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HECTITTYT 3A 4'14314KY • Beorpaa elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs AKTHBHOCTH H ArICTPAKTH PATIOBA ACTIVITIES AND ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS Beograd 1991-1995 itniCTHTyT aa rp14aHey npeTpeliklIta 118 11080 Beorpau, Jyrocnamaja Institute of Physics Pregrevica 118 11080 Beograd, Yugoslavia elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs Ypearolgst gparan j:l. Mapicyruen Whorajno Myuporarti Editors: Dragan D. Markugev Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Mihajlo Mudrink Texnpoora capappluot: Kceaaja Ba6mh Ouraana Yhocaplonot Technical Assistants: Ksenija Babic Silvana Mihajlovie Cadpxcaj CAAPWAJ 111pewosop Foreword ix 1. Ilpojeforr 0101 "Ocnoenu u MCIII0a0.401UKU Cipo6neigu Ousurce" 1 11963433Kagaje 1 Konckepemwde 14 Teae 27 elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs 2. HpojeKair 0105 "TeopujcKa acliomaca u sionegynapua OU3UKa" 29 1.196anaddje 29 Kompepedwde 45 Teae 51 3. IlpojeKaT 01W "Suuapuu cydapu aitlasicKux ttecrauua" 53 Ily6nmilau,lije 53 Kompepewddje 65 Teae 78 4. Ilpojekaa 0107' "Airiamacu cydapu y iticuusapayabethuma U HII Cumputuuraw" 79 Ily6ffdicaratje 79 Konddepeeuieje 93 Te3e 107 5. Ilpojemar 0111 Reuawca rmatwe u sacepa" 109 Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Ily6aaKadaje 109 Kompepelawde 123 Teae 134 6. IlpojeKar 0104' "Ouautca orccuouux u Camyrapotiodnux malisepujana" 135 Ily6.331Eaddje 135 KoFdpependaje 144 Teae 148 7. HpojexaT 0114 "Ileiripaarutnabe Koturtponucaue trierwmyrciwapue Oymye Cumohy fina3Ate-OoKycan 149 11y6dagadaje 149 Koadlepewadje 154 Teae 161 Cadpmaj 163 & IlpojescaT 0103 "Ousuua uouden3osauoi cuTtama u Hoeux mardepujana" 163 fly6333Kaaje 175 Kombepouvije 180 Teae 181 9. Hpojocal 0110' "Euciiepumantrtamia Ousurea oucouux enepiuja" 181 rly5Inlicanuje 186 Koackepemwje 188 Teae 189 10.11pojehaT 1805 "3auartutria atratocOepe" 189 lly6maitaje 192 KourpepeRuaje 200 Teae 201 AUTHORelibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs INDEX Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Contents CONTENTS Foreword 1. Project 0101 "Fundamental and methodological problems in physics" 1 Publications 1 Conferences 14 Theses 27 2. Project 0105 "Theoretical atom and molecular physics" 29 Publications 29 Conferenceselibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs 45 Theses 51 3. Project 0106 "Binary collisions of atomic particles" 53 Publications 53 Conferences 65 Theses 78 4. Project 0107 "Atomic collisions in gas discharges and on surfaces" 79 Publications 79 Conferences 93 Theses 107 5. Project 0111 "Plasma and laser physics" 109 Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Publications 109 Conferences 123 Theses 134 6. Project 0104 "Physics of oxide and semiconductor materials" 135 Publications 135 Conferences 144 Theses 148 7. Project 0114 "Controlled thermonuclear fusion investigation with plasma focus" 149 Publications 149 Conferences 154 Theses 161 iu Contents 8. Project 0103 "Condensed matter physics and new materials" 163 163 Publications 175 Conferences 180 Theses 9. Project 0110 "High energy experimental physics" 181 181 Publications 186 Conferences 188 Theses 10. Project 1805 "Protection of