Co-signed and endorsed by the following members of the Sustainable Canada Dialogues:

François Anctil, Professeur titulaire, Génie civil et génie des eaux, Université Laval

Fikret Berkes, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Community-Based Resource Management, Natural Resources Institute,

Bryson Brown, Professor, Philosophy, University of Lethbridge

James Byrne, Professor, Geography, University of Lethbridge

Irena Creed, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Watershed Sciences, Biology, Western University

Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair on the Determinants of Healthy Communities, Community Health, Nursing and Indigenous Studies,

Ann Dale, Professor, Environment and Sustainability,

Deborah de Lange, Assistant Professor, Global Management Studies,

Bruno Dyck, Professor, Business Administration, University of Manitoba

Martin Entz, Professor, Plant Science, University of Manitoba

Rosine Faucher, Associate Editor, McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy

Adam Fenech, Associate Professor, Business, University of Prince Edward Island

Alison Kemper, Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Ryerson University

Liat Margolis, Assistant Professor, Architecture,

Damon Matthews, Associate Professor, Geography and Planning and Environment,

Martin Mkandawire, Associate Professor and Industrial Research Chair in Minewater Management, Chemistry, Cape Breton University

Normand Mousseau, Professor and University Research Chair in Complex Materials, Energy and Natural Resources, Physics, Université de Montréal

Ken Oakes, Assistant Professor and Verschuren Centre Industrial Research Chair-Environmental Remediation, Biology, Cape Breton University

Sarah Otto, Professor, Zoology, University of British Columbia

André Potvin, Professeur titulaire, École d’architecture, Université Laval

Stephen Shepard, Professor, Forestry, University of British Columbia

Marc-André Villard, Professor, Biology, Université de Moncton

Sonia Wesche, Assistant Professor, Geography, Environment and Geomatics,

For more information on the Sustainable Canada Dialogues: