Tenrec Obstetrics
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OBSTETRICAL AND POSTPARTUM COMPLICATIONS IN LESSER MADAGASCAR HEDGEHOG TENRECS (ECHINOPS TELFAIRI): FOUR CASES Author(s): Kimberly A. Thompson, D.V.M., M.P.V.M., Dipl. A.C.V.P.M., Dalen Agnew, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dipl. A.C.V.P., Sally A. Nofs, D.V.M., and Tara M. Harrison, D.V.M., M.P.V.M., Dipl. A.C.Z.M., Dipl. A.C.V.P.M., Dipl. E.C.Z.M. (Zoo Health Management.) Source: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(2):446-452. Published By: American Association of Zoo Veterinarians https://doi.org/10.1638/2016-0039.1 URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1638/2016-0039.1 BioOne (www.bioone.org) is a nonprofit, online aggregation of core research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. BioOne provides a sustainable online platform for over 170 journals and books published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Web site, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne’s Terms of Use, available at www.bioone.org/page/ terms_of_use. Usage of BioOne content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder. BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48(2): 446–452, 2017 Copyright 2017 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians OBSTETRICAL AND POSTPARTUM COMPLICATIONS IN LESSER MADAGASCAR HEDGEHOG TENRECS (ECHINOPS TELFAIRI): FOUR CASES Kimberly A. Thompson, D.V.M., M.P.V.M., Dipl. A.C.V.P.M., Dalen Agnew, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dipl. A.C.V.P., Sally A. Nofs, D.V.M., and Tara M. Harrison, D.V.M., M.P.V.M., Dipl. A.C.Z.M., Dipl. A.C.V.P.M., Dipl. E.C.Z.M. (Zoo Health Management) Abstract: Currently, little is known about diseases and health concerns in tenrecs, family Tenrecidae. During the past 10 yr of breeding lesser Madagascar hedgehog tenrecs (Echinops telfairi) at a single zoological institution, a diverse range of obstetric and postpartum complications have been observed: pyometra, metritis, retained fetal membranes, retained fetus, perinatal mortality, and maternal neglect with subsequent successful hand-rearing of neonates. Treatment of these problems is complicated in tenrecs because of their small size and secretive behavior. Some of the cases reported in this article had successful resolution by ovariohysterectomy or cesarean section. The four cases described in this report overall help to disseminate options and outcomes for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of obstetric and postpartum complications in this small, secretive, nondomestic species. Key words: Dystocia, Echinops telfairi, obstetrics, ovariohysterectomy, reproduction, tenrec. INTRODUCTION torpor.4 Tenrec lifespan range is up to 18 yr old, but the average is 7–11 yr.12 Tenrecs have a Lesser Madagascar hedgehog tenrecs (Echinops bicornuate uterus with hemochorial placentation. telfairi) belong to the newly formed, large, and The anus and urogenital tracts share a common diverse superorder Afrotheria, despite their sim- opening referred to as a cloaca, which is a very ilar appearance to hedgehogs, subfamily Erina- rare trait in placental mammals. Females become ceinae, through convergent evolution.4–6 Within sexually mature at 1 yr old, but based on findings the family Tenrecidae, are 34 species of tenrecs, at Potter Park Zoo, sexual maturity may occur with E. telfairi being the most commonly kept earlier.4,6,10 The litter size may range between 1 species in captivity. Overall, very little informa- and 10, with an average of three to five neo- tion exists on diseases and health concerns of nates.9,15 Typical litter size observed at the au- tenrecs.9,12 The most commonly reported disease thors’ institution was one to four neonates. Tenrec in tenrecs is neoplasia.9,11,12,14 To the authors’ gestation is disproportionately long compared knowledge, no reports currently document post- with other similar-sized species.4 Their gestation partum and obstetric complications as a signifi- period has a mean of 67.5 days and a wide range of cant cause of morbidity in tenrecs. In this report, 50–79 days, which can further complicate the the authors use the term ‘‘tenrec’’ henceforth to diagnosis of dystocia in a tenrec.9,15 The institu- refer solely to E. telfairi. tion in this report typically houses a male and Tenrecs are considered seasonal breeders, with female together year-round, except the male is breeding typically beginning after completion of removed before birthing and then replaced back with the female after the neonates are fully From Michigan State University College of Veterinary weaned and removed. Medicine, Department of Clinical Services, 736 Wilson Rd, Based on 10 yr of breeding E. telfairi at a single East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA (Thompson, Nofs, zoologic institution, a high frequency of obstetric Harrison); Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal and postpartum complications were observed in Health, Michigan State University, 4125 Beaumont Rd, this captive born colony. The four animals in this Lansing, Michigan 48910, USA (Agnew); and Potter Park report represent four out of six of the breeding Zoological Gardens, 1301 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, females during the 10-yr period at the institution, Michigan 48912, USA (Nofs, Harrison). Present addresses which includes five parturition events. The two (Thompson): Binder Park Zoo, Battle Creek, Michigan females not included in this report had five 49014, USA; (Harrison) North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, 1060 William Moore Dr, parturitions with no complications. Difficulties Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, USA. Correspondence in assessing the health status of a tenrec include: should be directed to Dr. Tara Harrison their secretive behavior, predilection for obesity, ([email protected]). ability to exhibit torpor, small size, and presence 446 THOMPSON ET AL.—OBSTETRICAL COMPLICATIONS IN TENRECS 447 Table 1. Summary information about the obstetric and postpartum complications that occurred in the five litters from four tenrec dams presented in this article. No. of Age litters No. per Case litters produced (yr) litter Complications Outcome 1 1 11 2 Perinatal mortality and Ovariohysterectomy retained fetus 2 1 11 1 Cloacal discharge and retained Cesarean section and neonate fetal membranes hand-raised 3 2 3 3 Rejected neonates Neonates hand-raised 5 4 Retained placenta Neonates hand-raised and ovariohysterectomy 4 1 1 4 Prolonged intermittent cloacal Metritis resolved with discharge, anemia antibiotics of spines. Anesthesia is typically required for ville, New Jersey 08876, USA). Postoperative complete physical examination, diagnostics, and treatment included fluids (LRS with 2.5% dex- sample collection. The small size of a female trose, 6 ml s.c.; Hospira Inc., Lake Forest, Illinois tenrec, typically weighing 100–160 g, makes 60045, USA), enrofloxacin (Baytril, 10 mg/kg p.o. obstetric problems even more of a challenge to b.i.d. for 10 days; Bayer, Shawnee Mission, diagnose and manage compared with larger spe- Kansas 66021, USA), and ketoprofen (Ketofen, cies. The following report describes the obstetric 0.9 mg/kg i.m. b.i.d. for 3 days; Merial, Duluth, and postpartum complications that were observed Georgia 30096, USA). The tenrec’s appetite and in four tenrecs at a single zoologic institution: behavior returned to normal within a few days pyometra, metritis, retained fetal membranes after surgery with no further complications. The (RFM), retained fetus (dystocia), perinatal mor- uterus, ovaries, fetus, and placenta were not tality, and maternal neglect with subsequent hand- submitted for histopathology. rearing of neonates (Table 1). Also included are the descriptions of successful ovariohysterecto- Case 2 mies (OVH) and cesarean sections. A primiparous 11-yr-old tenrec presented with a 24-hr history of brown cloacal discharge. CASE SERIES Radiographs showed a possible increased ‘‘bony Case 1 detail’’ within the abdomen, which was suspected to be a fetus. Ultrasound was performed by MSU An 11-yr-old, nulliparous animal gave birth to a CVM, and one viable neonate was detected (Fig. single neonate that expired shortly after birth. 1). The animal was anesthetized with isoflurane as Radiographs showed the presence of a second previously described. The tenrec was placed in fetus. Over the following 72 hr the female failed to dorsal recumbency on an external heating source, deliver the second fetus, became lethargic, and clipped, and prepped for surgery. Pulse oximetry developed a purulent cloacal discharge. The was successful on a thoracic foot. A cesarean tenrec was anesthetized with isoflurane via cham- section was performed via a midline abdominal ber followed by facemask (Isothesia, 1.5–5%; incision. The uterus was located and contained a Butler Animal Health Supply, Dublin, Ohio single neonate which was removed through a full- 43017, USA), and OVH was performed by thickness incision into the uterine body. A swab veterinarians at Michigan State University Col- was collected for culture and sensitivity, and the lege of Veterinary Medicine (MSU CVM) via a uterus and abdomen were closed with 4-0 poly- midline abdominal incision. Hemoclips (Versa- dioxanone (PDS). Culture of the uterus resulted Clip, Pitman-Moore Inc., Washington Crossing, in moderate growth of Escherichia coli, Morganella New Jersey 08560, USA) were used to ligate the morganii, Proteus spp., and nonhemolytic Strepto- ovarian pedicles and uterine body. The uterus coccus. All were susceptible to enrofloxacin. The contained one retained deceased fetus. Small dam was treated with meloxicam (Metacam, 0.27 amounts of fibrin were present within the lumen mg/kg s.c. s.i.d. for 4 days; Boehringer Ingelheim, of the uterus and the abdominal cavity.