SYMPHONY 5.6.9 User's Manual 1 T.K. Ralphs2 M. Guzelsoy3 A. Mahajan4 March 10, 2015 1This research was partially supported by NSF Grants DMS-9527124, DMI-0534862, DMI-0522796, CMMI-0728011, CMMI-1130914, as well as Texas ATP Grant 97-3604-010. A revised version of Chapters 4 of this manual now appears in the Springer-Verlag book Computational Combinatorial Optimization edited by M. J¨ungerand D. Naddef, see 2Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18017,
[email protected], 3SAS Institute, Cary, NC
[email protected] 4Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay, India
[email protected], c 2000-2015 Ted Ralphs Acknowledgments First and foremost, many thanks are due to Laci Lad´anyi who worked with me on the development of a very early precursor of SYMPHONY called COMPSys many years ago now and who taught me much of what I then knew about programming. Thanks are due also to Marta Es¨o,who wrote an early draft of this manual for what was then COMPSys. This release would not have been possible without the help of both Menal G¨uzelsoy, who has been instrumental in the development of SYMPHONY since version 4.0, and Ashutosh Mahajan, who has worked on SYMPHONY since version 5.0. In particular, Ashutosh and Menal did all of the work that went into improving SYMPHONY for release 5.2. I would also like to thank Matthew Galati and Ondrej Medek, who contributed to the development of SYMPHONY over the years.