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Mavi Marmara's MAVI MARMARA’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY AND THE STRUGGLE FOR PALESTINE Kadriye Sınmaz To cite this article: Sınmaz, Kadriye. “Mavi Marmara’s 10th Anniversary and the Struggle for Palestine”, Analysis INSAMER, 29.05.2020. It has been 10 years since Israel’s attack on the and Gaza territories, but increased the number Gaza Freedom Flotilla on the early morning of of illegal Jewish settlements there every day. May 30, 2010, referred to as the “Mavi Marmara In 2005, Israel decided to withdraw from Gaza incident”. This attack, which witnessed more by evacuating settlements in the area. The than 50 people wounded and 10 volunteers Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which had been murdered, had many legal, political, economic ongoing for many years, gained a different and even military consequences. dimension, as Hamas received the highest Why did Mavi Marmara go to Gaza? number of votes in the election on January 25, 2006. Following it’s declaration of existence in 1948, Israel was quick to expand the lands it had The Hamas government could not secure its captured in the period of the British mandate administration long enough because Israel and regime after the war with Arab countries, some western states did not recognize Hamas forcing more than a million Palestinians to leave as a legitimate political actor, and Fatah did not their lands. Israel also extended its territory to accept Hamas’ victory in the election. Eventually, the Golan Heights of Syria, the Sinai Peninsula two different governments emerged in Palestine, of Egypt, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, one was Fatah under the leadership of Mahmud on top of its occupation since the 1967 War. Abbas controlling the West Bank, the other was During the Oslo negotiations, Israel recognized Hamas under the leadership of Khalid Mashal the presence of a Palestinian State under the in Gaza. Israel announced on September 19, leadership of Yasser Arafat in the West Bank 2007 that it would restrict the entry and exit of 1 goods by declaring Gaza, controlled by Hamas- to the blockade, 80% of the people living in Gaza labeled as a terrorist organization-as an “enemy are in need of humanitarian aid. Unemployment zone”. On January 6, 2009, a sea blockade was rate increased to 52%3 and poverty rate to 53%. implemented on the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile the Extreme poverty rate4 increased to 33.8%.5 Yasser Arafat International Airport had been “The principle of proportionality “ is violated in bombed by Israel in 2001, making it unusable terms of the humanitarian consequences of the since then. So it is safe to say that as of today, blockade, and the severity of the violations had Israel has ‘locked’ the people of Gaza for the been deepened by attacking the Gaza Freedom past 14 years through it’s blockade on land, sea Flotilla, a humanitarian organization. and air. What happened on Mavi Marmara? The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflict at Sea / SRM, 1994, In 2007, between August and December, the 6 which includes the customary international law Free Gaza Movement attempted to reach Gaza rules on maritime warfare, accepts the blockade by small fishing boats. The mission succeeded as a method of warfare, but it stipulates it. in five of these attempts. Subsequently Europe- According to the SRM, an international conflict centered Viva Palestina and IHH Humanitarian must exist in order to implement the blockade. Relief Foundation realized the “Viva Palestina” There are different comments on the nature land convoy to Gaza in December 2009. Despite of the conflicts between Israel and Palestine.1 all the obstacles, the convoy succeeded to reach Even if we consider the existing tension as an Gaza. Later, the European Campaign to end international conflict without going into these the Siege on Gaza, the Free Gaza Movement, discussions, it can be said that international IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, the law rules have been violated due to the way of International Committee to Lift the Siege on implementation of the blockade. Gaza, Ship to Gaza Greece and Ship to Gaza Sweden started to organize the “Gaza Freedom Israel’s blockade on Gaza violates the Geneva Flotilla”, which was more comprehensive Conventions, The Hague Regulation and than the previous organizations. The Freedom international humanitarian law. According to Flotilla sailed to Gaza with the participation Article 50 of the Hague Regulation, 1907 and of more than 700 volunteers from 37 countries Article 87 of III. Geneva Convention, collective at the end of May 2010. The flotilla aimed to punishment cannot be imposed on individual generate global public opinion regarding the incidents, taking into account the actions of humanitarian situation in Palestine, breaking the individuals. The Geneva Convention, Article 51, unlawful blockade of Israel and establishing a 54 (1) of the Additional Protocol I and Article 14 permanent aid corridor to deliver humanitarian of