NOVA SCOTIA HOSPICE PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES DIRECTORY AS OF JANUARY 2013 INTRODUCTION Information contained within this directory was obtained from the various programs and hospice societies. The NSHPCA compiled the information into a standardized format and it is organized by district health authority. We do our best to ensure the information is current and apologize for any errors or omissions that may result from changes in services after the time of writing. Errors and omissions can be reported to
[email protected] and please do not hesitate to contact the association for further information: Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association PO Box 103, Lakeside, NS B3T1M6 902-818-9139 Page 2 INDEX LOCATION OF HOSPICE PALLIATIVE CARE “PROGRAMS” District # Page # DISTRICT 1 SOUTH SHORE HEALTH (SSH) 8 - Lunenburg County - Queens County DISTRICT 2 SOUTH WEST HEALTH (SWH) 9 - Digby County - Shelburne County - Yarmouth County DISTRICT 3 ANNAPOLIS VALLEY HEALTH (AVH) 14 - Annapolis Royal - Middleton - Kentville DISTRICT 4 COLCHESTER EAST HANTS HEALTH 15 AUTHORITY (CEHHA) - Tatamagouche - Truro DISTRICT 5 CUMBERLAND HEALTH AUTHORITY 16 (CHA) - Advocate Harbour - Amherst - Parrsboro - Pugwash - Springhill Page 3 DISTRICT 6 PICTOU COUNTY HEALTH 22 AUTHORITY (PCHA) - New Glasgow DISTRICT 7 GUYSBOUROUGH ANTIGONISH 23 STRAIT HEALTH AUTHORITY (GASHA) - Antigonish - Canso - Cleveland - Guysborough - Sherbrooke DISTRICT 8 CAPE BRETON DISTRICT HEALTH 29 AUTHORITY (CBDHA) - Cheticamp - Inverness - Sydney DISTRICT 9 CAPITAL HEALTH (CDHA) 33 - Dartmouth - Halifax - Middle Musquodoboit - Windsor IWK HEALTH IWK HEALTH CENTRE (IWK) 40 CENTRE - Halifax Page 4 INDEX LOCATION OF HOSPICE PALLIATIVE CARE “SOCIETIES” District # Page # DISTRICT 1 SOUTH SHORE 43 - No Hospice Society. Donations can be made through Health Services Foundation, Bridgewater.