THER REC 203 online through of -

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Occupational Science and Technology Certificate in Therapeutic Recreation Program THERREC 203 Therapeutic Recreation Process (3 credits) Summer 2013

Instructor: Patricia Thomas, MPA, CTRS Telephone: (414) 229-2507 (414) 229-5100 (OT Dept Office fax) E-mail: [email protected] Office Location: Enderis Hall 935 Office Hours: By appointment via telephone or face to face

Carroll University contact: Ms. Lynn Peterson, MEd, I (ASCP) SI, QCYM Office Location: Physical Therapy Building #116 Carroll University Telephone: 262-524-7281 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: By appointment

Instructional Materials: 1. Shank, J., Coyle, C., (2002) Therapeutic Recreation in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation, State , PA: Venture Publishing.

2. Stumbo, N. & Peterson, C. A. & (2009) Therapeutic Recreation Program Design Principles and Procedures San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education.

3. Additional readings will be posted to the D2L site

Course Descriptions Students will explore the current and future practice of therapeutic recreation, the values and underpinning of practice, and the inter-relationships between therapeutic recreation professionals, other health care and human service professionals. Prereq: None.

Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:

1 Demonstrate knowledge of the human cultures, social sciences and humanities through understanding of the helping/therapeutic relationship with persons served

2 Demonstrate an understanding of the theories, values and concepts of therapeutic recreation.

3 Demonstrate an understanding of the psychological and sociological foundations of therapeutic recreation.

1 THER REC 203 online through University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee

4 Demonstrate an understanding of the therapeutic recreation content, services and process and the significance of the helping relationship in therapeutic recreation.

5 Demonstrate an understanding of the therapeutic recreation service delivery models with emphasis on the Leisure Ability Model

6 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of activity based interventions.

7 Demonstrate the application of the therapeutic recreation service delivery models in relation to diverse community/clinical health and human services.

8 Demonstrate an understanding of the societal attitudes towards illnesses, disability and social issues along with the person’s involvement in leisure.

Need for Accommodations

If you need accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. Students will be allowed to complete course requirements that are missed because of a religious observance.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the mission of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well being of students, faculty, and staff. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of the University community which creates an unacceptable working environment.

Course Schedule

Please note for the purposes of this course the week starts on a Sunday and ends on the following Sunday. Most assignments are due on Sunday 11:59 Central Time (or “D2L time”).

Course Policies

All policies governing University course proceedings including student actions shall be followed. University policies on course syllabi may be found at

Policies regarding course assignments, grading, and participation that are mentioned in this syllabus shall be enforced as described.

A. All assignments are to be word-processed (except where noted). A 12-point font should be used. Your name and appropriate identifying information (e.g. date, the name of the course, instructor name) should appear on the top of the first page of the assignment. Assignments will ONLY be accepted in Microsoft Word or rich text format (.RTF). If you have a different word processing program (such as Works) you will need to save your assignments as an .RTF.

B. There are high expectations for this introductory course. Student should focus on what is

2 THER REC 203 online through University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee presented (content) as well as how it is presented (process). Present your ideas effectively by using appropriate terminology and concentrating on grammar, spelling, and sentence and paragraph construction. Points will be deducted for assignments that do not present professionally. Text instant messaging (IM) is not an acceptable format for this course (discussion boards, emails, etc.)

C. Keep copies of all your work (hard drive, flash drive, CD, etc.). Student assignments occasionally get misplaced, technology errors occur or grades do not get recorded. It is your responsibility to document your work. Maintaining copies of all your assignments is the best way to do this. I strongly encourage students to create their discussion board initial and response postings in a Word document then copy and past them to the discussion boards. This will allow you to check for spelling, grammar and sentence structure errors. This will also provide you a copy of your work.

