The Grundy Register 6SHFLDO6RXYHQLU(GLWLRQ‡0D\ 2B Thursday, May 18, 2017 Grundy GRADUATION Register Grundy Center High School Class of 2017

Chase Boren Wesley Campbell Courtney Cooper Alex Eichholz Emily Anne Greiner

Son of Dale and Kim Boren Son of Kris Campbell Daughter of Cindy Curren Son of Margo Dierdorff and Mark Eichholz Daughter of Anne Mixdorf and Mark Greiner and Dennis Cooper Jr. BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Brett BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Alysia BIRTHDAY:-XQH‡ SIBLINGS: Older siblings BIRTHDAY: $SULO   ‡ SIBLINGS: Andrew BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: %RUHQ ‡ HOBBIES: Fishing and hanging out with %HKQNH‡ HOBBIES:'UDZLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Going -RVKDQG&DVVDQGUD‡ HOBBIES: Listening to music, (LFKKRO] ‡ HOBBIES: 5& FDUV YLGHR JDPHV ‡ -DFRE *UHLQHU ‡ HOBBIES: Art, writing, reading, IULHQGV‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, tennis, GC WR EDVHEDOO ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Dressing hanging out with friends/family, working at Brother’s MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Dressing for homecoming, SKRWRJUDSK\ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Academic Decathlon MD]]\RXWKJURXS‡ HONORS:+RPHFRPLQJFRXUW‡ XSLQFKHHUOHDGLQJRXWILWZLWK-DFRE:‡ FAVORITE 0DUNHW ‡ ACTIVITIES: Tennis, softball, volleyball, VSDUWDQ VSLULW GD\ ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: pork chops ‡ AWARDS: Letter in academics, letter in track AWARDS: 2nd team all conference in football, 2015 FOOD: VWHDN ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Thomas and choir/Madrigal. I also did stats for the boys ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Beavis and Butthead, The PDQDJLQJ ‡ MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT: Four VWDWHTXDOLILHULQIRRWEDOO‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: )ULHQGV6RXWK3DUN‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The First EDVNHWEDOO DQG YROOH\EDOO WHDP ‡ HONORS: Honor 6LPSVRQV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: National Lampoon’s \HDUV RI 6SDQLVK FODVV ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza 3DUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHKRPHFRPLQJGUHVVXSGD\V‡ Thomas movie, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest UROOHYHU\\HDU‡ AWARDS: Scholastic Achievement 9DFDWLRQ‡ FAVORITE SONG:)LJKW)LUHZLWK)LUH‡ ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: FAVORITE FOOD: %RQHOHVV ZLQJV ‡ FAVORITE TV *XPS ‡ FAVORITE SONG: International Harvester, Award all four years, Most Valuable Player and All FAVORITE SINGER:%DQG0HWDOOLFD‡ EVENT THAT ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: O’ Brother, Where Art Thou? SHOW:7KH2IILFH‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: I Am Legend /D 'HYRWHH ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Craig Morgan, Academic for volleyball (sophomore), All Academic INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 7KH GHDWK RI P\ IDWKHU ‡ ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Addict with a Pen by Twenty ‡ FAVORITE SONG:%RKHPLDQ5KDSVRG\‡ FAVORITE 3DQLF$WWKH'LVFR‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY for boys basketball (senior), and numerous SPARE TIME:)L[ROGDQGEURNHQWKLQJV‡ PERSON 2QH3LORWV‡ FAVORITE SINGER(S): Panic! At The SINGER: -RXUQH\ %RQ -RYL 3ULQFH ‡ SPARE TIME: LIFE:0\VLVWHUJDYHELUWKDQG,EHFDPHDQXQFOH‡ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ DZDUGV ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: I ADMIRE MOST: My father, he always tried to be a 'LVFR ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: My +DQJ ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My SPARE TIME:5HOD[SOD\YLGHRJDPHVJRRXWVLGH‡ Anytime when I was with friends or family, including JRRGSHUVRQ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Humor oils the PRP·VIRXUWKRSHQKHDUWVXUJHU\‡ SPARE TIME: grandpa, Delmar Flater because of his battle with PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom and sister, without bus rides with teammates, going to choir/band trip wheels of life and helps keep it running smoothly. 'UDZ SDLQW ZULWH HDW VOHHS VKRS ‡ PERSON I FDQFHU‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Copy and paste is them I wouldn’t be here and I would be struggling to Chicago my freshman year, and any team bonding ²'RURWKHD.RSSOLQ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Become a car ADMIRE MOST: Mrs. Sternhagen because she’s \RXU IULHQG ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attending Hawkeye DQGEHYHU\VDG‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Bwah –Dog H[SHULHQFH ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D RU SDVWD ‡ PHFKDQLF‡ SECRET AMBITION: Be a very rich and strong through literally everything and is resilient. &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH IRU OLEHUDO DUWV ‡ SECRET RI:LVGRP‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Kirkwood College FAVORITE TV SHOWS: The Ranch, New Girl, Stranger successful businessman. ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: “Holding onto anger is like AMBITION: Sky diving DQGJHWVRPHVRUWRIGHJUHH‡ SECRET AMBITION: 7KLQJV&ULPLQDO0LQGV(OOHQDQGPRUH‡ FAVORITE drinking poison and expecting the other person to Become a Nascar driver or become a professional MOVIE: Disney/Pixar movies, Nicholas Sparks GLHµ²%XGGKD‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attending college baseball player. PRYLHVRU)DVWDQGWKH)XULRXVVHULHV‡ FAVORITE for early childhood education and special education. SONG:,6S\.\OH‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY ‡ SECRET AMBITION: To pet every dog in the world. LIFE:7KHGD\,ZDVERUQ‡ SPARE TIME: Eating, watching shows/movies on Netflix, and hanging out ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom because she has supported me through thick and thin, and has inspired me to be the best I can be. ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: It’s all about the potential. ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend DMACC in Ankeny with an XQGHFLGHGPDMRU‡ SECRET AMBITION: To travel the world.

Christian Fairbanks Marissa Ann Brown Finn Cleveland Daughter of Mark and Brenda Brown Allyson Grimm BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\‡ SIBLINGS: Brianna Son of Ole and Kristin Cleveland Daughter of Julie and Jeremy Heltibridle %URZQ DQG %UHWW :DOODFH ‡ HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: Reading, volunteering, archery, playing tennis, and BIRTHDAY:$SULO‡ SIBLINGS: Espen and and the late Jim Grimm watching Netflix, tennis, yearbook, trusted reader, 6RUHQ&OHYHODQG‡ HOBBIES: Running, playing any BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Austin $FDGHPLF'HFDWKORQ4XL]%RZO‡ HONORS/ VSRUW;ER[DQGOLVWHQLQJWRPXVLF‡ ACTIVITIES: *ULPP DQG VWHSEURWKHU $XVWLQ +HOWLEULGOH ‡ AWARDS: National Honor Society All-Academic Band, GC Jazz, jazz band, basketball, cross country, HOBBIES: Playing volleyball, spending time with 7HQQLV‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Going out to eat track, FFA, 4-H, American Legion Boys State, and IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\DQGEHLQJRXWVLGH‡ ACTIVITIES: as a team after meets, and all the inside jokes with 1DWLRQDO+RQRU6RFLHW\‡ HONORS: National Honor 9ROOH\EDOO ‡ AWARDS: All-Academic volleyball P\ 6SDQLVK FODVVPDWHV ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Garlic Society. Three time 2nd team All Conference cross Reagan Derrick ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Regional semi-final SDUPHVDQERQHOHVVFKLFNHQZLQJV‡ FAVORITE TV country. 1st team All Conference in track for 4x800, Daughter of Jason and Tamra Derrick, game, beating Woodward Granger and making SHOW:%XII\WKH9DPSLUH6OD\HU‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: GLVWDQFHPHGOH\UHOD\DQG[‡ AWARDS: Paul and the late Sonia Derrick LW WR 6WDWH DV WKH RQO\ VHQLRU‡ FAVORITE FOOD: %DWPDQ%HJLQV‡ FAVORITE SONG: How Did You Love Neher Outstanding Cross Country Runner Award. 7KXPESULQW FRRNLHV DQG SRWDWRHV ‡ FAVORITE TV E\6KLQHGRZQ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Myles Kennedy - Four time varsity letterwinner in track and cross BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Kay, SHOW:3ULVRQ%UHDN‡ FAVORITE SONG: Road Less he has the voice of an angel and looks like Kevin FRXQWU\‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Running at State /DQH$XVWLQ KDOI -RVK'HUHN VWHS ‡ HOBBIES: 7UDYHOHG E\ /DXUHQ $ODLQD ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: %DFRQ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Getting FURVVFRXQWU\DQG6WDWHWUDFN‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 5HDGLQJFURFKHWLQJZDWFKLQJ1HWIOL[‡ ACTIVITIES: &DUULH 8QGHUZRRG ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED LQYROYHG LQ H[WUDFXUULFXODUV ‡ IN MY SPARE TIME: 0DFDQGFKHHVHZLWKFRUQ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: *ROI ‡ AWARDS: Turnaround Achievement Award. MY LIFE: The passing of my dad on February 3, Go to the shooting range with my dad, or my uncle New Girl, Friday Night Lights, Luke Cage, Stranger ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Being super excited for ‡ SPARE TIME:([HUFLVHDQGZDWFK1HWIOL[‡ %DUQH\ ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Annie Oakley 7KLQJVDQG7KH2IILFH‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Forrest the mechanical bull at after prom and then showing Bryce Flater PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom because she is because she was a pioneer for women’s rights *XPS(OIDQGDQ\0DUYHORU'&PRYLHV‡ FAVORITE up in leggings. I guess someone forgot to mention the most down to earth woman I know. I hope that DQG ZDV DOZD\V EUHDNLQJ VWHUHRW\SHV ‡ WORDS SONG: Waiting on the World to Change, by John that you can’t ride a mechanical bull in leggings! It’s one day I will be half of the woman that my mom is OF WISDOM: “A head full of fears has no space for 0D\HU ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: -RKQ 0D\HU ‡ EVENT WRRVOLSSHU\‡ FAVORITE FOOD:3L]]D‡ FAVORITE Son of Brad and Jenn Flater WRGD\‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Be who you are, not GUHDPVµ ²8QNQRZQ ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan to THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Watching athletes TV SHOW: The Office, How to Get Away with ZKRWKHZRUOGZDQWV\RXWREH‡ FUTURE PLANS: attend the University of Iowa for Psychology and compete a state track and state cross country, along Murder, Criminal Minds, Sense 8, and many more BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\‡ SIBLINGS: Brooke Attend Hawkeye Community to complete my general )ODWHU ‡ HOBBIES: Criminology, and hopefully go to graduate school ZLWK ZDWFKLQJ FROOHJH DWKOHWHV FRPSHWH ‡ SPARE ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:&XUUHQWO\*HW2XW‡ FAVORITE Sports, friends, boating, education classes, then transfer to Allen College of KXQWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, and as well. I’d like to be a criminal psychologist or a TIME: Play the Xbox, watch movies/Netflix, and hang SONG:,VVXHV-XOLD0LFKDHOV‡ FAVORITE SINGER: 1XUVLQJ IRU UDGLRORJ\ DQG VRQRJUDSK\‡ SECRET WUDFN ‡ HONORS: Silver Cord, honor roll student, EHKDYLRUDQDO\VW‡ SECRET AMBITION: Being a part RXWZLWKIULHQGV‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My older &KDQFHWKH5DSSHU‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY AMBITION: To be a FBI profiler (like Criminal Minds) of the FBI. brother because he’s always been someone I have LIFE: -RLQLQJ WKH 1DWLRQDO *XDUG ‡ SPARE TIME: participant in 2017 Iowa Shrine Bowl, 15th in all- looked up to, whether it was in sports or academics. Hang out with friends and family, watch movies, and time touchdowns scored in career, 18th in all-time I’ve always wanted to be just like my older brother, VKRS‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Rick Schupbach. UXVKLQJ \DUGV OLVW LQ ,RZD +RPHFRPLQJ .LQJ ‡ and I am proud of the type of person he has become He honestly doesn’t even know everything that he’s AWARDS: Football: 4 year letter winner, 2015 and and success he has experienced through school. I done that has influenced my life in a positive way. 2016 First Team All-State, 2016 Class A Player of hope one day I will became as great of a person as He’s a great role model and I aspire to be like him the year, 2016 River Battle Bowl Defensive MVP, 2016 Marshalltown Times Republican-All Class-Area KLP‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Never give up on your VRPHGD\‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Live and let live. Football Player of the Year, 2016 District 3 Offensive GUHDPVDQGDOZD\VVPLOH‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Next year I plan to attend UNI Iowa State University majoring in architecture and and either major in accounting or political science. Player of the Year, 2015 District 4 Offensive Player of the Year, 2014 District 4 First Team All District, 2013 UXQWUDFNDQGILHOG‡ SECRET AMBITION: Travel the ‡ SECRET AMBITION: I’ve always kind of wanted to world, experience new things, and become filthy rich. be a farmer. District 4 Second Team All District. Basketball: 3 year letter winner, 2015-16 first-team all conference, 2016-17 second-team all conference. Track: 4 year letter winner, State track participant. Baseball:  \HDU OHWWHU ZLQQHU ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: 0HHWLQJDQGH[FHHGLQJPDQ\RIP\DWKOHWLFJRDOV‡ FAVORITE FOOD:6WHDNDQGSRWDWRHV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:&KLFDJR3'‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: “When the *DPH6WDQGV7DOOµ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:$XJXVW‡ SPARE TIME: Spend time ZLWKIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My parents for always believing in me. As well as pushing me to limits I didn’t even know I could reach. Braidan Buhrow ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t slack off ANY year of \RXUKLJKVFKRROFDUHHU‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Son of Brian and Janet Buhrow the University of Northern Iowa, major in business Arlington Place Stefanie L. Rohler, O.D. DVZHOODVSOD\IRRWEDOO‡ SECRET AMBITION: Play BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Lauren in the NFL of Grundy Center ‡ HOBBIES: Sports, boating, hunting, hanging out 509 G Avenue 95 D Avenue ZLWK IULHQGV DQG ZDWFKLQJ VSRUWV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Grundy Center %DVNHWEDOO EDVHEDOO IRRWEDOO DQG JROI ‡ Grundy Center MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Living History Farms 319-824-5674 LQ VL[WK JUDGH \HDU ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 6WHDN ‡ 319-824-6380 FAVORITE TV SHOW: &KLFDJR )LUH ‡ FAVORITE Katie Cole MOVIE:/RQGRQ+DV)DOOHQ‡ FAVORITE SONG: God,

