I r r p rWr Yi v rr1I t = = THE SUN THURSDAY APRIL 16 180ft 9 IYAZcCL4L AXD COMMERCIAL ate the barer and receipt from abroad for with the aeae month last year and tVSM sacks Bprtng wheat brands ta IbIs Irmt lobs and wilt Farm lo Wett Ctiwtor Ac 19 part I nf net bbl and aperfl- wunntbitMtto Clara J Tobed I Ln8caI hK the flrat time In a nnmbor of week SITOnHl an Increase of 08070 For the two wire quoted as follows 5flC Curtlttta i i600 New Terk fllo kEz > it HiiU > April 15- ffo S vi II7a41l401 No 1 extra B4th I 10 e Charts HaniielMvinnarrtil and Flitter L win to- of moderate Investment month ending Feb 29 the gross earning were neISllO extra J01t v- tn iuhar K4ilW8l orders These last 110 clVar 5223518 251 straiKhta M f WhitaM wife 10Caroline THwmaB 19000- rredtrK J Hlddlebmok Tn 0000 jili- STATl ASD TATK an as B- tiItEtl BONM IK SlOOOs together with advices tbflWl Increase of fllZUA compared 483UI patent tS 4iSiMl Mill feeltlran per 100I- 8Mb it n I loll e ut a Y lultiO 41 CordUa- McPheraon John D sad wife to Flyby from Ixmdrn ot an toot taut year S 5 3AtCI4A 206 with the corresponding iwlnd of cod MU 140 f04B3et sboru 26 rim 1264241i mid Ktewpl ant husband lo the LIterary Onrlin 19 Cornelia t 4000 OREGON 2V34e1VI3it7h plent Investment Inqnlrj la the market for net T1n87 an Increase of S1SHU90 to loo IMiWvittivi sharp nn l 7Ja Oe oociety MRt Cathertn 45940- Michel Eilnard to larjartlha Otxrle S SHORTUNi ut 1UVClerdt1- dllnnlM l l oil logi yn- ptilfM American securities would seem Kansas City Kaltrnad rye i V> TOM Mrrenlnis OU4SId 100 1112 euthii i ui t 2sz0O4IJtue4I1 Qthlt230 Ittar 3 13000 3cLoa or fxlTcu iTATt noMit to Indicate The and Omaha reports meai ei lln rake HV7Alll7fni rice Joni lei Mm 642610 CNauahton Malcom and wlfetti th Amer s February of In- tliooaliui erl s- EM 4sb1 Atk t- that the plethora of unemployed capital iro enrnlnes for 0741 an meai 100 514 hominy chop CVi cotton 91 ar lBi4 JniepKDitelaanawlftoJonn ILl Awedtnnort Prlntlu A Pub society UTAH NORTHERN fid abroad compared 6C3e S 03 srIPO41tIu U beginning to seek employment crease of 13422 as with the came Cccl moral 919412- PiMdi l 100 DJIhll IW7e tharJyri 8000 LVUi 2 In the tnlted 189 Chlca orrcelrel- 81 ar o S < John Waitee hornS A ho Mmnnd and t i tfllI e 113 Ii ill month of last year and lleflclt I a dporrai- 1adeneed ctn V l oiJ iathittMJiSOi Irfr cwendl I4IU1 lOwi tIMI4 State This slight evidence following upon pofll43 For the two months ending Feb Sin lo iiar in luo Mitn ataln > l tlOdO last ynri dieS a wife to Jonps Epstein 100 ano trustee n a thiS tt 2276 wL ilnctoa- iie a yell n tori c John r- r REORGANIZATION V84 r 1UJIIM II the 1 an Increase Toledo akanst 47131 SL tunis I7nii0 ilnt it I 4t i ar 5uilu01 a install 18000 Il18lO3- the willingness ot foreign bankers to tend Bros earning wen f 0711 of tIto I ana I 1I7- Ur their 7 tUU DID 17111 Dllllltll 37V3I Uuyie wit toJameiK Andrews ClUnk John H to exori Maurice OBrien Th committee baa received unlfr th of lie b4pc 17I U36s IbUUtU 147H as compared corresponding lietrnlt nil rt llan In may fan re- with the 3 l 1441 MlnnratxilKat 141200 > t 361001 53lh it WI Bihar HOxlOu1 Mary Dor S 120th it uo w Lexington ar yri 9000 balances this