Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Иркутский государственный университет путей сообщения» Медицинский колледж железнодорожного транспорта

Е.С. Сапрыкина


МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Иркутск 2016

ББК 81.2Англ С 19

Рецензенты: Старший преподаватель кафедры лингводидактики и инновационных технологий ГОУ ВПО «Иркутский государственный лингвистический университет» Л.А.Зарубина; преподаватель первой квалификационной категории медицинского колледжа железнодорожного транспорта ИрГУПС И.А.Саян

Сапрыкина Е.С. Read and Speak: Методическое пособие / Е.С. Сапрыкина. – Иркутск :ИрГУПС МК ЖТ, 2016. – 68 с.

Методическое пособие содержит материал, который поможет обучающимся лучше освоить программу и более качественно подготовиться к занятиям. Данное пособие состоит из тематических текстов, лексических и грамматических упражнений. Пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по основной образовательной программе СПО на базе основного общего образования с получением среднего общего образования по ППССЗ специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело

ББК 81.2Англ

С 19

© ФГБОУ ВО «Иркутский государственный университет путей сообщения МК ЖТ, 2016 © Сапрыкина Е.С. 2016


Пояснительная записка. 4 1. Appearance and character. 6 2. My family. 8 3. Healthy way of life. 10 4. Sports in . 13 5. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 16 6. The United States of America. 19 7. New Zealand. 23 8. The Commonwealth of Australia. 26 9. The Russian Federation (Russia). 29 10. Moscow. 33 11. Saint Petersburg. 37 12. About . 42 13. Lake Baikal. 14. My flat. 47 15. Household Duties. 51 16. Seasons and weather. Приложение 1. 54 Приложение 2. 58 62 63 Приложение 3. 66 Литература. 68

Пояснительная записка.

Владение иностранным языком предполагает умение читать, строить собственную речь, воспринимать речь собеседника. Данное пособие направлено на развитие этих навыков и умений.

Пособие предлагает дополнительный материал, который поможет обучающимся лучше усвоить как, лексические, так и грамматические темы, а также более качественно подготовиться к занятиям. Пособие ориентировано на обучающихся среднего профессионального образования медицинского профиля.

Основу учебного пособия составляют 16 адаптированных тем, дополненных словарями и разнообразными упражнениями для расширения словарного запаса. Темы подобраны таким образом, чтобы шаг за шагом создать прочные грамматические навыки владения языком. В работе над грамматикой используется оригинальная сопоставительная методика. Пособие служит не только источником языкового материала, но также содержит различные упражнения для закрепления лексико-грамматического навыков и диалоги, развивающие коммуникативную компетенцию студентов.

Большое внимание в пособии уделяется развитию навыков и умений перевода с русского языка на английский. Пособие содержит интересные страноведческие материалы, знакомящие обучающихся с Великобританией, её традициями и обычаями. Это позволит расширить лингвострановедческую компетенцию и показать свою степень информированности в области социокультурных знаний. Данное пособие соответствует программе и требованиям федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов.

Материал пособия сгруппирован в тематические разделы, каждый из которых включает: 1. Темы повседневной жизни, расширяющие кругозор обучающихся и способствующие развитию навыков говорения. Каждый текст сопровождается списком наиболее трудных слов, а также рядом вопросов для обсуждения.

2. Упражнения, которые позволяют на базе лексики данного раздела закрепить лексика – грамматические навыки, например, отработать употребление артиклей и предлогов, повторить времена и т.д.

3. Приложения, включающие материалы справочного характера.

Предлагаемое учебное пособие может быть с успехом использовано для работы на занятиях, а также для самостоятельной подготовки студентов к занятиям. Данное пособие будет полезно не только обучающимся, но и преподавателям для своей работы на занятиях.

Topic1. Appearance and character

Meet on clothes escorted to the mind Встречают по одёжке, провожают по уму. Remember the words:

1. appearance [ǝ’piǝrǝns] – внешность 7. curly [kǝ:li] - кудрявый 2. handsome [‘hænsǝm] – красивый 8. cowardly [‘kauǝdli] - болтливы 3. moustache [mǝs’ta:ʃ] – усы 9. it is necessary - необходимо 4. ugly [‘ʌgli] – некрасивый 10. tidy [taidi] - аккуратный 5. appreciate [ǝ’pri:ʃieit] – ценить 11. shy [ʃai] - застенчивый 6. cheerful [‘tʃiǝful] – весёлый 12. hooked [hu:kt] – крючком

Exercise 1. Read the text.

People have different appearance and character. Some of them are short, fat and bold. Some are tall and handsome with nice hair and moustache. Some people are of a medium height, not so handsome or pretty. Some people are really ugly. We shan’t describe them. They have long arms, short legs, long feet and short noses. But all people who want to look better, keep fit. They go to the fitness club and get some results. Fitness as well as shaping and body building are most famous nowadays. It is necessary to train twice a day to get positive results. Bodybuilders who pump iron are big and powerful. Other people do it to look nice and be in shape. Men as well as women are fit and good-looking. People have different personal qualities. Some people are clever, some stupid, hard-working or lazy, brave or cowardly. We all appreciate honest, cheerful, polite and tidy persons. At the same time we hate cruel, dishonest, stupid and untidy ones. But remember before speaking about the others look at yourself. I would like to tell about my friend Mark. He is of medium height. He is slim and well-built. He is handsome. His hair is black and curly. His face is round. His nose is hooked and his eyes are big and brown. His lips are red. Mark is calm, cheerful and funny. Sometimes he is lazy at school. But on the whole he isn’t silly. Sometimes he is shy with girls. His clothes are very tidy and accurate. He looks after himself.

Exercise № 2. Answer the questions. 1. What appearance can people have? 2. They want to look better, don’t they? 3. What do people do to look better? 4. What sports are there to keep fit? 5. What personal qualities do we appreciate? 6. What personal qualities do we hate? 7. What things should we remember before criticizing other people? 8. What appearance does Pete have? Exercise № 3. Find the words and word combinations in the text. Внешность и характер; средний рост; описывать; сохранять форму; самые известные; необходимо тренироваться; быть в форме; личные качества; трудолюбивый; ленивый; ценить честных людей; посмотри на себя; хорошо сложенный; нос крючком; застенчивый; следить за собой. Exercise № 4. Complete synonyms with antonyms of the next adjectives. Short; ugly; kind; fat; handsome; hard-working; polite; white; untidy; stupid; dishonest; tidy; stupid; honest; cheerful; lazy; slim; tall; impolite; clever; sad; black; angry. Exercise № 5. Complete the table, using the adjectives from the text. Appearance Character

Exercise № 6. Choose the right variant of the verb to be.

1) I…a student of the medical college. 2) My father…a teacher. He works at school. 3) …your parents at home? – No, they…. 4) My friend….lazy, he…hard-working. 5) Some people….really ugly. 6) His face….round.

Exercise № 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мой друг худощавый и хорошо сложенный. 2. Шейпинг и бодибилдинг хорошо известны. 3. Моя одежда всегда очень аккуратная. 4. Мой брат среднего роста. 5. Вы дома? – Нет. 6. Её волосы тёмные и кудрявые.

Topic 2. MY FAMILY Blood is thicker than water Кровь крепче воды! Remember the words: 1. consist [kǝn’sist] – состоять 7. to be fond of - любить 2. skilled [skild] – квалифицир. 8. prefer [pri’fǝ:] - предпочитат 3. thin [ɵin] – худощавый 9. «Nursing Affair» department - 4. turned – up [tǝ:ndʌp] – вздёрнутый отделение сестринского дела 5. experienced [iks’piǝrǝnst] опытный 10. favourite [‘feivǝrit] – любимый 6. study [stʌdi] - учиться Exercise 1. Read the text.

I would like to tell about my family. My family is not very large. It consists of four people. I have a mother, a father and a sister. First of all some words about my parents. My mother’s name is Anna Petrovna. She is a skilled doctor. My mother works at a hospital. She is 40 years old but she looks much younger. Anna Petrovna is a very nice woman. She is tall and thin. She has big brown eyes, a turned-up nose, her hair is long and fair. My father’s name is Boris Ivanovich. He is 42 years old. He is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. Boris Ivanovich likes his work very much. He is tall. His hair is short and dark. He has a round face. His eyes are big and grey. My younger sister Tanya is 15 years old. She is a pupil. Tanya is in the 9th form. She studies well and has many friends. My sister is fond of reading books on history. She prefers to listen to classical music, and she plays the piano. My name is Larisa. I am 16 years old. I am a student of the medical college. I study at the “Nursing Affair” department. I study at the first course. I am short and thin. My hair is long and fair. My eyes are blue. I like to dress in a modern style. Russian, History and English are my favourite subjects. One of my hobbies is music. I am fond of dancing at discos. I like to buy and read books too. In the evening all the members of our family like to watch TV. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to a concert. When the weather is fine, we like to go for a walk. I love my family. We are all friends and we love each other. Exercise № 2. Answer the questions: 1. Is your family large? 2. What is your mother’s name? 3. How old is she? 4. What does she work as? 5. Can you describe your mother? 6. What is your father’s name? 7. How old is he? 8. Where does your father work? 9. Have you got a sister or a brother? 10. Where do you study? 11. How old are you? 12. What department do you study at? 13. What course do you study at? 14. Do you spend a lot of time with your family? Exercise № 3. Find the words and word combinations in the text. Я бы хотел; состоять из; несколько слов; квалифицированный доктор; выглядеть моложе; программист; любить читать; отделение сестринского дела; первый курс; любимые предметы; вечером. Exercise № 4. Write a little composition about your family according to the next plan.

1. Is family big or small? 2. what is your mother’s name? 3. How old is your mother? 4. What is she? 5. Your father’s name. 6. The age of your father. 7. The profession of your father. 8. Any brothers or sisters. 9. Your hobby.

