AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics S.-T. Yau, Series Editor

An Introduction to the Theory of Local Zeta Functions

Jun-ichi Igusa

American Mathematical Society • International Press Selected Titles in This Series

14 Jun-ichi Igusa, An Introduction to the Theory of Local Zeta Functions, 2000 13 Vasilios Alexiades and George Siopsis, Editors, Trends in Mathematical Physics, 1999 12 Sheng Gong, The Bieberbach , 1999 11 Shinichi Mochizuki, Foundations of p-adic Teichm¨uller Theory, 1999 10 Duong H. Phong, Luc Vinet, and Shing-Tung Yau, Editors, Mirror Symmetry III, 1999 9 Shing-Tung Yau, Editor, Mirror Symmetry I, 1998 8 J¨urgen Jost, Wilfrid Kendall, Umberto Mosco, Michael R¨ockner, and Karl-Theodor Sturm, New Directions in Dirichlet Forms, 1998 7 D. A. Buell and J. T. Teitelbaum, Editors, Computational Perspectives on , 1998 6 Harold Levine, Partial Differential Equations, 1997 5 Qi-keng Lu, Stephen S.-T. Yau, and Anatoly Libgober, Editors, Singularities and Complex Geometry, 1997 4 Vyjayanthi Chari and Ivan B. Penkov, Editors, Modular Interfaces: Modular Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups, and Lie Superalgebras, 1997 3 Xia-Xi Ding and Tai-Ping Liu, Editors, Nonlinear Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations, 1997 2.2 William H. Kazez, Editor, Geometric Topology, 1997 2.1 William H. Kazez, Editor, Geometric Topology, 1997 1 B. Greene and S.-T. Yau, Editors, Mirror Symmetry II, 1997

An Introduction to the Theory of Local Zeta Functions AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics

Volume 14

An Introduction to the Theory of Local Zeta Functions

Jun-ichi Igusa

American Mathematical Society • International Press Shing-Tung Yau, Managing Editor

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11Sxx, 11S40, 11Mxx, 11Gxx, 14Gxx.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Igusa, Jun-ichi, 1924– An introduction to the theory of local zeta functions / Jun-ichi Igusa. p. cm. — (AMS/IP studies in advanced mathematics, ISSN 1089-3288 ; v. 14) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8218-2015-X (hard cover; alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-8218-2907-3 (soft cover; alk. paper) 1. Functions, Zeta. I. Title. II. Series. QA351 .I38 2000 515.56–dc21 99-087031

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1 Preliminaries 1 1.1Reviewofsomebasictheorems...... 1 1.2Noetherianrings...... 5 1.3Hilbert’stheorems...... 8

2 Implicit function theorems and K-analytic manifolds 15 2.1Implicitfunctiontheorem...... 15 2.2Implicitfunctiontheorem(non-archimedeancase)...... 21 2.3Weierstrasspreparationtheorem...... 24 2.4K-analyticmanifoldsanddifferentialforms...... 28 2.5Criticalsetsandcriticalvalues...... 32

3 Hironaka’s desingularization theorem 35 3.1Monoidaltransformations...... 35 3.2 Hironaka’s desingularization theorem (analyticform)...... 38 3.3Desingularizationofplanecurves...... 40

4 Bernstein’s theory 45

4.1 Bernstein’s polynomial bf (s)...... 45 4.2 Some properties of bf (s)...... 47 4.3Reductionoftheproof...... 49 4.4 A general theorem on D-modules...... 52 4.5Completionoftheproof...... 55

5 Archimedean local zeta functions 59 5.1 The group Ω(K×) ...... 59 5.2 Schwartz space S(Kn)...... 61

5.3 Local zeta function ZΦ(ω)...... 67 5.4 Complex power ω(f)viadesingularization...... 73 5.5Anapplication...... 77

6 Prehomogeneous vector spaces 83 6.1 Sato’s b-function b(s)...... 83 6.2TheΓ-function(adigression)...... 87

6.3 b(s)=bf (s)andtherationalityofthezeros...... 91

vii viii CONTENTS

7 Totally disconnected spaces and p-adic manifolds 97 7.1Distributionsintotallydisconnectedspaces...... 97 7.2Thecaseofhomogeneousspaces...... 101 7.3Structureofeigendistributions...... 106 7.4 Integration on p-adicmanifolds...... 108 7.5 Serre’s theorem on compact p-adicmanifolds...... 113 7.6Integrationoverthefibers...... 114

