Date Method Conductor

26/03/1890 560 Plain Bob Major: (Handbell) H White

26/03/1890 504 Grandsire Triples: (Handbell) H White

29/03/1890 504 Stedman Triples: (Handbell) H White

06/04/1890 1260 Bob Triples H White

30/04/1890 658 Grandsire Triples H White

05/05/1890 1264 Bob Major: (Handbells) H White

14/05/1890 504 Grandsire Triples H White

14/05/1890 320 Grandsire Major H White

16/05/1890 742 Grandsire Triples H White

21/07/1890 720 Bob Minor with the tenor covering H White

21/07/1890 Grandsire Triples H White

03/09/1890 360 Grandsire Minor with 7-8 covering H White

03/09/1890 1260 Grandsire Triples: H White

24/08/1890 504 Grandsire Triples H White

23/11/1890 518 Grandsire Triples H White

23/11/1890 644 Grandsire Triples H White

21/01/1891 503 Grandsire Triples

21/01/1891 1050 Grandsire Triples H White

04/02/1891 1891 Grandsire Triples: (Date Touch) H White

02/10/1892 Grandsire Triples W H George

14/08/1895 504 Stedman Triples H White

18/09/1895 504 Stedman Triples H White

25/12/1895 720 Bob Minor with 7-8 covering H White

25/12/1895 504 Stedman Triples H White

25/12/1895 Bob Major

29/12/1895 464 Bob Major H White

01/01/1896 504 Grandsire Triples H. White

22/01/1896 504 Stedman Triples

23/01/1896 Grandsire Triples

10/05/1896 432 Bob Major F Hopgood

10/05/1896 420 Stedman Triples J George

10/05/1896 630 Grandsire Triples J George

17/06/1896 504 Stedman Triples H White 17/06/1896 504 Grandsire Triples H White

29/09/1896 1260 Stedman Triples H White

16/10/1896 1260 Grandsire Triples H White

19/05/1897 504 Grandsire Triples H White

19/05/1897 420 Grandsire Triples A Pye

07/07/1897 Grandsire Triples H White

09/01/1898 480 Stedman Triples

09/01/1898 504 Stedman Triples

09/01/1898 503 Grandsire Triples

16/01/1898 504 Stedman Triples

26/01/1898 576 Kent Treble Bob Major H White

26/01/1898 336 Stedman Triples

31/01/1898 420 Stedman Triples

22/06/1898 504 Stedman Triples H White

22/06/1898 350 Grandsire Triples H Lawes

31/07/1898 504 Stedman Triples H White

31/07/1898 504 Stedman Triples C Giles

31/07/1898 504 Grandsire Triples C Giles

08/10/1898 1280 Bob Major H White

08/10/1898 504 Grandsire triples: (Handbells)

09/10/1898 518 Stedman Triples

15/11/1898 Grandsire Triples J E Ballard

11/05/1899 658 Grandsire Triples H White

14/05/1899 447 Grandsire Triples H White

03/08/1899 504 Grandsire Triples

03/08/1899 504 Stedman Triples (failed)

16/08/1899 504 Grandsire Triples W H George

16/08/1899 504 Stedman Triples H White

16/08/1899 224 Bob Major H White

22/08/1899 504 Grandsire Triples

21/09/1899 Grandsire Triples H White

02/05/1900 Grandsire Triples H White

02/05/1900 377 Grandsire Triples H G Rowe

29/09/1900 Stedman Triples H White

30/09/1900 504 Stedman Triples C Giles 30/09/1900 504 Stedman Triples C Giles

1901 Grandsire Triples

24/09/1901 1260 Grandsire Triples H White

08/10/1901 Grandsire Triples J E Ballard

31/10/1901 Stedman Triples H White

08/06/1902 Grandsire Triples H White

08/06/1902 Grandsire Triples H White

21/11/1902 Grandsire Triples J F Baker

14/12/1902 504 Stedman Triples C F Winney

14/12/1902 461 Grandsire Triples C F Winney

05/02/1903 Grandsire Triples F Redgate

13/05/1903 Grandsire Triples F Redgate

29/09/1903 Grandsire Triples

03/10/1903 658 of Grandsire Triples

04/10/1903 616 Grandsire Triples

08/10/1903 Grandsire Triples

18/10/1904 504 Grandsire Triples F Redgate

04/06/1905 Grandsire Triples

04/06/1905 518 Grandsire Triples J E Ballard

17/09/1905 Grandsire Triples J Ward

19/11/1905 Grandsire Triples J Ward

22/01/1906 Grandsire Triples J Ward

24/01/1906 Grandsire Triples J Ward

16/09/1906 Grandsire Triples H White

23/09/1906 504 Stedman Triples H White

25/09/1906 504 Stedman Triples H White

30/09/1906 504 Grandsire Triples J Ward

14/03/1907 1260 Grandsire Triples H White

03/11/1908 1260 Grandsire Triples

08/11/1908 504 Stedman Triples

03/07/1910 504 Stedman Triples H White 710 Bob Minor: (Handbells) W Shepherd Stedman (Handbells) W Shepherd

13/04/1911 720 Bob Minor: (Handbells) H White

15/04/1911 Stedman Triples H White 16/04/1911 504 Grandsire Triples: (Handbells) H White

20/04/1911 1260 Grandsire Triples H White

23/04/1911 Grandsire Triples H White

22/06/1911 Grandsire Triples H White

01/10/1911 Stedman Triples H White

07/04/1912 Grandsire Triples H White

11/08/1912 1260 Stedman Triples F Bennett

12/10/1913 1260 Grandsire Triples J Ward

25/11/1913 Grandsire Triples

08/03/1914 504 Grandsire Triples H F White

08/03/1914 Stedman Triples and a 504 Grandsire Wm Lawrence

18/12/1915 Grandsire Triples

19/07/1919 Grandsire Triples J Ward

21/02/1932 1280 Plain Bob Major H Balaam

1934 1260 Stedman Triples H Balaam

19/09/1937 1260 Grandsire Triples C W Munday

29/09/1937 1260 Grandsire Triples C W Munday

24/10/1937 1260 Grandsire Triples C W Munday

11/11/1937 1260 Grandsire Triples C W Munday

16/01/1938 1260 Grandsire Triples F A Munday

09/03/1938 1280 Kent T B Major C W Munday

13/03/1938 1260 Stedman Triples C W Munday

23/03/1938 1344 P B Major C W Munday

26/05/1946 1260 Grandsire Triples David H Anstey

07/09/1946 1260 Grandsire Triples

31/03/1952 1260 Stedman Triples H Balaam

29/06/1952 1264 Plain Bob Major S Webb

20/07/1952 1260 Grandsire Triples R Story

29/03/1953 1260 Grandsire Triples Mr R Story

04/07/1953 1260 Grandsire Triples R Story

19/09/1954 1260 Grandsire Triples F F Gilbert

15/02/1956 1280 Plain Bob Major F Gilbert

29/09/1956 1280 Kent Treble Major E F Gilbert

03/11/1956 1260 Grandsire Triples F F Gilbert

02/12/1956 1260 Grandsire Triples R Story 20/04/1958 1260 Grandsire Triples H Balaam

15/11/1962 1260 Grandsire Triples P G Holmes

12/03/1963 1260 Grandsire Triples P G Holmes

25/05/1963 1260 Grandsire Triples J Chesterman

27/01/1965 1260 Grandsire Triples J Chesterman

06/05/1965 1260 Stedman Triples P N Tubbs

06/03/1966 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

29/09/1966 1264 Plain Bob Major H E Balaam

14/11/1966 1260 Grandsire Triples D R Reed

20/02/1967 1260 Plain Bob Minor D R Reed

21/04/1967 1260 Grandsire Triples H E Balaam

30/04/1967 1260 Grandsire Triples J Chesterman

09/09/1967 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

05/11/1967 1260 Stedman Triples H E Balaam

13/10/1968 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

01/07/1969 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

14/11/1969 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

30/04/1970 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

23/05/1970 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

19/09/1970 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

21/02/1971 1264 Plain Bob Major J R Pratchett

19/09/1971 1260 Stedman Triples R L Story

29/09/1971 1344 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

13/11/1971 1260 Grandsire Doubles J R Pratchett

21/04/1972 1260 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

03/05/1973 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

24/05/1973 1260 Stedman Triples J R Pratchett

09/09/1973 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

29/09/1973 1260 Grandsire Triples R C Wilson

11/11/1973 1260 Stedman Triples J R Pratchett

15/11/1973 1260 Stedman Triples J R Pratchett

04/08/1974 1260 Stedman Triples J Weaver

16/10/1974 1260 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

14/11/1974 1260 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

18/12/1974 1301 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett 08/02/1975 1260 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

10/05/1975 1260 Stedman Triples C H Kippin

28/09/1975 1260 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

14/11/1975 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

18/01/1976 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

01/04/1976 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

18/04/1976 1260 Stedman Triples J R Pratchett

29/09/1976 1344 Grandsire Triples P G Holmes

26/10/1976 1260 Grandsire Triples J R Pratchett

15/12/1976 1264 Plain Bob Major M G Palmer

26/12/1976 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

23/02/1977 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

24/04/1977 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

07/05/1977 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

20/11/1977 1260 Grandsire Triples

01/03/1978 1280 Kent T B Major A J Purkiss

07/03/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

19/03/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples N A Weaver

04/08/1978 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

27/08/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples R L Storey

09/09/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

24/09/1978 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

01/10/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples N A Weaver

14/11/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

25/11/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples N A Weaver

14/12/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

20/12/1978 1260 Grandsire Triples N A Weaver

28/01/1979 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

28/02/1979 1260 Grandsire Triples C M Walkau

15/04/1979 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

17/05/1979 1296 Little Bob Major A J Purkiss

19/05/1979 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

04/08/1979 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

23/08/1979 1280 Oxford T B Major R N Lawrence

05/09/1979 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss 18/09/1979 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

19/09/1979 1280 Kent T B Major A J Purkiss

28/09/1979 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Weaver

30/09/1979 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

12/12/1979 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

20/02/1980 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

30/03/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

04/05/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

08/05/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

20/07/1980 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

04/08/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

28/09/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

14/11/1980 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

23/11/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

06/12/1980 1260 Grandsire Triples L A Tremeer

09/01/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

22/02/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

24/02/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

07/03/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

17/04/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

21/04/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

29/07/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

29/09/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

04/10/1981 1280 Kent T B Major A J Purkiss

15/11/1981 1296 Little Bob Major A J Purkiss

28/11/1981 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

05/12/1981 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

05/02/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

19/02/1982 1260 Stedman Triples Keith J Walpole

04/04/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

09/04/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

21/07/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

28/08/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

29/08/1982 1296 Little Bob Major A J Purkiss

29/09/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss 18/12/1982 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

22/12/1982 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

24/12/1982 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

13/03/1983 1280 Plain Bob Major A J Purkiss

23/03/1983 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

07/08/1983 1260 Grandsire Triples N A Weaver

29/09/1983 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

02/10/1983 1344 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

16/10/1983 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

20/11/1983 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

27/11/1983 1280 Kent T B Major

18/12/1983 1260 Erin Triples A J Purkiss

07/01/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

08/01/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

07/03/1984 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

08/04/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

20/04/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

03/06/1984 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

21/07/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

16/09/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

21/10/1984 A J Purkiss

15/12/1984 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

27/01/1985 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

08/05/1985 1260 Erin Triples A J Purkiss

16/05/1985 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples A J Purkiss

16/06/1985 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

12/08/1985 1260 Stedman Triples A J Purkiss

15/08/1985 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples A J Purkiss

29/09/1985 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

05/12/1985 1260 Grandsire Triples R C Wilson

18/12/1985 1260 Oxford Bob Triples A J Purkiss

22/12/1985 1280 Plain Bob Major A J Purkiss

06/03/1986 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major M J Clay

25/04/1986 1260 Grandsire Triples M J Clay

03/05/1986 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss 18/06/1986 1260 Grandsire Triples B F Peachey

29/06/1986 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

23/07/1986 1260 Grandsire Triples A J Purkiss

06/12/1986 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

21/12/1986 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major M J Clay

11/01/1987 1392 Plain Bob Major Alan Hoar

02/02/1987 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

01/03/1987 1296 Spliced Plain & Little Bob Major M J Clay

04/03/1987 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

26/04/1987 1260 Grandsire Triples M J Clay

17/05/1987 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major M J Clay

24/05/1987 1392 Plain Bob Major Barbara A Foster

23/08/1987 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) M B Hough

09/09/1987 1260 Doubles (Stedman, Grandsire P.B.) Heather L E Peachey

29/09/1987 1280 Kent T B Major M Clay

12/10/1987 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Gwynneth A Jones

24/10/1987 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

28/02/1988 1280 Kent T B Major Gwynneth A Jones

12/05/1988 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

14/05/1988 1472 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) W J Couperthwaite

24/05/1988 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

09/06/1988 1344 Basingstoke Surprise Major T Arkless

31/07/1988 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

14/08/1988 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

04/09/1988 1264 Plain Bob Major T Arkless

22/09/1988 1296 Court Bob Major T Arkless

29/09/1988 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

16/10/1988 1264 Plain Bob Major Heather L E Peachey

22/10/1988 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (3m) M J Clay

06/11/1988 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

10/12/1988 1344 Little Bob Major B F Peachey

18/12/1988 1280 Kent T B Major M B Hough

29/01/1989 1280 Glasgow Surprise Major T Arkless

08/02/1989 1260 Oxford Bob Triples T Arkless

12/02/1989 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster 26/02/1989 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (4m) M B Hough

19/03/1989 1280 Glasgow Surprise Major T Arkless

24/03/1989 1260 Oxford Bob Triples T Arkless

09/04/1989 1280 Plain Bob Major Barbara A Foster

23/04/1989 1280 Rutland Surprise Major T Arkless

18/06/1989 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

24/06/1989 1264 Plain Bob Major R A Walsh

30/07/1989 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

06/08/1989 1260 Stedman Triples T Arkless

17/09/1989 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major T Arkless

28/09/1989 1280 London Surprise Major R H Burton

01/10/1989 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

19/11/1989 1280 Plain Bob Major T Arkless

03/12/1989 1280 Kent T B Major M B Hough

17/12/1989 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

21/01/1990 1280 Double Norwich C B Major T Arkless

25/02/1990 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (6m) T Arkless

28/02/1990 1260 Stedman Triples R H Burton

25/03/1990 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

01/04/1990 1260 Grandsire Triples T Arkless

25/05/1990 1280 Bristol Surprise Major P H Burton

08/07/1990 1280 London Surprise Major M B Hough

04/08/1990 1260 Grandsire Triples J Weaver

16/09/1990 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major R H Burton

14/10/1990 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) R H Burton

04/11/1990 1280 Plain Bob Major T Arkless

18/11/1990 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) T Arkless

21/02/1991 1259 Zelah Surprise Major M B Hough

24/02/1991 1260 Stedman Triples M B Hough

28/04/1991 1260 Grandsire Triples Sonia E Leonard

22/06/1991 1260 Grandsire Triples Sonia E Leonard

18/11/1991 1260 Grandsire Triples T Arkless

04/03/1992 1260 Stedman Triples M B Hough

22/09/1992 1260 Stedman Triples M B Hough

25/10/1992 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster 20/12/1992 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

21/02/1993 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

25/07/1993 1260 Grandsire Triples R C Kippin

14/11/1993 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

19/12/1993 1260 Grandsire Triples T Arkless

19/01/1994 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major M Pidd

23/01/1994 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major M J Clay

16/02/1994 1280 Rutland Surprise Major M J Turner

06/03/1994 1344 Plain Bob Major B D Constant

01/04/1994 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

24/04/1994 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

08/05/1994 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Pete Jordan

17/07/1994 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

16/10/1994 1260 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

23/10/1994 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

13/11/1994 1260 Grandsire Triples T Arkless

07/01/1995 1264 Plain Bob Major B D Constant

04/02/1995 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

19/02/1995 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

12/03/1995 1296 Plain Bob Major R A Walsh

26/03/1995 1288 Little Bob Major Keith J Walpole

02/04/1995 1344 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

14/04/1995 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

30/04/1995 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Barbara A Foster

07/05/1995 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

21/05/1995 1288 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

11/06/1995 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Keith J Walpole

17/06/1995 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

09/07/1995 1344 Original Minor M J Clay

30/07/1995 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major Pete Jordan

10/09/1995 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major T Arkless

01/10/1995 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

30/10/1995 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

05/11/1995 1260 Stedman Triples Keith J Walpole

10/03/1996 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster 05/04/1996 1288 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

09/07/1996 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

21/07/1996 1250 Glasgow Surprise Major M J Clay

17/08/1996 1279 Grandsire Major A Wood

08/09/1996 1280 Double Norwich C B Major Keith J Walpole

30/09/1996 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

01/12/1996 1264 Plain Bob Major Keith J Walpole

08/12/1996 1260 Stedman Triples Keith J Walpole

22/12/1996 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Barbara A Foster

26/01/1997 1280 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan

28/03/1997 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

04/05/1997 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Keith J Walpole

05/09/1997 1260 Plain Bob Minor B D Constant

07/09/1997 1260 Stedman Triples Keith J Walpole

09/11/1997 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

21/12/1997 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

25/01/1998 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Barbara A Foster

15/02/1998 1296 Little Bob Major Pete Jordan

25/02/1998 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

28/02/1998 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

29/03/1998 1260 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster

10/04/1998 1260 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

26/04/1998 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

27/09/1998 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

08/11/1998 1301 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

28/02/1999 1250 Superlative Surprise Major B D Constant

02/04/1999 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

06/04/1999 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

01/05/1999 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major Barry D Pointer

16/05/1999 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

13/06/1999 1344 Spliced Surprise Major (6m C,Y,N,R,P,S) B D Constant

11/07/1999 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

25/07/1999 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major Pete Jordan

26/09/1999 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major B D Constant

10/10/1999 1296 Stedman Triples Barbara A Foster 07/11/1999 1260 Stedman Triples Keith J Walpole

12/12/1999 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

19/12/1999 1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

31/12/1999 1999 Cambridge Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

30/01/2000 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

27/02/2000 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

12/03/2000 1280 Rutland Surprise Major B D Constant

16/04/2000 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Pete Jordan

21/04/2000 1260 Stedman Triples B D Constant

07/05/2000 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

21/05/2000 1314 Bristol Surprise Major B D Constant

18/06/2000 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan

25/06/2000 1260 Stedman Triples Keith J Walpole

02/07/2000 1260 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

29/07/2000 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major B D Constant

04/08/2000 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Keith J Walpole

17/09/2000 1328 Spliced Plain and Little Bob Major Keith J Walpole

14/10/2000 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

29/10/2000 1260 Plain Bob Triples Keith J Walpole

12/11/2000 1260 St Clements Triples Keith J Walpole

31/12/2000 2000 Cambridge Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

14/01/2001 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

28/01/2001 1260 Double Oxford Bob Triples Keith J Walpole

18/03/2001 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

25/03/2001 1280 Kent TB Major Keith J Walpole

20/05/2001 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major B D Constant

26/05/2001 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

10/06/2001 1296 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan

07/07/2001 1288 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

16/09/2001 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

11/11/2001 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

01/12/2001 1280 Bristol Surprise Major Keith J Walpole

12/12/2001 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor Pete Jordan

23/12/2001 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

13/02/2002 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 04/03/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

24/03/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith J Walpole

09/04/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

16/04/2002 1250 Rutland Surprise Major B D Constant

24/04/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Barbara A Foster

02/06/2002 1260 Minor (552 Double Oxford, 720 St Clements) Pete Jordan

09/06/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

23/06/2002 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

07/07/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

18/08/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

10/10/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith Walpole

26/10/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

01/12/2002 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith Walpole

02/03/2003 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major B D Constant

05/03/2003 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

13/04/2003 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith Walpole

19/04/2003 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

22/06/2003 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major

23/07/2003 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

28/09/2003 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major Pete Jordan

05/10/2003 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

09/11/2003 1260 Stedman Triples Keith Walpole

14/12/2003 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

20/03/2004 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

09/04/2004 1260 Stedman Triples Robin Walker

16/05/2004 1260 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

23/05/2004 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

06/06/2004 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Keith Walpole

26/06/2004 1260 Grandsire Triples Angela Athawes

04/07/2004 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

11/07/2004 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Pete Jordan

14/08/2004 1344 Grandsire Triples Angela Athawes

19/09/2004 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

26/09/2004 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major Keith Walpole

13/11/2004 1280 Bristol Surprise Major B D Constant 14/11/2004 1260 Grandsire Triples B D Constant

05/12/2004 1260 Oxford Bob Triples

19/12/2004 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan

09/01/2005 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major B D Constant

21/01/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

06/03/2005 1280 Rutland Surprise Major Keith Walpole

08/04/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

10/04/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

30/04/2005 1260 Stedman Triples Keith Walpole

06/06/2005 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan

03/07/2005 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major Keith Walpole

10/07/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

18/09/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

23/10/2005 1260 Yorkshire Surprise Major B D Constant

13/11/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

18/12/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

21/12/2005 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

01/01/2006 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

29/01/2006 1280 Rutland Surprise Major Keith Walpole

19/03/2006 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

09/04/2006 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

14/04/2006 1260 Stedman Triples Keith Walpole

16/04/2006 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Ian Rees

21/05/2006 1274 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

25/05/2006 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

04/06/2006 1260 Plain Bob Triples Ian Rees

11/06/2006 1260 Erin Triples Keith Walpole

13/08/2006 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

17/09/2006 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

01/10/2006 1260 Grandsire Triples Keith Walpole

08/10/2006 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major Ian Rees

17/12/2006 1260 Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles Ian Rees

21/01/2007 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major Pete Jordan

28/01/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

11/02/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees 25/02/2007 1260 Stedman Triples Keith Walpole

25/03/2007 1260 Plain Bob Triples Ian Rees

16/06/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

24/06/2007 1264 Plain Bob Major Ian Rees

08/07/2007 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

25/07/2007 1260 St Simons Bob Triples Chris Kippin

05/08/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

29/09/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

07/10/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

14/10/2007 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

28/10/2007 1260 Plain Bob Triples Ian Rees

30/12/2007 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan

20/01/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

24/02/2008 1260 St Simons Bob Triples Pete Jordan

21/03/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

23/03/2008 1274 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

04/05/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

11/05/2008 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major B D Constant

08/06/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

21/06/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

06/07/2008 1260 Plain Bob Minor Ian Rees

31/08/2008 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Pete Jordan

27/09/2008 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor Pete Jordan

28/09/2008 1264 Plain Bob Major Ian Rees

12/10/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

09/11/2008 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

11/01/2009 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

17/01/2009 800 Cambridge Surprise Major Pete Jordan

22/02/2009 1260 Plain Bob Triples Ian Rees

08/03/2009 1296 Little Bob Major Pete Jordan

22/03/2009 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

10/04/2009 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

25/04/2009 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

02/05/2009 1288 Plain Bob Triples B D Constant

24/05/2009 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 14/06/2009 1260 Grandsire Triples Ian Rees

27/06/2009 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan

26/07/2009 1260 Plain Bob Triples B D Constant

27/09/2009 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Pete Jordan

11/10/2009 1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor Lynne Jordan

08/11/2009 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

12/12/2009 1280 6 Spiced Surprise Major (R,C,Y,P,L,S) Ian Hunt

20/12/2009 1260 St Simons Triples Pete Jordan

31/01/2010 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

03/02/2010 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor Pete Jordan

14/02/2010 1264 Plain Bob Major Ian Rees

14/03/2010 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

02/04/2010 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

09/05/2010 1260 Plain Bob Minor Greg Jordan

23/05/2010 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

13/06/2010 1260 St Simons Bob Triples Pete Jordan

25/06/2010 1320 Tulip Delight Minor Pete Jordan

27/06/2010 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan

31/07/2010 1312 Yorkshire Surprise Major Pete Jordan

25/09/2010 1260 St Simons Bob Triples Pete Jordan

03/10/2010 1260 Doubles (240 each Stedman, St Simons, Plain Bob, Greg Jordan St Martins, 300 Grandsire)

24/10/2010 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor Jon Soar

10/11/2010 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

09/01/2011 1260 Doubles (1200 St Nicholas, 60 Plain Bob) Greg Jordan

30/01/2011 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan

27/02/2011 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

13/03/2011 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor Lynne Jordan

27/03/2011 1260 Plan Bob Triples Jon Soar

22/04/2011 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

29/04/2011 1260 St Simons Bob Triples Greg Jordan

08/05/2011 1264 Plain Bob Major B D Constant

22/05/2011 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

12/06/2011 1280 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan

26/06/2011 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan

24/07/2011 1260 Plain Bob Triples Jon Soar 28/08/2011 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan

11/09/2011 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Lynne Jordan

23/10/2011 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar

11/12/2011 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan

18/12/2011 1260 St Nicholas Triples Pete Jordan

08/01/2012 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan

12/02/2012 1280 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan

26/02/2012 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan

06/04/2012 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan

22/04/2012 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan

27/05/2012 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Pete Jordan

03/06/2012 1320 Jubilee Delight Minor Greg Jordan

08/07/2012 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan

29/07/2012 1296 Little Bob Major Pete Jordan

26/08/2012 1260 St Simons Bob Triples Greg Jordan

09/09/2012 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor B D Constant

14/10/2012 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar 11/11/2012 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 23/12/2012 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 13/01/2013 1260 St Simon’s Bob Triples Pete Jordan 10/03/2013 1260 Plain Bob Minor Alan Barsby 29/03/2013 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 14/04/2013 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Pete Jordan 12/05/2013 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 02/06/2013 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 09/06/2013 1272 Cambridge S. Minor Pete Jordan 30/06/2013 1260 Plain Bob Minor Lynne Jordan 21/07/2013 70 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan 24/07/2013 1260 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan 11/08/2013 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 14/09/2013 1843 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan 29/09/2013 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 23/10/2013 1269 Cambridge S Minor Pete Jordan 10/11/2013 1260 Doubles (5 m/v) 480 Grandsire, 240 Plain Bob, 240 Pete Jordan St Simons, 240 St Martins, 60 Stedman 22/12/2013 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 12/01/2014 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 26/01/2014 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 09/02/2014 1288 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 23/02/2014 1274 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 01/03/2014 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Pete Jordan 23/03/2014 1260 Grandsire Triples Alan Hoar 13/04/2014 1260 Plain Bob Triples Greg Jordan 18/04/2014 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 03/05/2014 1280 Basingstoke Surprise Major Pete Jordan 08/06/2014 1264 Little Bob Minor Pete Jordan 16/06/2013 1310 Superlative Surprise Major Paul Flavell 13/07/2014 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 20/07/2014 1250 Jordan S Major Pete Jordan 04/08/2014 1914 2 spliced (Grandsire doubles and Plain Bob Major) Pete Jordan 10/08/2014 1288 Plain Bob Triples Greg Jordan 30/08/2014 1260 Eynesbury Bob Triples Jonathan Waller 14/09/2014 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Greg Jordan 28/09/2014 1320 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 12/10/2014 1264 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan 26/10/2014 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 07/11/2014 1344 Birthday Delight Major Greg Jordan 09/11/2014 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 23/11/2014 1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor Pete Jordan 14/12/2014 1344 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 21/12/2014 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 28/12/2014 1260 Plain Bob Triples Greg Jordan 02/01/2015 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Pete Jordan 11/01/2015 1320 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 25/01/2015 1301 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 08/02/2015 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan 22/02/2015 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 22/03/2015 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 25/03/2015 120 St Martins Doubles 29/03/2015 1485 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 03/04/2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 12/04/2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples Greg Jordan 25/04/2015 1260 St Simon Bob Triples Simon W Edwards 26/04/2015 1260 St Clements College Bob Minor Pete Jordan 03/05/2015 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 10/05/2015 1260 Doubles (6 M/V) 60 Stedman & 240 each Plain Pete Jordan Bob, St Martins, St Simons, Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire. 14/06/2015 800 Call Changes Jon Soar 14/06/2015 1330 St Simon's Bob Triples Greg Jordan 17/07/2015 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Pete Jordan 26/07/2015 1320 Plain Bob Minor Greg Jordan 16/08/2015 1280 Plain Bob Major Lynne Jordan 23/08/2015 1250 Spliced Surprise Major (4 Methods) Benjamin D Constant 30/08/2015 1288 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 09/09/2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 09/09/2015 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Greg Jordan 13/09/2015 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 16/09/2015 169 Grandsire Doubles Pete Jordan 27/09/2015 1320 London Surprise Minor Greg Jordan 11/10/2015 1296 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan 07/11/2015 1250 Rutland Surprise Major Greg Jordan 08/11/2015 1273 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 22/11/2015 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 12/12/2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 20/12/2015 1296 Little Bob Major Greg Jordan 22/12/2015 1273 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 23/01/2016 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Greg Jordan 07/02/2016 1260 Stedman Triples Pete Jordan 21/02/2016 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Greg Jordan 06/03/2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 19/03/2016 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Greg Jordan 25/03/2016 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 09/04/2016 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 17/04/2016 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 21/04/2016 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Greg Jordan 24/04/2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 30/04/2015 1296 Real Double Bob Major Alan D Pink 12/06/2016 1290 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan 12/06/2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 19/06/2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 26/06/2016 1260 Doubles (2m) 540 plain bob, 720 Grandsire Greg Jordan 17/07/2016 1344 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 03/09/2016 1288 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 11/09/2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 17/09/2016 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Alan D Pink 18/09/2016 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Greg Jordan 02/10/2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 16/10/2016 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 30/10/2016 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Greg Jordan 05/11/2016 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major Greg Jordan 20/11/2016 1312 Plain Bob Major Greg Jordan 07/12/2016 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Pete Jordan 18/12/2016 1301 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 24/12/2016 20 mins of Call Changes, 60 on 3rds Jon Soar 24/12/2016 20 mins of Call Changes, 60 on 3rds Steve Lutener 08/01/2017 1296 Plain Bob Major Greg Jordan 01/03/2017 1260 Grandsire Doubles Pete Jordan 19/03/2017 1344 Plain Bob Major Greg Jordan 09/04/2017 1287 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 14/04/2017 1302 Single Oxford Bob Triples Pete Jordan 29/04/2017 1296 Plain Bob Major Roy LeMarechal 21/05/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 27/05/2017 1260 Stedman Triples Greg Jordan 04/06/2017 1315 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 18/06/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 25/06/2017 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 02/07/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 16/07/2017 1260 Plain Bob Triples Greg Jordan 06/08/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 20/08/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 17/09/2017 1260 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan 23/09/2017 1296 Spliced Surprise Minor, London & Cambridge Greg Jordan 04/10/2017 80 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan 29/10/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Pete Jordan 12/11/2017 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 19/11/2017 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Greg Jordan 10/12/2017 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Greg Jordan 17/12/2017 1273 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 22/12/2017 1264 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan 30/12/2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Mike Pidd 21/01/2018 1280 Plain Bob Major Pete Jordan 06/02/2018 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Lynne Jordan 24/02/2018 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Pete Jordan 11/03/2018 1260 Plain Bob Minor Lynne Jordan 30/03/2018 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 15/04/2018 1274 St Simon's Bob Triples Greg Jordan 06/05/2018 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Greg Jordan 20/05/2018 1298 Cambridge Surprise Minor Greg Jordan 05/08/2018 1277 Stedman Triples Greg Jordan 19/08/2018 1260 Mixed Doubles (3m/1p) 60 Stedman, 3x 120 St. Greg Jordan Simons Bob, 3x 120 St. Martins Bob, 1x 480 Plain Bob 02/09/2018 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 16/09/2018 1260 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 07/10/2018 1274 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 21/10/2018 1312 Cambridge Surprise Major Greg Jordan 04/11/2018 1279 Grandsire Doubles Greg Jordan 11/11/2018 320 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 18/11/2018 1260 Plain Bob Triples Pete Jordan 16/12/2018 1287 Grandsire Triples Greg Jordan 21/12/2018 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan

Wednesday, 26th March 1890 560 Plain Bob Major: (Handbell) W Leavey 1, F Wilson 2, W Bulpitt 3, S Powell 4, J Ballard 5, T Curtis 6, H White (C) 7-8. First touch of Bob Major for all the band except the conductor. Source: Bell News, 12th April 12th 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 26th March 1890 504 Grandsire Triples: (Handbell) A Knight 1, F Wilson 2, J Ballard 3, T Page 4, H White (C) 5-6, T Curtis 7-8. Source: Bell News, 12th April 12th 1890. --000-- Saturday, 29th March 1890 504 Stedman Triples: (Handbell) F Wilson 1, J Ballard 2, S Powell 3, T Curtis 4, H White (C) 5-6, W Bulpitt 7-8. First touch of Stedman Triples for all the band except the conductor. Source: Bell News, 12th April 12th 1890. --000-- Sunday, 6th April 1890 1260 Bob Triples: S Powell 1, F Wilson 2, T Curtis 3, W Bulpitt 4, J Ballard 5, F Bennett 6, H White (C) 7, W Hatten 8. In 44 minutes. First quarter peal of Bob Triples by all except F Bennett. For Divine Service in the evening at St Michael’s Church. Source: Bell News, 12th April 12th 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 30th April 1890 658 Grandsire Triples: T Curtis 1, F Wilson 2, W Bulpitt 3, Rev’d C Buston 4, J Ballard 5, J R Higgens 6, H White (C) 7, W Hatten 8. 1st touch of Triples – 4. Source: Bell News, 17th May 1890. --000-- Monday, 5th May 1890 1264 Bob Major: (Handbells) W Leavey 1, S Powell 2, J Ballard 3, F Wilson 4, W Bulpitt 5, T Curtis 6, H White (C) 7-8. In 37minutes. It was intended to attempt a peal of Bob Major, but meeting too late the above was rung instead. Longest Touch – 1. Source: Bell News, 17th May 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 14th May 1890 504 Grandsire Triples: F Wilson 1, Rev’d H Jacob 2, Rev’d F Buston 3, S Powell 4, W Bulpitt 5, J R Higgens 6, H White (C) 7, T Curtis 8. Source: Bell News, 31st May 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 14th May 1890 320 Grandsire Major: Rev’d H Jacob 1, F Wilson 2, W Bulpitt 3, S Powell 4, J Ballard 5, T Curtis 6, J Higgens 7, H White (C) 8. Source: Bell News, 31st May 1890. --000-- Thursday, 16th May 1890 742 Grandsire Triples: W Bulpitt 1, F Wilson 2, Rev’d H Jacob 3, S Powell 4, J Ballard 5, J R Higgens 6, G Gasson 7, H White (C) 8. For Ascension Day. The Rev’d H Jacob hails from Kidlington, Oxon. Source: Bell News, 31st May 1890. --000-- Monday, 21st July 1890 720 Bob Minor with the tenor covering. F Wilson 1, J Ballard 3, 5 Powell 4, W Bulpitt 5, T Curtis 6, H White (C) 7, A Knight 8. Source: Bell News, 26th July 1890. --000-- Monday, 21st July 1890 Grandsire Triples: S Powell 1, T Curtis 2, W Bulpitt 3, F Wilson 4, J Ballard 5, H White (C) 6, G Gasson 7, A Knight 8. In 43 minutes. The above was rung in honour of the marriage of Mr R B Franklin, a former member of the local band. Source: Bell News, 26th July 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 3rd September 1890 360 Grandsire Minor with 7-8 covering: W Leavey 1, J Ballard 2, S Powell 3, Rev’d C Buston 4, T Curtis 5, H White (C) 6. Source: Bell News, 13th September 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 3rd September 1890 1260 Grandsire Triples: T Page 1, F Wilson 2, S Powell 3, Rev’d C Buston 4, J Ballard 5, T Curtis 6, H White (C) 7, A Knight 8. In 43 minutes. 1st Quarter Peal – 4. Source: Bell News, 13th September 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 24th September 1890 504 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey 1, S Powell 2, J Ballard 3, T Page 4, F Wilson 5, T Curtis 6, H White (C) 7, A Knight 8. For practice. First touch of triples – 1. First 500 with a bob bell – 4. Source: Bell News, 4th October 1890. --000-- Sunday, 23rd November 1890 518 Grandsire Triples: T Page 1, S Powell 2, F Wilson 3, J Ballard 4, T Curtis 5, J Higgens 6, H White (C) 7, W Hatten 8. For morning Divine Service on the occasion of the Mayor’s attending Divine Service. Source: Bell News, 6th December 1890. --000-- Sunday, 23rd November 1890 644 Grandsire Triples: T Page 1, T Curtis 2, F Wilson 3, S Powell 4, J Ballard 5, H White (C) 6, G Gasson 7, W Woods 8. After morning service. Source: Bell News, 6th December 1890. --000-- Wednesday, 21st January 1891 503 Grandsire Triples: T Page 1, T Curtis 2, J Ballard 3, F Wilson 4, S Powell 5, H White 6, J W Whiting 7, A Knight 8. Source: Bell News, 7th February 1891. --000-- Wednesday, 21st January 1891 1050 Grandsire Triples: being three leads in addition to the fifth part of the Rev’d C D P Davies five part peal. T Page 1, T Curtis 2, F Wilson 3, S Powell 4, J Ballard 5, H White (C) 6, J W Whiting 7, A Knight 8. J W Whiting hails from Fareham. Source: Bell News, 7th February 1891. --000-- Wednesday, 4th February 1891 1891 Grandsire Triples: (Date Touch) W Leavey 1, T Curtis 2, F Wilson 3, S Powell 4, H White (C) 5, J R Higgens 6, J Ballard 7, A Knight 8. In one hour 1 minute. Composed by Ellis Nuttall of Rawtenstall. Longest touch – 1. Rung as a farewell touch to S Powell, who is leaving the town. Source: Bell News, 21st February 1891. --000-- Sunday, 2nd October 1892 Grandsire Triples: T Curtis 1, J Ballard 2, F Wilson 3, T Groves 4, J W Whiting 5, H White 6, W H George (C) 7, A Knight 8. In 43 minutes. For Divine Service on the occasion of the Harvest Festival. T Groves and WH George hail from Eastleigh; Whiting from Fareham. Source: Bell News, Saturday 8th October 1892. --000-- Wednesday, 14th August 1895 504 Stedman Triples: H Lawes 1, T Curtis 2, J Ballard 3, C Hansford 4, F Wilson 5, F Hopgood 6, H White (C) 7, A Knight 8. Two more 504s Stedman Triples with J Higgens ringing the Tenor. Source: Guild Report, 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 18th September 1895 504 Stedman Triples: H Lawes 1, C Holdaway 2, H White (C) 3, C Hansford 4, F Wilson 5, T Curtis 6, J Ballard 7, A Knight 8. First 500 in the method by the local band. Source: Guild Report 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 25th December 1895 720 Bob Minor with 7-8 covering: Alice White 1, C Holdaway 2, F Wilson 3, H. Lawes 4, C Hansford 5, H White (C) 6, A Knight 7, W Coldrey 8. On Christmas Morning for early service. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 8th February 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 25th December 1895 504 Stedman Triples; H Lawes 1, T Curtis 2, J Ballard 3, C Hansford 4, W Bulpitt 5, F Bennett 6, H White (C) 7, W Coldrey 8. For evening service. See also below. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 8th February 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 25th December 1895 Bob Major: T Curtis 1, C Holdaway 2, H Lawes 3, C Hansford 4, W Bulpitt 5, JR Higgens 6, F Bennett 7, H White 8. For evening service (see also above). Source: Bell News, Saturday, 8th February 1896. --000-- Sunday, 29th December 1895 464 Bob Major: H Lawes 1, C Holdaway 2, T Curtis 3, C Hansford 4, F Wilson 5, J R Higgens 6, J E Ballard 7. H White (C) 8. Evening, for Divine Service. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 8th February 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 1st January 1896 504 Grandsire Triples: T. Curtis 1, C. Holdaway 2, J.E Ballard 3, C F Hansford 4, F C Wilson 5, J.R. Higgens 6, H. White (C) 7, A. Knight 8. In the early morning. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 8th February 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 22nd January 1896 504 Stedman Triples: For Practice. Source: Guild Report 1896. --000-- Thursday, 23rd January 1896 Grandsire Triples with the bells half muffled. Source: Guild Report 1896. --000-- Sunday, 10th May 1896 432 Bob Major: H White 1, H Lawes 2, C Stone 3, C Hansford 4, T Curtis 5, J R Higgins 6, J George 7, F Hopgood (C) 8. For Morning Service. Source: Bell News, 23rd May 1896. --000-- Sunday, 10th May 1896 420 Stedman Triples: T Curtis 1, C Holdaway 2, H Lawes 3, H White 4, F Hopgood 5, C Stone 6, J George (C) 7, J E Ballard 8. For Afternoon Service. Source: Bell News, 23rd May 1896. --000-- Sunday, 10th May 1896 630 Grandsire Triples: Alice White 1, C Holdaway 2, H White 3, T Curtis 4, J George (Composer and C) 5, F Hopgood 6, JF Ballard 7, W Coldrey 8. For Evening Service. Source: Bell News, 23rd May 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 17th June 1896 504 Stedman Triples: Alice White 1, C Holdaway 2, T Curtis 3, C Hansford 4, F Wilson 5, J Ballard 6, H White (C) 7, W Coldrey 8 For practice. Source: Guild Report 1897 --000-- Wednesday, 17th June 1896 504 Grandsire Triples: E Sutton 1, Alice White 2, H White (C) 3, C Holdaway 4, F Wilson 5, T Curtis 6, J Ballard 7, W Coldrey 8. Source: Guild Report 1897. --000-- Tuesday, 29th September 1896 1260 Stedman Triples: Alice White 1, H Tucker 2, T Curtis 3, C Giles 4, F Wilson 5, J Tucker 6, H White (C) 7, J Ballard 8. In forty two minutes. First quarter peal in the method on the bells. 1st quarter in the method – 1, 3, 5, 6. 1st quarter in the method as Conductor – 7. After an unsuccessful attempt for a peal of Grandsire Triples. Messrs. Tucker (2) and Giles hail from Reading; the rest belong to the local band. Source: Campanology, Wednesday October 7th, 1896. --000-- Friday, 16th October 1896 1260 Grandsire Triples: C Holdaway 1, Alice White 2, Harry Lawes 3, C F Hansford 4, T. Curtis 5, J E Ballard 6, H White (C) 7, A Knight 8. In 47 ½ minutes. With the bells deeply muffled in memory of the late . 1st quarter in the method with a bob bell – 2. Source: Campanology, Wednesday 28th October 1896. --000-- Wednesday, 19th May 1897 504 Grandsire Triples: F Sutton 1; Mice White 2, C Holdaway 3, F Wilson 4, H Lawes 5, A Pye 6, H White (C) 7, F Eatwell 8. Source: Bell News, Saturday 12th June 1897. --000-- Wednesday, 19th May 1897 420 Grandsire Triples: E Sutton 1, C Holdaway 2, H Lawes 3, J Ballard 4, F Wilson 5, A Pye (C) 6, H White 7, F Eatwell 8. Messrs Pye and Eatwell hail from Mortimer. Source: Bell News, Saturday 12th June 1897. --000-- Wednesday, 7th July 1897 Grandsire Triples: Ellen Dora White 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, W Horne 4, A Pye 5, F Wilson 6, H White (C) 7, E Sutton 8. 1st quarter peal – 4. For practice. W Horne hails from Beenham, A Pye from Mortimer. Source: Bell News, Saturday 17th July 1897. --000-- Sunday, 9th January 1898 480 Stedman Triples: Mice White 1, C Holdaway 2, H Lawes 3, C F Hansford 4, E J Heathorn 5, T Curtis 6, H White 7, A Knight 8. For morning service. E J Heathorn hails from Woolston, Southampton. Source: Bell News, 26th February 1898. --000-- Sunday, 9th January 1898 504 Stedman Triples: F Wilson 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, C F Hansford 4, E J Heathorn 5, T Curtis 6, H White 7, A Knight 8. For afternoon service. Source: Bell News, 26th February 1898. --000-- Sunday, 9th January 1898 503 Grandsire Triples: R E Sutton 1, Alice White 2, T Curtis 3, C F Hansford 4, E J Heathorn 5, J F Ballard 6, H White 7, J R Higgens 8. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 26th February 1898. --000-- Sunday, 16th January 1898 504 Stedman Triples: Alice White 1, H Lawes 2, T Curtis 3, C F Hansford 4, C Holdaway 5, F Wilson 6, H White 7, A Knight 8. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 26th February 1898. --000-- Wednesday, 26th January 1898 576 Kent Treble Bob Major. Alice White 1, C Holdaway 2, H Lawes 3, C F Hansford 4, F Wilson 5, T Curtis 6, J Ballard 7, H White (C) 8. First touch in the method for the local band. For practice. Source: Church Bells, 12th March 1898. --000-- Wednesday, 26th January 1898 336 Stedman Triples: T Curtis 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, C F Hansford 4, F Wilson 5, J Ballard 6, H White 7, A Martin 8. For practice. Source: Church Bells, 12th March 1898. --000-- Sunday, 31st January 1898 420 Stedman Triples: E Sutton 1, Alice White 2, H Lawes 3, C Holdaway 4, C F Hansford 5, J Ballard 6, H White 7, A Martin 8. Afternoon for Divine service. Source: Church Bells, 12th March 1898. --000-- Wednesday, 22nd June 1898 504 Stedman Triples: Dora White 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, E Sutton 4, H Lawes 5, F Wilson 6, H White (C) 7, G Martin 8. For practice. Source: Bell News, 16th July 1898. --000-- Wednesday, 22nd June 1898 350 Grandsire Triples: A Knight 1, Alice White 2, H Lawes (C) 3, C Holdaway 4, F Wilson 5, E Sutton 6, H White 7, F Redgate 8. For practice. Source: Bell News, 16th July 1898. --000-- Sunday, 31st July 1898 504 Stedman Triples: T Curtis 1, Alice White 2, F Bennett 3, E Sutton 4, J Ballard 5, C Giles 6, H White (C) 7, G Martin 8. For morning Divine Service. Source: Bell News, 13th August 1898. --000-- Sunday, 31st July 1898 504 Stedman Triples: T Curtis 1, H Lawes 2, C Holdaway 3, E Sutton 4, F Bennett 5, C Giles (C) 6, H White 7, A Knight 8. For afternoon service. Source: Bell News, 13th August 1898. --000-- Sunday, 31st July 1898 504 Grandsire Triples: C Giles (C) 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, H Lawes 4, T Curtis 5, J R Higgens 6, H White 7, F Redgate 8. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 13th August 1898. --000-- Saturday 8th October 1898 1280 Bob Major: Dora White 1, Alice White 2, H Tucker 3, E Bruce 4, A E Reeves 5, C Giles 6, H White (C) 7, J Tucker 8. This was rung after an unsuccessful attempt for a peal of Stedman Triples which was lost through the stranding of the tenor rope. Source: Bell News, 15th October 1898. --000-- Saturday 8th October 1898 504 Grandsire triples: (Handbells). A E Reeves 1-2, H White 3-4, C Giles 5-6, J Tucker 7-8. Source: Bell News, 15th October 1898. --000-- Sunday, 9th October 1898 518 Stedman Triples: Dora White 1, Alice White 2, E R Sutton 3, H Lawes 4, C Giles 5, J E Ballard 6, H White 7, F Redgate 8. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 15th October 1898. --000-- Tuesday, 15th November 1898 Grandsire Triples: Dora White 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, H Lawes 4, R E Sutton 5, H White 6, J E Ballard (C) 7, A Knight 8. In 42 minutes. 1st Quarter Peal as Conductor – 7. On the occasion of the marriage of Miss Emily Louisa - second daughter of Mr J Wheeler of Basingstoke and Mr W W Dipstale of Wandsworth. Source: Bell News, 26th November 1898. --000-- Thursday, 11th May 1899 658 Grandsire Triples: H White (C) 1, Dora White 2, Alice White 3, E R Sutton 4, G Holdaway 5, G Gasson 6, J E Ballard 7, G Martin 8. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 20th May 1899. --000-- Sunday, 14th May 1899 447 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey 1, Alice White 2, Dora White 3, E R Sutton 4, C Holdaway 5, H Lawes 6, H White (C) 7, F Redgate 8. For Divine Service. Source: Bell News, 20th May 1899. --000-- Thursday, 3rd August 1899 504 Grandsire Triples: C Holdaway 1, Dora White 2, Alice White 3, Rev M Kelly 4, H Lawes 5, J E Ballard 6, H White 7, F Redgate 8. Source: Bell News, 26th August 1899. --000-- Thursday, 3rd August 1899 504 Stedman Triples (failed): Dora White 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, Rev’d M Kelly 4, H Lawes 5, J E Ballard 6, H White 7, F Redgate 8. This Quarter Peal was attempted but was lost in the last course. The Rev’d Maitland Kelly for whom this was arranged hails from Ottery St Mary, Devonshire. Source: Bell News, 26th August 1899. --000-- Wednesday 16th August 1899 504 Grandsire Triples: H White 1, Dora White 2, Alice White 3, W T Tucker 4, J E Ballard 5, C Holdaway 6, W H George (C) 7, F Redgate 8. For practice. Source: Bell News, 26th August 1899. --000-- Wednesday 16th August 1899 504 Stedman Triples: Dora White 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, E R Sutton 4, J E Ballard 5, W H George 6, H White (C) 7, F Redgate 8. For practice. Source: Bell News, 26th August 1899. --000-- Wednesday 16th August 1899 224 Bob Major: Dora White 1, Alice White 2, C Holdaway 3, W T Tucker 4 F Wilson 5, J E Ballard 6, W H George 7, H White (C) 8. First touch of Major - 4. Source: Bell News, 26th August 1899. --000-- Tuesday 22nd August 1899 504 Grandsire Triples: E R Sutton 1, Dora White 2, Mice White 3, Rev’d F Knight 4, C Holdaway 5, J E Ballard 6, H White 7, F Redgate 8. The Rev’d F Knight hails from Ottery St Mary, Devon. Source: Bell News, 2nd September 1899. --000-- Thursday, 21st September 1899 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey 1, Dora White 2, Alice White 3, H Lawes 4, G Gasson 5, J E Ballard 6, H White (C) 7, F Redgate (Composer) 8. In 42 minutes. Rung in honour of the marriage of Mr R Gregory of West Ham, Basingstoke, with Miss E Rogers of Wells, Norfolk which was solomnised at Christ Church, Teddington, on that day. Source: Guild Report 1900. --000-- Wednesday, 2nd May 1900 Grandsire Triples taken from Holt's Original: A Knight 1, H White (C) 2, Dora White 3, G Hammond 4, F Wilson 5, H G Rowe 6, J E Ballard 7, F Redgate 8. Source: Guild Report 1901. --000-- Wednesday, 2nd May 1900 377 Grandsire Triples: F Mills 1, Dora White 2, C Holdaway 3, G Hammond 4, F Wilson 5, J E Ballard 6, H G Rowe (C) 7, H White 8. Source: Guild Report 1901. --000-- Saturday, 29th September 1900 Stedman Triples Dora White 1, Alice White 2, H White (C) 3, Alfred E Reeves 4, J E Ballard 5, C R Lilley 6, C Giles 7, J W Whiting 8. In 40 Minutes. Source: Bell News, 6th October 1900. --000-- Sunday 30th September 1900 504 Stedman Triples. Alice White 1, Dora White 2, C Giles (C) 3, J Ballard 4, W Bulpitt 5, Alfred E Reeves 6, C R Lilley 7, G Martin 8. For morning Divine Service. Source: Bell News, 6th October 1900. --000-- Sunday 30th September 1900 504 Stedman Triples. Alice White 1, Dora White 2, C Holdaway 3, Alfred E Reeves 4, F G Wilson 5, C R Lilley 6, C Giles (C) 7, H White 8. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 6th October 1900. --000-- Rung ‘recently’ Grandsire Triples: G Paice, Alice White, C Holdaway, F Wilson, J Ward, F Redgate, J Ballard, A Knight. In 42 minutes. Rung with the bells half muffled as a token of respect to the late President McKinley. Source: Bell News, 28th September 1901. --000-- Tuesday, 24th September 1901 1260 Grandsire Triples: G Paice, Alice White, C Holdaway, F Wilson, J Ward, J E Ballard, H White (C), A Knight. Source: Guild Report 1902. --000-- Tuesday, 8th October 1901 Grandsire Triples: G Paice, Alice White, Dora White, C Holdaway, J Ward, F G Wilson, J E Ballard (C), H White. Rung in honour of the marriage of Rev’d A H Thorold BA, assistant curate of St Michael’s, Basingstoke and Miss Inez Theodora, youngest daughter of the late Mr Alfred Beer of Manchester which was solomnised at All Saints Church, Houghton, Lincoln, on that day. Source: Guild Report 1902. --000-- Thursday, 31st October 1901 Stedman Triples: Dora White, Mice White, C Holdaway, Rev’d Maitland Kelly, J E Ballard, W Gifford, H White (C), J Ward. Source: Guild Report 1902. --000-- Sunday, 8th June 1902 Grandsire Triples: G Paice, Alice White, Dora White, C Holdaway, J Ward, F Redgate, H White (C), W Hatten. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 14th June 1902. --000-- Sunday, 8th June 1902 Grandsire Triples: G Paice, A White, C Holdaway, F Wilson, J Ward, F Redgate, H White (C), W Hatten. After service Quarter Peal. Source: Bell News, 14th June 1902. Monday, 8th September 1902 8th at the residence of Mr J Ballard on handbells,a quarter peal of Grandsire Triples. H Knight,E Ham,T Nicholson,C Holdaway,J Ward, F Redgate,J Ballard. Composed by F Redgate and conducted by J Ballard. --000-- Friday, 21st November 1902 Grandsire Triples: A Knight, F Redgate, C Holdaway, T Nicholson, J Ward, J F Ballard, J F Baker (C), H White. J F Baker for who this was arranged hails from Ottery St Mary. Source: Bell News, 14th February 1903. --000-- Sunday, 14th December 1902 504 Stedman Triples: Dora White, Alice White, C Giles, J E Ballard, G N Price, C F Winney (C), H White, H Knight. For Morning Service. Source: Bell News, 3rd January 1903. --000-- Sunday, 14th December 1902 461 Grandsire Triples: G Paice, H White, G N Price, T Nicholson, G Ward, J E Ballard, C F Winney (C), H Knight. For Afternoon Service, Source: Bell News, 3rd January 1903. --000-- Thursday, 5th February 1903 Grandsire Triples: A Knight, Dora White, C Holdaway, H White, J Ward, F Redgate Composer and (C), J Ballard, H Knight. Also 630 Grandsire Triples by the same band. Rung in honour of the wedding of the Rev’d Jas Williams of Bartika Grove, British Guiana and Miss Charlotte Eva Gwendoline Hayes of Basingstoke which was solomnised on the above date in the Parish Church. Source: Bell News, 11th April 1903. --000-- Wednesday, 13th May 1903 Grandsire Triples: H White, J Ward, C Holdaway, T Nicholson, F Wilson, F Redgate (C), J Ballard, G Martin. Arranged as a farewell touch for T Nicholson who was leaving the district. Source: Bell News, 20th June 1903. --000-- Tuesday, 29th September 1903 Grandsire Triples: C J Holdaway, E Ham, Dora White, C F Hansford, Qtr-Master-Sergt C Fryatt RE, A Burgess, H White, W Hatten. For evensong at St Michaels Church on the occasion of the Patronal Festival - in 43 minutes. Qtr- Master-Sergt Fryatt hails from Chatham. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 24th October 1903. --000-- Saturday, 3rd October 1903 658 of Grandsire Triples: G F Paice, Alice White, Dora White, C F Hansford, W Ford, C Giles, H White, G Martin. An unsuccessful attempt for a peal. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 24th October 1903. --000-- Sunday, 4th October 1903 616 Grandsire Triples: A Knight, E Ham, C J Holdaway, C F Hansford, H White, A Burgess, C Giles, A Knight. For Evening Service. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 24th October 1903. --000— Thursday, 8th October 1903 Grandsire Triples: L Matthews, Alice White, Dora White, C F Hansford, J Ward, A Burgess, H White, J E Ballard. In 43 minutes. Rung on the anniversary of the birth of Miss Alice White and as a welcome to the Rev’d AWP Brown. Source: Bell News, Saturday, 24th October 1903. --000-- Sunday, 18th October 1904 504 Grandsire Triples: L Matthews, E Ham, G Paice, C F Hansford, J Ward, F Redgate (C), H White, G Martin. For afternoon service. G Paice, Dora White, C Holdaway, F Mills, H White, F Redgate (C), A Burgess, L Matthews. For evening service 504 in the same method. Source: Bell News, 24th December 1904. --000-- Sunday 4th June 1905 Grandsire Triples: H White, Dora White, C Holdaway, C Hansford, J Ward, A Burgess, J E Ballard, J Martin. For the Children’s Service - in 43 minutes. Source: Bell News, 10th June 1905. --000-- Sunday, 4th June 1905 518 Grandsire Triples: J Ward, E Ham, C Holdaway, C Hansford, H White, A Burgess, J E Ballard (C), G Martin. For evening service. Source: Bell News, 10th June 1905. --000-- Sunday, 17th September 1905 Grandsire Triples: G Paice, Alice White, H White, F Hansford, J Ward (C), E Ham, C Holdaway, A Burgess, C Giles, H Knight. For evening service. Source: Guild Report, 1906. --000-- Sunday 19th November 1905 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, A White, H White, C F Hansford, J Ward (C), A Burgess, J E Ballard, C Martin. For evening service to welcome the Rev’d Dr Boustead who commenced his duties as vicar on that day. Source: Bell News, Saturday 14th April 1906. --000— Monday 22nd January 1906 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, G Paice, H White, F Hansford, J Ward (C), A Burgess, J Ballard, H Knight. Source: Bell News, 10th February 1906. --000-- Wednesday, 24th January 1906 Grandsire Triples: Miss D White, Miss A White, G Paice, F Hansford, J Ward (C), A Burgess, H White, H. Knight. Source: Bell News, 10th February 1906. --000-- Sunday, 16th September 1906 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, E Ham, H White (C), C F Hansford, G Paice, A Burgess, J E Ballard, H Knight. For evening service on the occasion of the Harvest Festival. Source: Bell News, 13th October 1906. --000-- Sunday, 23rd September 1906 504 Stedman Triples: Mice White, E Ham, Dora White, C F Hansford, J Ward, J E Ballard, H White (C), A A Burgess. Source: Bell News, 13th October 1906. --000-- Tuesday, 25th September 1906 504 Stedman Triples: H White (C), Mice White, Dora White, C F Hansford, J Ward, A Burgess, J E Ballard, H Knight. Source: Bell News, 13th October 1906. --000— Sunday, 30th September 1906 504 Grandsire Triples: Alice White, F Ham, C Holdaway, C F Hansford, Dora White, J Ward (C), H White, A Burgess. For evening service, Source: Bell News, 13th October 1906. --000-- Thursday 14th March 1907 1260 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, Miss D White, H White (C), J E Bloxham, J Ward, A Burgess, J F Ballard, --Dibben. On the occasion of the annual confirmation service. Source: Bell News, Saturday 30th March 1907. --000-- Tuesday 3rd November 1908 1260 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, Mice White, C F Hansford, W Hunt, G Arnold, J Ward, H White, A Burgess. In 43 Minutes. Source: Bell News, Saturday 14th November 1908.