D. Plagiarism. Each student is expected to do his or her own work for all course assignments. Any student found cheating, plagiarizing a written assignment, of falsifying a course requirement will receive a failing grade for the assignment and/or be referred for University disciplinary action. One key way to prevent the perception of plagiarism is to cite the references used in assignments. Please review the lecture notes on APA found in the content and links of the D2L course site.

F. Exam policies. There will be one midterm quiz and one final exam in this class. The quiz and exam format will include mainly true/false and multiple choice questions. It is expected you will take the exams on your own. No group work is allowed.

G. Participation. Class participation is extremely important for this course. It is commonly demonstrated through online assignments. Please see the assignment section of the course syllabus for details on assignment expectations and due dates. Points will be lost for late or lack of participation.

H. Late assignments. Late assignments will not automatically be accepted. It is always best to contact the instructor PRIOR to any issues with deadlines so a plan may be designed. Most assignments are due on Sunday 11:59pm Central Time (or “D2L time”). Please see the Assignments section in the course syllabus, the Activities section in each course module or the Course schedule for specific assignment due dates. Late assignments will result in point deductions. One point for each day will be deducted up to 7 days. After 7 days or the close of a module, it is the discretion of the instructor if the assignment will be accepted. In most cases, late discussion board participation will NOT be accepted unless there is a discussion with the instructor prior to the late posting.

I. Honor Code. The College of Health Sciences (CHS) has established an honor code for all students to follow. It is posted on the D2L site under the introductory module (Module 1). Students are encouraged to read the document and, more importantly, follow all of the tenets of the code.

J. Credit hour policy. UWM policy has established a credit hour policy. This document identifies the time students need to invest in the course to be successful. A general rule is for 1 credit hour an additional 2 hours of outside work is required for student success. For this course student should anticipate devoting no less than 108 hours of time over the entire semester reviewing course content, completing the readings and assignments.

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D2L Down Time Summer is usually the time when much of the maintenance for the learning management system or Desire to Learn (D2L) is scheduled. Several maintenance events are planned during which D2L may be completely unavailable this summer. Please plan accordingly.

• Saturday, June 1 from 6 a.m. until Sunday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. (36.5 hours) – Madison Network and Enterprise Storage maintenance.

• Sunday, Aug. 18 from 5 a.m. until Noon (7 hours) – Madison Enterprise Storage maintenance.

• Sunday, Aug. 25 from Midnight until 8 a.m. (8 hours) – Madison network maintenance.

In addition, please note that regularly-scheduled preventative maintenance takes place weekly: 1. Thursdays between 5 - 7 a.m. – D2L service may be interrupted. 2. Saturdays from 2 a.m. - 5 a.m. – users may encounter 500 (Internal Server) Errors. Please plan accordingly.


Module One – Online Orientation 1 week module May 26 – June 2, 2013

This module is similar to the first day of a face to face class. You are expected to become familiar with the D2L course site and the various components of the course. It is especially important to explore the Content, Discussion Boards, and Links section of the course. See the D2L course site Content section Module 1 for details of the module and required readings. You may also wish to note when D2L will be down during this semester. The assignment for this module is:

1. Desire to Learn Scavenger Hunt (5 points) – Students are expected to use this first week of the course to become familiar with the learner management system or Desire to Learn (D2L). You are required to complete a short scavenger hunt to show awareness and skill in accessing the course announcements, the content section, discussion boards, links, quizzes, the drop box and grades.

Due date: Completed scavenger hunt worksheets are due to the correct Drop Box the end of Week 1 Sun 6/2.

Summary of Module One Assignments - Week 1

Module Description Points Due Date 1 Scavenger Hunt 5 End of Week 1 Total Points 5

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Module Two – Course Orientation 1 week module June 2 – 9, 2013

This module is also similar to the first day of a face to face class. However, this week I would like you to focus on what are the expectations for the course. You are to read the course syllabus and tentative course schedule. This is also a good time to organize the due dates for the various assignments throughout the semester. There is a continuation of a Module I assignment for this module

1. Icebreaker Introduction (5 points) - The basis of this course is that recreation activities can be a very powerful tool to help individuals increase awareness of things, learn, and change behaviors. As such, for this first assignment, students are expected to introduce him/herself to the class in a fun, recreational, humorous fashion. Your introduction may include a post directly to the Course Lounge Discussion Board, or an attachment. You may be as creative as you wish. You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (Ppt), Publisher, or Word or any other program all other students may access. If you do not have Microsoft Word you must save your documents in rich text format (.rtf) for all to open. The Instructor’s example is posted in the Course Lounge.

