Economic headlines from Western

Economic investments and development in :  Intel will invest $1600 million to upgrade factory over next 15 years Chengdu economic daily According to Chengdu High-tech Zone, Intel announced that in the coming 15 years they will invest $1600 million to upgrade the wafer pretreatment, packaging and testing business in Intel Chengdu Factory. Intel will also import its latest high-end testing technology (Advanced Test Technology into China. This is the biggest investment from Intel since it first settled in Chengdu in 2003. It is understood that this “Horse” project is an important measure of Intel and major enterprise deployments, designed to enhance Intel’s business strategy across all computing and communications market segments, especially in the mobile space, including tablets, smart mobile phones, networking and wearable devices and other market segments. Link:

 262 of fortune global 500 settled in Chengdu Chengdu Economic Daily 24 of the Fortune Global 500, such as Intel, Shell and Foxcnn increased their capital this year in Sichuan. Another two foreign financial organizations coming into Chengdu: the Hang Seng Bank Chengdu Branch and ANZ Bank Chengdu Branch because of a promising future in this area. The statistic is released from the commerce department of Sichuan Provincial Government. As of 2011, a total of 207 world top 500 enterprises settled in Chengdu rose to 262 in 2014, an average annual increase of about 18 per year. Link: Link:

 CDHT Ranks No.4 among Its Counterparts for 4 Straight Years The Ministry of Science and Technology published the latest rankings of national hi-tech zones in terms of their comprehensive strength. The Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (CDHT) was ranked No.4 nationwide and first in western China. Chengdu’s Rankings Based on 4 Primary Indicators: Ranked 3rd nationwide in terms of capacity of knowledge creation and technological innovation Ranked 3rd nationwide in terms of capacity of upgrading and optimization of industrial structure Ranked 6th nationwide in terms of international level and capacity of global competitiveness Ranked 9th nationwide in terms of capacity of Sustainable development The rankings were made by the Torch High Tech Industrial Development Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, based upon the revised national evaluation index system for state-level hi-tech industrial development zones. The Center’s overall rankings and those of 4 primary indexes show that according to its 2012 statistics on the country’s 105 national hi-tech zones and statistical data from the Industrial Park, CDHT became No.4 in terms of comprehensive strength. The Torch High Tech Industrial Development Center indicates in its report that CDHT has taken the leading position in China in the aspects of structure of personnel, construction of platforms for innovation and starting business, output efficiency of innovations, technology transfer and cooperation, development of hi-tech service industries, business profitability, level of being international, output of international intellectual property right, energy saving and consumption reducing, innovation of systems and mechanisms, as well as environmental improvement of industrial parks. Among the top 5 on the rankings, CDHT is the one and only from western China. straight-years-a1108.html#sthash.oeEghGCU.dpuf

 IBM Accelerates its Big Data Strategy in Chengdu Chengdu daily Global soft and hardware tycoon IBM settles its eye on Chengdu. At the IBM technology summit in Chengdu, General Manager of China West district of IBM Software Group said west China especially will welcome the next leap development in the age of rapid development of new technology in cloud computing, big data, social networking and mobile. IBM will accelerate its layout of big data strategy in Chengdu, with hope to strengthen the cooperation with more Chengdu enterprises, and jointly train talents from Universities Link:

 First Sino-German SMEs Cooperation Park in Western China to Open The launching ceremony for the Sino-German Pujiang Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Cooperation Park was held in southwest Chengdu’s Pujiang County. It was the first of its kind in western China and the second one in the country after that in Jiangsu Province’s Taicang City. The Park is aimed to become eco-industrial with an international standard to develop precision machinery and bio-medicine industry through introducing advanced technologies and professional management experience from Germany, according to the agreement between Pujiang and Germany. Among the total planning area of 7 square kilometers, about 1.17 square kilometers is for more than 100 German-funded enterprises to be introduced by 2020, which are expected to generate an annual output value amounting to RMB10 billion (approx. US $1.61 billion) and a yearly tax revenue totaling RMB 1 billion (approx. US $161 million). In addition, a Sino-German vocational education training base is under construction inside the park, and the German Dual System of vocational training will be used to improve the mutual cooperation in the areas of management, technological innovation and business culture. western-china-to-open-a932.html#sthash.kJoBQCbu.dpuf

 Chengdu - the Sino-Euro Regional Economic Cooperation Demonstration City Chengdu Daily Sino- euro regional policy dialogue was held for the first time in the western city of Chengdu. The representative from the European Union Ronald Holzer who will take part in the Ninth Sino- EU regional policy dialogue visited Chengdu. It is understood that the Sino-EU regional policy dialogue will be the first time to be held in a city in western China, and will be officially opened today. There were around 200 people taking part in the dialogue. The delegation from the European Union was made up of the chief advisor of regional policy department and another 17 entrepreneurs. The two sides will conduct friendly exchanges on the subject of regional innovation, cities’ sustainable development.

