chairman, at 875- CREAM == and 40. vj 8198. 2 lb. JJ j i . Barry of East Providence, R.I. Summer Day Session Jar They wore sleeveless gowns of The ciub, founded nine years Cooperative Nursery STYLE hot pink over taffeta fashioned Tolland Cooperative Nursery 2 Terms All Events ago, is non-profit, non­ 32 C^col with Empire waist, wedding sectarian, non-partisan, and af- School still has openings Undergraduate and Graduate Courses CORN ring collars, and puckered Arts and Sciences fiiiated with an international available for the 1974-75 ses­ Assorted Flavors bodice with matching chiffon Mrs. John J. Melia Jr. organization. Its purpose is to sion. Children must be four Education Music Art m i cape. The honor attendant wore years old by Dec. 31. Business and Public Administration bring young women together in ter i::a a headpiece of pink sweetheart Manchester, was his brother’s Hidden Valley Club in Rocky an organization where they can For further information call Register 1st Term June 17 to 21 roses and the bridesmaids wore best man. Ushers were Michael Hiil, after which the couple left use their energies and abilities 872-0334 or 872-2829. Telephone 2nd Term June 24 to July 26 ‘^Quality-Protected^^ Beef Naturally Aged For Tenderness I Camelot headpieces with silk il­ Infantino of Hartford, the on a trip to Italy, Greece and to benefit themselves and their registrations wiil be accepted. 9 am to 8 pm Monday thru Friday Sicily. lusion veils. bride’s brother; Paui Infantino community by providing civic, Community Calendar Miss Sandra Infantino of of North Dartmouth, Mass., the Mrs. Melia is empioyed by cultural, educational and social SUMMER DAY SESSION the Teamster’s Union Local 559 Monday: Business meeting, 8 Body All DeodorantQQ' North Dartmouth, Mass., the bride’s brother; Stephen J. development. 1st Term June 24 to July 26 2nd Term July 29 to August 30 stock the bathroom cabinet. Mini-priced* ^ w office in Newington. Mr. Melia p.m.. United Congregational bride’s niece, was flower girl. Schuithess of Enfield; and Church. For course listings in all fields^ call or write for 1974 Summer Session Bulletin Oven Ready Her dress was similar to those will enter graduate study at the P e te r M. M e tiv ie r of The club is comprised of ten Tuesday: Senior Citizens Call for appointment to register in advance 4th-7th Ribs worn by the other attendants University of Hartford in working committees: Conser­ Manchester. Salvatore A. In­ luncheon, 1 p.m., Tolland High Auerbach Hall, Room 228 UN IVER SITY C O LLEG E Phone 243-4387 Tame Creme Rinse m RQ except without a cape. She wore September. He is employed as a fantino of North Dartmouth, vation, education, fine arts, School; Tolland Newcomers REG., WITH LEMON OR WITH BODY w W a headband of roses and Mass., the bride’s nephew, was ■ police officer by the home life, hostess, 200 Bloomfield Ave. UNIVERSITY of HARTFORD West Hartford. Conn. Rib Roast banquet, 8 p/m ., United miniature carnations. Manchester Police Depart­ Parking at No Charge For your free Parking Sticker please bring car registration. Stop & Shop "Quality-Protected" Beef means that your dinner will be tender, ring bearer. membership, program, public Congregational^hurch. Stephen C. Melia of A reception was held at ment. affairs, and ways and means. juicy and delicious. Natural aging is the reason we can guarantee a Clairol Herbal ShampooQQ items offered for sale not OILY OR NORMAL — 12 oz. PLASTIC BOTTLE W W Some of the club’s ac­ uniformity of tenderness and ^ available in case lots or complishments inciude library to other retail dealers flavor, week after week. “Quality-Protected” or wholesalers. displays, and story hours, Th o m a s CROSBY D||| Ctool# 43 Church St. niU OluRIV Beet BONE IN Intensive Care LoDon J Q preschool screening to detect VASELINE BRAND — 6 oz. PLASTIC B O TTL E ™ w Cooperative Teaching hearing and "lazy eye” dif­ BS degree S to ^ jo p ficulties, a $500 scholarship to a Ashland Q>llege Oven Ready Rib|oast *11? Tolland High School graduate, Ashland, Ohio Medicated Skin Cream RQ Parents Night Program sponsorship of a girls’ basket­ STOP & SHOP — 16 oz. CONTAINER W W ball team, safety programs, Delmonico Steak-Boneless Rib Eye *2?? RHAM DISTRICT “It is hoped that the greater insight to understand­ adoption of a women’s hall at Anne Em t cooperative interdiscipiinary ing children’s needs and Mansfield State Training Baby Powder 4 9 teaching aproach will give problems,” he said. School, “Meet your Candidate” Correspondent Keep cool this summer. Get your Stop & Shopsworth. Tel. 228-3971 programs, and many others. r^resR Sale at ShpeflSilu^l Parents of incoming seventh OPENING graders at Rham High School SPECIAL! Petroleum Jelly QQ will have an opportunity this 5 DAYS ONLY STOP & SHOP — 16 oz. CONTAINER W W evening to review the new Tuesday, June 11 cooperative teaching program Thru 4” 8x10 for seventh graders next year S e a r s Adorn Hair Spray and to meet the teachers. The Saturdey, June 15 PMEor REGULAR, HARD-TO-HOLD OR ■ ^ special Parents Night has been Lean, delicious chops cut from tender, young, gov’t scheduled for 7:30 at the high BARNWOOD inspected pork and trimmed of extra fat and bone. . . school. ::.rxxi.l! T-ri Cepacol Mouthwash QQ The eight teachers involved 32 oz. Bottle. Stock up at this mini-price®. ^ ^ in the program wili work in two FRAME Blade Cut Pork Chops 88? lb . cores, each consisting of a Anacin -100 Count QQ ianguage arts, science, math A low mini-price® on a great national brand. W W and social studies teacher. OVER 6,000 Each core of teachers wiil be Countrystyle Pork Ribs 88? responsible for approximately Hand carved wooden picture Ultra-Brite fiO ' 100 students. framea. All firet quality, All hand Great for B-B-Q. I lb. BUV 2 TUBES AT THE PRICE OF 1 W W l In a recent presentation of rubbed finishee. Boneless Pork Loin Cutlets the program to the regionai 7 RIB ygC LOIN board, Glen Frank, assistant -■.H’.lJ! . I !?a Pork Loin Roast PORTION ih P O R T IO N Fib. Gillette Tree II Blades QQ* principai, stressed how a MILTON G. JENSEN JR. 9 COUNT PACKAGE W W student’s interests, abiiities West St. t l Mini-PiicenQuichiEwiiiiMtel and need are more likeiy to be Bolton discovered when he is taught by BA degree floods from our oson^ifdhns. Easy meals from Weaver! four teachers working closely Hartwick College BeiYoursiopAsnoDswertti together. Oneonta, N.Y. Our chefs do the cooking, while you take the compliments! Frank also pointed out how ChickenTurnovers»:*P Prince Spaghetti Sauce meat or mushroom 69° Chicken Croquettes 24 or package *13< cooperative teaching can more Keebier Oid Fashioned Cookies 2 Pkgs. 99* readiiy identify student Chicken AuGratin 2 lb package fibs OATMEAL OR SUGAR 13 oz. OR CHOCOLATE CHIP 11 oz. abilities but at the same time 2 lb. Potato Salad 89 ! Stop & Shop Stewed Tomatoes Mini-priced.® A iB o z.y-| 2 ^ Cans do away with iabeling students I College Notes I Chicken Pie lb. package $is s Stop & Shop Sliced Carrots u.s. g r a d e "a - in straight ability grouping. In Ham and Cheese Sub Sandwich ~ 69' 4 89° addition, the program wili af­ I I Mlnn»riced Sell Service DeiT /Stop & Shop Instant Coffee president s blend 10 oz. $149 ja iv . ; ■ Jar ' ford much greater opportunity Prilit Roigtino b o n u s c o n t a in e r OR CUCUMBER "\ Nancy E. Litke, daughter of r i U l l U C I f l l l l l u 7 oz. FREE! At the regular price of 13 oz. A |U Stop & Shop Pickles: Kosher Dills SLICES 26 OZ. JAR 49° for directed activities and extra V' i#. Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Litke Armour Star Hot Dogs A 14V. oz. $1 help. •4/ ...... 13.50 >6.50 > t AVAILABLE IN STORES WITH A SERVICE DELI Stop & Shop Dog Food CHOICE OF 6 varieties of 995 Tolland Tpke. received a OR BEEF FRANKS ' Cans ' The eight teachers who are Sun Glory Beef Flavored Dog Food a .■■■■■17.50 6 . 5 0 i'-- BA degree at commencement $159 1 POUND PKG. involved in the program have exercises at Elmira (N.Y.) "Quality- I Mini-priced* Stop & Shop Dog Food; Patties or Burgers aiready been working voluntari- ...... 20.00 9.50‘'7 College. A graduate of Protected" 1 1" 89’ iy on the program and will con­ Fully Cooked Roast Beef I 11b. ------1 Manchester High School, she OR WHITE GEM ROASTED TURKEY BREAST Oscar Mayer Wieners B pk, tinue to do so throughout the 'M 81 Minl-Prtcoif Dairy spociaiT ...... 2 3 . 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 L' was president of Thespis, the 1 summer. It is expected that ______: Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon * ** dramatic society at the college, DeliclousI SMALL OR funds from the curriculum ac­ ...... 30.00 15.00 '^1 lb. and starred in the production of Honey Glazed Imported Ham Oscar Mayer Smokle Links VVg' LARGE CURD tivities fund will be used to Hood’s Cottage Cheese 16oz.Cont. “The Effect of Gamma Raye on Buddig Sliced Meats 2p\?,89‘ cover summer work. an 8 ”x l 0 ” portrait of your child in ...... 35.00 17.50^'! SERMAH WI Delicious low calorie favorite. Mini-priced*. Man in the Moon Marigolds. STYLE lb. I BEEF, CHICKEN. COHNED BEEF, HAM. TURKEY OR PaV rAMI 59’ The teachers are tentatively Bologna' Liverwurst ’ir:? :59° Salami She was also assistant director planning for a possible varia­ of the play “Firebugs.” H MiiiFPrteed Frozen Food B o ^ Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheese tion of the length of the basic LIVING COLOR EXTRi^SHARP OR SHARP 10 oz. PKG. studies classes (no bell ringing) 99’ William F. Bloking of 33 m m TEXAS M and establishing a set back time Family 8 10 Color Portrait 2 lb. Entrees Stop & Shop Cinnamon Rolls *pk‘J;29° Bring $ »49 Richmond Dr. receiv^ a BS 16 OZ. C Q t for the seventh graders. Beef patties & mushroom, beef rr*M Kraft Maxi Cup Margarine SPECIAL! degree (magna cum laude) 2 lb. CbM. The eight teachers involved All The patties & onion, veal parmiglan, Pkg. ' T his Week SIlllIHE from the University of South _ Stop & Shop Finnish Swiss Slices “piS;59° in the program are: Eleanor Children Hbiieydews sliced turkey or Salisbury steak. 99‘ Only Carolina May 11. Willey and Diane Webb, i iSIME PRICE Stop & Shop Yogurt 6 DELICIOUS FLAVORS 4S,S»1 Engiish; Wayne Moshier and $ q . 8 8 Lionel G.Jean Jr. of 117B Birds Eye Orange Juice Stop & Shop Premium Margarine Anne Bellavance, science; • No appointment necessary Sycamore Lane, received a BS Top with Stop & Shop 100% Frank Newman and Robert 100'% Florida M eoi. $ 1 Stop & Shop American Cheese Slices whmte’oT yTllow ’AS? 89° Children with parents, grandparents, adult couples. • Additional prints available at degree June 7 from Rhode natural vanilla Ice cream for a Reme, math; and Ernest Orange Juice. C l cwi Mom and Dad. Limit one speclel per family. reasonable prices Bring your Car, Truck or Trallor — Doalors Invited Island College, in Providence, delightful dinner time dessert. Nocerino and Robert Hanover, 8 l Mini-Priced Bakery specian • Limit: One per child, Two per family R.I. ■ Sara Lee Coffee Rings n°g' 89‘ social studies. ALMOND, BLUEBERRY, RASPBERRY OR MAPLE CRUNCH STOP & SHOP In addition, seventh graders • Ages: Four weeks through fourteen yean MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED m 11 oz. Thomas J. Danyliw, son of Sun Glory French Fries 5ib. ba6 $izb will be taught by subject matter Flavored English Muffins Pkg. ol 8 • Groups at gi.25 each additional child Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Danyliw of specialists in foreign language, Calif. Sunkist Oranges 10»98" Roman Cheese Ravioli Cheddar cheese,bacon flavored, blueberry flavoredorcinnamon raisin. 43 Forest St., received his BA art, music, personal consumer degree (magna cum laude) Roman 4-Pack Cheese Pizza 2 p*k^° *1 SLICED WHITE 4 1 C ecology, industrial arts and ^^Shop Your Neorcftt Soars Store" H Minl-PriC60lorSavino8 I l ! Mia^Piicee F ittiiiieciait ~ | from St. Michael’s College in Big Daisy Bread 24 oz. LOAF H f l physical education. Stop & Shop Meat Lasagna ^kg *1** Winooski Park, Vt, Stop & Shop Apple Pie 'A?-65° .In summarizing the* new Sears Daily: 10 AM to 1 PM .. 2 PM to 5 PM . . 6 PM to 8 PM A b a tn '0 A p p le Sllcod Boot Livor 69° Friod Clams’>*1^ Taste O’Sea Haddock Fillets '*p^ 99° prograin, Frank said the school Saturday: 10 AM to 1 PM . . 2 PM to 4:30 PM ' Rosemary Chadwick, FROZEN — SKINNED & DEVEINED FROZEN I Kitchen Window Bread Dough 75* Stop & Shop Coconut Cake ; AMERICAN ORIGINAL BRAND is continuaiiy “exploring new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3 PACK 32 01. PKG. 2 ” p r 4 5 * CURE Daisy Donuts S g‘’e" o'^ ' '‘ methods to heip us understand West Hartfon1 Hours: Dally 9:30 A.M. to 8 P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Kenneth Chadwick of 688 Armnur Star Racon 99’ 1 Hendrie’s Juice Cups-9 Pack 89° ART GALLERIES SLICED — 1 LB. PACKAGE, Singleton Shrimp Cocktail * °* Banana Tea Bread, date nut or cranberry bread 2 *1 children and have a greater WEST HARTFORD MANCHESTER MIDDLETOWN Center St., was among the awareness of the assets and • • Stop & Shop Caraway Rye Bread IB OZ. OQs graduates to receive degrees Cooked Haddock Fillets^*fJ§z°EN®“ C * 1 ’ * 100% Natural Ice Cream'1” LobI skills of the children. NAUGATUCK VALLEY MALL May 27 at Stonehyi College, Maid Rite Veal Steaks 99‘. Cooked Flounder 1B0Z.S1 MANCHESTER PARKADE-MANCHESTER FROZEN — CHOPPED Si CUBED Shop & Shop— AssL Flavors — W Qal. Carton. .Stop & Shop Natural Health Bread 3 LbtVM < Easton, Mass. STO PS SHOP in-MANCHESTER 263 M iddleTum piteW est-EAST HARTFORD 830 SiherlanB. 8:00a.m.-l(k00p.m.,Mon.-SaL \ u PAGE TEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., Jun^ 10, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon., June 10, 1974- PAGE ELEVEN VFW Post Conducts About Town Center Church Women Lions Aid Retarded Joint Installation Woman to Woman Ins.tall New Officers M*v.v.wKv.rS;%K:;;KiS;55 Mansfield Training School The local club recently Edward M. Stickney of 53 Heneghan. Installing officers has recently dedicated another;, ^ j-eceived a letter of thaidcs from The religious education board interested in singing four-part Hansen Dr., Vernon, and Mrs. for the auxiliary were Mrs. Lions Unit, sponsored a grateful recipient of glasses. of Second Congregational barbershop harmony. ’Thomas Heneghan of 132 Bolton Varney, state guard; Mrs. Mrs. Norine Nelson of 24 By Patricia McCormack, and athletic areas. So-called ronnpefieiit l.inno Pink v Church will meet tonight at 7:30 Bryan Dr. was elected and in­ ners of the mouth. Long or prise as we view it....” Connecticut Lions Qub St. recently were installed as Mary LeDuc, past national NEW YORK (UPI) - grubby attire may be worn in the church parlor. stalled as president of the bushy sideburns are not The new unit, called Lions commander and president, councilwoman; and Mrs. What happens to young men only in the immediate living ’The school without hippies I About Town | Stanley Circle of South women’s group of Center acceptable. Hair must be Hall II, is for the blind respectively, of the VFW Post Eugene Freeman, past district Edgar Circle of South United and women who go to a un­ areas of residence halls and United Methodist Church will Congregational Church styled so that it does not or miniskirts really works. retarded. and Auxiliary in joint president. Methodist (Siurch will meet at iversity that has a tough T he Kiwanis Club of have its annual picnic 'Tuesday "Tuesday at its annual meeting at informal outdoor ac­ cover the ears and must be Riots never made this scene ceremonies at the VFW Home. "The newly installed officers Susannah Wesley House of the The Manchester Lions sup­ Manchester, Inc. will meet at 3 p.m. at the summer cottage at the church. She succeeds dress code, an honor tivities but mot in dining above the collar in the back. when other schools were in Other post officers installed will assume their duties after church "Tuesday noon to go to port of the Connecticut Lions Tuesday noon at the of Mrs. Glenden Dunlap at Lake Mrs,, Anne Flynn. system, won’t tolerate areas. turmoil. are Vytau Chemerka, senior the three-day state convention Glastonbury Country Club for Spirtual Training Eye Research Foundation has Manchester Country Club. Atty. "The poup also voted at the promiscuous acts, and in­ — For women: Dresses, vice commander; Raymond » starting July 15. Hayward. Oaks said the spiritual made the new hall for 18 men­ William McCullough of the its annual luncheon. meeting to change its name sists students get by without Students even help to raise Raddatz, junior vice com­ A buffet supper was served sweaters, blouses with dimension makes the un­ tally retarded people, who also Department of Consumer from Women’s Fellowship to money for the school on oc­ mander; Hugh Hayden, by members of the auxiliary. Manchester Chapter, coffee, tea, alcohol oi\^ skirts, culottes, slacks or iversity unique. suffer the handicap of Protection will be guest Center Church Women. New of­ casion. chaplain; Albino Whipple, adju­ Guests included Mayor and SPEBSQSA, will meet tonight smoking? modest pant suits, not to in­ “The principles of our sightlessness, possible. speaker. tant and surgeon; Nicholas fices and a new structure have Mrs. John Thompson, State at 7:30 at the Teen Center WEDDWG They’re well prepared for clude levis, are the only Code of Honor are an in- Tsapataris, quartermaster; been implemented to better ’The secret, if you want to Comptroller Nathan Annex of the Manchester life. acceptable women’s wear te^al part of both lesson Thomas Moran, judge ad­ Agostinelli, State Cmdr. David Recreation Center. The meet the needs and interests of Brigham Young Universi­ for attendance at classes. call it that, isn’t really vocate ; Frank Wohlgemuth, (joldenbloom. Bill McMillian, PHOTOGRAPHY the women. objectives and evaluation in secret. It involves two old- meeting is open to all area men ty in Provo, Utah, has been Women’s hemlines are to be every class in the Univer­ guard; Edward Dupre, ’Thomas who is national assistant Betty Simpson was worship fashioned qualities that CALL proving that training since it of modest length. Formal sity,” he said. Heneghan and Joseph Tamayo, sargeant-at-arms, and Mrs. leader for the service of seem out of tune with con­ trustees. celebration and installation. was founded in 1875 as wear ... does not include “Thus, a student who is . Jennie Corson, president of the temporary permissiveness: 7 Other auxiliary officers in­ Third District. WILL BANNARD Other officers elected and in­ Brigham Young Academy. lowcut necklines or dishonest in the pursuit of m a m e stalled are Mrs. Vytau stalled are CHaudia Markstein, President Brigham Young, strapless gowns. Strict discipline; high stan­ The newly installed com­ studies, such as by cheating dards. Chemerka, senior vice presi­ mander, a Manchester native, GLOBE 742-6067 vice president; Lena Hill, head of the Church of Jesus — For men: Slacks, on an examination or dent; Mrs. Margaret Zikus, florist & Greenhouses is a graduate of Hartford Public to N t bMirtiful color secretary; Margaret Grzyb, CJhrist of Latter-day Saints policed cottons or levis plagiarizing in the prepara­ junior vice president; Mrs. treasurer; Nona McCann, High School and is employed at Travel Service ■amplM In your homo. at that time, told Head­ with sweaters, sport shirts, tion of a paper, may receive Raymond Raddatz, chaplain; T material ajde; Anna Brown, Pratt and Whitney Division of 555 MAIN STREET I master Karl G. h^eser: ties, sport coats and blazers a failing grade for the entire Mrs. Joseph Liegl, secretary; United Aircraft Corp. Color Portrolto takon auditor; Helen Elliott, Lena “I want you to remember VITAMIN Mrs. Theresa Varney, 643-2165 are acceptable for class. examination, paper or "The newly installed president in tiM homo, or tlw atudlo. Hill and Marjorie Bradley, that you ought not to teach Beards are not acceptable. treasurer; Mrs. Muriel Grover, is a native of Hartford and a representatives to Church course. HEADQUARTERS even the alphabet or the Mustaches are not en­ LARq$Sr RZTAIL GROWERS IN MANCHESTER conductress; Mrs. Eugene graduate of Weaver High I Authorized agent in Manchester I Women United; Irene “Such a dishonest ace Liggett Parkade for all Airlines. Railroads and BANNARD PHOTOS Bowers, guard; Mrs. Edward multiplication tables couraged, but if worn should Low Prices! School, Hartford. She is Steamship Lines. Bengston, representative to compromises the whole Cad MaiKhostoff 643-9559 Stickney, trustee. employed at Clow Corp., East Wail SL, CovorBy Girl Scouts; and Ann Louise without the spirit of God.” be trimmed above the cor­ nature of the learning enter­ 621 HARTFORD ROAD. MANCHESTER Also, Mrs. Cary Crane, Hartford. Smith, Christy Bale, Lynn Mrs. Norine Nelson ’The private school with patriotic instructor; Mrs. Nelson, Joyce Young, h^rgaret 25,(X)0 students is the largest Bowers, historian; Mrs. Metheny, Rena Miller, Jean church-related university in Elizabeth Lewis, banner Thienes, Dorothy 6oe, A potluck was served beforp the meeting. Hostesses were the nation. In an interview, bearer; Joseph Theriault, flag Catherine Jack, members-at- Dr. Dallin H. Oaks, BYU bearer; Mrs. Esther Gaudette, Marjorie Bradley, Rena Miller, Oldsters, Youngsters Join In Picnic Fun large. president, said students — Mrs. Helen Bogue, Mrs. Committee Chairmen in-\ Catherine Jack and Dorothy Edward Zitkus, and Mrs Getting (3oe. young people — want stalled are Terri Clendaniel, Clients of the “Workshop Without Walls” at Lincoln the young people to perform various services including Margaret Mulvey, color publicity; Rebecca Frank and \ During the service, the, guidance and a spiritual base for life. Center, from left, Anita Russell and Connie Schultz, serve housework, lawn care, shopping, etc. Picnic culminated bearers. Harriet Hiller, worship; Jane Sacred Dance Group par­ Going to a Prom. ticipated in a series of inter­ their guests at the organization’s picnic Thursday in the most of the workshop’s activities for the season. Mrs. Installing officers for the Curtis and Kay Jlendrickson, “From the beginning as post, all past post commanders, pretations under the direction recreation area of the Coranado Apartments. Mrs. Gerri Kelley is one of the supervisors of the workshop our customers say: “we have program; Beatrice Carroll, Brigham Young Academy,” Florence Brooks, at right, and Mrs. Bell Turkington, both were Edward Dupre, state food service; Dolores Swallow of Priscilla Baxter. Other he said, “the philosophy of programs. (Herald photo by Pinto) of St. James St., are among the senior citizens who employ youth activities chairman; and Carol Cheney, hospitality; membejrs of the group are thi5.school has affirm ^ that Cary Crane and Thomas Carol Doi|raghue, property; VirginiaxCoulter, Anne Flynn, Wilma Joyner, Elaine Law, th e development of The LOWEST FORMAL WEAR C^ol Seavey, cheer; Gertrude character is as important as Bengston, special projects; Roberta Afacaro, Constance Santoro, and Shirley Stager. any other academic Recreation Department Free Vision^ Hearing Mrs. Nelson and Claudia endeavor on campus.” RENTAL PRKES IN l»NN.” Markstein, bazaar; Elizabeth Walter Grzyb; pianist, accom­ ^^.v.-.v.v.v.v.v ...... Marx and Anne Flynn, panied a trio composed of Bar­ Trains Individual Screening Clinic Set “to d a y ’s newest styles...yesterday’s prices” bara Pitkin, Edna Woodbury The school is committed This summer the Summer Pottery making for nominating; and Eleanor Cole, missions. and Edwin Sage. to “concentrate on the Activities in Manchester beginners, Thursday, 1:30 to training, self-discipline, and (SAM) program in conjunction 3:30 p.m. Participants will Registration is now being Many children have been ALL OUR FORMAL WEAR IS IN ST0CK...TRY IT ON. conduct of the individual.” with the Manchester Recrea­ receive instruction in forming accepted at the Manchester scheduled for testing by the tion Department will offer pots from clay. The items Public Health Nursing Associa­ Oaks is a former professor school for rescreening as a of law at the University of classes for teen-agers at the produced unlike ceramics, are tion (MPHNA) for the Vision result of the new school en­ OLD NEW , West Side Rec, 110 Cedar St. primitive. Only handbuilf and Hearing Screening Clinic to PRICE PRICE Chicago and executive trance testing program, and Select from thaae atylea... from July 1 to August 26. pieces will be done. Par­ be conducted Wednesday and parents of younger children are I director of the American Registration is now being taken ticipants may make items from "Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon at urged to call for an appoint­ Champagne % Prince M/P* $30. Bar Association. by mail. Participants are en­ slabs, coils, cobblestone clay Temple Beth Sholom, 400 E. ment soon. Powder Blue *A Prince M/P* $30. BYU’s dress and couraged to send in their maii and other techniques. Included Middle Tpke. All preschool Additional volunteers are Burgundy Chevron M/P* $30. grooming standards include registration along with their in the fee are paint, firings, and children from three to five also needed for registration. Navy Chevron M/P* $30. the following: class fee now in order to insure clay. Participants can expect to years of age are invited. Anyone interested is invited to Brown Brocade $30. — Modesty in dress is a themselves a place in the make at least three items. "They call the MPHNA office. All test White Brocade Prince summer classes. should bring the following $26. \quality of mind and heart, "This screening program is in­ results are sent to the child’s Black y* Prince $26. bom of respect for oneself, Classes are as follows; supplies to class — a cleaning tended to identify and refer physician for his permanent Ceramics, Monday and tool, three different sizes of Yellow Brocade Tom Jones $26. oW’s fellow men, and the children with hearing loss or vi­ health record and to the school Royal Blue Tom Jones , Tuesday, 1:30 to 3;30 p.m. Both glaze brushes, elephant ear ' sion problems. As a child learns if the child is enrolled. $24. Creator of us all. White Tom Jones —• classes are for beginners in sponge, sandpaper sponge, and about his world, his eyes and $24. We^ve Named The Baby -4^ Modesty reflects an at­ ceramics. Participants must several large plastic garbage ears provide the means to do Black Tom Jones $24. titude of humility, decency bring with them their own bags. this, but knowing only what he White Pin Stripe D.B. $24. and propriety. greenware, three glaze Mail registration must be Black Double Breasted 30% to 50% off experiences, the child cannot $24. — ’The attire and grooming 5 „V..... brushes, three stain brushes, a received by June 21. Courses identify problems for himself. Paullo, Jordan Maiihew, son of Ronald D. and Brenda Hegner of both men and wonien cleaning tool, a sandpaper not receiving registration by 10 ChurchWomen Early detection with proper Paullo of 227 Lake St., Vernon. He was bom June 1 at Manchester should always be neat and sponge and an elephant ear or more people will be canceled diagnosis and treatment can To Hear Talk All the above tuxedo rental prices Include: Jacket. Flare Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. CTyde sponge, all of which are and other classes will be sub­ Grange Master clean. SiiiMs are to be worn often prevent a permanent loss Slacks, Ruffle Shirt, Bow Tie, Cummerbund, Cuff Links Paullo of Bridgevllle, Pa. He has a sister, Christa, 2V4. in public (campus areas (no avaiiable at any ceramic stituted. Address registration of hearing or vision. Correction By Rev. Reed Miss Charlotte Hutchins of Shoes optional: Patents $5.00... studio. There is a class fee of $7 to SAM Program, in care of of such a problem frequently bare feet). $horts are accep­ Manchester was elected master Buckles $5.00...Regulars $3.00... King, Jeremy Paul, son of Donald P. and Deborah Watkinson ^ semi-qnnual sale The Rev. Betsy Reed, for nine weeks which includes Bea Sheftel, 41 Center St., results in better school work *Matching Pants table wear oply in the living of East Central Pomona King of Staffordville. He was bom May 31 at Manch^ter use of all class paints, all Manchester. Adults wishing to and improved social minister of Christian education Grange. at the United Congregational OTHER COMPLETE TUXEDO RENTALS from $7.50 Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. an d w s. \ firings, and special techniques. take any classes will be ad­ relationships, the MPHNA John Watkinson of Staffordville. His paternal grandmo^er is Pieces must not exceed 12 in­ mitted only if there is room. Other officers elected are; E. Church of Tolland, will be guest exampla: famous lounge sleepwear says. Mrs. Anna May King of 257 Tolland "Tpke. / Newcomers ches in height or 8 inches in Registration for the SAM Marshall Noble of East Hart­ speaker at the annual assembly WHITE CONTINENTAL DINNER JACKET, SLACKS, PLEATED SHIRT TIE ford, overseer; *Mrs. John of Manchester Church Women width. Participants may choose Fair is also being taken. Booth Parents should realize, CUMMERBUND, STUDS, CUFF LINKS ...... $ ? M Gay, William J. son of Donald R. and Claudette Ruel Gay of To Present Monday or "Tuesday to take Schoell, Manchester, lecturer; however, that this is only a United Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at fee is $5 with no commission Mountain Spring Rd., Tolland. He was bom May 28 at Rockville their class. John Waterhouse, Glastonbury, screening clinic. Some children St. Bartholomew’s Church. DON’T BELIEVE THESE PRICES? Award \ NYLON TRICOT SLEEPWEAR charged. Teen-agers m&y share deneral Hospital. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 3 .9 9 to 1 5 .9 9 DUSTERS, FLOATS Multi crafts and rug hooking, a booth. "The fair will be held steward; William MacMurtry, will not test because they are The annual event will include STOP IN TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! 5.99 to 15.99 Wilfred Gay of Deltona, Fla. He has two sisters, Cathy Lynn and Manchester Newcomers Club Wednesday, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. July 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in East Hartford, assistant tired, or too young, or react to the election and installation of Gossard, Komar and MORE most wanted For patio or vacation travell Our best known Linda Lee. will present the “Newcomer of Fee is ?7 for nine weeks and in­ Center Park. All Connecticut steward; Miss Linda Schaefer, strangers. These will be officers and the reading of an­ 2 Locations To Serve You! Uie Year” award at ite annual labels! Mini gowns, baby dolls, pajamas, short brands of polyester and cotton shifts and cludes materials used in the craftsmen, professional and East Hartford, lady assistant retested at a later date before nual reports. Baby-sitting will Choinaki, Jessica Lynn, daughter of Alan E. and Laura Fusco installation banquet JQne 12 at course. Projects include hobbiests, are welcome to steward; Mrs. Richard G. being reffered to a physician. be provided, and refreshments and long gowns. Matching coats. Single and dusters with pretty pocket appliques. Long, Choinski of 101 South St., Rockville. She was bom May 28 at Willie’s Steak House. 'The event decoupage, tissue craft, papier enter. "Those wishing to enter Williams, Glastonbury, Colds can also interfere with will be served. Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparent are Mr. will open at 7 p.m. with a social double layers...some with embroidery trim, flowing floats. Caftans of acetate and nylon or mache, seed pictures, wall the fair in competition for rib­ chaplain. the hearing test and these The Rev. Mrs. Reed, who will REGAL MEN'S SHSP and Mrs. Ralph Fusco of Enfield. Her paternal grandparents are time, and dinner will be served voile In floral prints. Nylon tricot long or short hangings, bread dough art, and bon awards may drop off their Also, Mrs. Gertrude Haven of children may bq retested before install the new slate of officers, some with satin accents. PLUS...speclal Van •THE COMPLETE MEN S STORE ’ Mr. and Mrs. Zigmond (^oinski of Warehouse Point. She has a at 7:45. latch rug hooking. The latch entries at the West Side Rec, Coventry, treasurer; Frank W. being referred. is president of the Greater robes, and MOREI SIz m 7 to 15, 8 to 18, P-S- sister, Nicole Marie. This award is presented to a Raalte group of shift gowns with lace, ribbon or work material per participant Monday to Wednesday from Ruff, Glastonbury, secretary; Rockville Unit of Church member who has made an^ out­ M-L. Big selection In/newest summer colors. will include enough materials 1:30 to 4 p.m., the week of July Adolph Gremann, Columbia, At the spring clinic last year, Women United. A graduate of MAIN iplaza embroidery trim. Sizes 32-40. 99 children received vision tests re ;-lo ry daughter of Capt. Richard and Linda standing contribution to the to make a pillow. Polyester 8. Judging will be on Thursday, gatekeeper; Mrs. Rita Bethany College and Yale . Plenkos, Tracy Lynn, Reg. $9 to $30. / and 123 were tested for hearing. club during the year. Fashion colors. Reg. $6. tcTlS. y stuffing and backing as well as July 11. All categoriM of art Schaefer, East Hartford, Divinity School, she is the wife MANCHESTER Doggart Pienkos of Vestavia Hills, Ala. She was born May 28 in Of these vision tests four w6fe VERNON Birmington, Ala. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. The Newcomers Club will a hook must be puchased by the and crafts are includ^. Entries Ceres; Mrs. Joseph Boardman, of the Rev. Lyman Reed, assis- also have its annual Beer and (MinONBliWSLaPilllEIIR 3.99 to 8.99 student and brought into class. will be on exhibit at the SAM East Hartford, Pomona; Mrs. referred and 15 retested at a tant pastor of Union 643-2478 872-0S38 .Robert Doggart of Ripley Hill, Coventry. Her paternal grand­ 0YDOUS 3.99 to 5.99 MON. thru SAT. 9:30 to 5:30 Bar-B-Q June 21 at Williams booth at the fair./ Roberta James, Windsor, smaller October clinic. Of those Congregational Church ■'of MON. thru FRI. 10:00 to 9:00 parents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Henkos of Bristol, Her retested at that time, four •great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doggart of 81 West Park, Glastonbury, starting at By Barbizon and Van Raaltel In cool, no-Iro Flora; William Miller, Coven­ Rockville. "The have one son. 'V THURS.'TIL 9:00 SAT.'TILS:30 Famous label no-lroh sleepwear In delicate try, executive committee failed for a total of eight . St., Manchester, and Mrs. Paul Willnaiier of Brewster St., Coven­ 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served Blendaire batiste or polyester and cottoh prints, soft pastel solldsi Coat and gown sets, member for three years. referrals. Of the 123 hearing try. at 8. blends...ln colorful embroidery eyelet with lace Installation of officers will be tests, four failed and were baby dolls^ mini gowns, I6ng gowns, pajamas. Our Servicemen conducted Sept. 14 at Hillstown referred; nine retests resulted or lace with ribbon beading. Many stylesi Many Lace anc^mbroldery trims. Many refreshing Grange Hall, East Hartford. in one additional referral for a cool summer pastel colors. Sizes P-S-M-L. total of five. Reward your graduate SAVE colors, styles. Sizes 32-40, P-S-M-L. Reg. $6 to Reg. $7 to $9. $15. // with the supreme gift. NOW! Cub Scout Marine Cpl. Paul F. Smith, Sombric, 57 Talcott Ave., News son of Garnet P. Smith of Your hTattor Chargo Walcoma On A handsome Michaels watch Rockville, is assigned to the 1st All Freaxar Ordara Bailey Rd., Andover, was Calvary Division, Ft. Hood, with its famous 3-year guarantee D&L Lingerie, All Eight Stores promoted to his present rank Texas. He is a tank commander This is the Cub Scout Pack 98 at Buckley while serving with the 2nd in Headquarters Company, 1st does it beautifully. School recently held its May Marine Aircraft Wing at the Battalion of the Division’s 8th season for pack meeting at which time its Marine Corps Air Station at Armour. His wife, Donna, lives WESTERN BEEF Webelo members conducted the Cherry Point, N.C. in Copperas Cove, Texas. BLACK Arrow of Light ceremony. TUE8. WED, SAT. ■ Marine Rfc. Edward T. TOLLAND Afterwards Webelos and their CARPENTER ANTS Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. SUN. 9 - 6 parents had an opportunity to TURNPIKE THURS. FRI. 9-9 n h w in n In addition to being Lawrence Parlin of Rt. 2, MANCHESTER speak with representatives unsightiy and unsanitary, Conklin Rd., Rockville, SUNDAY 9 -6 from local Boy Scout troops. CLOSED MON. III hr ySiack Ants excavate graduated from Radio Operator Alpha Della extensive gaiieries in wood 7 r School. He received instruction OPEN SUNDAY 9 - 6 to serve as nesting pieces in the operation and Members At I k M u h . . . Webelo advancements were awarded to Michael Buonano, and may cause extensive maintenance of field radio SPECIALS fUES. AWED. ONLY damage to your hotne. equipment. Riley serves with Annual Meet 65 DIFFERENT STYLES Jeff Bergeron, Sean Gallup, FOR MEN AND WOMEN Kevin Kean, Richard Mikoleit, 7 the 8th Communication Bat­ Thirteen members of talion at the Marine Corps ALWAYS $55 TO $840 Philip Carpenter and Michael A Manchester’s Gamma Chapter, Base, Camp Lejeune, N.C. CENTER CUT f o r GRADUATION McBryde. Alpha Delta Kappa, an inter­ WHOLE BEEF $44 TO $682 national honorary sorority for Marine Pfc. Avery A. CHUCK STEAK Silver arrows were awarded ,e women teachers, attended the TENDERLOINS Choose bracelet watches to Curtis Howard, Donald D L l u u McColloch Jr., son of Mr. and annual convention of the OR strap watches, sports or Mrs. Gilbert M. Anderson of 18 dress watches, diamond Palmer, Fred Huges, Joseph Connecticut division of the watches, automatics, Caruolo, Donald Lin^e, Woody 0 Deerfield Dr., left Camp sorority recently in Meriden. tor Preventive Maintenance program Lejeune, N.C., with the 34th ROAST waterproofs and calendar Yatkin, Christopher Rowland, "They are Mrs. Ruth Bonney, watches, in stainless David McEryde, Steven Marine Amphibious Unit, for a Miss Susan Harkins, Mrs. steel, gold-filled and six-month Mediterranean • E*iy pay/n«n(i 14K gold. . MeDermotti' Richard Bono, ^ cO? 7 Marian Harlow, Mrs. Edna Brian Bupiiano, Michael Kean, cruise. He will participate in Hartwell, Miss Faith Ferguson, lb. Best of all, your grad­ training exercises, and visit uate gets 3 years of Mikoleit, and Bill Miss Marita Kemp, Mrs. Ber­ service absolutely FREE. A gold arrow was 649-9249 several Mediterranean coun­ CUT AS DESIRED « nice Maher, Mrs. Cecila Moore, 6 9 lb. to Richard Saucier. 5 ^ tries while the unit is deployed. This remarkable value Miss Gloria Norbet, Mrs. JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 HISS cxToion Tn co., nc. ^erwlllbewlthdrewn Lemieux received a Harriet Osborne, Mrs. Eleanor June 22nd. Army Sgt. Anthony S. Som- iS t MAIN O T U IT IN DOWNTOWN HAN CH IO TU Wolf badge and Jacques Dorron The Oldest & Largest in Conn. Skinner, Mrs, Pauline Straight, WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS received a bobcat pin. bric Jr., son of Mrs. Pearl E. and Mrs. Margaret Mulkern. ALSO • HARTFORD • NEW BRITAIN • MIDOLETOWN SHOP D & L, MANCHESTER PARKADE & TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON Open Monday thru Friday nights'til 9 ... Saturdays'til 6 PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon., June 10. 1974

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester^onn., Mon.. June 10. 1974- PAGE THTRTgpiU I Obituari^ ] ------*v, w i - 1 — 1 r w jk u i n m i K i I Police Report LesHe A. Kittle Sr. ikdwin C. Bunce Like Old Times for Yankees at Shea Stadium. VERNON - Leslie A. Kittle VERNON — Funeral services Sr., 68, who served as chief of for Edwin C. Bunce, 86, of 687 MANCHESTER with defective front tires, and the Vernon Fire Department Bolton Rd., formerly of Three youths were scared speeding Sunday near 1 a.m. He for 10 years, died Saturday in away from the trucks of th^A-1 Manchester, who died totur- was also given a written war­ Rockville General Hospital. day, 'hre Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Industrial Caterers of 340 ning for driving after drinking Mr. Kittle, who lived at 354 Adams St. at 2 a.m. Saturday by the Watkins Funeral Home, 142 and for dse of studded snow 50,093 Fans, Last Inning Rally, Lyle Winner Tunnel Rd., was chief from 1957 E. Center St. Burial will be in a pbllraman on routine patrol tires out of season. Court is to 1967. West Cemetery, Manchester. there when he spotted the June 24. He was the husband of Mrs. The Rev. George Webb of South youths. • Several baby sitters in a NEW YORK (UPI) — It was like old times for the New Ella McCollum Kittle. And .there was Lyle, who comes out of the bullpen to the of 46,812, and earn Ken Holtzman his seventh victory for United Methodist Church will ’They ran through a brook and Birch St. home reported to York Yankees Sunday, with a big crowd cheering, Sparky fiye runs in the sixth, during which they kayoed Rich Born in England May 10,1906, into woods to escape. ’Du'ee of police that a young man with strains of Pomp and Circumstance, leaving the dugout the A’s. Holtzman Went 6 2-3 innings, with Paul Lindblad officiate. Lyle coming out of the bullpen and a ninth-inning game- with his fourth straight victory of the season. Gossage and Jim Kaat. Ron Santo hit two homers and Dick he lived in ^nchester tefore Friends may call at the the trucks had been broken into shoulder length hair was finishing up, while Jim Slaton suffered the loss. Pedro moving to Vernon 31 years ago. winning rally to celebrate Manager Bill Virdon’s birthday. The Oakland A’s defeated the Milwaukee Brewers, 5-4, Allen hit one for the White Sox. funeral home tonight from 7 to and a small amount of candy peeping in the rear window of Garcia homered for the Brewers. He retired three years ago from the hraie Saturday night The The difference was that the scene was Shea Stadium, Tigers 5, Angels 3 51 and cans of soda taken. Four the Texas Rangers edged the Baltimore Orioles, 3-2, the Rangers 3, Orioles 2 the Pratt & Whitney Division of was not caught. home of the Mets, and'that could be the most significant Willie Horton capp^ a three-run fourth inning outburst paper bags filled with candy Boston Red Sox beat the Chicago White Sox, 10-6,the Jim Fregosi drove in two runs with his fourth homer and United Aircraft Corp., East bars and p m were appaf§ptly VERNON fact of ‘em all. * with a two-run double as the Tigers handed fireballer Detroit Tigers downed the California Angels, 5-3, and the a single and Jim Bibby won his eighth game for the Hartford, where he was an elec­ Kenneth F. MacDonald left behind by the youths’when Jack Marozas of 118 W. Main Tbe Yankees had been going so badly attendance-wise at Nolan Ryan his sixth loss against seven wins for the Cleveland Indians topped the Kansas City Royals, 8-6, in Rangers, who dealt the Orioles’ Ross Grimsley his seventh trical foreman for 30 years. Kenneth F. MacDonald, 50, of they fled. St., Rockville was charged their temporary home that they were wondering if they other Atherican League games. Angels. John Hiller replaced Lerrin LaGrow in the seventh He was a member of the setback. Fregosi’s homer came in the eighth inning and Providence, R.I., died today in Saturday with intoxication and could draw a crowd with Raquel Welch playing second Bobby Darwin tripled home the ’Twins’ first run and hit a inning and limited the Angels to one hit the rest of the way Salvation Army in Manchester, Providence. He was the brother Two young boys on a bike third-degree criminal mischief snapped a 2-2 deadlock. Steve Foucault came out of the Mse in a bathing suit. But a crowd of 50,093 turned out for key single which contributed to their third tally but Billy to earn his 10th save. Ryan, struggling through an erratic Manchester L^ge of Masons, of Mrs. John Hughes of were struck by a car Saturday in connection with the in­ “fe t Day” Sunday and they saw a game which should bullpen in the eighth inning and earned his fourth save. season, allowed 11 hits and five walks while striking out and the Rockville Lodge of Manchester. at 3:25 p.m. at Concord and vestigation of a complaint to Campbell couldn’t hold the lead in the ninth. The crowd bring at least some of them back. was 23,000 more than the Yankees had drawn this season, six. Elks. Private funeral services will Alberta Rds. and were rushed the Vernon Police Department. Red Sox 10, While Sox 6 Other survivors are his be Tuesday from the Dufault to Manchester Memorial Police said the criminal mis­ Thg^Yankees went into the ninth inning trailing, 3-1, but during which'they are playing at Shea while Yankee 4 Indians 8, Royals 6 father, Arthur J. Kittle of Funeral Home in Gardner, Hospital by ambulance. chief charge was made after staged a three-run rally to win the game. Lou Pinielia and Stadium is being refurbished, Bo Montgomery drove in three runs with two s in g le ^ d Homers by Oscar Gamble and Dave Duncan were the big Manchester: 2 sons, Leslie A. Mass., with a Mass at Sacred ! David M. Zaremba, 8, of 93 Marozas was placed in a cell at Rick Dempsey singled home the first two runs of the in­ A’s 5, Brewers 4 Carl Yastrzemski had three singles leading an 11-hit attack blows for the Indians, who handed Steve Busby his sixth which brought Bill Lee his seventh win with the relief help Kittle Jr. of Columbia and Paul Heart Church in Gardner at Concord Rd. was treated for a the police station and caused ning and then Graig Nettles, who homered in the sixth in­ Sal Bando and Deron Johnson hit homers to help spoil loss against seven wins. Steve Kline went only five innings of Reggie Cleveland. The Red Sox scored four runs off Skip L. Neron of Ellington; 2 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in broken leg. A hospital some damage to it. ning, knocked in the winning run with a single. Milwaukee’s Jacket-Day promotion, which drew a crowd but received credit for his fourth victory compared with daughters, Mrs. William Wildwood Cemetery in spokesman reported the boy Police said he was Lockwood in the first inning and clinched the decision with eight Iqsses. McCollum of Manchester and Gardner. was in good condition this morn­ transferred to Norwich Mrs. George Chessey Jr. of There are no calling hours. ing at the hospital. Hospital. Court date was not Tolland; a sister, Mrs. Albert Shawn Burkett, 4, of 45 Con­ set, pending his release from Perret of Manchester; a Salvatore Valvo cord Rd. was treated for a the hospital. Fregosi brother, Robert G. Kittle of lacerated forehead and Gary M. Blinn, 25, of 9 m . Manchester; 12 grandchildren, Salvatore Valvo, 86, of released. Tolland Ave., Rockville, was and 5 great-grandcildren. Wethersfield, formerly of Nian- The driver of the car, charged Sunday with operating Enjoying Stargell Snaps Slump Funeral services are Tuesday tic, father of Sebastian Valvo of Katherine M. Osgood, 30, of 188 a motor vehicle while under the at 1 p.m. at the Holmes Funeral Manchester, died today at a Hilliard St., was slowly ap­ influence of liqour or drugs. He Home, 400 M ain St.., private hospital in proaching the intersection was released on a |250 non­ Big Year lifonchester. Burial will be in Wethersfield. when the bike driven by Zarem­ surety bond for appearance in ^Imwood Cemetery, Vernon. Survivors are three other ba with the Burkett boy on the Circuit Court 12, Rockville, sons, a daughter, and three BALTIMORE (UPI) - Friends may call at the Robert Dubaldo, member of the Manchester Rotary Qub, back came into the intersecion July 2. Texas veteran Jim Fregosi By Hitting Grand Slam grandchildren. /funeral home tonight from 7 to presents tool awards on behalf of the club to members of and they collided, police said. Robert Buckler, 18, of 44 " 9. Funeral arrangements are in­ Cheney Tech Awards is a major contributor to the the various classes at an awards assembly at Howell Vines about four or five feet tall Welles Rd., Talcottville, was league-leading team batting complete and are being made on the northwest comer of the charged Saturday with failure by Rose Hill Funeral Home, 580 Cheney Regional Vocational Technical School. Recipients of the Rangers and is one big NEW YORK (UPI) — Willie Stargell may have left his liwight Purnell Made at Assembly intersection obscured the vision to drive a reasonable distance heart in San Francisco but the hope he two singles. Garr singled home winning pitcher Phil Elm St., Rocky Hill. from left to right are: Thomas Foran, carpentry; Roger of both drivers, police said. apart in connection with the in­ reason the team is in the k V SOUTH WINDSOR - Dwight didn’t forget to bring along his bat for tonight’s game in Niekro with the first run of the game and the Braves’ other Thorpe, electric; Rob Giglio, tool & die; James Albano, The older boy kept telling vestigation of a two-car acci­ thick of the Western Divi­ Purnell, 61, of 20 Barber Hill Awards for excellence in San Diego against the Padres. two runs came in the fifth when Dave Johnson and Mike Engine Auto Parts; Steven drafting; Mark Fournier, automotive; Jesse Nichols, tool police and ambulance crew dent on Rt. 83. sion race. Naturally enough, Rd., Wapping section of South George H. Cone scholarship, citizenship and Lunn led off with walks and were driven in by a/fielder’s Chasse, the Customer Satisfac­ & die; Raymond Rinaldi, electronics. (Herald photo bv members at the scene, “Boy, Police said a car operated by Stargell broke out of an 0-23 slump with his ninth career Windsor, died Sunday in George H. Cone, 61, of 103 Ir­ athletics during the school year the six-time all-star in­ choice by Craig Robinson and a single by Niekro. tion award. Pinto) ^ am I in ^ u b le .” He already Jean P. Sirois of 38 Cornell St., grand slam Sunday and also smashed a two-run homer to Manchester Memorial ving St. died Sunday night at were presented last week at an fielder doesn’t agree with Gold m erit awards were had a broken arm in a cast and Manchester, was waiting to lead the Pirates to a 14-1 rout of the Giants. Pittsburgh’s Dodgers 4, Cubs 3” / Hospital. He was the husband of Hartford Hospital. assembly at Howell Cheney people who think Billy Mar­ presented to Mark Mainville, had been steering with one make a left turn, when the \ 17-hit offense was also greatly aided by Richie Zisk, who Pinch-hitter Von Joshua singled home Willie Crawford Susan Habisreittinger Purnell. Born in Manchester, Feb. 25, Technical School. tin’s upstart ball club is John Matthews and William hand. Buckler car struck it in the hit for the cycle and drove in five runs. from second base with one out in the ninth to give the He was born Aug. 9, 1912, in 1913, he had lived here most of The Manchester Rotary Club Ziemba. No arrests will be made rear. Buckler is scheduled to going to fold in July. Dodgers their victory over the Cubs. Crawford touched off Poquonock section of Windsor his life except for 10 years in “I know a lot of visiting players don’t like to hit in presented its annual tool Receiving the silver merit police’ said. Damage was appear in Circuit Court 12, the winning rally by singling off loser Horacio Pina. Bill the Willimantic-Coventry area. “That’s what people are Candlestick Park because of the wind,” said Stargell, who and had been a resident of South awards in six trade areas. awards were Kevin Carpenter, minor. Rockville, July 2. E t Russell sacrificed Crawford to second. Then Joshua, bat­ Windsor 13 years, having lived He was emplbyed as a guard for Crossroads Library saying we’re going to do,’’ grew up in nearby Alameda, Calif., where he was an eight- John Daggett, Alan Lockard, ting for winning pitcher Charlie Hough, singled for his fifth in Manchester previously. LaPointe Industries of Others receiving awards Michael Niemann, George BOLTON said Fregosi, after his letter man in high school. “But I’ve always liked it here. I Rockville, and was formerly an were: Mark Mainville, draft­ Karen L. Brezinski, 17, of fourth home run of the think I’ve had some success, too. Of course, I never pinch-hit in 14 at bats. Billy Williams smashed his eighth He was a maintenance Prasser and Roger 'Thorpe. Has/400 Documents 64 ’Diomas Dr. as charged with electronic technician for ing, who was recognized as the Dereck Rufleiru, 25, and homer of the year for the Cubs. foreman at Hamilton Standard failure to obey a traffic control season beat the Baltimore expected to drive in six runs but I was due for a good day.” Division of United Aircraft Kaman Aircraft in Windso'r outstanding senior in his class, Five students received the Harry Pblise, 22, both of Hart­ Reds 14, Phils 7 Crossroads, Manchester’s tancy of finding “instant signal in connection with a two- Orioles 3-2 Sunday. The Pirates as a team were due for a good day. Picked Corp. in Windsor Locks for 25 Locks. from the Connecticut Manufac­ Alvin & Co. drafting award. ford, were charged Sunday Terry Crowley and Johnny Bench hit two-run homers counseling and drug informa­ answers” to drug and alcohol car collision at 12:22 p.m. by many to win the National League East Division title, years. He was a World War II A graduate of Howell Cheney turers Association; Raymond They were Michael McCor­ night with third-degree “We have eight people tion center, at 33 Park St., an­ Saturday at Broad St. and W. Pittsburgh still finds itself languishing in last place, eight and Joe Morgan chipped in with a solo shot as Cincinnati veteran of the U.S. Navy serv­ Technical School, he built his Rinaldi, electronics, the mick, Steven Lebel, Glen abuse in any publication. burglary and second-degree nounces it has an up-to-date Middle ’Tpke. when the car she hitting the ball well for us games off the pace, with a less-than-impressive 20-32 used a seven-run seventh inning to defeat . ing with the Seabees. He was first radio set there which he Organization for Rehabilitation Maloney, Richard Greene and larceny in connection with the library of about 400 documents “The key to dealing with any was driving struck the car and I think we’re going to be Mike Schmidt and Mike Anderson each hit three-run operated for 45 years. He and Training award. Frederick Huhn. investigation of a break into the record. also a member of Manchester available for public inspection ‘people problems’ is an ability driven by Irene M. Foster, 63, in the fight all the way, even homers for the Phils. Don Gullett pitched the first six inn­ operated a short wave set and Bolton Pharmacy at Bolton “We haven’t had too many laughers this year,” said Lodge of Masons. Six students received and home use. to deal with people, and this is a of 358 Woodbridge St. though it’s eventually going ings for the Reds to pick up his sixth win in nine decisions. radio station from his home and It was announced that Notch. Pirate Manager Danny Murtaugh. “Hitting has been our Survivors, besides his wife, automotive awards. Walter The material concerns drug talent best gained through com­ Mrs. Foster was taken to to depend on whose pitching are a stepson, Frank Blish of was a member of the American Michael Pressamarita had been bining experience, communica­ The two men were problem but it wasn’t this day. I don’t expect my men to do Bench’s homer and a two-run single by pinch-hitter Hal Kupchunos Jr., general chosen representative to and alcohol abuse and related Manchester Memorial Hospital aprehended inside the phar­ does what.” King were the big blows in the R ^ s ’ seven-run inning. Vernon; a sister, Mrs. Doris Radio Relay League and the manager of Dillon Sales & Ser­ subjects and is the result of a tion and factual data. The this all the time but they should be hitting better than they Nutmeg Boys State at the where she was treated and macy by troopers Robert (UPI photo) Astros 11, Mets 1 Schleicher of West Hartford, Mauraders Radio Club. He was vice Inc., presented awards three-month effort by the released. have.” formerly a member of the University of Connecticut in Ju­ materials available can provide Nielwn and Douglas Lancelot Fregbki is batting an even Tommy Helms’ two-run single in the second inning two granddaughters, and a from the Hartford County Ford- center. Court for Miss Brezinski is Phillie Pitcher George Culver Upended at Plate Stargell and Manny Sanguillen had three hits apiece great-granddaughter. Willimantic Country Qub. ly. the facts and may offer some of the Colchester State Police .3(X) while playing first base staked Houston to an early lead and a barrage of 13 hits Lincoln-Mercury & Ford Trac­ Several of the brochures are hints on how to communicate July 1. while Bob Robertson clubbed his eighth homer for Funeral services are Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Troop. Reds' George Foster ^cored Following Wild Pitch Yesterday allowed Astros’ righthander Tom Griffin to coast to vic­ tor Dealers to Raymond Halle Paul Samoza, chairman of stocked in multiple quantities effectively, but, they cannot against lefthanded pitching Pittsburgh and Zisk, in addition to a three-run homer in the Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Frances Gurski Cone; three Both were held in lieu of |10,- and Richard Pierce. the Manchester blood bank and can be had for home use, Other cases reported