Origin Lodge Round Robin 4. DREN'S START: “Now It’s My Turn” Jan 29, 2010 Dren: Bass clarinet/noises/airy mallets/processed celli/steam noise 1. NAT'S START: "The Icy Yes" Sklark: Drumzamplez (or “Mantra of a Reformed Escalator Fetishist") Kelek: Banjo Nat: Bass Nat: Guitars Kawa: Crackly optigan at end Kawa: Piano, brush pulse Dan: Guitar Melody, Tube Instrument Dan: Lead vox, Mixing Dren: Gamelan bells, tuned drums Mystery Artist: Electric rockin guitar solo 5. SKLARK'S START: “The Order of the Alchemist Sklark: Piano Generals of Origin's Gilded Dawn” Jax: Drum loops (or “O-Lodge 2010”) Kelek: Mixing/Arrangement Sklark: Synthesized vox, plus midi files Kelek: Percussion Nat: Synth bass 2. KAWA'S START: “You the Unfaithful!!!” Kawa: Vox and distorto vox Kawa: Optigan Dan: Guitar fills, rhythm guitar Dan: Bass, Angle 1, Angle 2, Bar, Drill, Saw, Sheet Jax: MIDI organ Dren: Piano//creepy noises/drum Dren: Mixing, junk perc, strings, a loop or two & boys loops/backwards piano choir Sklark: Organ Kelek: Vox & lyrics Lyrics (by Steven): Nat: Guitar & vox Oo - Fear will chain your soul in prison Jax: Acoustic gtr, Mixing Oo - Free your heart in the Lodge of Origin

Lyrics (by Kelek): It was nearly nine years ago today Slumped in the bus was the long faced man When the founders made the game and taught us how to With the barely indistinguishable Cancun tan play He began to sing the sorry song The Tiger Supreme and the Baleful Wizard For the lady who had passed him on Wrote the sacred book and showed us the way

Barely had he bottomed at the doo-wop-doo The Order of the Alchemist Generals of Origin's Gilded When the driver hit the brakes and began to cry too Dawn Now there’s two men crying on the bus What a fuss Oo - Silence is black but sound is golden Oo - Forge your mettle in the Lodge of Origin How could you leave me? You bitch! Nat to the Jax to the Kawa to the Dan to the What did you see in that hard-bellied Flamenco guitarist Dren to the Sklark to the Michael to the Kelek on the beach? Nico to the Freak to the Matt to the Steve to the Wally to the Morgan to the Carla to the Sylvain I bought you a gold bikini with diamond buckles A piña colada in a real pineapple cup Enumeratum ergo carmen est You the faithless! You the unfaithful! 6. KELEK'S START: “Hamburger” Give me back the keys to my Prius, you bitch Kelek: Banjo You ruined Cancun. Nat: Bass You ruined Cancun. Kawa: Vox You ruined Cancun, you bitch and I’ll cry my way home. Dan: Mouth sounds Dren: Hamburger vox 3. DAN'S START: “Silence the Cauldron” Jax: Slide guitar (Note from Dan: it was done entirely in the hospital room Sklark: Mixing, Junk perk next to my dying father.) Dan: Argeddio Guitar, Drums/Perc 7. JAX' START: “Jaxx’s Traxx” Dren: Atmosphery synth, space Rhodes, severely Jax: GR-300 guitar ! effected guitar Dren: 8 bit drum loops/effects Sklark: Synth drone bass Dan: Hollow body bass & altogether improvement Kelek: Drum machine Kawa: Vibes Nat: Soaring vocals and bass pulses Nat: Mixing Kawa: Vocals, lyrics, production