The Integration of Homelessness, Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol
The integration of homelessness, mental health and drug and alcohol services in Australia authored by Paul Flatau, Elizabeth Conroy, Anne Clear and Lucy Burns for the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Western Australian Research Centre UNSW-UWS Research Centre August 2010 AHURI Positioning Paper No. 132 ISSN: 1834-7223 ISBN: 978-1-921610-46-2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material was produced with funding from the Australian Government and the Australian states and territory governments. AHURI Limited gratefully acknowledges the financial and other support it has received from these governments, without which this work would not have been possible. AHURI comprises a network of universities clustered into Research Centres across Australia. Research Centre contributions—both financial and in-kind—have made the completion of this report possible. We would like to thank those in Western Australia, New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria who assisted us in completing interviews for the case studies. In Western Australia, we would like to thank: Steve Joyce, Anna Paris, Steve Retel and Natalie Hyde, all from Ruah Community Services; and Julie Waylen of the Department for Child Protection. In Victoria, we would like to thank: Amanda Kingston-Coldwell, Mark Planigale, Gail Heidke, Danielle Le Brocq, Nannette Wilkinson, Daniel Clements, Linda Staehli, all from HomeGround; Danielle Collins, Alfred Hospital; Carmen Raspour, St Vincents Hospital; Jo Beckett, Melbourne Magistrates Court; and Trish Ferrara, North East Housing Services. In NSW we would like to thank: Andrew Don, Giselle Goy, Samantha George, Denis McLaughlin, Anita Langley, Felicia Tungi, Darryn O'Brien, Carlos Duarte, all from Haymarket Foundation; Susan Johnston, Susan Johnston Consultancy Services; Sylviane Vincent and Bev Lange, Bobby Goldsmith Foundation; Jenny O'Mahoney, Katy Roy and Jenny Case, all from NSW Health; Anthony Stralow, Department of Community Services; and Alison Little, Housing NSW.
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