--000-- Sunday, 8th November 1908 504 Stedman Triples: Alice White, J E Ballard, F Wilson, C F Hansford, J Ward, A Burgess, H White, H Knight. Mr G Arnold for whom the quarter peal was arranged hails from Lymington and W Hunt from Oakley. For evening service. Source: Bell News, Saturday 14th November 1908. --000-- Sunday, 3rd July 1910 504 Stedman Triples: W Shepherd, Mice White, A F Shepherd, G F Hansford, J Ward, J Burgess, H White (C), H Knight. For evening service. 710 Bob Minor: (Handbells) A F Shepherd 1-2, H White 3-4, W Shepherd (C) 5-6. Also touches of Stedman with Miss Mice White and J Ward ringing 7-8. Source: Bell News, 3rd December 1910. --000-- Friday, 13th April 1911 720 Bob Minor: (Handbells) W Shepherd, A Shepherd, H White(C) On Good Friday. Source: Ringing World, 12th May 1911. --000-- Sunday 15th April 1911 Stedman Triples: W Shepherd, Miss Alice White, A F Shepherd, C F Hansford, F Bennett, A Burgess, H White (C), J E Ballard. On Easter Sunday, for Evening Service. Source: Ringing World, 12th May 1911. --000-- Monday 16th April 1911 504 Grandsire Triples: (Handbells) H White (C), Miss Elsie Bennett, W Shepherd, Miss Alice White. Longest length of triples by Miss Bennett. - On Easter Monday. Source: Ringing World, 12th May 1911. --000— Thursday, 20th April 1911 1260 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, Miss Mice White, J F Ballard, C F Hansford, J Ward, A Burgess, H White (C), L Jennings. In honour of the marriage of Mr Tom Perry, of Jayes Farm, Basingstoke and Miss Nellie Bowerman of Vyne Villa, Basingstoke. Source: Ringing World, 12th May 1911. --000—

Sunday, 23rd April 1911 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey, Mice White, F Wilson, C F Hansford, J Ward, J F Ballard, H White (C), A Burgess. St George’s Day - in 39 minutes. Source: Ringing World, 12th May 1911. --000-- Thursday, 22nd June 1911 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey 1, Alice White 2, H White (C) 3, C F Hansford 4, J Ward 5, A Burgess 6, J F Ballard 7, H Knight 8. On Coronation Day. Source: Bell News, 8th July 1911 & Ringing World 7th July 1911. --000-- Sunday, 1st October 1911 Stedman Triples: Alice White 1, H White (C) 2, F Wilson 3, C F Hansford 4, J Ward 5, J Burgess 6, J E Ballard 7, H Knight 8. For evening service - in 44 minutes. Source: Bell News, 7th October 1911 & Ringing World, 27th October 1911. --000-- Sunday, 7th April 1912 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey 1, F Wilson 2, H White (C) 3, C F Hansford 4, J Ward 5, A Burgess 6, J E Ballard 7, H E White 8. Easter Sunday Evening Service in 42 minutes. Source: Ringing World, 26th April 1912. --000-- Sunday, 11th August 1912 1260 Stedman Triples: J E Ballard 1, Miss Alice White 2, F Wilson 3, F Bennett (C) 3, J Ward 5, A Burgess 6, H White 7, H Knight 8. 1260 changes in 42 minutes. Source: Ringing World, 6th September 1912. --000-- Tuesday, 12th October 1913 1260 Grandsire Triples: Harold White 1, F Wilson 2, F Hansford 3, W Hunt 4, J Ward (C) 5, A Burgess 6, H White 7, J Ballard 8. For Harvest Festival. Source: Ringing World, 21st November 1913.

--000-- Tuesday 25th November 1913 Grandsire Triples: W Leavey 1, Miss A White 2, Miss E N Belcher 3, W Hunt 4, G Paice 5, A Burgess 6, H White 7, H E White 8. Source: Ringing World, 23rd January 1914 --000-- Sunday, 8th March 1914 504 Grandsire Triples: H F White (C) 1, Miss Alice White 2, F Wilson 3, F Hansford 4, J Ballard 5, A Burgess 6, Wm Lawrence (West Ealing) 7, H White 8. For the morning service. Source: Ringing World, 10th April 1914.

--000-- Sunday, 8th March 1914 Stedman Triples and a 504 Grandsire: H F White 1, Miss Alice White 2, F Wilson 3, F Hansford 4, J Ballard 5, A Burgess 6, Wm Lawrence (West Ealing) (C) 7, H White 8. For the evening service. Source: Ringing World, 10th April 1914. --000-- Saturday, 18th December 1915 Grandsire Triples: Miss R A White 1, F G Wilson 2, Mrs. E Mack 3, W Hunt 4, F G Paice 5, A Burgess 6, H White 7, Miss F D White 8. In honour of the wedding of Mr V A S George (a member of the Basingstoke Company) and Miss O North, a quarter peal of was attempted but came to grief about two-thirds of the way through. This was followed by 504 in the same method. Source: Ringing World, 31st December 1915. --000-- Saturday 19th July 1919 Grandsire Triples: J Chesterman 1, Miss A White 2, F Wilson 3, F Hansford 4, J Ward (C) 5, A Burgess 6, J Ballard 7, J Hepworth 8. For Peace Celebration Day. Source: Ringing World, 15th August 1919. --000-- Sunday, 21st February 1932 1280 Plain Bob Major: C Munday 1, H Balaam (C) 2, Miss M R Cross 3, E Austin 4, F Wilson 5, J Ballard 6, H Wooding 7, J Chesterman 8. 1st Quarter – 1 & 4. Source: Ringing World, 4th March 1932. --000-- 1934 1260 Stedman Triples: J Ballard 1, F Munday 2, C W Munday 3, H Balaam (C) 4, H Garrett 5, E Austin 6, J Chesterman 7, J Woodley 8. 1st Stedman - 2, 4 & 5. For Evensong. To mark the end of the Bishop of 's Pilgrimage. Source: Guild Report, 1934. --000-- Sunday, 19th September 1937 1260 Grandsire Triples: J Ballard 1, D H Anstey 2, R F Kingham 3, D W Nash 4, R C G Flew 5, C W Munday (C) 6, F A Munday 7, J B Woodley 8. 1st Quarter – 2, 3 & 4. Source: Guild Report 1937. --000-- Wednesday, 29th September 1937 1260 Grandsire Triples: J Ballard 1, D H Anstey 2, RFKingham3, D W Nash 4, R C G Flew 5, C Munday (C) 6, F A Munday 7, J B Woodley 8. For St Michael’s Day. Source: Guild Report 1937. --000-- Sunday, 24th October 1937 1260 Grandsire Triples: F A Munday 1, J Ballard 2, R F Kingham3, D H Anstey 4, D W Nash 5, R C G Flew 6, C W Munday (C) 7, E Ockenden 8. Source: Guild Report 1937. --000-- Thursday, 11th November 1937 1260 Grandsire Triples: E Austin 1, J Chesterman 2, R F Kingham 3, D H Anstey 4, F G Cooper 5, C W Munday (C) 6, F A Munday 7, J B Woodley 8. For the Parish Confirmation. Source: Guild Report 1937. --000-- Sunday, 16th January 1938: 1260 Grandsire Triples: R Toms 1, J Ballard2, R F Kingham 3, F A Munday (C) 4, D H Anstey 5, D W Nash6, C W Munday 7, E Ockenden 8. 1st Quarter – 1, 1st Quarter as C – 4. Source: Guild Report 1938. --000-- Wednesday, 9th March 1938 1280 Kent T B Major: F G Cooper 1, D H Anstey2, D W Nash 3, R F Kingham 4, E P Austin 5, C W Munday (C) 6, J Chesterman 7, F A Munday 8. 1st as C – 6, 1st Kent T B M - 1, 2, 3 & 8. Source: Guild Report 1938. --000-- Sunday, 13th March 1938 1260 Stedman Triples: J Ballard 1, D W Nash 2, D H Anstey 3, R F Kingham 4, R C G Flew 5, F A Munday 6, C W Munday (C) 7, E Ockenden 8. 1st Stedman Triples - 2, 3, 4, 5 & 8. Source: Guild Report 1938. --000-- Wednesday, 23rd March 1938 1344 P B Major: H Munday 1, D H Anstey 2, E Austin 3, R F Kingham 4, J Chesterman 5, D W Nash 6, F G Cooper 7, C W Munday (C) 8. 1st Major – 1. Source: Guild Report 1938. --000-- Sunday, 26th May 1946 1260 Grandsire Triples: John E Ballard 1, Ronald A Hickman 2, Frederick A Munday 3, Robert G C Flew 4, Alan R Anstey 5, Jack Weaver 6, David H Anstey (C) 7, John B Woodley 8. Source: Guild Report 1946. --000-- Saturday, 7th September 1946 1260 Grandsire Triples: D H Anstey 1, F A Munday 2, C P Osler 3, E P Austin 4, J Chesterman 5, H E Balaam 6, W Hibbert 7, J B Woodley 8. Rung on the occasion of the wedding of Mr Charles W Munday and Miss Gertrude A Clayton. Source: Guild Report 1946. --000-- Monday, 31st March 1952 1260 Stedman Triples: R Storey 1, C Osler 2, Miss O Osler 3, W Clift 4, Mrs J Weaver 5, H Balaam (C) 6, J Weaver 7, J Woodley 8. 1st Stedman – 1, 3, 4 & 5. Golden Wedding compliment to Mr & Mrs J B Woodley. --000-- Sunday, 29th June 1952 1264 Plain Bob Major: N Grover 1, Miss J Gorton 2, Mrs J Weaver 3, B Story 4, A Smith 5, J Weaver 6, R Storey 7, S Webb (C) 8. 1st Bob Major - 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7. 21st birthday compliment to A Smith. --000-- Sunday, 20th July 1952 1260 Grandsire Triples: Miss M Leavey 1, Miss J Huddleston 2, Mrs J Weaver 3, N Grover 4, J Weaver 5, A Smith 6, R Story (C) 7, K Biggs 8 1st P B Major inside – 2 & 4, 1st Quarter – 8. --000-- Sunday, 29th March 1953 1260 Grandsire Triples: Mrs J Weaver 1, Miss J Gorton 2, Miss J Huddleston 3, Mr H Balaam 4, Mr S Webb 5, Mr J Weaver 6, Mr R Story (C) 7, Mr K Biggs 8. Rung half-muffled in memory of Her Majesty Queen Mary. --000-- Saturday, 4th July 1953 1260 Grandsire Triples: H Balaam 1, N Grover 2, C Osler 3, W Clift 4, E Austin 5, J Weaver 6, R Story (C) 7, J Woodley 8. Rung half muffled in memory of Mr J Ballard, formerly a ringer at St Michael’s, who passed away on June 27th. --000-- Sunday, 19th September 1954 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Biggs 1, R Story 2, Mrs J Weaver 3, H Balaam 4, J Chesterman 5, J Weaver 6, F F Gilbert (C) 7, A Taylor 8. 1st Quarter – 1, 1st Quarter in m as C – 7. For the Ordination of Rev D R Howe to the priesthood. --000-- Wednesday, 15th February 1956 1280 Plain Bob Major: Miss M Leavey 1, I Taylor 2, H Balaam 3, B Story 4, Mrs J Weaver 5, J Weaver 6, J Chesterman 7, F Gilbert (C) 8. 1st in method – 1 & 2. For Ash Wednesday. --000-- Saturday, 29th September 1956 1280 Kent Treble Major: C Herridge 1, B Story 2, Mrs E Weaver 3, C Osler 4, H Balaam 5, J Weaver 6, J Chesterman 7, E F Gilbert (C) 8. 1st in method - 1, 2, 3, 6 & 8. For evensong on Michaelmas Day. --000-- Saturday, 3rd November 1956 1260 Grandsire Triples: Miss J Bull 1, Miss J Huddleston 2, R L Story 3, H E Balaam 4, J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, F F Gilbert (C) 7, B Dawes 8. 1st Quarter - 1 & 8, 1st inside - 6. Rung to celebrate the 80th birthday of Mr J B Woodley. --000-- Sunday, 2nd December 1956 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ruth Pearce 1, A Taylor 2, H Balaam 3, Jill Gorton 4, J Weaver 5, E F Gilbert 6, R Story (C) 7, C Sherwood 8. 1st Quarter – 1 & 8. --000-- Sunday, 20th April 1958 1260 Grandsire Triples: Miss J Bull 1, Miss J Huddleston 2, E P Austin 3, B W Story 4, J Weaver 5, H Balaam (C) 6, J Chesterman 7, J R Appleton 8. 1st Quarter – 8. Rung in memory of The Archdeacon of Basingstoke, Ven A W Chute MA. who died on 2nd April 1958. --000-- Thursday, 15th November 1962 1260 Grandsire Triples: H Balaam 1, C Osler 2, B Garrett 3, J Weaver 4, Mrs M G Taylor 5, A Taylor 6, P G Holmes (C) 7, J R Appleton 8. 1st Triples – 5, 1st Triples as C – 7. For Confirmation by the Lord . --000-- Tuesday, 12th March 1963 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, J Marlow 2, B Garrett 3, H Balaam 4, J Chesterman 5, J Weaver 6, P G Holmes (C) 7, J J Hill 8. 1st Quarter – 8. Rung half-muffled in memory of Mr J B Woodley. --000-- Saturday, 25th May 1963 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, Jennifer M Davies 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J Weaver 4, Margaret Taylor 5, H E Balaam 6. J Chesterman (C) 7, J J Hill 8. Rung following the marriage of Miss Patricia Woodhall, daughter of the Rev’d N J Woodhall MA, Vicar, and Mr G W Webb. --000-- Wednesday, 27th January 1965 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ruth Taylor 1, H F Balaam 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, J Chesterman (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. 1st Quarter – 1, 8. 1st inside – 3. Rung half-muffled in memoriam Sir Winston Spencer Churchill. --000-- Thursday, 6th May 1965 1260 Stedman Triples: C Osler 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, H E Balaam 3, D P Murduck 4, J Weaver 5, P Murduck 6, P N Tubbs (C) 7, P G Holmes 8. Rung half-muffled prior to the memorial service for John Sharpe CBE. --000-- Sunday, 6th March 1966 1260 Grandsire Triples: H E J Smith 1, J J Hill 2, H E Balaam 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, Esmé J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, P H Lawrence 8. 1st Quarter – 1 & 8. 1st Quarter as C – 7. For Evensong. --000-- Thursday, 29th September 1966 1264 Plain Bob Major: R C Wilson 1, A Taylor 2, J J Hill 3, H E Balaam (C) 4, Margaret G Taylor 5, J Weaver 6, D R Reed 7, J Chesterman 8. 1st Quarter – 1. 1st in m – 3 & 5. For Patronal Festival Evensong. --000-- Monday, 14th November 1966 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ruth Taylor 1, Margaret G Taylor 3, J. J. Hill 4, H E Balaam 5, J Weaver 6, D R Reed (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. For the eighteenth birthday of the Prince of Wales. --000-- Monday, 20th February 1967 1260 Plain Bob Minor: B G Freeman 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, R C Wilson 4, D R Reed (C) 5, A Taylor 6. 1st away from tenor – 1. Rung on the spur of the moment when only the above six ringers met for practice. --000-- Friday, 21st April 1967 1260 Grandsire Triples: B G Freeman 1, H E J Smith 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, R C Wilson 5, H E Balaam (C) 6, J Weaver 7, A Taylor 8. 1st Triples – 1 & 5. Rung on the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. --000-- Saturday, 30th April 1967 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ruth Taylor 1, H E J Smith 2, J Hill 3, H E Balaam 4, R C Wilson 5, J Weaver 6, J Chesterman (C) 7, A Taylor 8. For evensong. A compliment to Harry E Balaam, whose eightieth birthday was on 23rd April 1967. --000-- Saturday, 9th September 1967 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, June Whitcher 2, J J Hill 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, R C Wilson 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. To celebrate the return of Mr Robert Steel, Basingstoke Director of Town Development, on the completion of his 444 mile sponsored walk from Tetholm in Roxboroughshire to raise money for the Sports Centre. --000-- Sunday, 5th November 1967 1260 Stedman Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, H E J Smith 4, J Weaver 5, H E Balaam (C) 6, A Taylor 7, B G Freeman 8. 1st Stedman - 1, 3, 4, 7 & 8. 1st quarter of Stedman by an all Basingstoke band for over 15 years. --000-- Sunday, 13th October 1968 1260 Grandsire Triples: H E Balaam 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, R C Wilson 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. For Harvest Festival Evensong. --000-- Tuesday, 1st July 1969 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, J Chesterman 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, H E Balaam 4, Esmé J Weaver 5, J J Hill 6, J Weaver (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. For the Investiture this day at Caernarvon Castle of HRH The Prince of Wales. --000-- Friday, 14th November 1969 1260 Grandsire Triples: J Chesterman 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J JHiII 3, H E Balaam 4, Margaret G Taylor 5, B G Freeman 6, J Weaver (C) 7, A Taylor 8. 1st Inside – 6. For the 21st birthday of HRH The Prince of Wales --000-- Thursday, 30th April 1970 1260 Grandsire Triples: J Chesterman 1, J J Hill 2, H E Balaam 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, Esmé J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. Rung prior to the induction, by the Lord Bishop of Winchester, of Rev’d Simon Ridley, MA, BD, as Rector of Basingstoke. --000-- Saturday, 23rd May 1970 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ruth Taylor 1, June Whitcher 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, H E Balaam 4, R C Wilson 5, J J Hill 6, J Weaver (C) 7, A Taylor 8. Following the marriage of Miss L A Freeman and Mr A White. --000-- Saturday, 19th September 1970 1260 Grandsire Triples: N A Weaver 1, J R Pratchett 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, H E Balaam 4, J J Hill 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. 1st Quarter – 1. A compliment to Mr S H Anstey on his retirement after 51 years as organist at this church. --000-- Sunday, 21st February 1971 1264 Plain Bob Major: A Taylor 1, J J Hill 2, H E Balaam 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, R C Wilson 5, J Weaver 6, H E J Smith 7, J R Pratchett (C) 8. To welcome Jonathan, son of the conductor. --000-- Sunday, 19th September 1971 1260 Stedman Triples: Ruth Saint 1, J R Pratchett 2, A Taylor 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, R L Story (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Stedman – 1. 1st Quarter – 8. For Evensong. --000-- Wednesday, 29th September 1971 1344 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, J R Pratchett (C) 3, H E Balaam 4, J J Hill 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver 7, E H Coak 8. 1st Quarter – 8. For Patronal Festival. --000-- Saturday, 13th November 1971 1260 Grandsire Doubles: K W Saint 1, J J Hill 2, J Weaver 3, M G Palmer 4, J R Pratchett (C) 5, B G Freeman 6. 1st Quarter – 1. For Deanery Choral Festival. --000-- Friday, 21st April 1972 1260 Grandsire Triples: K W Saint 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, J R Pratchett (C) 3, Ruth Saint 4, M G Lynds 5, J J Hill 6, J Weaver 7, A Taylor 8. 1st Triples – 1. For the birthday of H M Queen Elizabeth II. --000-- Thursday, 3rd May 1973 1260 Grandsire Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, J J Hill 2, H F Balaam 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, R C Wilson 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. Half-Muffled in memoriam Sidney H Anstey over fifty years organist of this Church. --000-- Thursday, 24th May 1973 1260 Stedman Triples: Ruth Saint 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, M G Palmer 5, J R Pratchett (C) 6, J Weaver 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Stedman – 5. For the election of the Mayor of Basingstoke. --000-- Thursday, 9th September 1973 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, J J Hill 2, H E Balaam 3, J R Pratchett 4, R C Wilson 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For the induction of the Rev’d Nigel Harley as Rector of Basingstoke. --000-- Saturday, 29th September 1973 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, Ruth Saint 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J R Pratchett 4, R C Wilson (C) 5, M G Palmer 6, J Weaver 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st C – 5. On the occasion of the wedding of Josephine, daughter of Ben Freeman, bellringer at this church. --000-- Sunday, 11th November 1973 1260 Stedman Triples: Ruth Saint 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, H E J Smith 4, J Weaver 5, J R Pratchett (C) 6, A Taylor 7, C H M Copeland 8. For evensong. At the request of Howard Smith, former ringer at All Saints and St Michael’s towers. --000-- Thursday, 15th November 1973 1260 Stedman Triples: Ruth Saint 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, M G Palmer 6, J R Pratchett (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. On the occasion of the wedding of HRH Princess Anne to Capt Mark Phillips, on 14th November. --000-- Sunday, 4th August 1974 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Janet M Piper 3, Helen J Piper 4, F Lynds 5, M G Lynds 6, J Weaver (C) 7, N A Weaver 8. 1st Quarter – 1. 1st on eight – 3, 4 & 5. On the occasion of the birthday of H M The Queen Mother --000-- Wednesday, 16th October 1974 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, D P Wren 2, J J Hill 3, N A Weaver 4, J W Roberts 5, M G Palmer 6, J R Pratchett (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. 1st Quarter – 2. 1st inside – 4. 1st Triples – 5. Rung when only the above ringers attended practice. --000-- Thursday, 14th November 1974 1260 Grandsire Triples: P G Holmes 1, M G Lynds 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, M G Palmer 5, J R Pratchett (C) 6, J Weaver 7, N A Weaver 8. On the occasion of the birthday of HRH the Prince of Wales. --000-- Wednesday, 18th December 1974 1301 Grandsire Triples: C H M Copeland 1, M G Lynds 2, H E Balaam 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J J Hill 5, J R Pratchett (C) 6, J Weaver 7, M G Palmer 8. 1st on treble – 1. For Carol Service. --000-- Saturday, 8th February 1975 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, M G Lynds 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, M G Palmer 6, J R Pratchett (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. On the inauguration of the Basingstoke Team Ministry. --000-- Saturday, 10th May 1975 1260 Stedman Triples: J R Pratchett 1, Jessie M Kippin 2, M G Lynds 3, J J Hill 4, R C Wilson 5, J Weaver 6, C H Kippin (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Stedman – 5. A Diamond Wedding Compliment to Mr & Mrs H E Balaam. --000-- Sunday, 28th September 1975 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, D P Wren 2, N A Weaver 3, A J Purkiss 4, J J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, J R Pratchett (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. For Patronal Festival. Also the appointment of Rev’d B N Harley as an Honorary of . --000-- Friday, 14th November 1975 1260 Grandsire Triples: F Lynds 1, J Chesterman 2, D P Wren 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, N A Weaver 5, M G Lynds 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For the birthday of HRH the Prince of Wales. --000-- Sunday, 18th January 1976 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, Ruth Saint 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, K Saint 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, N A Weaver 8. For Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service, addressed by the Bishop of Winchester. 1st quarter by the family. --000-- Thursday, 1st April 1976 1260 Grandsire Triples: F Lynds 1, M G Lynds 2, J J Hill 3, J R Pratchett 4, A J Purkiss 5, M G Palmer 6, J Weaver (C) 7, N A Weaver 8. Half-muffled in memoriam Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery of Alamein. --000-- Sunday, 18th April 1976 1260 Stedman Triples: Ruth Saint 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, A J Purkiss 3, J J Hill 4, A Taylor 5, J R Pratchett (C) 6, J Weaver 7, N A Weaver 8. For Easter Evensong. --000-- Wednesday, 29th September 1976 1344 Grandsire Triples: Christine Smith 1, M G Lynds 2, A J Purkiss 3, D A Holmes 4, J Chesterman 5, J Weaver 6, P G Holmes (C) 7, F Lynds 8. 1st Triples – 1. 1st Triples & 1st Inside – 4. For Patronal Festival. --000-- Tuesday, 26th October 1976 1260 Grandsire Triples: J Chesterman 1, J J Hill 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, R C Wilson 5, A Taylor 6, J R Pratchett (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Half-muffled in memory of Harry Balaam who died on 20th October. --000-- Wednesday, 15th December 1976 1264 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, N A Weaver 2, D P Wren 3, J J Hill 4, J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, M G Palmer (C) 7, J R Pratchett 8. 1st in method – 2. For Harriet Costello School Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 26th December 1976 1260 Grandsire Triples: A Taylor 1, N A Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, D P Wren 5, A J Purkiss 6, J Weaver (C) 7, J R Holmes 8. As a compliment to Kenneth and Ruth Saint on the birth of their son, Dustyn Peter. Dustyn is the Grandson of treble ringer, nephew of 4 & 7 and cousin of 2. --000-- Wednesday, 23rd February 1977 1260 Grandsire Triples: C H M Copeland 1, J J Hill 2, D P Wren 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, M G Palmer 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, B G Freeman 8. 1st as Conductor – 7. For Ash Wednesday. --000-- Sunday, 24th April 1977 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Sue Wilson 2, J J Hill 3, C H J Hill 4 J B Wilson 5, N A Weaver 6, J Weaver (C) 7, S R Gibbons 8. 1st on eight – 4. 1st Quarter – 8. For Evensong and to welcome 2 & 5 on a visit home from Dunedin, New Zealand. --000-- Saturday, 7th May 1977 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, N A Weaver 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, A Taylor 5, M G Palmer 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Wedding compliment to Rev’d John M Starr and Lynette Burgess. --000-- Sunday, 20th November 1977 1260 Grandsire Triples: M Powell 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, N A Weaver 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, J J Hill 6, A J Purkiss 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Quarter – 1. For the royal births to Princess Anne and the Duchess of Gloucester and the 30th Wedding Anniversary of H M the Queen and for Evensong. --000-- Wednesday, 1st March 1978 1280 Kent T B Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, N A Weaver 4, J Harrold 5, D P Wren 6, J Weaver 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. 1st Kent as Cond. 1st Kent 2, 3 4 & 6. --000-- Tuesday, 7th March 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, J R Pratchett 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, J J Hill 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Half-muffled in memoriam Susan E Wilson killed in a road accident on March 2nd in Dunedin, New Zealand. Sue rang the second in a peal of Grandsire Triples in this tower on the occasion of H M The Queen's Silver Jubilee, on 7th June 1977, during her last visit to the UK. --000-- Sunday, 19th March 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: C M Walkau 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Helen M Gavin 3, M E Holbrook 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, N A Weaver (C) 7, M Powell 8. 1st Triples – 3. 1st inside – 6. For Evensong. --000-- Friday, 4th August 1978 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Esme J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, A Taylor 4, J W Roberts 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Stedman 1 & 5. 1st Stedman as conductor – 7. On the occasion of the birthday of H M The Queen Mother. --000-- Sunday, 27th August 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Helen M Gavin 2, R A Walsh 3, Nicholas A Weaver 4, A Taylor 5, J Weaver 6, R L Storey (C) 7, J L Shipley 8. 1st inside – 3. 1st Quarter – 8. For Evensong.

