I r r p rWr Yi v rr1I t = = THE SUN THURSDAY APRIL 16 180ft 9 IYAZcCL4L AXD COMMERCIAL ate the barer and receipt from abroad for with the aeae month last year and tVSM sacks Bprtng wheat brands ta IbIs Irmt lobs and wilt Farm lo Wett Ctiwtor Ac 19 part I nf net bbl and aperfl- wunntbitMtto Clara J Tobed I Ln8caI hK the flrat time In a nnmbor of week SITOnHl an Increase of 08070 For the two wire quoted as follows 5flC Curtlttta i i600 New Terk fllo kEz > it HiiU > April 15- ffo S vi II7a41l401 No 1 extra B4th I 10 e Charts HaniielMvinnarrtil and Flitter L win to- of moderate Investment month ending Feb 29 the gross earning were neISllO extra J01t v- tn iuhar K4ilW8l orders These last 110 clVar 5223518 251 straiKhta M f WhitaM wife 10Caroline THwmaB 19000- rredtrK J Hlddlebmok Tn 0000 jili- STATl ASD TATK an as B- tiItEtl BONM IK SlOOOs together with advices tbflWl Increase of fllZUA compared 483UI patent tS 4iSiMl Mill feeltlran per 100I- 8Mb it n I loll e ut a Y lultiO 41 CordUa- McPheraon John D sad wife to Flyby from Ixmdrn ot an toot taut year S 5 3AtCI4A 206 with the corresponding iwlnd of cod MU 140 f04B3et sboru 26 rim 1264241i mid Ktewpl ant husband lo the LIterary Onrlin 19 Cornelia t 4000 OREGON 2V34e1VI3it7h plent Investment Inqnlrj la the market for net T1n87 an Increase of S1SHU90 to loo IMiWvittivi sharp nn l 7Ja Oe oociety MRt Cathertn 45940- Michel Eilnard to larjartlha Otxrle S SHORTUNi ut 1UVClerdt1- dllnnlM l l oil logi yn- ptilfM American securities would seem Kansas City Kaltrnad rye i V> TOM Mrrenlnis OU4SId 100 1112 euthii i ui t 2sz0O4IJtue4I1 Qthlt230 Ittar 3 13000 3cLoa or fxlTcu iTATt noMit to Indicate The and Omaha reports meai ei lln rake HV7Alll7fni rice Joni lei Mm 642610 CNauahton Malcom and wlfetti th Amer s February of In- tliooaliui erl s- EM 4sb1 Atk t- that the plethora of unemployed capital iro enrnlnes for 0741 an meai 100 514 hominy chop CVi cotton 91 ar lBi4 JniepKDitelaanawlftoJonn ILl Awedtnnort Prlntlu A Pub society UTAH NORTHERN fid abroad compared 6C3e S 03 srIPO41tIu U beginning to seek employment crease of 13422 as with the came Cccl moral 919412- PiMdi l 100 DJIhll IW7e tharJyri 8000 LVUi 2 In the tnlted 189 Chlca orrcelrel- 81 ar o S < John Waitee hornS A ho Mmnnd and t i tfllI e 113 Ii ill month of last year and lleflclt I a dporrai- 1adeneed ctn V l oiJ iathittMJiSOi Irfr cwendl I4IU1 lOwi tIMI4 State This slight evidence following upon pofll43 For the two months ending Feb Sin lo iiar in luo Mitn ataln > l tlOdO last ynri dieS a wife to Jonps Epstein 100 ano trustee n a thiS tt 2276 wL ilnctoa- iie a yell n tori c John r- r REORGANIZATION V84 r 1UJIIM II the 1 an Increase Toledo akanst 47131 SL tunis I7nii0 ilnt it I 4t i ar 5uilu01 a install 18000 Il18lO3- the willingness ot foreign bankers to tend Bros earning wen f 0711 of tIto I ana I 1I7- Ur their 7 tUU DID 17111 Dllllltll 37V3I Uuyie wit toJameiK Andrews ClUnk John H to exori Maurice OBrien Th committee baa received unlfr th of lie b4pc 17I U36s IbUUtU 147H as compared corresponding lietrnlt nil rt llan In may fan re- with the 3 l 1441 MlnnratxilKat 141200 > t 361001 53lh it WI Bihar HOxlOu1 Mary Dor S 120th it uo w Lexington ar yri 9000 balances this market logically period 110 sea nIt unln t V orianliatlon the followlnc securities MAiiroAD Ant rriifn twain ux nooov of last year and deficit a decrease 14 AD nxainst II5HXI ChlcAno II cars sIn saul buitxl lo i ary E Smith 1 Xonuomery James u to the X Life Ins A M9OOO KtiruVd as significant of Milwaukee e Mortgage 3 per b 43 ml 44 7JU 10 Nor 1ac en S s T VitUU Ill year Uuiulh lot azalnit 3v anl Miss 13lh it n 973 e ttoulranl 3SiSOlt CDninj KIII ISlet it 2 mua 3 yn 28000- Consolidated enL nlt of Hie Oregon itch lct a Spot A ureacen Ac ami- 24ewmsn Caroline T to the of Chrli- iv it Various trtitnorthy advices from abroad Tho Inlon 1aclflc Hall road entire system re aflnneiroiu 140 acaldtl tiear teed a0 sales ltult Sal coo sins Dwyer em Short Line and IUh Northern Itallwar Co beIng tT j- S Ilr Loin Miin None for export r o b rates am ai foimla Ureacen ai eatrlx of hobl Urtacen- topher n S 34th it 101 e nth av- leooo 4tti Ports earnings foP February of 1122507- Urn 1 H percent of the amount outstanding Mtrr K- 10 4 particularly from Berlin are that the rectnt- iross fIst owo Nn 1 hard no ori r May No 1 Northern lo Kuhn 8330 Keiman forth aol wife tn John Mronif- lllloot- an Increase compared < i Me w 3 yrs > v3 i 1 1 nt T4UU4 at with the Ii1r Nn I bard In ore 3c orrr Stay future 4Mn ci ti4eHthar Ellia n 33th it 175 913 ar 10000 Southern leneral Mortgage tort beIng VI per iS d 37 rnphl prngrei toward the reorganization ot the oreri in t 2illi5i 1 Ma- Uh ± or M 21- fame month of last year and net SV41U7 nn h as follows Klbblnet al SUsan lyiircker ttotilnion KieanorJ to the traitrei for cent of amount ouutamllngi Pio I sate V4l3u0bu 0 74 t < 4 lh St7OJIooo ttab fj 1tr Jgjj- Northern Pacific Haitimid Company is encour- ¬ nrreme off SUIUMOH For the two month end Same property Wm McKlbbln ct al clots rlanna r Cobb e nth ar n 511 t ltr- BOOOO i log 1212 1lVrP VliM- Lf decker 10730- Roaih Ass H and wife to Kohl T Meek Southern Gif luloa First Martian l va I ¬ teb the pros earnings were lOtlOTN- firsf11Q flfcs1 ClnIQ luKusan aging a more confident fee HUB regarding Amer- 11112 a 8- S lin BOAIcbVdiATn 31j W an Increase 31sy 72 72 1416 72 744 014 8iih it 24Sw 3VI End ar S0xin luardlan of Derihan Meets 5 Evelyn pi percent of the amount ont tanitlni S Miiaooooo- of JliMtlsM ai compared with the 713- U 1 w 300 6 I ican railway securities Kurtlier prugrcoa In t ondlng year Juir- 7I S 16 72 116 72 UiiiOCoukilaandwiretn Airin Hlittln 130 Jerome ar J sri ttheCapltal Stockof th Oregon Line Ulan Uj ne period of latt and net 71 1 1 IIi ttf l 72- 89IU L e Colnmhui block Scott Dora to Henry 233 Last 112 Shun and 2 02ort W 32- 10482122 11e5temnhct > H It il i Ill ar DiU lIIMburli iiI tbut reorganization was annouticetl today The st crease of I ttlss20 Iqi 7JH 7a Win II Hall Hall it 3 yri- 4000 Northern lUlltra Co being V3 tent of the I Ann Arbor4s Iifl W Ul- I 7 Vecclnier loJanrt A tT 6 9 Company rue Na hvllle and St Louis evtti it 113 Weiti L Helen Utuuiton Id SlnihelnierJo ph In llolh Uoldiclimldt Amount nuutanilln rtS JfcnlOHW IUI- < dlrertoMof the Northwest Equipment Clinltnnonirn Ccru adcaneed lie In lull firmer llecellit 1 van p1 poliSh a w nir i spot LoUise VeddT Cerirar branch l uvn j17thAcn0sti ISNJCengnlO It formally recommended tliu holders of jTirl51l repirts arosi earning for Mardi of her Iotay 64113 lUh at Cit 524320 87th > t 437 Weivti Uouirherty 1 yrt- 3900 In aJdlllon to the above hare trck itO in t 2 Edward and Klnffbrldear 1974OiOOCultit an Increase of as ctimpared itir I H ttiiii inciiiiiiiiic tu rod export Nt Donovan al 10000- Slrobel Chas H heed n s IDth- per l I cnmpnny to accept offered 5in71 tf n Stay rt wife lo Cornelius J et Kaiharlna to TrustIS rent tomlsof the hck T that the terms them with the satun month of lint and net 4lr attest No f alloit 2I43s4e Coluruliui ar wri suilixj Wm 231 2 e Ilvln < tnn place 3 yri- 20000 OretiUKhrfli aIl 1 lU clr Me am d4I trainer white TaailTtiiDt il Utah Nurtheru lUltwar Co being vn i 6ft IA- J Vioik In the Nnrthern Iacltlc plan of reorganization 9193831 a decrease of For the nine ft tnlftt 34 I4c 1 LnrKatt sid win tn Henneli a Iiartlett 1 fimadtek Louli toI Ja ob A Zlnimetmann- 0 17714 blisS 55 follows > lwit 10J Future sale illtUOJ 10 e Oe< II McKntyre w ol-I mount outstanding have a > l 2Cb1On14102D months ending March ill the gro s earnings 6vth st us Columiiun ar 2UHOini aud i n 18l th it 200 sente to the plan It WAS alii announced that tho holders of more were McLetn wlf 31 Slur i1 mo 333 V 1UM r- an corn Jtl2jSe4 Andrew and to Anna umbui ar The Committee has this 1y voted the urns iS luI OOODOO I92Iol Increaieof 4Jutla ti Loof ClolsQpAt ray 1 Schnoerlnir to M- toeiteml than of the general mortgage pared 0n < Join and wife francti 11 t tInt with the corresponding peruxl of May IIVj 4134 t rt4- for deposit or < r- 1O4 last 314 134 Both it 3 to 13 Weiti Juan n Smith and wife- Jtnckt w I 3vt Fnd ar al centri line be stamping of all clae of MiUrlllt 8 IO4- bonds of Pacific Company Tear and