the Protocol No II state that hunger cannot be aid and providing humanitarian aid to Gaza.7 used as a weapon of war and the advantage to be achieved by blockade should not be more than The attack that Israeli soldiers launched on the the damage suffered by the civilian population ship, on the night of May 30, ended when they seized control of the ship at 5.17 am on May (the principle of proportionality). Article 17 31. The attacks on the flotilla that were done by and 23 of the Geneva Convention IV, Article warships and helicopters with sound, fog and gas 70 and 71 of the Additional Protocol I point out bombs, plastic and real bullets were announced that humanitarian aid should be delivered and to the world public via live broadcasts. Mavi humanitarian workers should be protected when Marmara, carrying with it nine martyrs and civilians are harmed and need help.2 more than 50 wounded participants, and Israel punishes the entire people of Gaza for accompanied by the physical and psychological electing Hamas through the blockade, thereby torture on the volunteers by the Israeli soldiers, violating the “ban on collective punishment”. Due was docked at the Ashdod Port. The passengers, 2 who were detained at the Be’er Sheva prison 5. Violation of the right to own property after interrogation, managed to return to Turkey The Israeli authority confiscated a wide on June 3. range of personal belongings, including Israeli military’s assault on Mavi Marmara in considerable amount of cash donations to international waters and the excessive use of be distributed in Gaza; passports, electronic force against Mavi Marmara is unlawful. The items such as cell phones, laptop computers, assault is a blatant violation of the Fourth Geneva photographic and video recording Convention and International Humanitarian equipment, where most of these items were Law. In addition, the violations of human rights not returned. committed by the occupying Israeli soldiers 6. Violation of freedom of expression during the attack and detention period can be examined under chapter 6. During the attack, Israeli forces imposed a total blackout on the satellite communication 1. Violation of the right to life of Mavi Marmara. Furthermore, a journalist According to the statement of the was shot dead at close range. International Fact-finding Mission, the force used by the Israeli soldiers on Mavi Marmara Mavi Marmara’s Legal Struggle is unnecessary, excessive, disproportionate In the immediate aftermath of the attack, victims and inappropriate. filed complains to the courts in Turkey and in much of the world. The complaints in Turkey At least six people were killed by arbitrary were joined together in a lawsuit that was filed and close-range shooting, according to the in 2012. forensic reports.8 On the trial there were four defendants in the 2. Torture and other cruel, inhuman or case, with 502 plaintiffs of whom 78 were degrading treatment or punishment foreign nationals: Former Israeli Chief of The passengers of the fleet were subjected to Staff Gen. Gabriel Ashkenazi, Former Navy treatments such as overly tight handcuffing Commander Eliezer Alfred Maron, Former Air for extended periods; being subject to various Force Intelligence officer Avishay Levi and forms of mistreatment onboard and during Former Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin. The detention; insult, humiliating treatment; case was dropped on December 9, 2016 after an being beaten; being forced to sign papers in agreement reached between Turkey and Israel a language the signatory cannot read. on August 28, 2016. No decision has yet been made on the appeal of the court case. 3. Violation of the right to liberty and security of person Families of the Mavi Marmara victims filed 85 separate lawsuits for compensation in Kayseri, The Mavi Marmara passengers were arrested Denizli, Diyarbakır, Ankara, Izmir, Istanbul, arbitrarily and unlawfully under inhumane Konya, Erzurum and Batman cities of Turkey. conditions without being informed. The amount of compensation demanded totaled 4. Humane treatment to detained persons 23 million TL. The agreement reached between and right of respect for human dignity Turkey and Israel means Turkey shall address possessed as an innate quality any demand of compensation if Israel is obliged to pay compensation for any. For this reason, The flotilla participants were detained and the treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the deprived from their rights to an attorney and Republic of Turkey was added as a party to the to access to families and Embassy officials. compensation cases. 3 Other lawsuits have also been filed by Freedom courts destroyed the perception of Israel as an Flotilla participants in different parts of the untouchable state. Furthermore, the propaganda world. to depict Israel as the most democratic country in the Middle East was damaged because the An investigation opened following an official entire world has seen how the Israli soldiers complaint by Spanish participants resulted attacked “Mavi Marmara”.
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