Des Aceleramiento Económico En México Para El 2017, Según Estudio
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University of Texas at El Paso DigitalCommons@UTEP The rP ospector Special Collections Department 1-17-2017 The rP ospector, January 17, 2017 UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Comments: This file is rather large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. Recommended Citation UTEP Student Publications, "The rP ospector, January 17, 2017" (2017). The Prospector. 267. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections Department at DigitalCommons@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in The rP ospector by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UTEP. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 102, NO. 15 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO JANUARY 17, 2017 D ESIGN BY ANA RAMOS, PHOTO BY GABY VELASQUEZ / THE PROSPECTOR FRONTERAS O’Rourke advocates Des aceleramiento económico en México for Dreamer privacy para el 2017, según estudio de UTEP BY GRECIA SANCHEZ ha bajado, como consecuencia de una como relaciones de comercio entre los The Prospector moneda nacional más débil en México, dos países disminuirán. eso no se está convirtiendo en ingresos Gianna Salas, estudiante de comu- La depreciación del peso, incerti- extranjeros directos adicionales de la nicación organizacional y corporativa dumbre sobre políticas proteccionistas manera debida por la razón de que el en UTEP, dijo la depreciación del peso del presidente electo Donald Trump, presidente electo ha amenazado con afecta no sólo a la economía mexicana, posibles cambios en el Tratado de Libre clausurar el acuerdo de libre comercio”. sino también a la economía de la ciu- Comercio de América del Norte por la Fullerton dijo si el TLCAN llegara a dad de El Paso. nueva administración estadounidense clausurarse, se notarán efectos nega- “Si es muy cierto que personas de y crisis por precios altos de la gasolina tivos en ambos países. Debido a esto, Juárez, Chihuahua, o de diferentes en México amenazan el futuro de la tanto la inversión extranjera directa ciudades del estado consumimos en economía mexicana. El Paso. Entonces mientras nuestra Según el cuarto informe del Proyecto economía baje, pues también baja la de Modelación de la Región Fron- economía de la ciudad de El Paso”, Salas teriza de UTEP (UTEP Border Region dijo. “Somos ciudades muy dependien- Modeling Project), el crecimiento de la tes una de la otra, tenemos gente, como economía mexicana disminuirá en el El dinero que estaba en mi caso, que vivimos en Juárez, pero 2017. Se predice el crecimiento del PIB destinado a otro tipo tenemos nuestra vida en El Paso o tam- GABY VELASQUEZ / THE PROSPECTOR (Producto Interno Bruto) será de 1.4 bién gente que vive allá (El Paso) y tiene Dreamers and supporters come together on Sunday, Jan. 15, at San Jacinto Plaza. por ciento, contrario al previo informe de cosas ya lo tenemos su sustento de la economía juarense”. que proyectaba un 2.3 por ciento. were brought here by their parents, who que gastar en gasolina, Un aspecto que amenaza las rela- BY MICHAELA ROMÁN Tom Fullerton, profesor de economía The Prospector must’ve made excruciating decisions ciones comerciales e industriales de la themselves to leave their countries of en UTEP y encargado de BRMP sobre todo yo que cruzo On Sunday, Jan. 15, hundreds of sup- frontera es la falta de inversión extran- origin,” O’Rourke said. (por sus siglas en inglés), habló de las porters gathered at San Jacinto Plaza in jera en Ciudad Juárez. Según Fullerton, The community meeting was held proyecciones futuras de la economía de todos los días y no downtown El Paso to listen to U.S. Rep. no hay inversión en plantas nuevas de just five days before President-elect la región durante el Foro Económico de Beto O’Rourke and backers of protect- tengo línea expréss. Cd. Juárez porque los inversionistas es- Donald Trump will be sworn in as la Frontera para 2018, evento sucedido ing undocumented students, who were tán esperando a ver qué sucede con las president of the United States. While el pasado martes 10 de enero. granted executive amnesty by President amenazas del presidente electo Trump. campaigning, Trump’s platform called “En términos de la depreciación del Barack Obama in 2012. De acuerdo con el cuarto informe de for the immediate termination of peso sobre la frontera, no se está obser- - Gianna Salas, “We’re here today because our current BRMP, “The Trump Effect”, el cre Obama’s amnesty. vando los mismos efectos que histórica- Estudiante de comunicación