over the and third base against first inning, doubled in the fifth, singled in the sixth and tory over the Mets. Griffin struck out eight en route to his Holmes Funeral Home, 400 sons, Robert and Bruce, both of solve the problem,” said Jim 000 bonds and were to be Others receiving automotive program of the Manchester while many articles and books’' Breitenfeld, Crossroads coor­ weekend included: presented in Circuit Court 12, righthandecf pitching. tripled in the ninth. / seventh win of the season and his fourth complete game. Main St., Burial will be in East M anchester and David of awards were: Harold Bancroft are present in single copies only • Jon S. Olechno 25, of 60 Doug Rader scored three times and drove in two runs for Cemetery. Rockville; his mother, Mrs. chapter of the American Red dinator. Manchester, today. The beneficiary of all this hitting was Jerry Reuss, who from Lloyd Auto Parts; Russell Cross, presented a certificate and must be returned to Spencer St., Apt. I, was charg^ “You’ve got to realize our the Astros, one of them with his sixth homer. Friends may call at the Elizabeth Dilworth Cone of SOUTH WINDSOR Problems Upset after Hitless Game went the distance while scattering 10 hits^to raise his Dyjak from Acme Auto Parts; of recognition to the school for Crossroads after use. He said the staff at with breach of peace in connec­ South Windsor Police are in­ ball park in Texas is not a record to 5-4. Ron Bryant, who allowed three runs and four Padres 6, Cardinals 5 funeral home Tuesday from 2 to Manchester; two brothers, Gary Raffia from New England Among the subjects covered Crossroads will be happy to student blood donors. tion with a domestic distur­ vestigating a complaint of a good hitting park. But hit­ hits in only 11/3 innings, was charged with his sixth loss in Bobby Tolan slammed a three-run homer with two out in 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wilson and Everett, both of are: Alcohol abuse and treat­ assist anyone in selecting and bance Sunday night. He is CHARLESTON, W. Va. Manchester; and two grand­ weekend break into the home of ting is contagious and the eight decisions. the eighth inning to give San Diego its win over St. Louis ment, cigarette-smoking, drug utilizing publications. The scheduled to appear in Circuit Julia Vincent, 284 Avery St., younger guys on this club (UPI) - Charleston and a sweep of their three-game series. Tolan’s round- sons. education and drug laws. A center is open from 9 to 9 Court 12 on June 24. In other NL games, Montreal beat Atlanta 7-3 after South Windsor. have been fantastic with the Charlies pitcher Steve tripper, his fourth of the year, came just after both clubs Funeral services will be held large number of factual weekdays. One may call 646- • John W. Stevens, 28, of N.L. Bat Title losing the opener of the doubleheader 3-2, Los Angeles Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Police said a radio valued at Blass, who was sent to the Miss Jerusha Lawrence descriptions of specific drugs 2015 for help anytime West Willington was charged bat.” edgied Chicago 4-3, Cincinnati thumped Philadelphia 14-7, had spilled onto the field for a 10-minute scuffle when Holmes Funeral Home, 400 1180 and a tool box valued at |10 International League farm Derrel Thomas of the Padres and second baseman Ted Funeral services were held Katherine Cornell, and their uses and abuses are with reckless driving, operating were reported stolen. Houston walloped New York 11-1 and San Diego shaded St. today for Miss Jerusha “Judy” Main St. with the Rev. Earl available, as well as the results club by the Pittsburgh Louis 6-5. Sizemore of the Cards exchanged shoves at second base. Custer of North United Fregosi, who averaged 159 Pirates to recover from Goal for Garr S. Lawrence of Hartford, a Noted Actress, Dies of numerous research studies. games for eight seasons in Braves 3-3, Expos 2-7 Reliever Dave Tomlin got the win, his first decision of the teacher in the Manchester and Methodist Church, officiating. Much of the material was control troubles, now has year. Burial will be in East the majors, has a muscle a neck injury to overcome Willie Davis paced a 12-hit Montreal attack with a double Hartford school systems for 35 assembled by Paul Lorentzen, a and two singles to lead the Expos to victory in the second Cemetery. VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. because her father, a physician, problem in his back and has also. ATLANTA (UPI) — Most batters would consider a triple years before retiring 10 years (UPI) — Katharine Cornell, volunteer who spent con­ game after the Braves won the opener despite getting only ago, who died Saturday at Hart­ Friends may cail at the partly owned and partly siderable time writing, reading, announced that he will retire Blass told Charleston and two singles a good afternoon’s work. Not Ralph Garr. funeral home Tuesday from 2 to first lady of the American stage four hits. Davis doubled in the first inning and scored, ford Hospital. She was buried in managed a theater in Buffalo, typing and at the end of this year. “Ob­ manager Steve Demeter he Garr, the Atlanta Braves outfielder who leads the 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. for more than three decades, N.Y., where Miss Cornell grew along with Ken Singleton who had walked, on Bob Bailey’s Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, cataloguing—bringing order to I; viously I want to leave felt something snap National League in hitting with a .382 average, was upset died Sunday at the age of 81. up. single. Davis’ first single drove in Barry Foote in the se­ Bloomfield. The Richard W. the entire effort. Crossroads is baseball as an adive player during hatting practice with himself for going O-for-5 in the second game of a Sun­ Week That Wasn’t The star succumbed to But it was a glimpse of the cond inning and he singled and scored in the sixth when Sheehan Funeral Home, 1084 Mrs. Albert M. Rockwell pneumonia at her summer accepting donations of up-to- with a winner, apd I have to Saturday and woke up day doubieheader after his 3-for-4 performance in the first New Britain Ave., West Hart­ immortal Maude Adams in Singleton’s sacrifice fly accounted for one run and Davis Funeral services were held home on the resort island of date drug and alcohol give us a good shot at the game had his average up to .390. ford, was in in charge of “Peter Pan” that persuaded Sunday with a sore, stiff today at the Buckingham Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., publications and materials whole thing.” romped home on a passed ball. For Chicago WSox arrangements. the future star to switch her neck. The Braves won the first game, 3-2; the Montreal Expos Congregational Church, where she had vacationed since dealing with human behavior The Braves made the most of their hits in the first game Born in Norfolk, she lived in ambitions from nursing to act­ and interactions. Blass, who had been won the second, 7-3, their only win in their four-game with Ralph Garr getting three of the four with a triple and CHICAGO (UPI) — This was the week that wasn’t for Glastonbury, for Mrs. Mary- childhood. ing. weekend series here. Hartford 50 years. Elizabeth Alexander Rockwell In offering its library for sche4uti^ to pich Sunday the Chicago White Sox. “She flew up from New York against Toledo was “I was meeting the ball pretty good in the second Survivors are a brother. of 184 Mountain Rd., Glaston­ 10 days ago: She appeared to be She began scoring her great public use, Crpssroads is It’s not that they performed poorly. Rather, it’s a case of Grove P. Lawrence of Port bury, who died Friday after­ in good health. But she was triumphs shortly after her cautioning against the expec- Twi Schedule replaced in' the lineup by game,” said Garr. “But, always right at somebody.” I playing under what probably will turn out to be the worst , Huron, Mich, and four sisters, noon at Manchester Memorial quite frail and weak,” said a marriage in 1922 to one of the Juan Jimenez. Charleston Garr makes no bones about his desire to win the National ' conditions to confront a team. Mrs. Augusta L. Byron and Down for two and three Hospital. Burial was in West close friend, Mrs. Phyllis country’s premier directors, went on to lose the contest League batting title (he currently leads runner-up Reggie STMINKS Following Sunday’s 9-6 loss to Boston, the Sox sat back Mrs. Anne L.O’Brien, both of Guthrie McClintic. After games respectively in the Hart­ Cemetery, Bristol. The Funk Meras, managing editor of the 3-1. Smith of St. Louis by seven points). and pondered what had hit them. A 15-inning game Vernon, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Funeral Home of Bristol was in McClintic’s death in 1961, she ford Twilight Baseball League Vineyard Gazette. this season are Moriarty Blass was expected to O’Brien of Ridgefield and Mrs. charge of arrangements. made no further stage Wednesday night against the New York Yankees, a four- Drama critics from George Brothers and the Community visit a team doctor today Isabelle L. Oldham of Glaston­ Friends will be welcome at appearances. Area Leaders American League hour game Thursday night against the Yankees, followed Bernard Shaw downwards College, Manchester’s two in Pittburgh for an National League bury. ' her home this evening. Miss Cornell’s forte was the Fox to Crack Whip East by four-hour games against the Red Sox Friday and Satur­ exhausted their superlatives in To Assist At representatives. East Friends wishing to do so may Born March 8, 1913, in Mt. creation of character, and she examination. W L Pet. GB day night have left the players in a heap. seeking to define Miss Cornell’s The MB’s, winners of two of W L 1 GB make memorial contributions Solon, Va., she lived there and rescued many a weak play by J 4 SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - but once again we were giving Boston 30 25 .545 Even the hard hitting Dick Allen, who single-handedly art. A Shavian eulogy described Conference three starts, face the West Philadelphia 30 2l to the charity of one’s choice. taught school there until 1940 her stunning interpretations Manager Charlie Fox is start­ the opposition four and five outs Milwaukee 28 24 .538 has carried the Sox through their last 15 games, admitted her as “a gorgeous dark lady Hartford Merchants Tuesday St. Louis 27 2’ when she moved to Glaston­ that held audiences spellbound. Seven Manchester area ing to crack the whip on his an inning. This can’t go on, so Cleveland 27 27 .500 from the cradle of the human night at Nebo and meet Langan wayward San Francisco Giants Montreal 24 21 that “nobody could be expected to play under these con­ bury. She was a member of the race.” She had dark brown hair, high organization leaders will assist we’ll go right back to basics. Detroit 27 27 .500 ditions and be expected to play up to par.” Joseph DiBuno at the 25th annual June Thursday night at St. ’Thomas. and instead of having a day off We’ll run and we’ll hit until we New York 23 3! Buckingham Congregational The actress developed a mild cheek bones that gave her a Scores Ace New York 28 30 .483 Conference of the Auerbach Looking for its first win of the today they’ll work like Chicago 2L 3( In the back of the players’ minds was an hour and 10- HEBRON — Joseph DiBuno, Church. early interest in the theater slightly Oriental look, promi­ drop. This is too good a team to Baltimore 26 28 .481 3% 20, of Old Colchester Rd., Service Bureau Tuesday at the season after two defeats, MCC Dave Bromley of 53 Hickory everyone else. be playing the way it has the Pittsburgh 20 3! minute delay Friday night because of a fire in a ground Survivors, besides her hus­ nent eyebrows, and an extraor­ Dr., Hebron, scored a hole-in- West West floor concession stand. Amston section of Hebron, died dinarily mobile face that per­ F irst Church of Christ in faces Herb’s Tuesday night at “Yes, I’ve called a morning last couple of weeks.” W L band, are two sons, Albert M. one on the par three, 180-yard Pet. GB GB Saturday in a Manchester Con­ mitted her to express ‘a wide Wethersfield. St. Thomas, entertains Bristol workout for Monday and we’ll Fox thinks it’s not too late to Oakland 32 24 The total time elapsed for the four games came to 19 Rockwell Jr. of Belmont, Calif., third hole at Tallwood last .571 Los Angeles 42 16 . valescent Home. range of emotions with dazzline Assisting at the conference, Thursday night at Nebo and stay out there until dark if salvage the season. That’s why Texas hours and 15 minutes. and Robert A. Rockwell of Friday. He used a five iron and 29 27 .518 Cincinnati 32 22 .593 8 He was bom in Port Chester, facility. which is a training day in basic treks to St. Thomas Friday necessary,” said Fox Sunday in he has called today’s workout, Chicago “The biggest problem of course is having to wind down Staunton, Va.; a brother, the feat was witnessed by Jeff 26 25 .510 Atlanta 31 26 .544 10% N.Y. He was a member of St! From 1925 onward she made techniques of organization and night to oppose Hartford In­ the wake of a 14-1 plastering by which he hopes will get the club Kansas City 26 28 .481 after a game, but when you can’t get home till two in the Joseph J. Alexander, and a Clarke, Paul Saari and Don Houston 30 28 .517 12'/2 Columba Church, Columbia. iFire Calls theatrical history in such community volunteer work, are surance. the Pittsburgh Pirates. squared away for some sort of a sister, Mrs. LeRoy C. Hall, both Kelley. California 25 32 .439 San Fran. 30 30 .500 13 morning, it means lying in bed for two or three hours,” Survivors are his mother, of Staunton. productions as "The Green Mrs. Edward J. Goss, Mrs. All games start at 6. “In this particular game we run the rest of the way. Minnesota 22 29 .431 Allen said. “I used to have a lot of adrenalin and while the Mrs. Annette Picolo Gordon, David Holcomb, Mrs. E.J. got the tar knocked out of us. San Diego 23 39 .371 21 Friends wishing to do so may Hat,” “The Letter,”“The Age Sihtday's Results pressure doesn’t bother me, I don’t know if my old heart and his stepfather, John Gor­ make memorial contributions of Innocence,’’“ Bill of Kjellson and Mrs. Winthrop can take it any more. I certainly don’t want to be put into don, both of Amston; three Fire calls reported over the Reed, all representing Sunday's Results Cincinnati 14, Philadelphia 7 to the Myasthenia Gravis Fund Divorcement,”“The Barretts I Detroit 5, (ialifornia 3 Atlanta 3-3, Montreal 2-7 the position of complaining, because you have to accept brothers, Richard DiBuno of at Massachusetts General weekend: of Wimpole Street,’’“Romeo Manchester Church Women Hebron, and Frank DiBuno and • 2:19 p.m. Saturday—woods United; Joyce Arthur of Texas 3, Baltimore 2 . Houston 11, New York 1 these things. The point is, I don’t know if athletes c^n take Hospital, Boston, Mass., 02114. and Juliet,” “Capdida,” “St New York 4, Minnesota 3 Pittsburgh 14, San Francisco the physical pounding.” Michael DiBuno, both of fire at the rear of 155 Deepwood Joan,”“Alien Corn,”“Wingless Manchester, representing^ Boston 10, Chicago 6 1 Amston; two sisters, Sandra Dr. (Town). Victory” and “No Time for Zonta International; Mrs. W.R. If Allen had a lack of sleep, he did not show it this week, • 4:38 p.m. Saturday —gas ’TuthiU of Columbia, represent­ Oakland 5, Milwaukee 4 San Diego 6, St. Louis 5 DiBuno and Annette DiBuno, Comedy.” Si as he collected four home runs, and drove in 11 runs. In both of Amston; two step­ washdown at Main and Hilliard ing the Soroptimist Federation Cleveland 8, Kansas Los Angeles 4, Chicago 3 fact, Allen has now driven in 2 runs in his last 15 contests. Her career was not centered ______Timiglit's Games brothers, Jack Gordon of Wind­ Sts. (Eighth District). entirely in New York. She went of America;' and Mrs. Donald Tonight's Games And against Boston this year, Allen has een playing Well. I About Town Oakland (Blue 5-5) at Boston Cincinnati (Norman 5-5) at sor Locks and Michael Gordon • 4:59 p.m. Saturday—grass on the road time and time again Ronalter of Ellington, LI (Tiant 7-5) Montreal (Renko 3-6) In the six games concluded Sunday, Allen has collected of Simsbury, and a stepsister, fire at the rear of King’s and thereby helped to shape the representing the Farm Bureau. Learning Proper Hand Signals Texas (Brown 1-2) at Detroit Philadelphia (Lonborg 6-5) at nine hits in 23 trips to the plate against Boston, including Mrs. Trudy Rouleau of Windsor Manchester Philatelic Socie­ department store in the tastes of theatergoers (Coleman 6-6) Houston (Osteen 5-5) four hotne runs, and has accountedfor more than one-third Locks. ty will elect officers at its an­ Parkade (Town). throughout, the country. nual meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. Officer Russell Holyfield, community relations officer of the Manchester Police Depart­ California (May 0-1) at New Pittsburgh (Rooker 2-5) at of the 37 runs the White Sox have scored against Boston The funeral is Tuesday at 9; 15 • 7:49 a.m. Sunday —false Flat Tire Driveable ment, shows a group of boys how to make a left turn, during his talk on bike safety at the a.m. from the Belmont Funeral at Mott’s Community Hall. alarm from the box at S. Main Rail-Car Backlog Big York (Medich 7-4) San Diego ( Palmer 0-0) pitching. and Lewis Sts. (Town). Akron, Ohio—An Akron firm “Kids Alive’’ program Saturday in the McDonald’s parking lot on W. Center St. Mike Baltimore (McNally 4-4) at St. Louis (Siebert 6-3) at Los Perhaps the long hours also agree with teammate Ron Home, 19 S. Main St., Chicago—Because of a scar­ has designed a tire that it Colchester, with a Mass at 10 iit • 9:46 a.m. Sunday —grass Walsh, manager of the store, stands by the officer, 'nie program was sponsored by the Minnesota (Corbin 3-0) Angeles 2(Rau 5-11 Santo, who in the last two games against Boston drove in city of parts, the backlog of new claims can he driven 60 miles Only games scheduled St. Columba Church. Burial will Lakota Council, Degree of fire at the rear of Manchester railroad freight cars on order police, the British-American Club, F arr’s Bike Shop and McDonald’s. Well over 300 bikes Only games scheduled seven runs with three home runs and collected three other after going flat without being Tuesday's Games be in the new St. Andrew’s Pocohantas will meet Auto Parts on Broad St. and undelivered is nearly 71,000, ruined. The steel radial tire, were inspected by Ray Frederickson, Jim Crowley, Dave Johnson, Ray Stanko, Don Tuesday's Games hits. Cemetery, Colchester. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Odd (Town). the highest in 22 years. De­ when a flat occurs, settles Hensley and Mark Eller, supervised by Jim Farr. Over 00 per cent passed. Several quick Oakland at Boston New York at Atlanta Cincinnati at Montreal “I guess I feel like Allen does, because it sure is hard to Friends may call at the Fellows Hall. There will be a • 7:39 a.m. Monday—car fire liveries are averaging fewer straight down onto the wheel repairs were made on some of the bikes so the kids could ride home safely. “We’ll certain­ (UPI photo) California at New York Texas at Detroit Philadelphia at Houston unwind after a game when you don’t get home until after 2 funeral home tonight from 7 to social hour and refreshments "at 54 Oxford St. (Eighth than 6,000 cars a month, com­ rim and does not flop as does a ly do it again next year,’’ said Walsh adding, “And we’ll have a bike rodeo next time.’’ American League Umpire Dick Bremigan Displays Talents a.nfi. But this is a business and I don’t think we as 9. following the meeting. District). pared with the normal output conventional tire when air pres­ (Herald photo by Bevins) Milwaukee at Kansas City Pittsburgh at San Diego of up to 8,000 a month. sure is lost. Baltimore at Minnesota St. Louis at Los Angeles ballplayers should complain,” Santo said. “Im just happy Fans at Shea Stadium Were Treated to New Dance Step Yesterday While Making Out Call Cleveland at Chicago Chicago at San Francisco that I’m swinging the bat better and helping the Sox.” PAGE FOITr t EEN - MANCHfeSTfeR EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., June 10. 1974 ^Martens Scores First, Recond Round Score Second in State Meet Nets Green $30^000 Taking a first and a second place at took fourth place in the 220-yard dash. the State Open Track Meet Saturday Lumpkin was the only Indian at Ludlow High in Fairfield was East PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - Four Green when they started the final trackster to qualify for the Open summers ago, an unhappy fledgling Catholic’s Joe Martens. Meet. round but a double-bogey on the par- assistant pro, Hubert Green, was Martens placed second in the 100- three third hole, when his drive sailed Hartford County Conference dusting shelves and sweeping floors in yard dash and won the 440-yard run in over the green and out of bounds, Country Club member Xavier High of Middletown the pro shop of a nearby country club, a meet record 49.6 as he lunged at the quickly put him outv^ontention. snapped Hartford Public’s hold of the too new and too busy to be able to play NATIONAL GOLF DAY- tape and just did nip Skip Connelly of team title winning the crown by one- Miller wound up with an even-par Low net —Ted Plodzik 69-7-62, |i ■■ Andrew Warde. at the nearby Whitemarsh Valley final round of 72 to finish in^^ tie for half point. Hartford had won the Open Country Club. John Kristof 744143, Bemie Jeff Lumpkin of Manchester High Meet the previous five years. third with sophomore ^ o Tom Banavige 78-12-66, Rick aougfa Sunday, Green walked away with a A Jenkins at 277. 754-67, Frank Kieman 76-947, $30,(MK) check for winning the $150,000 'Two strokes back of them was Stan Hilinski 76-2-68; C.D. IVB Golf Classic at the Whitemarsh Ellington Ridge ' r f i l defending champion Tom Weiskopf, McCarthy 79-11-68, Tom Zemke course that, he jokingly claimed, he who had a final round 69. Mike Hill 77-948. BETTER NINE- A - Steve “couldn’t afford to play” when he was was at 280 while Joe Inman finished BEST SEVENTEEN- Class Rutherford Cradling Tantillo 36-3-33, Charlie a young assistant at the nearby with a 281. A—Erwin Kennedy 64-440, j Reynolds 37-4-33, Jeff Sanborn ^11 K .l Mike Rothman 69-841, Vic ,p. Merion (jolf Club. 36- 3-33; B - Brian Smith 37-5-32, Jim Dent, Tom Kite and John Daiey 71443, Rick Qough 71-8- Jack Cristofani 38-6-32; C - Lee The 27-year-old Green, now the se­ Schlee were back at 282 while Masters i ^ , B cond leading money winner on this 63; Class B —Bemie Banavige iimi champion Gary Player finished with a Rubin 40-8-32, Marty Shapiro 40- year’s PGA tour, shot a blistering 17- 72-1240, John Wilson 75-1441, Lion^s Share of $$$ 7-33, Phil diCorcia 41-8-33; D - 285 total. Marsh Warren 74-1341, Mort Jake Honnon 44-13-31; Kickers under par 72-hole total of 271 Sunday, Green, who served only three Rosenthal 73-1241; Class C Jim Hall 99-19-80, Abe Zubrow a record for this tourney, and ran months as' an assistant pro at Merion -T o d d Peck 81-20-61, Jim 93-13-80, Jim Vandervoort 95-15- away with the $30,000 and his third NEW YORK (UPI) - Johnny bach, who held the lead on the 116th in 1970 and was ineligible to play in Melley 77-1542, Charlie Whelan 80, Paul Sherwood 95-15-80, tour victory of the year. area PGA tourneys, said he “con­ 81-1942, Vito Agostinelli 78-16- Rutherford, whb survived a crash lap, went out soon after with magneto Jack McMeekin 84-4-80, Chuck Green shook off the hot and humid problems. sidered himself a local son of some 62; Low gross—Erwin Kennedy eight years ago that broke both arms, Smith 86-6-80, Ed Keating 82-2- weather and an early double bogey to 69; Blind bogey —Sher is now cradling the lion’s share of the Bobby Unser, runner-up at Indy and 80. Jack Hunter 88-8-80; Herb type” and was happy with the victory. shoot a four-under par 68 for the four- His double bogey came on the par- Ferguson 76, Rick Clough 76. purse on the USAC championship cir­ trying for a third successive Rex Pagani 78-3-75, Tony Tantilio 84- stroke victory over Hale Irwin, who PRO SWEEPS- Low gross cuit. 9-75, Dick Merker 91-16-75, four eighth hole when his drive just Mays victory, was forced out after 31 realized early he was “playing for se­ —Sher Ferguson 76, Rick- (Herald photo by Pinto) The affable Texan earned a quarter- laps with gear box trouble. Frank Vignati 87-12-75, Jack caught the left rough and then his ap­ Clough 76, Dan Ready 77, Mike: Chaplin 83^75, Brian Smith 81- cond place and that’s what I played proach shot flew over the green. Girls^ Track Squad at Rennet Junior High million dollars for his McLaren team Scheckter said once he gunned into for.” Rothman 77, Tony Pietrantonio' two weeks ago by winning the In­ 6-75, Holmes Brown 80-5-75. (Herald photo by Pinto) After having to chip twice to the 77; Low net —Erwin Kennedy the lead of the Swedish GP, winning Green, starting the day with a two dianapolis 500-mile race. On Sunday, the race proved easier than he an­ SATURDAY- Low net - A - green. Green got on in five and sank 69-4-65, John Wilson 81-1447, Comprising the girls' track squad at Bennet High this Goff, Lori Veal, Kim Smith, Kim Eagleson. Front, Alan Moutron 70-4-66, Steve Track ^Field Squad at Bennet Junior High stroke lead, played every hole calmly Rutherford again picked up the top ticipated. an eight-footer. Jim Melley 84-1549. spring were, top, left to right, Elaine Dvorak, Barbara Janice Meyers, Maureen Reynolds, Elaine Eafano, Tantillo 73-6-67; B - Jack and methodically to card six birdies GOVERNOR’S CUP- Dick prize — this time $17,268 — by cap­ “When I won the start, I was deter­ Standout track and field squad at Bennet Junior High But Green, who had birdies on the Slaiby, Cindy Swallow, Linda Maher, Sarah Warren, Joanne Meyers, Mary Ellen Jones. Cristofani 78-11-67, Tom Fahey Cooley, Marcelo Chinsky, Mart Entwhistle, Bob Lyon, and only one double bogey for the vic­ Ottaviano def. Mort Rosenthal, turing the 150-mile Rex Mays Classic mined to hang on with all the strength this spring consisted of the following, rear row, left to third, sixth and seventh holes, Donna Trudeau. Center, Donna McCarthy, Nanette 82-12-70, Elmer Riggott 79-9-70; Steve Armentano, John Foley, Don McAllister. Front, tory that increased his money win­ Tom Prior def. Jim Colburn, in Milwaukee. I had. Now that I’ve done it once, I right, Fred Miller, Steve McKenzie, Rick Teigener, Jeff recovered to birdie the 11th, 15th and C - Lee Rubin 85-13-72 Mark Coach Dave Dooman, John Mainville, David Watkins, nings to $156,165, second only to U.S. J im Romayko def. Vito Across the Atlantic, jubilant Jody hope I can do it again. There are still a KraviU 85-13-72; D - Jake Hon­ Orhach, Horace Henry, Mike Taylor. Third row. Matt 17th to make good his prediction on Bill Kos, Mike Smith, Tim Danyliw, Bryan Walch, Stan Open champion Johnny Miller. Agostinelli, Tom Migliore def. Scheckter of South Africa won his lot of races left this season and my non 93-25-68. Walsh, Brett Jones, Del Knowles, Jeff Cote, Pete the course that he would “whip” the Bebyh, assistant coach. Miller was two strokes behind R ay Evelhoch, Bernie Army & Navy first Grand Prix race in two years on position in the field is strong now.” BEST 16- A - Steve Tantillo Herbert, Clark Brown, Kevin Goff. Second row, Larry tournament record. Banavige def. Sam Watson, the Formula One circuit by leading Scheckter beat Tyrrell teammate 61-6-55; B - Jack Cristofani 66- Pete Foster def. Carroll Mad­ Arc d^Triomphe Win Tournament 11-55, Elmer Riggott 66-9-58; C - from start to finish in the Swedish GP Patrick DePallier of France by less dox, Walt Ferguson def. Don Results of the Army & Navy at Anderstorp. than a second in the 200^mile race and Lee Rubin 73-15-58, Ray Tarca, Charlie Whelan def. Dan Peracchio 73-14-59; D - Jake Tournament Saturday With the new bond of USAC-SCCA Ready, Paul Hunt def. Alex moved into a third place tie with Nikki Honnon 79-15-54. Socialites and Sunday were as follows: cooperation, there’s a chance Ruther­ O^uda of Austriq in the world driver Legion Idle Tonight, Eigner Sr., Framk Kieman def. WOMEN- Net - A - Alice Ernie Heath, Stan Hilinski def. Dream of Galhreath Manchester State Bank over ford and Scheckter will hook up championship standings. Emerson Softball Results Bantly 89-16-73: B - Doris Beller Vernon National Bank, 27-9; A1 Carmienke, Val Gementino wheels in the near future. Fittipaldi, who finished fourth in 103-24-79; C - Vera Honnon 96- Steak Out over Fat Cat 14-11; Win Here def. Bob Genovesi, Larry Gazza NEW YORK (UPI) - It’s when the horse was retired blink of the eye he was out in On the stock car circuit, Cale Yar­ Sweden Sunday, leads the pack with 27 15- 71. Enfield /Quits Zone from racing. Dick’s American topped Bud’s def. Marsh Warm, Tom Zemke no more than a (Iream at the front all by himself and steadily points. BEST 16-A-Alice Bantly 76- The Travers Stakes will be Exxon, 6-5; Manchester Oil borough won his sixth NASCAR Grand def. Doug Pearson, Vic Abraitis moment, but John W. pulling away. 16- 60; B - Doris Beller 86-24-62; TONIGHT’S GAMES run at Saratoga on Aug. 17. Lit­ Heat bested Farmingto All- National race by outduelling Bobby Yarborough won the Turborg when Champions of Grompn’s Craig Jordan went three-for- def. Bob Jones, Dick Hassett Galbreath of the Darby Dan “If the jockey will just sit C - Vera Honnon 81-25-5. Fuller’s vs. Charter Oak, tle Current will get a rest and Stars, 21-16; Fogarty’s over Allison in the Turborg 400 at River­ front-running Allison pitted for a 10- Womens’ Slow-Pitch &ft- four for the winners with Kent Tonight’s opening Zone for the leftfield slot. def. Pat Mistretta. still on him and wait he’ll get BETTER NINE- A - Alice 6:15 ■ Fitzgerald The locals play Zone Eight Farm has high hopes today then start preparing for that Burt’s Place, 6-5; Hanover side, Calif. gallon refuelling job on ^ 130th lap. ball Tournament are the Smith and Don Romano adding FOUR BALL-Barbara Davis, the job done,’’ trainer Lou Ron- Bantly 43-8-35; B - Doris Beller TOMGlirSGAMKS Morlarty’s vs. Frank’s, Eight baseball game at Easts, games Monday, Wednesday that one of his horses will race. House bested Hartford Trojans, Rutherford, driving a McLaren, Socialites of New Haven. a pair of hits. Agnes Romayko^ Mary dinello said. "He’ll fire when Yarborough averaged 10f442 miles an 50-12-38; C - Claire Keating 46- Stevenson's vs. Ansaidi’s,6 7 :30 - Fitzgerald Catholic High between \ Holik indicated that his and Friday. Holik said that win the Arc d’Triomphe. The days when a dozen horses 8-5; Vardes Club bested The titlits topped the Italian- Gangewere, Hilda Kristof 62, you want him to and I don’t averaged 110.225 miles an hour on the hour as he finished 2.7 seconds ahead 13-33; Kickers - Bette Wolff 93- - Verpiunek Trudon’s vs. Dillon’s, 8:45 Manchester and Enfield has pitching staff shapes up with Rockville as well as The Arc is one of the world’s would challenge him probably Crockett Agency, 6-4; Mt. Helen Mutty, Rory Simon, think there’s any 3-year-old one mile State Fair Park speedway as of Allison. Both drove 1974 Chevies. 