Cayontae Guzzle Sena Haverkamp Abby Hockemeyer Andrea Johnson Courtney Kaufman Daughter of Greg Kaufman, Nichole Hubbard, BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Malik Daugther of Kathy and Steve Haverkamp Daughter of Kathy and Brad Hockemeyer Daughter of Joel and Shelle Johnson *X]]OH 7\DQQD 1HVE\ 7\OL\DK :KLWLV ‡ HOBBIES: and Crystal Butler )RRWEDOOEDVNHWEDOOPXVLF‡ ACTIVITIES: Basketball, BIRTHDAY: 0DUFK   ‡ SIBLINGS: Dalton BIRTHDAY: -XQH   ‡ SIBLINGS: Sarah BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Renee BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU  ‡ SIBLINGS: Adam IRRWEDOO WHQQLV ‡ HONORS: All District 1st Team +DYHUNDPS DQG $DURQ 6WXPEHUJ KDOI EURWKHU  ‡ +RFNHPH\HU ‡ HOBBIES: Showing and raising 6LPPRQV 5DHO\Q DQG (ULND -RKQVRQ ‡ HOBBIES: .DXIPDQ $O\DQD .DXIPDQ $GGLVRQ %XWOHU ‡ )RRWEDOO ‡ AWARDS: Most Outstanding Player of HOBBIES: Hanging out with friends, running, painting, OLYHVWRFNKXQWLQJJROI‡ ACTIVITIES: Golf, FFA, 4-H, 6KRZLQJ OODPDV \HDUERRN PDQDJLQJ VSRUWV ‡ HOBBIES: 6LQJLQJ UHDGLQJ ZULWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: WKH

Daughter of Kathy and Brad Hockemeyer

BIRTHDAY: -XQH   ‡ SIBLINGS: Abby +RFNHPH\HU‡ HOBBIES: Hunting, fishing, showing OLYHVWRFNDQ\WKLQJRXWGRRUV‡ ACTIVITIES: FFA and Dylan Hendricks JROI‡ HONORS:+RQRUUROOHYHU\\HDU‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:*UH\·V$QDWRP\‡ SPARE TIME: Spend my Son of Dustin and Emily Hendricks WLPHRXWVLGH‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom because she is always on top of things and does WORDS OF WISDOM: BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Cale DORWIRUP\IDPLO\‡ Take the RXWUHDFKFROOHJHFODVVHV‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan Eli Daniel Harberts +HQGULFNV ‡ HOBBIES: Running and playing the SLDQR‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, track, Academic to attend Hawkeye Community College and transfer Decathlon, GC Jazz, Student Senate, National Honor to Iowa State University majoring in ag business or Ben Kalkwarf Son of Alan and Judy Harberts 6RFLHW\‡ HONORS: National Honor Society, two time ag studies. state Academic Decathlon participant, two time state Son of Keith Kalkwarf and Jamie Louck BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Jim, cross country qualifier, two time state track qualifier +DQQDK3KLOLS-DFREDQG$EEH\‡ HOBBIES: Going ‡ AWARDS: Paul Neher Cross Country Award, A.V. BIRTHDAY: 1RYHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: to movies, reading, especially classic works and DC Dieken Track Award, Cross Country Academic All- .ULVWHQ (WKDQ (OL %ODLQH 'DYLG ‡ HOBBIES: comics, and spending time with friends and family. 6WDWH 6HOHFWLRQ &LWL]HQVKLS $ZDUG ‡ MEMORABLE Listening to music, singing, drawing, writing, and ‡ ACTIVITIES: Seems like everything at times! My MOMENTS: Running at state cross country my junior UHDGLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: &KRUXV ‡ MEMORABLE favorites are cross country, Academic Decathlon, DQGVHQLRU\HDUV‡ FAVORITE FOOD:&UDEOHJV‡ Timothy Joseph Knock MOMENTS:&KLFDJRVFKRROWULS‡ FAVORITE FOOD: DQG*&-D]]6KRZ&KRLU‡ HONORS:1+6‡ AWARDS: FAVORITE TV SHOW:*DPHRI7KURQHV‡ FAVORITE 3L]]D‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Big Bang Theory $F'HF$ZDUGV FKHFNZDOOIRUGHWDLOV ‡ MEMORABLE MOVIE:0F)DUODQG86$‡ FAVORITE SONG: Dive - Ed Son of Shelly and John Freet ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 7KH 6SDFH %HWZHHQ 8V ‡ MOMENTS: Usually include something embarrassing 6KHHUDQ‡ FAVORITE SINGER:(G6KHHUDQ‡ EVENT FAVORITE SONG: 0LVVLQJ

“Isn’t it funny how day by day QRëLQJFKDQJHVEXWZKHQ\RX ORRNEDFNHYHU\ëLQJLVGLIIHUHQWÓ –C.S. Lewis Jon Kuznia Brooke Anne Mooney