8 Local zeta functions (p-adic case) 117 8.1 Selfduality of K andsomelemmas...... 117 8.2 p-adic zeta function ZΦ(ω)...... 120 ∗ ∗ 8.3 Weil’s functions FΦ(i)andFΦ(i )...... 125 8.4 Relation of FΦ(i)andZΦ(ω) ...... 129 8.5 Poles of ω(f) for a group invariant f ...... 134

9 Some homogeneous polynomials 137 9.1QuadraticformsandWitt’stheorem...... 137 9.2Quadraticformsoverfinitefields...... 141 9.3Classicalgroupsoverfinitefields...... 145 9.4CompositionandJordanalgebras...... 149 9.5NormformsandFreudenthalquartics...... 154 9.6Gauss’identityanditscorollaries...... 160

10 Computation of Z(s) 163 10.1 Z(ω)insomesimplecases...... 163 10.2 A p-adicstationaryphaseformula...... 167 10.3Akeylemma...... 173 10.4 Z(s)foraFreudenthalquartic...... 178 10.5 Z(s) for the Gramian det(txhx)...... 184 10.6Anintegrationformula...... 188 10.7 Z(s)fordet(txhx)inproductforms...... 193

11 Theorems of Denef and Meuser 199 11.1Regularlocalrings...... 199 11.2Geometriclanguage...... 202 11.3 Hironaka’s desingularization theorem (algebraicform)...... 205 11.4 Weil’s zeta functions over finite fields ...... 210 11.5 Degree of Z(s) ...... 214 11.6 The field Ke (adigression)...... 217 11.7 Functional equation of Z(s)...... 221

Bibliography 227


Local zeta functions are relatively new mathematical objects. The first general theorems were proved from 1968 to 1973. Since then, especially during the last fifteen years, remarkable results have been obtained, allowing one to call the accu- mulation a “theory.” Nevertheless, there remain several challenging problems whose solution will make the theory much richer. The purpose of this book is to introduce the readers to this theory. The book is written in such a way that it should be appropriate for those who have mastered the “basic courses” taught in America for first year graduate students. Assuming the reader has this background, nearly all material will be explained with detailed definitions and proofs. There are, however, two exceptions. We shall use Hironaka’s desingularization theorem and the func- tional equations of Weil’s zeta functions over finite fields. We shall explain these theorems by examples so that the readers can accept them with some understand- ing. The references are given primarily to indicate our indebtedness to the authors and not for the readers to consult. Since local zeta functions are new, we shall define them briefly with details given in the text. If k is a number field, any completion of k is called a local field. Every local field K carries a Haar measure, and the rate of measure change under the × multiplication by a in K = K\{0} defines its absolute value |a|K ; it is completed n by |0|K =0.IfnowX = K for some n ≥ 1, f is a K-valued non-constant polynomial function on X, and Φ is in the Schwartz-Bruhat space S(x)ofX,then | |s ZΦ(s)= f(x) K Φ(x) dx, Re(s) > 0 X is called a local zeta function. If Φ is the standard function on X, i.e., exp(−πtxx) R − t C n for K = ,exp( 2π xx¯)forK = , and the characteristic function of OK for a p-adic field K with OK as its maximal compact subring, then we drop the subscript Φ. Furthermore, we normalize the Haar measure dx on X so that Z(s) tends to → · |·|s C 1ass 0. The set of ωs( )= K for all s in forms the identity component

