Right thewrong done. Together, let’sdowhat’sright. will notbequickoreasy, butitcanbe injustice andyoucaneliminatepoverty. It problem rootedininjustice.Eliminate Poverty is solvable —itisa 59 MAY 2018 Issue

Photo: Albert González Farran/Oxfam World without poverty Empowering smallholder farmers to make food fair

“I am from a backward caste. My father and mother in law don’t like me because of that. They always wanted to expel me from the family. I don’t have any job, I don’t own any land, and I am poor.’ — Suresho Aina, 39, a smallholder farmer in Uttar Pradesh, India. Photo: Ricky Wong/Oxfam

What’s wrong? Women smallholder farmers in Uttar Pradesh make up 38 per cent of the total agricultural workforce. Due to traditional values and gender inequality, they are not recognised by men, by society, and by the government as farmers. As a result, they have very limited access to resources, government schemes and programmes, and micro credit. Worse still, most women farmers do not have access to or control over land, which seriously hinders their productivity and income. According to a study conducted by Oxfam, only six per cent of women in Uttar Pradesh own land, less than one per cent participate in government training programmes, and only eight per cent have control over agricultural income.

What’s Oxfam doing?

Oxfam is supporting women smallholder farmers in India to improve their yields and income by setting up 375 women groups (40 women per group) at the village level. Agricultural training and support are also provided.

To tackle the root causes of the problem, we support women smallholder farmers like Suresho Aina to fight for their land rights and make their voices heard through the AAROH Campaign. This is a campaign led by women farmers that aims to change land laws through advocacy and lobbying the Indian government; 15,000 women are involved in the campaign. Standing together with women farmers against injustice. Smallholder farmers are people who: How to achieve the goal?

Own small plots of land on which they grow subsistence crops Organising women into women farmers and one or two cash crops relying almost exclusively on family 1 groups labour. Lobbying the government to change Produce food for us and represent the majority of the poorest 2 land laws and hungriest people on earth. Campaigns to change social attitude Mostly reside in the suburbs of developing countries. Nearly 90 3 per cent of the world’s 600 million farmers are smallholder farmers. Building up the network and capacity 4 of civil societies, lawyers and others 1 World without poverty

‘‘We are the Qiang people (an ethnic group) in Beichuan, Sichuan, China. I grow vegetables and work as a day labourer for an income. I am a member of the village development committee. I mobilised other women in the village to help build a road which is important for our livelihood development. In the beginning, villagers – particularly the village head – were sceptical about women’s ability to lead the project, but we showed them that we could do it. The village now recognises our contribution!’ – He Qiong Photo: Ricky Wong/Oxfam

What’s wrong? Decades of environmental degradation, natural disaster, poor transportation, and limited government resources have crippled the development of smallholder farmers’ livelihoods in Beichuan, Sichuan Province, China. Women villagers tend to have fewer resources, and fewer opportunities to make life-shaping decisions than men due to traditional values.

What’s Oxfam doing?

We recognise people’s power to change their lives. That is why we are working with a partner organisation in Beichuan to support farmers there to improve their lives and mobilise government resources to develop the community. Through it, we encourage women to take part in community development, and make sure that their voices are heard. Villagers involved in the project also make decisions as a group and share the workload. Currently, we are:

Building Storm drains Supporting organic farming Building roads Beichuan County is a disaster-prone area; Supporting farmers to convert to organic Many villages in Beichuan are built on heavy rains during flood season can easily farming to rehabilitate the soil. Farmers high mountains and deep valleys. Poor destroy crops. That is why we work with have learnt how to make organic fertiliser transportation and communication networks farmers to build storm drains to drain using pig and chicken manure, clear weeds have made it difficult for villagers to escape floodwater, and protect their livelihoods without damaging the soil, and control poverty. The roads built with Oxfam’s and lives. pests. Some farmers have increased their support, however, have reduced the time income by growing organic vegetables. and cost farmers need to spend on transporting their grain and vegetables to the market to sell.

