Dear Ms. Shong,

I am excited to be apart of this class and to be joining you throughout the second quarter. In my spare time I like to research and journal about different things that I am interested in at the time, for example, dogs, housing, cities/countries, fashion, and technology. I find by researching things it gives me a greater sense of knowledge and I am able to be more informed on topics that I enjoy and care about. Outside of school I practice yoga at Kushala Yoga with my mom. I do my practice around 2-3 times a week. I enjoy yoga because it is a relaxing space with lots of positive energy and I get to combine my strength and flexibility. I have an advantage in yoga because I used to be a gymnast and acrobat therefore in my practice I have the ability to take myself one step further than the majority of class by working at a higher level of flexibility and strength. I currently work as a barista at Starbucks. I work about 8-12 hours a week and I am very proud of myself for finding a job that incorporates my strengths and allows me to working with people in a fast paced environment. I have a very organized personality and I like keep things in an orderly fashion. However when things do get difficult and tasks pile up I tend to have a hard time staying focused and prioritizing. I would like to improve upon this by incorporating further time management and organizational techniques. I chose the colors green, black, and white for my visual resume because when I picture myself now and in the future I see a fresh, elegant, peaceful, vigorous, natural, and powerful woman.

Sincerely, Reilly O’Callaghan Reilly O’Callaghan

My Philosophy My favourite documentary is Miss Americana. It is a film about the pop star, , and everything she has gone threw to get to where she is today. The film showcases on stage and backstage footage as well as footage of Taylor in her home and in the studio. This identified with this documentary because each time I watch it I am reminded that it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of me, or if they like me, whats important is that I be myself. There will always be people in the world who will try to put me down. Miss Americana to stay focused on what makes me happy and what I love. With that being said, if I could interview anyone it would be Family Taylor Swift. I would like to interview her because she is very down to Earth and is positive, strong woman. Another reason why I would pick Taylor Swift is because I grew up listening to all of her songs and I have followed her throughout her career. I would like to talk to her about what gets her through the day, what she looks forward to in the future and if she can change anything in her past what would it be. Taylor Swift is someone I look up to because of what she has accomplished in life already, the challenges she has faced to get her where she is today and expectations that she has on herself. Expectations that I have of this course are that I will come out of it having gained further knowledge, it will be interactive, engaging and it will benefit me both personally and in my future classes. I Pets chose this class because I had taken New Media 10 last year and loved it. I learnt so much new information and explored various formats of writing. Last year I found that class very beneficial and I still use those techniques that I learned from that course in my other studies. I hope this year I will enjoy New Media just as much as last year if not more.

Thoughtful Quotes

Rowan O’Callaghan (Sister) Nature “It may be normal, darling; but I’d rather be natural.” “I love your outgoing personality!” Traveling Audrey Hepburn