net t Jun 174 J7i 1 1131 tOO I fSW the Northern hare loS rilan mcreaeof soisl- 7V3 1i Isaac L fctnith t5eefl and 9410 ItS lyr 13 eelrable under pal ilan until an i icludinr 51 lUV IU tJ ¬ ti 37M- AT 1 I 4N YO Wcn3 rued charge were n sur- July nN 7U aih bum n S too w Columtus The Literary SocIety of St Vincent rerrer lo I lOMt4 deposited their bonds nnder the plan of reor ¬ llonUavmi i H U 3514 it ar 13x100 INT 1H8O After that itate will IsI r- t SOblnAMlMcn 1014 plus of 404300 an Increase 1044412 htptemtwr J H J o59 Jncna A Zimmerman et al to Louis Sniad- the FmtKratit Inauitrlat Sarln i Pant n e ivnr in 3 luvI noij ganisation Is they been attAilv itesei 15 ly COP Lexington ar H3th celred at the ItscretIun of ih iinmiiitlli aR4 I lOrUtMt1 It believe that have The Oit nlTdnrrd V pot tier tod and it lyr 130000 OMV 6 TH wnij Flint nnd 1Jre Marquelte Itallrooil re tfaa 41ldI lujouo- Iekh il SIl Wales 30th- upon Q I0ii OIlNrn8 Indnccd to tlo bj large ports gross 14liU liIL nt Chlciu Oil 53nt 5U it 324 Weil Harriet Wllcoi al to Taylor Uertrude lo Both i parmontof PENAITIIX foilotro to wlti acn CDT341O0 to the tact that a earnings fur February of 2228iflI r u h flIt s No whit1li- III MOOO 133 w ton 1 yr- n 9O jiOrtKonaLtlDTllIUH- tnMiillniT H00 tf ort I insist tl iMenhatnr- it Lezin ar 2300 upon 8CJ3Q4L1lebL amount of the bonds wilt soon be called for an Increase of SS4S18 as compared with the tvWi May tin CO1 whit1 fllpt1 f o 9 elIcit r4511t 113 Weiti V m A Ilannewnand wife Northrn A Aldr c1 l o a corpn to Henrr F FIFTY IIOLLAHH dfloi each Imnd and 60 WI 26 122 same month of last year and net SVISir an 240 No U v htti1 VVy No J nitxnl V- 56 to Joiunn K 8300 Vuait 23 Norm Moore it I pre 18000 ONI SI on each hare of Hock IJt- 1C n JtqaeDOa s wor 1714 the stoking fund at 110 which Is the I II Laiu 1 nollAK SLuacn1 R increase of 122522 For the two ending fttlr i anv NIL 1 VlWV4 lle unkrrtiiij 211- silts tt uI 3u II Amsterdam ar 2 iitn22 Werner LouIs F to Stephen J gao l ISlt- to t bjr 0 iu B yu month and TV 4iILc vr 2 yw AIIDITIUN the icMmenl rfUlrr Utt InSlf- maximum amount that holders can re- i eli the eros eiirtilnfi is en 42120i12 an in- 49st for nhltc J fur nilxfl future Urn 3101 lilt ami Wile to Jamei Koliischild lt lfi4 st Anni ar 3183 ISChicliYSsi l501 luCOO buti se foUu fc and Wall Mjriirt to A Werner e l run S Con 11 Ch 3s K3W I Om for crease of tlUHiiOa romparrd with the mr wit llrtna i 2000B- of sLtitt- crlvi them tinder the terms of thn it Si 7 ta lid eAtl Um II Hall and Wale ar 173 u e 14tr it J yrs MAMUKl CAIIK I Imtrinnn- t Can So 1st loi 3 PI > A titcnu t repondlni pirlod nf Iat year nnd net lltiO- tjice4 e i ht 4tiwife 11 Walker iluMare and wife to mo M n 1 t mortgage whereas under the plan of reorgsnl JJ4jat to Jeuni Larr liar 7 llltJ4 Oin nn lncrea of 4U5liy Flxtd chnrue May ovsI243 4434 04 243 ParK s vr II Stt 30lrI- lirtih s 11 w sin demand OOO Atnct llulMlnit tiosto- B IO Aj 91 Central Wnt tur i it ar ration they wilt teethe 133 V cent In new prior I were 105014 leaving a surplus of S7U7o nn Jul1 3 22 2 tvm IIIUII and wife to K M Hall 1 Morrh and wife 10 central Trust aAIEXAMIiit E IKK- 1 M einitein a- Canada So UouklilezBt nnv Increase of 4I1UOU t 621l i 100 w columoui ar 23ilOoo- Co > Y s 1113th t 244 w Plearant ar 1 I 1 lien bonds that are not subject to redemption The crop mat tmrnt a follows it i WALTKK dloilD33 IUIH Kugiie t otter stud wife to Timothy I- yn 2 motes 13000 OAKtltN I 204 lO3j and 3i V cent In cash for the coupons maturing The Ohio Hlver Kallroail reports gross earn Fritter S3fpments Urophy 31000I- Sam toChrl toDher Luchmann ws Water NATHAN TIIAYIK- I IL Ings for February of irtifit fnrn < I 1 27Cbk4 lITkI heal l4iT 1 ¬ JrtlioH an of 12113 t I i 132U w 3th ar 17RliOOllr- it alioi wcor Pleaunlar slut 113lh it AIII1OTT- 44 July next The assent of the general mort 212 iucrea iotal 911334 3322 iI 22370 III 327254- noRIIIIN u 01uiw M as compared with the same month of rrint livivt A IlOwkes tollatll P Tag3arL flSOO month Irt days 7000 V 10 11 411412 441 242 121 332 321112 > UAKUINKIt IANE 4Ai 13M gage tInts tn the plan ot reorganization an last year and net Increoeo S4N7ri 3TotaisIetrday Lot 47 ntapuf estate of Miuannah MHItilohe- Gallagher Wm u to Win Itillisons i Tula S14tilan of 91 1 A in 47 11- Totals Iat year 217 5lis 215 53l51 617263 rvjrrard heexman to Christiana KoiiiaM- 1 392 e Ut ar 24 2400 A II lOI HFtllU- 45- Important development since acquiescence For the two months ending Feb Sli the ros it month 47W 4U Pead fnl 4s T H 7US- their earnIngs were TotiuH KEATt little Iwil coverliu put up Stlar C cur it JB SHOO rnas Ker HoTtnann Michael A to st MUhaeli Pmten- P 424 12 Stl11S an tncrea of tSOSll- I cPat lacx- loh 1 s IOM EOKOi IirTIKIt hecr JO reduces the flxed charges of the new company an compared chest price ut they oon UtMine tMtlir on a wak anil wife in Abrabtm Hernheimer tnnt Lplicopal hutch i it 1244 41 Wall New tim 474 lu Tits with the corret ondlnit irrlodof tupport weather report foroUn Pleasant ar vr 4 lot IM8 map property of- Amsterdam ar 2 sis 12000 5reet York consequently Us financial sta- ¬ List year and of favornt boh TIuq 3 3CbEtlIIlOl24 31le42dpln1t- and Increases nitS44uUC an Increase of SIMIR- and iionxMtU and mnnU clearance trtUy Ttxrt- Iulilp Mlllednrferbslween 114thandI I 113th- Hetaell lien and Corrnan and rren- IIKMIY MC1IOIX I Col Coal A- 249 i e iiiu 4Thes among wa no export demand Sieair froiiwaru tiiipee Hi Martin W lirrtl cod wife 10 Morrli- to the Murray mILl tank 11 Jntn il 200 w nBCk twVfJ bility securltlM other werr sold by t n Counsel LCColltS- IJ 4 tOe o Hart eu rrrerx 1a and MiTnrd were soling Uelnitpln I uth ar rnni- 8000 New York progress was to- ¬ aoetlon today at Heal Ktate Kxchauget- I I rAprIl 23 1896 Lwirolt O3i SHend Id pUn lit Noteworthy also announced at the U est Mi 11 iter t the ItH wo recov- 12llh st 11 uo w Icalnftnn ar 23xtUiUO Ilampe Herman Aandtwlfe to Ellen Hailoek- I 7fll7t 17- uwfvtrd > 7 Jp In reorganiza- ¬ IJiharen Astor Ilacfllank 244LI eni cii steain oIi etVe was pre Joseph L yiJrlea sail anu cxr to Julia u w KlngbrIige road 8s n UUu llrWuo liotn 1 74T- < day the execution of the plans of 5121 Sat eri enu3 7I4 IKIoU W lit sharei llutcherv anl Drorer Iian 539 UKtoil for the Nor hn4t Sal tho 11eathrr map Miilurk- 18430 road 4 yr seoo TfiVESrMENT lrtegnlIIen3444 ta 74S- tion nf the Oregon Short Line and Utah Ilo shares Oriental Ilink l919II2 hnetl frot In i Aiir rnla thoucn prljtemlvl fi- 13tll m n C 1125 e Doulerard 12tUPllli- Helm RIchard an wlfto KarIM llo ellei erenr 8 Per Cent Is n- 214 7I3 S shares ound > au Iank N J 10j l tr l A 40711 I n Wellxley t l yrs of Orami nere morn flVFtIld Mr rarilrutv wiin reuirtel uiXTt Oreacen sort ano errs to Tuoma Creiton ar 1900 13 w Northern arid tha Atcblson Topeka and Santa l Ma- I I n- An percent Inreitment Ith real eState > BETennSt lot 10 73 Itlllinre Tin Mialllre lIst Curling I 4 tying 591 tht rtiI rt It itianr of the hi ru to A Vlrxinil- 93430- Rrboe John and wife to PetirJ Ijrennan urlt 7 204 10 So Pac of Calcn HIV Details regarding Chine 0 of New tery 3 l 1Mriiuin I nt th- 1 same e COt Dleecker and Wooiter 1 yr 22800- the return of principal lurched beln l F Railroad companies both 10 ewer JtlUiu iliI Uiuuht frr fllMnstni 4Uoellouleranl23tuall Its alirui bul 4 Ft Worth R flit 3 92 shares lj Title ntt 5 o lid UJatiy Itro nMU I Ini Wm fl000 I litT givers on In Specula ¬ rjer IliurancCo lliHi Utfit 1ier aiiI lienma- lIlt RUFII Lri11- with the Insestors origInal proprietor tiltrdult 11 OHV4SAMP5- 24 i PARC lit < arc further this column 50 share SsndtrI flu TriKI X in- ctninplln Siippltci InI ill ctjumry are not nltti tt n i JJUe lloulerard 23xvuIII I Knht tf I it ui- VO 11 Baltuch Marctii et al 14 talne- xi 02 Interest on the Stock Exchange centred In hare Mnth Arena Kilirnil 04 C and are ilcrcalnir t atillj M Io it4 A Urea en and ano rzrJ Ac tu John Lrch- tolfman Lrhter Asr2dclCll tire V 7 l < ecfnl Norfolk st 11I 12 yrs 4bO Joen 1l74 2 tlSi- < I39harrs amlS J telephone Co 3 wad tronn ttxliy m uniirp fontra t to tlalsr 3330 Ijre t Harlog secured an option upon a > tuck a< 3 th- blok of XHATCen lliH SSt M tr Kentfs HI Sugar Itetlnlng tit Iaul