27, 1911. y- - 35' j VOL. XXX. roRTLAXD, OREGON. SUNDAY MORXIXG. AUGUST Will Charged on September Account, Payable Oct. 1 Tomorrow and Remainder of: Month' be - Purchases Made on Credit - , t a xo i Ci" . rv Beautiful Medallion Portraits, on Non-Corrosi- ve Metal, FREE Wnen lour rurcnases moixnx txco w D. M. C. Largest sKipment Burrows vard lames ever brought to the Coast, just in Vals. $2.69 received from France All colors Just $4 New Trimmings, New -- Olds, New Arrivals in SHoes Occupying Entire BlocK Bounded by Morrison, Alder. Tenth and WestParKSts. Jewelry, New Gloves 7 Returning buyers are bringing new inspirations in fash- ion --wHicK surprise and enthuse our salespeople and customers Never before has the "Big Store" looKed for-wa- rd to such a bright season We are very optimistic because Qfeon and Washington are blesse d with abun- - SaC"VSHijMi dance of crops, which means prosperity for the Northwest Best ifoti We'Bring.the World's. Productsto China-Fro- France-FronVEngland-F- Switzerland-Fro-m m Etc From America-Fro- m rom Gcrmany-Fro- m Persia. New Suits Snpcials in Women's Closing Out All the Tailored17.50 tip to $85.00 NightGowns Featuring Heavy Novelty Cloths and Hard-Finis- h Serges. yc Summer The new Fall Suits introduce a variety of style ideas, from the $1.50 ValuestVklte Sor SmotI Floor. 10,000 yards in this disposal Department, third" floor. plain, strictly tailored, to the extensively trimmed novelties. Women's Gowns in the slip- 80c at 59c Braids, buttons and are used with pleasing effect. Our over styles, with' short 50-in- ch materials in natural and plain colors.' These initial showing is extensive and styles are authentic. Anextremely sleeves; made of good qual- have been favorite sellers all the season. See them. - ity longcloth, trimmed in good value is shown in plain navy , full of char- J O O C torchon , with 75c Bungalow Cloths at 49c V f acter and distinction. A neat, well tailored Suit; at PJtJ-J- dainty yokes, with embroid- Beautiful self-ton- e colorings in block designs. ered initial ; finished in bead- $1.50 Drapery Challies at 75c ing and lace. A very special A fine quality cloth for casement windows. Sale Suits purchase of $1:50 Af ' '5O0 Imported Cretonnes 23c of values . sale at Final .on Bought for Spring and Summer tUC 2000 yards of English Cretonnes, quaint designs in Lot 2 Slipover Gowns with pretty colors. Sold all Sumnier'at 35c ad 50c, now 23 van !.U IF short sleeves and round VMVAtv neck, mrfde of 'good quality $5.00 Drapery $2.48 Suits $10 fast-col- or imported by $20 linen The best drapery fabrics made, crepe, trimmed with torchon lace; regular $1.50 us to sell at 4.00 and $5.00 a yard. 10 patterns in lot. $55 Suits $27.50 grade; a rare $9.50 Persian Prints Each $448 bargain at, ea. Kvery one of these Suits must be sold. The materials, are wool, III $1.29 High-grad- e Imported Persian Prints, 72 inches wide satin. The styles are all good;" can be worn well Lot 3 Women's Gowns of 3 yards long, for or can be split for cur- porfgee and mostly by bedspreads into the Winter. There are all colors in the lot, including black fine (oualitv , tains. Artistic decorative pieces included in d Rlinnvpr Ktvlps with round or souare necks, snort P-,- etc. Wool Suits range each CI and white serges, checked novelties, The sleeves; trimmed with wide embroidery yokes the lot. $9.50 values, bargainized at in price from 20.00 to $48.50. The Satin Suits $32.50 to $55.00. with lace or embroidery 'edging.' ' Regular $1.50 17c Ctirtain; Scrims Yard 11c '. The $22.50 to $32.50. The White Serges $38.50 1 Gowns.' 'All new arfiyals: ;SpeciaU t q' A good selection of colorings. Reversible for curtains. Store News to $58.50.. The Linen Suits $6.75 to $32.50. Specialized at 72 Izei expressly for this sale!.'at only AXc7 OUR MISS BERNARD Buyer and manager of garment dept., will arrive home from the East tomorrow. First .'- - New Goats OUR MR. EDWARDS Fall Buyer and manaijer of millinery depart- variety of women s new Fall Coats is now ready for ment, is home frem New York. your choosing. Beautiful polo coats, street and dress coats, auto Showing OUR MISS GRACE JONES -- coats, etc. Novelties in heavy double faced materials, smart mix -V- 1 1 Head milliner, is home from New York. II Jl 11 . ' -i U tures and plain cloths. Ave price them verv mod- - OUR MRS. OLDER dJCC fCvFU of Fall chil- estly for this sale at special price of from ?15.00 to pO ts 1 Manager and buyer of infants' and 'xk'O . -- $ dren's department, is home from market. OUR MISS MILNE Manager and buyer of art needlework $1.75 $3 uitiiig's to - New u Jf jl - from New York. Dresses 4 dept.. has just returned School J'-- it l kw- Dlace. packers, the caK , i OUR MR. JOHNSON Tomorrow will usher in the first showing of children's Dresses for Onr receivincr room is a busv The Manager of the men's furnishings .de- school wear. High School girls will find styles just to their liking. lers, the checkers, inspectors and distributors are rubbing partment, wiH start home this week. ' Sailor suits and Peter Thompson styles are posing for your ad- shouldrs and crying for space. Jtivery train or snip brings MR. L. M. RICE miration. They come in blue, black and brown serge with combi- new. arrivals. In the wool Dress Goods section we are show- Manager of silks and" dress, goods, -- is ing two effects and Scotch mix- opening tip his new purchases. ... nations of trimmings, braids and embroidery in white, red and a vast assortment of toned MR. E. ROGERS black. Sizes 13 to 17 years, and 34 to 38 bust. They d C tures along with plain blues and grays in tailor serges. They New buyer for notions and drug sundries, are priced for this sale at special from 12.50 to xiJ.Wff are priced for ,this showing at $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $300 just arrived from the East. And Soft Fabrics in wool and silk, approved by Dame Fash- OUR MR. MISSENGER effect. All 's gloves, underwear, Waists New Waists ion because of the graceful swing and clinging Buyer of women $10 4.49 - hosiery, ete., is home from the market. Shown Monday the wanted shades are here- and more to come.. They are OUR MR. NICHOLSEN Women's fineVaists in. tub. silks, Every woman who sees these will be pried for first Fall showing at ?1.25 $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Buyer of faney goods, jewelry, etc, re- pongee silks and . A great delighted. we will be so proud of And Cream Suitings $1 to $4 Yd. Fancy Plaids $1 to $1.75 Yd. turned from New York Thursday. assortment of styles to choose from. them doubt if we can help but show High or Dutch necks, kimono or long Fancy SilKs $1 to $2 a Yard OUR MR. PLUMMER it in our actions. New creations in Everything desirable in the Buyer of draperies, art furniture, etc., sleeves, .also styles with collars all-ov- weaves are here. Let , fancy silks, er popular just returned from market, i and turn back cuffs to match. Some chiffon, Silk Serges OUR MR. LILBURN have colored trimmings with bow ties. , French lingeries, fancy and us serve you in this line. Especially desirable for tailored - Buyer of earpets, bedding, etc., is checked and striped tailored styles rang- 36-m-ch nigs, There's waists in Wool Bach Satin $2.50 to $6 suits. 27 and goods . in opening up his Fall lilies. - ing in price $4.50 to tff df the lot. These beautiful lace trimmed y)T'lOU Wool: Back Satin in navy black,- blue, hairline stripes, etc. OUR MR. PALMER Waists, values to $10.00, a This is a splendid toys, wheel. goods, etc., q (Sale . J O Buyer of pictures, on sale now for only DrT'5 Great of and black. Very desirable material, the. yard, f is making great, preparations for Fall. ' for coats and suits. Prices nZJv OUR MR. OLIVER SilK Petticoats $2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 Js opening up his and domestics. Great Sale .of all New Fall Silks $12.50 Values $5.95 Among new arrivals, in silks OUR MR. LOUGHTN . Double-Face- d Satin the Is showing his new purchases Summer Waists iSale - In New Combinations for evening and street wear for of high-grad- e Waists made Great of Hundreds : Marquisettes OUR MR. WORTMAN materials,' are to be Black wdth gray, black with Fall and Winter are Reports heavy buying by all our people. of dainty Summer $2 yd. closed out reductions. Infants'Appar'l green, black with Copenha- in all wanted colors, $1.25, Many buyers are yet in the market. Oth- Marquisettes, $1.75, $2 heading New York. Visit the department on second floor. 