--000-- Saturday, 9th September 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: J L Shipley 1, R A Walsh 2, M Powell 3, A Utting 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. A compliment to Derek and Frances Mears, verger, on the birth of a son, Julian Richard on 5th September. --000-- Sunday, 24th September 1978 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Nicholas A Weaver 3, A Taylor 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st in method for 3 & 5. For Patronal Festival. --000-- Sunday, 1st October 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: A L Utting 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, S R Gibbons 4, M Powell 5, J Weaver 6, N A Weaver (C) 7, J L Shipley 8. For Harvest Thanksgiving. --000-- Tuesday, 14th November 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, A L Utting 4, C M Walkau 5, R A Walsh 6, J Weaver (C) 7, S R Gibbons 8. 1st Triples inside – 5. On the occasion of Prince Charles’s 30th birthday. --000-- Saturday, 25th November 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: M Powell 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, R A Walsh 3, S R Gibbons 4, Rev’d N D De Keyser 5, J Weaver 6, N A Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. A compliment to Mrs H E Balaam on the eve of her 90th birthday. --000-- Tuesday, 14th December 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: Karen A Bethell 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, N A Weaver 3, J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J L Shipley 8. 1st Quarter – 1. On the occasion of the Salvation Army Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 20th December 1978 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, R A Walsh 2, S R Gibbons 3, J J Hill 4, C H J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, N A Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Harriet Costello School Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 28th January 1979 1260 Stedman Triples: S R Gibbons 1, C M Walkau 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, J J Hill 4, Esmé J Weaver 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. On the occasion of the engagement of Nicholas A Weaver to Helen M Gavin and Nicholas D De Keyser to Pamela Coltart. --000-- Wednesday, 28th February 1979 1260 Grandsire Triples: N A Weaver 1, S R Gibbons 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, J J Hill 4, J Weaver 5, R A Walsh 6, C M Walkau (C) 7, J L Shipley 8. 1st Triples as C – 7. For weekly practice. --000-- Sunday, 15th April 1979 1260 Grandsire Triples: J L Shipley 1, J J Hill 2, S R Gibbons 3, H E J Smith 4, C H J Hill 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Easter Day Evensong. --000-- Thursday, 17th May 1979 1296 Little Bob Major: J L Shipley 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, C M Walkau 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, R A Walsh 6, J Weaver 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. 1st in the method by all. 1st Major 1, 3, 5 & 6. --000-- Saturday, 19th May 1979 1260 Grandsire Triples: M Powell 1, A J Purkiss (C) 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, C M Walkau 4, J L Shipley 5, R A Walsh 6, S R Gibbons 7, J Weaver 8. 1st inside – 5. --000-- Saturday, 4th August 1979 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, N A Weaver 2, S R Gibbons 3, R A Walsh 4, M E Holbrook 5, C M Walkau 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J L Shipley 8. 1st Stedman – 4. On the birthday of H M The Queen Mother, also of her induction as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. --000-- Thursday, 23rd August 1979 1280 Oxford T B Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, R A Walsh 3, J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, D P Wren 6, A J Purkiss 7, R N Lawrence (C) 8. 1st in method by all except 7. Birthday compliment to Barbara A Weaver. --000-- Wednesday, 5th September 1979 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, S R Gibbons 2, D P Wren 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland. Half Muffled in memory of Earl Mountbatten of Burma and 18 soldiers killed in Ireland on 27th August. --000-- Saturday, 8th September 1979 1260 Stedman Triples: C M Walkau 1, N A Weaver 2, M Powell 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, R C Wilson 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. 1st Stedman – 3. Compliment to Ian and Valerie Holdsworth on the birth of Ruth Pauline. --000-- Wednesday, 19th September 1979 1280 Kent T B Major: M Powell 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, A L Utting 4, J J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, R A Walsh 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. Compliment to the (Rt. Rev’d M Manktelow) on the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. --000-- Friday, 28th September 1979 1260 Grandsire Triples: A J Purkiss 1, S R Gibbons 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Barbara A Weaver (C) 4, R A Walsh 5, J Weaver 6, N A Weaver 7, A J W Barrett 8. 1st Grandsire as C – 4. Birthday compliment to Karen A Bethell. --000-- Sunday, 30th September 1979 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esme J Weaver 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, S R Gibbons 3, N A Weaver 4, J L Shipley 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. 50th Quarter – 3 & 4. For Flower Festival. --000-- Wednesday, 12th December 1979 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sally Snook 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, A L Utting 4, M Powell 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. For Cranbourne School Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 20th February 1980 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, A L Utting 4, J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Ash Wednesday. --000-- Sunday, 30th March 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, J J Hill 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, Sue Wales 4, S R Gibbons 5, A Taylor 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Triples – 4. For Palm Sunday Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 4th May 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, J L Shipley 2, J J Hill 3, A L Utting 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Evensong. --000-- Thursday, 8th May 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Alan Hoar 2, J J Hill 3, A L Utting 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For the 35th Anniversary of V E Day. --000-- Sunday, 20th July 1980 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, R A Walsh 2, S R Gibbons 3, J J Hill 4, R C Wilson 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Farewell compliment to Rev’d Nigel Harley, Team Rector, leaving for Eastleigh. --000-- Monday, 4th August 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: A J W Barrett 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J J Hill 4, Alan Hoar 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7. 1st Quarter – 1. On the occasion of the 80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. --000-- Sunday, 28th September 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: Susan Snook 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, A L Utting 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Triples – 1. For Patronal Festival. --000-- Friday, 14th November 1980 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, J J Hill 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For birthday of H R H The Prince of Wales. --000-- Sunday, 23rd November 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, Alan Hoar 2, A Taylor 3, S R Gibbons 4, J Weaver 5, J L Shipley 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A J W Barrett 8. For Parish Confirmation. --000-- Saturday, 6th December 1980 1260 Grandsire Triples: R A Walsh 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Alan Hoar 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, R C Skinner 5, J L Shipley 6, L A Tremeer (C) 7, J Weaver 8. Wedding Anniversary compliment to Mr & Mrs L A Tremeer. --000-- Friday, 9th January 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: Alan Hoar 1, J J Hill 2, Mary Purvis 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, J L Shipley 6, J Weaver (C) 7, E Cole 8. For the Institution and Induction of Canon C N Wright as Team Rector of Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 22nd February 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, A J Purkiss 3, S R Gibbons 4, J Weaver 5, J L Shipley 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, R A Walsh 8. 1st Triples as C – 7. Farewell compliment to Rev'd M C Sunman (Curate). --000-- Tuesday, 24th February 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, J J Hill 2, S R Gibbons 3, Barbara A Weaver 4, Alan Hoar 5, R A Walsh 6, J Weaver (C) 7, E W Cole 8. On the occasion of the engagement of H R H Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. --000-- Saturday, 7th March 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: E R Purkiss 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Alan Hoar 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, G P Ellis 8. 1st Quarter – 1 & 8. --000-- Friday, 17th April 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, S R Gibbons 2, J J Hill 3, Alan Hoar 4, A L Utting 5, J L Shipley 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Half-muffled for the Good Friday Service. --000-- Tuesday, 21st April 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: E R Purkiss 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, Barbara A Weaver 4, A J Purkiss 5, J L Shipley 6, J Weaver (C) 7, G Ellis 8. For the birthday of H M The Queen. --000-- Wednesday, 29th July 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: S R Gibbons 1, J J Hill 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Barbara A Weaver 4, A L Utting 5, Alan Hoar 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. On the occasion of the wedding of H R H The Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. --000-- Tuesday, 29th September 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: M Holbrook 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, Barbara A Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, M Powell 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Michaelmas Day. --000-- Sunday, 4th October 1981 1280 Kent T B Major: M S Holbrook 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, S R Gibbons 5, M Powell 6, J Weaver 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. 1st Kent – 6. For Harvest Festival Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 15th November 1981 1296 Little Bob Major: A Taylor 1, J J Hill 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, M Holbrook 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. For Evensong and a birthday compliment to Prince Charles. --000-- Saturday, 28th November 1981 1260 Stedman Triples: Alan Hoar 1, Mary Purvis 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, A Taylor 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. A wedding compliment to Andrew and Sue Barrett. --000-- Saturday, 5th December 1981 1260 Grandsire Triples: E R Purkiss 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Mary Purvis 3, Barbara A Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, J J Hill 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, S R Gibbons 8. For St Michael’s Christmas Fair. --000-- Saturday, 5th February 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Barbara A Foster 3, M S Holbrook 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, A Taylor 8. Wedding compliment to Maxine Burr and Stephen Wright. --000-- Saturday, 19th February 1982 1260 Stedman Triples: Mary Purvis 1, Dana M Hill 2, A M J Young 3, S R Gibbons 4, Alan Hoar 5, R A Walsh 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, R H Thurlby 8. 23rd Birthday compliment to Prince Andrew. --000-- Sunday, 4th April 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: M S Holbrook 1, J J Hill 2, E R Purkiss 3, Mary Purvis 4, S R Gibbons 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A Taylor 8. For Palm Sunday Service. --000-- Friday, 9th April 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, R C Wilson 2, Mary Purvis 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, M S Holbrook 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, J Weaver 8. Fully muffled, Tenor open at backstroke for ‘Three Hours’ Service. --000-- Wednesday, 21st July 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: J J Hill 1, Mary Purvis 2, S Cory 3, Barbara A Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, K Gillings 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Farewell Eucharist of Ven G G Finch as Archdeacon of Basingstoke. --000-- Saturday, 28th August 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Weaver 1, D A Holmes 2, P G Holmes 3, Christine Holmes 4, S R Gibbons 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, H J Allen 8. 75th Quarter – 2. Thanksgiving for the life of Douglas Cane, late tower captain of Wolverton. --000-- Sunday, 29th August 1982 1296 Little Bob Major: M S Holbrook 1, Barbara A Weaver 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Mary Purvis 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, S E G Young 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Wednesday, 29th September 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: M S Holbrook 1, Alan Hoar 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Mary Purvis 4, S R Cory 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. 1st Grandsire Triples inside – 5. For Michaelmas Day Service. --000-- Saturday, 18th December 1982 1260 Grandsire Triples: Alan Hoar 1, S R Gibbons 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, R C Wilson 4, E R Purkiss 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For South View School Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 22nd December 1982 1260 Stedman Triples: E R Purkiss 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A Taylor 8. 1st Stedman – 1. For Civil Service Carol Service. --000-- Friday, 24th December 1982 1260 Stedman Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, N A Weaver 2, Helen M Weaver 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A Taylor 8. For Midnight Service. --000-- Sunday, 13th March 1983 1280 Plain Bob Major: A Taylor 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. Farewell compliment to our verger, Derek Mears, his wife Francis and children Helen and Julian. --000-- Wednesday, 23rd March 1983 1260 Grandsire Triples: M S Holbrook 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, A Taylor 8. Rung prior to the Commissioning of Canon C N Wright as Rural Dean of Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 7th August 1983 1260 Grandsire Triples: J W Foster 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Helen M Weaver 3, Margaret G Taylor 4, Barbara A Foster 5, J Weaver 6, N A Weaver (C) 7, A Taylor 8. 1st on 8 – 1. Family quarter for evensong. --000-- Thursday, 29th September 1983 1260 Stedman Triples: Alan Hoar 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, M S Holbrook 4, E R Purkiss 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Michaelmas Day Service. --000-- Sunday, 2nd October 1983 1344 Grandsire Triples: J W Foster 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, Alan Hoar 4, E R Purkiss 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A Taylor 8. For Patronal Festival Service. --000-- Sunday, 16th October 1983 1260 Grandsire Triples: J W Foster 1, A J Purkiss 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Barbara A Foster 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For the installation of Rev’d Brain Leathley as Basingstoke’s first Industrial Chaplain. --000-- Sunday, 20th November 1983 1260 Grandsire Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, A Taylor 3, E R Purkiss 4, S R Gibbons 5, R C Wilson 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Parish Confirmation Service. --000-- Sunday, 27th November 1983 1280 Kent T B Major: E R Purkiss 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, J Weaver 4, Barbara A Foster 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar 7, A J Purkiss 8. For Advent Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 18th December 1983 1260 Erin Triples: Barbara A Foster 1, N A Weaver 2, R C Wilson 3, Alan Hoar 4, E R Purkiss 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. For Carol Service. First in the method for all and in the Tower. --000-- Saturday, 7th January 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: J W Foster 1, Barbara A Foster 2, E R Purkiss 3, A Taylor 4, J J Hill 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Half-Muffled in memoriam Charles Osler of Bramley on the day of his funeral. Charles was Basingstoke District Ringing Master for over 50 years. --000-- Sunday, 8th January 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: M S Holbrook 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, S R Gibbons 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Evensong and in thanksgiving for the life of Charles Osler of Bramley. --000-- Wednesday, 7th March 1984 1260 Stedman Triples: Alan Hoar 1, Heather L E Peachey 2, E R Purkiss 3, S R Cory 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 1st Stedman – 4. For Ash Wednesday Service. --000-- Sunday, 8th April 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: J Foster 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, Barbara A Foster 4, J J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, A Taylor 8. Prior to Evensong, as a thanksgiving for the life of Ven G G Finch, Archdeacon of Basingstoke 1971 - 1982. --000-- Friday, 20th April 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: Judith Knowlton-Clark 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, M S Holbrook 4, J J Hill 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, A Taylor 8. Half-muffled prior to the ‘Three Hours’ service on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 3rd June 1984 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, B F Peachey 2, J J Hill 3, E R Purkiss 4, S R Gibbons 5, R A Walsh 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. For D Day Anniversary Service. --000-- Saturday, 21st July 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: R A Walsh 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, A Taylor 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. Wedding compliment to Nicholas Woods, organist of this Church, and Margaret Ring. --000-- Sunday, 16th September 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: J W Foster 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Barbara A Foster 3, J J Hill 4, E R Purkiss 5, S R Gibbons 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. To commemorate the birth of a son, Henry Charles Albert David, to the H R H The Princess of Wales on Saturday 15th September 1984. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 21st October 1984 Esmé J Weaver 1, S R Gibbons 2, Barbara A Foster 3, R A Walsh 4, J Weaver 5, E R Purkiss 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J W Foster 8. For the baptism of Claire Anne, daughter of Nina and Steve Wake. Nina is a former ringer at this tower. --000-- Saturday, 15th December 1984 1260 Grandsire Triples: M S Holbrook 1, Alan Hoar (C) 2, Elizabeth Johnson 3, J J Hill 4, Caroline Blatchford 5, Heather L F Peachey 6, S R Gibbons 7, C Hitching 8. For the Mayor’s Carol Concert. --000-- Sunday, 27th January 1985 1260 Stedman Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, Alan Hoar 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A Taylor 8. For Evensong and in thanksgiving for the life of John (Jack) Chesterman Basingstoke District Secretary 1945 - 1961. --000-- Wednesday, 8th May 1985 1260 Erin Triples: E R Purkiss 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, J Weaver 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, A Taylor 8. For 40th Anniversary of V E Day. --000-- Thursday, 16th May 1985 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: J W Foster 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Barbara A Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, E R Purkiss 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J Weaver 8. First in the method by all except 4 & 7. For Ascension Day Service. --000-- Sunday, 16th June 1985 1260 Stedman Triples: M S Holbrook 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Wendy A Lines 3, B F Peachey 4, S R Gibbons 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For the marriage of our Rector’s daughter, Gillian Wright, to Stephen Wright. --000-- Monday, 12th August 1985 1260 Stedman Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, S R Gibbons 4, A Taylor 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, J W Foster 8. To congratulate Nick and Helen Weaver on the birth of Mark Theodore on 10th August. --000-- Thursday, 15th August 1985 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Margaret G Taylor 1, E R Purkiss 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J Weaver 4, M S Holbrook 5, A Taylor 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For 40th Anniversary of V J Day and the end of World War II. --000-- Sunday, 29th September 1985 1260 Grandsire Triples: D J Savill 1, Alan Hoar 2, E R Purkiss 3, J W Foster 4, Barbara A Foster 5, A J Purkiss (C) 6, S R Gibbons 7, J Weaver 8. 1st Triples – 1. 1st inside – 4. For Michaelmas Evensong and to welcome Oliver Wright, Rector’s Grandson, born 27th September. --000-- Thursday, 5th December 1985 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sarah M Dixon 1, Joanne Deuce 2, A J Dixon 3, William Sidwell 4, R C Wilson (C) 5, S N Trott 6, F Rivett 7, James E Harmsworth 8. Rung by a band from St Laurence Church, Reading, to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of a peal of Grandsire Triples rung by the St Laurence Society on 5th December 1885. --000-- Wednesday, 18th December 1985 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: J W Foster 1, Alan Hoar 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, M J Clay 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, M S Holbrook 8. For Civil Service Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 22nd December 1985 1280 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Alan Hoar 3, Heather L F Peachey 4, E R Purkiss 5, J Weaver 6, S R Gibbons 7, A J Purkiss (C) 8. For Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 2nd March 1986 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: C J Ford 1, Gwynneth A Jones 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Wendy A Lines 4, Alan Hoar 5, Heather L E Peachey 6, A J Purkiss 7, M J Clay (C) 8. 1st Cambridge – 3. For Ringer’s Sunday, by a Sunday Service Band. --000-- Thursday, 6th March 1986 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: M S Holbrook 1, Elizabeth Johnson 2, Wendy A Lines 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Alan Hoar 5, A J Purkiss 6, B F Peachey 7, M J Clay (C) 8. --000-- Friday, 25th April 1986 1260 Grandsire Triples: A J Purkiss 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Gwynneth A Jones 3, Alan Hoar 4, J Foster 5, B F Peachey 6, M J Clay (C) 7, S R Gibbons 8. For Eucharist to celebrate 25th Anniversary of Bishop Hassan's consecration and to congratulate Chris & Pip Ford on the birth of Elizabeth June. --000-- Saturday, 3rd May 1986 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, F R Purkiss 4, A Taylor 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, S R Gibbons 8. 1st Triples – 1. Birthday compliment to Paul Purkiss. --000-- Wednesday, 18th June 1986 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J E Newman 3, Wendy A Hoar 4, Elizabeth Johnson 5, J Weaver 6, B F Peachey (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. For practice. --000-- Sunday, 29th June 1986 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Margaret G Taylor 2, G Newman 3, R A Walsh 4, A Taylor 5, S R Gibbons 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 100th birthday compliment to Mrs Edith Bennett, grandmother of 6. --000-- Wednesday, 23rd July 1986 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, J W Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, S R Gibbons 4, J Weaver 5, Alan Hoar 6, A J Purkiss (C) 7, R H Thurlby 8. For the wedding of Prince Andrew & Sarah Ferguson. --000-- Saturday, 6th December 1986 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, C J Ford 4, J W Foster 5, B F Peachey 6, J Weaver (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. For The Mayor’s Carol Concert. --000-- Sunday, 21st December 1986 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Gwynneth A Jones 2, Alan Hoar 3, Barbara A Foster 4, B F Peachey 5, A J Purkiss 6, J Weaver 7, M J Clay (C) 8. 1st Cambridge – 7. For Candlelight Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 11th January 1987 1392 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Gwynneth A Jones 3, J W Foster 4, Alan Hoar (C) 5, S R Gibbons 6, B F Peachey 7, M J Clay 8. 1st Major - 4. For Evensong. --000-- Monday, 2nd February 1987 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Margaret G Taylor 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, A Taylor 5, Alan Hoar (C) 6, M J Clay 7, J Weaver 8. Half-muffled, on the day of their funerals, in memory of George Wilson, former Churchwarden and Emily Matthews. --000-- Sunday, 1st March 1987 1296 Spliced Plain & Little Bob Major: Heather L E Peachey 1, Gwynneth A Jones 2, Alan Hoar 3, C J Ford 4, C R Sheppard 5, Barbara A Foster 6, J Weaver 7, M J Clay (C) 8. For Ringer’s Sunday. 1st Spliced Major 2, 3, 6 & 7. --000-- Wednesday, 4th March 1987 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, C R Sheppard 4, J W Foster 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, J Weaver 8. 1st inside – 2. For Ash Wednesday Eucharist. --000-- Sunday, 26th April 1987 1260 Grandsire Triples: J W Foster 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Gwynneth A Jones 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Alan Hoar 5, C R Sheppard 6, M J Clay (C) 7, B F Peachey 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 17th May 1987 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major: J W Foster 1, Barbara A Foster 2, N A Weaver 3, M A Wilson 4, Caroline M Blatchford 5, B F Peachey 6, Heather L E Peachey 7, M J Clay (C) 8. 1st Pudsey – 2 & 3. For Evensong.