Daughter of Tina and Clayton McDivitt

BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Chase -DPHV 0F'LYLWW ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: When Stern was gone, I went and got eggs from The FCS room and blew the yokes out and filled them with paint to throw at a canvas for art. It didn’t work as well as it showed on Pinterest because it started raining and the paint started running. I don’t think 6WHUQNQRZVDERXWLWWRWKLVGD\‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 7DFRV DQ\WKLQJ 0H[LFDQ UHDOO\ ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:3UHWW\/LWWOH/LDUV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Four Brothers, Patriots’ Day, Vampire Academy, anything HOVHZLWK0DUN:DKOEHUJ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Jason Aldean - Any Ol’ Barstool or Florida Georgia Line and the Backstreet Boys - God, Your Mama and 0H‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Flordia Georgia Line, Kid 5RFNDQG/LO:D\QH‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:(YHU\WKLQJ‡ SPARE TIME: Hang out with my IDPLO\DQGJRVKRSSLQJ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom. She was a single mom until I was six, and Dalton McIntire she always put me before anything else. She would go without to make sure I had everything I needed Kody Mullen Tiana Saak Jack M. Stanley and wanted plus some. I hope to be half the woman VKHLVVRPHGD\‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: The teachers Daughter of Ron and Tiffanie Saak Son of Marcy Stanley really are there to help you. It may seem like they’re you worst enemy right now but trust me everything BIRTHDAY: 0DUFK   ‡ SIBLINGS: Cora, BIRTHDAY: 2FWREHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: A.J. they do is to help you, accept it and appreciate -HVVLFDDQG&OD\6DDN‡ HOBBIES: Playing violin and 6WDQOH\DQG0DUVKDOO6WDQOH\‡ HOBBIES: Gardening, LW ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Hawkeye and get my SLDQR ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, FFA, GC Jazz, SROLWLFV WUDYHO ‡ ACTIVITIES: $F'HF EDQG ‡ paramedic and RN degrees, and transfer to Allen for Student Senate, Academic Decathlon, 4-H, speech, AWARDS: State AcDec 2014 bronze medal for AcDec P\QXUVHSUDFWLWLRQHU‡ SECRET AMBITION: To own 1+6‡ HONORS: National Honor Society, Governor’s essay, State AcDec 2016 silver medal for interview my own medical practice by the time I’m 30. Scholar, KWWL’s Best of the Class, All-State Speech, ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Freshman year band trip First (2017) and Third (2016) Place State Academic WR&KLFDJR‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Corn dogs and gyros 'HFDWKORQ 6PDOO 6FKRRO 2YHUDOO 6FRUH ‡ AWARDS: ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:*UH\·V$QDWRP\‡ FAVORITE Tim Williamson Outstanding Female Cross Country MOVIE:%URRNO\Q‡ FAVORITE SONG:%DPEL‡ EVENT Award, Citizenship Award, 2016 4-H Young Mentor THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 2008 election, being $ZDUG‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Senior year state accepted into MWSU, going to Florida with the Colfax $FDGHPLF'HFDWKORQ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Ice cream &KXUFK‡ SPARE TIME: Watch Grey’s and talk politics ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 7KH %ODFNOLVW ‡ FAVORITE ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Barack Obama. He MOVIE: 7DQJOHG ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Sleep on the came from nothing, overcame so much, and ended )ORRU ‡ FAVORITE BANDS: The Lumineers, The XSVDYLQJXVIURPWKHEULQNRIFROODSVH‡ WORDS Strumbellas, Vance Joy, and The Head and The Heart OF WISDOM: “Life is either a great adventure or ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Learning to QRWKLQJµ ²+HOHQ .HOOHU ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Candice Louise Meyer UHDG‡ SPARE TIME:5HDGDQGPDNHPXVLF‡ PERSON Missouri Western State University in the fall for I ADMIRE MOST: My mother because she is filled with SROLWLFDO VFLHQFH ‡ SECRET AMBITION: To teach Abrina O’Rourke more compassion than I ever imagined possible for across the world in my 20s and 30s. Daughter of Myles and Sheryl Meyer a human being. She taught me that it is the little, “unimportant” things like kindness, fairness, and BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Samuel gratitude that really make the difference in our 0H\HU ‡ HOBBIES: 6LQJLQJ EDQG DQG ZULWLQJ ‡ lives. I hope someday that I learn to have even half ACTIVITIES: Band, chorus, cheerleading, GC Jazz, RI WKH FDSDFLW\ IRU ORYH WKDW VKH GRHV ‡ WORDS GUXPOLQH0DGULJDODQG7UXVWHG5HDGHU‡ HONORS: OF WISDOM: )LQG D SDVVLRQ ‡ FUTURE PLANS: ,RZD +RQRU 6TXDG ‡ AWARDS: Academic award Attending Washington University in St. Louis to IRU FKHHUOHDGLQJ ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: State Elizabeth Lyn Moore major in biochemistry and molecular biology as a FKHHUP\VHQLRU\HDU‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Potatoes SUHPHGLFLQHVWXGHQW‡ SECRET AMBITION: Selling ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 7KH 9DPSLUH 'LDULHV ‡ Daugter of Thomas E. Moore Jr. everything and travelling the world. FAVORITE MOVIE:7KH/DE\ULQWK‡ FAVORITE SONG: 5HPHPEHULQJ6XQGD\E\$OO7LPH/RZ‡ FAVORITE and Brook Lyn Moore SINGER:%UHQGRQ8ULH‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\‡ SIBLINGS: Zachary MY LIFE: 3OD\LQJ P\ ILUVW IOXWH ‡ SPARE TIME: 7KRPDV0RRUH‡ HOBBIES: Drawing, playing video :DWFK1HWIOL[DQGKDQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV‡ PERSON I games, watching movies and YouTube videos, and ADMIRE MOST: The person I admire the most is my ZULWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: $UFKHU\ ‡ HONORS: Honor Opa. Living with polio and seeing how it has affected UROO‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Mostly just archery his life is such an inspiration for me. He has shown tournaments and hanging out with friends in the me that no matter gets thrown your way you can summer. Getting accepted into UNI and getting an art PDNHLWWKURXJKLW‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: “The one scholarship from UNI were pretty awesome moments who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes DVZHOOWKRXJK‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Either Ramen or understanding will soon prosper.” Proverbs 19: VSDJKHWWL ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Rick and Morty  ‡ FUTURE PLANS: To attend the University of ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:(LWKHU*HW2XWRU'HDGSRRO‡ Ashtun O’Rourke Haleigh Steding Northern Iowa and major in English education with a FAVORITE SONG: Victorious by Panic! At the Disco minor in computer science. ‡ FAVORITE SINGER:%UHQGRQ8ULH‡ EVENT THAT Daughter of Heather and William Steding INFLUENCED MY LIFE: I think there were quite a few events that influenced my life. I mean, that’s usually BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Charlie how it goes, right? We become who we are based on DQG$ODLQD6WHGLQJ‡ HOBBIES: Drawing, sleeping, what happens in our lives. So I don’t think I can really writing, listening to music, playing with my animals pinpoint an exact event that really influenced my life. ‡ ACTIVITIES: &KRUXV VRFFHU 7UXVWHG 5HDGHU ‡ ‡ SPARE TIME: Draw, watch movies, watch YouTube HONORS:QGWHDPDOOGLVWULFWLQVRFFHU‡ AWARDS: YLGHRVEDVLFDOO\P\KREELHV‡ PERSON I ADMIRE 4 time varsity letter in Soccer, 2 time varsity letter MOST: I admire every single person that has helped Drew Sharp LQEDVNHWEDOO‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Sleeping on me become a better person and supported me with the couch in Mrs. Graham’s room in 2nd grade when my ambitions and the decisions I have made thus far. , EURNH P\ EDFN ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Green bean ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: It’s cheesey, but, I think it’s FDVVHUROH‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:'U3KLO‡ FAVORITE really important to never give up on your dreams, no MOVIE:&KULVWPDV9DFDWLRQ‡ FAVORITE SONG: How matter what obstacles you may face and no matter )DU,·OO*R²0RDQD‡ FAVORITE SINGER:%H\RQFH‡ Class Sponsors: who it may upset. As long as you aren’t hurting EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Being part of a DQ\RQH \RX GR \RX ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attending host foster home, it has shown me how blessed I am UNI and pursuing a career in art. Beyond that, and how I can give to those who aren’t as privileged ZKR NQRZV ‡ SECRET AMBITION: I want to make DVP\VLVWHUVDQG,DP‡ SPARE TIME:6/((3‡ 0UV*æU a positive influence on people’s lives. I want to lead PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My great-grandma Lyman. as an example to show that you can do anything as She is the strongest, most loyal, and purest woman. long as you put hard work into it, and I want others ,DPVREOHVVHGWRKDYHKHULQP\OLIH‡ WORDS OF to know that there is no shame in being who you are. Kain Redix WISDOM:1RWKLQJLVLPSRVVLEOH‡ FUTURE PLANS: 0UV*UHLPDQ Play soccer at Indian Hills while getting my general education done and eventually moving on to bigger DQGEHWWHU‡ SECRET AMBITION: Travel the world Mrs. Kuecker while never having to ‘work’ a day in my life, by enjoying what I do and also make tons of money for it.

Chris Siefken

GRUNDY AUTO VETERINARY CLINIC 319-825-PETS (7387) Toni PARTS 608 G Avenue Nederhoff Best of Luck Class of 2017 803 G Avenue 707 G Avenue Grundy Center Grundy Center 1400 G Avenue, Gruncy Center 319-825-2318 Grundy Center, IA 50638 John Jorgensen, DVM 1120 Edgington Ave 319-824-3849 (OGRUD 319-824-6917 Janessa Butterfield, DVM 641-858-2318 Grundy GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 18 2017 5B Grundy Center High School Class of 2017

Alexa Marie Strickler Derrick Thran Cole Weber Chloe Wiltfang Mellina Renee Wrage

Daughter of David and Janie Strickler Son of Eric and Stacy Thran Son of Shawn And Jennifer Weber Daughter of Mark and Barb Wiltfang Daughter of Lance and Stacie Wrage

BIRTHDAY:-XO\‡ SIBLINGS: Justin, Chase, BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Tyler BIRTHDAY:-XQH‡ SIBLINGS: Cade Weber BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Kaitlin BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Older DQG/RJDQ6WULFNOHU‡ HOBBIES: Watching movies, 5HLVLQJHU 'UDNH 7KUDQ DQG 7DLWO\Q 7KUDQ ‡ ‡ HOBBIES:3OD\EDVNHWEDOODQGJROI‡ ACTIVITIES: DQG 1LFN :LOWIDQJ ‡ HOBBIES: Playing ukulele, VLEOLQJV'DOWRQDQG%D\OLH:UDJH‡ HOBBIES: Going FURFKHW SOD\ WHQQLV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Dance team, HOBBIES:5DFLQJKXQWLQJDQGILVKLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: %DVHEDOO EDVNHWEDOO JROI DQG FURVV FRXQWU\ ‡ ORQJ ERDUGLQJ DQG EDNLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Track to Okoboji, running, making crafts, scrapbooking, cheer team, tennis, national honor society, and 5DFLQJ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Rolling my vehicle MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Sawyer getting ejected last DQGEDQG‡ AWARDS:/HWWHUVIRUWUDFNDQGEDQG‡ JRLQJ WR PRYLHV DQG EDE\VLWWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: VWXGHQWVHQDWH‡ HONORS: National Honor Society ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 6WHDN ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: year in baseball against South Hardin for throwing MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Going on the Germany trip National Honor Society, Student Senate, Trusted ‡ AWARDS: All-Academic Dance, All-Academic Cheer, $UURZ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:)DVWDQGWKH)XULRXV‡ KLV EDW ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: &KHHV\ SRWDWRHV ‡ DQGWKH&KLFDJREDQGWULS‡ FAVORITE FOOD: My Reader Program, cross country, GC Jazz (show choir), DQG$OO$FDGHPLF7HQQLV‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: FAVORITE SONG:/HIW7XUQE\&RG\+LFNV‡ FAVORITE FAVORITE TV SHOW: 1DUFRV ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: PRP·VVDXVDJHDOIUHGRRUWXQDPHOWV‡ FAVORITE chorus, Madrigal, musical theatre, basketball, track, Forgetting the baton before a relay at the Hudson SINGER:%UDQWOH\*LOEHUW‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED 7KH)DWHRIWKH)XULRXV‡ FAVORITE SONG: Faygo TV SHOW:6XSHUQDWXUDO‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Forest ZHHNO\ %LEOH VWXG\ DQG \RXWK JURXS ‡ HONORS: track meet sophomore year, going on the Costa Rica MY LIFE:%X\LQJDUDFHFDU‡ SPARE TIME: Hang 'UHDPV ‡ SPARE TIME: +DQJRXW ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ *XPSRU)ULHG*UHHQ7RPDWRHV‡ FAVORITE SONG: National Honor Society, Secretary of Student Senate trip, and being a two time state champion at the RXWZLWKIULHQGVWXUQZUHQFKHVRQP\FDU‡ PERSON FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hawkeye Community College 'DUN 1HFHVVLWLHV E\ 5HG +RW &KLOL 3HSSHUV ‡ and The Class of 2017, Trusted Reader, and Class State Dance Competition and a state champion at I ADMIRE MOST: Buck Swanson has taught me so for civil and construction engineering technology. FAVORITE SINGER: $QWKRQ\ .LHGLV ‡ SPARE TIME: $ 6WDWH TXDOLILHU IRU FURVV FRXQWU\ ‡ AWARDS: WKH6WDWH&KHHUDQG6WXQW&RPSHWLWLRQ‡ FAVORITE much about racing and has always been along side :DWFK 1HWIOL[ ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: It doesn’t Tim Williamson Outstanding Female Cross Country FOOD:+DPEDOOV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: This Is Us, my parents supporting me the whole way. He only matter what people think about you, it’s what you Award, XC Gut Award, Sam Iverson Spirit of XC 13 Reasons Why, and The 100 (I would say Grey’s has positive things to say to help me improve myself. WKLQN RI \RXUVHOI ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Iowa Awards, Dedication Award for XC, Buddy Bench from $QDWRP\ EXW WKDW·V NLQG RI JRQH GRZQ KLOO  ‡ ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Work until your signature Central for culinary and maybe travel afterwards .::/DQG.LZDQLV6FKRODVWLF$FKLHYHPHQW$ZDUG‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The Great Gatsby, and Show Me EHFRPHVDQDXWRJUDSK‡ FUTURE PLANS: Plan on ‡ SECRET AMBITION: To become a millionaire and MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Junior year cross country; +RZ