and Louisville JOiharn Trlnilail l NiUt o inn we tknt of fn at the IDiil i 443 West VVm W UatKInt et nli iu- Hrurr liiedriin to bred k U one 2JO IstS 11 yetrlav stftlnt uv I described aboTe and quarterly of > H ¬ I share 73 ve Is l il In 1 4 I < ad- i u Ilirwr- 100 viiOOio 3000 parlnt UlridriuJ 1 811tTCngnl4 SIIgnl4 and Nashville alt nf which were excep Nr lork wlrty library NorLt tl Lit llrerpM d Ie lljn Dodln- 1st UH 12-04 d li s heal 1 A tn 11l lrIon hour > W4 130 vr Collelte ar 23x10- OKourke Thomas to Uplionte J per cent t offer same In lo A to suit at par lntflt SStPtt 1kM The receipts of the today were inr 01 ini runtlm i11ttiit Wrt3 yr- 300 flu I kan Pac con T K 7H 1 1MPterm II- Hi- tionally strong A few speculators who bare iioverrmint and IVrtl drctlnfd vir tn VA TIe i ni 114 receipt 0ilaihiu viUun to Marr Adrm- 10 Caldrrell ar two lf ftrorl3 17- shIre Custom > I5S1LSO V 2d liil SililTl Internal revenue JHXUOtl the or to iii 14- Fast Kctxhum Pearlman Kec tu Hyman IMlairr laKanTz4s 844 been rash enough to trade In American SIlIe Hear ant nuinate norrw iliin it IHI EiUar and wife I I 7HO I persons 5 l UU 3 and miscellaneous 122150 a total of 1Th re pti i arn 11 Ji4- tn K Chernuny 8 WO udlow it yr nave madefc rznmtntttnn of the securIty KentCnilt iU- urol Nnfthwestern wre JW j iinst hlliab th b Adolph S Nor- 4 IjldiMe l4U- VI 4 were puzzled figure out value of The dlshursemcnt liOOOOO for 114 4053 W st Fitan Saplro Jennie to Xuritollet a 04 lit W43Sohwar3a to the market imluditii lat sek and IaI 1ear aol all r IStn iH fUlt stvlihenJ aol wife Ac 3 yrn and heartily rvcommeni this stool a saf Inreifr C- I tllU- ar i 4 K 1 folk it itorc 340 18LXAT Jt Prilt Ill 4 scrip divi- ¬ pensions were ooo being an excess of tinner sIt2i sili adiinfr for 0111- to louia Wirier meat S l the dividend which with the cash lii4 nnUroolInt of nut toclar- WillIs av w i 3 a Schemer Chare E to Chevra lIed t Ill yi expenditures over receipts of 41i31tl 0dhrt Sdr rev t extort Unhit Silo trltd HopAchltje a 9U lae 1 LakeMiore 3 Kl4 dend of 2 V cent was deducted from the price en literS Cnl aan rtelve cnr f rUli nlliuar and wife to hloph Iliehm- 100 Anvho congreititlon llldce Stock purchaseS nowcarrlei dlrldcud of 3 percent 8 litcHJIH 17 The net of the Treasury at the close of rithrexpect KO The iu UIHIII 321 Faa Stephen J Egan it 2d and Id floor Ui n 480 Lake Shore c11 9- closing aiets ecru and innurrow n elpt it sill wife Mary M payable June 1st ll ot the stock this morning because of the bu iness today officially computed compare 117 I M wife 1 Stewart trustee to Fmlleand Joseph 2SLSLfrT1LA M nati thTA were car the eitlniAtH for tomorrow ithln UtHron aol 1 XL52lLAChltll34< A A PI 44 those ot I paine tu Uoeren- Bouquet 34rt West Hway 222 yn 1400 For Interview or further particulars aildreM- Chcn tDt of the transfer books this afternoon for the pay with yesterday as follows Ill car 13in si Ml East MathUi A 2 1 3s S > Spirits Mahoney James to Join Luhri 201A 2017 A cnosnv- I 114 Tex Pac lit SW ritnc turpentln dull sal tady at rial UOO UEMir I- Silent of both the cash and bcrlp dividends ou Apedl I 7th ar Ac 3 yn to 1000 4L2ACbuL 7tl- HfH- Gold coin aol iuIlton 3127 625757 127OMIO2l 2 VM C rosin nrm and active at 91 l i for common Lull 1H7 10i A 1K7P 214317 ant 2UA ttorei No UTIlneSirwl lTatMoItty1tI 11- 2 b vt May 1 Mirer dollar and tmlllun tacirvi tnliii1- vii 2os H map prop Its of Eluard T- 17SxIntllt4s 754 7 9 S33iiMV ilm Ml Imtoifci > o nalee Crudf 122 her In Oil City nuiih htirlnburit oHToiila to Lmma Court flay Vw Yor City 9 4 21H- A few transactions were It Is said made In toiled Stales not siu31 JnuS 8IJ17I44 3 1 Caldara ibIs 724 Tex PmSlln In of de-¬ rl Lsi20 1olng Itellnel iinctiarei aklj Sal Other asvtA elves Uvioell> I J iiinnVkSt L en 101W 2Terre II ut toiij the scrip soou after the opening of business mand llaUlltlrs 30731012 40tU44JJ- Ktvti > rd cttt 4 7Ac Wtern- Iroprti ar ui Iiu n 117th it M rtiliri 1- Appellate Dlrllon Suprcne Court Judgment OMan Hr 4s g4i 2T j V Or I r Pd IO- S 970 Mn > J 14fC Tallow uit t awl t Ady at Jftf- 1tJ n 7lt Susan Hajen to Nicholas I UKI- 18000 Xoi 40 29 02 o VS 72 80 70 4 79 5o OH Tunis they of no in determining I I l o 4 I pork > t w H 4 n t HI 4H Bankers 7IMornLkT6lIn SCnlonPSFTR- but were value the Araltable ctsh balinoe In llixc te rli e llle 9 lr ilul firnUr tSuimttan ji Hainbriilv 23x 92 13 73 81 00 HI t III 04 by gold IU 73 lor 1i 44 II 41350 line Joan Parley cud wile tu Jacob Gelo Supreme Court Spevlat Term Part I Motion BNorPsclotl44 u- market price of the new security issued the cludllu bal nice r70fl35177 M 2 Il4li- 3 Union El lit 70032fl3 SI i3 lunf 91d 0 for extia mnn o and wife 1330 calendar called at 11 A M Part IIEsparte lONorPac lit r 1I4H- If urtt American Tobacco Company because they were Money In London ViflU V cent of dis- ¬ 49 30 fur patket nbI Id f llt1u for famtl 5111i Mm st n i UM9r 4th 5 r IrtSx 1005 luxlna- Rat > l03I matteri Part IIlClcar Motion Preferred I 0 l14 count in open market for both short and three 14 3i 417 for extra Ind u riir in tlfrcs Bef- Klr nu r tn NellIe U Iarker- 80000 Xo 2SH3 2Mt 2832 IV c- I not officially reported No application to list 32 t NV camei Jart Clear Nor PacZd 21W 40 tin PDidlst si months blll V cent advices quote tool 0 tere and 14 0 915 at the OTtr iii Mt Joseph Murphy Jr and Law Not 21M 2182 2111 111- ai TY a- ¬ Iaris IV15 1114 1 and fart SlO HOLHSTER BABCOCK Nor Pac Sdc 7414 13 i Cord the scrip has yet been made to the Stock Ex 3 V 101IU 10 33ct 44 33 ll 1Ij 132 wife to Wm Schueider 1V43 17U1 1V40- SO liLT 10TU cents at francs centimes Exchange April 15 move- 224 Max Marx 1402 3121 1J3U 1899 2111 UXorFaocnOs TWabojhllt au- ¬ y3 Chcio Tie cintinui J free hg 1Utti rt and wlte to 1V02 V 1 4974 12 change and none can be entertained by Its on London francs 17 centimes Tuere wa- Wuwil-leI 2I5U 1340 1341 raFt Caae unnnlOieil 19 ment male n lower opening in provi lon J phC 100 hAND BROAD STREET I 11 1 Case from Part IV Part Cases from 23 3f4i 21-Wtsib 24 thorities until the scrip posses from the con- ¬ The Heorganlntlon rommlttee of the Oreenn runner luMation by in ribs and lard cnmml 14iilKt I 5 M e Amsterdam ar IHlOxiul- 3IClar fl 4 73- ins A Part IV Part WItCase unrlnl hed Noi 4832- DEAL 30 Short Line and Utah Northern Railway Com- ¬ nun hou dom aiut or the M tuk Aol tiie o lJulrt Icllunl tu 1645 c Muller 100 I- fio I of the company In other words Isl lit 1 ViB Part VIII Adjourned for the term TrIal J7NorPaccn3aTH lOWabdebSn itU trol pany of which Mimuel Carr is the I hulrman the otTertnjrs wre taken bv shorts a prominent 143tn ni 7ileJIanhttnn ar Mtrju3 19 flOMl 15 vrn among the stockholders As the trader tnitis 1 OriHIcuoui buyer Th hujln- AI QltrK JUiiloraKI to Elli hllixtl 17000 Term Part ItClar Preferred cauiei No SO 1 105V- distributed announces that the following haie tat Inllu- l w Wm- MOOt D3W4 73HO 31144 7UJH 7B73 NINVESTMENTSECURITIES 10 WestShore 4s securltie iohk nt the d lne and with the ttympvretU tilts si i Mtn ari7uxt ijll BH2 720 1 deposited < Ill 1 7- NH m 6aTRaj SO i 2 Wh A 1I lit tlI- stock of the company Is regularly listed and In been under the plan of rcnrginlat- i ni e of wheat can d u recovery th rnar et coi02 II Hall to Jane It hill 1 Part IltCae uuflnlihed Noj 1230 1lni AND EXECUTE ORDERS AT THE Jt S9 70 lon 11402000 of the ou There 12Jtn It UI VOO n Lenox ar 24 llxUUll- 1B48 17t 4 1223 340 7273 1V1 1841 2031- LIorPacCT i I WhIEPcl3 view of the scandal attending the declaration of ani 1 Nor VaodlrS 72 3 WIsCent lltTR 434 gage 5 V cent bonds nf the company or H7 V w 14 nut PI iiULh tloln In the Crt4h marscet T f late Mortic t Kahn tn Annie Miller 1 lUiD 1U2I Part IV Clear C5es from Part III NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Total sales ot railway bonds tear value l37uouR- the scrip dividend U isI not likely that the au- cent of the issio 31431000 or lil V cent > ew I utter rvamery u n rti extra 17cI hnnhJIar w s n < t 2iiit imioI Iniilp Part Cisei trom Part III Part VI Exchange will dealings of genera mortgage bond eoud TO nrnt itntvlncI frut V17t-I I raeiuUr and wife to rorrf U Allnn- 7000 Case toVlear up Caie from Part HI Part A1LHOAU ANO OT1IEU