Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Dydd Mercher 18 Gorffennaf – Diwrnod Un | Wednesday 18 July – Day One

9.00- Cofrestru'n agor. Te / coffi [Lolfa Goffi] | Registration Opens. Tea / coffee [Coffee Lounge] 10:00

Cyfarchiad Croeso: Ian Rees Jones, Cyfarwyddwr WISERD a Paul Harrison, Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor Ymchwil, Prifysgol De Cymru 10.00- Welcome Address: Ian Rees Jones, WISERD Director and Paul Harrison, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, University of South 10.15 Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3

10:15- Sesiwn Un | Session One 11:45 Cyfochrog 1A | Parallel 1A Cyfochrog 1B | Parallel 1B Cyfochrog 1C | Parallel 1C Cyfochrog 1D | Parallel 1D Cyfochrog 1E | Parallel 1E Wellbeing (1): Welsh Education and attainment Employment and economy Dimensions of local & national Symposium – Successful futures legislation and policy goals inequalities (1) for all: Explorations of curriculum reform

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3 Ystafell: 9 | Room: 9 Ystafell: 1 | Room: 1 Ystafell: 11/12 | Room: 11/12 Ystafell: 10 | Room: 10

Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Vivienne Sugar, Session Chair: David James, Session Chair: David Blackaby, Session Chair: Paul Chaney, Session Chair: Sally Power, The Bevan Foundation Cardiff University University ‘A more equal Wales’? Developing writing skills of The effect of European funded Moments of alignment in Successful futures for all: Exploring the interpretation of learners with persistent labour market programmes on devolved social policy: the Explorations of curriculum reform the Well-being of Future literary difficulties through the enhancing employment in case of Wales Nigel Newton (Cardiff University), Generations Act 2015 explicit teaching of grammar in Wales Sioned Pearce, Christala Susan Chapman (Aberystwyth Jennifer Law, Katharina Sarter, context Rhys Davies (Cardiff University) Sophocleous, Helen Blakely and University), Carmel Conn Catherine Farrell and Steve Anna McCormack-Colbert Eva Elliott (Cardiff University) (University of South Wales), Owen Smith (University of South (Ysgol Bryn Elian and Bangor Davies (), Judith Wales) University), Jean Ware and Kneen (Cardiff Metropolitan Susan Wyn Jones (Bangor University) and Helen Lewis University) ( Trinity Saint David)

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Everyday lives: exploring the Tiering as a method of The North Wales Growth Deal; Fatalistic youth: explaining experiences of people with a differentiation in the GCSE: a implications of an urban growth young people’s perceptions of learning difficulty in the early fair assessment practice? model for a rural peripheral institutional efficacy in solving stages of the new Social Rhian Barrance (Cardiff region youth unemployment in the

Services and Well-being Act University) David Beel and Martin Jones UK (Wales) 2014 (Staffordshire University), Emily Rainsford and William Daron Owens (Bangor Alexandra Plows (Bangor Maloney (Newcastle University) University) University) Uncovering a trilemma in the Looking forward to secondary Why are sexual minorities less Evaluating public policy: the emerging Welsh well-being school? Possible futures and satisfied at work? case for realistic evaluation policy agenda: the Wellbeing negotiating the secondary Samuel Mann (Swansea Duncan Holtom (People And of Future Generations (Wales) transfer University) Work) Act 2015 and conflicts Catt Turney (Cardiff University)

between utilitarian, egalitarian, and prioritarian understandings of fairness Steve Smith (University of South Wales) Social network analysis for Equality and Diversity’ training A participatory evaluation of modelling integrated social in the UK – managing The Sexual Exploitation care services for older people resistance Advocacy Support Service with complex needs: a Netta Chachamu (Cardiff (SEASS), Wales

feasibility study University) Sarah Wallace, Carolyn Wallace Alison Orrell, David Dallimore, (University of South Wales), Anne Krayer and Peter Huxley Terry Price, Barbara Walsh and (Bangor University) Wendy Booth (SEWREC) 11:45- Seibiant lluniaeth [Lolfa Goffi] | Refreshment Break [Coffee Lounge] 12:15 12:15- Sesiwn Dau | Session Two 1.45

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Cyfochrog 2A | Parallel 2A Cyfochrog 2B | Parallel 2B Cyfochrog 2C | Parallel 2C Cyfochrog 2D | Parallel 2D Cyfochrog 2E | Parallel 2E Wellbeing (2): happiness, Panel - Addressing inequalities Health & social welfare Dimensions of local and Using the WISERD DataPortal as a environment, and identity in education: the impact of the national inequalities (2) data discovery tool for research Pupil Deprivation Grant in Wales

