General Electric Compan, A=Hmcnu!I••I:Hcrt"",A
Established 1975 Number 244 January 1997 Partners for Power For clearness, distance and pleasure from your radio-s-your storage battery needs its partner - the Tungar Battery Charger. Tungar keeps the battery at top notch - always ready for you to get every program. Attach Tungar to the house circuit for overnight charging of radio and auto batteries and be free from care. Tung.r is one of Sold by Electrical, Auto-accessory the many scientific achievements• con and Radio dealers. tributed by the G-E Research Laborato ries toward the won derful development of electricity in America. T..n,a, BarteryCM"'" op ...ausonAlumaM'C............ Price, east of ,he Rockia (60cyd.O",!iu)-,amper• •ompl"., Sr8.00; ,am".... .ampl".. $.8.00. Spee ial T ..n,ar-a '.gisr....d "ad. ma,k-is fo..nd only =hm.... for .M,gin, ..or on ,h. , Lookfor i. on ,h. Mm. place. 24 ee11 "B" S,ora,. Barcery $}.oo. Special =hmmr fo' Merchandise Department char,in, 2 ar ... wit "A' Srora,. Batury $r.". Bach General Electric Compan, a=hmcnu!i••i:hcrT"",a,. __.... Bridgepon, Connecticut GENERAL ELECTRIC Publication of the Old Time Radio Club Membership Information Club Officers and Librarians New member processing, $5 plus club membership President of $15 per year from January 1 to December 31. Jerry Collins (716) 683-6199 Members receive a tape library listing, reference 56 Christen Ct. library listing, and a monthly newsletter. Member Lancaster, NY 14086 ships are as follows: If you join January-March, $15; April-June, $12; July-September, $8; October Vice President & Canadian Branch December; $5.
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