Due Date: Initial postings are due WED of Week 2 WED 6/5.

2. Response postings (5 points each = 15 points total) – After your initial posting you are now required to read and respond to three other student’s introductory postings. Specifically you are required to post a. About one of your favorite introductions by a classmate and why. Your post may be in a conversational manner and be 1-2 paragraphs in length. b. About one of the more surprising introductions by a classmate and why. Again your post may be in a conversational manner and be 1-2 paragraphs in length. c. About one of the postings you have learned something about and why. Again, the post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length.

Please include the underlined word in the title of your posting and within the body of your content. Failure to include the words will result in point deductions. Due date: Response postings are due by the end of Week 2 Sun 6/09

Summary of Module Two Assignments - Week 2

Module Description Points Due Date 2 Icebreaker Introduction 5 Wed Week 2 2 Response to peers x3 (5 points each) 15 End of Week 2 Total Points 20

Module Three – Recreation Therapy (RT)/Therapeutic Recreation (TR) 1 week module

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June 10 - 16, 2013

This 1 week module in as introduction to the TR profession is. You are required to complete 1 assignment during this time period.

1. What is TR? Powerpoint (Ppt) (20 points total) - The intent of this assignment is for you to develop your own personal definition of therapeutic recreation. You will be required to define what therapeutic recreation is using no more than 4-5 Powerpoint (Ppt) slides. The Ppt slide show should include: . Title page – your name, course title, number and your presentation title . Your personal definition of TR . A minimum of 2 or more benefits of TR . A minimum of 1 picture or clip art that visually supports your written definition. . A minimum of one reference (course readings, professional organizations, RT blog, research article, etc.) citation. Correct APA format is required for the citation.

Some of the Ppt slide shows MAY be used as part of the display for the TR Certificate Program during a future UWM Open House. An example of a presentation used in past years is posted on the D2L course site under the Content section of Module Two.

Due Date: Post to the What is TR discussion board by the end of Week 3 Sun 6/16

Summary of Module Three Assignments - Week 3

Module Description Points Due Date 3 What is TR Ppt? 20 End of Week 3 Total Points 20

Module Four – Foundations of TR Practice 2 week module June 16 - 23, 2012

This 2 week module provides you with some basic concepts of Therapeutic Recreation Practice. You are required to complete 2 assignments during this time period. The extra credit assignment is also introduced in this module.

1. Recreation as an Intervention (20 points) - The intent of this assignment to increase your awareness of the effectiveness of recreation as a “means to an ends.” Therapeutic Recreation professionals are not unique in using recreation or leisure as a way to effect behavior change. Recreation (fun, humor) is used by many professions (education, marketing, healthcare, etc.) to make a point, teach and change behavior. For this assignment you are asked to explore the use of computer games as a means to an end to educate others. You are required to play a minimum of 2 of the games listed below and post your reflections to the Recreation as an Intervention discussion board. Your posting should include be approximately 2-3 paragraphs in length for EACH game and include content addressing

1. Title of games you played

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2. Brief reflection on each of the games Who is the target audience (child, adolescent, adult)?

What is the topic of the game? Purpose? Provide a brief description of the game.

Do you feel the game was effective? Why/why not** **Keep in mind the content should focus on reflection of how the game met the educational objective for the target audience such as kids with a specific disability or diagnosis. Your personal like/dislike of the game may be included in the reflection but should not be the majority of the content.

