Inside: l Community: Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Michigan – page 9 l Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and “Sounds of Spring” – page 11 l UKELODEON for the next generation – pages 18-19

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXI No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 $1/$2 in FOR THE RECORD Yanukovych pardons Lutsenko U.S. reacts to pardons Opposition activist released after more than 2 years in prison by Zenon Zawada Following is the text of a statement on Special to The Ukrainian Weekly President Viktor Yanukovych’s pardon of two former Cabinet ministers that was – Ukrainian President Viktor released by the White House Office of the Yanukovych on April 7 signed a decree par- Press Secretary on April 8 and transmit- doning former Internal Affairs Minister ted by the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. The state- Yurii Lutsenko and releasing him from pris- ment was made by National Security on after intense pressure from Western Council Spokesperson Caitlin Hayden. leaders, who condemned his conviction and incarceration as selective justice in a The United States is encouraged by campaign of political persecution. President Yanukovych’s decision to par- Mr. Lutsenko, 48, served 27 months out don former Interior [Internal Affairs] of a four-year prison sentence after being Minister Yurii Lutsenko and former convicted in February 2012 of abusing his Environment Minister Heorhii authority when illegally arranging a Filipchuk. This is an important step 215-square-foot studio apartment for his toward addressing concerns about driver at state expense and for illegally democracy and the rule of law in spending $80,500 on Police Day festivities Ukraine, however much more remains in alleged violation of budget restrictions. to be done. We urge Ukrainian authori- In comparison, Mr. Yanukovych is ties to end all politically motivated pros- alleged to have illegally privatized the 346- Oleksander Kosariev/UNIAN ecutions, undertake comprehensive acre Mezhyhiria estate on the River and spent $9.4 million in state funds just on Former Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko (third from left) smiles upon his judicial reform to ensure such selective release from prison on April 7, accompanied by his wife, Iryna, elder son, Oleksander building materials in the renovation of its justice does not recur, and fully imple- (second from left), and younger son, Vitalii. ment the OSCE recommendations made five-story Honka residence, which includes after the 2012 parliamentary elections. interior doors costing $70,000 a pop. Accompanied by his wife, Iryna, and wrath of the mega-millionaire The United States strongly supports the The disparity between the Lutsenko and their two sons, Mr. Lutsenko told reporters when arresting and aspirations of the Ukrainian people for a Yanukovych cases prompted critics to gathered outside of the penal colony where incarcerating him for about four months in democratic, prosperous and European allege the government had applied selec- he was held: “A person who thinks of 2005, following the Orange revolts. future, which can only be realized tive justice. revenge wastes his days and years. The Upon his release, Mr. Kolesnikov – who through continued democratic reform Upon his release, Mr. Lutsenko said he’d state took away from me more than two enjoys close ties to Messrs. Yanukovych years and I don’t intend to waste a single and adherence to the rule of law. We remain active in Ukrainian politics with the and Ukraine’s top oligarch, Rinat Akhmetov day on revenge.” remain dedicated to strengthening our goal of returning Ukraine to its democratic – vowed to banish the Orange leaders to As internal affairs minister, Mr. Lutsenko bilateral relationship on the basis of our path, stressing that he would work to sup- prison. commanded Ukraine’s national police force shared trans-Atlantic values. port the current opposition forces and not compete with them. of more than 200,000 officers. He drew the (Continued on page 4)

Symposium at Harvard focuses on language politics in Ukraine

by Volodymyr Dibrova the highly controversial new law on the principles of state language policy. The pri- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Since gaining its mary purpose of this law, according to Prof. independence in 1991, Ukraine seems to have Michael Flier, director of the Harvard been preoccupied with the language issue. Ukrainian Research Institute, “is not to pro- At every critical juncture, opposing forces tect the Russian language, but cynically to have tried to challenge or affirm the consti- elevate its status in Ukraine while simulta- tutionally guaranteed position of Ukrainian neously undercutting the status of as the sole state language of the country. Ukrainian as the sole state language.” Perhaps, that was to be expected. For the In light of the latest political develop- lack of other identity-defining markers, the ments in Ukraine and the 150th anniversary Ukrainian language has become the rallying of the internal issuance of the infamous point or “the ethno-consolidating factor” Valuev Circular of 1863, Ukrainian language for Ukrainian national aspirations. Yet, for a politics was a timely topic to explore in large segment of the population, their iden- greater detail at the biennial Petro Jacyk tity remains an unresolved issue, no matter Memorial Symposium, held in February of what the explanation of this situation could this year at the Harvard Ukrainian Research be – the long and tragic legacy of subjuga- Institute (HURI). Titled “Politics of Language HURI tion, frequent population shifts, or relent- in Contemporary Ukraine: Practices, A group of symposium participants with honored guest Nadia Jacyk, daughter of less brain-washing. Petro Jacyk in whose memory the symposium is held: (seated, from left) Alla Identities, Ideologies,” the symposium Last year, President Viktor Yanukovych Nedashkivska, Volodymyr Kulyk, Debra A. Friedman, Laada Bilaniuk, (standing) rushed through the Parliament and signed Lubomyr Hajda, Michael S. Flier, Ms. Jacyk, Curt Woolhiser and Aneta Pavlenko. (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15


Ukraine imports gas from Germany Opposition rallies in Kyiv Commissioner for Human Rights Valeria Lutkovska asked the head of state to pardon via Hungary and Poland KYIV – A rally in Kyiv organized by the the former minister. On April 6, the presi- parties Svoboda, Batkivshchyna and UDAR dential commission on pardons held a meet- on April 7 adopted a resolution containing a Hungarian FGSZ (Foeldgazszallitasrol ing and decided to propose that Mr. by Vladimir Socor number of demands. The opposition [Natural Gas Transmission], independent Lutsenko be pardoned. (Ukrinform) Eurasia Daily Monitor demanded the release of all political prison- transmission operator unbundled from ers in Ukraine and the calling of elections of EU welcomes ministers’ release Denting Russian Gazprom’s monopoly, MOL) is handling these gas shipments the Kyiv City Council and Kyiv mayor in Ukraine is procuring small but growing vol- under a technical agreement with its coun- June. Also, opposition national deputies are KYIV – The European Union on April 8 umes of natural gas from Europe. The terpart Ukrtranshaz (Naftohaz Ukrainy’s demanding the abolition of pension reform welcomed Ukrainian President Viktor German Rheinisch-Westfaelisches gas transmission subsidiary). and a re-vote of all the laws and regulations Yanukovych’s decision to pardon former Elektrizitaetswerk (RWE) is providing the According to Naftohaz officials, the trans- adopted on April 4 at the so-called offsite Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko and volumes through its subsidiary, RWE Supply mission capacity from Hungary to Ukraine former Environment Minister Heorhii & Trading. Ukraine’s neighbors Hungary currently stands at 3 million cubic meters session of the Verkhovna Rada on Bankova Street. The opposition also welcomed the Filipchuk. European Commissioner for and Poland are providing the transit servic- (mcm) per day, and is scheduled to increase Enlargement and European Neighborhood es. The three countries have recently made to 15 mcm per day in the second quarter of president’s decision to pardon Yurii Lutsenko, but at the same time condemned Policy Stefan Fule wrote this on his page on technical arrangements to use their pipe- 2013. In annualized terms, this would Twitter: “I welcome very much President lines in the reverse mode for pumping these translate into an increase from 1.1 billion the continued imprisonment of Batkivshchyna leader Yulia Tymoshenko. Yanukovych’s decision to pardon Lutsenko limited volumes. cubic meters (bcm) to some 5.5 bcm. and Filipchuk. This is the first but important On March 28, Ukraine began importing Ukrainian Energy Minister Eduard The rally was attended by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the leader of the Batkivshchyna step to deal with the problem of selective natural gas from RWE through Hungarian Stavytsky says that Naftohaz is purchasing justice.” President Viktor Yanukovych pipelines. Prime Ministers Viktor Orban and gas from RWE at the spot market price of parliamentary faction, National Deputy Serhiy Sobolev, UDAR leader Vitali Klitschko signed a decree pardoning six prisoners, announced the start of gas $380 per 1,000 cubic meters at this time. including former ministers Lutsenko and transmission via Hungary, effective that day, This is significantly below Gazprom’s sale and Svoboda leader Oleh Tiahnybok. (Ukrinform) Filipchuk. EU High Representative for at their March 28 joint news conference in price of $406 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Budapest (MTI, Magyar Hirlap, Interfax- to Ukraine in the first quarter of 2013 Presidential Administration is hopeful Catherine Ashton and Mr. Fule said in a joint Ukraine, March 28, 29). (Ukrinform, March 28; Interfax-Ukraine, statement: “We salute that President According to Mr. Azarov, “The Hungarian March 28, 29). KYIV – Ukraine’s Presidential Yanukovych has exercised his prerogatives government experienced considerable Ukraine had never procured natural gas Administration believes that the recent deci- of pardoning in the cases of former Interior pressure, but it took a good-neighborly from Europe until November 2012, when it sion by the authorities to release former [Internal Affairs] Minister Yurii Lutsenko stand” in authorizing the gas deliveries to started importing gas from RWE through a Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko from and former Environmental Protection prison creates a proper political atmosphere Ukraine. He stopped short of specifying Polish pipeline adapted for bi-directional Minister Heorhii Filipchuk. We welcome the where such pressure had come from for the signing of the Association Agreement release from prison and return to his family (Ukrinform, March 29). (Continued on page 3) with the European Union during the Eastern of Mr. Lutsenko on Sunday.” The EU said Partnership Summit in November. An advi- that this is “an important step by the sor to the Ukrainian president and head of Ukrainian authorities in addressing the con- the main department for international rela- cerns regarding the matter of selective jus- tions at the Presidential Administration, tice.” Ms. Ashton and Mr. Fule also com- Andriy Honcharuk, said at a briefing on April Implications of Ukraine’s mended the important contribution the 9: “I think that recent events that were European Parliament’s monitoring mission implemented by all branches of the gas imports from Europe to Ukraine headed by former European Ukrainian authorities in all spheres of Parliament President Pat Cox and former be lower than those charged by Russia to domestic life and in relations with the EU, by Vladimir Socor Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski Ukraine. The Russian price (considerably including in addressing some issues of so- Eurasia Daily Monitor had made in this context. “We now look for- above $400 per 1,000 cubic meters) incor- called selective justice, are a sign of serious ward to Ukraine addressing without further According to Naftohaz Ukrainy officials, progress in the establishment of a proper porates the $100 discount applying since delay the outstanding case of selective jus- political atmosphere for the sake of our all the ongoing natural gas purchases from 2010 for 10 years ahead, in return for tice and preventing any recurrence of selec- main goal – the signing of the Association German RWE (see accompanying article) Ukraine’s consent to prolong the Russian tive justice by a comprehensive judicial Agreement during the Vilnius summit in are carried out under a framework agree- Black Sea Fleet’s basing rights until mid- reform in line with European standards, in November this year.” On April 7 President ment signed in May 2012. This envisages century. Without that discount Ukraine order to fully implement the conclusions of Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree pardon- deliveries of 5 billion cubic meters (bcm) in would have had to pay more than $500 per the December 10, 2012, Foreign Affairs 2013, with the subsequent possibility of 1,000 cubic meters of Russian gas. Yulia ing Mr. Lutsenko, who was sentenced to four expansion to 10 bcm per year. Following up Tymoshenko negotiated and agreed to that years in prison. On April 5, Verkhovna Rada (Continued on page 12) on that framework agreement, Ukrtranshaz pricing formula as prime minister in 2009, signed bilateral technical agreements with and Viktor Yanukovych concluded the naval the Polish and Hungarian pipeline operators, basing agreement as president in 2010. respectively (Interfax-Ukraine, March 28). Compared with Ukraine’s gas imports The Ukrainian Weekly FOUNDED 1933 This development marks the start of a de- from Russia, the volumes imported from monopolization of Ukraine’s gas market, Europe look modest at present and in a An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., long captive to Gazprom. Growing volumes short- to medium-term perspective. The a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. of gas reaching Western European spot mar- net dynamic, however, looks promising for Yearly subscription rate: $65; for UNA members — $55. kets tend to reduce prices through competi- Ukraine, as it rapidly cuts gas imports from Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. Russia while gradually raising those from tion. A bi-directional use of pipelines, now (ISSN — 0273-9348) Europe. mandatory in European Union member According to the State Statistics Service, The Weekly: UNA: countries, enables Ukraine to access gas sup- Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Ukraine imported 33 bcm of Russian gas in plies from RWE through Hungarian and 2012, down by 27 percent from the 45 bcm Postmaster, send address changes to: Polish pipelines. The volumes seem likely to it had imported in 2011. The price of grow, and the potential exists for adding to The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz Russian gas supplied to Ukraine in 2012 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas the range of suppliers. averaged $426 per 1,000 cubic meters, up P.O. Box 280 Ukraine intends to increase those by 4.5 percent from the 2011 price Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] imports if European gas prices continue to (Interfax-Ukraine, March 21). The import in 2012 is a far cry from the 52 bcm under The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: contract, and also way below the 42 bcm Correction subject to take-or-pay clauses (which In the column published in the March The Ukrainian Weekly, April 7, 2013, No. 14, Vol. LXXXI Ukraine disregards). Ukraine proposes to Copyright © 2013 The Ukrainian Weekly 31 issue, “Yanukovych difficult to beat, cut gas imports from Russia even further in even with Klitschko in the ring,” Zenon 2013, thanks to import diversification and Zawada reported that there are “31 decreased domestic consumption. months left” until the next presidential Ukrainian officials offer various scenari- ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA election in Ukraine. In fact, according to os for 2013, ranging from 27 bcm to less Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 the Constitution of Ukraine, the next presi- than 20 bcm of Russian gas imports. and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 dential election is supposed to occur in e-mail: [email protected] However, the picture becomes more compli- March 2015, which is 23 months away. cated when taking into account the new Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 (The error has been corrected in our e-mail: [email protected] online edition.) (Continued on page 3) No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Time running out for Ukraine to meet EU’s association criteria