16-77, Jan Harrigan 93-20-73. Dillon's vs. .\&N, 6 • American Club , of • Fitzgerald Rich Close was best for been canceled. ’The latter Manchester should be the classic races. Galbreath had a are over. For Little Current Carmel topped Manchester Bidwell being the No. 1 man. Nellie Johnson, Mary Presti 63. around that can match his final he beat Gary Bettenhausen by 31 Gerard Larrousse of France and LOW NET- Class A -T om M’uddell Wallingford, 20-14, for the Bonanza vs. Walnuts, 6:15 Acadia with two hits in three nine has dropped out of play favorites in the zone with good chance once but his Rober­ now.ruleS'as king of the 3-year- Honda, 8-2; Barnes Bidwell compiled a 6-1 won- BEST 15- A - Agnes three-eighths of a mile.’’ seconds. A spin-out on the eighth lap Amilcare Ballestrieri of Italy, driving Schiller 71-5-66; Class B —Jack •Nirliols vs. Nussiff's, 6 - crown yesterday at Nike ■ Keeney trips with five players stroking due to financial problems. to failed him. Now he has old division, which lacked a Engineering bested Glen lost record with Manchester East Hartford the Romayko 69-18-51, Cora Ander­ Little Current only has won almost cost Rutherford the race. But a Lancia Stratos, won the Targa C ristofani 79-11-68, elm er Biieklev Field. Barrels vs. Millers, 6:15 ■ one each. designs on France’s great race champion until the chestnut Construction, 14-12; Glen Thus the zone has been cut High which reached the darkhorse. The latter has a son 72-19-53 net; Esther three races this year, the Riggott 78-9-69; Qass C -L ee Nebo with Little Current, fifth in the colt put back-to-back victories topped Maple Grove, 19-0; he recovered without hitting anybody Florio race in Cerda, Sicily, with an to six teams, East Hartford, Class AA Division quarter­ number of East Catholic Burnham 83 gross; B - Hil^ Everglades Stakes at Hialeah Rubin 84-15-69, Carl Moriarty’s vs. Scruse, 7:30 Kentucky Derby but a seven- together in the Preakness and Glastonbury Sport over and finally took the lead for good average speed of 68.167 mph for the Jackie Sheats of Ihe Ellington, Rockville, Wind­ players which compiled a 14- Kristof 82-30-52 net; Jean Schot- and then the Preakness and the Mikolowsky 83-14-69; Class D ■ Nebo With a four-run fourth being finals. Koepsel, Ken Irish, length winner of both the Wholesale»,Tire, 10-0; Glaston­ during the 124th lap. 312-mile event. NATIONAL FARM Socialites was voted the sor, Windsor Locks and ta 95 gross. the Belmont Stakes. Belmont. —Sam Buam 101-35-66, Geroge Second Congo the big frame, Dillon Ford Bruce Ballard, John Varca, 4 record this past season. Preakness Stakes and the Bel­ bury topped Telephone Society, Again Rutherford watched his close Gary Beck of Canada hit a record- Trailing 11-2, Nichols erupted most valuable player. She v s . CLASS A - U IsabeUe Par- Little Current won each race ‘"The jockey moved too soon Marlow 89-19-70. Methodist, 6:15 . Nike topped Allied Printing, 9-3, last Manchester. the only southpaw, and mont Stakes on Saturday. 8-5; Annulli Construction over buddy, A.J. Foyt, the pole sitter in tying 247.25 mph at Columbus, Ohio, for 13 runs in the fourth inning batted .555 in Sunday’s ciak 47 gross; Cora Anderson by seven lengths and although with him in the Blue Grass FRONT NINE- Class A - Sportsman vs. 72’s, 7. ■ght at Robertson. Groves, an All-Charter Oak No results of the three ‘"The Arc is a long way off, in Waldron Tree Farm, 9-6; and eight more in the next games and played well in the P p i o iM ^ a o o o n H 46-10-36, Linda Kaye 474-39, jockey Miguel Rivera handled Stakes and he never had a both the Indy and Mays races, falter. while beating Carl Olson of El Toro, Steve Tantillo 37-3-34, Babe Pete Neese and John Forbes Coached by Jack Holik, exhibition games played last October. I haven’t won the Monkey Farm topped F arr’s, frame for a 28-16 win over Miles Conference selection, com­ Mary Lou Pierro 50-1149; B - him differently in each contest, chance in the Kentucky Derby. Foyt battled Wally Dallenbach for the Calif., in the top fuel category of^the Salad 37-3-34, Dave McGonigle field at shortstop. Vittner’s vs. jaycees, 6; 15 each went two-for-three for ^who will handle the reins on Friday, Saturday and Sun­ Travers Stakes either and that 20-5; Dillon Ford over Saturday at Bowers. prising the remainder of the Rika Horvath 52 gross; Grace his sudden acceleration carried That was a rough trip for him early lead, but couldn’t keep up the National Hot Rod Association Sprlhg^ 37- 3-34, Dan Maddaluno 38-4-34; Robertson Dillon. Jack Burg was a perfect a fulltime basis for the first day were turned in for will be next for Little Current. the colt to impressive victories. Foun(ler’s Plaza Shell, 12-8; Shawn Grady, Scott Anderson staff. Varca is a sophomore :,LaPolt 51-13-38, Alice Ansaldi but he still finished strong,’’ trying pace and finished sixth. Dallen­ Nationals. Class B — Jack Cristofani 38-6-° Third place went to WINF WINF vs. Armory, 7:30 three-for-three for Allied with publication. But I’ll say this, anyone in Chatham Oak over Bursey and David Timbrell accounted time, the Legion will look from Bolton High. 53-13-40, Helen Meegan 54-14-40 In the Preakness, Rivera Rondinello said. 32, Dick James 39-6-33, Elmer and fourth place belonged to Robertson Mark Duval adding two hits. racing would enjoy winning the drove Little Current along the Chappell, 18-4; Talk of the for 13 of Nichols’ 15 hits. like the Manchester High net. The colt picked up a winner’s Riggott 38-5-33; Class C— Andy Roosevelt Mills. Arc. If they didn’t, they Town bested Frank’s Super­ MSBank vs. Dick’s, 8:45 outfit with few exceptions. rail and burst through a narrow purse of $101,950 and paid $5.00, Repko 40-7-33, Carl Mikolowsky Robertson shouldn’t be in racing,” opening to take command. In market, 15-10; Rosewood NewConfidence $4.40 and $3.40. 40-7-33; Class D — Sam Baum Results leading up to the Moriarty Brothers outlasted W in fi bull/oaOennMHh^ttiy lest m dtU m Jirti. Galbreath said. Jack Maloney will be CVOLM W AUM OfAHUICA. INC. the Belmont Stakes the Puerto Restaurant over Manchester NATIONAL ROOKIE final contest were: (lOrman Brothers, 8-4, last Little Current never has run Jolly John was second in the Grid Strike Threatened 49-18-31, George Marlow 42-10- Rican rider stayed on the rail to Oil Heat, 21-4; McPheter’s over Helps Joanne The Mets won their sixth SILK CITY night at Robertson. behind the plate catching over a grass course but he is a Belmont and paid $15.40 and 32. gain contention. But then he Dick’s American, 19-9; Moriar- straight without a loss Saturday WINF topped itoosevelt Standings with Tom Jones, a freshman son of Sea Bird, winner of the $7.60. Cannonade, the Kentucky LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - CHICAGO (UPI) — The National Football Players LOW NET- Class A - Jan swung the colt wide for the ty’s topped Steak Out, 12-5; at Buckland with a 33-15 verdict Mills, 12-7; Socialites over W Ken Smith, Bob Plaster and from Illing Junior High, in Epsom Derby and of the Arc. Derby winner, was third, just Joanne Garner has some new Association will go on strike if a new agreement is not H arrigan 91-16-75, Wendy L drive through the home stretch. Manchester State Bank over over the Dodgers. Italian-American Club, 8-6; Groman’s 11 1 Ed Kowal each stroked a pair of reserve. Three members of Galbreath did not own Sea Bird as he was in the Preakness, and found confidence in her game, reached with club owners by July 1. Ehrlich 82-7-75, Mary Hesiin 86- Each time Little Current took paid $3.80. Multi-Circuits, 8-4 Army Si Patrick Burke and Matt Moriarty’s hits for Moriarty’s. the infield quartet are from but leased him for stud duty but a positive approach had lit­ 11-75; Qass B — Lil Hunter 98- Italian-American Club over 10 1 command in a flash. In another Navy over IBS, 5-4; Hanover “We have 12 days of negotiations with the owners Cusson belted grand slam home Fogarty’s tle to do with her quirkish vic­ 26-72; Class C — Bonnie Pren­ Roosevelt , 11-6; Socialites 8 4 Jim Hart topped Gorman’s the high school. Dennis House topped Per’s, 21-6; Vito’s between now and July 1,” Edward R. Garvey, the runs for the winners wijh Mar­ Frank’s tory Sunday in the $100,000 tiss 112-33-79. over WINF, 11-3; Italian- 7 5 with two hits with five players Quinn holds down the first over Annulli , 64. association's director said at a Sunday news con­ tin Burke adding four doubles Gorman’s 5 Desert Inn-LPGA (3olf Classic. FRONT NINE- Class A - merican topped WINF, 18-6. 6 collecting one hit each. base slot with Ray Sullivan Action resumes Saturday and ference. “If nothing is settled by that time, we will and a triple to the total. Trudon V.W. 5 6 The 5-foot-7 strawberry Wendy Ehrlich 40-436, Mary and Bruce Peck anchored at Open Meeting Sunday with double elimination delcare a strike.'' Doug Potter singled three Man. Honda 4 blonde resident of Lake Worth, Hesiin 42-6-36, Class B — Marie 8 shortstop and third base KARATE for the finals. times and doubled twice for the Allied Printing 3 MONTREAL (UPI) - The Fla., admitted what took place Garvey said the owners are scheduled to resume Morrone 51-14-37; a a s s C - 8 respectively. Joe Banning, Self Defense Dodgers. James Barnard Acadia 3 opens in the final holes of the 72-hoIe talks.in New York Tuesday for the first time since the Bonnie Prentiss 5G17-37. 9 played well in the field for the Dillon’s 3 who led East Catholic in hit­ Physical Fitness its annual four-day meeting limp Banquet tournament was better suited union presented 63 demands to the bosses. The owners BACK NINE- Class A - Jan 9 Mets with Todd Eichelman, ting this past year with a today, with new rule proposals for a longshot hunch player at responded with a quick no to all demands. Harrigan 42-8-34; Class B — Lil Confidence Annual meeting of the Jacque Tardif and Chris Ver- .377 average, handles second , the first item on the agenda. the nearby gaming tables. A federal mediator was to be present at the Tuesday Hunter 46-13-33; Qass C — Con­ Civitan Clubs Manchester Chapter of bridge playing well for the base. Infield reserves are BEGINNINQ One of the major items of, talk s. nie Kelly 52-16-36; Kickers—78- Baseball Umpires will be held “I think I could win anything 80. losers. Set for Open Putting runs on the score- Dave Bidwell at first. Rich YOGA CLASSES business was scheduled for board in every frame but the se­ Wednesday, when the new tonight at the Colony today,” confessed Mrs. Garner, Nicola at second, Paul Civitan Clubs from cond, Groman’s Sports Shop Washington and Kansas City Restaurant in Vernon. Dinner who collected $20,000 and a new Groves from Bolton High at HWANG’S throughout New England have tappled Frank’s Market, 15-8, will be served at 6 o’clock. car in earning her richest vic­ AMERICAN ROOKIE INSmUCTOR MIL HWANe TAE KWON DO clubs each choose 24 players, accepted challenges to par­ shortstop, and Blair Officers for the 1975 season tory ever on the Ladies Runs came in bunches Satur­ last night at Robertson Field. including two goalies, during ticipate in the . Manchester Anthony at third. 640 HIUIARO, MANCHESTER will be elected. Earl Yost, professional Golf Association NCAA Track Laurels day at Robertson and when the Randy Smith and Dave Viara For Intonnallon caA 846-4745 the expansion draft. Civitan Open to be held at the RADII president, will preside. tour. blasting was over, the Red Sox qach went four-for-four for Tallwood Country Club June 12- Ron Soucier from East had a 40-24 win over the Groman’s with Bob Kowalski The 35-year-old Mrs. Garner Captured by Tennessee 16. will patrol centerfield while shot a three-under-par 70 in Yankees. and Bob Brannick each adding Formal challenges have been his outfield mates are still Sunday’s final round at the Mike Atlas clubbed three hits to a 16-hit attack. AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI) - There meet, they got it at Texas’ two issued to all New England undecidied. John Koepsel 6,255-yard, par 73 Desert Inn homers for the Red Sox Dave Brannick led Frank’s TONIGHT was a modest move afoot last Memorial Stadium. and Civitan Clubs to compete for an and Tim Thibodeau are FEEDER ROAD (Country Club layout for a 284 Tom Mikoleit stroked ___ with three hits in four trips with 7:55 Yanks vs. Angels, week by track and field coaches Foreign competitors won 25 two inter-Civitan Club trophy. A total of eight under par. doubles. John McLaughlin, six other players collecting two WINF vying for the rightfield job to change NCAA regulations per cent of the points gathered similar challenge has also been VERNON, CONNECTICUT Paul DiPetro and Kevin Hodge safeties apiece. 8:15 Red Sox while East’s Dan Smachetti But her one-stroke victory and forbid foreigners to par­ and two of the contending offered to Manchester service and Bob Odell are battling ticipate in the annual track and played well for the Yanks. WTIC, Ch.22,30. was only possible because San­ teams were made up almost en­ clubs. Both challenge trophies Registering a come-from- NO OTHER WAGON HAS dra Palmer, then seven under, field championships. TELEPHONE tirely of foreigners. are on display at Watkins on behind 74 victory last night at triple bogeyed the 17th and The meet, some said, should Eight of UCLA’s 56 points Main St. along with prizes Robertson was Trudon VW over three of Mrs. Garner’s drives to be only for Americans. came from a French pole AMERICAN ROOKIE totaling more than $1,000 that Manchester Honda. the green on the 16th and the “If we get beat,” said UCLA « TENNIS FORUM, Inc. vaulter and 31 of third place The Orioles topped the have been donated by area Bob Westbrook paced a 15-hit AurmoRSLutBy 872-8400 875-7094 18th holes found their way back coach Jim Bush shortly before Brigham Young’s 41 points Yankees, 38-24, Friday at merchants. attack with four bingles with onto the fairway because of a the 53rd NCAA championship were produced by natives of ■ Robertson. The Open is open to all Tom Vincent, Frank Gonzales tree and two spectators. last weekend, "I hope it is by other countries. Dave Boggini had four golfers and proceeds are being and Hank Pawlowski adding Tennessee, because they don’t raNOTFORYEARS PROGRAM FOR JUNIORS doubles for the Orioles with donated to the Manchester Texas-El Paso scored 25 three apiece. ^ tta w ^ n calls It the perfect station wagon groceries, bicycles, etc. Dasher has front- Director and ProfeMlonal: Bill Triliro - Aaat. Pro Paler Jutrua have any foreigners.” Chris Dobb adding five bingles. Organization of the Han­ points to place sixth and only Tom Melick paced Honda n rlts tbne. Dasher Is powerful m d gets siHMit wheel drive that does some nUtyroad-hokMng, MAGNAVERDE AND And that is the way it Weekend Results Fred Hughes and Mike dicapped. For additional infor­ one of those points came from with three hits with six others 25 m O ^ to the gallon. Ith small enough to be wet roads and dry. And It needs maintenance happened. Tennessee won its Stafford Speedway- 1. Ron Zachmann played well for the mation or starting times call Trained Instructon Will be as$l»tlng an American. getting one each. a to path, but big enough to come with only once In 10,000 miles. If the Dasher CONN. W IIKATS first NCAA track title ever and Bouchard, 2. Bugs Stevens, 3. Yanks. Tallwood Country Club, 646- 5

PAGE SIXTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., June 10, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon.. June 10. 1974- PAGE SRVFNTinrN Rockville Hospital IT nns ID SHOP Fund Lack Hampers Red Tide Monitoring By BRENDAIRENDA W. ROT/Ol.iROTZOLL closed and Cost cost the state about I2.000solfiinanavpr9irpvisara( sold in an average year at thnnoon/i _ ^ . • Notes 12,000 thousand to monitor ap­ A tiny organism called Gonyaulax tamarensis at­ CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - $50,000 in clamming licenses, $4.50 apiece. was diagnosed and clam flats propriate stations year round,” Gonyaulax tamarensis is the tacks the human nervous He ordered several samplings THEnNAsnMnr The arrival last week of the according to Bernard Corson, were closed along the New “The politicians from that Crowell said, with fish and “ red tide.” When sea and this week, and plans weekly Admitted Friday: system when ipgested by eating England coast. “red tjde” — which affects director of Fish and Game. area were down our neck last game wardens picking up the samplings until the red tide dis­ Christopher Dion, Stafford weather conditions are just infected shellfish. It can cause shellfish and can cause And it brought a lot of year to get us to open the clam Crowell is in no rush to open appears again. Springs. clams. They then are 'gound up right, it “blooms,” vastly mul­ a tingling sensation, nausea, paralytic poisoning in humans pressure on Crowell from peo­ flats. We told them we would the flats in New Hampshire. and a liquid extracted at the tiplying in number. When it is cramps or death, by blocking What Crowell really wants is Discharged Friday: Gail — caught New Hampshire by ple who wanted the flats open not. They promised me all kinds “We’ll have to have at least University of New Hampshire. present in quantities above 80 the nerves which control regular samplings all year Cabaniss, Old Stafford Rd., surprise because the 1973 for sjwrt fishing. No clams two readings below the 80s of money to police the area. The substance is sent to microunits per 100 grams of breathing. around. He already is mounting Tolland; Priscilla Couch, Staf­ legislature refused funds to taken in New Hampshire may You know what I got? before we’ll open," he said. Boothbay Harbor, Maine, clam meat. Public Health The 1972-73 outbreak caused, a campaign for funds, noting ford Springs; James Creller, monitor the clam flats. be sold. All are taken on in­ Nothing,” Crowell said. Readings this week in New where the level of poison is closes down the clam flats for about 45 persons to become ill' “the cost would be a drop in the Vernon Ave., Rockville; John/ The first word New dividual “sport" licenses, with “It would take just a few Hampshire waters ranged from determined. fear of harm to humans. before the presence of red tide bucket to do it." Dyber, R F D 4, Coventry; David Hampshire public health of­ 110 to 499. Glover, Stafford Springs; ^ s a ficials had of the dangerously Hills, Tolland Ave„ R o ^ ille ; high levels of red tide came Diana Latimer, RFD 8, Ver­ from Maine. ' non; Kay Mc^aid,/Stafford “We were notified at 1:15 Springs; John Mor^, RFD 1, p.m. last Friday by Maine that Rockville; Bessie Munson, (shellfish) harvesting areas Snipsc Village, Ellington; Amy from Casco Bay south in Maine Orlowski, Tory Rd., Tolland; and from Gloucester Bay north Joan Robinsph, Jobs Hill Rd., in Massachusetts were being Ellington; lielen Rose, Court closed because of Red Tide Towers,/Rockville; Robert readings from 200 in Silver,/Broad Brook; Mary' Massachusetts up to 599 in Yellen; South St., Rockville. Maine,” said Gilman Crowell, director of consumer protection in the New Hampshire Division Emitted Saturday: Diana of Public Health. i etelat, Glastonbuy; Patricia A reading of 80 micrograms Gray, Haylin Dr., Vernon; per 100 grams of clam is con­ Hope Kamienski, Union St., sidered the danger level above Rockville. which clams should ndt be eaten. Discharged Saturday: Edna Crowell telephoned Dr. John Cary, Waterbury; John Delfino Sasiier, marine neurobiologist Jr., Donnel Rd., Vernon; Swifts Premium at the University of New Christoph^ Dion, Stafford Hampshire. They agreed that Beef & Steak Sale! Shades of 20 Years Ago Springs; Darcy Kermitzer, as New Hampshire had no re­ Somers; Mazine Lancaster, cent samples from its own Loveland Hill Rd., Rockville; Our Beef is Naturally aged for Tenderness and Ravor and You know that when You Shop Reminiscent of the Fifties, students at St. Jam es School “50’s Day,” or “Greaser Day,” recently. (Herald photo by waters “and it would be too late RnastYou get the Same Careful Trtm.on Sale or Off-on any Piece of Meat You Buy! decifed out in saddle shoes and ankle socks and long skirts Pinto) Frank Logan, Merrow Rd., to go out and get them right do “the stroll.” This was one of the ways they celebrated Tolland; Frances Pullen, Union now,” New Hampshire would St., Rockville; Netty Rogers, Canned Ham join Maine and Massachusetts Virginia Lane, Tolland. in closing clam flats. Bottom Round Top Round or Crowell also ordered im­ Admitted Sunday: Audra mediate sampling in New or Adamiak, Steep Rd., South Hampshire waters. Shoulder Roasts SirMn R o o s ts Windsor; Nancy Anderson, He said he had so little money More Meat Values More Meat Values French Government’a Unity Aude Rd., South Windsor; Betty he normally was able to Coirette, East Hartford; Elaine monitor New Hampshire clam Rib Roast S lM ...... 1.49 Rib Steak ...... ibl.39 Foran, High St., Rockville; flats only during peak montlte Gertrude Caulin, Buff Cap Rd., 3 lb when red tide is likely to occur Rib R o a s t ...... 1.39 Boneless? i Boneless lb Club Steaks ...... , b 2 . 4 9 Tolland; Erwin Kluck, Fox Hill Such testing was due to start in Shattered Over Tests Dr., Rockville; Francis Minor, June. The outbreak was Manor Rd., Rockville; can reported May 31. PARIS (UPI) - President mospheric nuclear tests in the Servan-Schreiber, a ranking Servan-Schreiber denounced Salvatore Rucco, Discovery “This is too early for the red GroundChuck Valery Discard d’Estaing Pacific. domestic critic of the test Back Rump Sirloin Tip Corned Beef a presidentiai declaration Rd., Vernon; Katherine tide. This is what bugs us a lit­ called a cabinet meeting today Discard, faced with an em­ blasts before being elevated to Saturday that France would Stakowski, Stafford Springs; tle bit—never have we had a red to restore government unity barrassing governmental the cabinet two weeks ago. continue open-air testing this Patricia Stephen, High St., tide on the East Coast this Freshly Ground Swifts Oven shattered by a minister who crisis, late Sunday dismissed Servan Schreiber said Sunday summer and change to un­ Rockville: Nancy. Struthers, early,” Crowell said. Roast $^49 Roast $H49 $ • ^ 3 9 denounced France’s at­ Reform Minister Jean-Jacques he still opposed France’s at­ Many Times Daily Roast Cryovac derground blasts next year. Windsor Locks; Valerie A major red tide outbreak in Boneless 1 ib Boneless \h mospheric testing which has As columnist for the news Schweitzer, Broad Brook; the fall of 1972 continued until 99t 1 touched off a storm of protest magazine I’Express and as a Sarah West, Tolland. May of 1973. It kept the flats from countries on both sides of Radical party deputy, Ser- Fresh Chicken Parts the Pacific. vanSchreiber castigated H- Discharged Sunday: John After an emergency 90- bomb testing last year. He led Bressan, Aborn Rd., Rockville; Chicken Legs...... ib 5 9 * BonelessSteak Calif. Steaks Italian Minnesota Eaglets minute meeting with Premier an expedition into the waters Todd Byron, Warehouse Point; Iceberg Lettuce Drumsticks...... ib 6 9 * Jacques Chirac, Discard fired near Mururoa atoll, where the Diana Chetelat, Glastonbury; Top Round, Top ^ ^ CO the maverick reform minister tests take place, in sign of Semi Boneless Q^jCfc Sausage Q Q $ Thriving In Maine Mary Cross, Tracey Dr., Ver­ DAR Picnic Chicken Breasts...... m 7 9 * Sirloin, Back Rump V' | at Chirac’s suggestion “for con­ protest. non; Carmel DiMauro, Oak St., Skinless ...... , b 1 . 3 9 or Tenderknive | Primo Hot or Sweet ||^ tradicting the basic principle of “This was my position last Rockville; Arthur Dube, Thursday Breasts Chuck O w lb AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) - taken from nests in Maine and ministerial solidarity.” Chirac Fresh t year,” he said Sunday, “and it Beechwood Rd., Vernon; ; Mrs. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife transplanted in Patuxent, Md., The Orford Parish Chapter, said the minister had sufficient remains my position now with Carole Schloss and son. West were found to have shells about Crisp io o Daughters of the American Survey said over the weekend occasion to make his dissent just as much conviction.” „ Suffield; Mrs. Pamela Stone h d s | Weavers Chicken Parts Service Deli Specials! that one of the two baby eagles 30 per cent thinner than normal. Revolution will meet Thursday known earlier. and daughter, Robin Cir., Headsi hatched from eggs imported He said that condition is caused at noon for a potluck picnic and Lenden Breil Calif. Reasts Defense Minister Jacques Tolland. a Chicken Turnovers.. ^ 1 . 3 9 Wieners ...... ib 1.05 from Minnesota is thriving. after eagles eat prey which Soufflet, also criticized by white elephant auction at the Oscar -1 i O The other eaglet is missing, have ingested hard pesticides. Servan-Schreiber, was home of Mrs. Harry Fraser, 192 Chicken Croquette . . ’^ki*’ 1 - 8 9 Sliced Bacon MayerSr ..... Ib I ■ I and a survey spokesman, Fran­ The eggs did not show any expected to reaffirm the Hartford Rd. The King of Broils Semi Boneless Brown 8 oz Chicken Augratin • . . pkg 1.99 & Serve . Pkg f 9 cis J . Gramlich, said the bird embryonic development, government’s hydrogen bomb Swifts Sausage Hostess chairman for the Boneless Shoulder Chuck was probably taken by a probably because of the testing policy during the Chicken Pies ...... p.!51.99 Kielbasa First Prize, ...... I b l . 3 9 predatory bird. pesticide residues, Gramlich cabinet meeting. event is Mrs. Frederick Baker. lb Gramlich said the survey was said. New ^aland and Australia IBr^n Cabbage Assisting her are Mrs. Walter 79 begun to try and find out why The surviving eaglet will took their protests against the Harrison, Mrs. Ethel Hubbard, bald eagles are thriving in probably be banded sometine French tests to the Inter­ Mrs. Howard Roy, Mrs. Pierre Minnesota, while dying out in next week, according to national Court of Justice in The Marteney, and Mrs. Donald Maine. Gramlich, so that its future Hague but France disputed the the ^atch Baird. Mr. Dell Specials! Gramlich said that some eggs movements can be recorded. court’s jurisdiction in what it SAVE Vo^^2.90with these Coupons called its own national security G IFT SHO P Great for First O' affairs. Baked Ham the FreSi Cole Slaw Justice >vv Freshly Sliced $ -1 4 9 Maxwell House With this from Finast! m Save 35* Coupon lb to Order | Coffee Weekend Accidents Claim Six Lives Study One 6 oz jar Remember Swiss Cheese Innpoiled...... lb 1.49 With this Grapefruit Started Coupon Nescafe United Press International morning while swimming in Mr. Deli Liverwurst...... ib1.29 Florida by a car driven by Robert M. Us, When You Instant Coffee for 00 Six persons, two of them Millers Pond in Waterford, Gancher, 23, Waterbury. Extra Large PROVIDENCE, R .I.