( 1 ) T(2nd Sm.)-History-G/GE/CC-2/CBCS 2021

HISTORY — GENERAL Paper : GE/CC-2 (History of from C. 300 to 1206) Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Please Turn Over T(2nd Sm.)-History-G/GE/CC-2/CBCS ( 2 )

[ English Version ] The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group - A 1. Answer the following questions : 1×15 (a) Who was the founder of the ? (b) Who wrote ‘Allahabad prasasti’? (c) Which Chinese pilgrim visited India during the Gupta period? (d) Name two works written by Kalidasa. (e) Who wrote Harshacharita? ( 3 ) T(2nd Sm.)-History-G/GE/CC-2/CBCS

(f) Which Chinese traveller came to India during the reign of Harshavardhana? (g) Who was Sasanka? (h) Who was the greatest ruler of the Pala dynasty? (i) Who was Sandhyakar Nandi? (j) Who composed ‘Aihole Prasasti’? (k) Which Chola king adopted the title of ‘Gangaikonda’? (l) In which century did the Arabs invade Sindh? (m) Who was Sultan Mahmud? (n) Between whom was the First Battle of Tarain fought? (o) In which year was the Sultanate of Delhi formed in India?

Group - B 2. Answer any four questions : 5×4 (a) Assess the achievements of Chandragupta II. (b) Write a note on the Vakatakas. (c) Explain the role of Nalanda University in the development of education. (d) Discuss in brief the Tripartite Struggle. (e) Give an account of the cultural life of in the Pala-Sena period. (f) What was meant by the Agrahara system in early ? (g) Discuss the reasons behind Mahmud of Ghazni’s attack of India. (h) What were the reasons behind the Turkish victory over the Rajput’s?

Group - C Answer any three questions. 10×3 3. Give an estimate of Samudragupta as an empire builder. 4. Discuss the achievement of Harshavardhana as a ruler. 5. Give an account of the local self government of the Cholas. 6. Discuss in brief the Kaivarta rebellion. 7. Write an essay on Pallava architecture and sculpture. 8. Discuss the causes and consequences of the Arab invasion of Sindh.