2 Work report Oxfam in Sierra Leone and Liberia

Oxfam provides clean water, toilets and hygiene classes to children in Port Loko's Educaid Primary School in Sierra Leone. The country was one of the most affected by the Ebola disease outbreak.

The 2014 Ebola outbreak The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the most severe in recorded history in terms of the number of human cases and deaths; the average survival rate is around 50 per cent.

How can you get Ebola virus? Oxfam response 1. Direct contact with body fluids of a person who is sick or died from Ebola 2. From objects contaminated with the virus Oxfam has been operating in West 3. By infected animals through direct contact with blood fluids or meat Africa since the 1990s. We immediately scaled up our Prevention: emergency programmes in response Guinea to the outbreak. Oxfam worked in six Avoiding direct contact with body fluids of infected countries, including Sierra Leone, Ebola virus Sierra people Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Gambia and Leone Nigeria Guinea Bissau, to prevent the Regular hand washing spread of Ebola both by improving using soap and water access to water, cleaning Liberia Avoiding direct equipment and protective clothing, contact with fruit bats and by talking with communities about Ebola and offering them ・More than 11,300 deaths Wearing of support and information to try to ・More than 28,600 cases protective clothing prevent further infections. ・14 January, 2016 – End of Ebola flare up in Liberia Cremating bodies ・17 March, 2016 – End of Ebola flare up in Sierra Leone of deceased people We have provided over 1.4 million people with:

Water and sanitation Ebola prevention and education Hygiene kits Livelihoods development 3 Work report

Population: approximately 6 million

70% of the population lives in poverty Oxfam interventions before the Ebola outbreak: Life expectancy: 51.3 (2015) emergency relief for survivors of the Sierra civil war, livelihoods development, Leone Human development index: 179/188 countries (2017) public health, sustainable, safe and sufficient water, sanitation and hygiene services, women empowerment Only 57% of the population has access to safe drinking water

Only 40% has access to a private or shared latrine

Population: over 4.6 million Oxfam interventions before the Ebola outbreak: 64% of the population lives in poverty Livelihoods development, sustainable food production, hygiene awareness, Life expectancy: 61.2 (2015) Liberia gender equality

Human development index: 177/188 countries (2017)

41% of the population faces food insecurity; chronic malnutrition is high Data: Oxfam, The World Bank, The World Food Programme

Restoring livelihoods

Aminata, 26, and her mother Hawa, 65, are farmers in Katumbo, Sierra Leone. During the Ebola crisis, the government restricted community members’ movement between villages and towns. This had a devastating impact on the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and petty traders who depended on selling their produce at markets. Aminata said, ‘Normally, I sell my carrots to the capital in Freetown and other places, but during the Ebola crisis, the markets were almost down, and there were roadblocks. So, I couldn’t get people to buy my vegetables and I had no income.' 1 After the restrictions began to be lifted, Oxfam worked with communities to rebuild their businesses and redevelop their farmlands by providing cash grants. Farmers used the cash grants to buy seeds and tools for farming, and stock for their stalls. Aminata said, ‘I received $68 pounds (about HK$750) from Oxfam, I used the money to start farming again and expand my farm. I was happy, my children and my mother were happy because I could start doing some small trading business and my kids could get food and go to school.'

1. Aminata Jalloh (right) and her mother Hawa Koroma.

2. Oxfam works with Behyepea community members in Tappita district, Liberia, so that families have the support they need to get back on their feet after the Ebola crisis. 2

4 Work report

Water and sanitation, and public health

Oxfam is widely known for delivering high-quality public health programmes to achieve maximum impact on the health and well-being of communities affected by emergencies. During the Ebola outbreak, Oxfam's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) teams worked with communities to create an environment in which public health risks were reduced and the safety and dignity of emergency-affected communities was enhanced

Sallieu Kargbo, 22 Hygiene teacher, EcuAid Primary School Port Loko, Sierra Leone

