Monday, November 2, 2020 • Volume 137 Number 5 • Moosomin,

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Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884 Municipal elections next Monday BY KEVIN WEEDMARK Voters will be going to the polls in municipal elec- tions in Saskatchewan next Monday, November 9. There will be elections for mayors, reeves, and councillors in towns, vil- lages and RMs across the area. Voters will be going to the polls to elect mayors in Moosomin, Fleming, Wa- wota, Whitewood, Kipling, DQG0DU\ÀHOG RM voters will be going to the polls to elect a reeve in the RMs of Walpole, Martin, and Antler. Voters will be electing councils in Fleming, Wa- wota, Whitewood, Kipling, Esterhazy, Rocanville, :DSHOOD 0DU\ÀHOG DQG Stockholm. For town and village councillors, voters can vote for up to the number of po- Four Moe Years sitions available. Saskatchewan Premier was given a strong mandate in Monday’s election, winning 48 seats in the 61-seat For example, if there are legislature. In the three local ridings, the candidates won with between 74 and 78 per cent of the six positions on town coun- vote. cil, voters can vote for one to six of the candidates on the ballot. Voters will elect a divi- Strong mandate for Sask Party and local MLAs sion councillor in RM of Rocanville Div. 1, RM of BY KEVIN WEEDMARK 2.0 per cent and the Liberals 0.09 sive Conservative Party was third Green candidate received 2 per Walpole Div. 1 and Div. 3, The Saskatchewan Party will SHUFHQWRIWKHYRWHZLWKRQO\ with four per cent, and the Greens cent. RM of Silverwood Div. 5, form its fourth straight majority votes across the province. received two per cent of the vote. RM of Kingsley Div. 1, RM government, with a massive man- The 29 per cent of the vote the Cannington RI0DU\ÀHOG'LYDQG'LY date. NDP received is the party’s worst Melville-Saltcoats of the Saskatch- 5 (with three candidates in The Saskatchewan Party re- showing ever. of the Saskatch- ewan Party was easily re-elected each of those two divisions) ceived 63 per cent of the vote, up ewan Party was easily re-elected in in Cannington with 74 per cent of and in the RM of Antler Di- from 62 per cent in 2016, compared Moosomin Melville-Saltcoats with 76 per cent the vote. vision 5. to 29 per cent for the NDP, down of the Saskatche- of the vote, up from 72 per cent in :HV 6PLWK RI WKH %XͿDOR 3DUW\ For a full list of who is from 30 per cent in 2015. wan Party was easily re-elected in the 2016 election. was second with 16 per cent of the running in each of the lo- 7KH %XͿDOR 3DUW\ UHFHLYHG  0RRVRPLQZLWKSHUFHQWRIWKH The NDP was second with 17 vote. Dianne Twietmeyer of the cal elections, and who has per cent of the vote across the vote, up from 72 per cent in 2016. per cent, down from 22 per cent in 1'3 ZDV WKLUG ZLWK  SHU FHQW been elected by acclama- province, the Greens 2.4 per cent, Ken Burton of the NDP was sec- 2016. Trever Ratti of the PC Party and Jaina Forrest of the Greens re- tion, turn to page 36 in this the Progressive Conservatives ond with 16 per cent, the Progres- was third with 5 per cent and the ceived 2 per cent. week’s World-Spectator. FRESH TRADE ALERT! CELEBRATION 2016 JEEP –FORD SALES– CHEROKEE Trailhawk • 73,000 kms $115 READY FOR $24,900 /WEEK ALL SEASONS! 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020

Above: All that remains of the La Salle Hotel and Bar in Antler after a kitchen fire brought the old building to the ground. Fire destroys La Salle Hotel in Antler BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE area. We did initially try to attack the VRXS,WZDVSUHWW\DZHVRPHIRUDUHV- LOCAL JOURNALISM EOD]H IURP LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH EXW taurant in the area,” said Hutton. INITIATIVE REPORTER ZHZHUHXQDEOHWRJHWDKROGRIWKH %RQQLH5XWWHQZKRVHUYHVDV&KLHI The La Salle Hotel in Antler, Sas- ÁDPHVµVDLG+XWWRQ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2΀FHU IRU WKH WRZQ katchewan burnt down on Thursday %\  SP DOO WKDW UHPDLQHG RI RI 5HGYHUV UHPHPEHUV WKH /D 6DOOH October 29. The building had been a the building was siding, rubble and +RWHOIRQGO\ À[WXUH LQ WKH OLWWOH KDPOHW RI $QWOHU VPRXOGHULQJUHPQDQWVRIWKHROGKR- ´(YHU\WLPH,ZHQWWKHUHWKHIRRG IRU PDQ\ \HDUV DQG ZDV NQRZQ IRU tel that was also known as the Antler ZDV GHOLFLRXV .LP ZDV ZHOO NQRZQ LWVH[FHOOHQWVRXSVDQGVWHDNSLW bar. IRU KHU KRPHPDGH VRXS DQG RI ´7KH ÀUH VWDUWHG DW DURXQG  Although the building has been FRXUVHWKHVWHDNSLWµVDLG5XWWHQ DP7KHFDXVHRIWKHÀUHLVXQNQRZQ FRPSOHWHO\ UXLQHG QR RQH ZDV 6KHDOVRUHFDOOVVRPHRIWKHDQQXDO DWWKLVWLPH,WVWDUWHGLQWKHNLWFKHQ KDUPHGLQWKHEOD]H HYHQWV WKDW .LP DQG 'DOH +DZNLQV DUHDDQGLWTXLFNO\VSUHDGRXWLQWRWKH “Everybody got out. There where would host at the bar. bar area,” said Brad Hutton, Redvers QRLQMXULHVWKDQNIXOO\µVDLG+XWWRQ ´,W ZDV KRSSLQJ VKH ZRXOG KDYH 9ROXQWHHU)LUH'HSDUWPHQW&KLHI The owner, Dale Hawkins was on 9DOHQWLQH·V'D\VXSSHUVDQGKHU+DO- 0LQXWHV DIWHU WKH ÀUH VWDUWHG WKH WKH VFHQH EXW GLGQRW ZDQW WR FRP- ORZHHQ SDUWLHV RYHU WKH \HDUV ZHUH YROXQWHHU ÀUH ÀJKWHUV ZHUH RQ WKH PHQWDWWKLVWLPH DPD]LQJµVDLG5XWWHQ scene. 7KHKRWHOZDVRQHRIWKHIHZEXVL- 7KH EDU ZDV D VSHFLDO SODFH LQ D ´:H ZHUH DOHUWHG E\  DP QHVVHV LQ$QWOHU DQG ZLOO EH PLVVHG VSHFLDOSDUWRIWKHSURYLQFH,W·VGHFRU When we got there the building E\PDQ\SHRSOH ZDV VRPHWKLQJ 5XWWHQ UHPHPEHUV ZDV FRPSOHWHO\ HQJXOIHG VR ZH MXVW ´,WLVJRLQJWREHDKXJHORVVWRWKH very well. KHOSHG SURWHFW SURSHUW\ DURXQG WKH DUHD,WZDVIDPRXVIRULWVZLQJVDQG ´,WZDVDXQLTXHSODFH,WLVZKHUH all the bird hunters and deer hunters DQGPRRVHKXQWHUVZHQWVRRQWKH ZDOOVZHUHKHDGVKXQGUHGVRIWKHP 7KHUHZDVDELJÀVKKDQJLQJRQWKH ZDOODQG(OYLV3UHVOH\SDUDSKHUQDOLD MXVWLUUHSODFHDEOHXQLTXHVWXͿµVDLG Rutten. 7KHEDUZDVRQHRIWKRVHNLQGVRI SODFHVWKDW\RXZRXOGWDNHVRPHRQH IURP RXW RI WRZQ MXVW WR VHH KRZ DPD]LQJLWLV Above: Two Redvers volunteer fire fighters ´,I\RXZHUHFRPLQJIURPWKHFLW\ controlling the last of the flames still burning at and you wanted to go out dinner 4 p.m. on Thursday October 29. ZLWK PH DQG WDON DERXW WKH WRZQ , ZRXOGWDNH\RXWRWKH$QWOHUEDUMXVW so you could see the heads and horns. ,WZDVWKDWXQLTXHµVDLG5XWWHQ $QWOHU LV DERXW  NLORPHWHUV HDVW RI5HGYHUVDQGNLORPHWHUVVRXWK- HDVWRI0RRVRPLQ &XVWRP2UWKRWLFV0LUUDQ BIG LOU’S Helping You Walk Better LUMBER )5(()RRW&OLQLF 3/8” D-Grade )ULGD\1RY Plywood For Appointment Call $31.95 DW0RRVRPLQ3KDUPDVDYH FOR   RENT!   Insulation Blower 25(VWHUKD]\3KDUPDVDYH Cellulose and Fibreglass   Steel Studs blow in Straight, Strong Insulation   is in stock & Easy To Use! x,PSURYH%DODQFHDQG3RVWXUH x%H)UHHRI+HHO3DLQ 3ODQWDU)DVFLLWLV  ALL ITEMS IN-STOCK! x5HOLHYH.QHH%DFNDQG+LS3DLQ x5LG&DOORXVHV6WUDLJKWHQ+DPPHU7RHV BIG LOU’S LUMBER x(DVH%XUQLQJ)HHW%XQLRQV1XPE7RHV Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. x+HOS)RRWDQG/HJ&LUFXODWLRQ Above: Smoke from the fire that engulfed 405 SUMNER ST. • ESTERHAZY, SK the La Salle Hotel rising into the air. It could be 6DWLVIDFWLRQ*XDUDQWHHG seen from Highway 13. 306-745-2600 306-745-2332 6HFRQG3DLURI2UWKRWLFVRQO\ Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 3 Fundraisers organized for Jamieson family following accident YROYHGWRKHOSUDLVHPRQH\µVDLG:HEE EXWHYHU\OLWWOHGRQDWLRQKHOSVµVDLG0LOO- In these strange times it is hard to come er. up with fundraising ideas. 7R GRQDWH WR WKH /RYH  /HYL DFFRXQW ´:HGRQ·WZDQWWREUHDNDQ\&29,' people can go into any Conexus branch in protocols so we are keeping it very sim- WKHDUHDRUWKH\FDQHWUDQVIHUPRQH\WR SOHµVDLG0LOOHU [email protected]. )RU0LOOHUWKLVNLQGRIVLWXDWLRQLVVRPH- For more information people can call thing that hits close to home. /LQGVH\0LOOHUDW “I am a mom and I have seen my own Those who are interested in purchasing family go through hardship with my dad squares for the cowpie bingo should con- being sick and with all the extra expenses WDFW$ODQD:HEEDWRUHPDLO that come with a sick family member. The her at [email protected]. The last thing we want the family to worry email address for online purchases of cow DERXWULJKWQRZLVÀQDQFHV:HZDQWWKHP pie bingo squares is to be comfortable and we want them to fo- [email protected]. FXVDOOWKHLUDWWHQWLRQRQ/HYLµVDLG0LOOHU There is also a Facebook page set up ´:H XQGHUVWDQG WKDW WLPHV DUH WRXJK FDOOHG¶/RYH/HYL· P IT’S OUR V Z D

Levi Jamieson working his cows. These cows will be helping with the cowpie bingo live streaming on November 8. It will cost $20 per square. We are thrilled to celebrate 75 per cent of winnings will payout to Jamieson family. 25 per cent payout S to winner. 10 sheets equals $3,750 to the family and 10 payouts of $125 12 YEARS IN BUSINESS % V to winners. and we want to take this opportunity U

BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE account called [email protected] so to thank each and every one of our LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER that people can just sit in the comfort of Two fundraisers are under way Levi Ja- their home and make a donation towards clients for your continous support! mieson was helping his uncle out in the the family. Alana Webb is going to take the ÀHOGVZKHQKHDQGKLVIULHQG=D\Q/HVOLH money that she raises with her fundraiser hit a drainage ditch. Leslie escaped with and have it roll over into this account. We minor injuries but Jamieson had to be are going to donate it to the Jamieson fam- rushed by STARS ambulance to Regina LO\µVDLG0LOOHU DQGWKHQDQDLUDPEXODQFHÁHZKLPWR6DV- The is to cover any costs that might Our Anniversary Sale katoon. He is currently at Royal RFFXU ZKLOH WKH IDPLO\ GHDOV ZLWK /HYL·V University Hospital in the Pediatric ICU. medical situation. Any excess money that He was in critical condition and they had will not be used will be donated to a char- IS BIGGER THEN EVER! to induce a coma. Although he is stable at LW\RI/HYL·VFKRRVLQJ WKLVWLPHLWLVFOHDUWKHUHLVJRLQJWREHD “They do have a long recovery in front NOVEMBER 2 - 7 very long recovery period ahead for him. of them and we just want to make sure “We are so thankful for our community WKDWWKHUHLVÀQDQFHVLQSODFHµVDLG0LOOHU PRETTY WOMEN and our surrounding communities and 0LOOHULVFRQÀGHQWWKDWWKHVHQVHRIFRP- SAVE 50% JOSEPH RIBKOFF those who want to come along side us to PXQLW\WKDW0RRVRPLQLVNQRZQIRUZLOO OFF SELECT ITEMS BY VXSSRUW /HYLµ VD\V /HYL·V PRWKHU +H LV step up and help the Jamiesons. MICHAEL TYLER the strongest kid we know and he has al- ´,KDYHEHHQDUHVLGHQWRI0RRVRPLQIRU ways been a determined and hardworking ÀYH\HDUVDQG,NQRZWKHFRPPXQLW\DO- young man. These qualities will help him ways pulls through in situations like this. in his recovery. We just want to show them (the Jamie- Plus our annual anniversary draw is back! “We just want to make sure that he gets VRQV WKDWZHKDYHWKHLUEDFNEHFDXVHWKH\ the best care and that he can have his fam- do have very challenging times ahead of Enter to WIN BACK your purchase in CASH! LO\WKHUHIRUKLPµVDLG/LQGVD\0LOOHUZKR them with everything that has happened set up a fundraiser to help the Jamieson WR/HYLµVDLG0LOOHU family. She was approached to help organize a Cow pie bingo fundraiser due to her previous experience The charity event that Alana Webb will helping other families in need. be organizing is a cow pie bingo to be live ´,KDG&UDLJ/HVOLH =D\Q·VIDWKHU PHV- streamed on November 8. sage me and ask me to maybe put a little “It will be $20 per square and it will thought into how to do this with the CO- have a 75 per cent payout to the family VID-19 regulations. We thought we would and 25 per cent pay out to the winner. 10 do something pretty simple. We decided KARI’S KLOSET VKHHWVHTXDOVWRWKHIDPLO\DQGWKHQ to just open up a bank account with the WKH\ZLOOKDYHGROODUZLQQHUVµ &RQH[XV FUHGLW XQLRQ ,W·V JRLQJ WR EH VDLG0LOOHU FASHIONS FOR ALL WOMEN FDOOHG ¶/RYH  /HYL· DQG ZH DUH MXVW JR- The cows who will be making the pies ing to ask people if they want to donate DUH-DPLHVRQ·VFRZV PRQH\WKH\ FDQ JR LQWR DQ\ EUDQFK DQG “By the sounds of it they are going to 0DLQ6W‡0RRVRPLQ6.‡ put their names in the memo so that the JHW/HYL·VFRZVLQYROYHGLQWKHIXQGUDLVHU IDPLO\FDQJREDFNDQGVHHZKRGRQDWHGµ 7KH\DUHJRLQJWRXVHWKHPWRGRWKHSLHVµ 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\DPSP VDLG0LOOHU VDLG0LOOHU There will also be an e-transfer option Webb feels this is a perfect way to social for those who would rather not go into a distance and raise funds at the same time. NDULVNORVHWRQOLQHFRP bank branch right now. ´,WRQO\VHHPVÀWWLQJWRJHWWKHFRZVLQ- )ROORZXVRQ)DFHERRNIRUPRUHRXWÀWLGHDV “We are also going to set up an e-mail Speak with your Everyone can benefit Pharmasave from vaccination against the flu pharmacist