 Chengdu GDP Will Reach Trillion Yuan In 2014 Chengdu is the first sub-provincial city to introduce the steady growth of 22 policies, to promote the economy to operate healthily in a reasonable range. It is expected in this year that the city's GDP will exceed by 1 trillion yuan. LINK:

Customs Authorized for Establishment Chengdu Economic Daily Tianfu New Area Customs, under the jurisdiction of Chengdu customs was formally approved for establishment. The setup of the Tianfu New Area customs, where the Chengdu Science city will be built, will more effectively meet the needs of the vast number of foreign enterprises in the region, promoting regional import and export service efficiency, providing strong support for “building another industrial Chengdu, and building the internationalized modern new area”. Meanwhile the first pilot site of Jingdong opened in , Tianfu New Area. Jingdong will explore the model of sending industrial products to the countryside and helping the farmers to send their agriculture products to the country.

 Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau and Sichuan University Cooperate on Establishing Innovation Center of biological treatment Chengdu Economic Daily Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau and Sichuan University signed the agreement on establishing collaborative innovation center of biological treatment. In this year Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau will provide the fund of 2,000,000 yuan for the project.

 Sichuan Provincial Government and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation Signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement Chengdu Economic Daily Sichuan Provincial Government and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Chengdu in order To further deepen the strategic relations of cooperation, to jointly promote the Sichuan information security industry and leaping development of aviation electronics industry. Party Secretary of Sichuan Provincial Government Wang Dongming attended the ceremony.

 The First National-Level Science and Technology Business Incubator Recognized in , Sichuan Daily the Guanghan high-tech Zone declared that the Ministry of science and technology recently recognized the Innovation Service Center of Guanghan high tech Zone as the national-level science and technology business incubator, which is the first national-level business incubator recognized in Deyang area, and also the first national-level science and technology business incubator recognized in a Sichuan county.

 Alibaba to Establish Entrepreneurial Base in Chengdu China's e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. announced that it is scheduled to build an entrepreneurial base named Baichuan in Chengdu to support local outstanding mobile Internet companies. To facilitate the growth of the country’s mobile Internet industry, Alibaba has planned to establish 9 entrepreneurial bases around China including one in Chengdu, the only city in the western regions. A Alibaba official revealed that the Chengdu base will focus on the development of local outstanding mobile Internet companies. All start-up teams involved in the industry are welcome to submit applications for settling down in the base, and they will be offered free office space and training opportunities involving the knowledge and skills on technologies, products, operations and marketing, if their applications are successful. China’s famous Internet firms including Baidu Inc. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. had set up their entrepreneurial bases in Chengdu earlier, which are aimed to seek good entrepreneurial projects in the city. With the three Internet giants getting increasingly optimistic about their growth here, “Chengdu’s mobile Internet industry will boost significantly, thanks to the leading Internet companies’ quality resources,” an industry insider said.

 Continue Greatest Efforts for a Better Future during a new phase of Economic Growth On January 1, the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government extended 2015 New Year's greetings to all Chengdu people. According to the greetings, in 2014, Chengdu consistently endeavored to become the core engine fueling western China's economic growth and a more international and modernized metropolis. Based on the city’s five strategies to facilitate its economic and social development, Chengdu continued the reform, accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading, advanced environmental betterment and urban construction, and strengthened the rule of law. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, Chengdu actively adapted to the new normal of economic growth and achieved a sound and stable economic growth in the past year. It's GDP in 2014 is expected to be over RMB 1 trillion (approx. US $161.29 billion). In the past year, the Tianfu New Area was approved as a state-level development zone, the renovation and reconstruction of the city's northern areas went well and benefited significantly the local citizens, and a series of major projects for the local people's livelihood were successfully carried out. The year of 2014 was seen as an eventful year. Chengdu has been titled a "Happiest City in China” for three consecutive years. In the year, it was acclaimed as one of the most livable cities on the Chinese mainland, one of the cities in China with cultural soft power and one of China’s top 20 “smart cities". The greetings state that all the local citizens have "given it their best shot", a popular phrase with Chinese Internet users. All the achievements and glory the city has made belong to all of them. In 2015, the 12th Five-year Development Plan will accomplish its duties, while the country’s general target is to form a system serving “the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics” and build a country under “the socialist rule of law”. The city will continue following the Central Government's development and reform steps to create a better future.

