Effect of Phosphorus on Seed Production in Selected Legumes
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Constituents of Feed Water and its Effect on Boilers Performance Babikir Mohamed Elbashir Ahmed B.Sc. (General) In Chemistry and Botany Faculty of Science University of Khartoum (1971) A Thesis Submitted to the University of Gezira in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science In Department of Textile Engineering Technology Faculty of Textiles University of Gezira Jan. 2016 i Constituents of Feed Water and its Effect on Boilers Performance Babikir Mohamed Elbashir Ahmed Supervision Committee: Name Position Signature Dr. Mutasim Abdalla Ahmed Main Supervisor: …………….. Dr. Musa Eltayeb Babiker Co. Supervisor: …………….. Dr. Mohamed Osman Babiker Co. Supervisor: …………….. Date: /12/2015 ii Constituents of Feed Water and its Effect on Boilers Performance Babikir Mohamed Elbashir Ahmed Examination Committee: Name Position Signature Dr. Mutasim Abdalla Ahmed Chairperson …………….. Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim ahmad External Examiner …………….. Dr. Imad Eldeen Abdel moniem Internal Examiner …………….. Date of Examination: 15 /01 /2016 iii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my family, wife, sons, and daughter, relative's colleges and friends iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to Allah who gave me the will and strength to study, write and complete this thesis. Thanks to senior supervisor Dr. Mutasim for his overall guidance throughout the study. Thanks to co-supervisor Dr. Musa Eltayeb Babiker for his sincere assistant, and encouragement thanks to Dr. Mohamed Osman Babikir for his valuable and useful information. My thanks are also due to the staff of chemistry laboratory and the staff of higher studies Laboratory in the Faculty of Technical Engineering for their continuous help during the study. Thanks to the old colleges in Blue Nile Textiles and Gematex Textiles for their co- operation and thanks to the technical staff in both Kenana Sugar Cane and Khartoum Refinery Companies for their full co-operation and the valuable information they submitted to me. Lastly, I would like to express my thanks to Miss Aiyda Yousif for her patience in typing this manuscript. v Constituents of Feed Water and its Effect on Performance of Boilers Babikir Mohamed Elbashir Ahmed ABSTRACT Boilers are devices used for the generation of steam in huge quantities. The steam is utilized for the generation of heat or electric power. The objective of this study is to highlight the importance and necessity of adequate treatment of feed water before entering the boiler to avoid problems. In this work samples of boiler feed water were collected from four different locations. These locations are factories or companies with different specializations. Analytical methods of testing were carried out for the water samples namely total hardness, pH, electric conductivity and total dissolved solids. Also they were tested for the presence of calcium cation and the chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulphate anions. The total hardness, and the ions were detected volumetrically while the sulphate ions was detected gravimetrically. The results were analyzed using statistical methods. From the results obtained some samples showed high levels of total hardness, calcium, chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate and sulphate in their boiler feed water. This was due to the fact that these companies were not used to treat their boiler feed water properly. This behavior led to problems associated with efficiency. Other samples showed low levels of these constituents in their feed water, they were free from the problems mentioned above. It is concluded that unless the boiler feed water is thoroughly treated and conditioned and that all other ancillary units like deaerator, alkalizer, scavenger and economizer were functioning, then definitely the boiler will face serious problems. The boiler may be deficient and the cost of running will be high. It is recommended for more certainty that these constituents should be removed totally from the water. Reverse osmosis process is to be implemented as it removes most of the anions and cations, from the water. Also micro processing digital units are to be fixed in – line with the process of boiling to ensure more instant chemical check of the boiler feed water. vi محتويات ماء تغذية الغﻻيات، وأثرها علي كفاءة الغﻻية بابكر محمد البشير أحمد ملخص الدراسة الغﻻيات عبارة عن أجهزة لتوليد البخار بكميات كبيرة والبخار الناتج يستخدم في توليد الحرارة او الكهرباء الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو أن ماء التغذية ﻷي غﻻية تنتج البخار ﻻستخدامه في توليد الكهرباء أو بغرض الحرارة يجب أن يعالج بدقة عالية ،وتجرى له كافة العمليات المطلوبة قبل دخوله للغﻻية لتفادي المشكﻻت. في هذه الدراسة جمعت عينات من مياه تغذية الغﻻيات من أربع مناطق