FLU SHOT CLINICS Pharmasave Wellness & Mobiltiy Your Locally Owned Hometown Pharmacy Monday, November 2, 2020 Showroom, 601 Carleton Street, Moosomin. 630 Main Street Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (Across the street from the McNaughton Building) Moosomin, SK Flu shots will be given by appointment only. Call Pharmasave to book an appointment: 306-435-3345 Friday, November 13, 2020 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Monday - Saturday 306-435-3345 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 4 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 Moosomin RCMP Report

BY CPL DALLYN HOLMSTROM VXFKDVSROLFHDPEXODQFHVÀUHWUXFNVDQGWRZWUXFNV Jehovah’s Witnesses This simple act can save lives. will be making phone calls On October 28 the Moosomin RCMP received a call Erratic semi driver from a Jehovah Witness who advised that they would On October 23 Moosomin RCMP responded to a com- be making phone calls to people in Moosomin and sur- plaint of a male driving a Red Freightliner Semi driving rounding area. They didn’t want anyone to think their on Highway 1 while watching a movie on a screen he had phone calls were scams and ensured they would never placed on his steering wheel. The driver was not paying be asking for any money or personal information. They attention and swerving all over the road as well as getting advised they would normally be going door to door in too close to vehicles before changing lanes to pass. Unfor- order to talk to people but that method isn’t appropriate tunately, Moosomin RCMP were not able to intercept this due to Covid-19. Holmstrom’s Rant! vehicle and details were passed on to Broadview RCMP to locate. We were updated that Broadview located and Moosomin RCMP have received multiple complaints stopped the semi. This is extremely disappointing that a Scam of the Week from communities and RMs in the area regarding signs professional driver would be so careless with everyone’s This week’s scam preys on tragedy. Tragedy can be that have been stolen, knocked down, or damaged. It safety on the road. Drivers like this give all truck drivers huge events like the Humboldt Broncos bus crash, or Fort amazes me that people would do this and think it’s okay. a bad name and there is no place for that kind of driving 0F0XUUD\ZLOGÀUHVRUVRPHWKLQJORFDOVXFKDVDORFDO $VWKHSROLFHZHDUHFRPSOHWHO\ÁDEEHUJDVWHGZKHQZH on the road. car crash, or town building burning down. enter a residence and observe a stop sign or other street Scammers will contact you and ask for a donation to- sign hanging on a living room wall as décor. What day ward that cause. and age do we live in that people think it is appropriate to Stolen U-Haul found These scammers may contact you by phone or email steal a stop sign from an intersection to keep as a souvenir On October 25 a stolen U-Haul trailer was located near but they have also been known to go door to door in com- or conversation piece. a self storage rental place in Moosomin. The trailer was munities where tragedy has struck. The scammer will use Do people not realize that signs are put up to keep the stolen from U-Haul in Moosomin on October 12. Mooso- high-pressure tactics to get you to donate immediately. public safe? The RCMP has no patience for people that min RCMP is requesting anyone with information about In this instance the charity may or may not exist but if would damage or steal public signs and if we catch them this incident to contact the Moosomin RCMP by call- it does exist the scammer is not connected to the char- they will be charged criminally. I’m sure the judge would ing 306-435-3361. Information can be submitted anony- ity. To avoid these scams, ask for information in writing love to hear why someone thought it was a good idea to mously through CrimeStoppers by calling 1-800-222-TIPS SULRUWRPDNLQJDGRQDWLRQ

On November 9, re-elect Speeders on Wright Road The Moosomin RCMP received several complaints involving speeders on Wright Road near the hospital in Larry Moosomin. RCMP have increased enforcement on the On November 9, street this week issuing several tickets for speeding as well as warning a driver for using their cellphone. Tomlinson I Brent Fry would RCMP worked with the Town of Moosomin and will be as Mayor of Moosomin like your support having an electronic speed advisory sign moved into the area which should remind people to slow down. If they to be elected don’t we might be waiting out there for them with a dif- VOTE FOR: ferent kind of reminder. There is currently construction Reeve of Walpole #92 taking place on the street and this should take place once  13 years of experience on Please show that is complete. council with proven honesty, your support VOTE FOR: integrity and fairness with a Tickets for speeding  Continued growth of our  10 years of experience on council by emergency vehicles tax base and community vote on  Need for more transparency /LNH , PHQWLRQHG LQ ODVW ZHHNV· UHSRUW

BUD LIGHT, KOKANEE COORS CANADIAN SLEEMAN It's the most 24 CANS 24 CANS wonderful time LIGHT $40.49 CLEAR – the – $45.99 24 CANS 15 CANS for a beer! $44.49 $26.49 Come check out our DOWNTOWN BUSCH special holiday item selection, 24 CANS including a variety of Liquor • Beer • Wine $36.49 craft beer!

JOIN OUR REWARDS SYSTEM! Register with us and receive points for money back on your purchases! HOURS: 10 AM-6 PM MONDAY-SATURDAY COME SEE US FOR SPECIAL OCCASION PERMITS GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE Main St. & South Front St. - Moosomin, SK - 306-435-4001 We supply the booze + delivery! Call 306-435-4001 for more info! Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 5 Esterhazy Town Council: Sign corridor concerns continue BY ROB PAUL of the people who abided by it well. QRWIROORZLQJWKHSURSHUSURWRFRO7KHFRXQFLOSDVVHGD LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER ´7KH\VSHQWPRQH\DQGPDGHVXUHWKHVLJQZDVWKHUH motion to amend the arena’s Covid-19 policy to add that At the regular Esterhazy town council meeting on but nothing was ever followed through with us after in anybody not following the protocols will be asked to Wednesday, more concerns regarding the West sign cor- terms of renewing the contract. Now that we’re changing leave the property. ridor were brought to the council’s attention. At their LWWKLVEXVLQHVVLVXSVHWZLWKWKHFKDQJHV7KLVQHZSODQ As part of arenas re-opening in Saskatchewan, people September 9 council meeting a motion was passed to go has been worked on since 2017 to make these changes so must sign in and sign out of the arena as they come and forward with 4x8 signs for the West sign corridor—it was we can have a nice sign corridor with more signs.” go to ensure proper contact tracing should a Covid-19 previously only 8x8 signs on the corridor. FDVHDULVH7KLVKDVEHHQPHWZLWKGLVSOHDVXUHE\VRPH :LWKRXW KDYLQJ D ÀUP SODQ LQ SODFH IRU WKH VLJQ FRU- Sign corridor tender awarded rink users and has become a reoccurring problem in Es- ridor since 2017, the council wanted to ensure as many 7KHFRXQFLOSDVVHGDPRWLRQWRDZDUG7LPFR&RQVWUXF- terhazy. VLJQV DV SRVVLEOH ÀW RQ WKH FRUULGRU 7KHUH DUH RYHU  WLRQ WKH WHQGHU IRU WKH :HVW VLJQ FRUULGRU 7LPFR &RQ- “If they’re not signing in and signing out then they can’t names on the sign corridor waiting list and the best way struction will be constructing and installing the posts for use the rinks and they have to get out,” said Councillor to give more businesses an opportunity was to move from WKHVLJQV7KHFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGLQVWDOODWLRQZRUNZLOOFRVW 9HUQ3HWUDFHN´$QGPLQRUKRFNH\KDVWRHQIRUFHLWµ 8x8 signs to 4x8 signs. $625 per unit with up to 32 units to be installed for a total ´7KH SUREOHP LV KDYLQJ WR SK\VLFDOO\ UHPRYH SHRSOH No business with a sign up on the West sign corridor is of $20,000 plus any applicable tax. shouldn’t be minor hockey’s responsibility,” said Coun- under contract, but the town plans to provide them with 7KH:HVWVLJQFRUULGRUZDVEXGJHWHGLQWKHEXG- cillor Earl Nickel. WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRXSGDWHWKHLUVLJQVWRÀWWKHQHZPDQ- get and the council agrees in the coming years they’ll Along with the sign-in procedure, the Saskatchewan dated size. One of the previous sign owners isn’t happy make the cost back with the new larger sign corridor and Hockey Association has implemented their own face cov- with the decision because they’ve kept their sign up to consistent contracts between the town and businesses HULQJSROLF\IRUVDQFWLRQHGHYHQWV7KHSROLF\VWDWHVWKDW date and put money into it and doesn’t think it’s fair with signs. everyone in the arena must wear a mask at all times un- they’ll have to change their sign. OHVVWKH\·UHRQWKHLFHZLWKDKHOPHWRQ7KH6+$·VSROLF\ %RWK FRXQFLOORUV 7HQLOOH )OLFN DQG 9HUQ 3HWUDFHN XQ- has also led to issues at the Dana Antal Arena. derstood the frustration of the sign owner because they Arena kitchen to remain closed “We should have something in our Covid-19 arena pol- don’t believe it’s fair to force someone to change their sign With no response to previous tenders put out for the icy saying if protocol isn’t followed then people will be when they’ve been keeping it up to date and following Dana Antal Arena kitchen, the council has decided to look asked to leave,” said Councillor Maggie Rowland. the previous rules. into setting up a vending machine. ´/HW·VQRWMXVWUHVWULFWWKLVDPHQGPHQWWR&RYLGZH “We made a decision and we have to stick to our guns,” 7KH FRXQFLO ORRNHG DW WZR RSWLRQV SULRU WR WKH YHQG- VKRXOGWKLQNDKHDGZLWKWKLVWRRµVDLG0D\RU*UDQW)RU- said Councillor Randy Bot. ing machine decision, to hire someone to run the kitchen ster. “If not all facility rules are followed, then as part of “If we don’t change the signs then we won’t have sign or ask for volunteers. Given the circumstances with Co- our arena policy it will lead to removal from the facility. space for the new plan,” said Councillor Maggie Row- vid-19 this year, council believes neither option seems 7KH5&03FDQEHFDOOHGLIQHHGHGµ land. “We can’t change the plan for one sign.” plausible. Adding this to the policy will help ensure there’s a clear (FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW 'LUHFWRU 7DPP\ 0DF'RQDOG 7KH DGGLWLRQ RI D YHQGLQJ PDFKLQH RͿHUV IRRG ZLWK understanding of the consequences when arena policy says that nothing has been approved by the town since low maintenance and no health risks for those serving or isn’t correctly followed. 2017 so any work done was never brought to the town’s EX\LQJIRRG7KHFRXQFLOVD\VWKLVLVDVKRUWWHUPVROXWLRQ ´7KLVLVDGLVFLSOLQDU\DGGLWLRQWRWKHSROLF\µVDLG$FW- attention. MacDonald felt that all the signs should be the and will continue to look for volunteers in the future. LQJ $GPLQLVWUDWRU 0LNH 7KRUOH\ ´:H GLGQ·W KDYH DQ\- same size and abide by the same rules and with this plan ´7KHYHQGLQJPDFKLQHLVDJRRG&RYLGVSHFLÀFVROX- thing in there before saying if people weren’t following the town will own the signs which will allow them to en- tion for the time being,” said Acting Administrator Mike the policy they’d be asked to leave.” force their own policies. 7KRUOH\´:H·UH JRLQJ WR ORRN DW WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ QHFHV- ´7KHSHUVRQQHYHUDSSURDFKHGWKHWRZQDERXWUHQHZ- sary to put a vending machine in and talk to the contrac- tor out of Yorkton to see if we can get a one-year deal with Mayor thanks council LQJWKHLUFRQWUDFWµVDLG0D\RU*UDQW)RUVWHU´7RPDNH :LWKWKHXSFRPLQJHOHFWLRQ0D\RU*UDQW)RUVWHUWRRN LWZRUNIRUHYHU\RQHHOVHZHKDYHWRKROGÀUPRQWKLVµ WKHPRUXSXQWLO0DUFKRU$SULORIQH[W\HDU7KHUH·VQR- body looking for this type of work right now and I think WLPHDWWKHHQGRIWKHPHHWLQJWRWKDQNWKHFRXQFLO)RU- 7KHFRXQFLOZLOOQRWEHPDNLQJDQ\FKDQJHVWRWKHVLJQ ster will be returning in his second term as mayor via ac- corridor motion already passed and will be moving for- ZH·UHEHWWHURͿWRMXVWKDYHYHQGLQJPDFKLQHVVRWKHUH·V availability for something in the building.” clamation, but there will be an election with eight candi- ward with their plan. dates for six councillor positions—all six on the current “We’re still going forward with it,” said Acting Admin- council are running for re-election. LVWUDWRU0LNH7KRUOH\´:KDWKDSSHQHGZDVEHIRUH Town adds policy to enforce Covid-19 ´7KHUH·V D FKDQFH WZR RI \RX ZRQ·W EH UHWXUQLQJ WR there were one-year contracts put in place for the sign protocols FRXQFLODIWHUWKHHOHFWLRQµVDLG)RUVWHU´,·GOLNHWRWKDQN FRUULGRU7KHWRZQDWWKDWWLPHJDYHDEXQFKRIVSHFLÀ- 7KH 'DQD$QWDO$UHQD LV RSHQ ZLWK &RYLG UHVWULF- \RXIRUDOOWKHZRUN\RX·YHGRQHDQGWKHHͿRUWV\RX·YH cations for those signs. Some of the people—there were tions implemented, but there’s been issues with people put forward in bettering Esterhazy.” eight spots—abided by it and some didn’t, but this is one 5:2c VILLAGE OF SPY HILL PUBLIC NOTICE    Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Spy Hill intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw     No. 7, 1978, known as the Zoning Bylaw. INTENT !"# $%&  '('( The purpose of this bylaw is to rezone the highlighted area on the Village’s map from UR to R-Residential. This will allow a resident primary use in R-Residential, /    &  /" 4  & 4 0 / & 5 &  and approval of the Subdivision by the Community Planning Branch.            4       &  AFFECTED LAND  /   &           5 The affected land is legally described as part of Lot A Block 12, Plan 59M02476 & &  & 4 0  6     54 / %!! Part of Parcel 12 plan I2979 as shown on a map of the Village of Spy Hill. % '          

)*+) "!  /   0&   5 4 5 &   "" 5  & /  " !  &  0 "    5  5 !  7   5!   5  6 & 0 ! 5   ) REASON  "  The reason for this amendment is to rezone from UR to R-Residential for primary use.  ,, ! PUBLIC INSPECTION 80  " /   5 5 &4 /    5 Any Person may inspect the bylaws at the Village of Spy Hill’s office between 8:30 am – 4:00 pm on Monday, Thursday and Friday excluding statutory holidays.    9 5   8 41 Copies are available at a cost. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on November 6, 2020 @ 9:00 am at the Village 1 "&!  "23  of Spy Hill Office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the     hearing (or delivered to the undersigned at the village office before the hearing).    ! " !#$#%  & '($)%($$$ Issued at the Village of Spy Hill this October 23, 2020. *+'($)%($$$% ,(  -  . /000   Signed: Susan Gawryluk , Administrator 4:2c 6 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020