(U PI)- Dandy Loaf Carando's ...... Ib 99* H304 Valid thru June 15 H305 Valid thru June IS motorcyclists, were killed in authorities said. Phillips was Sanchez was killed in a two- 6 An in-depth study of the entire Available In Stores with Service Dell weekend accidents in Connec­ Remember swimming in the pond with a alarm fire in his Hartford “ Kitchen-tested'i Rhode Island criminal justice ticut. A seventh victim died of International Seafood! nonpolluting Green Squash...... ,b 2 9 * friend, James Schmidt of Mont­ apartment Saturday afternoon. Gold Medal system, aimed at bringing all With this With this injuries suffered in an accident ville. The fire was confined to its facets into line with stan­ Save 25’ Coupon Save 25^ Coupon Fresh M angoes...... 3 for 1 . 0 0 last, weekend. FATHER’S DAY Schmidt tried to aid Phillips Sanchez’s apartment, but dards set by the American Bar Police also found the body of One pkg 100 One 115 oz pkg Romaine Lettuce ___ 3 nds 1.00 but became tired himself and several dozen persons were Association and the Law En­ No. 1 Smelts a young man believed drowned June 16th. Flour had to swim for help, police evacuated from the building. forcement Assistance Ad­ African Violets inMofstores • ."p^Ts'l.BO last week. LIpton Arm & Hammer said. Police and firemen Firemen said the man died of ministration, has been started Seafood M Dead are: Cecil Curry, 14, Memories of "Your Grandfather’s Moustache," retrieved Phillips from the smoke inhalation. by the Special Legislative Com­ Delight HrSlib Tea Bags Detergent Enfield; Henry H. Phillips, 28, pond but we/e unable to revive In Store Bake Shop Specials Smith was killed Saturday now Inherited by fathers and sons, are evoked by mission to Reform Criminal I 0 h 306 Valid thru June IS ^ ' 0 H307 Valid thru June 15 Montville; Fred Perrelli, 23, him. when he lost control of his this fine porcelain moustache mug. $3.00. Many Procedures. ,------West Haven; Anthony Sweet, Perrelli was thrown 57 feet motorcycle in Salisbury and hit other items Dad will enjoyl^ 5 ^ 5 8 * Fully Cooked C ra b s ...... ib 69* 34, Rocky Hill; Joan Drewry, 3, when his motorcycle hit a car Rye Bread a fence post, police said. Sen. Joseph W. Walsh, Cod Fillet Skinless. 5 Ib Box 6.2S...... Ib 1 . 29 With this With this Waterbury; Angel Luis Sunday evening, police said. Of­ / Mrs. Lamonpagne died in D-Warwick, said the three- Save 12< Coupon Save 40^ Coupon or Pumpernickle lib Sanchez, 35, Hartford; David 0. ficers said the front brake on Danbury Hospital Sunday of in­ 977 Main Street in Downtown Manchester With This Coupon month study will be followed by Fish Cakes JH®a...... ib69* Bread loaf Smith, 21, Cheshire and the motorcycle was dis­ One 1 1b can juries she suffered June 2 while OPEN 6 DAYS - THURS. NIOHTS 111 9:00 Enriched Hour a commission determination of one 38 oz btl '^C haseo Dorothy Lamonpagne, 69, connected. WAS aiFTIO ■IIACHID and Purchase of $5 or a passenger in a car that rolled what additional legislation, if Chase & Sanborn Sanborn Wallingford. Police found Sweat’s body Free Parting, Front and Bear of Stow. More Limit one Frozen Food Budget Savers! Crisco Oil over on 1-84 in Newtown. any, is needed to further im­ for Salads or for Cooking V COfFEE ; Assorted Turnovers ... 4 tor 69* State police said Curry was floating in a tidal creek in Old Coffee prove administration of justice. Available in Stores with Bake Shop Only killed Sunday evening when a Saybrook Saturday evening. H-341 0 H306 Valid thru June IS 1 ^ ^ 0 H346 Valid thru June 15 car operated by his father, Earl J Valid thru June 15 Authorities said he had been “Since the commission was L. Curry, 38, hit the rear axle of Finast Pot Pies missing since June 2 and was established in 1971, it has had Fresh Bakery Buys a trailer truck parked on 1-91 in With this believed to have drowned . outstanding success in getting Downy Enfield. ’The father was listed Beef, Chicken C soz $ * 4 0 0 Coupon sometime last week. legislation enacted to reform in satisfactory condition at or T urkey pkgs | Fabric Softener The Drewry girl was killed ' specific problems in the ad­ One oz bar Hartford Hospital Sunday 3’/4 Donut Trays Saturday afternoon when she Appie JuiCGr^^ ministration of justice in Rhode % U,l..»e«Rlcbmond Peas & Carrots, o Zfloz^Ac night. darted into the street from Vegetables com or Mixed 2 pkos79 With this Irish Spring Soap Island,” said Walsh, the chair­ Coupon 1 9 Finast Plain . _ Phillips drowned Sunday between two cars and was hit TERMITES 64 oz BESH IB U H riH B ANTS AND BOTH EBIEBDE AT 15 oz. $ ^ man. "By actual count, 15 of Orange Juice Finast ..... 5 cans 1.00 btl With a Purchase o( or Sugar ^^2^ THISTIW EOF YEAB, BUT AS SHOWN IN THESE cans ■ the 17 measures introduced in 3 bars at Reg Price ILUISTBATIONS, THEY ABE DIFFEBENT IH BIANY WAYS. Hint’s Sauce the General Assembly under Check these Food Values! H296 Valid thru June IS 0 H309 Valid thru June 15 5 commission sponsorship or a Jelly Kaketts^...... "12 79* ! recommendation have become Front wings longer ; law.” With this Wheat Bread ...... i»?49* Both pairs of Straight Elbowed Baggies 20 Tom atoes' puref Save 15’ Coupon Save 12^ H Save 10^ PUa KPT. STOK wings same size antennae than back wings 9 9 « PM Han A NoUan Ta Plaanl antennae Trash Bags I Some of its bills enacted into Honey Butter & Egg Bread foaT 4 9 * One 5 Ib bag With This Coupon With This Coupon ! law this law include: Redpack 43^ One pkg 15 One 15 oz can ; —Modernization and revision Gravy Train gifts! ■ of drug abuse control laws. , Hefty Bags Niagara Starch —Allowing the attorney Dog Food I Tair Kitchen Spray Can ANT general to bypass grand jury H297 (^ ^ 9 0 H295 Valid thru June 15 J Valid thru June .c 15 MEN’S FURMSHINGS for action on most felony charges Tomato Paste Valid thru June 1.u by filing “ crim inal infor­ by Hartes A Fruit of tho Loom father! mations.” Redpack O 12 oz $ 4 0 0 Actual size 'A-Inch Thick waist Narrow waist Actual size '/jTinch Save 10” H Save 10” H Save 7' Save 10* Spencer St. ^ —Extending the state public 9 ^ cans I T-Shirts, Briefs, Shorts defender’s jurisdiction to dis­ With This Coupon With this Coupon With this Coupon With this Coupon For a Complete FREE inspectlon...Call Now trict court level. One 8 oz btl One 200 ft roll I One 16 oz pkg One 20 oz btl Locker Shirts, Hosiery K-Mart Plaza —Providing for statewide Spoonfuls grand juries. Cat Food Seven Seas Glad Food Fleischmann’s Listerine wash Dressing (Green (3odess) Handerchlefs and Wallats. URDVARK TERMITE CONTROL INC. Manchester — Creation of an ad­ Wrap Solt Margarine ministrative board to handle Purina 12V2 bz $ i 0 0 H300 H301 H302 1190 Qreat Selection for Father’s Dayl D Q S ^ 0 Valid thru June 15 Valid thru June 15 MANCHESTER WILLIMANTIO minor traffic offenses. ■ g cans I MANCHESTER 646-0445 423-1336 MANCHESTER We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Prices in this Ad Effective thru Sat., June IS , We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantitlef Prices Elfoctiv* ttvw W ■ J - PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon.. June 10. 1974

Drug Benefit NOTICES m J F * * • □ NOTICES f •• • Plan Adopted I — LoM ind Found ■ — Portonali t — Announcomontt Lofi and Found HARTFORD (UPI) - A new i — Entertolnment 1 program approved by the I — Auelloni legislature this year will allow LCST - black and white cat FINANCIAL Bolton area, Wednesday, June state employes and their Bondt-Slockt-Morlgigti families up to $500 a year in Porionil Loini 5th. Please call Neil Hassett Iniurince with any info. 647-1934. prescription drug benefits. EMPLOYMENT The state workers will get the ■ Help Wanlad FOUND - Redish brown male benefits, beginning Aug. 1, ’ Butlnou Opportunitits m o ^ l dog. Call Dog Warden, expected to cost the state $1.9 ' Slluallon Wanlad million a year, under an amend­ EDUCATION ment to their Blue Cross health • Private Inalrugllona FOUND - Siberian Husky - Schools-Classea insurance policies. ■ Initructlons Wanlad temale dog, silver and gray. State Comptroller Nathan G. Call Dog Warden, 646-4555. ... SenMona Agostinelli and Attorney REAL ESTATE - Homes lor Sale FOUND - Shepherd type male moyhavtwiityaM General Robert K. Killian have - Lots-Land lor Sale ■ Investment Property , black and■ tan.■ n. CallCal Dog jB happy aiH approved the plan which is ■ Business Property harden, 646-4555. awaiting a final okay from state ■ Resort Property May 9,1974, was a great day for the children at - Real Estate Wanted Insurance Commissioner FOUND - Shepherd type black Thomas White. Agostinelli said MISC. SERVICES. and tan male dog. Call Dog Buckley School. It was the day the nian for ' Services OHered Warden, 64W555. White is expected to approve ■ Painting-Papering Happiness Is; whom their school is named accepted an invita­ the increased benefits. ■ Building-Contracting Roollng-Sldlng “THE PONY The prescription drug provi­ Healing-Plumbingnbir tion to visit them and be honored by them. An sion is a breakthrough in health ■ Flooring Peraonala RIDES” benefits for state workers in the ■ Moving-Trucking-Slotage afternoon’s itinerary of planned programs in Services Wanted iaturday, June 15 Northeast, Agostinelli sai4,The WANTED rhythnr and lead 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. benefits were sought, ne said, MISC. FOR SALE guitar players with own equip­ different classrooms culminated with an Arbor - Articles lor Sals Dougherty Lots, Corner of’^ to bring coverage for state - Building Supplies ment. Must be serious. 643-9284, [^Center and McKee Streets,’S workers in line with private in­ • Pels -Birds- Dogs or 875-1585. Day program and the dedication of a sugar Jenifer MacGillvary gets ready to discard her brownie hat ' Livestock 3 Manchester. s assistant leader; Brenda Joy, Patty Hardy, Kathie dustry. / as she crosses the bridge from Brownies to Junior Girl ' Boats & Accessories Sponsored by Manchester:* maple tree to Dr. William E. Buckley, who, at Gaffney, Toby Brown, Melanie Vusic, Sharon DuPont, ' Sporting Goods REDUCE safe and fast with Scouts. Watching her during the ceremonies at Wickham Maureen Flanagan, Dawn Kinney, Sally Lockery, Jan Yan- ■ Garden Products GoBese Tablets & E-Vap Exchange Club % ' Antiques ‘‘water Pills”. Liggett Rexall, the age of 82, shoveled the first spade of dirt on Park are other members of Brownie Troop 647, counter '^row and Kim Merz. (Herald photo by Dunn) Wanted to Buy clockwise, Janet MacGillvary, leader; Gert McCarthy, Manchester Parkaoe. RENTALS the young roots. ‘Hunting’ For HesuHs? ■ Rooms lor Rent You'll Get Good ‘Stwts’ in ■ Apartments lor Rent ■ Homes lor Rent Happy 80th Birthday Herald Want Ids ' Business lor Rent Resort Property lor Rent Brownies ^Cross Over^ into Scouting ■ Wanted to Rent □ FINANCIAL GRANDMA Misc. lor Rent SIBRINSZ Brownie Troop 647 and Junior Girl Scout Jan Yandrow, Marysia Tonski and B e c k ^ 603. Mrs. Douglas MacGilvary, leader of AUTOMOTIVE Bondn-Stocka-Uortgages 8 ’ Autos lor Sole \ ‘ Troops 603 and 686 conducted ceremonies McCray. ^Brownie Troop 647 and Cadette Troop 600, INVITATION TO BID ' Trucks lor Sale Love, last week at Wickham Park for the girls Members of Troop 603 bridging to ined wings on the those advancing to Heavy Equipment lor Sale MORTGAGES, loans first se­ crossing the bridge into a new status in Sealed bids will be received in ■ Motorcycles-Bicycles v cond, third. All kinds. Realty All your children, Cadette Scouts are Linda Coelho, Kristine Cadette Scouts. Girls Scout pins were ' Campera-Trallers-Mobllb scouting. Gustafson, Cheryl Henniquin, Kim Lata, the Office of The Director of statewide, credit rating un­ grandchildren and awardedarde by Mrs. ‘ Carol Brown, leader of Homes necessary. Reasonable. Con- great-grandchildren Brownies advancing to Junior Girls Kim MacDowell, Nancy Nadeau, Donna Junior Troop 686 and Cadette Troop 600; General Services, 41 Center ' Automotive Service ' Autos lor Rent-Lease Scouts are Toby Brown, Sharon DuPont, Orcutt, Pamela Sloan and Cynthia Smith. and Mrs. Tyler. Street, Manchester, Connec­ Maureen Flanagan, Patty Hardy, Brenda Members of Troop 686 btidging from Mrs. MacCHlvary gave each new ticut until June 21,1974 at 11:00 Joy, Dawn Kinney, Paula Kurowski, Sally Juniors to Cadette Scouts are Kelly Cadette Scout fnr ♦hoi,- viq»o a.m. for the following: :ockade for their hats. SALES TO CYPRUS UP ford. Evenings, 233-6879. ^ Lockery, Patty McCarthy, Jenifer Gaouette, Cindy Kurowski, Julie Lohr, Sue A smali float with lighted candles was Installation of gas tank — Happiness Is: MacGillvary, Kim Merz, Joanne Nadeau, Nicosia, Cyprus—Cyprus im­ Katz and Sherry Whitman. , launched as the Cadn^es sang "Barges." Special Attention is called to ported $19 m illion worth of MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd Having your class rlngi^i Catherine Olander, Susan Chmiel, Kathie The program opened with a welcome by . J.R. Mathiason played ^^Amazing Grace” the Davis Bacon Act / U. S. goods in 1972, a 19 per mortgages — interim financing :|found by a Manchester!^ Gaffney, Lisa McRory, Melanie Vusic, Mrs. Herbert A. Tyler, leader of Troop and Taps on the bagpipes; Wage Rates and Employment cent increase over 1971 and 6 — expeditious and confidential i^HIgh School student. per cent of the island’s total service, J.D. Real Estate Standard Requirements Assoc. 646-1980. i Many thanks. Bid forms, plans and imports. M.E.G. •:? specifications are available at the General Services Office, 41 Center: Street, -Manchester, INVITATION Herald Happy Birthday Connecticut. Classified U s NONA B. Town of Manchester TO BID Get Fast Results Love, Highway Death Tolls Decline Connecticut Sealed bids will be received Kevin and Jason Robert B. Weiss in the Office of the Director of In front of the school bearing his name, Dr. Buckley, his sister, and school General Manager General Services, 41 Center •••••••••••••••••••••••••••» principal Vincent Ramizi attend the planting of a tree dedicated to Buckley. Street, Manchester, Connec­ □ EMPLOYMENT Happy Birthday S Despite Speeding Violations ticut until June 14,1974 at 11:00 a.m. for the following: MOM B. INVITATION TO BID Holp Wanted 13 Love, ^ The Manchester Board of 21’’ ASPHALT COATED The Untidy Room Keeper Education seeks bids for METAL PIPE DONALD E. MDLLEN 561 at this time a year ago. In 'ago—243 to 320—which IS Much of the speeding seems College Girls Physical Education Supplies Bid forms, plans and Jo Ann i? Pniled PrcHs International North Carolina, 589 persons phenomenal.” to be done on turnpikes and specifications are available at freeways. A UPI reporter who and Music Supplies for the 1974- A UPI survey of highway of­ have died in traffic accidents ‘‘One thing we’re finding, we the General Services Office, 41 Avon Loves Youl ficials shows death tolls are this year, compared with 761. think is unique, is a great deal recently drove from New York 1975 school year as Be an Avon Lady during follows: Physical Education Center Street, Manchester, Happy Birthday down across the country even Sgt. Mike Feldhausen of the of public comment demanding to Washington at 60-65 m.p.h. Connecticut. your summer vacation. though many drivers are said he was passed by hundreds Supplies June 20,1974,3:30 p.m. Washington State Highway or requesting enforcement and Town of Manchester, MISS T.^ a exceeding the 55 mile an hour of cars and scores of trucks. Music Supplies June 25,1974, Patrol said although speeding a great deal of criticism of Connecticut From speed limit. 3:30 p.m. arrests have doubled over 1973, those who do not adhere to the Officials in Alabama said Robert B. Weis?, Mrs. Kibble story By June Tompkins about half of the state’s drivers At the time listed, the bids will I Tennessee reported 475 "We’re 77 deaths below a year speed limit,” he said. General Manager. MACHINISTS - Bridgeport, deaths this’year, compared to were observing the 55 m.p.h. be publicly opened. The right is lathe, chucker, tool maker. Air- Photos By Doug Bevins limit, and deaths were 62 lower reserved to receive any and all conditioned shop, benefits in­ than last year. bids. Specifications and bid Help Wanted 13 TOWN OF MANCHESTER cluding pension plan. Lewis In California, however, the forms may be secured at the Machine Company, 22 John St., highway patrol commissioner Business Office, 45 N. School East Hartford, Conn. 289-3468. PART-TIME Evening cleaners'. Phone 649-5334. \ said despite more than 4,000 Street, Manchester, Connec­ LEGAL \ speeding arrests a day — com­ ticut. Raymond E. Demers PART-TIME work at home, on Democratic Primary NOTHiE the telephone. Phone 1-673-2995. NURSES - Part-time employ­ pared with 1,300 a year ment. available for RNs and ago—patrolmen are making The Zoning Board of Appeals LPNs in comprehensive health hardly a dent in highway will hold public hearings dn screening. Independent hours. Dr. Buckley and his sister, Ellen Buckley, are escorted to different classrooms by speeding. NOTICE Monday, June 17,1974, starting RN's - LPN’s Able to work from home. Car Battle Possible "Unless I get the support of Plaintiff: ADVO-SYSTEMS, 3 - l f required. Write Box A, Michelle Plante, principal guide, center, and David Stepper, to be honored in at 7:00 P.M., in the Hearing Manchester Herald. special programs. the motoring publjc, how can I INC. Room of the Municipal Building HARTFORD (UPI) - Still “My answer — my absolute enforce the speed limit?” asked Defendant: CHICKEN NURSES' AIDES the favored candidate^ Rep.. and irrevocable answer — is . to hear and consider the assistant minority counsel to Commissioner Walter HOLIDAY INC., a New Jersey following petitions: 3-11. 11-7 DISHWASHER - required, part- Ella T. Grasso, D-Conh., could no,” he said. the Senate Watergate corn- Pudinski. Corporation, t/a C&H time. Apply Cavey’s face a September primary if Item 1 Reinhold M. Albers — Full and part-time positions Restaurant or call 643-1415. Killian left open the question mittee. Given the manpower and DISTRIBUTING CO. available. Many benefits, either of her two male of whether he would actually Request variance to reduce — The Democratic State Plat­ equipment needed, he said, “I rear yard requirement to 3’3” hospitalization, medical and challengers gets more than 20 push the party to a primary in SUPERIOR COURT OF BABYSITTER in my home form Committee plans to get could arrest 100,000 speeders a NEW JERSEY to permit enclosed patio life insurance. Illiberal sick three to four days a week. Must per cent of the delegate votes September if he were denied day.” grassroots opinion in drawing CHANCERY DIVISION between house and garage — 21 time, holiday and vacation have own transportation. for the gubernatorial nomina­ the endorsement but obtained up its document. Rep. Audrey The 55 m.p.h. limit was im­ MIDDLESEX COUNTY Oval Lane — Residence Zone B. policy. We are one of the September-May. 646-7766. tion this summer. more than 20 per cent of the 1,- Beck, D-Mansfield, co- posed by Congress during the Docket No. C-2651-73 Item 2 Alphonse Reale — largest health care centers in Attorney General Robert K. 213 delegate votes needed to chairman, said hearings will be gasoline crisis last winter. CIVIL ACTION Request variance to allow America. Drop in and sed jis. MAN WANTED - part-time Killian Friday refused to take that step. mornings for floor cleaning held on a variety of topics in States are free to ignore it, but NOTICE LIMITING reduced yard depths on Contact Mrs. Post, accede to the w ishes of But former Norwalk Mayor duties. Call 646-4220 communities around the state face the threat of having their CREDITORS triangular lot; south side yard Director of Nursing Democratic party leaders that Frank Zullo left no doubt last before the July convention to federal highway funds cut off if TO THE CREDITORS AND for roof overhang — front yard he bow out of the race for week that he would go to a MEADOWS HOUSEKEEPER - Part-time get voter input. they do. STOCKHOLDERS OF for roof overhang — rear yard governor and accept a spot on primary, and in his opinion, or iull-time, excellent wages CHICKEN HOLIDAY, INC.: because of diminishing lot CONV/ILESCENTCENTa and\benefits. Manchester the ticket as lieutenant gover­ win, if he were to come up with 333 Bldwtll StrMt PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, depth — west side Hawthorne Manor Nursipg Home, 385 West nor. the 20 per cent. Manchtstor, Conn. that pursuant to Order of this Street, north of 192 Hawthorne Center Street, 646-0129. “There have been Zullo told a Democratic NOTICE 647-9191 Court entered in the within Street — Residence Zone A. suggestions that I gracefully Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Eighth group in Hamden "If I have the proceedings on the 30th day of Item 3 Brown’s Tire Shop — withdraw and accept some spot Utilities District of Manchester, (kinn,, vvill be held Wednesday, opportunity to go before the April, 1974, you are required to Request Variance for second other than governor on the June 19, 1974 at 7:30 P.M., D.S.T. In the Assembly Hall at the broad mass of Democratic present to the undersigned free-standing sign of ap­ WANTED - Lathe hands. Over­ MEDICAL LADORATORY ticket this fall,” Killian told a Bentley School, Hollister St., for the following purposes, to wit: voters, I wij] be the nominee Receiver appointed herein un­ proximately 8 square feet — 333 time, paid holidays, excellent TECHNICIAN regional party forum in New 1st. To choose a moderator. after a primwy in September.” der oath or affirmation, your Main Street — Business Zone insurance benefits. Metronics, Milford Friday. 2nd. To hear the reading of the warning. Must be experienced and A Zullo campaign aide, June several claims and demands III. Inc., Route 6&44-A, Bolton. 3rd. To approve the report of the President, as published in the familiar with modern Carroll, also said the Connec­ against the above named defen­ Information pertaining to Manchester Evening Herald on June 15, 1974. REAL ESTATE sales person. methodology and equip­ ticut Women’s Political Caucus dant corporation within six (6) above may be obtained in the , 4th. To approve the report of the Treasurer, as published in the Established office seeking am­ ment. Private medical lab. should reconsider its endorse­ months from the date hereof or Planning Office. The Manchester Evening Herald on June 15, 1974. bitious individual. High com­ Excellent salary commen­ ment of Mrs. Grasso on grounds by barred from participating in All person interested may at­ 'that she did little on behalf of 5th. To approve the report of the Tax (Collector, as published in mission schedule. Experience surate with ability. Almanac the Manchester Evening Herald on June 15, 1974. any dividend that may be tend these hearings. desired but willing to train woixien’s rights while she was declared out of the assets of I ^ Zoning Board qualified person. For confiden­ secretary of the state. 6th. To approve the report of the Chief Engineer of the 6 4 3 -2 9 6 6 Manchestei" Fire Department, as published in the Manchester this estate. of Appeals tial interviw call Jan or Helen, On the Republican side. Rep. Donald E. Clarick, Bernard R. Johnson, Village Charm Realty, 643-1509. United Press International Robert Steele’s campaign for Evening Herald on June 15, IW . Today is Monday, June 10, the 7th. 10 approve the report of the Fire Marshal, as published in Receiver Chairman the gubernatorial nomination 303 George Street Paul J. Rossetto, 161st day of 1974 with 204 to got a substantial boost when the Manchester Evening Herald on June 15,1974. follow. 8th. A. The election of the President. New Brunswick, Secretary veteran lawmaker Nicholas New Jersey 08903 Dated this 10th day of June, The moon Is approaching Its Lenge, state senator from West B. The election of two Directors (3 year terms.) $1,500 - $2,500 CASH BONUS C. The election of the Tax Collector. \ Dated April 29, 1974. 1974. last quarter. Hartford and co-chairman of Today’s Army now has 25 Jobs that pay a cash bonus In D. The election of the Treasurer. The morning stars are Venus the power Appropriations Com­ addition to regular pay and benefits. Thd bonuses E. The election of the Clerk. ' and Jupiter. mittee, announced that he Help W anfd 13 Help Wanted range from $1,500-$2,500, depending on the Job. If you 9th. To see if the voters will vote to approve the proposed The evening stars are Mer­ would not seek re-election in qualify, you’ll be paid the bonus In a lump sum after budget, as advertised in the Manchester Evening Herald on June cury, Mars and Saturn. order to campaign for Steele. you’ve completed training. Tbose bom on this date are And Sunday, state Welfare 15, 1974, for the 1974-1976 fiscal year. 10th. To see if the voters will vote to lay a tax and make the NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED, Male and Female under the sign of Gemini. Commissioner Nicholas Norton RN British explorer Sir Henry endorsed the congressman rate therefore. 11th. To see if the voters will authorize Its officers to designate SUPERVISOR - FULL-TIME, 3-11 Stanley was born June 10,1841. from the state’s Second Among the Jobe— Dr. William E. Buckley—educator, historian and author. the official...... I depositories for the funds of the l kDistrict. • ■ FULL-TIME, 11-7 On this day In history; District, particularly 12th. To see If the voters will vote to authorize its officers to NIKE TEST EQUIPMENT REPAIRMAN In 1898, U.S. Marines began applauding Steele’s refusal to RNS - LPNS borrow sufficient funds to meet the necessary obligations of the the invasion of Cuba in the accept contributions of more AIRCRAFT FIRE CONTROL REPAIRMAN District, and give the District’s note, notes of other obligation or FULL and PART TIME, 7-3, 3-11 Spanish-American War. than $100 from any individual. obligations therefore, when, in their opinion, it is for the interest In 1940, Italian dictator Steele may now have a RADIO TELETYPE OPERATOR of the District to do so, not to exceed $20,000.00. Competadve salary plus company pal'd life, health, major Benito Mussolini declared war decisive edge over Bridgeport 13th. To see if the voters will vote to authorize its officers to meoicai and disability Insurance, makes this truly one of HAWK MISSILE CREWMAN on France and Britain. Mayor Nicholas Panuzio, also offer for sale, either separately or together, two (2) building lots the best benefit packages available. In 1942, the German Gestapo seeking the GOP nod. RADIO RELAY AND CARRIER ATTENDANT burned the tiny Czech village of to the highest bidder. Apply, Director of Nursing Service to learn more about Lidice after shooting 173 men In other matters: 14th. To see if the voters will vote to authorize Its officers to the health care opportunities at: MISSILE'TANK TURRET MECHANIC and shipping women and - H. William Shure, the New offer for sale to the highest bidder, together or separately, children to concentration Haven attorney chosen to head materials from the dismantled treatment plant. For More Information: Dr. Buckley pauses to autograph a copy of his book, “A New camps. up a staff to carry out a 15th. To transact any other business proper to come before the MEADOWS CONVALESCENT CENTER England Pattern: The History of Manchester, Connecticut,” at lit 1972, more than 200 persons legislative investigation of the meeting. 333 Ridwell St / Manchastsr Call your Army RaproMntatlva at “Yes, I always liked school,” Dr. Buckley tells a grouq of atten­ were killed in flash floods in the state leasing system, promises Eighth Utilities District 6 4 7 -9 1 9 1 ,9 ?jk. 6 4 3 -9 4 6 2 the request of Nicole DePietro, center, and Laura Coulter, as tive kindergarteners. He told therri how he used to buila the fires Rapid City area of South there will be no Watergate type William Hanklnson, President guide Michelle waits. in the one-room school he attended as a young boy. Dakota. leaks in the probe. Shure was an Dated at Manchester, Conn., this 4th day of June 1974.

