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Master Word List (Words Only) Junior High Spelling - Level I abaft crabby dogged faddish abase crick donor faithful abate crimson dormant famine abhor crisis dosage fashion absorb crisp doting feeble absurd current dowdy femur almond cursive drastic fervent amend curtain drawer fi ction appoint cushy dreadful fi fteen arbor custom drizzle fi nite arid dabble dual fi tful assure dampen duplex fl agrant ballot dapper eclipse fl uent balsa dazzle edict forbid bankrupt deafen efface format banter debark effort forty barge decent eject fracas barley defect elate frolic barren defend elude froth basalt defl ect embark fuel basin defrost emblem furnish biceps deft emboss gallant boggle delay emerge gamut bolster demand enact garble caboose demon encamp garnish caldron dental enchant geode candid depress enclose global canny depth endless glisten canter desist endorse glossy capstone dessert endow glower caption destroy enfold gobble carafe detect engage govern career detest engorge grammar carp detract engrave granite cashier devoid engross grateful chorus different engulf grater cluster digest enjoin gratis coffers digit enlist graze commit disarm enrich gritty compel discord enroll gruel compress dismal epic habit concern dismiss equal harbor control disrupt error heckle convert distant erupt hermit convoy distinct escort hobble copra distract ethnic hollow corral distress excel honor corrupt dither facet hostile costly dizzy facile huckster 1 idler mangle palace reckless ignite margin pampas recur ignore marvel parcel redeem impact massive pardon reduce impede mature parlor refl ect impish matzo passage refuge impose medic passive regret impulse medley pastry reject incite melon pasture rejoin inert mental peddler relent infect merely pennant remark infi rm message pensive remnant infl ect method perfume render infl ux metric persist renew ingrate mileage perturb repress inkling milling picture rescue innate mimic pigment reserve inset mindful pilgrim respect inspire minute pity retain intact mishap placid revenge item misspell plunder risky jabber modern plural rival jargon musty polar roost jitney narrate portion ruin jostle narrow portly rumor juror native possess rustle justice nectar posture safety kapok neglect predict saga kelp nerve preview scaffold kindling nestle prior scald kinship nibble proceed scant kosher noble product scarlet label nomad profess scary lament nubby progress scorch lawful oblong prompt scorn lecture observe prosper scribble legume occur protect scurry license odor prying secure lightning offend pulpit session linkage offense punish shampoo listless oleo raft shepherd litter omit ragged shiny lively optic rally skeptic livid orbit rampant skillful lonely ornate random skirmish loose ostrich rapt slacken lucid owing rating sluggish magnet ozone razor snorkel major package react spectrum malice padlock recess splendid 2 stubborn tremor vigil width submit tribute volume wiring tactics truly vowel witness tarnish tunnel warbler wobble tariff twang warmth worth terrace uproar welfare yearling thicket useful whistle transform vacant whittle translate vaccine whoosh Junior High Spelling - Level II abacus apocryphal camaraderie comatose abandoned apothecary camoufl age commingle abdicate apparition cannibal commission abdominal appendix canonical community abduction appetizing capacious compassionate aberration appraisal capitulation competition aborning appropriation carbonaceous concurrent abrading aqueduct carburetor condescend abrogate archetype cardinal condign abscess arrogance caricature conditional absconded artifact carousel condolence accentuate artillery casserole confabulation acclamation ascension cataclysm conjecture acetylene asceticism catalepsy connoisseur achromatic asinine catastrophe consensus acknowledge aspire caveat constitutional acquittal assign centennial contemplate acrid atrophy cerebellum contemptuous addendum avuncular cessation contumacy addressee axiom chagrin convoluted admonition baccalaureate chamois cooperate adolescence bailiwick chandelier corridor aesthetic balustrade chaotic corsair affi nity barrage charlatan coruscate affl atus bassoon chiffon countervail agglomeration battalion chimerical critique aghast belligerent chivalry croissant agriculture benevolent choreography crucifi xion alabaster biennial chronic currency allotment bilingual cinematographer debacle ambiguous bizarre cinnamon decelerate anachronism bracelet circuitous deciduous anathema braggadocio clairvoyance deductible annulment buffoon clique dehydrate anonymous bumptious coercive deign antidote cacophony collate delicacy antiquated cadence colleague demagogue antithesis calligraphy colloquial description 3 designate exiguous heartily inimical dexterity exonerate hegemony initiate diagnostic exotic hemorrhage innovation