Exercise № 5. Choose the right variant of the verb to have, has in the positive, negative or interrogative form.

1. Mary…got many friends. 2. My father….blue eyes, he….green eyes. 3. …you got any brothers or sisters? 4. Ann…got a toothache, she…got a headache. 5. Sorry, I….got a pen. Exercise № 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. У меня есть мама, папа, две сестры, собака и кошка. 2. У моего папы большие карие глаза, вздёрнутый нос и тёмные волосы. 3. У моей сестры не круглое лицо, оно овальное. 4. У тебя есть любимые предметы? 5. У меня нет проблем по русскому языку и по английскому языку.

Topic 3. Healthy Way of life

Health is above wealth Здоровье выше богатства. Remember the words: 1. conscious [‘kɔnʃǝs] - сознательный 8. obesity [ou’bi:siti] - полнота 2. health [helɵ] - здоровье 9. weight [weit] - вес 3. knowledge [‘nɔlidʒ] - знание 10. aware [ǝ’wɛǝ] - знать 4. disease [di’zi:z] - заболевание 11. exercise [‘eksǝsaiz] – упражн. 5. cough [kɔf] - кашель 12. susceptibility [sǝ’septyibiliti] 6. pneumonia [nju:’mouniǝ] воспаление восприимчивость 7. fortunately [‘fɔ:tʃnitli] – к счастью 13. various [‘vɛǝriǝs] – различные

Exercise 1. Read the text.

People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. They understand that good health is above wealth.

To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. In my opinion, smoking and drinking too much alcohol are the worst ones. It is common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for example, causes a number of heart and lung diseases such as pneumonia, cough and cancer. Besides, it makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. Fortunately, in recent years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer people smoke nowadays. Some companies don’t employ people who are smokers.

If we eat too much, we will become obese, and obesity leads to serious diseases. A lot of people like drinking coca cola and coffee and enjoy pizzas and hamburgers. But what is tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat, that’s why Americans are the fattest people in the world.

Many people feel they are too fat, even if their doctor disagree. And a lot of people try to improve their fitness. There are a lot of ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it. Perhaps, the most popular of them is following a diet. If you want to lose weight, you should cut out snacks and desserts. People have also become more aware of calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat every day, so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet.

To my mind, the only way to stay healthy and to keep fit is going in for sports. Among the benefits of regular exercise are a healthier heart, stronger bones, quicker reaction times and less susceptibility to various illnesses.

To be healthy, it is also very important to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is useful to go for a walk before going to bed or to air the room. Personally I believe that regularity in life promotes our health. Sleeping eight or nine hours, getting up early, regular meals, a healthy diet and going in for sports are really a good way to live.

Exercise № 2. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. What must people do to be healthy? 2. Call the bad habits. What can they cause? 3. Is fast food useful for our health? 4. How can people loose weight? 5. What is a calorie-controlled diet? 6. What are the benefits of regular exercise? 7. What do you do to be healthy?

Exercise № 3. Find the words and word combinations in the text. Здоровье выше богатства; избегать вредные привычки; общеизвестно; заболевания сердца и лёгких; принимать на работу; становится полным; улучшать форму; терять вес; следить за диетой; исключить десерт; заниматься спортом; восприимчивость к различным заболеваниям; на открытом воздухе.

Exercise № 4. Complete the table. Good habits Bad habits

Exercise № 5. Complete the sentences using the words meal - food

Meal – время приёма пищи (breakfast – еда)

Food – кухня (He likes French food – он любит французскую кухню).

1) How many….a day do you have? 2) Bring enough… and water for the trip. 3) In England lunch is usually the biggest…of the day. 4) They talked a lot during the… 5) Do they serve good…in this restaurant? Exercise № 6. Transform these sentences into general questions. Give full and short answers.

Model: His friends are students.

- Are his friends students? - No, they aren’t. They are not students.

1. She is an actress. (No) 2. These girls are pretty. (Yes) 3. Those boys are handsome. (No) 4. The hat is old. (No) 5.The trees are green. (Yes) 6. You are a lazy student. (No) 7. The text is very easy. (Yes) 8. We are hard-working people. (No)

Topic 4. Sports in Russia

A sound mind in a sound body в здоровом теле здоровый дух. Remember the words:

1. Exercise [‘eksǝsaiz] – упражнение 7. excellent [‘eksǝlǝnt] - отличный 2. wrestling [‘resliɳ] – борьба 8. athlete [‘æɵli:t] - атлет 3. spread [spred] – распространён 9. jogging [dʒɒgiɳ] – бег трусцой 4. climbing [klaimbiɳ] – скалолазание 10. participate [pa: ‘tisipeit] - 5. amateur [‘æmǝtɛ] – любительский принимать участие 6. competition [kɒmpi’tiʃn] – соревновани Exercise 1. Read the text.

It is very important for people to have some regular exercises. In Russia a lot of people go in for sports. We can say that Russia is a nation of sport-lovers. Many sports are popular in our country. They are football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, skiing, figure skating, wrestling, shooting and many others. All water sports are widely spread in our country, including swimming, diving, sailing and water skiing. Some people are fond of extreme sports such as rock climbing or white-water rafting.

Sports in Russia have traditionally been divided into amateur and professional. That’s why there are different sports club in the country. A lot of sportsmen take part in international competitions and win medals. A great number of sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and show excellent results. Hundreds of athletes have become Olympic medalists and record-setters. The names of Irina Rodnina, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Marat Safin are famous all over the world.

During the last years there was a great increase in keeping fit and staying health in Russia. A lot of people started jogging and going to fitness clubs in their spare time. Aerobics classes and fitness clubs were opened in every town, and the number of recreation centers greatly increased. Indoor pools, with their wave-making machines, water slides have become very popular in Russia. Doing sports prevents us from getting too fat and helps to stay healthy.

But despite the increase in the number of people participating in sports, the majority of them still prefer to be spectators. Thousands of people go to the stadiums to support their favorite teams and sportsmen. Most of the important competitions are televised and people enjoy watching sports programs on TV. But certainly watching sport events and going in for sports are two different things.

Exercise № 2. Answer the questions.

1. What kinds of sport are popular in Russia? 2. What water sport is spread in our country? 3. How is sport divided into? 4. Name the famous sportsmen of Russia. 5. How do the people in Russia keep in fit? 6. Do the people go in for sport or they are spectators? 7. What is your favorite kind of sport? 8. How do you keep in fit? Exercise № 3. Find in column B the translation for the words and phrases in column A.


1. заниматься спортом a. spare time 2. любители спорта b. widely spread 3. стрельба c. shooting 4. широко распространён d. to prevent 5. парусный спорт e. sport-lovers 6. центр отдыха f. sailing 7. принимать участие g. to go in for sport 8. свободное время h. recreation center 9. горки i. to participate 10. предотвращать j. slides 11. соревнования k. competitions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Exercise № 4. Complete the table, using the text.

Summer sport Winter sport Extreme sport

Exercise № 5. Write some names of the Russian sportsmen to the next sports.

1) Figure skating: a) Андрей Аршавин 2) Hockey: b) Ольга Зайцева 3) Bobsleigh: c) Илья Ковальчук 4) Short track: d) Алексей Ягудин 5) Art gymnastic: e) Александр Попов 6) Swimming: f) Алексей Негодайло 7) Biathlon: g) Виктор Ан 8) Tennis: h) Алина Кабаева 9) Football: i) Марат Сафин 10) Skiing: j) Лариса Лазутина

Exercise № 6. Form the plural form of the nouns. Country; person; sportsman; record-setter; class; competition; woman; medal; fly; thief; city; box; hero; tooth; piano; story; day; leaf; foot.

Topic 5. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

So many countries, so many customs Сколько стран столько обычаев. Remember the words:

1. to be situated [‘sitjueitid] – быть располож. 8. flat [flæt] – плоский 2. island [‘ailǝnd] - остров 9. mountainous [‘mauntinǝs] 3. to contain [kǝn’tein] - содержать гористый 4. area [‘ɛǝriǝ] - площадь 10. Government [‘gʌvǝn’ment] 5. suburb [‘sʌbǝ:b] - пригород правительство 6. to consist of [kǝn’sist] - состоять 11. wheat [wi:t] - пшеница 7. surface [‘sǝ:fis] - поверхность 12. coal [koul] – уголь Exercise 1. Read the text.

The United Kingdom is situated near the north-west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean to the north and north-west and the North Sea to the east. The U.K. includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, contains England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom has an area of 94,249 square miles. The capital of the country is London. English is the official language. The population of the U.K. is nearly 60 million. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs. Four out of every five people live in towns. Over 46 million people live in England. Over 3 million – in Wales, a little over 5 million in Scotland, about 1.5 million – in Northern Ireland. London’s population is over 7 million. The British nation consists of the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. There are many people of all colors and races in the United Kingdom. The climate of Great Britain is mild. It is not too hot in summer or too cold in winter. It often rains in England. Rain falls in summer and in winter, in autumn and in spring. Snow usually falls only in the North and West of the country. The surface of England and Ireland is flat but Scotland and Wales are mountainous. Many parts of the country have beautiful villages. There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. Many ships and barges go up and down the river. The longest river is the Severn. It is 350 kilometers long. There are many universities, colleges, libraries, museums and theatres in the country. The most famous universities are Cambridge University and Oxford University. The U.K. is a parliamentary monarchy. The British Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the head of the Government. The main political parties of Great Britain are the Labor Party, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. The United Kingdom has various mineral resources. Coal and oil are the most important of them. The United Kingdom is one of the world’s most industrialized countries. The main industrial centers are Sheffield, Birmingham and Manchester. The largest cities in the country are London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast. Agriculture is an important sector in the economy of the country. The British grow wheat, fruit, vegetables and oats. Exercise № 2. Answer the questions. 1. Where is the United Kingdom situated? 2. What does the United Kingdom include? 3. What countries does Great Britain contain? 4. What is the capital of Great Britain? 5. What is the population of the U.K.? 6. Where do people prefer to live? 7. What is the climate? 8. What is the main river of Great Britain? 9. Call the longest river of Great Britain. 10. What are the most famous universities? 11. What does the British Parliament consist of? 12. Who is the head of the government? 13. Name the main political parties. 14. What mineral resources are the most important? 15. What is the name of the largest cities? 16. What do the British grow? 17. Would you like to visit England? 18. Do you want to live in the United Kingdom?

