RESEARCH NEWS & VIEWS between the expression of some of the core should block circadian-related changes in gene Guiomar Solanas and Salvador A. Benitah clock components and patient outcomes. expression in cancer cells without perturbing the are at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine The researchers went on to show that a clock in the rest of the organism. Barcelona, Barcelona Institute of Science and process called circadian reprogramming What might these factors be? There is likely Technology, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. S.A.B. might explain why GSCs depend on the circa- to be a mixture, some intrinsic to the cells, is also at the Catalan Institution for Research dian clock. Circadian reprogramming involves others extrinsic, probably acting synergistically. and Advanced Studies (ICREA). changes in the circadian-clock output — that For example, as in the current study, a change e-mails: [email protected]; is, in the collection of genes in a given cell or in energy requirements when a cell becomes [email protected] tissue that are under the control of the clock, cancerous can lead to changes in the metabolic 1. Dong, Z. et al. Cancer Discov. and so are expressed in oscillating rhythms products generated in that cell; this, in turn, 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-19-0215 (2019). across the day. Dong et al. demonstrated that can affect chromatin remodelling, changing 2. Bohn, A. et al. PLoS ONE 13, e0198581 (2018). the circadian-clock output of GSCs includes the catalogue of genes available to be activated 3. Weller, M. et al. Nature Rev. Dis. Primers 1, 15017 genes involved in glucose and and thereby altering the rhythmic transcrip- (2015). 16 4. Verlande, A. & Masri, S. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 30, lipid synthesis, whereas the circadian-clock tion of genes . Outside the cell, signalling 445–458 (2019). output of normal neural stem cells does not. pathways involving the hormone insulin and 5. Janich, P. et al. Nature 480, 209–214 (2011). Changes in glucose metabolism and lipid the neurotransmitter molecule adrenaline are 6. Puram, R. V. et al. Cell 165, 303–316 (2016). synthesis have been previously shown to aid both altered in tumours, and can re-entrain the 7. Fekry, B. et al. Nature Commun. 9, 4349 (2018). 9 8. Lee, J. H. et al. Nature 560, 243–247 (2018). cancer progression . cancer-cell clock, thus integrating whole-body 9. Pascual, G., Dominguez, D. & Benitah, S. A. 15 In addition, Dong and colleagues observed information into the cell’s circadian output . Dis. Model Mech. 11, dmm032920 (2018). that the metabolic capacity of GSCs changed These systemic pathways might represent 10. Sato, S. et al. Cell 170, 664–677 (2017). 11. Solanas, G. et al. Cell 170, 678–692 (2017). in the absence of BMAL1 and CLOCK. The therapeutic targets to treat cancer. However, 12. Sato, S. et al. Cell Metab. 30, 92–110 (2019). group showed that circadian reprogramming the complex effect of these pathways on cir- 13. Eckel-Mahan, K. L. et al. Cell 155, 1464–1478 (2013). in GSCs is mediated by changes in chroma- cadian reprogramming in cancer cells is still 14. Masri, S. et al. Cell 165, 896–909 (2016). tin — the DNA–protein complex in which poorly understood. Nonetheless, Dong et al. 15. Kondratov, R. V., Kondratova, A. A., Gorbacheva, V. Y., Vykhovanets, O. V. & Antoch, M. P. Genes Dev. 20, DNA is packaged. More regions of chromatin have opened a new chapter in the search for 1868–1873 (2006). are open in GSCs than in normal neural stem therapeutic targets for aggressive and incurable 16. Mohawk, J. A., Green, C. B. & Takahashi, J. S. cells, allowing the BMAL1 and CLOCK pro- glioblastomas. ■ Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 35, 445–462 (2012). teins to bind to and activate different genes. The authors then linked these data by showing that BMAL1 and CLOCK regulate the expres- sion of genes involved in lipid metabolism in GSCs, indicating that the oncogenic activity of the clock genes might involve metabolic pathways (Fig. 1). Neural excitation Previous reports have described circadian reprogramming in response to various stimuli, such as changes in diet, physiological ageing moderates lifespan or exercise10–13. In all these cases, circadian reprogramming is a fast and effective way to Signals emanating from the nervous system are potent modulators of respond to changing external demands. Cir- longevity. It now seems that overall neural excitation is also a key determinant cadian reprogramming has also been observed of lifespan. See Article p.359 between organs — for instance, reprogram- ming in the livers of mice that have developed lung cancer probably ensures that the liver pro- NEKTARIOS TAVERNARAKIS complex way that is not yet fully understood3–5. vides sufficient energy for the tumour cells to Perhaps less intuitively, this relationship