Monday, November 2, 2020 • Volume 137 Number 5 • Moosomin, Saskatchewan 2021 TRAILBLAZER UNIVERSE SATELLITE SALES MOOSOMIN COMMUNITY THEATRE • 306-435-2616 COSTCO MEMBER PRICE Universe Satellite is your new THE WAR WITH GRANDPA $32,326 ROXOR DEALER Showtime: 8 pm • Doors open at 7:15 pm $198 + TAX BI WEEKLY in Rocanville! Rated G • Videoville Showtime. • 95 Minutes PLUS COSTCO MEMBER $500 Admission: Adult - $6.00 | Student - $5.00 SHOP CARD Child - $4.00 | 5 & Under: $3.00 BRADLEY’S GM FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 & 7, 2020 MOOSOMIN, SK | 1-800-209-4628 | WWW.BRADLEYGM.COM WWW.UNIVERSESATELLITE.COM • 1-306-645-2669 • 1-306-435-8018 COVID-19 RULES IN EFFECT Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884 Municipal elections next Monday BY KEVIN WEEDMARK Voters will be going to the polls in municipal elec- tions in Saskatchewan next Monday, November 9. There will be elections for mayors, reeves, and councillors in towns, vil- lages and RMs across the area. Voters will be going to the polls to elect mayors in Moosomin, Fleming, Wa- wota, Whitewood, Kipling, DQG0DU\ÀHOG RM voters will be going to the polls to elect a reeve in the RMs of Walpole, Martin, and Antler. Voters will be electing councils in Fleming, Wa- wota, Whitewood, Kipling, Esterhazy, Rocanville, :DSHOOD 0DU\ÀHOG DQG Stockholm. For town and village councillors, voters can vote for up to the number of po- Four Moe Years sitions available. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe was given a strong mandate in Monday’s election, winning 48 seats in the 61-seat For example, if there are legislature. In the three local ridings, the Saskatchewan Party candidates won with between 74 and 78 per cent of the six positions on town coun- vote. cil, voters can vote for one to six of the candidates on the ballot. Voters will elect a divi- Strong mandate for Sask Party and local MLAs sion councillor in RM of Rocanville Div. 1, RM of BY KEVIN WEEDMARK 2.0 per cent and the Liberals 0.09 sive Conservative Party was third Green candidate received 2 per Walpole Div. 1 and Div. 3, The Saskatchewan Party will SHUFHQWRIWKHYRWHZLWKRQO\ with four per cent, and the Greens cent. RM of Silverwood Div. 5, form its fourth straight majority votes across the province. received two per cent of the vote. RM of Kingsley Div. 1, RM government, with a massive man- The 29 per cent of the vote the Cannington RI0DU\ÀHOG'LYDQG'LY date. NDP received is the party’s worst Melville-Saltcoats Daryl Harrison of the Saskatch- 5 (with three candidates in The Saskatchewan Party re- showing ever. Warren Kaeding of the Saskatch- ewan Party was easily re-elected each of those two divisions) ceived 63 per cent of the vote, up ewan Party was easily re-elected in in Cannington with 74 per cent of and in the RM of Antler Di- from 62 per cent in 2016, compared Moosomin Melville-Saltcoats with 76 per cent the vote. vision 5. to 29 per cent for the NDP, down Steven Bonk of the Saskatche- of the vote, up from 72 per cent in :HV 6PLWK RI WKH %XͿDOR 3DUW\ For a full list of who is from 30 per cent in 2015. wan Party was easily re-elected in the 2016 election. was second with 16 per cent of the running in each of the lo- 7KH %XͿDOR 3DUW\ UHFHLYHG 0RRVRPLQZLWKSHUFHQWRIWKH The NDP was second with 17 vote. Dianne Twietmeyer