--000-- Sunday, 24th May 1987 1392 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, D J Sheppard 2, Alan Hoar 3, J W Foster 4, Barbara A Foster (C) 5, J Weaver 6, S R Gibbons 7, M J Clay 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 23rd August 1987 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m): J W Foster 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Gwynneth A Jones 3, M A Wilson 4, M Pidd 5, M J Clay 6, Heather L Peachey 7, M B Hough (C) 8. For Evensong and birthday compliment to 2. --000-- Wednesday, 9th September 1987 1260 Doubles (Stedman, Grandsire P.B.): Pauline Underwood 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Elizabeth Johnson 3, J Weaver 4, Heather L E Peachey (C) 5, C H M Copeland 6. On practice night when only the above were present. --000-- Tuesday, 29th September 1987 1280 Kent T B Major: M Clay (C) 1, J W Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Gwynneth A Jones 4, Barbara A Foster 5, J Weaver 6, A J Purkiss 7, M B Hough 8. For Michaelmas. --000-- Monday, 12th October 1987 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Gwynneth A Jones (C) 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, Alan Hoar 4, J W Foster 5, Barbara A Foster 6, M B Hough 7, M J Clay 8. --000-- Saturday, 24th October 1987 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Foster (C) 1, Caroline M Blatchford 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Heather L E Peachey 4, J W Foster 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar 7, J Weaver 8. 1st Stedman as C – 1. For Basingstoke District Quarter Peal Day. --000-- Sunday, 28th February 1988 1280 Kent T B Major: R A Pardy 1, Heather L E Peachey 2, B F Peachey 3, Barbara A Foster 4, J Weaver 5, Gwynneth A Jones (C) 6, A J Purkiss 7, M J Clay 8. 1st TB – 1, 1st Kent as C – 6. For Ringer’s Sunday. --000-- Thursday, 12th May 1988 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Gwynneth A Jones 2, Barbara A Foster 3, J W Foster 4, J Weaver 5, B F Peachey 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Heather L E Peachey 8. For Ascension Day Eucharist. --000-- Saturday, 14th May 1988 1472 Spliced Surprise Major (8m): T J Wellen 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Helen J Couperthwaite 3, C H Rodgers 4, M A Wilson 5, T Arkless 6, R Walker 7, W J Couperthwaite (C) 8. --000-- Tuesday, 24th May 1988 1260 Grandsire Triples: D J Savill 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, Alan Hoar 4, Linda R Eames 5, J W Foster 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, M B Hough 8. To mark the 250th Anniversary of the Conversion of John Wesley. --000-- Thursday, 9th June 1988 1344 Basingstoke Surprise Major: Barbara A Foster 1, Alan Hoar 2, Linda R Eames 3, M Pidd 4, M J Turner 5, W J Couperthwaite 6, M B Hough 7, T Arkless (C) 8. 1st in the method by all. --000-- Sunday, 31st July 1988 1260 Grandsire Triples: Alan Hoar 1, Barbara A Foster (C) 2, R A Walsh 3, S R Gibbons 4, R A Pardy 5, J Weaver 6, T Arkless 7, D J Savill 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 14th August 1988 1260 Stedman Triples: D J Savill 1, Barbara A Foster (C) 2, Pauline Underwood 3, R A Walsh 4, Gwynneth A Clay 5, Alan Hoar 6, Heather L E Peachey 7, J Weaver 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 4th September 1998 1264 Plain Bob Major: B F Peachey 1, Pauline Underwood 2, R A Walsh 3, J Foster 4, J Weaver 5, M Turner 6, T Arkless (C) 7, Barbara A Foster 8. 1st PB Major – 2. For Evensong, also to congratulate Chris and Pip Ford on the birth of Alison on 2nd September. --000-- Thursday, 22nd September 1988 1296 Court Bob Major: J W Foster 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Helen J Couperthwaite 3, R J Walker 4, M A Wilson 5, M Pidd 6, W J Couperthwaite 7, T Arkless (C) 8. 1st in method – 2. --000-- Thursday, 29th September 1988 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Foster (C) 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J W Foster 3, R A Walsh 4, B F Peachey 5, J Weaver 6, T Arkless 7, C H M Copeland 8. For Michaelmas. --000-- Sunday, 16th October 1988 1264 Plain Bob Major: D J Savill 1, Pauline Underwood 2, J J Hill 3, Barbara A Foster 4, T Arkless 5, J Weaver 6, Heather L E Peachey (C) 7, M B Hough 8. For Evensong and to mark Arthur Attwood’s 60 years in St Michael’s choir. --000-- Saturday, 22nd October 1988 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (3m): B F Peachey 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Gwynneth A Clay 3, J W Foster 4, M A Wilson 5, T Arkless 6, M B Hough 7, M J Clay (C) 8. 1st spliced – 4. For Basingstoke District Quarter Peal Day. --000-- Sunday, 6th November 1988 1260 Stedman Triples: B F Peachey 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Barbara A Foster (C) 4, J W Foster 5, Toby Arkless 6, J Weaver 7, D J Savill 8. 1st Stedman – 2. For Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 10th December 1988 1344 Little Bob Major: Alan Hoar 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Judy E Couperthwaite 4, R P N Williams 5, J Weaver 6, B F Peachey (C) 7, Heather L E Peachey 8. For the Mayor’s Carol Concert. --000-- Sunday, 18th December 1988 1280 Kent T B Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Alan Hoar 2, Barbara A Foster 3, J W Foster 4, J Weaver 5, T Arkless 6, G Peck 7, M B Hough (C) 8. For Carols by Candlelight. --000-- Sunday, 29th January 1989 1280 Glasgow Surprise Major: Alan Hoar 1, B F Peachey 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, Barbara A Foster 4, M J Turner 5, G Peck 6, T Arkless (C) 7, M B Hough 8. 1st Glasgow – 4. For Basingstoke Deanery Evensong, preacher Rt. Rev’d , Bishop of Winchester. --000-- Wednesday, 8th February 1989 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Alan Hoar 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, Linda R Eames 4, Barbara A Foster 5, T Arkless (C) 6, M B Hough 7, J Weaver 8. Half-muffled for Ash Wednesday Communion Service. --000-- Sunday, 12th February 1989 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, D J Savill 2, J W Foster 3, Barbara A Foster (C) 4, Alan Hoar 5, T Arkless 6, J Weaver 7, R Pardy 8. 1st Triples inside – 2. Rung prior to Evensong to celebrate the birth of a granddaughter, Lucy, to Pauline Underwood. --000-- Sunday, 26th February 1989 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (4m): Esmé J Weaver 1, Alan Hoar 2, Caroline Blatchford 3, J W Foster 4, Barbara A Foster 5, M J Turner 6, T Arkless 7, M B Hough (C) 8. 1st Spliced – 2. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 19th March 1989 1280 Glasgow Surprise Major: J W Foster 1, Alan Hoar 2, B F Peachey 3, M J Turner 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Linda R Eames 6, T Arkless (C) 7, M B Hough 8. 1st Glasgow – 2. For Evensong on Palm Sunday. --000-- Friday, 24th March 1989 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Barbara A Foster 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Pauline Underwood 3, J W Foster 4, Alan Hoar 5, J Weaver 6, T Arkless (C) 7, D J Savill 8. 1st Oxford Bob Triples – 3. Half-muffled for Good Friday Service. --000-- Sunday, 9th April 1989 1280 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Barbara A Foster (C) 3, J W Foster 4, Sonia Leonard 5, Alan Hoar 6, J Weaver 7, T Arkless 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 23rd April 1989 1280 Rutland Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Caroline Blatchford 2, Sonia Leonard 3, Alan Hoar 4, J W Foster 5, R P N Williams 6, Barbara A Foster 7, T Arkless (C) 8. 1st Rutland – 5 & 6. For Evensong on St George’s Day. --000-- Sunday, 18th June 1989 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, R A Pardy 3, Mary Coe 4, J J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, D J Savill 8. For Evensong to conclude St Michael’s Festival. --000-- Saturday, 24th June 1989 1264 Plain Bob Major: J Williams 1, Mandy Spearing 2, F Mitchell 3, T Spearing 4, P Ruth Symington 5, C Bennett 6, Helen M Hunt 7, R A Walsh 8. 1st Major – 1. 1st Major as C – 8. For Guild of Post and Telecom Ringers Annual Quarter Peal Day. --000-- Sunday, 30th July 1989 1260 Grandsire Triples: A S E Roach 1, Barbara A Foster (C) 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Sonia E Leonard 4, J W Foster 5, Heather L E Peachey 6, Barry F Peachey 7, J Weaver 8. 1st Quarter – 1. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 6th August 1989 1260 Stedman Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J J Hill 3, Barbara A Foster 4, J W Foster 5, T Arkless (C) 6, M B Hough 7, J Weaver 8. After wedding and before Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 17th September 1989 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Alan Hoar 2, Sonia E Leonard 3, J W Foster 4, Barbara A Foster 5, R H Burton 6, M B Hough 7, T Arkless (C) 8. 1st Pudsey – 2 & 4. Rung prior to a service to celebrate the Church Urban Fund. --000-- Thursday, 28th September 1989 1280 London Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Judy E Couperthwaite 3, J W Foster 4, Linda R Eames 5, M B Hough 6, T Arkless 7, R H Burton (C) 8. 1st London – 4. For Eucharist on the eve of the Feast of St Michael and All Angels. --000-- Sunday, 1st October 1989 1260 Grandsire Triples: Larry G Leonard 1, J W Foster 2, Sonia E Leonard 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, T Arkless 5, R H Burton 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, J Weaver 8. 1st on 8 – 1. Prior to Team Evensong for the Patronal Festival. --000-- Sunday, 19th November 1989 1280 Plain Bob Major: D J Savill 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, J W Foster 3, Sonia E Leonard 4, Alan Hoar 5, J Weaver 6, Barbara A Foster 7, T Arkless (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 3rd December 1989 1280 Kent T B Major: M B Hough (C) 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J W Foster 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Alan Hoar 6, G Peck 7, Linda R Eames 8. 1st Kent Major – 2. For Advent Carols. --000-- Sunday, 17th December 1989 1260 Stedman Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, J W Foster 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, T Arkless 5, J Weaver 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. For Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 21st January 1990 1280 Double Norwich C B Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, J W Foster 2, Sonia E Leonard 3, Judy E Couperthwaite 4, M J Turner 5, Barbara A Foster 6, W J Couperthwaite 7, T Arkless (C) 8. 1st Double Norwich – 2 & 3. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 25th February 1990 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (6m): Esmé J Weaver 1, Sonia E Leonard 2, Alan Hoar 3, J W Foster 4, M Wilson 5, Barbara A Foster 6, R Walker 7, T Arkless (C) 8. Most spliced S M – 3 & 4. For Evensong. --000-- Wednesday, 28th February 1990 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Foster 1, Alan Hoar 2, J W Foster 3, Sonia E Leonard 4, J Weaver 5, T Arkless 6, R H Burton (C) 7, L Leonard 8. For Ash Wednesday Eucharist. --000-- Sunday, 25th March 1990 1260 Grandsire Triples: L Leonard 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Sonia E Leonard 3, J W Foster 4, J J Hill 5, J Weaver 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, D J Savill 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 1st April 1990 1260 Grandsire Triples: Barbara A Foster 1, D J Savill 2, Alan Hoar 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, T Arkless (C) 5, J Weaver 6, M B Hough 7, J W Foster 8. For Parish confirmation by the Bishop of Winchester. --000-- Thursday, 25th May 1990 1280 Bristol Surprise Major: M J Turner 1, J W Foster 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Alan Hoar 4, Linda R Eames 5, C Bostock 6, M B Hough 7, P H Burton (C) 8. For Ascension Day Eucharist. --000-- Sunday, 8th July 1990 1280 London Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, J W Foster 2, Sonia E Leonard 3, Judy E Couperthwaite 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Linda R Eames 6, Kathryne L Carter 7, M B Hough (C) 8. Engagement compliment to Toby Arkless and Kathy Pearce. --000-- Saturday, 4th August 1990 1260 Grandsire Triples: L Leonard 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Sonia E Leonard 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, Barbara A Foster 5, J W Foster 6, J Weaver (C) 7, C H M Copeland 8. 90th Birthday compliment to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. --000-- Sunday, 16th September 1990 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Liz Agg 2, Barbara A Foster 3, J W Foster 4, C Bostock 5, T Arkless 6, G Peck 7, R H Burton (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 14th October 1990 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m): Barbara A Foster 1, Sonia E Leonard 2, Liz Agg 3, J W Foster 4, C Bostock 5, T Arkless 6, R H Burton (C) 7, M B Hough 8. For the Institution of Ven Alex Knight as Archdeacon of Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 4th November 1990 1280 Plain Bob Major: Alan Hoar 1, D J Savill 2, C Bostock 3, Linda R Eames 4, Barbara A Foster 5, J W Foster 6, T Arkless (C) 7, M B Hough 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 18th November 1990 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m): J W Foster 1, Alan Hoar 2, Barbara A Foster 3, C Bostock 4, G Peck 5, Linda R Eames 6, T Arkless (C) 7, M B Hough 8. For Evensong. --000-- Thursday, 21st February 1991 1259 Zelah Surprise Major: A D Smith 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Christine Holmes 3, Mrs A D Smith 4, J W Foster 5, Linda R Eames 6, D A Holmes 7, M B Hough (C) 8. 1st in method for all except 6. --000-- Sunday, 24th February 1991 1260 Stedman Triples: D J Savill 1, Sonia E Leonard 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Linda R Eames 6, M B Hough (C) 7, J Weaver 8. 1st Stedman – 1. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 28th April 1991 1260 Grandsire Triples: L G Leonard 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Sonia E Leonard (C) 4, J W Foster 5, T Arkless 6, M B Hough 7, J Weaver 8. For Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 22nd June 1991 1260 Grandsire Triples: L G Leonard 1, Dawn H Jukes 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Sonia E Leonard (C) 4, Linda R Eames 5, C F Jukes 6, J Weaver 7, F E Jukes 8. To celebrate the Christening of Alexander James, son of 2, nephew of 1 & 4, grandson of 8 and Great Grandson of 6. --000-- Monday, 18th November 1991 1260 Grandsire Triples: C Bostock 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Kathryne R Arkless 3, Sonia E Leonard 4, Barbara A Foster 5, J Weaver 6, T Arkless (C) 7, D J Savill 8. Rung to celebrate the release from captivity of Terry Waite. --000-- Wednesday, 4th March 1992 1260 Stedman Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, J W Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Barbara Foster 4, J Weaver 5, Pete Jordan 6, M B Hough (C) 7, D J Savill 8. --000-- Sunday, 22nd September 1992 1260 Stedman Triples: B D Constant 1, J W Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Barbara A Foster 4, J Weaver 5, M W Evans 6, M B Hough (C) 7, M A Bull 8. 1st on eight & first Stedman – 1. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 25th October 1992 1260 Grandsire Triples: C Bostock 1, Pauline Underwood 2, D J Savill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, B D Constant 5, J W Foster 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, J Weaver 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 20th December 1992 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Lynne Jordan 3, C Bostock 4, G Peck 5, S R Gibbons 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, J Weaver 8. For Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 21st February 1993 1260 Grandsire Triples: Alan Hoar 1, J W Foster 2, J J Hill 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, J Weaver 5, G Peck 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, D J Savill 8. For Parish Confirmation. --000-- Sunday, 25th July 1993 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Pauline Underwood 2, J J Hill 3, Eleanor Kippin 4, D J Savill 5, Alan Hoar 6, R C Kippin (C) 7, R A Walsh 8. For Farewell evensong for Canon C N Wright. --000-- Sunday, 14th November 1993 1260 Stedman Triples: J W Foster 1, R A Walsh 2, Mandy Peck 3, Kathryne Arkless 4, G Peck 5, Pete Jordan 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, D J Savill 8. To welcome Gregory Mark, son of Pete and Lynne Jordan, born 9th November. --000-- Sunday, 19th December 1993 1260 Grandsire Triples: Philip A Turrell 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Barbara A Foster 3, B D Constant 4, J W Foster 5, Alan Hoar 6, T Arkless (C) 7, D J Savill 8. 1st away from cover – 1. For Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 19th January 1994 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Mandy Peck 2, Alan Hoar 3, G Peck 4, Barbara A Foster 5, J W Foster 6, M Pidd (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. To welcome Rev’d P P Welsh as Team Rector of Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 23rd January 1994 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major: D J Savill 1, Gwynneth A Clay 2, Pauline Underwood 3, J W Foster 4, G Peck 5, Barbara A Foster 6, T Arkless 7, M J Clay (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Wednesday 16th February 1994 1280 Rutland Surprise Major: D J Savill 1, Mandy Peck 2, Kathryne Arkless 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Barbara A Foster 5, B D Constant 6, G Peck 7, M J Turner (C) 8. For Ash Wednesday Service. --000-- Sunday 6th March 1994 1344 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, B D Constant (C) 2, R A Walsh 3, J Foster 4, G D Peck 5, Barbara A Foster 6, Pete Jordan 7, M B Hough 8. 1st on 8 as C – 2. For Evensong. --000-- Friday, 1st April 1994 1260 Grandsire Triples: Rosalind Turrell 1, D J Savill 2, B D Constant 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, S R Gibbons 5, Pete Jordan 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. Half Muffled for 3 Hours Service on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 24th April 1994 1260 Grandsire Triples: Rosalind Turrell 1, Linda Hough 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Heather Kippin 4, Kathyrene R Arkless 5, Gwynneth A Clay 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Lynne G S Jordan 8. By a Ladies Band to celebrate the Ordination to the Priesthood of Katie Young, Elizabeth George and Jan Wibrew. --000-- Sunday, 8th May 1994 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Alan Hoar 1, Heather Kippin 2, Barbara A Foster 3, M J Church 4, R C Kippin 5, T Arkless 6, G D Peck 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 17th July 1994 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, D J Savill 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Pete Jordan 4, Philip A Turrell 5, B D Constant 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, M S Holbrook 8. Farewell compliment to Robin Cheer, organist at this Church. --000-- Sunday, 16th October 1994 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, D J Savill 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Keith J Walpole 5, R A Walsh 6, B D Constant (C) 7, M Boult 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 23rd October 1994 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, D J Savill 2, J J Hill 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Alan Hoar 5, R A Walsh 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. To celebrate the baptism of Gregory Mark Jordan and Michael Lee Welsh. --000-- Sunday, 13th November 1994 1260 Grandsire Triples: R A Walsh 1, Pauline Underwood 2, D J Savill 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Keith J Walpole 5, Alan Hoar 6, T Arkless (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. Rung prior to evensong to celebrate the safe arrival of Stephen James Turrell, born 8 November. --000-- Saturday, 7th January 1995 1264 Plain Bob Major: D J Savill 1, R A Walsh 2, Angela Athawes 3, Alan Hoar 4, Shirley Hedges 5, Barbara A Foster 6, S R Gibbons 7, B D Constant (C) 8. Circled the tower to Quarter Peals - 8 --000-- Sunday, 4th February 1995 1260 Grandsire Triples: D J Savill 1, Kathryne R Arkless 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, R A Walsh 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, R Boucher 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 19th February 1995 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ellen Boucher 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, M Boult 8. 1st on 8 – 1. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 12th March 1995 1296 Plain Bob Major: Keith J Walpole 1, Rosalind Turrell 2, Philip A Turrell 3, B D Constant 4, J Soar 5, Barbara A Foster 6, Pete Jordan 7, R A Walsh (C) 8. 1st Major – 2 & 3. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 26th March 1995 1288 Little Bob Major: R A Walsh 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, D J Savill 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Pete Jordan 5, M J Clay 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, R C Kippin 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 2nd April 1995 1344 Grandsire Triples: Rosalind S Turrell 1, D J Savill 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, J W Foster 4, M Boult 5, T Arkless 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. To congratulate Margaret & Ronald Boult (parents of 5) on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. For Evensong. --000-- Friday, 14th April 1995 1260 Stedman Triples: Lynne G S Jordan 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, R A Walsh 4, Alan Hoar 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, D J Savill 8. Half Muffled for ‘Three Hours’ Service on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 30th April 1995 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Pauline Underwood (1st Yorkshire) 2, R C Kippin 3, Heather Kippin 4, Keith J Walpole 5, Pete Jordan 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, M J Clay 8. To welcome Rebecca Lucy, Granddaughter of 2. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 7th May 1995 1260 Grandsire Triples: R A Walsh 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Keith J Walpole 3, Alan Hoar 4, Barbara A Foster 5, G Peck 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, D J Savill 8. For Civic Service to mark the 50th Anniversary of V. E. Day. --000-- Sunday, 21st May 1995 1288 Grandsire Triples: D J Savill 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, R A Walsh 4, J Soar 5, Keith J Walpole 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. To welcome home the Parish Walk for Christian Aid on Rogation Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 11th June 1995 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Rosalind S Turrell 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, R C Kippin 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Alan Hoar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, D J Savill 8. For Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 17th June 1995 1260 Grandsire Triples: Rosalind Turrell 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Philip A Turrell 3, Pete Jordan 4, J Soar 5, Eleanor Kippin 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. For Church Open Day and in memory of Charles H Kippin. --000-- Sunday, 9th July 1995 1344 Original Minor: Lynne G S Jordan 1, B D Constant 2, Barbara A Foster 3, R A Walsh 4, Keith J Walpole 5, M J Clay (C) 6. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 30th July 1995 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, D J Savill (1st Surprise Major) 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, B D Constant 4, Jon A Soar 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Barbara A Foster 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. 1st in method – 2. For Evensong. To congratulate Toby & Kathy Arkless on the birth of a son today. --000-- Sunday, 10th September 1995 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major: Heather Kippin 1, Pauline Underwood 2, K Walpole 3, J Foster 4, N Blyton 5, Pete Jordan 6, T Arkless (C) 7, R C Kippin 8. 1st in method – 2. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 1st October 1995 1260 Stedman Triples: J W Foster 1, Rosalind Turrell (1st Stedman) 2, Kathryne R Arkless 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, N Blyton 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. For Patronal Festival Evensong. --000-- Monday, 30th October 1995 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, S R Gibbons 3, Keith J Walpole 4, J W Foster 5, Pete Jordan 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, John Turner 8. Rung half muffled following the funeral of David J Savill Steeple Keeper of this Church. --000-- Sunday, 5th November 1995 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Philip A Turrell 2, J W Foster 3, Kathryne R Arkless 4, R A Walsh 5, S R Gibbons 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, R Boucher 8. 1st Stedman – 2. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 10th March 1996 1260 Stedman Triples: Pete Jordan 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Lynne GS Jordan 3, Jon A Soar 4, B D Constant 5, Barbara A Foster (C) 6, Keith J Walpole 7, R A Walsh 8. For Evensong. --000-- Friday 5th April 1996 1288 Grandsire Triples: Rosalind Turrell 1, Helen M Weaver 2, Alan Hoar 3, N A Weaver 4, B D Constant 5, Pete Jordan 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, R A Walsh 8. For Three Hours Service - Half Muffled. --000-- Tuesday, 9th July 1996 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Rosalind Turrell 3, Heather Kippin 4, Jon A Soar 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, R Boucher 8. For Basingstoke District Centenary Quarter Peal Week. --000-- Sunday, 21st July 1996 1250 Glasgow Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Lynne GS Jordan 2, B D Constant 3, Pete Jordan 4, G Peck 5, Tony Skilton 6, Keith J Walpole 7, M J Clay (C) 8. For Evensong, baptismal compliment to Victoria Anne Moynihan. --000-- Saturday, 17th August 1996 1279 Grandsire Major: J Gwynne 1, Julia Miles 2, Samantha Clark 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Carole Hunt 5, B D Constant 6, S Baines 7, A Wood (C) 8. 1st Major – 1. 1st Grandsire Major - for all except 4. --000-- Sunday, 8th September 1996 1280 Double Norwich C B Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, R A Walsh 2, Eleanor J Kippin 3, B D Constant 4, Jon A Soar 5, N Blyton 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 30th September 1996 1260 Grandsire Triples: E Boucher 1, Keith J Walpole 2, Rosalind Turrell 3, Esmé J Weaver 4, Alan Hoar 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, R Boucher 8. 1st Quarter – 1. For Patronal Festival Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 1st December 1996 1264 Plain Bob Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Rosalind Turrell 3, B D Constant 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Jon A Soar 6, Alan Hoar7, Keith J Walpole (C) 8. 1st Major – 2. For Advent Carols. --000-- Sunday, 8th December 1996 1260 Stedman Triples: Alan Hoar 1, Angela M Athawes 2, Helen J Piper 3, Pete Jordan 4, Jon A Soar 5, RA Walsh 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, R Boucher 8. For Christingle Service. --000-- Sunday, 22nd December 1996 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Keith J Walpole 1, Rosalind Turrell 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Jon A Soar 4, Philip A Turrell 5, B D Constant 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Lynne GS Jordan 8. 1st in method 2, 4, 5, 6. For Candlelight Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 26th January 1997 1280 Plain Bob Major: Rosalind Turrell 1, Jenny Soar 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Jon A Soar 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Alan Hoar 6, Keith J Walpole 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Friday, 28th March 1997 1260 Grandsire Triples: Rosalind Turrell 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, B D Constant 3, Pete Jordan 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. Half muffled for ‘3 Hours’ Service also in memory of Eleanor Alice Tansley (1899-1997) Grandmother of 2. --000-- Sunday, 4th May 1997 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Jenny Soar 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Keith J Walpole (C) 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan 7, Jon A Soar 8. For Evensong and in memoriam Rev'd Katie Young (1965-97) ordained in this church and a former curate of this parish. --000-- Friday, 5th September 1997 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Jenny Soar 1, Esmé J Weaver 2, Angela Athawes 3, R A Walsh 4, Lynne G S Jordan 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. Half - Muffled prior to an Ecumenical Service in memory of Diana Princess of Wales. --000-- Sunday, 7th September 1997 1260 Stedman Triples: Jenny Soar 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Angela Athawes 3, S R Gibbons 4, G Peck 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Lynne G S Jordan 8. 1st Stedman - 1. For Evensong and to celebrate the life of Diana Princess of Wales. --000-- Sunday, 9th November 1997 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esmè J Weaver 1, B D Constant 2, Rosalind Turrell 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Alan Hoar 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. Rung Half-Muffled prior to Evensong for Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 21st December 1997 1260 Grandsire Triples: B D Constant 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Jenny Soar 3, Lois Carrington 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, J W Foster 8. For Candle Light Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 25th January 1998 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Keith J Walpole 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Esmé J Weaver 3, Jon A Soar 4, G Peck 5, B D Constant 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 15th February 1998 1296 Little Bob Major: Rosalind Turrell 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Alan Hoar 3, Philip A Turrell 4, Kathryne R Arkless 5, B D Constant 6, Keith J Walpole 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. 1st in method – 4. For Evensong. --000-- Wednesday, 25th February 1998 1280 Superlative Surprise Major: Esmé J Weaver 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Jon A Soar 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, G D Peck 5, Alan Hoar6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. 1st Superlative – 3. For Ash Wednesday Communion Service. --000-- Saturday, 28th February 1998 1260 Grandsire Triples: C Hyde 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Pete Jordan 4, B D Constant 5, Jon A Soar 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. 1st away from cover – 1. In celebration of 40 years marriage of Donald and Marion Hyde for 1st March. Treble ringer is son of happy couple. --000-- Sunday, 29th March 1998 1260 Stedman Triples: Esmé J Weaver 1, Angela M Athawes 2, R A Walsh 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Keith J Walpole 5, Jon A Soar 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, B D Constant 8. For evensong & the dedication of an altar cross in memory of Rev’d Katie Young. --000-- Friday, 10th April 1998 1260 Grandsire Triples: Jenny Soar 1, Alan Hoar2, R A Walsh 3, Keith J Walpole 4, B D Constant (C) 5, J W Foster 6, Jon A Soar 7, Philip A Turrell 8. Half- muffled for ‘Three Hours’ service on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 26th April 1998 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Barbara A Foster 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Rosalind Turrell 3, Lois Carrington 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Jon A Soar 7, Keith J Walpole 8. 1st in method – 4. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 27th September 1998 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lynne G S Jordan 1, Jenny Soar 2, Rosalind S Turrell 3, Esme J Weaver 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Patronal Festival Evensong, --000-- Sunday, 8th November 1998 1301 Grandsire Triples: Jennifer J Soar 1, Angela M Athawes 2, Jon A Soar 3, Keith J Walpole 4, Pete Jordan 5, Nicholas A Weaver 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Barbara A Foster 8. Half muffled for evensong on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 28th February 1999 1250 Superlative Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Barbara A Foster 2, Angela M Athawes 3, Jon Soar 4, Keith J Walpole 5, Lynne G S Jordan 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. For Evensong. --000-- Friday, 2nd April 1999 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Lynne G S Jordan 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Rosalind S Turrell 3, B D Constant 4, Alan Hoar 5, Barbara A Foster 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Nicholas A Weaver 8. Half-Muffled for 3 Hours Service on Good Friday. --000-- Tuesday, 6th April 1999 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Angela Athawes 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Jon A Soar 5, Pete Jordan 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, B D Constant 8. 1st Surprise – 2. --000-- Saturday, 1st May 1999 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Sue Thomas 1, Helen J Piper 2, Angela Athawes 3, Simon E Wood 4, Graham J Wright 5, Ellis N Thomas 6, Raymond A Walsh 7, Barry D Pointer (C) 8. --000-- Sunday, 16th May 1999 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Jon A Soar 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Keith J Walpole(C) 6, Pete Jordan 7, B D Constant 8. 1st Yorkshire – 2. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 13th June 1999 1344 Spliced Surprise Major (6m C,Y,N,R,P,S): Esme J Weaver 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Angela .Athawes 3, Jon A Soar 4, Pete Jordan 5, Barbara A Foster 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. 1st spliced – 3 & 4. 1st spliced as conductor - 7. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 11th July 1999 1260 Grandsire Triples: Jenny Soar 1, Rosalind S Turrell 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, Philip A Turrell 5, B D Constant 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Jon A Soar 8. For Parish Confirmation Service. --000-- Sunday, 25th July 1999 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Alan Hoar 3, Angela Athawes 4, Jon A Soar 5, B D Constant 6, Keith J Walpole 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 26th September 1999 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Angela Athawes 3, Pete Jordan 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, B D Constant (C) 6, Jon A Soar 7, Keith J Walpole 8. For Team Patronal Festival Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 10th October 1999 1296 Stedman Triples: Jenny Soar 1, Rosalind S Turrell 2, Jon A Soar 3, Esme J Weaver 4, B D Constant 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Philip A Turrell 8. For Harvest Festival. --000-- Sunday, 7th November 1999 1260 Stedman Triples: Angela M Athawes 1, B D Constant 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Nicholas A Weaver 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. Rung prior to the All Souls Commemoration as a thanksgiving for the life of J Jeffery Hill of All Saints. --000-- Sunday, 12th December 1999 1260 Stedman Triples: Barbara A Foster 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Alan Hoar 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Mark Wilson 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Raymond A Walsh 8. For Christingle Service. --000-- Sunday, 19th December 1999 1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Keith J Walpole 4, Raymond A Walsh 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan 7, Keith J Walpole (C) 8. For Carol Service. --000-- Friday, 31st December 1999 1999 Cambridge Surprise Major: Keith J Walpole (C) 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Angela M Athawes 3, Philip A Turrell 4, Barbara A Foster 5, Jon A Soar 6, Raymond A Walsh 7, Pete Jordan 8. To celebrate the end of the old millennium. --000-- Sunday, 30th January 2000 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan (1st attempt) 1, B D Constant 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Esme J Weaver 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. 1st Attempt – 1. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 27th February 2000 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Ian Banecki 1, Rosalind S Turrell 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. 1st Triples – 1. Get well compliment to Lynne Jordan - for Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 12th March 2000 1280 Rutland Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Angela M Athawes 2, Jon A Soar 3, Kathryne R Arkless 4, Keith J Walpole 5, Mark A Wilson 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 16th April 2000 1280 Superlative Surprise Major: Jenny Soar 1, Jon A Soar 2, Kathryne R Arkless 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Alan Hoar 5, Barbara A Foster 6, B D Constant 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Palm Sunday Evening Service. --000-- Friday, 21st April 2000 1260 Stedman Triples: Jenny Soar 1, Alan Hoar 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Jon A Soar 5, Pete Jordan 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. Rung half-muffled for ‘Three Hour Service’ on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 7th May 2000 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela Athawes 4, Jon A Soar 5, Barbara A Foster 6, Keith J Walpole(C) 7, B D Constant 8. 1st Quarter – 1. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 21st May 2000 1314 Bristol Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Angela M Athawes 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Jon A Soar 4, Pete Jordan 5, Mark Wilson 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. 1st Bristol – 4. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 18th June 2000 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Rosalind S Turrell 1, Keith J Walpole 2, Ian Banecki 3, Nicholas A Weaver 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. 1st triples inside - 3. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 25th June 2000 1260 Stedman Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Jenny Soar 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Jon A Soar 5, Barbara A Foster 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. Rung prior to the Civic Service and specially rung with the band’s best wishes to Barbara Foster who is moving to Towcester and has rung at this tower for thirty years. --000-- Sunday, 2nd July 2000 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Alan Hoar 2, Keith J Walpole 3, Pete Jordan 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Mark A Wilson 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung following the Parish Communion, at which she presided for the first time, to celebrate the ordination to the priesthood of Rev’d Lucy Thirtle in Winchester Cathedral on the previous day. --000-- Saturday, 29th July 2000 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Raymond A Walsh 1, Elizabeth Johnson 2, Heather L E Peachey 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Alan Hoar 5, Michael F Peachey 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. --000-- Friday, 4th August 2000 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Ian Banecki 1, Jenny Soar 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Pete Jordan (C) 4, Angela M Athawes 5, Alan Hoar 6, Jon A Soar 7, Keith J Walpole 8. Rung to celebrate the 100th birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. --000-- Sunday, 17th September 2000 1328 Spliced Plain and Little Bob Major: Lucy Jordan 1, Jenny Soar 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. 1st Major – 1. 1st Spliced - 2. For Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 14th October 2000 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Martin Boult 4, Raymond A Walsh 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. 500th Quarter – 5. Wedding Compliment to Claire Irvine and Michael Elliot. --000-- Sunday, 29th October 2000 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Lucy Jordan 2, Rosalind S Turrell 3, Philip A Turrell 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. 1st inside - 2. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 12th November 2000 1260 St Clements Triples: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. 1st in method by all. Rung half-muffled for evensong on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 31st December 2000 2000 Cambridge Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Jon A Soar 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Graham Hedges 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. For evensong on New Year’s Eve. --000-- Sunday, 14th January 2001 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Angela M Athawes 2, Rosalind S Turrell 3, Philip A Turrell 4, Ian Banecki 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. 1st Grandsire Triples – 5. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 28th January 2001 1260 Double Oxford Bob Triples: Esme J Weaver 1, B D Constant 2, Angela M Athawes 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. 1st in the method for all. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 18th March 2001 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lucy Jordan 2, Jon A Soar 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. 1st in method - 2. For Evensong --000-- Sunday, 25th March 2001 1280 Kent TB Major: Keith J Walpole (C) 1, Jennifer A Soar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Nicholas A Weaver 4, Angela M Athawes 5, Lynne G S Jordan 6, Jon A Soar 7, Pete Jordan 8. 1st Kent - 2 & 3. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 20th May 2001 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Jennifer A Soar 2, Keith J Walpole 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Pete Jordan 5, Lynne G S Jordan 6, Jon A Soar 7, B D Constant (C) 8. For Civic Service. --000-- Saturday, 26th May 2001 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Pete Jordan 5, B D Constant 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. Rung to celebrate the wedding of Maggie Ellis & Dessie McGee today at St Mary’s, Old Basing. --000-- Sunday, 10th June 2001 1296 Plain Bob Major: Ian Banecki 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Philip A Turrell 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. 1st major - 1. Rung to celebrate the life of Felix Banecki, father of 1. --000-- Saturday, 7th July 2001 1288 Grandsire Triples: Lynne G S Jordan 1, Jon A Soar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Pete Jordan 5, Keith J Walpole 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. Rung for Church Open Day. --000-- Sunday, 16th September 2001 1260 Grandsire Triples: B D Constant 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Ian Banecki 4, Angela M Athawes 5, Jon A Soar 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Lynne G S Jordan 8. Rung half muffled as a token of respect for the dead and in sympathy for the injured and their relatives following the terrorist atrocity in America on 11th September. --000-- Sunday, 11th November 2001 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Helen Green 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Pete Jordan 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. Rung half-muffled for Evensong on Remembrance Day. --000-- Sunday, 1st December 2001 1280 Bristol Surprise Major: Jon A Soar 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Barbara A Foster 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Pete Jordan 5, Nicholas A Weaver 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Andrew W R Wilby 8. For Advent Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 12th December 2001 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor: Esme J Weaver 1, Jenny Soar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Jon A Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. 1st Cambridge inside - 3. Rung for charity Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 23rd December 2001 1260 Stedman Triples: Keith J Walpole 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Helen Green 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Maggie Ellis 8. Rung for Candlelit Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 13th February 2002 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. For Ash Wednesday Service. --000-- Monday, 4th March 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Alan Hoar 4, Angela M Athawes 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. Rung half muffled following the Civic Funeral of Arthur Attwood: Freeman of the Borough, long time member of the choir and local historian. --000-- Sunday, 24th March 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Jenny Soar 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Helen Green 5, Pete Jordan 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. For Palm Sunday Service. Also in memory of Fred Munday who learnt to ring at this tower and rang whenever he visited. --000-- Tuesday, 9th April 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Ian Banecki 8. Rung half-muffled on the evening of the Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. --000-- Tuesday, 16th April 2002 1250 Rutland Surprise Major: Rosalind S Turrell 1, Heather Kippin 2, Jenny Soar 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Pete Jordan 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Keith J Walpole 8. Rung prior to the licensing of Canon David Tonkinson as Industrial Chaplain. --000-- Wednesday, 24th April 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Angela M Athawes 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Helen Green 4, Alan Hoar 5, Jon A Soar 6, Barbara A Foster (C) 7, Maggie Ellis 8. Rung prior to Civic Service of Thanksgiving for HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. --000-- Sunday, 2nd June 2002 1260 Minor (552 Double Oxford, 720 St Clements): Esme J Weaver 1, Helen Green 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Barbara A Foster 4, Jon A Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. Rung prior to Evensong for HM The Queen’s Golden Jubilee. --000-- Sunday, 9th June 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Angela Athawes 3, Nicholas A Weaver 4, Ian Banecki 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Alan Hoar 7, Jon A Soar 8, For Civic Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 23rd June 2002 1260 Stedman Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Angela Rush 3, Angela M Athawes 4, B D Constant 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Lynne G S Jordan 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 7th July 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esme J Weaver 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Ian Banecki 4, Alan Hoar 5, B D Constant 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon .A Soar 8. For Parish Confirmation by Rt. Rev’d , Bishop of Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 18th August 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Lynne G S Jordan 2, Angela Rush 3, Angela Athawes 4, Ian Banecki 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung following Parish Communion as a farewell to Rev’d Philip Welsh, Team Rector of Basingstoke for the past 8 ½ years. --000-- Sunday, 10th October 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela Athawes 4, Jon A Soar 5, Pete Jordan 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7. For Harvest Festival. --000-- Saturday, 26th October 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Lucy Jordan 2, Helen Green 3, Esme J Weaver 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung before the wedding of Rev’d Lucy Thirtle (Curate) and David Goodfellow. --000-- Sunday, 1st December 2002 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne G S Jordan 4, Jon A Soar 5, Pete Jordan 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Helen Green 8. For Advent Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 2nd March 2003 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Alan Hoar 3, Keith J Walpole 4, Pete Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Jon A Soar 7, B D Constant (C) 8. Rung for service of prayer for peace. --000-- Wednesday, 5th March 2003 1260 Grandsire Triples: Esme J Weaver 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Martin Boult 4, Helen Green 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday, --000-- Sunday, 13th April 2003 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Jordan 1, Esme J Weaver 2, Angela Athawes 3, Ian Banecki 4, Lucy Walpole 5, Helen Green 6, Keith J Walpole (C) 7, Maggie Ellis 8. For ‘Entering Holy Week’ service on Palm Sunday. --000-- Friday, 19th April 2003 1260 Stedman Triples: Pete Jordan (C) 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Angela Athawes 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Keith Walpole 7, Martin Boult 8. Rung Half-muffled on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 22nd June 2003 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Maggie Ellis 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Lynne G S Jordan 3, Angela M Athawes 4, Helen Green 5, Keith J Walpole 6, Jon Soar 7, B D Constant 8. For Civic Service. --000-- Wednesday, 23rd July 2003 1260 Stedman Triples: B D Constant 1, Esme I Weaver 2, Angela M Athawes 3, Helen Green 4, Lynne G S Jordan 5, Jon A Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Martin Boult 8. Rung for the Induction and institution of Rev’d Joanna Mary Stoker as Rector of the Basingstoke Team Ministry. --000-- Sunday, 28th September 2003 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Lynne Jordan 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Keith Walpole 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees 7, Pete Jordan (C.) 8. 1st Cambridge Major – 3. For Patronal Festival Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 5th October 2003 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Laura Stoppard 2, Esme Weaver 3, Angela Athawes 4, Keith Walpole 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Harvest Festival Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 9th November 2003 1260 Stedman Triples: Jon Soar 1, Angela Athawes 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Pete Jordan 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung Half Muffled prior to evensong on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 14th December 2003 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Esme Weaver 4, Alan Hoar 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Helen Green 8. For Christingle Service. --000-- Sunday, 20th March 2004 1260 Stedman Triples: Lucy Walpole 1, Esme Weaver 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Laura Stoppard 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Keith Walpole 8. 1st in method - 4. For Evensong on Mothering Sunday. --000-- Friday, 9th April 2004 1260 Stedman Triples: Pete Jordan 1, Esme Weaver 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Mark Wilson 5, Jon Soar 6, Robin Walker (C) 7, Lynne Jordan 8. Half Muffled on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 16th May 2004 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Esme J Weaver 3, Pete Jordan 4, Keith J Walpole 5, Ian Rees 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Martin Boult 8. For Evensong. Rung as a compliment to Alan Hoar who, last Sunday, celebrated 25 years ministry as a Lay Reader. --000-- Sunday, 23rd May 2004 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Esme Weaver 3, Maggie Ellis 4, Martin Boult 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Ian Rees 8. Rung after Parish Communion as a farewell compliment to Rev’d Lucy Thirtle (curate) as she leaves to take up a new ministry in Kingsclere. --000-- Sunday, 6th June 2004 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Helen Green 1, Angela Athawes 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Robert C Kippin 4, Alan Hoar 5, Jon Soar 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Ian Rees 8. Rung for the Civic Service to mark the 60th anniversary of D Day. --000-- Saturday, 26th June 2004 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Angela Athawes (C) 2, Esme Weaver 3, Judy Couperthwaite 4, Shirley Brewer 5, Helen Green 6, Lynne Jordan 7, Maggie Ellis 8. 1st as Conductor – 2. Ladies quarter for district quarter peal week. --000-- Sunday, 4th July 2004 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lucy Walpole 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Esme Weaver 3, Laura Stoppard 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Richard Bennett 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Helen Green 8. Rung for Annual Civic Service. --000-- Sunday, 11th July 2004 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Keith Walpole 1, Angela Athawes 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Pete Jordan (C) 5, Ian Rees 6, Jon Soar 7, B D Constant 8. Prior to evensong to welcome Rev’d Alison Way (Curate). --000-- Saturday, 14th August 2004 1344 Grandsire Triples: Gary Andrews 1, Angela Athawes (C) 2, Penny Gaskell 3, Shirley Brewer 4, Jon Soar 5, Keith Walpole 6, B D Constant 7, Graham Hedges 8. 1st on eight - 1 & 3. --000-- Sunday, 19th September 2004 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Esme Weaver 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Helen Green 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. 1st triples in method – 3. For Evening Worship. --000-- Sunday, 26th September 2004 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major: Esme Weaver 1, Lucy Walpole 2, Helen Green 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. 1st in method – 3. For Patronal Festival Choral Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 13th November 2004 1280 Bristol Surprise Major: Robin Walker 1, Mark A Wilson 2, Angela M Athawes 3, Keith J Walpole 4, Ian J Rees 5, Oliver R Hall 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Adam S Greenley 8. --000-- Sunday, 14th November 2004 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Helen Green 3, Ian J Rees 4, Jon A Soar 5, Adam S Greenley 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung half-muffled for evensong on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 5th December 2004 1260 Oxford Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Pete Jordan 5, B D Constant 6, Ian Rees 7, Jon Soar 8. For Christingle Service. --000-- Sunday, 19th December 2004 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Helen Green 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Richard Bennett 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 9th January 2005 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major: Lynne Jordan 1, Pete Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Richard Bennett 4, Jon Soar 5, Ian Rees 6, Adam Greenley 7, B D Constant (C) 8. 