‘I’m in charge of the hygiene club in the school. Some of the kids here have lost their fathers and mothers during the Ebola crisis. They long for an education. I work with club members to make Oxfam provides clean water, toilets, showers and hygiene classes to sure that our environment is clean. We keep all 600 students aged 12 to 23 in Port Loko's EducAid High School, Sierra Leone. latrines and bathrooms clean. We meet three times per week to make sure everyone knows the importance of hygiene. Members of the club help me spread the message to everybody in the “Tigers” in the toilets school. We thank Oxfam for building the latrines which are essential for improving hygiene in our The tiger worm toilet is an economically and environmentally environment, and they also provided hand sustainable alternative to the commonly used pit latrine. It washing buckets, soap, shovel, and gloves.’ addresses the issue of pits frequently filling up in congested places, and where digging into the ground is difficult. The toilets give communities the chance to lead happier, healthier, and more dignified lives. The worms can digest the contents of the toilet; this accelerates the decomposition of faeces, stops germs from spreading, reduces the volume of waste inside and helps the Waste management toilets to last longer. What's more, the worms turn the waste into a fantastic natural fertiliser!

Oxfam has initiated a project working with local youth groups to facilitate daily rubbish collection. Volunteers go door to door to Patricia lives in Doe community in collect household waste from their communities, and take it to downtown Monrovia, Liberia. She has dump sites for proper disposal. Prior to this project, there was no had an Oxfam Tiger worm toilet for three years now and uses the formal rubbish collection in the Pa Morlai Community, Sierra fertiliser it produces to grow Leone. As a result, waste littered the streets, making the vegetables for her and her family to environment unsanitary. Since the project, there has been a eat. remarkable decrease in the amount of litter in the street. 5 Work report

Community engagement ‘One of the things I like most is Oxfam’s involvement with the women. Women The word ‘Ebola’ is often linked to fear, stigma, mistrust represent a crucial section of society and rumours both in affected communities and around that have long been forgotten. If we the world. As such, community engagement has been deny them the opportunities to reach widely recognised as a critical component in the response their full potential, we are just being to Ebola. That is why Oxfam trained hundreds of mean to ourselves. When women are volunteers that went door to door to change the behaviours that were putting the population at risk. They empowered they can speak out on the also encouraged people to come forward to get tested for issues concerning them, their Ebola. communities, their counties, and even the country in general.’ Asa Dichon Oxfam Project Officer Graie community, Tappita district, Liberia

Women empowerment

Florence Sessay, 24 Member of the Care Model Group, Cabala Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone

‘The workshops were led by women in the community. Through the workshop, we had learnt about the disease and sanitation, how to take care of children when they are sick and what measures to take to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus: drinking clean water, washing hands before eating and covering food to A women’s savings group in Liberia. prevent contamination. Group members meet two times per month. I visit and teach other Oxfam supported women in Sierra Leone and Liberia to set up people how to take care of their health. I feel women’s groups, and training was provided. We seek to strengthen glad about Oxfam because they teach us a lot.’ the capacity of women’s networks to raise awareness of women’s land rights, and advocate for greater participation among women in the decision-making process on property ownership. We also promote local governance through female political empowerment. Photos: Tommy Trenchard/Oxfam

The crisis is over, but Ebola could strike again

Ebola-affected countries in West Africa have some of the worst water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in the world. To prevent the disease from striking again, we need to strengthen public health services, including WASH in schools and slum areas, and more broadly to make access to clean water and sanitation available and sustainable in communities.

We at Oxfam have been supporting governments and communities in Sierra Leone and Liberia to return to normal, as well as communities to protect against Ebola. With the need to rebuild livelihoods and health services, we will continue work in the affected countries for the long-haul. 6 Focus

Humanitarian work

Over 680,000 Rohingya people have fled violence in Myanmar to seek refuge across the border in Bangladesh. This unprecedented number of refugees, of whom more than half are children, has caused a large-scale humanitarian crisis. Photo: Tommy Trenchard/Oxfam

Humanitarian work report Between April 2017 and February 2018, Oxfam allocated HK$23 million to implement 22 emergency and rehabilitation projects in eight countries around the globe. These included humanitarian responses, recovery efforts and disaster prevention work. Here is a brief report on two of our emergency projects with public appeals. Thank you for your continued support! Oxfam’s humanitarian programmes emphasise