Investment policies in Chengdu:  High-tech District introduced a number of policies to build financial cluster Chengdu Daily According to the high-tech district, Chengdu issued the "policies to speed up the financial development”. Aiming at establishing the "one hundred billion financial cluster", promoting the financial industry upgrading aspects and striving to build the western financial center. Chengdu high tech District is the first national technological and financial pilot area. According to the development direction determined by the Sichuan Provincial government and Chengdu Municipal government, the high-tech district is to be built as the “core zone of the financial center of the west”. Link:

 Chengdu attracts social investments in 68 demonstrative projects Chengdu Economic Daily Chengdu municipal government announced the first batch of 68 demonstrative projects encouraging social investments by participating in the construction and operation of the projects. The projects include: municipal infrastructure, public facilities construction, transportation, medical care, education, pension, culture, ecological and environmental protection, agriculture and other industries. Link:  High-tech Zone Launches the First Big Domestic Enterprise Incubation Market Chengdu Economic Daily Chengdu high- tech Zone held a news conference and announced the official launching of the first big domestic enterprise incubation market. The move aims to foster the financial services environment for building the "Silicon Valley" in Chengdu, to enhance the ability to drive the development of regional innovation, to speed up the construction of "world class high tech Park" in high tech Zone of Chengdu. Link:

 28 Policies Issued to promote the Upgrading and Transformation of Manufacturing Industry in Chengdu Chengdu evening news Information office of Chengdu Municipal government told reporter that 28 policies were recently issued to support the development of advanced manufacturing industries in the next three years, Chengdu will take measures to promote the transformation and upgrading of industry development, to cultivate the core competitive industry system. According to the development strategy, electronic information, rail transportation, automobile and other industries will receive prior support; aerospace, bio pharmaceutical, new energy, new materials, energy saving and environmental protection industry will be accelerated for the development; metallurgy, food, building materials, light industry will be optimized for the development. The support will be given to the industries, parks, enterprises and projects which have special important roles in the development of transformation and upgrading of industry. Link:

Sichuan - Israel  Sichuan-Israel Trade: The total trade figure between Sichuan and Israel 2014 is 650M USD. Of witch Sichuan has imported 542,190,000 USD (3,368,301,156 RMB) equivalence from Israel, 2.4% of all Sichuan Provence import, and exported to Israel the equivalence of 110,011,111 USD (669,775,015 RMB).

 Chengdu in Israel Chengdu delegation Participated in the High-tech entrepreneurship summit in Israel and reached cooperative intentions. The Sino-Israel high-tech entrepreneurship summit was held in the sister city of Chengdu – Haifa. Delegations from science, agriculture, water and financial industries have taken part in the summit, and some of the companies have reached cooperative intentions. LINK:

Exhibitions:  The 15th West China International Fair signed contracts for over 8000 hundred million Yuan Sichuan Daily At the press conference of the 15th West China International Fair, it is declared that this session of fair has signed 1067 investment projects, amounted over 8050.9 hundred million Yuan. Compared with last session, it has a growth of 131% and 43% respectively in signing of investment contracts and the amount of money. The main exhibition area is 240 thousand square meters; it’s the biggest one in history with the most participating countries and participating enterprises.