KnARES- thorities of the nermlt the Utah Southern I i tint at r Ii Mrbi- i n < 0 30 ISOth- bummed HO ntninun to prime la a lrc Mat ilair lS st Diu Wliiiiav Jxoo VII Clear Noj1223 lajl143 1074 7B 14111- JSIQP 17t 1000 or V cent of the Uuh- t ilLs- hPd wit c3en Low Clofi In the scrip In the Inllsted Department but ni reti iaicy Ilk sohl 011 I tt Jane liolli and toUlillum- IUB4 V12 21111 1171 171M Inll1 1249 Part VII- Mmthern extension first morunge bund i 3Vlj c SV Colra ino et fit BU JLiktA- i tul I nixndt to Intiont life1 trn tIruQt 10000 ICae Cases VII IX < will leave the determination of the matter to 11I > aV unfinished fromIPart Part 3 15 l4v 14H I3i and SMoSOOOO or UJ V cent of th Imitation CTVAT ey cond U tirt Uvf- Ual sei 173 n el xlruiua or I47lh t VTI Dividtnd and ntrrc AdamiEll4j4 144 I I SOc3 Clear Cases tort Part Part XCiear 7 4aAm8ugItet123 1234 222 I23 1234 the Governing Committee As the scrip Is Mock of the Oregon Short Line amid aPtorj tlits 10 faiior UfilCc tulj HCI tuJs AxluO CrarS K Wernerand wife 10 Mar from Part VII Part XI Adjourned for the 332 AmSU4ftfp1O4 ¼ Il lO21 IUJ- Utah Company In 1 third Ii 1l4 h Mate full eros larrf1 Watt 8500 Case LONG ISLAND It A 11111 1924 Into common stock at Northern addition 12 ie gri a term Alt fO UAmDIsi ret 8u 10 Jil convertible the 74050O or US fj nf Vl fill HA IP fjity laI s i 0 lime n a Ie i Ice 99e Tictnn ar a e 173 n s Lexington or 147th- HIM tND NO 7 cent the collateral j H Surrogates Court Trial Term wills of James I 17 H3 AmerTob 71 71 2 683 69 pleasure of company calculations ns tutS si4C common to prne 74w in ill Ate made l Miluii Saian U Donnelly to AdJIe The Board of Dirtlor has are ius iinarterlr the cent of th Oregon jhort Line and Utah v Brady P tlc 10 Amer lob Dt 100l- < lOOli lOW + 96 luo bond fan lutf ilOH c inn1 on to rl o cr Cae 300 Marxaret Mel Irum Anthony Tlerney at dIvidend nfI INTI PI K EXT up n p p ilock Comparu as plan 74sh00vm- S A 51 tie til St Amer Ex 1134 114 1284 113 115 to Its market value today were generally made Northern have inted tu the pirt klni lornmon to prime 3 tOV fulltKlm Fox t a eo 2 n Home Cl 23x Irreic > ura 10 JO numbers No day calendar For payable Slav I l >vnat th tIie nf the Coriim Uii-> AmerCmOII 141 142L I4 144 I41 upon the price of that stock The tlrst price of The time for depositing all chises of feenrities V fgsState Iennsyi atila and Maryland ire to erdnanl lleclil I probate Wills of Philippe arary Louise J Jones alnio New oil Tranifirr IKKIA tlo April ISO Amer OOof 54 ss4 V OK4J eu- under the plan has In en extended to May 1 tuuntrj 5154 fancj 11W- Lot IiuI SlId 1111 map prop of Metropolitan Adolph S Kallschu Catherine Hlgulm Amalle 17 and reopuIrk3Iar c Ihtfi- l 1830 ATA8re- l63 14 lti I33 l6 the stock exdividend was 71 from which it After that date securities will be re eled at M CUK Haw firm ni hull 9 test 44 ltc- 9H UI itate Aiioriatmn Korilham Kldfe- Leon Frederick W Dleckmann Catharine Brad- tcKii S EIHELI Treasurer 7B4ATkSFpt 23t 23 25 23 SO upon pa test 44 4v Iterlne1 futriy pro 4tn Ward Sletftnund Trnbeiv Jr to Mar ford at 10 30 I M Marvelle IV Cooper Flora NEW YOHK April 13 Isjt- fl 224 would appear that the scrip dividend of V the discretion of the committee bent tjit ictianI on 34 447 Ann Artorpft- 34 224 in 284 2 of SiO upon each bond and SI V share upon tho 1t Irlce at aui were firmer country this Kutn 3000- Ulman Moto Simon Siegfried L Schwalbach Hen- OORutrKJkP 13 18 1- 13 10 cent was worth about 144 cent and with the jrrten nnd trrefftilar for other grade Sale 1503 3SeiuawEen it i e cor Sheet lOtS < t21 lOx ry bplcer 2 M f stock In addition to the assessment called for by 10 Sweeney to at P 130 BallOhio 1B 1824 l isy- 4 would a 103Ccl IMn2l2 nl Jobn t Jlarr City Court Special Term Motloni Trial Term lfirlrrtiond and UCttiI1S 3s5 cash dividend of 2 V cent make price the plan AIM 15 A 41 Cansoulh 54J9t 204 < 50 April These were todiys prices MulUne 900 Part L Clear Not 19J7 1233 1192 l 00 4001- 100 Canadian Pac 0734 5 Bo for the slock dividend on of STKi as against The Reorganization Committee ot the Atehi Lntt- Inn AC 41d East 0l13 LOSe et al to Mward- 3317 4515 40441 liOl 10W2 1IJU VAKK VND HVPSON C1ML COMlANY Che Ohio 54264 16 < tpeflI31 llciwl- 80000 23W 110 DELI 61 I63 lht ln 84 the close last night son TnpeKa and Fl Railroad Company 1hut Lu0s CllnJ Vhf 4031 40J7 1U32 3143 287 UWW 1000 J470H- 3OltK prlt loth iKJrt Tfc annuaL rmftlnir- I III 41 41 4 42 at anta May 2t14 IliV 324 t144 4t 1li 7 w 2d ar runs e aixjl7- I I SOOChtE 404 OS ¬ tiiS llth Os of the r 01 thl com pan r will Ie i t at toe titft- Informs holders of Union Trim Company certi- 014 H > F blue B4B 1197 1212 Part 11Case unfinished Nos itickhoitif tl 8700 Chicago Ua 70H 70V 654 0 H This apparent effort to advance the price of July f5 I44 1314 2 irrlel Wateman et al loMar 179i oftlCM of the coint tiny Jit Sir I iM city StlW- tnnrtgnue i 3 u l Leopold 1232 U9 100 1133 11UV 1133 102U 10J7 SIll tril4iuUi tt btf St4i 82 UtJH ficates of deposit tor second clasn rn Ttn iv hAlt luac Mark el al to Uy > > 4 343CCCSil was highest SO KUO lOtm Bh9 1140 on Tue tli Klh tlay nt next for the electIon 400 N W 104U 2044 lOlt in < the stock not successful for the mortgage chill H and Income May 302s 0 3fU- 104 Topper and son 13300 2JO 3J3 404 947 10J3 Man Cbc t l04 Asecond n w Wm- 1140 iiHa 1187 no of inert ami for other iJlheua 7070CHQ 7VU- 794k V4 price reported was 86 from which there bonds of 18853 that the preferred stock of the July am- 3i Jt Jilt 31s Harrow st l 731 4th it 22xlrre2 iiao ii7 Ills Ths i cl iok noon 94 cash II H 1 ii4 932 924 6rt7 poilNtll npn at tJ aol rmala- HO J 7t14 7 7W 744 744 new company is now reaay delivery and MM1 Hall andulle to Jennie Uirr- 31f 10H3U Part III Clear Sos n for on h ur Thi will 1w i loj 5 UJliStr 191434 was a rapid decline to S3 while the stock ex for the u v lh1 I37 a n Ottlnger- 7B2 1242 12UU 390 7B3 773- ni book 4 443 C UStPplBH 1284 l24 12 J V on 3Iir 504 3j3 5th 72 r cor lutli it Marx 803 70i lOt from the close of bu liu4 irinrr< NntuMaj May M until C B I 72 713 72 balance of the cash ae4ruent of cent July 20K 20i l3P 11 to Loll L Lorlllanl- 44500O 1304 1303 1313V 704 1277 1SI7 this IBS k Pac Tlt 714 tllvldend dropped from 71 to US The widest the bonds ha < been called for payment on April 904 Ii4 H 13U 133 fliuflhlflw of teiflsdiv May ltmh BOO Col rwL ZD- 3O 2944 39 191 Ito t 270 Eftilt laaau Surk et al to Leopold 4298 1312 133J 1310 I3H1 1382 I3II3 1S 4- By order ot the Hoard r iana tern > a < butween ¬ 30 which payments If received will 1117 1123 4117 1 Mlooii ei t wp 24 52 514 524 difference cah and exdividend trans after date 495 4V7 Vopr and son 13i3 iJrte 1317 Part 1h1hAr Short cnviiei Y M oLVriUNT Secretary loo col it v k T law 194 164 1b4 IIS actions made al practically the same time was be subject to such penalties as the committee JlllV 519 314 210 312 3 12 Jlst < t u ft 121 w PIth av SSxutl Samuel I- No 4223 4303 4273 4339 4370 3127 4349 lUUCol AIIC 3 3 3 may dictate Ribs IcVnljnanl I wits to Henry s Hnlonptal- 33000 4247 137- points ruling was May 4 Booth 13ConOaa 137 1514 157 13- 134 but the difference about L has been appointed 131 40 433 440- 437 aitu si ja eMi Samuel and wife to 115 Del Mud l 2714 1274 1J74 127 812t points showing a value fur the scrip Thomas Greens Auditor July 420- 413 4113 4S2 452- Ma c urn lc > dJi ii in- 11000 lSDel Lt- W1504 15 1591 159 100- iiij of the Manhattan Trust Company the increase I rl li tn av a ssi j4th nt 20T1MO Alexander K- Is S A I 3 Lo1v- 1 financial COURT ColMV Or NEW YOBKTtfft looliak Atl p 104 10 I 2W 134 dividend of llja points which equal in the buJinesi uf the company tialng necis Mir S37 SC 2 817- 60 IrIS anl wife to Nicla SUPREME LIFE lNM NEW 13oo Den ROD 4H- 4 47lt 4 > tated the creation of an additional department July f 73 0 14 H77 SOIl I exit trtoi av 77 Catherine Ryan to Mlcbae- HAM CuMIlM Of 1M- 44 to about 57L2 fur the scrip Upon that 1 YOKK pUlntlff ft itliit AViEJA MDKVUN Albert taon Olatllagccr If ll4 1IH 14 and the office of Auditor ll ttlli Million Angela U DCvim H Daley ex 12 I it lttpt 3924 3534 3S3 311 valuation it appears that the stock sustained a Oth av n e cnr nith it 4v 7x100 Jacob