3. Application of the games Would you recommend this game to others? Whom? Can you see the game being played in any healthcare, educational, community setting? Think about the various settings where TR and/or other professionals may work. Can the game be played by individuals with physical impairments or psychological disorders? How may you modify the game for persons with disabilities? Please list the type of disability in your posting.

4. Do you recommend any additional resources about the game that you found helpful? The resources may be other sections of the online website.

Please select a minimum of 2 games from the list below:

Bullying Round Up available at This game is about the very current topic of bullying

Finding Zoe available at This game is about relationships

Killer Flu available at This game is about how the flue is spread

Look Out! Alcohol at This game is about alcohol awareness for children.

Love Bugs Battle at This game is about unprotected sex

Match a Muscle at This game helps you to learn the various muscles in the human body. You may have click through some advertisements prior to the start of the game.

Posornot available at This game addresses assumptions and stereotypes of HIV/Aids

Re-mission available at

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This game is about cancer. Note: you must download this program to play

Self Esteem Games available at There are multiple games at this site to help you build positive habits of thoughts that lead to self esteem. The games are not designed to assess self esteem.

Super Better available at This is a game that helps the player to understand resilience in multiple domains (physical, social, cognitive, spiritual). The game also provides an action plan on how to become “Super Better”

The Incredible Adventures of the Amazing Food Detective available at This game is about nutrition.

Due Date: Initial reflection postings are due by the end of Week 4 Sun 6/23

2. Response postings (5 points each total 15 points) - In addition to your initial posting you are required to read all postings and respond to three other student’s postings. Specifically you are required to post a. A minimum of one comment on which posting is the most intriguing or different than your thinking b. A minimum of one comment should address a posting you agree with and why c. A minimum of one comment should address a posting which you found useful.

Please include the underlined word in the title of your posting and within the body of your content. Failure to include the words will result in point deductions.

Due Date: Response postings are due by Week 5 Sun 6/30

3. Extra credit (5 points each for a total of 10 point maximum) – There will be 2 extra credit opportunities offered during the course of this semester. Students may participate in one or both opportunities but may not exceed 10 total points.

Extra Credit #1 (5 points each) - Students are encouraged to continue to identify ways recreation, may be used to effect behavior change. Specifically, students are encouraged to find new online games that address education and health (all aspects including physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual). Students may earn up to 5 points for each example. You may earn a maximum of 10 additional points. Your posting must follow the same requirements listed above. Please title your posting Extra Credit #1, #2, etc.

Extra Credit #2 (5 points each) – Students may also wish to further their understanding of person centered terminology usage. This assignment is intended to help you understand language does matter. Students are asked to locate an article or story on disability in a popular magazine, website, blog, song or video (no research or scholarly articles) and post a critique on the use of person first terminology. The post should be equivalent to a 1 page narrative paper and include 1. Title and author of the article, story, song, video, etc.

2. A summary of the article, story, song, video, etc.

3. Comments about the message being sent and the general tone of the article with the insensitive language being used

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4. 2-3 examples of areas where improvement is needed in the writing or tone in the article. State the incorrect and then correct phraseology to use

5. The source of your article using correct APA end of text reference format

Due Date: End of Week 11 or Sun 8/11

Summary of Module Four Assignments - Week 4-5

Module Description Points Due Date 4 Recreation as an Intervention 20 End of Week 4 4 Response to peers x3 (5 points each) 15 End of Week 5 4 Extra Credit Up to No later 10 than Week 11 Total Points 35

Module Five – TR Process 4 week module June 30 – July 28, 2013

This 4 week module requires much reading on the process of assessment-planning- implementation-evaluation or what is commonly referred to as the APIE process. It is hoped students will take the time to thoroughly read all the assigned chapters. The information will be part of the comprehensive final exam. This module contains core information for the TR profession. Other TR courses in the TR Certificate program build off of this content. The 4 assignments for this time period are

1. Quiz (50 points total) – Before we begin the second part of the course, it is important for you to demonstrate your comprehension of the basic foundation of the course. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate your comprehension of the introductory material presented during the first few weeks of the course. The quiz consists of true/false and multiple choice. The quiz will be administered using the Quiz section of D2L. Additional details of the quiz will be available on D2L. A study guide will be provided to assist you in your preparation for the quiz.