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3 Ystafell: 9 | Room: 9 Ystafell: 1 | Room: 1 Ystafell: 11/12 | Room: 11/12 Ystafell: 10 | Room: 10

Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Steve Smith, Session Chair: Chris Taylor, Session Chair: Ian Rees Jones, Session Chair: Prashant Gupta, Session Chair: Scott Orford, University of South Wales Cardiff University Cardiff University Swansea University Cardiff University How the other half live: an Addressing inequalities in School composition, school Personal carbon accounts and Using the WISERD DataPortal as a empirical analysis of happiness education: the impact of the culture and socioeconomic their impacts on low-income data discovery tool for research inequality and identity in Pupil Deprivation Grant in inequalities in young people’s households with high Scott Orford, Ian Harvey, Katie Northern Ireland Wales health: multi-level analysis of emissions Dickson and Samuel Jones (Cardiff Tara McNeil (Swansea Chris Taylor (Cardiff University), the Health Behaviour in School- Martin Burgess () University) Sir Alasdair Macdonald, Joanne aged Children (HBSC) survey in University)

Starkey, Kathryn Bevan, David Wales The WISERD DataPortal is a web Roberts, () Graham Moore, Hannah application that enhances a Littlecott, Rhiannon Evans, researcher’s ability to search, Gillian Hewitt and Simon discover, map and download socio- Murphy (Cardiff University) economic research data related to Wales. In this session we will Is the tail wagging the dog? Gambling: an emerging public Causation in complex cases: demonstrate how the main Cross-sector collaboration health issue for Wales and the corporate manslaughter in the functions of the WISERD between an environment UK shadow of Grenfell Tower DataPortal can be used to find and group and public bodies Claire Beynon (Public Health Alexandra Dobson (University map existing data which are Elizabeth Woodcock (Bangor Wales) and Frank Atherton of South Wales) relevant to a research project or University) (Welsh Government) question. You will be able to try out the DataPortal so please bring your own laptop. The WISERD DataPortal is accessible at

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

How religion impacts upon Understanding the social and The experience of well-being: an exploration of contextual factors influencing disadvantage through time: the direct and indirect effects timely presentation of lung insights from a qualitative Samuel Brown (Swansea cancer in deprived areas of the study in Wales University) UK Maria Plotnikova, Md Shafiul Kirsty Anderson, Grace Azam and Peter Midmore McCutchan, Kate Brain and (Aberystwyth University) Jeremy Segrott (Cardiff University) The Evolving Role of Religion Food Poverty: welfare in Civil Society: The Changing retrenchment and the Nature of the ‘Gateway Effect’ experience of Food Bank Use Stuart Fox, Jennifer Hampton, Dave Beck, Bangor University

Ceryn Evans, Esther Muddiman (Cardiff University) and Ekaterina Kolpinskaya (Swansea University)

1.45- Cinio [Llys bwyd Stilts] | Lunch [Stilts Food Court] 2.30

2.30- Sesiwn Tri | Session Three 4.00 Cyfochrog 3A | Parallel 3A Cyfochrog 3B | Parallel 3B Cyfochrog 3C | Parallel 3C Cyfochrog 3D | Parallel 3D Cyfochrog 3E | Parallel 3E Panel session - Inspirational Education Global responsibilities & Constructing social indicators Workshop – Getting published in landscapes for the people of international migration refereed journals Wales: the contribution of Welsh National Parks to the Well-being of Future


Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3 Ystafell: 9 | Room: 9 Ystafell: 1 | Room: 1 Ystafell: 11/12 | Room: 11/12 Ystafell: 10 | Room: 10

Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Paul Sinnadurai, Session Chair: Rhian Barrance, Session Chair: Laura Jones, Session Chair: Gary Higgs, Session Chair: David James, Brecon Beacons National Park Cardiff University Aberystwyth University University of South Wales Cardiff University Authority

