Licensing Sub-Committee City of Westminster Report Item No: Date: 9 July 2020 Licensing Ref No: 20/03120/LIPN - New Premises Licence Title of Report: Odeon Luxe West End 38A Leicester Square London WC2H 7DX Report of: Director of Public Protection and Licensing Wards involved: St James's Policy context: City of Westminster Statement of Licensing Policy Financial summary: None Report Author: Miss Jessica Donovan Senior Licensing Officer Contact details Telephone: 020 7641 6500 Email:
[email protected] 1. Application 1-A Applicant and premises Application Type: New Premises Licence, Licensing Act 2003 Application received date: 18 March 2020 Applicant: Odeon Cinemas Limited Premises: Odeon Luxe West End Premises address: 38A Leicester Square Ward: St James’s London WC2H 7DX Cumulative West End Impact Area: Premises description: This is an application for a new premises licence which intends to operate as a cinema on the south side of Leicester Square. Premises licence history: This is a new premises application and therefore no Premises Licence history exist. Applicant submissions: The application follows pre-application advice ref: 20/00055/PREAPM. A copy of this report can be found at Appendix 2 along with additional information provided by the applicant following the Licensing Authority representation. 1-B Proposed licensable activities and hours Plays: Indoors, outdoors or both Indoors Day: Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Start: 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 End: 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 Seasonal