ix x INTRODUCTION of the group Ω(K×) of all continuous homomorphisms ω from K× to C×.By replacing ωs by ω we get a more general local zeta function ZΦ(ω). In view of the fact that |ω(·)| = ωσ(ω)(·) for a unique σ(ω)inR satisfying σ(ωs)=Re(s), we define the right-half plane in Ω(K×)byσ(ω) > 0. Then the first general theorems are as follows: ZΦ(ω), which is clearly holomorphic on the right-half plane, has a meromorphic continuation to the whole Ω(K×). Furthermore, in the p-adic case, if πOK denotes the ideal of nonunits of OK ,thenZΦ(ω) is a rational function of t = ω(π). These results were obtained jointly by I. N. Bernstein and S. I. Gel’fand, independently by M. F. Atiyah, then by a different method by Bernstein, and in the p-adic case, by the author. We shall now explain the motivation. In the archimedean case where K = R or C, the general theorem was proposed as a problem by I. M. Gel’fand in 1954 and was discussed for some well-selected f(x) in the first volume on generalized functions by I. M. Gel’fand and G. E. Shilov. The solution of the problem implies the existence of fundamental solutions for constant-coefficient differential equations. It appears that this situation served as a motivation of the work by Atiyah, Bernstein, and S. I. Gel’fand. On the other hand, we started differently. In the middle 60’s, A. Weil showed that Siegel’s main theorem on quadratic forms is a Poisson formula. More precisely, if kA denotes the adele group of k and ψ a nontrivial character of kA/k, then in the special case where the base space is one dimensional and ∗ ∗ ∗ FΦ(i )= ψ(i f(x))Φ(x)dx, n kA

∗ n S n in which i is in kA, f(x) is a nondegenerate quadratic form on k , Φ is in (kA), dx n n n is the Haar measure on kA normalized as vol(kA/k ) = 1, and FΦ(i)istheinverse ∗ ∗ Fourier transform of FΦ(i ), then the Poisson formula takes the form ∗ ∗ FΦ(i)= FΦ(i ). i∈k i∗∈k

There is a condition n>4 for the convergence of the series. Following Weil, we call the RHS, the right-hand side, the Eisenstein-Siegel series, and the identity itself withamodifiedLHS,theSiegelformula.Later,J.G.M.MarsprovedtheSiegel formula for a certain cubic form. Toward the end of 60’s, we proved the Siegel formula for the Pfaffian and determined all cases where the Siegel formula might hold. However the proof of the convergence of the Eisenstein-Siegel series in general became a serious difficulty. In order to overcome this obstacle, we introduced ZΦ(ω) over K as above and showed that the general theorems on ZΦ(ω) can effectively be used to examine the convergence problem. In fact, it was shown to be sufficient to estimate Z(ω) for almost all p-adic completions K of k. These were some of the developments up to the middle 70’s. Before we start an explanation of later activities, we mention that the general theorems were proved by using Hironaka’s theorem except for the second proof by Bernstein. In that proof he used the following remarkable fact: If k◦ is any field of characteristic 0 and f(x)isink◦[x1,... ,xn]\{0},wherex1,... ,xn are variables, then there exists INTRODUCTION xi

a differential operator P with coefficients in k◦[s, x1,... ,xn], where s is another variable, such that s+1 s Pf(x) = bf (s)f(x) for a monic polynomial bf (s). The bf (s), which is reserved for the one with the smallest degree, is called Bernstein’s polynomial of f(x). In the archimedean case, the above fact immediately implies the general theorem. In fact if bf (s)= (s+λ), then −1 Γ(s + λ) · ZΦ(s) λ becomes a holomorphic function on the whole s-plane. The proof via Hironaka’s theorem shows that the poles of ZΦ(s) are negative rational numbers. On the other hand, M. Sato developed his theory of prehomogeneous vector spaces in the middle 60’s. Suppose that G is a connected reductive algebraic subgroup of GLn(C)acting transitively on the complement of an irreducible hypersurface f −1(0) in Cn with f(x) necessarily homogeneous of degree say d. Then without losing generality we t can normalize G and f(x)sothat G = G¯ = G, f(x)isinR[x1,... ,xn] and further

f(∂/∂x)f(x)s+1 = b(s)f(x)s for a monic polynomial b(s)ofdegreed called Sato’s b-function. By definition bf (s) is a factor of b(s). Actually they are equal. It can be seen, e.g., as follows: If b(s)= (s + λ), then Z(s) has the form s t −ds Γ(s + λ) |f(x)|Cexp(−2π xx¯) dx =(2π) · Cn Γ(λ) λ for Re(s) > 0. This with the above results implies b(s)=bf (s). It also gives in the prehomogeneous case another proof to a general theorem of M. Kashiwara stating that all λ’s in bf (s)= (s + λ) are positive rational numbers. Now in the p-adic case, what we did after the middle 70’s was to compute Z(ω), especially Z(s), for those f(x) which might give the Siegel formulas. In compiling a list of Z(s), we gradually became interested in patterns appearing in the shape −s of Z(s) as a rational function of t = ωs(π)=q ,whereq =card(OK /πOK ). We therefore started a systematic computation of Z(s) for a larger class of f(x), especially for those f(x) which appeared in Sato’s theory, hoping to find on Z(s). It did not take too long to find the first conjecture stating that if f(x)is a homogeneous polynomial in k[x1,... ,xn]\k,wherek is a number field as before, then − degt(Z(s)) = deg(f) for almost all K. We might emphasize the fact that this conjecture was not sug- gested by any existing theory, but it came from explicit computations. At any rate the conjecture was investigated by D. Meuser and proved as stated by J. Denef in the late 80’s. In a similar manner, the ever-increasing list of explicitly computed Z(s) suggested a new type of functional equations satisfied by Z(s). This conjecture also became a theorem by Meuser and Denef in the early 90’s. More precisely, the xii INTRODUCTION new functional equation was derived from the functional equations of Weil’s zeta functions over finite fields proved by A. Grothendieck. We shall devote the last chapter to a detailed explanation of their work. We shall explain some problems on the denominator and the numerator of Z(s) as a rational function of t. It is known for a general f(x) that except for a power of t and the allowance of cancellation, the denominator of Z(s)isoftheform (1−q−atb) for some positive integers a, b. Now in all known examples bf (−a/b) = 0, i.e., the real parts of the poles of Z(s) are zeros of bf (s), and the order of each pole is at most equal to the order of the corresponding zero. What it says is that bf (s)forsome hidden reason describes the poles of Z(s)alsointhep-adic case. This is extremely remarkable in view of the fact that bf (s) does not play any direct role in that case. At any rate the problem is to convert the above experimental fact into a theorem. In the two variable case, i.e., if n = 2, the problem was settled by F. Loeser. Also in the prehomogeneous case, it was settled jointly by T. Kimura, F. Sato, and X.-W. Zhu, except for the information on the orders of poles stated above. In the general case, a solution seems to require a new theory. Again, in the case of f(x) appearing in Sato’s theory, hence d =deg(f)= −a b deg(bf ), if b>1 in some factors 1 − q t of the denominator of Z(s), then Denef’s theorem suggests that Z(s) might have a nonconstant numerator. By going through the list of Z(s), we notice that certain cubic polynomials in t of the same type appear rather mysteriously in the numerators of Z(s) for those f(x) which do not have any apparent similarity. No hint to solve this mystery can be found in the complex case by the uniform simplicity of Z(s) mentioned above, and a similarly explicit and general form of Z(s) is not known in the real case. At any rate, no conjecture of any kind has been proposed on how to describe the numerator of Z(s). We might finally make it clear that there are several important results, especially those by J. Denef, which we did not mention in this book. The reader can find most of them in Denef’s Bourbaki seminar talk [11] and our expository paper [31]. The author would like to thank Professor S.-T. Yau for kindly inviting him to publish this book in the AMS-IP series. The author would also like to thank Professor M. M. Robinson for her effort to bring the manuscript into this final form. Finally, the author would like to gratefully acknowledge the invaluable assistance by his wife, Yoshie, for providing ideal working conditions for the last fifty years. Bibliography

