April 2020 Temeteme TRIANGLETRIANGLE Clifton Upon Teme • the Shelsleys • Lower Sapey

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April 2020 Temeteme TRIANGLETRIANGLE Clifton Upon Teme • the Shelsleys • Lower Sapey April 2020 TemeTeme TRIANGLETRIANGLE Clifton upon Teme • The Shelsleys • Lower Sapey ‘All things bright and beautiful’ Visit the website www.temetriangle.net Free to Residents www.temetriangle.net 1 John Bailey and Emily Yarnold at the newly opened ‘Baileys of Stanford’ farm shop at Mill Farm. Main Teme Triangle mailbox for news: [email protected] EDITOR Louise Hutton EDITOR / CLIFTON NEWS / WEBSITE: Jerry Johns: 01886 812304 [email protected] LOWER SAPEY NEWS: Marion West: 01886 853249 [email protected] ADVERTISING/SPONSORSHIP: Andrew and Anna Brazier: 01886 887898 [email protected] If you or your organisation would like to sponsor Teme Triangle please contact Andrew Brazier. The cost of producing TT is £7 per household per year. Donations to: Alden’s Farm, Barbers Lane, Martley, Worcester WR6 6QD (cheques payable to Teme Triangle Community Magazine) Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Teme Triangle is not responsible for goods and services advertised. Contributions may be edited at the discretion of the editor. Our front cover photo shows: ‘Tony Taylor’s apple orchard at Shelsley Kings’, original painting by our very own, hugely talented Mel Williams. 2 www.temetriangle.net WELCOME to the April 2020 edition of Teme Triangle :KHQ,¿UVWVWDUWHGWRWKLQNDERXWWKLVHGLWLRQLWZDVWKHZHHNRIWKH)HEUXDU\KDOIWHUP ÀRRGV:HZHUHQ¶WLQWKHFRXQWU\DWWKHWLPHDQGFRXOGQ¶WTXLWHEHOLHYHZKDWZHZHUH VHHLQJRQOLQHWKURXJKIULHQGV¶SKRWRVRUQHZVZHEVLWHV,WZDVGHYDVWDWLQJ ,ZDVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKDWSRLQWWKDW,ZDVJRLQJWRPDNHWKH$SULOHGLWLRQDSRVLWLYHRQHDQG QRWDOODERXWWKHÀRRGV±ZKLFKKDGDOVRGRPLQDWHGP\ODVWHGLWLRQEDFNLQ'HFHPEHU January! I felt like we were all in desperate need of good news. Little did I realise…… 6LQFHWKHHQGRIWKHÀRRGV DQG,NQRZIRUVRPDQ\RIRXUORFDOFRPPXQLW\WKHODVWLQJ ÀRRGGDPDJHDQGKHDUWDFKHLVE\QRPHDQVDWDQHQG\HW ZHKDYHDOOEHHQOLYLQJLQ ZKDWVHHPVOLNHDVXUUHDOZRUOG:HDUHQRZLQDOPRVWFRPSOHWHORFNGRZQDQGDGYLVHG to stay at home. It is indeed a worrying time, but one that we will get through. 