Exercise № 3. Find in column B the translation for the words and phrases in column A.


1. севера-запад a. surface 2. население b. different 3. состоять из c. mild 4. мягкий d. library 5. идёт дождь e. government 6. поверхность f. to consist of 7. библиотека g. wheat 8. правительство h. it is rainy 9. важный i. population 10. пшеница j. north-west 11. различный k. important

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Exercise 4. Complete the table, using the information from the text.

The name capital population main climate politics main mineral of the rivers cities resources country

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with one of the words below. Translate the sentences.

East; language; surface; library; government; mineral resources

1. I usually go to the….to take a book.

2. My father can speak four…. 3. My dream is to live in the….of the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Our….respects the rights of citizens.

5. On the…of the lake one can see beautiful view.

6. The country is rich with the different… …

Exercise 6. Make three degrees of comparison of the next adjectives:

Fat; mild; long; good; cold; hot; beautiful; mountainous; famous; large; important; big; little; bad.

Topic 6. The United States of America

To carry coals to Newcastle Ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром. Remember the words:

1. Area [‘eriǝ] - площадь 7. cotton [‘kɒtn] - хлопок 2. ocean [‘ǝʋʃn] - океан 8. science [‘saiǝns]- наука 3. poverty [‘pɒvǝti] - бедность 9. museum [mju:’ziǝm] - музей 4. in honor [‘ɒnǝ] – в честь 10. library [‘laibrǝri] - библиотека 5. changeable [‘tʃeindʒǝbl] - изменчивый 11. agriculture [‘ægri’kʌltʃǝ]- 6. to produce [prǝ’dju:s] - производить сельское хозяйство

Exercise 1. Read the text The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. Its oceans are the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic.

The population of the United States is nearly 250 million people. Most of people live in towns.

People of different nationalities live in the USA.

There are a lot of rich people in the USA but the life of many colored people is very difficult. Some Americans live in poverty and some people can’t get work.

The official language of the country is English. The capital of the country is Washington. It was named in honor of the first President, George Washington. As the USA is a large country, the climate is different in different regions. For example, the Pacific coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers but the eastern continental region has a rainy climate. The region around the Great Lakes has changeable weather.

There are many mountains in the USA. For example, the highest peak in the Cordeliers in the USA is 4,418 meters.

The country’s main river is the Mississippi but there are many other great rivers in the USA: the Colorado in the south and the Columbia in the north-west. There are five Great Lakes between the USA and Canada.

The USA produces more than 52 per cent of the world’s corn, wheat, cotton and tobacco.

There are many big cities in the country. They are Washington (the capital of the country), New York (the city of contrasts and the financial and business center of the USA), Boston (which has three universities), Chicago (one of the biggest industrial cities in the USA), San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit (one of the biggest centers of the automobile industry) and Hollywood (the center of the US film industry).

The USA has an Academy of Sciences. There are many scientific institutions, museums, libraries, theatre and other interesting places in the USA.

It is a highly developed industrial country. The USA is rich in minerals resources, such as aluminium, salt, zinc, coppers and others. The country is rich in coal, natural gas, gold and silver, too. It holds one of the first places in the world for the production of coal, iron, oil and natural gas.

Such industries as machine-building and ship-building are highly developed there.

American agriculture produces a lot of food products: grain, fruit and vegetables. The USA is a federal republic, consisting of fifty states. Each of these states has its own government. Congress is the American parliament which consists of two Chambers.

The president is the head of the state and the government. He is elected for four years. There are two political parties in the USA. They are Democratic Party (organized in the 1820s) and the Republican Party (organized in the 1850s).

Exercise № 2. Answer the questions. 1. Where is the USA situated? 2. What is the population? 3.What is the capital of the country? 4. Where is the highest peak? 5. What are the rivers? 6. What is the name of the biggest cities? 7. What is the country rich in? 8. What industries are highly developed? 9. How many states are there in the USA? 10. What is the American parliament? 11. Who is the head of the government? 12. How many political Parties are there in the USA? 13. Would you like to visit the USA? Exercise № 3. Find the words and word combinations in the text. Быть расположенным; жить в бедности; изменчивая погода; северо-запад; киноиндустрия; академия наук; высоко развитая страна; занимать первое место; машиностроение; кораблестроение; палата; избирать.

Exercise 4. Complete the table, using the information from the text.

The name capital population main climate politics main mineral of the rivers cities resources country

Exercise № 5. Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form phrases.


1. business a. resources 2. scientific b. institutions 3. produce c. gas 4. get d. climate 5. rainy e. work 6. mineral f. center 7. natural g. parliament 8. rich in h. cotton 9. American i. of the state 10. political j. gold 11. head of k. parties

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Exercise № 6. Add the positive, comparative or superlative forms to these adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative High thinner (the) bittest difficult less (the) most amusing bad tidier (the) loudest

Exercise № 7. React to your friend’s statement as in the model.


- This train is fast. That train isn’t very fast. - Yes, this train is faster than that one.

1. This film is very interesting. That film isn’t very interesting. 2. Mary’s hair is long. Ann’s hair isn’t very long. 3. This cottage is expensive. That cottage isn’t very expensive. 4. London is big. Manchester isn’t very big. 5. This girl is attractive. That girl isn’t very attractive.

Exercise № 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Эта комната самая удобная в квартире. 2. «Сникерс» вкуснее чем «марс». 3. Самолёты быстрее птиц. 4. США – одна из самых больших стран в мире. 5. Коля – самый лучший ученик в классе. 6. Земля больше чем Венера.

Topic 7. New Zealand When at Rome, do as Romans do В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят Remember the words: 1. chief [tʃi:f] – главный 7. rubber [‘rʌbǝ] - резина 2. thick [ɵik] – толстый 8. honey [‘hʌni] – мёд 3. bush [bʋʃ] – кустарник 9. to found [faund] - основать 4. to permit [pǝ’mit] – позволять 10. cultural [‘kʌltʃrǝl] - культурный 5. kiwi [‘ki:wi:] – «киви» 11. to establish [I’stæbliʃ] - 6. heavy [‘hevi] – тяжёлый устанавливать Exercise 1. Read the text.

New Zealand is an independent state. It has got a total area of 269,000 square kilometers. It is situated to the south east of Australia. Nearly 3.5 million people live in the country. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. It has been the capital since 1865. The official language is English. The climate of New Zealand is wet. New Zealand is rich in minerals. There are some important industries in the country, for example, the iron and steel industry. The country has gas and petroleum. There are many mountains in New Zealand. The highest is Mount Cook (12,349 feet).

There are many rivers and lakes in the country. The chief rivers are the Waikato and the Wairu. You have heard of the country's native animals. One of them is the kiwi. This interesting bird lives in the wet areas of the thick bush. In the day time the bird does not go out. It comes out only at night to find food. Kiwis cannot fly. Many years ago kiwis were hunted for food. Now the government does not permit the hunting of kiwis. The kiwi is now the symbol of the New Zealand people. Small children are often called kiwis.

New Zealand is a self-governing state. The Parliament consists of one House only, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of the government.

There are several political parties in New Zealand. They are: the Labour Party, the National Party, the Party of Socialist Unity and others.

New Zealand has heavy industry. There are many plants in the country. The paper and rubber industries are developed too. New Zealand exports apples and honey.

There are several big cities such as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Nelson. Auckland, Dunedin and Wellington are the country's main ports.

The capital of the country is Wellington. It is a financial center too. The city was founded in 1840.

There are several educational and cultural institutions in Wellington. They are the University of New Zealand, Victoria University College and others. Victoria University was established in 1897. New Zealand is a very interesting and beautiful country.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Where is New Zealand situated? 2. What is the capital of New Zealand? 3. What is the climate of the country? 4. What industries are developed in New Zealand? 5. What is the name of the native animal? 6. Is kiwi the symbol of New Zealand? 7. Who is the head of the Government? 8. Name the big cities of the country. 9. Are there any institutions in Wellington? Exercise № 3. Find the words and word combinations in the text. Независимый штат; юго-восток; сталь; нефть; птица; толстый кустарник; охотиться; глава правительства; лёгкая промышленность; заводы; бумажная промышленность; мёд; финансовый центр; быть основанным; образовательные институты; интересная страна.

Exercise 4. Complete the table, using the information from the text.

The name capital population main climate politics main mineral of the rivers cities resources country

Exercise 5. Translate the words in brackets.

1. New Zealand (располагаться) to the south east of Australia.

2. (Самый высокий) mountain is Mount Cook.

3. Kiwi is the (птица) who lives in wet areas of the thick (кустарник).

4. The Parliament of New Zealand (состоять из) the House of Representatives.

5. New Zealand has (лёгкую промышленность).

6. New Zealand (экспортировать) apples and (мёд).

7. New Zealand is one of (самая интересная) countries.

Exercise 6. Choose and insert the right word in the proper form.

To hear – to listen

“Hear” – слышать (Deaf people cannot hear – глухие люди не могут слышать).

“Listen” – слушать (I like to listen to the classical music – я люблю слушать классическую музыку).

1) I can’t very well.

2) I am tired of ….ing to your tales. 3) We always….to the six o’clock news on the radio.

4) You have….of the country's native animals.