aid ieore ai 31 mining at Consolidated Live Sitoct Murket 1 ecutor of Jeremiah Dttlm deceased J Numa Ko- 31 35 S The iniesof stocks the are ant wife tn MJ Adrian 70000 REORGANIZATION unl 3 EraniTlI 3 H- net toes of nearly V cent after olio wing for as ancillary executorof llllam Deriln- Ieeeaedl bSTa Uenral lec a1V 37H 47L4 Stock and Petroleum Exchange today were as NEW Y IRK o pril of beeves Olhsv I4U MIll O brown et al trustees lo- 2 Wedn 15Recelmts l Iirldjvt DfIIn si surviving executrix of UiItIIDI leealllateel 78H 74 the dividend Dealings In the stock were com- ¬ follows were 13101 V4 car ti be VII Urtot- KlranorJ lelinson 100000 Mary K Ii u 1 ISsa had czoortt far vt 1 247 w Selljtman- OF lln deceaad J Derim Daniel c tIe HllowaCent 9 rIpen Lcie CIov- Sad y7 ar to to d21 Market low li th i 1st ar TIl- M 3M- 34 36s plicated by the probability e3orts wilt be I1i to laURtter AH 2ixlrr 1 Angels Derlln JeremIah I Devlin tt tiUam DerMa 9 low Cent pf 37 that Sal Vatne tng SIt w In ran J l witto John Imrnn- V fit inj and iiutet lih i nlur veik probably los ine U Philip VIIieS Devlin Jo euh lPevlln saul MO P M SO- 90 1 1 us- 3utli i S 133 w Lexington 20xl Ed Delln KinKin tl matte to restrain the company from issuing the I 100ConCalVa ID iu do l The aril a unt ru ly i lear dr i ar t t I > <+ B Ire lorett- > 1 Pe Edward hlldren of Jcntrilah LBaWeltof 7m- 724 724 704 724 luu Iron SOrer 24 24 24 24 lntani 111 At 1 S 100 0 wanl H lnlu Gertrude Jl 15 EAtchisonTopekaSanta etlnD erii 14 scrip The closing was In the firm o native Sheer Mlfitt l lr M Sarah Connor wl > of morass H OGoftt 50ILk8horfl47h I44 3474 14- main but at 800 Mt KMa 10 lo 10 11- oXenbtaOl at 3 442 o hulu at 6273 33 dry halo prop liutb Wales Iu Civrtrud lay ead Mf toy S0 503ij- 5IL4 1Suo Ita3 lift lur- nor Loui ldnn soul Joeph Meldon as trustees 30OLouIitNaa3 524 U4 recession from the best prices Pharmacist 12 12 12 006 < at 91 I ii dI Ixef lnw 7140 f- 39210 Meldon Marj Jrm jthtn MeMnn hIs vo 21 2U 21 aslUhl 1 1 1 1 li h1lS3 aii Ul t Nellie Jl to Railroad Company tild Albert cal AI3UN ACDf 204 100 Portland 43 45 43 43 t for poor to i II 3CL Cabln itrtnt- st Parker IKflna H iv aid pht 16 7 11234 111 Final sales conpru with thuse or yesterday rim nitl K Ill Wt 10 ife aol junuuft i of Harr Jo e XPtflin haniadOD HIM 1IIH IU 100 Vellon Jacket 33 31 31 Kritaln Ainerliau liOCF at tri V raniiT- an or oC tru- < 94 Mannat Dh- 10 20 10 II 13 2011033 Ii- ii 7 iiuoti li4lll0 sc n 4 w Columbus luo Wm under antenupltst settlement pel aa 100 Victor 7 2J 7 J3 25 7 23 Idrce1 ei < ht vnnTlun rerrUTitel Iwf atlkiSS1- iiih 23i ar2Sx SECOND MORTGAGE CLAM A BONDH In Dob rty 4 SOU Iron 68 6 4 193- > I ° MOKO- 28000 rtael tviotusr 1s3 Jreniiah Jerrntati lUau 1e4 tp1 I Ipril l April 14 Apr22 V- n h ep at < S ilr ii lutl rftrn to Frincese C Me Vntlrew and W Felix h UNO > l Trac- 103K 10224 10 103- Total tales 1330 siare- mrciti 1IWI > t Henry Illldbur h to SECOND MOHTGAGE CLASH BBONDM PIT lftn 1324 IT S be 223j 2orth 53 t vd > 401i ITd JJJList Ilor- > i nrttfd JnuHac S Ori 94 334 9 234 An 53- ueijht hxHirt tuei and 3rt40uartra- 1 of trial ount of IOew VorLAu urnmon IDUHIchCen U4 A T A S I e pt 2 3- f IJlI l e 4 aict1 INCOME ReNDS OF 1880- iVjovpnamMi i ami I IO- 20 20 11114 214 Mrf t 1Vst 4 ofl toniorrif s C To the aen tf them 600 Minn a St 20- 23e3 1 Or5 W R o illl market were 3 7f 0 21 av cur Jiith at 203x03 llobturajr to fcf feiJaDtti i 0- Liii 166 224 coin 1044 1044- sBXVKVO AX FIXAXCZA- ielpt cale Cr tin You ar reb hummoned the unndrdc- 43Ik811ItDf IS1 714 7114 79 44 1O4I I 3O i ori 0 a I t MI oseph Frederic 82000 Ta the He Idem of Vnloa Truss Compaar aver JiistLidprtt- SJ fl2 AtilU p1o2 heal heal ivniacd i little 127 w LexIngton av otnp uint in thi action soul tj serve a topy of jour luo at 2s4- 34 rkcon 1U3 more a onilai i on nili I ni j 3xlOOS Deposit Tor p 4 VII 25L Aol toosecOit Si 1or ls Pt II ttit than lit rico itejijr l14v E 5 1 Certificate of the abovenamed- answer on the alnrtTnttormi wltnln twpty- lOMIaaourt Pad 23 5 I I I 327 97 Jfilrirtl m 8111 VMre unsold i livte PtMir5 August rOOt to ilurrl Mo4fne- udnMl 8 WO Ho K t 27 flail Ill 4 4 nt ntJ slIrtu biut hru at the C WeuUt ano- i Oayt after the irTlc of iht nr iuiiim Mive- k Tt 274 27- 50 J Cent 20 nONPnOLDEPS AMI sT CkiloLDFRS SHOIT- at 5 4 V a rSanu properly Kdnund and The > IsIS 24 24 can ei 504 41974- tn veal niil in I xclulv ofthf Ja of wrwtc Incan tif your + 130 N 2074 10 4 HMf 143 DIr MM RfcOLlKILV TIIK IIUNb a monthly trio at 43 llri suUl0 ri toi- trunle s ii ame 18300 N JCenttJ1I4 9 nj7i Canu1tr3 tad l4 4 trt Veil 143 IhluKl lelitetl Iop4 47 cahe l The preferred Stock of this New Company la now ure to api ar or SflICCt JUUmeiu win be takea 43 Central 9644 964 934 1 t 1 27 2- Journal of hcoiotnlf end Hnan e tnutalnlng latest Seal 4 4111111 us JI2rt wSlar axlooS Emma th- 413 Lead 4244 217k 2 23H 3js raetaII lcityirnd tc K tn again IOU bv defau for th relief demtnd In Nat Il 4 I4 72 earning reor nevs quota- i f ChIC p Hifl tnnt 5 all Toe nnarket iltzler James Nuen- 14230 ready for delivery and toe balance of the caih- as PC c t 7ti4 Itsud 714 intatlon ilrtdendi ltetpIu the s 23X1U aiueodfu nuptaiottIatsi New York July 1616VX- 07 Sat Lead eu 90 59 BJ 53 350 524- tions all shatter relating to p1sicaI char 3 J l 2 m sule toliL 3Iark t tltli st i 203 e Ar U Cnlonpor- 3- UtH Con UI t3eelIue 12s hldec Here horii Jri all the atoreraentloned Dondi being two 1JAVIES STONE t AfKItbACU- 000 Nortn Amer P44 54 v I 26 and anil il u N no t1jjl and wife to Ida tidier 2200 leumenton C 15 3 ii 134 Pt 24utom 7tOj 714- actrruttcs condition rattle the opiratn now aol weak parJ irly for heavy iriKk vr IMaJnttft Atcurneir- SON tUL Ii 15 145 IS 70 III 4 COlitiS RY 94- detail of all railroads aolt corporations auaiyzel Is at th c of Poor Green Kiltv i t 293 Mapfi ar 30x100 near per cent on the par value thereof hai been called for Office o J4 XAM4U 7 7 bIca4oas 94 tar tre uniulil cltiilon bulnj 1 tOfncand Tint addrtfl Street- 3NYCatLlD- 78 7s J I 5 147 soUth Ky with en Ire tmptrtlallt aUo artKles abojt tre p at v loo- iheter village IteorKe Iirtxkway to on or ot April IcWo 343 iLI0I rr 3u4 Su3- tofrm1 unshorn ihf tlil 4l1U435 et 3 payment before the thirtieth New ork city 400SYCStLJp 344 344 944 34X 4 12 1I tea Ito nnanclal of the lay written by 71 el I ilo 9 V 0 oomrron to olmirt- Jatiiei Cru iley 3000 Mary UeMln- V S W to LMnRUpC quetlon tp at 1 1F> ibould be presented and payment To f J IV lln and WillIam 300 N 44 4 Y C I A 3IL ablest np ciallotK her alx on all News stands 91 5 i cllpl d ilo Lot plot 17 lot 2 to plot map of Pe- Certificate U t 24 Iii tC eu Is lenn it 354 tie uiu horn imtx at b413JII at 3725 I1 Ti rorftfi lnit amended ummons upoa yfttl IIONYSWP 24 244 244 3 33 Union Pa J per year 15 cents per copy prinif I S 0101 each Dressed mutton lnamltrk Ueorge Snlrmer and wife to made at the office of Union Trust Company ot Xew ertl 34 Gen 5lc 4 1412 inbi it N3 K K Co- 1 by publication pununt t an order ot the Honorable lbISNorfW Si pC 37 I l 4T S- XtTLy p < 7 iii- 117e Y Nevr liavrn and Hartford 2 pt 54 Ican t 1o 27 rl41 Ilre fd laml e WrIght 11111110- York SO Broalway on or before April thirtieth 1890 Frederick hinyth 010 of toe Jutlees of th uprem 900 Sort 5n 101 i 1 S p2 9t Hecolpt hoKH 71 7 heal Including KaniUII ar i i orner ar April si houli 94 of is lW > Md- Court of the State of New YnrkdMM 9 ltV ah Crt tluotailo13- act > If will be XorthernPae ivi 14 13 14 14 14 I I 9 ElectrIc StocK on nale Market iiote t MeiL at I a tche ter Land Co of EileawalJ to after which date payments receIved tub on a copy of ID- 104 109 LskeShre 24 heft 94lu v uwen- 4343 and flied the same day with the amende- ami North Pac of lou 124 alan Coo I I Fl 1 I I S lesmi pt 41 April closing quotations 4 10 V 1UO21 Imiferir to sool hogs n T penaltlM aa may prescribe Clerk of Cltyand W 141 J1 13 6IL ocT05 13The of electric for state A 4 JUO e Ject blurb Committee rtimplalnl in the office of the the 130Oatarlo 14Ii 144 I 2 211 3Vsl it p Ar n Mipla It J3xl23 William t 4 L 4 1Iiii k SI stock 1017 KliomenaClpolla- BOO NEW YORK April 13th 1800 County of New York at the County colt Hova m 1200 kirncon s 34 3j 334 31 Un 9454 