by Oleg Varfolomeyev summit that Europe understands it would with the EU (Interfax-Ukraine, March 13; issue new loans, as well as refrain from Eurasia Daily Monitor be unrealistic to expect Ukraine to meet all Kommersant-Ukraine, March 14). protectionist measures (Kommersant- April 3, 2013 the conditions by May. Kyiv has to show at This is not enough. And in practical Ukraine, March 21). least some progress – in particular start terms, Ukraine has not done anything in The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry Both the European Union and Ukraine reforming its prosecution and courts, over a month since the summit. The only provided a bureaucratic response to will lose if an Association Agreement is which notoriously lack independence. Mr. Ukrainian government lacks a clear strate- the EU’s criticism. The government, the not signed this year, but European politi- Tombinski also said the EU expected gy for reform. It has been implementing ministry said, carried out its own one-year cians would rather have Ukraine bear the Ukraine to free Mr. Lutsenko (TVi, selected recommendations from the plan for European integration consisting responsibility for such a failure, Ukrainian February 28). European Union, Russia and the of 71 measures. According to Ukraine’s Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said on his Apparently Brussels is no longer insist- International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a own timetable, it has implemented six recent visit to Hungary (, ing that the other imprisoned opposition haphazard manner, Mr. Tombinski said integration measures, and several of these March 28). The Ukrainian leadership is leader, Ms. Tymoshenko, who faces new most recently. He warned that the were put into effect ahead of schedule trying to shift the blame to the EU for the charges of involvement in murder in the Association Agreement signing, if it did (Channel 5, March 20). possible failure to sign the agreement, as it mid-1990s, should be freed soon. not take place this year, would be post- One positive development for the time is clear at this point that Kyiv will not meet Ukrainian Justice Minister Oleksander poned indefinitely because of elections in being is that Kyiv has somewhat clarified Brussels’ conditions this year. Therefore, Lavrynovych also said that by May the EU in 2014 and the presidential elec- its choice between the EU and the much will depend on the Europeans’ polit- Ukraine has to show “will, decisive actions tion in Ukraine in 2015 (Interfax-Ukraine, Russian-led Customs Union. Despite ical will. If the EU, as Kyiv apparently and progress in certain directions,” and March 19). Not only President Yanukovych Russia’s pressure to join and promises of hopes, turns a blind eye to Ukraine’s fail- that there was no requirement for Ukraine and his government are to blame for this, cheap gas, President Yanukovych told a ure to reform itself, the agreement will be to complete any particular reform by May but also the opposition; for long periods press conference after the Ukraine-EU signed. (UT1, February 28). during the past several months, the oppo- summit that Ukraine could become no The Association Agreement and the However, time is running out for sition boycotted the legislature, which has more than an associate member of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Ukraine to accomplish even as little as is to pass several laws promised to the EU. Customs Union (UT1, March 1). Prime Agreement (DCFTA) between the EU and required by the EU. President Viktor In the meantime, Brussels has issued Minister Azarov confirmed two weeks ago Ukraine were technically ready for signing Yanukovych has reacted to Brussels’ pre- another warning – in the form of an EU that Ukraine had been in talks to attain last year, but the EU did not hurry to do so, requisites slowly and in a bureaucratic neighborhood package report – that time associate membership in the Customs mainly in protest against the imprison- manner, issuing a decree more than two is running out for Kyiv. While acknowledg- Union, but was not seeking any privileges ment of former Prime Minister Yulia weeks after the summit, instructing the ing that Ukraine took some steps toward or preferences (Ukrayinska Pravda, March Tymoshenko and former Internal Affairs government to take measures to meet the legal and judicial reforms and adopted 19). Minister Yurii Lutsenko, who the EU conditions – in particular, to inform the EU laws on asylum and refugees, the report Though still a hedge, these statements believes are victims of selective justice. each month about Ukraine’s progress, said Ukraine had failed to act on most of point to Kyiv’s ultimate preference for It was agreed at the Ukraine-EU sum- approve the acts necessary for visa regime the recommendations contained in last European, rather than Eurasian, integra- mit on February 25 that the deal would be liberalization by the EU, improve year’s report. The EU noted that Ukraine tion. Yet, Ukraine’s political will to actually signed during or before the EU Ukrainian electoral legislation, finance still has to tackle shortcomings in its elec- achieve the former still remains an open Neighborhood Summit scheduled for activities for implementing legal reforms, toral system, address the problem of question. November, if Ukraine showed progress in organize repeat elections in those constit- selective justice, step up its fight against judicial, electoral and other reforms by uencies where the results of the October corruption, reverse the backsliding that The article above is reprinted from May (Ukrayinska Pravda, February 26). 2012 election were invalidated, speed up occurred recently in public procurements Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan reforms in the energy sector and launch a and budget transparency, establish a mac- from its publisher, the Jamestown Tombinski explained after the February dialogue on Ukraine’s business climate roeconomic framework for the IMF to Foundation,

ticipants”). The Energy Community aims to more than 90 bcm per year through its four Implications... extend the EU internal energy market’s reg- Ukraine imports... parallel lines, Ukraine sees in Slovakia the biggest opportunity for arranging reverse- (Continued from page 2) ulatory framework to the EU’s neighboring (Continued from page 2) countries. This facilitates the coordinated flows. Ukrainian officials allude to an imme- role of Dmytro Firtash’s Ostchem as a signif- reverse-use of their gas pipelines and their use (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, November diate reverse-flow possibility for 2 bcm per icant gas importer and trader in its own inter-connection for deliveries to Ukraine. 20, 2012). Ukrtranshaz signed a transporta- year, with a potential for 10 bcm per year, if right, separately from Naftohaz (see Eurasia Russia is pressuring Ukraine to abandon tion agreement with Poland’s pipeline oper- one of the four parallel lines is used for trans- Daily Monitor, March 25). According to Mr. the Energy Community, in return for ator Gaz-System in August 2012; Naftohaz mission in reverse. This might necessitate Firtash, he plans to import Russian gas in Russian investments in the overdue mod- signed a sale-and-purchase contract with construction of a new, bi-directional inter- 2013, mostly for Ostchem’s own fertilizer ernization of Ukraine’s gas transit system, RWE in October 2012, with trial-run deliv- connection near the Velke Kapusany com- production, but partly also for re-selling to which still carries the lion’s share (albeit eries starting on November 1, cumulatively pressor station, complete with gas metering, on the Slovak side of the common border. other Ukrainian industrial consumers diminishing) of Russian gas exports to amounting to approximately 50 mcm by Bilateral talks ongoing since mid-2012 have (Komersant-Ukraine, March 20). Thus, Europe. The proposed Russian “invest- January 1 of this year. Deliveries reached an not borne fruit thus far. The European Ostchem’s imports from Russia may partly ments” would take the form of Gazprom average daily rate of 2 mcm in the first Commission’s spokeswoman Marlene offset the decline of Naftohaz’s imports of sharing control over Ukraine’s transit sys- quarter of 2013 and are planned to rise to 5 Holzner has indicated that the commission is Russian gas. While Gazprom begins losing tem, not necessarily in co-ownership but mcm per day in the second quarter. In willing to facilitate an interconnection agree- its supply monopoly in Ukraine, Naftohaz under some other forms of de facto control. annualized terms this would translate into ment (Interfax-Ukraine, January 21, March begins losing its procurement monopoly. In that case, with Gazprom in a decision- an increase from some 700 mcm to 1.8 bcm. 28, 29; Ukrinform, March 11, 29). Russia will in any case remain by far the making role, Ukraine would be pulled out of The price was $417 dollars per 1,000 Ukrtranshaz is discussing also with largest gas supplier to Ukraine into the fore- the Energy Community. It would also lose cubic meters in November–December Romania’s network operator, Transgaz, the seeable future, albeit declining in both abso- the opportunity to freely use its pipelines in 2012, but dropped to $390 in January possibility of arranging reverse-flow trans- lute and relative terms. Meanwhile, gas the reverse mode for accessing gas supplies 2013, while Gazprom was charging $409. mission to Ukraine. A memorandum of imports from Europe are starting to replace from Europe. The de-monopolization pro- RWE’s price dropped again to an average of intent has been signed regarding possible some of the Russian volumes that are no cess would be rolled back in that case. $380 per 1,000 cubic meters, compared use of metering stations at Tekove longer reaching Ukraine. Ukraine’s incipient Ukrainian government officials, pre-emi- with Gazprom’s average sale price of $406 (Zakarpattia Oblast) or Orlivka (Odesa diversification of gas supplies in itself is a nently Energy Minister Eduard Stavytsky to Ukraine in the first quarter of 2013. oblast), both located on the Ukrainian side more consequential fact than the price and Foreign Affairs Minister Leonid Ukrainian officials anticipate that Poland of the Ukrainian-Romanian border. The advantage at this stage. The interconnection Kozhara, are ruling out the idea of abandon- would complete this pipeline’s upgrade reverse-transmission capacity at Tekove is arrangements already made, and those in ing the Energy Community (Interfax- before the end of 2013, enabling an annual cited as 5 mcm per day, implying 1.8 bcm if prospect, should result in a steady growth Ukraine, March 27). Prime Minister Mykola flow of 2 bcm to Ukraine in 2014 (Interfax- annualized (Interfax-Ukraine, Ukrinform, of supplies from Europe to Ukraine, aligning Azarov’s statements, however, could be Ukraine, February 22, March 21, 28; March 29). The supply source, however, has their price with European spot market pric- more convincing if he ruled out not only an Ukrinform, November 1, 2012, and March not been publicly identified, nor is it readily es. These twin processes of volume substi- outright “sale” of equity in Ukraine’s gas 28, 29, 2013). apparent. Hypothetically, it could be a cor- tution and price alignment seem set to transit system to Gazprom, but also the Slovakia’s transit pipeline operator, respondingly small volume from Nabucco- advance. They should translate into some more creative forms of handing over control Eustream, is also negotiating with West, in view of Ukraine’s declared interest degree of financial relief for Ukraine and de facto, which would re-instate the monop- Ukrtranshaz for possible transmission of gas in accessing Azerbaijani gas from the Trans- counter-leverage in negotiations with oly that Gazprom is now losing. supplies from RWE to Ukraine. Like Ukraine, Anatolia Pipeline. Russia. Slovakia is also concerned about the under- Ukraine is a party to the Energy The article above is reprinted from utilization of its transit system, as Russia The article above is reprinted from Community and its treaty (along with the Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from shifts export volumes into other corridors or Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from European Union as a “party” and Ukraine’s its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, threatens to do so (North Stream, South its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, direct neighbors in Central Europe as “par- Stream). Given Eustream’s transit capacity of 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15

Symposium... (Continued from page 1) featured six distinguished speakers from the United States, Canada and Ukraine, who presented the results of their most recent research in this area of sociolinguistics and political science. The program was organized by this year’s Jacyk Fellow, Dr. Volodymyr Kulyk, a senior researcher at the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. His most recent publications include “The Discourse HURI of the Ukrainian Media: Identity, Ideology, Participants of the Petro Jacyk Memorial Symposium on “Politics of Language in Contemporary Ukraine: Practices, Identities, Power Relations” (2010) and his specially Ideologies” at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. edited issue of the International Journal of Sociology and Language titled “Languages language policies have only a limited impact What they mean and how they matter,” and Ukrainian. The focus of his attention and Language Ideology in Ukraine” (2010). on linguistic repertoires of young described the results of his 2012 nation- was the campaign called “Make a Gift to In his introductory remarks, Dr. Flier Ukrainians.” She concluded that, “while wide survey. According to him, the very Ukraine – Switch over to Ukrainian!” that welcomed Nadya Jacyk, the daughter of the Ukrainian political elites voice their concern notion “native language” is “more often was launched in 2007 by the Ukrainian civic late Petro Jacyk, a major benefactor of about the insufficiently high status of associated with language use than ethnic organization Don’t Be Indifferent! This HURI from its very beginning and an inter- Ukrainian and continuous use of Russian in identity. At the same time, many people Ukrainian campaign inspired a similar one national leader in philanthropic activities the information space, prominent members who declare Ukrainian as their native in Belarus the following year. These two on behalf of Ukrainian culture in North of the Ukrainian intellectual and artistic elite tongue, do so based on civic loyalty to their projects reflect a shared concern among America and Europe. participate in the reconstitution of the very country, particularly among the youth.” young Belarusian and Ukrainian language Dr. Flier remarked that, “even though same Russian-medium transnational cultur- Laada Bilaniuk (University of activists that government language policy the highly controversial language law was al space that promotes the use of Russian.” Washington) spoke about the results of her has not contributed to increasing the use of rammed through Ukrainian Parliament this Debra A. Friedman (Indiana University) field research in Ukraine. She interviewed the national language in everyday life, past summer, it is far too early to predict its presented the paper “Our language: many prominent rock and pop musicians despite the fact that the language of the titu- consequences.” He called attention to a Ukrainian as a ‘ridna mova’ among who are ethnic Russians but who have lar nationality is officially recognized either number of resonant themes that recurred Ukrainian youth,” using the data collected in made a conscious decision to transform as co-official with Russian (as in Belarus) or in the various contributions of symposium two fifth-grade Ukrainian classrooms in a their linguistic practices from Russian to as the sole state language (as in Ukraine). speakers: How often do basic everyday lan- small city in central Ukraine and in focus Ukrainian, as part of their personal contri- The lively discussion that followed these guage and native language actually coin- group interviews with 34 children (age bution to nation-building in Ukraine. presentations confirmed yet again that the cide? What do the intersections of language 14-15). Her research showed that “in post- Alla Nedashkivska (University of language issue would remain at the center ideology, politics, sociology and identity tell independent Ukraine the meaning of ‘ridna Alberta) analyzed the linguistic landscape of political and scholarly debates for some us about the future of the Ukrainian lan- mova’ (native language) is undergoing a sub- of multilingual cyber-discourse in Ukraine, time to come. But no matter what laws guage? How fluid is the intersection of soci- tle shift that is tied to a change in the refer- and the way language choices in virtual scheming politicians enact or what conclu- olinguistic factors, region by region? ent for the term ‘Ukrainian,’ which no longer space are linked to the sociolinguistic and sions scholars come to, the fate of the lan- Aneta Pavlenko (Temple University) refers solely to an ethnic category, but also to sociopolitical situation in the country. guage is ultimately in the hands of the peo- spoke about the impact of language policies a civic category based on citizenship.” Curt Woolhiser (Brandeis University) ple who choose to use or discard it. But this on young Ukrainians. Her presentation was Dr. Kulyk, in his talk on “Native and investigated the social identities and lan- simple act of personal freedom can some- titled “The illusion of politics: Why Ukrainian everyday language in post-Soviet Ukraine: guage use of “new speakers” of Belarusian times be the hardest thing to perform.

the outstanding case of selective justice parliamentary majority’s failure on April 2 election, which is scheduled for March Yanukovych... and preventing any recurrence of selective to approve elections in June for the Kyiv 2015. (Continued from page 1) justice by comprehensive judicial reform in City Council and its chair (mayor), in viola- A hint of what to expect regarding Ms. line with European standards, in order to tion of term limits set by the Constitution. Tymoshenko’s situation was offered by Mr. Lutsenko was also targeted for per- fully implement the conclusions of the The Kyiv City Council election was due Valeria Lutkovska, Ukraine’s human rights secution by the Yanukovych administration December 10, 2012 [EU] Foreign Affairs in June 2012, while the election for its chair ombudsman, who submitted the request to for his close ties to former Prime Minister Council and the joint statement of the is due this June, according to the Ukrainian Mr. Yanukovych for Mr. Lutsenko’s pardon. Yulia Tymoshenko, who remains incarcer- February 25, 2013, EU-Ukraine Summit,” Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR) Explaining why she didn’t submit a simi- ated, having served 20 months of a seven- he said in an April 7 joint statement with party. lar pardon request for Ms. Tymoshenko, year sentence. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs “The Lutsenko issue is tactical, which Ms. Lutkovska said the former prime min- Besides Mr. Lutsenko, Mr. Yanukovych and Security Policy Catherine Ashton. somewhat ‘trumps’ all previously unful- ister still has two criminal cases pending pardoned former Environmental Defense Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, filled items and distracts attention from against her, including charges of ordering Minister Hryhorii Filipchuk and four considered to be Europe’s Ukraine watch- them,” said Petro Oleshchuk, a politics lec- the murder of former Dontesk business- unidentified prisoners. In addition to Ms. dog, said it was “a good first step that dem- turer at Shevchenko National University in man Yevhen Shcherban. Pending judicial Tymoshenko, several dozen other citizens onstrates what can be done. Even more are Kyiv. “Obviously, Lutsenko played the role proceedings prevent the ombudsman from remain imprisoned, alleging political per- necessary.” of the ‘ace in the pocket,’ which came at the requesting any pardons until the cases are secution. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw right moment.” concluded. The release of Mr. Lutsenko and Ms. Sikorski called it a “a step in the right direc- Mr. Lutsenko’s release was a bone On the other hand, Mr. Lutsenko’s final Tymoshenko was among the most impor- tion” and a “hopeful signal ahead of the thrown to EU leaders by Mr. Yanukovych, appeal was rejected on April 3, which Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius” in numerous observers said. opened the doors for his pardon, Ms. tant requirements set forth by European November, when the Ukraine-European It keeps the door open to the EU and Lutkovska said, claiming that she submitted Union (EU) leaders for signing an Union Association Agreement is supposed buys time as the Yanukovych administra- the pardon request for Mr. Lutsenko inde- Association Agreement with the Ukrainian to be signed. tion continues to pursue its foreign policy pendent of anyone, including the president. government in November. However, two days later EU leaders of playing the Western and Russian govern- Such a legal pretext allows Mr. An EU diplomatic mission led by former began to issue more explicit statements, ments off each other, while extracting con- Yanukovych to throw his hands up and European Parliament President Patrick Cox stating plainly that Mr. Yanukovych must cessions, said Kost Bondarenko, a political claim that he can’t do anything on Ms. and former Polish President Aleksander arrange for Ms. Tymoshenko’s release. consultant who advised the Yanukovych Tymoshenko’s behalf until her pending Kwasniewski had traveled to Ukraine for “They need to address the outstanding administration last year, as reported by the cases in Ukrainian courts are concluded. 10 months to meet with the prisoners and case of selective use of justice,” said Maja Eastern Approaches section of The The European Court for Human Rights is to negotiate with Mr. Yanukovych, seeking Kocijancic, the press secretary for Ms. Economist news site. expected to offer a negative assessment on their release. Ashton, on April 9. Most important in this situation is that Mr. Ms. Tymoshenko’s conviction in a ruling to The Presidential Administration stated The Yanukovych administration scored Lutsenko doesn’t pose nearly the same politi- be announced within the next several the Cox-Kwasniewski mission influenced several valuable points with Mr. Lutsenko’s cal threat as Ms. Tymoshenko, who would weeks. The same court ruled that Mr. the decision to pardon, and the diplomats release, Ukrainian political observers said. defeat Mr. Yanukovych in a presidential elec- Lutsenko was illegally arrested and was drew congratulations from European It renewed its perception as being seri- tion, according to polls released in March. scheduled to review his appeal on his crim- Parliament President Martin Schulz, among ous about the Association Agreement after “Releasing Lutsenko during the climax inal convictions. other EU leaders. several gestures that hurt the EU’s confi- of a political protest was Yanukovych’s Council of Europe Secretary General The reaction from EU leaders was sup- dence, such as evicting from Parliament demonstration of strength and control of Thorbjorn Jagland said on April 8 that Mr. portive of Mr. Yanukovych’s move, but Serhiy Vlasenko, Ms. Tymoshenko’s the situation domestically,” Mr. Oleshchuk Lutsenko’s release reflects the spirit of the markedly reserved as they alluded to the defense counsel, as well as arranging for said, referring to the April 7 protest of Court’s ruling on his illegal arrest, adding need for Ms. Tymoshenko’s release. the arrest in Italy of Viktor Romaniuk, a more than 10,000 opposition supporters in that he hopes Ukraine will follow through EU Commissioner for Enlargement parliamentary opposition candidate in one Shevchenko Park in Kyiv. on its ruling on Ms. Tymoshenko’s case. Stefan Fule called it a “a first, but important of the five unresolved election districts for Therefore, he and other political Mr. Lutsenko said he’s confident Ms. step.” He added, “We now look forward to which the EU has demanded a fair revote. observers doubt that Ms. Tymoshenko will Tymoshenko will be released before her Ukraine addressing without further delay Moreover, it distracted the EU from the be released before the next presidential seven-year prison term concludes in 2018. No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 5

