Edited by F.A.M. MACKAY Published by Flora & fauna of the Seven Creeks Catchment Group Seven Creeks catchment. P.O. Box 4. Strathbogie BIBLIOGRAPHY. 3666 ISBN 0 646 04553 9.

Design and Layout 1. Botany - Victoria - Seven Creeks Watershed. 2. Zoology - David Hayden Victoria - Seven Creeks Watershed. I. Mackay, F.A.M. (Findlay Graphic Design AidenMann), 1928- . 11. Lightfoot, Jean, 1943- . found 454 Queens Parade, within the Seven Creeks catchment above Goorum Falls. North Fitzroy 3068 III. Noonan, David J. (David John), 1935- 1991. found National Library of within the Seven Creeks catchment above Polly McQuinns. cataloguing-in- IV. Noonan, David J. (David John), 1935 - 1991. Mammals found publication data within the Seven Creeks catchment above Polly McQuinns. ISBN 0 646 04553 9 V. Seven Creeks Catchment Group. VI. Title: Plants found within 1 Flora & Fauna-Victoria the Seven Creeks catchment above Goorum Falls. Strathbogie Ranges VII. Title: Mammals found within the Seven Creeks catchment citizen publication above Polly McQuinns.

Printed by 581.99454 Euroa Printers Pty. Ltd. Binney Street, Euroa 3666

April 1993©

Dedicated to David John Noonan (1935-1991) FLORA & FA UNA -—#^> OF THE G~>— SEVEN CREEKS CATCHMENT

Edited By F. A. M. MACKAY


Plants found in the Seven Creeks catchment above Gooram Falls 2 Key to Families 14 Genus - Family Guide 15 Birds of the Seven Creeks catchment above Polly McQuinns 18 Mammals of the Seven Creeks catchment above Polly McQuinns 32 Map of the Seven Creeks catchment 36

ISBN 0 646 04553 9 Roadside Assessment Survey....1990 Plants found within the Se\>en Creeks catchment above Gooram Falls Compiled by Jean Lightfoot With the assistance of A. Mackay, B. Maclaughlin, D. Albrecht of the Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium, M. Sydes B.Sc (Hons), T. and F. Sydes, Benalla Field Naturalists, W. Lightfoot B.Sc and others. Typed by Sue Foreman.

KEY * Introduced "~~~~" r Rare in area w Grows in wet area

REFERENCES The Remnant Indigenous Vegetation of the Seven Creeks Catchment and Its Importance as Critical Habitat for the Trout Cod Stephen G. Mueck.... Thesis 1990. Native Trees and of South Eastern Australia. Leon Costermans. Wild/lowers of Victoria Jean Galbraith. Australian Orchids Rosa Fiveash. Weeds in Australia Charles Lamp and Frank Collet Noxious Weeds of Victoria W. T. Parsons. A Handbook to Plants in Victoria. Volume 1 James H. Willis A Handbook to Plants in Victoria. Volume 2 James H. Willis The botanical names in this survey are consistent with: A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria, Third Edition, 1990 JJH. Ross

IBSN 0 646 04553 9 ADIANTACEAE Common Maidenhair Fern Adiantum aethiopicum Green Rock Fern Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia AMARANTHACEAE Lesser Joy weed Alternanthem deniculata

APIACEAE w Australian Lilaeopsis Lilaeopsis polyantha * Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Hairy Pennywort Hydrocotyle hirta Slender Pennywort Hydrocotyle tripartita Stinking Pennywort Hydrocotyle laxiflora

APOCYNACEAE * Blue Periwinkle Vinca major

ARALIACEAE Elderberry Panax Polyscias sambucifolia

ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE) Austral Bear's-ear Cymbonotus preissianus Billy-buttons Craspedia spp. Scaly Buttons Leptorhynchos squamatus Button Everlasting Helichrysum scorpioides Clustered Everlasting Chrysocephalum semipposum * Capeweed Arctotheca calendula * Cat's Ear Hypochoeris radicals * Smooth Cat's Ear Hypochoeris ? glabra Chamomile Sunray Rhodanthe anthemoides Common Dogwood Cassinia aculeata Drooping Chinese Teascrub Cassinia arcuata Common Lagenifera or Blue-bottle Daisy Lagenifera stipitata r Tiny Daisy Brachyscome ptychocarpa Rough Burr- daisy Calotis scabiosifolia Yam Daisy Microseris offlanceolata Cotton Fireweed Senecio quadridentatus Rough Fireweed Senecio hispidulus w Cudweed involucratus *w Purple Cudweed Gnaphalium purpurea w Spoon Cudweed Stuartina muelleri *w White Cudweed Vellereophyton dealbatum Dusty Daisy-bush Olearia phlogopappa Musk Daisy-bush Olearia argophylla w Swamp Daisy-bush Olearia glandulosa *' Garden Dandelion Taraxacum Sect. Vulgaria w Lesser Sneezeweed Centipeda minima * Milk Thistle Sonchus oleraceus (COMPOSITEAE; (CONT) Plants found * Slender Thistle Carduus tenuiflorus within the * Slender Thistle Carduus pycnocephalus * Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare Seven Creeks * Saffron Thistle Carthatnus lanatus * Variegated Thistle Silybum marianum catchment above * Prickly Lettuce Lactuca serriola * Stinkwort Dittrichia graveolens Gooram Falls * Tall Fleabane Conyza bonariensis * Tolpis Tolpis barbata

BLECHNACEAE Fishbone Water-fern Blechnum nudum Soft Water-fem Blechnum minus

BORAGEMACEAE Austral Forget-me-not Myosotis australis * Paterson's Curse Echium plantagineum Sweet Hound's-tongue Cynogiossum suaveolens

BRASSICACEAE * Wild Turnip Brassica rapa

BRUNONIACEAE Blue Pincushion Brunonia australis

CALLITRICHACEAE w* Water Starwort Callitriche stagnalis

CAMPANULACEAE Annual Bluebell Wahlenbergia gracilenta Many-stemmed Bluebell Wahlenbergia multicaulis Sprawling Bluebell Wahlenbergia gracilis Tall Bluebell Wahlenbrgia stricta Rock Isotome Isotoma axillaris w Swamp Isotome Isotomafluviatilis

CAPREFOLIACEAE * Common Elderberry Sambucus nigra White Elderberry Sambucus gaudichaudiana * Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica

CARYOPHYLLACEAE * Chick-weed Stellaria media Prickly Chickweed Stellaria pungens w Swamp Starwort Stellaria patastrrs £»« >j u i 11 fo (>o * Erect Chickweed Moechia erecta * French Catchfly Silene gallica * Hairy Pink Petrorhagia velutina CARYOPHYLLACEAE (CONT.) * Red Sandspurry Spergularia rubra

CLUS1ACEAE Small St John's Wort Hypericum gramineum * St John's Wort Hypericum perforatum