5) Stop ….ing to the music. It is time to leave.

6) I….that he is ill.

7) Don’t….to anybody. Act yourself.

Exercise 7. Write the numbers.

Four 6 Eleven 16 Fifteen 34 Twenty eight 51 Thirty seven 77 Ninety five 93 One thousand and three 113 One thousand and forty three 345 Nineteen eighty five 2013 Three thousand two hundred and twelve 3546

Topic 8. The Commonwealth of Australia

Australia is the largest country, but the smallest continent.

Remember the words:

1. island [‘ailǝnd] – остров 7. commonwealth [‘kɒmǝnwelɵ] - 2. coast [kǝʋst] – побережье государство 3. building [‘bildiɳ] – здание 8. captain [‘kæptin] - капитан 4. to separate [‘sepǝreit] – отделять 9. to discover [dis’kʌvǝ] – открывать 5. production [prǝ’dʌkʃn] – произ-во 10. industrial [in’dʌstriǝl] – пром-ый 6. sugar [‘ʃʋgǝ] – сахар 11. academy [ǝ’kædǝmi] - академия

Exercise 1. Read the text.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-government federal state. It has six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queens land, South Australia, Western Australia and two internal territories. It is situated in the southwestern of the Pacific Ocean. The area of this country is 7,687000 square kilometers. Australia is the largest island in the world and the smallest continent. The Dutch were the first Europeans to visit Australia. In the 1770 the English captain James Cook discovered the East Coast of Australia. Nearly 20 million people live in Australia. The capital of the country is Canberra, this city become a capital in 1927. Federal government works in Canberra in the government buildings. There are no industrial plants in the town. The population of Canberra is about 300 000 people. There are many sits in the city. They are the buildings of Australian academy of sings, the Australian national university and others. There are two big industrial cities in Australia: Sydney and Melbourne. Australian climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere and that is why it has summer when we have winter. January is the hottest month in Australia.

Australia is separated from many countries. The animals in Australia have developed differently. They are interesting. You can see the dingo, wild dog which killed others animals in night, the kangaroo and many parrots there. There are many lakes in the country. Australia is an industrial country. It has coil, nickel, zinc and gold. Australia produces of metals and minerals. It exports wool production, meat, fruit and sugar. The Australia is situated near the ocean. Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane are the ports of the country. There are many universities, theaters and museums in Australia. There are some political parties in Australia: the liberal party, the labor party and two socialist parties of Australia.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. How many states are there in Australia? 2. Where is Australia situated? 3. Is Australia the smallest continent? 4. What is the population? 5. Name the capital of the country. 6. What sightseeing’s can you call? 7. What is the hottest month in Australia? 8. What animals are there in Australia? 9. What industries is Australia rich in? 10. What cities are the ports of the country? Exercise № 3. Find in column B the translation for the words and phrases in column A.


1. делать открытие a. wool 2. заводы b. dry 3. сухой c. parrot 4. отделяться d. to discover 5. попугай e. sugar 6. дикий f. to separate 7. уголь g. plants 8. шерсть h. wild 9. сахар i. liberal 10. либеральный j. coil

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Exercise 4. Complete the table, using the information from the text.

The name capital population main climate politics main mineral of the rivers cities resources country

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with one of the words below. Translate the sentences.

Area; building; plant; island; to discover; to separate

1. There are many….for the production of cars in our country.

2. I want to live on the inhabited….

4. The highest….in Moscow is the state Moscow University.

5. America was….by Christopher Columbus.

6. Australia is….from many countries.

Exercise 6. Give the translation and three forms of the following verbs:

Have, be, visit, discover, live, become, work, build, develop, see, export, come, produce, go, hear, listen.

Exercise 7. Transform the sentences according to the models.

Model: John has a son. (Yes) (No) - Does John have a son? - Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t). 1. We have juice in our glasses. (Yes) 2. Ann has enough coffee in her glass. (No) 3. They have a large family. (Yes) 4. She has lunch at home. (No) 5. My brother has a pretty girl-friend. (Yes) 6. George has a cat. (Yes) 7. John has three children. (No) 8. She has two computers. (No)

Topic 9. The Russian Federation (Russia) East or West home is best В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Remember the words: 1. occupy [‘ɒkjʋpai] – занимать 7. resource [ri’zɔ:s] - ресурс 2. border [‘bɔ:dǝ] – граничить 8. iron [‘aiǝn] - железо 3. ocean [‘ǝʋʃn] – океан 9. church [tʃɜ:tʃ] - церковь 4. clear [kliǝ] – чистый 10. to be proud [praʋd] - гордиться 5. bottom [‘bɒtǝm] – дно 11. theatre [‘ɵiǝtǝ] - театр 6. cover [‘kʌvǝ] - покрывать 12. favorable [‘feivǝrǝbl] – благоприят. Exercise 1. Read the text. Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies about one – seventh of the earth’s surface. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. Russia borders on many countries. In the South Russia borders China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belorussia, the Ukraine. It also has got a sea border with the USA.

The country has many seas and oceans. There are over two million rivers in Russia. The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Yenisei and the Ob in Asia. The deepest lake is the Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.

There are different types of climate on the territory of this country. It is very cold in the North even in summer. The central part of the country has a mild climate: winters are cold, springs and autumns are warm or cool, and summers are hot or warm. In the South the temperature is usually above zero all year round, even in winter. Summer is really hot and the climate is very favorable. The climate of is continental: summers are hot and dry while winters are very cold.

Some parts of the country are covered with hills and mountains. Russia has one-sixth of the world’s forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East.

The Russian Federation is very rich in mineral resources, such as oil, natural gas, coal, iron, gold and others. Moscow is the capital of this country. It was founded in 1147. It is a nice city. There are many things to see in Moscow, for example: museums, art galleries, theatres, churches and monuments. The people of our country are proud of the Moscow Kremlin. There are also many other beautiful big cities in Russia.

The population of Russia is about 150 million. 83 per cent of the population is Russians.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Where is situated the Russian Federation? 2. What is the total area of Russia? 3. How many rivers are there in Russia? 4. What is the name of the deepest lake? 5. What is the climate in Siberia? 6. Is Russia a very rich country? 7. What mineral resources is Russia rich in? 8. What is the capital of our country? 9. What is the population of Russia? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Занимать; граничить со многими странами; Грузия; Прибалтика; морская граница; считать; дно; холодно; круглый год; климат благоприятный; быть покрытым; Дальний Восток; нефть; быть основанным; церковь; гордиться. Exercise 4. Finish the sentence. 1. Russia is one of the……… 2. The longest rivers are…… 3. The water in the Baikal is so clear that……….. 4. Forests are concentrated in the European……... 5. The Russian Federation is very rich in………… 6. Some parts of the country are covered………… 7. The climate of Siberia is………………………. Exercise 5. Find in the column B the opposites to the adjectives in column A. A B 1. large a. dirty 2. long b. ugly 3. deep c. small 4. clear d. shallow 5. cold e. poor 6. mild f. short 7. dry g. hot 8. rich h. wet 9. beautiful i. hard

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exercise 6. Open the brackets, using the Present Simple Tense.

1. I (not to walk) to work every morning. 2. She (to wash) her car once a week. 3. We (to spend) our holidays in the country. 4. He (not to hope) to go there. 5. She (to go) to the theatre twice a month. 6. Mary (not to live) near the station. 7. You (to take) your dog for a walk? 8. She always (to invite) her friends to her birthday party. 9. He (to drink) coffee every morning. 10. Her brother (to study) in London? Exercise 7. Ask the questions indicated in brackets, using the Present Simple Tense.

Model: He lives in Kiev. (Where?) – Where does he live? 1. She usually goes to the theatre alone. (Where?) 2. I generally go to bed at 1 a.m. (When?) 3. Jane works as a manager. (Who?) 4. He visits the Hermitage very often because he likes to see the pictures. (Why?) 5. We study computers. (What?) 6. I go to work at 8 o’clock. (What time?) 7. She has coffee twice a day (How often?) 8. He prefers watching educational programs. (What programs?) 9. My father returns home late every day. (Who?) 10. They go to the country on weekends. (Where?)

Topic 10. Moscow

Moscow is the heart of our country Москва – столица нашей Родины! Remember the words:

1. modern [‘mɒdn] - современный 7. square [skweǝ] - сквер 2. plant [plɒ:nt] – завод 8. to mention [‘menʃǝn] - упомянуть 3. lorry [‘lɒri] – грузовик 9. writer [‘raitǝ] - писатель 4. library [‘laibrǝri] – библиотека 10. foreigner [‘fɔrinǝ] - иностранец 5. landscape [‘lændskeip] – пейзаж 11. treasure-house [‘treʒǝhaʋs] - 6. gun [gʌn] - оружие сокровищница Exercise 1. Read the text. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world.

Moscow is a modern city now. The population of the city is about 9,5 million people. Moscow is a political center, where the government of our country works.

Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The total area of Moscow is about nine hundred square kilometers. Moscow is an industrial center too. There are many factories and plants there. One of the best-known plants produces many lorries and the other one produces cars.

Moscow is a cultural center. There are 60 professional theatres, 74 museums, many institutes and libraries in Moscow.

The Bolshoi Theatre is famous all over the world.

If you are fond of painting you can go to the Tretyakov Art Gallery or to the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum and see a lot of interesting portraits and landscapes there. We say the Tretyakov Art Gallery is a treasure-house of Russian art.

Young people like to visit the Central Military Museum. There are many tanks, guns and war documents there.

One can see the Kremlin and Red Square in the center of the city. There are many fine buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares, churches and monuments in Moscow.

It is necessary to mention such famous monuments as monuments to the great Russian writer Alexander Pushkin and to the first Russian printer Ivan Fedorov.

A lot of foreigners from all over the world come to see these monuments, while they are visiting the capital.