the atmosphere" 189 elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs 189 Publications 192 Conferences 200 Theses 201 AUTHOR INDEX Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade ry 17Pediosop IIPEariOBOP thao je mecra Hamra paamm capaammta Haempyra as enmity (Me) y Beorpety. Ona ofirotara Hy6stetaumje ofijambeHe y Toxy neroropmnamer nepHoma 1991-1995. rowwe, a y Hojtom nue HammTyra as enmity emrypHme Ha &LBO xojn Hamm OHH paamm Hammx capamaxa sop ROjFIX ame Me-a Haje Haseaeno, Racy yHeTH y ammy. Kaura je TemaTout regenteaa Ha Hormana Hoja oproaapajy Hamamta 3133HARIBIX npojexaTa H3 OCHOBHHX mcipaxamama !COB Mmmtemparaa as Ham H TexmoTontjy Perry6Hoce Cp6nje HAN cy HOCITOIBI 6RXII Hamarzyr as cpmaatcy (He), SH31143231 (pawn= (me) nomeparrera y Eeorpapy H 0131 °cram Hayma H ymmepatmeTeim memrprt y Cpthajm. flopea 0131DC Hpojexam HHeamyr as eumaxy (Me)elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs yHeemyje y pealtnaumpt eTpaTennto mcrpammento-Temanommux trpojexam /COX HcTor mmmcrapema_ HOLleTall H mapmerax OBBX upojexara He Hourana ce ea npojexpima B3 OCIIOBHHX Hapammama Ha Hrora peayinam ca mot Hpojetam 6HTH o6jaament y Rape:1,10j Hy6Hamatejm. 3aammum upojeam B3 OCHOBHHX Hc-rpazomma paTB cy y %RAUH cammium peamm 1. Ilpojekair 0101 "Ocuoanu U MCITI0o040U4KU apoaaemu OUSUKC" pymosotouram AICHACM3IR 3BORK0 Mapidi (He) 2. Ilpojemar 0105 "Teopujaca curcomaca u itonocynapna 4u3uxa" pyHoaopmpam: pp Heim Bean& (443) pp Hemp FpyjSi (He) 3.111mdekar0106 "Bunapau eydapu au7uvmacux veccauw," pymosomonm: pp Hapa 'Bypith (1443) Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade pp CnoSomata 1.1,Bejamomth (Me) pp Mamma Kypena (die, He) 4. Ilpojegar 0107. "Ainomacu cydapu y laatunt aparmemuma u Ha rioeptaultasta" pytwammonm pp Spam Jenemome (He) pp %tam lionoamt (He) pp 3opamTpmuth (He) 5. IlpojeKar 0111 "Ouauka ruiaame U nacepa" pymomopptam. ap6oaaH Byxomiti (He) 6. IlpojeKaT "ckusuica orceudHux U iionyaposodnux mafflepujana" pylcommtmag: pp 3opam Hortonth (ie) 17pealosop 7. flpojeaar 0114' "Ilartpwr usame wouiliposucaue fflepstonyu.6eapue Oyauje 0amohy 06aame-OoKyca" prantogagam gp Jarom Hypigh ($O aa.1444: Hp PajoBaH Afframcajerat (He) 8. Hpoilmarr 0103 "Ousuica uoudeuweanoi artatha u rufflux maiisepujana" pyamoganam AP CaBO Mmoutemb (444) n H44: pp Jbma.alia cpyjavh-T1o6pocana.emh (1/14a) 9. Hpojesurr 0110' "E8cllepuuartaiasua ton auga oucouux enepiuja" prcoaomanam m liparmaap Km& (464:4) elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs aa 144): Hp )1(mojim ToAopoBah (044) 10.HpojelcaT 1805 "3aanTiuraa araitocilepe" pyamogagam AP 3opica Byampomk (441) 3a upojeaTe °magma 3BC3g8H014 mwrecatjage je upHxyzmo Mp AparaH Mapaymen, a n octane upojewre maTemjaneje ticancyruto mp Maucajgo Mygplumti. 3ammaHa je Homemaja (y aajnehoj mem) Hperxome mare (A801u6noctriu u aticlapcnalut pudoaa 1986-1990). Cana° og riornaama catnap( ce Ha ma ceamaje, xoje o6yxaaTajy: • Ancrparre 66jarubegna aHara, moHorpaclmjaH pagcma y mebyHapomum HarTHE/4 H OTpy`HmM caconucHma. • AimmaxTe ynowwx Trpeganaika H pagme caorronme Ha Hompepenijama y Homaham nacomicHma. • 0746pm:belie mantcrapme H gorropme Teae. Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Y cnaxoj og one TpH cezomje THHIHO3H cy Ham xpononoramm pegom. Ha xpajy Yaffe je gaT cmcm ayropa CB= pajama Ho* cy rum y cm-Tan Hamra. Marepujamt aa oBy =iffy rtmarusem cy Ha clammy ogroaapajytwoc roggummx Hanenrraja, a ma'am cy gam pyamomomma upojexaTa Ha enanyame Hopage. YKOJTHHO je npwrom max Amino Ho nponycra, ypepmurrno ce Hanguama ourreheEmm ayromma Opramnamja Harrito-Harpsatsmior gaga mannyra Ha xpajy 1995. rogue 6Hga je cnmetm: • 1.1conap aa Teoplijmyclmamy (11earap I) 461perrop: gp T3opet.11HjaHan Yarmo 36 3aHOCHCIOIX, a og Ton 27 gorropa Harm H 5 marucTapa Harm • 1.1emrap aa excnemmerrarmy 4thaincy (Ilegrrap II) mperrop: gp 3opan IleTpOBBh YKYHHO 41 mamma, a og Tora 13 HoxTopa Harm H 16 manivrapa HayHa. 17pedioeop • Llewrap as aTomcmy a cy6a-romcmy @flaky (11(eamp 111) gaperrop: AP Spamcnas Map:I:mom& Ymynxo 45 nanocaemax, a og Toni 14 gonTopa mayma n 10 maracrapa 'myna. • IleaTap 3a npameseay H Tex:mammy 4HI3HXy (I..Iewrap IV) gaperrop: gP Pagonaa Anaaaarjeamh Ymymao 11 3anocnenx, a og mora 3 gowropa Harm a 1 maracrap Kaput • L1ewrap as clammy maperor crama (Ijewrap V) gapexrop: gp 3opaa lionoaah Ynynao 31 aanommea, a og Tora 6 goxTopa mayma a 8 maracrapa mayma. )3,aperrop Placrwryra 3a 4*ra:11-my go 10.05.1994 6ao je gp Mapxo M. lionosali, a og 'raga je AmpenTop 144-a gp gparaa C. Ilonoamt elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs Reorpag, anpan 1996. Ypegamot Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Foreword FOREWORD This is the sixth volume in the series "Activities and Abstracts of Papers" containing the scientific results related to the Institute of Physics (IP) employees covering the five years period, 1991-1995. Only the publications with a clear statement that at least one of the authors is affiliated to the IP were included. The text of the book is divided into chapters according to the titles of the scientific projects from the basic researches financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia. In these projects the main participants are Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics and other scientific and university centers in Serbia. Apart from these projects the Institute of Physics takes part in the realization of strategic research - technology projects of elibrary.matf.bg.ac.rs the same Ministry. The beginning and the end of these projects are not in accordance with the basic research project so their results will be published in the next issue. The basic research projects are titled below: 1. Project 0101 "Fundamental and methodological problems in physics" Head of project: Academician Zvonko Marie (IP) 2. Project 0105 "Theoretical atom and molecular physics" Head of project: Dr. Dievad Bade (IP) Dr. Petar Grujie (II') 3. Project 0106 "Binary collisions of atomic particles" Head of project: Dr. Nada Djurie (IP) Dr. Slobodan Cvejanovie (IP) Virtual Library of Faculty Mathematics - University Belgrade Dr. Milan Kurepa (FP, IP) 4. Project 0107 "Atomic collisions in gas discharges and on surfaces" Head of project: Dr. Brans lelertkovi6 (IP) Dr. Milan Popovie (IP) Dr. Zoran Petrovie (IP) 5. Project 0111 "Plasma and laser physics" Head of project: Dr. Slobodan Vulcovie (II') 6. Project 0104 "Physics of oxide and semiconductor materials" Head of project: Dr. Zoran Popovie (IP) Foreword