Above left: Kellen Scott, a Grade 5 at MacLeod Elementary School casting his ballot. Right: Covid-19 protocol markers were placed on the floor to guide students at Macdonald School. Students set up the polling station and manned the voter registration lists and ballot boxes. How students voted in the three local ridings BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE on the ballot and placing the ballot in the box as you nor- “We have done it for a couple of the past elections, pro- LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER mally would,” said Czerwonka. vincial and federal. I think it is an important aspect for Southeast Saskatchewan’s three ridings, Cannington, Principal Nathan Bromm’s Rocanville School gave the students to become aware of their responsibilities. We Melville-Saltcoats and Moosomin were well represented NDP their only win as they received one vote more than have the right to vote, but we also have the responsibility in the CIVIX Student Vote Saskatchewan 2020 that hap- the Sask Party. to utilize that vote,” said Geiger. pened on October 23. “We had two classes participate. We had our grade 7 and 8 classes, but we did some learning beforehand. We Melville-Saltcoats Moosomin did some activities just learning about the election pro- In the Melville-Saltcoats riding, 251 students cast bal- Of the 624 votes cast by students in the Moosomin rid- cess. I teach the grade 8 class and part of the curriculum lots. 141 voted for Warren Kaeding and gave the Sask Par- ing, Steven Bonk of the Saskatchewan Party received 407 is learning about Canadian citizenship and identity and ty 56 per cent of the votes. The NDP and Bonnie Galenzo- votes, making their seat safe with 65.22 per cent of the rights and responsibilities so, having the vote this year ski only secured 23.90 per cent of the student vote while vote. Ken Burton and the NDP could only secure 19.07 actually ties into that curriculum,” said Bromm. Jack Powless of the Saskatchewan Green Party received per cent of the vote, but Marjorie Graham and the Sas- The narrow victory for the NDP in Rocanville does 11.55 per cent of the vote and Trever Ratti of the PC Party katchewan Green Party only convinced 9.94 per cent of keep pace with the overall vote from student across the of Saskatchewan only took 8.37 per cent of the vote. voting students to cast their vote for them and Frank Ser- province. fas of the PC Party of Saskatchewan had a poor showing “If you look at the results from CIVIX you see that there &KXUFKEULGJH3XEOLF6FKRROYRWHV of 5.77 per cent. are more NDP seats selected by the students in general • Saskatchewan Party, 13 than by adults in the actual election,” said Bromm. • NDP, 4 Broadview School votes • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 1 • Saskatchewan Party, 20 Cannington • Saskatchewan Green Party, 0 • NDP, 5 Saskatchewan Party’s Daryl Harrison took 334 of the • Saskatchewan Green Party, 5 570 votes cast by students securing him 58.60 per cent of Davidson School votes • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 2 the vote and a seat in government. Wes Smith gave the • Saskatchewan Party, 24 %XͿDOR3DUW\LWVRQO\VKRZLQJLQWKH6RXWKHDVWZLWK • NDP, 20 Dr. Isman Elementary votes per cent of the vote while Jaina Forrest and the Saskatch- • Saskatchewan Green Party, 7 • Saskatchewan Party, 27 ewan Green Party picked up 12.11 per cent and the NDP • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 0 • NDP, 16 and Dianne Twietmeyer having their poorest showing in • Saskatchewan Green Party, 4 the region at 9.12 per cent of the vote. Grayson School votes • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 2 • Saskatchewan Party, 9 Carievale Elementary votes • NDP, 4 Grenfell Elementary Community School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 37 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 1 • Saskatchewan Party, 40 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 0 • NDP, 8 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 7 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 8 • NDP, 1 Langenburg High School votes • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 6 • Saskatchewan Party, 11 &DUQGX;(GXFDWLRQ&RPSOH[YRWHV • NDP, 3 Kennedy Langbank School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 109 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 0 • Saskatchewan Party, 9 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 0 • NDP, 4 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 19 • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 3 • NDP, 19 Macdonald School votes • Saskatchewan Green Party, 0 • Saskatchewan Party, 37 Gordon F. Kells High School votes • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 15 Kipling School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 87 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 10 • Saskatchewan Party, 128 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 29 • NDP, 7 • NDP, 28 • NDP, 21 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 23 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ Saltcoats School votes • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 11 • Saskatchewan Party, 47 Manor School votes • NDP, 22 MacLeod School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 13 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 11 • Saskatchewan Party, 58 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 5 • NDP, 13 • NDP, 3 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 7 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 2 At Davidson School, Karielle Willner who ran the elec- • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 2 tion said that the results are what se expected. 0DU\ÀHOG6FKRROYRWHV ´ 7KHHOHFWLRQ ZDVGLͿHUHQWEHFDXVHRI&29,'EXW Rocanville School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 14 the results in the end were pretty typical based on how • NDP, 8 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ our school usually votes,” said Willner. • Saskatchewan Party, 7 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 2 Almost all students at MacDonald School participated • Saskatchewan Green Party, 2 • NDP, 0 in some form of the election. • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 1 “We had grade three through nine participate in the ac- 2[ERZ3UDULH+RUL]RQV tual student vote, but our grade one and two class also Wapella School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 23 did their own version of student vote. They elected a class • Saskatchewan Party, 21 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 4 mascot,” said Karen Hovind. • NDP, 4 • NDP, 2 Hovind feels that it is important to instill the habit of • Saskatchewan Green Party, 1 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ voting earl. • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 1 “The sooner we get students understanding how our Redvers School votes government works and understanding the processes the Whitewood School votes • Saskatchewan Party, 51 more adults we will see take part in voting later,” said • Saskatchewan Party, 97 • %XͿDOR3DUW\ Hovind. • NDP, 33 • Saskatchewan Green Party, 6 Grayson School’s John Muir was excited that CIVIX • Saskatchewan Green Party, 12 • NDP, 6 chose a question that came from his school to add to the • PC Party of Saskatchewan, 8 questions asked to the party leaders. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, Darcie Howe who “CIVIX was asking for questions to give to the party -DPLH%XVFKHZKRWHDFKHVIRXUWKDQGÀIWKJUDGHRYHU teaches social studies over at Gordon F Kells High School leaders, and leaders sent out video responses and we at Grenfell Elementary was very happy with how the day felt it best to use the online voting option. ZHUHRQHRIÀYHTXHVWLRQVWKDWJRWSLFNHGRXWRIWKHHQWLUH and events leading up to the vote played out. “Most of the time we do a regular election, but this year province,” said Muir. “It went so good. We did it last year as well for the fed- due to COVID-19 we decided to do the online thing. I did The question was related to health care. eral election. The kids were so engaged and very inter- get some of my grade 10 students to make a video to show “How are you going to make healthcare accessible and ested. They had lots of really good questions. We asked kids how they would’ve voted,” said Howe. DͿRUGDEOH IRU HYHU\RQH LQ DOO  UHJLRQV UHPRWH RI FLW\"µ would you recommend it to other schools, and they all 7KHSUHVHQWDWLRQLQFOXGHGLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHGLͿHUHQW said Muir. said yes,” said Busche. party platforms. Langenburg High school’s Fallon Prince had the grade She was not at all surprised by the Sask Party win. “They were the ones that took a look at all the parties 12 class vote. “It is a farming community and there are a lot of family and prepared something to show the rest of the school “I did it with my grade 12 social studies class, it was roots in the Sask Party,” said Busche. about what the parties had to say,” said Howe. awesome,” said Prince. Kayla Czerwonka and her eighth grade social studies Over at Oxbow Prairie Horizons, Carie Crossman who After the results came in, it did spark some conversa- class ran the show in Kipling. teaches grade eight social studies, had a small but pas- tion. “It was really awesome. The grade eight class was in sionate few kids cast their vote. “We just went through the results today and compared charge of organizing the vote and they went around to “It was good. I only did it with 35 students, we studied it to the actual election and we had really awesome dis- classes and with COVID-19, we have to be very careful, the election and then learned how to do it and we learned cussions,” said Prince. so they wore their masks and gloves and they went out about the parties and I just did it with my classes I did not The students did seem to grasp their responsibility in WRFODVVHVDQGPDGHVXUHWKDWHYHU\RQHIURPJUDGHÀYHWR do it school-wide,” said Crossman. the future. 12 was able to vote. They explained to everyone how to &DUQGXͿ(GXFDWLRQ&RPSOH[·V7UHYRU*HLJHUVDZWKLV “One kid said that if there was to be any change, it is vote and went through the process of selecting the person election as a way to teach students about their civic duty. going to be with young people,” said Prince. Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 7 CIVIX brings electoral process to Sask schools BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE Challenges and rewards LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER One of the big challenges of the program is to make On the Friday that preceded election day, the students young people more comfortable with the political process of Saskatchewan went to the polls to cast their ballots in a in Canada. mock provincial election. “Research has shown that young people are intimidat- “Nearly 300 elementary and high schools participated ed by the process. Our goal is to de-mystify the process in the Student Vote program for the 2020 Saskatchewan for them and give students a chance to get comfortable provincial election,” said Dan Allen, Director of Content with it,” said Mazzucco. at CIVIX. The reason for this is not just so that voters of the future “After learning about government and the election pro- know how to cast a ballot, but to make sure that they walk cess, researching the parties and platforms, and debating into the voting booth having made an informed choice. the future of Saskatchewan, students cast ballots for the “It is not just about voting, it is about making an in- R΀FLDOFDQGLGDWHVUXQQLQJLQWKHLUVFKRRO·VFRQVWLWXHQF\ formed choice. Teaching students how to research candi- This was the third provincial Student Vote organized in dates and the parties and what they stand for and how to Saskatchewan to date, and the 50th Student Vote election think critically about what the parties are saying, that is since 2003,” said Allen. all part of the program. Teaching people in general about Nearly 25,000 students cast ballots, in the 61 constitu- our democracy and how government works and how encies in the province. elections work is greatly important to having informed “Students elected Scott Moe and the Saskatchewan Par- and engaged citizenry,” said Mazzucco. ty to form a majority government with 37 out of 61 seats Working toward these goals do have its rewards. and 46 per cent of the vote. Moe also won in the constitu- “The feedback from teachers always motivates us and ency of Rosthern—Shellbrook with 81 per cent of the vote. keep us engaged. Some teachers say its the highlight of and the Saskatchewan NDP took 24 seats their year. Hearing the students talking, not just in class, DQGZLOOIRUPWKHR΀FLDORSSRVLWLRQUHFHLYLQJSHUFHQW but at recess and in the hallways about the leaders debate of the popular vote. Meili also won in the constituency of and (hearing) how they are engaging in the debate, that is Saskatoon Meewasin with 61 per cent of the vote. rewarding,” said Mazzucco. The Saskatchewan Green Party received 12 per cent of 7KHSRVLWLYHHͿHFWVRI6WXGHQW9RWHUHDFKHVEH\RQGWKH the student vote, but failed to win a seat,” said Allan. students when they share what they have learned with their families. CIVIX “We also hear from some students and their families CIVIX is a non-partisan, national registered charity WKDWWKHSDUHQWVZHQWRXWDQGYRWHGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHEH- that was born when two previous charities joined togeth- cause students went home and encouraged them to do er, namely Student Vote and Operation Dialogue. so. Some parents have even changed who they are going Operation Dialogue was established by Warren Gold- to vote for based on the information the student brought ring in 1999. Its stated goal was to promote good citizen- home,” said Mazzucco. VKLSWKURXJKLQIRUPDWLRQDQGGLDORJXH,WKDGDÁDJVKLS The success of the program is evaluated in a variety of SURJUDP WKH DQQXDO ¶7DON$ERXW &DQDGD 4XL]· ZKLFK ways. was designed to encouraged young Canadians to be more “One, it is in the number of schools that register and the informed about their country. number of schools that submit results and number of stu- The Student Vote Program was founded by Taylor dents that cast ballots. Then, we also do surveys. We did Gunn and Lindsay Mazzucco in 2002. DQHYDOXDWLRQODVW\HDUZLWKDUHVHDUFKÀUPLQWKHIRUPRI “He (Taylor) was helping a young person who was not pre and post program surveys among the students and in the traditional school setting. He was researching edu- where we are running the program. Schools can sign up educators to evaluate their interest and knowledge before cation and he came across a program in the United States online and we provide them with free learning material and then their knowledge and interest afterwards, and that set up polling stations for students at real polling sta- and lesson plans to teach about government, democracy, then we measure those changes after the program,” said tions. The idea was that the kids take their parents to the elections and the voting process. We also share posters Mazzucco. polls,” said Mazzucco. and electoral district maps and then ballots and ballot With 1.2 million ballots cast from more than 8,000 Ca- After some more research it was clear that a similar ER[HV7KHEDOORWVKDYHWKHR΀FLDOFDQGLGDWHVRQWKHP nadian schools in the last Student Vote Canada 2019 pro- program was not really available in Canada. Student Vote Students are participating in an authentic experience. gram that coincided with the 2019 federal election, it is became that program. They can go home and talk to their parents about who clear the program is successful. ´7KHÀUVWSURJUDPZDVRUJDQL]HGGXULQJWKH2QWDULR they voted for and the goal is to foster a discussion about provincial election in 2003. The next year we did a federal the election at home,” said Mazzucco. election in 2004,” said Mazzucco. CIVIX is a team of about 14 people who all come to- )URPWKHVHÀUVWWZRHOHFWLRQVLWZDVFOHDUWKDWWKHSUR- gether to teach young people about how the electoral pro- gram was something needed in Canada. The 2004 federal cess works in Canada. election saw schools from every province and territory 6WXGHQW9RWHLVMXVWRQHRIWKHSURJUDPVRͿHUHGE\WKH participate and CIVIX just grew from there. charity. “In the last federal election a year ago, we had 9,500 ´:H RͿHU JRYHUQPHQW EXGJHW FRQVXOWDWLRQV ZLWK schools participate and 1.2 million students cast their \RXWKZHFRRUGLQDWHYLVLWVIURPHOHFWHGR΀FLDOVWRFRPH vote,” said Mazzucco. DQGVSHDNWRVFKRROVDERXWFXUUHQWDͿDLUV:HDOVRRͿHU a lot of teacher training opportunities,” said Mazzucco. Student Vote 2020 The idea is to help the teacher speak to students on the Saskatchewan issues of the day in an informed manner. The Student Vote Saskatchewan 2020 program will be “Last year we did two events in Saskatchewan; one the 50th program made possible by CIVIX. It is not just in Regina and one in Saskatoon leading up to the fed- DQDFWLYLW\ZKHUHFKLOGUHQFDQFDVWDYRWHWKHSURJUDP·V eral election. We had experts come in and talk about is- Kaiden Bagu, Adia Caswell stated aim is to develop the capacity for informed and en- sues and emerging trends in democracy. We took them and Mylee Dieter showing Kipling School gaged citizenship among young Canadians. through the materials so they could return to their schools students how to cast a vote during the CIVIX, “The program is free to any school in the jurisdiction more motivated and more interested and able to engage more students,” said Mazzucco. Student Vote Saskatchewan 2020 program

2019 TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST 5:1c VILLAGE OF TANTALLON – PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before the 31st day of December, 2020, a tax lien will be registered against the land. NOTE: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lot Block Plan Number Title Number Arrears Advertising Cost Total Arrears & Costs 11- 16 02 55613 13110329, 131103313, $4015.84 $63.75 $4079.59 131103380, 131103403 131103357,131103368 6 01 68R37613 152018759 $570.74 $63.75 $634.24 ALL COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS WILL BE IN EFFECT Submitted to the head of the council. For table inquiries contact 306-529-2850 Dated this 14 day of November, 2020. Susan Gawrlyuk – Treasurer or [email protected] 5:1c

COMING SPING 2021 ALL NEW HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR PROGRAM For more information e-mail [email protected] For more information or to register, visit or call 1-866-999-7372 8 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 Kevin 2011 Weedmark 2009 2010 CCNA 2010 WINNER CANADIAN COMMUNITY Editor NEWSPAPER AWARD 2011 and Publisher