CONVOLVULACEAE Kidney Weed Dichondra repens Pink Bindweed Convolvulus erubescens

CRASSULACEAE Sieber Crassula Crassula sieberiana

CYATHEACEAE w Rough Tree-fern Cyathea australis

CYPERACEAE Sedges Club-sedge Isolepis spp. Wispy Club-sedge Isolepis habra * Drain Flat-sedge Cyperus eragrostis Flat-sedge Cyperus sphaeroideus Leafy Flat-sedge Cyperus lucidus Red- Saw-sedge Gahnia sieberiana Sedge Fen Carex gaudichaudiana Short-stem Sedge Carex breviculmis Tall Sedge Carex appressa Soft Twig-sedge Baumea rubiginosa Small Spike-rush Eleocharis pusilla Tall Spike-sedge Eleocharis sphacelata Tuber Spike-rush Eleocharis atricha

DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Austral Bracken Pteridium esculentum w Bats' Wing Fern Histiopteris incisa

D1CKSONIACEAE w Soft Tree-fern Dicksonia antartica

DILLENIACEAE Grey Guinea- Hibbertia obtusifolia

DROSERACEAE w Pale Sundew Drosera peltata ssp. peltata Sundew Drosera peltata ssp. auriculata

DRYOPTERIDACEAE Mother Shield-fern Polystichum proliferum Plants found EPACREDACEAE Common Beard-heath Leucopogon virgatus within the Daphne Heath Brachyloma daphnoides Honey Pots Acrotriche semtlata Seven Creeks w Swamp Heath Epacris breviflora catchment above ERIOCAULACEAE w Common Pipewort Eriocauloh scariosum Gooram Falls EUPHORBIACEAE Small Poranthera Poranthera microphylla * Spurge Euphorbia spp.

FABACEAE Austral Indigo Indigofera austmlis * 's-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus * Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus uliginosus * Slender Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus angustissimus Chaffy Bush-pea Pultenaea paleacea Large- Bush-pea Pultenaea daphnoides Rough Bush-pea Pultenaea scabra Common Hovea Hovea linearis Creeping Grey -pea Matted Bossiaea Bossiaea buxifolia Prickly Parrot-pea Gorse Bitter-pea Daviesia ulicifolia Hop Bitter-pea Daviesia latifolia Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea Daviesia leptophylla Handsome Flat-pea Platylobium fomwsum * Hare's-foot Clover Trifolium arvense * Subterranean Clover Trifolium subterraneum * Suckling Clover Trifolium dubium * White Clover Trifolium repens * False Acacia Robinia pseudoacacia * Montpellier Broom Genista monspessulana Mountain Mirbelia Mirbelia oxylobioides * Narrow-leaf Vetch Vicia saliva ssp. nigra Purple Coral-pea Hardenbergia violacea * Tree Lucerne Cytisus palmensis Twining Glycine Glycine clandestina

FUMARIACEAE * Fumitory Fumaria bastardii

GENTIANACEAE * Common Centaury Centaurium erythraea

GERANIACEAE Austral Stork's-bill Pelargonium australe GERANIACEAE (CONT.) Austral Crane's-bill Geranium solarderi Cinquefoil Geranium potentilloides Geranium Geranium ? retrorsum * Big Heron's Bill Erodium botrys * Musky Heron's Bill Erodium moschatum

GOODENIACEAE SpurVelleia Velleia paradoxa Trailing Goodenia Goodenia lanata HALORAGACEAE Common Raspwort Gonocarpus tetragynus

IRIDACEAE * Striped Rush-leaf Sisyrinchium iridifolium * Wild Watsonia Watsonia meriana

JUNCACEAE Austral Rush Juncus australis Green Rush Juncus gregiflorus Hoary Rush Juncus radula Rush Juncus sarophorus Common Woodrush Luzula tneridionalis Common Woodrush Luzula meridionalis var. flaccida

JUNCAGENACEAE * Water-ribbons Triglochin procera

LAMIACEAE Austral Bugle Ajuga australis Austral Gipsywort Lycopus australis Forest Mint Mentka laxiflora * Horehound Marrubium vulgare * Self-heal 'Prunella vulgaris Victorian Christmas Bush Prostanthera lasianthos

LENTffiULARIACEAE w Fairies' Apron or Purple Bladderwort Utricularia dichotoma

LEHACEAE Black-anther Flax-lily Dianella revoluta Pale Flax-lily Dianella longifolia Tasman Flax-lily Dianella tasmanica Bulbine Lily Bulbine bulbosa Chocolate-lily Arthropodium strictum Common Fringe-lily Thysanotus tuberosus LIL1ACEAE (CONT.) Plants found Twining Fringe-lily Thysanotus patersonii within the Early Nancy Wurmbea dioica Milkmaids Buchardia umbellate Seven Creeks Pale Vanilla-lily Arthropodium milleflorum Small Vanilla-lily Arthropodium minus catchment above Tufted Blue-lily Thelionema caespitosum * Three-cornered Garlic Allium triquetrum Gooram Falls Tiny Star Hypoxis glabella var. glabella Yellow Star Hypoxis glabella Yellow Rush-lily Tricoryne elatior

LINACEAE Native Flax Linum rnarginale

LORANTHACEAE Creeping Mistletoe eucalyptoides Drooping Mistletoe Amyema pendulum

LYTHRACEAE w Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria w Small Loosestrife Lythrum hyssopifolia

MALVACEAE * Carolina Mallow Modiola caroliniana Hemp Bush Gynatrix pulchella * Mallow Malva spp.

MIMOSACEAE Blackwood Hedge Wattle Late Black Wattle Lightwood Ovens Wattle Acacia pravissima Silver Wattle Acacia dealbaia Spreading Wattle Acacia genistifolia Varnish Wattle Acacia verniciflua

MONIMIACEAE Austral Mulberry Hedycarya angustifolia

MYRTACEAE Blakely's Red Gum Messmate BluS Gum Eucalyptus globulus ssp.bicostata Broad-leaf Peppermint Eucalyptus dives Candlebark Eucalyptus rubida (CONT.) Long-leaf Box Manna Gum Messmate w Mountain Swamp Gum Eucalyptus camphora Narrow-leaf Peppermint Red Stringybark Eucalyptus macrorhyncha River Red Gum r Snow Gum w Swamp Gum Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodord Burgan Violet Kunzea Kunzea parvifolia Common Fringe-myrtle Calytrix tetragona w Mountain Baeckea Baeckea utilis w Prickly Tea-tree Leptospermum continentale w Woolly Tea-tree Leptospermum lanigerum Snow Gum OLEACEAE * Common Privet Ligustrum vulgare

ONAGRACEAE w Gunn's Willow-herb Epilobium gunnianum w Hairy Willow-herb Epilobium hirtigerum Robust Willow-herb Epilobium billardierianum w Showy Willow-herb Epilobium pallidiflorum