 2nd CIAVC Staged in Chengdu Authors The 2nd China Internet Audio-visual Conference (CIAVC) has been regarded as a weather wane of the country’s internet audio-visual industry. The 2nd China Internet Audio-visual Conference (CIAVC) was held on December 15 2014 at the Century City New International Convention & Exhibition Center in southern Chengdu. More than 2000 representatives from 534 related departments, companies, institutes, media outlets and universities all over the country convened in Chengdu to take part in 15 major activities and exchange innovative concepts about the industry development. During the event, the organizing committee awarded excellent works, innovative cases and people involving the Internet audio-visual industry of the year. a1025.html#sthash.oxo46jKz.dpuf’

 World’s Robotics and Intelligent Equipment Manufacturers Eye Chengdu Top experts in the world’s robotics and intelligent equipment manufacturing convened recently in Chengdu to showcase their latest scientific research achievements and share technology and ideas with local representatives from the manufacturing industry. The First World Robotics and Intelligent Equipment Industry Conference & Exhibition were concluded at the Chengdu Century City New International Convention & Exhibition Center on December 22 2014. Local residents were surprised by all kinds of robots showed at the event. The exhibition was also regarded as a platform for technological and business exchange and investment, by which local enterprises and their counterparts from both home and abroad shared the latest information on the industrial development and negotiated about potential business cooperation. During the event, a promotion themed making investment in Chengdu attracted nearly 100 research institutes and companies from Switzerland, the USA, the UK and Germany, all of which had perceived the city’s huge investment potential and shown great interest in making investment here.

Agriculture industry:  RMB 182m Deals Signed at Chengdu International Urban Modern Agricultural Expo IUMAE The 4-day expo drew nearly 130,000 visitors and the total value of contracts reached RMB 182 million (approx. US$29.35million). The 2nd Chengdu International Urban Modern Agricultural Expo(IUMAE)and Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements Trade Fair (ASTATF) was concluded in Chengdu. It attracted more than 800 participants from home and abroad to show their new agricultural products and exchange views on the development of agriculture. Covering an area of 35,000 square meters, the 4-day expo drew nearly 130,000 visitors and the total value of contracts reached RMB 182 million (approx. US $29.35 million). During the ASTATF, several institutes of agricultural research and development and related enterprises presented their latest achievements of agriculture and 10 agreements on agricultural science and technology cooperation were inked. Chengdu launched 128 urban modern agricultural projects with a total investment of about RMB 65.94 billion (approx. US $10.64 million) at the ASTATF. In addition, more than 10 business promotions were held during the IUMAE. a1034.html#sthash.Gep1NKLx.dpuf

Medical industry:  Deepening the Cooperation and Boosting the Development of Bio Pharmaceutical Industry Chengdu Daily Deputy party secretary of Chengdu Li Kunxue met with chairman and CEO of Medtronic who made an on-the–spot inspection in Chengdu. Li kunxue gave a brief intro about the economic and social development of Chengdu and introduced that Chengdu has focused on the construction of high-end industrial system. Chengdu has set up the layout of the bio pharmaceutical industry and has formed a complete industrial system. Chengdu ranks No.1 in Middle West of China in the bio pharmaceutical industry scale.

 Chengdu, UTS Forge Co-op in TCM R & D An R&D team from the UTS led by Prof. Bruce Milthorpe, Dean of Science UTS, visited the Chengdu University of TCM to promote mutual cooperation in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). An R&D team from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) led by Prof. Bruce Milthorpe, Dean of Science UTS, visited the Chengdu University of TCM to promote mutual cooperation in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). “The Chengdu University of TCM is one of the famous universities involving the field of the TCM in China, and it has also attracted the attention of Australia. We’re glad to join hands with the well-known university to start a research subject about improving quality and production of Chinese medical herbs and plants,” said prof. Milthorpe, “I hope our research could produce results in three years.” Prof. Milthorpe expressed that both universities should increase exchanges between their teachers and students to strengthen the mutual partnership in education. He hoped for mutual recognition of the degrees and diplomas in the future. Since the early 1990s, the Faculty of Science UTS has set up TCM program at the School of Medical and Molecular Biosciences, in hopes of giving full play to the role of the TCM through the integration of western medicine techniques and TCM theories. “More and more Australian are becoming interested in the TCM, and some of them favor acupuncture and Chinese massage besides herbal medicines,” said Prof. Milthorpe.