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Understanding the role of Developing minority language Progressive localism, global Development of the Welsh Getting published in refereed Welsh National Parks in higher education provision in responsibility and the Index of Multiple Deprivation journals: audiences, processes supporting health and Wales: a feasibility study negotiation of place 2019 and purposes wellbeing: An inverted Mirain Rhys (Cardiff Michael Woods, Taulant Guma Nia Jones (Welsh Government) David James (Cardiff University) analysis of how people do Metropolitan University) and Sophie Yarker (Aberystwyth How do you get your work health in the context of two University) published in a well-recognised activity programmes in Brecon journal? What is involved, and Beacons and Pembrokeshire why is it important? This session is National Parks aimed at anyone new to research- Sara MacBride-Stewart and based writing for publication in the Jess Antell (Cardiff University) social sciences. Perspectives on a contested The causal effect of school Wives left behind: a study on Individual deprivation in landscape - meanings and performance ratings on the impacts of men’s Wales: steps towards the actors in natural resource subsequent performance international labor migration on construction of a measure management in the Brecon Will Cook (Manchester their wives in Bangladesh using linked survey and Beacons Metropolitan University) Marzana Binte Kamal (Bangor administrative data Matthew Quinn (Cardiff University) Ian Thomas (Cardiff University) University) National Parks and Wellbeing The NCPHWR HAPPEN Inhibiting integration and bibInsight: enabling Plans - how the work of the Network (Health and strengthening inequality? The inequalities research National Park Authorities Attainment of Pupils in a effects of UK policy making on Karen Tingay (bibInsight and contributes to Public Service Primary Education Network) – refugees and asylum seekers in ADRC-W) and Athanasios Boards’ Well-being Plan linking health and educational Wales Anastasiou (bibInsight) priorities attainment data of pupils aged Sam Parker (Cardiff University) Clare Parsons (Brecon Beacons 9-11 years involved in a National Park Primary School Network Authority/National Parks Emily Marchant and Sinead Authority) Brophy (Swansea University)

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

The role of National Parks in Language and identity Estimating levels of collaborating with multiple negotiations in multi-ethnic volunteering for small-areas of stakeholders to recognise, high schools Wales appreciate and realise the Hayat Benkorichi Graoui Nicholas Page, Gary Higgs and benefits of the landscape to (Cardiff University) Mitchel Langford (University of

the financial, social, South Wales) environmental and cultural well-being of Wales Gwenith Elias and Einir Young (Bangor University) Young people's engagements with nature, technologies and heritage in National Parks:

consequences for wellbeing and access Tom Smith (Cardiff University)

4.00- Lluniaeth, gweld posteri ac arddangosfa [Lolfa Goffi] | Refreshments, poster viewing and exhibition [Coffee Lounge] 5.00

Prif siaradwr: Auriol Miller, Cyfarwyddwr, Sefydliad Materion Cymreig Teitl: Wedi dal yn ein parthau cysur? Ydyn ni wedi dod yn oddefgar o anghyfiawnder ac anghydraddoldeb yng Nghymru

5:00- Keynote Speaker: Auriol Miller, Director, Institute of Welsh Affairs 6:00 Title: Stuck in our comfort zones? Have we become tolerant of injustice and inequality in Wales?

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3


7:30 Diodydd, byrfrydau a chyflwyniad y wobr poster [Lolfa Goffi] | Drinks, canapes and presentation of poster prize [Coffee Lounge]

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Dydd Iau 19 Gorffennaf – Diwrnod Dau | Thursday 19 July – Day Two

8.45- Cofrestru yn agor i gynrychiolwyr dydd yn unig. Lluniaeth [Lolfa Goffi] | 9.15 Registration Opens for day delegates only. Refreshments [Coffee Lounge]

9.15- Cyfarchiad Croeso / Cyflwyniad: Ian Rees Jones, Cyfarwyddwr WISERD [Ystafell: 2/3] | 9.20 Welcome Address / Introduction: Ian Rees Jones, WISERD Director [Room: 2/3]

Prif siaradwr: David Gordon, Cyfarwyddwr Canolfan Townsend ar gyfer Tlodi Rhyngwladol, Prifysgol Bryste Teitl: Pumdeg mlynedd o ymchwil tlodi, beth ydym ni wedi'i ddysgu am dlodi yng Nghymru?

9.20- Keynote Speaker: David Gordon, Director of the Townsend Centre for International Poverty, University of Bristol 10.15 Title: Fifty years of poverty research: What have we learned about poverty in Wales?