ORCHIDACEAE w Austral Lady's Tresses Spiranthes sinensis Autumn Greenhood revoluta r Blunt Greenhood Pterostylis curta Maroon-hood Pterostylis pedunculata Nodding Greenhood Pterostylis nutans w Sickle Greenhood Pterostylis furcata Tall Greenhood Pterostylis longifolia Common Onion-orchid Microtis unifolia Cinnamon Bells Gastrodia sesamoides Common Bird-orchid Chiloglottis valida r Broad-lipped Bird-orchid Chiloglottis trapeziformis Common Spider-orchid Caladenia patersonii Musky Caladenia Caladenia gracilis Pink Fingers Orchid Caladenia carnea Spider Orchid Caladenia sp. Donkey Orchid Diuris corymbosa Golden Moths Diuris lanceolata Leopard Orchid Diuris pardina Gnat Orchid Cyrtostylis reniformis Hyacinth Orchid Dipodium punctatum Salmon Sun-orchid Thelymitra ntbra (CONT.) Plants found Slender Sun-orchid Thelymitra pauciflora within the Veined Helmet-orchid Corybas diemenicus Seven Creeks OXALIDACEAE * Large-flower Wood-sorrel Oxalis purpurea catchment above * Soursob Oxalis pes-caprae Gooram Falls * Yellow Wood-sorrel Oxalis corniculata PINACEAE * Monterey Pine Pinus radiata

PITTOSPORACEAE Common -berry Billardiera scandens Finger Flower Cheiranthera cyanea Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosa

PLANTAGINACEAE Variable Plantain Plantago varia

POACEAE Australian Blown-grass Agrostis avenacea * Barley Grass Critesion murinum ssp. leporinum Bent-grass Deyeuxia sp. Branched Wallaby-grass Danthonia racemosa Velvet Wallaby-grass Danthonia pilosa * Cocksfoot (Currie & Porto) Dactylis glomerata Common Reed Phragmites australis Common Wheatgrass Elymus scabrus * Couch Grass Cynodon dactylon Fibrous Spear-grass Stipa semibarbata Spear-grass Stipa spp. * Great Brome Bromus diandrus * Soft Brome or Goose Grass Bromus hordeaceus spp. hordeaceus (syn.B. mollis) * Prarie Grass Bromus catharticus Grey Tussock-grass Poa sieberiana Soft Tussock-grass Poa morrisii Tussock-grass Poa labillardieri Hedgehog Grass Echinopogon ovatus Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra * Large Quaking-grass Briza maxima * Quaking-grass Briza minor Monterey Pine * Lesser Canary-grass Phalaris minor * Toowoomba Canary-grass Phalaris aquatica Long-haired Mat Grass Hemarthria uncinata * Paspalum Paspalum dilatatum * Perennial Rye-grass Lolium perenne 10 POACEAEfCOAT) Plume-grass Dichelachne crinita * Rough Dog's-tail Cynosurus echinatus Silvertop or Red Anther Wallaby-grass Chionachloa pallida * Silvery Hair-grass caryophyllea * Slender Pigeon-grass Setaria gracilis * Summer-grass Digitaria sanguinalis * Sweet Vernal-grass Anthoxanthum odoratum * Tall Fescue Festuca arundinacea Weeping Grass Microlaena stipoides * Wild Oat Avenafatua * Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus

POLEMONIACEAE * Califomian Stinkweed Navarretia squarrosa

POLYGALACEAE Love Creeper Comesperma volubile Mountain Milkwort Comesperma retusum

POLYGONACEAE * Curled Dock Rumex crispus Slender Dock Rumex brownii * Sheep Sorrel Acetosella vulgaris. w* Persicaria Persicaria maculosa w* Wireweed or Prostrate Knotweed Polygonum aviculare

PORTULACACEAE Pigweed Portulaca oleracea Pink Purslane Calandrinia calyptrata White Purslane Neopaxia australasica

PRIMULACEAE * Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis

PROTEACEAE Cat's Claws Grevillea Grevillea alpina wr Silver Banksia Banksia marginata wr Small-fruit Hakea Hakea microcarpa

RANUNCULACEAE Annual Buttercup sessiliflorus Australian Buttercup Ranunculus lappaceus w Bog Buttercup Ranunculus pimpinellifolius T* Lesser Spearwort Ranunculus flammula * Sharp Buttercup Ranunculus muricatus Clematis Clematis aristata 11 RHAMNACEAE Plants found Hazel Pomaderris Pomaderris aspera within the Seven Creeks * Apple Malus domestica Bidgee-widgee Acaena novae-zelandiae catchment above Sheep's Burr Acaena ovina * Blackberry Rubus fruticosus spp. agg Gooram Falls * Cut-leaf Blackberry Rubus laciniatus Small-leaf Bramble Rubus parvifolius * Cherry Laurel Prunus laurocerasus * Flowering ; Plum; Cherry Prunus spp. * Hawthorn Piert Aphanes australiana. * Sweet Briar Rosa rubiginosa

RUBIACEAE Bedstraw Galium propinquum * Cleavers Galium aparine * Small Goosegrass Galium murale Common Woodruff Asperula conferta Prickly Woodruff Asperula scoparia Prickly Currant-bush Coprosma quadrifida Rough Coprosma Coprosma hirtella

SANTALACEAE Cherry Ballart

SAPINDACEAE Narrow-leaf Hop-bush Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima SCROPHULARIACEAE Austral Brooklime Gratiola peruviana * Common Bartsia Parentucellia latifolia Hairy Speedwell Veronica calycina Slender Speedwell Veronica gracilis Blackberry * Wall Speedwell Veronica arvensis * Musk Monkey-flower Mimulus moschatus * Pelisser's Toad-flax Linaria pelisseriana * Twiggy Mullein Verbascum virgatum

SIMAROUBACEAE * Tree-of-heaven Ailanthus altissima

SOLANACEAE * Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum Kangaroo Apple Solanum avicitlare 12 STACiGHOUSIACEAE Creamy Stackhousia Stackhousia monogyna

STYLIDIACEAE Grass Trigger-plant Stylidium graminifolium

THYMELAEACEAE Bootlace Bush Pimelea axiflora Slender Rice-flower Pimelea linifolia

TREMANDRACEAE Pink-bells Tetratheca ciliata

URTICACEAE Scrub Nettle Urtica incisa Prickly Current Bush * Small Nettle Urtica urens

VIOLACEAE Ivy-leaf Violet Viola hederacea Showy Violet Viola betonicifolia Tree Violet Hymenathera dentata

XANTHORRHOEACEAE Spiny-headed Mat-rush Lomandra longifolia Wattle Mat-rush Lomandra filifonnis