of the cal elections, and who has per cent of the vote across the vote, up from 72 per cent in 2016. per cent, down from 22 per cent in 1'3 ZDV WKLUG ZLWK SHU FHQW been elected by acclama- province, the Greens 2.4 per cent, Ken Burton of the NDP was sec- 2016. Trever Ratti of the PC Party and Jaina Forrest of the Greens re- tion, turn to page 36 in this the Progressive Conservatives ond with 16 per cent, the Progres- was third with 5 per cent and the ceived 2 per cent. week’s World-Spectator. FRESH TRADE ALERT! CELEBRATION 2016 JEEP –FORD SALES– CHEROKEE Trailhawk • 73,000 kms $115 READY FOR $24,900 /WEEK ALL SEASONS! 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out celebrationford.com for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, November 2, 2020 Above: All that remains of the La Salle Hotel and Bar in Antler after a kitchen fire brought the old building to the ground. Fire destroys La Salle Hotel in Antler BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE area. We did initially try to attack the VRXS,WZDVSUHWW\DZHVRPHIRUDUHV- LOCAL JOURNALISM EOD]H IURP LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH EXW taurant in the area,” said Hutton. INITIATIVE REPORTER ZHZHUHXQDEOHWRJHWDKROGRIWKH %RQQLH5XWWHQZKRVHUYHVDV&KLHI The La Salle Hotel in Antler, Sas- ÁDPHVµVDLG+XWWRQ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2FHU IRU WKH WRZQ katchewan burnt down on Thursday %\ SP DOO WKDW UHPDLQHG RI RI 5HGYHUV UHPHPEHUV WKH /D 6DOOH October 29. The building had been a the building was siding, rubble and +RWHOIRQGO\ À[WXUH LQ WKH OLWWOH KDPOHW RI $QWOHU VPRXOGHULQJUHPQDQWVRIWKHROGKR- ´(YHU\WLPH,ZHQWWKHUHWKHIRRG IRU PDQ\ \HDUV DQG ZDV NQRZQ IRU tel that was also known as the Antler ZDV GHOLFLRXV .LP ZDV ZHOO NQRZQ LWVH[FHOOHQWVRXSVDQGVWHDNSLW bar. IRU KHU KRPHPDGH VRXS DQG RI ´7KH ÀUH VWDUWHG DW DURXQG Although the building has been FRXUVHWKHVWHDNSLWµVDLG5XWWHQ DP7KHFDXVHRIWKHÀUHLVXQNQRZQ FRPSOHWHO\ UXLQHG QR RQH ZDV 6KHDOVRUHFDOOVVRPHRIWKHDQQXDO DWWKLVWLPH,WVWDUWHGLQWKHNLWFKHQ KDUPHGLQWKHEOD]H HYHQWV WKDW .LP DQG 'DOH +DZNLQV DUHDDQGLWTXLFNO\VSUHDGRXWLQWRWKH “Everybody got out. There where would host at the bar. bar area,” said Brad Hutton, Redvers QRLQMXULHVWKDQNIXOO\µVDLG+XWWRQ ´,W ZDV KRSSLQJ VKH ZRXOG KDYH 9ROXQWHHU)LUH'HSDUWPHQW&KLHI The owner, Dale Hawkins was on 9DOHQWLQH·V'D\VXSSHUVDQGKHU+DO- 0LQXWHV DIWHU WKH ÀUH VWDUWHG WKH WKH VFHQH EXW GLGQRW ZDQW WR FRP- ORZHHQ SDUWLHV RYHU WKH \HDUV ZHUH YROXQWHHU ÀUH ÀJKWHUV ZHUH RQ WKH PHQWDWWKLVWLPH DPD]LQJµVDLG5XWWHQ scene. 7KHKRWHOZDVRQHRIWKHIHZEXVL- 7KH EDU ZDV D VSHFLDO SODFH LQ D ´:H ZHUH DOHUWHG E\ DP QHVVHV LQ$QWOHU DQG ZLOO EH PLVVHG VSHFLDOSDUWRIWKHSURYLQFH,W·VGHFRU When we got there the building E\PDQ\SHRSOH ZDV VRPHWKLQJ 5XWWHQ UHPHPEHUV ZDV FRPSOHWHO\ HQJXOIHG VR ZH MXVW ´,WLVJRLQJWREHDKXJHORVVWRWKH very well. KHOSHG SURWHFW SURSHUW\ DURXQG WKH DUHD,WZDVIDPRXVIRULWVZLQJVDQG ´,WZDVDXQLTXHSODFH,WLVZKHUH all the bird hunters and deer hunters DQGPRRVHKXQWHUVZHQWVRRQWKH ZDOOVZHUHKHDGVKXQGUHGVRIWKHP 7KHUHZDVDELJÀVKKDQJLQJRQWKH ZDOODQG(OYLV3UHVOH\SDUDSKHUQDOLD MXVWLUUHSODFHDEOHXQLTXHVWXͿµVDLG Rutten. 