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COMMENTARY The Ukrainian Weekly Lutsenko’s release: a first step Where optimists It was a heartwarming scene outside the Menska penal colony on the outskirts of Kyiv. Yurii Lutsenko, the former internal affairs minister and opposition leader who spent 27 months in prison, was reunited with his devoted wife, Iryna, and their two and pessimists meet sons. “Today I will kiss my wife. I will tell her those words that I could not tell her even during our meetings, in view of video cameras and microphones. These are by Mykola Riabchuk but merely assisted her as a consultant words that are said not here or there, but at home,” Mr. Lutsenko told assembled (which is not forbidden by law), the judges reporters, his right arm wrapped around Iryna. Three years ago, when Viktor adhered to their decision (http://www. By all indications, Mr. Lutsenko had his soul rescued in prison, where he was Yanukovych was narrowly winning the alone with his thoughts, wrote dozens of political essays and read more than 300 election over Yulia Tymoshenko, very few 6985032/). books. In an interview after his release, he admitted that he did some wrong when people predicted future developments that Now, the Ukrainian optimists have got he led Ukraine’s national police force of more than 200,000 officers. Indeed, corrup- would result in the full usurpation of one more field to perfect their positive tion continued unabated in the police force under his leadership. And Mr. Lutsenko power by a well-organized and extremely thinking. As the crucial presidential elec- benefitted financially. resourceful group of unscrupulous rent- tions in 2015 loom large and the incumbent Beyond the spiritual level, Mr. Lutsenko’s release gives us hope that the adminis- seekers. It was an open secret, both then has virtually no chance to win them fairly, tration of President Viktor Yanukovych can be pressured to conform to European and now, that many regional bosses had a the possible tricks are pondered, ranging social and political standards. It gives us hope that the civilized world won’t allow criminal past. Hennadiy Moskal, a former from possible changes to the Constitution him to isolate Ukraine and turn it into his personal fiefdom. Yet we shouldn’t let a vice-minister of internal affairs, maintains that would enable the election of the presi- made-for-television moment make us re-evaluate the enemy we’re confronting. Mr. that there are at least 18 of them in today’s dent by the (domesticated) Parliament to a Yanukovych is indeed ruthless. He wouldn’t have come out on top of the 1990s Parliament, all of them in the Party of more sophisticated manipulation of the Donbas clan wars if he wasn’t. And, other cases of selective prosecution remain. Regions faction ( electoral process that would secure an easy Mr. Yanukovych released Mr. Lutsenko not out of mercy, but only thanks to pres- ua/articles/2013/03/21/6986155/). victory for the incumbent against the radi- sure from the European Union leadership and the skillful diplomacy of former Even without this (and many other) cal rival in the second round. European Parliament President Pat Cox and former Polish President Aleksander warnings, the living experience under two The first scenario was put in doubt after Kwasniewski, who tirelessly negotiated with him. The two spent more than 25 hours governments led by Prime Minister the parliamentary elections did not bring in discussions with the Ukrainian president since they launched their diplomatic Yanukovych – in 2002-2004 and 2006- the the needed majority it mission last summer, according to an anonymous European Parliament source quot- 2007 – should have been sufficient to needed to change the Constitution at some ed by Kommersant-Ukrayina. Mr. Yanukovych finally released Mr. Lutsenko “to understand what his ultimate victory later point. The second scenario was ques- throw them a bone and get them off his back,” in the view of political commentator would mean for the country. Sapienti sat, tioned recently by an opinion poll, which Prof. Ihor Losiev of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. but Ukrainians seem to be incurable opti- revealed that Mr. Yanukovych might lose Throughout his presidency, Mr. Yanukovych has demonstrated that he puts the mists. This might seem paradoxical in view the second round not only to Vitali klitsch- interests of his family and closest business associates above national interests, and of all the ordeals they suffered throughout ko (30 percent to 49 percent), Arseniy Mr. Lutsenko’s release falls into that agenda. The gesture earned him significant their history. But maybe some resilient political dividends. Firstly, he renewed his administration’s image as being serious Yatseniuk (33 to 40) or Ms. Tymoshenko optimism is exactly what they need most to (33 to 36), but even to Oleh Tiahnybok, a about the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, just as the EU leadership was giving survive under unfavorable circumstances. up on Ukraine. Secondly, Mr. Yanukovych distracted the West’s attention from a far radical nationalist who was considered Even today, three years after Mr. more important matter: the ruling Party of Regions on April 2 failed to support legis- easy prey for the incumbent and therefore Yanukovych’s presidential victory and the lation to hold elections for the Kyiv City Council and its chair (mayor) as required by the most preferable sparring partner in the complete destruction of state institutions, the Ukrainian Constitution. Thirdly, Mr. Yanukovych introduced a fourth “hetman” to second round. Now, Mr. Tiahnybok lags any warnings about the most probable the opposition leaders. Party of Regions National Deputy Mykhailo Chechetov even only 1 percent behind Mr. Yanukovych (32 admitted that he’s hoping Mr. Lutsenko will stir conflict and divide the opposition. steps to be undertaken by his devious team to 33) and, as time passes and the situation Although Mr. Lutsenko said he’s not going to compete for the presidency, he said usually fall on deaf ears. Even seasoned deteriorates, may overrun the incumbent he’ll consider campaigning for the Kyiv mayoralty. Great, except that Vitali Klitschko experts typically respond: “No, they would as a lesser evil in the eyes of the electorate already has that election in the bag, according to polls, and billionaire Petro not go that far!” ( Poroshenko is likely to pose a strong campaign. Just three days after his release, Mr. But they do. And there are no signs they itic/data/entry/14049/). Lutsenko’s old political allies announced they’d be launching a civic organization are going to stop anywhere due to some Therefore, Ukrainian authorities are with him, the People’s Movement for a Third Republic, to renew and build the coun- legal, or moral, or merely technical reason. musing over a new ploy: to conduct the try. Great, except that those who are to lead the movement – Roman Bezsmertnyi If any rule, or law, or even the Constitution presidential elections in a single round, and Taras Stetskiv – already had their chance and blew it. No doubt, Mr. Lutsenko is restrain the usurpers, they easily change that is to employ the first-past-the-post enthusiastic to have his freedom and be back in the thick of Ukrainian politics. But them, bypass, misinterpret or ignore. This system, which largely helped them to win he’d be better off taking some time off to rest and consider whether and how he is how they created the illegitimate govern- parliamentary elections last year. This does wants to return. ment, reshuffled the Constitutional Court, not require any changes to the In the meantime, we await a just resolution to the Yulia Tymoshenko case and abandoned the Constitution, changed the Constitution, other than to amend the law true judicial reform in Ukraine. Releasing Mr. Lutsenko was just a first step. electoral law, falsified local and then, on elections to that of a simple majority. national parliamentary elections, impris- And once again, the Ukrainian optimists oned political opponents, subordinated the contend that the Regionals would not go so entire judiciary to the unconstitutional far. They argue that such presidential elec- body called the Supreme Council of Justice, tions would not be internationally accepted April Turning the pages back... a mere handmaiden of the presidential and that the legitimacy of such a president administration, and more (http://www. would be very low. But there is no proof Two years ago, on April 14, 2011, Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), that Ukrainian rulers care much about 6986377/). international practice, legality and legiti- 14 the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Until recently, very few people imagined Committee, introduced a resolution recognizing the 25th anniver- macy. Occasionally, they make some con- the tame courts could be used, four months 2011 sary of the nuclear disaster at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant cessions to public opinion and internation- after the elections, to withdraw mandates and commending the efforts of the United States and the interna- al policy-makers, but only to a degree that tional community to mitigate the consequences of the disaster. from a couple of disobedient deputies on would not threaten their monopoly on The resolution noted the wide area that was affected by the radioactive fallout, includ- the dubious legal ground of some alleged power. ing the detection of radioactive contaminants in Belarus, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia and electoral violations. No Ukrainian law stip- Their general approach to all the boring other areas, and the 500,000 first-responders and technicians who worked for more than ulates such an odd procedure, but the goal legal principles and procedures was apho- six months at the plant to minimize one of the worst civilian nuclear disasters in history. of the legal novelty is clear: to send a mes- ristically expressed by Mykhailo Chechetov, Environmental and socioeconomic repercussions had also been identified as a result of sage to all MPs that any of them could lose the Party of Regions bandmaster who con- the disaster, and the creation in 2003 of the Chernobyl [sic] Forum by the International their mandate at any point, depending on ducts the “correct” voting of his party fel- Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations, in conjunction with the World Health the president’s whim and his team’s calcu- lows in the Parliament by raising his hand Organization and the governments of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, to examine the scientif- lations. If the MPs refuse to accept carrots (that means “yes”) or waving it (that means ic evidence of human and environmental effect of the disaster. in a form of six-digit bribes, they should be “no”). Last year, after his faction brazenly The resolution cited the findings of the forum that more than 5 million people lived in ready to face the sticks (http://www.prav- violated all the procedural requirements to the “contaminated” areas in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and other countries, and it noted the push through the Parliament a highly con- establishment of international humanitarian contributions, including the 1997 Chornobyl Serhiy Vlasenko, Yulia Tymoshenko’s troversial law on languages, he boasted Shelter Fund by the G-7 in cooperation with Ukraine. legal adviser, became the latest victim of cynically to journalists: “Just realize the ele- Ongoing projects, the resolution noted, include the international Nuclear Safety Ukraine’s notorious selective justice when gance of our play! We tricked them [the Account and its Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility as part of the decommissioning pro- the Supreme Administrative Court stripped opposition] like kittens!” cess for Chornobyl’s reactor units 1 through 3. him of his MP’s mandate on the grounds The Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, also mentioned in the resolution, served The meaning of “elegance” of their play that he could not combine the activity of a is perfectly characterized by a leading as a reminder to the United States and the international community about its commit- professional attorney and work in the leg- ments to nuclear security throughout the world. member of the Party of Regions who, back islature. Despite the fact that all the evi- in 2004, headed the shadow, i.e., real elec- Source: “Lugar resolution recognizes anniversary of Chornobyl disaster,” The Ukrainian dence indicated that he did not represent Weekly, April 24, 2011. Ms. Tymoshenko in court as an attorney (Continued on page 10) No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 7 NEWS AND VIEWS PERSPECTIVES Holocaust Museum lecture highlights by Andrew Fedynsky massacre of the Jews of Buchach

