Prepare to be AMAZED!!


In conjunction with a new and innovative device called , ​ ​ and a 3­D camera,it is taking the Internet by storm! These tools throw open doors to museums, around the world, that were previously opened to a very few.

Students of all ages can Explore Google Arts and Culture

Google Arts & Cultural Created by Google Cultural Arts is a little known ​ ​ ​ gem in the Google world that is GREAT for all ages, Pre­K through college and beyond!! Everyone can discover artworks, collections and stories from all around the world like never before. Artifacts are viewable, from your classroom, in amazing detail. ​ You can discover amazing information in multiple sections such as: ● The Art Project renders famous art collections at your fingertips. ​ ​ ​ ● Historic Moments features online exhibits encompassing significant historical events, ​ ​ ● World Wonders offers street views of modern and historic world wonders. These will ​ ​ transform the way you teach and the way your students learn!T ​ ● Tilt Brush Painting VR, a new and amazing way to create art. ​ ​ ● Performing Arts: One of the newest additions to the cite. Step on stage with the world’s most ​ ​ ​ amazing performers and immerse yourself inside 360º shows across the globe.

Discover Ways to Revolutionize your Classroom: View artworks, collections, and stories from around the world aligned with your content. Travel through time and explore history through artwork, photographs, documents, and personal accounts. Take virtual tours through historic and modern sites from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial to Pompeii's archaeological digs and more. Take advantage of the program which provides free kits containing smartphones, a tablet, portable ​ ​ ​ router, and Google Cardboard to provide virtual fieldtrips! Sign­up here. ​ ​

Use it as a research tool, take students on a virtual field trip, explore history through art, or just explore. The sky's the limit. Google has definitely hit the ball out of the park with this one! What an amazing tool that can be used in every classroom around the world….All this and did I say the site is FREE!

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