Community Access Scheme»
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to produce monthly newsreels, for Early in 1970 we began experimenting COMMUNITY ACCESS instance, which could be circulated for with a borrowed two camera video free by defense committees, ecology unit. Our premises were a completely groups, tenant unions, free clinics, open definition of community video SCHEME welfare rights organizations, and so on . and a desire to provide video access to The cost of simply producing and dis- as large a number of people as possible . needs on higher levels than simply EXTENDING VIDEO RECORDING tributing video tapes is less than a Working with these two concepts of showing films for fundraising and AS A SOCIETAL PROCESS dollar per minute. community application and open entertainment? This is really the ques- Video tape recording is the tool with These production costs will be borne, access, the unit was out every three or tion of developing decentralized infor- the greatest potential for developing where possible, by the participants -in four days for some seven months . mation systems as opposed to trying communications as a means for a com- a given project . If no such funds exist, Almost all of this work was done with to beat mass media at their own game munity to realize its own identity and the project can be completed through free equipment and surplus computer of packaged information, predigested needs. A community oriented video the taping and editing stages and funds type tape on homemade reels. This cut news, and insinuated messages . our expenses to 80c per recording project could define a community, can be sought on the basis of a funished hour, or 2% (one fiftieth) of the Production - How can we supplement rather than simply defining an audi- tape . We should not overemphasize the normal cost, virtually free access to a the role of the professional communi- ence. The project will become most film aspect - much work can be done sophisticated technology . The econ- cations worker, whether the sympa- meaningful as the community defines purely as video tape, especially as video omy resulted in poorer image quality, thetic documentarist or the network itself. facilities and distribution increase. but most of the projects could not bureaucrat, with real participation by A Video Project should function on Within the next several years home have been undertaken otherwise. people involved in the focus of a given three levels ; video cassette units will become com- situation, the possibility of their find- mon. Video facilities are already a The project which took on the great- - As an independent, self-expressive ing roles in the actual production and reality in the schools. In fact, tapes est significance was the film "Soledad unit. developing their own forms of commu- can now be played back on the tape Brothers." Produced for the Soledad nication? - Working as a unit with the participa- deck of a portable unit wherever there defense committee, it is being used tion of those engaged in a specific is a TV set. extensively by them in organizing For example, a sympathetic portrayal project. support for the Soledad Brothers and of ghetto residents could be done by - Assisting groups in developing their MODULAR STUDIO CBS News or the Maysles and it will for prison reform . The film is a highly own independent expression. The basic unit of the community video basically feed back to the kind of lib- informational document which is gen- studio is the porta-pak, a compact, eral sentiment that produced that In practice the unit will not function erally shown in conjunction with battery operated, one man sound and portrait . But a group of people creating categorically, but will develop as an ex- speakers from the defense. This film . their own documents, their own ex- periment with the dynamics inherent in video recording and playback system was edited from some twelve hours of The porta-pak is relatively inexpensive pression of themselves and their lives, the video medium in relation to imme- video taped interviews with ex- ($1500) and can be easily operated by their own skills in communication, is a diate social priorities and a vision of prisoners of Soledad, lawyers, and anyone, including the very young or challenge that demands our attention decentralized, liberated communica- members of the Brothers' families . those with no previous experience in and respect, and only secondarily our tions. The production expense prior to the visual media. Expanding from this possible sympathy . To return briefly to the problem of making the transfer to film was $60 . unit, our vision is a full scale studio distribution within a decentralized in- The transfer and first print cost $864 . THE POTENTIAL OF VIDEO TAPE and continuing video workshop. First formation system, video cassettes and The cost of doing the original record- we need six or more porta-paks to Portable video recording is revolution- cable television both hold much ing on film (over $5000) would have .It is a much maximize availability . It will be neces- izing communications. promise but are in an early stage of been well beyond the defense com- more accessible visual medium than sary to provide some basic instruction mittee's resources . This project brought development . Sixteen millimeter film in the use and care of the equipment, film. Economically, film is beyond the is still the primary "alternative" into focus for us the critical need at all so we will institute regular workshops reach of masses of people . Technically, . A temporary requirement of levels in the community for meaning- medium which will be an important feature of film is a craft before it's a means of ex- a video project would be, in effect, to ful access to communication tools . We the overall project. For editing and pression, requiring an enormous invest- produce films (via kinescope) to were confronted with the enormous playback we will add several video ment of energy separate from the com- achieve maximum immediate distribu- potential of video tape as a solution to municating impulse . The initial outlay tape decks and monitors . This will the problems which have always tion. for video equipment is less than for enable us to set up video playback frustrated the development of liberat- equivalent motion picture equipment VIDEO/FILM theaters anywhere and will also allow ed media as a functioning community and video production expenses are a A one hour edited film (transferred simultaneous and diverse use of the resource. small fraction of film expenditure . from video tape via the kinescope facility by several groups . In order to BASIC PROBLEMS FOR ANYONE process) to the internegative stage will convert all this into a standard video VIDEO TAPE RECORDING IS A COMMITTED TO ALTERNATIVE . The reproduction studio, using multiple cameras and SITUATIONAL PROCESS cost $800 to $1000 MEDIA : of a film from internegative is the least instant editing and special effects; we Video tape recording is an instantaneous will add an electronic switching panel . Economics - How do we obtain max- expensive method of obtaining process, offering participants complete, This studio can produce video cassettes, imum suitable production for the least multiple prints . A print of an hour immediate, and simple control over the films, and tapes for cable broadcast, money? long film then costs $110 . entire recording circuit. The subject can and can involve the participation of a A one-copy transfer of an edited video Distribution - How can we reach become aware of himself as he appears fairly large number of people . The tape to film costs $300 for an hour . people in new ways - where they are? in the medium and develop his ex- complete facility costs $15,000. How can we increase the potential for pression in direct relation to the Three groups can have twenty minute films done for $100 each if they are Groups or collectives who have become reaching people with the information medium. The video camera can be as involved to the extent of wanting to they need when they need it - quickly private an object as the movie camera, transferred at the same time and the initiate their own production can ob- and cheaply? How can forms of distri- but can also be subject to collective basic lab fee for the kinescope set-up is shared. This would make it possible tain the porta-pak as their basic mod- bution match most closely community access and instant criticism ule and synch into the studio for edit- ing and expanded production . The Sony Corporation of America/VTR Division 47-47 Van Dam Street complete studio is inexpensive enough Long Island City, New York 11101 that similar studios could be established as local centers in a growing network. Gentlemen : This decentralized system of commu- I own ... portable unit(s) #AV3400 and/or have worked extensively with them in a variety of situations. I feel it my duty nity studios should eventually be as a consumer to inform you of your product's performance in the complemented by a technical center field . One characteristic in particular has repeatedly come to my for mass producing cassettes, for up- attention: grading half inch tapes to two inch broadcast standard, for developing new Machine rips, wrinkles, and generally mutilates videotapes designs and modifications for equip- Regularly ment systems, etcetera. Often Sometimes The time bas come to make electronic Every once in a while communications as available as the Only during important segments leaflet, the poster, and the community newspaper. Anyone interested in supporting this com- munity video project please contact us at 16 Ashbury, San Francisco, Ca. 94117, 415-752-2604. We are Andy Fahrenwald, Jan Fahrenwald, and Bruce Schmiechen, sometimes called Alternetworks ..