Strojnícky časopis – Journal of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, VOL 69 (2019), NO 2, 15 - 26 A STUDY ON THE ‘COMPATIBLITY ASSUMPTION’ OF CONTEMPORARY MULTIPLICATIVE PLASICITY MODELS ÉCSI Ladislav1, JERÁBEK Róbert1, ÉLESZTŐS Pavel1 1Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics, Nám. Slobody 17,812 31 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: Contemporary multiplicative plasticity models are now generally accepted as “proper material models” for modelling plastic behaviour of deformable bodies within the framework of finite-strain elastoplasticity. The models are based on the assumptions that the intermediate configuration of the body is stress-free or locally unstressed, for which no plastic deformation exists that meets the conditions of compatibility. The assumption; however, has never really been questioned nor justified, but was rather taken as an axiom and therefore considered to be generally true. In this study, we take a critical look at the assumption from both, physical and mathematical points of view, in order to investigate whether contemporary multiplicative plasticity models are indeed continuum based and if there are alternatives to them. KEYWORDS: Multiplicative plasticity models, finite-strain elastoplasticity, continuum theory, compatibility 1 Introduction Contemporary multiplicative plasticity models are now generally accepted as “proper material models” for modelling plastic behaviour of deformable bodies within the framework