Due Date: Quiz must be completed by Week 6 Sun 7/7

2. Free Time Boredom (20 points total) – The intent of this assignment is to allow the student to become exposed to the assessment process through a “down and dirty” assessment tool. You are required to

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. Download and complete the Free Time Boredom assessment (found in Module Five Course Content as a PDF) . draw some conclusions and . determine a general plan of action to improve your free time use More information will be available on this assignment on the D2L course site under Module 5

Due Date: End of Week 7 Sun 7/14

3a. Community TR Programs Discussion (Initial post 20 points) – The intent of this assignment is for the student to begin to see how some of the information presented earlier in the semester applies to actual TR programs. You are asked to review 2 community recreation program websites: 1. Milwaukee Recreation Adaptive Sports, Special Olympics and Therapeutic Recreation programs available at and 2. Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association (NSSRA) available at

The initial postings will require answering 1 question posted to the discussion board. NOTE – THIS RESPONSE POSTING HAS HIGHER EXPECTATIONS AND POINTS AWARDED THAN PAST INITIAL POSTINGS. Your initial response should be equivalent to a 1 page paper. This posting should be written in a professional manner. Eliminate casual conversational tone; do not use verbally acceptable adjectives (cool, neat, etc.) or abbreviations (OMG, etc.). Your initial posting must include a reference from the text, lecture notes, websites or other credible outside sources. You must use correct APA format in the body of your response and at the end of your response. Only 2 students may select to answer a question. “First come, first serve.” If you are the third person to post an initial response to a question you will receive 0 points. It is recommended you enter the discussion board early in the week and post your intent to complete a specific question.

Due Date: End of Week 8 Sun 7/21

3b. Response Postings (10 points each = 30 total points) - In addition to your initial posting you are required to read and respond to three other student’s postings. Specifically you are required to post a. A minimum of one comment on a student who’s posting is compelling b. A minimum of one comment on a student who’s posting helped you to clarify or further understand a concept c. A minimum of one comment on a student who’s posting got you thinking NOTE – THIS RESPONSE POSTING HAS HIGHER EXPECTATIONS AND POINTS AWARDED THAN PAST RESPONSE POSTINGS. Each posting may be in a conversational manner and should be approximately 2 - 4 paragraphs in length. Your response must demonstrate understanding of the original response, the course readings and lecture notes. You may demonstrate this by restating a component of the original answer to the question, citing a quotation from the readings/lecture notes or articulating how the response relates to a professional experience and then expanding on your thoughts. There is no limit to the number of individuals who may respond to an initial posting.

Due Date: End of Week 9 Sun 7/28

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Summary of Module Five Assignments - Week 6-9

Module Description Points Due Date 5 Midterm Quiz 50 End of Week 6 5 Free Time Boredom Assessment 20 End of Week 7 5 Community TR Programs – Discussion Board 20 End of Week 8 5 Response to peers x3 (10 points each) 30 End of Week 9 Total Points 120

Module Six – Application of TR 2 week module July 28 – August 11, 2013

This 2 week module requires review of the past readings. It is hoped students will continue to take the time to thoroughly read all the assigned and recommended readings. The information is critical to all future courses in the TR Certificate Program. This module continues with the discussion boards. In this assignment you are required you to demonstrate that you are synthesizing the information presented in the course. The extra credit is also due in this module.

1. Case Study Discussions (Initial post 20 points) – The intent of this assignment is for the student to apply the information learned to real life case scenarios. There will be 3 case studies: pediatrics, young adult and elderly. The initial postings will require answering case study questions. Requirements are similar to the last module. Initial postings should be similar to a 1 page paper with a reference citation in the text and at the end of the text. Additional details about the case study questions are found in Module Six.