85c Garments OOc gen, etc. See these new ones. Bordered ers are for $1.00 Garments 79c Ombre Marquisettes, Bordered $1.75 Garments 98c NEW ARRIVALS IN Chiffons, Ombre Crepes, Crepe Infants' "Fine Lawn and .Nain- etc., V MILLINERY. Meteor, Batins, etc., sook Slips, Short Dresses, Short $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 yard.-- ' Dame Fashion's favorite at the PureFoodGroceries and Long Skirts. . All good styles Also, a complete assortment of 12-- A 6231 Phone Your Orders Ex and reduced as above quoted. styles in new high grade Messalines, Peau de Cygnes and When you cat, oat the best. "We do not sacrifice quality for price. Francaise dresses 85c, Vi Tailor -- Made Street Hats Satin for at foods which are in unsanitary stores SKirts $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.50 yard. Why should you buy kept the Store, 2d floor, a at the same price or more than we charge t We guarantee every- In Infants' thing. If goods are not perfectly satisfactory we will consider sale of slightly soiled Flannel it a favor if you return them. We study to please our customers. Skirts and Pinning Blankets. 85cRibbonLs33c HAMS, POUND, Are to be closed, out at a 1 HOLLAND RUSKS ONLY EASTERN 20c 6-in- 128 one-ha-lf of 5 and ch Sufrar-cure- d, me- saving of exactly; A great sale of thousands ofyards The dainty Dutch delicacy; a light, tender and sweet; 2 crisp biscuit; always sells at 15c. dium sire. Iiest on the market OOc Baby DlanKets 43c Dresden Ribbons in every wanted combination, 20c Wash Goods 8c CHOICE BACON, POUND, suitable for evpry.purpose where Ribbons CANE SUGAR, 100 LBS. $6.25 20 The Teddy Bear Blankets in 00 at RANCH EGGS, PER DOZEN, be to. 85c a yd, special OOC 20c' Fouldards Buy going higher; a full 30c Sec- may used. Values . 12c how; it's pink and blue. On sale on Mala Floor Tomorrow Only 100-poun- Oregon Ranch Epgs. d sack, delivered, for $6.25 Fresh ond Floor, Infants' Department. On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, a sale of HAMS, PER POUND, REGULAR 25c ASPARAGUS, 20 PICNIC 11 1 SHOES FOR 47 S1.75 Over Lace 67c beautiful, printed Dimities, , "Lawns . and Or" BABY PAIR All -- high-priced On Sal' Mala Flaer Equal to the goods. On sale in Basement Grocery Dept. BABY NOVELTIES, OFF gandies in rich delicate colorings suitable' forQ ". GLENWOOD BUTTER REG. 8c BAKING SODA, AT 5c To. effect a speedy clean-u- p .we offer for tomor- many purposes. 12ViC, 15c, 20c grades, the yard atQC 18-in- ch all-ove- r, "The Best." guaranteed, 2 lbs. 70 Arm and Hammer Brand, the old New Arrivals row a- - splendid lot of in Oriental FoulardsSilk finished wash in 'beautiful O. W. K. SPECIAL BUTTER reliable. Put up in pound packages. Children's Motor Coats, polo styles, lace;-ne- designs, white, cream and ecru; Cp7f patterns; cannot be told from the real silk foulards 2-l- when, made up. Tomorrow we offer a splendid. line Onr own brand. b. square, 60J 75c BOX STARCH AT ONLY 55c Remington tailored styes, heather mix- worth to $1.75 a yard. Specially priced at CREAM CHEESE, POUND, 17 Kingsford's best Laundry Starch, in tures, , serges, black cara--. of patterns which sell regularly at 20c. 65c EMBROIDERIES, SPECIAL ONLY 25 Specialon Bargain Circle, at low price of X dttnji.' The famous Tillamook Brand. box, reg. 75c grade, 55c cals, etc., at.irom fft-z- o to $D.UU New Dresses, priced $3.93 to $22.50 $1.25 EMBROIDERIES SPECIAL ONLY 48 'C

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