Brian Thome, Jr. Son of Brian Thome, Sr. and Chris Thome and Bruce Mitchell from Swamp People if anybody asks my father. BIRTHDAY: -XO\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Michael Class Officers: 3ODPRQGRQ ‡ HOBBIES: Singing, video games, UDFLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Academic Decathlon (freshman \HDU FKRUXVPXVLFDOFKXUFKDFWLYLWLHV‡ AWARDS: FKRUDO OHWWHU 3UHVLGHQW·V $FDGHPLF $ZDUG ‡ President - Eli Harberts MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Spanish class and Mao at OXQFK‡ FAVORITE FOODS:6WHDNDQGIUHQFKIULHV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Street Outlaws, pretty much any Vice President - Jacob JDPHVKRZHYHU‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Wreck-it Ralph ‡ FAVORITE SONG:%RKHPLDQ5KDSVRG\‡ FAVORITE Jasani Whitehead SINGER: 1LFNHOEDFN %UDG 3DLVOH\ ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to Grundy Center Daugher of Dean and JoAnn Kruger, :DOWHUVGèI ‡ SPARE TIME: Play video games, hang out with Lillian Whitehead IULHQGVOLVWHQWRPXVLF‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Nautica Parents because they fill me with inspiration and Jacob Waltersdorf :KLWHKHDG DQG -RVHSK .UXJHU ‡ HOBBIES: Fixing ,·YHDOZD\VDVSLUHGWREHOLNHWKHP‡ WORDS OF 6HFUHWDU\0HçLQD:UDJH VPDOO HOHFWURQLFV 1HWIOL[ ZDWFKLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: WISDOM: 3UDFWLFH ZKDW \RX SUHDFK ‡ FUTURE Trusted Reader, FTC, ACDEC 2015-16, football PLANS: 81, IRU EXVLQHVV ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Son of Shane and Myra Waltersdorf PDQDJHU  ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Getting Becoming a NASCAR driver or a famous singer. Treasurer - Dylan Hendricks BIRTHDAY:)HEUXDU\‡ SIBLINGS: Alex, Ben, QRPLQDWHG LQWR +RPHFRPLQJ &RXUW ‡ FAVORITE 0DWW&RXUWQH\'DNRWD'DQLHO$PDQGD‡ HOBBIES: FOOD: 'HILQLWHO\ VKULPS ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 0XVLFYLGHRJDPHVHDWLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: GC Jazz, How to Get Away With Murder, or Doctor Who, or EDQGFKRUXV1+6VSHHFKPXVLFDOVDQGSOD\V‡ 7KH 2IILFH ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 7KH $YHQJHUV ‡ HONORS: 1+6 ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Finding FAVORITE SONG:$OO:H*RW&KDQFHWKH5DSSHU‡ out I received the Holland Full-Tuition scholarship FAVORITE SINGER:(PHOL6DQGHRU'UDNH‡ EVENT to Mount Mercy University; Watching Tiana Saak THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: My adoption and Class Song: accidentally run over Noah Boquet’s foot and ankle. FHUWDLQO\ PRYLQJ WR *UXQG\ ‡ SPARE TIME: Watch ‡ FAVORITE FOOD:&KLFNHQ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 1HWIOL[DQGKDQJRXWZLWKP\IHZIULHQGV‡ PERSON 7KH:DONLQJ'HDG‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The Hunger I ADMIRE MOST: Dean Kruger, and I am not entirely *DPHV ‡ FAVORITE SONG: *HRUJLD ‡ FAVORITE sure. He was kind of the first father figure I’ve ever Ò'RQÐW%OLQNÓ BANDS: Vance Joy, The Lumineers, Passenger, had, and he and his wife have been my support Class Flower: 0XPIRUGDQG6RQV‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY network for 6+ years. He makes it very clear that LIFE:0\ELUWK‡ SPARE TIME:0DNHPXVLF‡ PERSON not everything is perfect and to make the most of I ADMIRE MOST: Ellen Degeneres because she is ZKDW\RXKDYH‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t settle. –Kenny Chesney Dahlia funny and kind, and is a positive impact in so many Once you’ve exposed your true potential, never SHRSOH·VOLYHV‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: When you get VHWWOHIRUDQ\WKLQJOHVVWKDQ\RXUEHVW‡ FUTURE UXQRYHUE\DFDUDOZD\VLFHDQGHOHYDWH‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan on going to Iowa State for my BS in PLANS:%HFRPHDSKDUPDFLVW‡ SECRET AMBITION: software engineering, and a potential second major Become an astronaut. LQPDQDJHPHQWRILQIRUPDWLRQV\VWHPV‡ SECRET AMBITION: To make millions working in Silicon Valley. Class Colors: 5R\DO%OXHDQG6LOYHU

BEARD’S Heronimus Plumbing, Excavating & Septic Doug Jordan, C.P.A. Schmidt 205 D Avenue, Grundy Center 608 7th Street 319-824-6214 Allen & Best of Luck Class of 2017! Bob Eisenman Schroeder Grundy Center State Farm Agent Attorneys-at-Law 319-825-6965 717 G Avenue ("WFt(SVOEZ$FOUFS Grundy Center 319-824-6951 319-824-6311 8B Thursday, May 18, 2017 Grundy GRADUATION Register Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2017

Frederick Kjaergaard Kiley Marie Kyhl Mallory Jean Laube Skylar Loop Riley McDivitt

Daughter of Kevin and Lara Kyhl Daughter of Irv and Jen Laube Son of Brenda and Andrew Loop Daughter of Jim & Jen McDivitt and Kelly McDivitt & Dustin Abbas NICKNAME: Ky Ky, my brothers and cousins when NICKNAME: Mal - my parents and family started NICKNAME: Papa Loop came from my friends here NICKNAME: Rileu (pronounced Ry-LOO) - it was a WKH\ ZHUH \RXQJHU DQG FRXOGQ·W VD\ P\ QDPH ‡ FDOOLQJ PH LW EHFDXVH LW·V VKRUWHU DQG HDVLHU ‡ ‡ HOBBIES: Karate, Boy Scouts, Big House, Fuel W\SRWKDWMXVWVWXFN‡ SIBLINGS: Brian and Brandon SIBLINGS:&ROLQDQG&RUELQ.\KO‡ HOBBIES: I like SIBLINGS:7\OHU/DXEH‡ HOBBIES: Reading, playing ‡ ACTIVITIES:7UDFNDQGIRRWEDOO‡ BEST MEMORY: McDivitt, Aidan Abbas, Kaylie Sharar, and Sky Brown WRULGHKRUVHVEHZLWKP\IDPLO\DQGEHRXWVLGH‡ WHQQLV VLQJLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cheer, tennis, band, Coming back to Dike-New Hartford my sophomore ‡ HOBBIES:'UDZLQJSDLQWLQJDQGZRUNLQJ‡ BEST ACTIVITIES: Football managing, large group speech, FKRLU WKHDWHU VSHHFK VWXGHQW FRXQFLO ‡ BEST \HDUGXULQJWKHVXPPHU‡ FUTURE PLANS: Plan to MEMORY:0HHWLQJP\EHVWIULHQG‡ FUTURE PLANS: individual speech, tennis, science club, FCCLA, and MEMORY: Placing second at state cheer competition study criminology and environmental science at UNI Go to college and do something with my artwork. VRIWEDOO ‡ BEST MEMORY: My best high school ‡ FUTURE PLANS: $WWHQG :DUWEXUJ &ROOHJH ‡ ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Do whatever it takes ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Do what makes you memory is going on the ski trip with Mrs. Slaba and ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Take advantage of to achieve your goals in high school. happy. RWKHUVWXGHQWV‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan on attending every moment, even the small ones. Iowa State University getting my bachelor’s in animal science. After I get my degree I will attend the Iowa State University’s veterinary program and get my doctorate in veterinary medicine. I plan on coming back to the area to open up my own clinic and somewhere in my life get married and have a few NLGV‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the Briann Nicole Kluiter courage to follow your heart and intuition.” –Steve Jobs Daughter of Holly and Jason Kluiter