Issued every Monday by McKay Publications Ltd., a We welcome your comments. Write to Box 250, Moo- Member of subsidiary of Weedmark Communications Ltd., from the somin, Sask. S0G 3N0, call (306) 435-2445, fax (306) 435- CCNA, SWNA and CMCA R΀FH0DLQ6WUHHW0RRVRPLQ6DVN 3969, or email [email protected] Publications Mail Agreement No. 40011909 In our opinion: 7KLQNLVWRXJK" 2021 is shaping up to be even tougher When the government’s miraculous money IDXFHWLVWXUQHGRͿZKDWKDSSHQVQH[W" ,Q WKH ÀQDO TXDUWHU RI WKLV \HDU PDQ\ &DQDGLDQV DUH OLNHO\ PRUH WKDQ ready to say goodbye and good riddance to 2020, the year of the pandemic. But what if, in some ways at least, 2021 could actually be even more dif- ÀFXOW" Consider this: Besides killing nearly 10,000 Canadians and more than one million people worldwide, COVID-19 has wreaked a huge economic wound on Canadians, their businesses, and their families. The pandemic has left many in serious distress. The federal government, like many around the world, responded im- PHGLDWHO\ZLWKHPHUJHQF\ÀQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHDQGORDQSURJUDPVZKRVH DFURQ\PVEHFDPHTXLFNO\IDPLOLDUWRWKRVHLQQHHG&(5% &DQDGD(PHU- JHQF\5HOLHI%HQHÀW &(:6 &DQDGD(PHUJHQF\:DJH6XEVLG\ DQG&(%$ &DQDGD(PHUJHQF\%XVLQHVV$FFRXQW WRQDPHMXVWDIHZ$QHZUHSRUW IURPWKH3DUOLDPHQWDU\%XGJHW2΀FHU 3%2 QRZSURMHFWVDEXGJHWGHÀFLW of nearly $329 billion, 15 per cent of gross domestic product. (This doesn’t include proposals announced in the recent throne speech.) It also takes for (OHFWLRQUHVXOWVVKRZV JUDQWHGWKDWWKHYLUXVDQGSXEOLFKHDOWKPHDVXUHVZLOOUHPDLQÀ[WXUHVRQ the horizon for the next 12 to 18 months. The PBO calculation, however, DVVXPHVWKDWWKHHPHUJHQF\VSHQGLQJPHDVXUHVZLOOHQGZKHQWKLVÀVFDO which party is in tune year ends. 6RPH YHUVLRQ RI PRVW RI WKHVH SURJUDPV OLNH &(5% DQG &(:6 ZHUH urgent and needed during the shutdown to weather the biggest economic crisis Canada has experienced since the Second World War. As of late last with Saskatchewan voters PRQWKQHDUO\QLQHPLOOLRQ&DQDGLDQVKDYHDSSOLHGIRU&(5%DQGWKHJRY- HUQPHQWKDVSDLGRXWPRUHWKDQELOOLRQWRWKRVHZKRTXDOLÀHG The results of Saskatchewan’s provincial Across all sectors of the Canadian economy, including construction, man- election Monday came as a surprise to abso- ufacturing, education, health, hospitality, retail and others, more than one lutely no one in the province, with the pos- million applicants for the wage subsidies have received over $37.4 billion sible exception of Ryan Meili, who bizarrely Kevin Weedmark WKURXJKWKH&(:6SURJUDP said on election night that the NDP would Small businesses received $1.32 billion in rent relief while many of their be “the strongest opposition Saskatchewan employees were working from home, and their doors were closed or their has seen in years,” when the trends were operations were at reduced capacity. More than 70,000 businesses received clear that the NDP would be left with 13 got 16 per cent of the vote in Cannington. &(%$ORDQVWRWDOOLQJPRUHWKDQELOOLRQLQLQWHUHVWIUHHORDQVRIXSWR seats, Meili retaining his own seat by the But that is still far from mounting a real chal- IRUHOLJLEOHHQWHUSULVHVDQGQRQSURÀWV slimmest of margins. lenge to Daryl Harrison of the Saskatchewan Charities and food banks received an additional $425 million more to sup- Party, who dominated the riding with 74 per SRUWFRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHVWR&DQDGLDQVDͿHFWHGE\WKHSDQGHPLF On election night the NDP lost its long- At some point soon, these programs will end because such extraordinary time stronghold of Riversdale in Saskatoon, cent of the vote—not exactly a close vote. spending measures will no longer be sustainable. When the government’s which was the rock-solid NDP seat held by Meili’s election night comments not with- PLUDFXORXVPRQH\IDXFHWLVWXUQHGRͿZKDWKDSSHQVQH[W" Roy Romanow and Lorne Calvert. The Sask standing, Saskatchewan voters did not elect As we move into 2021, many will face a tough, uphill climb. Families, Party likely never expected to pick up that a strong opposition for one simple reason— businesses, and charities will be pursuing recovery as many of the supports seat. because the Saskatchewan Party is clearly in they depended on for survival will no longer be available. The Sask Party also picked up a seat in tune with voters across the province. It may be a shock to the system, much like what a patient in hospital feels Walsh Acres in Regina, entirely because of It will be interesting to see whether the when recovering from surgery and the morphine drip for pain management Meili’s insane move to remove former cabi- %XͿDOR3DUW\EHFRPHVDVWURQJHUFKDOOHQJHU is suddenly no longer there. net minister Sandra Morin as the NDP can- to the Saskatchewan Party by the time of the Will charities have the additional support of increased private giving to next election in 2024. make up what’s lacking didate just before the election, which she had Will the retail or hospitality sectors revive without stronger consumer been working toward for 15 months. Morin The NDP may be able to build up to the VSHQGLQJZKHQOLIHVXSSRUWHPHUJHQF\PHDVXUHVDUHQRORQJHULQSODFH" ran as an independent against the NDP’s point that it presents more of a challenge :KDWZLOOEHWKHHͿHFWVRIWKHVHFRQGZDYHZLWKDVHFRQGVKXWGRZQDQG last-minute replacement and the Sask Party four years from now, but it has an uphill PRUHWDUJHWHGPHDVXUHVWRFRQWDLQWKHVSUHDGDQGÁDWWHQWKHFXUYH" romped to victory in the constituency. battle for the simple reason that, at this In budgeting for 2021, many will start well behind their 2020 actuals as The Saskatchewan Party received 62 per point, a clear majority of Saskatchewan vot- the government support plus the customer activity that was facilitated by cent of the vote across the province in the ers identify with the Saskatchewan Party government support will not be available. Like pain killers, these supports 2020 election. For a party to win more than and their values. masked the true depth of the COVID-19 damage. 60 per cent of the vote after three terms in That is especially true in this part of the As we go through the transitions of the coming days, some yet unfelt R΀FHLVXQKHDUGRILQ&DQDGLDQKLVWRU\ province. When the local Saskatchewan pains will have to be endured together. Party candidates are getting 75 per cent or However, this is ultimately not about doom and gloom predictions or The NDP received 31 per cent of the vote. forecasting in fear, but about keeping a watchful eye on the trends and tra- The party clearly doesn’t have a message more of the vote, it’s clear that they are in jectories that will shape our common life. Looking through the same lens, that is resonating with people across the tune with the public. COVID-19 has opened the eyes of many to the need for real change that province. And that should make it easy for the Sask seemed impossible before the great pause of the pandemic. None of the other parties registered even Party government to move ahead with its Workaholic parents now at home pay new attention to the needs of their three per cent of the vote across the prov- agenda, knowing it has such a large major- growing children. There’s a new focus on racial and other injustices that ince, leaving them as strictly fringe parties. ity of voters behind it. have surfaced during this time of shared trial. We have a growing aware- 7KH%XͿDOR3DUW\UHFHLYHGSHUFHQWRI In many parts of the world, people are QHVVWKDWGHVSLWHRXUPDQ\GLͿHUHQFHVZHFDQ·WDYRLGEHLQJFRQQHFWHGLQ the vote, the Green Party received 2.27 per split very close to 50-50 on many issues. more ways than we previously realized. cent of the vote and the Liberals received a That makes it hard for either side to move The move from 2020 to 2021 could refocus our vision and practice in new boldly ahead when they are in power. ways not only at the personal level, but also at the broader public, societal grand total of 370 votes across the province, level. for a total of 0.09 per cent. In the Sask Party’s case, they very clearly When we witness government becoming too overextended in ways that :KLOHWKH%XͿDOR3DUW\GLGRND\LQVRPH have a strong majority of the population be- are ultimately harmful, the opportunity or urgency will be there to refocus ULGLQJVWKHPHGLDUHSRUWVRIKRZWKH%XͿD- hind them, they very clearly have policies the government on its core mission of what it can singularly do well. lo Party is on the rise because it supplanted that align with the majority of Saskatch- ,WZLOOUHTXLUHDULJKWVL]LQJRIJRYHUQPHQWRUUHWXUQLQJWREDODQFHWKDW the NDP in second place in four of the 61 ewan residents, and they have a clear path will include paying renewed attention to the health and contributions of ridings is a little misguided. to govern for the next four years. other institutions, like families, schools, churches and religious organiza- 7KH%XͿDOR3DUW\KDGRQHRILWVVWURQJHVW For the politicians on the winning and los- WLRQVDQGPRUHWKDWKDYHWKHLURZQHTXDOO\LPSRUWDQWDQGFULWLFDOFRQWUL- showings in Cannington. Wes Smith active- ing sides in this election, it should be clear butions to make to the hard work of recovery and renewal of society in the ly campaigned (which a lot of third-party that there is one party that is in tune with days ahead. candidates do not do) and got his name out Saskatchewan voters and has clearly earned This editorial was written by Ray Pennings, executive vice-president of of the there. He worked hard, and to his credit he the right to lead this province. think-tank Cardus. Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 9

FALL 2020 get involved 10 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020


Moosomin & District Health Care Foundation

This year has been a diffi cult year for not Reasons to Donate/Special Occasions only patients, residents and staff but for the entire community, and we know everyone is IN MEMORY: SPECIAL OCCASIONS: PERSONAL: working very hard to make sure everyone’s To honor the memory of a Tribute gifts such as A personal donation to the loved ones stay safe. Thank you to all frontline relative, friend, co-worker birthdays, special occasions, Foundation shows your workers for providing care and support to thank you, anniversaries, support for health care interests BEQUESTS: keep our community healthy. weddings, retirement, Planned giving is a Christmas etc. HOST A PARTY Thanks to our donors for your continued lasting tribute to you. WITH PURPOSE support on this historic journey and we know making a donation this year has been more Ways to Donate diffi cult accessibility wise. Thank you for making the extra effort and supporting your Q At the South East Integrated Care Centre Q At RBC, Moosomin Branch local Integrated Care Centre. front desk Q Filling out the form on this page and mailing Q At Conexus Credit Union, Moosomin to MDHC Foundation The Moosomin & District Health Care Branch Foundation is passionate about providing the funds necessary to ensure that our health care professionals can deliver quality health Your generous donations were used for Acute Care, Long Term Care, Activity, care to our region. With the funds and the Palliative Care, Community Therapy, Emergency and Laboratory/Pharmacy generosity of our community your investment makes it possible for staff and physicians to Q Tonopen Eye Q Air Mattresses, Q X-ray Equipment ensure the right care is available when you or Assessment Tools Extenders, Cushions Upgrade Q Personal Amplifi ers Q Stats Monitors - Finger Q Wheel Chair Access Q Time Capsule Q Chemo area -Ipads, your loved ones need it. Pulse Oximeters Picnic Tables completed Subscriptions, Q Portable Blood Pressure Q Full Body Sheepskins Q Lab Blood Draw Chair Disposable Your donations support the purchase of Machine Q Spenko Mattresses Q Chemo Room Wall Headphones necessary vital medical equipment large and Q 24 hour Ambulatory Q Pneumatic Tourniquet Mounted Blood Q Palliative Care Recliner small, furnishings, patient care, improvements BP Machines System Pressure Machine Chair and education. Thanks to your ongoing Q Laundry Heat Press Q Bedside Tables Q Chemotherapy Fridge Q Long Term Care Room and Labeller Q TV Stands Q Bariatric Recliner Chair Directory System support, the foundation is able to ensure Q Hearing Assistance Q Long Term Care Call Q Portable X-Ray Q Fetal Heart Monitor patients have access to the highest quality of Device Chords Machine Q Plasma Storage care close to home. This year a three-season Q Patient Pillows Q Bed Rail Protectors Q Bladder Scanner Freezer, Chart Q Portable Floor Scrubber Q Three Season Sun Q Vein Finder Q Wireless Care Giver room has been added to the East end of the Q Long Term Care Room and Furnishings Q Rolling Cart Trolley Pagers building for all patients, visitors, residents and Activity Room Q Propane Heaters Q Impact Reduction Fall Q Advanced Authorized families to use at their leisure. Thank you for Equipment/Supplies Q Palliative Care Mats Practice Nursing Q Vital Sign Machines Supplies Q Weighted Grip Training your continued support! Q Bed Extenders Utensils

Name: ______A>K>LFR@B?MH?3$______Address: ______PLEASE DIRECT MY GIFT TO: City/Province: ______Postal Code:______T Wherever it is T Long Term Care Telephone: ______needed most Palliative Care T E-mail: ______T Integrated Facility/ THANK YOU! MAIL COMPLETED FORM AND CHEQUE TO: Equipment Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation: Box 1470 • Moosomin, SK • S0G 3N0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARD SENT TO: Name: ______Address: ______City/Province: ______Postal Code:______Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 11

FALL 2020 get involved Moosomin Curling Club open with Covid precautions The Moosomin Curling Rink will be • The skip of the non-delivering team Thursday Night – Ladies safe place to enjoy a winter sport. We are open and excited to provide a sporting op- must remain in the hack area until all open to other league ideas if there is inter- tion this winter. stones come to rest. Bonspiels are allowed following certain est. Examples would be a mixed doubles Saskatchewan Curling rinks received • The person in charge of the house is measures. Club spiels will be determined league or a senior afternoon stick league. the green light to open as of July 6, 2020 not allowed to sweep under any circum- as the season progresses. Phone Mike Schwean at 306-435-3622 if as per phase 4.3 indoor sports are able to stance. The Moosomin Curling Club will be a you are interested in curling! resume. ‡ 'HÀQHG GLUHFWLRQ RI ÁRZ RQ WKH LFH $IHZWKLQJVZLOOORRNGLͿHUHQWWKLVZLQ- surface ter due to Covid-19. Curl Canada released • No shaking of hands or coin toss new rules for return to play. The main changes include the following to help with OUR CURRENT LEAGUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2 meter (6 feet) distancing on ice: Monday Night – Super league • One sweeper only on all delivered Tuesday Night-Mens stones. No relaying (second sweeper tak- Wednesday Afternoon – Farmers and ing over halfway down the sheet) Friends

This illustration shows how to social distance on the curling ice.