also grow efficiently14. The picture that is emerging he question of why and how we age — works in the opposite direction: signals from is of circadian reprogramming as a common and why only a minority of humans the nervous system can modulate the rate of mechanism to help cells, tissues and whole live to become centenarians — has ageing of the whole organism6–10. But although organisms adapt to change, whether they are Tfascinated people for millennia. Over the the nervous system is known to influence healthy or cancerous. past few decades, we have learnt that the longevity in species ranging from inverte- In a final set of experiments, Dong et al. rate of ageing is highly sensitive to intrinsic brates to mammals, the underlying molecular showed that small molecules that repress and extrinsic cues, and that these cues act, mechanisms have been unclear. BMAL1, either directly or indirectly, strongly by means of numerous genetic pathways, to Zullo and colleagues began their inhibit the self-renewing potential of GSCs. regulate the cellular and systemic processes investigation by studying brain tissue from Mice that carried GSCs from patients survived that ultimately influence ageing1. aged humans who had shown no cognitive def- longer if they were treated with one of these On page 359, Zullo and colleagues2 uncover icits before their death. The authors analysed molecules than they did without treatment. a new twist in the saga: an unexpected link gene-expression profiles from the frontal cor- Caution is needed when considering between the nervous system and ageing. They tex, and uncovered an intriguing correlation: translating these findings to humans, because show that overall neuronal excitation is a major genes involved in neural excitation and in the the small molecules used by Dong and col- determinant of lifespan, and that it is higher in function of the synaptic connections between leagues also affect the activity of the clock short-lived individuals and lower in the long- neurons are down­regulated in long-lived machinery systemically, potentially perturbing lived. The authors also characterize some of individuals, but genes required for inhibitory normal physiological processes in healthy tissues the molecular players in this effect, and tie it neuro­transmission are not. — this might induce damage accumulation and to a well-known regulator of lifespan: signal- How might this occur? The authors found signs of premature ageing15. A better alternative ling by the hormone insulin or by insulin-like that the downregulated genes are probably might be to target the factors that induce circa- growth factor 1 (IGF1). targets of the transcriptional regulator protein dian reprogramming in GSCs. Such an approach Ageing affects the nervous system in a REST — a general repressor of genes involved

338 | NATURE | VOL 574 | 17 OCTOBER 2019©2019 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2019 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved.


in neuronal excitation and synaptic function11. Previous studies12,13 had implicated REST in a preventing hyperexcitation of the neuronal network, maintaining its steady state, resist- Insulin/IGF1 signalling ing oxidative and protecting neurons over time. (For instance, deleting the Rest gene Longevity increases neural activity in the mouse cortex and renders animals vulnerable to block- SPR-3/4 Neural excitation DAF-16 ers of inhibitory neurotransmission, further Stress resistance exacer­bating neural excitation and triggering epilepsy.) The new findings directly associ- Oxidative stress ate long human lifespan with increased REST activity and reduced neural excitation. Is this association merely a corollary of the b aals ageing process, or is there a causal relationship? REST Neural excitation FOXO1 Longevity To find out, Zullo and colleagues turned to the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans — a malleable test bed that has been invaluable in unpicking the mechanisms that modulate Figure 1 | Lifespan is regulated by neural excitation in worms and mammals. a, Zullo and colleagues2 lifespan14. The authors found that neural activ- show that, in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the proteins SPR-3 and SPR-4 reduce the ity increases as the worm ages. In addition, expression of genes involved in neural excitation and transmission across synapses. SPR-3 and SPR-4 interventions that inhibit either overall neural therefore act to quench neural excitation. Subsequent activation of the DAF-16 excitation and synaptic neurotransmission or (normally inhibited by neural excitation) promotes longevity and resistance to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress and signalling through insulin or insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) are both known to affect lifespan. signalling by neuropeptide molecules extend The new findings