13 Plants found within the Seven Creeks catchment above Gooram Falls Key to families Common Name Family Name Common Name Family Name Representative Representative Ballart Mistletoe Bindweed Convolvulaceae Mulberry Monimiaceae Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae Nettle Urticaceae Bluebell Campanulaceae Nightshade Solanaceae Bramble Rosaceae Orchid Orchidaceae Bull-rush Typhaceae Panax Araliaceae Bursaria Pittosporaceae Pea Buttercup Pennywort Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Centaury Gentianaceae Periwinkle Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Pimpernel Primulaceae Clovers etc Fabaceae Pincushion Bmnoniaceae Crassula Crassulaceae Pine Pinaceae Cudweed Asteraceae Pink Bells Tremandraceae Daisies Asteraceae Pittosporum Pittosporaceae Dock Polygonaceae Pomaderris Rhamnaceae Eucalypt Myrtaceae Privet Oleaceae Fern Adiantaceae Purslane Portulaceae Fern Dennstaedtiaceae Raspwort Haloragaceae Fern (Water-Fern) Blechnaceae Rice-flower Thymelaeaceae Fern (Shield-fern) Dryopteridaceae Rush Juncaceae Fern (Tree-fern) Cyatheaceae Sanspurry Caryophyllaceae Fern (Tree-fern) Dicksoniaceae Sedge Cyperaceae Flax Linaceae Speedwell Scrophulariaceae Geranium Geraniaceae Spurge Euphorbiaceae Fumitory Fumariaceae St.Johns Wort Clusiaceae Goodenia Goodeniaceae (Hypericaceae) Grass Stackhousia Stackhousiaceae Grevillea Proteaceae Stinkweed Polemoniaceae Guinea-flower Dilleniaceae Stork's-bill Geraniaceae Heath Epacridaceae Sundew Droseraceae Heliotrope Boraginaceae Tea-tree Myrtaceae Heron's Bill Geraniaceae Thistles Asteraceae Honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae Tree-of-heaven Simaroubaceae Hop-bush Sapindaceae Tuniip Brassicaceae Joyweed Amaranthaceae Violet Violaceae Knotweed Polygonaceae Water Starwort Callitrichaceae Lily Liliaceae Water-ribbons Juncaginaceae Loosestrife Lythraceae Watsonia Iridaceae Mallow Malvaceae Wattles Mimosaceae Mat Rush Xanthorrhoeaceae Willow-herb Onagraceae Milkwort Polygalaceae Wood-sorrel Oxalidaceae Mint Lamiaceae Woodruff Rubiaceae 14 Plants found within the Seven Creeks catchment above Gooram Falls Genus - Family Name Key GENUS FAMILY GENUS FAMILY

Acacia Mimosaceae Centipeda Asteraceae Acaena Rosaceae Cheilanthes Adiantaceae Acrotriche Epacridaceae Cheiranthera Pittosporaceae Adiantum Adiantaceae Chiloglottis Orchidaceae Agrostis Poaceae Chionochloa Poaceae Ailanthus Simaroubaceae Cirsium Asteraceae Aira Poaceae Clematis Raniunculaceae Ajuga Lamiaceae Comesperma Polygalaceae Allium Liliaceae Convolvulus Convolvulaceae Alternanthera Amaranthaceae Conyza Asteraceae Amyema Loranthaceae Coprosraa Rubiaceae Anagallis Primulaceae Corybas Orchidaceae Anthoxanthum Poaceae Craspedia Asteraceae Aphanes Rosaceae Crataegus Rosaceae Arctotheca Asteraceae Critesion Poaceae Arthropodium Liliaceae Cyathea Cyantheaceae Asperula Rubiaceae Cymbonotus Asteraceae Avena Poaceae Cynodon Poaceae Baeckea Myrtaceae Cynoglossum Boraginaceae Banksia Proteaceae Cynosurus Poaceae Baumea Cyperaceae Cyperus Cyperaceae Billardiera Pittosporaceae Cyrtostylis Orchidaceae Blechnum Blechnaceae Cytisus Fabaceae Bossiaea Fabaceae Dactylis Poaceae Brachyloma Epacridaceae Danthonia Poaceae Brachyscome Asteraceae Daviesia Fabaceae Brassica Brassicaceae Deyeuxia Poaceae Briza Poaceae Dianella Liliaceae Bromus Poaceae Dichelachne Poaceae Brunonia Brunoniaceae Dichondra Convolvulaceae Buchardia Liliaceae Dichopogon Liliaceae Bulbine Liliaceae Dicksonia Dicksoniaceae Bursaria Pittosporaceae Digitaria Poaceae Caladenia Orchidaceae Dillwynia Fabaceae CalHtriche Callitrichaceae Dipodium Orchidaceae Calotis Asteraceae Dittrichia Asteraceae Calytrix Myrtaceae Diuris Orchidaceae Carduus Asteraceae Dodonaea Sapindaceae Carex Cyperaceae Drosera Droseraceae Carthamus Asteraceae Echinopogon Poaceae Cassinia Asteraceae Echium Boraginaceae Centaurium Gentianaceae Eleocharis Cyperaceae 15 Plants found within the Seven Creeks catchment above Gooram Falls Genus - Family Name Key GENUS FAMILY GENUS FAMILY

Elymus Poaceae Isotoma Campanulaceae Epacris Epacridaceae Juncus Juncaceae Epilobium Onagraceae Kunzea Myrtaceae Eriocaulon Eriocaulaceae Lactuca Asteraceae Eucalyptus Myrtaceae Lagenifera Asteraceae Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Leptorhynchos Asteraceae Exocarpos Santalaceae Leptospermum Myrtaceae Festuca Poaceae Leucopogon Epacridaceae Foeniculum Apiaceae Ligustrum Oleaceae Fumaria Fumariaceae Lilaepsis Apiaceae Gahnia Cyperaceae Linaria Scrophulariaceae Galium Rubiaceae Linum Linaceae Gastrodia Orchidaceae Lolium Poaceae Genista Fabaceae Lomandra Xanthorrhoeaceae Geranium Geraniaceae Lonicera Caprifoliaceae Glycine Fabaceae Lotus Fabaceae Gnaphalium Asteraceae Luzula Juncaceae Gonocarpus Haloragaceae Lycopus Lamiaceae Goodenia Goodeniaceae Lythrum Lythraceae Gratiola Scrophulariaceae Malus Rosaceae Grevillea Proteaceae Malva Malvaceae Gynatrix Malvaceae Marrubium Lamiaceae Hakea Proteaceae Mentha Lamiaceae Hardenbergia Fabaceae Microlaena Poaceae Hedycarya Monimiaceae Microseris Asteraceae Helichrysum Asteraceae Microtis Orchidaceae Helipterum Asteraceae Mimulus Scrophulariaceae Hemarthria Poaceae Mirbelia Fabaceae Hibbertia Dilleniaceae Modiola Malvaceae Histiopteris Dennstaedtiaceae Montia Portulacaceae Holcus Poaceae Muellerina Loranthaceae Hovea Fabaceae Myosotis Boraginaceae Hydrocotyle Apiaceae Navarretia Polemoniaceae Hymenathera Violaceae Olearia Asteraceae Hypericum Clusiaceae Oxalis Oxalidaceae Hypochoeris Asteraceae Parentucellia Scrophulariaceae Hypoxis Liliaceae Paspalum Poaceae Indigofera Fabaceae Pelargonium Geraniaceae Isolepis Cyperaceae Persicaria Polygonaceae 16 Plants found within the Seven Creeks catchment above Gooram Falls Genus - Family Name Key GENUS FAMILY GENUS FAMILY