Ai3dVS o»31 w I rnd PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon.. June 10. 1974

Help Wanted 23 Homes For Sale 23 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. 13 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale Manchester. Conn., Mon., June 10. 1974- PAGE TWEN'TY-ONE Services Ottered Real Estate Wanted 29 Real Estate Wanted 29 j l ^ Building-Contracting 33 ArUclee for Sale MANCHESTER - $29,500. West 41 Rooms for Rent S2 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 A N -C M R COMPONENT side, 3-bedroom Colonial, 2-car CUSTOM MADE draperies and ANY TYPE Carpentry and garage. Immediate occupancy. bedspreads, wide selection of NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 NEW FURNISHED room, near ASSEMBLER masonry-wotlc, additions and cents each. Inquire side door. Cole, Realtor, 643-6666. fabrics. Phone 649-1786 bus line, laundromat, with some machine remodeling. FYee estimates. A. Manchester Evening Herald. restaurant, parking. Excellent WE FIND THE HOUSE, What is your Property Worth? anytime. Squillacote, 649-0811. experience. Capable of MANCHESTER - Classy Cape, value. 646-1^. YOU MAKE THE HOME. repairing turbine assemblies WE BUY and'^sell used fur­ aluminum sided 7-room Cape, 1 We will in sist your property and suggest STEVEN EDWARDS Contrac­ to blueprint specs. 1/2 baths, garage, huge rec ANY TYPEPE CarpentryCarp and niture. Cash on the line. One FURNISHED ROOM for dsniel f. reale REALTOR an asking price. (No obligation.) ting Agency - Painting, interior-r MAS Call for appointment room, excellent condition. Of­ Ask us about our guarantee sales plan TODAY!!! exterior, carpentry small jobs, masonry work,wi additions and piece or an entire housefull. working lady, 20 plus, share SheHeratti fice potential. T. J. Crockett, masonry and cement work, remodeling.eling. Free estimates. A. 646-6432. Furniture B am ,-345 kitchen, bath with two other 649-6004 Realtors, 643-1577. fences, tilling for gardening, Squillacote, 649-0811. Main Street Rear, behind Tadys. Linens, private entrance, Douglas Motor Sales. tree work, no job too small, for parking, central. 643-8649. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REALTORS — MLS HOME Improvements - Ad­ HELP FOLKS settle their in­ MARTIN SCHOOL area - New PASEK any household job call for es­ ditions, garages, rec rooms. All CLEAN USED refrigerators, COMPLETELY Furnished NEW LISTING - COLONIAL surance claims. Claims assis­ listing Excellent 7-room Raised 289-7475 — 608 Burnside Ave., E. Hartford timate, 649-1590 between 8 a.m. Ranch, two fireplaces, 2-car and 7 p.m. types of inside and outside ranges, automatic washers, housekeeping room including Classic colonial with traditional beauty. The seven tant needed for local company. 742-8243 — 'Twin Hill Dr., Coventry iremodeling. Free estimates. with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s Experience desired but will garage, 2-zone heat, appliances, interest all utilities. Parking. 272 Main rooms Include four bedrooms, formal dining room plastered walls, city utilities. Call Ed Sass, 643-0655. Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- Street, Manchester. .and living room wittv brick fireplace the whole family train. Good salary and benefits. Member National Aasoc. of Real Eetate Boards also mem­ TREES removed, sites cleared, 2171 Call Sharon, Rita Girl Per­ Quick occupancy. Priced way RAIES ber of Oie Hartford, Manchester .and tremon MuUple List­ save money on tree removal. will enjoy. The light and bright sunporch makes a P H O N E sonnel, 164 East Center, below replacement cost. ing Service. Free estimate, fully insured. RootIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 PLEASANT quiet furnished restful atmosphere for quiet reading. Pretty shrubs SCREENED loam, gravel, room for working gentleman. 643-2711 Manchester, 646-3441. Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. .IKWN Call 646-1330. and trees add to the charm of this property. Call us processed gravel, sand, stone, Call 646-7944 after 5. ROOFING, SIDING, gutters, and fill. George H. Griffing, for more details about this lovely home. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD MANCHESTER - two-family WILL DO odd jdbs, very awnings, lighting complete MEN AND WOMEN with sales Homes For Sale Inc., 742-7886. ROOM FOR gentleman next to and managerial ability. You frame home with tenants and 23 reasonable. Phone 643-8788. protection. Expert service. Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted business tenant on the first Resort Property 27 bath, near Center, telephone 13 can build rapidly to excellent Lowest possible prices. All LOAM, topsoil, fill, gravel for' floor. The third floor has full TOLLAND - On busy Route 195, COMPLETE junk cars outside room. 643-5331. ADVERTISING ADVERTISING income, family security, early, work guaranteed. Insured- sale. Excavating, septic, sewer RAISED RANCH retirement. For interview call unfinished dormer. Located at five-room home and large removed free in Manchester, budget terms. E. Steve Pearl, 105 Main Street, corner of CONFUSED? private office...ideal for beauty work. Latulippe Brothers, Inc., LAD.IES ONLY - Furnished This tastefully decorated 7-room ranch-style house Is on 423-8052 after 5 p.m. South Windsor, Vernon and Beacon Lightning ProtMtidn 646-5114, 742-9477. RATES DEADLINE Grove Street. In very good con­ shop, professional use, etc. Live AMSTON LAKE rooms for rent, completely fur­ the Manchester-Vernon line. Features a kitchen every When you’re not familiar with all the Tolland. Call Bill’s Auto Parts, Company, 643-5465. 12:00 noon the day before PRINTING PLANT Business Opportunity 14 dition with large lot located in in the house amd work in the of­ Route 74, Tolland, Conn, 649- nished with all utilities in­ woman dreams of, and a king-sized master bedroom with 1 day ...... 9( word per day publication. LOAM FOR Sale - Sand and cluded, convenient to bus line, 3 days ...... B« word per day business zone. Call P.M.H. complexities of buying a home, it’a fice. 150x300 lot, business 4578, 875-6231. ROOFING AND Gutters in­ a full bath. Wall to wall carpeting, from the living room to Deadline, for Saturday and R ealty, 528-9321, E leanor Three bedroom cottage, gravel delivered. Phone 646- community kitchen and bath. 6 days ...... 7t word per day FIRST SHIFT WANTED - Ambitious person time to consult with someone who zoned. Sensibly priced tb sell at stalled. Reasonable prices. the formal dining room, down the hallway and stairs, and Monday is 12:00 Noon Friday. kitchenette, dining area, 3109. Call after 4 p.m., 644-0383. 26 days ...... 6t word per day or couple to manage a local McClain after 5 p.m., 568-5776. $36,900. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, Eliminate middle man. M3-9735 e FOLDER OPERATOR works with real estate day in and day living room, full bath. Minutes In the beautifully finished family room that has a cozy IS WORD KlINIMUM area wholesale-retail mail 875-6279, 643-1577. Painting-Papering 32 7-9 a.m. and 5-9 p.m. Experience necessary COVENTRY LAKE - Belleview out - A REALTOR. from lakefront. Asking $16,- RAILROAD TIES for sale, FURNISHED EFFICIENCY flrei:^ace. Park two cars, bikes, tools, garden equipment in Happy A d s ...... $1.75 Inch PLEASE READ order business, part-time. the huge garage. section, four room Ranch, with VERNON - Six room Ranch in 500. excellent condition, ap a rtm en t, $130 includes Managerial experience helpful PAINTING - Quality work done ROOFING - Installation and 8’6’’x8’’x8’’. Phone 872-6754, YDUR AD e CUTTER OPERATOR enclosed porch, beautiful stone desirable Skinner Road, area. parking, heat, hot water and but not necessary. Full training reasonably, experienced. repairs, gutters, storm win­ 872-7103. No order too large or gas. Security deposit. 649-4454. Classilied ads are taken over Experience In cutting stock for presses as well as available. For personal inter­ fireplace. Only $17,900. Three bedrooms, covered patio, dows, doors. Experienced Assumable 7V4% mortgage. LUPACCHINO AGENCY Please call Steve after 5 p.m., small. Contractors welcomed. the phone as a convenience. finished work, using 42" Polar Eltromat. view call 872-62M. Information MANCHESTER BOUD ianeled rec room, pool, large 644-1443. quality workmanship. Fully in­ The Herald Is responsible tor Fiano Agency, 646-2677. 646-5432 by appointment only. fot, two-car garage. A cream sured. Free estimates. KELVINATOR gas stove, 30’’, ^ INVESTMENT PRflPERTY only one Incorrect insertion and e R E C E IV E R OF REALTORS puff! Mid 30s. Warren E. Reasonable prices. Rick then only to the size of the CALL ME for painting or like new, only one year old. Call We have an Investment property for sale...oall us. Receive and move heavy skids of paper utilizing fork HEBRON - Three-bedroom Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Burnett, 646-3005. Apartments For Rent S3 original insertion. Errors which A BUSINESS Ranch. Kitchen appliances, wallpapering. Reasonable. 646-4822 after 5. do not lessen the value of the truck. Lift heavy cartons of paper. Must be 21 years loads of cabinets and counter Free estimates. Phone 568-0527. advertisement will not be cor­ FOR YOURSELF In cooperation with the Manchester Multiple Listing Service, MANCHESTER - 2-family, 3-3, BIDWELL Home Improvement WE HAVE customers waiting of age with driver’s license. space, combination windows Inc. E pu rected by an additional Inser- large rooms, excellent condi­ PAPER HANGING and ceiling Co. Expert installation of ton electric range, Kelvinator for the rental of your apartment LIST YOUR HOUSE IN... ' tion. and doors, insulated. Fireplace, tion with extra building lot. Real Estate Wanted 29 aluminum siding, gutters and or home. J.D. Real Estate Full Or Part Time garage. Mostly wooded acre. painting. Neat work. refrigerator. 14’’ GM, 15” Ford LIBERAL BENEFIT PROGRAM THAT IHCLO^S Char-Bon Agency, 643-06M. trims. Roofing installation and Associates, Inc. 646-1980. DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED NOW Immediate occupancy. Asking Reasonable rates. Phone wheels. 643-2880. NON-CONTRIBUTORY PENSION PLAN. MANCHESTER '- Beautifully SPECIALISTS - East of Leonard Spiegelberg 643-9112. repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. REALE’S CORNER To Supply and StrvIca Accounts $34,200. The Yankee Peddlers, Manchester. Need a speedy Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted maintained six-room Cape. NEW LISTING - 10 year old KIDS WILL love the in-ground MOVING OUT of State, five- LOOKING for anything in real 178 MAIN STREET APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL 643^1101 Company Eatabllahas In tha Local 742-9718, 1-423-6735. sale? We buy, sell, finance, for estate rental — apartments, PHONE 646-4825 Arsa lor you. Company rsquirss NO Fireplaced living room, dining Colonial, featuring four good pool just off Florida room of COLLEGE Graduate students HORACE Tetrault — Siding, just about anything to help you piece bedroom set, white EXPERIENCE of AppIleanU In this room, sunny eat-in kitchen, sized b^room s, 1 1/2 baths, this lovely six-room Ranch. available for exterior and in­ roofing, storm windows, aw­ Colonial canopy, §irls. One twin homes, multiple dwellings, no Busintas. COVENTRY - Secluded five One-car garage. Big workshop, out. Lessenger Company fees. Call J.D. Real Estate ALUED PRINTING SERVICES MC. room Ranch, on over 1 1/2 first-floor bedroom and bath, front to back fireplaced living terior painting.Six years nings. Quality workmanship, bed, and other items. Phone choice Bolton Center location. Realtors, 646-8714, 423-9291. free estimates. Fully insured. Associates, Inc. 646-1980. .Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 5? 579 Middle Turnpike W. Company rapreaentative will par- acres, stream, patio, three two large bedrooms up. Wall-to- room, formal dining room, experience. Fully insured. Free 646-0357. after 5 p.m. ■r Minutes to 1-84. Louis Dimock 872-9187, 649-3417. Manchester, Conn. sonally work with you to lamlllariza bedrooms. Owner financing wall carpeting electric eye gar­ screened porch, garage, treed estimates. Call our com­ HEY KIDS! you with tha sarvIcliM of that# Ac­ Realty, 649-9823. SELLING your home or ROCKVILLE - three room ’MANCHESTER - New deluxe FOUR ROOM renovated apart­ available with 10% down, 8 age door. Low 30’s. Call lot. Only $42,900. Keith Real petitors, than call us, 649-7034 RIDING LAWN mower for Want to make good money working only a few hours An equal opportunity employer. Male/Female counts locatad In Drug, Varisty, acreage? For prompt friendly ROOFING — Specializing apartment, heat, hot water, two-bedroom Townhouses. 11/2 ment, appliances, heat, Suptr Marksts and Discount Storaa. l/27o interest rate. $35,000. Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233, J. Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. sale, $100. Phone 649-4831 a week. No limit to how much you can earn. ThrM HEBRON - Fivd-room Ranch. service, call Louis Dimock stove and refrigerator, baths, includes heat, parking, central location, Lessenger Company Realtors, Watson Beach Real Estate Co., INSIDE - Outside painting. repairing roofs, new roofs, anytime. Profit Potsntlal la moat attractlvs and Realty, 649-9823. carpeted living room, $145. appliances, carpeting, full security, $190 monthly. 649- nights per week. We train. 646-8714, 423-9291. Realtors, Manchester Office, MANCHESTER - Three family, Wooded acre. New kitchen, all Special rates for people over 65. gutter work, chimneys, cleaned i virtually unllmitad. An IM M EDIATE appliances, oak floors, Adults only, no pets, security private basement. $275 per 3340. IN VESTM EN T of $3495.00 lor Star­ 647-9139. separate furnaces, ceramic tile Fully insured. Estimates given. and repaired. 30 years MUST SACRIFICE - Bedrooms ALL CASH for your property deposit required. Parking for month. Paul W. Dougan, ting Invsntory pula you in your OWN baths, appliances, two car gar­ fireplace, basement garage. Call 649-7863. experience. Free estimates. and living room furniture, COVENTRY - New listing, im­ within 24 hours.Avoid red tape, one car. Call 643-9678. Realtor, 643-4535, 646-1021. THREE-ROOM furnished Call 647-9946 BUSINESS RIGHT NOW. WRITE maculate, two year old, eijeht MANCHESTER - New listing - age, excellent location. Cnar- Immediate occupancy. $31700. Howley, 643-5361. carpeting and draperies, all TODAY (Includs Phono Numbsr) instant service. Hayes Agency, apartment, couple or older per­ Attractive full dormered six Bon Agency, 643-0683. The Yankee Peddlers, 742-9718, TEACHERS have saved custom made, excellent condi­ room raised Ranch, four or 1-423-6735. 646-0131. THREE-ROOM apartment, *FIVE modern rooms, new son. Convenient location. 224 Manchester Evening Harald OFFICE POSITION M.S.C.I. bedrooms, fireplaced family room cape on wooded lot, quiet, homeowners 20-50% on quality ROSSI ROOFING, siding, tion. Call after 4 p.m, 569-1625. Box Number 336 child safe street. Three or four house painting. Fourteen years chimneys, gutters, free es­ near hospital. Heat, hot water, stove, refrigerator, carpeting, Charter Oak Street, I The Manchester Evening Herald has an opening in Blue Ball, Pa. 19432 room, formal dining room, WE WILL buy your house. Call stove, refrigerator and cooking electricity, parking, yard. (Jo^ Manchester, 643-8368. beautifully landscape, view bedrooms, several rooms experience, fully insured. 643- timates. Fully insured. Days, WALK-IN VAN lunch wagon, I its classified advertising department. Appiicants anytime, Hutchins Agency, gas. Wall-to-wall carpeting, neighborhood, $230. Phone 649- for miles. Mid 40s. Lessenger carpeted. $35,900. Eastern, 643- WELL CARED RM 1609. evenings, 529-8056. Paul completely equipped. Stub bus Ishouid have a pleasant personality, good typing 9%9, 646-8250. Realtors, 649-5324. Cosgrove 643-5364. $165. Adults only, no pets. 8350. FIVE-ROOM Apartment, gar­ F in a n c ia l security is not ob­ Company Realtors, 646-8714, 7-room Colonial In top condi­ drive camper for sale, com­ Security deposit required. age. Cellar storage and yard. I skill, and some knowledge of telephone selling tained by muscle power but by 423-929 LISTING B. H. MaGowan Jr. and Sons. pletely redone, excellent condi­ I : BRANCH MANAGER’S DO YOU have these advantages tion. Three bedrooms, sun- SELLING your house? Call us BARRETT HOME Improve­ Phone 643-9678. ^ BOLTON - Large one-bedroom $175 monthly. Manchester. 649- I would be helpful. Ideal working conditions and full I brain power. Own and operate VERNON - Spacious, im­ Vernon — Ehccellent oyersized Interior and exterior painting, tion. M9-7398. SECRETARY on your present job? 1. oppor­ maculate, convenient 7-room porch, carpeting, siding, first and we’ll make you a cash paperhanging. Thirty years ment Company, aluminum apartment, quiet neighborhoodv 2871. National Company with one- tunity to earn high week^ in­ lemploye benefits. For personal interview telephone I your own business part-time. Cape, 2 full baths, fireplace, offer. One day service. T. J. carpeting, electric kitchen,' Manchester Colonial. Four bedrooms, two fireplace, garages. Zoned for experience. Four generations. siding, make your home look man office In new alr- come. 2. no lay offs, 3. manage­ ■ Mr. Palm er at 643-2711 between the hours of 8:30 to | Full training provided. No in­ recreation room, walk-out Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. fireplace, sundeck. References JEWLY DECORATED three- vestment necessary. Full infor­ lavatories plus full bath. At­ home and professional of­ Free estimates. Fully insured. like new. Save fuel with in­ Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 Manchester conditloned building, near ment opportunity, 4. life in­ 110 a.m. only. COMPARE... tached garage. Nicely fice. $39,900. basement, hot water heat, 643-7361. sulated backing, Kaiser, Alcoa HOMESTEAD PARK VILLAGE required. $195 momthly. 643- r'qpm apartment, 613 Main mation by appointment only, 5983. Street, across from Center Vernon Circle, needs surance policy, 5. stock COMPARE... landscaped. Above-ground pool. large kitchen, amesite drive, products. Complete trim. Save POMERANIANS, all colors, By Raymond F. Damato p u rc h a se o p p o rtu n ity . 6. call 564-7596 between 9 and 5 P a rk on bus line. Heat, hot sales/service secretary. Not p.m., Monday through Friday. Quality, distinctien, style, Treed and shrubbed lot. Many combinations, large lot with COLLEGE PAINTERS - Five good money and get a lob done poodles, apricot toy-minature, freedom. And most of all, get­ right by local craftsman. MANCHESTER - Large waterx^refrigerator, gas range, an ordinary secretarial posi­ price. All enhance the beauty extras, immediate occupancy. RICHARDS A KEHMNA trees. Must sell quickly! □ MISC. SERVICES years experience. Save 30-60%. peke-a-poos; Siberian husky New one and ’Two bedroom ting paid what you think you are Appraisals. Peter Tilley, 742- Financing available. Roger G. modern one and two-bedroom parkin^rovided. References. tion. Full fringe benefits, se­ MANCHESTER - Pizza house, of these 3 and 4 bedroom Low 40’s. Mr. Matthew, 528-1731 Asking $35,900. _and White German Shepherds. Townhouses. worth. If you don’t have these Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. 6117, (toll free) after 4:30. Barrett, Webster Lane, Bolton, Willimantic, 487-0944. ; apartments, air-conditioning, Security XMuired. No children, cond to none. JANITOR - for Saturday and, fully eouipped. Priced to sell. ★ Hm I no pets. 6M-0578 after 6 p.m. advantages, phone at once for Sunday, pjione 528-2167, or app­ CLAIMS ASSISTANT homes. Each with individual CHARLES LESPERANCE Services Ottered 31 649-0822. ^AAppllancM carpet, appliances, pool and Owner nas other interests. For playground. Available im- LIBBY GLASS DIV. immediate employment. Call ly in person. East Hartford Con­ CAREER OPPORTUNITY personality. Call for appoint­ CHAPLIN - Mini farm, 8 acres CEILINGS, inside painting, TWO - AKC, male honey-color ■ k Carpating details call Stanley Agency, 646- .mediately. Security required. OWENS ILUNIOS 623-1051. Challenging and dlvaraHlad poaltlon ment and directions. of privacy surround this lovely WINDOWS WASHED, for es­ par--’-- " ------ROOFING-Installation and Cocker Spaniel pups to a coun­ 'AAlr-con- valescent Home, 745 Main 3618. $170 and $195. Eastern, 646-8250. Street, East Hartford. In Uia Manchaatar (rtflea of thia aa- Cape. Fireplaced living room, MANCHESTER - 7 1/2 room timate call Steve after 5 p.m., i-ef repairs, gutterq, storm win­ try home with ctiildren. $85. dltlonlng 872-0521 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Full baaa- An Equal Opportunity Employar BABYSITTER wanted for ta^llahad, prograaalva Inauranca formal dining room, eat-in center-entrance Colonial, first 644-1443. older dows, doors. Experienced each but would prefer to sell as APAI company. It may ba hactic, at tlmaa, Situation Wanted 15 ment TWO-BEDROOM apartment, working mother. Must be 646-1180 kitchen, three bedrooms, den or floor family room, 2 fireplaces, MANCHESTER - six room 646-5750, 872-2222. quality workmanship. Fully in­ a pair. 742-7536. RENTAL OEFICE reliable and over 15 years old. but navar dull. Cape, 11/2 baths, garage, treed ★ Patio / centrally located, kitchen GRINDER - Surface grinding, NURSE’S AIDE - Experienced, fourth bedroom, two-car gar­ laundry off kitchen, basement SHARPENING Service - sured. Free estimates. We have a large rariety of Call 646-5285. Good talaphona paraonallty a M USTI rec room, 2-car garage, large lot, quiet neighborhood. $30’s. Reasonable rices. Rick Model Open Daily appliances, clothes dryer, heat PART-TIME maintenance close tolerance gage work, Pravloua Inauranca clalma desires private duty, care or age, garden area. Fruit trees. Saws, knives, axes, shears, J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom COUNTRY HOME needed for deluxe one ^ d two-^^oom man. Call between 9 a.m. and 4 overtime and paid insurance. MERRITT AGENCY Let’s see you top this buy. $39,- lot in prime Porter Street area. Call 647-1885 after 5 p.m. Prin­ skates, rotary blades. Quick decorating. Interior painting. Burnett, rhedium size crossbreed dog, 12 Noon ’til 8 p.m. included, full basement and axparlanca halptui but not raquirad. companion to elderly, phone patio. One month deposit apartments and townhpuses p.m. Laurel Manor, 649-4519. LAUNDRY WORKER - 8 to Penobscot Tool & Gage, Wa will train. But, do not apply un- 900. The Yankee Peddlers, 7tt- Low M’s. Warren E. Howland, cipals only. service. Capitol Equipment Paper hanging. New Ceilings. male, innoculated. No charge. Directions: End of Congress 644-2376. ; required. No pets. $195 per throughout Manchester, 4:30, five days per week, in­ Merrow Road, Route 15, Exit laaa you hava tha capacity and daaira - " ^ ^ tor 9718, or 1-423-6735. Realtors, 643-1108. Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. Remodeling. Exterior painting. Heating-Plumbing 35 289-6184. Street off West Middle ’Tpke. cluding Saturday. Good starting to laam. ThIa la not a routine Job. TWO-FAMILY. Quiet, dead-end Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday month. Call 644-2427. tal office open daily from f e m a l e w a r e h o u s e office 99, Tolland, 875-8083. WILL BABY SIT, my home, Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. f —■ ■ I ... I salary, regular pay increases. GOOD STARTING SALARY PAUL W. DOUGAN, other times by apptintment.' clerk for regional distributor of h a r d to believe, but owner MANCHESTER - 564 Wetherell BOLTON New on street enhances desirability of 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- Fully insured. For estimate call LYNN’S PLUMBING - FREE TO good home, female Excellent fringe benefits. On MERIT INCREASES day or night, any age. Some this newer Garrison Colonial Realtor NICE NEIGHBORHOOD - RCA and Whirlpool. RESPONSIBLE Driver for Mr. transportation available. Call wants out fast! $25,000 for this Street, six-room Colonial, market...Stone house of eight 7958. 649-9658. Repairs, remodeling, new con­ bird dog. Mother Brittny, bus line. Apply in person. East LIBERAL BENEFIT PROGRAM rooms on three private acres. style , 4 over 5, two-family. struction. Water pumps. 646-6363 646-1021 large 2-bedroom apartment, Experience in truck terminal Softee truck. Must be 18 or Will conaldar raturnaa to tha 649-8227. 5-5 two family! For details call possible seven rooms. 1 1/2 father German Shorthair. 646- DMUTOENTBIPinSES,IIC. distribution or warehouse office Hartford Convalescent Home, over, neat and reliable. Call baths, roomy attic, extra large House in good condition, Exeejlent condition, private REWEAVING burns, holes. French spoken also. < 0633. 643-4535 ^P|rivate entrance, parking, bualnata world. Excallant opportuni­ Mr. Scalley, Belfiore Agency TOP QUALITY interior pain­ ■^appliances, near MCC. 240-11 Nni Sttte.Ri, HmcliMter procedures helpful but not 745 Main Street, East Hartford. 649-2073 between 9 a.m. -1 p.m. kitchen, garage. lx)t 107x200’. fireplace, 1 1/2 baths, four drive^'^pliances, large family Zippers, umbrellas repair^. ting and varnishing. Call Bob ty to start a tacond caraar. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 647-1413. Available July 1st. Adults. 646- 646-1021 required. We expect to train. Call lor Intarvlaw apmt M7-1421 Panoramic view. T. Shannon, bedrooms, plus a private studio room, good income. $47,500. Window shades, Venetian for best price in town. 643-9859. BOTTI Heating and Plumbing Livestock 44 COUNTER ,HELP - over 18 available, transportation 7318. An equal opportunity employer. provided, during summer EAST HARTFORD - prime Oak 568-6652. arrangement. Immediate oc­ P rin c ip a ls only. 872-4094, blinds. Keys. TV for rent. — Prompt, courteous service. preferred. Experience un­ SAFECO evenings. Call Mrs. Matthews, Eastco, 95 months. Phone 646-3116. Street area, king size Ranch cupancy. T. J. Cjockett, Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. DOES YOUR house need pain­ Call 643-1496.-14 ROLLING ACRES - Boarding MANCHESTER - Older four- Leggett Street, East Hartf rd, necessary. Please call 646-9313. Insurance Companies 1967, large heavily wooded lot, Rcjltor, 643-1577. ting? We do all types of exterior ^ a c e , box stalls, show ring. room apartment on bus line. Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 52M581. MULTI-CIRCUITS INC. 150 No. Main St. fireplace, garage, family room. TREES COVENTRY - New listing. MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. work. Free estimates. 872-3357. SEWERLINES, sink lines, English riding^lessons. Instruc­ Includes heat and appliances. SECRETARY - Full-time, Manchaatar. Conn.______Seven-room Raised Ranch, two Refrigerator, range, dis­ Beautiful 7-room U&R Raised VERNON - 7-room Raised Removal, pruning, lot clearing, cleaned with electric cutters, tor nas Pony Club and Potomac $135 and $155 per month. Paul shorthand and typing required. Small manufacturing firm Ranch with 11/2 baths, spotless years old, only $34,900. Pasek MAN WANTED as truck driver □ REAL ESTATE hwasher. New kitchen cabinets. Ranch on a wooded acre. spraying.Fully insured. TEACHER - Experienced by professionals. McKinney background. Call 649-3353. W. Dougan, Realtqr, 643-4535, and yard man, full time. At Legal experience preferred. has Immediate opening In 4 condition and a big private pool. Realtors, MLS, 289-7475. Licensed. Free estimates. Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ ••••••••••••••••••••■••••••a 646-1021. Gorgeous wall-to-wall Spectacular deck, sliding exterior painter, spray painting in person at W. H. England Manchester law firm. Phone of their departments for male INSURANCE AGENCY in •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Asking in low 40's, but... T. J. Phone 633-5345. a speciality. Reasonable rates. pany, 643-5308. Boate-Aeeessories 45 carpeting. Transferred owner glass doors, wall-to-wall, Lumber Company, Route 14-A, 643-1136. and female, first and third Manchester wants two girls Homes For Sale 23 says “Sell". Mid 40’s. Meyer, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. MANCHESTER - Two-family Phone 649-5873. Free estimates. BRAND NEW three bedroom fireplace, custom birch Bolton Notch, Conn. shifts. Please contact Per­ with property and casualty in­ Realtors, 646-3860, 646-8776. duplex. Separate furnaces and TREE SERVICE (Soucier) NO JOB too small, toilet 14’ FIBERGLASS boat, 50 h.p. duplex, appliances, wall-to-wall surance experience and MANCHESTER - two family, 4- cabinets. Great area. 10 FOR SALE BY owner, older basement. Only $31,900. Pasek repairs, plugged drains, kitchen PART-TIME mornings. East sonnel Department, 50 Trees cut, trimmed or topped, Building-Contracting 33 Mercury electric start motor, carpeting, private driveway FEMALE- part-time retail excellent clerical skills. Phone 4, second floor vacant, very minutes from downtown six-room Spanish motif house, Realtors, MLS, 289-7475 , 742- stumps removed, fully insured. faucets replaced, repaired, rec Hartford, Porter work and floor Harrison Street, Manchester. ENJOY COUNTRY living on trailer, complete $800. Cali 643- and basement.Security, $250 work. Good working environ­ 643-1155. good condition, ideal starter Manchester. Only $38,900. one-car garage, comer lot. All 8243. Got a tree problem? Well worth MASONRY - All types, rooms, bathroom remodeling, 0345. monthly. Frechette & Martin MORE POWER polishing. Phone 649-5334. acre plus treed lot, five minutes ment. Apply at 805 Main Street, home. F. J. Spilecki, Realtor, redecorated. Stove, a phone call. 742-8252. heat modernization, etc. Free 646-3800 from Vernon Circle, two fieldstone, brick, concrete. Realtors, 646-4144. Manchester. 646-0762. HATE GE'TTING UP In the 643-2121. refrigerator, draperies, cur­ Free estimates, after 5 p.m., estimates gladly given. M & M 15’ O’DAY JAVELIN with A.M.? Change your attitude. minutes from Ellington Ridge WARREN E. HOWLAND tains, wall-to-wall carpeting all Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. Country Club. Lovely seven- TRUCKING, odd jobs, moving 643-1870 or 644-2975 trailer, good condition, ready to TWO BEDROOM - luxury BRIGHT DRIVER for delivery Call us regarding great spot MANCHESTER - Four- REALTOR 643-1108 to stay. $34,500. Phone 643^11 large appliances, cleaning sail away, $1,050. 