Welwyn’s league curling is popular each year, and the curling WELWYN club also hosts a kids spiel as well as a St. CURLING CLUB Patrick’s Day spiel Moosomin Curling Club each year. Both are SEASON: 1ST WEEK OF events that draw par- JANUARY TO ST. PATRICK’S BONSPIEL ticipants from around GET SET FOR THE 2020-2021 SEASON! (PENDING COVID-19 REGULATIONS) the region. Above is a photo from the kids COST FOR THE SEASON spiel last year. (EXCLUDING ALL BONSPIELS) League registration $110 - ADULTS - $85 - STUDENTS is now o pen! 3 SHEETS OF ICE Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Bgafmk^gjYJg[caf?gg\Lae]l`akoafl]j 7:15 starting time Enter as a team or individual by Monday Nights Wednesday Afternoons December 14, 2020 Super League Federated Co-op Farmers & Friends Tuesday Nights Thursday Nights Let people Red Barn Mens League Celebration Ford Ladies know about your group! PLEASE CONTACT US IF INTERESTED! Contact The World-Spectator League play starts Tuesday, November 3! 1 & 2 PERSON BONSPIELS SOME SATURDAY AFTERNOONS for information on the Spring Get Contact Murray S. 306-434-7457 Involved Feature! To register contact Mike Schwean (leave a text message) 306-435-2445 306-435-3622 | [email protected] 12 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020

FALL 2020 get involved

Moosomin Thrift Store and Food Share Giving back to the community in more ways than one! Moosomin Thrift Store and Food Share is all about giving back to our com- PXQLW\ $V D QRQSURÀW organization, we strive in helping others, not only in Moosomin, but also in the surrounding areas. The success of both the thrift store and the food share relies on the com- munity and donations. Everything from clothing to housewares to miscella- neous items that are sold at the thrift store are items that were donated. In re- turn the money collected from the sales for the do- nated goods are put back into the store to keep it functioning and to pay for some of the food products that go into the food ham- pers, such as milk, bread and eggs. Jaedyn Moore and Marilyn Klinger, left, and Shirley Lindsay and Sharon Beutler, right, volunteering at the thift store. Our mission when we ÀUVW VWDUWHG ZDV WR HYHQ- tually be able to give back fortunate to receive a few unable to receive the gar- to our customers for a pm at the side door. the loop through signs at to our community and to large monetary donations, den grant due to Covid-19, reasonable price. The pro- Another item we need our store as well as adver- organizations in need. In for which we are grateful. which had been a work ceeds from produce goes that people tend to forget tising it on our Facebook addition to our donations The Moosomin Thrift in progress but has been straight back to the food are monetary donations to page under Moosomin to the Kin-Ability, The Le- Store relies on volunteers so successful the past few bank to pay for milk, eggs, keep the building running Thrift Store. gion, and Playfair Daycare, and we would like to send years. We were able to bread, and other groceries and to pay for building If you are interested in we have made donations to our sincere appreciation succeed at getting a grant we may need. maintenance as it occurs. volunteering or would like MOTOH, Moosomin and and thank you to all of through Food Banks Can- As this year has been If you’re not able to get to know more about our District Music Festival and our volunteers who spend ada which helped us pur- a lot of unknowns, and down to the building to organization, please come DQ’s Hospital Week. countless hours sorting, chase another freezer for we did have to close our GURS LW RͿ \RX FDQ PDLO down to see us at our loca- Now going on in our pricing, and putting away our food share which will doors for a little bit due it to SEHAS, PO Box 1803, tion at 609 Gordon Street, third year at our new loca- items. Becoming a volun- be so helpful, especially to the pandemic, we are Moosomin, SK, S0G 3N0 or Moosomin, Sask.; phone tion at 609 Gordon Street, teer is a great way to sup- when we are able to get extremely thankful to be e-transfer us at sehas2018@ Samantha Campbell at we are grateful for con- port your community and food grants from other or- back open, even at reduced 306-435-2633; email us at tinued donations and pa- give back, and we always ganizations which often hours. When we opened And just as a reminder, [email protected] or tronage. We live in such a welcome new recruits. It’s comes in frozen goods. back up, we welcomed EVERY Wednesday is now leave us a message on our caring community. We reg- a simple process of contact- Any produce people have Kadence Meredith and EDJ GD\

Moosomin Baptist Church We are open and offering Covid-safe programming Covid-19 may have thrown a wrench keeping soft-touch surfaces down, there into many things, but the Moosomin Bap- is lots of cleaning. The kids don’t sing in tist Church wants the community to know our church service or wear masks if they that they are open and forging ahead with do sing.” regular programming with Covid precau- Shierman says they are distancing for tions in place. their regular church services as well, which “We want people to know that we are are being held every Sunday at 10:30 am. still there, and we are open,” says Pastor “We are using every other pew, and we Jonathon Shierman. “We are hearing a lot are two meters apart. We are trying to en- from people that they didn’t realize we courage people to RSVP ahead of time on were running programs again. We have our website, but they don’t have to. We kids programming on Wednesdays and keep attendance. We are trying to limit youth programs on Fridays. We are there the congregating inside, and encouraging Sunday mornings with full kids program- RQHZD\WUD΀FµKHVD\V ming.” He says he feels it’s important to con- WLQXH WR RͿHU SURJUDPPLQJ WKURXJK &R- The importance of programming vid-19, especially to the children. “We are one of the few churches in the “Obviously, as a Pastor, I want to see area that has kids programming—a lot of Biblical teaching and I want to see kids kids programming. It’s just something that brought up in Biblical truth,” he says. “It people seem to be looking for and don’t is also really nice for kids to have a safe seem to know we have,” he adds. “There place where they can go. Most of our pro- is not a lot remaining for kids program- gramming is free, or very close to free, and ming outside of churches—there is not a for young parents and young children, ton happening right now. that is a rarity. For example, our Kidz Club “Of course, it is all very Covid safe. We program Wednesday nights is $30 a year, are following the province’s rules.” which is very negligible, but it provides Shierman says the church is following an hour and a half of programming every A recent Kindergarten Bible presentation the same rules as day camps. Wednesday night, and I don’t know where at the Moosomin Baptist Church. “The province told us to follow the day HOVH\RXZRXOGÀQGWKDWZKHUHWKH\JHW camp rules,” he says. “So we are keeping skits and games and snacks and things identity and direction. So we felt like it (OHVKDDWWKHR΀FHWRÀQGRXWPRUHDERXW them in groups of 15, everybody is social- like that, so that kind of setting, I think, is was a good opportunity, a nice turning of what they do. He says anyone is welcome ly distanced within those groups, we are really valuable. the page, to start fresh. It’s not to say the to join in on their programs, regardless of “We talk about kids like they are the church is ignoring who we have been or if they are a member of Moosomin Baptist future of the church, and I say ‘no, they what we have done, it is just taking stock Church. are the now of the church.’ Because if the of everything and being intentional about “If people want to stop by and see Ele- kids were the future of the church and the that.” sha, she has got the greatest tea collection adults were the now of the church, if this Shierman says anyone wanting more I have ever seen in the world,” says Shier- weren’t for the kids, there are way more information about the Moosmin Baptist man. “Come for some tea with Elesha, we H΀FLHQW HDVLHU ZD\V WR GR ZKDW ZH DUH Church is welcome to stop by and see would love that!” doing if it’s just about adults. We want to make sure that kids are the focus. “So, for parents to have an hour and a half to themselves where they know that Sunday they have safe programming for their kids, where everyone is criminal-record Service checked, and where they know there are A new Pastor brings Covid precautions taking place, and they can do that for fairly low-cost, that is hope- new life! fully a service to them!” Come check out our Sunday Services at Some changes at the church, 10:30 a.m. You and more coming in the future can RSVP on our Shierman also points out that, while website to help us stay Covid-19 has slowed down some of their within Covid limits plans, there are some changes that have taken place at the church. He is one of those changes. Small Groups ´:HKDYHDOOQHZVWDͿµKHVD\V´,DP IDLUO\QHZDQG(OHVKD RXUR΀FHDGPLQLV- Moosomin Want to get Pastor Jonathon Shierman and trator) just started two months ago. plugged in with a ´,VWDUWHGR΀FLDOO\0D\VW³P\IDPLO\ smaller group? his family at Moosomin Lake. and I moved April 15, right at the height of Baptist Church the lockdown from Calgary. We have a range Shierman says it was tough starting as a of Small Groups and new pastor during a pandemic, but it also 306-435-2455 Bible Studies if you’re allowed the church some time to review looking for an what it could change and gave it a chance intentional study with to “rebrand” itself. fewer members. ´$VRIULJKWQRZQRWDWRQLVGLͿHUHQWµ V\V 6KLHUPDQ ´3HRSOH ZLOO ÀQG D QHZ We want to welcome ORJR WKH\ ZLOO ÀQG VRPH QHZ EUDQGLQJ Kidz Club because we have been able to work on that you to come check EHKLQG WKH VFHQHV VWXͿ HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ Come join us we were closed down. The biggest change out our Covid for games, snacks, they will notice is me being there. The pre- crafts and vious pastor was there for 19 years and compliant church then they went out a hired a fairly young life lessons pastor, so that’s a big change as it is. But service and Wednesdays from WKHUHVWRIWKHVWXͿLIWKH\KDYHEHHQWKHUH 6:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. before, will feel very similar. We still have programs! For children the same worship teams, the same style of Kindergarten - service, the same children’s programming. Grade 5. ´:HDUHKRSLQJWREHDEOHWRRͿHUPRUH post-Covid, but we are kind of in that wait- ing game right now. Because the world is Youth Programs VRGLͿHUHQWWKDQLWZDVVL[PRQWKVDJR, have tried intentionally to keep as much Our Youth Programs have changed familiar as we can in the meantime. a bit due to Covid, but are still on! “We really view this as a new era within Jr. Youth (Grade 6 - 8); Youth (Grade 9 -12). the church. When the previous pastor left, Alternating Friday nights the interim time before I came, the church Elesha, the new office administra- VSHQWDORWRIWLPHWU\LQJWRÀJXUHRXWZKR at the church from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. with other tor at Moosmin Baptist Church, we are as a church and where we want to weekly events. Contact us for more info! and her husband Jordan. JRVSHQGLQJVRPHWLPHÀJXULQJRXWWKHLU 14 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020

FALL 2020 get involved

Several Lions members and volunteers canvassed the town of Redvers on September 27, collecting non-perishable items and winter clothing for the Carlyle Food Bank which provides a vital service to individuals in need in our area. Redvers Lions Club A great way to get involved in our community! The Redvers & District Lions Club re- projects, clubs and organizations in and with a strong leadership and community group who would love to grow the club cently held a town-wide Food Bank and around Redvers, including the Redvers minded focus who are continuing with and welcome any new members. If you winter clothing drive, having commu- School playground, Redvers Daycare out- post-secondary education. are interested in seeing what we are all nity members who wished to donate set door play space, Redvers Activity Centre Our club meets the second Monday of about, feel free to check out our Facebook out their pantry items or marked bagged handicap van, Redvers EMS services, Red- every month except through the summer. page, contact any of our current members, clothing. Several of our members and vers Library programming, Redvers Rec- :H DUH DQ HQWKXVLDVWLF VHUYLFH RULHQWHG or drop in at a meeting! friends of the Lions also door knocked and reation Centre projects, Redvers Theatre FROOHFWHG VXSSOLHV WR ÀOO WKH IRRW HQ- and many more. closed trailer at the end of September. The Just a reminder about some of our other Lions Club initiated this service endeavor service projects—we have a collection box to help relieve what may prove to be a located at the Redvers Medical Clinic for YHU\ GL΀FXOW IDOO DQG ZLQWHU ÀQDQFLDOO\ used prescription eye glasses. These are due to the pandemic and economic down sent to the CNIB in Regina who partner turn in our area. The items were gratefully with Lions Clubs International to distrib- Redvers & District accepted by the Carlyle Food Bank, which ute to those in need around the world who we learned services a very large area cov- may lack the resources or ability to receive ering much of our southeast corner from the necessary corrective lenses that eye Lions Club 6WRXJKWRQ WR &DUQGXͿ WR 5HGYHUV DQG care specialists provide. surrounding communities. Our Lions Club is proud to have part- The very popular Redvers Lions Trip of nered with the Redvers Health Founda- “We Serve” WKH0RQWK5D΁HLVLQLW·VÀIWK\HDU:KLOH tion for several years, as well as with other we have had to make some adjustments to community organizations and businesses the monthly prizes due to travel restric- WRSURYLGHEDUVHUYLFHVDVQHHGHG:KLOH tions and pandemic protocols, we are still ZHZRQ·WEHHQMR\LQJPDQ\VRFLDORXWLQJV A great way to get involved in our community! happy to give away the cash prize to our over these next months, our members look ZLQQHUV1H[W\HDU·VUD΁HLVLQWKHZRUNV forward to providing this service again in Our Meetings: and while the trips will be put on hold the future. 2nd Monday of every month at 7:30 pm until the travel uncertainty dissipates, our If you have any used automotive bat- Legion Hall Basement Lions Club will again be selling 350 tick- WHULHVNLFNLQJDURXQGGURSWKHPRͿZLWK ets with monthly draws for amazing cash Mike at Nelson Motors to be recycled. SUL]HV WRWDOOLQJ RYHU  :H DUH DO- Money received from this environmental- ways happy to make those congratulatory ly conscious program is invested directly Check out our Facebook page phone calls to our winners, and even more back into community initiatives. pleased that with our annual TOTM raf- Congratulations to Olivia Aime, this Redvers & District Lions Club ÁHVZHKDYHVRIDUJHQHUDWHGRYHU \HDU·V*UDGHUHFLSLHQWRIRXUDQQXDO/L- For more info please call Michelle 306-452-7734 in community donations to worthwhile ons Club Scholarship awarded to students YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! WATCH FOR OUR SPRING EDITION OF GET INVOLVED For more information or to book a spot contact The World-Spectator 306-435-2445 • [email protected] Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 15

FALL 2020 get involved Lower Souris Watershed Committee assists in delivery of the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program The Lower Souris Watershed Commit- diameter wells, and the installation of :DWHUVKHGVWDͿKDYHZRUNHGZLWKPDQ\ to decommission abandoned wells. We tee assists in the delivery of the Farm and deep or shallow buried pipelines. Produc- producers and municipalities in our water- look forward to meeting with producers Ranch Water Infrastructure Program in ers can also apply for remote watering sys- shed to access this program and develop to discuss potential projects and provide the Lower Souris Watershed. The Farm tems, watering bowls, storage tanks and new wells, pipelines, dugouts, remote wa- assistance. If you are interested, please call and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program fencing as add-ons to a new water devel- tering systems, and watering bowls, and Karmen at 306-452-7953. (FRWIP) is part of the Environmental Sus- opment project. This funding is available tainability and Climate Change initiatives to agricultural producers who earn at least through the Canadian Agricultural Part- $50,000 gross farm income in Saskatche- nership (CAP). This program is designed wan, are at least 18 years old, and have an to support the development of secure and agricultural use for the water. A premises sustainable water sources for agricultural ID number is required for livestock opera- use in Saskatchewan, mitigate the impact tions and projects must comply with regu- of drought and improve public safety, and latory requirements. reduce potential groundwater contamina- The Pre-Approval - Well Decommis- tion through well decommissioning. sioning stream provides 90% cost-share 6WDͿ ZLWK WKH /RZHU 6RXULV :DWHUVKHG funding to decommission abandoned work directly with landowners and mu- water wells for landowners and munici- nicipalities to access cost share funding to SDOLWLHV /RZHU 6RXULV :DWHUVKHG VWDͿ LV develop new water sources for livestock DYDLODEOH WR DVVLVW LQ ÀQGLQJ NQRZOHGJH- watering, crop spraying and other agricul- able contractors to properly measure the tural purposes and also to decommission wells to determine materials needed and abandoned water wells to reduce potential assist with the application process. There groundwater contamination in our water- are hundreds of these abandoned water VKHG6WDͿDVVLVWLQGHWHUPLQLQJHOLJLELOLW\ wells in our watershed. It is important to for the program, provide technical assis- decommission them properly to reduce tance, prepare and submit project applica- risk of groundwater contamination, to re- tions, and more. duce safety risks to people, animals and There are two program streams avail- machinery, and to reduce liability. able—the Dugout, Well and Pipeline re- The Pre-Approval - Special Projects bate and the Pre-approval Stream for well stream is for water development projects decommissioning projects and other spe- that are considered to have a high public cial projects. EHQHÀWVXFKDVFRPPXQLW\ZHOOGHYHORS- The Dugout, Well and Pipeline rebate ment by rural municipalities or First Na- stream can provide 50% cost-share fund- tions. An agricultural use for the water is ing for projects such as new dugouts or required such as crop spraying, livestock Winter walking is just one of the ways to enjoy the Nutrien Sportsplex dugout expansion (of at least 1/3 size in- watering, use in value-added agricultural in Moosomin over the winter months. The ad below lists some of the crease), the development of large or small processing or greenhouse production. programs and ways to keep busy at the Sportsplex this winter.

This winter get involved with one of our Town of Moosomin Rec Department Programs at PORTSPLEX Royal LePage King Winter Pin Bowling Snowbirders Club THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 7:00 P.M. The Sportsplex has what IG Wealth Management you need to keep the World Wide Golf League winter blues at bay! • 4 Virtual Game Simulators MENS AND LADIES GOLF LEAGUE • 6 Bowling Lanes THURSDAY NIGHTS • 1 Billiard Table • 320 Foot Walking Track Sharpe’s Crop Services • 2 Pickle Ball Courts Farmers and Friends • Shuffleboards Golf League • Darts FRIDAY AFTERNOONS To join one of our programs, book the facility or for more Corporate Scramble information contact the Golf Night Moosomin Rec Officee at FRIDAY NIGHTS 306-435-3622 16 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 FALL 2020 get involved Trinity Lutheran Church welcomes you Trinity Lutheran Church is a Christian Church lo- cated at 501 Mark Avenue in Moosomin. The church was built in 1962 and has been serving Moosomin and area since that time. Trinity Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church- Canada. The basis of all Lutheran teachings is the Bible. Martin Luther and the other reformers wrote a series of documents an- swering accusations that their teaching was con- trary to commonly held beliefs and practices of the 15th century church. These defenses and arguments, based upon the Bible, were presented before a series of theological gath- erings. Eventually, they were compiled into “The Book of Concord.” These comprise the doctrine and confession of the Lutheran Church. For more infor- mation, please refer to the Lutheran Church-Canada website: www.lutheranchurch- Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church in Moosomin. is a supporter of various mission organizations, both locally and abroad: needs around the world. Ministry, Regina, Sask. • Pastor Barry Wood, Church, Inglis, Manitoba. evening at 7 p.m. Please • Lutheran Women’s • Moosomin Food Bank. • Pastor Edmund St. Matthew’s Lutheran Our regular worship ser- refer to our weekly ad in Missionary League – Can- • Regina Street Ministry Mielke, Grace Lutheran Church, Roblin, Manitoba. vice is Saturday evenings the World-Spectator for a ada. • Gideons International, Church, Brandon, Mani- • Pastor Dan Moeller, at 7 p.m. A Bible Study is schedule of service times • Lutheran Layman’s whose primary activity is toba Holy Trinity Lutheran RͿHUHG HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ and Pastors. League, which includes the distributing copies of the Lutheran Hour, a weekly Bible free of charge. radio broadcast. We are privileged to be • Canadian Lutheran VHUYHG E\ ÀYH RUGDLQHG World Relief, which assists Lutheran Pastors: in sponsoring refugees • Pastor D.J. Kim, Chap- Trinity and co-ordinating devel- lain for the Regina City opment projects and emer- Police and Missionary at gency relief in response to Large for the Regina Street Lutheran Get people to Church  501 Mark Avenue • Moosomin, SK JOIN THE FUN! 306-435-2317 Contact The World-Spectator for more information on the Spring Get Worship Service Bible Study Involved Feature! Saturday Evenings Wednesday Evenings 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 306-435-2445 Holy Communion on the [email protected] 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month. Trinity Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Canada

For more information, please contact: Darcy Rambold: Phone or text: 306-435-9035, email: [email protected] Ron Dietrich: Phone or text: 306-435-9381, email: [email protected] Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 17

FALL 2020 get involved

Tri Valley Trails Snowmobile Club New members and volunteers are needed Every winter a group of dedicated vol- young members who are passionate about unteers maintains hundreds of miles of snomobiling get involved. There is good snowmobile trails from Fleming to Spy cause to join the club. Hill, ensuring local snowmobilers have a 2QH FKDOOHQJH LV ÀQGLQJ YROXQWHHUV safe and scenic ride. to install the signage along the trail each Tri Valley Trails is a local snowmo- year—a large job, but one that ensures bile club providing safe, groomed trails sledders ride safely all winter. The trails IRUULGHUV7KHFOXELVDOVRD΀OLDWHGZLWK provides 300 kilometres of trails for rid- Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association ers and it’s a safer way to ride. However (SSA). Since TVT formed 18 years ago it the club has not been able to maintain all has maintained several miles of trail sys- of the trails the last few years as we do tems which connect three valleys—the not have the help for the signing and trail Qu’Appelle, Assiniboine, and the Pipe- maintenance. Signing trails is a big part of stone. The trail system also joins up with the trail system, and SSA provides an on- the SnoMan trails (Manitoba system). line training course so anyone can sign up However we have not run our trail to St. to take it. Just give Stan a call at Universe /D]DUHGXHWRWKHÁRRGVDQGWKHZDVKLQJ Satellite at 306-645-2669 and we will get it out of the bridge crossing the Qu’Appelle set up! River. When you buy a membership, you are The squadron standing outside the eternal flame and The Tri Valley Trials are designated SSA also helping your local club out. Signage Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa 2019 trails, therefore trail users are required to is expensive; grooming involves both fuel register their snowmobile. and repair costs. The club also has insur- The club currently maintains 300 kilo- ance expenses which includes insuring the The 802 Pipestone Air Cadets metres of trail in the Moosomin, Fleming, warm-up shacks. These shacks are avail- Rocanville, Welwyn, Tantallon and Spy able to everyone. Local support also al- Hill areas. There are three groomer opera- lows the club to update and purchase ad- Teaching youth how to tors who spend hours grooming the trails ditional equipment required to maintain each winter, plus a number of volunteers the trail system. Every time a rider pur- who go out onto the trails at the beginning chases a membership with the club, that become productive and of the season to stake signs along the trails. money goes back to the club to help cover While there are young members and the costs of maintaining the trails. new members who use the trails each Tri Valley Trails is thankful for the local positive leaders and citizens year, Tri Valley Trails is looking for people businesses that have sponsored the club The Moosomin 802 Royal Canadian Air HͿHFWLYHVSHDNLQJFRPSHWLWLRQVDVZHOODV to serve on the board or as volunteers. over the years. Cadet Pipestone Squadron is a youth pro- visiting various military institutions. There are about 10 committee members The annual membership meeting will gram that has operated in the Moosomin With all the activities that the squadron currently doing much of the work with Tri be held in early November. Anyone is wel- area since forming in 1971. The cadet pro- performs throughout the year, the biggest Valley Trails, and the club is hoping more come to attend. gram is open to all youth in the area be- draw to the program continues to be the tween the ages of 12 years to 18 years of ability for cadets to earn either their gliders age, with no fees. New cadets are welcome pilot license or their power aircraft license at any time of the year and there is no set at no cost to the cadet. Over the course of registration deadline. the last 10 years, 802 Pipestone Air Cadets The cadet program is a collaboration be- have graduated seven pilots. tween the Air Cadet League of Canada and Cadets through hard work have the abil- Department of National Defense, with the ity to earn their glider’s license at 15 years main goals of the program focusing on the of age and 16 years of age for their private promotion of positive citizenship, leader- pilot’s license. If cadets choose not to pur- ship and fostering an interest in the mili- sue their pilots license, the cadet program tary. has many more summer courses that can Cadets meet every Monday throughout be taken such as survival instructor, ad- the school year at the Moosomin Conven- vanced aviation, leadership and ceremo- tion Centre. During the weekly sessions, QLDOLQVWUXFWRUSK\VLFDOÀWQHVVLQVWUXFWRUV cadets will learn about the fundamentals basic survival, and general training. RI ÁLJKW VXUYLYDO VNLOOV KRZ WR PDLQWDLQ “One of the most rewarding aspects of care of their uniforms, marksmanship, and this program is watching the cadets mature learn about the Canadian Armed Forces and become strong independent individu- and the roles they play internationally, just als,” says Capt. Dennis Youngblut. “This to mention a brief few of the topics covered. is one of the few programs that I know of During the training year the cadets will where youth are encouraged to take charge also get to experience survival campouts, and teach their peers. Our program teaches SERVING: Moosomin, Fleming, gliding, and participation in Remembrance youth how to become productive and posi- Day ceremonies, drill, marksmanship and tive leaders and citizens.” Rocanville, Welwyn, Spy Hill, Tantallon

If you like sledding and want to get The 802 Pipestone involved please attend the meeting in Air Cadets early November and join our committee. • Approximately 300 kms of groomed trails. We encourage anyone interested in • Food, fuel and accommodations available in many centers. The 802 Pipestone Air Cadets meet attending or joining cadets or just to every Monday at 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. see what it is all about to come and MEMBERSHIP KEEPS THE TRAIL GROOMER GOING! at the Conexus Convention Centre in check us out during our sessions on Moosomin. Monday nights and talk to the offi cers BUY YOUR MEMBERSHIP AT: and cadets. Parade times: Universe Satellite in Rocanville, 306-645-2669 You can also contact Monday nights Capt. Dennis Youngblut or from any board member 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Commanding Offi cer Parent meetings occur every 802 Pipestone RCACS SSA CLUB #312 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. 306-435-0571 Box 1533, Moosomin, Sask., S0G 3N0 18 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 FALL 2020 get involved


Encourage young people Rocanville & District Wildlife Federation to foster their Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation The Voice of the Organized Sportsman Youth Outdoor Leadership & Youth - A “Wonders of Wildlife” Manual Conservation School - Qualifi ed has been developed, with the co-opera- instructors teach youth outdoor skills and tion of other programs and conservation the development of an outdoor ethic as groups. Love of Music! the basis of facilitating leadership skills. Fisheries - S.W.F. branches conduct Operation Respect - Program provides local fi sheries projects (fi sh stocking, signs to the landowner that are designed stream enhancement, trout ponds, etc.) The Moosomin and District Music to encourage the hunter to “Respect the throughout the province in conjunction Festival is looking for new executive Landowner’s Rights - Ask Permission to with the provincial governments Fish members to get involved in planning the Hunt.” & Wildlife Development Fund. With Wildlife Tomorrow - To preserve habitat assistance from biologists, the branches festival each year! in its natural state for all species of are the main force behind securing much of Saskatchewan’s fi sheries habitat. Being an executive member involves wildlife. Habitat Trust - Habitat Trust is a Habitat Enhancement - Over one million approximately 4 - 6 meetings a year special fund established in 1978 for the trees have been planted on cuftivated purchase, retention, and enhancement parcels of wildlife land throughout the To fi nd out more contact: of critical wildlife habitat across the province to provide food and shelter for wildlife. Rosanne Kelly 306-434-9484 province. [email protected] To become a member please contact your local SWF representative ROCANVILLE MOOSOMIN or Alice Abrahamson 306-435-2425 Ron Hilgers Irene McLean Helen Sheppard Tammy Sheppard Dwayne Paskell 306-645-2197 306-645-2064 306-435-2460 306-608-9060 306-434-8390

For more information, visit our website: Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 19 Spectator Sports SEHL sees old rivalries renewed BY TRAVIS LONGMAN 1RYHPEHUWRSOD\WKH:DUULRUV Exciting times are ahead for at home. On December 4 Rocan- hockey fans in Southeast Sas- ville will travel to Esterhazy then katchewan. A recent announce- they return home on December 5 ment from the South East Hockey to play the Flyers again. The sec- League will see several rivalries ond December matchup takes the renewed. Tigers to Bredenbury on Decem- The league, formed earlier this ber 11 before their home game year, sees the Moosomin Rangers DJDLQVWWKH&RXJDUVRQ'HFHPEHU and Langenburg Warriors join the 12. Esterhazy Flyers, Rocanvile Ti- The schedule for the North co- JHUV 7KHRGRUH %XͿDORV &DQRUD hort is as follows: November 20th &REUDV,WXQD$YDODQFKH+XGVRQ ZLOOVHH&DQRUDWUDYHOWR+XGVRQ Bay Hunters and the Bredenbury %D\IRUDQSPVWDUW&DQRUDZLOO &RXJDUV 5HFHQWO\ WKH 5DQJHUV KRVW ,WXQD RQ WKH VW DW  SP and Warriors had been play- Hudson Bay will host Theodore LQJLQWKH1RUWK&HQWUDO+RFNH\ DWSPRQWKHWK)RU'HFHPEHU League out of Manitoba, but due JDPHV,WXQDZLOOKHDGWR+XGVRQ to restrictions put in place by the %D\RQWKHWKDWSPDQG7KHR- Saskatchewan government which GRUHZLOODOVRKRVW&DQRUDRQWKH prohibits interprovincial competi- VDPH GD\ ZLWK DQ  SP VWDUW tion, they now return to Saskatch- time. On the 11th, Theodore hosts ewan to face some familiar foes. ,WXQDDWSP2Q'HFHPEHUWK For cohort purposes, the nine two games are scheduled—the clubs are placed in two divisions. ÀUVW KDV ,WXQD KRVWLQJ 7KHRGRUH 7KHRYHUDOOSOD\RͿVWUXFWXUHZLOO DWSPDQG+XGVRQ%D\KHDGLQJ be between all nine teams with WR&DQRUDIRUDQSPVWDUWWLPH WKH WRS HLJKW PDNLQJ SOD\RͿV 7KH WK KDV 7KHRGRUH KRVWLQJ Moosomin, Rocanvile, Langen- +XGVRQ%D\DWSP7KHWK burg, Esterhazy and Bredenbury ZLOOEULQJ&DQRUDWR,WXQDDWSP ZLOO EH RQH FRKRUW ZKLOH ,WXQD DQG&DQRUDKRVWLQJ7KHRGRUHEH- &DQRUD 7KHRGRUH DQG +XGVRQ JLQQLQJDWSP7KHÀQDOJDPH Bay are in the other. League presi- for the second cohort in Decem- dent Mike Stackhouse believes EHU KDV ,WXQD KRVWLQJ +XGVRQ the season will start on Novem- The Moosomin Rangers and Langenburg Warriors are two teams that will for the %D\RQWKHWKDWSP ber 13. Most weekends up until new SEHL, which sees some old rivalries renewed, including the Rangers and Rocan- (The schedule is subject to WKH WZRZHHN &KULVWPDV EUHDN ville Tigers. change without notice) teams will be playing home-and- home series against teams in their year all our games vs Langen- Homeniuk said. He added that WKHLU ÀUVW JDPH RQ 1RYHPEHU The league may be new but it own cohorts. Teams must leave burg were close. Bredenbury and the town is buzzing about having  DJDLQVW WKH %UHGHQEXU\ &RX- features some old rivals as well. D ÀYH GD\ JDS EHWZHHQ JDPHV Esterhazy have had great teams a team again. JDUV RQ WKH WK WKH &RXJDUV SEHL President Mike Stackhouse due to restrictions put in place by WKH ODVW FRXSOH \HDUV VR , WKLQN will in-turn host the Flyers. On DGGHG ´,W·V JUHDW WR KDYH VR the Saskatchewan government. our pool will be very equal and A tentative schedule WKHWKDQGWKWKH)O\HUVZLOO PDQ\ FOXEV LQ WKH ÀUVW \HDU DQG 'XULQJ WKH &KULVWPDV EUHDN WKH there should be some pretty excit- has been released: play Moosomin back and forth. we hope Moosomin and Langen- league will examine provincial ing hockey.” The Langenburg Warriors host The 4th and 5th of December will burg stay beyond this season.” &RYLGJXLGHOLQHVDQGFRPSULVHD The Rocanvile Tigers were WKHLU ÀUVW KRPH JDPH RQ 6DWXU- bring games against Rocanville, For fans looking forward to schedule for the rest of the regu- kings of the THL before they day, November 14 against Moo- and the 12th and 13th will see watching, there are restrictions ODUVHDVRQDQGSOD\RͿV WRRND\HDURͿODVWVHDVRQZKLFK somin. On Friday, November 27 the Langenburg Warriors face the put in place for safety. There are The early season cohort battles turned out to be the last season the Warriors will see Rocanville Flyers. only 150 spectators allowed for should only intensify rivalries. for the league; they had legend- travel to the Remax Arena. Sat- Games for the Moosomin the senior hockey games and all Moosomin has had heated play- ary battles with each team in their urday, December 5 Bredenbury Rangers include versus Langen- fans must wear a mask. Each rink RͿRUSURYLQFLDOEDWWOHVZLWK5R- cohort. Tiger fans will be hoping heads to Langenburg and on Sun- burg on November 13-14th, Ro- has protocol put in place and the canvile, Esterhazy and Langen- for a fast start in what promises to day, December 13 the Esterhazy canville on November 20-21st, goal is to have a lengthy season burg. Moosomin Ranger manager be a competitive season. Flyers will be in town. (VWHUKD]\ RQ 1RYHPEHU WK if the fans can help the arena vol- Peter Nabholz said, “For us play- 7KH FRKRUW RI &DQRUD ,WXQD 7KHOLVWRI%UHGHQEXU\&RXJDU and against Bredenbury on De- unteers meet their provincially- ing Rocanville again is pretty ex- Theodore and Hudson Bay prom- home games is as follows: Satur- FHPEHUWK designated health standards. citing; they had some great teams ises to be heated as well. “We day, November 14 vs. Esterhazy; 7KH5RFDQYLOH7LJHUVVTXDUHRͿ Kitchens and beer gardens will in the past and we have gotten a have been without hockey in Friday, December 4 vs. Langen- on November 20 at Moosomin, be sparse, although some rinks pretty solid team the last four or &DQRUD IRU HLJKW \HDUV 6R KDUG burg; Friday, December 11 vs. Ro- and they return home on Novem- are going ahead with food (which ÀYH \HDUV 6R WKH +LJKZD\  UL- WR VD\ , ZRXOG WKLQN 7KHRGRUH canville and Saturday, December ber 21 to battle the Rangers again. is great news for hockey fans, es- valry should be good again this would be [our biggest rival],” ex- 19 vs. Moosomin. November 27 takes the Tigers to pecially ones who enjoy having a year for players and fans. Last HFXWLYHIRUWKH&DQRUD&REUDV&DO The Esterhazy Flyers will play Langenburg, then they return rink burger). Big Six split into two mini leagues )RUWKHÀUVWKDOIRIWKHVHQLRUKRFNH\VHDVRQ 7KH SUH&KULVWPDV VFKHGXOH IRU WKH %LJ 6L[ /HDJXH the Big Six Hockey League has split into two mini leagues can be viewed online at in accordance with the Saskatchewan Hockey Associa- ule2021.html WLRQ·V&RYLGVDIHW\UHTXLUHPHQWV Five teams—the Wawota Flyers, Redvers Rockets, .LSOLQJ:LQWKRUVW2LO.LQJV&DUO\OH&RXJDUVDQG&DU- GXͿ5HG'HYLOV³ZLOOPDNHXSRQHPLQLOHDJXH Four teams—the Yellow Grass Wheat Kings, Bienfait &RDOHUV 0LGDOH 0XVWDQJV DQG $UFROD.LVEH\ &RP- notice of poll bines—will make up the other mini league. Form N The mini league consisting of the Wawota Flyers, Red- vers Rockets and K-W Oil Kings will play a home and section 55 of the act KRPH DJDLQVW HDFK RWKHU EHIRUH &KULVWPDV *DPHV VWDUW this Friday, November 6. The other mini league will play three games against TOWN OF ROCANVILLE HDFKRWKHUEHIRUH&KULVWPDV Public notice is hereby given that a poll has been granted Games have only been scheduled up to December 17, as SHA has mandated there be a break in games from De- The Wawota Flyers and Redvers Rockets will for the election of: cember 17 to January 1. There are no games scheduled for play each other in their mini-league. Councillors: Town of Rocanville DIWHU&KULVWPDVDWWKLVWLPHDQGWKHOHDJXHLVQRWSODQ- QLQJWRVFKHGXOHDQ\JDPHVXQWLOWKH\DUHFRQÀGHQWWKH\ and that voting will take place on Monday the 9th day FDQJRDKHDGDIWHU&KULVWPDV of November, from 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the polling Sunset Memorial place listed below. I will declare the result of the election at the Rocanville Town Office on November 10, 2020 at Gardens 10:00 a.m. The World-Spectator’s Polling Area No. 1 3OHDVHUHPRYHDOOÁRZHUV Polling Place: Town Office deadline is Address: 103 Ellice Street, Rocanville, SK by November 15, 2020 Dated at Rocanville, SK this 28th day of October 2020 Noon Thursdays Monica Pethick – THANK YOU – Returning Officer 3:1c 5:1c 20 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 Spectator Sports


