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Lastly, a willingness by the because a cycle oF chaos and This topic is close to his heart, as Troescher. Fitz-Gibbon went through a care giver to apologize when they violence leads to untold misery For he revealed that he and his wiFe Fitz-Gibbon stated that in the list oF elements he and his wiFe use, step outside oF the boundaries and children, Fitz-Gibbon explained. have taken in 70 Foster children year 2000, 1,356 kids died From child and others can use, to construct a to give clear choices to children as He also admitted that the throughout the years; children who abuse and neglect; this is Four non-violent home. a way oF empowering them. opposite environment, one with no have experienced neglect and children every day. First, a commitment to never Fitz-Gibbon stressed to the boundaries, is unhealthy as well. abuse. Divulging details From his use violence in any case, to refrain audience to be an example oF love, There needs to be a balance, “His speech was very raw and personal liFe, Fitz-Gibbon explained From shouting and to establish clear compassion and non-violence.
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