NICKNAME: Bri it came from the first half of my QDPH‡ SIBLINGS:&KULVWRSKHU.OXLWHU‡ HOBBIES: Reading, roller blading, tennis, spending money on XQQHHGHG LWHPV VSHQGLQJ WLPH ZLWK P\ IDPLO\ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, cheerleading, and tennis ‡ BEST MEMORY: State wrestling and staying in the KRWHOZLWKP\WHDPPDWHV‡ FUTURE PLANS: To go to Dusty Manley Hayes Michaelsen college for business, become a successful business woman (or if I marry someone else really successful Madison Alaine Lavenz become a trophy wife) adopt a couple dogs, and live Daughter of Lee & Nicolle Smith DKDSS\OLIH‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: If you and Kevin and Jess Lavenz pretend that you have money in your bank account and that you have good grades, you don’t feel as NICKNAME: Maddie. It’s just short for my name, and stressed. HYHU\RQHFDOOVPHWKDW‡ SIBLINGS: Skylar, Morgan, .LUD .D\OLH .DPEUD\ ‡ HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports and watching sports, hanging out with friends DQG IDPLO\ DQG JRLQJ WR FKXUFK ‡ ACTIVITIES: 9ROOH\EDOO WHQQLV %LJ +RXVH ‡ BEST MEMORY: Playing at State Volleyball all 4 years and being Jackson Lage 6WDWH&KDPSLRQV‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Kirkwood Community College to play volleyball and continue Son of Blain and Terra Lage my education. Get my bachelor’s in nursing, and live DKDSS\OLIH‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: High SIBLINGS: 0DVRQ *DYLQ 6\GQH\ ‡ HOBBIES: school goes by so fast, so have fun, and don’t take Trapping, helping around on the farm, gold panning, your time for granted. EHLQJ RXWVLGH LQ JHQHUDO ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, WUDFN‡ BEST MEMORY: Playing in the Dome junior DQG VHQLRU \HDU DQG QRW PLVVLQJ RQH 3$7  ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to the University of Dubuque to SOD\IRRWEDOODQGJUDGXDWHZLWKDGHJUHH‡ ADVICE Morgan Rae Marx Mikayla Loreen Michaelsen TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Take school more seriously than I did. Daughter of Josh and Trish Marx Daughter of Jordan and Lisa Michaelsen and Carrie and John Heeren NICKNAME: Mo - Coach Connolly started it during SIBLINGS: (PHU\ 0LFKDHOVHQ ‡ HOBBIES: Hang VRIWEDOO VHDVRQ ‡ SIBLINGS: Dru Brown, Marcus, RXW ZLWK P\ IULHQGV UXQQLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Band, Alayna Morgan Kollasch Jakob and Haylee Luna and Ava, Mackenzie and FURVV FRXQWU\ \RXWK JURXS ‡ BEST MEMORY: $GGLO\QQ +HHUHQ ‡ HOBBIES: Sports, hanging out Going to Mr. Boddicker’s room every morning and Daughter of Sam and Astonah Kollasch with friends and family, shopping, watching Netflix changing his date and drawing with his son Abram. ‡ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, wrestling cheer, tennis, ‡ FUTURE PLANS: My future plans are to go to NICKNAME: Lae and Ainey. Lae came from Allie and VRIWEDOO YRFDO WHDFKHU FDGHW ‡ BEST MEMORY: Hawkeye Community College, get a good job to now my friends call me that. Ainey came from Trevor Winning the State Championship for volleyball senior support myself, and someday get married and have because he looked up nicknames for “Alayna” and \HDU ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of DZRQGHUIXOIDPLO\‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: that one was funny so now a lot of people call Northern Iowa to major in elementary education “There is only so much you can control, so why freak PH WKDW ‡ SIBLINGS: 'HYRQ $LGDQ DQG 6HDQ ‡ and minor in special education, buy a house, have out?” –Mr. Boddicker HOBBIES: Drinking coffee, reading books, listening D IDPLO\ DQG EHFRPH UHDOO\ ULFK ‡ ADVICE TO WRPXVLF‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, track, and UNDERCLASSMEN: “We didn’t know we were making OLIWLQJDW&URVVILW.LOR‡ BEST MEMORY: Skiing on the Morgan Alexis Lavenz memories; we just knew we were having fun.” – VFLHQFHWULSZLWK$OOLH(PLO\DQG$QQLND‡ FUTURE Winnie the Pooh PLANS: I plan to go to UNI and major in exercise Daughter of Nicolle & Lee Smith science. I will also be a part of the cross country and Kevin & Jess Lavenz and track teams. I plan to become a personal trainer NICKNAME:0R\HLW·VP\JDPLQJQDPH‡ SIBLINGS: and dietician and hopefully live and lead a healthy 0DGLVRQ 6N\ODU .LUD .D\OLH DQG .DPEUD\ ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: OLIHVW\OH‡ Be happy! HOBBIES: Painting, drawing, reading, writing, Ben John Latusek nature walks, basketball, singing, listening to music, SOD\LQJZLWKP\DQLPDOVDQGFRRNLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Son of John and Susie Latusek Volunteering at the humane shelter, work, and JRLQJWRWKHUHF‡ BEST MEMORY: Doing basketball SIBLINGS:$PDQGD/DWXVHN‡ HOBBIES: My hobbies VRSKRPRUH\HDU‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to college, include playing sports, hanging out with friends, VWDUW D IDPLO\ DQG VDYH WKH ZRUOG ‡ ADVICE TO playing video games, watching sports, collecting UNDERCLASSMEN: “To the edge of the universe and VKRHVDQGVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKIDPLO\‡ ACTIVITIES: back. Endure and survive.” –Ellie, The Last of Us I am involved in football, basketball, Student Council, DQG%LJ+RXVH‡ BEST MEMORY: I would say my best high school memory would either be winning our substate basketball game to make it to state basketball as a junior, or playing in the UNI Dome my MXQLRUDQGVHQLRUIRRWEDOOVHDVRQV‡ FUTURE PLANS: In the future, I will be attending Iowa State University to major in some sort of engineering. I will also be SOD\LQJIRRWEDOODW,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: For all future graduates of DNH, I would say to enjoy your time in high school, and make the most of it. It is only four years of your life and so many fun things happen during that time. Make the most of all of the opportunities you have. Try new things when you get the opportunity. Do your best, and live it up in those four years of high school because they are truly special. Grundy GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 18 2017 9B Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2017

Joselyn Mae Mulder Emily Arren Purdy Nathan Schmitt Gunner Smith Elizabeth Ann Vose

Daughter of Byron and Lori Mulder Daughter of Jolene Purdy and DeWayne Purdy Daughter of Ron & Jennifer Vose

NICKNAME: Jingle - It came from my family and NICKNAME:(PFDPHIURPHYHU\RQH‡ SIBLINGS: SIBLINGS:(PLO\9RVHDQG*UDFH9RVH‡ HOBBIES: it is because of the song “John, Jacob, Jingle WZLQ%HQ3XUG\‡ HOBBIES: Photography, design, ,FH VNDWLQJ ELNH ULGLQJ VZLPPLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Heimerschmitt”; Jos - It’s just shorter for Josie watching movies with friends, watching SNL with Tech Team, Academic Decathlon, individual and ‡ SIBLINGS: Jon Mulder, Jake Mulder, and Linda friends, drinking Caribou coffee, going to concerts, JURXSVSHHFKEDQG‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to college 5RQFRURQL H[FKDQJHVLVWHU ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, MXVW KDQJLQJ ZLWK SHRSOH FORWKLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: DQGILJXUHRXWZKDW,·PGRLQJIURPWKHUH‡ ADVICE drawing, listening to music, hanging out with my Volleyball, basketball, soccer, speech, Cabaret, TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t procrastinate! friends and family, tennis, basketball, camping, P\ VHQLRU \HDU ‡ BEST MEMORY: Winning State KRVWLQJ H[FKDQJH VWXGHQWV ‡ ACTIVITIES: 4-H, YROOH\EDOODJDLQVW8QLRQZLWKP\EHVWIULHQGV‡ County Council, girls basketball manager, tennis FUTURE PLANS: My plans are to go to ISU and major team, Tech Team, Prairie Lakes Church The Road in apparel fashion design and merchandising, meet ‡ BEST MEMORY: Being able to experience the awesome people, get my dream job, live in a city and JUHDWHVW WLPH RI P\ OLIH ZLWK WKH SHRSOH , ORYH ‡ KDYH D JUHDW OLIH ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: FUTURE PLANS: Go to college and get a degree Life is actually really simple. Yes, you will think high in something I love doing. Get married, have some school sucks, and yes, it does at times, but have fun NLGV OLYH D KDSS\ OLIH ZLWK GRJV ‡ ADVICE TO with it; it’s a really awesome thing. Work hard for UNDERCLASSMEN: “I’m not great at advice, can I what you want. Be in activities and step out of your interest you in a sarcastic comment?” –Chandler comfort zone. Find the people you belong withóthe Bing, Friends ones that make you happy and never let them go. Nathan Sharp Tanner Daniel Smith

Son of Ron and Sherree Sharp Son of Bill and Stephanie Smith

NICKNAME: Nate - my parents always called me Nate NICKNAME: 76PLWK\  ,W FDPH IURP VSRUWV ‡ because it was short for Nathan. Most people call SIBLINGS: Tate Smith, Tessa Smith, and Avery Smith PH 1DWH ‡ SIBLINGS: .DLW\ DQG /DXUHQ 6KDUS ‡ ‡ HOBBIES: Play video games, go PokÈmon hunting, HOBBIES: Going to Minnesota, playing video games, DQGKDQJZLWKP\IULHQGV‡ ACTIVITIES: Football and hanging out with friends, going to Applebees half- ZUHVWOLQJ ‡ BEST MEMORY: 5RRP  ‡ FUTURE DSSV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, track, speech, PLANS:$WWHQG,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\‡ ADVICE TO Royce Weber 6WXGHQW &RXQFLO %LJ +RXVH )8(/ &DEDUHW ‡ UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t get caught up in the drama, BEST MEMORY: Running and staying down in Des live life and have fun, you’re only here for a short Moines for State Track or going on the New York time. WULS‡ FUTURE PLANS: I will be attending Iowa State DQGSODQRQJHWWLQJDMREDIWHUZDUGV‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: To just have fun and enjoy the people around you. Make as many friends as you can and don’t get caught up in the little things.

Zackery Nicol Jacob Ragsdale

Ethan Lee Weichers

Destiny Joy Stone Son of Trisha and Mike Weichers

Daughter of Lisa Wieneke NICKNAME: Eazy, when my friends and I decided to JHW UDSSHU QDPHV RQ WZLWWHU ‡ SIBLINGS: Megan NICKNAME: DJ, D, Des, Shorty; the first few came DQG 0LFKDHO ‡ HOBBIES: Playing sports, card Madeline Christine Sherwood from my first name and middle or just my first name. WULFNVPDNLQJIUR]HQSL]]D‡ ACTIVITIES: Baseball, The last one came from one of my really tall friends IRRWEDOOEDVNHWEDOO‡ BEST MEMORY: Being with my Daughter of Carrie and Brad Sherwood DQGEHLQJRQO\·,JHWFDOOHGVKRUW‡ SIBLINGS: IULHQGVHYHU\GD\‡ FUTURE PLANS: Play baseball at Tessa Petefi sh -DFRE&OD\7\DULXVDQG$QWXDQ'HHULQJ‡ HOBBIES: :DUWEXUJ&ROOHJHDQGVWXG\EXVLQHVV‡ ADVICE TO Linda Roncoroni NICKNAME: 0DGGLH XP P\ IDPLO\" ‡ SIBLINGS: Reading, writing, Netflix binge watching, playing UNDERCLASSMEN: High school is too short to do Daughter of Simona Anghileri &DUWHU6KHUZRRG‡ HOBBIES: Playing guitar, petting ZLWKP\FDWV‡ BEST MEMORY: Graduating, I never things you don’t wanna do. and Andrea Roncoroni; cats, singing, playing ukulele, mildly annoying my dog, enjoyed being in high school. I’m glad it’s finally over. Host Parents: Lori and Byron Mulder procrastinating, and watching an unhealthy amount ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I have no clue. I wanted to be NICKNAME: I don’t really have a nickname but RI &ULPLQDO 0LQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading, a nurse, but then I realized that maybe counselling sometimes people (especially my sister, she does VSHHFKVKRZDQGMD]]FKRLU'1+6FKRODUV&OXE‡ ZRXOG EH D JRRG URDG WR JR GRZQ ‡ ADVICE TO that to annoy me) call me Linda Macaroni because BEST MEMORY:7KH1HZ

Daughter of Brent & Kim Smeins NICKNAME: 9DQG\  IURP EDVHEDOO ‡ SIBLINGS: /DXUHQ 9DQGHUOLQG ‡ HOBBIES: Fishing, running, NICKNAME: Ker - My sister and my best friend Ryley OLIWLQJDQGKDQJLQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV‡ ACTIVITIES: always call me this; Carebear - My grandma Jan &URVVFRXQWU\DQGEDVHEDOO‡ BEST MEMORY: Playing used to call me this, so some of my other family EDVHEDOOZLWKP\WHDPLQ‡ FUTURE PLANS: PHPEHUV GR WRR ‡ SIBLINGS: Madison Smeins- To play baseball in college and study to become an 9DQ:LH  -DFN 6PHLQV ‡ HOBBIES: Work, hanging DWKOHWLFWUDLQHU‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy RXWZLWKIULHQGVDQGEDE\VLWWLQJP\QHSKHZ‡ BEST every little moment, and work hard; it will all pay off MEMORY: Making memories with good friends, and in the end. Have no regrets. WDNLQJDIHZFODVVHVWKDW,OLNHG‡ FUTURE PLANS: I’m going to go to college, become a paramedic, Benjamin Anthony Purdy then somewhere in the future, get married and have NLGV‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: “Don’t let the Son of DeWayne Purdy and Jo Purdy haters stop you from doing your thang” –Mean Girls


