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Presentazione Standard Di Powerpoint CULTURAL LANDSCAPE Francesca Loguercio Cilento & Vallo di Diano National Park Date inscribed 1998 World heritage property Buffer zone 842-001 Paestum, Velia, The Certosa of Padula, mount Cervati and The Vallo di Diano 842-002 Punta Licosa and the mount Stella region 842-003 Capo Palinuro, Punta degli Infreschi and the mount Bulgheria region EXTENSION TANAGRO RIVER The National Park, essentially a mountainous region divided by several river valleys sloping down to the Tyrrhenian Sea, is defined by natural features: the Tyrrhenian Sea on the east, and the Sele and Tanagro rivers, with the broad sweep of the Vallo di Diano in its SELE RIVER upper reaches. TYRRHENIAN SEA HISTORY Cilento is a cultural landscape of • It has been occupied over time by farmers during the Neolithic period, outstanding value that has by Bronze and Iron Age societies, Etruscans, Greek colonists, Lucanians evidence of human occupation dating from 250,000 years ago. • It was incorporated into the Roman territory in the 3rd century BC HISTORY The site contains dramatic groups of sanctuaries and settlements extending across three different east- west mountain ridges in the province of Salerno, covering quite a vast area, 159,110ha, including part of the National Park Cilento e Vallo di Diano, the two archaeological sites of Paestum and Velia, and the monumental Certosa of Padula. Certosa of Padula Sanctuary of Velia Archaeological site of Paestum PAESTUM Communication routes were established during pre- historic times along the crests of the mountain ranges, and while they fell into decline during the Roman era, they came back into use in the Middle Ages. Evidence of this use is visible in the many prehistoric and proto- historic sites discovered, and in the medieval towns and castles. The most noteworthy archaeological site is that of Paestum, the Greek city of Poseidonia, founded at the end of 7TH century BC. VELIA Another site of great importance is the archaeological area of Velia, which preserves the monumental remains of the colony of Elea, founded by the Phocaeans in the second half of the 6TH century. VALUES Criterion (iii): During the prehistoric period, and again in the Middle Ages, the Cilento region served as a key route for cultural, political, and commercial communications in an exceptional manner, utilizing the crests of the mountain chains running east-west and thereby creating a cultural landscape of outstanding significance and quality. VALUES Criterion (iv): In two key episodes in the development of human societies in the Mediterranean region, the Cilento area provided the only viable means of communication between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian seas in the central Mediterranean region, and this is vividly illustrated by the cultural landscape of today. ATTRIBUTES INTEGRITY The integrity of the property is intact. We can find the archeological sites of Paestum and Velia, the monumental complex of the ancient monastery of Certosa of Padula and many sites of great archeological and artistic Certosa of Padula relevance. The vast side also contains Punta Licosa seaside landscapes (Punta Licosa, Palinuro and Punta degli Infreschi) as well as inland landscapes, such as the Bulgheria mountains. This ample stretch of land, located within a natural protected area of national importance, ensures the integrity of the site. In fact, despite the inevitable transformations in such a vast territory, the property conserves its features as a cultural landscape, deriving from the age-old interaction between humans and nature. Punta degli Infreschi Bulgheria Mount ATTRIBUTES AUTHENTICITY The authenticity of the cultural elements within the park is high, providing an example of a cultural landscape of outstanding significance and quality on the Tyrrhenian Sea, with traces of human occupation dating back to pre-historic times. Vestiges of ancient mountain trail networks are still visible in the landscape, as are many of the religious sanctuaries. Villages and hamlets along the route have survived with little change impacting their authenticity. Archeological site of Paestum Palinuro sea Archeological site of Velia Ancient Village (Borgo San Severino) THREATS Threats to the property are primarily related to natural disasters such as landslides and flooding. There is a possible threat to the integrity of the site due to illegally constructed buildings within the National Park. PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS Three different levels of protection NATIONAL REGIONAL LOCAL NATIONAL LEVEL OF PROTECTION Parco Nazionale del Cilento & Vallo di Diano is also protected by Italian Law At the national level, the site is 394/1991, which covers the natural covered by Italian Legislative areas and enforces strict controls over Decree 42/2004 “Code for the designated areas. A Presidential Decree Cultural Heritage and of June encouraged the preservation of Landscape”, which offers the cultural landscape within a program protection for natural and of sustainable development. It is also panoramic beauty. worth noting that much of the park is a National Forest, which comes under the strict control of the Italian Forest Law. The archaeological sites and several individual buildings in The archaeological site of the area are also covered by Paestum is also under the Decree 42/04 as cultural protection regime of L. 220/1957, landscape. This is effectively a which established a protected safeguarding measure, which landscape area extending one ensures any activity on the site kilometer outside the city walls. must be authorized by the relevant Superintendence. REGIONAL LEVEL OF PROTECTION The archaeological sites of Paestum and Elea-Velia are managed by the Superintendence for the Archaeological Landscape of Salerno, Avellino, Benevento and Caserta. The Certosa di Padula is managed by the Superintendence for the Architectonic Landscape of Salerno and Avellino. Superintendence for the Archaeological Landscape of Salerno, Avellino, Benevento and Caserta Superintendence for the Architectonic Landscape of Salerno and Avellino RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN AND LANDSCAPE ANTHROPIC TERRITORY The olive tree is the plant that characterizes most of the areas of the Cilento. It is located on the coast, in the plain, in the hills and mountains. This plant is an important job opportunity and income, and it is important for the protective of soil and landscape conservation. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN AND LANDSCAPE ANTHROPIC TERRITORY The national Park of Cilento is the result of the combined work of nature and man and it is a living landscape that preserves the traditional characters that have generated it. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN AND LANDSCAPE ANTHROPIC TERRITORY thank you.
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