Responding in some of the poorest areas vulnerable to disaster Close partnership with local NGOs and governments who know the local context to achieve the best results Conducting assessments in the field before deciding what kind of assistance affected communities need most

Women, the elderly and marginalised people

Emergency relief to meet survivors’ immediate needs, livelihood support and disaster preparedness for long-term recovery Advocacy on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction

Community participation, gender equality, transparency and accountability

7 Focus Bangladesh Rohingya Crisis

Over 688,000 people Oxfam has reached have fled to Bangladesh from 185,000 people Myanmar (since August 2017) We plan to assist more than 200,000 people during the first phase of its response Where we are working Bangladesh What are we doing Cox’s Bazar Kutupalong Balukhali people have Ukhia 185,000 Upazila Monnair Ghona access to safe water Shafiullah Kata Myanmar Rubber Garden Northern Rakhine State (Transit site) 140,000 people received 23,458 food parcels

Teknaf 17,378 hygiene promotion Upazila sessions conducted Unchiprang

Bay of 1,547 latrine kits Bengal

Tackling the root causes of the crisis We are calling for the international community, especially the United Nations and world leaders, to tackle the root causes of this crisis. We are also calling on the Myanmar authorities to act to end the violence and live up to their commitment to fully implement the recommendations of the Kofi Annan-led Rakhine Commission report, including ensuring that all people in Myanmar have equal rights. Independent investigations into human rights violations are essential, with those responsible brought to justice, as well as compensation for lost land. Photo: Tommy Trenchard/Oxfam Photo: Tommy Photo: Oxfam A child is collecting clean water in the Kutupalong Camp, Bangladesh. Cheung Yuk Tong, Council Chair of Oxfam Hong Kong and Trini Leung, Oxfam Hong Kong’s Director General, visited a refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, in December 2017 to learn about the situation there and the impact of Oxfam’s work.

Mexico Earthquake A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck near Mexico City on September 19, 2017, killing hundreds of people, injuring more than a thousand, and leaving many trapped under rubble.

Oxfam's response Oxfam responded in Morelos, Puebla and Oaxaca province, the three worst affected provinces. We provided affected people with: ・ Food and temporary shelter to meet survivors’ immediate needs ・ Water and sanitation to prevent the outbreak of disease 8 smile at the world

Arzin Akther Age: 15 Occupation: Student Country: Kabirkhan Village, Austragram Union, Kishoreganj District, Bangladesh Challenges: Traditional values, social and economic status hinder women from taking leadership roles and enjoying equal rights with men; gender based violence is still prevalent. My dream: To be able to continue studying and go to university

My pledge: ‘I say NO to child marriage. I will only get married after18.’

Children marriage rate Married by 18: Married by 15:

59% 22%

(source: UNICEF 2017)

Photo: Tetris Luk/Oxfam 9 thoughts from the frontline

How can we live up to the expectation of our supporters and donors?

By: Chan Mayling, International Programme Director, Oxfam Hong Kong I remember when I first joined Oxfam in the early 90s, it was quite unheard of to set a gender policy which attended to sexual harassment in the workplace. In the 2000s, we established a whistleblowing policy which enabled victims of sexual exploitation to come forward to report abuse. So long as the unbalance of power between men and women exist, poverty and injustice will prevail. That is why women empowerment is at the core of our development and humanitarian programmes. We implement programmes on women’s economic empowerment (WEE) within value chains across the globe. We make sure women’s voices are heard. We support them to take leadership roles in their communities. The Haiti scandal did pose a challenge to us. As an organisation, we excel in some areas and have positively impacted countless people’s lives, but we have also failed in some areas due to the discrepancy in values we hold as individuals. That said, we are doing all we can to step up our safeguarding measures to ensure that vulnerable people are protected, not wronged by Oxfam. With your support, we will emerge better from our current situation and empower even more people in poor communities to improve their lives.