Petrorhagia Caryophyllaceae Taraxacum Asteraceae Phalaris Poaceae Tetratheca Tremandraceae Phragmites Poaceae Thelionema Liliaceae Pimelea Thymelaeaceae Thelymitra Orchidaceae Pinus Pinaceae Themeda Poaceae Plantago Plantaginaceae Thysanotus Liliaceae Platylobium Fabaceae Tolpis Asteraceae Poa Poaceae Tricoryne Liliaceae Polygonum Polygonaceae Trifolium Fabaceae Polyscias Araliaceae Triglochin Juncaginaceae Polystichum Dryopteridaceae Typha Typhaceae Pomaderris Rhamnaceae Urtica Urticaceae Poranthera Euphorbiaceae Utricularia Lentibulariaceae Portulaca Portulacaceae Velleia Goodeniaceae Prostanthera Lamiaceae Vellereophyton Asteraceae Prunella Lamiaceae Verbascum Scrophulariaceae Prunus Rosaceae Veronica Scrophulariaceae Pteridium Dennstaedtiaceae Vicia Fabaceae Pterostylis Orchidaceae Vinca Apocynaceae Pultenaea Fabaceae Viola Violaceae Ranunculus Ranunculaceae Wahlenbergia Campanulaceae Robinia Fabaceae Watsonia Iridaceae Rosa Rosaceae Wurmbea Liliaceae Rubus Rosaceae Rumex Polygonaceae Sambucus Caprifoliaceae Senecio Asteraceae Setaria Poaceae Silene Caryophyllaceae Silybum Asteraceae Sisyrinchium Iridaceae Solanum Solanaceae Sonchus Asteraceae Spiranthes Orchidaceae Stackhousia Stackhousiaceae Stellaria Caryophyllaceae Stipa Poaceae Stylidium Stylidiaceae

17 Birds found within the Seven Creeks catchment above Polly McQuinns

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

List of birds found within the Seven Creeks Catchment above Polly McQuinns. All have been recorded by D.J. Noonan (1980 - 1990) except where otherwise indicated. Lists compiled by A.W.R. Vroland (EMU Vol 2 pp227 & 228) and G.W. Bedggood (Australian Bird Watcher Vol. 4 ppl 16 - 128) have been disregarded. The former through the effluxion of time; the latter because of the obvious errors. A list compiled by Conservation and Environment officers 1983 and 1984 for the Land Conservation Council North - East 2 District is not sufficiently specific to the Catchment area.

* Denotes: found breeding. ~ Denotes: Not found breeding but almost certainly would have bred within the Catchment. Farm refers to property D.J. & C.B. Noonan (Merton - Violet Town Road) Map references are from Map 8024 EUROA. 18 HOARY - HEADED GREBE..Poliocephalus. Golf links dam et alia.

*AUSTRALIAN GREEE..Tachybaptus novaehollandiae. Fairly widespread on dams.

AUSTRALIAN PEUC\N..Pelecanus conspicillatus. One bird over farm 13/6/88.

DARTER..Anhinga melanogaster. One bird dam H.Broughton. 4/3/89.

GREAT CORMORANT..Phalacrocorax carbo. Occasional.

LITTLE BLACK CORMORANT..Phalacrocorax sulcirostris. Occasional.

LITTLE PIED CORMORANT..Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Fairly common on dams.

PACIFIC HERON.Ardea pacifica. Few about dams most years especially summer/autumn.

*WHITE FACED HERON.Ardea novaehollandiae. Very plentiful resident species.

GREAT EGREt..Egrena alba. Two records of single birds. Cormorant

RUFOUS NIGHT HERON-Nycticorax caledonicus. Only a few records.

SACRED lBlS..Threskiomis aetheopica. Fairly common - variable.

STRAWNECKED IBIS-.Threskiornis spincollis. Can be very abundant during plagues of Wingless Grasshopper.

ROYAL SPOONBILL.-Wafafefl regia. One - Polly McQuinns 1981.

YELLOW BILLED SPOONElLL..Plataleaflavipes. Small numbers most years.

19 BLACK SWAN..Cyg««j atratus. Birds found Polly McQuinns; heard calling at night occasionally. within the *AUSTRALIAN SHELDUCK (Mountain Duck) Seven Creeks ..Tadorna tadornoides. catchment above A pair (or more) in Catchment most years. Polly McQuinns *BLACK DUCK..Anas superciliosa. Abundant and widespread.

*GREY TEAL.. Anas gibberifrons. Only a few records. Bred near Golf Course dam Oct. 1988.

AUSTRALASIAN (Blue Winged) SHOVELER ..Anas rhynchotis. One bird Golf Course dam 24/10/87 and two birds 31/10/87.

HARDHEAD.. Aythya anstralis. Three records of a single bird on Golf Course dam Nov 1986, Jan 1987, Oct 1987.

*MANED (Wood) D\]CK...Chenonettajubata. Black - shouldered Kite Very abundant and wide spread.

BLACK - SHOULDERED KITE...Elanus notatus. Only three records Feb 1985, Mar 1990 (Farm) and Strathbogie Recreation Ground Nov 1989.

BLACK KnE..Milvus migrans. Several records of this inland raptor.

* WHISTLING KITE (Eagle)... Haliast ur sphenurus. Not very common within the Catchment.

*BROWN GOSHAWK. .Aecipiterfasciatus. Common: at least three pairs bred successfully within three kilometres of each other, Spring 1989 (Sam Noonan).

-COLLARED SPARROWHAWK..Acc«pifc>r cirrhocephalus. Several records, including a report of possible breeding 925 215, 929 224

WEDGE - TAILED EAGLE ..Aquila audax. Frequently seen during Summer and Autumn particularly during 1080 rabbit poisoning programs. Eleven birds in sk at the one time August 1989. Although abundant, does not appear to breed within the Catchment. 20 *LITTLE EAGLE..Hiemaetus morphnoides. The most abundant Eagle within the Catchment.

*MARSH HARRIER (Swamp Hawk).. Circus eruginosus. Plentiful during Spring and Summer; absent during Winter.

SPOTTED HARRIER..Circus assimilis. One bird seen several times on G & J Lightfoot's farm during 3rd week of January 1991.

PEREGRINE FALCON.-Fafco peregrinus. Several records. Seen once or twice a year. 922 227.

AUSTRALIAN HOBBY (Little Falcon)..Fafcc longipennis. Several records (fewer than ).

*BROWN FALCON (Brown Hawk)..F«/c0 berigom. The most abundant Hawk within the catchment. Present all the year.

* AUSTRALIAN KESTREL.. Fa/co cenchroides. Reasonably plentiful within the Catchment. Numbers vary according to density or otherwise of mice (mus musculus).

Note: The extraordinary density and variety of Birds of Prey (Raptores) within the Catchment can be attributed to the abundance of rabbits (for food) and the availability of nesting habitat within remnant vegetation. This latter is increasingly Peregrine Falcon under threat as tree numbers decline.

-STUBBLE QUAIL.. Coturnix novaezealandiae. Abundant in grasslands during Summer months.

PAINTED BUTTON-QUAIL..7M/7JW varia. One record Farm 6/5/85.

LITTLE BUTTON-QUAIL..Tumix velox. One record Farm 16/1/83 (drought year).

*LEWIN'S KAlL..Rallus pectoralis. Only recorded by the existence of three specimens killed by predators on farm. Possibly occurs over much of the Catchment in dense patches of tea tree (e.g. probable sighting by Alan Simpson on his property). 922 227, 926 227, 922218,926217.

21 Birds found DUSKY MOORHEN.. Gallinula tenebrosa. within the Occasional at Polly McQuinns. Seven Creeks -PURPLE SWAMPHEN (Bald Coot) ..Porphyrio porphyrio. catchment above Very plentiful at Polly McQuinns. EURASIAN COOT ..Fulica atra. Polly McQuinns Occasional at Polly McQuinns.