1st Lincolnshire – 3. For Covenant Service. --000-- Friday, 21st January 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples; Lynne Jordan 1, Keith Walpole 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Ian Rees 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. Rung on the evening of his funeral in the tower in which he learned to ring as a thanksgiving for the life of Nick Weaver. --000-- Sunday, 6th March 2005 1280 Rutland Surprise Major: Richard Bennett 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Ian Rees 8. Rung for Mothering Sunday and for the safe arrival of Daniel born to Rebecca & Neil Marrian, 6th March 2005. --000-- Friday, 8th April 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Jon Soar 1, Matthew Jordan 2, Helen Green 3, Maggie Ellis 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Richard Bennett 8. 60th Birthday Compliment to Alan Hoar. --000-- Sunday, 10th April 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pete Jordan 1, Raymond Walsh 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Richard Bennett 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung prior to evensong to celebrate the wedding the previous day of HRH Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker-Bowles. --000-- Saturday, 30th April 2005 1260 Stedman Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Adam Greenley 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Ian Rees 5, Jon Soar 6, Keith Walpole(C) 7, B D Constant 8. In memory of Sydney Rees, died 20th April. --000-- Sunday, 6th June 2005 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Jon Soar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Alan Hoar 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Helen Green 8. Rung prior to Civic Service to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of VE Day. --000-- Sunday, 3rd July 2005 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major: Pete Jordan 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung for Evensong and to celebrate the Priesting of Rev’d Alison Way (curate) the previous day at Winchester Cathedral. --000-- Sunday, 10th July 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Pauline Underwood 3, Angela Athawes 4, Keith Walpole 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Helen Green 8. Rung to mark the 60th Anniversary of the ending of World War II. --000-- Sunday, 18th September 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Helen Green 2, Esme Weaver 3, Richard Bennett 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Lynne Jordan 8. For Harvest Festival Evensong, and dedicated to the memory of Margaret Saddler. --000-- Sunday, 23rd October 2005 1260 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Esme J Weaver 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, B D Constant (C) 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees 7, Adam Greenley 8. Rung prior to Evensong, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. --000-- Sunday, 13th November 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Ian Rees 5, Richard Bennett 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Half muffled prior to Evensong for Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 18th December 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Esme Weaver 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Richard Bennett 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Helen Green 8. For Candlelit Carol Service. --000-- Wednesday, 21st December 2005 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Pauline Underwood 3, Heather Kippin 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Midday Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 1st January 2006 1260 Grandsire Triples: Helen Green 1, Matthew Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Pete Jordan (C) 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung for Evensong and to wish Ringers everywhere a Happy New Year. --000-- Sunday, 29th January 2006 1280 Rutland Surprise Major: Esme Weaver 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Jon Soar 5, Richard Bennett 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Pete Jordan 8. 1st Rutland – 6. Rung prior to choral evensong for Candlemass and in memoriam of Louisa Spence Delday. --000-- Sunday, 19th March 2006 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Esme Weaver 2, Keith Walpole 3, Angela Athawes 4, Helen Green 5, Jon Soar 6. Ian Rees (C) 7, Richard Bennett 8. For Confirmation Service. --000-- Sunday, 9th April 2006 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Helen Green 3, Jon Soar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Lynne Jordan 8. For Palm Sunday Evening Service and 75th Birthday Compliment to Alan Green, father of 3. --000-- Friday, 14th April 2006 1260 Stedman Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Pete Jordan 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Ian Rees 5, Jon Soar 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. Rung half-muffled during the Alliance of Basingstoke Churches Good Friday Walk of Witness. --000-- Sunday, 16th April 2006 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Maggie Ellis 1, Heather Kippin 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan 6, Chris Kippin 7, Ian Rees (C) 8. For Easter Day Choral Evensong, and as a farewell to Robin Walker, organist at the Church, moving to Worcester. --000-- Sunday, 21st May 2006 1274 Grandsire Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Alan Hoar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Keith Walpole 5, Richard Bennett 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Civic Service. --000-- Thursday, 25th May 2006 1260 Grandsire Triples: Helen Green 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Pete Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Alan Hoar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Eucharist on the Feast of the Ascension. --000-- Sunday, 4th June 2006 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Jon Soar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Richard Bennett 3, Helen Green 4, Pete Jordan 5, Raymond Walsh 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Pentecost Evening Service. --000-- Sunday, 11th June 2006 1260 Erin Triples: Pete Jordan 1, Ian Rees 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Jon Soar 5, Chris Kippin 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. For Trinity Sunday and Anniversary of Young People’s Fellowship. --000-- Sunday, 13th August 2006 1273 Grandsire Triples: Angela Athawes 1, Keith Walpole 2, Ian Rees 3, Peter Rowe 4, Richard Bennett 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 17th September 2006 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ian Rees 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Peter Rowe 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Richard Bennett 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. For Harvest. --000-- Sunday, 1st October 2006 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Helen Green 2, Pauline Underwood 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Peter Rowe 5, Richard Bennett 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Evensong --000-- Sunday, 8th October 2006 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Pete Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Keith Walpole 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Richard Bennett 6, Jon Soar 7, Ian Rees (C) 8. 1st Cambridge as Conductor – 8. For Evensong with the band’s best wishes to Pauline White, mother of 2. --000-- Sunday, 17th December 2006 1260 Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles: Helen Green 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Richard Bennett 4, Ian Rees (C) 5, Jon Soar 6. Rung prior to the Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 21st January 2007 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major: Richard Bennett 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Alan Hoar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Keith Walpole 6, Jon Soar 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. Rung prior to Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service. --000-- Sunday, 28th January 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Pete Jordan (C) 2, Alan Hoar 3, Jon Soar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Peter Rowe 6, Ian Rees 7, Lynne Jordan 8. Rung prior to Evensong in memory of Des McGee. --000-- Sunday, 11th February 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Alan Hoar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Peter Rowe 4, Raymond Walsh 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 25th February 2007 1260 Stedman Triples: Matthew Jordan 1, Esme Weaver 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Keith Walpole (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 25th March 2007 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Helen Green 1, Alan Hoar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Peter Rowe 5, Richard Bennett 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 16th June 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Helen Green 3, Jonathan King 4, Barbara Foster 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung before the Civic Service to celebrate the 80th birthday of Margaret Taylor life member of St Michael’s and the Winchester & Portsmouth Guild. --000-- Sunday, 24th June 2007 1264 Plain Bob Major: Esme Weaver 1, Peter Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Peter Rowe 4, Alan Hoar 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Ian Rees (C) 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 8th July 2007 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Helen Green 5, Ian Rees 6, Peter Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Evensong and as an engagement compliment to Barbara Foster and Jonathan King. --000-- Friday, 25th July 2007 1260 St Simons Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Heather Kippin 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Chris Kippin (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. 1st in method for all. Birthday compliment to Lynne Jordan. --000-- Sunday, 5th August 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Peter Rowe 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Helen Green 8. For Evensong and to mark the Centenary of the Scouting Movement six of the band having been scouts or guides. --000-- Sunday, 29th September 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Jon Soar 4, Alan Hoar 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung prior to evensong to celebrate the Patronal Festival and the wedding earlier this day of Jacqueline Walpole and Adrian Cable. --000-- Sunday, 7th October 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Andy MacQueen 1, Sue Hoar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Peter Jordan (C) 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Helen Green 8. Rung prior to Evensong. For Keith. --000-- Sunday, 14th October 2007 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Ian Rees 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung Half Muffled prior to Evensong in memory of Keith J Walpole, ringer at this tower and former Tower Captain, who died this morning. --000-- Sunday, 28th October 2007 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Peter Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. For Evensong in memory of Jean Rees (mother of Ian) who died on 20th October. --000-- Sunday, 30th December 2007 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Sue Hoar 1, Alan Hoar 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Ian Rees 4, Jon Soar 5, Peter Jordan (C) 6. Rung after Parish Communion as a farewell to Rev’d Alison Way, Curate and member of the local band. --000-- Sunday, 20th January 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Alan Hoar 2, Peter Rowe 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Prior to Evensong. Rung as a compliment to Rev’d Jo Stoker on her installation as an honorary Canon of Winchester Cathedral the previous day. --000-- Sunday, 24th February 2008 1260 St Simons Bob Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Pete Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Ian Rees 5, Jon Soar 6, Peter Jordan (C) 7, Helen Green 8. For Evensong and to mark the inauguration of St Michael’s Bell Ringers, --000-- Friday, 21st March 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Matthew Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Pete Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung Half Muffled for Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 23rd March 2008 1274 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Matthew Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Ian Rees 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Easter. --000-- Sunday, 4th May 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Alan Hoar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Helen Green 8. Rung prior to Parish Communion to celebrate the wedding of Barbara Foster and Jonathan King, married at Towcester the previous Saturday. --000-- Sunday, 11th May 2008 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Helen Green 1, Alan Hoar 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Ian Rees 5, B D Constant (C) 6, Jon Soar 7, Adam Greenley 8. Prior to Evensong on the feast of Pentecost. To celebrate Liz and Ken Ellis’s Golden Wedding anniversary, parents of 3. --000-- Sunday, 8th June 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Pete Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung prior to the Civic Service. 80th birthday (24th May 2008) compliment to Esme Weaver of the local band. --000-- Saturday, 21st June 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. To celebrate the wedding of Paul Chouch & Ellen Boucher rung immediately after the service. --000-- Sunday, 6th July 2008 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Pete Jordan 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Tony Skilton 4, Jon Soar 5, Ian Rees (C) 6. Rung to welcome Rev’d Martin Quayle as curate of St Michaels. --000-- Sunday, 31st August 2008 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Alan Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Evensong. Congratulations to Matthew Jordan on his A level results and best wishes for his future at Cambridge University. --000-- Saturday, 27th September 2008 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor: Helen Green 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Tony Skilton 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Ian Rees 5, Peter Jordan (C) 6. For St Michael’s Michaelmas Fayre’ --000-- Sunday, 28th September2008 1264 Plain Bob Major: Tony Skilton 1, Helen Green 2, Pete Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Jon Soar 7, Ian Rees (C) 8. Rung prior to Choral Rung prior to Patronal Festival Evensong as a farewell to Samantha Verschueren - Organist at this Church. --000-- Sunday, 12th October 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Lois Blissett 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. 1st attempt - 1. Rung to congratulate Paul and Katie Rampton on the birth of James (27/9/2008) --000-- Sunday, 9th November 2008 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Pete Jordan 2, Helen Green 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Alan Hoar 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung half muffled for Remembrance Sunday and for the life of Roy Seaman. --000-- Sunday, 11th January 2009 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy Macqueen 8. Rung prior to evensong. 80th birthday compliment to Margaret Cooper, Godmother of (3) --000-- Saturday, 17th January 2009 800 Cambridge Surprise Major: Angela Athawes 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. To mark the 800th anniversary of the founding of Cambridge University. --000-- Sunday, 22nd February 2009 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Peter Rowe 2, Greg Jordan 3, Maggie Ellis 4, Pete Jordan 5, Paul Rampton 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Joan Soar 8. 1st triples inside - 3. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 8th March 2009 1296 Little Bob Major: Angela Athawes 1, Greg Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Peter Rowe 5, Alan Hoar 6, Jon Soar 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Evensong and to celebrate the birth of a son (William) to Rev’d Lucy Thirtle (former curate) and David Goodfellow. --000-- Sunday, 22nd March 2009 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Greg Jordan 3, Peter Rowe 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. 1st in method - 3. For Evensong on Mothering Sunday. --000-- Friday, 10th April 2009 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Paul Rampton 5, Ian Rees 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung half muffled at the conclusion of the Walk of Witness on Good Friday. --000-- Saturday, 25th April 2009 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Ian Rees 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung prior to a service for the collation of Ven Michael Harley as the . --000-- Saturday, 2nd May 2009 1288 Plain Bob Triples: Rosalind S Turrell 1, Andy MacQueen 2, Margaret Smith 3, Angela Athawes 4, Miriam Taylor 5, B D Constant (C) 6, James Croft 7, Stephen Turrell 8. First on eight inside - 2. Part of the All Saints, Basingstoke quarter peal weekend. --000-- Sunday, 24th May 2009 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Alan Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Greg Jordan 3, Peter Rowe 4, Ian Rees 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. Congratulations to Richard Bennett and Ceri Knight married at Wargrave on 23th May 2009. --000-- Sunday, 14th June 2009 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Pete Jordan 2, Helen Green 3, Peter Rowe 4, Alan Hoar 5, Steve Lamb 6, Ian Rees (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung prior to the Annual Civic Service. --000-- Saturday, 27th June 2009 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Greg Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Matthew Jordan 8. Rung to celebrate the wedding today of Hayley Stoneman and Paul Graham at St Michaels. --000-- Sunday, 26th July 2009 1260 Plain Bob Triples: B D Constant (C) 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Peter Rowe 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Ian Rees 5, James Croft 6, Adam Greenley 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For evensong. Also as a Silver Wedding compliment to Lynne and Pete Jordan. --000-- Sunday, 27th September 2009 1280 Superlative Surprise Major: Peter Rowe 1, Greg Jordan 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Clare Roulstone 4, Ian Roulstone 5, Matthew Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. Rung on the day of the Patronal Festival celebration to celebrate the life of Sam Verschueren, past Director of Music at St Michael’s, who died in August, aged 23. --000-- Sunday, 11th October 2009 1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor: Andy MacQueen 1, Greg Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Pete Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan (C) 6. Rung for evensong to celebrate the life of Maggie’s father Ken Ellis. --000-- Sunday, 8th November 2009 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Angela Athawes 4, Helen Green 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung Half Muffled for evensong on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Saturday, 12th December 2009 1280 6 Spiced Surprise Major (R,C,Y,P,L,S): Jane Deadman 1, Jon Soar 2, Alison Barber 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Janet Menhinick 5, Pete Jordan 6, Nick Deadman 7, Ian Hunt (C) 8. Congratulations on the birth of Alexander to Hayley and Paul Graham. --000-- Sunday, 20th December 2009 1260 St Simons Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Greg Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Helen Green 8. Rung before the Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 31st January 2010 1260 Grandsire Triples: Peter Rowe 1, Helen Green 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Angela Athawes 4, Greg Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung prior to evensong as a farewell compliment to Esme Weaver. --000-- Wednesday, 3rd February 2010 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor: Andy MacQueen 1, Greg Jordan 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Helen Green 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. 1st in method – 5. 25th quarter – 1. 18th Birthday compliment to Malcolm MacQueen and to wish Peter Rowe a speedy recovery. --000-- Sunday, 14th February 2010 1264 Plain Bob Major: Andy MacQueen 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Greg Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan 7, Ian Rees (C) 8. Rung prior to Evensong to celebrate the life of Margaret Taylor, Honorary member of this tower and Life Member of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild. --000-- Sunday, 14th March 2010 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Angela Athawes 3, Peter Rowe 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Ian Rees 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung before Evensong on Mothering Sunday. --000-- Friday, 2nd April 2010 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Pete Jordan 4, Greg Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung half muffled at the conclusion of the Walk of Witness on Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 9th May 2010 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Peter Rowe 1, Alan Hoar 2, Jon Soar 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Pete Jordan 5, Greg Jordan (C) 6. 1st Minor as conductor. Rung prior to evensong. --000-- Sunday, 23rd May 2010 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Pauline Underwood 2, Peter Rowe 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Helen Green 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Greg Jordan 8. Rung for Pentecost Praise at the beginning of St Michael’s Church 500th anniversary celebrations. --000-- Sunday, 13th June 2010 1260 St Simons Bob Triples: Helen Green 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Peter Rowe 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Greg Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lamb 8. Rung for evensong as an engagement compliment to Steve Lamb and Sarah Blow. --000-- Friday, 25th June 2010 1320 Tulip Delight Minor: Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Greg Jordan 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. Rung on the back six to mark the opening day of St Michael’s Church 500th anniversary flower festival. 1st in the method by all. --000-- Sunday, 27th June 2010 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Pete Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Alan Hoar 4, Lynne Jordan (C) 5, Greg Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Matthew Jordan 8. Rung to mark the end of St Michael’s 500th anniversary flower festival before the Civic Service. --000-- Saturday, 31st July 2010 1312 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Helen Green 1, Jane Deadman 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Kevin Lovell 4, Janet Menhinick 5, Greg Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. Wedding Anniversary Compliment to Anne and Jon Soar. --000-- Saturday, 25th September 2010 1260 St Simons Bob Triples: Ros Turrell 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Helen Green 3, Alan Hoar 4, Jon Soar 5, Greg Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Matthew Jordan 8. Rung before Michaelmas Fayre. --000-- Sunday, 3rd October 2010 1260 Doubles (240 each Stedman, St Simons, Plain Bob, St Martins, 300 Grandsire): Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Greg Jordan (C) 3, Pete Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Helen Green 6. Rung before the St Michael’s 500th anniversary Festival Eucharist and to welcome Bishop as Bishop of Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 24th October 2010 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor: Greg Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Pete Jordan 5, Jon Soar (C) 6. Rung for Evensong and as a get-well compliment to Peter Rowe. 1st quarter as Conductor – 6. --000-- Sunday, 10th November 2010 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Ros Turrell 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Greg Jordan 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung half muffled before Evensong on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 9th January 2011 1260 Doubles (1200 St Nicholas, 60 Plain Bob): Peter Rowe 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Greg Jordan (C) 4, Jon Soars 5, Helen Green 6. For Evensong. Belated congratulations to John and Jenny Perrett on the birth of Nicholas Graham Steven, born on 28th October 2010. Also the promotion of Jon Soar (5) to Granddad status. --000-- Sunday, 30th January 2011 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Pete Jordan 2, Ros Turrell 3, Helen Green 4, Lynne Jordan (C) 5, Jon Soar 6, Greg Jordan 7, Alan Hoar 8. For evensong and to celebrate the wedding of Mike Hall to Louise Evison on 29th March 2011. --000-- Sunday, 27th February 2011 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Pete Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Greg Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. For Evensong. Rung with grateful thanks from St Michael’s Ringers, to celebrate the life of Lisette Bull, who loved the sound of the bells. --000-- Sunday, 13th March 2011 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor: Peter Rowe 1, Pete Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Greg Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Lynne Jordan (C) 6. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 27th March 2011 1260 Plan Bob Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Matthew Jordan 6, Jon Soar (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. For Evensong. Get well compliment to Esme Weaver and Peter Jordan. --000-- Friday, 22nd April 2011 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Pete Jordan (C) 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Peter Rowe 4, Greg Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Alan Hoar 8. Half Muffled on Good Friday. --000-- Friday, 29th April 2011 1260 St Simons Bob Triples: Ros Turrell 1, Pete Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Peter Rowe 4, Greg Jordan (C) 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Alan Hoar 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung to celebrate the wedding today of HRH Prince William to Catherine Middleton. --000-- Sunday, 8th May 2011 1264 Plain Bob Major: Pete Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Alan Hoar 4, Timothy R Forster 5, Greg Jordan 6, B D Constant (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. 50th Quarter - 6. Rung for Evensong as a farewell compliment to Rt. Rev’d Michael Scott-Joynt, Bishop of Winchester, on his retirement. --000-- Sunday, 22th May 2011 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Pete Jordan 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Gregg Jordan 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung prior to Evensong to wish Sue Hoar congratulations and best wishes on her 70th birthday this week. --000-- Sunday, 12th June 2011 1280 Plain Bob Major: Peter Rowe 1, Ros Turrell 2, Helen Green 3, Alan Hoar 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Greg Jordan 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. For Evensong as a 90th birthday compliment to HRH Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh --000-- Sunday, 26th June 2011 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Pete Jordan. 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Greg Jordan (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. Rung prior to the Civic Service to celebrate the 25th anniversary of St Michael’s Young Peoples Fellowship. --000-- Sunday, 24th July 2011 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Pete Jordan 1, Andy MacQueen 2, Ros Turrell 3, Peter Rowe 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Greg Jordan 6, Jon Soar (C) 7, Lynne Jordan 8. Rung prior to evensong as a birthday compliment to Lynne Jordan. --000-- Sunday, 28th August 2011 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Peter Rowe 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Andy MacQueen 3, Greg Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. Rung before evensong as a belated wedding complement to Steve Lamb and Sarah Blow, married at Hannington on the 6th August 2011. --000-- Sunday, 11th September 2011 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major: Steve Lamb 1, Lynne Jordan (C) 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Pete Jordan 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Alan Barsby 6, Greg Jordan 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung before Harvest Evensong in celebration of the life of Lucy Galloway, who learnt to ring at St Michael’s. --000-- Sunday, 23rd October 2011 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Greg Jordan 2, Jon Soar 3, Ros Turrell 4, Pete Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Andy MacQueen 8. First on the new carpet. With many thanks to all those who have helped financially or practically in the redecorating and refurbishment of the ringing chamber. --000-- Sunday, 11th December 2011 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Peter Rowe 2, Jon Soar 3, Pete Jordan 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Greg Jordan (C) 7, Alan Hoar 8. For evensong. --000-- Sunday, 18th December 2011 1260 St Nicholas Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Matthew Jordan 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Pete Jordan (C) 4, Helen Green 5, Greg Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung before the Carol Service. --000-- Sunday 8th January 2012 1260 Stedman Triples: Peter Rowe 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Tony Skilton 3, Jon Soar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Greg Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Maggie Ellis 8. Rung before evensong. --000-- Sunday 12th February 2012 1280 Grandsire Doubles: Lynne Jordan 1, Peter Rowe 2, Alan Hoar 3, Jon Soar 4, Greg Jordan (C) 5, Steve Lutener 6. First quarter - 6. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday 26th February 2012 1260 Grandsire Triples: Ros Turrell 1, Pete Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Peter Rowe 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Alan Hoar 6, Greg Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. For Evensong in memory Tony Taylor. --000-- Friday 6th April 2012 1260 Grandsire Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Peter Rowe 4, Alan Hoar 5, Gregg Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung on Good Friday half-muffled during the Walk of Witness. --000-- Sunday 22nd April 2012 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. Rung to celebrate the enthronement of the Rt. Rev’d , Bishop of Winchester, and as a 50th Birthday complement to Pete Jordan. --000-- Sunday 27th May 2012 1260 Plain Bob Doubles: Betty Rice (1st Q) 1, Pete Jordan (C) 2, Peter Rowe 3, Chris Ford 4, Greg Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6. Rung before evensong for Whitsun. --000-- Sunday 3rd June 2012 1320 Jubilee Delight Minor: Alan Hoar 1, Pete Jordan 2, Jon Soar 3. Lynne Jordan 4, Michael Church 5, Greg Jordan (C) 6. Rung before the morning service to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II --000-- Sunday 8th July 2012 1260 Grandsire Triples: Andy MacQueen 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Ros Turrell 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Pete Jordan 6, Greg Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. For Evensong. Congratulations to Matthew Jordan BA MSci (Hons) Cantab, on his recent graduation from Cambridge University. --000-- Sunday 29th July 2012 1296 Little Bob Major: Ros Turrell 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Greg Jordan 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. Rung to mark the opening weekend of the London Olympics and to congratulate Lizzie Armitstead on winning Silver in the Women’s Road race, first medal for Team GB. --000-- Sunday 26th August 2012 1260 St Simons Bob Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Angela Athawes 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Peter Rowe 4, Alan Hoar 5, Alan Barsby 6, Greg Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung prior to evensong with congratulations to Greg Jordan on gaining a place at Northampton University and 50th Birthday complement to Barbara King who learnt to ring at St Michaels. --000-- Sunday 9th September 2012 1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor: Lynne Jordan 1, Matthew Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Greg Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, B D Constant (C) 6. For Harvest Festival. --000-- Sunday 14th October 2012 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Alison Smith 3, Pete Jordan 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. Rung prior to Evensong to celebrate the Christening today of Emily Grace Booth, daughter to Laura and Robert and Great Niece to Jon Soar at Bolton on Swale, Yorkshire. --000-- Sunday 11th November 2012 1273 Grandsire Triples: Alison Smith 1, Ros Turrell 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Chris Ford 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Jon Soar 7, Steve Lutener 8. Rung half-muffled prior to the annual service for The Commemoration of the departed on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday 23rd December 2012 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Pauline Underwood 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Greg Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. Rung for the Carol Service. --000-- Sunday, 13th January 2013 1260 St Simon’s Bob Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Angela Athawes 3, Alan Hoar 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. Birthday complement to Pam Jordan. --000-- Sunday, 10th March 2013 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Steve Lutener 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Ros Turrell 3, Pete Jordan 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Alan Barsby (C) 6. 1st Minor - 1. For Mothers Day. --000-- Friday, 29th March 2013 1260 Grandsire Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Greg Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. Rung half muffled for Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 14th April 2013 1260 Plain Bob Doubles: Sue Hunt 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Pete Jordan (C) 4, Jon Soar 5, Andy MacQueen 6. 1st Quarter - 1. In memory of Roma Hill. --000-- Sunday, 12th May 2013 1260 Grandsire Triples: Alison Smith 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Peter Rowe 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 2nd June 2013 1260 Grandsire Triples: Pauling Underwood 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Helen Green 3, Angela Athawes 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. Rung to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II. --000-- Sunday, 9th June 2013 1272 Cambridge S. Minor: Alison Smith 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Chris Ford 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. Congratulations to Maggie Ellis who this morning completed the London 100Km Nightrider cycle, raising money for Arthritis Research. --000-- Sunday, 30th June 2013 1260 Plain Bob Minor Pete Jordan 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Steve Lutener 3, Peter Rowe 4, Lynne Jordan (C) 5, Jon Soar 6. Rung to celebrate St Michael’s curate, Rev’d Karen Wellman’s first service as a priest. --000-- Sunday, 21st July 2013 70 Grandsire Doubles: Betty Rice 1, Sue Hunt 2, Peter Rowe 3, Jon Soar 4, Greg Jordan (C) 5, Mike Rice 6. 70th Birthday Complement to Mike Rice. --000-- Wednesday, 24th July 2013 1260 Grandsire Doubles: Sue Hunt 1, Alison Smith 2, Peter Rowe 3, Jon Soar 4, Greg Jordan (C) 5, Steve Lutener 6. Rung to celebrate the birth of HRH Prince George of Cambridge to HRH Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. --000-- Sunday, 11th August 2013 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Rebecca Webb 1, Alison Smith 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Jon Soar 4, Peter Rowe 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. 1st Triples – 1. 20th Wedding Anniversary Complement to Richard and Rebecca Webb. --000-- Saturday, 14th September 2013 1843 Plain Bob Major: Alan Barsby 1, Helen Green 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Hoar 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Greg Jordan 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. Date touch rung on Heritage open day to commemorate the installation of the turret clock made by Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy in 1843. Also congratulations to Alan and Sue Hoar on their wedding anniversary. --000-- Sunday, 29th September 2013 1273 Grandsire Triples: Helen Green 1, Alison Smith 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Alan Barsby 4, Chris Ford 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Lynne Jordan 7, Jon Soar 8. Rung to celebrate the 80th Birthday of Elizabeth George, Assistant Priest at All Saints Basingstoke, and for the Patronal Festival. --000-- Wednesday, 23rd October 2013 1269 Cambridge S Minor: Alison Smith 1, Helen Green 2, Ros Turrell 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. Rung to celebrate the Baptism today of HRH George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge. --000-- Sunday, 10th November 2013 1260 Doubles (5 m/v) 480 Grandsire, 240 Plain Bob, 240 St Simons, 240 St Martins, 60 Stedman: Maggie Ellis 1, Alan Barsby 2, Matthew Jordan 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Pete Jordan (C) 5, Greg Jordan 6. Rung ½ muffled for Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 22nd December 2013 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Steve Lutener 1, Greg Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Alan Barsby 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Jon Soar 8. In 45 minutes. Rung for the carol service. --000-- Sunday, 12th January 2014 1260 Plain Bob Minor: Sue Hunt 1, Helen Green 2, Alison Smith 3, Chris Ford 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. In 45 minutes. Rung for Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 26th January 2014 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples: Alison Smith 1, Peter Rowe 2, Helen Green 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Ian Rees 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. In 45 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Geoffrey Vardon White, father of (4). --000-- Sunday, 9th February 2014 1288 Plain Bob Triples: Steve Lutener 1, Alison Smith 2, Terry Oram 3, Peter Rowe 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Chris Ford 8. In 46 minutes. 1st Triples – 3. Birthday compliment to Pauline White. --000-- Sunday, 23rd February 2014 1274 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hunt 1, Alison Smith 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Peter Rowe 5, Alan Barsby 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8, In 46 minutes. For evensong. --000-- Saturday, 1st March 2014 1260 Plain Bob Doubles: Sue Hunt 1, Rebecca Webb 2, Lynne Jordan 3, Pete Jordan (C) 4, Peter Rowe 5, Richard Webb 6. In 47 minutes. 1st Quarter – 6, 1st inside – 2. For St David’s Day. --000-- Sunday, 23rd March 2014 1260 Grandsire Triples: Sue Hoar 1, Ros Turrell 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Jon Soar 6, Alan Hoar (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung to celebrate the life of Esme Weaver, life member of the Winchester & Portsmouth Guild and ringer at this tower for over 50 years. --000-- Sunday, 13th April 2014 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Sue Hunt 1, Peter Rowe 2, Greg Jordan (C) 3, Helen Green 4, Terry Oram 5, Pete Jordan 6, Jon Soar 7, Lynne Jordan 8. For Palm Sunday. --000-- Friday, 18th April 2014 1273 Grandsire Triples: Rebecca Webb 1, Greg Jordan 2, Peter Rowe 3, Jon Soar 4, Alan Hoar 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. In 48 minutes. Rung half muffled on Good Friday. --000-- Saturday, 3rd May 2014 1280 Basingstoke Surprise Major: Jon Soar 1, Janet Menhinick 2, Jane Deadman 3, Alison Hunt 4, Lynne Jordan 5, Ian Hunt 6, Nick Deadman 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. In 49 minutes. First blows in method by all. --000-- Sunday, 8th June 2014 1264 Little Bob Minor: Steve Lutener 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Alison Smith 3, Peter Rowe 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. In 43 minutes. For evensong. --000-- Monday, 16th June 2014 1310 Superlative Surprise Major: Kate Flavell 1, Jill Leale 2, Jackie Roberts 3, Sheila Cheesman 4, Paul Flavell (C) 5, Linda Foddering 6, Robin Leale 7, Jeremy Cheesman 8. In 46 minutes. Surrey Association. Composed by P J Flavell --000-- Sunday, 13th July 2014 1260 Grandsire Triples: Peter Rowe 1, Pete Jordan 2, Sue Hunt 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Terry Oram 6, Greg Jordan (C) 7, Roderick Boucher 8. 1st triples inside – 3. 1st Grandsire Triples – 6. Rung to welcome Penelope Alexandra Pinto and Lola Anne Leslie Stone, Christened today at St Michael’s. --000-- Sunday, 20th July 2014 1250 Jordan S Major: Matthew Jordan 1, Barbara Wells 2, Janet Menhinick 3, Jon Soar 4, Greg Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Steve Wells 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8, Rung to celebrate Pete and Lynne Jordan‘s 30th Wedding Anniversary on 21/7/14. First method by all. --000-- Monday, 4th August 2014 1914 2 spliced (Grandsire doubles and Plain Bob Major): Alison Smith 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Greg Jordan 5, Lynne Jordan 6 Jon Soar 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. In 1 hour 11 minutes. Rung half muffled on the 100th anniversary of Britain entering the First World War, in memory of those who lost their lives in the conflict. --000-- Sunday, 10th August 2014 1288 Plain Bob Triples: Peter Rowe 1, Alison Smith 2, Steve Lutener 3, Terry Oram 4, Jon Soar 5, Greg Jordan (C) 6, Ben Constant 7, Andy McQueen 8. In 46 minutes. 1st of Triples inside – 3. --000-- Saturday, 30th August 2014 1260 Eynesbury Bob Triples: Joanne A Waller 1, Carol Waller 2, Joanne Waller 3, Michael Hurst 4, Ken Waller 5, Ben Waller 6, Jonathan Waller (C) 7, Mark Robbins 8. In 43 minutes. --000-- Sunday, 14th September 2014 1260 Plain Bob Doubles: Heather Frazer 1, Greg Jordan (C) 2, Terry Oram 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Jon Soar 5, Steve Lutener 6. 1st Quarter Peal – 1. --000-- Sunday, 28th September 2014 1320 Plain Bob Minor: Betty Rice 1, Peter Rowe 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Pete Jordan (C) 5, Jon Soar 6. In 44 minutes. For Michaelmas. --000-- Sunday, 12th October 2014 1264 Plain Bob Major: Steve Lutener 1, Alison Smith 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Helen Green 4, Peter Rowe 5, Jon Soar 6, Lynne Jordan 7, Pete Jordan (C) 8. In 45 minutes. For Harvest. 1st blows of Major – 1. Composed by B D Constant. --000-- Sunday, 26th October 2014 1260 Plain Bob Triples: Betty Rice 1, Alan Barsby 2, Steve Lutener 3, Alison Smith 4, Maggie Ellis 5, Pete Jordan 6, Lynne Jordan (C) 7, Peter Rowe 8. In 45 minutes. Birthday complement to Rebecca Webb. Rung for Evensong. 1st Triples – 1. --000-- Friday, 7th November 2014 1344 Birthday Delight Major: Angela Athawes 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Ba Wells 3, Matthew Jordan 4, Steve Wells 5, Greg Jordan (C)6, Jon Soar 7, Pete Jordan 8. In 47 minutes. 21st Birthday Compliment (09/11/14) to the Conductor --000-- Sunday, 9th November 2014 1273 Grandsire Triples: Lynne Jordan 1, Greg Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Terry Oram 4, Peter Rowe 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Jon Soar 7, Steve Lutener 8. In 48 minutes. Rung half muffled on Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 23rd November 2014 1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor: Sue Hunt 1, Lynne Jordan 2, Maggie Ellis 3, Peter Rowe 4, Jon Soar 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6. For Evensong. 1st TB hunt - 1. --000-- Sunday, 14th December 2014 1344 Plain Bob Triples: Maggie Ellis 1, Rebecca Webb 2, Jon Soar 3, Peter Rowe 4, Terry Oram 5, Lynne Jordan 6, Pete Jordan (C) 7, Steve Lutener 8. In 49 minutes. For Evensong. 1st Triples inside – 2. --000-- Sunday, 21st December 2014 1260 Grandsire Triples: Greg Jordan 1, Maggie Ellis 2, Helen Green 3, Lynne Jordan 4, Matthew Jordan 5, Pete Jordan (C) 6, Jon Soar 7, Roderick Boucher 8. Rung before the Carol Service. Composed by B. D. Constant --000-- Sunday, 28th December 2014 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Pete Jordan 2 Greg Jordan (C) 3 Peter Rowe 4 Sue Hunt 5 Matthew Jordan 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Jon Soar 8 Richard Webb Rung before Evensong as a Birthday complement to Matthew Jordan. 1st Bob Triples - 4, 1st on 8 - 8. --000-- Friday, 2nd January 2015 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Matthew Jordan 2 Richard Webb 3 Greg Jordan 4 Pete Jordan (C) 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Rebecca Webb Birthday complement to Richard Webb. 1st quarter inside - 2. --000-- Sunday, 11th January 2015 1320 Plain Bob Minor 1 Jon Soar 2 Betty Rice 3 Alison Smith 4 Peter Rowe 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) Birthday Complement to Zoe Monkley. 1st Minor inside - 2. --000-- Sunday, 25th January 2015 1301 Single Oxford Bob Triples 1 Terry Oram 2 Peter Rowe 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Pete Jordan (C) 5 Chris Ford 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Jon Soar 8 Mike Rice In 48 minutes. Rung to wish Anna Feyerherm a speedy recovery. 1st on 8 - 8 --000-- Sunday, 8th February 2015 1260 Stedman Triples 1 Peter Rowe 2 Jon Soar 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Helen Green 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Alan Barsby 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Terry Oram In 45 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Lynne's Aunt, Pam Tackley. --000-- Sunday, 22th February 2015 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Jon Soar 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Helen Green 4 Steve Lutener 5 Terry Oram 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Roderick Boucher In 47 minutes. For Evensong. 1st Grandsire Triples - 4. --000-- Sunday, 22nd March 2015 1273 Grandsire Triples 1 Betty Rice 2 Alison Smith 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Peter Rowe 5 Terry Oram 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Lynne Jordan 8 Mike Rice Rung half muffled to commemorate the final journey of the remains of Richard III to Leicester Cathedral. --000-- Wednesday, 25th March 2015 120 St Martins Doubles 1 Heather Frazer 2 Pauline Underwood 3 Sue Hunt 4 Chris Ford 5 Jon Soar 6 Roderick Boucher Rung half muffled for Richard III. --000-- Sunday, 29th March 2015 1485 Grandsire Triples 1 Rebecca Webb 2 Terry Oram 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Helen Green 5 Chris Ford 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Richard Webb In 56 minutes. Rung to celebrate Palm Sunday and the reburial of Richard III in Leicester Cathedral this week, who died in battle in 1485. --000-- Friday, 3rd April 2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Peter Rowe 2 Matthew Jordan 3 Sue Hunt 4 Alison Smith 5 Steve Lutener 6 Lynne Jordan (C) 7 Pete Jordan 8 Roderick Boucher In 49 minutes. Rung half muffled for Good Friday. --000-- Sunday, 12th April 2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Maggie Ellis 2 Peter Rowe 3 Rebecca Webb 4 Alison Smith 5 Steve Lutener 6 Terry Oram 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 Richard Webb Rung for Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 25th April 2015 1260 St Simon Bob Triples Composed by: Traditional 1 Ros Brandwood 2 Helen Piper 3 Kieran Downer 4 Tim Pink 5 Simon E Lipscombe 6 Graham Nobbs 7 Simon W Edwards (C) 8 John Simpson In 42 minutes. Fourth QP in series of 10 – quarter peal challenge for EBRT and the Teenage and Young adults cancer service. --000-- Sunday, 26th April 2015 1260 St Clements College Bob Minor 1 Sue Hunt 2 Alison Smith 3 Steve Lutener 4 Helen Green 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) In 45 minutes. To mark the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign, and to remember those who lost their lives. 1st in method - 2 & 3. --000-- Sunday, 3rd May 2015 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Rebecca Webb 2 Terry Oram 3 Helen Green 4 Chris Ford 5 Peter Rowe 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Roderick Boucher In 47 minutes. Rung to celebrate the birth of a daughter to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge yesterday. --000-- Sunday, 10th May 2015 1260 Doubles (6 M/V) 60 Stedman & 240 each Plain Bob, St Martins, St Simons, Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire. 1 Sue Hunt 2 Alison Smith 3 Terry Oram 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Pete Jordan (C) 6 Steve Lutener Rung to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VE day. --000-- Sunday, 14th June 2015 800 Call Changes 1 Pauline Underwood 2 Betty Rice 3 Richard Webb 4 Helen Green 5 Mike Rice 6 Sue Hunt 7 Rebecca Webb 8 Jon Soar (C) 800 rows of call changes Rung to celebrate 800 years since the sealing of the Magna Carta by King John at Runnymede. --000-- Sunday, 14th June 2015 1330 St Simon's Bob Triples 1 Steve Lutener 2 Alison Smith 3 Greg Jordan (C) 4 Peter Rowe 5 Matthew Jordan 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Pete Jordan 8 Roderick Boucher Rung to celebrate 800 years since the sealing of the Magna Carta by King John at Runnymede. --000-- Friday, 17th July 2015 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Composed by B D Constant 1 Ashley Grey 2 Irene Rich 3 Ken Davenport 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Alan Barsby 6 Greg Jordan 7 Chris Cole 8 Pete Jordan (C) 60th Birthday complement to Alan Barsby. 1st TB Major - 1 --000-- Sunday, 26th July 2015 1320 Plain Bob Minor 1 Betty Rice 2 Steve Lutener 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Peter Rowe 5 Chris Ford 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice Rung with tenor cover to celebrate Lynne Jordan, Mike Rice and Peter Rowe's Birthday. Also to welcome Peter's new Grandson to the world. --000-- Sunday, 16th August 2015 1280 Plain Bob Major 1 Steve Lutener 2 Peter Rowe 3 Alison Smith 4 Helen Green 5 Terry Oram 6 Pete Jordan 7 Lynne Jordan (C) 8 Greg Jordan In 47 minutes. Rung to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VJ Day. 1st major - 5 --000-- Sunday, 23rd August 2015 1250 Spliced Surprise Major (4 Methods): 418 Rutland; 320 Yorkshire; 256 each Cambridge, Superlative; 31 changes of method. Arranged by Benjamin D Constant 1 Alison D Smith 2 Jonathan A Soar 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Angela M Athawes 5 Pete Jordan 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Benjamin D Constant (C) 8 Adam S Greenley In 44 minutes. First of Spliced - 3. Rung, prior to Evensong, as a belated birthday compliment to Maggie Ellis, the length being devised especially for the occasion. --000-- Sunday, 30th August 2015 1288 Plain Bob Triples 1 Betty Rice 2 Greg Jordan 3 Steve Lutener 4 Jon Soar 5 Alan Hoar 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Mike Rice In 46 minutes. Farewell complement to Karen Wellman, curate at St Michael's, and to wish her well in her new appointment as vicar at Teddington. Also to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Capt. John Aiden Liddell VC. MC. of Basingstoke who died on 31st August 1915. --000-- Wednesday, 9th September 2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Betty Rice 2 Jon Soar 3 Rebecca Webb 4 Helen Green 5 Maggie Ellis 6 Pete Jordan 7 Lynne Jordan (C) 8 Roderick Boucher Rung by a local band to congratulate and thank Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her dedicated service as she becomes the longest serving British Monarch. --000-- Wednesday, 9th September 2015 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Heather Frazer 2 Richard Webb 3 Greg Jordan (C) 4 Peter Rowe 5 Terry Oram 6 Mike Rice Rung by a local band to complement Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on becoming the longest reigning British Monarch. --000-- Sunday, 13th September 2015 1273 Grandsire Triples 1 Sue Hunt 2 Angela Athawes 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Terry Oram 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Greg Jordan 8 Jon Soar In 44 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Pete Frazer, 7-11-1949 to 18-7-2015, on the day before the burial of his ashes. Loving Husband to Heather who is a member of the St Michael's band. --000-- Wednesday, 16th September 2015 169 Grandsire Doubles 1 Peter Rowe 2 Helen Green 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Pete Jordan (C) 6 Greg Jordan 169 changes rung on 16/9 to celebrate the birth today of Catherine Alice Georgina to Jenny and John Perrett. --000-- Sunday, 27th September 2015 1320 London Surprise Minor 1 Peter Rowe 2 Pete Jordan 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Jon Soar 6 Greg Jordan (C) In 44 minutes. For Michaelmas. --000-- Sunday, 11th October 2015 1296 Plain Bob Major 1 Alison Smith 2 Terry Oram 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Peter Rowe 6 Greg Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Jon Soar In 44 minutes. Rung for Evensong, and to mark the final flight of the Vulcan bomber. --000-- Saturday, 7th November 2015 1250 Rutland Surprise Major 1 Jon Soar 2 Pete Jordan 3 Barbara Wells 4 Angela Athawes 5 Alan Barsby 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Steve Wells 8 Greg Jordan (C) Rung as a birthday complement (09/11/15) to Greg Jordan and Lillian Halewood. 1st in method - 8. --000-- Sunday, 8th November 2015 1273 Grandsire Triples Composed by Richard B Pullin