market logically period 110 sea nIt unln t V orianliatlon the followlnc securities MAiiroAD Ant rriifn twain ux nooov of last year and deficit a decrease 14 AD nxainst II5HXI ChlcAno II cars sIn saul buitxl lo i ary E Smith 1 Xonuomery James u to the X Life Ins A M9OOO KtiruVd as significant of Milwaukee e Mortgage 3 per b 43 ml 44 7JU 10 Nor 1ac en S s T VitUU Ill year Uuiulh lot azalnit 3v anl Miss 13lh it n 973 e ttoulranl 3SiSOlt trust CDninj KIII ISlet it 2 mua 3 yn 28000- Consolidated enL nlt of Hie Oregon itch lct a Spot A ureacen Ac ami- 24ewmsn Caroline T to the of Chrli- iv it Various trtitnorthy advices from abroad Tho Inlon 1aclflc Hall road entire system re aflnneiroiu 140 acaldtl tiear teed a0 sales ltult Sal coo sins Dwyer em Short Line and IUh Northern Itallwar Co beIng tT j- S Ilr Loin Miin None for export r o b rates am ai foimla Ureacen ai eatrlx of hobl Urtacen- topher n S 34th it 101 e nth av- leooo 4tti Ports earnings foP February of 1122507- Urn 1 H percent of the amount outstanding Mtrr K- 10 4 particularly from Berlin are that the rectnt- iross fIst owo Nn 1 hard no ori r May No 1 Northern lo Kuhn 8330 Keiman forth aol wife tn John Mronif- lllloot- an Increase compared < i Me w 3 yrs > v3 i 1 1 nt T4UU4 at with the Ii1r Nn I bard In ore 3c orrr Stay future 4Mn ci ti4eHthar Ellia n 33th it 175 913 ar 10000 Southern leneral Mortgage tort beIng VI per iS d 37 rnphl prngrei toward the reorganization ot the oreri in t 2illi5i 1 Ma- Uh ± or M 21- fame month of last year and net SV41U7 nn h as follows Klbblnet al SUsan lyiircker ttotilnion KieanorJ to the traitrei for cent of amount ouutamllngi Pio I sate V4l3u0bu 0 74 t < 4 lh St7OJIooo ttab fj 1tr Jgjj- Northern Pacific Haitimid Company is encour- ¬ nrreme off SUIUMOH For the two month end Same property Wm McKlbbln ct al clots rlanna r Cobb e nth ar n 511 t ltr- BOOOO i log 1212 1lVrP VliM- Lf decker 10730- Roaih Ass H and wife to Kohl T Meek Southern Gif luloa First Martian l va I ¬ teb the pros earnings were lOtlOTN- firsf11Q flfcs1 ClnIQ luKusan aging a more confident fee HUB regarding Amer- 11112 a 8- S lin BOAIcbVdiATn 31j W an Increase 31sy 72 72 1416 72 744 014 8iih it 24Sw 3VI End ar S0xin luardlan of Derihan Meets 5 Evelyn pi percent of the amount ont tanitlni S Miiaooooo- of JliMtlsM ai compared with the 713- U 1 w 300 6 I ican railway securities Kurtlier prugrcoa In t ondlng year Juir- 7I S 16 72 116 72 UiiiOCoukilaandwiretn Airin Hlittln 130 Jerome ar J sri ttheCapltal Stockof th Oregon Line Ulan Uj ne period of latt and net 71 1 1 IIi ttf l 72- 89IU L e Colnmhui block Scott Dora to Henry 233 Last 112 Shun and 2 02ort W 32- 10482122 11e5temnhct > H It il i Ill ar DiU lIIMburli iiI tbut reorganization was annouticetl today The st crease of I ttlss20 Iqi 7JH 7a Win II Hall Hall it 3 yri- 4000 Northern lUlltra Co being V3 tent of the I Ann Arbor4s Iifl W Ul- I 7 Vecclnier loJanrt A tT 6 9 Company rue Na hvllle and St Louis evtti it 113 Weiti L Helen Utuuiton Id SlnihelnierJo ph In llolh Uoldiclimldt Amount nuutanilln rtS JfcnlOHW IUI- < dlrertoMof the Northwest Equipment Clinltnnonirn Ccru adcaneed lie In lull firmer llecellit 1 van p1 poliSh a w nir i spot LoUise VeddT Cerirar branch