Guide to Christchurch and Picturesque Canterbury.Pdf
Guide io r^^,, ana ^ieiuresaue (hHterburV Price 1/ II-I.USXRATED L ?tatc College of Agriculture 0t Cornell iHnibcrSitp Stfiata, i9. g. ILtbrarp Cornell University Library DU 430.C3C2 Ca Guide to Christchurch and Picturesque 3 1924 014 476 448 (^ D DEXTER 8 CROZIER LIMITED Motor Garage : Worcester Street W., Christchurch Telephone 488 :Two minutes from General Post Oilica. MOTORCAR IMPORTERS^ ENGINEERS OOOO feet Floor Space. Repairs and Adjustments Of Every Description by Competent Mechanics. Car Agencies ^ Cadillac Paige . R.C.H. .() s GUIDE TO .*x^"«^*c^ )^ X and X Picturesque CANTERBURY ILLUSTRATED Printed and Published under the auspices of the Borough Councils and Local Bodies of Canterbury by Marriner Bros, and Co.. 612 Colombo Street Christchurch, N.Z. Copyrlutil 1914- ^ . THE CANTKKBUKV tiUIDK ^ New Zealand ^he WORLD'S Scenic Wonderland THE COUNTRY THAT SATISFIES T^he MOST EXACTING DEMANDS THERE YOU WILL FIND: THERMAL WONDERS. - Gushirg Gcyse.s, Boiling Lakes and Pools, Weird Mud Volcanoes, Beautiful Silica Terraces. MEDICINAL WATERS of extraordinary variety, for Curative Piopertlcs easily eclipse any others known. FIORDS. — Greater and Grander than those of Northern Europe. ALPINE PEAKS AND GLACIERS —The Largest and most Beautiful Glaciers in Temperate Zones, outrlvalling any to be seen in Switzerland. LAKES. — Sublime, Magnificent, Unrivalled. TROUT AND DEER furnishing abundant and unequalled sport for Anglers and Deerstalkers. Finest Trout-fishing in the World. CLIMATE. — Healthy. Temperate, Equable and Invigorating. ^Vh«n travelling in N«-w^ Zealand sav« tim*. save -woTT-y, sav« incoi\veni«nce BooK your Tour at tH« Oovemm«nt Tourist Bureaux. ^^ CH«apest and b«st rout«s selected for you, NO CHARGE FOR BOOKING SERVICES THE CANTERBURY CriDE New Zealand Tourist Resorts.
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