Grant Alexander Baker Ashley Renae Brown Taylor Elizabeth Cizek Caleb Earl Engle Allyvia Christine Elizabeth Garza

Son of Jeff and Barbara Baker Daughter of Jerry Gunderson & Corrie Brown Daughter of Stacy and Scott Cizek Son of Eric Engle, Heidi Smith, and Step-Mom Daughter of Annissa Robinson and Joe Garza and Terry & Rachel Brown Nicole Engle. BIRTHDAY: $SULO   ‡ SIBLINGS: Emily BIRTHDAY: 0DUFK   ‡ SIBLINGS: Olivia BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Terra BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Taylor, BIRTHDAY:$SULOWK‡ SIBLINGS: Allanna, Colton, DQG&DOHE‡ HOBBIES: Running, Hanging out with *XQGHUVRQ ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, drawing, eating (21), Tommy (15), and dogs Sage (6) and Pepper 3UHVOH\DQG(OLVH‡ HOBBIES: Farming, and hanging DQG-RVLH‡ HOBBIES: reading, writing, photography IULHQGV $GYHQWXULQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross Country, ‡ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Golf, Wrestling cheer   ‡ HOBBIES: Singing, doing hair and makeup, ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, Wrestling, ‡ ACTIVITIES: football and wrestling cheer, track, Track & Field, Baseball, Basketball, Writing Club, ‡ HONORS: Honor roll, earned varsity letter in DQGVKRSSLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Student Council Vice 7UDFN DQG %DVHEDOO ‡ HONORS: +RQRU 5ROO ‡ drama, science club, writing club, book club, 9LGHR*DPH&OXE%DQG‡ HONORS: Sportsmanship ZUHVWOLQJ FKHHU ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: Trip to President, FCCLA Secretary and Treasurer, Football AWARDS: NICL Conference All Academic, HS Honor )&&/$ ‡ HONORS & AWARDS: Honor Roll (9-12), DZDUG LQ &URVV &RXQWU\ DQG 7UDFN ‡ AWARDS: Minnesota with Sage and Allyvia and Comet CafÈ and Wrestling Cheerleading, Show Choir, Book Club Roll, IHSAA Distinguished-Academic Award Football Distinguished Academic Award (9-12), Academic /HWWHUZLQQHU‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: Winning the ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: buttered noodles with dill ‡ HONORS: Honor Roll, North Iowa Cedar League 6SHFLDO 7HDPV 093‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: Bus All Conference (9-12), National Honor Society 3200 at districts and advancing onto State, State SLFNOHVOLFHV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:2QH7UHH+LOO‡ All-Academic, IHSAA Distinguished Academic Award rides to and from football games and wrestling (11,12), lettered in football and wrestling cheer Track, Hide and Seek at Cross Country practice, FAVORITE MOVIE:*UHDVH‡ FAVORITE SONG: This Is ‡ AWARDS: Football and Wrestling Cheerleading meets, and placing 2nd at Sectionals to wrestle at ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: I don’t think I can pick Getting 3rd at districts for Cross Country, State *RVSHOE\3DQLF$W7KH'LVFR‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Captain Award, Pella Show Choir Star Performer 'LVWULFWVP\VHQLRU\HDU‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza just one. I have so many wonderful memories like Cross Country my Junior and Senior year, Getting 3LHUFH WKH 9HLO ‡ SPARE TIME: ZRUN ‡ PERSON I $ZDUG DQG -XPS DQG -DP 'UHDP 7HDP $ZDUG ‡ RU3DVWD‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Walking Dead state wrestling my junior year, or opening night of LQWHUYLHZHG E\ QHZVSDSHU HGLWLRUV ‡ FAVORITE ADMIRE MOST:0\PRP‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Just MEMORABLE MOMENT: Driving by Neil Cashin’s ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: All the Fast and Furious Movies our fall musical “Sister Acts” earlier this year. My FOOD:/DVDJQD‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:&RPPXQLW\‡ NHHSRQNHHSLQ·RQ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend MCC for dad at our senior field trip, prom, and cheering DQG 0\ $OO$PHULFDQ ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Work most memorable moments were the ones I spent FAVORITE MOVIE:6FRRE\'RRWKHPRYLH‡ FAVORITE $FFRXQWLQJDQGWUDQVIHUWR81,‡ SECRET AMBITION: DWIULGD\QLJKWIRRWEDOOJDPHV‡ FAVORITE FOOD: IURP +RPH )LIWK +DUPRQ\ ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: with my friends, teammates, and fellow drama SONG:2QHP0HWDOOLFD‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Logic To be a stay at home mother 7DFRV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Bob Ross: Beauty is =DF %URZQ %DQG ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY NLGV‡ FAVORITE FOOD:SRWDWRHV‡ FAVORITE TV ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: State Cross (YHU\ZKHUH ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Step Brothers LIFE: Starting High School, because knowing that SHOW: 6KDPHOHVV ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Heathers &RXQWU\ DQG 6WDWH 7UDFN ‡ SPARE TIME: Video RU +DUU\3RWWHU ‡ SPARE TIME: Play Uno with my everything that I do/did from my freshman year ‡ FAVORITE SONG: 0DULJROG ‡ FAVORITE BAND: JDPHV6OHHS'DQFH‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Mo grandparents, go to movies with Greg and Olivia, till now would influence me or affect me somehow, 1LUYDQD ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Farah because I would love to be just like him. He and pet any and every dog I have the pleasure RUVRPHWLPHODWHUGRZQWKHURDG‡ SPARE TIME: Attending summer programs like Girls State and ORYHVWRUXQDQGWKDWVZKDW,ORYHWRGR‡ WORDS RI PHHWLQJ ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mom play Xbox, weightlifting, and hanging with friends. Business Horizons were awesome experiences. OF WISDOM: Nothing in life comes easy, if you want because she goes above and beyond to take care ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My parents, they have I learned a lot about leadership, teamwork, and VRPHWKLQJJRIRULW‡ FUTURE PLANS: Running at of her family. She’s also very easy-going and has pushed to me to do my best inside and outside of even time-management. They allowed me to make Simpson College and study to be a physical therapist D JUHDW VHQVH RI KXPRU ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: school, and in my sports that I participate in, I’m awesome friendships with people I still keep in touch ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Paleontologist Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try JODGWKDW,ZDVEOHVVHGZLWKVXFKJUHDWSDUHQWV‡ ZLWK‡ SPARE TIME: watch documentaries and go VRPHWKLQJQHZ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Study accounting WORDS OF WISDOM: Make a difference. Your time RQKLNHVZLWKP\GRJ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: at the University of Iowa, adventure, and conquer in high school will work to shape you as a person, I admire my grandmother most because she is WKHZRUOG‡ SECRET AMBITION: To live in another try to do things that count. High school really does DOZD\VKHOSLQJRWKHUV‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: You country. go by fast. Four years may sound like an eternity can always go with the flow, but know which pool right now, but in reality, it feels like it’s over before it \RX·UH MXPSLQJ LQWR ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan to HYHUWUXO\EHJLQV‡ FUTURE PLANS: My plan is to go study environmental science and political science into Ag Business and Ag Precision, I plan to attend at St. Olaf College in Northfield MN. I want to get Ellsworth Community College for my first 2 years, a job I’m passionate about, and move to a nice and do the 2+2 program, then move on to Iowa home in the mountains with my future husband and State University to finish my Junior, and Senior year. SOHQW\ RI GRJV ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Travel the Move back close to home, help on the family farm, world through WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities JHWPDUULHGDQGUDLVHDIDPLO\‡ SECRET AMBITION: on Organic Farms), and work as a volunteer on an Tatum Cacek To go skydiving organic farming community.

Jordyn Marie Beeghly

Daughter of Kevin & Stacy Beeghly

BIRTHDAY: -DQXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Mason Mason Dhyne ‡ HOBBIES: Shopping, eating, laughing, tailgating, UHDGLQJ SOD\LQJ VSRUWV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Softball, Track, Basketball Cheer, Basketball, Basketball Stats, Yearbook Club, Science Club, FCCLA ‡ HONORS & AWARDS: Honor Roll, Sportsmanship Award (Cheerleading), 2nd Team All State (Softball), 2nd Team All Conference (Volleyball), 1st Team All Conference (Softball), Academic All Conference, IGHSAU Distinguished Academic Achievement, IHSAA Michael James Engle Kate Nicole Goecke 'LVWLQJXLVKHG$FDGHPLF$FKLHYHPHQW‡ MEMORABLE Neil Francis Cashin MOMENT: JQRPLQJ ZDUV 6WDWH VRIWEDOO ‡ 2016, Son of Chad Engle, Teri Ross-Engle Daughter of Tim & Krista Cooper, and Robb +20(&20,1*63257,1*(9(176‡)$925,7()22' Son of William and Zita Cashin Goecke JULOOHG FKHHVH  GRQXWV ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: BIRTHDAY: $SULO   ‡ SIBLINGS: Madison, BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Kaylee FAVORITE MOVIE: 0DVRQ‡ HOBBIES: reading, playing video games, *RHFNH %ODNH &RRSHU DQG -RUGDQ &RRSHU ‡ 2QH7UHH+LOO‡ Sixteen Candles BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Andrea UXQQLQJDQGKDQJLQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV‡ ACTIVITIES: HOBBIES: Running, traveling, trying new foods, ‡ FAVORITE SONG:,+RSH

Zachary Orian Gould Nathaniel Hulbert Richard Chase Luethje II Matthew Miller Milena Patricia Ralston

Son of Jamie and Gabe Gould Son of Sheri Hulbert Grandson of Paul Anderson Daughter of Troy and Krista Ralston

BIRTHDAY:-XQH‡ SIBLINGS: Jacob Gould BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Preston BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\ ‡ SIBLINGS: Michael, BIRTHDAY:0D\‡ SIBLINGS: Isaiah, Elijah, ‡ HOBBIES: Literally anything and everything nerdy +XOEHUW‡ HOBBIES: Playing board games and chillin’ Randy, Ricky, Derrick, Blake, Dylan, Maddie, and (VPHUDOGD /HLG\ 1HLIHU DQG %UD\DQ 5DOVWRQ ‡ ‡ ACTIVITIES: &URVV FRXQWU\ IRRWEDOO WUDFN ‡ ZLWKP\EURGLHV‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, 1DWKDQ‡ HOBBIES: Playing Xbox and hanging out HOBBIES: Sports, watching movies or TV shows, and FAVORITE FOOD:6WURPEROL‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: WUDFNEDVHEDOODQGVFLHQFHFOXE‡ AWARDS: 2nd ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, ,ORYHVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKP\IDPLO\DQGIULHQGV‡ *DPHRI7KURQHV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The Imitation 7HDP$OO&RQIHUHQFHDVDULJKWWDFNOH‡ MEMORABLE ZUHVWOLQJDQGEDVHEDOO‡ AWARDS: Sportsmanship ACTIVITIES: Football cheer 9th grade, cross country *DPH‡ FAVORITE SONG:,:RXOG:DON0LOHV‡ MOMENT: Beating MFL Mar Mac in football on $ZDUG‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: Meeting the people 10-12th grade; track 9-12th grade; basketball FAVORITE SINGER: That’s like asking me to pick a senior night, senior prom, homecoming t-peeing, LQ WKH %&/8: FRPPXQLW\ ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 9-12th grade; softball manager 9th grade; art club IDYRULWHFKLOG‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: ‡ FAVORITE FOOD:&KLFNHQZLQJV‡ FAVORITE TV &KLFNHQDQGQRRGOHV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Psych 9-12th grade; FCCLA club 9-12th grade; yearbook 0\ELUWK‡ SPARE TIME: Focus in deep thought about SHOW:6FUXEV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:)RUUHVW*XPS‡ ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 0\ $OO $PHULFDQ ‡ FAVORITE 12th grade; drama club 9th grade 11-12th grade; how huge the universe really is and the focus down FAVORITE SONG:/RYH