*MASKED LAPWING (Spur-winged Plover) ..Vanellus miles. Plentiful throughout Catchment.

BANDED LAPWING (Plover) ..Vanellus tricolor. Four birds on Farm 3/9/85. Reported by H.Vroland from his farm (now owned by DCE).

-BLACK-FRONTED PLOVER (Dotterel) ..Charadrius melanops. Resident at Golf Course dam much of year. Presence of young birds Jan 1987 indicated probable breeding.

LATHAM'S SNIPE ..Gallinago hardwickii. Farm, dead bird 5/9/85. Golf Course dam one bird 17/1/87. 923 222, 878 207.

PEACEFUL DOVE Geopelia placida. One bird corner Tames and Merton - Violet Town Roads, March 1990.

C ZEWING ..Phaps chalcoptera. Small numbers throughout Catchment.

BRUSH BRONZEWING ..Phaps elegans. One record of one (possibly two) birds at margin of Catchment near Toorour centre June 1990.

CRESTED BRONZEWING ..Ocyphaps lophotes. Three records: Farm 7/9/84 and 25/10/86 and G & J Lightfoot at "Tall Timbers" 27/10/88. 922 227, 942 246.

LONG-BILLED CORELLA ..Cacaiua tenuirostris. First record 13 birds 9/1 l/88.Several small flocks since. 922 227.

*GALAH ..Cacatua roseicapilla. Widespread and abundant. 22 YELLOW-TAILED BLACK COCKATOO .. Calyptorhynchus fimeruns. I Rare within the Catchment. Recorded two - three times per [ year in flocks numbering 3-11 (five birds seen during | Ministerial visit (26/9/89). Seen more regularly by Alan and ! Anne Simpson, probably due to proximity to bush. A flying young was seen to be fed at the Brookleigh Road Reserve i August 87, but the species probably breeds outside the ; Catchment

\G COCKATOO ..Callocephalonfimbriatum. A little more plentiful than Black Cockatoo; maximum flock r size 12 birds. Pair feeding young Feb 1984 (Farm).

-SULPHUR-CRESTED (White) COCKATOO ..Cacatua galerita. Very plentiful. Flocks of many hundreds, even thousands, not uncommon.

MUSK LORRIKEET.. Glossopsitta concinna. Small flocks seen in Autumn most years when Swamp Gum (Eucalyptus ovata/camphora) in flower.

PURPLE-CROWNED LORRIKEET .. Glossopsitta porphyrocephala. Two birds Farm 23/4/87.

' LITTLE LORRIKEET ..Glossopsitta pusilla. Small flock seen over Farm Feb 1985.

-KING PARROT ..Alisterus scapularis. Appears to be increasing in numbers. First record at Farm one bird 13/7/85. Small numbers seen in May each year (except 1987) since. Remained about farm until Oct during 1988.Small numbers in Autumn 1990 increased to 30 and subsequently 50+, attracted by windfall in orchard.

COCKATIEL ...Nymphicus hollandicus. Pair Strathbogie Recreation Ground December 1985 Crimson *CRIMSON ROSELLA ..Platycercus elegans. Common in more open areas.

EASTERN ROSELLA. ..Platycercus eximius. Common, particularly in more open spaces.

23 Birds found RED-RUMPED PARROT ..Psephotm haematonotus. within the Flock of 20+- birds Autumn 1983 & 84. Smaller flocks seen occasionally since. Seven Creeks BLUE-WINGED PARROT ...Neophema chrysostoma. catchment above One dead bird, Farm, Sept 1982. One bird, immature, Farm Polly McQuinns 12/8/90.919222,922227. PALLID CUCKOO .. Cuculus pallidus. Only a few records of single birds. One juvenile bird reported by G & J Lightfoot around cattle yards on 13,15, 20 December 1990.

FAN-TAILED CUCKOO ..Cuculuspyrrhophanus. Infrequently seen or heard.

*HORSFIELD'S BRONZE CUCKOO ..Chrysococcyx basalis. Fairly common during Spring and early Summer.

*SHINING BRONZE CUCKOO ..Chysococcyx lucidus. As for preceding species but less common.

POWERFUL OWL ...Ninox strenua. Two birds reported by Alan Simpson near Bald Hill 1985 or 1986. Mt. Wombat area(Land Conservation Council Review of North-Eastern Area District 2 July 1974). 938215.

*SOUTHERN BOOBOOK ...Ninox novaeseelandiae. Fairly common; frequently heard calling, less often seen. One seen to take rabbit kitten Sept 1989.

BARKING OWL ...Ninox connivens. One bird reported by G & J Lightfoot in their machinery shed 20/9/85. Heard calling at Boho South by R Davis Aug 1989.

*BARN OWL ..Tyto alba. Three young outside spout of Candlebark gum (E.rubida) Tawny Frogmouth May 1985. Single birds recorded 1986 & 87 but not since. -TAWNY FROGMOUTH ..Podargus strigoides. Not very common (although occur around house do not appear to have been permanently here).

24 WHITE-THROATED NEEDLETAIL (Spine-tailed Swift) ..Hirundapus caudacutus. Summer migrant; seen only infrequently, usually in March or late February.

*KOOKABURRA ..Dacelo novaeguineae. Very common.

-SACRED KINGFISHER ..Halcyon sancta. Summer migrant. Not very common.

RAINBOW BEE-EATER (Rainbow Eird)..Merops omatus. Summer migrant. First seen or heard, early October (earliest record 6/9/86) then not often seen until January - March, when seen or heard overhead most days. Probably does not breed within Catchment.

DOLLARBIRD ..Eurystomus orientalis. Pair near Seven Creeks (Farm) February 1983. One bird at Tall Timbers 17/10/85 (G. Lightfoot).

-SINGING BUSHLARK ..Mirafra javanica. Only definitely recorded in the Spring/ Summer 1982/83 (drought year) when plentiful in an oat crop on Farm. 923 219

SKYLARK. ..Alauda arvensis. Resident on Farm in small numbers.

*WELCOME SWALLOW ..Hirundo neoxena. (Very) common, especially during Summer months.

-TREE MARTIN ..Cecropis nigricans. Summer migrant. Reasonably common.

*FAIRY MARTIN ..Cecropis ariel. Less common than preceding species. Regularly nests along Bald Hill Creek on vertical or overhanging banks.

'RICHARDS PIPIT ..Anthus novaeseelandiae. Very common in open farmland.

-BLACK-FACED CUCKOO SHRIKE ..Coracina novaehollendiae. Reasonably common, particularly during warmer months. 25 Birds found -WHITE-WINGED TRILLER ..Laiage su Summer migrant. Numbers vary from year to year. Very Within the plentiful during drought year (1982/83); only a few birds 1989/90. Seven Creeks rntrltmont nhn\)0 -WHITE'S THRUSH ...Zoothera dauma. caicnmeni auove Single birds recorded twice near house: winter i981 and 3/6/86.1 - 3 birds regularly seen in Alan and Anne Simpson's garden; single birds seen on their farm and adjoining property.

*BLACKBIRD ..Turdus merula. Common.