Due Date: End of Week 10 Sun 8/4

2. Response Postings (10 points each = 30 total points) - In addition to your initial posting you are required to read and respond to three other student’s postings. Specifically you are required to post a. A minimum of one comment on a student who’s posting is compelling b. A minimum of one comment on a student who’s posting helped you to clarify or further understand a concept c. A minimum of one comment on a student who’s posting got you thinking As stated previously, each posting may be in a conversational manner and should be approximately 2 - 4 paragraphs in length. Your content should further the discussion from the initial response.

Due Date: End of Week 11 Sun 8/11

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3. Extra credit (5 points each for a total of 10 point maximum) – There will be 2 extra credit opportunities offered during the course of this semester. Students may participate in on2 or both opportunities but may not exceed 10 total points.

Extra Credit #1 (5 points each) - Students are encouraged to continue to identify ways recreation, may be used to effect behavior change. Specifically, students are encouraged to find new online games that address education and health (all aspects including physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual). Students may earn up to 5 points for each example. You may earn a maximum of 10 additional points. Your posting must follow the same requirements listed above. Please title your posting Extra Credit #1, #2, etc.

Extra Credit #2 (5 points each) – Students may also wish to further their understanding of person centered terminology usage. This assignment is intended to help you understand language does matter. Students are asked to locate an article or story on disability in a popular magazine, website, blog, song or video (no research or scholarly articles) and post a critique on the use of person first terminology. The post should be equivalent to a 1 page narrative paper and include 1. Title and author of the article, story, song, video, etc.

2. A summary of the article, story, song, video, etc.

3. Comments about the message being sent and the general tone of the article with the insensitive language being used

4. 2-3 examples of areas where improvement is needed in the writing or tone in the article. State the incorrect and then correct phraseology to use

5. The source of your article using correct APA end of text reference format

Due Date: End of Week 11 or Sun 8/11

Summary of Module Six Assignments - Week 10 -11

Module Description Points Due Date 6 Case Study Discussion Board 20 End of Week 10 6 Response to peers x3 (10 points each) 30 End of Week 11 6 Extra Credit (5 points up to a maximum of 10 points) 10 End of Week 11 Total Points 50+

Module 7 – Course Wrap Up 1 week module August 11 – 18, 2013

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This final module requires you to demonstrate comprehension of the course material through a final exam. In addition, you are asked to complete an anonymous course evaluation. The assignments for this final module are

1. Comprehensive Final Exam (100 points total) - The intent of this assignment is to evaluate your comprehension of the material presented during the prior weeks of the course. Emphasis will be placed on the content presented during the latter part of the course however key concepts from the first part of the semester will be included. The final exam will consist of true/false and multiple choice questions. The final exam will be available through the Quiz section of D2L. A study guide and additional information about the final exam format will be available in D2L Module Seven.

Due Date: End of Week 12 Sun 8/18

2. Course evaluation (0 points) – Course evaluations are important to me and the Occupational Science and Technology Department. Your time and attention to completing this final task for the course is appreciated. Students will receive an email notification indicating how to complete the course evaluation. Students are asked to complete the anonymous survey to help improve this course. Keep in mind the evaluations are anonymous and content will not be looked at until after grades are posted.

Due Date: Tentatively End of Week 12 Sun 8/18

Summary of Module Seven Assignments - Week 12

Module Description Points Due Date 7 Comprehensive Final Exam 100 End of Week 12 7 Optional course evaluation NA TBD Total Points 100

Grading Module Points 1 5

2 20

3 20

4 35

5 120

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6 50

7 100

Total 350

Note: The majority of points are in Modules 4-7. It is strongly suggested you stay actively involved in the entire course for successful completion of this course.