Summer Kramer Blake Schleisman Leidy Catherine Ralston Ò

Sara Christine Sharp Claire Stufflebeam Skylar Jean Veldhouse Jenna Christine Willett Tullie Arabella Wyatt

Daughter of Deborah and Roy Sharp Daughter of Mike and Jill Stufflebeam Son of Micah & Matt Gorder and Todd & Daughter of Dave and Jami Willett Daughter of April Montes (mother) and Chris Tammy Veldhouse Wyatt (step dad) BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Brody, BIRTHDAY: -XQH   ‡ SIBLINGS: Austin and BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\‡ SIBLINGS: Brooklyn $OOLVRQ DQG 5REHUW ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, hiking, *UDFH 6WXIIOHEHDP   ‡ HOBBIES: Bike rides, +DOH\ DQG -RUGDQ ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, running, &RE\ ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, hanging with friends 0&KORH:-RVK:‡ HOBBIES: Fishing, drawing, FKHHUOHDGLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football cheerleading, UHDGLQJSOD\LQJWKHSLDQR‡ ACTIVITIES: Football/ playing golf, tailgating, shopping, eating, sleeping, DQG IDPLO\ FUDIWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading, GDQFLQJWDNLQJVHOILHV‡ ACTIVITIES: Art club and comp cheerleading, basketball, track, softball, basketball/competition cheer, golf, student council, watching Netflix, spending time with friends and track and field, softball, show choir, drama, FCCLA, GUDPD‡ HONORS:+RQRUUROO VSULQJRI ‡ VWXGHQW FRXQFLO DUW FOXE )&&/$ ‡ HONORS: national honor society, FCCLA, show choir, book IDPLO\EHLQJZLWKP\KXVNLHVDGYHQWXULQJLQ$PHV‡ student council, National Honor Society, book club AWARDS:$UWDZDUGVGUDPDDZDUGV‡ MEMORABLE National Honor Society, Academic All Conference, FOXE‡ HONORS: Future Leader of Tomorrow, letter ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, track, golf, FCCLA, ‡ HONORS & AWARDS: Varsity letter - football MOMENT: Homecoming 14/15, homecoming $OO 6WDWH &KHHUOHDGHU ‡ AWARDS: 1st Team All ZLQQHU‡ AWARDS : IHSAA Distinguished Academic ERRNFOXEVFLHQFHFOXE‡ HONORS & AWARDS: All cheerleading, basketball cheerleading, wrestling ‡ FAVORITE FOOD:3LFNOHV‡ FAVORITE TV Conference Softball 2nd Team All Conference Softball Achievement, Academic All Conference, A honor Conference Honorable mention, honor roll 9, 10, cheerleading, track and field, softball; All Conference SHOW: &KLFDJR 0HG ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Taken ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: Winning state cheerleading UROO ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: Homecoming week, 11, 12 / varsity letter in volleyball 12, basketball 10, All Academic Team - Cheerleading, Track, Softball; ZKROHVHULHV ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Empty by Olivia ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: :DWHUPHORQ ‡ FAVORITE TV cheer meals, the Chicago trip, Disney movie nights, WUDFN‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: All State Cheerleader 2016, 2017; Cheerleading 2·%ULHQ‡ FAVORITE SINGER:6R0R‡ EVENT THAT SHOW:6KDPHOHVV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The Revenant being Mr. Bohlke’s student tutor, prom and driving Homecoming and Friday night football games State Cheerleading Champions 2014, 2015, 2016; INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0HHWLQJ 0DU\ 0HUVHDO ‡ ‡ FAVORITE SONG:/XVWIRU/LIH‡ FAVORITE SINGER: P\VLVWHUHYHU\ZKHUH‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Ben and ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 3DQFDNHV DQG GRXJKQXWV ‡ State Track Qualifier (4x800, shuttle hurdle, long SPARE TIME:/LVWHQWRPXVLF‡ PERSON I ADMIRE /DQD'HO5H\‡ SPARE TIME: Go on walks with my -HUU\·V,FH&UHDP‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Blue Bloods FAVORITE TV SHOW:

Ian Showers Jade Elizabeth Ward Leah Nyane Yantis Daughter of Stephanie McManus, Travis Ward & Tasha Pieper Daughter of Jennifer Yantis and Tyler Yantis BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Nasaria and Ariana Tupper, Maggie Ward, Nick and Leah W Storm Wiseman BIRTHDAY: -XO\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Mazie 3LHSHU‡ HOBBIES: Reading, binge watching Netflix, :DOWHP\HU0DVRQDQG0DGLV\Q

Elizabeth Josie Cuvelier Haleigh Durnin Olivia Bethanne Eiklenborg

Daughter of Barry and Julie Cuvelier Daughter of Wendy and Marty Camarata Daughter of Kent and Laura Eiklenborg and the late Bob Durnin NICKNAME: Biz. When I was a baby and my brother NICKNAME:+DOH]FDPHIURPIULHQGV‡ SIBLINGS: NICKNAME: Liv, my siblings called me Liv when I was about 3 years old, he kept calling me Biz Jake, Joe and Nick Durnin, Kyle and Maccoy ZDV\RXQJHU‡ SIBLINGS: Mackenzie, Si, and Gabe because he couldn’t pronounce Liz. Ever since &DPDUDWD‡ HOBBIES: Being with friends, watching ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, running, hanging out with WKHQ %L] KDV VWXFN WR PH ‡ SIBLINGS: Kayleigh FRXQWOHVVKRXUVRI1HWIOL[‡ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, friends and family, watching movies, play sports, and DQG%HQ&XYHOLHU‡ HOBBIES: Netflix, spending time basketball cheer, track & field, softball, show choir, OLVWHQLQJWRPXVLF‡ ACTIVITIES: Basketball, cross with family, going out to eat, church, hanging out YRFDO ‡ BEST MEMORY: Winning State volleyball country, softball, tennis, show choir, track, volleyball, with friends, cooking/baking, sports, running, and LQ   DQG  ‡ FUTURE PLANS: %LJ+RXVHDQLQWHUQVKLS‡ BEST MEMORY: Beating VKRSSLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, Attend Kirkwood to play volleyball and further my West Marshall in a last second shot and the Ag tennis, softball, Student Council, FCCLA, band, education. Then transfer to a university to continue %RZO ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan on attending UNI Cabaret, plays/musicals, DNH Scholars Club, P\DFDGHPLFVDQGSRVVLEO\YROOH\EDOO‡ ADVICE TO and double majoring in elementary education and New Hartford Methodist Youth Group, Dollars for UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t wish high school away; it early childhood and eventually having a big, healthy, 6FKRODUV ODUJH JURXS VSHHFK )8(/ %,*KRXVH ‡ goes by too fast. DQG KDSS\ IDPLO\ ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: BEST MEMORY: Saturday nights spent watching Sit in the student section at the football games. Go SNL with Nate, Trevor, and Emily, the thousands of to Prom. Dress up for Spirit Week. Experience high dollars Liv and I spent on getting wings and food, school. You won’t regret it. Taylor Ann Ahrenholz Connor John Blough and the memories made with sports like beating Waverly in tennis with Taylor Ahrenholz and our Daughter of Adam and Hannah Ahrenholz Son of Brad and Dena Blough major comeback win against Aplington-Parkersburg P\VHQLRU\HDU‡ FUTURE PLANS: My plans for the NICKNAME: Tay - a lot of people just like to shorten SIBLINGS: /L]]\ %ORXJK ‡ HOBBIES: Hanging out future are to attend college, continue to live a life for LW7P\SDUHQWVDQG0U/DXEH‡ SIBLINGS: Devon with friends, doing sports, and playing video games. Jesus, pursue a career that I love doing everyday, ADVICE '\HU‡ HOBBIES: Taking naps, spending time with ‡ ACTIVITIES: I am involved in basketball, track, and DQGLPSDFWSHRSOH·VOLYHVIRUWKHEHWWHU‡ TO UNDERCLASSMEN: IDPLO\DQGIULHQGVSOD\LQJZLWKP\GRJVWHQQLV‡ %LJKRXVH ‡ BEST MEMORY: Going down to State Please, please, please enjoy ACTIVITIES: Football cheerleading, tennis, speech, EDVNHWEDOOP\MXQLRU\HDU‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend your time and make the most of it, it goes by way )&&/$ FRPSHWLWLRQ FKHHU %,*+RXVH ‡ BEST 81,WRVWXG\EXVLQHVVDQGUXQWUDFN‡ ADVICE TO too fast. Take chances and do things that you feel MEMORY: Football season senior year, cheering the UNDERGRADS: Work hard and enjoy it while it lasts. uncomfortable with. Also, sign up for as many things boys on in the dome, junior year tennis beating #2 as you can! My best memories are the clubs and GRXEOHV DJDLQVW :65 ZLWK %L] ‡ FUTURE PLANS: activities that I was involved in. “If you don’t go after Attend the University of Northern Iowa, get a what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, degree in social work, then hopefully find someone the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, who can tolerate me enough to marry me and start you’re always in the same place.” –Nora Roberts D IDPLO\ ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERGRADS: 1. Try your absolute hardest to NOT have second lunch. 2. Do Nick Durnin your best to memorize all “Step Brothers” quotes before you graduate. Hanna Marie Euchner

Daughter of Ryan and Erin Euchner

SIBLINGS:=DQH(XFKQHU‡ HOBBIES: Reading and DGYHQWXULQJ‡ ACTIVITIES:%DQGURERWLFV‡ BEST MEMORY: /DXJKWHU VKDUHG ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I’m going to Iowa State for computer science, enjoying my chosen adventures, and then become a WUDYHOLQJIUHHODQFHU‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: No one regrets facing their fears. There’s so much Katie Jo Camarata out there, embrace your ambitions.