649-0630 after KEYPUNCH OPERATORS room Colonial with in-ground last section Townhouse, located in Highland truck, must have good We have full-time openings on open with company east of bedroom Colonial, 2Vz baths, after 6:30 p.m. cellars and attics, also some n e w t o n H. Smith & Sons - TOWNE Plumbing Service, 3. Park section of Manchester' knowlege of area roads and CLERK TO work part-time in walnut paneled first floor fami­ pool, huge deck, new wall-to- repairs, alterations, vanity TO YOU! day shift for operators river looking for dependable tree work done- 644-1775. Remodeling, repairing, ad­ wooded and private. For infor­ good driving record. Good op­ retail store. Must be mature. secretary with good typing and ly room, spacious jcUchen, with wall carpeting, fireplace, of homes now cabinets a specialty. Call to experienced in Alpha- kitchen built-ins, garage, on ditions, rec rooms, porches and mation, call 646-1616 or 649- portunity for advancement. Evening and weekend hours shorthand. Excellent $$ and loads of cabinets and built-ins. LIGHT Trucking - Odd jobs, 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.p.m. 649- Carden Products 47 5295. cul-de-sac street. Complete roofing. No job too small. Call Excellent benefits. Call Tom Numeric work. Join a growing available. Profit sharing, benefits, good hours, etc. Call Impeccably maintained. SPRING INTO SUMMER available cellars and attics cleaned, 649-31&. 4056. Wilson, Economy Electric data processing organization retirement plan, ^ p ly in per­ Sharon, Rita Girl Personnel, Manicured lot in desirable privacy in beautiful area. Prin­ GERANIUMS, 50 and 75 cents cipals only. Mid 40’s. 872-0616. lawns mowed, small tree work. TWO bedrooms in small brand Supply, 646-2830. in pleasant new surroundings. son, Cumberland Farms Store, 164 East Center, Manchester, porter Street area. 60’s. with these... La s t 6 homes ready for Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. CARPENTRY - Repairs, FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing, each, Hybred petunia, 75 cents new building. Perfect location. Salary open, benefits, con­ Route 30, and Dobson Avenue, 646-3441. Warren E. Howland, Realtors, repairs and remodeling, a pack, annuals and vegetable FOUR-ROOM Duplex for sale. occupancy — Then remodeling, additions, roofing. Silver Lane, East Hartford. Tj AL FRIDAY for general of­ Vernon, or 328 Green Rd., 643-1108. ^cialize in hot water heaters. plants, 50 and 75 cents a dozen. veniently located, free Phone 649-9314. Barbecue lir your own private back yard. Qracloua Co- we’re completely sold ODD JOBS - Carpentry, pan­ Call David Patria, South Wind­ Electric kitchen, patio, fice work. Good typing and Manchester. PART TIME or full time, $5. Prompt service on emergency. Ponticelli’s Greenhouse, 427 carpeting, $220. Phone 568-3740. parking. Call for appointment. lonlal Cape on Plymouth Lane. Three bedrooms. Fam­ outi eling, rec rooms, offices, sor, 644-1796. math background a must. Plea- per hour average commissions, TIMROD Rd. - New 7-room household repairs. Phone 649- 643-7()24. North Main Street, SMYTH BUSMESS SYSTEMS LAW OFFICE - Secretary, OWNER anxious to sell this ily room. 2-car garage. The 2 Bedroom Ranch — Manchester. Open 7 days a sant working condition, excellent advancement oppor­ Raised Ranch. Two fireplaces, $27,500 4594. WES ROBBINS carpentry Satellite Rd. part-time for summer. Hours 2 1/2 tiled baths, appliances, lovely two bedroom cottage, Flooring 39 week and evenings until dark. excellent benefits. Apply at tunity. Arts and crafts The 3 Bedroom Townhouse remodeling specialist. Ad­ Meadows Convalescent Center, South Windsor flexible. Phone 643-2405. demonstrators needed by the city utilities, plastered walls, priced below replacement cost. Edum nd Street. Well kept 6-room Cape, garage, porch, Won’t last long at $7,500. Call - $32,990 . TWO HANDY men want varie­ ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 333 Bidwell Street, Manchester. 528-9366 fastest growing home party patio. Two-car garage. Shade fenced lot. Priced to sell at $33,500. FLOOR Sanding-Refinishing, WHEE HORSE RMIg k M s PRESIDENTIAL Hagl^r Real Estate, 643-6624. . . . Includes air condition­ ty of jobs, raking rolling, built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, WAITRESS - part-time. Good plan organization. Call 872-8663, trees. Built by Ansaldi. Charles ing, carports, full basement, liming, fertilizing, mowing 649-3446. (specializing in older floors). 7 hp electric 12 volt sUrtlng 26” VILLAGE APTS. salary. Experience necessary. 872-2780, 875-9722 or 633-9023. Lesperance, 649-7620. Ceilings and inside painting. mower, ^rviced, delivered, ready to COVENTRY - 30 acre S te p s from Main Street Is this 5V4-room Cape, garage' swimming pool, tennis lawns, attics, cellars cleanetT Apply in person Hilliardville treed lot. Excellent starter home. courts, grounds and exterior Reasonable rates, 643-5305. LEON Cieszynski builder - new John Verfaille, 646-5t50, 872- mow. MANCHESTER Luncheonette, 303 Adams COLUMBIA - Seven room farmstead, drastically reduced maintenance. 2222. S P EC IAL $489 • E -Z T w im $5,000 Five bedroom brick homes custom built, Street, Manchester. AVON Raised ranch, five years old, ■' \ STICKELS One and two bedrooms. newspaper dealership avahme ranch, garages for four, large T o lla n d Street, East Hartford. Excellent Investment. Four- PDQ PRINTERS - Post Road remodeled, additions, ^ rec Says... situated on a one acre treed lot, Plaza, Vernon.^ Letterheads, rooms, prages, kitchens Rout* 83, Vernon 843-0787 barn, pastures, pond, high 60s. family, 3-room apartments. Good Incomb. ______Open W ife 'Ul 9______Near schools, churches Immediately — Andover Area WAITRESSES - Part-time, two car garage; close to lake. envelopes, bills, quick copy, remodeled, bath tile, cement P IF YOU’RE RETIRED, CALL US Lessenger Company Realtors, □ MISC. FOR SALE and shopping center, on A Business of Your Own after school hours, experience Stanley Agency, 646-3618, 643- wedding invitations. Xeroxing. work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ TOYOTA HALF-TON not necessary, three days per NOWI Retired people make wonder- 5724. 646-8713, 423-9291. bus line. Call anytime. — Must Have Dependable Car lul Avon Representatlvee. And Avon ‘gtfeen. 875-4819. tial or commercial. Call 649- Antiques 49 week, some Saturdays. Plea­ offers a real earning opportunity. You NEW LISTIN^ - Ranch In Manchester Qreen 4291. Articles tor Sale 41 — Must Be Bondable can sell quality products on a flexible MANCHESTER - six room- 646-2623 sant surroundings. Good MANCHESTER - Small two- area. Excellent neighborhood. Call on thia - LAWNMOWERS repaired and More power. With the moot powerful engine In lie gratutities. Apply in person. schedule and become more Involved family, ideal investment. Good 1 600 square foot condominium gives you more ANTIQUE bottles and glass In­ — Cash Investment Required In your community too. For lull Infor­ won’t last. Mid 30’s. sharpened, pick-up and KNOTTY PINE kitchen claos. Enough punch to pack 1,000 Iba. of payload. Brass Key Restaurant. 829 mation, call location and condition. Low three years old, low 30s., sulators for sale, phone 643- private. For appointment call delivered, Call Sharpall now for cabinets, 13’ wall cabinet, 15’ 6153. Or a funload Ilka a camper bo^. Circulation Manager Main St. i 30’s. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, Lydall Street/Manchester your spring tuneup. 643-5305. W.R. PHILLIPS CONST. base cabinet, good condition. 643-9229. 049-6259/646-6909 PORTER STREET - Three MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD 289-4922 643-4535, 646-1021. Backhoe, Bulldozer and 21x32 cast iron sink and faucets, B re w e r Street, East Hartford. Two-family, 5-5. on a Condominium Living in ah WANTED Antique furniture, rooms, heat, parking, utilities. Ma n c h e s t e r Drive-In needs CASH Registers and adding Trucker $200. 647-9602. $160. Security deposit. No pets. Mora comfort. With tha optional automatic m 647-9946 - Cashiers and counter help,. MANCHESTER - Good size huge lot In Industrial zone. Estate Setting ^ glass, pewter, oil paintings, or transmiMlon/bucket seal package. MANCHESTER - Benton Cape on lovely treed lot, living machines. - Sales, service, 21 CLARK RD., BOLTON other antique items. R. Ideal for newlyweds. 247-4688, Must be over 18. Call after 6 supplies. 15 years experience, DINING ROOM set, $95; coffee SCREAM FOR JOY - Brand Street. Well cared for six-room room with fireplace, formal 649-8100 646-1^65 Harrison, 643-8709. 236-0564. p.m. 646-9225 ask for Mr. new position, immediately cape with expandable attic, formerly with NCR. Free table $15; china cabinet, $40; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mora of tha good thinga that make a truck more Wilson. I dining room, eat-in kitchen, Ised and abused 4-famlly on Oakland Street. than Just a machine. available, with local company fireplace, garage. Only $30,900. u Estimates. C.R.S. Company, square oak table $35. All in good Wanted to Buy 49 MANCHESTER - Unusual one- three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, Needs the handyman’s touch. Call for details. who will pay well for recep­ T. J. Crockett, Realtors, 643- almost completed rec room, Coventry, 742-6381. condition. 872-6486 anytime. bedroom Townhouse, includes SALESPERSON IF YOU can work well in a Low 20’s. CARPENTRY - Porches, gar­ Check out tha Toyota pickup. And see how much tionist - secretary with good 1577. garage. Asking $36,000. CASH FOR antique furniture, heat, appliances, carpeting, full I W A N T professional atmosphere of ages, additions, bathrooms, FULL SIZE Professional elec­ your money can buy. ^ in g and accurate shortlund. Frechette & Martin Inc., LAWN SERVICE - Complete diocks, paintings, peWter, private basement, patio, en­ beauty and are interested in MANCHESTER - Six-room kitchens, houses, repairs. Free tric accordian. Seven tone YOU Right hand to Controller. Realtors, 646-4144. mowing, raking, yards cleaned. ^ s , lamps. Call anytime. 643- trances. $215 per month. Paul earning above the maximum Ranch. Garage, fireplace. Summer contracts^ available. estimates. Small jobs. Stephen tabs.s. $300 firm. Phone 643- Hurry! Call Sharon, Rita Girl Manchester four rent half paid with this.new 2-famlly, 4-4. W. Dougan, Realtor, 643-4535, pay, commission, and bonus, Personnel, 164 East Center, Aluminum siding, nice yard Free estimates. Senior citizen Martin, 646-7295. 0188 after 6 p.m. 646-1021. contact Edie Adams Cut and MANCHESTER - Seven-room Storms and screens, aluminum siding, built-in with mature trees. Only $31,900. if you can sell, give a good appearance, have Intergrity Manchester, 646-3441. ROCKLEDGE Colonial, living room, dining kitchen, fully carpeted, convenient location. discounts. 643-0304, 647-1723. RIGHT NGW LYNCH MGTGRS and feel you can struggle along on $15,000 to $25,000 a Curl, 649-2517 and ask for Mark. New 7-room Raised Ranch. 3 Pasek Realtors, 289-7475. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY YAMAHA CR-700 stereo THREE rooms, second (loor, room, kitchen, den, fireplace, Carpentry and general contrac­ year, selling Rock of Ages cemetery memorials. DEMONSTRATORS - sell toys bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious two full baths, three bedrooms, LIGHT TRUCKING - Attics receiver, $330 new. Three heat and appliances, available HAS THE PRICE YOU WANT. HAIRDRESSER - Experience Lots-Land tor Sale 24 ting. Residential and commer­ months old, sacrifice at $260. and gifts. Name brands: formal dining 'and living garage, central location. Only and cellars .cleaned. For free □ R E N T A L S July 1st. One month’s security preferred. Cheerful, busy shop. Fisher-Price, Fenton, Nordic, >potles8 Is this 2-famlly, 5-5, In Rockville. Recent­ estimates phone 647-9610 cial. Whether it be a small Phone 1-429-5802. required. $145 monthly. Cen- Phone 'Tres Chic, 643-2483, Mrs. ro^m, eat-in kitchen, family $37,500. Frechete & Martin ly redecorated, aluminum aiding, separata heat. NORTH WINDHAM - One acre repair job, a custom built home or If you are a self-starter, hard etc. Earn up to 30%. Free Kit. Inc., Realtors, 646-4144. anytime. trmly located. No pets,. 646- worker, write or call collect for Clark. Managership openings for room, aluminum siding, 2-car Close to ail conveniences. Under 30. approved lot, rural residential. or anything in between, call 646- SPINET piano - Musette- Rooms tor Rent 52 1098. a personal Interview (914) 635-2122 experienced demonstrators garage. Wooded acre. Call John Rogalsky in CUSTOM MADE draperies, 1379. mahogany case., $475. good con­ T O i f Y i o m w WOMAN to sleep with two MANCHESTER - Four- Middletown, 1-346-8320. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. also. Call “Miss Jean” collect bedroom Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, very reasonable, work dition. Phone 6^-2146. FURNISHED bedroom, share 4 MANCHESTER Large three or children, 7 and 9, in private 491-2100, or write Treasure uaranteed. Call anytime, 649- STEPS sidewalks, stone walls, ' 1/2 room apartment, Bolton, no four bedroom apartment, on home, 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.. walnut paneled first floor fami­ BUYIHS? SELIINO? CAU US - WE WORKI Investment Property 25 fireplaces, flagstone terraces, House, Goshen, Conn., 06756. i ly room, spacious kitchen, with G266. DARK, RICH loam, 5 yards, security, no lease. Will take low convenient quiet street. Large Bring your child or be older concrete repairs, inside and 646-1180 loads of cabinets and built-ins. $27.50 plus tax. Also sand, weekly rent. Call 646-7378 or attic, private cellar, first floor. woman. Own transportation un­ H MANCHESTER, 8-room outside. Reasonably priced. stone, ^ avel, pool and patio BOWER MEMORIAL, INC. WANTED mother’s helper to ',1 ^ Impeccablv maintained. G&H PAVING & Construction 643-7380. Lease and security. Phone 649- less near Route 316. Andover, do light housework, cooking, WLUAM L BELRORE AGENCY aluminum sided building on Company - Paving, sealing, 643-0851. saqd. 643-9504. 1924 or 643-5144 days. LYNCH MOTORS Pteasant VaHay, N.Y., 12869 $50, Monday through Friday.' MERRin AGENCY Manicured lot in desirable East Center Street. First floor, '^Hartford Area's Largest Toyota Dealer" and babjnsttting (2 year old) at Porter Street area. 60’s. concrete work, septic systems THOMPSON HOUSE,^fur­ Only reliable, responsible nei^ former dental office, amesited MASONRY WORK - Brick, beach, whole summer. REALTOR Warren E. Howland, Realtor^, ■Realtors installed. Commercial and ALUMINUM sheets used as nished rooms, centrally ROCKVILLE - Four rooms, 34S Cantar SL, Manchaatar R 4 R ^ 1 apply, 742-6047,5 to 7 evenings. 647-1413 parking lot, ideal professional block and stone. New work and References. 232-5421. 643-1108. residential. 26 years printing plates, .007 thick, located. Kitchen privileges. redecorated, first floor, securi­ location ..... Martens Agency, experience. Free estimates. repairs, reasonable prices. Call 23x32". 25 cents each or 5 for $1. Parking Reasonable rates. ty. no pets. $135. Phone 643- Realtors, 646-2550. 649-5233. 643-9508. . Phone 643-2711. Phone I 1-2358. %43. I

T' PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., June 10, 1974 umsmmmrntxt h e r a l d , ... Apartments For Rent 53 Business for Rent 55 Business tor Rent 55 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 81 Autos For Sale SI Autos For Sale 81 Autos For Sale 81 MANCHESTER - FOUR large BUGS BUNNY OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN JUNK CARS removed free. OUR HOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE rooms, heat and appliances, HONE5T. ELMER , THIS CAR WAS air-conditioned, first floor, gar­ Call Joey, Tolland Auto ^ d y . 528-1990. ^VNEp &YA LlioL' WTO H M /^ T k e n ABLE TO GET RID OF THAT OU3 ^ V/ATCHIW' 'you GUYS age, quiet but convenient WAREHOUSING AVAIUBLE THE ALL NEW NEVER DROVE IT OVER ------CLUNKER OF MINE ------'WAIT.'SIWCE F0K6ET IT' LET'S SETGOIHS BRAND NEW 1974 PICK UP THOSE WE GAVE HIM UM.YAS, BOYS, a seem ing STREAK , MAYBE neighborhood. $200. 649-6985 or Modern warehousing available In Manchester. One ‘ N1ILES AN H O U R / _____ YET, HUH, / “ VyORMS HAS SIVEM before he DECIDES TO HE 1970 BMW - 2,002, godd condi­ THE IDEA WE MAKE A PROFITOU US' I ONTz-nT® 'I reality THE LOGICAL ) HE GOT SOUNDS 649-7544. building of 30,000 square feet, and another building of hmmm/ ME AW IDEA—I’LL tion. For information cdll 643- OUGH^^^ AIN'T ABOUTTD PAY FOR OF long STUDY~.DFTEN HIT THE 36,000 square feet.^. Shipping and receiving docks. WMESf PUT UPASIfiW AW SHARE IW brothers ON 1974 9229. p SELL’EM.' supplvin’ him with a APPNT WAV MANCHESTER - Five large $1.25 per square foot. Contact Mr. Keough; ,TH' PROFITS/ PLAN ON HOW TO YEARS OBSERVING WIND THE , HIS rooms, second floor, appliances birrs.' heap, 1973 HONDA Civic, hatchback, OPEL MANTA j L MAIX*I’ For AHMakea OF A ’UFO"!, (This price does not CARTER CHEVROLET /■J ROCKVILLE - Two rooms, include side boards heat, lights, appliances, $33 or bed) C 0 ..R K . weekly. Ellington, five room 1228 Main Straot 1 duplex rent with option to buy, Model CS61403,21,000 GVW, 292 eu. In,engine, PlHNW 646-8464 $225. monthly, yard, cellar. 4-speed transmission, 7,000 lb. front axle, 15,000 Phone 872-0359, 7:30 p.m. to lb. 2-speed rear axle, heavy duty frame, 8.25x20 i 9:30 p.m. 10PR tires, dual rear tires, 4,500 lb. front springs, 1967 GTO CONVERTIBLE, 8,750 lb. rear springs, 80-amp. battery, 81-amp. THE FLINTSTONES generator, dual West-Coast mirrors, vacuum four-speed, must sell. $500. or BY HANA-BARBERA THREE LARGE rooms, stove, reserve tank. R i best offer. Phone after 6 p.m U-IO refrigerator, heat, hot water, 649-8491. near C enter. $45 w eekly. ALLEY OOP I 'M e U R B STAND BACK, Security. 647-1145, 649-6896. 1970 FORD G alaxie 500. BY V T , HAMJLIN F R E P W IL L .HERE C O tA B S MRS. yoUR CHAMGE '•A GOOD PEACE TO BUY A TRUCK" Dealer’s price $1,395, asking WARRIOR CHANG TELLS ME LU C E IT ,' MUSTANG ...WHAT have VOU TO SAY TO) I SAY THEY'RE A p u n t s t o n e L AMD © A L E S 41r4 ROOM Duplex, newer, $1,100. Elxcellent condition. VOU HAVE COMB FROM THE I these charges, AL-LEY y 8UTOH SLIP./,.. soundproofed, appliances, gar­ Phone 646-5376. STRONGHOLD OF YANGCHI OOP? ^ g eneral! age, laundry room, heat, prime CARTER TO SPY ON .l ■ location, no pets, references. 1964 VALIANT, fair condition, $205. 649-4138. automatic, four door, two new snow tires. $125 or best offer. C H E V R O in COLLECTOR’S SALE 649-8933. Autos For Sale 81 12 H Wolx Sf., MrwIiH w Orw >vti. ’HI 'tl 4 Rill

Motorcycles-Bleyelet 84 IS^EN DR. WONMUG SENDS ALLEY OOP ON A MISSION ...OUR HERO MEETS 1973 YAMAHA, 360, RT3, dirt INTO ANCIENT CHINA TO ITS INVENTOR, SEN. and road cycle. Ultra-low RECOVER THE FIRST KITE HAN SIN, UNDER mileag with extras. Excellent EVER MADE... MOST UNFORTUNATE condition. Call 649-8559. f^OgCUMSTANCES; n r r : , 6-10 D B M p T " LOW COST motorcycle in­ MR. ABERNATHY surance, immediate binding. BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY See us for your needs, Crockett Oldsmoblle Toronado Agency, 643-1577. W IN AT BRIDGE five clubs 6r five diamonds West took the trick with the you might as well go on to six king, thought a while, HARLEY-Davidson - Motor- 1 Neither works in iMP match in order to beat notrump decided his only chance to ^ cle s, parts and accessories. game bidders.” get a profit would be to lay Expert service. Harley- Oswald: “Here is a hand NORTH notrump making four counts down the ace of spades. He Davidson Sales, 49 Park Street, 10 more than five clubs making from a recent IMP team caught S o u th ’s king and Hartford. 247-9774. ♦ Q 5 five or six.” match that shows why this f T42 wound up setting declarer MOTOR TREND Jim: “There is a corollary ' should not apply to IMP con­ two tricks.” 1969 SUZUKI, TC200, only 5,500 f AK8643 tests. The bidding in the t>ox 4103 theory that if you do get to Jim: “I suppose the other CAR OF miles. First $600. Call 649-5125. shows the bidding at table table got out of the notrump WEST EAST one. West opened the six of trap, but went to six clubs.” THE YEAR' A AJ9642 4) 108 3 MOTORCYCLE Insurance - spades and South gave the Oswald: “They sure did. Lowest rates a v a ila b le . f J853 ?Q1096 hand the best possible play. ♦ QJ107 Furthermore, West doubled V-8 engine, automatic transmiaalon, power steering, power brakes, 8-way power Immediate binding. Prompt i ® He went up with dummy's and set them one trick to 4 K 2 ♦ 75 seats, power windows, power door locks, power antennae. Brougham red velour In­ Claim service. Call Clarke In­ The bidding has been: 10 queen of ^a d e s, led the ten of cause a tie board.” surance Agency, 643-1126. SOUTH (0) terior, air conditioning, Illuminated visor mirror, rear defogger, remote control clubs ana played his queen. (newspaper enterprise assn.I WINTHROP 4 K7 •West North East South miff or, cruise control, tilt wheel steering wheel, lamp monitor, corner lamps, EXPERT bicycle repairs, all BY DICK CAVALLI ? AK 14 Double 24 Pass AM/FM stereo tape player, tinted glass. Inside trunk release, protective body side makes, models and speeds. ♦ 92 Pass 34 Pass Pass Answer to Previous Puzzle VOUteE SNEAKY, SELFISH, rvE CSCrriDSO NC3W... WILL L E T f e S E E mouldings, bumper guards, door guards, convenience group, Michelln radial tires, Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, 4A Q J9864 34 Pass Pass ? Finances K, 0 U 6 R N low miles, white paint with white vinyl top. Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- VAIN, UNREASONABLE, VtXl TAKE OYER. UNTIL I W H E R E p 0 W Come and see these East-West vulnerable You, South, hold: A R M A 0 A C 0 U E ARROGANT... 2098. SET BACK, W I L L I S ? ^ ^ W A S S H E ? r A P P b L. N E 4 6 5 VJ432 4AQ974^853 ACROSS 53 Elf E s West North East South £ L. R E B E H i A F T What do you do now? 54 Sigmoid 1 4 Jp 1 Shares of s E. R B N E A R 3 L is t * 8 5 4 0 HANDLE BARS - factory V curves S E R E NOW ON SALE FOR ^6200 U 26 Pass 3 N.T. A—Bid four clubs. You have corporate 3 R A C E S seconds all styles, $5. each. capital 55 DcKtrine A N S E T A Collector’s Items Pass Pass Pass made no bid so far. If you should Connecticut Cycle Accessories, 6 Interest- 1 T E D 0 P elect to pass you might still be 1? E. & E ME R 3 316 Hartford Road. Opening lead - bearing « 6 p E. R 1 » U E T taking the best action. certificates DOWN EM D 3 Manchester. u L. AHR E T D E E 11 Unskilled 'TODAY’S QUESTION u E 6 T E R L 0 0 S F N side by side now Oriental 1 Wound s T E. e S 0 3 E R S YAMAHA, 1973, TX-750, 2,700 By Oswald & James Jacoby Again your partner has K S S USED CARS worker incrustation S E 1. E A 3 E miles, excellent showroom con­ doubled one spade.'This time you ~se \ -V-r- Oswald: “In match-point 13 Annul 2 This day dition, extras. Call 649-9842 hold: tj 14 Finding the 3 Great evenings. duplicate, there is a tendency 13 Investment 36 Greenland Pick 4 6 5 4 fJ7432 4AQ974l3 sum of amount of return bav 1974 VW SUPER BEHLE 19$^ OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 in our showroom! to prefer three notrump to a 15 Personal 4-apeed••d tiansmiHion,IrantmlMlon, raoio,radio, e,uuot,000 miiee.mllaa. 4-door . , hardtop,------power V-8, automatic tranamlaalon, power C 1174 by WA. Me. TM Hgj US ^>1 OH. b-io What do you do? money 18 Chemical 37 Fire kiBi . _ _ _ _ ateerlng, power brakea. air condlilonina rmHUs Campers-Trallers minor-suit game contract. assets (slang) M n iA l e O A A R *'**""1)' brakea, air conditioning, radio, new -A Answer Tomorrow suffix residue I V U n ...... t4 9 9 5 niotor, new Urea. . A r s SI M Dillon Exclusive Mobile Homea 85 SHORT RIBS The idea is that three 16 Balance 4 151 39 Snoozes Fully Restored BY FRANK O’NEAL (ab.) (Roman) 21 Withoul sound 41 Hackneved PLAZA HOMES - 1348 Wilbur VOUR NUMBER MAS BEEN 17 Stale 5 Relatives 42 Land 1966 Musing 2+2 1974 Mustang II 2+2 But Tve been w b n n g ' BUT THE KINS HAS' ofTicial (ab.) 23 Greek ieller ...... Cross Highway, Berlin Tum- CUT FROMTCOAt^ SHOW.' ON ,MV TAP OANCIN6- 6 Egyptian measure m ( m m 19 Deficit goddess tPP 45 I’rinling Sedan DeVllla. All Cadillac equipped. Including air This 6-cylinder, floor shift car has been This 4-cyllnder, 4-speed car* was built by Ford ike, Berlin, Conn. “Quality 25 Diminish 1972 PONTIAG CATAUNA p* FOR W EEK S. color 7 Choose direction eoi^ltlonlng. Power door lock, tilt ateerlng wheel, 4-door, V-8, automatic tranamIuTantranamlaalon, power alaarl..,, exclusively for Dillon. Special Black paint, Hi ------S'T A K GA'ZER!'* i C 27 Goofs cnilae control, Michelln Urea, 20,000 mllaa. One year or power diac brakea air rnadu^L^a • ^ 109, ;; restored beautifullyl It must be seen. A lomes” sensibly priced. New 20 AfTirmaiive 8 Almost 47 .Maiden whitewall tires, pin stripes, radio. ■By CLAY.R. POLLAN* 12,000 mile warranty available. Sava on thia one. tire? ’ ''■"I'l ‘oP. low low real classic and used homes on display. ^ ARIES 22 Mariner's 9 Old- 29 Kind of name ell**’ **' lop, low lim LIBRA Parts, supplies, accessories. 14’ Yowr Daily Activity Guide direction fashioned mortgage 48 Aeriform 23 Aged to Snow wide homes. O ^n house Friday 19 According to the Stars, '' 33 Substitutes fuel %CAR...... 12595 I and Saturday. 1-828-0369. To develop message for Tuesday, OCT. 2 2 i^ i 24 Brother or vehicle 34 .New 50 Report lab.l 1972 FORD GRAN TORINO , ?in.H.29.40 sister 2 1 9 5 * 3 1 9 5 /&'48.64.73 read words corresponding to numbers 41-45-51-554 12 Breakfast Zealand 51 Native o f your Zodiac birthi sign. 61-67-70 I 26 Foe items parrot metal 1971 OIDSMOOILE DELTA ‘AutomaUe avatlatrio loo, at antra coat SELLING your home? Call , / TAURUS 28 Varnish 1 Bulling SCORPIO M n u i S O ^ n e ‘‘T berdtop, v-8, automatic tranamlaalon, power Plaza Mobile Homes Brokers. AfR. 20 31 Now 61 V isit ingredient ...... ■■••ring, power brakaa, air conditioning. 2 Keep 32 From 62 Eligible ocr. 23 Buyers waiting. 828-0360. I W MAY 20 30 Agent 3 Collections 33 Interest 63 Money 1 2 3 4 7 B *-'® 4 Long- r r IT 1972 MERGURY GAPRI ' * ■ ...... *2395 *./0 Mt e 54-57-68.69 34 Romontic 64 Social (suffix) n Both Classic Cars For Sale! 1971 PROWLER travel trailer 71-77-79-81 5 Standing 35 Possible 65 Plans 12.15-18.32^ 31 Oriiinal IT 12 IT D 6 Pick 36 Friends 66 Hormony 36-38-84.88^ suffix 17’ self-contained, sleeps six. GEMINI 7 Dovfn 37 Loved BUZZ SAWYER 67 From SAGITTAhlUS 32 Unit of 14 15 .o a o . 1970 OLDSMOBILE Come In today and see them. Other Mustang’s tool Excellent condition, $2,100. 649- BY ROY CRANE 8Go^ 38 Quietly 68 From ...... ''■* •"Bint, automatic tranamlaalon, power S 9 News NOY.» work ^ 7847 after 5. '^r-^r JUNC 20 t/v vAF39 wiucn(^Id e n 69 Unfamiliar 33 Go / IT" IS 12 1 0 7 9 A liv e UIAAAU power tiaoring, air conditioning, vinyl roof. g Q[no o n e can c o m e in, " ^ 1 CAN'T DRINK OH, COMEi JUST 10 Agreements 40 Harmony 70 You oec.2t ^ 1 PRESENTLY: r?\l 3-21.30-37 11 You stealthily ■ ^ , lyil OLDS WAGON N O W ...... > 1 8 9 5 | — ' SHEBA. IT'S WHILE GUARDING 41 Someone's 71 Pieces 44-47.53.5i / t 5 l!u Cuatorn Crulaor, 8-paaaangar, V-8 angina, automatic 1968 APACHE MESA camp ONE LITTLE 6LA« ^52-59-80-86 12 A id 42 Be S 72 Words 35 Sabbath Your Small Car SULLV'S ORDERS, THE COLLECTION 13 Money 43 It 73 Invites 72-78-83-8^ (ab.) Uanamlaalon. i^ a r ataaring, power brakea. air con- trailer, sleeps six, dinette table, O R TWO. THEN I CANCER 26 heater, $600. Phone after 3 p.m, D AN CE FOR] 14 A ttro ct 44 Refroin 74 Completed CAPRICORN 37 Lawyer FORD Headquarters JUNE 21 15 M ay 45 Expecting 75 Due Dec. 22 (ab.) 646-8241. r x >100, .a? 22 16 To 46 Thrills 76 In 26 " ” W ...... 0 4 8 0 M ..r. V., Inc-miMl.* |»,™, « « ,,,» 17 Up 47 From* 77 Home JAN. 19 38 Bill denomination radio. ' 1967 STARCRAFT tent trailer, . .V i- 8- 9-34 18 Come 48 And 78 W ritten 2- 7-16-20/r' $1 22 ..4y46.60-75 19 And 49 Rule 79 Is 25 63:65 <1, 40 Took a seal sleeps 4, excellent condition. 20 Earth 50 You're 80 Wise SPECIAL ...... f 6 9 5 LEO ' 42 PeerGynfs 34 22 $650. Phone 649-6889. 21 Sp^t 51 A 81 ^ fe s t AQUARIUS mother JULY 22 22 Money 52 Ones 62 Your JAN. 20 43 Chinese 3I 46 -t-^AUG. 2T 23 Follow 53 Harsh 83 Or fei. II ' ragoda ///JA\ 1968 APACHE EAGLE tent 24 Con 54 Stay 84 And *2 K JT camper, sleeps four. Asking 126-27.33-35 25 Regarding 55 Speciol 85 Look 4- 5-10-24 44 Francs lab.l - I $450. Phone 646-0355. iS/43-50-62 26 New 56 For 86 Investment 31-42-74 46 L^xise t r i9 27 Heart 57 Awoy 67 Brighter VIkGO PISCES pocket DILLON FORD 28 Prospects 58 Biting 86 Secretly money 5T s2 Motors 1970 INVADER - 4 rooms', w-w AUG. 13 29 Love 59 Is 89 Orol ees. 19 VN'. 49 G ain' /■: serr. 22 30 On 60 Are 90 Relotionships ...... VERNON Phone 843-1181 319 Main St., Manchester carpeting, air-conditioning, MAR. 20' it. 52 Distribute 54 65 Phone 643-2145 ,..•39-49-56 ^ 6 m 3- 6-17-19/ kitchen appliances,* 37’ porch. jG o O il ( ^ A d v e r s e m IN c u c fjl cards again 10 No entry fee. 429-7536. ^76-82-90 ru|6 22-28-85-87 V (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN I PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn,, Mon,, June 10. 1974 T ■ • Teacher Tells Bennet Students I About Town MCC Offers Non-Credit Courses