Hong Oxfam rice can help! Kong MAY 12 13 19 20 26 27 Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for (Saturdays & Sundays) smallholder farmers to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. Now, you can show your support! A small bag of Oxfam Rice can help them Macau MAY 19 20 build a better future for their families. (Saturday & Sunday)

Acknowledgements (in alphabetical order)

Acknowledgements Oxfam Lai See 2018 Oxfam partners recruitment campaign BYME Engineering (HK) Ltd. - exhibition area sponsorship Educational Publishing House, Ltd (October 2017 to March 2018) English Excel School Oxfam Lai See Donation campaign 2018 has come to an end. Altogether, 80 kindergartens, LightMac Ltd. primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong and Macau joined the event this year and raised Amoy Plaza Store Friendly Self Storage Group Ltd. near HK$830,000. Thank you for your participation. Broadway Center Macau W&S Marketing Limited Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau Hong Kong S.K.H. Holy Trinity Church Tsang Shiu Tim Kindergarten Fairview Park Lands Department Donation Awards (Kindergarten Group): Lee Theatre Plaza Smallholder Farmers Development Fund Champion: Keen Mind Kindergarten & Nursery Sheung Shui Government Secondary School Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre – Oxfam Rice Event 1st Runner-up: Rosaryhill School (Kindergarten Section) Sheung Shui Pui Yau Kindergarten Nob Hill Square 2nd Runner-up: Oi Kwan Road Baptist Church SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School Ocean Walk Hong Kong Lui Kwok Pat Fong Kindergarten St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese School Panda Place Oxfam Rice Sponsor St. Louis School (Primary School) Pereira Plaza Macau Dah Chong Hong Holdings Limited San Miu Supermarket Limited Donation Awards (Primary Group): St. Mark's School Sun Star City St. Rose of Lima's College Logistics Support Champion: PLK Choi Kai Yau School The Laguna Mall Taoist Ching Chung Primary School DCH Logistics Company Limited 1st Runner-up: St. Francis of Assisi's English Primary School TKO Plaza TOM N TOMS COFFEE MACAU Dah Chong Hong (Motor Leasing) Limited 2nd Runner-up: St. Clare's Primary School The Baptist Convention Of Hong Kong Lee On Nursery The Church of Christ in China Wanchai Church Kindergarten/Nursery University of Macau Supported by The HK Chinese Women's Club Kindergarten Nursery Donation Awards (Secondary Group): Fortune REIT: DCH Food Mart Champion: Ying Wa College Tin Ka Ping Secondary School Belvedere Square 1st Runner-up: Sha Tin Government Secondary School True Light Middle School Of HK (Primary Section) City One Oxfam Rice Stall Sponsors 2nd Runner-up: Chi Lin Buddhist Secondary School Truth Baptist Church Kindergarten Fortune Kingswood CITIC Pacific Limited Tai Shing Group (Holdings) Co. Ltd. Tuen Mun Government Secondary School Highest Participation Rate Awards: TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department: Choi Tak Estate Acknowledgements Kindergarten: Assembly of God Union Church Kindergarten Wah Yan College Choi Ying Place Medialink Animation International Limited Primary School: St. Anthony's School Yan Chai Hospital Choi Hin To Primary School Lei Muk Shue Shopping Centre Watsons Water Secondary School: Precious Blood Secondary School Yan Chai Hospital Nian Lam Kindergarten / Child Care Centre Lung Poon Court Commercial Centre Yue Tin Court Yiu Wing Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten Siu Hong Commercial Centre Venue Sponsors Yuen Long Merchants Association Kindergarten Un Chau Estate Hong Kong Housing Authority Other Participating Schools: Yuen Long Public Secondary School Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate Hong Kong Housing Society Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School Link Asset Management Limited Bui O Public School Yuk Yin School Link Asset Management Limited: MTR Corporation Limited Catholic Ming Yuen Secondary School Choi Wan Commercial Complex CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School Participating Schools in Macau: Choi Yuen Plaza Macau Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School Colegio de Santa Rosa de Lima Fortune Shopping Centre Principal Sponsor Christian Alliance College Corpo de Bombeiros de Macau Fung Tak Shopping Centre Hoi Fu Shopping Centre Bank of China, Macau Branch Escola Católica Estrela do Mar Christian Little Angel Kindergarten (Kam Fung Court) Homantin Plaza CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Secondary School Escola Concórdia para Ensino Especial Major Sponsor Lai Kok Shopping Centre CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School Escola Primária Luso-Chinesa da Flora Lei Tung Commercial Centre Tai Lei Loi Kei Emmanuel Church Shatin Nursery School Sacred Heart Canossian College (English Section) Lok Fu Place Fanling Government Secondary School Sheng Kung Hui Taipa Youth and Family Integrated Service Centre Sheung Tak Plaza Sponsor Shun Lee Commercial Centre FDBWA Chow Chin Yau School Forever Young Beauty Store Siu Hei Commercial Centre Methodist Secondary School Acknowledgements: The Macao Water Supply Company Limited Tai Wo Plaza GCE Past Students' Association Whampoa Primary School Standard Chartered Bank Volunteer Team Tin Tsz Shopping Centre The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Logistics Sponsor Heung To Secondary School (TKO) Tin Yiu Plaza

