AAmherstmherst Things to Do and Places to See Things to Do in Amherst | 1 Spring / Summer 2020 Spring-Summer 2020 | RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT 2019 Fall/Winter Schedule 2020 SPRING/SUMMER SCHEDULE If you have an event, program or activity open to the public that you would like to get posted on the county web site, send it to
[email protected]. DANCE – N – MOTION Health & Fitness Come to the FAC and participate in the Dance – N – Motion Class instructed by Sweet Briar’s student Cortney Lewandowski. It is time to let AEROBICS/AMHERST (6 week session) loose and get your groove on! (Low Impact) Days: Wednesday Supplies needed: Mat or Towel Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Location: SBC Fitness and Athletics Center – Fencing/Aerobics Session begins: February 25th Room Time: 6-7:15 PM Upstairs next to Williams Gym Location: Amherst Elementary School Age: Any age Fee: $25/person/session Fee: $10/day; free for members Instructor: Darlene Terry Contact: Marcia Thom-Kaley at
[email protected] Register: On Site or 434-946-9371 INDOOR CYCLING & CORE Join us in this high intensity cycling workout that will push your limits to SWEET BRIAR FAMILY win the race! Following cycling, we head across the hall for the second half of class that goes above and beyond sit-ups and crunches. Spring 2020 ATHLETIC CLUB (FAC) Days: Fridays Time: 12:30-1:30PM YOGA AND MEDITATION Location: SBC Spin Room (downstairs by the Field House) Come to the FAC and enjoy Yoga & Age: 16 and older Meditation instructed by Sweet Briar’s Fee: $10/day; free for members student Libby O’Donnell.