1 Maggie Ellis 2 Jon Soar 3 Alison Smith 4 Peter Rowe 5 Chris Ford 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Lynne Jordan 8 Steve Lutener In 46 minutes. Rung half muffled for Remembrance Sunday. --000-- Sunday, 22nd November 2015 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples 1 Betty Rice 2 Alison Smith 3 Jon Soar 4 Chris Ford 5 Greg Jordan 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Mike Rice In 45 minutes. For Evensong. 1st in method - 2. --000-- Saturday, 12th December 2015 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Steve Lutener 2 Pete Jordan 3 Rebecca Webb 4 Alison Smith 5 Terry Oram 6 Alan Barsby 7 Lynne Jordan (C) 8 Roderick Boucher In 46 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Martin Irvine, former Church Warden and long serving treasurer at St Michael's. --000-- Sunday, 20th December 2015 1296 Little Bob Major 1 Steve Lutener 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Jon Soar 4 Terry Oram 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Alan Barsby 7 Pete Jordan 8 Greg Jordan (C) Rung before the carol service. 1st in Method - 4 --000-- Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 1273 Grandsire Triples 1 Betty Rice 2 Alison Smith 3 Sue Hunt 4 Jon Soar 5 Peter Rowe 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Lynne Jordan 8 Mike Rice