7KHEDUZDVRQHRIWKRVHNLQGVRI SODFHVWKDW\RXZRXOGWDNHVRPHRQH IURP RXW RI WRZQ MXVW WR VHH KRZ DPD]LQJLWLV Above: Two Redvers volunteer fire fighters ´,I\RXZHUHFRPLQJIURPWKHFLW\ controlling the last of the flames still burning at and you wanted to go out dinner 4 p.m. on Thursday October 29. ZLWK PH DQG WDON DERXW WKH WRZQ , ZRXOGWDNH\RXWRWKH$QWOHUEDUMXVW so you could see the heads and horns. ,WZDVWKDWXQLTXHµVDLG5XWWHQ $QWOHU LV DERXW NLORPHWHUV HDVW RI5HGYHUVDQGNLORPHWHUVVRXWK- HDVWRI0RRVRPLQ &XVWRP2UWKRWLFV0LUUDQ BIG LOU’S Helping You Walk Better LUMBER )5(()RRW&OLQLF 3/8” D-Grade )ULGD\1RY Plywood For Appointment Call $31.95 DW0RRVRPLQ3KDUPDVDYH FOR RENT! Insulation Blower 25(VWHUKD]\3KDUPDVDYH Cellulose and Fibreglass Steel Studs blow in Straight, Strong Insulation is in stock & Easy To Use! x,PSURYH%DODQFHDQG3RVWXUH x%H)UHHRI+HHO3DLQ 3ODQWDU)DVFLLWLV ALL ITEMS IN-STOCK! x5HOLHYH.QHH%DFNDQG+LS3DLQ x5LG&DOORXVHV6WUDLJKWHQ+DPPHU7RHV BIG LOU’S LUMBER x(DVH%XUQLQJ)HHW%XQLRQV1XPE7RHV Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. x+HOS)RRWDQG/HJ&LUFXODWLRQ Above: Smoke from the fire that engulfed 405 SUMNER ST. • ESTERHAZY, SK the La Salle Hotel rising into the air. It could be 6DWLVIDFWLRQ*XDUDQWHHG seen from Highway 13. 306-745-2600 306-745-2332 6HFRQG3DLURI2UWKRWLFVRQO\ Monday, November 2, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 3 Fundraisers organized for Jamieson family following accident YROYHGWRKHOSUDLVHPRQH\µVDLG:HEE EXWHYHU\OLWWOHGRQDWLRQKHOSVµVDLG0LOO- In these strange times it is hard to come er. up with fundraising ideas. 7R GRQDWH WR WKH /RYH /HYL DFFRXQW ´:HGRQ·WZDQWWREUHDNDQ\&29,' people can go into any Conexus branch in protocols so we are keeping it very sim- WKHDUHDRUWKH\FDQHWUDQVIHUPRQH\WR SOHµVDLG0LOOHU [email protected]. )RU0LOOHUWKLVNLQGRIVLWXDWLRQLVVRPH- For more information people can call thing that hits close to home. /LQGVH\0LOOHUDW “I am a mom and I have seen my own Those who are interested in purchasing family go through hardship with my dad squares for the cowpie bingo should con- being sick and with all the extra expenses WDFW$ODQD:HEEDWRUHPDLO that come with a sick family member. The her at [email protected]. The last thing we want the family to worry email address for online purchases of cow DERXWULJKWQRZLVÀQDQFHV:HZDQWWKHP pie bingo squares is to be comfortable and we want them to fo- [email protected]. FXVDOOWKHLUDWWHQWLRQRQ/HYLµVDLG0LOOHU There is also a Facebook page set up ´:H XQGHUVWDQG WKDW WLPHV DUH WRXJK FDOOHG¶/RYH/HYL· P IT’S OUR V Z D Levi Jamieson working his cows. These cows will be helping with the cowpie bingo live streaming on November 8. It will cost $20 per square. We are thrilled to celebrate 75 per cent of winnings will payout to Jamieson family. 25 per cent payout S to winner. 10 sheets equals $3,750 to the family and 10 payouts of $125 12 YEARS IN BUSINESS % V to winners. and we want to take this opportunity U BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE account called [email protected] so to thank each and every one of our LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER that people can just sit in the comfort of Two fundraisers are under way Levi Ja- their home and make a donation towards clients for your continous support! mieson was helping his uncle out in the the family. Alana Webb is going to take the ÀHOGVZKHQKHDQGKLVIULHQG=D\Q/HVOLH money that she raises with her fundraiser hit a drainage ditch.
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