1re I ampl ell et al to 2- 4 1 231 Pr 22 Tel 444 flit ulrit- 11 the saIl city of New York which amende complaInt 12t 0 pacine ilall 27 2M 2 274 3 bed A I E E 10ith > t n i 173 o itn ar 23xiou Henry Missouri i1C 22 233 94 94 Edlion Electric Illumlnatlnj 168 Jteiil tnte Snle 1 was orlJTinallv filed In ald Clerk oflle on th 18th 19201uIRiL 12 Il 224 IIh Nat Lead 25 254 371 raxcjiman and wife to Albert rot Union Trust Company ot New York diy July nun pro tune ftiof the 13th day Car 131- 138 158 13614 ISO + UenerI Electric R7- Each S 5 I < il e 4H I of Iu3 at 152IuIl1aI x 20 5 cent scrip Ex dividend 7d 7J- At thelltertr Mret inze 5esterday Charles lOHt AniXerdain ar SIlOS I X P IXHItUr- 133 till 93 r itivtdend and HiieneralKlectrkDf l VrsI I > Church March 1U3 lAmson store ServIce IU- A Herrlun plot 30t3J lT4th street north Michael Iroteitanc p5copal to New York April H IhOf- dIflOtt L3 Wpf- 214 11W 114 MM 12 Government bonds firm The 4s of ldu3 Consolidated a dii 2yo Sectodedit ut tuveuth ateuutr toAlkander- Ml nuci 5 Hoilmau- toooo REORGANIZATION Dated Ac- 19 ¼ 19 2Q14 UratttniThouiie tIrctrlc pf 524 54 lDAVIE3S10NE 4 ACERBACH- HOusioutti Pac 20 closed V cent hiflier bid Railway bonds 1 Brot for IJWO nKiniihrlvlrernadws tn n IIlRh Hrldg road Rwjr- 20UH 9 HriJl Fort UaiuKlwtrlc room R II Co lold- Hallo n A llamp- IJalmiflV Attorney 18J South 94 94 93 strong 1 lie ere Chesapeake and Ohio TrueS A 3- At the Iriwdw ly tale Iudlow 23xli bllec to Herman OF TilE 31 NaMau N Y ty- Ift44 p 3v 3l- 30 eaturi hort Wayne Electric aerie > OAI thi tWO storyi aliul 1 8U Houth t 144 304 Chtcugn unit 1ocitic U- to claw tie estate of Joseph fraino wife ltr cociiol 5s North T H ThurniuiiUoutton Trust lierlelD 8M potter V 40T 11 aUPREas3- 1303 Tinn 04I 314 1I iJli 3II 3214 5g N J Central general 3lstOregon liouw lot 2ux00 un plac vet west of- eCritnnnv Cu nWellesleyitam cIAINT3IAHKS PLACESEW ORK 32UUrbIlk9CI 54 244 59 4 64 Detroit Uai Iailll pla to Irs Jam Wall for V3nO t lot 2 I Sari M hoxll anl slfeJltto COfKT JOHN J JOSLSnnd M HTIS J KTOQV- uso Pac S 8 Miurt Line Union lunsoU T it Heading cenera- i > or lot ad- HlcujnlJs3lI cad wlft- 4200 Atobison Topeka Santa Fe will David Texas S4 54 < adjolnln toll fi next nnder the and of 4 S 1x20 elou llni it- fa trustee Ut tanint 1400 Ulllnn Pac bt 914 I 8t i3 l4sT ItI IfKttilirnndi estern lateMLuul 03IXitCIAL C03JFED jolnln alxlon i Iun hy Our lioo next lot ad- I us M 203 Mary A Jordan to Wm U Jooft deresifd pUlntltT tuft Charles Huff and 810 US Ituliber 2 2624 27 27 1d6 southern luilvtuy fls Va jolulru J3xlI o toll r for iin- S ri4 part l others defenJanu- Eolithextern iu vv 82 U A It lit pf 91 95 55 54 97 basil ilelwntnrr series II Atchlroti and North- ¬ One Time hilt Rullle- Uryan 1 Kennelu Ald to 1 Ido estate of Tloirai- Usr ar Ii > on S of City tlaiiJI 100 n f crd- Railroad Company In pursuance of a Judgment of fortclosur asi4 sell 3- Wheel Ioner at I 410 C 8 Cordage A 5 0 4 I MOI Tne inure Important ad- ¬ Kellv Vrl I3d tftr el nrrlh ile flllll fet Is 01- lullI uv 3jxlOi Maria J Newcomb and duly made awl entered in ch ShOve tnutted acU ai u pf 20 Wt t in ern Iadtii net Ilelfiro the Clone InOtTnrable Reports f 24 i Win E Lon niles 1800 day March I un 33J s Cura in vances In Atchisonieneril 4 U V Veiurn Poulevnrt tint axiwi lo to John ami to bearing late the VMh of loSe tb9 100 tlS Cord Ot- l9 20 I91 1u4 20 3ere cent Iron the HoutlnvrtV old Wave UKevie for tllHiO i adlulliinc 23xlKVlu to hhni etc o lot iU man Lac ola Park LevI Holders of UMOit TRUST COMPACT CERTIFI- dersignf1 referee named In sal Jud< m nr will sed- 32 7H yd Aa T it 3 to Ire lilt i IIU U steamer 9 U 514 u to and i JUS for else Cotton Ite- am marts for iiu3u i lot aiuomtnir vxivuI lo to 11 Mace nOd silte toJ000 Dent 37- CATES OF DEPOSIT for ATCMISON TOPEKA at public sUction at the New York Heat Kttt Sale 1830 I 2 62 6134 Chesapeake ant Ohio iniisol 34l to dieted Nortliwet A 41 3o I rovm N 111 Iroadway In city of Slew York on t75athpt 324 et luli4 John Martin fer lInt adlolnlnir 23xl- XORTQaOE COSt k the 20 U SKjprei1- 40 404 40 39 43 Chicago andl North 1acltic ists T K 1 to 4TS eovern an Early LossThe fItialNlppI vwltI lowing Inner rod t li dIlll i Alo No 133 1W t RKCORPKD AND 8VN1A FE RAILROAD the 411th day of April Idwrt at 12 uclock noon on thai 0BO Wabuhpf lOH- 1P4t 1 I54 Detroit lias Zt 4 to 7b4 Oregon short Line River Reported to He OverflOMrlKK- I Unieenih nr et twiv tory brick liable lot 20tuoil- Andrew Jame C to the Bowery Barlngi- PANT GENERAl MORTGAGE PER- day by William KenneUy Au ilnorcr the promlM I4 111 I Tti rx Ou 100 99 204 T It i to 7V Heading gen- ¬ to U am Mallace for St 71lM Alio No 70 West Hani I tilth son e lith ar yr 3laiooo In said Judgment mentioned and therein deftcrlbeU A4 VI1F Union Consols H April IS COTTOI Declined 1 3 i ft CENT BONDH art hereby notified that they 101 West Cn Tel U4lf 844 544 Sijf- M H U L > to WiDXESDir lo Thirty sIxth Ktre t four torj bronn tonednellln Allen iunrni W to Title Unar soul Truit Co V 9- eral 4s1 HHjj Rio lirande H PI 24- SO 1 can obtain the bond to which they are ea th- 100 Wheel LE W 98t Vi To points but recovered the loss and closet unchanged lot 23xW 11 Mrt Lonan for ll lido Na Is S roMtumar atiroCe it yr 3000 nr All that remaIn lot piece or parcel of land with 20 > + Western lets to ht Louis oultmestern- I I Hit 1 on No Oe fit Ez llvldcnd end cent scrip IZ llrlJe 70 ait TtyHfth itreet rmrilory rick lot Ay rs 1lilnny ta Wm Crow trUIte of Chai- titled Dndr tile Plan of Reorcanluvtlon presents Improretnvnt thereon known u Marka Sds to VtHi Southern Itniiway 6 e 4 to The ending was quiet with sates of 000 hales I M < 1UO abaraa- 4 02 2tU4 lo J Huilmmoni for ts7oo So 22s A L TOSS n Krtth ir Wmlilmion ar- Com- ¬ place in the city of New York aforesaId bounded Total sales of atocki were 142012 it lion of their at the Office of thIs L and abash debenture Jerlei II 1H W cent to LIverpool declined H to 1 point spot cotton there East Thirteenth strt tt r e story Inch duelling lot d yri- 3300 Crllflcat ana describe l a followi li Klnnlnf at apoinl ¬ I a so pany No 80 Broadway New York between the Klghlb DO6TOV CLOSING QUOTATIONS Mh Ihe noteworthy declines were in North- was unchanged with sal of 8000 kales New Or- JtSilO11 to saiauei slmon for I 3iuju in fore Alexander Thimiai to Itobert A Ureacen et on the southerly side of street dlito So il 3 cub FU > < 4 ZJU ern Pacific lets cent to 114 4 and i itTBr oni dIr ci four iory al ic a s 13th t 23 e liulerard- hour of oclock A M and one oclock P JL and one hundre feet easterly irons the curntr formed Did 4a Ait8- CHV lit leans adraned 2 points but lott It The port re- lure llnd11ellllg lot ItfxIO to loultI E XVnlton a yri- 8441 tn by the mt riiectlun of the aoutherly of ElihUj CItA1bfly2O7 20 nCT 28 ¼ 34 II H to 1UVI and New Jersey Central general Iron ir rerincatlon for which purpose their Certlflcato iM nuy- W ceipts were 5 bate against M7J e I40 fur J7 aln Same 10 ume u a 13Mh it 300 Boulerard- tier Street with the easterly ilde ot tint arena Bo Jt Mainemd- LIner Dell 204 5i cent to 117S lit lut k0 At I J A Co have cold be paralltl with First artnuaL 07- BS nou year In 1594 23033- uritaie contrai Philip for Illui 0818 must Ift over nlzhc nlnr thruoe outhery ChlJuncoom Lrlo Tel 5634 ¬ last aol VHJ Ihui far ISliwoek I fc hy the t K 1 i- lIne thA lOe- In bank stock 23 shares of Hank of Com- HHfiS Hinry IIie r to n Muri ioutha corner IOu Mary to Harriet Wakeman al n will tw mad York ninety sven feel ilx Inch to the cemr of Cbl Juncpfl03W- Elecpf 7 agaliut thus tar liii week Spot cotton here M avenue vx- yo 7 w 3 Application forthwith lothNw streets > merce Mild at OI- Males I of iuth street ani Mcnolx plot ltl Ilt3l it 2d ar yri- 10000- block ltwen Seventh anl Flfhth tcnco pf V3H 60 tt lon- 534 waa unchanged with nf 241 for pmnlntf an I 3xtiy on H < Stock Exebsags to list the i Ove fM ntchburs son SOU m rnar- US ixioo private ti rim lirrne Mary E toUm Ktl It i 2lib t cw bend easterly parallel with EUhth ttre twenty New Eng uf- SO Calumet II price of sliver In New rtou dellrerid eontraci The southern pot > 4 5111 AT Comaicrciul bar York lerenie Vane hate sIt three of a row of 41140 w 10th ar t