Dah Chong Hong Macau Logistics Warehouse Co. Ltd. HKCCCU Logos Academy HKMLC Ming Tao Primary School Sino Group: Exchange Tower Oxfam Rice Sponsor HKUGA Primary School Place Oxfam Donation box Kwun Tong Plaza Dah Chong Hong Holdings Limited Ho Shun Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui St. Simon's Tai Hing Nursery School Basic Life Physio Center Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited: Storage Service Sponsor Hop Yat Church Shin Ka Chuen Memorial Kindergarten Brick's Burger Macau Chelsea Heights V city Store Friendly Hoyu College & Primary School Casablanca Group Limited Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten Concept H Supporting Organisation School (Primary Section) Goobne Macau Pass S.A Lai Chack Middle School Illume Ricacorp (Macau) Properties Limited Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School Loveating Oxfam Musical Marathon 2018 Marymount Primary School Royal Supermarket Company Limited Lucky Restaurant Principal Sponsor Ng Yuk Secondary School Vitasoy (Macau) Limited Pride Up International Trading and Investment Co.,Ltd. Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. Methodist Church Kindergarten Ramen Kouji Long Term Telecom Partner NT Heung Yee Kuk Tai Po District Secondary School Reco Venue Sponsors Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau S.A.R.L Pat Heung Central Primary School Royal Group MTR Corporation Limited – Ping Shek Estate Catholic Primary School Sai Van On Kei MTR Corporation Limited – Telford Plaza Acknowledgements PLK Lee Shing Pik College San Follo Co. Ltd. Swire Properties Management Limited – Medialink Animation International Limited Po Leung Kuk Castar Primary School Sei Kee Cafe Prosperous Garden Baptist Nursery School Tai Lei Loi Kei Macau Acknowledgements Rosaryhill School (Primary Section) TOM N TOMS Coffee Medialink Animation International Limited Aces Music Center 10 Leave a Legacy to Share Your Love Oxfam has always been grateful for your commitment to support our Reply Form poverty alleviation work in order to achieve a world without poverty. Leaving a legacy to Oxfam can help us enormously in our future planning for poor people, and make a real impact on their lives and I would like to include Oxfam Hong Kong in my will, many generations to come. giving (residue, percentage or

Amoy Plaza Broadway Center Macau Regardless of the amount, legacy giving is a powerful way to support specific amount) to Oxfam Hong Kong. Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau Fairview Park our important ongoing work, and it can be done in many ways: Lands Department Remark: This reply form is only for our records and has no legal effect. Lee Theatre Plaza Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre Please note that Oxfam Hong Kong should not be appointed as an Nob Hill Square Pecuniary legacy: executor of your will or trustee of your estate due to our legal status. We Ocean Walk 1 suggest that you discuss the selection and appointment of executors Panda Place Donate a fixed sum of money. Pereira Plaza Macau with your legal advisor. San Miu Supermarket Limited Sun Star City The Laguna Mall 2 Residual legacy: TKO Plaza Donate all or part of the remainder or residue of your estate after TOM N TOMS COFFEE MACAU I would like to donate all / part of the insured University of Macau all other gifts, taxes and debts have been paid out.