BY TRAVIS LONGMAN -XGJH (OODGM %DOGH ORYHG WKH KLSKRS They say the best things in life come style. He did give some advice when fol- from small towns and big dreams. How- lowing music. He encouraged them to ever, for Jessica Campbell who hails from VWD\LQWKHSRFNHW VZHHWVSRWULJKWRQWKH Rocanvile, not even in her wildest dreams beat). They scored a 5.5. would she have imagined she’d be on na- /DVWO\-XGJH6FRWW0RLUNHSWWKHSUDLVH WLRQDOWHOHYLVLRQÀJXUHVNDWLQJ JRLQJVWDWLQJWKHSDLURZQHGLW WKHVNDWH +RFNH\ZDVKHUVSRUWJURZLQJXSDQG ZDV YHU\GL΀FXOWDQGUHDOO\SXOOHGLWRͿ VKHH[FHOOHGDWLW6KHKDVSOD\HGKRFNH\ 0RLUJDYHWKHSDLUDIRUDFRPELQHG collegiately, professionally and on the Ca- VFRUHRI nadian National Women’s team but she 7KHGXRQLFNQDPHG´-HVKHUµVDWLQÀUVW KDVUHFHQWO\WUDGHGKHUKRFNH\VNDWHVLQ SODFH DIWHU WKH VNDWLQJ SRUWLRQ RI URXQG IRU ÀJXUH VNDWHV &DPSEHOO LV FRPSHW- RQH 7KH MXGJHV VFRUHV DQG IDQ·V YRWHV ing on season six of the CBC TV show will determine who is safe from the bot- The Battle of the Blades which began on WRPWZRDQGDYRLGDVNDWHRͿZKLFKWRRN Thursday, October 22. place on Thursday, October 29. &DPSEHOO LV VNDWLQJ DORQJVLGH $VKHU Hill in the popular ice dance competi- 7KHVWDQGLQJVDIWHUWKHMXGJH·VVFRUHV tion. The duo are up against the teams of -HVVLFD $VKHU Carlotta Edwards/Kris Versteeg, Jennifer 0HDJDQ :RMWHN Botterill/Eric Radford, Kaitlyn Weaver/ Kaitlyn & Bryan 16.2 %U\DQ %LFNHOO 0HJDQ 'XKDPHO:RMWHN Jennifer & Eric 16.1 :ROVNL 0HJKDQ $JRVWD$QGUHZ 3RMH 9DQHVVD $NLP 9DQHVVD -DPHV$NLP $OLX DQG 9LROHWWD 9LROHWWD $QWKRQ\ $IDQDVLHYD$QWKRQ\6WHZDUW 0HJKDQ $QGUHZ Night one of competition could not Carlotta & Kris 15.5 have gone any better for Hill and Camp- bell. The tandem received rave reviews Campbell and Hill have survived the IURP WKH MXGJHV ´7KH VN\ LV WKH OLPLWµ opening cuts but it is still a very tough VDLGMXGJH1DWDOLH6SRRQHUDQGVKHDGGV FRPSHWLWLRQ 0HJDQ DQG $QGUHZ ZHQW WKDWKHUIDYRULWHULVNZDV-HVVLFDWUDGLQJ KRPHODVWZHHN)LQGRXWZKRJRHVKRPH LQKRFNH\HTXLSPHQWIRUDFURSWRS6KH Jessica Campbell and Asher Hill skating during episode one of Battle WKLVZHHNVWDUWLQJDWRQ7KXUVGD\1R- gave the tandem a 5.5. of the Blades. vember 5 on CBC. Premium Copy Paper $55/CASE $57/CASE Picked up at the Delivered to your World-Spectator Office location in Moosomin 306-435-2445 [email protected] Monday, November 2, 2020 The World—Spectator — Moosomin, Sask. 21 Spectator Sports

Left: Bud Holloway with the .

Above: Bud Holloway with Skelleftea Bud Holloway hangs up his skates BY TRAVIS LONGMAN ÀQDOV during both the regular and postseason. way was back playing in North America. It is the end of an era for one of the The 2005-2006 season was an impor- He believed he had a legitimate shot to His expectations were for him to go in and most popular hockey players to ever come tant one for Holloway. He was due to be play with the big club during the follow- have a good camp and see where the chips out of South East Saskatchewan. George GUDIWHGLQWRWKH1+/IROORZLQJWKH\HDU·V ing campaign. However, despite leading fall. After an exhibition game against the “Bud” Holloway of Wapella has decided campaign. Player rankings came out just the Monarchs in points once again, Hol- leafs in Toronto he was sent down to the to retire from professional hockey. Hollo- EHIRUHWKH&+/·VWRSSURVSHFWJDPH%XG loway fell victim to the numbers game. AHL. Later on that season Montreal called way had a professional career that would was ranked as the 10th best skater, how- The Kings had several players on one way Holloway up. When he joined the Habs, be the envy of many, having played for ever it was not to be and to others it might contracts that needed to be up in the NHL, he was in shock. He got into warmup at several top organizations in North Ameri- have been seen as a bit of a snub since they leaving Holloway down in Manchester. Madison Square Garden but was a healthy ca as well as overseas. However no matter took skaters ranked 1-9 and then number He accumulated 61 points in 78 regular scratch. He later made his debut in New how well the season went for Holloway 11, completely skipping Holloway. But not season games and then 11 points in 7 play- Jersey against the Devils. He remembers and his team, Bud never forgot where he for Bud, he was grateful just to be consid- RͿ JDPHV ,PSUHVVLYH QXPEHUV EXW KH hearing in the dressing room Flynn Byron came from or the people that have always HUHGIRUWKHJDPH+ROORZD\ÀQLVKHGZLWK was still was not getting called up to the Holloway starting lineup! In his NHL de- been there for him. 21 goals, 13 assists for a total of 34 points big club. but he was out for the anthem. After the Wapella has always been home for Hol- in 72 regular season games. In the postsea- After the season Holloway was a re- game he was sent back down to the AHL loway and he loves the town as well as VRQKHZRXOGSXWXSÀYHSRLQWVLQVHYHQ stricted free agent, and despite the impres- where he remained for the remainder of the surrounding communities. He calls games. VLYH PLQRU OHDJXH QXPEHUV WKH .LQJV· the season. When the season was over, Wapella “an awesome place to grow up.” After the season, in June Bud would TXDOLI\LQJRͿHUZDVOHVVWKDQWKHFRQWUDFW Montreal wanted him to stay to develop He adds that he has had the same friends take another step towards his goal of play- he had been previously on. He realized the young players, but Bud had other all his life. Growing up in Wapella the rink ing in the NHL. The Los Angelas Kings KHZDVQRWLQWKH.LQJV·SODQVDQGVLQFH LGHDVVRKHZHQWRͿWR5XVVLD was always accessible to him, which he selected Holloway 86th overall. “I was in he was under team control for four more 7KURXJKKLVÀUVWJDPHVLQ0RVFRZ EHOLHYHVZDVEHQHÀFLDOWRKLVGHYHORSPHQW awe of the whole experience,” Holloway years in the NHL, his options were limited Bud had 9 points, however a devastating as a hockey player. says. Following being drafted, Holloway unless he was traded. It was at that time LQMXU\ HQGHG KLV WLPH LQ 5XVVLD +ROOR- +ROORZD\ ÀUVW OHIW :DSHOOD DW WKH DJH went down to rookie camp in June and he made a decision that would change his way was released and decided to return to of 15 to play AAA in Yorkton but he still main camp later on that year. He was sent life forever. He was going to go play in Eu- Skelletfea. He played there for three sea- had something that made him feel like he back down to junior and was told to keep rope. sons before playing what turned out to be was still at home. That something was his working hard and to keep developing his In Europe Holloway not only enjoyed KLVÀQDOSURIHVVLRQDOVHDVRQLQ$XVWULD mom who got a job working at the York- skills. In 2008-2009 It was time for Hollo- WUHPHQGRXV VXFFHVV RQ WKH LFH EXW RͿ RI Bud Holloway is a role model to kids ton Nursing Home while his dad stayed way to turn professional. it as well. He met his future wife while growing up in small town Saskatchewan. back in Wapella and drove in to watch Bud Holloway spent time during the 2008- playing overseas. Playing for Skelleftea, His positive attitude and tremendous play. After his time in Yorkton Holloway 2009 season playing with the Kings East he had the best years of his career, leading work ethic is proof that anything is pos- moved on to a much larger city when he &RDVW+RFNH\/HDJXH (&+/ D΀OLDWHLQ WKHWHDPLQVFRULQJKLVÀUVWWZRVHDVRQV sible if you believe in yourself and have joined the . Ontario, California as well as the organi- In his second season they won the league support from your community. Holloway It was a bit of a culture shock for him go- zations (AHL) FKDPSLRQVKLSIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQRYHU and his young family have made Wapella ing from a small city in Yorkton to a boom- club, the Manchester Monarchs. In Man- years. In the 2012-2013 season Holloway home, having bought a house. Just because ing metropolis in Seattle. A new home in chester Holloway put up 12 points in 38 was named league MVP—a huge hon- Holloway has retired professionally does a new country forced him to grow up a games. His numbers were better in the our for the Wapella product. In 2013-2014 not necessarily mean he has played his last little quicker since everyone he knew was (&+/ÀQLVKLQJZLWKSRLQWVLQUHJX- Skelleftea once again captured the league JDPHRIKRFNH\DQGZRQ·WEHLQYROYHGLQ over two thousand miles away. Holloway lar season games and an impressive 14 championship. Holloway would then WKHJDPHVRPHKRZ5HFHQWO\KHKDVEHHQ mentions that everyone was in the same SRLQWVLQVHYHQSOD\RͿJDPHV head to Bern, Switzerland for one season working for Edge to Edge Hockey School situation as he was since not many players The next two seasons Holloway was ex- before returning to North America helping to educate kids on how to be the were from Seattle. He feels this helped the clusively in the AHL. He put up 47 points On July 1, 2015, while watching the NHL best player they can be. His hockey career club gel quickly. The Thunderbirds made in 75 during the 2009-2010 regular season Free Agent Frenzy, Holloway received a has came full circle from being the small WKHSOD\RͿVLQDOORI+ROORZD\·VIXOOVHD- with the Manchester Monarchs, then had call from his agent indicating that Calgary, town kid dreaming of playing profession- sons with the club. Unfortunately for Hol- an impressive post season scoring 7 goals 0RQWUHDO DQG DQ XQLGHQWLÀHG WHDP ZHUH ally to being the professional hockey play- loway, in the postseason the club failed to DQGDGGLQJPRUHDVVLVWVLQWKHFOXE·V LQWHUHVWHGLQKLVVHUYLFHV0RQWUHDORͿHUHG er dreaming of home. Bud Holloway truly advance past game seven of the west semi- SOD\RͿFRQWHVWV+HOHGWKHWHDPLQSRLQWV a contract which was accepted and Hollo- has lived the dream. Reach thousands of readers in local communities with our monthly Agriculture Supplement Ag News Call Kara at 306-435-2445 to book your ad! [email protected] View past issues at 22 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 Saskatchewan Election 2020 Melville-Saltcoats re-elects Warren Kaeding

