Tilt Brush

An application launched by a year ago for sketching, which provides designers with a novel virtual “palette” of various colours and dynamic brushes. Tilt Brush is an intuitive interface which maximises the designers’ creative expression while allowing them to walk around their art and explore their sketches in 3D as they draw them. Symmetry

A VR software tool for professionals in architecture, engineering and construction, allowing users to convert 3D models created in SketchUp into fully immersive virtual environments that can be explored interactively. Symmetry allows users to examine a maquette set on a table, as well as walk into it end explore it to real size proportions. Iris VR

A more user-friendly version of the Symmetry software tool, requiring less training. It enables instant conversion of 3D into a VR experience allowing the designer explore their model and create effective mark-ups to address design issues. ARCVR

A novel graphical interface with customising potential that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators. ARCVR is suitable for building and rearranging objects, while also making aesthetic changes. The necessary equipment to recreate structures with the ARCVR technology comprises a controller and the headset. Truvision

A start-up which recreates virtual environments enabling the designers to explore the real site, observe and interact, using Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Samsung Gear VR. NBBJ

A start-up which, aside from offering full immersion and interaction with virtual environments, can also produce immersive urban designs, taking VR for architecture to the next level. Figure 1: Companies leading the VT world