by George Sajewych issue of the “Ukrainian Quarterly.” One such Jew was a doctor, name unknown, who Jesuits and Uniates, WASHINGTON – “The Ukrainians are served in the UPA from 1943 until 1946, worse than the Germans,” said the Jewish when he was killed by Soviet forces while woman, as quoted by Israeli historian defending a hideout that housed a field married priests and celibates Omer Bartov February 13 in a lecture at hospital. He reached the rank of “khorun- I was at Notre Dame in the late 1960s, open to a career in church administration the Holocaust Museum in Washington. zhyi” and was posthumously awarded the just after the Second Vatican Council (1962- which could possibly lead to a bishop’s The presentation, “Understanding Local Silver Cross of Merit. 1965) had adopted major changes to try to miter, although most became parish Genocide: A Galician Town in the Time of To my remark that OUN leader Stepan bring the Catholic Church into the “modern priests; for the married clergy the latter the Holocaust,” was the 2013 J.B. and Bandera was imprisoned for most of the world.” Sectors on campus were abuzz was a certainty, the priest serving as spiri- Maurice C. Shapiro Annual Lecture. Omer war in a German concentration camp about the reforms, and I still remember a tual leader and de-factor mayor. Bartov, professor of history and German (Sachsenhausen) and that his two brothers discussion with friends and a couple of My grandfather, the Rev. Ivan Charuk, studies at Brown University, is considered were killed at Auschwitz, Prof. Bartov priests at an off-campus hang-out where I not only baptized every child in the village, one of the world’s leading specialists on the replied that Bandera had accommodations brought up that my grandfather had been a married every couple and buried the dead, subject of genocide. that did not resemble those of a concentra- Catholic priest like his father before him, he also ran the village library, school and Buchach was the town, today in Ternopil tion camp, as he was being kept by the and how the line of married clergy in my choir. And, because he heard confessions, Oblast of Ukraine; on slides and in hand- Germans for use later for their purposes. family probably went even further back. he knew all the secrets. That played a big outs it was rendered as “Buczacz” – its The fate of Bandera’s brothers was left The Holy Cross fathers, who didn’t know role in World War II when the Nazis Polish spelling. without comment. that a corner of their church had a married pressed Ukrainians to help exterminate The “understanding” that the audience Prof. Bartov made some very misleading priesthood, nearly fell out of their chairs. Jews. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, was left with very well could have been allegations, perhaps the most spurious one It’s interesting how decisions made cen- directly and in writing, confronted the that all that the Ukrainians of the locality being that the “goal of the OUN was the cre- turies ago and far away still reverberate. Nazis on this and instructed his priests to ation of an independent Ukrainian state, and, indeed, of all of Halychyna (Galicia) Ukraine in the 16th century was ruled by condemn persecution of Jews as a mortal free of Jews and Poles.” While such senti- did was kill Jews, with the nationalist forc- Roman Catholic Poland, a country oriented sin. ments appeared in leaflets distributed in es of the Organization of Ukrainian on Rome and the West. Its Ukrainian sub- My uncle Volodymyr Charuk, who suc- some locations, they were nowhere to be Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian jects were Orthodox and oriented on ceeded my grandfather as village pastor, Insurgent Army (UPA) taking time out to found in the programmatic documents of the OUN, authorized by the top leadership Constantinople and the East. delivered a memorable sermon on that, engage in ethnic cleansing against the Poles In 1517 Martin Luther launched the even as he helped to protect Jews hiding in of Halychyna and Volyn. of the movement. Perhaps most telling was what Prof. Protestant Reformation over a long list of the vast caves nearby. There are many simi- This picture was painted by Prof. Bartov grievances involving corruption, ritual and lar untold stories throughout the Ukrainian through a series of graphic descriptions of Bartov left out of his lecture: the Ukrainian nation’s losses in the fight against Nazism. power. The Catholic Church responded Catholic Church. Indeed, Metropolitan the violence suffered by Jews, individuals and with the Counter-Reformation, which Sheptysky personally sheltered Jews. He families, the recollections of those who sur- Specifically, the 5 million to 6 million civil- included St. Ignatius of Loyola founding the also publically condemned Soviet persecu- vived, and statistical data reflecting Jewish ian deaths during the German occupation Society of Jesus or the Jesuits in 1540. tion of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. losses. Many of the narratives were stark and and the death of 5 million Ukrainians on Known for their discipline, high level of In 1968 when I was at Notre Dame, the raw, bound to inflame the emotions. the field of battle. And it was most unfair scholarship, organization and devotion to Ukrainian Catholic Church, technically, did It almost seemed as if Prof. Bartov was not to mention the contribution Ukrainians intent on confirming that Ukrainians, made in the victory over Germany, argu- the pope, they also were known to apply not exist – at least not in Ukraine, having indeed, were worse than the Germans. ably equal to that of any other nation. brutal tactics to force conversions, includ- “self-dissolved” in 1945 when a tiny group Thus, he spent very little time on the fate of Much reference was made to the ethnic ing those of Orthodox in Polish-ruled of clergy convened a synod and annulled that half of the Buchach Jewish community cleansing of Poles by the UPA. But nothing Ukraine. the Union of Brest. Soviet authorities had that was sent to the death camps and was said about the actions of the Polish Whether it was oppression, or persua- already arrested Metropolitan Josyf Slipyi, focused on the half that was killed in situ, Armija Krajova (AK), which also engaged in sion, or a combination of the two, their tac- along with nine other bishops and hun- with the lead role assigned not to the mass murder of the Ukrainian population. tics worked, at least in Western Ukraine, dreds of clergy and lay activists who were Germans, but to local Ukrainians – espe- It was mutual bloodletting; scholars even when Orthodox prelates in 1596 pledged either murdered or sent to labor camps in cially the auxiliary police. Prof. Bartov today cannot determine how many were allegiance to the pope at the Union of Brest Siberia. A clandestine Church kept the faith didn’t explain who these policemen were, killed on each side. (Afterwards, privately, in return for acceptance of their rite and in the catacombs, while remaining vibrant nor how they differed from like auxiliaries Prof. Bartov agreed that the AK committed traditions, including the Julian calendar and in the diaspora, where it pressed the that must have served in every other coun- atrocities, but, in his words, it was to a married clergy. Known as “Uniates,” they Vatican and governments on four conti- try occupied by the Nazis. avenge UPA actions.) were excoriated by their Orthodox broth- nents to defend religious and national Prof. Bartov related how Buchach Prof. Bartov’s slides showed the horrid ers. Authors like Mykola Hohol, Taras rights of Ukrainians. Ukrainians pointed out to German authori- state of numerous Jewish cemeteries, Shevchenko and Mykhailo Starytsky aimed But back to the Jesuits: they established ties the homes and hiding places of Jews, memorials and historical places, with the harsh words at them, reflecting bitter judg- a worldwide network of highly regarded thus condemning them to death. He did question of who was responsible for this ments of betrayal and apostasy. schools and universities. One of the first mention that there were Ukrainians who hid left up to the audience. This was juxta- And yet, irony of ironies, the Uniate was in Kyiv, where its most distinguished Jews and thus saved them from death. But he posed with the carefully preserved monu- Church turned out to be the most stalwart graduate was the future hetman, Bohdan minimized that effect by focusing on an ments and crosses to the fighters of the protector of Ukrainian identity and promot- Khmelnytsky. Sheptytsky and Slipyj also instance when a Jewish family was saved by OUN-UPA, who are treated as heroes by the er of national aspirations. Because of the attended Jesuit universities. Thousands of one Ukrainian, only to be betrayed by others. population of western Ukraine. deal, the Polish and Ukrainian Churches – Ukrainian Americans, including my son, While accentuating Ukrainian misdeeds One of the two representatives of the although both Catholic – are separate. have attended Jesuit high schools and col- Embassy of Ukraine who spoke in the ques- against the Jews, Prof. Bartov dismissed Believers make the sign of the cross differ- leges. tion-and-answer part of the evening, point- that which might be considered as being to ently, speak different languages and accept Today, the most prominent Jesuit is Jorge edly distanced himself from the nationalist the credit of the Ukrainian people. He men- communion in different forms; and with a Mario Bergoglio, now known as Pope heroes. “My” heroes – he said – are those tioned in just a few words, as an aside, the gap between calendars, they historically Francis. Long before he became bishop, who fought the Germans and saved Europe fight of the UPA against the Germans. celebrated holidays 13 days apart. Father Bergoglio was mentored at the When I pointed out that there were and indeed the world from the Nazis. Heroes such as “Marshall Timashenka” [sic]. Throughout Polish rule – in the Salesian school in Buenos Aires by a Jewish units in the UPA, Prof. Bartov denied Commonwealth and later in the post-World Ukrainian Catholic priest, Stefan Czmil. there were any such units and said the only After the evening ended I spoke with Prof. Bartov briefly on the topic of heroes and leg- War I republic – Ukrainians were second- Often, while his classmates were still sleep- Jews in the UPA were doctors who were class citizens. During Austrian rule in ing, Father Bergoglio concelebrated the probably taken to serve by force. Perhaps ends in the collective memory of a nation. “Bandera was not a nice person,” he said. I Galicia, they were the weaker partner to the Ukrainian liturgy with Father Czmil. some light can be shed on this question by could have noted, but didn’t get a chance to Poles. But, as the best-organized Ukrainian Bishop Bergoglio’s elevation to the papa- Leo Heiman’s article, “We Fought for say that, by his standards, the Biblical Joshua institution, the Ukrainian Catholic Church – cy is viewed with hope and joy among Ukraine – The Story of Jews Within the and Judah Maccabee would not be consid- with a network of priests and laity in every Ukrainian Catholics who wonder whether UPA,” which appeared in the spring 1964 ered “nice persons” either, yet are counted village and town and a bureaucracy in Lviv he’ll support the Patriarchate, something among the greatest of Jewish heroes. – filled a political vacuum with the metro- many believers already accept. He certainly George Sajewych, a journalist living in In the intractable matter of improving politan equivalent to a potentate or prince. knows the issue and is positively disposed the Washington, D.C., area, recently retired Ukrainian-Jewish relations, is Prof. Bartov As for the married clergy, before ordina- toward our Church, having provided testi- after 36 years at the Voice of America, the part of the solution or part of the problem? tion an Orthodox or Uniate seminarian mony for the beatification of Cardinal Slipyj. U.S. government’s international radio and On one hand he said that he has been declared whether he would be married or Tellingly, the Russian Orthodox Church is TV broadcasting service. He also served as working with Ukrainian students in celibate. If he chose celibacy, the door was alarmed at the prospect of a “Ukrainian interpreter during the first years of high- Luhansk, Kyiv and Lviv, and that he sees pope.” Metropolitan Ilarion, the head of level U.S.-Ukraine negotiations, including Andrew Fedynsky’s e-mail address is those involving two American presidents. (Continued on page 8) [email protected]. (Continued on page 11) 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15

REFLECTIONS In memoriam: Chrystyna “Tynia” Baranetsky

by Deanna Yurchuk In the early ‘90s, when Podruha Tynia and Dora Dekajlo took charge of Newark’s Troop 20 this was not her first time as a scoutmaster. In fact, If you were a young woman in Plast in her work with young women started back Newark, N.J., in the 1990s you likely had in 1967, when she led a scout group while the privilege of having Chrystyna still a teenager herself. By the time she took Baranetsky (or “Podruha Tynia,” as she was on the role again in the 1990s, she was a known to us) as a leader and mentor. Her seasoned leader with a deep perspective on enthusiastic personality, her belief in ado- life and a desire to share the wealth of Plast lescent potential and her ability to motivate Ukrainian Scouting Organization’s program girls to work hard were one of a kind. It is not only with her own two daughters, but with deep sadness that we mourn her also their peers – among them the children passing on January 6. of the first Plast scouts she had worked with 30 years earlier. She took on the responsibility conscientiously and worked hard to connect with us, in spite of the fact that we were a generation younger and perhaps somewhat less focused than her previous group of girls. Podruha Tynia adapted the prescribed Plast program to our ever-changing reality. What we appreciated most was her ability to infuse fun into even the most mundane Plast Newark’s Troop 20 at the 1996 Orlykiada at Soyuzivka with Podruha Tynia. of tasks. Whether it was studying late into She was a true educator, always commit- we would gather to discuss our experienc- the night for Orlykiada competitions, or ted to our success. When we struggled to es. Everyone mattered to Podruha Tynia. If rehearsing our Easter “hahilky” perfor- learn all the words to the songs for hahilky, someone looked withdrawn, she would mance for the fifth time, or keeping watch she would record audiotapes for us to listen make a point to reach out to her. In this at the “Plashchanytsia” at church on Holy to in the car. When we had a hard time positive environment, each of us felt com- Saturday, or going caroling to 12 houses in cooperating with one another, she would fortable and empowered. one evening during Christmastime, we invent games that would help us improve As we grew older and started to emerge always enjoyed it, and we felt great pride in our ways of interacting. Never complacent, as scout leaders ourselves, Podruha Tynia our efforts. Podruha Tynia always looked for new continued to mentor us, often advising us approaches to help us to learn and evolve as on how to run our weekly meetings or Deanna Yurchuk and Dora Dekajlo are young adults. She valued and required that troubleshooting when issues arose in our both currently high school teachers in we do volunteer work in our Ukrainian own Plast scout patrols and troops. She Chrystyna Baranetsky – Podruha Tynia – New York and are both still active in Plast community and set a good example by taught us to appreciate the big picture. at the National Plast Convention in 1999. Ukrainian Scouting Organization. being an active community member herself. When we stumbled, she would remind us Podruha Tynia also realized that the to relax and not to sweat the details. Her mind of a teenage girl was often preoccu- investment in our development never pied with social events. She understood wavered. Her gentle push was often all that that what drew us to Plast primarily was we needed to realize how capable we were. the opportunity to meet other young peo- The young women who were led and ple. She chaperoned us to competitions at taught by Prodruha Tynia have gone on to Orlykiada, Sviato Vesny (Plast’s spring become teachers, lawyers, nurses, psychol- camporee), summer camps and dances, ogists, graphic artists and mothers, to name often staying up past midnight to supervise a few. We owe our strong sense of self- us. Before each event she would remind us worth, self-confidence and self-reliance in to be respectful, not only of others, but also great part to her leadership and example, to respect ourselves. Afterwards, before and we will remember her as an integral lights out, she would hand out snacks and part of our upbringing for years to come.

the announcement of his presentation Holocaust... promised that it would lead to an “under- standing” of the bloody events in Buchach). (Continued from page 7) Rather it was to be found in a handout, hope in their attitude. (Ukrainian profes- titled “Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytskyi, sors are a different matter, he said, as they Ukrainians and Jews During and After the seem to be stuck in the past, which I took to Holocaust.” It includes a brief but generally mean that they continue to defend the objective and dispassionate narrative of heroes of the Ukrainian resistance.) In events and, perhaps just as importantly, replying to a question, he also said that perceptions that affected Ukrainian atti- Ukrainian-Jewish reconciliation is possible tudes towards Jews and led to violence in the long term. against them. The paper was written by On the other hand, his presentation – Shimon Redlich of the Ben-Gurion what he said, what he emphasized or mini- University of the Negev in Israel and was mized, and what he left unsaid – served to presented by him at the “Remembering for perpetuate the myth of Ukrainians as the Future” conference, held at Oxford, genetic anti-Semites who like nothing bet- England, on July 10-13, 1988. ter than to kill Jews. After Prof. Bartov’s lecture I was con- Prof. Bartov’s place in the Ukrainian- vinced that most of the numerous audi- Jewish dialogue may soon become clearer, ence, upon leaving the Holocaust Museum, as he is in the process of writing a book, could not help but be inimical to titled “The Voice of Your Brother’s Blood: Ukrainians. Enmity between Jews and Buczacz, Biography of a Town.” Ukrainians is so injurious to the Ukrainian No lectures or articles on Ukrainian- cause, and once again underscores that we Jewish relations, presented by Jewish need to do much, much more to achieve authors, that I have read or heard have reconciliation with the Jews. There are two included a plausible explanation of the rea- reasons we must do this: because harmony sons for Ukrainian hostility towards Jews. between peoples is a good thing, and At the Holocaust Museum on February 13 I because the Jews are a powerful force and saw one for the first time. But it wasn’t any- it is in our interests to have them as friends thing in Prof. Bartov’s lecture (even though or, at least, not as our enemies. No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 9

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Leadership training Zoloti Dzvony remember conference held in Lehighton 20 years of performances by Paula Holoviak Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor which is located near the LEHIGHTON, Pa. – Thirty-seven young Homestead resort. professionals, university students and Ms. Garofalo’s talk was followed by a experienced community leaders gathered break-out session on organizational brand- at the Ukrainian Homestead in Lehighton, ing led by Dr. Paula Holoviak, associate pro- Pa., on March 8-10 to participate in a lead- fessor at Kutztown University. ership training conference. During lunch, Andrij Dobriansky of the Jointly sponsored by the Organization Ukrainian Congress Committee of America for the Rebirth of Ukraine (ODWU) and the shared his experiences as an election Ukrainian National Federation of Canada observer in Odesa during the 2012 (UNF), the conference focused on the topic Ukrainian Parliamentary elections. of leadership and organizational develop- Immediately following the luncheon, ment in the non-profit sector. Natalie Witiuk, a consultant with KPMG’s ODWU welcomed UNF members to the People & Change Management Consulting Homestead resort on Friday night with a Advisory practice in Toronto, presented dinner and special program featuring the ideas on the issue of managing organiza- talents of folk musician David Matsinko. Mr. tional culture. Matsinko gave a program of folk songs and Roundtable discussions on accounting, folklore related to the anthracite mining ethics and accountability, and best practic- Stephen M. Wichar Sr. and Olga Dubriwnyj-Solovey, co-founders of the Zoloti Dzvony Vocal Ensemble, address the audience during a performance from the past at heritage of Northeastern Pennsylvania. es for nonprofit organizations were led by the Ukrainian Village in Warren, Mich.

by Nancy K. Wichar was unique and energetic. Although their repertoire included both American and WARREN, Mich. – In early March mem- Ukrainian compositions, they were best bers of the Zoloti Dzvony (Golden Bells) known for activating the audience with Vocal Ensemble gathered for the last time their lively Ukrainian arrangements. here at the Ukrainian Cultural Center to dis- Performances by the Zoloti Dzvony were in band the organization and to honor their high demand during the course of their beloved director, Olga Dubriwnyj-Solovey. reign. They were eagerly received by audi- It was 20 years ago when the late Stephen ences at Detroit-area banquets, picnics, par- M. Wichar Sr., then president of the Ukrainian ties, church events, and even traveled to Village in Warren, Mich., and his dear friend Soyuzivka to perform at a convention of the Ms. Dubriwnyj-Solovey organized community Ukrainian American Veterans. members to become a part of a spirited The late Mr. Wichar called the Zoloti singing group that made Ukrainian music Dzvony “ambassadors of song.” He went on come alive for the community. to say, “This group is not an ordinary Rehearsals were held at the Ukrainian ensemble. They bring out the beauty, love Village, a residency for seniors, in an atmo- and happiness of the community. The com- sphere of enthusiasm and friendship. mander of this group, Olga Dubriwnyj- Residents of the village looked forward to Solovey, is an outstanding choral expert and long-established Wednesday morning pianist extraordinaire. Her virtuosity at the rehearsals, where they were always wel- keyboard is unmatched in the Ukrainian comed to listen in and partake in the refresh- community.” ments provided by members of the ensemble. The songs of the Zoloti Dzvony will be Participants of the leadership training conference jointly sponsored by the The style of singing created by the greatly missed and fondly remembered by Organization for the Rebirth of Ukraine and the Ukrainian National Federation of ensemble’s director, Ms. Dubriwnyj-Solovey, Metropolitan Detroit. Canada. They are standing next to the monument to Oleh Olzhych on the grounds of the Ukrainian Homestead in Lehighton, Pa.