Vehicle Industry  Geely-owned Volvo Car Group begun production of its best-selling XC60 crossover at its plant in Chengdu, taking a further step toward supplying locally-produced cars in China as well as opening the door to overseas exports. The start of XC60 production will add 500 new manufacturing jobs at its plant in Chengdu, in central China, where it already makes another model, the S60L. The XC60 is Volvo′s best-selling car. "The start of XC60 production in Chengdu is the latest milestone in Volvo Cars′ transformation," Volvo Cars Chief Executive Hakan Samuelsson said in a statement."It will be instrumental in boosting Volvo’s overall growth in what is now our largest market." Strong growth in China has helped Volvo rack up 16 straight months of rising sales though lacklustre performance in the United States - once its biggest market but now eclipsed by China - remains a headache. Volvo, bought by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. GEELY.UL from Ford Motor Co. F.N in 2010, aims to nearly double annual sales to 800,000 cars by 2020 and stake out a claim in a premium market dominated by rivals such as Daimler′s (DAIGn.DE) Mercedes-Benz and BMW (BMWG.DE). While one of Sweden′s top exporters and employers, Gothenburg-based Volvo remains a small player in the global autos industry though it recently rolled out its first new car developed under Chinese ownership, its XC90 SUV. Volvo also expects to begin exporting cars from its plants in China to the United States next year.

Mobile Industry:  Over 40 companies from High tech Zone export mobile game products overseas Chengdu Economic Daily According to statistics, only in the field of mobile gaming, since 2011, a total of more than 40 games companies in hi -tech Zone exported nearly 80 mobile game products overseas, earning 480$ million US dollars in 4 years. It is informed that the sub companied set up in Paris of Chengdu local mobile gaming start-up, Bi Lu Technology (Tap4fun) was recently put into operation. In the next 3 years, Tap4fun will set up branches and R & D subsidiaries in other 5 or 6 countries abroad.

 City’s Mobile Internet Industry Recently, the Chengdu Municipal Science and Technology Bureau published the city’s high and new technology industry development report, which shows the city’s total output value of the mobile Internet industry in 2014 first nine months was RMB 203.05 billion (approx. US $32.75 billion), increasing by 30.2% a year. According to the report, the electronic information sector was an important contributor to the total value, accounting for 34.0% of the gross amount of the city’s high and new technology industry, and representing 57.9% of the whole industry's growth rate. a974.html#sthash.0jstVSi2.dpuf

 Cluster of Chengdu New Media Innovative Industrial Listed As the National Pilot Sichuan daily According to the Chengdu hi tech Zone, Cluster of Chengdu New Media Innovative Industrial is officially identified with the ministry of science and was listed as the national pilot. The main content of the cluster is the mobile Internet industry. This is the first innovative cluster identified in the Southwest Region.

Transportation:  New International Direct Flight Routes to Chengdu o The number of International (regional) routes from Chengdu has reached 74 in 2014. o Air China made public its direct service between Chengdu and the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo which will be put into operation in February 2015 o The first direct air service between central and western China and Africa will be launched on February 2015. The direct flight between Chengdu and eastern Africa’s Mauritius will be operational in next February o Sichuan Airlines disclosed that a direct flight route from Chengdu to Moscow might open within next year. o Chengdu – Luang Prabang scheduled direct flight was officially put into operation on Dec. 4. o The United Airlines (UA) announced on 15th Dec that starting from next 6th June , it will increase the flight frequency for the Chengdu-San Francisco route from 3 times to 7 times a week. o The scheduled non-stop air service between Chengdu and Nha Trang, Vietnam will be launched on Jan. 26. Sichuan Airlines is to operate chartered flights on the route. a990.html#sthash.hEoIp1ad.dpuf

 Chengdu- “bullet" train Began to operate on 1st Jan Chengdu Economic Daily Chengdu East to Beijing West high speed train began to operate, No one bought "the most expensive seat ticket" to Beijing on the first train. The speed remained at about 200 kilometers per hour. The train started off at 7am in the morning from Chengdu, and arrived at 21:42pm on the same day.

 In 2014 Over 3.2 Million Passengers Enter and Exit of China through Chengdu Airport Sichuan Daily According to statistics released by the Chengdu frontier inspection station, 3.2068 million passengers entered and exited China through Chengdu Airport in 2014, the flow ranks first among all the airports in southwest China. Chengdu airport also achieved 27 consecutive years of safe flight since the system reform.

International Relations:  Chengdu has become the "third consulate city" in China, at present the number of consular agencies is up to 11, second only to , At present, Chengdu has 24 International Sister Cities.