One of the highest buildings in Moscow is the State Moscow University. It was founded in 1755 by the greatest scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.

Transport…Moscow is a very big city and its transport must be comfortable and fast.

One can see a lot of cars, buses, trolleybuses and trams in the streets of our city. The Moscow metro began to work on the 15th of May, 1935. There were 13 stations at that time – now it has 190 stations. Our metro is a beautiful and convenient one.

There are nine railway stations in Moscow and four airports around the city.

There are many stadiums in Moscow. The Central Stadium is in Luzhniki. Many competitions and football matches are held there.

The Olympic village was built for the 22nd Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. It is a big complex for sport games.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. How can you characterize Moscow? 2. What is the population of Moscow? 3. When was founded Moscow? 4. Is Moscow an industrial country? 5. How many theatres are there in Moscow? 6. Where is it possible to see painting? 7. What do the young people like to visit? 8. What monuments do you know? 9. What is the highest building in Moscow? 10. When did the Moscow metro begin to work? 11. How many stations are there in Moscow? 12. Where is the Central Stadium? 13. Have you ever been to Moscow? 14. Do you want to live in Moscow? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Современный город; быть основанным; заводы; хорошо известный; культурный центр; библиотека; любить что-то; живопись; пейзаж; сокровищница; военный музей; оружие; церковь; памятник; необходимо упомянуть; печатник; иностранец; великий учёный; удобный и быстрый; железнодорожная станция; соревнования. Exercise 4. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B. A B 1. visit a. stadium 2. political b. scientist 3. fine c. center 4. one can d. capital 5. Central e. buildings 6. Olympic f. see 7. fond of g. metro 8. great h. painting 9. Moscow i. village

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exercise 5. Add the phrases to the dialogue and read it.

- ………………..? - Hello! I am from Russia. - ………………...? - My home city is Moscow, the capital of Russia. - …………………..? - Of course. There are many of them: the Kremlin, Red Square, Arbat Street, a lot of museums, galleries and monuments, churches and cathedrals. - ……………………? - It is Red Square. - ……………………? - Yes there are. There are a lot of modern houses in Moscow but you can see old houses too. - ……………………? - It is over 900 square kilometers. - …………………….? - It is over 10 million people. - …………………….? - My country is proud of its people who brought, are bringing and will bring fame to their country. - ……………………. - OK. See you later. Bye. Exercise 6. Write the verbs below into the correct column. Правильные Неправильные use go

Use, go, think, wear, collect, choose, hunt, build, make, kill, take, visit, feel, have, travel, swim, live, play, study, like, want, run, see.

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with when/what time, where, what. 1______do you help your mum? – After dinner. 2______does she go for a walk? – To the park. 3______do you do homework? – At 4 o’clock in the afternoon. 4______does he do in the evening? – He listen to the music. 5______do they have lunch? – At school.

Topic 11. Saint Petersburg

И широка и глубока Речная синева Нева волною в берег бьёт Нева к заливу лёд несёт! (Николай Поляков) Remember the words:

1. fortress [‘fɔ:tris] – крепость 8. sculpture [‘skʌlptʃǝ] - скульптура 2. cathedral [kǝ’ɵi:drǝl] – собор 9. silverware [‘silvǝweǝ] – изделия из 3. burial [‘beriǝl] – захоронение серебра 4. to convert [kǝn’vɜ:t] – превратить 10. tour [tʋǝ] - экскурсия 5. architect [‘ɑ:kitekt] – архитектор 11. reign [rein] - царствование 6. masterpiece [‘mɑ:stǝpi:s] – шедевр 12. embankment [im’bæɳkmǝnt] - 7. to design [di’zain] – проектировать набережная Exercise 1. Read the text. St .Petersburg ranks among the world’s greatest capitals. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. It has developed into a large European-type city known all over the world.

The new city started as a fortress with the Peter and Paul Cathedral as its symbol .The Cathedral of Peter and Paul served as burial place of the monarchs and members of the royal family since Peter’s reign. In 1725 the founder of St. Petersburg, Emperor Peter the Great, was buried there. The fortress on the Neva was not meant to play an active defensive role in the history of the city. Soon after its construction it was gradually converted into a political prison. Now the Peter and Paul Fortress is a unique architectural complex that houses the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg.

Peter the Great wanted his new capital to be as beautiful as any European city. That’s why he invited a lot of famous European architects who created real masterpieces of architecture. One of the most famous architectural ensembles, the Winter Palace, stands at the beginning of the Palace Embankment. The huge palace was designed and built be Bartolome Francesco Rastrelli within eight years, between 1754 and 1762. Now this wonderful building houses the Hermitage, one of the greatest Russian museums, where you can enjoy wonderful collections of paintings, sculptures, furniture, gold and silverware, and textiles. Another unique museum in St. Petersburg is the State Russian Museum. This treasure-house of Russian art is situated in Mikhailovsky Palace. The visitors to the Museum today can see the world-famous display of Russian paintings, sculptures and engravings in its exhibition halls.

Each city has a favorite central place which attracts both its residents and visitors. The heart of St. Petersburg is Palace Square. The Alexander Column in the middle of the square commemorates the victory of Russia in the war against Napoleon. Next to the square you can see the tower of the Admiralty which was founded in 1704 as a fortress and shipyard. The main street of the city, Nevsky Prospect, begins at the Admiralty and runs eastward. It is lined with palaces, churches, shops, restaurants, cafes and theatres.

St. Petersburg is famous all over the world for its unique churches and cathedrals. The most wonderful of them is St. Isaac’s Cathedral. The interior of the cathedral is a real artistic treasure with lots of mosaic and painted decorations.

St. Petersburg attracts tourists from all over the world. The best time to visit it is in summer, during the season of White Nights. If the weather is fine, tourists can take a coach tour to the suburbs where they will enjoy Peterhoff with its famous fountains and Pushkin or Pavlovsk. They are former residences of the Russian Tsars, which have been turned into fine museums. The best way to spend time in the evening is to visit the Mariinsky Theatre. And the most enjoyable spectacle at night is the opening of bridges across the River Neva to let cargo ships pass through.

In 2003 St. Petersburg marked its 300th anniversary and the renovated museums, palaces, cathedrals churches are now waiting for new visitors.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. When was founded St. Petersburg? 2. With what did the new city start? 3. What is the name of the most famous architectural ensembles? 4. Where can we enjoy wonderful collections of paintings, sculptures, gold and textiles? 5. What is the treasure-house of Russian Art? 6. What is the heart of St. Petersburg? 7. What is the main street of the city? 8. What cathedrals do you know? 9. What is the best time to visit St. Petersburg? 10. Where can we enjoy beautiful fountains? 11. How can we spend the evening? 12. Have you ever been to St. Petersburg? 13. Do you want to live in St. Petersburg? Exercise 3. Find in the column B the translation for the words and phrases in column A. A B 1. fortress a. гравюра 2. cathedral b. крепость 3. defensive c. привлекать 4. convert d. собор 5. silverware e. превращать 6. engraving f. изделия из серебра 7. attract g. сокровищница 8. commemorate h. оборонительный 9. treasure-house i. увековечить

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exercise 4. Fill in the missing words.

1. St. Petersburg started as a f_____ with the Peter and Paul cathedral. 2. Peter the Great invited famous a______who created real masterpieces of architecture. 3. Hermitage is the greatest m______in St. Petersburg. 4. The heart of St. Petersburg is Palace S______. 5. St. Isaac’s C______is one of the most wonderful buildings. 6. We can enjoy the spectacle of the f______in Peterhoff. 7. The Russian people are proud of this c______. Exercise 5. Complete the words.

1. Ostankino______(werot) is the tallest in Europe. 2. Elbrus is the highest______(tainnomu) in Europe. 3. In Peterhoff you can see the Great______(ecalap). 4. There are 150______(nitanofus) in Peterhoff. 5. The State Hermitage is a very old______(mumuse). 6. The heart of Moscow is Red______(reqasu). 7. The Bolshoi______(teterah) is famous all over the world. 8. The architectural symbol of Russia is St. Basil’s______(ralcatdeh). 9. Baikal is the deepest______(keal) in the world. 10. The official residence of the President is the______(knilrem). Exercise 6. Open the brackets, using the Past Simple Tense.

1. We (to go) to the theatre yesterday. 2. I (to visit) my parents last week. 3. He (to get up) at 6 o’clock the other day. 4. She (not to phone) to parents yesterday. 5. You (to watch) TV last night? 6. At the office he (to work) till two o’clock. 7. They (not to rest) yesterday. 8. Your mother (to cook) dinner three hours ago? 9. He (to return) home at nine. 10. We (to spend) wonderful holidays last summer. Exercise 7. Put these sentences into negative and interrogative form. 1. They read an interesting story yesterday.

2. My friends visited St. Petersburg a year ago.

3. My sister had coffee with her friends.

4. We went to the theatre the other day.

5. Mike entered the University on 2009.

6. Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in Russia.

7. The students took the books in the library last week.

Topic 12. About Irkutsk

There is no place like home В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше Remember the words: 1. average [‘ævǝridʒ] - средний 8. to provide [prǝ’vaid] - обеспечивать 2. empire [‘empaiǝ] – империя 9. to reflect [ri’flekt] - отражать 3. to declare [di’kleǝ] – провозглашать 10. to embody [im’bɒdi] - воплощать 4. to honor [‘ɒnǝ] – чествовать 11. leisure [‘leʒǝ] – свободное время 5. strength [streɳɵ] – сила 12. to feature [‘fi:tʃǝ] - привлекать 6. wealth [welɵ] – богатство 13. coat – of – arms [kǝʋtɔfa:ms] - герб 7. to boast [bǝʋst] - хвастаться 14. to establish [I’stæbliʃ] – установить Exercise 1. Read the text. Irkutsk is an administrative, scientific, cultural and transport center of Irkutsk region. The city is located on the Angara and Irkut rivers at the distance of 70 km away from the Baikal. The changeable and dry climate here is defined as extremely continental. Winters are long and frosty with average temperature in winter -22. Autumn is long and warm. Springs comes in late March. The summer is hot with average temperature of July +25, reaching sometimes +30.