ir- eoo UNION TRCHT COMPANT ten Inches toene northerly parallel with Ylrtl Mx Cent 4s M- Oeeo1a 23V 264 In closed aoTJ keu acre uiKhannil er tirledn fold aouO 3Ii > In > of A way b the of a par OT liar sther london at 111 flue four tor uwiliiiif the oulh usle FlKty r s4hun Adnipti and wife to Wm Miilt- flue and part of the tbrou ceolr Old Colour 1IH 277 Oulucr Mln- 120 v 120J sIll Vuusta P2t tialt Aiuu refehed- street near Drive price about > t 1J3 w 3th- OF NEW TORK wal ninety feet iU to the siOl 01 Ii4 5- 9M Money on call lent Tlmo money of Trt < 104 181 week dud 43 ninth littrdt hexivronieijriiJoiieinl laiit ren Inch nathfrlr West End KCo Tamarack JITa tivdat lee ijlml tail I40IIHO- t > r- April Igytf EIghth and thence weurljr along L1htM fi- > Slempniii u > U7 ar 17000 lit of Street Illinois Steel 71 73 1Kearsars 1W fered a 4 V cenCTor aixli da > to tour months jeari 141 aln l 212 but week emil last UI I of Newport ha purchaned a K nre the potnl 0- qix year St Louis 7 a uost lot week lust Loiili orllHrd for Pivrt lliirj und wfd to the trutee for ntreet twent feet ten loch to 4Hj V cent for tnd seven months on lt and 2tl trio > 74 Hfih- > > K 1 yr hejlnnlnf I QUOTATIONS and 22 a VIM conildi ration oi i43i0 tropert at iar Inrlcr 72n East 115th ctl 1600 plice of rillLJtOEIPIIIA CIXJ5INO Kxclange lateral jear Cincinnati alntt last lIes anl- uf two lou a of Watson Dated NEW I OIiK March HO ISO mixed tock tu Commercial U74 year and houston I 303 1U7U- tiiiue tcntlitlnE liaMni frontaze 1150 Xlcnola and wife to Marstcn BM DU Alltd- V > lait a8cint SI and a depth or IOU feet from Marx u Protprvt Zr Alktdt Is quoted at jvutH cent for nr tclavi- M K 3 ear MeniphU pe l feet Tlnehci liiliv na ai guardian i ar 4ii THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO hVal 3S 32234Ufle2TmpCO 70 luiitir la t e and loll Urt htl toitay- Silo Jlo ei UtlQffrr anlI IiMore I and > IaxhKorn n mt a yn- 11000 hteterI f f SO-W cndoned bills receivable and four to cix months I 3D3 lIt I Houttnn 2214I Lain lUTihit i y Co 41 w 15I it anl llnuo It > a C i- JOHN K COFFIN lON 4J WIsbtllLCo commission paper and D upward lOll rrow 1100 to fto 172 TIe lab ubjrii to leaiea for slid J year Proihy Timothy U to Eunv Potter CIETY OF THE S II 2234 lent and ton vxiict anainit lut- w I yr- C Peua It ft 5s 33t4 Elec com Ill 70u oid at JOJ Cniu nbu av 2000 lalntlfTi Attorney BOjJ S fur choice single iiuinei yetr New nrlan rxtcu 5M to cglnu t U K Ketchuru- 3 street Phlla Tree 134 lIce Hpt ant 31 H17U year l23 > rer- ChTinny Flllateth to kdftar llevkauui com 13v > ail week latt and 1240 In IVI Th- l Estate Trua li-I y w Yortelty TInloa Trac 1- lait PIfLa r 144 sterling exchange was firm and higher on a IS ere- Iei iiv West IOth it tnita 1500 I I 24 aiinl reeIJ intfrlnr reilptiat rolnu ssji I MM 1 I F 3EProT Cer VU a eit 1 262 Hi III llyman Mary L and Henry A to Samuel Ktl 7l4ltIItIPr fin 3264- better deinauu and detrra upply nf bills asalnht 25104 last tear and 12340 In sup llJIhil e5thar Costr TilE iK ThY STATE OF SKW TOll J Mel Trac 103 1U5U Welsh C con at 3 lint ni tn no Vrruk Oi Pearl will IEfltF Continental exuliMuu is trraer but quiet in l last j ear 21I Id la- and llturv sonnand wives oMmon M- 110 ncr anl trui millnif loan money Tn AllI CrR1 NN IN TIlE C Tot N 2 24 25 3VIb Cora pf o7 89 ut4l3l4l ualn 3lu3 aid > lo- I 19000 lTEIf141Efl FiliAl Stt n > l asking rutm for tteuing a foi 4 2 11795 I sc924 laSt year rimn il n 101 oOtuav luxluoll iame OK WAlThlt 4 IMMKIL rHHiKHICK- CTOIJSSe3J1I- l lu SthN 1t et244 2151 nod fllaltes ILirry to the Stituiil llfO Ins Co X J1V COIL long WIN and 4 11 Ac-¬ 17072V m lev The future trading was a follows 805 24000 SCMMKII AM JOhFIH II SCAMMKIU fir demand t n 4 71 W tuI on ar 30x10011 I u I lust it e Bray yr S23000- I CAUO CIXJSIJO QUOTATION S < C touih ln K 81MI TIIK flKM UF SCAXHCM BROTIlElia- tual raIn arc Lone luls t S4S 4Hsi sight 0213 Ledt ileu Henry II iwfcei ipl lf I Isa Mcrarane 1 Same to Wm K llarrmejrcr 29 3J lath Ii- IHiL 7 71 1luit 7 112 UOO- SKSII UHKETISli Aked IHt Alttd- 4 h nud tran Ierk- April 770 771 > n c r I 4U I B7000 ON BOND AND MORTGAGE I H 93 < rafts 44Msn lame Mil t 141 it iixlOi Loui- 51 Lien You ami of you Ire hereby cited an l rrqalnd S oM YBiKUlt U4H me quoted Ma 770 i77t 771 7 Iu 13200- f af I Is lfe I A Cox Alfred wife to Harry A Van ich IIyI 2111 64rHiJlHUl4 trams at SlTM- sfiniathek n to Jacob Inunvrtnan aol I per onMty lo Nt appear tn Special Ivrni Karl L Am 4 < Billy 831 7 772 7 I U IMIJO 1 prop 670- aol Btrawbd 4i S Nhth for ioniC Hnd for Juu B7J antl ieo li llrkiuyr- lot 312 map irdeu iniiallt of Supreme of 11w Stalu of New S ork al In- Canal D- 6 Car 11 14 aiw short a > 3 V S S the touri liock etreefa st taIi8 UiLni 32314I longill July 77iu7 77J 771 Vtliu- and t i cUr 4u 11x71 Abra- 4rOIC Jai U to John Uolton Ureen- in County In the TDlanid Mclu 2Y2t3 91 l05 retcli mark for and 05H fur AuttUil 771 7 M etliv Uttli w a ao ¬ Chaiubvn thereof tie Court house lu- 1IOh 77lv77j SDil lieruhi inn r loihai Krroan- 84700 ur 412 lIsle as yn at current rates upon desirably located prop i > York aer BulLlcrs 4UW10 for iong and 7 7 7 0i- ham I Ilty aol ouSt of hew on the iweniy nlb jLakl t as 2541- short Jia September 3i sT3i n J4 > t Autiiouy Siii lb and sslfe Same lo sonar name prop yr 300 IKIHI A M H Ilutfi UI Wet lusrr n- dsy of hay at eleven there aid 40 3JHt4US for short LVtnlier TSfVt7 21 727 7 It 7un- I 100 DVI t r Minon tnCornellui K Klunsland erty In New York City urlok ao ATESr UiM tiV QlOTATIO- ltV4 17 7 111 loMarrlettuIIukne- Shell tti tiutr cauie why a final settlement of the on Sew Ilojton- Noveiiitier 7jIf ti7o- OUI n VOO e loiutllbui av 30x100 1 I I2in t 42I i 3lh ar J irri- 18000J- I I 6L AWpf- Domestic vxclmnife York 7 I it I II Counts of Archer i Fui4lD4lon loll William Whll SatehlHinAAP 4 forfnll oIeemUr 7i 7ls iu 717I I Vm rueiu4 J el al tu rdMar- IIUMU Jubn to bellffinan rrauk a 5 Idth it AMtf ne atMiri John Walter eam- Canidun PaciHc 3M Northern Pac pf ft IfmHH tents diiiiunt harlcslun llu ing it loioan y r- ins iof January 72hT td 723 722 IJOO- arid Mire 17 ar J OOO K K L- Chesapeake Ohio 161l < West I par neilltic U premuni lluylng uoir 83000 ut for Lawyers Fees mvll rreilerklc nnimflisalanlJixrph ltbcaiuDiell k Ontario nil hu4nnih T VH4V4 decline In the St M uoia lIe w i 2tf 10 n I it 2U4X- KoWc L UII to toe Hirer birlniJnitn without eipense hmiM not tm hail anil If no rauM- trie com A A P IS Penntjrlranl- 1121 OfT Mlling par Nru irleans Hank 110 YytrTin Llrertmol llth lnto j3 1 yr- SOOOO lnioi ent ilehtori u > i Ipi 211 Hunroe aol 2J Javkon it I atn Reading A P market proluceil weaker otwinng her tnla but Mi3iV3xn3li scar Ihll and wife to it 31 boirnwn thin toatten the final Mdliiient of the Ut uf jo 22 53ft premium cummerim it5u cents discount tile deCIllid 5 a 1000 I IL 1 Jos lojunn Paradle ei2d ar J lillnou LVntral D7 fcl 1aul- rceortred an I the last prices of James lettlgreu eittiln ¬ AssigneS accountS and shy the Issue rilnl ai to Mgnt 3 cents telegraph the Ucy ereunehan < eil from nlchtscloiinkquo- Pearl 1 c 4 7 I of 031 v1123 2215 irreg Bose I jyrt- 8300 Principals or those authorized to repre- O Kansas A Hy tan Fran lco 7h lat S 7it lb llpu4tel claim uf 1inrna Lnlu Texas UH noutn 13u fully a 131 5 I II an Ootiuis 1 ii lieiiry > rlwin sad Wm s tu Sam- aiuwil 151 ii uf- UI cent iirmUui hi liulj rents premium latluni The wai due to retort lIst tee ia a3 ourhu li FM Ktnrtnm Mjrlno Mutual Im Ata vlailon Merchant1 Lake Sbor oulI Hr VI 119 11 It a of- 6th sY S s 10000 sent them will receive prompt answers as to Pi- oflered at UU cents premium Chicago 73 cents tlppl hadoTrrtlonvd HI aii4s lit kstiuri though Peari is om rloe ezur lIFrluu III llllllls3w hank uf Cana la 1lofla4 A lion ai Assignee of Ho- Louk SatlU SV- UnIon acfno v I V Lu I 7 Anna C tu usury I23tn- Hk > f- Ibis rumor ut afterward ili ulet The weeklj trop ha r hot Msr2 01cr > 00 fritdrlch fulllufni Ilrlisntlnr lo owners and 9b i Wauaali t> premium I St- ar- of loans upon application to IlrlJek StiTri sal Cni and wiaiher retort of the Untvrnmenl l nvilay Ibot1 It 119 t I ioi 0 iott it Mis t S v 31 8000 acceptance Park ntolnelte sni owners by r A 1almir Union Hailroad proper