6R XQIRUWXQDWHO\ WKLV HGLWLRQ LV QRW WKH FRPSOHWHO\ SRVLWLYH RQH WKDW , KDG KRSHG IRU 7KHUHDUHQRXSFRPLQJFRPPXQLW\HYHQWVWRUHSRUWDQG,KDYHWKHUHIRUHUHPRYHGWKH ‘Calendar’ from this edition. +RZHYHUZHPXVWDOZD\VUHPHPEHUWKDWWKHUHLVVWLOOVRPXFKWREHFHOHEUDWHGWRR± such amazing community spirit, willingness to help others, and fantastic local businesses to support through these uncertain, coming months. ,QGHHGDV,ZULWHWKLVLW¿QDOO\IHHOVZDUPRXWVLGH±DPXFKQHHGHGUHVSLWHIURPWKHUDLQ HVSHFLDOO\GXULQJWKLV¿UVWZHHNRIVHOILVRODWLRQIRUVRPDQ\RIRXUFRPPXQLW\7KHVXQLV WU\LQJLWVKDUGHVWWRZDUPXVDQGERRVWRXUZHOOEHLQJDQGWKHFRORXUVDUHVWDUWLQJWRFRPH ±DVVKRZQLQWKHEHDXWLIXOKHDUWZDUPLQJSDLQWLQJRQWKHIURQWFRYHUE\0HO:LOOLDPV <RXZLOODOVRQRWHWKDWGXHWRDOO&KXUFKVHUYLFHVEHLQJVXVSHQGHGIRUWKHIRUHVHHDEOH IXWXUHWKHUHLVQRVHUYLFHURWDLQFOXGHGDVXVXDOLQWKHPDJD]LQH3OHDVHGRQRWHKRZHYHU that Churches remain open, allowing you entry for your own quiet, peace and now more LPSRUWDQWWKDQHYHUEHIRUHSUD\HU,WVHHPV¿WWLQJWKHUHIRUHWRVWDUWWKLVHGLWLRQZLWK A MESSAGE FROM REV CANON DAVID SHERWIN……. :KDWXQSUHFHGHQWHGWLPHVZHGROLYHLQDWWKHPRPHQWUHFHQWSROLWLFDOWXUPRLOVSDLOLQWR LQVLJQL¿FDQFHDVZHEDWWOHZLWKWKHWKUHDWRI&RURQDYLUXV I do hope you are managing to keep well and if you are unwell I do wish you a speedy UHFRYHU\ <RXZLOOSUREDEO\EHDZDUHIURPWKHPHGLDWKDWLQUHVSRQVHWRWKH*RYHUQPHQWVDGYLFH WKH$UFKELVKRSVRI&DQWHUEXU\DQG<RUNKDYHDGYLVHGZHVXVSHQGDOOSXEOLFZRUVKLS XQWLOIXUWKHUQRWLFH2EYLRXVO\JDWKHULQJIRUZRUVKLSDORQJZLWKRWKHUHYHQWVDUHWREH DYRLGHGWROHVVHQWKHVSUHDGRIWKHYLUXV This does not mean the church buildings are closed, Church buildings are still open IRU \RXU RZQ SULYDWH SUD\HU DQG UHÀHFWLRQV ZKLFK DUH VR LPSRUWDQW DW WKLV WLPH7KH Archbishops as well as our own Bishops and your Clergy would encourage us all to pray www.temetriangle.net 3 for the world at this time, praying for those who are ill and especially for our National +HDOWKVHUYLFHZRUNHUVZKRDUHXQGHUWUHPHQGRXVSUHVVXUHDWWKHPRPHQW,DPVXUH ZLWKPH\RXZDQWWRWKDQNWKHPIRUDOOWKH\GRDQGWKHZD\WKH\DUHSXWWLQJWKHPVHOYHV at risk daily. <RXZLOODOVRVHHWKDW\RXUORFDOFRPPXQLWLHVDUH¿QGLQJZD\VRIKHOSLQJWKRVHLQQHHG 0DQ\3DULVKFRXQFLOVKDYHFRQWDFWHGPHWROLDLVHZLWKWKHPWRPDNHVXUHQRRQHLV OHIWLVRODWHGRULQQHHGLIWKLVLV\RXWKHQGRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKHORFDOKHOSRIIHUHGRU FRQWDFWPHVRWKDW,FDQ¿QG\RXWKHKHOS\RXQHHG 7KLVLVFHUWDLQO\DWLPHZKHUHµORYLQJRXUQHLJKERXUDVZHORYHRXUVHOYHV¶LVVRLPSRUWDQW +DYLQJVHHQWKHGHFLPDWHGVKHOYHVLQVXSHUPDUNHWVLWLVVRLPSRUWDQWZHGRQRWEHFRPH VHO¿VKWKRXJK«ZHPD\QHHGWRWDNHFDUHRIRXUVHOYHVDQGHDFKRWKHUE\VHOILVRODWLQJ or offering help where we can. 2XUIRRGEDQNVDUHDOVRDZD\LQZKLFKZHFDQKHOSRWKHUV7KHLUVWRFNVDUHYHU\ORZ due to increased demands. If you wish to