suggest that they do this, in part, through their effects on SPR-3/4 and neural excitation. the lifespan of C. elegans. In effect, temper- b, The authors also find that, in humans and mice, the SPR-3 and SPR-4 counterpart REST downregulates ing excitatory neurotransmission to reduce genes involved in neural excitation in the brain’s cortex. The ensuing tempering of neural excitation activates overall neural activity is enough to make the DAF-16 counterpart FOXO1. REST expression is increased in the cortex of long-lived humans, whereas worms longer-lived. By contrast, suppressing genes involved in neural excitation are downregulated. inhibitory neurotransmission increases neural activity and shortens lifespan. Overall neural excitation is, therefore, an important regulator neural excitation and insulin/IGF1 signals ways, and their anti-ageing effects might not of lifespan in worms and humans. to promote stress tolerance and longevity be entirely reliant on the nervous system. Digging deeper into this process in worms, (Fig. 1a). Exactly how DAF-16 is activated by Moreover, unlike REST-mediated quenching the authors focused on the SPR-3 and SPR-4 reduced neural excitation remains to be seen. of neural excitation, some anticonvulsants proteins15, which are counterparts of mamma- A similar signal-transduction pathway function independently of DAF-16, and lian REST. This is where the research began seems to be at work in mammals (Fig. 1b). further extend the lifespan of animals with to reveal links with insulin/IGF1 signalling, Zullo et al. find that, in humans, the expres- DAF-2 mutations. which is a key part of the cellular response to sion and levels of REST in cell nuclei correlate Another line of work, again in C. elegans, the presence of nutrients. Low insulin/IGF1 with those of the DAF-16 counterpart FOXO1. has offered a link between longevity and the signalling is associated with long lifespan in Moreover, both REST and FOXO1 are found inhibition of signalling by the neurotransmit- worms. in neurons in the human prefrontal cortex. ter molecule serotonin, which is involved in Zullo et al. found that the longevity The authors showed that repressing neural the organismal response to nutrients17. That conferred by reduced neural activity requires excitation in mouse cortical neurons grown research showed that antidepressants that DAF-16, a transcription factor that is also in culture increases block serotonin receptors extend lifespan, needed for the extended lifespan linked to “The new the expression and probably by simulating dietary restriction low insulin/IGF1 signalling in C. elegans. findings have nuclear levels of (known to promote longevity universally). More­over, neuronal SPR-3 and SPR-4 are key revealed a FOXO1. And the Given that dietary restriction is associated to the increase in lifespan seen under condi- previously age-dependent rise with low insulin/IGF1 signalling, which limits tions of low insulin/IGF1 signalling. Genes unappreciated in nuclear FOXO1 overall neural excitation through REST, could required for neuronal excitation are down- conduit for in mice requires REST (or SPR-3/4) also contribute to life­span regulated by low insulin/IGF1 signalling in integrating REST. The paral- extension under nutritional stress? Zullo and an SPR-3/4-dependent manner. In addition, neural activity lels between nema- colleagues consider this unlikely, because worms carrying mutations in the insulin todes and mammals inhibiting neural excitation in C. elegans late receptor DAF-2 show reduced neural excita- and metabolism.” suggest that the in adulthood — even after the worms have tion that is instigated by SPR-3 and SPR-4 and REST–FOXO1 (or stopped feeding — still extends lifespan. But is required for activation of DAF-16. Simi- the SPR-3/4–DAF-16) axis is a key part of the some role for this molecular axis is possi- larly, SPR-3 and SPR-4 are needed to activate mechanisms by which nervous system func- ble, given that cessation of food intake is not DAF-16 under conditions of oxidative stress. tion influences ageing. Moreover, a reduction always equivalent to a state of perceived calorie Of note, SPR-3/4 depletion restores higher in overall neural excitation is a major contrib- restriction. levels of neural excitation in animals carry- utor to the lifespan extension caused by low As well as offering insight into the link ing DAF-2 mutations, compromising their insulin/IGF1 signalling. between overall neural excitation and ageing, exceptional longevity. These findings shine new light on previ- Zullo and colleagues’ findings provide a pre- Collectively, these findings in C. elegans ous work. For example, certain anticon- viously unappreciated conduit for integrating indicate that stress and insulin/IGF1 signal- vulsant drugs have been found to promote neural activity and metabolism, through the ling converge on SPR-3 and SPR-4 to modulate longevity in C. elegans16 — again implicating insulin/IGF1 pathway. This integration could neural activity. In turn, this influences DAF-16, overall neural activity in regulating lifespan. fine-tune an organism’s physiology and orches- another point of convergence that integrates However, these compounds act in complex trate appropriate behavioural adaptations

