29th Milestone, Gabriel India Limited Pune-Nashik Highway, Village Kuruli, Tai : Khed, GABRIEL Dist. Pune - 410 501 (India) Tel. :+ 91 - 2135 - 610700, 610757 Fax :+ 91 - 2135 - 610787, 610796 www.anandgroupindia.com July 22, 2019 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited 25th Floor, P. J. Towers, Exchange Plaza, Sandra Kurla Complex, Dalal Street, Sandra (E), MUMBAI -400 001 MUMBAI - 400 051 (Company Code: 505714) (Company Code: GABRIEL) Sub: Newspaper Advertisement for Notice of 57th Annual General Meeting, Remote E voting and Book closure Dear Sirs, Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, please find attached a copy of advertisement regarding completion of dispatch of Notice of 57th Annual General Meeting of the Company and details of remote e-voting and Book closure, published in the Business standard and Loksatta on July 20, 2019. We request you to take the above information on record and kindly acknowledge the receipt. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Ga~ Limited Nilesh Jain Company Secretary Encl: a/a Email id:
[email protected] Registered Office · 29th Milestone, Pune-Nashik Highway, Village Kuruli, Ta.Iuka Khed, Dist. Pune - 410 501 (India) www .gabrielindia.com AIVAl'llD >> GIN- L34101PN1961PLC015735 k ~ 'k ~s rl Business Standard PUNE 20 /21 JULY.2019 13 MID Corporate Branch ® TRANSFORMERS & ELECTRICALS KERALA LIMITED 3rd Floor, Bharti Vidyapeeth Bhavan, LBS Marg, Navipeth, Pune NOTICE INVITING OPEN TENDERS (RE-TENDER) Phone No.: (020-24324981), Email:
[email protected]