offer any food or toiletries, there are boxes in RXUFKXUFKHVZKHUHWKHVHLWHPVFDQEHOHIWRU,FDQSXW\RXLQWRXFKZLWKRXUORFDOFR ordinator if needed. In the midst of all this, though we may not be meeting for public worship, the Church, ZKLFKLVWKHSHRSOHRI*RGZKHUHYHUZHDUHDUHVWLOODWSUD\HU,QKRPHVDQGDWZRUNZH VWLOOSUD\IRUHDFKRWKHU%HORZLVDSUD\HUWKDW\RXPLJKW¿QGKHOSIXODV\RXSUD\ $35$<(5)25$//7+26($))(&7('%<&2521$9,586 Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; WKDWZHPD\¿QGFRPIRUW NQRZLQJWKDWQRWKLQJFDQVHSDUDWHXVIURP\RXUORYH in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen 0D\*RGEOHVV\RXDQGZDWFKRYHU\RXDQGEHZLWK\RXDQGKHDO\RXDOODWWKLVPRVW GLI¿FXOWWLPH 'DYLG 5HY&DQRQ'DYLG6KHUZLQ7HDP5HFWRU 4 www.temetriangle.net EVENT CANCELLATIONS DUE TO COVID-19 ,WLVQHYHURXUZLVKDV(GLWRU¶VWRKDYHWRSXEOLVKHYHQWFDQFHOODWLRQVEXWLWLVRXUFOHDU UROHWRLQIRUP\RXRIVXFK7RWKLVHQGWKHIROORZLQJHYHQWVKDYHVDGO\EHHQFDQFHOOHG 1. Acapella concert at St Mary’s Church, Stanford Bridge, Saturday 2nd May. It is hoped to reschedule the concert for next year. 2. &OLIWRQ:,WDONRQWK$SULO±µ7KH0DJLVWUDF\¶E\0DJLVWUDWH-XG\+XOODQG 3. &OLIWRQ&KULVWLDQ$LGZHHNWK±WK0D\ 4. $OO3DULVK&RXQFLODQG3DURFKLDO&KXUFK&RXQFLOPHHWLQJVXQWLOIXUWKHUQRWLFH 5. $OO&KXUFKVHUYLFHVDQGHYHQWVXQWLOIXUWKHUQRWLFH 6. µ2OGHU3HRSOH¶V¶(YHQWIRUWKH7HPH9DOOH\7XHVGD\WK$SULO*UHDW:LWOH\YLOODJH KDOO,WLVKRSHGWKDWWKLVHYHQWZLOOEHUHDUUDQJHGLQGXHFRXUVH)RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOV SOHDVHFRQWDFWPDU\JULI¿WKV#FLWL]HQVDGYLFHVZRUJXN 7. -HDQ /DWKDP IURP µ/LWWOH :LWOH\ )LOPV¶ ZULWHV ³:H KDYH VDGO\ KDG WR FDQFHO RXU $SULODQG0D\¿OPVKRZV:HSODQWRVKRZWKHWZR¿OPVWKDWZHZLOOPLVVIURP October onwards (hopefully). For members who had paid for the whole year, we will JLYHWKHPHQWU\IUHHIRUZKDWWKH\PLVVHG:HORRNIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJHYHU\RQHLQ October!” 8. 6KHOVOH\:DOVK:DWHU0LOORSHQGD\VWKWKDQGWK0D\3OHDVHDFFHVVZZZ shelsleywatermill.com for updates. 9. &OLIWRQ)ULHQGVKLS&OXEFRIIHHPRUQLQJ6DWXUGD\WK0D\LQ&OLIWRQ9LOODJH+DOO DP±SP 10. &OLIWRQ7DEOH7RS6DOH6DWXUGD\WK$SULOLQ&OLIWRQ9LOODJH+DOODP±SP 11. 7HPH9DOOH\6LQJV&OLIWRQ XQWLOIXUWKHUQRWLFH 12. Great British Spring clean litter pick, Clifton, Saturday 4th April. ‘PROBABLE’ EVENT CANCELLATIONS DUE TO COVID-19 3OHDVH QRWH WKDW WKH IROORZLQJ HYHQWV KDYH EHHQ VHQW LQWR WKH 7HPH 7ULDQJOH IRU SXEOLFDWLRQEXWZHDVVXPHWKH\KDYHQRZDOVREHHQFDQFHOOHG« 1. Clifton Bowling Club Annual Open Day, Sunday 26th April, on The Green, 2pm. 2. µ)XQ:LQH7DVWLQJ¶7KXUVGD\UG$SULODW6WDQIRUG9LOODJH+DOOSP