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Absolute value |·|K ,15 Fourier transformation, 78, 120 non-archimedean -, 21 inversion formula, 79, 120 Algebra, 31 Freudenthal quartic, 156 composition -, 149 exterior -, 31 Gauss’ and related identities (G0)-(G3), filtered -, 51 160-162 graded -, 11 Generalized Gaussian sum, 126 Jordan -, 151 Grassmann variety, 212 tensor -, 31 Haar measure µ , µ, dx, 102 Asymptotic formula for |Γ(s)| as G module ∆ , 103 |Im(s)|→∞,87 G Heisenberg commutation relation, 45 Baire’s theorem, 106 Hensel’s lemma, 218 Basicrelativeinvariant,84 Hilbert’s basis theorem, 9 characteristic function χ(M,t), 11 Bernstein’s polynomial bf (s), 47 Nullstellensatz, 10 Characteristic pairs, 40 Hironaka’s desingularization, 206 Complete field, 16 Hironaka’s desingularization theorem, Complex power ω(f), 73, 123 39, 207-208 Condition (A), 125, 133 Critical point, set, value, 32 Implicit function theorem (by calcu- finiteness of the set of critical val- lus of limits), 18, 23 ues, 34 Key lemma, 173 Cubic polynomial C (a, t), 183, 196 m,n Krull’s theorem, 8 Denef’s formulas for Z (s), Z(s), 216, a Linear groups GL ,SL , 1, 145 217, 224 n n formulas for card(GL (F )), Denef-Meuser’s theorem, 226 n q card(SL (F )), 145 Differential form (K-analytic), 31 n q Localization S−1 (S multiplicative), 6 Dimension, local ring, 200 Local ring, 7 manifold, 29 regular, 200 variety, 205 Local singular series, 129 Discriminant d(Q), 142 Local zeta function Z (ω), 71, 73, 123 D-module, 46 Φ Z(ω), Z(s), 73, 124 Bernstein’s finite generation the- explicit form orem, 55 K = C, f(x) basic relative invari- Dominant series, 16 ant, 91 Elementary solution, 81 K = R, f(x) b.r.i. (square free Exceptional divisor, 36 terms), 93 K = p-adic field 2 3 Filtration, 51 x1 + x2, 171 2 3 5 standard, 54 x1 + x2 + x3, 172 type (d, e), 53 Q(x)(Q mod π reduced), 169


det(x)(x in Mn), 163 Primary decomposition theorem, 6 det(x)(x in Symn), 177 Pf(x), 164 Quadratic form Q, 137 t anisotropic -, 137 Pf(y) − z1yz2, 166 t nondegenerate -, 137 Pf( xJmx), 165 Freudenthal quartic (p =2), reduced -, 137 −1 F 182-183 formula for card(Q (i)( q)) (Q Gramian det(txhx)(p = 2), 188, reduced), 143 195-196 Quadratic transformation, 36 Rationality of zeros of b(s), 92 Manifold (K-analytic), 29 ∗ Relation of FΦ, FΦ, 128 Measure µα (α differential form), 112- Relation of FΦ, ZΦ, 130 112 Root of an ideal, 5 µα/β, 115 Method of analytic continuation Sato’s b-function b(s), 87 (Gel’fand & Shilov), 66 Schwartz space S(X), 62 Modules, filtered -, 51 its dense subspace G(X), 75 graded -, 11 Serre’s structure theorem, 113 Monoidal transformation (simple cen- Simple point, smoothness, 205 ter), 36 Space of derivations DerF (R, L), 32 Space of (tempered) distributions S(X), Nakayama’s lemma, 8 62 Nerve complex N ,38 its completeness, 64 Noetherian ring, 5 Space of eigendistributions EX (ρ), 108 Normal crossings, 38 continuity of ρ, 101  Numerical data (NE ,nE), 39 Spaces D(X), D(X) (X totally dis- connected), 98-99 Orthogonal group O(Q)(Q reduced), Stationary phase formula (SPF), 168 139 Symplectic group Sp2n, 148 F F formula for card(O(Q)( q)), 146- formula for card(Sp2n( q)), 148 p-adic field, 109 Totally disconnected space, 97 Partition of unity, 74 - group, 98 Poincar´e series, 124 Unramified extension K (K a p-adic its rationality, 124 e field), 217 Poles of ω(f)(Φ) = ZΦ(ω), 71, 73, 76, 122 Variety, affine -, 204 f relative invariant, 135 projective - & quasi-projective -, Pontrjagin’s theorem, 106 203 Power series convergent -, 16 Weierstrass preparation theorem, 24 formal -, 16 Weierstrass product of 1/Γ(s), 88 ∗ special restricted - (SRP), 22 Weil’s functions FΦ, FΦ, 125, 127 Prehomogeneous vector space, 83 Weil’s zeta function, 213 irreducible regular -, 95 Witt’s decomposition (Q reduced), 140 regular -, 83 Witt’s theorem, 139 This book is an introductory presentation to the theory of local zeta func- tions. Viewed as distributions, and mostly in the archimedean case, local zeta functions are also called complex powers. The volume contains major results on analytic and algebraic properties of complex powers by Atiyah, Bernstein, I. M. Gelfand, S. I. Gelfand, and Sato. Chapters devoted to p-adic local zeta functions present Serre’s structure theorem, American a rationality theorem, and many examples found by the author. The Mathematical presentation concludes with theorems by Denef and Meuser. Society

International Press