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INFECTIOUS DISEASE migration is under-appreciated, because these high-altitude flights are un­detectable without technology such as radar. The type of radar that can detect larger insects (those heavier Malaria mosquitoes than 10 milligrams) had been mainly used to track just a few agricultural pests, until a 2016 study of the southern United Kingdom4 used go with the flow such radar to investigate insect migration in general. This study revealed that an estimated The rapid return of mosquitoes to African semi-desert regions when the dry 16.5 billion insects migrate annually at high season ends was an unsolved mystery. A surprising solution to the puzzle is the altitude (defined in this case as a height of long-range migration of mosquitoes on high-altitude winds. See Letter p.404 more than 150 metres) above the 70,000 km2 study area, indicating that wind-borne insect migration can occur on a strikingly large scale. NORA J. BESANSKY kilometres in a few hours3. This behaviour is Current radar technology does not detect beneficial3 for insects moving in seasonally small insects (lighter than 10 mg) such as uring the long dry season in the favourable directions. mosquitoes, which must instead be tracked semi-desert region of Africa known as The migration of monarch butterflies by sampling using aerial nets. In the UK the Sahel, malaria transmission ceases (Danaus plexippus) between North America study4, such insect capture provided evi- Dbecause the mosquitoes that can transmit the and Mexico is one of the most widely dence that three trillion small insects under- disease (termed malaria mosquitoes or vectors) known insect migrations, but the extent to take high-altitude migrations, a number disappear, along with the surface water required which other insects engage in long-distance that substantially exceeds that of the larger for the development of the next gen- radar-tracked insects in the same eration of mosquitoes. Yet with the area. These migrations, termed first rains that end the dry season, mass seasonal bioflows4, involve adult numbers surge more quickly representatives of all major than can be explained by resumed insect orders3, including Diptera, breeding in newly rain-filled sites. to which mosquitoes belong. Evidence to explain this adult popu- Dry season SAHARA Seasonal patterns in the direc- lation boom has remained elusive tion of high-altitude winds can for decades. On page 404, Huestis MALI enable consistent routes for these et al.1 report high-altitude sampling bioflows (Fig. 1). of malaria vectors in the Sahel, Huestis and colleagues studied SAHEL which revealed data consistent with four villages in the Sahel region of long-range wind-borne migration Mali. The possibility that wet-sea- of mosquitoes. son mosquito populations are re- Insect flight typically occurs established there by adults flying Rainy season close to the ground, in a habitat from the nearest year-round popu- patch that provides all of the lations was excluded in a previous insect’s essential resources such study5 by this team. This is because as food, shelter, mates and breed- Figure 1 | High-altitude winds enable the seasonal migration of African the distance of more than 150 km 1 ing sites. Among malaria vectors, mosquitoes. Huestis et al. report that certain types of mosquito that can to such sites is prohibitively long this type of foraging flight rarely transmit malaria undergo long-distance wind-borne journeys. The authors for self-powered mosquito flight. exceeds a distance of five kilo­ studied sites in Mali (region marked with a black circle) in a semi-desert A second possibility is that mos- 2 region of Africa called the Sahel. In the rainy season, there is a sudden rapid metres . By contrast, during long- rise in the number of mosquitoes in the Sahel. The seasonal patterns of high- quitoes maintain a local presence distance migration, insects ascend altitude wind directions (coloured arrows) are consistent with rainy-season and survive during the dry season, to altitudes as high as 2–3 km, winds transporting mosquitoes into the Sahel from southerly sites, where hidden away in a state of dormancy where fast air currents transport mosquitoes reside throughout the year. During the dry season, winds from termed aestivation. Important, them downwind for hundreds of the north blow into the Sahel, which could transport mosquitoes southwards. albeit indirect, support for this

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