Daughter of Amy and Michael Camarata

SIBLINGS:$EE\&DPDUDWDDQG(ULF&ODUN‡ HOBBIES: Isabella Faith Dietrich Hanging out with friends, Netflix, eating food, singing ‡ ACTIVITIES: XC, basketball, golf, show choir, Daughter of Scott and Pastor Lisa Dietrich Cabaret, lifeguarding, scholar’s Club, BigHouse, Fuel Emma Lucille Joblinske Eden Kelsey Bakken ‡ BEST MEMORY: Winning State golf as a freshman, SIBLINGS: Brandon, Caleb, Arianna, Ann, and Mary DQGWKH1HZ

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Bailey Fettkether Elizabeth Audrey Gaffey Drew Jacob Hassebroek Hannah Jo Heerkes Trent Johnson

Daughter of James and Candice Fettkether Daughter of Mary Beuter and Larry Gaffey Son of Jeff Hassebroek and Tara Hassebroek Daughter of Mike and Karen Heerkes Son of Curt and Leah Johnson

SIBLINGS:$O\VDDQG/RXLH)HWWNHWKHU‡ HOBBIES: I NICKNAME: Liz, I got this because there’s like 100 NICKNAME: DHass, from Maclain Williams, Ben NICKNAME: HJ - my great aunt Mary; H-Squared - SIBLINGS: 7DQQHU 7UHYRU DQG 7DWH -RKQVRQ ‡ like watching Netflix and singing even though I’m not GLIIHUHQW (OL]DEHWKV LQ RXU VFKRRO ‡ SIBLINGS: Latusek, and Trent Johnson when we were younger 0U3DUNHU‡ SIBLINGS:2OLYLD+HHUNHV‡ HOBBIES: HOBBIES: )LVKLQJ DQG KXQWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: JRRGDWLW‡ ACTIVITIES: I’m involved in volleyball, 0D[*DIIH\‡ HOBBIES: I like to hang out with my ‡ SIBLINGS: (PLO\ $GDP DQG &DUWHU ‡ HOBBIES: 5HDGLQJZULWLQJJUDSKLFGHVLJQVDQGWHFKQRORJ\‡ )RRWEDOO ZUHVWOLQJ DQG WUDFN ‡ BEST MEMORY: WUDFNVKRZFKRLUDQGVSHHFK‡ BEST MEMORY: My friends most of the time and I’m really into music. Reading, watching Netflix, working, playing video ACTIVITIES: Tech team, choir, jazz choir, interning, :LQQLQJVWDWHLQZUHVWOLQJ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Wrestling best high school memory was probably winning state ‡ ACTIVITIES: Band, vocal, show choir, jazz choir, JDPHVSLFNXSVSRUWV‡ BEST MEMORY: Finding out 6FKRODUV&OXEDQG7$*‡ BEST MEMORY: Going to at Grand View University and majoring in elementary volleyball a few times and all the random memories URERWLFV VSHHFK ‡ BEST MEMORY: State football $DURQ5LJJVZDVDFKLOGPRGHOLQ-DSDQ‡ FUTURE New York City with my friends. There isn’t a way I can HGXFDWLRQ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy the ZLWKGLIIHUHQWSHRSOH‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan to go and hanging out with friends after football games PLANS: Go to UNI, get a degree in teaching science describe the entire experience in this little snippet, little things. to Iowa and get into med school and become very ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I am going to University of Iowa LQ KLJK VFKRRO JHW D MRE JHW ULFK ‡ ADVICE TO but being able to go somewhere with friends gives VXFFHVVIXO ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy and I plan to have a very successful career path. UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t spend too much time trying you so much freedom and heightens the whole every minute of it and get involved as much as you ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t stress it too to impress other people; they aren’t important. Find H[SHULHQFH ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan to attend can because it goes by really fast. much; it’ll all work out. what and who makes you happy, and hold on to them Hawkeye Community College before transferring for dear life. to a 4-year school. I plan on achieving a career somewhere in the health field, but I’m not sure as to ZKDW\HW‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Particpate! There are plenty of clubs and activities to join. You don’t have to be athletic to be a part of something throughout high school.

Adeline Star Johnston

Daughter of Julianne and Terry Johnston

Emily Kathleen Fobian Mackinley Kade Hagen NICKNAME: Addie, some call me Add. Addie is Alexis Lyn Hauschildt just a shortened version of Adeline, and Add is a Daughter of Tim and Stacie Fobian Daughter of Shawna and Brian Hagen VKRUWHQHGYHUVLRQRI$GGLH‡ SIBLINGS: Mackenzie Daughter of Cortney Hauschildt -RKQVWRQ ‡ HOBBIES: I enjoy playing tennis and NICKNAME: Em and EmFobz. I’ve been called Em for NICKNAME:0DF,WVHDVLHUWRVD\‡ SIBLINGS: Kayla, and Todd Hauschildt guitar. I love hanging out with my friends and family. I as long as I can remember just because it’s easier to 7D\ORU0DGLVRQ‡ HOBBIES: Video games and off- HQMR\KLNLQJDQGEHLQJRXWVLGH‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross NICKNAME: Peanut - my mom called me that when I say, and I got the name EmFobz as a freshman and URDGGULYLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Mostly just working and country, basketball, tennis, speech, plays, musicals, ZDVOLWWOH‡ SIBLINGS:-DFRE+DXVFKLOGW‡ HOBBIES: Dakota Hoeppner ,UHDOO\KDYHQRLGHDZKRVWDUWHGLW‡ SIBLINGS: Ally IOLJKWWUDLQLQJ‡ BEST MEMORY: Making and testing 6WXGHQW &RXQFLO ))$ + ‡ BEST MEMORY: My 3DLQWLQJ DQG GUDZLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Wrestling )RELDQ‡ HOBBIES: Hanging out with friends, going SURMHFWVLQSK\VLFVZLWK0U.RRS‡ FUTURE PLANS: favorite high school memories are basically any PDQDJHU‡ BEST MEMORY:3RZGHUSXII‡ FUTURE shopping, doing DIY projects, taking pictures, and of I’m getting my private pilot’s license, going to time I embarrassed myself. One of the best is when PLANS:*RWR81,‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: FRXUVH1HWIOL[‡ ACTIVITIES: Football cheerleading, Hawkeye for my general education, and then on to I fell down the bleacher steps and the whole crowd Seek respect, not attention. competition cheerleading, tennis, FCCLA, Big House my commercial pilot’s license to pursue my career saw, so I stood up and struck an awkward pose. ‡ BEST MEMORY: Placing second in the state two LQEHLQJDSLORW‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: “He ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Next year I plan on starting my years in a row in competition cheerleading, when will win who knows when to fight and when not to studies at Iowa State University. Right now my plan Kaitlyn gave the entire Regina George speech from fight.” –Sun Tzu is to become a lower elementary special education Mean Girls to all of the wrestlers at Spaghetti Works teacher. After my first semester at Iowa State, I plan VRSKRPRUH \HDU ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend UNI on taking my second semester off and attending get my bachelor’s degree elementary education YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Wisconsin. At YWAM I with a special education minor so I can be a will spend 3 months training to become a missionary, resource teacher. I plan to marry a really nice and and then I will be sent overseas for the next 2 KDQGVRPHJX\DQGKDYHFKLOGUHQ‡ ADVICE TO months to do missionary work. After college, I would UNDERCLASSMEN: Right now you might be in a like to do some sort of missionary work, and then situation you don’t think you can survive, but 6 settle down, have a family, and get a job as a special months ago you also thought you were in a situation HGXFDWLRQWHDFKHU‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: you didn’t think you would survive, and even 2 years It’s only awkward if you make it awkward. ago you were in a situation you didn’t think you would survive, but you did. My point is that there’s no point in sweating the small stuff. It’s just high school. Have fun and enjoy being with your class. I know everyone says this but it really does go a lot Ethan R Huntington faster than you think. Son of Jared and Angie Huntington

Noah Heathcott NICKNAME: Meatball, I got it in second grade in the PLGGOHRIDIODJIRRWEDOOJDPH,ZDVIDW‡ SIBLINGS: /\GLDDQG0LD+XQWLQJWRQ‡ HOBBIES: Hanging out Blake David Hamilton ZLWKIULHQGVDQGZDWFKLQJ79‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, ZUHVWOLQJ JROI DQG EDVHEDOO ‡ BEST MEMORY: Son of Angie Rael and Mike Hamilton Class Flower: 0DNLQJLWWRVWDWHZUHVWOLQJZLWKWKH)DE‡ FUTURE PLANS: Going to Kirkwood to study construction NICKNAME: Balake, I’m not entirely sure where PDQDJHPHQWDQGWKHQVHHZKHUHOLIHWDNHVPH‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun and in the LW FDPH IURP 0D\EH WKH .H\  3HHOH VFHQH" ‡ Blue Tipped SIBLINGS: %ULWWDQ\ 1LNNL DQG $PEHU ‡ HOBBIES: words of Steve Koop “Do Work.” I like to play musical instruments like the guitar, SLDQRDQGVD[RSKRQH‡ ACTIVITIES: I am currently LQYROYHG LQ EDQG DQG URERWLFV ‡ BEST MEMORY: White Kaitlyn Ann Kennett Hanging out with friends all the time but specifically after football games, Watermelon Days, or the last day of school each year stick out in my memory Carnation Daughter of Jeff and Teresa Kennett DV ZHOO DV &KULVWPDV SDUWLHV DQG RWKHU HYHQWV ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan on attending the University NICKNAME: Krazy Kait. Emily and Taylor started Jaxson Dennis Foster of Iowa State and majoring in computer science FDOOLQJPHWKDWDQGQRZDORWRIP\IULHQGVGR‡ or business with a minor in foreign language and SIBLINGS: Roger, Destinee, Nikki, Brittany, Courtney, VWXG\LQJDEURDG‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Do DQG &U\VWDO ‡ HOBBIES: Watching Netflix, playing Son of Michael and Dana Foster your best in school but still have fun and don’t take tennis with friends, listening to music, working out. everything too seriously all the time; you also need ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football and wrestling cheer, tennis NICKNAME: I have many but Quazi is the most to have fun! The 4 years goes faster than you think! Class Colors: ‡ BEST MEMORY: Getting to cheer in the Dome 2 common. I got it during basketball my sophomore \HDUVLQDURZZLWKP\EHVWIULHQGIRUOLIH0DUOH\‡ \HDUIURP%URG\*RRVDQG-DNRE/XQD‡ SIBLINGS: FUTURE PLANS: Go to Iowa State, get a good job, get 3D\WRQDQG(OOLH‡ HOBBIES: Play sports, spend time PDUULHGKDYHFXWHNLGVDQGWUDYHODORW‡ ADVICE with friends, play video games, watch Blindspot, Royal Blue TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Be excited for the future and Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Chicago Med, and look forward to it, but be mindful of the present. This &KLFDJR-XVWLFH‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, is the last time you’ll have with barely any care in the EDQG MD]] EDQG )8(/ %LJ +RXVH JROI ‡ BEST and White world. Go to that party or stay home and eat your MEMORY: Beating PCM to make it to the Dome Miranda Marie Jacobsen chicken nuggets with your best friends; it doesn’t and beating South Hamilton in basketball to make matter as long as you take each moment you have LW WR 6WDWH ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend a college Daughter of Donald Jacobsen and make it something you’ll remember years down LQ ,RZD DQG JUDGXDWH LQ IRXU \HDUV ‡ ADVICE TO and Jeanette Kugel the line. UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t let others control your life. NICKNAME: Mandy, my mom started it cause my PRPORYHVQLFNQDPHV‡ SIBLINGS: DJ Jacobsen and %ULDQQD-DFREVHQ‡ HOBBIES: Playing video games DQGDGYHQWXUHV‡ BEST MEMORY: I always looked forward to art class and sitting by Hanna alone DW OXQFK ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Being a professional THE FRVPHWRORJLVW‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t Scotty’s ever give up no matter what, and don’t care about Congats Area what others think. You be you. FRESH LOCAL HOMEMADE Saloon Grads! 806 G Avenue From: Clint, Michaela, Rob, Fresh „ Local „ Homemade Grundy Center Brenda, Lisa, & Diane 825-4455