Limits on global rules in Optimality Theory with Candidate Chains * Matthew Wolf Yale University
[email protected] Abstract: In OT with Candidate Chains (McCarthy 2007), candidates are multi-step derivations, and the PREC constraints which regulate the order of derivational steps can inspect entire candidate derivations. This means (Wilson 2006; Wolf 2008, 2010) that OT-CC opens the door to certain kinds of ‘global rules’ (Lakoff 1970)—that is, effects in which the application or non-application of a process is decided with crucial reference to derivational history. This paper investigates what limits may exist on OT-CC’s global- rule powers, focusing on two forms of opacity which are possible under a theory where all rules apply simultaneously, but not under sequential rule-application: mutual counterfeeding and mutual counterbleeding. It is shown that the original version of OT-CC allows neither, but that each of them could be made possible with relatively simple revisions to the original theory. Possible examples of these forms of opacity are discussed. * This paper has benefitted greatly from the comments, ideas, and questions I’ve received from Stephen R. Anderson, Maria Gouskova, Karen Jesney, Darya Kavitskaya, John McCarthy, E-Ching Ng, Joe Pater, Peter Staroverov, the editors, an associate editor, and two anonymous reviewers. Audiences at Rutgers University, particularly Mark Baker, Paul de Lacy, Paula Houghton, Shigeto Kawahara, Alan Prince, and Bruce Tesar, and at the 2010 LSA Meeting in Baltimore, particularly Eugene Buckley, Luigi Burzio, Bruce Hayes, Paul Kiparsky, and Jason Riggle, supplied helpful feedback on related material. Bill Foley and Gillian Gallagher kindly answered my queries about possible examples of global rules.