Irkutsk is 350 years old. The date of its construction is considered to be the 6th of July 1661. The city in Priangarje turned out to be in the crossroads of the most important trading routs. Irkutsk Province took in all the endless area from the Yenisei River to the Pacific. It was an “empire”, almost equal in size with Europe and with the borders constantly expanding.

In 1686 Irkutsk was declared a city, and at the same time it was honored with a stamp and coat – of – arms reflecting the strength and wealth of the land.

In the 18th century Irkutsk was called the “capital of Siberia”. This is when education and science were flourishing. The first book was published in 1807, and this is when the first public establishments were opened: theatre (1849), school (1781), printing house (1805), hospital (1807), library (1839), and the institute for girls (1845). In 1864 the telephone connection was established, in 1898 Trans- Siberian train came to the city. In 1901 Irkutsk was provided with electricity, water-piping and telegraphs.

Shopping arcades were the centers for the trading life of the city. No other Siberian city could boast such a high level of commercial service.

A person, visiting Irkutsk for the first time involuntarily gets under charm of its historic memory, reflected in the city architecture.

Siberian cities, and Irkutsk is no exception, were mostly built of wood. The windows and shutters, cornices and frontispieces were decorated with great love. A special attention was paid to the street facades, which had to embody the wealth and prosperity.

The starting point for our walk around the city will be the monument to Alexander III (1908), standing at the beginning of Karl Marx street (former Bolshaya street). The name of the monument’s author is Bakh. The statue was established in honor of accomplishing the Trans-Siberian railways. The square is the place for leisure, holidays. On summer Sundays the citizens are fond of walking here. Ethnographical museum, former Eastern Siberian department of the imperial Russian society (1851). The architect Rosen projected this Moorish (oriental) style building with fortress – like towers, narrow windows, stone decorations and fancy bars. Under the roof one can see the names of scientists – travelers, explores of Asia and eastern parts of Siberia.

The museum features unique ethnographical collection with the Siberian people clothes, items Shaman cult. Orthodox and Buddish religions, collections of weapons and rare documents of the 17th century – the time of Siberian exploration. The entrance to the museum is guarded by the so called “deer stone” (7th – 5th centuries B.C.).

“White house” – 3-floors Russian classical style mansion in Gagarin boulevard was built in 1804 after the design of St. Petersburg architects. Later the house was acquired by the government to become the residence of Eastern Siberian Governor – Generals.

Further along Karl Marx street you can see Drama Theatre named after Okhlopkov (1895 – 1897). It houses not only theatrical performances, but also festivals, creative parties and forums. There is a museum of the theatre’s history. The museum of history is opened, featuring the most remarkable pages of the city theatrical history: old playbills, the portraits of actors, who used to work in the theatre, sketches of performances settings.

The square next to the Drama Theatre is the favorite place for the citizens to come. Here was established the monument to Irkutsk drama play wright .

Lenin street is one of the main city streets. In 1952 here was established the monument to Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat. Kirov Square is the central square of the city. It is formed by the central Bank of Russia in Irkutsk region, Linguistic University, Administration of Irkutsk region and Angara Hotel. The square was named after revolutionary Kirov, who had been living in Irkutsk illegally in 1908 – 1909.

The square of three churches – Epiphany cathedral (1718), the Church of the Savior (1706) and Polish cathedral (1881). An organ music hall was opened in the cathedral in 1978.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. What is Irkutsk for you? 2. Where is the city located? 3. What is the climate of Irkutsk region? 4. When was the city constructed? 5. When was Irkutsk called the “capital of Siberia?” 6. Where do the citizens of our city like to walk? 7. What theatres of our city do you know? 8. What are the favorite places for the citizens? 9. Do you know any names of the streets? 10. What churches are there in Irkutsk? 11. Do you love your native town? 12. What is your favorite place in Irkutsk? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Научный; определяться; средняя температура; перекрёсток; торговые пути; империя; расширяющиеся границы; быть провозглашённым; герб; сила и мудрость; процветать; общественные заведения; отражать; процветание; в честь; местные жители; театральные представления; афиши; церковь; органный зал.

Exercise 4. Is it True or False? Agree or disagree with the statement.

Example: The climate of Irkutsk is temperate. – It is false. The climate of Irkutsk is extremely continental.

1. Irkutsk is located on the Angara and Ushakovka rivers.

2. Spring in the region comes in May. 3. Irkutsk is 350 years old.

4. In 1686 Irkutsk was declared a city.

5. In the 19th century Irkutsk was called “the capital of Eastern Siberia”.

6. Siberian cities were built of stones.

7. Along Karl Marx street we can see Musical Theatre.

8. Next to the Drama Theatre was established the monument to Alexander Vampilov.

9. The square Kirov was named after engineer Kirov.

10. Karl Marx street is the former Bolshaya street.

Exercise 5. Choose a word from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized words.

Places; foundation; commercial; preferable; converted; situated; named; like; riches.

1. The city is located on the Angara and Irkut River.

2. The date of the construction is considered to be the 6th of July 1661.

3. The city in Priangarje turned out into the crossroads of the most important trading routs.

4. The first public establishments were opened in 1807.

5. The starting point for our promenade will be the monument to Alexander III.

6. On summer Sundays the citizens are fond of walking here.

7. The square next to the Drama Theatre is the favorite place for the citizens to come.

8. “White House” was acquired by the government to become the residence of Eastern Siberian Governor – Generals.

9. The coat – of – arms reflects the strength and wealth of the land.

Exercise 6. Write the words into the correct column.

Used; collected; hunted; farmed; killed; visited; fished; travelled; lived; played; wanted; liked; turned; walked. [t] [d] [id] used

Exercise 7. Complete the questions.

1. were/born/you/when?______2. holidays/you/spend/how/summer/did/?______3. did/do/what/last/you/Sunday?______4. time/you/to/what/bed/did/go/yesterday?______5. go/to/did/or/to/the cinema/they/week/the theatre/last?______6. broke/the/day/who/other/the window?______7. your/did/the school/in/brother/2011/or/finish/2010/in?______

Topic 13. Lake Baikal

A pike lives in the lake to keep all fish awake Щука живёт в озере, чтобы все рыбы не спали Remember the words: 1. province [‘prɒvins] – область 8. Shore [ʃɔ:] - берег 2. supply [sǝ’plai] – запас 9. Island [‘ailǝnd] - остров 3. stream [stri:m] – ручей, поток 10. Influx [‘inflʌks] - приток 4. hollow [‘hɒlǝʋ] – впадина 11. To thaw [ɵɔ:] - таять 5. to surround [sǝ’raʋnd] – окружать 12. Surface [‘sɜ:fis] - поверхность 6. break [breik] – разлом 13. Species [‘spi:ʃi:z] - вид 7. earthquake [‘ɜ:ɵkweik] – 14. Tributary [‘tribjʋtǝri] – приток Землетрясение Exercise 1. Read the text. Lake Baikal is located in the southern part of eastern Siberia within the republic of Buryatia and Irkutsk province of Russia. It is the oldest existing freshwater lake on Earth (20 – 25 million years old). The lake contains about one fifth of the world’s supply of fresh water (some 23000 cubic km). It is 1,620 meters deep, about 630 kilometers long, and 30 to 80 kilometers wide, with an area of 31,494 square kilometers. Into lake Baikal flow more than 330 rivers and streams, the largest of which include the Selenga, Barguzin, Upper (Verhnyaya) Angara, Chikoy and Uda.

Baikal lies in a deep structural hollow surrounded by mountains, some of which rise more than 2,000 meters above the lake’s surface. Breaks in the Earth’s crust produce hot mineral springs. There are occasional severe earthquakes. The lake hollow is not symmetrical, having steep slopes on the western shores and gentler slopes on the eastern. Baikal contains some 45 islets and islands, the largest of which is Olkhon (about 700 square km.) The influx of water into the lake is primarily from rivers, chiefly the Selenga. The only outflow is through the Angara River, a tributary of the Yenisey.

Baikal’s climate is much milder than that of the surrounding territory. Winter air temperatures average – 21 and August temperatures average 11. The lake surface freezes in January and thaws in May or June. The water temperature at the surface in August is between 10 and 12 and reaches 20 in the offshore shallows. Waves can be as high as 4.6 meters. The water is very clear. From the surface one can see to 40 meters. Its salinity is low, and it contains few minerals.

Plant and animal life in the lake is rich and various. There are between 1,500 and 1,800 animal species at different depths, and hundreds of plant species live on or near the surface. The majority of the species are endemic to Baikal. There are some 50 species of fish. The most popular fishes are the omul and silvery grayling – Siberian salmon. Omul together with nerpa (a type of the ocean seal, for centuries inhabiting the fresh water of Baikal) originally come from the ocean waters. There are more than 320 bird species in the Baikal area.