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Working together for a future without poverty Oxfam has been working in Ethiopia since 1974. We focus on responding to emergencies, developing sustainable livelihoods for

small-scale farmers and pastoralists, 請以膠紙封口 water and sanitation, gender equality, climate change adaption,

Please Seal and disaster risk reduction. Please Seal 請以膠紙封口

Photo: By Poon Wai-nang (Oxfam Volunteer Photographer), taken in July 2015.

Please Seal Please 請封口 12 Donor activities Thank you for supporting Oxfam! You are an important partner in this fight against poverty! You are cordially invited to join our upcoming donor activities to learn more about Oxfam’s mission and our way of working. This will also be a good opportunity to hear your thoughts!

Donor trip to mainland china We would like to invite you to travel to Yunnan with us. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about Oxfam’s work firsthand, and meet project participants to see the changes in their lives. Date: 25 – 30 June 2018 (6 days) Activities: Visit Ruili HIV/AIDS project, visit urban livelihoods (Migrant Children Community Activity Center and Home Visits) and visit Luquan livelihood projects Number of partners: 8 monthly donors Price: HK$8,000 each person (this includes transportation and accommodation; refunds will be made if a balance remains after deducting the actual charges) Requirements: Oxfam Partners who are willing to share their observations from the trip with Oxfam supporters and the general public. Please return the form below to us by 23 May, 2018. We will contact successful applicants by 30 May, 2018.

Parent-child Exploration Meet our local partner organisation: Activity: Landless farmers Green Future ‘Food waste recovery’ On Earth, there is a small but beautiful village called Damei Village. parent-child workshop Villagers there are subsistence farmers. One day, AB Company There are 800 million people in the world living in hunger, however, one-third came to acquire the land of Damei Village and asked the villagers of the food produced globally every year is wasted; as this food breaks down, to relocate. They promised to develop this land, promote the local it emits greenhouse gases, which further fuels climate change. There is economy, and improve villagers’ quality of life. In the face of great growing evidence that climate change significantly impacts the poor. changes, how can the villagers make choices? How will each decision affect their future? Green Future was established in 2012 and first worked with Oxfam in Macau in Date : 11 August, 2018 (Saturday) 2016. The objective of this workshop is to help participants understand the Time : 2:30 - 4:30 pm relationship between climate change and poverty through the production of Venue : Oxfam Hong Kong Interactive Education Centre, fruit jam and enzyme cleaners using surplus food and food waste. 9/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point Date: 21 July, 2018 (Saturday) Language : Time: 2:30 - 5:00 pm Fee : HK$200/pair (We count a parent and a child Venue: 17/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point as a pair. The fee is non-refundable.) Quota :10 pairs Target: Children aged 6 or above and their parents Fee: HK$200/pair (We count a parent and a child • For parents and their children (aged 5 - 9). • Please arrive at 2:15 pm. as one pair. The fee is non-refundable.) • Participants will be asked to sit on the floor. Please Quota: 15 pairs remove your shoes before entering the centre.

Please fill and send the form to Oxfam Hong Kong, 17/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Oxfam Donor Activities – Reply Form Please write ‘Donor Activities’ on the envelope. For enquiries, please contact us by phone: HK: (852) 3120 5000 Fax: (852) 2590 6880 Macau toll free hotline: 0800 809 Fax: (853) 2875 7667

Full Name: Age: Occupation: Donor No. (if any):

Telephone (Day): (Night): Email:

Donor trip to Yunnan, China (25 - 30 June, 2018) Please tick Name of Participant: Age:

What do you expect from this trip?

We would like participants to record their observations during the trip and share them with other donors and possibly the general public. If you joined this trip, how would you share your experience?

Green future ‘food waste recovery’ parent-child workshop (21 July, 2018)

Name of Participant: Age: Name of Participant: Age:

Parent-child Exploration Activity (4 August, 2018)

13 Name of Participant: Age: Name of Participant: Age: