The Concord Saunterer AJournal of Thoreau Studies "It is a great art to saunter." H. IX Thoreau, April 26, 1841 New Scries Vol. 18, 2010 Published Annually by the Thoreau Society1 M The Concord Saunterer A Journal of Thoreau Studies Published Annually by The Thoreau Society™ Original Series, Volumes 1-20, 1966-1988 New Series Begun Fall 1993 (ISSN 1068-5359) Editor Laura Dassow Walls Advisory Editors Michael Berger Patrick F. O'Connell Ronald A. Bosco Sandra Harbert Petrulionis Robert Burkholder William Rossi Phillip Cafaro Richard J. Schneider Ronald Wesley Hoag Nancy Craig Simmons Francois Specq Wesley T. Mott Leslie Perrin Wilson Joel Myerson Elizabeth Witherell The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, an annual publication of The Thoreau Society, seeks biographical, historical, textual, bibliographical, and interpretive articles relating to Henry David Thoreau and his associates, the Concord circle of authors, and Transcendentalism more generally. Submissions of all lengths are invited; shorter pieces not accepted will also be considered for the quarterly Thoreau Society Bulletin. Contributions should conform to MLA documentation style. Send two copies plus SASE and/or electronic copy to Laura Dassow Walls, Editor, The Concord Saunterer A Journal of Thoreau Studies, Department of English, 356 O'Shaughnessy Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 46556; or e-mail as an attachment (MS Word preferred) to
[email protected]. We strive to report decisions within three months. Subscription is by membership in the Society; see the back cover for additional information. The Concord Saunter: A fournal ofThoreau Studies is a member of CELJ (the Council of Editors of Learned Journals), and is referenced in American IJterary Scholarship, American Humanities Index, and the MLA Bibliography.