'The Extension Division of presented and analyzed by struction in selection and iianrIjPHtpr iEiipning MrralJi Of Life in the Shadow of Hitler Hollis Circle of South United Manchester Community Richard Dana, who has had 25 prpper usage of basic supplies, Methodist Church will'have a College is offering a variety of years of network radio storage methods and chemicals potluck Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at non-credit summer courses for “I was about your age when until the school privilegJB were experience. This course will and sensory analysis of finished MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1974 - VOL. XCIII, No. 214 w ar b ro k e out in th e taken away. ^ the home of Mrs. Stanley leisure enjoyment and self begin tonight at 7:30 and will wines. ’This course will start Manchester—A City of Village Charm EIGHTEEN PAGES Netherlands and our family had Mrs. Klemens spoke of Anne Weinberg, 157 Pitkin St. development beginning today. meet on Mondays for eight Wednesday at 7 p.m. and will PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS moved there from Germany to Frank, whose war diary has weeks! meet for six weeks on escape the Hitler regime.” won literary distinction, and “Exploring the Universe and “Advanced Photography” Wednesdays. Mrs. Ruth Klemens of 232 said she was a young girl like Path to Self Realization” and will deal with camera Two drama workshops, one Ferguson Rd. began an account anyone else, !‘like anyone of Sixth Graders “Continuation of Path to Self technique and advanced for students from 7 to 14 and the Over Wiretapping ^Innuendos of her World War II you here,” she said. Mrs. Realization” are two courses darkroom printing and print other for interested teen-agers experiences by relating to her Klemens knew her slightly in Give Concert which expand the concept of critique. This course will begin and adults, will be taught by an young 8th grade listeners at The Netherlands. She said the At Bentley self and meditation. They will on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and will experienced professional ac­ Bennet Junior High School Frank family experiences were ’The two sixth grade classes of begin tonight at 7 and will meet continue for eight weeks on tress, Mildred Dana. Both of Thursday afternoon. similar to her own. Mrs. Betty Saunders and on Mondays for eight weeks. Tuesdays. Sylvfan Ofiara is the these courses are studio Kissinger Threatens A member of a Jewish fami- In June 1943, it was Mrs. Richard Ewald of Bentley “ The Best of Old Time instructor. courses in acting aimed at en­ ly, she told how her family Klemens’ family turn to be School will present a musical Radio,” featuring tapes and “ Home Winemaking” will couraging individual creativity. never dreamed there would be called for labor camp. It was an program for parents Tuesday at transcriptions of top radio cover the principles of The “Junior Drama Workshop” any trouble once they moved to unusually hot day for Th'e 7 p.m. in the school auditorium. programs from the Golden winemaking for the beginner. will meet ’Thursdays, starting Holland. “The Dutch people Netherlands, she recalled, and The program is directed by Days of Radio, will be Topics to be covered will in­ June 13 at 2 p.m., for eight To Resign Position were beautiful,” she said, as prisoners could only take Mrs. Mary Kalbfleisch, school clude legal considerations, in- weeks. The “ Drama “ Everything there was so with them what they could Workshop’’ will meet SALZBURG, Austria (UPI) —Secretary music teacher. Scott Roberts called “the impugning of my honor” and held confirmation hearings on Kissinger’s peaceful and nice.” carry and wear, they wore Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m., of State Henry A. Kissinger threatened will announce the program. added: nomination last year as secretary. But underneath the outer several layers of clothing, and beginning June 12 for eight today to resign unless what he called a The program is as follows: “If it is not cleared up, I will resign.” At that time and since, Kissinger has calm, she said the older people, carried a knapsack and a weeks. campaign of “leaks and innuendos” based “Jamaica Farewell” with Summer Sessions “This is a question of my honor and I steadfastedly denied he had any direct particularly the refugees, were bedroll, Courses in beginning and in­ on his involvement in national security Bruce Schmidt, Elizabeth told the President what I was going to say role in the wiretaps and said he had* no w o rrie d . The unhappy First assigned to a Dutch termediate classical guitar will wiretap cases was stopped immediately. Neubelte and Mary Neubelt in and he agreed,” Kissinger said. knowledge of the White House situations in Germany were on prison camp, they found things be held on ’Thursday evenings Kissinger, holding a news conference the rhythm section. Kissinger suggested that his name could “plumbers” group set up to stop leaks ^f the increase, she said. fairly good. They could spend a Manchester Community For young people, a series of beginning June 13. “Beginning during President Nixon’s first stop on his “El Condor Pasa” featuring be cleared by an act of the Senate Foreign national security information. \ Even then, she said, being little money, they weren’t too College will offer dual summer week-long morning Guitar” meet^ from 6 to 8 p.m. trip to the Mideast, said a campaign instrumentalists Heather Relations Committee, which heard his Late in the news conference, however^ young, she thought of war as far from “home,” and if they sessions for persons wishing to recreational camps will be and “Intermediate Guitar” against him appeared to be coming from Comp, Penny Elder and original testimony on the background of Kissinger made it clear he intends at pre­ being “another adventure.” were lucky, they could get a continue their education in the offered in baseball, basketball, meets from 8 to 10 p.m. the House Judiciary Committee, which is Richard Spiller. wiretaps placed on telephones of some of sent to proceed with the journey. Her family talked of moving to pass to a shower every week or summer months. boxing, cheerleading, golf, “Intermediate Guitar” is studying possible presidential impeach­ “I Believe in Music” sung by Kissinger’s former aides at the White The taps were directed against at least London, but did not because the two. soccer, tennis and tumbling. recommended for people with ment. Mary Bossidy and Elizabeth The College Summer Session House before he became secretary of 17 National Security Council aides after a Dutch people felt very secur, “But many were put in cattle Information about specific prior reading experience and Speaking in a hoarse, cracked voice at Neubelt. will offer morning and evening state. series of news leaks that disclosed, among she said. cars who were eventually shot courses, starting dates and some classic guitar an inn outside the Schloss Klesheim “Old Woman Courtship” classes Monday through The matter of wiretapping Kissinger’s other things, secret U.S. bombing of Cam­ She recalls vividly a time in or put in gas chambers,” she costs can be obtained by calling background. ’The instructor is Palace in which he and the Nixons are with Laurie Johnson playing the Friday, beginning on June 24, aides while he was head of the National bodia and the U.S. negotiating position at 1940 when, in the n i^t, her said, the summer school office at an experienced teacher of staying, Kissinger described what he “old woman,” and Robert for six weeks. Courses for Security Council came up when the Senate the Strategic Arms ,Limitation Talks mother woke up all the children Later, her family was sent to 646-2137. Registration can be classical guitar. Wilson as the “old man.” credit will be available in the (SALT) with the Soviet Union. saying, “We’re at war!” completed in person on June 17 For information bn these ah “exchange camp”, Bergen- “There’s a Hole in the Reporters were informed of the news There were air raids, shell Belsen near Hanover in Ger- areas of business, humanities, and 18 in the student center on courses and the enrollment Bucket,” with Richard Colanti communications, mathematics, conference when White House Press fragments in the street—it was niany. Treatment was not the Bidwell St. campus from 10 procedure, call the entension as Henry and Loreen Pillard as sciences, social science and Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler, completing a scary and frightening, she said basically bad, she said. They to noon and 6 to 7:30 p.m. division at 644-2137. Liza. public service. routine briefing, told them to stay around “Suddenly, we were a part of could work a little, but they “Greek Folk Dance,” with the war.” Carlyle-Johnson because “Kissinger has something he were not allowed to learn Heather Comp, Penny Elder, An Extension Summer Ses­ wants to get off his chest.” She described the placid anything. The conditions were Susan Golly, Usa Duffy, Elena sion will offer both credit and silence of the Dutch and the “cold, filthy, and there was Kissinger held a news conference Rock, and Debby Joy as the non-credit courses from morn­ Thursday at the State Department in refugees as they watched the very little food,” she said. ; Happiness Is... \ 1 (Herald ' photo by Bevins) dancers, and Susana Sheridan, ing into the evening. Starting, Washington, his first meeting with Germans march into their Their daily diet consisted of Lucille Goodskey, Elizabeth dates will vary according to the town, and the belief of the chopped turnips, a small piece I A REAUY ClEAN LAUNDROMAT ' Chief Strong Horse Visits Keeney St, School newsmen since his return from successful­ Mrs. Ruth Klemens tells Bennet Junior High School 8th Neubelt, Mary ^ssidy and individual courses. Credit Strike Settled ly negotiating the Isreali-Syrian cease­ Dutch that “it still couldn’t of black bread, and coffee. Mrs. graders of her experiences in a German prison camp Janet Sombric as the in­ courses will be offered in sub­ I ^ AIR CONDITIONED \ happen here.” Klemens was there about a First graders at Keeney St. School other Indian artifacts are, left to fire, and apparently expected friendly during World War II. (Herald photo by Pinto) strumentalists. jects like those mentioned beaded head band which Lisa is The 13-week-old strike at Manchester’s Then the hardships began, year where she worked in the ; TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY SPECIAL ■ look at a war club made from swamp right, Lisa Palicki, Tammy Mallard involved many compromises, was reached questioning about his new peace mission. The program will conclude above. Non-credit courses will I 8 Lbs. DRY CLEANING $1.75 ■ wearing. Tlie visit Monday in the Carlyle-Johnson Machine Co. ended today at 1 p.m. Monday. Instead, he encountered strong she said. First, there was no kitchen, chopping turnips, and with “ King Caracatus’’ be offered in French cooking, root shown them by Chief Strong and Lisa Ruel. Lisa Palicki is the school auditorium culminated a study when members of the International Union news. Then there was food also in a factory where they Both Ingalls and company vice president questioning about his role in the wiretap­ featuring John Warrington, home wine-making, advanced I DRYERS — ID Full Minutes for 10* Every Dey | Horse, a full blooded Indian of the granddaughter of Waterfall, who also of early American Indians led by Miss of Electrical, Radio and Machinery rationing. Eventually, all tore apart the shoes the Ger- Clifford Treat today expressed satisfac­ ping case, which the indicia^ Committee picking up others along the hard to foi^ive, -but we have to John Cowing, Richard Spiller, photography, the best of old Narragansett and Pueblo tribes. Also appeared at Keeney. Also known as Margaret Duffy, Mrs. Lucille Bahn- Workers, AFLrCIO, voted to approve a tion with the agreement. is considering as part of its impeachment refugeeshadtohaveanlDcard mans had filched from other way, to Switzerland. Later, Mike Fraser, Philip Duffy,^ time radio, drama workshops known as Kenneth Smith, he lives in two-year contract agreement reached (identification), and had to make an effort.” 309 Green R i Gladys Steiner of 219 Bush Hill Rd., son, and Mrs. Barbara Hooker, first “It was a give-and-take situation,” inquiiy. Kissinger/ristled at some of the prisoners or the dead. The when they reached Marseilles Craig Stevenson and Ronnie and guitar, among others. IBELCON LAUNDROMAT I after lengthy negotiating Monday. register for food coupons. Mrs. Klemens teaches Portland. Looking at the club and she is a Podunk Indian and made the grade teachers. Treat said, “and I think we’ve made a questions, reminding one questioner that leather was salvaged and in France, they boarded the French at the O’Brien Middle Barber. Picket lines were withdrawn after the 10 Later, the prohibitions for the reused. / satisfactory agreement.” he was conducting a news conference and Gripsholm and came to the School in East Hartford. a.m. union membership meeting at “It’s very fine,” Ingalls said,” and now Jewish people alone began to be The great day came in that the occasion was not a cross examina­ United States. The presentation climaxed a Fiano’s Motor Inn, and Union field (See Page Eighteen) tion. y ' imposed—limited education, no January/1945 when her family study of World War II by Team representative James Ingalls said the 45 public transportation, no was selected as part of an In concluding her account of B-8 at Bennet conducted by striking production workers will return to bicycles, no radios. She said she exchange to be m ade in her familiy’s experiences Donald Fogg, Ray Cocola, Mrs. work tomorrow. used a scooter that “I pushed Swit^rland. They made their BEST BUY OF THE SEASON! Bentley School Parents during the Hitler regime, she Nedra Miller, and Mrs. Carol The contract agreement, ratified by 35 with one foot” to go to school, way by train “in pitch-black” . said "It’s hard tftJorget.and it’s Auer. union members at this morning’s meeting, Regional Ci^nter grants an llVi per cent wage increase for the first year of the contract and contains a provision for reopening of wage Air Funding Complaints negotiations at the end of the year. Hearing T6niglit TheyHl Attend Laurel Girls^ State The agreement was reached tentatively By JUNE TOMPKINS Monday afternoon. Company and union Tinney, who said he had a “group of the resurfacing, of their playground as a 360,()00 in interest costs. Operating costs Two girls from Rockville is represented by Miss Melissa dent founcil representative, Unscheduled business (Kcupied Monday representatives met for 13 hours last The Manchester Board of Directors will Thursday only this week. Play irate parents on his neck” over the situa­ prime concern, the directors “might have for the facility would be borne by the 15 High School and one from Dudek, daughter of Mr. and meift!|er of the Future will be at 1:30 p.m. at Lottie night’s Board of Education meeting for an Friday, recessed, and resumed conduct a public hearing tonight on a tion, was there to seek some kind of been persuaded to do something about it.” a i ^ towns participating and sending Tolland High School have been Mrs. Walter Dudek, Garnet Teachers Club, Drama Club, Fisk Building, Henry Park. hour before the board could begin its negotiations at 10 a.m. Monday. The ten­ proposed 31.4 million Regional Oc­ appeasement from the board. Thomas said even after the proposed students to it. Within five years of comple­ chosen to attend Laurel Girls’ Ridge Rd. Travel Club, Band, Pep Club, regular meeting agenda. tative agreement, which both sides said cupational Center on four acres at the Historical Society In spite of accusations that the Board of tion, it would be owned by the Town of State to be conducted at the Miss Baum and Miss Cody prom committee, and a Mayor Frank McCoy has Representatives from the Bentley (See Page Eighteen) northeast comer of Hillstown Rd. and School PTA and its president, John Education and the Board of Directors Manchester. University of Connecticut later are both high honors students, member of St. Matthews CYO. asked the Vernon Historical Wetherell St. Following the hearing it will Tinney, were there to present their were giving the parents of Bentley School The board will take actions tonight on this month. members of the Girls Athletic Sewer Work Society to serve as coordinator consider placing the proposal for a Nov. 5 grievance concerning money in the the “run-around,” board chairman Allan several proposed appropriations and The students will be spon­ Activities Club, Future Residents of Lawler Rd. and of the events to be conducted in townwide referendum. proposed school budget, 36,500, which had Thomas explained there was there little allocations (all public hearing items last sored by Dobosz, Ertel, Laboc, Teachers Club, and the Ski Wellwoo^ Circle, until further Vernon to celebrate the 200th Its meeting will be at 8 in Nathan Hale Hansen Unit 14 of the American Club. i been originally allocated for resurfacing they could do, that basically the problem School, Spruce St. / Tuesday), including 337,000 from the notice. Will have access to their anniversary of the country’s in­ was money. Confers Whiton Library Trust Fund for a Legion Auxiliary, L. Bissell & Miss Baum has also served a^ homes by way of Thrall Rd. due dependence. their playground. Recently the money was A second public hearing tonight is on'a re-allocated for use in establishing better Repeatedly, the PTA representatives Bookmobile for Manchester. Son, Inc., the ^vings Bank of band president and band to sewer installation projects. Arthur Lyon, president of the proposed 3100,000 appropriation for fire safety conditions in the schools as the were reminded by members of the board It will consider a proposal by Town Tolland and Cowperthwaite librarian and Miss Cckiy is a Pinochle Winners society, said notices will be sanitary sewers in Garden Grove Rd., Plumbing and Heating. I I result of a report in May from the state that had the people from the Bentley Manager Robert Weiss for partial ter­ member of the Service Club and \ Last Tuesday winners in the sent out soon to all local Erie St. and a portion of Keeney St. The I^ckville High School will be fire marshal stating fire safety deficien­ School area appeared at the Board of mination of a contract the town has with is the recipient of the E. Vernon Senior Citizens’ organizations. He said each Kreisky appropriation would be financed by represented by Miss Marjorie cies at Bentley School. Director’s public hearing in April stating the Eighth District (for fire protection in Stevens Henry Award and the pinochle group were: Lillian organization should be respon­ issuing temporary notes. The notes, in Baum, daughter of Mr. and turn, would be paid from assessments outlying areas) and for construction of a Rennselaer I^thematics and Glessman 764; Jennie Starke sible for one activity in connec­ SALZBURG, Austria (UPI) —President The trip resulted in extreme security Mrs. Lester Baum, 31 Reed St.; against abutting property owners. new firehouse in the Buckland area. Science Award. 665; Evelyn IGneman 652; Irene tion with te event. The Nixon got a report today from Chancellor measures, including hundreds of and Miss Jean Cody, daughter The cost of building and furnishing the The board has voted to meet only once in Miss Dudek is a member of Petersen 641; Emily Brooks Historical Society, - acting as Bruno Kreisky on the Austrian leader’s re­ policemen stationed around Klesheim of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cody, 9 Adler Bid $2.2 Million “Trade School for the Handicapped” July and in August—the second ’Tuesday the National Honor Society, the 716; Marco Piazza 663; Carl coordinator, will see to it that cent Mideast visit, then turned to com­ Palace and more stationed on Austria’s Donnel Rd. Tolland High School would be 100 per cent reimbursable by the each month. As a rule, it meets twice each Junior Board of Directors, Stu- Murphy 649; Vicent Barrows there are no duplications of pleting preparations for his own historic borders, with special instructions to watch month—on the first Tuesday for public 683; Gertrude Edwards 654; events. 1 ^ 1 ' “journey for peace” beginning with a for Arabs trying to enter the country. state upon completion. The town would be For Bennet Renovations responsible for an estimated 350,000- hearings, and on the second 'Tuesday for Martha Mathess 647. A meeting will be held June lavish arrival in Cairo Wednesday morn- Ziegler today defended the President’s actions. NOTICE Thursday tournament 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rockville -«ing. decision to make the trip against criticism By SOL R. COHEN for renovations and additions to Illing Away from the cares of Watergate and winners were: Mary St. Louis Public Library for the purpose Junior High. / at home, especially from Sen. Henry M. 624; Edward Flechsig 610; of hearing suggestions from all A Ridgefield, Conn., contractor is the the impeachment proceedings at home, Jackson, D-Wash., that Nixon should stay SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY apparent low bidder for renovations and Bids for the Illing work will be opened Nixon relaxe^i and recovered from “jet CHANCERY DIVISION Lillian Glei&man 597; Martha interested residents and June 18 (next Tuesday) at 7 p.m. in the home while the House Judiciary Com­ Matthess 5^. organizations. Several additions to Bennet Junior High School. lag” at Kleslieim Palace, a baroque, 18th mittee’s impeachment inquiry was going MIDDLESEX COUNTY Ray Adler Inc. submitted a price of 32,- Municipal Building. Paul Phillips, chair­ century mansion on the outskirts of Salz­ There will be games on suggestions have already been man of the Town Building Committee, on and inflation is bothering the economy. proposed. 215,310 Monday night, at bid openings in burg before starting on his five-nation “We disagree with Sen. Jacksoiy and I Docket No. C-2651-73 the Manchester Municipal Building. said today an award of a contract for the trip. Plaintiff Bennet work will be made after the Illing think many senators do,” Ziegler Mid. “I Although bid forms had been obtained by Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler Said noticed Sen. (Mike) Mansfield’/ state­ ADVO-SYSTEM, INC. bids are opened. Mankey Associates is the School Board Meets Tonight seven contractors, only three submitted Nixon would hold his first meeting with ment wishing the President well./believe Defendant architect for the Bennet project and bids— Ray Adler Inc., the J.S. Nasin Co. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at Qubba that the majority of the American people CHICKEN HOLIDAY, INC., a New Jersey VERNON of Willimantic and Jack R. Hunter Inc. of Lawrence Associates for the Illing Palace in Cairo Wednesday afternoon. cerning extended sick leave; project. Both are Manchester firms. believe that Sen. Jackson is expressing a Corporation, t/a C & H DISTRIBUTING CO. EteWsew*®' Manchester. Sadat, an admirer of the President and minority point ofwiew.” The Board of Education will and the various committees Phillips, commenting on the Adler CIVIL ACTION Nasin’s price is 32,312,360, and Hunter’s Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, has Ziegler had said Watergate dnd related meet tonight at 7:30 in the will make their reports. price, called it “very favorable.” ORDER APPOINTING 32,329,000. Prices submitted by all three planned a big welcome complete with a problems would not be discussed during Sykes School Cafeteria with the The board will be q^sked to act He said, “Even with the addition of SATUTORY RECEIVER contractors on 18 alternates may, if any of 100,000 cheering Egyptians as partial the trip, and reiterated that /tand today. on a request for a y ^ r ’s leave architects’ and engineering fees, furniture This matter being opened to the Court by Donald E. Clarick, main item on the agenda to be a the alternates are required, raise the base thanks to Nixon for the United States’ “Our intention is not to use these briefings discussion of a proposal to close of absence made by Mrs. and equipment, some alternates and our Custodial Receiver heretofore appointed by Order of this Court With prices. However, Ray Adler Inc. still crucial role in bringing a ceasefire to talk about domestic matters,” he said. Marjorie Osborn, vocal music recommended contingency fund, we still dated April 4,1974, upon the return date of an Order entered on the East School buildings A and would be the apparent low bidder. between his country and Israel. Nixon and Kreisky met fw an hour and B and to reassign students and teacher at the Vernon Elemen­ will be within the limits of our referendum said date, requiring the defendant corporation to show cause' All three prices are well within es­ 40 minutes to discuss the mancellor’s 13- teachers to other schools. tary School; and the resignation estimate (32,719,000). before this Court why a Statutory Receiver for the cr^itors and timates. The Bennet work is part of a 35.6 day Mideast tour in early March as well as The board- will also hear a of Dennis Lauzon, math teacher “I must commend Mankey Associates stockholders of said defendant corporation should not be ap­ million appropriation approved in a his more recent trip to the Soviet Union. report on a Career Education at Rockville High School. and the members of the Town Building Inside Today's pointed; and it further appearing that a copy of said Order was townwide referendum last November — Nixon goes to Moscow a /reek after com­ Also to be acted on will be the Committee for their hard and untiring duliy served upon the defendant corporation in accordance with Seminar Workshop to be out­ with 32,719,000 for Bennet and 32,881,000 pleting his Mideast trip.i its provisions; and it further appearing to the Court that said lined by Dr. Robert Linstone, retirement of Esther defiosAnS work in these plans.” defendant corporation is insolvent so that its business cannot be assistant superintendent of Farnsworth, Grade 1 teacher at conducted in the future with safety to the public and advantage to schools. the Maple St., School. She has the stockholders, and good cause therefore appearing for the A report on the Guidance taught for 29 years, 17 of them Mpralb Heat Wavelltelief making of the within Order; it is on this 7 day of May 1974 Department activities will be in the Vernon school system. Mass T ransit Subsidy ORDERED, that defendant be and it is hereby adjudged insol­ presented by Francis Shorten, Also to be retiring after seven FCO-123T nowoiilyl Area Profile, Page 6 Promised iToday vent, and it, its officers and agents, be and they are hereby director of guidance; Dr. Ray­ years in the Vernon system is Arthur Vinton dead; struck by car, WINDSOR LOCKS (UPI) - The enjoined from exercising any of its privileges or franchises and mond Ramsdell, superinten­ Andrew Nawracaj, custodian at Page 18 National Weather Sejcvice predicted relief from collecting or receiving any debts, or paying out, selling, dent, will report on policy con­ the East School. today from the reebrd-setting heat wave ■ BIG 12.3 CD. FT. CAPACITY that fits even into Session Under Study Top athletes at East Catholic, assigning or transferring or otherwise encombering or disposing that pushed the ther/iometer to 97 degrees HARTFORD (UPI) — A special session Page 13 of any of its real and personal property whatsoever, except to a small kitchens . . . only 30" wide — 59%” high. $ H« with something acceptable to leaders at Bradley Interna^onal Airport Monday. 2 2 of the Connecticut Legislature may be Receiver herein appointed; and it is further from both parties.” pour Eagles on HCC all-star It was the hottest June 10 on record and ■ Automatic defrosting in the refrigerator section. convened this summer to consider com­ ORDERED, that Donald Clarick of the City of New Brunswick, He said local transit district officials team. Page 13 the hottest day of 1974 for (Connecticut promise legislation granting some form of New Jersey be and he is hereby appointed as Statutory Receiver ■ Deluxe interior featuring deep shelf doors, egg from all parts of Connecticut met Monday residents. state subsidy to mass transit systems. Cheney Tech tennis team has for the creditors and stockholders of the defendant, with full CLOSED in Bridgeport to try and come up with The weather service said that today’s storage, butter keeper and accented with teakwood House Speaker Francis J. Collins, R- winning record. Page 13 power and authority to demand, sue for, collect, receive and take *249.95 possible compromises that might be temperatures should be in the 80s, a far into his possession all the real and personal property of every trim and smoked onyx vegetable hydrator. Reg. Brookfield, said Monday he plans to meet generally acceptable. cry from June 11 of last year, when the later this week with Senate Majority description, rights, creditors, books and papers of defendant, and WEDNESDAYS The wrinkle in the bill considered during thermometer went up to 98 degrees. to institute actions for the recovery of any property, damages or Leader Lewis B. Rome, R-Bloomfield, to the regular legislative session was a for­ PARTLY CLOUDY Although Monday was uncomfortable, it 1 f.. discuss a number of mass transit subsidy demands existing in favor of said defendant; and it is further mula for two-thirds state funding with was apparently not too inconvenient for ORDERED, that the stockholders and creditors of defendant, During June, July & August proposals. most Connecticut residents. local transit districts absorbing the rest i ’* • r ' « show, cause before this Court, at the Middlesex County Court Collins said legislative leaders have with a local gasoline tax. Northeast Utilities said New England House. New Brunswick, New Jersey, on the 14 day of June, 1974, • LA. JOHHSON PAINT CO CREDIT Est. 1941 already sought advice from local transit 'The tax would be up to a penny a gallon suffered no power shortage and main­ (Herald photo by Pinto) at 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as the matter -district officials and the Connecticut or would leave it to district towns to tained normal voltage levels throughout can be heard why the Receiver herein appointed should not be 723 Main Streat, Mancheatar TERIHS Public Expenditures Council for com­ devise their own formulas. Local transit the day. Consolidated Edison reduced Retiring Teacher Honored continued; and it is further promises to the sweeping proposal that district officials objected strenously to the Variable cloudiness cooler with more voltage in New York City by 5 per cent in ORDERED, that a copy of the within Order or notice thereof was acted on in the Senate but allowed to order to divert power to New Jersey, PAUL’S PAINT & DECORATING CENTER gasoline tax proposal. comfortable humidity today. Chance of a The occasion was Sunday afternoon at be mailed by regular mail to all known creditors and die in the House during the regular ses­ Meantime, the legislature is set to meet shower or two. Highs in upper 70s to low Maryland and . Mrs. Gladys Jones opens a gift of sion. the school where parents, friends and stockholders of defendant at their last known post office ad­ 615 Main Straat, Manchaatar & SON next Monday in a “trailer session” to con­ 80s. Clearing tonight with lows in the mid State police reported no traffic jams, jewelry, one of many gifts presented dresses within 15 day from the date hereof. bT pearl Collins said he envisioned a special ses­ sider overriding a number of bills vetoed to upper 50s. Fair early Wednesday then even though motorists were plagued by to her by Charles Genovesi, Buckland students honored Mrs. Jones upon her Davi(i D. Furman, J.S.C. 649 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER TEL. 643-2171 sion in late June or early July “once we by Republican Gov. Thomas J. Meskill. partly cloudy in afternoon with highs 75 to countless incidents of stalling and School PTA president. The big box retirement from teaching 14 years in have all our ducks in a row and come up 80. overheating during rush hours. contained a fruit basket centerpiece. the first grade. / i i % \ V