Kls Imer ( Autonomous )
KLS IMER BELAGAVI ESTD 1939 ESTD 1991 The Horizon JUNE 2020 EVENTS 29 YEARS’ OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION FOUNDATION DAY INDUSTRY EXPERIENCES ACHIEVERS’ DAY TOASTMASTERS’ CLUB INDUSTRY TOUR SAMAGAM SANDBOX STARTUPS WORKSHOP BUSINESS PLAN AARAMBH WORKSHOP FAMILY BUSINESS DYNAMICS & GROWTH EBSCO TRAINING PROGRAM AUTONOMY TEAM VISIT SPIRIT INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY SAMHITA Newsletter KARNATAK LAW SOCIETY'S INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION & RESEARCH KLS IMER ( AUTONOMOUS ) (Affiliated to Rani Channamma University, Belagavi & Recognised by AICTE, New Delhi) Accredited by NAAC with grade "A" 29th Foundation Day Celebration 16th September, 2019 K L S I M E R 1 T H E H O R I Z O N Late Shri. Raosaheb B. M Gogte KLS IMER connued the legacy to conduct its flagship event “Foundaon Day” on September 16, 2019. As per the tradion of the Instute, Mr. Keith Machado, Joint Managing Director, Orione Hydraulics Pvt Ltd., a successful entrepreneur from Belagavi, was felicitated with the ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ Award for 2019. Foundaon day is an event to show tribute to the patronage of Late Shri. Raosaheb B.M Gogte. Gogte Lecture Series talk 2019 was organized as part of ‘Foundaon Day’ 2019. Chief guest, Mr. Niket Karajagi, Founder Director of Atyaasaa Consulng Private Limited, Pune spoke on “Disrupons and Gogte Lecture Series talk 2019 Downturns: Meeng Twin Challenges for SMEs and Mr. Niket Karajagi, Founder Director of Atyaasaa Consulng Private Limited, MSMEs”. He emphasized on the connuously changing scenarios in technology and business by emphasizing on Mr. Rajendra Belgaumkar in his presidenal importance of living in a “VUCA” (Volale, Uncertain, remarks urged the management students to imbibe Complex, Ambiguous) world and crical success factors life lessons from successful entrepreneurs like Mr being, Knowledge is Power, Cash is King, Authencity of Keith Machado.
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