reports ssoru louiprogress I lk a 1 fruult heiiyman and win to Henry uott- 1 A W u The Iaclflo elateS mat farm wai uiakln rood and to ltwbaei tri yr- Ului husband E Wbltukir Adams ai mao WEDSHSDAV April is earnings for lebrutryof a de- that th neatherat the South durlMK the SOCk Had 3Vall I ill Ilrlrge I ornell dl al piorL- iieiren I i Kill st 217 w lit aV3 10000 nureati of Loans Uqultalilo Lire ship AuJromela and Lawnac- gru9 il1d4ti7 I v Loom y Wer- 54354 owner of of as cuiiirarc witb the same beer favorable fur planting The rfflpu at the port to of leter C I urpeli let ornelb 1t OiVren ilaihlas and lfe and WOrk ihou d not U aloof wltk the Although there was a Milne off In the deal crease il4h7u 1 ItS I 1111 so- et w bt ar 90- Ofllce Qroadway Now York CorJue rsrerrl of last year nod lid an In- Hcr lltfht wide th export for torn tinit P111 bay 31111 it Ieter and wife ner l U9lli 834 Ann4 1O StattlCn5 of salt annum lo some lullable pr >oa ta Son on tbo Stock Exchange today there wu- month lUlOll UID lir cal they are agaIn of lltvril pr IIs0s 31tuIeIIsul0 I fiulcr tewlne 89rl 8280 near the ume of fllMKI rur t ie two months tools 2 i S aol ilelerinluo 4 crease cndini portion Interior receipts were small The total I 211 t U e 10 Ii liii iV 911033 llmmuel tredk P lo Samuel Herrlan1- In leiiiniuiiy I hereunto caused the Do Impairment of gross were 1 > lie 2 IOU place 4 herrorl hare of the strung undertone the feb ill the tartixge JlBtlUS a po reM rt > fpr the week are aot vxpeited to be I > fUna A Cooper 10 Arrnal- 35Iikens 1 Jauienar w Wickrr too 1078 Seal uSulICI6 Coutiof th > of 24w I us bore Co- of the call blat I p limited smaller rnlume of trans decrease of t 4Soi7 omfared with the cor hU 31UO tMle it n i SuiU v SIb av- 24tzlU38 llelmte llrur U to Title Uuar and Truit York to Ie hereto am ted market The l I > e lih 10- uv extendi from I to 131th CRIPPLE CREEK STOCKS of- rtSpunding pcrio II r and net JSs- frti i Ioiedbarlr teady with price iiue to name I i sill JHa it Wltnea hun It Van llrunl Presiding 70514506 actions largely the Inactivity itt > rtn3 u < a 9 3 yes 14 days 188000 rttulted rom 5J H decrease uf fOIOsl unchanf ed lo points loner TIe ules were 2A730 lit it sit uii r llaiwy to Ioul Kuche- SOAOO it iiiKi and have carefully and now especIally the saIl auprem i oart of the State of > ew York UU 212 555 unchanged on months I Albrrtlna C to- IUH Edith U lo Win II hull Central Parx- Wi Uretlfted pfofentonaj trader who sold their Hock retv Joteph and re- llarr ussr aud rllm it ill WiUui recommend ai cat Inreitmeou 500 Cluck of thIrteenth day of April The M tirand Island Railroad ID 24 hIior on distant Ueliterle Hamburg adranced- Mellna A Coolerui 17313 Unt S wiorvoibit 8yr 80000 foXBr fur < i S 11 140 Sl 11211 4 fl nHtm terday and who are atlll hoping to repurchase ports grow utriilagu Nbruar of J47il an 14 to 94 r ftf AuurUaii arthiui drllvvrlti > r tvr rnnn at i 22 Wooiter it tStioo- Hall Jane II to same 11 ovlOil Colu- Tbonpco ouiehOF Globe Clerk 2 its same lay mertcan of Hraill4- Hrury h Kokenbauin In John Allrue 18000 sklldMfea l 4sle >ejclueeEKeMloi Piirt Wiyl A them at a lower of prices Those operator increuiuf Sxail cimiirnl with the 4nbaiTS lhlsupply and msjmo > TI TSAM IHRIIXUIAM ranee of und 11 7h4U an IVOOO analil 41IOUU a ear Exiling for 0 112thit20 w thariyr 3000 cad Isabella sad Ialoo l > tac fur 3SIiI3etS month last tear increase au v < iooo amiiIt to Trust C 23- bid tllr3e35 were unquestionably disappointed at the colITIS two months Feb VI local account cauiei the dHlln after an early llihiinVI 40J7eiihav UxlOJ3 Henrr- Jade lurid and nil US apaales For the ending 1 H alley 103 B ulloa- ufllvJ 33 rifti due t the receipt of buying orders looped au1 wife dl lo rveiina A i noper 730- Ullft il and 11 I Is HJKBU ulVlN turtuant lo law to of as a earnings eru ot- from in Jtri MECHEM INVESTMENT COMPANY < todays market for foal prices were the gnm itliD an increa Europe bin was stiudy at 30 relt adran e receipts Same prut ° Miry 3 Uichuiou hu- 80000 THE NOTItF of ueOr e L kent Miry UoAnulir fiiuipiirril rty aol S Chicago rule above tiioic yesterdaY Jlaterlal net SiUl at with tie corrttpondlnc- iOOo stIck ViMO KloeiihangeVI lrt1 na I Vance I and aud Caroline J lo Krullna A KmhVr Keliu to Nellie Parker 267l W 138 Jackion III bant floor or McNullt Marr 4 McliUue or MrOulnria AUgustA of > liter it U Q- urrKxl ut last CST and net fli4UU adcureaae- of wa Iiiat at unchanged price < Cooper S7JO mil it 3 yri- 1300 a KceelaDl Mir Kiiebne Au < u t Okemm Sarah Mcrlearr or Aaran advances were however any 32d hanto 1I all E not recorded for ot S074 rrrelpt > 20iu itck 144 uuo llln un the spot wee 33th it 347 and Su 33 est Helen LlTlni Krrran Cbarlei to Abraham Bernbtlntr 7th Members of Colorado cbante dlrtvl private UEI ary erge Hill ItruUvl sIr t rlJ t M alU- i Nu 7 13V cale 900 Mara lo Louise V av S t> 14410 2 yn 10000 wires Orvteri promptly Mecuudiorreipondnc iiiu 3254Mroy MrrA hullUan LarM Law- of the active except Sugar Ilcllnlnu and gross dull cud heady bag atI4 Itrmstton out tor it Jam S stock The fentrnl Ilranch Uulmml reports p I trailing was 40th 14 icaso 1 U Kuhn Will 1li the Oreaccii lollclled rence Mary T Waltn 31 lam lilanc Charles lsee- i calbo oa fbo future u foiuwi it EIot alter n Adelaide exri Htt ni- Loalsvlllo and NMhrllle A number of the earnings for February of 115U iii increase IWOOO Mh St 375 e lloulu anl S yrs 1300 HMiinllt 1155 It Ukert Jnhu II CaanitMn Vioi n4u- 11e sot 4 IttqHtit Lowest I1SIQ llama I- Sil sactive ones among of 101117 as compared with same mnntltof IOeO 10 1HIU t 111 cud J3 l tan b Hub Uchlhaler Jan lo tauin n S 13Slh it 350 Miirlnu Ann Illugila ethel lHile Mamart icoreJ hacdiom net gain 112 Xsrch 373 luVO 70iIft5O Irenor A Tobacco Co last year and oct iitU5 increase 01 JulHM April 730l 1SIO 14111 lard referee toI Kiahir ut birobni- 3100 iloulsard 7r9 9830 American rruhiicn- AUglltI Iaeenlor flrick Inmla Jobs them Colorailo l29hlL0S cv H Wm II n Barrow Snlwiierky liearlou Mai U > Conulliiated Oat Illlnola bteel the two months ending Fvb 21 the gross May 1000 lif03 1310- 81th It II 173e last had 43x1022 Joan Lars lennle lo hull i it Mir Mrioiw ku I For 1300 I 41 3 3 vr- 6000t- Kr 3Iun- Fuel Lead C C C and St Louts earnings were JdSOSS an increase of JUD IOOO li312 M IV70 12H3I1273 lira nil ant wife lo lmli llranot U part 1 13 I w 4lh il k part 6 Script Wfttrr lrall ffeiefie Shw Jane l7aJ National t5558- 1124 Louts Uraudl and Lydfcter HUiau to tranklln Peak a s Celeit IU lUnCKk William ions Patrick flayde pre- > an t with the rorretpondlng period of July 2JOO USO 124 12JV4UiH Mn Eat wife lo Mm hOMED BV N11 YORK EX sad Loultrille New Albany and Cblcaeo coinpire John Uraiiot 1 413 l I Sib ar yr OOO DUE WU W0l3E deceaM inI present trrlr cUliui with the iiro- year and net kn Increase of fJ3- August 1130 I1V3 11x3 I1H4IIV3 4lttit 10 Wm A and CuA240c i1iM TSi1JW IN ILnrinif Subscribe orBo- day last JJliH tMuiciubifr7VOO 70 0- Slid IT e a J73 I stZsto711115a a Ljiuzr Janann r llanneurn rouchm lo the al hIs ferred The noteworthy Incidents of th > II 1163 II3 1Ih 3 tMf 4ut IVtouer tOOU 11411 118- 4l 340 xnIOJli w 3x n to 77th it z 170 I lfe 513 WeS 40th It yri 8000 IIU Naauu it In the city of Nor York ou ur a slight of buying lI91sII90 x a to centra uf block z w to 73- Lary H ta Wm If Hall a s 44th ll- the 6Jiutyofflay Kivn- wet Increase lathe number The Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern 3Decmbrn300 1103 10VO lO85ilOiiS line z n Jrunlt W CHAS C EDEY SONS UM at- gross X w 100 lo araUo n a 7oth > t 43 Uiw 1010 ar 6073IJ l3yri 80000 Uale1 New orkllareh lath 296I itrilen received by commlulon boote > Railroad reports earning for February of yuwaWaa quit land steady sales 7JOO tbla n ax la4l w to lialUy Bear Members 24 Stock WILLIAM M 110L fublie A- JJUTiU compared jI 42 i son ar 75xl0ix lUo I 70lh 143- Latin Btrnard antI le 00 Z Fzcbe- Adsi91atrtOo Hariuc ot taitifn sibLings twMM a model Jd3I2 an Incrc4ue of aj port and 4111 satUl tsosIpI edlao1I af 73z102 154 W I 4t s 1011 Swamp ro4 M Utf rucUOO wlttt road frwul Tilaa 2 Weed SS MtDAD WAY cddnIatrst0I A ot Un abor oaJui4 76s4M

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