Grading Scale

Grade Percentage A 95-100%

A- 90-94%

B+ 87-89%

B 83-86%

B- 80-82%

C+ 77-79%

C 73-76%

C- 70-72%

D+ 67-69%

D 63-66%

D- 60-62%

F Below 60%

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THERREC 203 TR Process Tentative Course Schedule* Summer 2013

DATE MODULE READINGS ASSIGNMENTS See Syllabus or Module Activities for details Week 1 Online Course Content 5/26 – 6/2 Orientation Module 1 Getting Started - 1. Scavenger Hunt specifically Overview, Readings, Due: Sun 6/2 Activities Got time? Start to review Module Two

Week 2 Course Course Content 1. Introduce self on Course Lounge 6/2 - 6/9 Orientation Module 2 Course Orientation discussion board specifically Overview, Readings, Due: WED 6/5 Activities, Syllabus, Course Schedule Respond to 3 classmates Book Readings Due: Sun 6/9 Shank/Coyle - p.54 Table 4.1 or Word document posted in content area

Anthology Readings FAQ about recreation therapy available at http://www.atra- TR_FAQ.pdf

See module readings for more

Week 3 3 Book Readings 1. What is TR Ppt? 6/9 – 6/16 Defining RT/TR Shank/Coyle - C 4,5 Due: Sun 6/16

Stumbo/Peterson – C 2

Anthology Readings Profiles in RT Consider a Career in TR What, Who, How of RT TR: Comprehensive Approach

D2L Lecture Notes M3 Defining RT and TR

Weeks 4-5 4 Book Readings 1. Recreation as an intervention 6/16 – 6/23 Foundations of TR Shank/Coyle - C 1, 2, 3 Due: Sun 6/23 Practice 2. Respond to 3 classmates D2L Lecture Notes Due: Sun 6/30 M4 Person Centered Terminology M4 ICF Start thinking about extra credit M4 Theories Behind Practice assignments. Not due until Week 11 M4TR Practice Models

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Weeks 5 Week 6 6, 7, 8, 9 TR Process Book Readings 6/23 – 7/28 Shank/Coyle C 7 Stumbo/Peterson C 9

Anthology Readings Enjoy your 4th of July Holiday – Assessment Examples – school closed on 7/04 Free Time Boredom CERT Physical Disability CERT Psych 1.Midterm Exam SOAR Due: Sun 7/7 VCUHS WMHI

D2L Lecture Notes M5 Assessment ------Week 7 2. Free Time Boredom Assessment Book Readings Due: Sun 7/14 Shank/Coyle C 8 Stumbo/Peterson C4,5

Anthology Readings Sample Planning Examples – Program Description Group Session Description

D2L Lecture Notes M5 Planning ------Week 8 Book Readings Stumbo/Peterson C 8 3. Discussion Board on TR Community Shank/Coyle C 12 Based Programs 2a. Initial Responses Anthology Readings Due: Sun 7/21 NSSRA website

Milwaukee Recreation website

D2L Lecture Notes M5 Implementation ------Week 9 Book Readings Stumbo/Peterson C9 3b. Response postings x3 classmates Due: Sun 7/28 D2L Lecture Notes M5 Evaluation


Weeks 6 Book Readings 1 Discussion Board Case Study 10-11 Application of Recommend review of above 1a. Initial Responses 7/28 - 8/11 TR readings for case studies Due: Sun 8/4

Anthology Readings 1b. Response postings x3 classmates RT Services for Quality of Life Due: Sun 8/11 RT Services for SCI RT Services for Dementia 2. Extra Credit maximum of 10 points

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Due: Sun 8/11 D2L Lecture Notes M6 Pediatric Case Study M6 Adult Case Study M6 Elderly Case Study

Week 12 7 Review M7 study guide, chapters 1. Comprehensive Final Exam 8/11 – 8/18 Course and lecture notes listed above for Due: Sun 8/18 Wrap Up preparation of final exam 2. Online course evaluation Due: TBD

*Course assignment due dates may be changed as determined by the course instructor and based on the group’s needs.

Have a great summer!