Rwr Fsw Shortuni

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Rwr Fsw Shortuni I r r p rWr Yi v rr1I t = = THE SUN THURSDAY APRIL 16 180ft 9 IYAZcCL4L AXD COMMERCIAL ate the barer and receipt from abroad for with the aeae month last year and tVSM sacks Bprtng wheat brands ta IbIs Irmt lobs and wilt Farm lo Wett Ctiwtor Ac 19 part I nf net bbl and aperfl- wunntbitMtto Clara J Tobed I Ln8caI hK the flrat time In a nnmbor of week SITOnHl an Increase of 08070 For the two wire quoted as follows 5flC Curtlttta i i600 New Terk fllo kEz > it HiiU > April 15- ffo S vi II7a41l401 No 1 extra B4th I 10 e Charts HaniielMvinnarrtil and Flitter L win to- of moderate Investment month ending Feb 29 the gross earning were neISllO extra J01t v- tn iuhar K4ilW8l orders These last 110 clVar 5223518 251 straiKhta M f WhitaM wife 10Caroline THwmaB 19000- rredtrK J Hlddlebmok Tn 0000 jili- STATl ASD TATK an as B- tiItEtl BONM IK SlOOOs together with advices tbflWl Increase of fllZUA compared 483UI patent tS 4iSiMl Mill feeltlran per 100I- 8Mb it n I loll e ut a Y lultiO 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    elcome to Huggins and Scott Auctions, the Nation's fastest grow- W ing Sports & Americana Auction House. With this catalog, we are presenting another extensive list of sports cards and memo- rabilia, plus an array of historically significant Americana items. We hope you enjoy this. V E RY IMPORTA N T: DUE TO SIZE CONSTRAINTS AND T H E COST FAC TOR IN THE PRINT VERSION OF MOST CATA LOGS, WE ARE UNABLE TO INCLUDE ALL PICTURES AND ELA B O- R ATE DESCRIPTIONS ON EV E RY SINGLE LOT IN THE AUCTION. HOW EVER, OUR WEBSITE HAS NO LIMITATIONS, SO W E H AVE ADDED MANY MORE PH OTOS AND A MUCH MORE ELA B O R ATE DESCRIPTION ON V I RT UA L LY EV E RY ITEM ON OUR WEBSITE. WELL WO RTH CHECKING OUT IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT A LOT ! WEBSITE: W W W. H U G G I N S A N D S C OTT. C O M Here's how we are running our October 9, 2014 to STEP 2. A way to check if your bid was accepted is to go auction: to “My Bid List”. If the item you bid on is listed there, you are in. You can now sort your bid list by which lots you BIDDING BEGINS: hold the current high bid for, and which lots you have been Monday September 29, 2014 at 12:00pm Eastern Ti m e outbid on. IF YOU HAVE NOT PLACED A BID ON AN ITEM BEFORE 10:00 pm EST (on the night the Our auction was designed years ago and still remains geared item ends), YOU CANNOT BID ON THAT ITEM toward affordable vintage items for the serious collector.
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