The Limnological Institute of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located in the settlement of Listvyanka, as is the Baikal Sanatorium, and the hydrobiological station of Irkutsk State University is in Bolshiye Koty. The protection of natural resources in the area began with the establishment of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve in 1916. Subsequently there were added the Baikalsky (1969) and Baikalo – Lenskiy (1986) nature reserves, the Frolikhinsky (1976) and Kabansky (1974) wildlife reserves, and the Zabaikalsky and Pribaikalsky national parks (both 1986). The Lake Baikal Coastal Protection Zone, covering the lake and its environs (a total of 88, 000 square km), was created in 1987, and the same area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Where is lake Baikal located? 2. How old is the Baikal? 3. Does the lake contain the largest supply of fresh water? 4. How many rivers flow into the lake? 5. How many rivers outflow from the lake? 6. What are the most popular fishes? 7. Who is nerpa? 8. How many bird species are there in the Baikal? 9. How did the protection of natural resources begin in the area? 10. How many times have you visited Lake Baikal? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Южная часть; Иркутская область; мировой запас; ручей; структурная впадина; земная кора; минеральные источники; землетрясения; крутые склоны; приток воды; поверхность озера; богатый и разнообразный; океанский тюлень; виды птиц; посёлок; защита природных ресурсов; заповедник; быть обозначенным. Exercise 4. Translate the words in brackets. 1. The lake (содержать) about one fifth of the world’s (запас) of fresh water. 2. The largest (остров) in the Baikal is Olkhon. 3. The (приток) of water into the (озеро) is from rivers. 4. Plant and (животный) life in the lake is rich and (разнообразный). 5. There are many (вид) of fish in the Baikal. 6. The only (отток) is through the Angara River. 7. The (защита) of natural resources began with the establishment nature (заповедники). 8. The lake surface (замерзать) in January and (таять) in May or June.

Exercise 5. Find some words. R U S S I A D N N Растение; Земля; море; океан; I F L I F E L I S река; гора; жизнь; солнце; V O L C A N O A T озеро. E R O L P X E T R R E A R T H I N A O S N I U R S U N C E K A L P E O G K O C E A N A M E

Exercise 6. Choose the right variant of the answer from the column and use article “the” if it is necessary.

Continents: Countries: Ocean and Mountains: Rivers and Africa Canada rivers: Alps canals: Asia Denmark Atlantic Andes Amazon Australia Indonesia Indian Ocean Himalayas Danube Europe Sweden Pacific Rockies Nile North America Thailand Black Sea Urals Suez Canal South America United States Mediterranean Panama Canal Red Sea Rhine Thames Volga

1. What do you have to cross to travel from Europe to America? – The Atlantic. 2. Where is Argentina? – 3. Which is the longest river in Africa? – 4. Of which country is Stockholm the capital? – 5. Of which country is Washington the capital? – 6. What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America? – 7. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe? – 8. What is the smallest continent in the world? – 9. What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia? – 10. What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia? – 11. Which river flows through London? – 12. Which river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade? – 13. Of which country is Bangkok the capital? – 14. What joins the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean? – 15. What is the longest river in South America? -

Topic 14. My flat

My home is my castle Мой дом – моя крепость Remember the words: 1. floor [flɔ:] - этаж 8. to hang [hæɳ] - вешать 2. bathroom [‘bɑ:ɵru:m] – ванная 9. furniture [‘fɜ:nitʃǝ] - мебель 3. right [rait] – правая сторона 10. wardrobe [‘wɔ:drǝʋb] – шкаф 4. chair [tʃeǝ] – стул 11. bookshelf [‘bʋkʃelf] – книжная полка 5. picture [‘piktʃǝ] – картина 12. It’s a pity – жалко! 6. sideboard [‘saidbɔ:d] – сервант 13. refrigerator [ri’fridʒǝreitǝ] - 7. wall [wɔ:l] – стена холодильник Exercise 1. Read the text. I have got a flat. It is neither big nor small. It is one the fifth floor. It is number 59. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a corridor. Our living – room is big. It is light, because it has two large windows. There is a piano on the left. There is a round stool near the piano. The piano is new and black. The TV set is on the right. There is an armchair and a sofa near the TV set. There is a picture on the wall, above the piano. It is a nice picture. There is a round table in the middle of the room. There are four chairs near the table. The sideboard is on the left. There are some pictures by modern painters on the wall.

The carpet hanging on the wall is big and grey. I like our living – room and I often spend my free time watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines there.

I have my own room. It is small. There is not much furniture there. My room is not very light, because it only has one window.

There is a sofa on the right. The wardrobe is near the window. There is a small desk by the window. There are two chairs at the desk and a TV set in the corner of the room. The bookcase is near the door. There are many books in it. I have many bookshelves in my room. There are Russian and English books there. I like my room very much. When my friends come to see me I invite them into my room.

It is a pity that we have no balcony.

Our kitchen is big and comfortable. The furniture in the kitchen is not dark, it is light. A new refrigerator stands near the window. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.

The bathroom is small. We wash there in the morning and in the evening. There is a washing – machine near the door.

The corridor in our flat is long and narrow. There is a telephone in it.

I like my flat. My friends say that it is a comfortable one.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Have you got a flat? 2. Is it big or small? 3. How many rooms does the flat have? 4. What is there in the living room? 5. What is there in your room? 6. Is the TV set on the left or on the right? 7. What is there on the wall? 8. The kitchen is big, isn’t it? 9. Do you like your flat? 10 What do you want to change in your flat? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Квартира; пятый этаж; ванная комната; гостиная; слева; справа; кресло; посередине; современные писатели; проводить время; журналы; мебель; светлый; в углу; книжный шкаф; жаль; удобный; холодильник; стиральная машина.

Exercise 4. Find in the column B the synonyms to the adjectives in column A. A B 1. big a. good-looking 2. comfortable b. dusky 3. light c. large 4. dark d. pretty 5. long e. lengthy 6. modern f. convenient 7. nice g. little 8. small h. clear 9. beautiful i. contemporary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exercise 5. Complete the words.

1. teKcnih – кухня 2. nigCile – потолок 3. tepraC – ковёр 4. cihrArmr – кресло 5. fnieK – нож 6. lKtete – чайник 7. sofoBkhfle – книжный шкаф Exercise 6. Open the brackets, choosing the right form.

1. There (is, are) a large table in my room. 2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom. 3. There (is, are) a table and four chairs in my living – room. 4. There (is, are) a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in our class-room. 5. There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on the table. 6. There (is, are) two shops and a cinema in my street. 7. There (is, are) a train at 10:30. 8. There (is, are) much snow on the roads. 9. There (is, are) a lot of interesting books now. 10. There (is, are) some big trees in the garden. Exercise 7. Complete the sentences in the interrogative form, using the construction there is/there are

1. Books /on the table? 6. Cheese/in the bag?

2. man/in the room? 7. Box/on the chair?

3. money/in the drawer? 8. Zebras/in the zoo?

4. key/on the table?

5. clothes/in the wardrobe?

Topic 15. My Household Duties

Patience and a little effort Терпенье и труд всё перетрут Remember the words: 1. household [‘haʋshǝʋld] – домашний 7. shoemaker [‘ʃu:meikǝ] - сапожник 2. duty [‘dju:ti] – обязанность 8. to repair [ri’peǝ] - чинить 3. baker [‘beikǝ] – булочная 9. to desire [di’zaiǝ] – желать что-л 4. vegetable [‘vedʒitǝbl] – овощ 10. appliance [ǝ’plaiǝns] - прибор 5. tasty [teisti] – вкусный 11. In spite of – не смотря на 6. things [ɵiɳ] – вещи 12. biscuit [‘biscit] – печенье. Exercise 1. Read the text. I am a student of the medical college. In spite of I am very busy, I help my parents in keeping the house. I have some household duties.

Every day I do my room and my bed, wash up dishes, dust the furniture and usually go to the baker’s after my lessons. I buy some brown and white bread, biscuits and cakes there. The shop is not far from our house and it doesn’t take me long to do everyday shopping.

Once a week I help my mother to do all other work about the house. We wash and iron our linen, clean the flat. We beat the dust out of the carpets, vacuum the floors. It’s not difficult to keep the flat tidy if you do your rooms regularly. This is my usual round of duties.

But sometimes I have some other things to do. When my mother is ill or away from home, I do the cooking and the washing up, the buying of food and the planning of meals. I am not a good cooker, but my vegetable soup is always tasty.

I can also boil an egg or fry some meat. I also lay the table and clear away the dishes. If I am too busy or can’t do these things, all the duties are organized among other members of our family.

Sometimes I have to visit services: shoemaker’s, tailor’s, dry-cleaner’s, photographer’s. At the shoemaker’s I have my shoes and boots repaired, at the photographer’s I have my photos made. Service is generally good, but in some cases it leaves much to be desired. My brother has his own duties at home. He helps to fix and repair some things. For example, he repairs electrical appliances when they are out of order. He has already repaired our mother’s electric iron, my desk lamp, and his own shaver.

In summer I was at my grandparents. They are elderly people and need care and attention. During my stay there, I swept the floors and washed them, fed the chickens, watered and weeded the vegetable-beds. I don’t know how to milk the cow but I helped to feed the other animals: lambs, sheep and pigs. I enjoyed this work very much.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Do you have any household duties? 2. What do you do on the house every day? 3. What do you do once a week? 4. Is it difficult to keep the flat tidy? 5. What do you like to do? 6. What things you don’t like to do? 7. What services do you have to visit? 8. What are your brother’s or sister’s duties at home? 9. How do you help your grandparents in the village? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Не смотря на; домашние обязанности; мыть посуду; стирать пыль; повседневные покупки; гладить; пылесосить; круг обязанностей; жарить мясо; ремонтировать; электрические приборы; утюг; нуждаться в заботе. Exercise 4. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B. A B 1. keep a. the floors 2. dust b. linen 3. iron c. the house 4. vacuum d. cow 5. fry e. meat 6. repair f. the furniture 7. weed g. iron 8. milk h. vegetable-beds 9.enjoy i. the work

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exercise 5. Choose in the text the household duties and write them into your copybooks.

Example: do the room, …..,

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences, using the prepositions in, at, on.

