APRIL 2013 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 4 Conservation Leadership Corps nterested in being a leader in con- opportunity to network with state, fed- iservation? eral and private conservation organi- Interested in having your voice zations. heard on conservation issues by Wiscon- All your expenses for involvement in sin and National policymakers? the program will be paid for by the Wis- The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation consin Wildlife Federation. At the suc- is creating a Conservation Leadership cessful completion of the program you Training Program for you! will receive a $250 scholarship to further We welcome high school students in your conservation education! their junior/senior year or freshman/ Please visit our website: www.wiwf. sophomore college students to receive org for further details. You may also con- training in conservation leadership, con- tact Leah McSherry, WWF Conservation servation policy development and how to Leadership Corps Coordinator at lmc- advocate for sound conservation policies.
[email protected] or George Meyer, WWF Training will be provided by experienced Executive Director at georgemeyer@tds. conservation leaders. net with any questions or to express your Training will provide an excellent interest in the program. General Information on the Conservation Leadership Corps he Board of Directors of and presented conservation reso- didates are encouraged to attend Tthe Wisconsin Wildlife lutions may be adopted by WWF most, if not all, of these events. Federation (WWF) has to serve as official policies. All expenses encountered while initiated an exciting new program Training will be provided by participating in the CLC program to assist in the development of fu- current and former natural re- will be covered by WWF.