From: Beckett, Andrew - DMA To: Baldauff, Melissa - GOV; Cudaback, Britt G - GOV; Atherton, Grace - DATCP; McCarthy, Thomas G - DCF; Noelck, Jess J - DFI; Miller, Stephanie W - DHS; Hoye, Sarah M - DNR; Vidal, Molly - DOA; Pechacek, Amy C - DOC; Mayers, Patricia A - DOR; McHugh, Kristin - DOT; Garrett, Jennifer E - DSPS; Vigue, Carla J - DVA; Jedd, Ben - DWD; Hwang, Olivia C - OCI; Trost, Craig J - TOURISM; Sweeney, Matthew - PSC; Callender, David; Marquardt, Brenda A - WHEDA; Magney, Reid - ELECTIONS;
[email protected]; Tomev, Elizabeth A - DPI; Bellport, Christine - DMA; Trovato, Joseph; Sensenbrenner, Lee J - DOT;
[email protected]; Ripperger, Penny;
[email protected]; Harrison, Patty - DVA; Duwe, Leeann M - DATCP; Neal, Anna M - DOC; Paige, Gina M - DCF; Miller, Jennifer C - DHS; Yunker, Claire F - DHS;
[email protected]; Goodsitt, Elizabeth S - DHS; Spellman, Derek - OCI;
[email protected] Subject: Daily Comms director notes - 04-06 Date: Monday, April 6, 2020 10:44:15 AM Attachments: Comms director 040620.docx Notes submitted and taken from AM call attached. Andrew Beckett Public Information Officer Wisconsin Emergency Management Office: Cell:
[email protected] Comms director notes – 04-06-20 SEOC • Focus this week is on increasing and expanding testing capacity, allowing people to be able to know when to self-isolate. • Working on ventilator capacity and ventilator monitoring • County election clerks are receiving assistance from the National Guard in setting up polling places. Some WING members will also be training as poll workers. Efforts also continue to get people to volunteer to work as poll workers. • First push of PPE to county and tribes for non-medical entities took place over the weekend.