President, Barack Obama, made a com- mente se han observado”, Fullerton dijo. organizacional y corporativa mitment to hundreds of young people in see DREAMERS on page 5 “A pesar de que el costo de producción see ECONÓMICO on page 7 this country, that we call dreamers, who All Dental Specialist in One Clinic MOST USA DENTAL INSURANCES WELCOME CARRETERA INTERNACIONAL WATERFILL 324 AVE. DE LAS AMERICAS 1411 NTE. COLONIA MARGARITAS WATERFILL RIO BRAVO (A DOS MINUTOS DEL PUENTE LIBRE INICIANDO (CRUZANDO EL PUENTE ZARAGOZA LAS AMERICAS DONDE ESTA EL RESTAURANT ESTAMOS AL LADO IZQUIERDO) “LA BORREGA” AL LADO DERECHO) (915) 603 - 3535 BRACES $1,500.00 10% DISCOUNT $130.00 FREE (915) 613 - 3384 MONTHLY WITH THIS AD DENTAL WHITENING DIAGNOSTIC & PAYMENTS NOT VALID WITH OTHER COUPON X-RAYS PAGE 2 JANUARY 17, 2017 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OPINION MICHAELA ROMÁN, 747-7477 The stupid concept that is Out with the old, in with the new possibilities BY MICHAELA ROMÁN Instead of uncluttering a house and consistently keep them and actually The Prospector throwing away unwanted trash and follow through. Some of the resolu- a New Year’s ‘resolution’ belongings, the same can be done with tions included wanting to eat healthi- After all the un- unhealthy routines or new aspirations. er, spending less money, staying orga- pleasant “Thanks The adrenaline rush created when nized, taking more initiative at work, BY RENE DELGADILLO New Year’s resolutions are like horo- 2016” blame the sparkly ball drops from the top of taking out unwanted people in their The Prospector scopes—it’s stupid to believe they have posts that popped anything to do with reality. Many of us Times Square or when fireworks go life and traveling more. When you up on my news have seen how our families have been off over a city skyline at the end of a Is it completely impractical for my woke up on Janu- feed toward the engaging in these kinds of rituals for countdown is so highly anticipated be- friends to achieve these goals? Ab- ary 1st, you prob- end of December, decades, that we just get caught up in cause everything we do in life is based solutely not. The start of a new year ably had one of it became clear them without even knowing why there’s on a timeline. When one year ends, just means another chance to remind the biggest hang- that most people, so much pressure behind making reso- we’re forced to evaluate what we now ourselves what we want in life, and overs of your life. or the vocal ones lutions. It’s good to have goals and reso- want for ourselves in the brand new the steps we need to take to achieve You probably at least, could really use a fresh start. lutions, but you shouldn’t base them on untouched year in front of us. It’s im- our goals. Cheers to a year of fewer woke up crav- It’s easy to look at others and say, “Why the stars in the sky or by creating false portant to take advantage of this time celebrity deaths and less White House ing the leftovers wait for a new year to make resolutions expectations. and really reflect on improvements we negativity. As for me, my resolution is from the dinner you had the night and change something big in your life? Starting resolutions on the first day can make and ways to grow. to write better columns. before, while swearing to god you’ll Shouldn’t you be able to start whenev- of the year or of the semester is just I took a quick survey of 10 friends, accomplish every resolution you have er?” In reality, it’s unlikely the average a disguise for procrastination. Why who are all college students or recent Michaela Román may be reached at michaelairoman@ in mind for this upcoming year. Of person will make a drastic life switch didn’t you start a month before the year graduates, to see if they made 2017 course, you’ll also be catching up on or even kick a bad habit without some began? Because you obviously thought resolutions. Seven had made them, resolutions you made from five years kind of push. “new year, new me!” That is just anoth- while the other three didn’t because ago, but never followed through on. Making New Year’s resolutions can er lie brought by the holidays. they felt they had never been able to To be honest, 90 percent or more of be just as effective as spring cleaning. This is coming from the guy who for you won’t ever accomplish what you the past two months has been trying to have in mind, because by mid-February get his life together after making stupid you’ll forget about the gym, the healthy decisions and experiencing the hard- food and you’ll start spending money est breakup of his life.