l uvn j17thAcn0sti ISNJCengnlO It formally recommended tliu holders of jTirl51l repirts arosi earning for Mardi of her Iotay 64113 lUh at Cit 524320 87th > t 437 Weivti Uouirherty 1 yrt- 3900 In aJdlllon to the above hare trck itO in t 2 Edward and Klnffbrldear 1974OiOOCultit an Increase of as ctimpared itir I H ttiiii inciiiiiiiiic tu rod export Nt Donovan al 10000- Slrobel Chas H heed n s IDth- per l I cnmpnny to accept offered 5in71 tf n Stay rt wife lo Cornelius J et Kaiharlna to TrustIS rent tomlsof the hck T that the terms them with the satun month of lint and net 4lr attest No f alloit 2I43s4e Coluruliui ar wri suilixj Wm 231 2 e Ilvln < tnn place 3 yri- 20000 OretiUKhrfli aIl 1 lU clr Me am d4I trainer white TaailTtiiDt il Utah Nurtheru lUltwar Co being vn i 6ft IA- J Vioik In the Nnrthern Iacltlc plan of reorganization 9193831 a decrease of For the nine ft tnlftt 34 I4c 1 LnrKatt sid win tn Henneli a Iiartlett 1 fimadtek Louli toI Ja ob A Zlnimetmann- 0 17714 blisS 55 follows > lwit 10J Future sale illtUOJ 10 e Oe< II McKntyre w ol-I mount outstanding have a > l 2Cb1On14102D months ending March ill the gro s earnings 6vth st us Columiiun ar 2UHOini aud i n 18l th it 200 sente to the plan It WAS alii announced that tho holders of more were McLetn wlf 31 Slur i1 mo 333 V 1UM r- an corn Jtl2jSe4 Andrew and to Anna umbui ar The Committee has this 1y voted the urns iS luI OOODOO I92Iol Increaieof 4Jutla ti Loof ClolsQpAt ray 1 Schnoerlnir to M- toeiteml than of the general mortgage pared 0n < Join and wife francti 11 t tInt with the corresponding peruxl of May IIVj 4134 t rt4- for deposit or < r- 1O4 last 314 134 Both it 3 to 13 Weiti Juan n Smith and wife- Jtnckt w I 3vt Fnd ar al centri line be stamping of all clae of MiUrlllt 8 IO4- bonds of Pacific Company Tear and net t Jun 174 J7i 1 1131 tOO I fSW the Northern hare loS rilan mcreaeof soisl- 7V3 1i Isaac L fctnith t5eefl and 9410 ItS lyr 13 eelrable under pal ilan until an i icludinr 51 lUV IU tJ ¬ ti 37M- AT 1 I 4N YO Wcn3 rued charge were n sur- July nN 7U aih bum n S too w Columtus The Literary SocIety of St Vincent rerrer lo I lOMt4 deposited their bonds nnder the plan of reor ¬ llonUavmi i H U 3514 it ar 13x100 INT 1H8O After that itate will IsI r- t SOblnAMlMcn 1014 plus of 404300 an Increase 1044412 htptemtwr J H J o59 Jncna A Zimmerman et al to Louis Sniad- the FmtKratit Inauitrlat Sarln i Pant n e ivnr in 3 luvI noij ganisation Is they been attAilv itesei 15 ly COP Lexington ar H3th celred at the ItscretIun of ih iinmiiitlli aR4 I lOrUtMt1 It believe that have The Oit nlTdnrrd V pot tier tod and it lyr 130000 OMV 6 TH wnij Flint nnd 1Jre Marquelte Itallrooil re tfaa 41ldI lujouo- Iekh il SIl Wales 30th- upon Q I0ii OIlNrn8 Indnccd to tlo bj large ports gross 14liU liIL nt Chlciu Oil 53nt 5U it 324 Weil Harriet Wllcoi al to Taylor Uertrude lo Both i parmontof PENAITIIX foilotro to wlti acn CDT341O0 to the tact that a earnings fur February of 2228iflI r u h flIt s No whit1li- III MOOO 133 w ton 1 yr- n 9O jiOrtKonaLtlDTllIUH- tnMiillniT H00 tf ort I insist tl iMenhatnr- it Lezin ar 2300 upon 8CJ3Q4L1lebL amount of the bonds wilt soon be called
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