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3

10.15 Partneriaerth Hyfforddiant Doethurol Cymru ESRC “3MEI” Sesiwn ymgysylltu ac effaith am dair munud (a gwobr) - ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre "3MEI" Three-minute engagement & impact session (and prize) 10.45 Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3

10:45 - Seibiant lluniaeth [Lolfa Goffi] | Refreshment Break [Coffee Lounge] 11:15 11.15 - Sesiwn Pedwar | Session Four 12.45

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Cyfochrog 4A | Parallel 4A Cyfochrog 4B | Parallel 4B Cyfochrog 4C | Parallel 4C Cyfochrog 4D | Parallel 4D Symposium - Civil society and Brexit Dynamics of disadvantage and the role Welsh language Civil society in a global context of the state (1)

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3 Ystafell: 9 | Room: 9 Ystafell: 1 | Room: 1 Ystafell: 11/12 | Room: 11/12

Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Christala Sophocleous, Cardiff University Michael Woods, Aberystwyth University Mirain Rhys, Cardiff Metropolitan John Morgan, Cardiff University University The Family and Brexit: The Digital divide: broadband access Dysgu Cymraeg yn y Gweithle – Pa mor Civil society, human rights and religious Intergenerational Transmission of implications on agribusiness in rural effeithiol yw rheolaeth strategol yr freedom in the People’s Republic of China: Euroscepticism Wales hyfforddiant yn y gweithle? analysis of CSOs’ Universal Periodic

Chris Taylor, Jen Hampton, Esther Robert Bowen (Swansea University) and Learning Welsh in the Workplace – How Review discourse Muddiman and Stuart Fox (Cardiff Wyn Morris (Aberystwyth University) effective is the strategic management of Paul Chaney (Cardiff University) University) training in the workplace? Ifor Gruffydd (Prifysgol Bangor)

Bydd y papur hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Bydd cyfieithiad ar y pryd yn cael ei ddarparu. This paper will be delivered through the medium of Welsh. Simultaneous translation will be provided. Political Parties and The operation of the current non- Pa effaith mae iaith yn cael ar Perceptions of political trust and its Brexit: Understanding party positions domestic rates’ system in Wales ddyheadau a disgwyliadau gofodol pobl determinants: evidence from the on the implications of Brexit for Nikolaos Kapitsinis (Cardiff University) ifanc yng Nghymoedd De Cymru? European Social Survey regional authority in the UK What is the effect of the Welsh language Georgios Melios (Swansea University) Matthew Wall (Swansea University) on the spatial expectations and aspirations of young people in the South Wales Valleys? Siôn Llewelyn Jones (Prifysgol Caerdydd)

Bydd y papur hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Bydd cyfieithiad ar y pryd yn cael ei ddarparu. This paper will be delivered through the medium of Welsh. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Religion and Brexit: Religion and “Weathering the storm” – The hidden Mapio’r iaith Gymraeg a Ghymreictod The world comes to Wales for the Euroscepticism in Britain value of community anchor weekend? Assembling celebration and Mapping the Welsh language and Ekaterina Kolpinskaya (Swansea organisations resistance at rural festivals Welshness University) Eva Elliott (Cardiff University), David Samantha Saville and Michael Woods Rhys Jones (Aberystwyth University) Frayne, Allan Herbert and Nathan Evans (Aberystwyth University) (South Riverside Community Bydd y papur hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno trwy Development Centre), Melvyn Jones gyfrwng Saesneg. This paper will be delivered (3gs) and Sue Cohen (University of through the medium of English. Bristol) Elections, Government and Brexit: The Does Wales have an elite? Profiling Role of Political Alienation in the UK's power in Wales

Brexit Vote Hugh Mackay (The Open University) and Stuart Fox (Cardiff University) Graham Day (Bangor University)

12.45 Cinio [Llys bwyd Stilts] | Lunch [Stilts Food Court] -1.30

1:30- Sesiwn pump | Session Five 3.00 Cyfochrog 5A | Parallel 5A Cyfochrog 5B | Parallel 5B Cyfochrog 5C | Parallel 5C Cyfochrog 5D | Parallel 5D Housing & homelessness Dynamics of disadvantage and the role Community participation, volunteering Education: inequality and mobility of the state (2) & the third sector

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3 Ystafell: 9 | Room: 9 Ystafell: 1 | Room: 1 Ystafell: 11/12 | Room: 11/12

Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Scott Orford, Cardiff University Jennifer Law, University of South Wales Stuart Fox, Cardiff University David Dallimore, Bangor University Collaborating for co-production: Understanding differences in town Local and Community Involvement in Testing the zero-sum game hypothesis: an exploring collaboration in the voluntary centre performance in Wales: Using GIS Renewable Energy Generation and examination of school health policy and sector as a method to forge to develop a typology for benchmarking Energy-saving practice inequalities in educational co-production Samuel Jones and Scott Orford (Cardiff Judith Marquand and Kate O’Sullivan outcomes Thomas Lambourne (University of South University), Andy Newing and Luke (Cardiff University) Sara Long, Hannah Littlecott, Jemma Wales) Burns (University of Leeds) Hawkins, Graham Moore and Simon Murphy (Cardiff University)