PINK ROBIN ..Petroica rodinogaster. Resident in Strathbogie Forest but only record for Catchment. One bird (F or I) 18/11/86 Farm. 922 220.

FLAME ROBIN ..Petroicaphoenicea. Very common during Autumn and Winter in farming areas. May breed in forested areas of Catchment e.g. Mt. Wombat, Mt. Barrahet.

-SCARLET ROBIN ..Petroica multicolor. Common during Autumn and Winter in farming areas. Would breed in timbered areas of Catchment.

RED-CAPPED ROBIN ..Petroica goodenovi> Only a few records at infrequent intervals of single birds. 922227,922219.

*EASTERN YELLOW ROBIN ..Eopsaltria australis. Small numbers throughout Catchment.

JACKY WINTER ..Microeca leucophaea. Rarely seen. Three birds near Tall Timbers May 1982. Single birds Farm May 1982 and June 1990.

-CRESTED SHRIKE-TIT ...Falcunculusfrontatits. Infrequently seen.

-GOLDEN WHISTLER ..Pachycephala pectomlis. Not very common, dependent on fairly dense understorey for nesting habitat.

26 *RUFOUS WHISTLER ..Pachycephala mfiventris. Summer migrant. Common.

*GREY SHRIKE THRUSH ..Colluridnda harmonica. Common.

LEADEN FLYCATCHER ..Myiagra rubecula. Summer migrant although only three records of single birds, all at Farm, Nov 1982,28/10/87 and 31/3/87.

-SATIN FLYCATCHER ..Myiagra cyanoleuca. Summer migrant. More abundant than preceding species. Would almost certainly breed in timbered areas along Seven Creeks et alia.

-RESTLESS FLYCATCHER (Scissors Gringer) ..Myiagra inquieta. Well spread throughout the Catchment but not a large population.

*GREY FANTAIL ..Rhipidura fuliginosa. Common: rarely seen during Winter.

*WILL1E-WAG-TAIL ..Rhipidura leucophrys. Common resident.

EASTERN WHIP BIRD ..Psophodes olivaceus. Bird seen G and J Lightfoot on northern slope of Mt. Barrahet 3/9/88.

-REED-WARBLER ..Acrocephalus stentorens. Summer migrant to dense areas of cumbungi or rushes in water.

-GOLDEN-HEADED CISTICOLA ..Cisticola exilis. Not very common: readily colonises undisturbed areas of rank grass or reed growth e.g., fenced off areas along creeks and gullies.

-RUFOUS SONGLARK ..Cinclorhamphus mathewsi. Summer migrant but only in small and variable numbers. Some years almost absent.

-BROWN SONGLARK ..Cindorhampus cruralis. Infrequent summer migrant. A number of birds in an oat crop 1982/83 (Bushlark op cit) but only seen twice since. 27 Birds found *SUPERB FAIRY-WREN (Blue Wren) ..Malurus cyaneus. Numerically probably the commonest bird within the within the Catchment. Seven Creeks *WHITE-BROWED SCRUB-WREN ..Sericomisfrontalis. Very common, particularly areas of dense vegetation along catchment above creeks and amongst tea-tree. Polly McQuinns -SPECKLED WARBLER ..Sericomis sagittatus. Only known from the small area of reserve at corner of Brookleigh Road and Merton - Violet Town Road. Has nqt been seen since Council clearing of part of this area (1987). 912212.

-WHITE-THROATED GERYGONE ..Gerygone olivacea. Summer migrant. Small numbers each year.

*BROWN THORNBILL ..Acanthiza pusill Very common, particularly in areas of dense vegetation (c/f Scrub Wren).

-BUFF-RUMPED THORNBILL ..Acanthiza reguloides. The rarest of the four Thornbills occuring in the Catchment. Small flocks occasionally noted.

*YELLOW-RUMPED THORNBILL ..Acanthiza chrysorrhoa. Very common in farmland.

-STRIATED THORNBILL ..Acanthiza lineata. Common, more dependent on timbered areas than other Thornbills.

-VARIED SITELLA ..Daphoenositta chrysoptera. Rather rare: dependant on timbered areas for survival.

*WHITE-THROATED TREE-CREEPER ..Climacteris leucophaea Common: Will roost on walls of houses during extreme weather in Winter.

RED-BROWED TREE-CREEPER ..Climacteris erythrops. Mt. Wombat area (L.C.C. review of N.E. Area District NO. 2 1974).

BROWN TREE-CREEPER ..Climacterispicumnus. Vagrant one bird Farm 8/2/85. 28 \D WATTLEBIRD ..Anthochaera carunculata. Fairly common, particularly in Autumn when Swamp Gum (E. camphora/ovata) in flower.

-NOISY FRIARBIRD ..Philemon corniculatus. Large numbers congregate in G. Sebire's cherries during f early Summer. Possibly absent from the Catchment during f Winter. i \D HONEYEATER ; ..Lichenostormus chrysops. The commonest Honeyeater although absent during Winter. Usually returns early September, departing (late) April.

-WHITE-EARED HONEYEATER ..Lichenostomus leucotis. Fairly common, more obvious in Winter when it moves out of more densely vegetated areas into open farmland. Dependent on dense undergrowth for breeding.

YELLOW-TUFTED HONEYEATER ..Lichenostomus melanops. Reported by G and J. Lightfoot at Tall Timbers August 1986.

WHITE-PLUMED HONEYEATER ..Lichenostomus penicillatus. Vagrant. One bird January 1983. Occurs outside the Catchment at Kelvin View.

-BROWN-HEADED HONEYEATER ..Melithreptus brevirostris. ' . Fairly common, resident.

-WHITE-NAPED HONEYEATER ..Melithreptus lunatus. Common at times particularly when Swamp Gum in flower. New Holland Honeyeater May be absent from Catchment at times.

NEW HOLLAND HONEYEATER ..Phylidonyri$ novaehollandiae. Only record from within the Catchment is of a few birds in J.and L. Smith's garden Boho South 6/8/89.

-EASTERN SPINBILL ..Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris. Not very common - usually in gardens.

29 Birds found *WHITE-FRONTED CHAT ..Ephthianum ai "* Not very common. More obvious during colder months Within the when flocks of 10 - 30 birds occur.

..Dicaeum hirundinaceum. catchment above Not coramon: absent during Winter" -SPOTTED PARDALOTE ..Pardalotus punctatus. Not common, generally confined to substantial areas of timber.

*STRIATED PARDALOTE ..Pardalotus striatus. Common except during Winter. Has nested in the same hole in the wall of the house for the past 26 years.

SILVEREYE ..Zosterops lateralis. Very large numbers congregate in G.Sebire's cherries, otherwise not particularly abundant. Generally appears to be absent during Winter but noted at Farm early July 1990.

GOLDFINCH .Carduelis carduelis. Common.

*HOUSE SPARROW.. Passer domesticus. Fairly common around farm buildings.

*RED-BROWED FIRETAIL ..Emblema temporalis. Common: large flocks Autumn/Winter.

DIAMOND FIRETAIL ..Emblema guttata. One bird at Farm 13/2/89. May be significant that clearing of Vroland's had commenced a few days earlier. 922 219.