www.temetriangle.net 5 Available at : Mill Farm, Stanford Bridge The Fold, Bransford Contact Fiona Clarke RGN; MAR ĮŽŶĂũĐůĂƌŬĞΛďƚŽƉĞŶǁŽƌůĚ͘ĐŽŵ 07969 190198 Find me on Facebook ZĞŇĞdžŽůŽŐLJďLJ&ŝŽŶĂůĂƌŬĞ Re-Upholstery & HAINES HAINES HEATING HEATING & PLUMBING & Repair Service MINDFULNESS PLUMBING & AMEDITATION Friendly local service Est 1986 01886Call: 812213/07534700932 07534 700 932 Short courses introducing beginners to the All aspects www.ahainesheatin covered from drippingg.co.uk taps Nicholas Mather meaning and practice of mindfulness & mediation.to full heating For more installations information Ryelands, Menithwood, -We install, service & repair Worcester, WR6 6UG 2IÀFH ContactEmail:your [email protected] home Nicky: appliances. [email protected] Please contact: 01584 881 227 20 Saxon Close, Clifton07749 upon Teme, 176 WR6 091 6DL [email protected] www.ahainesheating.co.uk-Oil, Gas & LPG Qualified. 6 www.temetriangle.net Harpley Works Clifton-on-Teme • MOT Repairs • Tyres • Servicing • Batteries • Accident Repairs • Exhausts Tel/Fax: 01886 853 530 Mobile: 07970000881 WORCESTERSHIRE WILLS S O L I C IEst. T O 2013 R S Clare Burden SpecialistsMEMBER in OF Wills, THE InheritanceINSTITUTE OFTax Planning, Administration of Estates, PROFESSIONAL WILL WRITERS Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection SPECIALISING IN WILL DRAFTING AND Our solicitorsPOWERS are approachable OF ATTORNEY and friendly Home Visits if required APPROACHABLE7RDUUDQJHDIULHQGO\DQGFRQ¿ AND FRIENDLYGHQWLDO consultation contact COMPETITIVE RATES Clare Burden formerly of WorcestershireFULLY CRBWills CHECKED Or Philippa Pipe HOME VISITS AND EVENINGS IF REQUIRED Accredited Member of Solicitors for the Elderly Practising as a successful family lawyer for 8 years until taking time off to haveOn 01905 a family, 731731 Clare has now set up her ownOr company email [email protected] private client services. or [email protected] 7RDUUDQJHDIULHQGO\DQGFRQ¿GHQWLDOFRQVXOWDWLRQ ContactWebsite: Clare wwf.co.uk Burden 15 & 16 T.The 01299 Tything, Worcester 879826 WR1 1HD ForM. all your07855 legal needs 350245 including Conveyancing, Employment, Civil Disputes E. [email protected] Family Law worcestershirewills.com • Woodburning & Multifuel Stoves • Stove Spares & Repairs • Glass, Ropes, Bricks, Baffles, Cleaners 6729(6 • Chimney Liner Kits & Flue Pipes /,0,7(' • Kiln Dried
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