Saturday offered a full program of speak- Dan Cherkas, chartered accountant and ers. After a welcome by ODWU National treasurer for UNF’s New Pathway ‘Ridna Shkola’ active in New Haven President Alexander Prociuk, Taras Publishers, and Robert Diakow, director of Pidzamecky, immediate past national presi- IT services for the municipality of Niagara dent of UNF and CEO and general counsel and national vice-president of the UNF. of the Ukrainian Credit Union Limited gave A highlight of the afternoon was a spe- a presentation titled “Leadership through cial wreath-laying ceremony at the statue Good Stewardship.” of Oleh Kandyba-Olzhych near the chapel at This was followed by a presentation and the Ukrainian Homestead. This statue is the discussion on volunteer development and only monument in the world dedicated to building community ties by Elissa Garofalo, president/executive director of the (Continued on page 10)

New branch of ODWU is established MCADOO, Pa. – On Sunday, February 10, and Georgine Borchik serving as the audit- National President Alexander Prociuk of ing committee. Msgr. James Melnic, pastor the Organization for the Rebirth of Ukraine of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in (known by its Ukrainian-based acronym as McAdoo, will serve as the branch’s spiritual NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The “Ridna Shkola,” or School of Ukrainian Studies, in New ODWU), traveled to McAdoo, Pa., to formal- advisor. Haven, whose students and teachers are seen above, is well into its academic year. ly establish a new branch of the organiza- The branch hosted its first event on Classes are held on Saturdays at 9:30-11:30 a.m.; afterwards, there is religion instruc- tion in the United States. Anthracite March 10, providing a luncheon for the tion. The academic year starts in September with a divine liturgy, which this year was McAdoo Branch 7 is named for the participants of the leadership training con- celebrated by the Rev. Iura Godenciuc. Afterwards, a parents’ meeting is held with Ukrainian poet and songwriter Volodymyr ference jointly hosted by the ODWU and the teachers to discuss many topics for the school year. Ridna Shkola’s director is Ivasiuk and is located in the anthracite coal the Ukrainian National Federation of Myron Melnyk, who also teaches the eighth and ninth grades. The teachers this year regions where ODWU itself was founded. Canada. are Chrystyna Centore, Halia Lodynsky, Volodymyr Dumalsky, Natalya Danchenko Officers of the new branch are: Dr. Paula The branch looks forward to hosting and Larysa Kernycla. The religion teachers are Luba Dubno, who teaches the older Holoviak, president; Michael Duda, treasur- many additional cultural events in the near students, and Ms. Lodynsky, who teaches the younger students and prepares then for er and financial secretary; Tyler Zawatski, future, including an embroidery workshop their First Holy Communion. The school’s next special event is a concert on April 14 to secretary; with Adolph Slovik, Peter Duda and a night of Ukrainian film. honor Taras Shevchenko. The last day of classes is June 1. – Halia Lodynsky 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15

bargain for security guarantees and retreat miss it is an easy and even joyful task” mists have in common is a profound con- Where optimists... peacefully. Mr. Yanukovych would not trust ( cern about the regime’s succession. Indeed, in any guarantees since he himself slav/_mudrist/415453). Oksana Zabuzhko, whether the regime’s collapse occurs soon- (Continued from page 6) destroyed the non-aggression pact among a prominent Ukrainian writer, argues that, er or later, peacefully or violently, the new toral headquarters, of Viktor Yanukovych the elites. “by all indications, they are short-term rul- authorities, in any case, would have to solve and was responsible for all electoral “He does not stand upon ceremony with ers… And, when they – like teenagers who an enormously difficult task of complete manipulations, contrary to the official the Constitution, does not stand with MPs, encourage themselves – cry threateningly reconstruction of state institutions, from headquarters, which was assigned the role and would definitely not stand with pro- that they have come to power ‘for a long top to bottom. And, as Mr. Dubyniansky of a show-window. According to Taras testers, however many of them go into the time,’ it sounds ridiculous” (http://unian. aptly remarks, the tougher an authoritarian Chornovil, who worked at the time for Mr. streets. Any attempt to dismiss Yanukovych net/ukr/news/news-385145.html). Yulia regime, the more likely its opponents-cum- Yanukovych, all his attempts to discourage – real, not farcical – would end up with vio- Mostova, the editor of the reputable successors would be very similar, as we colleagues from blatant falsifications lence. If anybody had cherished rosy illu- Dzerkalo Tyzhnia weekly, contends that have witnessed in Libya, Syria and quite a encountered a typical response from the sions, they should have faded away last fall. “today’s authorities are weaker than ever few African states. headquarters’ chief: “Why worry? We saw a bloody battle in Pervomaisk before” because they are not able to “with- In other words, Mr. Klitschko may easily Everything is under [our] control!” (Ne [during the elections], and tear gas in Kyiv, stand the challenges that our nation win an election against Mr. Yanukovych if it is boysya! Vse skhvacheno” – the word “skh- even though there was nothing particularly encounters” ( free and fair. But if it were not conducted vacheno” comes from criminal jargon and valuable to fight for. In two years, the stakes POLITICS/slabkist_silnih.html). And democratically, it would likely not be Mr. literally means “is captured!”). will be much higher – the personal security Alexander Motyl, one of the most percep- Klitschko who orchestrates the dismissal of There are an increasing number of of Viktor Yanukovych, his family assets and tive observers of current Ukrainian politics, the usurper. Suffice it to recall the dismissal experts who believe that Mr. Yanukovych his beloved Mezhyhirya residence. is confident that Mr. Yanukovych’s deeply of Ceausescu, Qaddafi or Assad to under- has already passed the point of no return Coercion would grow proportionally to the dysfunctional system “will collapse under stand the challenges Ukraine is approaching. and will now stay in power at any cost. price of defeat,” Mr. Dubyniansky com- its own dead weight. Most probably, that Many Ukrainians used to have the same ments ( collapse will come in 2015, during the next Mykola Riabchuk is an author and jour- feeling about Leonid Kuchma after his cles/2013/03/21/6986081/). presidential elections, or in 2020, after nalist from Ukraine, and a leading intellectu- alleged involvement in Heorhii Gongadze’s These gloomy predictions might con- Yanukovych finishes his second term” al who is affiliated with the journal Krytyka. murder. But, as Mykhailo Dubyniansky trast dramatically with some optimists’ ( The article above is reprinted from the argues, Mr. Kuchma had some internal views. A leading Ukrainian historian, blog/alexander-j-motyl/yanukovych-ruin- blog “Current Politics in Ukraine” (http:// restraints that are completely missing in Yaroslav Hrytsak, believes that “Ukraine and-its-aftermath-part-1). created by Mr. Yanukovych. Mr. Kuchma was prone to has never had such a weak regime. To dis- What both the optimists and the pessi- the Stasiuk Program for the Study of Contemporary Ukraine, a program of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta.

Leadership... (Continued from page 10)

the memory of this great Ukrainian nation- alist, scholar and poet. Bohdan Hasiuk gave a moving talk on the life and character of Olzhych during World War II and related the circumstances of his murder by the Nazi regime at Sachsenhausen concentra- tion camp in 1944. In addition to the professional seminars, UNF was able to arrange, under the auspic- es of the Shevchenko Foundation, to trans- port the Vasile Avramenko exhibit to the Ukrainian Homestead for the weekend. On Saturday, Iryna Balan, the exhibit curator and designer, gave an after-dinner talk on the history of Ukrainian dance in Canada and explained her ongoing research into the history of Ukrainian folk dance in the United States. On Sunday, the entire group of partici- pants attended divine liturgy at St. Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church (Pokrova) in McAdoo, Pa., the third-oldest Greek- Catholic church in the United States. Msgr. James Melnic welcomed the group, and the parish choir, under the direction of Julia Merenda, sang both the liturgy and a panakhyda on the first anniversary of the death of Mykola Plawiuk, the last president of the Ukrainian National Republic in Exile and past president of the Ukrainian World Congress, UNF and Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Msgr. Melnic also remembered all past ODWU presi- dents, living and deceased, during the divine liturgy. After a luncheon sponsored by the newly formed ODWU Branch 7 Anthracite McAdoo chapter and the Ukrainian American Heritage Foundation of the Lower Anthracite Region, a wrap-up and exchange of contact information ended the three-day event. The leadership conference is the first of many joint activities to be hosted by these two Ukrainian community organizations. The conference resulted in the formation of new partnerships among local nonprofit organizations, area universities and the Ukrainian American community in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For more infor- mation on ODWU-sponsored activities at the Ukrainian Homestead, readers may visit No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 11 UBC to perform concert series “Sounds of Spring” DETROIT – The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (UBC), under artistic director and conductor Oleh Mahlay, continues its con- cert season this April with the new pro- gram “Sounds of Spring: Songs of Easter, Nature and Shevchenko.” This three-con- cert production is the third segment of Maestro Mahlay’s return to the UBC. Coupled with the bandura, the 60-stringed instrument that is often referred to as the voice and soul of Ukraine, the award-win- ning ensemble will introduce several new songs to its extensive repertoire. The “Sounds of Spring” series will be presented in Windsor, Ontario, on Friday, April 19, at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral; in the Detroit area (Sterling Heights), Mich., on Saturday, April 20, at the Sterling Heights Performing Arts Center; and in Cleveland on Sunday, April 21, at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Gartner Auditorium. Andrew Zwarych “The songs featured in this concert pro- The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus. gram celebrate themes that are important Cleveland Selfreliance Federal Credit Union. During those four years, he served as music ward to more collaborations with different to Ukrainians – both in Ukraine and here in Tickets are available online via PayPal at curator at the Ukrainian Museum-Archives groups, whether Ukrainian or non-Ukraini- North America,” Mr. Mahlay stated. “The; the site also has infor- in Cleveland, and presented a series of an, in the spirit of being an ambassador of songs the ensemble will perform will pro- mation for the concert series. To purchase seminars on “Paths to the Kobzars.” Ukrainian music. vide good examples of what Ukrainians cel- Prior to his departure from the UBC, he Challenges facing the UBC, noted by Mr. ebrate during the springtime: the joyous tickets in person, readers may contact one had led the chorus on tours across Ukraine Mahlay, include finding a new crop of ban- Easter holiday, the commemoration of the of the sponsoring credit unions: Windsor – and other parts of Europe, and directed six dura players and singers, and locating ban- great poet laureate Taras Shevchenko and Ukrainian Credit Union Limited, 519-256- recordings of the chorus. dura manufacturers. To this end, the UBC the rebirth of nature that is well-represent- 9555; Detroit – Ukrainian Future Credit Union, Following Mr. Mahlay’s return to the hosts its annual Kobzarska Sich bandura ed in Ukrainian folk songs.” 586-757-1980, and Ukrainian Selfreliance baton, the UBC performed a winter concert camp for young and old players and singers, As ambassadors of Ukrainian culture, Michigan Federal Credit Union, 586-756- series in December 2012 called “Christmas with various workshops dedicated to differ- the UBC strives to bring traditional and 3300; and Cleveland – Cleveland Selfreliance Celebration,” with stops in Cleveland, ent types of choral and instrumental music new repertoire to the forefront in its per- Federal Credit Union, 440-884-9111. Detroit, Youngstown, Ohio, and Windsor, at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pa. When formances. In this concert, audiences will Founded in 1918, the Ukrainian Ontario. the UBC held a rehearsal in Philadelphia in hear the traditional Easter hymn “Christ Bandurist Chorus has a long and proud his- Other activity included a collaboration late 2012, Mr. Mahlay explained that he vis- the Lord is Ris’n Today” set to the bandura. tory of representing the bandura and between the UBC and the Hoosli Ukrainian ited various museums and other cultural Two seldom heard songs set to the words Ukrainian choral music on the internation- Male Chorus of Winnipeg in the Toronto institutions he hopes to collaborate with on of Taras Shevchenko (“Oy Hop Taky Tak” al stage. Boasting a repertoire of more than area. Mr. Mahlay said that he is looking for- future projects with the UBC. and “Berestechko”) are scheduled to be 500 songs, this internationally celebrated included in the program. ensemble has captivated audiences in The “Sounds of Spring” series is spon- major concert halls in the United States, sored in part by St. Vladimir Ukrainian Canada, Europe, Australia and Ukraine Orthodox Cathedral (Windsor), Ukrainian since its original members immigrated to Credit Union Limited, Ukrainian Future North America from Europe in 1949. Credit Union, Ukrainian Selfreliance The majority of today’s UBC members Michigan Federal Credit Union and are second- and third-generation Americans and Canadians of Ukrainian descent. Professional-caliber performers, all instrumentalists and singers are volun- teers ranging in age from 18 to 86, who share a common passion for Ukrainian music and heritage. As a tribute to its role in preserving and perpetuating the legacy of Ukrainian music, the UBC was selected by Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers in 1992 as the recipient of the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian State Prize, the highest award that can be bestowed for excellence in the contribution to the arts. * * * With the return of Mr. Mahlay as con- ductor of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, The Ukrainian Weekly had a chance to speak with the maestro about his four-year hiatus from conducting the UBC and a glimpse of the future of the chorus. Oleh Mahlay, artistic director and con- Mr. Mahlay, who is an attorney, stepped ductor of the Ukrainian Bandurist down after 12 years as conductor of the Chorus, leads a rehearsal. UBC with the birth of his son, Kyrylo.

clergy? Might a married clergy, serving Jesuits and Uniates... alongside celibate priests, bring the Church (Continued from page 7) closer to the people? Would that help to replenish the shrinking ranks of the Moscow’s department of external church Catholic clergy? Would married priests relations, said that “contacts with the have been more apt to intervene to stop the Uniates will not lead to anything good” and appalling sexual abuse of children, a scan- noted that it is “not accidental and that the dal that bedeviled Pope Benedict XVI and word ‘Jesuit’ in the Russian language has a now confronts his successor? And so on… negative connotation.” The Union of Brest was 400 years ago – And finally, will the new pope revolu- was it an irrelevant curiosity, a historical tionize the Roman Catholic Church by mistake or a decision that will reverberate accepting the Ukrainian model of a married in our own time? 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15