- ..Sternus vulgans. Small flocks only.

OLIVE-BACKED ORIELE ..Oriolus sagittatus. Only records are of single birds calling late September.

SATIN BOWERBIRD ..Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Birds occasionally seen around gardens, usually in Winter. No reports of adult males within Catchment although recorded outside. Two immature or female birds visit Alan and Anne Simpsons garden regularly throughout the year. 922227,941219.

30 -WHITE-WINGED CHOUGH ..Corcorax melanorhamphos. Not common: small flocks occasionally seen.

*MAGPIE-LARK (Mudlark) ..Grallina cyanoleuca. Small numbers throughout the Catchment.

-WHITE-BROWED WOODSWALLOW ..Artamus superciliosus. Usually seen overhead during Northerly winds in late Spring. Generally flocks of 10 - 20 but occasionally larger numbers e.g.', 8/10/85, 100+-. Was very common during drought year 1982/83 when almost certainly bred (October - February).

*DUSKY WOODSWALLOW Artamus cyanopterus. Common. Moves out late Autumn returns mid August.

*MAGPlE..Gymnorhina tibicen. Very common and obvious.

*PIED ..Strepera graculina. Common, especially in Winter.

-GREY CURRAWONG ..Strepera versicolor. Not common, generally seen in Winter.

-AUSTRALIAN RAVEN ..Corvus coronoides. Common and resident.

LITTLE RAVEN ..Corvus mellori. Very common during Summer when flocks of several hundred (or more) birds congregate during plagues of the Wingless Grasshopper. Difficult to differentiate between this and preceding species.

31 Mammals found within the Seven Creeks Catchment above Polly McQuinns


List of mammals found within the Seven Creeks Catchment above Polly McQuinns. List compiled from observations by David and/or Sam Noonan except where otherwise indicated. Pauline Duncan, Wildlife Survey Team with Fisheries and Wildlife Division of Ministry of Conservation and Environment provided much useful information although its main survey efforts was outside the Catchment.

The list is very incomplete because of insufficient observations and the refusal of C&E to grant a licence to trap mammals for survey work.

Map references are from Map 8024 EUROA.

32 ECHIDNA ..Tcchyglossus aculeatus. Widespread within the Catchment, although restricted to road-sides and timbered areas.

PLATYPUS ..Omithorhynchus anatinm. Reported by J.Cornish as occurring in Seven Creeks below his property on Brookleigh Road. Other reports? 905 221

YELLOW FOOTED ANTECHINUS ..Antechinus flavipes. Museum specimum (Wildlife Survey Team [WST]). Long-Nosed Bandicoot i BROWN ANTECHINUS ..Antechinus stuartii. '' Listed by WST. Note: Trapping would establish the abundance or otherwise of these small marsupials and other small mammals.

BRUSH - TAILED PHASCOGALE ..Phascogale tapoatafa. The numbers killed at night by road traffic indicate that it is widespread and not necessarily uncommon within the Catchment. Numbers appear to vary with roadside kills peaking in 1985 during a minor mice plague. Rarely seen but each year usally pick up a couple of specimens killed by cars. 925 219, 880 212, 880 154, 865 153,874 133.

LONG - NOSED BANDICOOT ..Perameles nasuta. Rarely seen and then usually as a result of a road kill. All our observations, with one exception, are during Winter and following heavy rain when the are presumably flooded out of their nests in thick vegetation along creeks, viz: 1981 July, 1 dead (2 young in pouch) Merton -Violet Town Road. 916214. 1981 July, 1 Tames Road. 883 189 1988 Autumn, 1 dead Laws Corner. 887 246 1989 August 25,2 Brookleigh Road. 894 212 August 26,2 Merton - Violet Town Road. 924 224 & 913212 September 3,1 dead Merton - Violet Town Road. 920 206 1990 July 5,1 Brookleigh Road. 894 212 July 16, 1 dead Mackay's gate Spring Creek Road. 874 208 July 29, 1 dead Spring Creek Road (Ann Nichols). 881 226 Aug. 11,1 Brookleigh Road (Kath Harper). 894 212

33 Mammals found MOUNTAIN BRUSHTAIL POSSUM ..Trichosurus caninus. Seen in timbered country on Bald Hill and Watkins Road within the near Geoff Sebires. Seven Creeks COMMON BRUSHTAILED POSSUM ..Trichosurus vulpecula. catchment above Very common throughout Catchment. Polly McQuinns SUGAR GLIDER ..Peturus breviceps. Probably fairly common but rarely seen. Seen Farm (DJN), Brookleigh Road, Violet Town - Bonnie Doon Road. Occasional cat and road kills. Party of 6 - 8 in hollow in tree removed by Council for road widening (Alan Simpson).

RINGTAILED POSSUM ..Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Common throughout Catchment especially along vegetated road and creek frontages.

GREATER GLIDER ..Petauroides volans. Only recorded from Bald Hill and Merton - Violet Town Road but, judging by their abundance throughout the Strathbogie State Forest, would occur in other well timbered areas of the Catchment, paticularly Mt. Wombat. Favour narrow leaved peppermint (E.radiata) as food source. Common Brushtailed Possum GREY KANGAROO ..Macropus giganteus. Common in areas adjacent to forest.

SWAMP WALLABY.. Wallabia bicolor. Small numbers occur in most densely vegetated areas.

KOALA ..Phascolarctos cinereus. One of the fauna/features of the Catchment. Very wide- spread, abundant and visible. Appears to favour Manna Gum (E.viminalis) and Swamp Gum (E.ovata/camphora) but will spend day anywhere, including trees, pine trees and sheds.

WOMBAT ..Vombatus ursinus. Common in well timbered areas.

GOULD'S WATTLED BAT ..Chalinolobus gouldii. Museum specimen (WST).

EPTESlCUS.-sp? Roost in walls of house and appear to be common throughout Catchment.

34 ; LESSER LONG-EARED BAT ..Nyctophilus geoffroyi. ; One caught in house 1982. One in stack of timber 12/8/90. 922 227

; WATER RAT ..Hydromys chrysogaster. Observed in Seven Creeks, near Smith's Bridge. One caught in rabbit trap near swampy area in Alan Simpson's. One dead near Seven Creeks (Rodney Edwards). 870 796, 937 216 & 918 228

HOUSE MOUSE ..Mus musculus. Variable in numbers. Minor plagues 1985 and 1990. Water Rat BUSH RAT ..Rattusfuscipes. Museum specimen (WST). Trapping would determine status (op. cit).

BLACK RAT ..Rattus rattus. Common, particularly around sheds.

'• WOK..Vulpes vulpes. Very common throughout the Catchment.

\L CAT ..Fdis catus. • Very common throughout Catchment. 1080 poison programs I provide some check on the numbers of this and the preceding '. species.

| FERAL PIG ..Sus scrofa. i Only occurs on edge of catchment, but a potential problem.

| BROWN HARE ..Lepus capensis. ' Rather rare: restricted to certain areas e.g. Creek Junction - I Euroa Road.

RABBIT ..Oryctolagus cuniculus. Very, very common. Persistent control measures appear to have reduced numbers in Winter 1990.

35 ON

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