مختلفة . هذه المناطق هي مصانع أو شركات بمختلف التخصصات. لقد تم إجراء طرق تحليلية ﻻختبار عينات الماء من حيث العسر الكامل وكذلك اﻷس الهيدروجيني والموصلية الكهربائية والمواد الصلبة الكلية الموجودة. كذلك تم اختبار وجود بعض اﻻيونات مثل الكالسيوم والكلوريد والكربونات والبيكربونات والكبريتات. الكالسيوم واﻷيونات اﻷخرى تم تحليلها حجمياً بينما تم تحليل وتحديد الكبريتات وزنياً ومن ثم تم تحديد تركيزات هذه المواد كجزء من المليون. هذه النتائج تم تحليلها بإستخدام طرق إحصائية. لقد وضح من النتائج المتحصل عليها من البحث أن مياه بعض العينات أظهرت وجود نسب عالية من العسر الدائم في ماء الغﻻية الخاص بها وكذلك كميات أكبر من عناصر الكالسيوم والكربونات والبيكربونات. ولقد وجد أن سبب ذلك يعود الي أن بعض هذه الشركات ﻻ تقوم بعمل معالجة كاملة لماء الغﻻية بطريقة دقيقة ، هذا السلوك أدى إلي مشكﻻت خطيرة مرتبطة بكفاءة الغﻻية مثل ترسيب القشور. عينات اخرى أظهرت مقادير قليلة من العسر الدائم وكذلك من اﻷيونات اﻷخرى ،والسبب المباشر في ذلك يعود الي ان هذه الشركات تجري عمليات معالجة شاملة وتامة لماء الغﻻية ولذا فقد سلمت من المشكﻻت المذكورة آنفاً. خلصت الدراسة إلى أنه ما لم تتم معالجة تامة لماء الغﻻية وتهيئتها لهذا الغرض وأن كل اﻷجزاء الملحقة لعملية معالجة ماء الغﻻية مثل أجهزة طرد الهواء وطرد اﻷكسجين والمعالج القلوي ومسترجع البخار المتكثف تعمل بصورة متناغمة مع عملية إنتاج البخار ،فإنه بدون ذلك نجد أن الغﻻية تواجه بمشكﻻت خطيرة وربما تصبح متدنية الكفاءة وأن تكلفة التشغيل سوف ترتفع كثيراً ، عليه فإنه من المهم لضمان أكبر تأكيد ﻹزالة المواد الغريبة من ماء تغذية الغﻻية فﻻبد من إدخال نظام التناضح العكسي في المعالجة لضمان إزالة كافة اﻷيونات الموجودة في الماء ، أيضاً يجب استعمال اﻷجهزة الحديثة والتي توضع في خط واحد مع خط عملية التبخير وذلك لكي تعطي قراءات فورية رقمية لكمية العناصر الموجودة في الماء. vii LIST OF CONTENT Page Dedication…………………………..………………………….………...… Iv Acknowledgment………………………..……………………………...….. V Abstract ……………………………….....…………………………............ Vi Arabic Abstract ………………………………..………………………........ Vii List of Content ………………...…………………..……………….…….. viii List of Table …………………………………………..…………………… Xi List of Figure …………………………………………..…………………… Xii List of Abbreviations …………………………………..…………………… xiii CHAPTER ONE ………..…….……………………..…………………… 1 INTRODUCTION …..……………………...…….………………… 1 1.1. General introduction ……………………………………………. 1 1.2. Statement of the problem…...…………………………………… 1 1.3. Objectives of the research…………………...…………………... 3 1.3.1. General objective..……………………..……………….. 3 1.3.2. Specific objectives……………………...………………. 3 CHAPTER TWO…......…………………………………..…..…………… 4 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………….……….……….….. 4 2.1. Structure of water………..……………………………...………. 4 2.2. Physical and chemical properties of water:……………...…….. 5 2.3. Occurrence of water………………………………………...…… 5 2.4. Natural water cycle…………………………………………..….. 6 2.4.1. Evaporation – transpiration, condensation…………..…. 7 2.5. Composition of water………………………………………….... 7 2.6. Wet textiles engineering (WTE)………………………………… 8 2.6.1. Processes of (WTE) …………………………………..... 8 2.6.2. The role of water in wet – textile processing (WTPs)...... 12 2.6.3. The properties of water required by (WTPs)……...……. 13 2.6.4. The effect of effluent (WTPs) on environment……...…. 13 2.6.5. The effect of the constituents of the boiler feed water on production cost…………………………………………. 13 2.6.6. Researches workshops related to steam boiler and boiler feed water…………………………………………………… 15 2.6.7. New development in the chemical detection of the boiler feed water………………………………………... 16 2.6.8. Characteristics of boiler feed water…………………….. 17 2.7. Properties of ground water………………………………………. 19 2.7.1. Electrical conductivity (E.C)…………………………… 19 2.7.2. pH………………………………………………………. 19 2.7.3. Total alkalinity………………………………………...... 19 2.7.4. Total dissolved solids (TDS)…………………………… 20 2.7.5. Hard water……………………………………………… 20 viii Consequences of using hard water / problems caused by hard water in wet textile processing 20 2.7.6. Sources of hardness…………………………………… 21 2.7.7. Effect of hard water…………………………………….. 21 2.7.8. Boiler types and classification………………………...... 22 Boilers……………………………………….. 22 Steel boiler ………………………………… 23 Fire- tube Boilers……………….. 23 Water tube boilers…………….. 24 2.8. Formation of rust in boilers ….…………………………………. 26 2.8.1. Chemical rust…………………………………………. 26 2.8.2. Electrochemical rust………………………………….. 26 2.8.3. Bacterial rust…………………………………………. 26 2.9. Specification of boiler feed water………………………………. 26 2.9.1. Conditioning…………………………………………. 26 2.9.2. Boiler corrosion, deaerators and scavenger………….. 26 2.9.3. Scales, sludge, deposits, sediment and fouling deposits 28 2.9.4. Foaming…………………………………………….. 28 2.9.5. Boiler blows down……………………………………. 28 2.9.6. Condensate returns systems………………………….. 29 2.10 Boiler water treatment…………………………………………... 30 2.10.1. Phosphate treatment………………………………….. 31 2.10.2. Soda ash and caustic treatment………………………. 31 2.10.3. Chelating agents……………………………………… 31 2.10.4. Zeolite or Base – Exchange Process…………………. 32 2.10.5. Reverse Osmosis