Jean-Claude Mignon, welcomed the release NEWSBRIEFS by Ukrainian authorities of Yurii Lutsenko, noting: “During my recent visit to Ukraine I (Continued from page 2) had a long talk with President [Viktor] Yanukovych during which I again expressed Council and the joint statement of the TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 my position, and that of the Parliamentary February 25, 2013, EU-Ukraine Summit,” or e-mail [email protected] Assembly, that the problem of imprisoned the EU said. (Ukrinform) former government members needed to be SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Kwasniewski on Lutsenko’s release swiftly resolved.” Mr. Mignon said he was happy that this message was heard and KYIV – The release of former Internal expressed hope that the “pardon is a clear Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko from prison sign of a turnaround in the Ukrainian indicates that Ukraine is seriously thinking authorities’ approach to dealing with those of its association with the European Union, cases considered by PACE as arising from according to a co-chair of the European the selective application of justice.” Parliament’s monitoring mission in Secretary General of the Council of Europe Ukraine, former Polish President Thorbjorn Jagland also welcomed the deci- Aleksander Kwasniewski. The Polish news sion to pardon Mr. Lutsenko and five other agency PAP quoted him as saying on April prisoners. (Ukrinform) 8: “I am happy, because it is the success of our mission that we have patiently con- Germany hails prisoners’ release ducted with [former European Parliament KYIV – In a statement issued on April 8, President] Pat Cox since May last year. We the German government welcomed the par- have made more than a dozen visits to don of Yurii Lutsenko and Heorhii Filipchuk. Ukraine and held negotiations with the “Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle wel- president, prime minister and opposition. I comes yesterday’s pardon of former think that this pardon was one of the most Ukrainian ministers Yurii Lutsenko and important subjects of our negotiations and Heorhii Filipchuk,” it said, adding the Mr. indicates that Ukraine is seriously thinking Lutsenko’s release after more than two of its association with the EU and really years in prison is a “positive gesture.” Berlin wants to sign the Association Agreement in said, “Next steps should follow this first Vilnius this autumn.” Mr. Kwasniewski said step, given the other cases of sentencing SERVICES that President Yanukovych’s decree to par- opposition members, who evoke suspicion don Lutsenko is evidence that “persistent of selective justice.” (Ukrinform) diplomacy, which the EU exercises with the help of the mission, makes sense.” The for- Defense asks president to release Yulia mer Polish president said he sees the release of Mr. Lutsenko as removal of one KYIV – Andriy Kozhemiakin, a defense of the obstacles in negotiations between lawyer for former Ukrainian Prime Minister Ukraine and EU. (Ukrinform) Yulia Tymoshenko, asked President Viktor Yanukovych to release the ex-premier. OSCE PA backs decision on pardon Speaking at a briefing on April 8, he said: “Due to the events that occurred on April 7, KYIV – The president of the particularly the pardoning of Yurii Lutsenko, Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization I would like to appeal to President Viktor for Security and Cooperation in Europe (PA Yanukovych to make the decision personally OSCE), Wolfgang Grossruck, on April 9 wel- to release Yulia Tymoshenko. I, as a defense comed Ukrainian President Viktor lawyer, am appealing to the president to Yanukovych‘s decision to pardon former make this deed and release Yulia Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko, for- Tymoshenko,” he said. (Ukrinform) mer Environment Minister Heorhii Filipchuk and four other prisoners. “I strongly support Lawyers to seek Lutsenko’s rehabilitation President Yanukovych’s decision to pardon Ministers Lutsenko and Filipchuk and four KYIV – Defense lawyers of former others, which is a positive sign that Ukraine Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko will seek full rehabilitation of their client, one of is taking seriously its OSCE human dimen- HELP WANTED the lawyers, Ihor Fomin, said on April 8. “A sion commitments,” reads the statement pardon does not remove the issue of reha- issued by Mr. Grossruck during his visit to bilitation. Certainly, we will continue to We are seeking a babysitter Montenegro and posted on the OSCE PA’s work in the courts and prove that Yurii for our 3 year old son in Bayside, NY. website. He also said that the pardon “is a Lutsenko is not guilty of any crimes,” he Must speak Ukrainian fluently. Preferably good first step in the right direction” and said. The defense team is waiting for the owns a car. Two days per week - Wednes- expressed hope that “the next steps will fol- ruling of the High Specialized Court for Civil day and Thursday. No. of days to increase low soon.” The statement recalled that, at its and Criminal Cases in the second case in December. Tel. 646-763-0045. annual session in Monaco last year, the OSCE against Mr. Lutsenko on charges of abuse of PA adopted a resolution calling on Ukraine to office; if the judgment is not in favor of the guarantee a functioning, independent, and former minister, his lawyers are planning to transparent judiciary by fulfilling its OSCE send another complaint to the European human dimension commitments, particular- Court of Human Rights. (Ukrinform) ly with regard to the effective right to fair trial, as well as to adequate treatment of con- Rada crisis and Association Agreement victed persons. The resolution further affirmed “that there should not be any politi- KYIV – The crisis in Ukraine’s Parliament cal prisoners in the OSCE area.” (Ukrinform) can make the signing of an Association Agreement with the European Union PACE president on Lutsenko case impossible, the head of the European Union delegation to Ukraine, Jan KYIV – The president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), (Continued on page 13)

TO ALL MEMBERS OF UNA BRANCH 113 As of April 1, 2013, the secretary’s duties of Branch 113 were assumed by Mr. George Cunningham. We ask all members of this Branch to direct all correspondence regarding membership and insurance to the address listed below: Mr. George Cunningham 601 Beech St. Derry, PA 15627 (724) 694-2170 113C No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 13

have recorded an external trade surplus. (+48 percent) and Turkish (+47 percent) Geologists association on shale gas NEWSBRIEFS Though it is small, it is also an optimistic languages,” he said. According to Mr. figure,” the head of the government empha- Perohanych, the Ukrainian Wikipedia in KYIV – Preparations for the production of (Continued from page 12) sized. Mr. Azarov stressed that Ukraine is March reached another record: in terms of shale gas in Ukraine will create jobs for local settling all its external obligations in time the number of revised pages it took 18th geologists who will learn the advanced tech- Tombinski, told ICTV on April 8. “The crisis nology, Pavlo Zahorodniuk, president of the in Parliament can really prevent the pas- and looks forward to continued coopera- place among the world’s 285 Wikipedias in tion with the IMF. “Since 2011, we have not various languages. In terms of the number Association of Geologists of Ukraine, said on sage of [European integration draft] laws,” March 22. “Geological research of the he said. The EU envoy expressed satisfac- received a single cent of assistance from of articles – which has topped 438,000 – the IMF. During this time, many countries, Ukrainian Wikipedia is in 14th place. “The Yuzivske field will begin this year. The tion over the fact that the main political research will be conducted by Ukrainian forces in the Verkhovna Rada had voiced including Spain, have received billions of objective indicators of the Ukrainian dollars in loans from the IMF,” the prime Wikipedia show that Ukraine is one of the geologists too. Many of them are forced to support for the signing of the Association work not in their specialty or in other coun- Agreement. “So I hope that the laws related minister noted. He said a Ukrainian govern- 20 most advanced countries in the world in ment delegation will soon visit Washington terms of the development of information tries. So shale gas exploration will solve one to the signing of the Association Agreement more problem: employment of experienced will also be adopted with the consensus of for talks with the IMF executive board over and communication technologies and a new cooperation agreement. In turn, IMF information society. International rankings Ukrainian specialists,” said Mr. Zahorodniuk. the main political forces in the Parliament,” He added that Ukrainian scientists have he added. (Ukrinform) Mission Chief Christopher Jarvis said that are a powerful marketing tool for coun- the mission had held talks with govern- tries, and Ukraine’s understated positions already worked with hard sandstone. Yanukovych, Azarov on Thatcher’s death ment officials, as well as with representa- in these rankings are a result of using unre- “Another thing is that the wells that they tives of the National Bank of Ukraine. “Over liable or old data,” the Wikimedia Ukraine drilled produced a small gas yield. Shell has KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor the past few weeks the assessment of the director said. (Ukrinform) proposed a new, modern and more produc- Yanukovych on April 9 delivered his condo- overall economic situation in Ukraine has tive technology of hydraulic fracturing. The lences over the death of former British Interpol: Ukraine has 900 on wanted list not undergone changes. The last few point is that the drilling rig, passing aquifers Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the months have been quite favorable for and safely isolating them, goes into the president’s press office said in a statement KYIV – Nearly 900 people have been put Ukraine. In particular, tensions have eased ground to a depth of more than two kilome- on April 8. “The first woman as the head of on Interpol’s wanted list by Ukraine, Vasyl a bit over the exchange rate, and we are ters,” he noted. Ukraine and Shell have government of the European state has Nevolia, the head of Interpol’s National pleased to note that over the past few signed an agreement on this project; the U.S. passed away, who for many generations Central Bureau in Kyiv told reporters on months in Ukraine the economic situation promised to give Ukraine safe technology has become a model of fortitude, integrity March 28. A total of “878 people were put has not deteriorated,” Mr. Jarvis said. The for the extraction of shale gas. (Ukrinform) and backbone. I am convinced that the on the international wanted list by Ukraine. IMF mission head introduced the new IMF name of Margaret Thatcher will forever The figure, of course, changes almost daily EBRD will provide 300 million euros resident representative in Ukraine, Jerome remain in history as an example of selfless because someone is put on the list, and Vacher. As of May 1 he will replace Max KYIV – The European Bank for service to the people,” Mr. Yanukovych said someone is removed,” he said. “The number Alier, who held this position for the past Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in his letter of condolences. Prime Minister of items of cultural heritage, which are now four years. An IMF mission has functioned has allocated to Ukraine’s Energoatom Mykola Azarov said it was with great sor- being sought by Ukraine is 173,” Mr. Nevolia in Ukraine since March 27. (Ukrinform) national nuclear energy generation compa- row that Ukraine learned the news about added. Asked by reporters why a former member of the Ukrainian Parliament, ny a loan for 300 million euros to improve the death of the former prime minister. “In Kozhara wants free trade with EU, CU the person of Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Oleksander Shepelev, has still not been the safety of Ukrainian nuclear power Great Britain lost a talented politician and KYIV – Minister of Foreign Affairs arrested, the official said that “his present plants. A loan agreement to this effect was an outstanding stateswoman whose name Leonid Kozhara said on March 29 that he whereabouts so far have not been estab- signed in Kyiv on March 25 by Minister of is associated with the most important mile- expects Ukraine this year will have a free lished.” The former national deputy is sus- Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine stones in its history,” the Ukrainian prime trade zone with both the European Union pected of committing crimes under two Eduard Stavytsky, Acting President of minister said in a telegram. Former Prime and the Customs Union. Speaking at the articles of the Criminal Code: theft of prop- Energoatom Vissarion Kim and EBRD Minister Thatcher died on April 8 at the age Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign erty on a large scale and attempted murder. Country Director for Ukraine Andre of 87 after a stroke. (Ukrinform) Ministry in Moscow, he said: “Our position He was put on Interpol’s wanted list. Kuusvek. “The agreement was signed is very simple. We want to have a free trade (Ukrinform) under the comprehensive safety upgrade Rada’s minute of silence for Holodomor program for Ukraine’s functioning nuclear zone with the European Union and the NBU says cost of living has decreased power units. According to the agreement, KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine countries of the Customs Union... Already the bank will credit Energoatom with 300 on April 2 held a minute of silence in memo- this year, Ukraine may become the only KYIV – The cost of living in Ukraine has million euros for the implementation of ry of victims of the Holodomor of 1932- country in the world that will have a free decreased in annual terms by 0.5 percent, efforts under the program. The loan will be 1933 in Ukraine. The proposal of national trade zone both in the east with the reported on March 28, citing sta- provided against government guarantees,” deputies from the Svoboda Party was sup- Customs Union and in the West with the tistics of the National Bank of Ukraine according to an official press release. ported by almost all the lawmakers along European Union.” Mr. Kozhara stressed that (NBU). “In February, the consumer price Energoatom already has positive experi- with independent First Vice-Chairman Ihor there are integration processes in many index fell by 0.1 percent, which accelerated ence in cooperating with the EBRD: with Kaletnik, except for members of the regions of the world, and many countries reduction in the cost of living in annual the credits provided by the bank, upgrade Communist Party faction. Prior to that the are jointly trying to counter the financial terms to 0.5 percent,” the report reads. efforts were made at the nuclear reactors Rada had failed to adopt a resolution put and economic crisis. (Ukrinform) According to the NBU, this was mostly due to the price of raw food decreasing by 0.4 Khmelnytsky-2 and Rivne-4. This project forward by Svoboda faction leader Oleh Flood a new challenge to authorities Tiahnybok on celebrating the 80th anniver- percent in February and 5.2 percent in was one of the most successful of similar sary of the Holodomor and honoring the KYIV – Vice Prime Minister Oleksander annual terms, which resulted in food prices projects implemented at European nuclear memory of victims of that genocide of the Vilkul said on March 28 that he believes falling by 0.2 percent a month and 3.2 per- power plants to improve operating safety. Ukrainian people; 210 national deputies that the anticipated floods as a result of cent in annual terms due. (Ukrinform) (Ukrinform) voted for the decision and the Verkhovna heavy snowfall pose a new challenge for Rada refused to return to the issue. The res- Ukraine’s authorities. He recalled that on olution was not supported by national dep- February 6 the Cabinet of Ministers held the Ділимося сумною вісткою з родиною і приятелями, uties from the Communist Party and most first meeting of its flood control center on що в неділю, 31 березня 2013 року, members of the Party of Regions faction. effective flood protection measures. “The відійшла у вічність на 92-му році життя Party of Regions National Deputy Hanna Hydrometeorological Center, State Agency наша найдорожча Herman said that there already are a presi- of Water Resources and State Emergency Мама і Бабуся dential decree and many legislative acts that Service are constantly monitoring the water ensure observances of this terrible event in level in rivers and groundwater. Literally, we св. п. Ukraine on the state level. UDAR people’s get information every hour.” Mr. Vilkul deputy Pavlo Rozenko said that this tragic added that today 42,000 rescuers, over Олена Войтович episode in the history of Ukraine, unfortu- 5,000 units of conventional equipment and nately, is ignored by the current authorities. over 1,000 units of floating vehicles are з дому Вітик “In Ukraine, nothing is done to honor the ready to fight flooding. (Ukrinform) нар. 8 травня 1921 в селі Михайлевичі, Західня Україна. victims of the Holodomor. This date is Ukrainian Wikipedia most popular Померла спокійно удома в Медисон, Висконсин, у присутности дітей. ignored by the current government,” Mr. У глибокому смутку залишилися: Rozenko said. (Ukrinform) KYIV – As of the end of March, the Ukrainian-language Wikipedia was the first дочки Ксеня External trade surplus is recorded in the world in terms of growth of popular- Марта KYIV – For the first time in recent years ity among the largest Wikipedias. This was Анна Ukraine has recorded an external trade announced by the director general of the син Мирон surplus, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov Association of Information Technology внук Тиміш Райт announced on April 9 at a meeting with an Enterprises of Ukraine and executive direc- внучки Никол Лібман, Лія і Тесса Войтович International Monetary Fund mission in tor of NGO Wikimedia Ukraine, Yuriy правнук Джексон Лібман Kyiv. “In the economy, the situation is con- Perohanych. “Over the past month, 83.5 правнучки Брук Лібман і Сейді Райт trolled. We expect to reach the GDP growth million pages were revised in the Ukrainian Замість квітів, рідні просять складати пожертви на Stefan & Olena that is anticipated in the state budget. Wikipedia, which is 76 percent more than Wojtowycz Endowment Fund of the Harvard Ukrainian Research Budget revenues, in fact, have exceeded in March 2012. Among the world’s top five Institute, 34 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. those planned. We have recorded reduc- by the fastest-growing attendance there tions in imports, a definite increase in are also Wikipedias in Arabic (+64 per- Вічна Їй пам’ять! exports. As a result, for the first time we cent), Vietnamese (+52 percent), Russian 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15