BY ROB PAUL the opportunity people with some folks and they ity of the province believes LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIA- wait to have a conversa- indicated that maybe one we’re on the right path,” TIVE REPORTER tion with their MLA at the ULGLQJZRXOGEHFRQÀUPHG he said. “We as a govern- In 2016, Warren Kaed- door.” this afternoon and a couple ment are able to provide ing took over from Bob Having the opportu- more might be tonight,” he that steady hand of guid- Bjornerud—MLA from nity to represent Melville- said. “They’ll carry on with ance that I think people are 2003 to 2016—as MLA for Saltcoats for a second term ballot counting in coming looking for to get through Melville-Saltcoats with means a lot to Kaeding be- days as there’s still a num- the pandemic as well as to over 70 per cent of the vote. cause being re-elected con- ber of constituencies up in guide the economy back Kaeding once again re- ÀUPV KH·V GRLQJ ULJKW E\ the air with a lot of ballots to where it was before ceived over 70 per cent of the constituents and get- to count. The vote by mail and even to diversify it. the vote as he was re-elect- ting the things done that ballots this year were ten- Diversifying the economy ed last week. matter most to them. fold what normally would was something we were Although Kaeding was “I truly feel honoured have happened with mail certainly looking at before running for re-election and that they have that much in ballots in an election. the pandemic started and FRPLQJ RͿ D GLYLVLYH YLF- faith in me and for believ- “We have to clean up we’re still looking at it. I tory in 2016, he says you ing that I have the ability to the loose ends around the think with this kind of re- never know you’ll be back represent them,” he said. campaign, everything from sult it shows that we’re on in for sure until the ballots “It’s certainly an honour to getting our expenses in to the right path and the ma- are counted. be able to represent them cleaning up the signs that jority of people in the prov- ´3UREDEO\ WKH ÀUVW HPR- and to do it for a second were put out there to rap- ince are pretty comfortable tion is relief because the time. There’s a lot of re- ping up the campaign and with that direction that election results are hope- sponsibility that comes cleaning up our campaign we’re going.” fully an indication of how with that kind of result so Melville-Saltcoats re-elected Warren Kaed- R΀FHµ KH VDLG ´7KHQ LW·V In his previous term as well you’ve done your I certainly hope we can live ing for a second-term with over 70 per cent of just about getting back in MLA, Kaeding served as work and done your job up to their expectations the vote. the saddle for us that are Minister Responsible for in the constituency,” said again.” incumbent with opening Rural and Remote Health Kaeding. “You never know The 2020 election wasn’t of being in an outbreak change the way we were XS WKH R΀FH DJDLQ DQG and Minister Responsible until the election, you normal due to the impact area with the area around trying to connect with the opening it up to constitu- for Seniors, he says in his just don’t know how well of Covid-19 and Kaeding Yorkton—Melville, Ester- constituents.” ents.” second term he’s open to you’re being recognized. says the pandemic com- hazy, Churchbridge, Salt- The next step in the pro- With the fourth straight any role Premier Scot Moe You’re certainly able to get pletely changed the way FRDWV 7KDW·V D VLJQLÀFDQW cess will be waiting to see majority government VHHVÀWIRUKLP completion for some of the he went about campaign- part of the constituency, so the election results in the formed in Saskatchewan “My role going forward issues out there, but you’re ing with no gatherings to I was very reluctant to do constituencies where vote by the Sask Party, Kaed- is the call of the premier,” never able to get results speak at or door knocking an aggressive door knock- by mail ballots will be the ing believes that goes to he said. “I’d certainly be that satisfy everyone and and having to embrace a ing campaign just because GLͿHUHQFH³WKDW ZLOO EH show how much the prov- willing to take any role that you just never know until more social media centric I felt uncomfortable being ÀQDOL]HG 1RYHPEHU ³ ince trusts the direction of Scott Moe wants to bestow the election. Honestly with campaign. at everybody’s door when while the short term for Premier Scott Moe and his on me. There’s a lot of tre- Covid I just couldn’t get to “Certainly there were everyone was kind of ner- Kaeding and his team will government. mendous people that are the doors like I normally ELJ GLͿHUHQFHV WKLV \HDUµ vous with the increased be focused on cleaning up “What I believe it means there in caucus that could would, I was reluctant to he said. “With Covid-19 I awareness of what’s going the campaign and getting that the Sask Party has HDVLO\ ÀOO DQ\ UROH DQG ZH go to every door like you wasn’t able to take as ac- on out there with Covid. So back to the constituency of- formed its fourth straight will do what is asked of normally would during tive of a door knocking I did some things on social ÀFH majority is that the major- us.” an election. So many times campaign as I would have media, more mail drops “I just had a conversation with door knocking that’s liked to. We ended up kind than we normally would, and things like that. It did

3rd Annual 2SHQ +RXVH 6W^MUJMZ   IŬ"XU Please phone or check out our Facebook Page to confi rm our Covid-19 Policies or if any changes to our event have had to be made as we continue to monitor the situation ?MZMKWUUMVLJWWSQVOIVIXXWQV\UMV\ 20112ps1 LIa[WN;PWXXQVO

Flowers. Photography. Ladies Fashion. Gifts. 5:1c 102 Richhill Ave., Elkhorn, MB | 204-845-2530 Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 23 Fleming voters going to the polls

BY ROB PAUL things happen that saves LOCAL JOURNALISM the town literally thou- INITIATIVE REPORTER sands upon thousands of Mayor Trent Green will GROODUVWKH\GRQ·WKDYHWR be seeking re-election in pay outsiders to come in. I Fleming against candi- take pride in my work and date Tony Huggard—the HYHU\WKLQJ,GRLQWRZQ, two ran against each other do it topnotch. I love this in the last Fleming may- OLWWOHWRZQ,ORYHWKHSHR- oral election. Residents of SOHDQG,·YHDOZD\VZDQW- Fleming will be able to cast ed to be a part of a small their vote on November 9. town like this. “Why do I want to be Trent Green mayor? It’s not that I want After completing his PRUH FRQWURO EXW WKDW , ÀUVW WHUP DV PD\RU 7UHQW have more vision for this Green is running for re- town. If you’re going to election because he enjoys EHDYROXQWHHUDQ\ZD\LW·V being heavily involved in probably best to be a part the community. of the leadership and then “I’ve been mayor for there’s more direction. The IRXU \HDUVµ VDLG *UHHQ town needs more doers in- ´7KDWZDVQHZIRUPH,·G VWHDGRIWDONHUVµ never run for council be- Even if Huggard doesn’t fore or anything. ZLQKH·OOFRQWLQXHWRVXS- “I wanted to spend a bit port the community with of time on council and the his volunteer work to previous mayor had been Trent Green (left) will be running for re-election in Fleming against Tony Huggard (right). try and keep it in its best mayor for quite awhile shape. and wasn’t running again smaller play park for kids. 2016 he believes he now has the support “I volunteer my time VR,SXWP\QDPHLQWRJHWLQYROYHGµ “I believe we have 12 to 16 bus students to win. WRWKLVWRZQµKHVDLG´,IUHTXHQWO\NHHS Fleming has been Green’s home for his that go to school and there’s not a lot for “I ran four years ago after only living the roads nice—I grade the roads all sum- entire life and he’s committed to continu- WKHPWRGRKHUHZKHWKHULW·VHOHPHQWDU\ here about two years and I lost by three mer and I donate that to the town and I ing projects within the town to help it school or high school. It would be nice to YRWHVµ KH VDLG ´, ÀJXUHG WKDW·V SUHWW\ don’t charge for that. When some of these grow. have something for them. Whether it’s a good and I have a whole lot more support SHRSOHYRWHGDJDLQVWPHODVWWLPH,GLGQ·W ´,·YHJURZQXSKHUHP\ZKROHOLIHµKH SDUNRUDEDVNHWEDOOFRXUWVRPHWKLQJOLNH now. In a lot of these small towns there’s a VWLFN P\ QRVH XS , FRQWLQXHG WR GRQDWH said. “Over the years I’ve done quite a few that for them. lot of people who talk about wanting to do I’ll continue to donate to this town this things. We’ve done some fairly major proj- VWXͿEXWWKH\GRQ·WGRLW³,·PDWDONHUDQG time too—if I don’t get in then I don’t get ects at the ball diamond with all the lights Tony Huggard I’m a doer. I have the equipment to make LQµ being re-done and we just completed the When Tony Huggard moved to Fleming aeration project at the dugout. I’ve been VHYHQ \HDUV DJR KH IHOO LQ ORYH ZLWK WKH DSDUWRIGLͿHUHQWHYHQWVRQDQGRͿRYHU community and began volunteering his WKH\HDUVDWWKHULQN/RW·VRIVWXͿLQUHF- time to help. reation. “I’ve been involved since I moved here ´:HKDGDIDLUO\PDMRUSURMHFWZHKDG VHYHQ \HDUV DJR IURP 1HZ %UXQVZLFNµ Moosomin Multi 4-H Club some lagoon repairs that had been on the Huggard said. list for quite a few years with the old coun- ´,VHWWOHGLQ)OHPLQJULJKWRͿWKHEDWDQG FLOµ KH VDLG ´:HDGGUHVVHG WKDW DQG UH actually the town wanted to tear a house GLGVKHOOVWKHUH·VVWLOODOLWWOHELWRIZRUN GRZQLQ)OHPLQJEXWLQVWHDG,UHQRYDWHG BY CLUB REPORTER DIXIE SWANSON Club Reporter is Dixie Swanson. I’d like to see done there but we’ve come a it to save it and I live there now. 2Q 6XQGD\ 6HSWHPEHU   WKH The General Leader is May Swanson. long way from what we had. “I’ve been helping the town since I Moosomin Multi 4-H Club members were The Assistant Leaders are Tannis Kelly “We’ve got a few projects started here got here—I have an excavator and other excited to meet at the Moosomin Armory and Trudi Holmstrom. just of late that I want to see through. equipment—and the town needed a lot Hall. We have 21 members registered for Our Club is having a Bottle Drive from :H·YHJRWGLͿHUHQWWHFKQRORJ\WULDOVJRLQJ of work. I’ve gotten rid of two great big WKH/LJKW+RUVH

It is with great Ten years ago, 2010: Dale Nixon re- to smoke. Moosomin Town Council de- happiness that Trent, ceived the Softball Saskatchewan Volun- FLGHGWKDWWKHQHZWRZQR΀FHDQGOLEUDU\ WHHURIWKH

BY ROB PAUL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER The 2020 provincial election saw the Saskatch- Moosomin Remembrance Day 2020 ewan Party form its fourth straight majority govern- Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ment, but the way it hap- Remembrance Day in Moosomin will be different this year. SHQHG ZDV IDU GLͿHUHQW than in past elections. • There will be NO service held at the With the active Covid-19 pandemic impacting ev- Moosomin Legion Hall erything across Canada, it led to changes in the way • The Colour Party will march from the people exercised their democratic right to vote in Legion to the Cenotaph at 11 am Saskatchewan’s provincial O Canada, Roll Call, the Last Post, Reveille, and election this year. Due to the pandemic, God Save the Queen will make up the cenotaph ceremony more people used the vote Over 60,000 vote by mail ballot kits were by mail method to cast • There will be NO laying of wreaths. their vote this year, with sent out for the 2020 provincial election. the discouragement of un- All wreaths will be placed ahead of the ceremony. necessary face-to-face in- processing all of the appli- time or was mailed late. • The public is welcome to attend the ceremony at the teractions from health au- cations and approving and “What we also do on thorities. sending out 61,000 pack- Wednesday is we’ll begin cenotaph, but must follow social distancing rules. In the last 11 provincial ages, now the second part counting the constituen- Masks are encouraged. elections in Saskatchewan began Wednesday as we cies that have an impact (between 1975 and 2016) began counting the ballots. ÀUVWVRZKHUHWKHYRWHE\ there were a total of 16,721 We don’t know how many PDLO FRXOG ÁLS D ÀUVW DQG MEMORIAL WREATHS combined vote by mail bal- of the 61,000 will actu- second place candidate,” lots. In the 2020 provincial ally be returned, we think he said. “We don’t want to election there has been a vast majority will, but leave people hanging, we’ll Wreaths can be purchased ahead of time by calling 61,255 approved vote by some people may forget look at the constituencies Brian at 306-434-5044 or Ramona at 306-434-8769 mail applications. or decide they’d rather go where that gap between Along with the increase to the poll instead—which ÀUVWDQGVHFRQGLVOHVVWKDQ Payment can be etransferred to in vote by mail ballots this you can do, because we’ll the number of vote by mail year, the total number of know you received a vote ballots returned. We’ll do [email protected] people who participated in by mail package, you just WKRVH ÀUVW DV QRW WR OHDYH advance voting increased sign a declaration at the people hanging and we by over 70,000 from 2016. poll that says you haven’t have results for them.” Total participants in Sas- voted in the election yet. The circumstances katchewan advance voting It’s been a whole other around this provincial elec- in provincial elections: layer this election and it all tion caused the increase in • 2020: 185,061. stems from Covid-19 and vote by mail ballots, but • 2016: 110,716. organizing an election dur- Kydd says that trend could • 2011: 66,392 ing a pandemic.” continue and it’s Election • 2007: 49,572. When the election polls Saskatchewan’s goal to • 2003: 26,174. close, the vote counting make voting as convenient • 1999: 22,282. EHJLQV EXW LW·V D GLͿHUHQW as possible for people go- • 1995: 19,674. process with the vote by ing forward to ensure the • 1991: 28,698. mail ballots. Vote by mail highest numbers of people • 1986: 25,881. ballots must be sent by the vote. • 1982: 20,298. time the polls close, but “We continue to push • 1978: 15,615. Kydd says there’s about for modernizing the elec- $ $ a week long window for toral system and our chief #8 Wreath 30 #14 Wreath 50 With the expected impact the ballots to arrive and be HOHFWRUDO R΀FHU 'U 0L- from Covid-19 restrictions, counted for the November chael Boda) had some in- Elections Saskatchewan 7 deadline. creased powers this elec- Senior Director, Outreach, “On Wednesday night tion, which allowed us to Policy and Communica- after 8 p.m. what happens expand the vote by mail,” tions Tim Kydd says Elec- is at that poll they’ll lock he said. “That’s why it was tions Saskatchewan was the doors and that poll RͿHUHG IRU WZR PRQWKV prepared for the massive clerk and deputy returning starting in the middle of uptick in vote by mail bal- R΀FHU ZLOO VWDUW FRXQWLQJ August. There’s still some lots. the ballots in their ballot things that we can’t do that “We had less than 5,000 box,” he said. “At the same ZH ZRXOG OLNH WR RͿHU DW vote by mail ballots in time, the poll clerk and some point, things such as 2016 and we have more GHSXW\ UHWXUQLQJ R΀FHU telephone voting and inter- than 60,000 this year,” said who ran advance voting net voting. Those types of Kydd. “There’s absolutely IRU ÀYH GD\V³WKH\ KDYH things involve legislative PRUH VWDͿ GHGLFDWHG WR that box under lock and change. vote by mail ballots. It’s key—Wednesday night at “Until legislation is $ been an entirely new pro- 8 p.m. they come back to FKDQJHG ZH FRXOGQ·W RͿHU #20 Wreath 77 #35 Wreath cess with hiring a team to work with their advance phone voting this last week $ handle vote by mail. In the voting box and they start for example. If somebody Green Cross 42 past, the numbers were so counting at the same that went into isolation this past small that we were able to all the other boxes start. weekend and hadn’t voted Wreaths will be on display at the Moosomin Library handle them with existing The vote by mail ballots then they wouldn’t be able starting the last week of October people—workers we had also don’t start counting to vote because they’d be doing other jobs. until Wednesday. FRQÀQHG WR WKHLU KRPH ,I “We’ve hired a consid- “On Wednesday we start we had the legislation in erable amount of people counting the returned vote SODFHDQGZHUHDEOHWRRͿHU LEGION POPPY CAMPAIGN to process applications by mail ballots we already telephone voting then that starting in August and have—remember people person may have been able they were incredibly busy, have until 8 p.m. Wednes- to participate. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic there will be especially that last week day to put the ballot back “These next four years leading up to the October in the mail to us—we may will be very interesting, NO door-to-door Legion Poppy Campaign this year 15 deadline. We had 9,000 not receive some until later we certainly can’t predict applications that last day this week. where the pandemic and Poppies will still be for sale at select locations around town alone, so we had people “We count them in two the world is at, but more working nearly around the VWHSVWKHÀUVWVWHSRQ2F- people want to vote by clock for three days that tober 28 on Wednesday mail and more people want Thank you for your continued support weekend processing ap- we start counting the vote to vote in advance. plications, working with by mail ballots we already “Another layer on that is, of the Moosomin Legion people who may have have and then all the oth- every 10 years in the prov- had their application in on er ones that come in after ince the boundaries are time, but it wasn’t quite Wednesday we’ll count for redistributed and the next complete so we’d go back WKHÀQDOFRXQWRQ1RYHP- one is in 2022,” he said. and phone them over the EHU:HKDYHDFXWRͿE\ “We’ll very soon be going weekend and help them noon November 5, all the into a boundary review get their application com- vote by mail ballots have and that’ll add another plete so that we could send to be in to us by then. We layer, it’s going to be an in- them a package. don’t count anything that teresting four years coming 3:3c “The front half of it was doesn’t come through on up for the 2024 election.”