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

A right to housing: a critique of the Addressing infrastructural inequality Generativity, reflexivity, and Opting in or opting out? Addressing responsibilisation of homeless people with community participation volunteering among older adults inequality of Welsh-medium provision in in Wales Elaine Forde, Swansea University Martijn Hogerbrugge and Ian Rees Jones the Further Education sector

Hannah Gott, Pete Mackie (Cardiff (Cardiff University) and Martyn Hyde Laura Beth Davies (Cardiff University) University), Jennifer Hilgart and Mark (Swansea University) Llewellyn (University of South Wales) Postcode lottery: local housing Toilets, public space and social justice The National Survey for Wales: analysis Inequality of career mobility after Welsh allowance Aled Singleton (Maindee Unlimited) of volunteering, loneliness and mental and English-medium education Will Atkinson and Hayley Macnamara well-being Charlotte Selleck (University of the West of

(Community Housing Cymru) Steven Marshall and Lisa Walters (Welsh England) and Dave Sayers (Sheffield Hallam Government), Lucy Prior (University of University) Bristol) Exploring multiple exclusion Existential threats and creative homelessness through network opportunities; an everyday tale of analysis welfare pluralist experimentation in Ian Thomas (Cardiff University) Wales. Or how a statutory duty to promote the third sector in the delivery of social welfare leads to rethinking the role of civil society Christala Sophocleous, Paul Chaney and Dan Wincott (Cardiff University) 3:00- Seibiant lluniaeth [Lolfa Goffi] | Refreshment Break [Coffee Lounge] 3:30 3:30- Sesiwn Chwech | Session Six 4:45 Cyfochrog 6A | Parallel 6A Cyfochrog 6B | Parallel 6B Cyfochrog 6C | Parallel 6C Cyfochrog 6D | Parallel 6D Symposium - Civil society and the life Civil society: political & economic Panel session - Justice in Wales Education: language, identity, and course participation belonging

Ystafell: 2/3 | Room: 2/3 Ystafell: 9 | Room: 9 Ystafell: 1 | Room: 1 Ystafell: 11/12 | Room: 11/12

Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Cadeirydd y Sesiwn | Session Chair: Chris Taylor, Cardiff University Nigel O’Leary, Swansea University Robert Jones, University of South Wales Rhys Jones, Aberystwyth University

#WISERD2018 Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2018| WISERD Annual Conference 2018 RHAGLEN | PROGRAMME

Young people and civic participation Electoral inequalities: youth citizenship The shape of justice in Wales Boundedness, belonging and becoming: Esther Muddiman, Kate Moles, Chris and political participation in the 2014 Kate Williams and Heddwen Daniel primary school children’s perspectives of Taylor and Sally Power (Cardiff Scottish Independence Referendum (University of South Wales) education and learning in the South Wales University) Jonathan Duckett (University of South valleys Wales) Gavin Williams (The Open University) ‘Graduates’ involvement in civil An understanding of business Dragonisation in youth justice: a beacon How do friendship networks affect pupils society’ engagement in schools in Wales of progressive practice or a foundation in Wales’ identities, behaviours and Chris Taylor, Ceryn Evans and Gareth Hannah Blake (Cardiff University) myth of Welsh devolution? socialisations? Rees (Cardiff University) Jonathan Evans (University of South Constantino Dumangane Jr. (Cardiff Wales) University) Understanding volunteering in later life Moving mighty oaks: translocality and A progressive Welsh justice policy An investigation into the barriers to as serious leisure? social acorns space? Revisiting the concept of education, employment and language Sophie Yarker, Jesse Heley and Laura Marc Welsh, Samantha Saville and Laura dragonisation instruction experienced by resettled Jones (Aberystwyth University) Jones (Aberystwyth University) Robert Jones (University of South Wales) Syrian families across Wales Mike Chick (University of South Wales) and Iona Hannagan Lewis (Welsh Refugee Council) Legacies, bequests and inheritance The Provision of Careers Guidance in Rhian Powell (Cardiff University) Welsh Schools

Rhys Davies and Suhaer Yunus (Cardiff University) 4.45– Sylwadau cau’r gynhadledd: Ian Rees Jones, Cyfarwyddwr WISERD [Ystafell: 2/3] 5.00 Conference closing remarks: Ian Rees Jones, WISERD Director [Room 2/3]