NOTES ON PEOPLE Receives Civilian Service Medal ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Dr. Eugene Stakhiv was recognized with a Nobel Peace Prize in was presented the Meritorious Civilian 2007 that Dr. Stakhiv co-shared with other Service Medal by Dr. Joe Westphal, under- IPCC co-chairs. secretary of the Army, at a Pentagon retire- The medal also recognizes Dr. Stakhiv’s ment ceremony held on February 9. time as the first science advisor to Dr. Stakhiv retired from the Institute for Ambassador Louise Oliver at the U.S. Water Resources (IWR) on February 1. He Mission UNESCO in Paris. While there, he served IWR for 36 years and was the tech- initiated the concept to create a UNESCO nical director for the International Center Category I Center at IWR and worked to for Integrated Water Resources develop the formal agreement for Management (ICIWaRM), under the auspic- ICIWaRM, after which he became its techni- es of United National Education, Scientific cal director. and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), since Dr. Stakhiv has had an exemplary career ICIWaRM’s inception in 2009. with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick, chief of engi- river basin planner with strong science neers; Robert Pietrowsky, director of IWR; acumen, a scholar with numerous publica- and 10 of Dr. Stakhiv’s close friends and tions and technical reports, and a pragmat- colleagues attended the ceremony. His wife ic problem-solving orientation that has led Undersecretary of the Army Dr. Joe Westphal (left) presents the Meritorious Civilian and daughter accompanied him as well. to a long list of wide-ranging seminal Service Medal to Dr. Eugene Stakhiv. The medal recognizes Dr. Stakhiv’s accomplishments during his 44 years with vision in establishment of UNESCO the corps. located in Japan, in 2006. He was subse- champion during his career. ICIWaRM, an international water resources He began his career in the USACE New quently elected ICHARM board chairman Dr. Stakhiv has over 70 peer-reviewed technical center at IWR, as well as his lead- York District, followed by six years with the and has served on the steering committee publications and has written over 150 ership of two International Joint Special Studies Branch of the North of the Global Water Partnership since technical reports during his long career Commission studies using state-of-the-art Atlantic Division office, where he managed 2009. Dr. Stakhiv also was awarded the with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. approaches. Dr. Stakhiv’s achievement was several river basin studies. Meritorious Civilian Service medal in 2004 IWR and ICIWaRM have welcomed Dr. also a result of his benchmark contribu- During his time at IWR, Dr. Stakhiv was for his work in 2003 as senior advisor to Stakhiv as their Visiting Scholar for 2013. tions to three Intergovernmental Panels on also appointed by the United Nations the Ministry of Irrigation in Iraq. He leaves the corps as a new adjunct faculty Climate Change (IPCC) as the Defense Director General to the Advisory Board of Foremost among Dr. Stakhiv’s accom- member of the Department of Geography Department representative, subcommittee UNESCO’s International Center for Water plishments, beyond his vision for ICIWaRM, and Environmental Engineering of the co-chair and lead author – an effort that Hazards and Risk Management (ICHARM), his work on climate change adaptation and Johns Hopkins University, where he lead role on three IPCC panels, were his received his Ph.D. He is also associated with leadership of IWR’s Policy and Special the Environmental Studies Program of Studies Division during which he led many Johns Hopkins’ Zanvyl Krieger School of important national studies; his service to Arts and Sciences, where he will be teaching Appointed to Parole Board of Canada the United States in Iraq in 2003 as the graduate courses in water resources man- senior advisor to Iraq’s Ministry of agement and adaptation to climate change. KINGSTON, Ontario – Dr. Lubomyr Irrigation; and his leadership of two five- Dr. Stakhiv will be assisting IWR and Luciuk has been appointed as a part-time year comprehensive studies of the Great ICIWaRM to achieve some of their numer- member of the Parole Board of Canada. A Lakes for the International Joint ous scholarly initiatives and training pro- professor in the Department of Politics and Commission, in which he implemented and grams for developing countries, and he Economics at the Royal Military College of tested some of the most innovative plan- plans to undertake two books. Canada, in Kingston, Ontario, he is also a ning and modeling approaches he helped Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fellow of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto. Dr. Luciuk has written and edited numerous books, papers and opinion piec- es on a wide range of topics, notably in the Receives Canada-Ukraine relations award fields of political geography, refugee stud- ies, Ukraine, and Canadian ethnic and LONDON, Ontario – Canadian Model Ukraine Conferences dedicated to immigration history. Ambassador to Ukraine Troy Lulashnyk promoting good government and the Rule Currently he is co-editing a book on recently presented Ihor Bardyn, president of Law in Ukraine. This prestigious series modern European famines with Dr. Declan of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies of conferences, initiated in Ottawa, was Curran (Dublin University) and Dr. Andrew Foundation, with the Exceptional attended by government, university and Newby (University of Helsinki), which is Achievement Award for outstanding contri- business representatives from Canada, scheduled for publication by Routledge. butions to Canada-Ukraine relations. The Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Announcing five new appointments and presentation occurred on December 5, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United 2012, at the Embassy of Ukraine in Kyiv. States and Ukraine. The conferences were one reappointment to the Parole Board, Vic Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk Toews, Canada’s minister of public safety, Mr. Bardyn is the founder and director of held at George Washington University said: “As an independent administrative tri- A Governor in Council (GIC) appoint- the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary (2010), the University of Ottawa (2010), bunal, the Parole Board of Canada makes ment is made by the Governor General on Program, an internship program for uni- Oxford University (2011) and the National conditional release, record suspension and the advice of the Queen’s Privy Council of versity students from Ukraine and the dias- University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy clemency decisions that contribute to the Canada (i.e., the Cabinet) through an Order pora now in its 23rd year of operation in (2012). protection of society,” adding, “I congratu- in Council. Prof. Luciuk’s first GIC appoint- the Parliament of Canada. He was a co- Mr. Bardyn is currently president of the late these highly qualified, knowledgeable ment was in 1996-1998, when he was a founder in Kyiv of the World Congress of Ukrainian National Federation of Canada. and experienced individuals on their new member of the Immigration and Refugee Ukrainian Jurists and was Amnesty On September 12, 2012, President Dr. positions.” Board of Canada. International’s country representative on David Naylor presented the prestigious behalf of Stepan Khmara, an Amnesty Arbor Awards to alumni and friends for Prisoner of Conscience. their volunteer commitment to the Explore the archives of The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda online: Previous recipients of the Exceptional University of Toronto. This annual award is Achievement Award were Ruslana the university’s way of thanking and Wrzesnewskyj (2010) of the Help Us Help acknowledging the recipients that their Our online archives are made possible by our generous sponsors: the Children Program (Children of substantial contributions of time, energy Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union Chornobyl Canadian Fund) and Prof. Yurii and experience do not go unnoticed. Mr. Makar (2011), founder of the Canadian Bardyn was one of the 2012 recipients of Shevchenko Scientific Society U.S.A. Studies Program at Yurii Fedkovych the Arbor Award. He is the second Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union National University of Chernivtsi. Ukrainian community recipient of the Anonymous donor Mr. Bardyn was the chairperson of the Arbor Award, after John Yaremko. SUMA (Yonkers) Federal Credit Union Heritage Foundation of 1st Security Federal Savings Bank “Notes on people” is a feature geared toward reporting on the achievements of members of the Ukrainian community and the Ukrainian National Association. All submissions Bahriany Foundation should be concise due to space limitations and must include the person’s UNA branch and others number (if applicable). Items will be published as soon as possible after their receipt. No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 15

to participate in the event. Their fate was times,” he said. “You lose a bit of time, The Kyiv kid: Kudla was born in Kyiv on Bubka lucky to be alive not decided by someone else. The same which you can’t really afford if you want to August 17, 1992. He moved to the U.S. at a was not true for Dolgopolov and a few oth- be high-ranked. So you have that and you very early age and became an American cit- Ukrainian tennis player Sergei Bubka is ers. izen. He currently resides in Arlington, Va. lucky to be alive after suffering multiple have some small injuries, and two or three At the time of the London Games, the Junior winner: After winning the 16’s fractures in a horrifying fall from a fourth- months of the year you’re out of the game Orange Bowl event in 2009, Kudla turned floor Paris apartment in early December 17th ranked player in the world did not pretty much. It’s a bit tough that way, but professional shortly afterward. 2012. The 25-year-old son of Ukraine’s for- make the trip to England. Although a pain- that’s how it is. That’s one of my problems ATP breakthrough: Kudla won his first mer Olympic and world champion pole ful blow for Dolgopolov, it wasn’t a shocker. and I have to deal with it.” ATP Tour match as a wildcard in Newport vault legend, boyfriend of women’s tennis After not competing in the for While his fellow tennis pros spend in 2010. No. 1 Victoria Azarenka, plunged to the five years, he failed to fulfill the eligibility hours on the court during offseason train- 2012 results: He qualified for the main ground and was fortunate not to have requirements for the 2012 Olympics. ing, Dolgopolov and his relaxed Australian draw of the before losing incurred permanent damage. The International Tennis Federation coach, Jack Reader, must adopt a more dis- to Tommy Haas in the first round. He “The circumstances leading to the fall instead granted an Olympics singles wild ciplined, lighter approach. reached the round of 16 in San Jose, Calif., were all so unlucky, but since the accident I card to , whose ranking “We do different stuff and try to have the before losing to Andy Roddick in three feel I have been real lucky,” Bubka told atp- had fallen to 94th at the time. work done around my unique style of play straight sets. He played Roger Federer in “I didn’t play Davis Cup, so I couldn’t and health problems,” Dolgopolov said. “We the second round at Indian Wells, Calif., and “I was lucky to be alive and not have play at the Olympics,” Dolgopolov said in a take everything together and work under later won two Challenger titles at damaged anything major. I was lucky my late July 2012 phone interview with ESPN. those circumstances.” Lexington, Va., and Charlottesville, Va. friends found me and took me to a great com tennis. “It’s pretty bad, but that’s how Dolgopolov is concerned with how the Top 2012 moment: Almost defeating hospital where they took great care of me.” it goes. I take it how it is, and I hope I can game has slowed, although he insists his Roddick in San Jose, Calif., followed by win- Bubka was attending a friend’s party play the next one.” ranking can rise even further. Most tennis ning the title in Charlottesville, Va. when the accident happened. After getting The top-rated Ukrainian tennis player, experts agree the rap-loving, ponytailed New Year in Australia: Kudla qualified locked inside a bathroom he leaned to look famous for his devilish slice and sneaky fast Ukrainian has a bright future, given all of for the main draw of this year’s Brisbane outside a window, hoping to reach the next first service, chose not to dwell on why he his court weapons. International, but lost in the first round. He room, but lost his footing and toppled to hasn’t represented his native land recently, “Players are getting a lot of balls back,” will compete in qualifiers in order to enter the ground below. saying only, “It’s pretty much some con- he said. “I need to just improve my game the main draw in the 2013 Australian He did not damage anything major and flicts with the federation” and that were “a and that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going Open. did go through nine hours of surgery to lot of issues.” The seriousness of these con- to stick with it.” 2013 goals: He’s very close to cracking repair the fractures. flicts and issues has led Dolgopolov to con- Last summer, at the 2012 Summer the top 100 and needs to win his first ATP Once ranked in the tour’s top 150 play- sider changing nationalities from Ukraine Olympics in London, without his presence title. ers, Bubka suffered through a tough 2012 to Russia. – Dolgopolov, his fans and Ukraine’s tennis Favorite shot: Backhand down the line. season. He did not qualify for any of the “We couldn’t find a solution to the prob- federation all missed out. Career-high ranking: No. 137 in the four Grand Slam events and exited in the lems, so we just put it on standby and I world. qualifying or opening round of several couldn’t play for the team at this moment,” 10 things to know Player he resembles: Bjorn Borg other tournaments. He managed to reach Dolgopolov said. “I really don’t want to take about Denis Kudla because of the long hair and headband he the second round at the Sony Ericsson that all up officially in the press. It’s been a Although born in Ukraine, 20-year-old wears on the court. Open through qualifiers and defeated long time since we had a few problems so Denis Kudla is a rising hope for American Cyprus’ Sergis Kyratzis in straight sets at we couldn’t find a way to agree. I hope it men’s tennis, a young player on the verge Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@ the Davis Cup. will get better in the upcoming years.” of cracking the top 100 rankings. Bubka improved last summer, making Ukraine’s tennis federation hopes the the final at the Winnetka Challenger, secur- situation improves in the future. Vsevolod ing a slot in the main draw at the Kevlych, vice-president of the federation, Campbell’s Hall of Fame Tennis was a little more forthcoming about one of UNA SENIORS AND FRIENDS Championship and the Atlanta Tennis the major stumbling blocks. He claimed MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY! Championships prior to really ramping it much of the issue revolved around money up at the Vancouver Challenger. There the with Dolgopolov’s demands being too Summer is approaching. Its time to make reservations for UNA young Ukrainian battled past several oppo- steep. Kevlych asserted the federation nents, including second-seeded Dudi Sela, could not afford the amount of the pay- Seniors Week at Soyuzivka before entering the finals. He lost to top- ment, even for a player of Dolgopolov’s Sunday, June 9 – Friday, June 14, 2013 seeded , but climbed several level. Registration beginning Sunday 4:00 pm at spots in the ATP World Tour rankings. “We’d like to make a reasonable agree- SOYUZIVKA Heritage Center! Dolgopolov regrets ment,” he added in his talk with tennis. “And we really want Alex to play for All inclusive 5 nights - meals beginning with breakfast Monday, Olympic decision the national team. Of course, not for free. One can only imagine the disappoint- But on a reasonable condition, probably banquet Thursday, lunch Friday, taxes/gratuities included - ment felt by the likes of Rafael Nadal and better than all other Ukrainian top players entertainment and special guest speakers. Gael Monfils, who could not compete in the have on the team. All of us are ready to hide 2012 Olympics due to injuries. Nadal, the our personal ego and we are waiting for defending gold-medal winner, dropped out the same from the player.” in mid-July 2012, citing a lack of condition- Dolgopolov went on to focus on the ing. He referred to it as one of the saddest 2012 U.S. Open by playing and winning the days of his career. Citi Open, formerly the Legg Mason Classic, Roger Federer, when asked about play- in Washington, which ran simultaneously ing in the London Games, was quoted as with the Olympics. He professed that he saying, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime oppor- was pleased with his season despite a so-so UNA Members: tunity to be playing at Wimbledon at the 18-15 record with just two quarterfinals Single Occupancy - $ 510 - Double $ 440 pp. Olympic Games.” prior to his Citi Open victory. Ukrainian Alexandr Dolgopolov wasn’t The numbers did not tell the entire 1 nite - $ 140 - Double $ 112 pp. the only non-injured player skipping the story. Non UNA Members: Olympic tennis event at Wimbledon Dolgopolov injured himself following despite meeting the ranking criteria. Mardy the Australian summer and a health condi- Single Occupancy - $ 560 - Double $ 455 PP. Fish (gold medal match loser in Athens, tion called Gilbert’s syndrome – a liver dis- 1 nite $ 145 - Double $ 120 pp. 2004), Marion Bartoli and Tommy Haas order leading to fatigue, weakness and Banquet ONLY, Thursday, June 13, 2013 $50 pp. were among those not serving and volley- abdominal pain – limits his ability to train ing in London last summer. But at least and perform in matches. For more information call Nadal and Monfils were granted the right “I still have issues with my health some- Oksana Trytjak Tel: 973 292-9800 ext. 3071 Making contact with The Weekly SENIORS’ WEEK IS FUN – AFFORDABLE – AND INTERESTING. BRING YOUR FRIENDS. WE WELCOME NEW GUESTS! Readers/writers who send information to The Ukrainian Weekly are kindly asked to include a daytime phone number and a complete mail- MAKE RESERVATIONS! Call SOYUZIVKA Tel: 845 626-5641 ing address. Please note that a daytime phone number is essential in Remember to bring your embroidered attire (vyshyvanky) order for editors to contact correspondents regarding clarifications. for the banquet. And if possible bring items for the auction! 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15 No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 17

