: Cross-Border Movement from (as of 24 May 2015)

3 In June 2014, military operations in North TAJIKISTAN Returnees registered at Ali-Zai point in OVERALL ASSISTANCE Waziristan Agency (NWA) in Pakistan led to Kurram Agency (PDMA TURKMENISTAN Situation Report, 25 Nov) the displacement of some 300,000 people LOGAR Food Tents NFIs Winter Kits to surrounding districts of and 256

Paktika in Afghanistan. The border and Sadda

Kabul !



! !

! ! !

! !


! ! ! 45% !

! ! Jaji

^! ! !

population remains fluid with refugees ! 95% 83%

! ! !

! 94%

! ! ] ! ! Maidan !

! crossing in and out of Afghanistan on a ! ! ! ! Musakhel regular basis. UNHCR is currently ! Jajimaydan 31,197 14,798 30,789 27,146 undertaking a re-verification process. As families families families families ! Kurram of 18 May, the total re-verified active ! PAKISTAN Sabari Bak Agency 3 caseload is 32,543 1 families (205,113 Qalandar FAMILIES ASSISTED individuals) with 22,973 families (154,343 INDIA ! KHOST Summary of families assisted by sector individuals) in Khost and 9,570 families ! Miran 256 595 Shah District Assessed Food* Tents NFI Winter Kit (50,770 individuals) in Paktika. 2,809 ] Khost PAKTYA Nadirshahkot Terezayi PAKTYA Khost Gulan Camp 10,122 8,620 3,859 5,120 8,141 834 !! Approximately 10,000 families, or 31 per 358 (Matun) cent of the total re-verified families are ! ! ! Khost (Matun) 2,809 3,295 215 3,400 2,228 Mandozayi ! accommodated in Gulan camp, while 29 Shamal Gurbuz 3,048 3,049 3,704 4,420 87 per cent is living with host families straining ! Tani 1,745 1,493 1,113 2,158 2,264 1,745 13,170 Terezayi 595 1,700 492 1,603 3,572 the already limited resources of under- ! ! ! ]Babrak served communities. Naka 3,206 Tana Spera 3,206 2,490 779 2,785 2,277 ! Tani Gurbuz Gulam Mando Zayi 834 710 1,190 1,883 968 Spera Funding constraints have impacted the Ziruk ]Khan Shamul 358 0 45 1,026 440 refugee response with humanitarian actors ! Nadirshahkot 256 200 197 1,042 369 only able to meet the most urgent Paktika Sarrawzah Miram protection needs, including basic camp Barmal 9,311 9,269 3,000 7,000 6,500 259 Shah ! management. ! ! Urgoon 259 371 200 319 300 Urgun Wazakhwah 0 0 0 0 0 2 ! Gyan ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Areas notified as Surubi 0 0 0 29 0 insecure in Total 32,543 31,197 14,798 30,789 27,146 49% *Wheat distributed to re-verified families in Mar, Apr and May. Male North Waziristan 32,543 PAKTIKA 27,146 families have received winter families assessed 51% ! North assistance. Waziristan as of 18 May 2015 Female 126,000 children under 10 vaccinated 9,311 Agency Sarobi against polio; 4 mobile clinics set up. Breakdown by Province and Agency ! 2.2 sq. km area cleared of mines; Bermel Khost 22,973 73,572 individuals provided with PAKISTAN mine risk education. Paktika 9,570 11,658 children receiving treatment for severe malnutrition. 1,954 IRC Gomal ! 17,281 hygiene kits, 2,654 emergency 407 NRC latrine kits and 1,760 female hygiene kits 379 Edu. Dept. South distributed. 6,300 people were provided 297 ARCS hygiene education. 9.6 million litres of Waziristan Administrative Boundaries Families Assessed (as of 18 May) Agency Fr Tank drinking water supplied. International 1 - 100 Humanitarian partners currently providing assistance in Province 101 - 2,000Jandola the region include: AADA, ACTD, APA, APWO, ARCS, District 2,001 - 4,000! Aschiana, ASR, CARE, DACAAR, DoE, DoRR, Halo 29,506 Wana ^! Capital 4,001 - 13,170 Trust, HealthNet, HNI-TPO, ICRC, IMC, IOM, IRC, MDC, ! UNHCR, !! Provincial Center ] Border entry points Tank MEHR, MRRD, MSF, NRC, OHW, OMAR, OXFAM, 10Km ORCD, Solidarités, SVA, TLO, UNFPA, UNHCR, DoRR, APA, ORCD ! District Center ! Gulan Camp ! UNICEF, UNMAS/MACCA, WADAN, WFP and WHO.

Note:Note:Note:ThoseNote: families who did not present in two consecutive distributions of assistance were de-activated 1.Sources: AGCHO; UNHCR update on number of assessed families as of 18 May 2015 2; UNHCR update on the number of families assisted by sector as of 18 May 2015 3; Food and NFIs beneficiaries have an overlap between multiple distributions and percentages shown may not represent the actual proportion of families receiving assistance 3. Creation date: 25 May 2015Doc Name: afg_Cross_Border_Movement_NWA_Khost_20150524Feedback: Feedback: [email protected]: http://www.unocha.org/afghanistan http://afg.humanitarianresponse.info Disclaimers:The designations employed and the prese ntation of material on this map do not imply the ex pression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of t he Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or ar ea or of its authorities, or concerning the delimit ation of its frontiers or boundaries.