The window your coffee the mountains that tree My guitar the river the island the next garage 1. Look at those people swimming….. 2. One of the strings….is broken. 3. There is something wrong with the car. We must stop….. 4. Would you like sugar….? 5. The leaves…..are a beautiful color. 6. Last year we had wonderful skiing holiday….. 7. There is nobody living…… It is uninhabited. 8. He spends most of the day sitting…..and looking outside. Exercise 7. Translate the sentences using the construction there is/there are and prepositions. 1. Книга находится на столе. 2. Стол находится в комнате. 3. Стул стоит рядом с письменным столом. 4. Кошка сидит под столом. 5. Стакан находится рядом с книгой. 6. Стол стоит рядом с диваном. 7. Цветок в вазе. 8. Ручка лежит на столе. 9. Диван находится справа. 10. Книжный шкаф стоит слева. 11. Картина над диваном. 12 Ковёр посередине.

Topic 16. Seasons and weather After rain comes fair weather После дождя приходит хорошая погода Remember the words: 1. weather [‘weδǝ] – погода 8. To afford [ǝ’fɔ:d] – позволить 2. miserable [‘mizǝrǝbl] – плохой 9. Coast [kǝʋst] - побережье 3. glorious [‘glɔ:riǝs] – восхитительный 10. Foggy [fɒgi] - туманно 4. to disappoint [disǝ’pɔint] – разочаровать 11. Autumn [‘ɔ:tǝm] - осень 5. to bathe [bɑ:ɵ] – купаться 12. Cloud [klaʋd] - облако 6. abroad [ǝ’brɔ:d] – Европа 13. Conversation [kɒnvǝ’seiʃn] - 7. frequently [‘fri:kwǝntli] – часто разговор Exercise 1. Read the text. The English weather on the whole is not exceptionally good. It is very damp. The weather is very changeable: a fine morning may change into a wet afternoon and evening. Conversely, a miserable morning may give place to a glorious afternoon. The English summer is usually disappointing. The English expect to have two or three months of extremely good weather, sunshine and hot weather, hot enough to bathe, to go to the sea. But summer months are often cool; there is always plenty of rain. Planning summer holidays is not easy because you can never depend of the weather. One year June may be hot and sunny and July and August rainy, another year it might be the other way round. So many people, who look forward to the summer holidays, if they can afford it, go abroad for their holidays, though there are so many lovely beaches on the English coast. The English winter is not cold. The temperature sometimes falls below 3 – 4 degrees. The usual temperature is about zero. The air is frequently damp and foggy. It often rains and it seldom snows. The snow melts very quickly. Autumn is the season of foggy, windy days. A spell of sunny weather in October is called an Indian summer. Spring is a warm and beautiful season. Spring flowers start to bloom from February. The weather in spring however, is changeable, and even if the sky blue without a single cloud in the morning there is no guarantee that it may not rain within a short time. It is always wise to take a mac or an umbrella. No conversation ever starts in England without a comment on the weather. It is almost a formality like shaking hands. “How do you do?”, “Nice day today, isn’t it?”, “Isn’t it hot today?”, “Isn’t it a beastly day?”, “Shocking weather, isn’t it?” – These remarks are often used when speaking about the weather. Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Is the English weather good? 2. How does the weather change in England? 3. How is the summer in England? 4. Is it easy to plan the summer holidays? 5. Is the English winter cold? 6. What is the temperature in winter? 7. How is called autumn? 8. When does begin spring? 9. How do the English start their conversation? Exercise 3. Find in the text the next words and words combinations. Погода влажная; восхитительный день; ожидать; купаться; зависеть от; ждать с нетерпением; позволить себе; ездить заграницу; туманна; дождливо; снежно; индийское лето; мудро; пожимать руки; изменчивая погода; побережье Англии. Exercise 4. Write some sentences about what you are going to do if the weather is like that.

Example: If it is sunny, I am going to ride my bike.

cold, fly a kite. hot, ride my bike. sunny, go swimming. windy, I am going to play computer If it is cloudy, games. wet, I am not going to go skiing. foggy, make a snowman. cool, read a book. warm, study maths. stormy, go snowboarding snowy,

Exercise 5. Complete the dialogue.

- ……………………….?

- I come from England.

- ……………………….?

- It is mild, but it is not always pleasant. The weather is often cold in the North and windy in the East. It is often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.

- ………………………?

- I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short. I don’t like autumn and winter. The sun rises late and sets early.

- ……………………….?

- I like to skate and to ski in winter.

- ………………………..?

- Yes, I do. I like hockey.

- ………………………..?

- I went to the islands last summer.

Exercise 6. Write the words from the box into the correct column.

Go horse riding; safari park; go skating and skiing; lake; mild; river; play football; cold; picture gallery; wet; sea; zoo; beautiful park; sunny; mountains; ride a bike; hot; Go fishing; go snowboarding; watch animals; history museum. Weather and climate Places to visit Things to do

Exercise 7. Match the words with their definitions.

1. humid a) a large area of land where it is always very hot and dry, and there is a lot of sand. 2. mild b) weather conditions that are typical in the place. 3. occasional c) a lot of rain. 4. heavy rain d) having very little rain. 5. dry e) happening sometimes but not very often. 6. desert f) not too hot, cold or wet, and sometimes pleasantly warm. 7. climate g) very hot and warm. 8. damp h) cool and wet.

Appendix А

Expressions with the verb “to be” Распространённые выражения с глаголом “to be”

To be glad (pleased) - быть радостным To be happy (delighted) - быть счастливым To be hungry - быть голодным To be thirsty - хотеть пить To be ill (healthy) - быть больным (здоров) To be ready for smth - быть готовым к чему-л To be late for smth - опаздывать To be 5 minutes late - опаздывать на 5 минут To be sorry - сожалеть To be (un) comfortable - чувствовать (не) удобн To be out of place - чувствовать неуютно To be proud of smth/smb - гордиться чем-л, кем-л To be sure of smth - быть уверенным в чём To be certain of smth - быть уверенным в чём To be mistaken - ошибаться To be surprised at smb - удивиться кому-либо To be angry with smth - быть сердитым на… To be busy with smth - быть занятым чем-л To be to blame - быть виноватым To be for (against) smth - быть за (против) To be present - присутствовать To be absent - отсутствовать To be right - быть правым To be wrong - ошибаться To be afraid of - бояться To be tired - быть уставшим Appendix В

Useful language Слова и выражения, полезные в процессе общения

1. Expressions agreement (выражения согласия) In general I quite agree…. I absolutely/completely agree that… I can’t but agree… I am of the same opinion… Exactly! That’s how I feel too. I feel the shame That’s quite right I’m with you there. 2. expressions disagreement (выражения несогласия) I disagree (with)… I wouldn’t stay that… I can see your point, but… You could be right, but I think… That’s not true at all! I’m sorry, but I can’t agree… I don’t think that… Not exactly… On the contrary… 3. Expressions doubt (выражения сомнения) I may be wrong, but I believe that… I’m not sure, but I think that… Probably it’s true, but I think… I can’t believe that… I don’t think that… However,… 4. Making additions (выражения добавления) Let me add that… I would like to add that… I should add… It is necessary to remember that… By the way,… 5. Expressions likes/dislikes (нравится/не нравится) I like it because… I really enjoy travelling. I’m fond of collecting. I’m keen on books by Tolkien. I’m fascinated by London. I’m extremely interested in the history of the UK. I’m bored by… 6. Expressions preference/wish (предпочтения) I’d like to see London some day. I’d like to be a doctor. I’d rather/better travel by bus. I’d prefer to stay at home. 7. Expressing opinion/giving reasons (выражение мнения; рассуждения) I think…because… I suppose that… Well, it seems to me that… I’m sure that… I do feel that… I find it interesting… It’s very important… The point is that… To begin with… First of all… Second, … Third, … Besides, … What is more, … Moreover, … Finally, … On the one hand, … On the other hand, … Nevertheless, … In conclusion, … As for me, … In my view, … In my opinion, … I have another opinion. To tell the truth, … Frankly speaking, … To be honest, … To cut a long story short… We must admit that… It goes without sayings that… There is no doubt that… On the whole, I believe that…

Appendix С

Numbers Cardinals and Ordinals Cardinal Ordinal Cardinal Ordinal 1 one 1 st first 16 sixteen 16 th sixteenth 2 two 2 nd second 17 seventeen 17 th seventeenth 3 three 3 rd third 18 eighteen 18 th eighteenth 4 four 4 th fourth 19 nineteen 19 th nineteenth 5 five 5 th fifth 20 twenty 20 th twentieth 6 six 6 th sixth 21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first 7 seven 7 th seventh 22 twenty-two 22 nd twenty-secon 8 eight 8 th eighth 30 thirty 30 th thirtieth 9 nine 9 th ninth 40 forty 40 th fortieth 10 ten 10 th tenth 50 fifty 50 th fiftieth 11 eleven 11 th eleventh 60 sixty 60 th sixtieth 12 twelve 12 th twelfth 70 seventy 70th seventieth 13 thirteen 13 th thirteenth 80 eighty 80 th eightieth 14 fourteen 14 th fourteenth 90 ninety 90 th ninetieth 15 fifteen 15 th fifteenth 100 a hundred 100 th hundredth

Large Numbers

1000 – a thousand 1000000 – a million 1000000000 – a billion


0,5 – nought point five 0,25 – nought point two five 10.06 – ten point oh six 27.27 – twenty-seven point two seven 0,05 – nought point oh five 0.05 – point zero five (American English)


Days Months Seasons

Monday Friday January July Spring Tuesday Saturday February August Summer Wednesday Sunday March September Autumn Thursday April October Winter May November June December


Written English – 16th September; 16/9/98 Spoken English – The sixteenth of September; September the sixteenth

Telling the time

A simple way to tell the time is to say the numbers.

10.20 ten twenty 11.15 eleven fifteen 4.45 four forty-five

You can also tell the time this way:

One o’clock (1. 00) ten past three (3.10) a quarter past four (4.15) Half past five (3.30) twenty-five to six (5.25) a quarter to seven (6.45)


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