April 19 Concert, “Sounds of Spring: Songs of Easter, Shevchenko April 21 Family workshop, “Ukrainian Folk Tales,” The Ukrainian Windsor, ON and Nature,” Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, St. Vladimir New York Museum, 212-228-0110 or [email protected] Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, or 519-256-2955 April 21 Easter “Sviachene“ dinner, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Scranton, PA Greek-Catholic Church, 570-346-2414 April 19 Presentation by Volodymyr Viatrovych, “Restoring (reservations and take-out only) Whippany, NJ Ukraine’s National Memory,” Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America – Morris April 21 Concert, “Sounds of Spring: Songs of Easter, Shevchenko County N.J. Branch, Ukrainian American Cultural Center Cleveland and Nature,” Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, Cleveland of New Jersey, Museum of Art Gartner Auditorium, 440-884-9111 or April 20 Conference, “The Ukrainian Student Movement in New New York York, 1960s-1970s,” Shevchenko Scientific Society, April 21 Book launch, “Crossing the Border” by Ksenia Rychtycka, 212-254-5130 Chicago Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, 773-227-5522

April 20 Lenten Retreat, Ukrainian Orthodox League, Villa of Our April 21 Ukrainian Easter and Spring Bazaar, Assumption of the Mt. Pocono, PA Lady Retreat House, 610-892-7315 or [email protected] Ottawa Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 613-830-1472 April 20 Concert, “Sounds of Spring: Songs of Easter, Shevchenko April 21 Book presentation by Volodymyr Serhijchuk, “On the Detroit and Nature,” Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, Sterling Heights New York Border Between Two Worlds, Ukrainian–Turkish Performing Arts Center, or Relations in the 16th-21st Centuries” by Bohdan and 586-757-1980 Volodymyr Serhijchuk, 212-222-1866 April 20 Town hall meeting with Volodymyr Viatrovych, April 21 Film screening and discussion with filmmaker Oles New York “Restoring Ukraine’s National Memory,” Ukrainian Whippany NJ Yanchuk, “The Secret Diary of Symon Petliura,” Ukrainian National Home, 212-228-6840 or Congress Committee of America – Morris County N.J. Branch, April 20 Concert, “Vespers” by Roman Hurko, Ewashko Singers, St. Ottawa Joseph Roman Catholic Church, [email protected] or April 21 Performance, “A Ukrainian Montage,” featuring the Ft. Lauderdale, FL Ukrainian Dancers of Miami, Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 954-462-0222 April 20 Book launch, “Sweet Snow” by Alexander Motyl, or New York The Ukrainian Museum, 212-228-0110 or April 22 Lecture by Oleksandr Fedoruk, “The Textual History of Cambridge, MA Panteleimon Kulish’s Historical Novel ‘The Black April 20 Conference, “The Ukrainian Student Movement in New Council,’” Harvard University, 617-495-4053 New York York, 1960s-1970s,” Shevchenko Scientific Society, 212-254-5130 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events April 20-21 Art exhibit, “Andrij Maday: Woodcuts and Giclees,” advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Wilmington, DE Ukrainian National Women’s League of America – Branch from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors 54, St. Nicholas Church, 302-478-7782 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

Tennis Camp Tabir Ptashat June 23-July 4 Session 1: June 23-29 2013 Summer Camp Kicks off the summer with 12 days Session 2: June 30-July 6 of intensive tennis instruction and com- Ukrainian Plast tabir (camp) for chil- Information petitive play, for boys and girls age dren age 4-6 accompanied by their par- 10-18. Attendance will be limited to 45 ents. Registration forms will also be students. Room, board, 24-hour super- appearing in the Svoboda and The vision, expert lessons and loads of fun Ukrainian Weekly in March and April. are included. Camp is under the direc- For further information, please contact tion of George Sawchak. Neonila Sochan at 973-984-7456.

Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Academy Workshop June 30- July 13 Vigorous 2-week dance training for more intermediate and advanced dancers age 16 and up under the direction of the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Foundation, culminating with performances on stage during the Ukrainian Cultural Festival weekend. Additional information

Ukrainian Heritage Day Camp Session 1: July 14-19 • Session 2: July 21-26 A returning favorite, in the form of a day camp. Children age 4-7 will be exposed to Ukrainian heritage through daily activities such as dance, song, crafts and games. Children will walk away with an expanded knowledge of Ukrainian folk culture and lan- guage, as well as new and lasting friendships with other children of Ukrainian heritage. Price includes kid’s lunch and T-shirt and, unless noted, is based on in-house occupan- cy of parent/guardian.

Discovery Camp Chornomorska Sitch Sports School Roma Pryma Bohachevsky July 14-20 Session 1: July 21-27 • Session 2: July 28-August 3 Ukrainian Dance Camp Calling all nature lovers age 8-15 for this sleep- 44th annual sports camp run by the Ukrainian Athletic-Educational Session 1: July 21-August 3 over program filled with outdoor crafts, hiking, swim- Association Chornomorska Sitch for children age 6-17. This camp will ming, organized sports and games, bonfires, songs focus on soccer, tennis, volleyball and swimming, and is perfect for any Session 2: August 4-August 17 and much more. Room, board, 24-hour supervision sports enthusiast. Please contact [email protected] Directed by Ania Bohachevsky-Lonkevych (daugh- and a lifetime of memories are included. for an application and additional information. ter of Roma Pryma Bohachevsky), this camp is for aspiring dancers age 8 -16, offering expert instruction for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. For applications or more info please call Soyuzivka, 845-626-5641, Room, board, 24-hour supervision, expert lessons and plenty of fun are included. Each camp ends with a or check our website at grand recital. Attendance will be limited to 60 students. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15 UKELODEON For The Next Generation

Snowy weather couldn’t deter varenyky lovers by Linda Kleban WHIPPANY, N.J. – For the past six years the Whip- pany branch of the Ukrainian American Youth Associa- tion (UAYA) has hosted an annual varenyky dinner on a Friday during Great Lent at the UACCNJ. This year’s dinner on March 8 was well attended by guests from both the Ukrainian and American communities in the area. The snowy weather that continued throughout the day ended just in time for the start of dinner at 5 p.m. The feast was prepared and served by parent and teenage members of the organization. Parents made 242 dozen varenyky in preparation for the dinner, and teenage members rolled up their sleeves in the kitchen and at the serving stations. Younger members also helped with beverages and cake, and in clearing tables. Diners enjoyed a delicious meatless meal of varenyky, borsch, rye bread, beverages and dessert. Entertain- ment was provided by youth members Kalyna and Uliana Leschuk, who performed traditional Ukrainian music on their banduras. The evening included an annual visit by U.S. Congress-

man Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) who was presented Christine Bytz Lukas Honcharyk (left) and Andriyko with a plaque naming him as an honorary member of the U.S. Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen Kuzemczak hard at work in the kitchen boil- Whippany branch of the UAYA. Rep. Frelinghuysen has with UAYA members Kalyna (left) and Uli- ing varenyky. loyally attended the dinner every year. ana Leshchuk.

Vacations are for learning!

by Oksana Zakydalsky dian Research and Documentation TORONTO – March Break! For Center (which the children called schoolchildren that means free- “Documenty”). A program of stories dom, games, trips, camp – but most and assignments awaited them. importantly the opportunity to do All kinds of things showing what something they like. For members the center studies were set out of “Ukie-Camp” in Toronto, it was throughout the main room: military a chance to learn about their Ukrai- insignia of Ukrainian armed forces; nian past. books with testimonies of Holodo- On Wednesday, March 13, 14 mor survivors; old immigration children age 6 to 11 travelled by bus documents; photographs of Ukrai- and subway across the city from the nian families who came to Canada Plast Center to St.Vladimir Institute, more than 120 years ago. the home of the Ukrainian Cana- The children received lists of Oksana Zakydalsky The day camp group that visited the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center during March break.

questions, the answers to which they by the center’s archivist, Iroida could find by examining the dis- Wynnycka, helped by center volun- played articles. teers Nadia Luciw, Ulana Smere- The children were accompanied chynska and others. by Irena Mykytiuk, the organizer of The children went home with new the camp, and her assistants. The knowledge – and they hadn’t even program for the visit was arranged been in school!

Let us hear from you! The next edition of Ukelodeon will be published on May 13. Please send in your submissions by May 3 to [email protected]. Children look over books about the Holodomor. No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 19 Hartford school celebrates legacy of Shevchenko and Ukrainka

Christine Jancew Iwanik Students of St. Michael Ukrainian School in Hartford, Conn., at their concert honoring Taras Shevchenko and Lesia Ukrainka.

by Deanna Humennyj Conn., gathered on Sunday, March The upper classmen presented literary works by Shevchenko and 10, at the Ukrainian National Home Shevchenko’s work “Topolia.” The Ukrainka. The school choir, led by HARTFORD, Conn. – St. Michael to celebrate the life and literary story is about a maiden who fell in Alexander Kuzma, concluded the Ukrainian Catholic School and the works of Taras Shevchenko and love with a man who soon left for program with Shevchenko’s “Dymu Ukrainian community of Hartford, Lesia Ukrainka. war and died. She then turned into Moyi” and “Reve Ta Stohne.” Ban- “topolia,” or poplar tree, because dura students led by Irene Kuzma she was so upset about the death of and Luda Yurkevych accompanied her love. the choir. Pysanka-writing tradition They also recited the essay “Ma- The day was filled with much ria,” written by Ulas Samchuk to enjoyment by students, faculty and continues in Hartford commemorate the 80th anniversary the community. It was a great day of the Holodomor of 1932-1933, for honoring two of Ukraine’s best accompanied by violinist Yaroslav poets. Teraschenko. Throughout the concert, each Deanna Humennyj, 13, is from class sang and recited several Farmington, Conn. Mishanyna

This month’s Mishanyna is a tribute to spring, which has finally arrived in our area. Find the names of early bloomers – flowers, shrubs and trees – hidden in the Mishanyna grid.

CROCUS LENTEN ROSE PUSSY WILLOW DAFFODIL MAGNOLIA SCILLA FORSYTHIA PANSY SNOWDROP Christine Jancew Iwanik HYACINTH PASQUE FLOWER TULIP Katie Bzowyckyj, Anna Melnyk and Claudia Winiarsky show off their beau- IRIS PHLOX VINCA tiful pysanky. by Dmytro Kusen is long, and creates a challenge that HARTFORD, Conn. – On Tues- no one can resist. day, March 26, the Hartford branch The creation of pysanky also has a of the Ukrainian American Youth long history behind it. Variations of pysanky have been made in Ukraine Association (UAYA) gathered at for thousands of years, usually the Ukrainian National Home to do celebrating nature or the coming of what they have done every year for spring and other important dates the last 25 years: write Ukrainian throughout the year. But, with the Easter eggs, called “pysanky.” arrival of Christianity in Ukraine, Both the young children and even pysanky became reserved for Easter. some adults participated in this. Why? The designs of pysanky vary Because it’s fun to make even some- depending on which part of Ukraine thing as simple as an Easter egg. Ev- they originate from, but some themes erybody takes interest in this activity. are recurring. Pysanky usually in- One of the reasons that people volve distinct shapes often with long take such an interest in this is be- lines crisscrossing the egg, some- cause of the specialized techniques times dividing it into sections. used to create these Easter eggs. Pysanky-making has captivated They use beeswax to draw patterns people for thousands of years, and it onto the egg, and then they dye it. continues to do so today. Then they draw some more patterns and dye it again to create an egg Dmytro Kusen, 14, is from Farm- with many colors on it. This process ington, Conn. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 No. 15

PREVIEW OF EVENTS ATTENTION, Saturday, April 20 for students. The UIMA is located at 2320 Chicago Ave. NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific Society invites all For additional information call 773-227-5522 or log onto to a conference on “The Ukrainian Student Movement in New York, 1960s-1970s.” The conference program is as FESTIVAL follows: 2:00-3:30 p.m. – reception for conference partici- FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.: The Ukrainian Dancers of pants and their guests; tour of NTSh Archives by Ostap Miami Inc., now in their 63rd season, present a whirl- Kin; 3:30-4:10 p.m. – roundtable on the Ukrainian wind afternoon of Ukrainian folk dance, song and art, in Student Hromada and New Directions Magazine (partici- their 21st annual “A Ukrainian Montage” concert, featur- ORGANIZERS! ing the Ukrainian Dancers of Miami musical ensemble, pants Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj, Jurij Savyckyj, Zoriana M. Gerdan, and the vocal ensemble Trio Maksymowich. The Stawnychy); 4:10-4:50 p.m. – roundtable on the concert begins at 2 p.m. in the Amaturo Theater at the Committee for the Defense of Soviet Political Prisoners Broward Center for the Performing Arts (201 SW Fifth To have your festival listed (participants Adrian Karatnycky, Marusia Proskurenko, Ave.). Admission is $20. Tickets are available at the Oleh Kolodiy); 4:50-5:30 p.m. – roundtable on Roman Broward Center’s Auto Nation Box Office. To charge tick- in “A Ukrainian Summer,” our Kupchinsky as political activist (participants Bohdan ets by phone call 954-462-0222; to charge via Internet Vitvitsky, Stefan Welhasch, Oles Cheren). The conference log on to special issue to be published on moderator is Prof. Alexander Motyl. At 5:30-6:30 p.m. May 5, send information on date, there will be a general reception. The conference will Saturday, April 27 take place at the society’s building, 63 Fourth Ave. LIVONIA, Mich.: Maestro Volodymyr Shesiuk will con- venue and whom to contact for (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 3:30-5:30 p.m. For duct the Livonia Symphony Orchestra in a concert titled additional information call 212-254-5130. “Treasures from Ukraine.” Ania Sorokhtei will be the more information (for example: Sunday, April 21 piano soloist in Myroslav Skoryk’s Piano Concerto No. 3. This much-anticipated concert will take place at 4 p.m. in July 12-14, Ukrainian Cultural NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Academy of Arts and the Louis Schmidt Auditorium at Clarenceville High Sciences in the U.S. invites all to Dr. Volodymyr School, 20155 Middlebelt Road. For more information Festival, Soyuzivka Heritage Cen- Serhijchuk’s presentation of the book “On the Border and tickets call 734-421-1111 or visit the website at Between Two Worlds: Ukrainian-Turkish Relations in the 16th-21st Centuries” by Bohdan Serhijchuk and ter, Kerhonkson, NY, 845-626- Volodymyr Serhijchuk. The event will take place in the Thursday, May 9 academy’s building at 206 W. 100th St. (between WASHINGTON: The European Division and the 5641 or Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue) at 3 p.m. For addi- Ukrainian Language Table at the Library of Congress, and tional information call 212-222-1866. the Shevchenko Scientific Society, District of Columbia to: branch, are sponsoring “New Historiography of 20th CHICAGO: The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art invites Century Ukraine,” a book presentation by Liudmyla all to a reading at 1 p.m. by Ksenia Rychtycka of her Hrynevych on “The Collectivization and Holodomor [email protected]. recently published short stories, “Crossing the Border.” Chronicle Project: The Unknown Famine of 1928-1929,” This compilation of short stories illuminates moments of and by Vladyslav Hrynevych on his new monograph tragedy and triumph, personal discovery and disillusion- “Unbridled Dissonance: The Second World War and DEADLINE for submissions to ment, spotlighting characters who learn to move forward Socio-Political Attitudes in Ukraine, 1939-1941.” The pre- with their lives. Ms. Rychtycka is a Ukrainian American sentation, in English, will be at the Library of Congress be included in our festival listing: writer who was born in Chicago and raised in European Division Conference Room, LJ250 Jefferson Hamtramck, Mich. She lived and worked as an editor in Building, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, DC Ukraine during the early years of the post-Soviet era. 20540, at noon-1 p.m. Admission is free. For further APRIL 22. Books will be available for purchase. Admission: $10; $5 information call Erika Spencer at 202-707-4371.