dialysis expedient heroism inquiry diaphanous expletive hibernate insatiable differentiate extensive hilarity inscrutable dilapidated facetious historical insinuation dilemma facsimile honesty intermittent dirge factitious hospitable intravenous discern fallacy humanity intrepid discipline fascination humorous intrinsic discombobulate fastidious hybrid inveigle disproportionate febrifuge hydrophyte irascible dissatisfi ed felicitous hygiene iridescent disseminate ferocious hymeneal irreparable dissent fi ctitious hypochondriac jettison dissertation fi libuster hypocrisy judicious divination fi nesse ideology kohlrabi doddering fi rmament idiosyncrasy lackadaisical doggerel fi ssure idolize languid ebullient fl abbergast ignominy languish eccentric fl annelette ignorant larghetto ecclesiastical fl eecy illicit lassitude echelon fl ippant illuminate laureate ecstatic fl uctuate illustrate lavaliere eczema foppery imaginary legation effectuate forfeit immature leisurely effrontery fractious immediate liaison egalitarian fraudulent immunity literally ellipsis fuchsia impasse lobbyist emanate fuliginous impatience luminary embellish galleon impecunious luminous eminence garnishee imperialism malefi cent emulate garrulous impertinent malinger encapsulate genuine imperturbable malleable encyclopedic ghastly impulsive maneuver endeavor gimlet incandescence mangy ensemble gladiolus incongruous manifest epitaph gnash incorrigible marshmallow epithet gorgeous incredulous maudlin epitome grammatical incubator maximize equable grandiloquent incumbent meaningful equivocal grievance indefi nite meddlesome esoteric grueling individual mellifl uous etymology guileless indomitable merriment eulogy gymnasium inducement metallic euphoria habilitate indurate metamorphosis evanescent handkerchief inertia miasma exacerbate harmonize infatuated miscreant excusable hazardous infi rmity minimum 4 mnemonic pittance replicate strategic molasses pixilated repository stymie monologue plagiarize repossess subcutaneous mucilage platitude reprehensible substantive mulligatawny plausible rescind succinct munifi cence plebeian resilient succumb muumuu plebiscite resistance superfl uous mystify plenary resonance superintendent narrative plurally responsibility surreptitious necessary potpourri restitution surveillance nominee practically retaliate sycophant novelette precipitate retroactive syllepsis numismatist precursor reverie sympathize oasis premiere rheostat synthesis obsession prestigious righteous syzygy occurrence privilege rigmarole technical offi cial prodigy rosette tenacious ogle profl igate rudiment tenuous oligarchy progeny sacrosanct therapeutic omission proliferate salient tranquilizer omniscient propitiate sanguinary transmission onomatopoeia propriety sapphire unctuous opaque proscenium scallion unprecedented opponent pseudo scarcity unscathed opulent psychosomatic scathing utilitarian oread publicly schism vengeance ostracize pursuit schooner verdigris pageantry qualms scintilla verisimilitude parallel quarrel sciolism vertigo paramount quasi scissors vicissitude paraphernalia questionnaire scrimmage vignette parody quixotic scrumptious xenophobia parsimonious raillery semaphore zealot passable rapport sepulcher pedagogue rapscallion seraglio perceptive ratiocinate serene perennial rebellion serviette perforate receipt shibboleth pejorative receptacle shrubbery permeable recipe silhouette pernicious reconnaissance smidgen perpetuity redolence solicitor persifl age rejuvenate solicitous persuade relegate solstice pertinent relieve somnolent phenomenal reminisce sophomoric phenomenon repartee spasmodic phlegm repatriate spectroscopy pinion repertoire statute 5 Junior High Spelling - Level III aardvark amoeba cartographer effervescent abattoir amphibious castellated effi ciency abecedarian anaglyph catachresis eidolon abeyance annihilate catafalque embrocate abhorrence anodyne catechism emollient abnegate antediluvian caterwaul empyrean abolitionist anthropomorphic catharsis encaustic abreact applique celerity enchiridion abscissa arabesque chameleon encomiastic acanthoid arachnoid chancellor ennui accelerator arboreal charismatic ephemeral accumbent archipelago chauffeur epistemology accusatorial arenaceous chelicera eponym acidulous assentation chiaroscuro equanimity acolyte assiduous chignon equilibrist acquiescent asthenic chinoiserie equipoise acuate autarky chlorophyll equipollent adamant bacchant choleric escritoire adiabatic balalaika chortle espionage aeronautics barouche chronological etiolate aeroneurosis benefi cence cicerone euphemism affectionately bequeathed circumlocution euphony affidavit bevy circumspect exigency agape bezique cirriped extrapolate agglutinated bibliophile coalesce exuviae aggrieved bivouac coetaneous facetiae agitprop blitzkrieg
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