In 46 minutes. Rung for the Tuesday carol service. --000-- Saturday, 23rd January 2016 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by Daniel Brady Peter Rowe 1 Angela Athawes 2 Helen Green 3 Ali Hunt 4 Ian Rees 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Pete Jordan 8 Rung to celebrate the birth of Oscar Stephen James, first grandchild to Ian. Also to celebrate the conductor getting a rare Saturday off! Hurrah! --000-- Sunday, 7th February 2016 1260 Stedman Triples Angela Athawes 1 Adam Greenley 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Jon Soar 4 Ben Constant 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Terry Oram 8 In 44 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Bridie McGee. --000-- Sunday, 21st February 2016 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Helen Green 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Terry Oram 3 Chris Ford 4 Jon Soar 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Pete Jordan 7 Steve Lutener 8 For Evensong. --000-- Sunday, 6th March 2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Terry Oram 1 Sue Hunt 2 Rebecca Webb 3 Jon Soar 4 Matthew Jordan 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Richard Webb 7 In 46 minutes. For Mothering Sunday. --000-- Saturday, 19th March 2016 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Angela Athawes 1 Alan Hoar 2 Margaret Smith 3 Alan Barsby 4 Jon Soar 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 --000-- Friday, 25th March 2016 1260 Grandsire Triples Alison Smith 1 Peter Rowe 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Jon Soar 4 Chris Ford 5 Greg Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Lynne Jordan 8 In 46 minutes. Rung half muffles for Good Friday. --000-- Saturday, 9th April 2016 1260 Plain Bob Minor Alison Smith 1 Rebecca Webb 2 Steve Lutener 3 Terry Oram 4 Pete Jordan (C) 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Rung before a RADCAN charity concert at St Michael's church for cancer support in Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 17th April 2016 1260 Grandsire Triples Betty Rice 1 Peter Rowe 2 Steve Lutener 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Terry Oram 5 Greg Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 For Evensong. --000-- Thursday, 21st April 2016 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Heather Frazer 1 Betty Rice 2 Helen Green 3 Peter Rowe 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Richard Webb 6 Rung to celebrate the 90th birthday of HRH Queen Elizabeth II --000-- Sunday, 24th April 2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Steve Lutener 1 Alison Smith 2 Rebecca Webb 3 Jon Soar 4 Helen Green 5 Lynne Jordan (C) 6 Pete Jordan 7 Roderick Boucher 8 Rung before a civic service to celebrate the 90th birthday of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. --000-- Saturday, 30th April 2016 1296 Real Double Bob Major Composed by A D Pink Helen J Piper 1 Liz Thornton 2 Louise G Pink 3 Chris S Caryer 4 Mark D Robins 5 Michael Hurst 6 Timothy J Pink 7 Alan D Pink (C) 8 In 45 minutes. First Real Double Bob - 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 --000-- Sunday, 12th June 2016 1290 Grandsire Doubles Lynne Jordan 1 Steve Lutener 2 Sue Hunt 3 Pete Jordan 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Mike Rice 6 Rung on the back 6 to celebrate the Official 90th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II. --000-- Sunday, 12th June 2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Heather Frazer 1 Sue Hunt 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Pete Jordan 4 Terry Oram 5 Lynne Jordan (C) 6 Jon Soar 7 Roderick Boucher 8 Rung to celebrate the Official 90th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II. 1st Triples - 1. --000-- Sunday, 19th June 2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 1 Greg Jordan 2 Betty Rice 3 Peter Rowe 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Terry Oram 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 In 45 minutes. Rung for Fathers everywhere. 1st triples inside - 3. --000-- Sunday, 26th June 2016 1260 Doubles (2m) 540 plain bob, 720 Grandsire Heather Frazer 1 Peter Rowe 2 Sue Hunt 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Pete Jordan 6 Rung on the back 6 before a Civic Service. --000-- Sunday, 17th July 2016 1344 Grandsire Triples Sue Hunt 1 Pete Jordan 2 Rebecca Webb 3 Peter Rowe 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Jon Soar 7 Richard Webb 8 Rung as a Birthday complement to Mike Rice. 1st in method - 3. --000-- Saturday, 3rd September 2016 1288 Grandsire Triples Composed by Nigel J Newton Sue Hunt 1 Louise Woodward 2 Adam M Pym 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Lillian R Halewood 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Pete Jordan 7 Jon Soar 8 Rung to celebrate Lillian, Adam and Louise finishing university. 1st of Triples and 1st in method - 5 --000-- Sunday, 11th September 2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 1 Helen Green 2 Betty Rice 3 Terry Oram 4 Rebecca Webb 5 Jon Soar 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 Rung for Heritage Open Day. --000-- Saturday, 17th September 2016 1260 Oxford Bob Triples Composed by A D Pink Anne E Franklin 1 Louise G Pink 2 P Jonathan Franklin 3 Stephen J Beckingham 4 Sandra Alford 5 Alan D Pink (C) 6 David D Smith 7 Jeremy D Alford 8 In 45minutes. --000-- Sunday, 18th September 2016 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Peter Rowe 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Alan Hoar 3 Phil Turrell 4 Ian Rees 5 Jon Soar 6 Pete Jordan 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 Rung at Harvest to congratulate Alan and Sue Hoar on their 25th Wedding Anniversary, and to congratulate Alan on receiving life membership of the Winchester & Portsmouth Guild for 50 years loyal service --000-- Sunday, 2nd October 2016 1260 Plain Bob Triples Lynne Jordan 1 Greg Jordan 2 Betty Rice 3 Sue Hunt 4 Rebecca Webb 5 Jon Soar 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Richard Webb 8 Rung for the Patronal Festival. --000-- Sunday, 16th October 2016 1260 Grandsire Triples Jon Soar 1 Helen Green 2 Steve Lutener 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Chris Ford 5 Greg Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Roderick Boucher 8 Rung to remember Albert Ilsley, Henry Tricker, Paul Raynbird and William Walker, from the Basingstoke area, who died in August 1916 serving in the Great War. --000-- Sunday, 30th October 2016 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major Peter Rowe 1 Alison Smith 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Helen Green 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Jon Soar 6 Pete Jordan 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 In 43 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Anna Feyerherm before a service to commemorate the departed. --000-- Saturday, 5th November 2016 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major Ian Rees 1 Jon Soar 2 Ba Wells 3 Angela Athawes 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Pete Jordan 6 Steve Wells 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 In 43 minutes. Rung as a birthday compliment to Lillian Halewood and the conductor (both 9th Nov) 1st in method and as conductor -8. --000-- Sunday, 20th November 2016 1312 Plain Bob Major Alison Smith 1 Maggie Ellis 2 Sue Hunt 3 Peter Rowe 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Jon Soar 6 Pete Jordan 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 Rung in memory of Alec Boucher MC, who died on 18th November 1916, at the battle of the Somme. Alec's Great-nephew, Roderick Boucher, is a ringer at this tower. 1st of Major – 3. --000-- Wednesday, 7th December 2016 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Maggie Ellis 1 Heather Frazer 2 Betty Rice 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Pete Jordan (C) 5 Roderick Boucher 6 In 44 minutes. Rung before a Christingle service. --000-- Sunday, 18th December 2016 1301 Single Oxford Bob Triples Maggie Ellis 1 Jon Soar 2 Helen Green 3 Terry Oram 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Pete Jordan (C) 6 Greg Jordan 7 Steve Lutener 8 In 45 minutes. Rung before the Carol Service. --000-- Saturday, 24th December 2016 20 mins of Call Changes, 60 on 3rds Sue Hunt 1 Charlotte Mossop 2 Heather Frazer 3 Mike Rice 4 Richard Webb 5 Jon Soar (C) 6 Rung after the Crib Service. 1st 'performance' - 2. --000-- Saturday, 24th December 2016 20 mins of Call Changes, 60 on 3rds Steve Lutener (C) 1 Chloe Blackmore 2 Betty Rice 3 Rebecca Webb 4 Pete Jordan 5 Richard Webb 6 Rung before the Crib Service. 1st as conductor - 1. 1st 'performance' - 2. --000-- Sunday, 8th January 2017 1296 Plain Bob Major Peter Rowe 1 Sue Hunt 2 Helen Green 3 Steve Lutener 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Terry Oram 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 In 46 minutes. Belated birthday compliment to Bramble, the Jordan family dog, who turned 17 on 3rd January. 1st Major inside – 4. 200th Quarter peal – 8. --000-- Wednesday, 1st March 2017 1260 Grandsire Doubles Betty Rice 1 Helen Green 2 Chris Ford 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Pete Jordan (C) 5 Mike Rice 6 In 45 minutes. Rung on the back 6 on Ash Wednesday, to mark the centenary of the death of John Rice, Grandfather of the tenor ringer. L/Cpl John Rice (22416) of the 8th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment was Killed in Action, aged 34, on 1st March 1917, not far from the village of Theipval in the Peronne district of Somme. His name is inscribed on Pier and Face 6 B and 6 C of the Theipval Memorial. --000-- Sunday, 19th March 2017 1344 Plain Bob Major Composed by Michael PRH Wooley Alison Smith 1 Maggie Ellis 2 Sue Hunt 3 Peter Rowe 4 Steve Lutener 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 In 46 minutes. Rung to celebrate the life of Bramble (03/01/00 - 26/02/17), the Jordan family Labrador, who will be sorely missed. R.I.P. --000-- Sunday, 9th April 2017 1287 Grandsire Triples Composed by Dennis Chapman Betty Rice 1 Pete Jordan 2 Helen Green 3 Alison Smith 4 Peter Rowe 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 Rung on Palm Sunday, in memory of the following, who gave their lives in the Great War: Harry Atheling Russell Boustead, Lieutenant in the 18th Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps, who died of wounds on 5th April 1917, aged 24; Alfred Shorney, Private in the 13th Battalion of the London Regiment, who was killed in action on 10th April 1917 in France aged 32; Reginald Joice, Lieutenant in the 50th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery, who was killed in action on 30th April 1917 in France aged 34; William Smith, Corporal in the 1st /4th Battalion of the Regiment, who died on 30th April 1917 in Constantinople aged 36. --000-- Friday, 14th April 2017 1302 Single Oxford Bob Triples Rebecca Webb 1 Alison Smith 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Pete Jordan (C) 4 Chris Ford 5 Alan Barsby 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Steve Lutener 8 In 47 minutes. Rung half muffled on Good Friday. --000-- Saturday, 29th April 2017 1296 Plain Bob Major Alison Parker 1 Rebecca Webb 2 Steve Lutener 3 Peter Rowe 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Tim Pink 6 Graham Wright 7 Roy LeMarechal (C) 8 In 47 minutes. --000-- Sunday, 21st May 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Helen Woolford 1 Greg Jordan 2 Lynne Jordan 3 Angela Athawes 4 Jon Soar 5 Ian Rees 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Steve Lutener 8 In 43 minutes. Birthday complement to Steve Lutener. 1st triples - 1. --000-- Saturday, 27th May 2017 1260 Stedman Triples Jon Soar 1 Margaret Smith 2 Alan Barsby 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Ian Rees 5 Pete Jordan 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Steve Lutener 8 Rung to remember the victims of the Manchester bomb attack. 1st of Stedman as Conductor. --000-- Sunday, 4th June 2017 1315 Grandsire Triples Composed by David B Ellery and Daniel W Brady Betty Rice 1 Helen Green 2 Alison Smith 3 Peter Rowe 4 Jon Soar 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Pete Jordan 7 Lynne Jordan 8 Rung at Pentecost and as an 89th birthday compliment to Jon's father, Reg Soar. --000-- Sunday, 18th June 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Lynne Jordan 1 Sue Hunt 2 Peter Rowe 3 Pete Jordan (C) 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Terry Oram 6 Greg Jordan 7 Mike Rice 8 In 45 minutes. Rung in memory of the following who lost their lives in WW1: PTE Ernest Charles Cook, 242451, 5th Bn. Hampshire Regiment, died 8th May 1917 aged 18; PTE Charles George Hasler, TR7/2110, 92nd Training Reserve Bn. Died 31st May 1917 aged 18. Both are buried in South View Cemetery, Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 25th June 2017 1260 Plain Bob Triples Heather Frazer 1 Lynne Jordan (C) 2 Helen Green 3 Peter Rowe 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Pete Jordan 6 Greg Jordan 7 Steve Lutener 8 In 45 minutes. Rung before a Civic Service. --000-- Sunday, 2nd July 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Helen Green 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Steve Lutener 4 Rebecca Webb 5 Pete Jordan (C) 6 Jon Soar 7 Roderick Boucher 8 In 45 minutes. Rung to remember the following who lost their lives in WW1: PTE Frederick William Leavey, 31732, 6th Bn. Wiltshire Regiment, died 9th June 1917 aged 29; PTE William Percy Rampton, 203439, 1st /4th Bn. South Lancashire Regiment, died of wounds on 6th June 1917 aged 29; Lieutenant A J Matthews, M.C. 1st Bn. Canadian Infantry died of wounds 13th June 1917, aged 23; PTE Albert Edward Phillips, 50654, 1st /4th Bn. Suffolk Regiment, died 24th May 1917 aged 23; Sergeant Sidney Joseph Unwin, M.M. 87113, 6th Howitzer Bde. Canadian Field Artillery, died 29th June 1917; PTE Sidney Arthur Thumwood, 1st Bn. Wiltshire Regiment, died 30th May 1917, aged 23. --000-- Sunday, 16th July 2017 1260 Plain Bob Triples Rebecca Webb 1 Peter Rowe 2 Helen Green 3 Sue Hunt 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Alan Hoar 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Steve Lutener 8 Rung to commemorate the lives of the following, who died during WWI: Private Reginald Ernest Guy Trodd, 230949, 1st /2nd Bn. London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), died 4th May 1917, aged 27; Private John Thomas Wyeth, G/8930 6th Bn. The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Died 3rd May 1917, aged 26; Second Lieutenant Thomas Armin Oppe, 4th Bn. attd. 1st Bn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), died 20th May 1917, aged 36; Second Lieutenant George Stanley Taylor, 905th M.T.Coy. Army Service Corps, died 4th May 1917, aged 28; PTE J Pardey 26748, 50th Coy. Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) died 14th May 1917, aged 32. --000-- Sunday, 6th August 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Betty Rice 1 Greg Jordan 2 Peter Rowe 3 Jon Soar 4 Terry Oram 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 In 44 minutes. Rung as a birthday complement to Mike Rice, Lynne Jordan and Peter Rowe, and to celebrate Rebecca Webb's recent exam success. --000-- Sunday, 20th August 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Peter Rowe 1 Alison Smith 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Angela Athawes 4 Tom Blomley 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Jon Soar 8 Rung to commemorate the lives of the following, who gave their lives in WWI: Sergeant Herbert John Irving, 3375 11th Bn. Australian Infantry A.I.F. died 7th May 1917, aged 24. Born in Basingstoke; Gunner George Charles Dimes, 87665, 188th Heavy Bty. Royal Garrison Artillery, died 5th May 1917, aged 26; Ordinary Telegraphist Gordon Thomas Sansom, J/32712 H.M.S. "Derwent", died 2nd May 1917, aged 17. --000-- Sunday, 17th September 2017 1260 Grandsire Doubles Betty Rice 1 Sue Hunt 2 Peter Rowe 3 Jon Soar 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Mike Rice 6 For Evensong. --000-- Saturday, 23rd September 2017 1296 Spliced Surprise Minor, London & Cambridge Composed by Glenn AA Taylor Peter Rowe 1 Angela Athawes 2 Daniel J Page 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Michael Hurst 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Rung as an early 21st Birthday compliment (29th September) to Laura Turner. --000-- Wednesday, 4th October 2017 80 Grandsire Doubles Jon Soar 1 Pauline Underwood 2 Sue Hunt 3 Helen Green 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Terry Oram 6 Rung on practice night as an 80th birthday compliment to Pauline Underwood. --000-- Sunday, 29th October 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Steve Lutener 1 Pete Jordan (C) 2 Sue Hunt 3 Peter Rowe 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Terry Oram 6 Greg Jordan 7 Lynne Jordan 8 In 44 minutes. Rung before the All Souls service in memory of William Oram, 1922 - 2017. --000-- Sunday, 12th November 2017 1260 Plain Bob Triples Alison Smith 1 Maggie Ellis 2 Helen Green 3 Peter Rowe 4 Chris Ford 5 Jon Soar 6 Lynne Jordan (C) 7 Terry Oram 8 Rung half-muffled on Remembrance Sunday for those that died during the battle of Passchendaele. Also to celebrate the life of Pauline Mary White, mother of the Conductor. --000-- Sunday, 19th November 2017 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Composed by Alan D Pink Heather Frazer 1 Pete Jordan 2 Alison Smith 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Lynne Jordan 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Jon Soar 7 Roderick Boucher 8 Rung to celebrate the Platinum Wedding anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Philip. --000-- Sunday, 10th December 2017 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Helen Woolford 1 Louise Cluett 2 Heather Frazer 3 Peter Rowe 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Mike Rice 6 For Christmas. --000-- Sunday, 17th December 2017 1273 Grandsire Triples Composed by Peter J Sanderson Betty Rice 1 Helen Green 2 Sue Hunt 3 Pete Jordan 4 Terry Oram 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Lynne Jordan 7 Roderick Boucher 8 Rung before the Carol service. --000-- Friday, 22nd December 2017 1264 Plain Bob Major Composed by Richard I Allton Steve Lutener 1 Alison Smith 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Terry Oram 4 Chris Ford 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Jon Soar 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 In 45 minutes. Rung before a carol service. --000-- Saturday, 30th December 2017 1260 Grandsire Triples Composed by J Holt (from the original) Gillian Carey 1 Sue Green 2 Cindy Maude 3 David G Butler 4 Nigel A L Mellor 5 R Andrew Sutherland 6 Mike Pidd (C) 7 Cath Butler 8 Leeds University Society of Change Ringers. In 47 minutes. Belated birthday compliment to Penny Pidd. --000-- Sunday, 21 January 2018 1280 Plain Bob Major Betty Rice 1 Alison Smith 2 Alan Hoar 3 Peter Rowe 4 Steve Lutener 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Greg Jordan 7 Pete Jordan (C) 8 Rung to remember the following, who lost their lives in WW1, both from Basingstoke. Ordinary Seaman Ernest William Stratton, service number J/77312 who died 20th January 1918 aged 18. HMS Louvain, Royal Navy. Private William Charles Goodyear, service number 42302, died 29th January 1918 aged 19. ‘X’ Coy. 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regiment. 1) - 1st on 8. --000-- Tuesday, 6 February 2018 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Jill Burry 1 Alison Smith 2 Betty Rice 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Lynne Jordan (C) 5 Sue Hunt 6 To celebrate women being granted the vote, 100 years ago today. Rung in the tower where Alice White became the first lady to ring a peal. --000-- Saturday, 24 February 2018 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Sue Hunt 1 Heather Frazer 2 Betty Rice 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Pete Jordan (C) 5 Mike Rice 6 --000-- Sunday, 11 March 2018 1260 Plain Bob Minor Maggie Ellis 1 Heather Frazer 2 Betty Rice 3 Peter Rowe 4 Pete Jordan 5 Lynne Jordan (C) 6 For Mothering Sunday. --000-- Friday, 30 March 2018 1260 Plain Bob Triples Composed by Benjamin D. Constant. Heather Frazer 1 Sue Hunt 2 Alison Smith 3 Chris Ford 4 Steve Lutener 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 Rung half muffled before the Good Friday service. --000-- Sunday, 15 April 2018 1274 St Simon's Bob Triples Composed by Andrew J Rawlinson Betty Rice 1 Pete Jordan 2 Helen Green 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Terry Oram 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Roderick Boucher 8 Rung in memoriam of the following: Private William Hill, 34165, 1st Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment, died 1 April 1918. Private Herbert Alfred Parker, 33302, “D” Coy. 2nd Bn. Royal Berkshire Regiment, died 2 April 1918 aged 43. Son of the late Samuel and Emily Parker; husband of Emily Lambell (formerly Parker) of 30 Queens Road, Basingstoke. Private 1st Class Herbert Walter Dray, 214424, 6th Squadron Royal Air Force, died 4 April 1918, aged 20. Son of Harry Rushton Dray of 86 Worting Road, Basingstoke. Private J Pellett, 22581, 1 st Bn. Coldstream Guards, died 4 April 1918. Private Alfred George Kerridge, 32271, 8th Bn. Somerset Light Infantry, died 5 April 1918, aged 31. Husband of Ellen E Kerridge or 34 Weymouth Terrace, Western Shore, Southampton. Private Albert Hathaway, 11789, “A” Coy. 5th Bn. Royal Berkshire Regiment, died 5 April 1918, aged 29. Son of Mrs West of Burghfield Common, Mortimer, and the late Edward Hathaway; husband of Rose Clara Hathaway of 158 May St, Basingstoke. Enlisted September 1914. Also served at Salonica with 7th Bn. William Pullinger, Corporal 306918, 2nd /7th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment, died 6 April 1918. --000-- Sunday, 6 May 2018 1260 Plain Bob Doubles Jill Burry 1 Greg Jordan (C) 2 Helen Woolford 3 Alison Smith 4 Peter Rowe 5 Maggie Ellis 6 Rung to celebrate the life of Patricia Ann Tayler, sister of (5), who sadly passed away on 24/04/18. 1st inside: (3) --000-- Sunday, 20 May 2018 1298 Cambridge Surprise Minor Jill Burry 1 Alison Smith 2 Terry Oram 3 Pete Jordan 4 Ian Rees 5 Greg Jordan (C) 6 Rung to celebrate the marriage of HRH Henry of Wales and Ms Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle yesterday. Also to mark the retirement of Reverend Rosalind Rutherford, who’s last service was earlier today at All Saints Basingstoke. --000-- Sunday, 5 August 2018 1277 Stedman Triples Composed by Lucinda J Woodward Peter Rowe 1 Alison Smith 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Jon Soar 4 Pete Jordan 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Terry Oram 8 Rung in memory of: Private Robert J Cobbold, Service number 50205. Suffolk Regiment. Died Saturday 17th February 1917 in France near the Somme. --000-- Sunday, 19 August 2018 1260 Mixed Doubles (3m/1p) 60 Stedman, 3x 120 St. Simons Bob, 3x 120 St. Martins Bob, 1x 480 Plain Bob Peter Rowe 1 Sue Hunt 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Jon Soar 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Steve Lutener 6 Rung in memory of: P.O. 14974 Pte G E Marshall, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Died alongside Lord Kitchener on 5th June 1916 when the HMS Hampshire, believed to be heading to Russia, was struck by a mine off the Orkney Islands. --000-- Sunday, 2 September 2018 1260 Plain Bob Minor Helen Woolford 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Steve Lutener 3 Jon Soar 4 Greg Jordan 5 Pete Jordan (C) 6 This performance commemorates the approximately 800 women whose deaths during the Great War are recorded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Women were largely involved in non-combative roles, but nevertheless, they faced enormous risks. By way of example, many served with the Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service, and whilst hostile forces ought not, under the Geneva Conventions, target those who are treating the sick and injured, several hospital ships were destroyed and sunk. One of those, the Hospital ship “Glenart Castle”, was torpedoed and sunk in the Bristol Channel on 26 February 1918, when seven RAMC officers and 47 medical orderlies along with 99 of the hospital patients on board lost their lives. Eight nurses of the QAIM Nursing Service were also lost: Katy Beaufoy, Acting Matron, Rebecca Rose Beresford, Staff Nurse, aged 39, Edith Blake, Staff Nurse, aged 32, Elizabeth Edgar. Staff Nurse Jane Evans, Sister, Charlotte Henry, Staff Nurse, Rose Elizabeth Kendall, Sister, aged 31, and Mary MacKinnon, Staff Nurse, aged 31, (Territorial Force Nursing Service) Their names are listed on the Hollybrook Memorial in Southampton, which was unveiled by the War Graves Commission in 1930, to commemorate those members of the Commonwealth forces who were lost or buried at sea and whose final resting place is unknown. --000-- Sunday, 16 September 2018 1260 Grandsire Triples Betty Rice 1 Greg Jordan (C) 2 Alison Smith 3 Maggie Ellis 4 Steve Lutener 5 Terry Oram 6 Ian Rees 7 Mike Rice 8 Rung to celebrate the life of Ben Price, cousin of the 4th, who passed away on 04/09/18 --000-- Sunday, 7 October 2018 1274 Plain Bob Triples Greg Jordan 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Steve Lutener 3 Jon Soar 4 Betty Rice 5 Terry Oram 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 Rung to celebrate the marriage of Rebecca Jordan (Niece of 2 & 7) to Mark Liang on 6th October 2018 at The Asylum Chapel, Peckham, and of Sarah Schattner to Myles White (Nephew of 2 & 7), on 15th September in Sandford, Manitoba. --000-- Sunday, 21 October 2018 1312 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by Richard J Angrave Steve Lutener 1 Helen Green 2 Pete Jordan 3 Alison Smith 4 Maggie Ellis 5 Lynne Jordan 6 Jon Soar 7 Greg Jordan (C) 8 Rung in memory of: FRANCIS HENRY BLACKBURN (1895-1915) Francis Henry was the son of George Francis, above, and the first cousin once removed of the writer. Francis Henry joined up in January 1915 No 9369. On 15th January 1915 at the age of 20 years, he embarked on SS City of Edinburgh from Southampton to France (Havre) with the East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Battalion. Almost exactly one month later, he was killed in action in Belgium on 17th February 1915. He is buried at Ypres Arrondissement leper, West Flanders (West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.) Rung on the St. Michael’s bellringers dinner weekend. --000-- Sunday, 4 November 2018 1279 Grandsire Doubles 1x 720, 4x 120, 1x 79 Betty Rice 1 Sue Hunt 2 Peter Rowe 3 Jon Soar 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Mike Rice 6 Rung in memory of Pauline White, Grandmother of the Conductor, whose ashes were interred at St. Mary’s Hemel Hempstead yesterday --000-- Sunday, 11 November 2018 320 Grandsire Triples Peter Rowe 1 Helen Green 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Lynne Jordan 4 Greg Jordan (C) 5 Jon Soar 6 Pete Jordan 7 Terry Oram 8 Rung half muffled on Remembrance Sunday in memory of the following who lost their lives in WW1, and are remembered in the St Michael's book of Remembrance. Robert Lucas who died on 01 Nov 1918; William Yarlett who died on 31 Oct 1918; Frederick Dicker who died on 30 Oct 1918; George Seal who died on 29 Oct 1918; Herbert Keyes who died on 26 Oct 1918; Edward Shorney who died on 26 Oct 1918; Ernest Bond who died on 24 Oct 1918; Edwin Westbrook who died on 23 Oct 1918; Frank Butler who died on 18 Oct 1918; Ernest Bridgeman who died on 17 Oct 1918; Charles Freeborn who died on 14 Oct 1918; James Hardie who died on 10 Oct 1918; Percy Ede who died on 09 Oct 1918; George Smith who died on 09 Oct 1918; Harry Fletcher who died on 05 Oct 1918; Harold Smith who died on 05 Oct 1918; William Shadwell who died on 30 Sep 1918; Sidney Phillips who died on 29 Sep 1918; Leslie Ranson who died on 29 Sep 1918; Frederick Baulch who died on 27 Sep 1918; Albert Sargent who died on 27 Sep 1918; Albert Wilmott who died on 14 Sep 1918; Albert Blundy who died on 05 Sep 1918; Redvers Dodd who died on 05 Sep 1918; Reginald Lipscombe who died on 03 Sep 1918; Mark Rawlins who died on 27 Aug 1918; Dudley Ward who died on 26 Aug 1918; Jesse Ilsley who died on 25 Aug 1918; Albert Pittard who died on 18 Aug 1918; Thomas Burridge who died on 13 Aug 1918; Leslie Munday who died on 12 Aug 1918; George Gosling who died on 08 Aug 1918; Maurice Webber who died on 31 Jul 1918; Charles Russell who died on 30 Jul 1918; Arthur Way who died on 28 Jul 1918; Nathaniel Paice who died on 24 Jul 1918; Arthur Richardson who died on 20 Jul 1918; Alfred Purdue who died on 16 Jun 1918; Sidney Witts who died on 14 Jun 1918; Christopher Prance who died on 29 May 1918; Guy Wallis who died on 17 May 1918; Frederick Tubb who died on 03 May 1918; Ernest Frude who died on 14 Apr 1918; Albert Hathaway who died on 05 Apr 1918; George Kerridge who died on 05 Apr 1918; Tom Stainer who died on 24 Mar 1918; Reginald A Andrews who died on 22 Mar 1918; Frederick Kneller who died on 21 Mar 1918; William Gregory who died on 12 Mar 1918; Frederick Clell who died on 02 Dec 1917; Philip Joice who died on 01 Dec 1917; Wortley Simmons who died on 22 Nov 1917; Bertram Wyeth who died on 22 Nov 1917; William Andrews who died on 30 Sep 1917; Austin Long who died on 22 Aug 1917; Leonard Wedge who died on 16 Aug 1917; James Wheeler who died on 08 Aug 1917; William Hall who died on 02 Aug 1917; Owen Wellspring who died on 02 Aug 1917; Herbert Frost who died on 31 Jul 1917; Leonard Jacobs who died on 31 Jul 1917; Alfred Watmore who died on 31 Jul 1917; Archibald Smith who died on 22 Jun 1917; George Barton who died on 07 Jun 1917; Frederick Kinchin who died on 06 Jun 1917; Arthur Gosling who died on 23 May 1917; Alfred Bond who died on 22 May 1917; Charles Smith, MM who died on 07 May 1917; John Broadley who died on 03 May 1917; Smith who died on 30 Apr 1917; Norman Phillips who died on 25 Mar 1917; John Upward who died on 08 Mar 1917; Frederick Trodd who died on 07 Mar 1917; Tom Griffin who died on 28 Feb 1917; Alfred Jacobs who died on 14 Feb 1917; Ernest Dodd who died on 07 Feb 1917; Frederick Lunn who died on 31 Dec 1916; Harry Broadley who died on 15 Dec 1916; Reginald Mayo who died on 07 Dec 1916; Walter Raynbird who died on 23 Nov 1916; George Ede who died on 03 Nov 1916; Stewart Millard who died on 23 Oct 1916; Ernest Gosling who died on 21 Oct 1916; Ralph Hailstone who died on 18 Oct 1916; Thomas Oliver who died on 15 Oct 1916; Arthur Tripp who died on 27 Sep 1916; Ernest Mayo who died on 25 Sep 1916; Rupert Inglis who died on 18 Sep 1916; Walter Copestake who died on 15 Sep 1916; Alfred Weston who died on 06 Sep 1916; Henry Whiteland who died on 03 Sep 1916; Geoffrey Allen who died on 02 Sep 1916; Francis Martin who died on 20 Jul 1916; Gerald Budden who died on 19 Jul 1916; Albert F Smith who died on 15 Jul 1916; Robert Hitchcock who died on 05 Jul 1916; F Covey Gregory who died on 01 Jul 1916; Cyril Ilsley who died on 01 Jul 1916; Frank Nash who died on 01 Jul 1916; Thomas Leadbetter who died on 26 Jun 1916; Joseph Wootten who died on 22 Jun 1916; Frederick Dibley who died on 21 Jun 1916; William Culver who died on 31 May 1916; William Dolton who died on 31 May 1916; Frederick Dry who died on 31 May 1916; Charles Fulker who died on 31 May 1916; Edward Martin who died on 31 May 1916; George North who died on 31 May 1916; Frederick Paice who died on 31 May 1916; Ernest Stevens who died on 05 Apr 1916; Frank Bond who died on 24 Jan 1916; Herbert Hailstone who died on 21 Jan 1916; Francis Moth who died on 21 Jan 1916; George Tigwell who died on 21 Jan 1916; William Tigwell who died on 21 Jan 1916; James Harrison who died on 21 Aug 1915; Brinley Boyer who died on 11 Aug 1915; who died on 06 Aug 1915; Paul Simmons who died on 24 Jul 1915; Frank Vince who died on 24 Jul 1915; Ernest Cowdrey who died on 06 Jul 1915; Lawrence Clive Boustead who died on 28 Jun 1915; Reginald Munton who died on 11 Jun 1915; Grahame Bryant who died on 10 Jun 1915; Baynard Powell who died on 10 May 1915; Cyril Budden who died on 09 May 1915; Frederick Willoughby who died on 06 May 1915; Charles Powell who died on 02 May 1915; Arthur Snelling who died on 26 Apr 1915; Leopold Buxton who died on 24 Apr 1915; Arthur Howard Pace who died on 23 Apr 1915; George King who died on 02 Apr 1915; Henry King who died on 26 Feb 1915; Francis Henry Stanley Hawkesworth who died on 25 Jan 1915; Philip Rossiter who died on 19 Jan 1915; Arthur Ilsley who died on 24 Dec 1914; William Hopgood who died on 19 Dec 1914; Edward North who died on 26 Nov 1914; Albert G Smith who died on 04 Nov 1914; Charles Sheppard who died on 01 Nov 1914; William Elliott who died on 26 Sep 1914; Percy Broadley who died on 18 Sep 1914; Charles Broadley who died on 23 Aug 1914; Frank Elliott and John Pellett. --000-- Sunday, 18 November 2018 1260 Plain Bob Triples Sue Hunt 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Heather Frazer 3 Peter Rowe 4 Jill Burry 5 Greg Jordan 6 Pete Jordan (C) 7 Jon Soar 8 Rung for even song in memory of Heather's Great Uncle, Private Alfred Applin who served in the 3rd Dorsetshire Regiment as a machine gunner. Discharged from forces on 6.1.1916 suffering from paraplegia as a result of WW1. Spent from 23 June 1916 to his death on 6th May 1920 in the Star and Garter Home, Richmond, Surrey. Whilst in the Star and Garter Home he took up embroidery and some of his work was used as part of the Altar Frontal at St Paul’s Cathedral. 1st Triples inside - 3. --000-- Sunday, 16 December 2018 1287 Grandsire Triples Composed by Dennis A Chapman Helen Woolford 1 Lynne Jordan 2 Maggie Ellis 3 Sue Hunt 4 Michael K Hopkins Till 5 Jon Soar 6 Greg Jordan (C) 7 Roderick Boucher 8 --000-- Friday, 21 December 2018 1260 Plain Bob Triples Betty Rice 1 Pete Jordan 2 Heather Frazer 3 Jon Soar 4 Steve Lutener 5 Greg Jordan 6 Lynne Jordan (C) 7 Mike Rice 8 Rung before the Friday Carol Service. Also to remember Ernest Frazer who died on 7th December.